Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

I think it's interesting to think of a car

as something that is connected

to other parts of your life

– via applications, for example –

and that you can bring other parts of your life

into the car when you enter a car.

So, in that way I guess

they have a different significance than they used to

in the past.

We're bumping up against the limits

of what our planet can sustain

and we need to have that front and center

as part of all that we do

and integrate it into all that we do,

because otherwise

we're going to destroy our home

and that's not good for anyone.

Once this vision really comes to be

where every house will have solar panels

and you can charge your car at home and so on –

I think that will completely

redefine personal transportation.

It's the car of the future, so to say,

and I think that they've really taken

the nice Mercedes-Benz style

and incorporated it really well

into the electric car vibe.

Just a little glimpse into the future,

but I think it gives a great idea

of what our cars

will look like in the future –

designwise and also, of course,

from a technology standpoint.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz EQ Night | Tech Open Air 2018 - Duration: 1:26.


3 COLOR TIE DYE CHALLENGE | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:46.


For more infomation >> 3 COLOR TIE DYE CHALLENGE | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:46.


Jared Owen Animations - Channel Trailer 2018 - Duration: 1:26.

Hey everyone, I'm Jared.

Welcome to my youtube channel!

I create 3D Animations to show you how things work.

I post videos about every 2 to 3 weeks.

I'm doing this full time now,

so hopefully I'll be able to keep that pace up.

You can subscribe to my channel here on youtube

by clicking this button right here.

And you can also follow me on other

social media platforms as well.

Special thanks to Alex H

for providing the background music to this video.

You can check out his channel by clicking

this button right here.

That's it from me, and I'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> Jared Owen Animations - Channel Trailer 2018 - Duration: 1:26.


Stories Untold part 1 ~ THERE IS SOMEONE HERE - Duration: 25:58.


Do not like that sound you're bad

That's not a good sound that's very cool

Okay, it's sorry is vici storytellers welcome to stories untold I'm really excited to play this game


Okay, you pull up to the driveway of the family holiday home and park the car it's dark but it's as I

Don't know what that word is as you remember from all the time from all that time ago

Remaining told to look in the glove box before going in it's good to be back. Oh

Okay, I need my key word


love bubbles

Inside is a key and a handwritten note from dead you take both. I wish there's more games like this

I love playing games there this type of style where you have to type

Look at key. It's a key to the house. Okay



And now let's read dad and reads. Hi, son. Hope you enjoy your break

You'll need to fire up the generator around back to get power and lights on also found something in the Attic for you

It's in your room. Enjoy


You pulled to the driveway of the family, ok we read this

Alright so the generators ran back so get out of

Car the open the car door and step out

The houses grand set perfectly amongst the trees in front of you in front of you

It's a front door and the yard stretches around the side of house. Ok


Yard the trees stretch up to the nice guy there is the house in the yard, okay

Go to door

Go to front door

No, ok, ok

Go to

Back yard, ok, you take a walk around the yard. The yard has been fun

The yard has been well-maintained you spend a lot of time here who family on holiday trips good memory ok

Look at

That the fuel gauge is healthy and is mainly manually operated


Gendarme 8 or you Swiss it generator on it whirls to life. The house is still dark

Wait go to

Front you walk you walk around to the front of the house. The house is grand sister. Ok

What I like about this game

Too is that when you go to help it shows you the command keys like the Pacific

Phrases you have to use in order to get stuff done

Which I like because some of them are you type in and you like you have to figure out yourself what phrases are programmed?

so go

Inside a door appears to be locked. You will need a key you keep

You insert the key and turn the door lock clicks open go inside

Inside area you step inside the front door

You enter the house to the hallway. It's dark. You can't see anything. You feel a light switch next to door turn on lights

You flip the switch and the lights

I'm assuming that says come on the hallways now brightly lit there is access to the kitchen on the living room here

