Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

Mimikyu: the disguise pokemon.

A ghost-fairy type pokemon with an amorphous build, growing to an average height of 8 inches

and weighing 1.5 lbs.

It is found in isolated locations such as abandoned buildings.

A lonely pokemon, it conceals its terrifying appearance beneath an old rag

so it can get closer to people and other pokemon.

Its actual appearance is unknown.

If you try to look at what's under its rag,

it will become agitated and resist violently.

After going to all the effort of disguising itself, its neck was broken.

Whatever is inside is probably unharmed, but it's still feeling sad.

It stands in front of a mirror, trying to fix its neck as if its life depended on it.

It has a hard time getting it right, so it's crying inside.

If its rag is torn during an attack,

it works through the night to patch it.

A gust of wind revealed what hides under this pokemon's rag to a passing Trainer

who went home and died painfully that very night.

Subscribe for more Pokedex Animated. And support these videos on Patreon.

For more infomation >> Pokedex Animated - Mimikyu - Duration: 1:43.


14 октября Покров Пресвятой БОГОРОДИЦЫ! Самое красивое поздравление с праздником Покрова! - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 14 октября Покров Пресвятой БОГОРОДИЦЫ! Самое красивое поздравление с праздником Покрова! - Duration: 4:47.


একটি চাঁদর চুরির কারনে হাত কাঁটার ঘটনা || Ekti Chador Chorir Karone Hat Kata || Bangla Waz New Short - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> একটি চাঁদর চুরির কারনে হাত কাঁটার ঘটনা || Ekti Chador Chorir Karone Hat Kata || Bangla Waz New Short - Duration: 3:54.


🇨🇴Colombian Travel - How To Learn Spanish In Colombia - Duration: 12:57.

For more infomation >> 🇨🇴Colombian Travel - How To Learn Spanish In Colombia - Duration: 12:57.


CONECTANDO CON LA SANTA MUERTE. Con Sofía Comino. - Duration: 25:12.

For more infomation >> CONECTANDO CON LA SANTA MUERTE. Con Sofía Comino. - Duration: 25:12.


How The Sun Causes Skin Cancer and Ageing - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> How The Sun Causes Skin Cancer and Ageing - Duration: 3:44.


CASS - All She Wrote - Duration: 4:22.

No longer broken (yeah yeah)

Now that I'm chosen (yeah yeah)

Shoutout to my failures Try call me later

I probably won't answer (yeah yeah)

Oh no I'm on a different timezone

On a different wavelength Not gonna let you rule me no more it's true

I don't even cry anymore I've been through all of this all before

But now I know one thing to be true He's working all things now for my good

No more running all upset I'm done with all of the tears

I ain't got no regrets What I went through brought me here

It worked out for the better I'm not talking 'bout the cheddar

But now I pay my bills God got me however it's true

What I been through is all she wrote It made me it's true I can't ignore

It worked out right He made it right

I fell down and got up that's what I choose My mind been made up nothin' to lose

It worked out right He made it right

Caught a flight this evening Thanking God for the blessings

Looking at this life that I'm living Man I still can't believe it

Then its like a replay Of something that I did

Still comes back in my head But I ain't gonna let this rule me no more it's true

I don't even cry anymore I've been through all of this all before

But now I know one thing to be true He's working all things now for my good

No more running all upset I'm done with all the tears

I ain't got no regrets What I went through brought me here

It worked out for the better I'm not talking 'bout the cheddar

But now I pay my bills God got me however it's true

What I been through is all she wrote It made me it's true I can't ignore

It worked out right He made it right

I fell down and got up that's what I choose My mind been made up nothin' to lose

It worked out right He made it right

I don't even cry anymore I've been through all of this all before

But now I know one thing to be true He's working all things now for my good

No more running all upset I'm done with all the tears

I ain't got no regrets What I went through brought me here

It worked out for the better I'm not talking 'bout the cheddar

But now I pay my bills God got me however it's true

What I been through is all she wrote It made me it's true I can't ignore

It worked out right He made it right

I fell down and got up that's what I choose My mind been made up nothin' to lose

It worked out right He made it right

What I been through is all she wrote It made me it's true I can't ignore

It worked out right He made it right

I fell down and got up that's what I choose My mind been made up nothin' to lose

It worked out right He made it right

For more infomation >> CASS - All She Wrote - Duration: 4:22.


