Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

- Sounds like a tough subject, doesn't it?

19th century poets, let's find out as we reveal the clue.

(tone dinging)

In 1824 he was refused burial in Westminster Abbey

for questionable morality.

In 1969 he got a memorial stone there.

30 seconds, gentlemen, good luck.

(Jeopardy theme song)

David, not your day.

You wound up at 1400, let's take a look at your response.

You said, "Who is Longfellow," and that is incorrect.

It'll cost you, how much?

14, that drops you down to zero.

Let's come to Austin Rogers, he had 8,000.

His response was, "Who was Lord Byron?"

That is right, and your wager.

8,000, you double your score to 16,000,

but neither you nor David could catch Alan, he had the lead.

Insurmountable lead at 19,605,

he came up with the correct response.

I know Alan doesn't like odd numbers,

(Alan laughing) so he wagered $5,

so he's got 19,6610, (audience applauding)

and he becomes a semi-finalist, and Austin,

we may get to see you in the semi-finals as well.

We'll find out later this week, won't we?

But, please join us tomorrow, see ya.

For more infomation >> The $5 Win | Jeopardy! - Duration: 1:39.


Jaa Too Mere Val Hain | Gurbani Shabad Kirtan | GOLDEN TEMPLE AMRITSAR - Duration: 4:11.

ਪਉੜੀ ॥ Pauree: ਜਾ ਤੂ ਮੇਰੈ ਵਲਿ ਹੈ ਤਾ ਕਿਆ ਮੁਹਛੰਦਾ ॥ When You are on my side, Lord, what do I need to worry about? ਤੁਧੁ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਮੈਨੋ ਸਉਪਿਆ ਜਾ ਤੇਰਾ ਬੰਦਾ ॥ You entrusted everything to me, when I became Your slave. ਲਖਮੀ ਤੋਟਿ ਨ ਆਵਈ ਖਾਇ ਖਰਚਿ ਰਹੰਦਾ ॥ My wealth is inexhaustible, no matter how much I spend and consume. ਲਖ ਚਉਰਾਸੀਹ ਮੇਦਨੀ ਸਭ ਸੇਵ ਕਰੰਦਾ ॥ The 8.4 million species of beings all work to serve me. ਏਹ ਵੈਰੀ ਮਿਤ੍ਰ ਸਭਿ ਕੀਤਿਆ ਨਹ ਮੰਗਹਿ ਮੰਦਾ ॥ All these enemies have become my friends, and no one wishes me ill. ਲੇਖਾ ਕੋਇ ਨ ਪੁਛਈ ਜਾ ਹਰਿ ਬਖਸੰਦਾ ॥ No one calls me to account, since God is my forgiver. ਅਨੰਦੁ ਭਇਆ ਸੁਖੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਮਿਲਿ ਗੁਰ ਗੋਵਿੰਦਾ ॥ I have become blissful, and I have found peace, meeting with the Guru, the Lord of the Universe. ਸਭੇ ਕਾਜ ਸਵਾਰਿਐ ਜਾ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਵੰਦਾ ॥੭॥ All my affairs have been resolved, since You are pleased with me. ||7||

For more infomation >> Jaa Too Mere Val Hain | Gurbani Shabad Kirtan | GOLDEN TEMPLE AMRITSAR - Duration: 4:11.


ETV News 9 November 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today Bangla News Update BD - Duration: 11:11.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> ETV News 9 November 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today Bangla News Update BD - Duration: 11:11.


15 Signs You're An INFP Personality Type - Duration: 6:08.

15 Signs You're An INFP Personality Type

INFPs certainly seem like a rare breed, but there's tons of them out there who are true


They are driven by their values and principles and they listen to many people but talk to

very few.

INFPs like Alicia Keys and William Shakespeare strongly demonstrate that their feelings are

best channeled into their creativity and their art.

Although they may seem mysterious and hard to understand, In this video, I'm going to

share with you 15 Signs You're An INFP Personality Type.