So all of a sudden stairs going up. Okay, go to

Kitchen, I know there's a gift in the room you go into the kitchen

But I want to explore the house first. The kitchen is tidy and well-kept. There's a door to the utility room

But otherwise, it's just a kitchen

go to


Chiller room door is locked. You have no idea where the key could be. Okay

Look around kitchen. It's very clean and tidy not been used in a while. Okay

Go to

Alway you go back out to the hallway the hallways out we read this

Go to movie

You step into the living room

It's fish a spacious and comfortable living room

We spend a lot of good time in here playing board games with a family warm and inviting

Okay. Look

There's nothing here ventures, okay, go to all

Alway you go back out into the hallway. I think the only thing left was to deal was to go upstairs

There is this is supposed to be like a nice a four part episode

Game, and it's supposed to be like a scary horror game

so I'm interests to see how this is gonna get scary if all it is is

Reading on the TV slash computer. I think it's a computer but it looks like a TV to


Well, it's one of those old monitors you walk upstairs to the landing

Stairwell landing there get a stairwell landing. There is a bathroom and two bedroom use and your sisters. I

Know I thought that meant like two sisters, but it's like no that's supposed to be pasta feet. Yes, I think pictures

Adorn, the Walt walls images have a half faithful family. Okay, if you look at


Family photos and holiday snaps our fan our happy family

Go to bath room

You step inside the bathroom

You were in the bathroom. There's not much to know but it's all in good order. Okay, look

The bathroom is clean a large male sits a large mirror sits above the sink

Okay, go to a landing step back into the landing

So we're landing. Yeah, there's a bathroom. Okay, so we'll go to our sisters

Go to

Sister room

Walk into your sister's old room

Your sister's room is in perfect condition

Untouched since the last time you had seen her posters of our heroes and some of her own attempts at art

Adorn, the walls a few shelves are crammed full of trophies

Her bed is drowned under a pile of colorful soft toys a real narcisstic goal trip

nasty cold trip

That's my that's my closet. It's full of beanie babies and stuffed toys all of these different animals

yeah, it's a little too much actually, but

It's a fun

Ok, so look around room

There's also a large wardrobe in the corner there no idea the door slightly


right look and ward rope a

Large clothing room unusual the door slightly ajar. She never liked you going through our stuff


through her stuff

I'm sorry, ah, man


You step back out into the landing I

Don't know if there's anything more a different phrase I could have used there but let's go


my room or your room

Well, no, I guess because we you walk into your old room your old bedroom. So many memories in here has been preserved

so well on the desk is a

gift-wrapped box

Look at

Gift a large gift draft present the tag says your name

Open gift you unwrap the gift excitedly

Can't believe it. Dad has found your old computer a

future Oh

128 K times 2 it has been preserved well in the Attic and hopefully still works push enter to continue

Your old bedroom so many memories in here

ok on your desk is the

Future blah blah computer and a copy of the house abandoned. It's all still set up though

Wait is am I playing on his computer playing the game that I'm actually playing. Oh

Yeah, it says right here it doesn't it says the the future

future Oh


Interesting, so I'm playing on my computer and he's playing on his computer that that's cool. Okay. Um,

Set up


You start to plug in the various cables and leads. The computer is still set up and ready to go

The computer is all set up in rank. Oh, there's a game here to

Turn on come future



Computer you put the cartridge in a computer and push play. Oh, this will speed it cartridge

I blow a breaker


Pull up the driveway of the family holiday home have parked a car. It's dark, but it's clearly no neglected

You remember being told to check the glove box for going in you can't stand to be near his place? Oh

It's changed. This is like the

Like the negative part of the world, oh this is interesting and that was good that scared me

See, I like horror games like this. Like I didn't I didn't really enjoy monstrum or I haven't really enjoyed the spooky

Mansion, I love bending a machine and I am actually loving this one. Um


glove box

Besides the key the hand ran no from dad you take both. Okay, so it's the same look he

It's a key to the house. Okay read?