Compositing 2d Cutout People Into 3d Renderings - Duration: 8:31.

okay let's start with this guy right here in the foreground,

Mr. Group Two. One thing that can help with compositing people is putting a

adjustment layer an adjustment layer that is black and white and that just

turns our whole scene black and white and we see the tone of the people to see

if they kind of fit this guy's got a dark shirt on but generally he looks

pretty close to where he needs to be and we can just start putting oh one cool

thing about this guy is I turned this layer into a smart filter smart object

by convert to smart object and what that does is when you put a filter on it it

creates a smart filter so homie can actually would be blurred and unblurred

just by turning off that smart filter and he can be masked out so this is one

cool thing about blurring is if you blur the whole object but you realize like

some parts would be moving faster than others then you can just do this and

paint out the parts that you don't want to blur much like that if you use a

smart filter and again you do that by just taking the guy right-clicking on

I'm saying convert to smart filter or a smart object and then every filter you

put on it will be a smart filter that can be masked out or turned on and off

okay but let's get back to the coloring here's a levels adjustment for the guy

obviously that one is too dramatic we want him to be maybe there and just make

sure it looks right for the scene that he's standing in remember that's a light

concrete that he's standing on his shirt is black his hair is black so that looks

like it might be about right yeah he needs his coloring adjusted quite a bit

though so here's a hue/saturation layer let's turn it on this does a good job of

turning his saturation down so we're not seeing so much of his skin color because