If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future!


Your flirting skills are unique, and let's face it, often ineffective.

Oh, you mean me completely ignoring you even though we've never actually met didn't catch

your attention?!

How weird.


You cry when you're angry.

INFPs are not a fan of conflict.

Instead of yelling or flipping tables when they're angry,

your lip starts to quiver and when it comes to having to talk about something that's bothering

them, the tears are bound to flow.


You have this happy personality and a sad soul.

Because they feel everything so deeply, their minds are always sorting through at least

ten emotions at once.

They're typically conflicted and their hearts are usually whirring at a fleeting pace.

Although they may be known as 'the quiet one who laughs a lot,' deep down they've got a

LOT going on.


You're the dreamer, the healer, and the mediator.

They just want the world to be okay and for everyone to get along and be happy.

Is that too much to ask?!


Your brain, full of scribbles, somehow maintains the ability to help everyone else.

Because of your incredibly empathetic, thoughtful, and considerate tendencies, the people close

to you will always have someone to lean on.

Even if you're going through your own troubles, you're ready to catch them when they fall

and talk them through whatever it is they're facing.


When someone you're close with is the slightest bit off, you're off too.

Your defensive senses start to tingle when someone you're close with isn't acting like

themselves, and you're there to comfort them before they

can even spew the words, "I'm fine."


You want everything you do to mean something.

You're either extraordinarily passionate about something or your heart's just not in it,

and let's face it, there's usually no in between.

Because INFPs feel everything so distinctly, they want everything they do on this earth

to make a difference.


You often best get your thoughts and feelings out through a creative outlet.

Whether it's writing, painting, photography, or music, INFPs are typically a lot easier

to understand through their creative work than just by talking.

Sometimes they don't even understand what they're thinking themselves until they've

turned their thoughts into art.


You're not the best at decision making.

You're not great at making decisions under pressure, or at all, really.

Unless you have a fiery passion for one option, you're better off just having someone else

decide for you.


You're guarded, which makes getting to know you quite difficult.

It takes a LOT of perseverance, sensitivity, and time to get to know you, the INFP.

To those you're not comfortable around, you may come off as quiet and maybe even boring,

but to those who've faced the challenge of wiggling their way into your heart, they've

found it's made of solid gold.


You need a lot of relaxation.

What you need: a good book to read, some headphones, some time in nature, lots of Netflix, an animal

pal, some time to think, some creativity, a good friend, and LOTS of solitude.


Small talk is the enemy.

You Hate Small talk.

You want to hear a story that means something or talk for hours about something you're passionate


You'd prefer to skip the, 'hi, how are you's', and get right to the, 'this is what ignites

the light in my eyes.'


Your insecurity can quickly turn into turmoil.

Insecurity can definitely be your strong suit, the INFP.

You're not great at accepting criticism.

Or compliments, for that matter.

Though it feels like you need constant validation, you also hate being the center of attention,

so what do you do with that?

That one friend who hasn't talked to you all day is probably just busy,

but then again you probably did something horribly wrong and now they're never going

to talk to you again.


You're driven by your happiness more than money.

Your idea of perfect misery would be working for a company that you don't believe in.

It's important to you to believe in the work that you're doing and believe that you are

making a difference.

An INFP's ideal job would involve working creatively and mostly on their own terms in

order to keep hold of their freedom of expression.

You care more about your values and happiness than putting your time into something that

you don't care about just for the money.


You're a "what if" kind of person.

Your mind is constantly working at a mile a minute, thinking about the future and the

past and sometimes even the present.

You're always thinking about the "what ifs" with every decision you make and though you

always go with what your heart tells you, you can amaze the people you show your art

to with how much is actually going on in your brain versus how much of it you actually say

(which is typically nothing).

For more infomation >> 15 Signs You're An INFP Personality Type - Duration: 6:08.


CS:GO Audio Update: Get the old sound back & Player volume added! - Duration: 3:19.

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here.