You don't recognize the handwriting. It says get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out

Get out the car. Get out the car. Get out. Get out the car. Get out. Get out. Okay?

Push enter to continue pull up to the driveway other family. Are they home and party card start, please good. Okay, so everybody's

Throwing in you can't stand. Okay, so

get out of

Park you force the work car door open and fall out the house looks abandoned cuz a yard to the side

Look creeks in the wind and all happy memories are gone from this place. There is no love here

Look around yard. The lights are off when those are broken. There's a front door in a yard

Go go to

Backyards, I'm assuming I have to turn to generator again. You stepped it abri to the back of the yard

The grass is overgrown and weeds crawl up the side of the house

It's not a nice place to be you crunch the note need needing to look around

read a

Letter the note now reads

Gibberish okay, I agree. That's gibberish. Grass is okay

The old generator can supply power to the house use gen


That is cool. Okay, there isn't much fool, but your editor starts up. Okay, go

to front

Door you go back to the front of the house

The house looks abandoned yeah Wood creaks in a wind by having gone from this place there is no love here go

to front

Door. Oh my god, are there I scratched out

Go and inside

Inside I love that clicking nice like I can hear mine in here the one in a game. That's really cool the

Use key you unlock the front door the click of the lock hurts to hear

Go inside, I'm sure

Ok bitch back for your senses are punished more by the smell ser el and damp

This could not be less than fighting and no Bernsen hand you feel compelled to read it over and over

It's too dark to read but it feels weird to touch

They're all who took afraid of what you might say, you flicked the light switch on

The lights flicker on and off the walls are falling apart after years of neglect or worse their stains

Turn off alarm

You can feel the panics set it. Yeah. Yeah, I feel a little pity did she see the alarm clocks that stopped?

You were still in the hallway, then who he says stopped. He feel a presence someone's in the house. They should not be here

I said kitchen living room jaren and the stairs anything up the note feels disgusting your hand

nein nein nein nein

Very creepy, I can't read the note. It's bleeding. The note is bleeding

Okay, I'm glad I'm not willing it. Um, I guess

go to

Living room that you went to the living room

the living room although hardly an approachable term

The furniture is sterile and worn the note is fixed in your mind dread feels the panic

This is this is not a nice place. I

Was wondering how you were gonna make this scary awesome job, and they'll always changing now reads get this Monte

Get through this I don't care if you want to or not a living room. Yeah read this part, okay


Let's look

around living room

Run down an empty abadan and for a good reason. Okay, go to


return to the hallways use

Your still in the hallway the noise has stopped be feel the presence someone said the houses should not be here

There's just a kitchen living room. Okay?

go to

Kitchen, you go into the kitchen

The kitchen stinks and feels completely unfamiliar

The table talks a rusted metal and there's a carcass on the table

We should not be in this house. There's writing on the wall. And the utility room has a red X on it. Okay?

look at

Marcus and Tully sign for your body. You look closer. We can't tell what it is or what it was


look at


It's blood the number 1986 is smeared across the wall. Oh

My god, it's actually been written on the wall. You see that?

Cool this game this game is good has good. Okay has good atmosphere. Okay, um

go to

I got chills leo. I got chilled

See, this is a good time scared their words unlocked. I can't get in there. Not yet


Walk. I don't know what okay

Look at

There's a red X on the door you assume is paint. Yeah, unless we paint it feels like the note

The paper now feels like fabric is covered in blood you just can make out the words there's nothing for you here

Okay, the notes creepy this is creepy, I love it but yeah

Well, it's creepy. Okay, let's let's go to

Okay, so go to hallway and

You step back into the hallway. Your shoes are now what?

