Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

(Episode 1)

No, I have too much work today.

Just come on out. Obey your company president.

Come now. I'm hanging up now.

You've been promoted as of today, to my woman.


Hey! Park Dongpal! Stop right there!


My goodness!

Are you okay?

Hey! Park Dongpal!

You jerk. Do you know what you put me through?

Spill it, jerk!

I said it wasn't me! Why are you doing this to me?

You know Jongsik, right?

He confessed that you bragged to him while drinking.

And you bought your girlfriend an expensive bag.

You used the money you got for stabbing Chairman Cho!


I didn't buy her that bag.

How dare you lie here?

How dare you? Ouch!

How dare you act like a detective here, you jerk?

- Seriously. / - You keep quiet.

Did you stab Chairman Cho?


I heard you asked Byeonggu to get you a fillet knife.

How will you explain that?

- That's... / - Hey!

Back off. I'm the detective here.

- He's the detective. / - Shut it!

- You. Explain. / - Explain what?

Why did you ask Byeonggu for a fillet knife?

- That's... / - You got drunk and bragged to Jongsik!

Should we go get him?

With what money did you buy that expensive bag?

Spill it. I'll find out once I investigate anyway.

Anything else?


It's too soon for that.

I brought you the real culprit.

Why would I have done that if I were guilty?

I need to investigate further to figure that out.

It wasn't me!

I cut ties with those guys a long time ago.

That's what you claim.

I say, once a worm, always a worm.

Pick up if I call.

You're still being monitored. Don't take that down.

Why can't Dongseok make it to the gathering?

- He must have plans. / - Spoiled jerk.


The hospital?

Code blue.

Dr. Lee Chungwon of cardiothoracic surgery,

please come to the ER immediately.

The person you are calling is not available.

He has had a heart transplant.

I know. What's his status?

His pulse is decreasing and

his blood pressure is dangerously low.

His cardiac output is less than 20 percent.

It looks like he'll go into cardiac arrest soon.

We'll give up

on the heart.

Dongseok. Dongseok!

Dongseok. Dongseok

What happened?

It'll be hard with his current heart, Mr. Chairman.

- What? / - The machine will act as his heart for now.

What should we do?

We need a new heart.

Then find one quick.

But right now, we...

We'll contact the organ procurement organizations...

Why must we follow those procedures?

You know who he is, right? He's Kang Dongseok.

Kang Dongseok of Hyeonseong Group!

I know, Madam. But this is about a life.

Money or power won't help you here.

I don't care!

Do what you must do right now.

No matter what it takes!

Hey! Get out. Get out now!

Get out! Get out, you jerk!

When will you ever grow up?

Get out, if you want to live that way!

- Get out! / - Come on!

It was a mistake! I'm innocent!

Why would the cops be after you if you were innocent?

You must've done something stupid again!

I found the real culprit!

The cops won't be coming back here. I promise!

- Are you sure? / - Yes!

Then why didn't you say so?

You disappeared for a month and now you show up?

I was chasing after the culprit!

Gosh! Why would you do that?

What are you, a detective?


I have no one who would look out for me!

I had to find him for the cops to clear my name!

So everything's okay now?

Yes, I brought them the evidence and the witnesses.

They can't say anything to me now.


I couldn't drink at all for a month

because I was busy chasing after that jerk.

Hold on.

Mom, you're the only one who cares about me.

I don't care about you.

I don't want you drunk and bothering the customers.

You have no customers at this hour.

I should call Daeseop to eat with me.

- He's at the hospital. / - Hospital?


So there's nothing we can do?

All we can do is to wait?

Yes, Sir.

Dr. Lee, is there really no other way?

Unless by coincidence

you come to have a donor in the family...


- There are 57 on the waiting list. / - 57 people.

There's no way to cut?

Well, I guess no one in their right mind

would give up their spot.

Their lives are at stake too.

Shall I check abroad?

Look domestically first. Someone within my family.

Someone within your family?

We can get a transplant immediately

if we have a donor within the family.

Still, how...

If there is no donor among the current family members,

we can bring someone into the family.

I may have a son that I don't know about somewhere.

Bring him to me, whatever it takes.

Even if you must kill him.



How did you know?

You brat.

You should've called, if your father passed away.

I couldn't reach you.

Oh, that's right.

I'm sorry. I've been busy.

- Is he your father? / - Yes.

But why is it so empty here?

I'm hungry. Get me some soup or something.

Over here!

How much is it?

I obtained all the annual checkup files from

every university hospital and sent them to you.

I'll send you the police DNA reports

once I receive them.

We must find a match as soon as possible.

You must find one. At all cost.

My goodness...

- Why do I feel so rotten? / - Why?

Why else? My father died.

But he did nothing for you.

You said that you'd rather not have a father.

It was all talk.

Even if he wasn't much of a father, there's a bond...

You wouldn't understand.

Of course I do.

A parent must be good to you to be a parent.

It means nothing if they did nothing for you.

They have to raise you properly to be a parent.

I bet you'd change your mind if they suddenly appeared.

Don't make me laugh. I'll ignore them.

Just watch. How dare they...


it's better to have someone than not.


I'm sorry.

You should've waited until

I could send you on a trip abroad like other kids.

Hey, Daeseop!

Daeseop! Hold on!

It's for your father.


Will that travel across the sea?

The U.S.?

Why would President Kang...

Miss So Mira, why do you think

you're entitled to know the reason?

I've planned all of his trips, even to the suburbs.

I even packed his bags for him.

For him to go to the U.S. without telling me...

You know how those people work.

They do whatever they want.

And as their employees,

all we need to do is to silently follow their wishes.

If they say they'll swim across the Atlantic,

we must prepare the best wetsuit and life jacket.

There's no need to think about the reasons.

Is there a way to contact him?

- You want to know that badly? / - Yes, I must.

Then look online for a female celebrity

who went to the U.S. around the same time.

You may find the answer you're looking for.

Sir, the hospital said they sent you the results.

Got it.

You may go.


A cow has only a tiny amount of this cut of beef.

Why are you giving that to me? You should sell it.

You sent my father on a trip abroad.

I didn't do it for free food.

Where's the chuck flap that was in the fridge...

Hey! That's the meat I have saved! Stop right there!

Wait! Wait!

I'm paying for this. I was going to pay Daeseop.

- How much is it? / - Really?

How much is it? It's just beef.

It's 30 dollars.

I'll pay you in a bit after I eat some more.

You'd better pay me.

I wondered what has gotten into him.

Hello? Yes.

No, no. I should get back to work.

Yes, but tonight is...


A long distance trip?

Okay, I'll be right there.


Long time no see.

- When were you released? / - A while ago.

I was too busy getting established to call you.

I heard that you turned in Dongpal.

Is he one of yours?

It's so strange.

You and I are always getting tangled up like this.

We must've been enemies in our past lives.

Get to the point. I'm in a rush.

As his boss, I can't just ignore what you did.

I know that you turned him in.

You jerk.

Are you threatening me?

You runt. You want to die?

It's okay.

Don't talk like that in front of the boys.

What a joke.

If you want to lead your boys,

learn to respect your elders, jerk.

Don't give me that look. Do you want to die?

One more thing. I left that life behind.

So don't act like you know me. It's embarrassing.

He left this life?

What a waste. He was an ace in this field of work.

Yes, Sir.

- Kim Jihyeok? / - Taxi!

