Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Losing Our Minds (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:11.


Set reminders to take a break on YouTube mobile - Duration: 1:06.

Hey everyone! In this video, we'll go over our "take a break" reminder on mobile.

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On Android, tap your Account icon, then tap Settings.

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Tap "Remind me to take a break", then select your Reminder frequency.

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For more infomation >> Set reminders to take a break on YouTube mobile - Duration: 1:06.


قص كرات السلايم العجيبة واستخراج مافي داخلها 💚 ! فيديو ممتع 42# - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> قص كرات السلايم العجيبة واستخراج مافي داخلها 💚 ! فيديو ممتع 42# - Duration: 3:02.



DON'T Click away, don't click away. This is the problem

Hey guys Kurt here again, quick video

Don't mind this...

Look, what to do with my channel?

I'm just gonna be straight

it's gonna be non cut hopefully but I'll probably make some mistakes. What I'm noticing my channel is

I started this channel because I was vlogging my

Life so to speak and my life isn't that of Logan or Jake Paul, where it's all glamorous or?

with bad examples.. but

I'm struggling, I'm struggling so

This is why it's real. This is why I wanted to do this and

People were coming because they were seeing

They were relating to the content, you know that they might lost their parents or not. This is that stop don't click away

Don't click away. This is the problem.. Now

I had a video which was.. If you see it or you don't see it you

wont know what I'm talking about, but it was the venom motorcycle movie a hit and run the audience retention and everything was so high on that

Until the point I reached - Now don't click away!

The loss of my parents

I'm thinking this was part of the story because I was trying to get the money back for the bike, like ok

So this is where I'm gonna restructure

My vlog is about to blow up. SHIT JUST GOT REAL...

I'll make funny and motivational videos on this channel

But If you want the real juicy shit...

Come see my vlog... "SHITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN"...

As my daily vlogs. I really just wanted to do that but not daily vlogs, my vlogging

I really wanted to do that and make some sort of inspirational videos. But I hope everyone who's subscribed to this channel

sticks around like, turn on the notification bell, actually comment, like the video because it does

Make it seem that like other people and I will try and do some

some more funny videos and

I don't know what I'm trying to say here

I'm serious. It's just

Just stick around. Alright, If you've watched this far, I love ya. Goodbye. Laters :)

For more infomation >> IMPORTANT PSA TO YOU - MY SUBSCRIBERS (DøN† çL¡çK A¥A¥) - Duration: 2:53.


How The Sun Causes Skin Cancer and Ageing - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> How The Sun Causes Skin Cancer and Ageing - Duration: 3:44.


Gülperi 6. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Gülperi 6. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.


WhyShy Son Bölüm Kendine Müzisyen İzliyor - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> WhyShy Son Bölüm Kendine Müzisyen İzliyor - Duration: 10:16.


Üveg (Glass) Előzetes #2 | Magyar Felirat - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Üveg (Glass) Előzetes #2 | Magyar Felirat - Duration: 2:43.


Aladdin (2019) Kedvcsináló Előzetes #1 | Magyar Felirat - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Aladdin (2019) Kedvcsináló Előzetes #1 | Magyar Felirat - Duration: 1:28.


Rimworld B19 - Episode 29 - Finally Research - Duration: 19:59.