he's really just gonna be washed with a cool light so let's turn him down

saturation wise okay let's I want to do a color balance on

him to layer new adjustment color balance and

let's make sure that his shadows especially are blueish they're not so

much cyan they're right around there and his highlights can have a little bit

of red in them okay and now for the final aspect of getting this guy in here

let's do the let's add some lighting to him and we do that I do that again with

overlays so I just create a new layer that's applying only to the guy you know

like this only to the guy and we take some things and we add some light to

them I guess it could be called rim light in this case take it and get a

nice soft brush and start painting so all his arm hairs and stuff aren't gonna

be showing that green light from the bus there his hair on top of his head his

shoulder will be catching some reflection from that and maybe from up

here too right and we're only we're only applying it to the guy so it doesn't

really matter how where you're painting everything is is only gonna be applied

to the dude and you can paint outside the lines in this case I should say okay

so this this bike fender here would be catching reflections from those windows

over there and all that fun stuff okay so we're just painting it on normal mode

but we put it to overlay to make it less dramatic okay but it's still catching

some of that light so now he's really fitting into that scene there this guy

clearly needs some contact shadow down here and some nice soft shadow because

he's not in direct light so keep that in mind and really I mean you can see that

the trick to this is just probably just looking at source photography and seeing

how some you know how a person would look their blur the how they're gonna

catch the light all that kind of stuff in in this particular situation and then

adapting your your particular image of a person to

composite nicely into your scene so a lot of is just looking at it and being

an artist using your creativity and using your ability to perceive light and

imitate light properly with your illustration okay so what I'm doing is

painting black in right wherever his foot touches the ground and the bike

wheels as well and I'm just painting in and then blurring for shadow okay we can

put that on multiply okay there's his contact shadows and then so if you if

you observe someone's standing on concrete somewhere you'll see that all

around like the bottom of their shoe and right up close to where they're making

contact with the object below them there will be a dark and sort of crisper

shadow you know these kind of shadows in this case they'll be blurred a little

bit so okay and then as it goes away from him and we know this from doing 3d

art as it goes away from him it'll become a much softer shadow and instead

of black maybe we could go this deep deep blue so all around him is gonna be

this kind of softness let's actually do that on a new layer that looked really

good though so let's try to do it just as well but on a different layer okay

let's put that to multiply turn down the opacity some so it's very soft okay and

maybe you get some reflection from that bike going on right maybe we can just

take this guy jump them to a new layer and then ctrl T to transport transport

him not transport and transform him flip them vertically except that transform

and put them down here and then maybe blur him again in that direction

up and down

something like that and then maybe put him to overlay no

maybe multiply no put them on normal and then

turn him down way down subtle subtle subtle ok settles the name of the game

here okay he's looking all right I don't like how saturated he is like his skin

color is too vivid for being oh man what we did here is we apply to all these

adjustment layers to the wrong layer that's why it's wrong we want these up

here not applied to the reflection but applied to the actual dude now he's

looking right okay so reflection the only thing I don't like is how bright

that wheel is down there and maybe how bright that fender is the guy himself

looks good bike not so much okay so I'll going in just a few more

things here make it apply only to the guy and I want to turn down

let me turn down overall like that turn down the guy overall like that and

then let's do another one where we turn down even more and apply it just to the

bike area so I inverted the mask and I'm just painting back into okay so this guy

not a lot of light being caught over here so we'll turn him down more on this

side of his body okay there he is okay yeah that looks pretty good okay so

that's a full compositing of a dude into your scene go through and do the rest of

these I will do that offline put some more of these people in and

then we'll move on to the finishing touches for our rendering and pretty

much down

For more infomation >> Compositing 2d Cutout People Into 3d Renderings - Duration: 8:31.


Mahir attends to the dinner… | #Elif775 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 6:43.

Mr. Mahir, I'm sure that you have a family, that you're sharing such dinner tables, right?

I don't, ma'am.

My mother and father passed away long time ago.

- I'm very sorry, I didn't know that. - Never mind.

It was an act of God.

I've lived abroad for a long time, I forgot how to make friends gathered around dinner tables.

That's why your offer meant a lot to me.

Thank you, and I mean it.

It means for us as well, Mr. Mahir. Thank you, too.

And I'm serious, come here whenever you want.

Kerem is right about it. The doors of this mansion are wide open for you.

We can't replace your family, but accept us, like we're from your family.

When I first saw Mr. Kerem, I felt him like someone from the family, someone I could trust.

I'm not surprised to see his family members having the same attitude.

By the way, Mr. Kerem treats his employees as they're parts of his family.

And I'm honored to be a part of his big and beautiful family.

Thank you for your kind words.

I'm sorry, I didn't put it into silent, in case anything happens at the firm.

(text) How's the dinner going? Did you get the inside track?

- Pardon me, again. Nothing important. - You're welcome, no problem.

It's not happening. I won't make it on time.

I should better drop by my letter of resignation in the morning.

Birce, what are you doing? Calm down.

I can't help it. Time is passing by, and I'm not even done with half of the files.

For nothing. I'm doing all this for nothing.

If you're about to mock with me, please not now. I'm not in the mood.

I can't get any depressed, Akın.

What are these?

The half of Ms. Rana's revisions.

- How, what does that mean? - That means I'm done with the half of the revisions.

I took the half of the file, and you didn't even notice a thing, Ms. Birce.

Means that you won't get fired.

Of course, if you say that you want to leave, that's something else. I can't hold you.

I should check the desserts before the dinner is over.

- I've checked already. - Alright, I'll check again.

Excuse me, can I use the restroom?

Sure thing, Mr. Mahir. Get to the corridor, you'll see it on your right.


He's such a gentleman, so respectful.

- Right? - He really knows when and what to say.

You should see him at the firm. He works as it's his company. He's so finical, such a hardworker.

We're very lucky.

Having him at the company is very good move.