Yes, I know Kim Jihyeok well.


The buses here run until late at night, right?

There are no buses around here.


Then how far is the walk to a bus stop?

I don't know. I've never taken one.

But there are taxis, right?

Why should I care about how you get home?

Stop whining or I'll call for a replacement.

How annoying.

Spoiled brat.

What did you say?

I wasn't talking to you.

I was just reminded of my sister who left home.

She's a lot like you. She looks a lot like you, too.

She's also a disrespectful brat.

- What a coincidence. / - Sorry?

You look just like my brother who left home.

He doesn't know his place and mouths off.

You are just like him.

I wonder what that jerk is up to?

He probably became a chauffeur, at best.

What are you doing?

I'm sorry, but I can't get caught by the cops.

Stop this nonsense and stop the car!


Stop the car!

You were drinking, weren't you?

You drove after drinking, didn't you?

Like I said, I can't get caught by the cops right now.

I'm sorry, but that won't even matter

since you'll have attempted murder tacked on, too.

Hey, you! I mean...

Miss! Madam!

What on earth!

Are you okay?

I'm fine. Just go.

Don't cause a scene and just go. Now.

- Okay. / - Hey.

You piece of trash.

Think before you act.

It's just you and I, the trash, here right now.

Rinse your mouth. Get rid of the smell of trash.

Call the hospital to take the trash away.

- He's a match. / - Okay.

Put him to sleep.

Doctor, it's an emergency!

Page Dr. Lee. Now!

A 31-year-old man came in last night with

a severe trauma to his occipital lobe.

He has no other injuries, either internal or external.

Encephalopathy is suspected due to trauma to the brain.

He is unable to breathe on his own now,

so he may become brain dead.

Good work.

Yes, I've confirmed it.

Thank you, Governor.


Thank you for making time.

Welcome. Thank you.

Okay. Good work.

Is something wrong?

It's just a call saying everything is good.

So please stop frowning.

It's not that easy.

I'll excuse myself.


Why are you going already?

I'm sorry. Something urgent came up. I apologize.

Myeongho, what are you doing? Escort her.


I know that the situation is ridiculous,

but try and make an effort, will you?

So you do know that it's ridiculous?

Chairman Kang, Madam, you both get younger day by day.

Don't get too young. It'll be too hard for me.

If my Myeongho and Jina end up together,

I'll be the only one looking old at the wedding.

You're too kind.

Long time no see, Chairman Kang.

Prosecutor Chang, what brings you here?

I was in the suburbs and just returned to Seoul.

So I've been getting invited here and there.

I had a nice break in the suburbs thanks to you.

- I see. / - I'll see you often.

I never forget what people do for me.

I tend to burn it into my skull.

I'll take my leave then.

So Mira.

Mr. President, I told you not to do that in the office.

Sorry, but you looked so pretty from behind.

Wait for me at our usual spot. I'll be right there.

Let's just go together.

Mira, not yet.

Are you that afraid of people finding out we're dating?

Yes, I'm scared, especially of my mom.

She'll threaten to take away my title and disown me.

Then you won't get to be the president's wife

which you're dying to be.

Which I'm dying to be?

So you mean I strategically approached you first?

Wait. Didn't you?

I should've known this would happen.

Then leave. I don't need to be the president's wife.

Really? Should I really leave?

You mean it?

You meant it?

Where is that jerk? Bring him to me right now!

I'm sorry, but we can't get in touch with him.

Find him. There's so much he has to pay for!

Otherwise, you'll be held responsible.

I'll wait here until you bring him to me.

Just what did he do?

How could you send a drunk guy to drive me?

I've never felt so scared for my life.

Does he think he's Tom Cruise doing a car chase?

I bet he went into hiding

because he knew I'd be looking for him.

I'll find him no matter what.

Should we report him to the police?

Have you lost your mind?

I won't go to the police because of that jerk.


What's the real reason you're looking for him?

Do you really only want an apology?

I'm tired from screaming so much in that dingy place.

Wake me up when we're home.


Thanks, Mira.

My brother left without saying anything to you either?

- Yes. / - Are you disappointed?

No, but there's a lot to deal with

since he disappeared without a word.

Be patient with him. You know he's flaky.



See if you can get it to reach here.

Try it.

- Dongseok, your tutor is here. / - Just a minute, Mom.

Is it broken?

I'm so sorry.

It's okay. I made you do it.

Just throw it out.

I think I can fix it.

Then fix it and try again.

- Dongseok! / - All right. Coming!

Bye. I hope you make it next time.

He'll be declared brain dead soon.

So be ready for the heart transplant.

- Yes, Sir. / - Yes, Sir.

Any mistake, and everyone here will be

packing their bags. Got it?

- Yes, Sir. / - Yes, Sir.

Thank you.

Why are you thanking me, Madam Choi?

He's not just your son, he's mine too.

Our Dongseok will be back to normal, right?

I'm so happy at the thought of

seeing our son smiling again.

I understand, but control yourself.

The man being declared brain dead is legally your son.

I see. You're right.

We agree with the examination from six hours ago.

There's no pupillary reflex or other brain activity.

The conclusion that he is brain dead still stands.

He has hematocele and is unable to breathe on his own.

Dr. Kim Iltae and two other Hyeonseong Hospital doctors

conclude that Kang Jihyeok is brain dead.

If you object to this medical diagnosis,

you may request a re-examination.

Do you want to request that?

April 15th, 2014, 3:30 p.m.

Kang Jihyeok is declared brain dead.

Yea, though

I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

Your body may have ceased to breathe,

but your body shall be distributed to

the souls weakened from disease.

We will begin Kang Jihyeok's TPL.


Wait a minute.

- I see ocular movement. / - What? Check.

Any light reflex?

- No, Sir. / - What?

I mean it. I know I saw...

They already declared him brain dead.

He's medically dead. Let's begin. Quickly.


Don't just stand there! Gauze packing!


It can be a sign of impending death. It's fine.

So let's begin.

Doctor, this isn't right.

- The surgery is over already? / - That was so quick.

Kang Jihyeok came back to life.

Who came back to life?

Kang Jihyeok.

What do you mean? He was declared brain dead!

His brain began functioning again during surgery.

He may have been incorrectly declared brain dead.

Then what happens to Dongseok?

Dongseok can't get the transplant?

It's impossible.

Look, there must've been a mistake.

He was already declared brain dead!

So you can go operate! Now!

There must be a mistake. The machine must be broken!

Please. Please go in and operate.

Please! Go operate! Go!

Madam, if we cut open his chest now,

I will become a murderer.



- Madam! / - Dongseok! Dongseok!

How is my wife?

She's fine. She just needs some sedatives.

- And the young man? / - He's in the recovery room.

How could you let this happen?

I'm sorry, but it was a 1 in 10,000 chance.

It was a miracle.

- A miracle? / - I'm sorry, Sir.

Can he become brain dead again?

It's not impossible, but they can't guarantee anything.

We have no choice now.

Look abroad, and always keep that guy as an option.

Yes, Sir.

And make sure word doesn't get out.

Act like nothing happened.

Yes, Sir.

Jihyeok didn't come here, either?


What's going on? His phone is turned off, too.

Why are you worried? It's not the first time.

No, something is not right this time.

I'm used to him not picking up,

but he never turns off his phone.

Maybe he broke it in a fight or something.

Please give me a call if he comes.

Forget it!

