Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

Hi, Alan Stratton, from As Wood Turns. ( I had a block of elm that was laying around

in my shop. It came from another club member. I decided it was time to turn it. It was a

very thick block. So, I decided the best thing was to make a lidded bowl with the block.

I turned it in pieces. It is essentially the equivalent to two bowls: The base and the

lid and a little finial too. Meanwhile, however, the time is rapidly approaching

for the Christmas Ornament challenge. November is the submission period. Remember to plan

and get your in. No video required this year. So it is open to everybody, any crafts, all

ornaments. But, for now, let's make this nice elm cross

grain lidded bowl. I've prepared this block of elm by drilling

a ¼" hole to receive the screw chuck and cutting a rough round on the bandsaw. As I

inspected the cut wood, I'm concerned about some checks on one side that run across the

grain. I don't know whether they are from drying or from wind shakes. Regardless, I'll

keep track of them to see if this can yield a nice bowl. The wood seems dry despite the

size of the block. Whoever harvested the elm, painted the end grain with latex paint. That

may have helped somewhat but is not my preferred green wood treatment. Easy does it mounting

the wood. The lathe is very slow and I let go very quickly. Then tightened it on the

screw chuck and brought up the tail stock for support. I would not trust this heavy

wood solely to the screw chuck. Of course, I have to cut my tenon. As I finish this section,

I'm marking and evaluating the checks again. This will be a lidded bowl. I hesitate to

do too much rounding over before determining where the lid will fall. This is bigger than

my parting tool but I fear cutting it on the bandsaw. My thoughts dwell on this while I'm

turning. But first, I need a tenon on the lid portion.

In the end, I decided to go as deep as I can with the parting tool. Then band saw the remainder.

But, after I went as deep as I could, I managed to break out the remaining cylinder. So, no

trip to the saw. With the base section still mounted, I'm

hollowing this now with my large bowl gouge. Some may say to always cut from the outside

to the middle as if each cut is the last cut. Well, I don't think so. Instead, I like

to hog out as much as I can as quickly as I can. Then for the last bit, I can take lighter

cuts and blend the surface. Almost the last task is to form the lip on the lid interface.

I had to stop and apply CA glue to the checks. Now after mounting the lid section, the first

task is to mate the lid to be base. I don't want a suction fit – this is a large, cross

grain section. That would never do. Instead, I want a loose fit for the lid over the base

section. Before I can do much hollowing, I need to

define more of the top surface. Unfortunately, this is between the headstock and the work

– opposite my end camera. You'll have to watch the top camera. I'm working to

form an ogee shape starting with a large bead from the middle to the outside. Then cut a

cove in the outer portion of the bead and blend the surfaces.

Then I can return to hollowing. But before going too far, I need to mark and cut an expansion

mortise so I can reverse mount the top. Yes, I could use the Cole jaws. But, as long as

I can do it with a shallow mortise that is easily hidden mortise, I'll do it this way.

Now, I'm reversing the lid for fine tuning the upper surface. The hole in the middle

is from the screw chuck. I'll use it for a knob for the lid. I found out later that

I need to expand it. Now for the knob. I've mounted a piece of

scrap walnut for a simple knob. After rough rounding, I cut down the end to ¼" for

the tenon then reversed it into my long nose jaws. But the tiny tenon could not take the

pressure. Well, I have more length, so I try again. After cutting a tenon, I try again.

Again it breaks off. The walnut is just not strong enough. Finally, with the little bit

left, I went for a 3/8" tenon. This tenon is strong enough to survive. But, I'll have

to drill out the top hole to fit. Now on the Cole jaws to finish the bottom.

I've measured the thickness and have more than enough for a good foot. I do have to

slow down while using the Cole jaws. They produce a nice fan effect.

Then sign the bottom with my wood burner before sanding it just a little more with fine grit

to remove the scorching. Finally, I'm wiping a soaking coat of walnut

oil, re-applying oil to any dry spots. It brightens up nicely.

This elm bowl has turned out nice. I like the matt finish from the walnut oil so I will

not buff it. Some bowls cry out for a lid. A lidded bowl is like three projects in one.

Bottom bowl, Top bowl, and miniature finial. This bowl was fun and not difficult to turn.

Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe on my website, tell your friends and send

me your comments and questions. Every week I make a new woodturning video. Please wear

your full face shield – goggles are not enough protection. Until next week's video

this is Alan Stratton from As Wood Turns dot com.

For more infomation >> Woodturning Cross Grain Bowl With Matching Lid - Duration: 7:48.


Xiaoling English :The umbrella grows in the farm? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 4:16.

Xiaoling English :The umbrella grows in the farm? | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Xiaoling English :The umbrella grows in the farm? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 4:16.


Nhạc chế 20/10 | Đừng Quên Chúc Mẹ | Rất hay và ý nghĩa - Duration: 36:37.

For more infomation >> Nhạc chế 20/10 | Đừng Quên Chúc Mẹ | Rất hay và ý nghĩa - Duration: 36:37.