- Hopefully he sees himself as a part of our family. - Hopefully.



For more infomation >> Mahir attends to the dinner… | #Elif775 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 6:43.


REACTION: Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj) - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> REACTION: Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj) - Duration: 7:29.


"If I ever see that girl again…" | #Elif775 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 1:23.

Come in.

- You've asked for me, sir. - Have a seat, Ms. Aslı.

As you know, you're teaching here on a contract basis.

I've been looking after you since the day one, regardless of the matter.

- Because I knew that you're a good person, a good educationist. - Thank you, sir.

But I'm terribly disappointed.

I've seen you with a little girl on my way here.

I've seen her yesterday, too.

I did a small investigation and I found out that you've been taking her to classes secretly.

You know me less or more, I don't make any changes on the regulations by myself.

I run things by the rules.

I know, sir.

- Normally, I wouldn't forgive you and let you go. - Mr. principal!

But I'm aware of your good intentions, and I'll give you another chance.

But I won't see that little girl in this school again.

If I ever see her in the school boundaries, you'll lose your job.

For more infomation >> "If I ever see that girl again…" | #Elif775 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 1:23.


Nightcore - Losing Our Minds (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:11.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Losing Our Minds (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:11.


Crazy Conspiracy Theories or not? - Random Thoughts - Duration: 4:09.

conspiracy theories they're everywhere welcome to random thoughts and rants

where I depolarize the world by opening minds if that sounds like something you

want to follow go ahead and click that subscribe and don't forget to hit the

notification bell today we are talking about conspiracy theories they are all

over the place they're talking about the Illuminati they talk about faking the

moon landing they talk about doing weather manipulation for warfare what

so some of my favorite conspiracy theories as I was doing a little bit of

research while looking this up I love the moon landing ones the moon landing

ones are fun because people say that was all fake

no it wasn't has been proven many many many many times

that it was not faked and all of the people say oh there's no stars there's

no this there's this and that every time NASA's come back or even other

independent scientists or independent people like Mythbusters have come back

and said no it's real talk about the JFK assassination there's all kinds of us

there's all kinds of different conspiracy theories about that in fact

one story I heard was that there was they were going to release all the

documents about the JFK assassination everything was gonna be out in the open

so everybody would know everything but they didn't actually release much more

than they already knew and a lot of stuff was redacted the theory is that

there are people alive today that are that would still be affected in a

negative fashion about that release of information ok interesting one of my

more interesting conspiracy theories that I heard that is something that's

more current is about the Russia Trump collusion whatever you want to call it

the whole thing about them fixing the whole that whole story is to help catch

pedophiles I don't see the connection I didn't read the article because I just

could not do it and they have a video so I leave a link of everything in the

description below so you can just make up your own mind I really don't think so

there are all kinds of different conspiracy theories what

some good ones that you've heard I would love to hear some of those some of them

however have been shown to be true and that's the scary part there was the

whole weather thing doing the weather and manipulating the weather for warfare

well apparently in Vietnam they did some seeding of clouds to help the monsoon

season be much worse so they could wash away roads and that actually happened

another one was about mind control and it has been shown that the CIA has tried

to do mind control and it has shown that the guy who killed Bobby Kennedy was

actually possibly part of it and maybe part of it again did links below and you

can read more information I am definitely not the authority on anything

like that and apparently the CIA did give the Dalai Lama some money to help

support his cause quite interesting a lot of these are revolving around the

CIA that could be a conspiracy theory right there what if some of your

favorite conspiracy theories what about area 51 what about the aliens at Roswell

tell me what you think about those I just want to open your mind to other

possibilities and maybe get you and maybe have you realized how crazy some

of these conspiracy theories are I feel conspiracy theories are a good way to

help open your mind and maybe see some of the ridiculousness of this whole

world and some people believe in a lot of these conspiracy theories I have a

conspiracy theory of my own I believe that if you hit the subscribe button and

the notification belt and conspiracy says you're gonna see more of my videos

and if you hit the like and share button that means some of that means the word

will spread those are my conspiracy theories and of

course I will see you in the next video conspiracy theories they're everywhere

welcome to random thoughts and rants where I depolarize the world one video

at no no no no

For more infomation >> Crazy Conspiracy Theories or not? - Random Thoughts - Duration: 4:09.