I'm going to cut him out of my life for good this time.

If he calls, tell him never to set foot in here again!

You're really not worried?

Why should I worry about that brat?

It's not like we're related by blood.

He means nothing to me.

Where on earth is that kid?

For the new members banquet on the 25th,

we'll start with foie gras and the entree will be

Japanese wagyu beef with truffles.

For the wine, we'll go with Monde des Perdrix

for the chairman's family's table.

Please get something cheaper for the rest.

And the chairman's family gets refrigerated foie gras

and the rest get frozen foie gras.

That will be the policy for all banquets from now on.

The French company that supplied the air fresheners for

the bathroom in the chairman's house went under,

so we can't get it anymore. What should we do?

You're telling me this now?

You know the madam is picky with air fresheners.

I'm sorry.

Send the French branch a sample of her favorite perfume

and have them find air fresheners with similar scents.

I'll do that.

Check the cleanliness and reservations of the hotel

where the company's anniversary banquet will be held.

- May we help you? / - Well...

I heard you're looking for a machine in China.

Just a minute.

Don't forget, no one is allowed on the 15th floor

other than the family.

- Yes, Sir. / - Yes, Sir.

Next on the list is the chairman's house clinic.

I've been meaning to talk to you about it.

Madam asked about...

We must find the part that fits.

One that fits.

Yes, Sir.

Is there anything that we didn't cover?

- I think we're done. / - Then let's wrap up.

- Good job, everyone. / - Good job.

Jongsik, President Kang Dongseok's car is in the shop.

Go check on that and scrap the car if it's wrecked.

- Okay. / - Wait a minute.

What happened to President Kang Dongseok's car?

I think he was in an accident. We'll take care of...


I'll take care of it myself. Where is the garage?

What should we do with the car? Should we fix it?

Did you go to the scene of the accident yourself?

- Yes... / - Do you know what happened to the driver?

Well, I only saw him get wheeled into the ambulance.

Nothing happened to him, right?

I'm sorry, but I was asked to keep silent

about the accident, so I can't say anything.

Was he at least alive?


Just tell me whether or not he was alive.

He was alive when I saw him.

Thank you. Thank you.

What about the car?

It's okay. It's okay.

He'll be fine. He'll be fine.

Yes, Mr. Do?

Where are you?

I'm out of the office at the moment.

Get to Hyeonseong Hospital right now.

Is something wrong?

There's an unconscious man in the VIP room.

His name is Kang Jihyeok.

Report every detail of his condition to me.

Kang Jihyeok?

Who is...

Don't think about or judge your assignment.

Don't you know the FB team's policy?

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Do.

Did President Kang Dongseok

really go to the U.S.?

He boarded a plane and left. That's all I know.

Stop thinking about that and do what I said.

Are you his guardian?


- You must be so happy. / - Pardon?

It's rare for someone declared brain dead

to recover like this. And he's recovering so quickly.

He moved his hand slightly too. It truly is a miracle.

I see.

Is there a Kang Dongseok in a VIP room?

I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that.

I'm on the FB team from the Hyeonseong main office.

You can tell me whether or not he's here.

I'm sorry, but I can't.

Hello, Hyeonseong Hospital.

Mr. Lee.

What brings you here?

Mr. Do asked me to do something.

What brings you here?

Madam Choi asked me to bring some things.


Hello, you're from Hyeonseong, correct?

- Yes. / - We'll take those.

- No, we can do it. / - No.

Only hospital staff is allowed in.

Please give them to us. We'll bring them in.

Okay. Thank you.

Thanks. See you later.

- Sir, we may have an exclusive. / - An exclusive?

Yes. Mr. Park in

- the Financial Supervisory Service called. / - Okay.

You know they're investigating Hyeonseong Group

on Prosecutor Chang Wontae's orders, right?

Yes, but that's not an exclusive.

They were investigating their succession and gifts and

discovered that Chairman Kang Seonguk has another son.

- A son? / - Yes.

It's not President Kang Dongseok

of Hyeonseong Distributions.

Another son was put into the family registry recently.


Look into him. We must be the first to break the news.

- Okay, I'll get moving. / - Move quickly.

He's recovering quickly.

What are we doing now?

We're looking in China.

And once he regains consciousness,

we'll move him to another hospital.

It's too difficult to control a general hospital.

If it becomes too difficult, scrap everything.

Don't leave a trace.

Do you hear that?

It's your favorite, Mozart.

Yes, I'm at the hospital. I'm getting some air.

Where are you?


Why are you here?

Please open your eyes and talk to me.

Tell me that you're okay. Please?


- How is he? / - It's not bad, for now.

For now?

His blood is circulating, but he's still unconscious.

We're worried about the after-effects.

What's the limit?

I think he'll be fine for a month.

A month.

And after that?

It'll be difficult for him to recuperate completely.

- Hello. / - Hello.

How much longer must we wait?

We've contacted the organizations...

I don't want to hear that.

I'm telling you to do something. Now.

Bring that brat back and rip out his heart or...

Madam Choi.

I'm just so frustrated, that's all.

The hospital isn't doing a thing!

- I'm sorry. / - Leave. Dongseok will hear you.

I'll do whatever it takes to get him his surgery.

So don't blurt out everything that comes to your head.

Get to Hyeonseong Hospital right now.

There's an unconscious man in the VIP room.

His name is Kang Jihyeok.

It's rare for someone declared brain dead to recover.

Bring that brat back and rip out his heart or...

Dongseok. Dongseok!

Dongseok. Excuse me!

- Excuse me! / - I'm fine.

I'm fine!

Are you okay?

What happened?

This may keep happening.

My heart in here

isn't originally mine.


So don't do anything to shock me.

It may burst and break down.

Take care.

What is it?

What? Reporters?


Tell the hospital to move him to another VIP room.

- Over there. / - Okay.

- Over there. / - That way!

No, I have to live.

I want to live. Someone...

Please grab me. Grab onto me!

Please grab onto me!

There is no need to weigh the options now.

Just get rid of him.

Don't think about or judge your assignment.

I'll adhere to the policy.

- You. / - You're Jina?

You're that trash, aren't you?

What's wrong with my eyes?

- Mom! / - What did you do now?

Something big.

You're not even married.

Don't' worry. I have my reasons.

I think it was in the bag you were holding.

What are you scheming?

I just have to do my work.

Chairman Kang Seonguk!

My father is nothing but a jerk.

For more infomation >> Big Man | 빅맨 - EP 1 [SUB : ENG, CHN, IND, VI ] - Duration: 58:46.


( KPOP ) DANCE TIPS #4 | Movements: Incomplete x Complete - Duration: 7:29.

Hi guys welcome to another video of

tips to learn kpop dances. Today we will be talking about

movements and details

I want to start talking about complete vs incomplete movements

What would be that? I think that for you to understand it'd be easier to demonstrate

As you can see in my dance cover of AIIYL,

there are some incomplete movements.

See if you can notice the difference between this step

and this step

Can you see that in the first one I touch my shoulders and my hands don't fall all the way, they stop around here, and I go directly to the next step?