From the blood I'm assuming you're still in the hallway, then I said stop you feel presence

Okay. Yeah, y'all want to go upstairs most let's go upstairs

You head up to the stairs they creak

I actually here's I'm going upstairs same but different the landing has access to your sister's room

Okay behind the door first, oh sure you don't understand neither can he

That voice is blown into the rumors and there should not be there you enjoin them from I do memory considers

I say not to go upstairs and take it out

The you nope

Nope, nope relief saying but different the landing has access to your sister's room your room and the bathroom pictures are over the walls

but something that's different about the

Like it. I got teammates look at


The pictures are of your family the eyes have been scratched out on all yeah, I I can see that Oh over here



Bathroom we'll just reef all of my steps like I did though the time into the bathroom

Nothing feels disgusting. Every surface is covered in a layer of oily grime

The sink is a haven for all kinds of bugs

Look around

Bathroom a broken mirror hangs above the dirty sink tap rust imposition

The note is impossible redo to the black oil that now covers it okay, okay

Yeah, okay I kind of wish there's a button to skip this but it's I

I kind of wish it was fun to skip that because we worry read it

But at the same time I'm glad there's thought same but different

exact sex room your room

Okay. Well we didn't read the letter here. So let's read it. The note is now clean again simply read and get in get out


Interesting. So let's go to the sisters room before we go to ours

Go to

Sister room Jennifer's room is boarded up. You can't bear this

Just good say Jennifer's room is for it be campus maybe if I click go -

Okay, so guess we'll go to eye


The door is bolted shut with a four-digit combination of luck


1986 I do not know Oh use lock you grab the luck

The lock is rusted not used in years the key in your hand weighs heavy the note heavier

You grab the lock and now input the code?

Locks open same but different I

Wonder if this has somehow opened up the utility room go to your

Room the doors closed open door. Oh

You open the bedroom door

You enter your bedroom oh

I can use a little hobby the bedroom feels totally familiar

The walls are damp that you've been here before in front of you a lone person sits in front of the computer screen the lamp

Is on the clock reads 999 you should not be here. I should not be here. You grabbed a note tighter

Read letter, I'm sorry Jennifer. I'm sorry mom. I'm sorry. Dad. You haunt every step I take even in this place

I was out of my hands, but you still you punish me. I can't be with you now

There's nothing left to do. I'm consumed and confused. This has to end now


You are prosthetic. It's all your fault. Say it

It was all your fault

Oh, please stop


It was all my fault say it though just say it I can mess with it, okay

It was all my fault

Okay, there's someone breathing in my ear and I do not like it finally

That's it oh that was so good. Oh

I cannot wait to see you tell the three episodes are

All that was good. The sound was awesome. And I was really curious to see

Cuz I was just reading it so I was really curious to see

Like Hallie, we're gonna scare yourself. Oh, that was good. I like that. That is a good and scary game

Okay, yeah that was the abandoned house we still have the lab conductor I hope it's all kind of like this

I'm interested to see if they're all um

like if all the stories have anything in common or if they like

Like relate to each other or if they're like the same story

But they're all different chapters or if they're all very different stories and like it they have nothing to do with each other

so it's very

interesting to see how that goes, but

I'm really this year and I definitely recommend you guys go try that for yourself. That is a very good game

So thank eyes so much

For more infomation >> Stories Untold part 1 ~ THERE IS SOMEONE HERE - Duration: 25:58.


10 Scary Videos Caught on GoPro Camera Reaction - Duration: 12:24.

Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed

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With those dedications on so you stayed on will fight on every single video

Also, follow my social media, so stay tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

But by still crabs here welcome back to another reaction so we'll be rackin to another scary video


ten scary videos caught on GoPro camera

By top tens, so just came out two days ago, and I'm ready to get myself scared once again

So criticals two top tens in an original video with that one ether ado. Let's begin three two one. Let's


Hey guys

So GoPro cameras have revolutionized how people take videos

I always wanted an Oprah you can take your crew anywhere

But sometimes people catch some very scary and unexplained things on their GoPros before we get into it

Why not subscribe and press the notification bill to Donna coming in at number 10. We have creature

So this piece of GoPro footage was caught by an amateur bike rider

The cyclist goes by the name Bix and production one day. He was cycling around on a trail near his home

He was with a friend, but his friend had gone up ahead

Bexon was behind his friend and he cycled up an alleyway

But as he was going through the alleyway a mysterious creature left out right in front of his bike Bergson described

This is some kind of dog monkey hybrid. If you check out the footage, it does kind of resemble a monkey

It certainly jumps like one except it doesn't look like a monkey whatsoever. It's got no hair and it's great like a space alien

It's this Roger from American Dad. Come to life this grey creature. Is it really scared Bexon?