رحت مبارة انقلترا للعمر ٢١ مع المدرسة !!! بس ١٣ واحدً - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> رحت مبارة انقلترا للعمر ٢١ مع المدرسة !!! بس ١٣ واحدً - Duration: 9:00.


"I don't want to rush into anything…" | #Elif775 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:48.

- They're thirsty for their own blood. I'll end them both! - Wait, what are you doing?

- Do you want to lose her forever? - What are you talking about?

Calm down, I said. If you keep going like this, you'll lose her forever.

Don't do things you'll regret later.

You don't have to answer me right away.

I don't want to do anything in a hurry.

Think as long as you want.

See your feelings towards me.

I'm grateful, with all these nice feelings.

I'm praying to God everyday, for helping us meet.


Şafak, I can't only think about myself. I need to think about Emirhan, too.

For the last one, I want to talk to my son.

Sure, sure. However you wish.

By the way, where is Emirhan?

He's at your place.

- Our place? - Right.

Alev insisted me to leave him.

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

If you want your ex wife back, then you need to change your mind first.

- If you keep going like that, you'll lose everything forever. - I get it, but I don't get why you're into my business.

I don't care about you, or Jülide at all...

Now I see your point here.

Bravo, what a brainbox! Then you'll guess what our plan is.

We'll act together. We'll help each other, so we could get through this easier than it is.

But if you look at them like you'll attack any minute, then you'll lose Jülide forever.

Alright, alright, I got it. How many times you're going to tell me this?

- Look at me, don't do anything unless I say so. - Alright, alright.

They'll leave in a minute, I'll get to home. Don't walk around, don't for get my words.

For more infomation >> "I don't want to rush into anything…" | #Elif775 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:48.


"Stop right there!" | #Elif775 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 3:36.

Finally, coffees are here.

- There you go. - The guests first!

Enjoy it.

- This is yours, with sugar. - I didn't ask for sugar, I asked for plenty of sugar.

This is it, as you asked. There you go.

We'll see that.

What is this?

You put so little coffee in it. I could even taste the water.

- Mrs. Figen, I... - I'm about to stop drinking coffee.

It is horrible, for real.

They're so used to putting less coffee, out of poorness. The result? Water with coffee.

- I wouldn't laugh to that. - Give them infinite money if you want.

They never deserve the money they get.

They don't deserve it, but we give our blessings anyway.

They don't deserve any blessings there.

Mrs. Figen, stop right there.

- Oh, look at that. - What did she just say?

I'm sorry, but I didn't get any ill-gotten food, not even a bait. And I won't.

Not even my daughter.

- What is this? Poor mouth. - Please don't interrupt me.

Figen, what is she saying?

- Melek, behave yourself. - I'm behaving as myself.

You're the ones to behave yourselves. What the hell is this?

Look around for once, the world isn't spinning around you.

You can't mistreat people just because you have money, or power.

- Figen, look how arrogant she is. - Girls, she's just kidding. She does that.

Mrs. Figen, you said lots of things to my face, or behind my back all this time.

I wasn't offended by any of those.

But this was too much.

I've earned everything with my great efforts.

I'm not doing this as a favor, to anybody.

I'll earn it anyway, I won't give up.

I'm raising a kid. I'll struggle for her.

I'll do anything for her, and I won't take any offence.

As long as she's powerful, I'll endure to anything. I'll resist, I won't fall. Don't worry.

Melek, don't take anything for serious than. We were just kidding.

- Don't stick out your tongue for everything. - This is cruelty.

You're blinded with your money, your power.