And on my tutorial I touch my shoulders then my hands fall all the way down and then move to the next step

This is the difference between a complete movement and an incomplete movement

So complete movements are the ones that... you complete...before moving on to the next movement

I dont know how to explain it but you can understand it, right? It's important to know this, each movement needs to be completed, if the movement is doing this

you cant stop in the middle

Another example, take a look at this fancam of SNSD's Holiday, look at this step they put their arms up

Do you notice any difference between some of the girls and others? Let's take a closer look

Most of the girls put their whole arm up before moving on to the next step

Tiffany, on the other hand, doesnt put her arm all the way up before moving to the next step, her arm stops midway and doesn't straighten completely

This is a great example of a complete movement (Yoona, who straightens her whole arm) and an incomplete movement (Tiffany, who stops midway)

Lemme give another example. Look at this part of my dance cover of PD101's Pick Me that I did with my friend Maki (subscribe to her!!)

Did you notice any difference between the two of us? Let's watch it again

If you pay attention, you can see that Maki spins her arm completely before doing the next step

But me? I didn't do that. I start to spin and I stop halfway through and go straight to the next step

Maki: spins completely, then does the next step Me: spins half and rushes to the next step

What I did was an incomplete movement, and Maki did a complete movement.

My movement was incomplete because I didnt practice that dance enough and I wanted to rush to the next step

So I unconsciously(?) stopped halfway through to go straight to the next step, then the movement became incomplete and, therefore, ugly. Maki, however, did everything beautifully.

The incomplete movements happen when we, in our subconscious, we want to go to the next step quickly

So we don't finish one step before going to the other, because we want to go to the other quickly

This makes our movements incomplete, because we are already going to the other step before time

So you need to be careful, cause it's important to make the dance look good and clean

Clean x Dirty\messy movements is, to me, very similar to incomplete x complete movements

If you do all movements complete, the dance will look clean cause you're doing every single thing you need to

But if you do the movements incomplete, then the dance will look dirty\messy because you'll be skipping to the 2nd step before finishing the 1st step, you know?

So, to me, clean x dirty\messy movements are linked to incomplete x complete movements

Clean x dirty\messy is also when you look at the fancam and youre not sure what the person is doing

Thats my problem with exo choreographies, dont get me wrong, I love exo, it's my 2nd favorite group, but I have a hard time learning their choreographies because

a lot of times they do the movements kinda dirty\messy, I can't fully decipher(?) what theyre doing, im not sure how to explain what's a dirty\messy movement

but it's linked to incomplete x complete movements, and it's when you look at the dance and you're not 100% sure of whats happening because the steps are not very precise

And, naturally, clean movements are movements that the person completes, that you can understand what the person is doing because the steps are precise and exact

So these things are very important to make the dance look good, doing the movements complete, on the right time, not rushing to the next step

And doing the steps precisely to make it look clean

This movement thing is all about practice. It's about you doing it doing it doing it, it's about doing it wrong until you do it right

You may make 1000 mistakes but at one point you're gonna do it correctly, so it's about practicing and getting it wrong until you get it right

It's also about getting familiar with the choreography, in the Pick Me example, I hadn't practiced that dance enough, so I wanted to rush to the next step

So you need to practice, you need to get familiar with the choreography so you can do everything clean and complete

Also, there is no need to rush and go to the next step before the right time.

If the choreography asks for steps 1, 2 and 3, there is enough time to do all three steps, so there is no need to rush it, there's time to do everything

So it all comes down to practice, you need to practice enough times so that you can dance without making mistakes and doing the movements complete and clean

So you need to be careful to make the steps look good. I hope you guys understood cuz I cant really explain so I showed you examples.

I don't wanna film my face cuz I just woke up but I am recording this to give this video a proper conclusion

So this was a video about incomplete x complete movements, it's getting long so I'll cut here and talk more in the next part

In the next part I'll talk about details, like angles and parts of the body you may think are insignificant but are not

Anyway, details about movements and steps.

Thank you for watching, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up, subscribe, comment and share.

And if you have any questions just leave a comment and I'll answer


For more infomation >> ( KPOP ) DANCE TIPS #4 | Movements: Incomplete x Complete - Duration: 7:29.


Worship Is Not a Performance with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 11-9-17) - Duration: 21:12.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.

I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Your life's purpose is found in Jesus.

Today, Gloria and Kellie Copeland invite you to

focus on Jesus and discover the joy of being in a rich

relationship with Him, next on the Believer's Voice of Victory.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice

of Victory. Kellie's back with us today, and we're going to

hear something good. You ready? KELLIE: I'm ready. GLORIA: All

right. Load it up. KELLIE: I've had so much fun. I'm thinking I

need to pick up the pace a little bit because I've got a

lot to share. But tomorrow, I'm going to--I want to read a

prophecy that--a word from the Lord that He gave to me. It woke

me up. So I want to-- GLORIA: And I want to hear it. KELLIE:

--do that tomorrow, so I want to really get somewhere today with

Mary and Martha, although I love where we've been. It was like

talking about how worship has changed both of our lives. And

there's a scripture I want to read, and then we'll get into

Mary and Martha. GLORIA: Okay. KELLIE: But--because you can't

talk about worship without talking about Mary and Martha.

But in Luke 12--it's so funny, too. I'm just noticing these

places where there's this family strife--greed causes family

strife. A need for affirmation can cause family strife; needing

to be affirmed, needing someone to love you more than maybe

another, needing to win, needing to be the best, needing to have

the most. GLORIA: Hmm. KELLIE: That starts out when you're

little kids, and sometimes it goes on into adult life with

people. So 12:13 says, "Someone called from the crowd, Teacher,

tell my brother to divide our father's estate with me." Ha-ha.

And Jesus was like, "This is not what I do." GLORIA: Well, that

was a fair request, wasn't it? KELLIE: It was? I don't know. He

wants Jesus to control his brother. That's what we do. We

want Jesus to control other people. And He says, "Who made

me the judge over you to decide such things as that? And he

said, "Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not

measured by how much you own." You know what? Even the blessing

of your life is not measured by what you get from other people.

If you don't have a dime in your bank account, Jesus can fix

that. But you can't be greedy. You can't be looking to suck it

out of other people. You have to look to Him for the real

blessing. Finances that don't come from Him, they're not a

blessing. But finances that come from Him, He said the blessing

comes with no sorrow added to it. He--the blessing will make

you-- GLORIA: I believe work is scriptural, though. KELLIE:

--maketh us rich. Huh? GLORIA: I believe work is scriptural.

KELLIE: Work is very scriptural. Work comes from Him. The

Bible--Ecclesiastes talks about work. It's a joy to do work and

to do life and to do what God's called you to do with your life.