A new update at around ~80 MB was just released which removed the Halloween stuff, and added

some interesting things for audio, and of course, some more small changes for Dust2.

Valve seems to really focus on Dust2 right now, but there's two new things that are quite

nice for the audio.

The first interesting addon, is the new command: voice_player_volume which can be used to adjust

the volume of each player in-game.

What can I say other than:

This is something I think most of us have been waiting for since, I don't know, since

Matchmaking got released.

But anyway, this is great news, because now we won't have that problem anymore where one

player is screaming when it's actually just the mic being too loud and the same for players

who are whispering.

So how do you use this command?

First you type it in the console, then you decide which player you want to adjust the

volume for, for Murvelman use the number 1, and then set a new volume.

Type the command again and you will see that the list has been updated.

I'm not sure these settings will save if you happen to play with someone again for another

match, but I might be wrong, if someone could just verifiy that in the comments that would

be sweet.

The next big audio change or addon is the so called "Advanced 3D audio processing".

I'm just gonna call it the 3D Setting.

This is Valve's answer to people who want to disable the HRTF feature and the occlusion-specific

system that was introduced just a couple days ago.

As you can see, if you look under the "Audio output configuration" you will no longer see

a setting for HRTF.

So everything is baked inside this new 3D setting.

Which means, if you disable it, you should be going back to how the sound was without

HRTF and occlusion.

Here's the new 3D setting in action so you can decide for yourself how it sounds.

To be honest, I think Valve realized that forcing people to use the new occlusion system

was not the right move, so instead of going backwards they had to be clever by combining

all of it into this new 3D setting.

I like this new approach with adding this setting and it's nice to see

that they're letting us choose again.

Now you might be wondering if I will Enable it or Disable it, and I need to try both for

a while to decide later what I want.

The new Dust2 changes are mostly fixes, and for this video I wanted to focus on the sound

updates but I can still show you how it's like to shoot someone behind the wooden

doors since they've adjusted those values.

In the meantime, thanks for watching,

you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram if you like what I do, I'll see you guys soon,

and go bananas!

For more infomation >> CS:GO Audio Update: Get the old sound back & Player volume added! - Duration: 3:19.


Vlog #8: #ThisIsMyEDS Day 2, questions 3-6 + cat shenanigans [CC] - Duration: 10:49.

Randy: "You've got to be kidding me."

"Minimalism at its finest."

[intro: Pinhead:"I. AM. PAIN."]

[music: Tobu - Candyland]

My self-care is just slathering this all over my body, apparently.

This little Bratticus Finch was getting allll up in the vlog earlier-- not the vlog-- the

marijuana tag…could NOT leave me alone!


Here's all the attention you require.

Hi baby!

Oh now she comes out.

I know I'm not the only one…

If you see me from the top up, I'm never wearing regular pants.

Always sweatpants.

Whatcha doin'?

Here's some annoying nonsense: when you put lotion on and then it shows up on your cane.

Oh we're not gonna focus?


I'm wearing my wheelchair mermaid Annie shirt!

I did the first two questions of Day 2 of the #ThisIsMyEDS tag in vlog #...shhh…I

don't remember…

Those are in Vlog #3.

I've linked that below.


When did you first start experiencing symptoms?

When did you acknowledge them as symptoms?

Obviously I've been experi..exp…omg… experiencing symptoms my whole life but I

started acknowledging them as symptoms sometime in my twenties:

I recognized I had symptoms of some type of hypermobility in my early twenties and recognized

them as EDS in my late twenties when they became malignantly symptomatic.

You can tell if I'm especially dealing with symptoms if I'm OBVIOUSLY reading off a script.

I used to run and weightlift…things like P90X and distance running.

I had to stop running during my last year of grad school because of some unknown knee pain that I couldn't really pinpoint to anything.

During my second year teaching symptoms that'd be identified as fibromyalgia started giving

me issues.

We, Randy and I, moved to Arizona to get away from the cold.

We'd heard people feel better in the dry heat, so we tried that.