Josh Gates on Preparing for the Unexpected - Travel Channel - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Josh Gates on Preparing for the Unexpected - Travel Channel - Duration: 0:54.


Dota Geography 1: Intro & Origin Story, Dota & Artifact Lore - Duration: 10:31.

The dota world is vast and rich.

From the treacherous waters around cladd isles, to the ghastly eyrie in the sky.

From the glaciers in the bitter north, to the thorny wastes and hazardal desert in the


Asian inspired cultures, south american inspired gods, and european inspired kingdoms in constant


Together we will embark on a journey to discover the biomes, cultures, people and stories of

the different regions of the dota world.

This, is dota geography.

In this episode we will just take a quick overlook on the map, and how the ancients

came to existence and influenced the dota world.

There was very little concrete information to go from for the mapping, so a lot of this

is guessing based on what is logical.

First and foremost because time in the dota universe is… complex.

Most of my decicions ive made based on the map from an old dota tutorial, and then ive

placed other things according to how it relates to that.

Ive also tried to see what type of culture and biome from real life the places are inspired

by, and then drawn conclusions.

For example asian inspired in the east, and cold places in the north.

Bear in mind that where exactly things are placed is not that important, its just so

we have something physical to relax our brain on while we discover the stories and relationships.

Because time in the dota universe is so scattered and we lack evidence, im gonna describe what

has happened, give my thoughts on it, and then its up to you to decide when you think

it happened and in what order.

Let me know your thoughts!

Each video covers each their region, and will go deeper and deeper as the video progresses.

I will first give an overlook of the region, and show the different places, then describe

the biome, as in landscape, flora and fauna.

Then i will go over the people, heroes and factions you can find in the region.

After that, we will talk about the different artifacts, gods and culture of the people.

Lastly, we will dive deep into the history, and my own personal speculation.

The end part of the video i will explain my decicions and other options i considered.

I have mapped out every single place mentioned in all of the cosmetics and events.

I dont think im missing anything, but if you see something big let me know.

So, this is the terrene plane.

The dota world our heroes battle on doesnt have a name we know of, neither does the planet.

The only thing we know is that its referred to as the terrene plane.

We also have other planes, and other realms, which will be its own video.

But they are not on this map.

In the terrene plane, i have divided the map in different regions which has some shared

history and biome.

We have the north, the cladd isles, the western mountains, the wailing mountains, vuur, the

western forests, the ruelands, the western tropics, the bleeding hills, the eastern isles,

nishai and the barrens.

Each of these will have their own video.

Additionally, theres 3 oceans we know of: the northern sea, the boiling sea and the

samareen sea.

In the north we have most notably icewrack where crystal maiden resides, cobalt where

tusk is from and crey where siltbreaker took place.

On the cladd isles we have the stories of tidehunter and kunkka, as well as sven.

In the western mountains you might recognize knollen where sniper is from, the fields of

endless carnage where pudge has history, and stonehall where legion commanders bronze legion

is from.

In the wailing mountains we find the places the elemental spirits originated.

In vuur we find the ancient oglodi ruins our oglodi friends come from, as well as druud

where the centaurs reside and hunt.

We also have the volcanic vuur mountains and underneath them, the abyss, nether reaches

and font of avernus.

Roshan also lives in these underground caves.

The western forests is the home of the windranger, and the nightsilver woods is where luna and

mirana worships selemene.

We also find augury, roseleaf and the nation revtel - the home of many heroes and interesting


The ruelands is a big region that covers many kingdoms - some still around, but many destroyed

long ago.

The western tropics includes the ash archipelago, jidi isle where venomancer was reborn, and

bloodseekers home in the far south west.

The bleeding hills has tar running down from them into the hoven, a big forest with trolls

in it among other things.

A bit south we also have the yama raskav jungle, where batrider is from.

To the west we have ultimyr and the ruins full of treasures that meepo frequents.

The eastern isles contains not only juggernauts fabled home, but also pole and ashkavor, the

homes of phantom lancer and grimstroke.

To the north we also find the ghastly eyrie, high in the mountain tops, unavailable to

those who cant fly.

Nishai is the home of earth shaker, broodmother and also one of the two places we know from

the siltbreaker event.

The barrens is a vast desert in the south, where we find nyx assassin, sand king and


The circle you see overlapping some parts of cladd, vuur and the western forests and

mountains, is where the artifact lore took place.

When i cover these regions i will avoid the artifact story, because that will be an episode

of its own when the game is released.

But dont be afraid - the regions have a lot of lore to cover already, even without the

new knowledge from artifact.

To start off this series, lets talk about the origin of the world.

The archrnonicus tells us that before there was life at all on our planet, the mad moon

containing the ancients came into its orbit.

The mad moon was their prison, captured by zet the arc warden.

Zet and the ancients among others are fragments of the primordial mind – a presence that

predates time.

Based on arc wardens lore, it seems like after something resembling the big bang happened,

the primordial mind was turned into many fragments.

2 of these, and 2 of the biggest ones, were radiant and dire.

They are the opposite forces we call the ancients.

Zet the arch warden is a smaller fragment, who trapped them in the mad moon to bring

harmony to their conficts.