It brings joy. GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: Anyway, so He goes on to

tell about a rich man with--everything's working for

this rich man until he gets greedy. And then it says--but

this is the point of why I brought this up. Verse 21 says,

"A person is a fool to stir up--store up earthly wealth but

not have a rich relationship with God." You can store up all

kinds of things. You can look for your answers in all kinds of

ways, but you're a fool if you don't put your focus on having

the best relationship with Jesus, worshiping Him, coming to

Him. And He needs to be the--if He is your focus, then

everything else is going to work out right. If He is your focus,

then you're not storing up things--storing up--this is

going to make sense in a minute what it has to do with worship I

promise. GLORIA: (Laughs) KELLIE: If you focus on Jesus,

and your worship is to Him, then idolatry is not going to take

place in your life. And, you know, Mom, we can idolize all

kinds of things. GLORIA: Sure. KELLIE: We can idolize, you

know, cars. We can idolize people. We can get our--even

getting your significance from other person besides Jesus, that

is idolizing that person because you get--we get our significance

from Jesus. We get our help, our life. Our--our standard of who

we are comes from Jesus. He says we're worthy. When you--even

this--this sounds, okay, so hear me out, everybody. Stick with me

just a minute. We can idolize miracles. And this is what I

mean by that. We can want something so bad in our church

where there's a move of worship, we want a move of compassion, we

want to be the best at feeding everybody, we want to have the

best productions in town, we want our singers to be the best,

we want miracles to happen in our church. We all want those

things to be great in our church. But when that becomes

your focus, you're idolizing those things, and you can want

all that for the wrong reason. You can want that just so your

church is the best church in town. GLORIA: Mm. KELLIE: You

can want all that just so your name gets thrown around town as

the place to go to church. "Wow, that place is famous because

they've got this, that, and the other. They've got great

production," or "They've got great worship," or "They've got

miracles happening." That'll happen when all those things

happen in your church. Yes, people will talk. But the

question is not that, the question is, "Why do you want

it?" Are you focused on that apart from being focused on

Jesus? Do you know what I'm saying? Because that happens.

People get focused on having a car apart from Jesus. You know,

the Lord corrected Brother Keith Moore because he said something

like--somebody said, "Where'd you get that new car, Pastor?"

And he said, "Well, I believed God for it," or "I believed for

it," or "used my faith," or something like that. And Jesus

got onto--He was like, "What about me?" I don't remember

exactly the words that got onto him, but it really struck me how

we can think that we did something. And, yeah,

we're--there are things for us to do. Yes, we have faith in

God. But if it wasn't for Jesus, your confessing all the things

in the world wouldn't bring you a car. GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: That's why it doesn't make sense to people who don't

know Jesus in that way because they're like--they don't see how

saying something could get you a car. Well, it doesn't. But

saying what Jesus said and faith in Jesus and the words that He

said, He'll meet your needs and supply your needs, your car,

your house. He said in His word, "Don't take any thought for what

you drink, what you eat, what you wear, all that stuff." He

says, "We know you have need of that. Seek first the kingdom."

Or seek first Jesus, and all that stuff will be added. And

when you say His words and you believe His words, "voila" as

the French say, there it is. But trying to seek those things

apart from Him, that doesn't work, and it's idolatry. And

when you--when you're doing that, then you're not any longer

pursuing a relationship with Jesus, pursuing worshiping Him,

you're pursuing--you can get to pursuing things and--the word

left my mind, but success. There's the word I'm looking

for, but I don't--it's not in my head right now. But you can get

to pursuing all the--being prominent, prominence. You can

pursue prominence and not pursue Jesus. And it's idolatry. That's

not bad news because you can pursue Jesus, and all that stuff

just gets fixed. So we're going to look at Luke 10:38. And, Mom,

I would like for you to read that in the Amplified. I love

the way the Amplified phrases this. So if you just start with

Verse 38, we'll start talking about these two sisters. GLORIA:

Okay. KELLIE: Sister, sister, sister. Luke 10:38. GLORIA:

Mm-hmm. "Now while they were on their way, it occurred that

Jesus entered a certain village, and a woman named Martha

received and welcomed Him into her house." Is this what you

want? KELLIE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA: "And she had a sister named

Mary, who seated herself at the Lord's feet and was listening to

His teaching. And Martha--But Martha--" Let's see. "But

Martha, overly occupied and too busy, was distant--distracted

with much serving; and she came up to Him and said, Lord, is it

nothing to You--is it nothing to You--" KELLIE: That doesn't

sound like it's going to a good place, does it? GLORIA: "--that

my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me,

to lend a hand and do her part with me!" KELLIE: Okay. Let's

just stop right there and just talk about the state of Martha

for a minute. Oh, no, Martha. GLORIA: She's got 30 people for

Thanksgiving dinner. KELLIE: And she is--and she thinks her big

problem is Mary. And I get that. This is--I've had that happen

before. We weren't sitting at the feet of Jesus. They were

sitting at the feet of the TV. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: That's an

entirely different thing. I think at that point you can say,

"Come and help." But, you know, even Martha could have had a

healthier way of doing this. She could have said, "Martha, can

you come help me?" And Martha says, "No way, Sister, come sit

here with me. This is the best place." GLORIA: How about,

"George could you come help me?" "No, I'm watching the football

game right now. I can't help." KELLIE: I'm sure you don't mean

Pastor George. (Laughs) GLORIA: Oh, no, not Pastor George.

KELLIE: But--no, but Martha thinks that Mary is her problem.

Well, I tell you, we can--we can tell that Martha's got problems

bigger than Mary by her just being able to say to the Lord

Jesus, "Is it nothing to you?" GLORIA: "Don't you care?"

KELLIE: That's so snarky. That is so passive aggressive, you

know, to just come to someone else to say, "Don't you care

that that person isn't doing what I need?" There's just all

kinds of round about conversation going here. She's

not being direct. She's not being really honest with herself

because I don't know what's really bugging her, what's

really on her mind, but it's not just the dinner. Jesus

said--Jesus goes on to diagnose her. The Amplified says, "She

was overly busy and preoccupied." The New Living

says that she was distracted. Mom, did you know that the

definition of doubt and double-mindedness is

distraction? GLORIA: The definition of doubt-- KELLIE:

And double-minded. You're distracted. GLORIA: Well, yeah,

I can see that. KELLIE: You're--the--you should be

focused on Jesus, focused on His Word, and you're distracted over

here. So that's being double-minded. You want to be

this. You want the results of being focused on Jesus, but

you're distracted. GLORIA: You're in doubt. KELLIE: She

probably wanted Jesus--the benefits that she saw. You know,

she saw Him feed people. She saw Him heal people. She saw Him set

people free. She probably loved those benefits. And maybe she

thought, "If I serve a dinner, that will make Him give me all

those things." But the Lord said to her, what, in Verse 41, Mom?

GLORIA: "But the Lord replied to her by saying, Martha, Martha,

you are anxious and troubled about many things." KELLIE: You

know, I always laugh at that because in Texas, if you're in

trouble, it's your middle name, like, "Kellie Dee." GLORIA:

Yeah. KELLIE: That means I'm in big trouble. But she said--He

said, "Martha, Martha." This means, "I love you, and I'm

really being patient with you right now." That's what that

means. But it's a term of endearment. So in that moment He

was correcting her, He was loving her. The New Living says,

"My dear Martha--" GLORIA: Oh. KELLIE: "--you are worried--"

What did He say? "You are troubled--" GLORIA: "--about

many things." KELLIE: Many things. So He tells her, "It's

not in the dinner--" GLORIA: It's Thanksgiving. There's 30

family members there. They're all hungry. The turkey was

frozen. It's not ready. I can understand. KELLIE: I've been

there. I've been there. But, you know, when I have been there, it

hadn't even been like--let's say you were fixing yourself a meal

all by yourself, just you, and your--and it didn't work out

right. You don't get all like," Ahh!" You just like, "Okay, I'm

hungry, but I'll fix my meal again. I burned my pizza, I'll

have to go fix another one." GLORIA: You've lost the red

Jello recipe. KELLIE: But the--yeah. We have a

Jello--maybe we'll put that on the internet for you this

Thanksgiving. GLORIA: Everybody's going to want that.

KELLIE: Red Jello, it's awesome. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: But

you--when it's for everybody else, there's this performance

element to it. You know, for me, I tended to kind of take longer

than I'd estimate to cook, and I'd have my whole family over.