There's a noise right after this creature hits. It was Jeremy


so it's made by the creature or a noise from Bexon spike as he swerves so he doesn't hit this creature or kerf index and

Almost shouting by this creature jumping in front is bike. This was a near miss and very scary for him

But what do you think? This grey creature really could be?

Probably a mince

Next up is gas station shadow

so this footage was caught by a biker named Ben s

And always rides a GoPro when he's riding his bike for various safety reasons and also to capture

Interesting things one day. He was doing something very mundane. Simply getting symbol gas after you filled up his bike

He was using the ATM to pay for the gas. That was when a shadow passed by rights behind Ben at first

He thought someone was walking up behind him. So he turned around

But he then realized no one was there

if you slow this footage down you can see it was definitely the shadow of a humanoid and the reason I say humanoid and not

Human is because many people think this could have been a shadow monster

Shadow monsters are things many people have caught on camera before but do you think that's what Ben saw at this gas station?

What's strange is you actually see the shadow disappear before it even pause

I cost Ben every single time like when my room's dark when I go to my room to go to bed

Like I see my shadow and then for some reason I got scared because I thought it wasn't my shadow

Next up is great white one thing that's cool about GoPros is their waterproof

This means that people like divers and swimmers can take their GoPro with them to record their dives and swims

But of course in the deep vast oceans scary things lie beneath and what could be scarier than a great white shark?

One day a man was time on the coast of South Africa

He was deep down in the sea and recording his dive using his GoPro

that was when the man named Johan saw a great white shark appear right next to him great white sharks can move at

ridiculously fast speeds

So it's no wonder that he was caught off guard and very scared by this great white as the great white passes

You actually hear him scream as he's terrified for his life

I will be too to use but a harpoon is not always so effective against two great whites

They move for us and could easily dodge it and just imagine how scared this guy was being it literally inches away from a great

white shark

Thankfully, he not only made it out with this life. But also with amazing footage of his dive. Oh


Next up is Bear chase. So we've just seen one very scary animal encounter underwater

Well, here's a very scary animal encounter rough ground one day a guy going by the name of mr

McGregor was cycling out in the woods

He was riding around and it seems like quite a pleasant ride

But on his trail as he glances to the right

You can see a massive brown bear start chasing him as anyone would he picks up a lot of speed and begins riding away?

He does glance back quite a few times and you can see the bear chasing him very fast

You can also hear him terrified breathing and panting heavily eventually

This guy does not get very lucky and a massive Braj is in his way instead of going wrong. There's no time

It has to dump his bike and jump over the branch. He then runs away from the Bale on foot and hides behind a tree

Miraculously this actually worked and the bear didn't catch up with him bears can be very very dangerous

If you ever see a bear, you should try and lie down and pretend that you're not alive

But seeing as the guy just had a massive bike race with the bear I doubt would buy that he wasn't alive

Luckily though. This guy made it out of the woods and out of this situation alive

No, no, I'm out I'm out

Next up is poltergeist

So this footage was captured on a GoPro

Going by the name of mellow birds mellow bird is actually one of the most famous people to have a poltergeist in their home

They've had many viral paranormal videos. Oh, yeah. I remember I remember Dark

Knight say he saw something very strange his kitchen door opens

But nobody walked in then one of the kitchen chairs at the kitchen table fell over. Most people would be