But this is enough.

All these days, I've swallowed everything you did.

Just to send her to school, just to feed her.

But I'm done with this.

But if I can't look at my daughter's face, if I'm servile, the money I earn has no point.

I'll find another job, God will help me. But I can't plead to you.

I'm leaving, Mrs. Figen. I'll send you the rest of the advance money.

Melek, wait a second.

Find yourself some other toys to play with.

What was that?

Sorry, girls.

For more infomation >> "Stop right there!" | #Elif775 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 3:36.



DON'T Click away, don't click away. This is the problem

Hey guys Kurt here again, quick video

Don't mind this...

Look, what to do with my channel?

I'm just gonna be straight

it's gonna be non cut hopefully but I'll probably make some mistakes. What I'm noticing my channel is

I started this channel because I was vlogging my

Life so to speak and my life isn't that of Logan or Jake Paul, where it's all glamorous or?

with bad examples.. but

I'm struggling, I'm struggling so

This is why it's real. This is why I wanted to do this and

People were coming because they were seeing

They were relating to the content, you know that they might lost their parents or not. This is that stop don't click away

Don't click away. This is the problem.. Now

I had a video which was.. If you see it or you don't see it you

wont know what I'm talking about, but it was the venom motorcycle movie a hit and run the audience retention and everything was so high on that

Until the point I reached - Now don't click away!

The loss of my parents

I'm thinking this was part of the story because I was trying to get the money back for the bike, like ok

So this is where I'm gonna restructure

My vlog is about to blow up. SHIT JUST GOT REAL...

I'll make funny and motivational videos on this channel

But If you want the real juicy shit...

Come see my vlog... "SHITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN"...

As my daily vlogs. I really just wanted to do that but not daily vlogs, my vlogging

I really wanted to do that and make some sort of inspirational videos. But I hope everyone who's subscribed to this channel

sticks around like, turn on the notification bell, actually comment, like the video because it does

Make it seem that like other people and I will try and do some

some more funny videos and

I don't know what I'm trying to say here

I'm serious. It's just

Just stick around. Alright, If you've watched this far, I love ya. Goodbye. Laters :)

For more infomation >> IMPORTANT PSA TO YOU - MY SUBSCRIBERS (DøN† çL¡çK A¥A¥) - Duration: 2:53.


How to Start Intermittent Fasting - Duration: 5:32.

how do you start intermittent fasting I've lost over 80 pounds using

intermittent fasting and I've made it very very easy on myself and I think

it's incredibly simple in this video I want to show you how simple and easy it

is to get started with intermittent fasting intermittent fasting is very

simple all all intermittent fasting is is you're not eating for a specific time

during the day your day is split up into your fasting window and your eating

window and I've got videos that are more in depth on this but basically you're

eating window I just eat whatever I want during that

time I never restrict calories or portions or do any kind of special diet

during that eating window time and in the fasting window is just a period of

time that you just don't eat and I even have three cups of coffee with cream

during that fasting window time and also a thing that you should know is that

when people are talking about their fasting window and eating window it's

generally written like this that you'll see on the screen basically you put your

fasting window hours first and then you're eating hours after a colon so for

example a 16:8 would mean that you are fasting for 16

hours and you are eating for an 8 hour period so to get started with intermittent

fasting the first thing you need to do step one is pick your window I would

recommend make it as easy as possible on yourself first of all go with a very

short fasting window you may not get the best results here but this is all about

just learning how to fast fasting really is a skill that you get better at with

practice over time don't be in a rush and when you're picking your fasting

window also look at your life and figure out what is the best time to simply not

eat like what is gonna be the easiest time for you not to eat some people find

that you know pushing breakfast later is very very easy and conversely some

people prefer to eat their last meal earlier in the day just look at your

life and figure out what works for you when are you the busiest usually that's

the easiest time to simply not eat don't get bogged down in the details of which is