And I felt better for a little bit of time, like for a little bit of time when we first moved here I could run a little bit.

But then the EDS symptoms became more of an issue, and much more obvious

as the fibromyalgia symptoms weren't as strong and didn't mask the EDS symptoms as

much anymore.




You can't attack the other cats.

You're gonna get sprayed.


Anything atypical about my body I didn't know was weird until extremely recently.

Even at work, I'm like…can you bend your fingers this way?

Can you do this?

So I'm still trying to figure it out, to be honest.


Was there a specific age where your health drastically changed?

If so, when was that?

I was in my mid-twenties when everything started.

Or anything that would have given me enough trouble to warrant going to a doctor or putting

braces on or being scared about the pain, or whatever.

Last year my feet started to begin having symptoms and now I can barely use them.

Two hours standing is my limit before I need to sit down or start experiencing cognitive

issues or dysfunction.


What medicines, treatments, and/or devices do you typically need?

Do you have access to all your needs?

I use body braces, I have a manual wheelchair, I'm getting a power chair very soon, and I

use my cat cane.

Once my Ez Lite Cruiser arrives I'll have access to all the mobility devices I feel

I'll need.

So right now, I'd say that I'm…I'm very blessed compared to what the situation could


Y'know just…once I get the Ez Lite Cruiser you're gonna see a lot more in the vlogs!

Y'know, I'm gonna be able to go out a lot more and be more independent.

So I'm really excited about that.

Oh come on…


How often do you go to the hospital?

How comfortable are you in medical environments?

I am not comfortable in medical environments because I feel like I'm never believed.

The last time I was admitted to a hospital was due to high pain which was causing me

to become suicidal.

Because sustained pain levels can do that!

Sustained high level pain can do that.

This was prior to my EDS diagnosis, so all I had on my chart was fibromyalgia which really

opens you up to so much medical abuse.

I cannot even tell you.

Essentially, they put me in a room, implied I was drug-seeking, and implied I just needed

to be in a room until I "got over it" or "got tired of waiting to get drugs."

I will never go to the ER again unless I absolutely have to.

Which, I mean obviously, no one WANTS to go to the ER, but…y'know…

Unless I am bleeding out of my face, I do not want to go to the ER ever again because

of that situation.

It was terrible.

That proved to me that healthy, abled people and doctors would rather see us die than treat

us compassionately.

I had a rheumatologist before I lost my insurance but I wasn't getting much from her.

She was treating me for RA, which I don't have…I DO NOT have…

But she was treating me for that because it's "easier to treat" than EDS.

I had a pain management doctor who was great but worked within a really bad pain management

clinic who among other things threatened to discontinue my care due to medical marijuana


Which that doctor had given me his blessing on, so…

Then when they realized I had no more insurance they were VERY hostile to me so I haven't

gone back.

I talk to people online with similar conditions when it comes to support.

Randy is healthy but extremely supportive.

He's like…the best.

He's the most supportive person.

As well as like the friends I have online, and my ex and best friend Alex and her fiancee,

like, they're super supportive as well, but y'know, they live in Cincinnati, so, um,

I really miss them so much, like, seeing them in person.

When it comes to people in person, I have no, like other than Randy I don't really have

a lot of people.

And that sucks.

So that's the end of that tag (for today).

Let's see what else…

What more footage of the cats being ridiculous I can find, otherwise thanks for watching,

and check out the little medical marijuana tag that I created.

Check my other videos.

And I'll see you later!

Have a good night!

Oh what, I'm done filming?

Bra comes off immediately.

For more infomation >> Vlog #8: #ThisIsMyEDS Day 2, questions 3-6 + cat shenanigans [CC] - Duration: 10:49.


এইমাত্র পাওয়া আজকের একাত্তর টিভি সংবাদ News 9 Ekattor Tv November 2017 Bangla News Today - Duration: 13:20.

eibar bangla news

For more infomation >> এইমাত্র পাওয়া আজকের একাত্তর টিভি সংবাদ News 9 Ekattor Tv November 2017 Bangla News Today - Duration: 13:20.