Terrified if they looked at their GoPro footage and saw this happening in their own home

This guy's actually known for his poltergeists in his house. If you check out his channel, he's got many videos of similar things

Yes, my house was haunted. I definitely would not be doing that

But I guess mellow bird simply doesn't mind sharing his home with a bunch of ghosts

Next up is real subway surfer. So I'm sure we're all familiar fur

That doesn't sound good one day someone tried out real-life subway surfing except they weren't running away from the trains instead

They were surfing on the trains themselves

This happened in Vienna Austria and was filmed by a guy going by sky Joker as a train pulls up to a platform

He nonchalantly hops on he hangs him to the back and looks around all different kind of areas

Some of what he sees is very scenic, but it's all very scary at various stops

He jumps off the train and onto different trains. This guy's only 22, and I just hope he lives to an old age

I really wouldn't be surprised if he was injured by doing this but he is a thrill seeker an adrenaline

Junkie, and he says in his description. No one should ever try this that I can agree with

Next up is jellyfish encounter

spirit by cartoons and books that jellyfish acute squishy characters

But in reality jellyfish are seriously dangerous and can take lives

One day a boy named Moroni was swimming out in the ocean. That was when he saw various jellyfish, which are very dangerous swimming

Really near him he managed to dodge their tentacles which are electric. Thankfully he wasn't burst once might any of these jellyfish. Thank God for

Thankfully, he was fine and managed to dodge all of the tentacles first

not every swim is as good as Daniel and it makes you think if the wrong person was there the wrong time it wasn't a

skilled they could have been done for

Next up is train Dodge. So here it is

You're on a very scary train video car GoPro

but instead of train surfing we're going to look at train dodging train dodging is where you stand in front of a train and then

Move out of the way at the last minute

It may sound crazy and stupid to you but to some people it's a real rush

They love the thrill and Neil Manley is one of those people One Nights Neil and Barry's friends went into this train tunnel

they were standing on the railways and near the trains and

Then when the trains go by they stand against the tunnel wall and line next to the tracks

Thankfully and amazingly these guys all made it out. Absolutely


But I can see so much potential for this going wrong and you can see his friends screaming in fear as this is happening

Neil's videos get thousands of views of amazed people

But I wonder how many of those people are actually brave enough and or crazy enough to really do this to be honest

I hope none as this should never be repeated

Huh Oh

Check out the poll the top right corner to vote for the scariest GoPro video in this list in my opinion

It's the creature caught by the cyclists. Uh-huh. Yes, true. True feeling scary

If you guys want more amazing videos then check out my second channel

They'll be a link to that on the screen in a moment, and it's packed with amazing life hacks

But as always thanks for watching check out some more videos on screen rights

Now you'd like to enjoyed and if you haven't told me what you're waiting for subscribe to top tens


Man I definitely agree that it was the creature

Like the cyclist or the cyclist was

Um saw that creature there was definitely the most scary


Other nap guys. I hope the guys enjoyed make sure to like comment down below subscribe to the channel and


Turn a pulse on occasions you you guys will stay notified on every single video. So

Yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching I will see you guys in the next video bye view on

For more infomation >> 10 Scary Videos Caught on GoPro Camera Reaction - Duration: 12:24.


Fastest Way To Make Money On Clickbank For Beginners In 2018 - Duration: 15:40.

What is going on guys my name is Anthony Villa welcoming you back to a brand new

video here on the channel where today guys I'm gonna be showing you the

fastest way to actually go ahead and make sales on Clickbank guys this is the

most beginner method I could possibly give you guys because I know a lot of

people out there watch my channel right now our beginners and they want the

fastest way to actually go ahead and make some sales using Clickbank oh

really guys this will work with pretty much any affiliate network we're gonna

focus specifically on Clickbank for this video before I get into that though guys