And sometimes people are like, you know-- GLORIA: "It's 3:00."

KELLIE: "When's dinner coming?" You're not ready yet, and you

get this really performancy thing going on in the inside

where you're really worried about, "They're going to think

I'm dumb," or "They're going to think I can't cook," or "They're

going to think," whatever. We talked about yesterday being

free from what everybody thinks. But if it was just you, you

wouldn't have that performance element to it. You'd just recook

your pizza or whatever. But with this, she had a lot at stake on

the inside with this dinner. Why? She's performing this

dinner for everybody, otherwise, she'd have just said, "Forget

it. I'm going to sit at the feet of Jesus." GLORIA: Mm-hmm.

KELLIE: Here's what really strikes me. She had Jesus in her

house! GLORIA: Think about it. KELLIE: In her house! And she's

in the kitchen so upset--I mean, she probably could have been in

the kitchen and still listening if she had just been not upset.

She's so upset that all she can think of is, "I've got to keep

my sister in here to help me, and she's just sitting there

listening to Jesus," when that's what she should have been doing.

And then He says, "There's just one thing worth concerning

yourself." And I like the way the New Living says this, Mom.

It says, "Mary has discovered it." And the Amplified says,

"It's to her advantage." And He says here, "It will not be taken

away from her." One version says, "I will not take it away

from her." Because you realize, what she's really asking Jesus

to do is take that thing away from Mary and make her go in and

help her sister. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: And He's like, "I'm not

doing that. She's chosen the right thing." You know, if--if

Martha could have allowed the--what I've talked on the

broadcast before about these two. If Martha could have

allowed Jesus to diagnose her right there, she could have had

a change of life. She could have sat down right next to

Martha--right next to Mary and said, "Jesus, you're right. I'm

going--I'm going to do the same thing as my sister." If Jesus

said to you, "Your sister has chosen the right thing." What's

the natural thing for a worshiper to do? Choose the--

GLORIA: Choose the same thing. KELLIE: Choose the same thing,

not keep going in your troubled mess. But we can tell later on

that that is not what happened in these two sisters' lives. So

let's turn--man, Martha--but she's a mess. She's got all

kinds of cares going on on the inside. GLORIA: Troubled about

many things. KELLIE: Many things, Jesus said. And she

doesn't even know what they are. But Jesus--I guarantee you 100

percent, 100 percent, if she had sat at His feet, she would have

figured out--well, He would have told her what her troubles were

really based on, and what she needed to change in her life.

See, when you become a worshiper, you become so intent

on His face. And when I--when I say, "seeing His face," I don't

mean in the natural, like, "I want to have a vision, and I

want to see your face." You don't even need that anymore.

When you're a worshiper, you see His face. You know that

Hebrew--I learned from The Passion Translation footnotes

that there's no word in the Hebrew for God's presence other

than "face," like face to face. GLORIA: Really? KELLIE: That

means His presence, being in His--being face to face. So

she's looking in His face. She's listening to what He was

teaching; not just hearing it, but listening. You know, He said

in the Word, "If any have ears to hear, let Him hear." She was

hearing--Martha didn't have ears to hear. But she's sitting at

His feet. Look at John 12, Mom. That's where we're going now

because it makes me think, "Man, what happened there at His

feet?" And it's funny that He's--that it said that she sat

at His feet because I'm wondering if she got so--if His

feet caught her attention and that that next week, or that

next two weeks, or however long it was until Jesus was anointed

at Bethany in Verse 12 of John--Chapter 12, what caught

her attention about His feet? Because look at this. This is

the next--this is what happened in John 12. "Six days before the

Passover celebration began, Jesus arrived in Bethany, the

home of Lazarus, the man he had raised from the dead. A dinner

was prepared in Jesus' honor." Hmm, I wonder whose idea that

was? Ha-ha. "Martha served." Okay. "Martha, Martha--" I don't

know, at this point, maybe it's good to use her middle name.

"Martha Ann, you need to straighten this out. Jesus has

already corrected you, and you're still having the MO." I

know in my heart--I guess I'm judging Miss Martha, but I feel

like, in my heart, that she's the one who had the idea of

serving a dinner in His honor-- GLORIA: Could be. KELLIE:

--because she is all about performing. Now, is it wrong to

have a dinner in Jesus' honor. No. But, Mom, how many things do

we do in His honor to perform, perform for Jesus, perform for

others, do something in His honor, make a show, instead of

worshiping Him? Like, you could do a dinner but do it in giving

and worshiping Him with it not in honor of. Have a--sing a

song, not in honor of Jesus, but to worship. Put "Jesus is Lord"

on your logo, not in honor of Jesus, but to say, "This is who

He is to us." GLORIA: That's right. He is Lord. KELLIE: "This

is who we worship." When we say, "Jesus is Lord," we mean it.

It's not something that happened a long time ago, and we made

Jesus the Lord of our life one day. He is our Lord of our life

every day. GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: Everything you do, you sing, you

preach, you minister, you have church, you go to work, you do

something for the kids--man, one Christmas, Mom, I--the Lord's

like, "Stop with the Christmas killing on your family." Well,

He didn't say it like that, but He put a stop to me with

Christmas. I was just like, "Get in your room and decorate your

tree." My kids were little, and they weren't cooperating with my

Christmas plans. GLORIA: "Don't you know it's Christmas?"

KELLIE: I know. "It's Jesus' birthday! We're going to

decorate!" I was totally doing something in honor of Jesus, not

for Jesus. GLORIA: I see. KELLIE: And so we're going to

pick it up here with this story and continue talking about this

family because it's not just two sisters. It's two sisters and a

brother. And don't you--and, you know, you've got to love family.

It takes all kinds of us. But this story, really, has just

begun ministering to me the different ways we can be

before God and the different purposes for which we

can do what we do. And it's changing my life.

GLORIA: Praise God. We'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Worship Is Not a Performance with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 11-9-17) - Duration: 21:12.


How to Make a Half Chocolate Half Pumpkin Spice Cake | LIBRA ASTROLOGY SIGN | RECIPE - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> How to Make a Half Chocolate Half Pumpkin Spice Cake | LIBRA ASTROLOGY SIGN | RECIPE - Duration: 4:00.


Different Heaven - Nekozilla - Nhạc Điện Tử - Hay 2017 - Meaning BINBIN - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Different Heaven - Nekozilla - Nhạc Điện Tử - Hay 2017 - Meaning BINBIN - Duration: 2:55.


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For more infomation >> 9 Ways to Attract New People in your Life | Soft skills & Personality Development tips - Skillopedia - Duration: 10:34.


Alison Wonderland - Happy Place (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:21.

♪ Give up these noises ♪

♪ Silence my mind ♪

♪ We all have choices ♪

♪ Where can I find ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ Fuck me up ♪

♪ On a spiritual level ♪

♪ (On a spiritual level) ♪

♪ On a spiritual level ♪

♪ (On a spiritual level) ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ Fuck me up ♪

♪ On a spiritual level ♪

♪ (On a spiritual level) ♪

♪ On a spiritual level ♪

♪ (On a spiritual level) ♪

♪ Shut up around me ♪

♪ Voices about ♪

♪ Swear I'm not crazy ♪

♪ What's the amount for ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ Fuck me up ♪

♪ On a spiritual level ♪

♪ (On a spiritual level) ♪

♪ On a spiritual level ♪

♪ (On a spiritual level) ♪

♪ Fuck me up ♪

♪ On a spiritual level ♪

♪ (On a spiritual level) ♪

♪ On a spiritual level ♪

♪ (On a spiritual level) ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

♪ My happy place ♪

For more infomation >> Alison Wonderland - Happy Place (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:21.


wazifa for dolat and wealth | dolat k andar lagane ka wazifa - Duration: 3:37.

wazifa for dolat and wealth | dolat k andar lagane ka wazifa

For more infomation >> wazifa for dolat and wealth | dolat k andar lagane ka wazifa - Duration: 3:37.