Salman Khan Girlfriend | Family | Father | Mother | Salary | Education | Biography - Duration: 1:54.

salman khan






For more infomation >> Salman Khan Girlfriend | Family | Father | Mother | Salary | Education | Biography - Duration: 1:54.


Play with Pennywise! | IT Fan Mini-Game - Duration: 12:50.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome to IT mini-game

The new movie, IT is really popular nowdays

Many people are talking about IT, wearing Pennywise costume, cosplaying IT

They made the videos and pictures of Pennywise make up

And many stuff

They're everywhere on the social media

Herogollum's IT mini-game

Shall we begin?

Enter garage

Find the keys... clues...

Got the flashlight


I dunno what am I doing..

Ok, I need to find the - - Oh, I see it!

Oh, the passcode! 1827

12 - - 1827! Duh

I typed 1827..

1 8 2 7

I don't get it. I can't use the keypad. That's weird

I'm a PC gamer. Sorry about that

What am I doing with the mask? What is that? A dead head?



Ok! Calm down!

I can't find the key. I need to open the safe

Oh, I just got the key! I didn't notice it

Choose a path

Under development

It said... Very scary

That door said not scary at all

Oh, I can click it

How do I use the lighter?

My heart...

Time out!!

I clicked really slow

I clicked.. too hard..


How to die in this level

Am I supposed to die?

I thought it should say how to NOT die in this level

My heart... It's hard to breathe

Read the rule carefully!

Where is Pennywise?

He will show up in the picture

Oh god..

Not there..

Choo choo!


Ok, Crow_Se7en. Please stop falling down!

Sit down and stay still!

Stay here!

I have to lift the garage door until Pennywise disappears

Thank you, god!!

My heart is beating really hard!

I had to take my time... Be patient...

Thank god. It's over

I think I have to take a break from playing the scary games

Maybe I will play the scary games.. One year later

Oh wait, I'm waiting for Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter 4

It got me really good

My heart exploded

I hope you enjoy this video. If you haven't seen IT move, please go ahead

I watched the old movie but not the new one

I will try to watch the new IT movie

Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share

or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> Play with Pennywise! | IT Fan Mini-Game - Duration: 12:50.


3 Steps To Staying Positive - How To Stay Positive In A Negative Situation - Duration: 8:08.

Hey, we're going to be talking about how to stay positive in a negative situation

today. So if you have a negative situation that you want to turn into

positive you've come to the right place.

Hey, this is Wylene Benson and I am so excited for our topic today, how to stay

positive in a negative situation and because you are asking this question

I'm going to actually share with you something that I don't share with very many people.

I'm going to be a little bit vulnerable today.

My husband and I had a situation a couple of years ago where we were

working with a mentor, financial mentor and he had some really great awesome

information to share and a lot of great processes, the problem was we were not

ready. We were not ready for the technical aspects that he was throwing

in, we didn't have the mindset, there were a lot of things that we just had not

prepared ourselves to participate in the program that he was offering and so we

had some really great stuff and I've learned a ton from him but the part that

I want to share with you is that when we really dived in and we got started with

this, we went in a hundred percent and so we did everything that he said and

honestly, we were way in over our head and I felt like I was in underwater you

know, we were way over our head and what I felt like was that my

finances got tossed up into the air and this huge north wind came

blowing in and just threw all my finances around the whole area and

I didn't know where anything was, I didn't know how much money we had, I didn't have

a clue, like what our position was, I didn't even know what our credit score

was and this happened in a fairly short amount of time because we just put

everything into this system that we didn't understand and we weren't

prepared to uphold and this situation went on for about a year and a half.

I kept, I was in denial, I kept thinking I can handle it, I can fix it,

there's, I just need a little more time and there were so many things that I

felt like I could do but in the end I really couldn't, I wasn't ready for it.