if you're brand new to the channel I encourage you right now to go down below

hit that subscribe button hit that Bell icon turn on those post notifications

for brand new videos on this channel almost every single day with that being

said guys we're gonna dive into my computer right now so I can show you

guys the exact method we're gonna go ahead and use to make sales as fast as

we possibly can I guess we're in my computer now of course we're on

Clickbank because of course guys first thing you need to do is actually go

ahead and find a product now I'm not gonna be going ahead and actually

finding a product in this video I'm gonna assume you guys already have one

again guys this will work for pretty much any product on here as long as it's

in like the top 3 niches I'm gonna explain why in just a minute but guys

first things first is this will be a paid method because guys the quickest

way to actually make sales on Clickbank is to send as much traffic as you

possibly can through your funnel as fast as you possibly can guys because of

course the more traffic you send the higher chance you have are actually

making a sale so with that guys using free methods is not really gonna work

well for actually making sales quickly of course guys I know you guys love the

free methods I know you guys love the free traffic but for this specific

method if you're trying to make sales as fast as possible it's gonna be very hard

to drive a lot of traffic very quickly using free methods unless you have a

large email list over a large following on Instagram Facebook YouTube something

like that unless you have those things it's gonna be very hard to send a lot of

free traffic very quickly and I know like I said in the beginning of the

video guys I know a lot of you are gonna be beginners and you're not necessarily

gonna have those things but with that said I'm gonna show you how to use a

paid method to send a lot of traffic very very quickly guys a lot of

guarantee traffic on top of that to actually go ahead and make sales with

your Clickbank products no guys I do not recommend direct linking I recommend you

some sort of opt-in some sort of landing page that you send them to before they

actually go ahead over to the Clickbank offer that way you guys can go ahead and

collect email addresses and follow up with them guys because a lot of people

are not gonna buy the first time they see something on average it takes a

person four to five maybe even six times to see a product or an offer in front of