This prison found our planets orbit, and arch warden made sure they didn't escape.

But he grew weaker over time, and their conflict within the mad moon grew stronger.

As their conflict in the sky grew more and more vigorous over the millennia, life on

earth flourished.

If we understand the artifact lore correctly however, the ancients had their effect on

the planet long before they later landed.

Prellex and kanna were priestesses for each their ancient power, and prellex had visions

of a sundered moon.

These visions were true, because eventually the ancients couldn't be contained any longer,

and the mad moon shattered, spreading radiant ore and direstone all over the planet.

One other thing that might have come from the mad moon though, is selemene.

Selemene is the goddess of the moon, and is worshipped in the nightsilver woods, by luna

and mirana.

On lunas cosmetic item "Moonfall" we learn that when the nightsilver woods were still

young, a shard from space fell, and they built a shrine of selemene there.

Could it be, that she was also part of the original primordial mind?

Or, that she is just another interpretation of the radiant?

From the artifact card temple of war, we know that the bronze legion worships a war goddess.

Maybe this is the dire equivalent of selemene?

We will talk more about selemene in my western forest video.

Anyways, the ancients landed in a cataclysmic event, and over time twisted things around


The dire with its destruction, and radiant with its creation.

Don't be fooled though, they are both each their side of an evil coin.

The radiant is in no way "good".

All its creations are enslaved to it, and blind followers.

The dire, if we can understand kannas motivations correctly, is more free and rebelling.

Maybe we can describe it as the dire being a anarchistic nation, while the radiant is

a totalitarian one.

And as you can imagine, anarchism and totalitarianism don't really get along, and conflict is


Over time each side – now with loyal followers on both sides – became more and more consumed

with destroying the other.

The ragnarok-like event that eventually must happen, when the sides clash in the final

battle between heroes, the battle we know from our games in dota 2.

Now what created our planet, plane, realm and reality itself, will be covered in my

video about everything that is not on the terrene plane.

So don't worry about that yet.

Also – there is a few species and races that overlap between regions - some are even

present in the entire world.

Dragons and keens, for example.

And some have so many different kinds and types that i cant fit it all into a dota geography


For this reason, i plan on doing a dota biology special episode, to really dig deep into the

bats, shadow cats and troll types.

Just to make it 100% clear - this map is made by me, and for that reason there is almost

certainly a few errors.

Its unavoidable, because so many things we know very little about.

But after reading through every single courier, hat, mount and hero lore, this is to me the

most logical way to place things.

If i change my mind a lot though, i will make a video when the series is done covering everything

ive altered or later added.

Let me know what you think, or how you would have done it differently.

I hope to see you around for these coming episodes, which i hope wont be in very long.

This was incredibly fun to make, and i kind of prefer valves secrecy so we can feel like

real historians and archeologists when we find connections.

Together we can discover the hidden stories and secrets and unveil the mysteries and red


If you wanna see the original map, and my map in full res, look in the description and


You can always contact me in my discord server, and i hope you do.

Make sure to check out my other lore videos.

I especially recommend my 1 sentence hero lore videos, to freshen up on the origins

and stories of each hero - in just one sentence.

Now if youll excuse me, i gotta go finish the second episode so we can get started for

real! peace

For more infomation >> Dota Geography 1: Intro & Origin Story, Dota & Artifact Lore - Duration: 10:31.


Acute Cholecystitis - Hydrocephalic Gallbladder/ Hepatic Subcapsular Hematoma - FullHD - Duration: 37:28.

5mm epigastric trocar

2 5mm trocars on right hipocondrium

hydropic gallbladder impossible to grasp

opening medial peritoneum of the fundus

gauze to push the liver

adhesylosis from the body and infundibulum

adhesylosis from the body and infundibulum

aspiration of the gallbladder using 5mm trocar of the hipocondrium

aspiration of the gallbladder using aspirator

infundibulum exposition

dissection of the infundibulum

opening the medial peritoneum of the body

liberação da parede posterior do corpo e fundo da vesícula

posterior artery bleeding control

posterior dissection of the infundibulum

cystic duct dissection

distal ligation of the cystic duct (vicryl 0)

partial section of cystic duct

irrigation of the cystic stump

final dissection of the cystic duct

proximal ligation of the cystic duct

final section of the cystic duct

introduction of the glove endobag for extraction

gloving the gallbladder

irrigation of the right upper quadrant with saline solution

pedicle revision

hepatic bed revision

subcapsular haematoma identification on the fundus

haematoma capsule opening

blood clot aspiration

hepatic bed hemostasis

final hemostasis check

retrieving the gauze

removing the gauze from the umbilical trocar

For more infomation >> Acute Cholecystitis - Hydrocephalic Gallbladder/ Hepatic Subcapsular Hematoma - FullHD - Duration: 37:28.


Train Colors for Kids | Unstoppable Train | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 20:32.

For more infomation >> Train Colors for Kids | Unstoppable Train | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 20:32.


Skull Theme Cake for Mesversary - Duration: 5:01.

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