So for a year and a half, we went with our finances really not understanding where

we were or what our situation was. In fact, to a point where we've never been

laid on bills and we started getting late on payments and things like that

and I was so stressed out about this and I felt like this was such a negative

situation and once we were in the middle of it and we had this whole mess,

I didn't know how to get out of it, like I didn't even feel confident to go back to

the old way that we were doing it, it was that messed up. What I discovered in that

year and a half was an amazing lesson, an amazing awesome realization. I didn't go

to jail, I was never late on my house payment, I might have been late on a

couple of bills but I always paid all my bills. We still have a really awesome

credit score, maybe a dipped a point or two and that was it. We're still investing

in real estate, we still have our home, we still get to go out to dinner, we still,

you know, everything that happened before, we're still doing. Now it's been about

six months since I got everything put back together and so we're actually

feeling really good about our finances right now but for about a year and a

half, I really had no clue and I kept thinking at any moment, the IRS or

somebody was going to come knocking at the door and say, you know, you need to

come with us because you're just not doing what you're supposed to be doing

but it never happened and so the cool lesson that I learned is, it's not that

big a deal, you can do a lot of things and have a really awesome outcome even

if you don't know what you're doing. So the first thing to remember is, it's

really not that big a deal. The second thing is, to get yourself in a

neutral space. So after you realize that it's really not that big a deal

then just get yourself to a neutral space, close your eyes, take a deep breath,

empty your vessel like we talked about in a past video and then make a plan and

that plan, obviously, is going to consist of owning up, finding accountability, taking

ownership, taking responsibility for the things that maybe you could do or maybe

that you did that got you in this situation to start with and regardless

of whether this is a situation that was created by someone else or a

circumstance or whatever, there's some sort of accountability that you can find

in it, something that you can do or something that you did to create the

situation. Maybe it was even just an attitude that you had or whatever, it

could be something really simple but find a piece of accountability. So in

this neutral space, you can find accountability and also in this neutral

space, you can find gratitude. So for me my gratitude in this situation, well

first of all, my accountability in this situation was that I jumped in without

having all the information, I took on way too much and I didn't ask for

help, so that was my accountability, the gratitude that I find in the situation

is that, I realized after a year and a half that it wasn't that big a deal.

So now I am very conscious about my finances and I also know that if I'm off

a penny or if I, you know, I'm a day late on a bill, it's okay, it's not that big a

deal. Alright, and the third thing is, to make a plan, to make a plan to move

forward and get back into that positive space and I found the best way to get

into a positive space is to take a look at the beliefs that are making me feel

like it's a negative space, negative situation, so I take a look at it and I

say, is it really a negative situation? Is there some way that I could see positive

in this? And finding the gratitude in a situation is a really awesome way to

find yourself in a positive space and changing your beliefs from that

different perspective of this is actually really awesome. So with

my situation, I changed my beliefs from "This was a negative situation" to "I'm so

grateful that I was able to have this experience" And now I know what I'm

capable of, now I know who I need to reach out to if I need help, if I feel

like I'm over my head and I also know that I can do anything and that now that

the situation has resolved itself, that we're actually even better off than we

were and we've learned tons of lessons along the way.

First of all, realizing it's not that big a deal. Second of all, get yourself to a

neutral space so you can find accountability and gratitude, and third

create a plan. How do you get yourself from feeling like it's a negative

situation to where it is a positive situation and that will get me you back

to positive. If you learn something new in this video, be sure to like it and

hopefully you're taking away from this video that whatever your situation is,

no matter how it used to seem negative, that it's really no big deal and it can

totally be turned around into positive just like that.

For more infomation >> 3 Steps To Staying Positive - How To Stay Positive In A Negative Situation - Duration: 8:08.


Phim hài: Chuyện tình làng Vũ Đại rất hay và hài hước - Duration: 24:01.

For more infomation >> Phim hài: Chuyện tình làng Vũ Đại rất hay và hài hước - Duration: 24:01.


Acheron - Slime Bwoy - Duration: 3:44.


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