more optimal how are you gonna lose more weight if you eat earlier or eat later

I've found it really doesn't make a difference and one big tip I have here

is keep your fasting window at the same time every day don't be

recalculating it every day so for example if you're at a 16-8 that means

that you're fasting for 16 hours and that you're eating for 8 so instead of

trying to recalculate that 16 hour fast based on your last meal that day just

keep your window the same so for example just say you know I eat everyday between the

hours of 10:00 and 6:00 and not any other times it just helps simplify your

life step 2 is to just simply be consistent over time and be patient and

that is really difficult I know you can get into a hurry and I understand that

very well but I can look back and tell you that when I tried to make it harder

or I tried to overcomplicate it that's when I had the the worst results

when I just made it simple and easy and it was very consistent that's when I had

the best results I lost about a pound a week on average when I lost the bulk of

my weight and by the time I got down to a normal BMI I've been losing at like a

third of a pound a week so it really is not super fast progress

it's just steady progress over time and again it all goes back to consistency

step three is lengthen your fasting window if necessary or desired now what

I found was as I went through the process of learning how to fast

I enjoyed longer fasting windows I liked pushing my eating out further and

further because I found I just had more free time I didn't have to think about

food all the time and it was just kind of something off of my mind that I

didn't have to deal with anymore and you know I reached the point where I got to

OMAD one meal a day and I really preferred that because then I wasn't

even having to think about windows at all I just eat once a day and it

really just simplified my life that's why I like it so much

if you make this harder on yourself by making the fasting window you know

really aggressive and really long and if you're not doing well with that you're

not being consistent the thing is you're probably not gonna have very consistent

results which will then you know lead to this vicious cycle of you're trying to

make it harder so you can have faster results but then you're not being

consistent and so then that's really the reason you're not having results is

because you're not being consistent so focus on consistency and then work on

lengthening it if necessary and if you lengthen out your window

then you find you're not being consistent go back and work on

consistency make your eating window longer and really focus on consistency

over time and then lengthen again don't be too aggressive with it make it really

easy on yourself I'm telling you that was the key to my success was making it

easy on myself and focusing on long term consistency and again make it easy on

yourself do not over complicate this and don't stress out about things try to

make it easy figure out your plan and then just work on consistency that's how

you get started with intermittent fasting it really is as easy as it

sounds the the tendency we have is just to over complicate it so I hope that

helps you get started and of course you know I have a lots of different videos

that take you through all the different you know aspects of it because I know a

lot of people have questions past this but I hope that this helped you and if

you have any tips for any beginners please leave it in the comments below

things that helped you along your way okay thank you for watching be sure to

LIKE comment and subscribe down below

For more infomation >> How to Start Intermittent Fasting - Duration: 5:32.


Purple Hearts - I'll Be Just Fine (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:52.

so I guess that we've reached the end and I'm sorry that it didn't work out

but I've gotta move on without you even though it's gonna hurt me now

what exactly did you want this to be why would you never listen to me

I'd tell you over and over again but you would never listen

I need your help to get this pain out of my heart

but you don't care at all

I keep telling you that I don't wanna be this way

it still doesn't make it easy

I hate the thought of taking you out of my life

I miss the color of your hair and your blue eyes

it makes me sick in every way but i'm alright

You didn't make me crazy

but you made me lose my fucking mind

You turned around and looked me dead in these brown eyes

You told me that you loved me

But you know that it's a damn lie

I know you're leaving cause you say it all the damn time

But I don't really care cause when you're gone I will be just fine

but you don't care anymore

and you made it quite clear by your face

your distaste with what I say

The room fills up with hate

As smoke fills up my lungs

the words are on the tip of my tongue

But I just can't tell you how I feel

cause you just won't hear it

I can't get the thought of you out of my mind

And I don't know why

cuz I don't love you anymore

But it's so damn hard

I hate the thought of taking you out of my life

I miss the color of your hair and your blue eyes

It makes me sick in every way but I'm alright

You didn't make me crazy

But you made me lose my fucking mind

You turned around and looked me dead in these brown eyes

You told me that you loved me

but you know that it's a damn lie

I know you're leaving cause you say it all the damn time

But I don't really care cause when you're gone

I will be just fine

cause when you're gone I will be just fine

cause when you're gone I will be just fine

I know you're leaving cause you say it all the damn time

But I don't really care cause when you're gone

I will be just fine

For more infomation >> Purple Hearts - I'll Be Just Fine (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:52.