Ethnicities of Israel: Hungary - Duration: 8:20.

What is your background?


From where?


Were you born in Hungary? - Yes

Tamar Givataim

Do you want to go back there? - No

Even to visit?

I was there a few times but it was enough

Why don't you want to live there?

It's not my country

The antisemitism

it was always there

You remember the antisemitism? - Yes

Of course

Even when I was visiting

there was also (antisemitism)

Do you make Hungarian food? - Yes

Like what?

Goulash, different cakes

the Hungarian kitchen

is good and tasty

Do you listen to music from Hungary?


Almost nothing

Other than foods, there is no other...


I barely know Hungarian I was 5 when we moved from Hungary

What is your background?


Both sides?

More or less, yes

Gur Tel Aviv

Do you do anything in your home that is connected to Hungary?

I eat sausage sometimes

What sausages? Something with a Hungarian name?

Cabanos mostly


My mother makes foods

that my grandmother used to cook

Paprikash, blintzes

things like that

I have an affinity for Hungary

I have never been there

I haven't but I want to go there

But I do feel some sort of

belonging to Hungary

it's kind of vague

but there is some Hungarian in me

Would you consider moving there?

Not for now


Because right now, my life is rooted in Israel

I am half Romanian half Hungarian

On the Hungarian side

do you do anything connected to Hungary?

Mika Tel Aviv

I cook

What? - Everything

I am a cook, so...


That's it basically

Not even my parents have been there


So it's your grandparents - Yes

And they haven't been Does Hungary interest them or you?

Me it interests

It's not a matter of interest

because they don't like Isr... they don't like Jewish people

What is your background?

I am part Hungarian, part Austrian, part Ukrainian

Ido Rehavia

Who is Hungarian in your family?

My father's mother

Is she still alive? - No

Is there anything in your family culture that was from Hungary

Sometimes my father likes to go eat at Hungarian restaurants

What does he eat?

I don't know Mostly Hungarian foods

You don't know names?

No, nothing right now

That's it

Does your mother or father cook?

Something Hugarian? No


Who makes goulash?

No, just in general


Any connection to the music?

No, not really

Have you been to Hungary?


Would you go to Hungary?

I think so but not because of the roots

Just a place to go to?

It's not as if they are that nice

Your family suffered because of... - Yes

In the Holocaust? - Yes

So there is a reason

What is your background? Other than Hungary

From here

Deep roots

From the Hungarian side

Wait, where from here exactly? Hebron? Jerusalem?

Nili Jerusalem


From the Hungarian side

what do you still do that is Hungarian?

such as foods and other things



All kinds


If someone Hungarian is watching this...

Different types of Lecso

My mother makes those

I don't make them much

That's it

Have you been to Hungary?

Yes, many times

Did you enjoy it?

I really like it

Would you move there?

I lived nearby already

very close

Yoav Tel Aviv

Who is Hungarian in your family?

My grandfather is part Hungarian

My father's father

and the rest?

Dekel Misgav Am

Polish, no. My grandfather is Romanian

Hungary and some Polish somewhere


Is there something Hungarian that still in your family?

Food? Something

I don't know what Hungarian foods are

Things with paprika Goulash

Yes, goulash

No, I was there

You were in Hungary?

In Budapest

How was it?

It was fun


Isn't that German?

I know it is from Hungary

How was it in Hungary?

A lot of fun

Was it a trip looking for your roots?

Not really, we just went with the family

Would you move to Hungary?


Because I love Israel

What is your background?

I am mixed

My father is half

What is the question? Are you already filming me?


Tell me if this is political

No, first it is about backgrounds

Michal Kochav Yaakov (West Bank Settlement)

My mother is Persian and my father Austrian and Hungarian

Let's go with Hungary-Austria

Do you do anything still at home connected to Austria or Hungary?


Your mother doesn't make any foods, or maybe you?

I don't make foods from people's backgrounds in general

No - No

Were you ever in Hugary? - No

Are you interested in being in Hungary?


For more infomation >> Ethnicities of Israel: Hungary - Duration: 8:20.


Python Programming Tutorial | Heap in Python | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Python Programming Tutorial | Heap in Python | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 3:51.


MALDIVES. DAY 4: KANDOLHU - KURAMATHI /// VLOG #83 - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> MALDIVES. DAY 4: KANDOLHU - KURAMATHI /// VLOG #83 - Duration: 10:01.


Unbelievable! Ajay Devgan KISSES Aishwarya Rai In Public Accidentally !! - Duration: 2:16.

Unbelievable! Ajay Devgan KISSES Aishwarya Rai In Public Accidentally !!

For more infomation >> Unbelievable! Ajay Devgan KISSES Aishwarya Rai In Public Accidentally !! - Duration: 2:16.


Pewdiepie中文cc字幕 - 盲從跟風和Supreme - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> Pewdiepie中文cc字幕 - 盲從跟風和Supreme - Duration: 11:21.


Cold morning turns mild under sunny skies _ 110917 - Duration: 2:08.

Good afternoon.

We had a chilly morning, with some regions even under cold wave advisories.

But the chill is easing up,... and we'll notice highs are just a tad lower than yesterday,

but still higher than the seasonal average.

Taking a closer look, highs in Seoul and Daejeon will be at 16 degrees Celsius,... while Daegu

and Jeju will rise to 18 degrees, and we'll be under plenty of sunshine and good air.

Enjoy the double digit highs while they are here... next week we'll notice even the highs

plummeting to the single digits.

As you are already aware, maintaining a warm body temperature is essential so dress warmly...

and drink and eat things that can help you boost your core body temperature.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While most regions in South Korea will see the winter like morning temperatures easing

up in the afternoon under mostly sunny skies, North Korea will be sunny along with cooler

highs than the South.

As for major cities in Asia,.. over 6,000 schools in New Delhi will shut down on Thursday

due to the toxic smog that swept the city...

Meanwhile, those of you in Kuala Lumpur, Port Moresby and Jakarta will see rain along with

thunder and lightning at times with highs in the low thirties.

Heading to North America, those in Montreal will have a low of minus 7 degrees Celsius

on Thursday morning so dress extra warmly.

As for South America, Santiago and Buenos Aires will be under mostly sunny skies with

highs of 26 degrees.

Taking you to Europe,...major cities will see sunny skies or rain depending on the region.

Lastly to Africa, Algiers will be rainy, while the remainder of the major cities will be


That's all the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> Cold morning turns mild under sunny skies _ 110917 - Duration: 2:08.


Adobe illustrator Bangla Tutorial Part 14 ।। Logo Design - Duration: 8:55.

start now

For more infomation >> Adobe illustrator Bangla Tutorial Part 14 ।। Logo Design - Duration: 8:55.


loan approval in 3 min online in india - Duration: 0:34.

loan approval in 3 min online in india

For more infomation >> loan approval in 3 min online in india - Duration: 0:34.