all right how's it going this is Kolrolf and welcome back to Rimworld beta

19 and so I guess there's only a few more times that I get to say beta 19

before we've got the full version released

sounds like there's not going to be too many changes but you know just some bug

fixes and a few other things which mentioned last time but you know bug

fixes are always good really looking forward to it this time I think we're

going to just try to attend to a few things around the colony and continue

building and working on our defenses that we got going on here

so yeah this one's basically done so I guess we can queue up this side and then

yeah that'll be good should also queue up some more mining we're gonna need

more slate bricks for building hoping Harry can get this research done finally

hopefully Stevie is still catatonic unfortunately that will help him get

through his alcohol withdrawal while he's out so it's you know it's not the

worst thing I guess it'll be okay and oh it looks like Kate you are completely

healthy now well wonderful let's release you before you have any other delusions

of getting out on your own let's just send you anyway

Solar Flare now yeah there you go let her out and

goodbye take care don't come back

maverick here we're working on fruiting right yep

okay working here is remaining resistance Macy is back to normal I

guess Harry can't research now because the research bench needs electricity

I want Neil needs treatment for her asthma it looks like okay we are gonna

have to go through now that we're now that we're all walled in there's a

couple of animals that made it in and looking at you mr. or mrs. cougar I'll

have to get a team together and take you down as well as probably a lot of other

animals that are not our own pets a

little worried if there's ever a psychic pulse an animal psychic pulse or

something they'll go berserk and then they're already inside our collie well

and the Cougar will run out of food eventually and then start hunting people

let's see we've what doesn't show your okay doesn't show your needs anymore so

you don't know interesting oh and Stevie is up again with extreme break risk

hopefully he will go in a harvest of rice plant why don't you attend to your

needs yeah okay I guess you can't do a whole

lot with those I heard a squeak I think that cougar just ate something

okay let's solar flares ending good let's actually get everyone

lexie it's good everyone up and over here and let's just address this cougar

right now before I forget because it's bound to happen that I'm gonna forget

and actually see area will have you over here and really want everyone that is a

oh sorry Stevie didn't mean to bring you along forgot

okay everyone else let's come on over here and let's attack boom and let's get

a few get a few other things that are here it's in range actually you know

what let's just sweep forget these guys let's just sweep around see if there's

anything else that we need to take care of squirrel they're pretty sure you

selected it no it's just a lot safer this way and a turtle sorry turtle Wow

good target practice for a few people

I'll flavor don't destroy this wall before we take down a turtle oh man

there we go okay everyone on your way

yeah all right that's a plan anyways I'm for bid all these they will get billed

and stuff okay yep I'll bring you guys back in when

something interesting happens three person or she's going on up not to

person good fun enjoyed playing horseshoes haven't played it in a long

time but it's actually a pretty tricky game to score after decent points and be

consistent on especially if you set it up correctly the pins actually pretty

darn far away work frenzy Harry okay I'm counting on you man you're gonna get

this research done one of these days if you get your research done we'll be able

to get things like bionics and then we'll be able to crank it back up and

then we'll be able to get you a new left arm maybe even a new eye and maybe a new

writer anyways lots of good things please keep

working your well fortunately or unfortunately you're our best researcher

no one else is joining the call me that's actually halfway decent at

researching except maybe crikey and he's well in need of the fruits of research

so glad to see the work frenzy that's uh let's get going well we've almost got

he's like fall traps John that'll be good and then once that's done I'll work

on the other combat area I'll probably want a few more spike traps in different

places may even have a different entrance exit for our call us they may

not actually get in and out this way maple it's

all traps in here just to knock a few down Raiders down on the way in although

there isn't really a good way then it lets caravans and you don't really want

them running in and dying on your traps anyways I'll give that some thought they

may just to avoid it and stand outside here wouldn't be the end of the world

almost nice that they wouldn't be wandering in the colony and waking

everyone up when everyone's trying to sleep

we're at the point we've we're making some fine meals which is great to see so

yeah I think the last little while it's just then that we had everyone injured

that was a cook and just nothing was getting made yeah still working away on

these spike fall traps and the main hold back right now is that yeah we keep

running out of slate so that's almost constantly being made no and I finally

built an electric smelter and set up couple things smelled

metal from slag from our stockpile as well smell weapons so that way any

weapons that are I like to set it up as two so one for normal and and below any

kind of weapon smelt it if it's below fifty hit points and then a second one

for poor and awful or awful to pour weapons if it's below 80 hit points

melted because really we don't want to be using poor weapons or awful weapons

if we can help it it seemed like anyone's doing here Oh Maisie is oh wow

that must mean that um we are ahead completely on meals crazy well that's

good yeah so I'll get it a little bit more

steel for the colony which is good oh I didn't set that up for the stockpile

Maisy's running around all over the map okay yeah let's see steel slag let's set

the radius to in here 35 and that should capture where our stockpile is there now