The Saddest Anime Death of All Time - Anime Crimes Division - S2, Ep. 6 SEASON FINALE - Duration: 10:41.

これしかない "I'm taking my place"

星空を仰ぎ "Up in the stars"

目を凝らし続ける "Looking for anything at all"

視界が開けていく "I've been seeing things so clearly."

Whoa-oa-oa, it's a T I M E T R A P

太陽に目がくらんで "Stare at the sun until I cannot see"

痛くて空っぽさ "All of the empty pain"


ソウルを昇華上界へと "Taking my soul to a higher place"

惑星を解き放て "You set the planets free"

See you later, space cowboy.



It's over, dear.

Now that the blood drive has been destroyed, there's no way to

stop the fiber connection from siphoning away your disgusting anime.

Isn't that right, Joe?

Anime. The only thing worse than the last season of Dexter.

Now that Toxic controls all the anime,

your fake anime fans will flock to Prestive TV City where they belong.

Where you belong.

She did all this for her daughter!

She's such a complicated and nuanced villain!

Joe. Don't do this.

You love anime.

I dunno. It's so...

Weird. So niche, so...


I mean why watch Japanimation when you got stellar, American masterpieces

like the Minions movie?


It's over dear.

Come on home.


She just pistol whipped her own mom!

This family drama is exquisite!

Ok, I'm rolling! - My name is Joe Furuya.

And I love anime!

Anime's the best!

I drew these.

What is that?

I love it more than Pikachu loves Ash!

More than Bulma loves Vegeta!

It's a celebration of everything good about anime.

You're never gonna beat me, Vegeta!

Your'e dead Goku!


He's too powerful, auugh!

You made videos like this all the time, remember?

It's crazy, emotional, and over-the-top

which is everything life should be!

Look away!

Resist it!

You can't resist this, Joe.

It's who you are. Who you've always been.

This is my wall scroll.

Goku's my favorite!

I know you think anime hurt you, but it didn't.

Bad anime fans did.

We can't let these Toxic jerks ruin our fandom,

saying who's a "real fan" and who isn't.

Anime is for everybody.

All it takes to be a true fan is to love anime.


other than Goku...

Love is the strongest force in the universe.


they're called "gunplas." But to me, they're Gundams!

Happy birthday, Joe!

Whoa! Thanks Hideki!

What is it? - Open it!

It's a Gundam! Thanks Hideki!

Anime's the best!


I feel it!

I feel the anime! - Shoot him!

Shoot him!

You fools!

You can do it, Joe!



Ahh! Auuugh!

Look! It's Joe-sensei.

Guess he wasn't such a loser after all.


Auugh! Auuuuuugh!


Uwagh! Uwa-Uwagh!

He's doing it! - Come on Joe, we believe in you!


Well done, Joe.

Well done.

[Screaming intensifies]

One day, Joe,

I bet you'll go Super Saiyan and save the city.

And I sure hope I'm alive to see it!

You will be!


Ha ha ha ha!

He can't break 100%!

It doesn't matter how good this is!

Ha ha ha ha!

Jojo! ('s bizarre adventure there you happy now?)

I drew this for you!

[ Ultimate intensity screaming ]

Ok bye!


LOVE - Noo!


We did it!

We saved anime...

This all started with the saddest anime deaths.

Guess it figures it'd end...

with the saddest one of all.


Not like this.


It's "bang."


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