Boku No Hero Academia - Fly Away (Back-On) - Duration: 1:29.

Come now, extend your arms, transcend the clouds

Pass under the rainbow arch, and fly away towards your goal

(Be it a strong headwind or a thick wall, with tailwind around me, I will head for my goal)

Because you are by my side

I held you hand cuz you said

"Take you to the shining place from a maze"

Placing my faith in you, I hold onto your warm hand

and see not even one streak of shadow in your gazing pupils

My thoughts, overladen with loneliness, shed a drop of tear

Onto the parched earth, which will cause flowers of all colors to bloom

Once, swinging a knife in an attempt to act tough

Causing and receiving injuries, I yelled out in the darkness.

Come now, extend your arms, transcend the clouds

Pass under the rainbow arch, and fly away towards your goal.

Fly Aaawaaaaaaaaay (Be it a strong headwind or a thick wall, with tailwind around me, I will head for my goal.)

Because you are by my side

For more infomation >> Boku No Hero Academia - Fly Away (Back-On) - Duration: 1:29.


THE TEA on BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, MAC Patrick Star Collab, ETC. | WHAT'S NEW WEDNESDAY'S EP 2 - Duration: 8:19.

(BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette) what's up y'all if your girl mahogany aka a beautybyny so today I'm here for

another what's new Wednesday make sure that you guys are subscribed and having

your notification bells because y'all know they make their companies they sell

out they stuff in like an hour or ten minutes so make sure you have your

notification about speak guys to know when the new products are coming young

so you ain't mouth and you ain't got it cuz you'll be made you come email we

need to get back so make sure you notifications are long take you know

about homes so anyways turn it into the video on a

more serious note anyways like this so I talked about five frames that I'll be

mentioning today so the first one I'll be talking about it's a map pack star

collab so Mac and tactics are gonna be coming out with a setting powder so it

comes in I'll show you guys on the side it's gonna be coming in a clear little

tube is really cute the wording on it as well and then it's gonna have like a

silver top yeah there's not too many things I can really say too much about

it because it is a setting powder it's coming in white so hopefully is

translucent so yeah we'll see how that is once it comes out but yeah that's the

first product I'll be talking about so the second one that I'll be talking

about today is the dose of color holiday kit that they have so they have three

lipsticks are gonna be doing out they'll be coming out November 10th and they'll

be $29 in is online exclusively so it looks like it's a few different tips of

red so the colors are rubbery top extra saucy

bittersweet and they're really cute I personally I'm not a red person but if

you feel very comfortable wearing red this set might be for you I really like

the burgundy shade I haven't seen you seen a nice watch it again I don't have

any picture limiting but if I find any I will put it in the video on the side for

you guys to see but yeah they look really cute I'm just not a red person so

yeah if you guys like red that's definitely for you $29 for 3 is not bad

at all and it's at its full size let me not

forget that I'm missing that it says it's three full size so girl yes I might

have to get that for like Christmas or something for people that knew by second

side okay so next so I forgot to put this in

the video but they're also coming out with another set it's coming out the

same day same time this one is called the snuggle is real so next bet that

just came out with a new highlighter so it's actually a trio of highlighters and

it's online only and they're really cute so it comes with light pink it comes

with a peachy color and a gold and I'm looking at this watch on everyone that

they have so they have one on a fair skinned person I love tone person in the

darks in person and they look decent on every skin shape but you never know

until you put it on so it's completely up to you to judge but I'm just of

course know about what the new makeup that's

coming out so it says it's a Becca highlighter it's $34 which is not bad

for benefit because I know me like I spent I think 40 just on champagne pop I

don't think most people wear these every day so this will last you but it's

really cute to play with if you want to do like any special kind of looks or

whatever some people are comfortable wearing those clothes every single day

most aren't but yeah it's totally up to you so the

next spring that I was talking about I have two things to say about this okay

so these cosmetics it's coming out with their zodiac sign a shadow palette so it

has a few matched and it has su shimmery shades the colors are really cute like

looking at it these colors are really cute one thing I will say about this

palette they don't have a pretty amount of princess you say shapes I would say

they may be you have about two they have a light pink and then they also have

like a brownish color so they don't have too many transition shades but I don't

think that's a big deal yeah I'm just letting you guys know just

in case you might be concerned about that

it is the zodiac sign Talent so of course it's going to be colorful so it's

coming out November 13th I don't know if I

only and it will be $20 once it launches but after that it will be 22 99 so 1999

when it launches and 2299 2299 after it launches okay so the last part that I

basically have to say about this oh I will say one more thing after that -

okay so you guys at the edge 5 minutes is now a target I search BH Cosmetics

their name the branding in six items pop-up so it's not a crazy amount of

things I haven't checked the stores to see if they have any stories either and

I don't see anything saying that it's in stores but for now I

just know that it is online I believe it might be in some targets maybe not all

but don't quote me on it so check out your targets they might have it I'm not

exactly sure but I know they at least have it online so if you guys wanna buy

BH Cosmetics its online and then I just have one more thing that I wanted to

tell you guys so colour-pop is gonna be having 20% off

site-wide so this is only gonna last for a few days it starts November 9th today

when I'm recording this video is November 8th so it starts tomorrow at 10

a.m. and it's gonna be 48 hours only so make sure to check that out see ya 20%

off 48 hours but you have to spend $40 so when you spend $40 you get 20% off so

yeah um I'll link that or whatever I don't see a promo code or anything but

I'll have this part in the video yeah I don't see a promo code so I guess once

you spend $40 it's automatically 20% off because I don't see whatsoever but if I

do find one I will put in the video so your girl is basically done with this

video I am all done I know y'all like occasion which is so

serious enough junk but anyways I'm all done with this video thank you guys for

checking me out if you are not subscribed yet make sure to subscribe

and hit that button so you guys know the weekly updates on the hottest new

products that are coming out on another serious note in response to my last

video I've gotten a lot of messages from you guys and I just wanna say I'm out of

the situation I'm doing a lot better I know I haven't got back to a lot of you

guys so emotionally drained just people are

talking about the same situation especially after I've missed the video

but I'm glad that that video was there is helpful a lot of you guys said I was

really brave and I'm glad I did it because I want to start helping people

more on my channel especially since I have somewhat of a platform so what I

decided that I'm going to be doing on every single video is shouting out a

charity or basically a GoFundMe campaign if you guys have any definitely DM meas

any campaigns that you want to be giving back to I'll probably do one a week just

so it doesn't seem super overwhelming but why not use my platform to help

people I basically just say the topic of the GoFundMe and I'll just put the link

down below you guys on the Gibbs go ahead it's not you don't have to if you

want to share it go ahead as well um I just think it's always good to give

because you never know when you might need help I've been in a situation where

I've needed help and people gave and it would I even know to that game and I was

just so grateful for it so even five dollars can do anything I'm

not important begging but I feel like it's my to use my platform to help

people why not do that so I will be taking

campaign got below so make sure to check that out and you guys coming up on that

anyways I am all done with this video and I love you guys as always if you

haven't checked out my last video make sure to do that as well and I'll see you

guys yeah-oh make tutorial on fridays make sure to

check that out okay notification oh don't forget to hit that (BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette, BH Cosmetics Zodiac Palette)

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