the only if someone's moved it to our stockpile then it'll be set up to be

smelted there we go we got the radius don't really want them running over you

know someone can haul it in if there's you know slag somewhere so don't okay

yeah so for right here someone can run over grab this stuff and bring it in but

I don't really want the person doing that running all the way across the map

and back that is quite inefficient Oh

Stevie's catharsis is worn off so now the serious pain and alcohol withdrawal

is really tearing his mood down he is at 92% just hang in there Stevie a little

bit longer and you'll be okay yeah man at least so nice when he's not

constantly snapping uh just felt like the last last couple of months has

mainly been dealing with Stevie just keeping him under control well I'll get

through it and we'll all get through it too yeah finally Mike her electronics is

researched so let's set up multi analyzer research and then once that's

done Harry would like you to do the honors

use the tech prof sub persona Gor let's get that right away boom

what oh my oh no I did it I'm like I thought it did I thought I read that as

like electronics okay so we've got our multi analyzer wonderful so we still

need fabrication and bayon bionics and prosthetics and we're actually gonna go

for gun turrets before we do that because that's pretty we'll need that

for our defenses I don't really want to get overwhelmed because we don't have

that alright here we go let's get this set up

let's put it on this side sure go wonderful so that'll speed up research

ever so slightly well 10% and the way things are going you know that will

definitely be helpful okay good and get the last one done here wonderful so with

that let's get the let's get this side to set up three so it'll set up here so

we'll go this way scroll back a little bit and suppose

here somewhere we'll start there and then see come out here so there

and there so I'll just cancel this one there we go we'll get that so this will

be the funnel and then we'll put a little trap on the outside here just to

keep people get rid of their line of sight directly in and I guess I can set

this to be cleared away okay uh what else oh yeah I guess I can set up the

growing zone trip through here as well go sure yeah we get all of it oh don't

want that come down here yeah didn't get that okay

allows sewing and no and that should clear all the trees there we go

and I know you can and I know some people like to pave or put down concrete

but I find what ends up happening is it does prevent fires and whatnot and

obviously prevents stuff from growing but it also increases the movement speed

to a hundred percent so having it as dirt it keeps it at 87 percent so it

means it's slowing down the attackers as they come in and I kind of like that

more than keeping you know we can we can harvest stuff to keep the plants down

fire is usually aren't a problem if there's no trees there's not a whole lot

there doesn't spread too much so yeah this is this is the strategy that I like

to use anyways extreme straight breaker is stevey yep

what percentage 96% good still getting there

oh and we got our multi analyzer completed excellent oh you can lose them

now not that you typically need to but yes

it's an option that's good no reason why you shouldn't be able to pick them up

and move them around inspired recruitment Livi okay oh I know what to

do with that see Gordon you'll turn you off for the moment there we go perfect

good to have another call us and we got some clothes being made we still have a

few people with tattered apparel but starting to work on it and yeah that

will definitely improve things a little bit even more it's not on here

oh wow sewing yeah I noticed that last time there was a few places that I

missed and yeah oh dear Stevie's passed it again

someone ile are you know you're resting okay ever come on people Lexy he's

rescue Stevie thank you I don't think he really needs tending to per se but I

can't just leave him blanked out in the in the rain like that that's not good

yeah I'll let him get to sleep he's actually so close 99% he'll wake up and

it'll be fine he'll be a new man it'll be wonderful

and maverick is join the colony hooray all right get yourself some new clothes

and stuff oh he's already running around the crazy oh right because we haven't

said his first okay let's see what we got

go on for you here a handle yeah don't really need you doing all right you were

you're a cook you're not a very good cook right now

but let's set you doing that and that's not worry about that

construction you're pretty good let's do that yeah you got a double passion from

lining as well oh yes right you're an excellent miner

good let's do that and see how that works for now all right great

okay you picked up the veil no all right let me my choice do we not have any

other hats huh well once we get enough clothes that everyone has does enough

tattered apparel we can switch things around and sort of clothing priorities

because I think we're at a point where we can we can make stuff and people can

wear it and that would be much better than what what we've been doing all

right so this is probably a bit of a shorter episode that I think this is

good for now all right thanks everyone for watching

Epic's is self tamed sure all right thanks everyone for watching take care


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