them before they actually go ahead and make a purchasing decision so with that

said you're definitely gonna want to go ahead and collect email addresses this

have some sort of landing page setup actually go ahead and do that you can

use anything leadpages clickfunnels builder all whatever you guys want but

you're definitely gonna want that with that being so I'm not gonna waste any

more time guys let's dive straight in I'm gonna show you the website in the

platform we're actually gonna go ahead and use to actually go ahead and do this

hi guys so this is the platform right here and as if you don't know

what this is this is pretty much a solo ad marketplace now guys what a solo ad

is is you're essentially paying somebody else one of these people to actually go

ahead and send an email on your behalf in exchange for you paying them X amount

of money per click they send you so normally most people go ahead and send

about 100 clicks and guys that 100 clicks is a hundred people that are

gonna go ahead and actually click your link go ahead and see your offer now

again guys I recommend setting up some sort of landing page sort of opt-in page

before you actually go ahead and do that because again guys when somebody goes

ahead and doesn't purchase immediately you want to be able to follow up with

them in our guys if you don't really know how to use udemy I'm gonna show you

right now how to find some of the best sellers you can that way you guys

actually have the highest chance of going ahead and actually making a sale

on here with that being said guys the best way to find sellers on here is just

to mess around with these filters right here at the top because of course guys

it's already found three hundred and thirty four sellers and we really want

to narrow that down to just the best ones it's the top view because of course

guys you really want to have the best chance of actually going ahead getting a

lot of opt-ins onto your email list and actually going ahead and making some

sales with that being said lo guys if you're actually interested in purchasing

a solo ad on udemy there would be a link in the top of the description where you

guys can actually go ahead and get five dollars off your very first solo I'd let

you go ahead and buy yes there's an affiliate link so I will get something

for that you don't have to use it if you don't want to but I always I will

appreciate it if you do with that out of the way guys we're gonna go ahead and

mess with these settings at the top right here

the first one is when you wish to start your solo ad this is

pletely dependent on you you guys can obviously go ahead and make it 24 hours

if you want to send it tomorrow 48 hours you can put it for a week it's really

whatever you guys want we'll leave it on seven days right now the next option

guys is the minimum quantity of visitors you want to be able to send a two-year

link you can choose 50s the lowest you guys can actually go ahead and choose

you have to actually go ahead and pay for at least 50 clicks on you name they

don't let you do any less than that because again anything less than that

really isn't that valuable anyway I usually go ahead and leave it out a

hundred a hundreds of really good test testing amount because of course guys

when you're working with a brand new seller on here you do want to go ahead

and purchase that that wasn't clicks right away you want to start with a

hundred and then slowly scale up once you realize that their traffic is good

their traffic is quality with that being so there as the next setting is how much

you actually want to pay-per-click guys because again when you're purchasing

solo ads it's on a per click basis so guys it tend to be thirty five cents per

click at the minimum and you guys can go all the way up to ninety five cents per

click at the maximum and I recommend you guys go for ninety five cents per click

necessarily but of course guys you will get what you pay for so of course people

who are selling their clicks for only thirty five cents now that are

guaranteed to be lower quality but you I'm gonna saying you guys you get what

you pay for I usually like to stick in the range of anywhere from 40 to about

70 cents that's a good happy medium range because again you're gonna get

quality traffic but you're not gonna be overpaying with that being said the guys

the next step or the next filter I should say is actually this one right

here with the dollar sign and the percentage the res what this is actually

showing is the percent of people were actually made a sale on the last 100 at

so lads this person sent out so if somebody sent out 100 soul waves and

about 30 of those people actually got sales they'd have a 30 percent sale

rating so of course I thought zero right now again guys most people aren't gonna

have anything above really forty percent if it's about 40 percent that's usually

pretty rare so most people will have anywhere in the range of like 15 to like

30 percent again on average I like to keep it just above 10 percent or 20

percent again this is completely dependent on you guys and what you guys

actually want to go for it with that said there as the next thing

is actually the minimum a number of positive ratings on a seller Joe of

course guys I just put this up to ten plus rate

so I can filter out any completely new sellers I like to work with people who

have been on the site for at least a little while people who have proven that

they actually have quality traffic and can send any amount of clicks today that

they need to so I just keep it at ten plus you guys can go ahead and do the

same thing so guys the last setting right here is on the right is actually

the market you guys are actually or the niche you guys actually want to go into

because of course they have marketing finance health mobile and then social

all as things you can go ahead and choose I of course stick with marketing

music or skies whenever I'm personally purchasing solo ads it's usually gonna

be in the make money online a flight marketing a business opportunity niche

those the needs I kind of work in of course if you guys are in health for

example you guys can go ahead and choose health now I'll be honest there aren't a

lot of health so let sellers on here most of the people on udemy are gonna be

in the make money online business opportunity niche so that's just

something to go ahead and keep in mind when you're actually on Clickbank

looking for products you're gonna want to stay in those categories of business

and investing ebusiness any marketing and then maybe even employment and jobs

depending on what products are in there guys once you actually go ahead and have

your Clickbank product and you guys have narrowed down your search history your

search results for the actual sellers what you guys can go ahead and do is

just go ahead and scroll through the list and just look for a sell and you

might actually wouldn't want to go ahead and work with but what's gonna scroll

down a little bit and let's see you guys let's see all right so we'll go with

this one right here we'll open the profile in a new tab next well guys now

we were on his profile of course guys right here he is 31 positive ratings in

the sale percentage of 17% which again is not that bad and the cost per click

is gonna be 49 cents and of course he has this little buyer down here in the

actual bio for a lot of the sellers they'll have exactly what kneestr in how

big their list is how many subscribers are adding daily how long they been a

seller just things like that just kind of given you know it's a little bit of a

bio of themselves just to give you a general idea of who you're gonna be

purchasing from with that simple guys you guys can actually scroll down and

this is where you'll actually this work it's what really matters guys this is

where you're gonna choose how many visitors you want when you want them and

this we actually have your out your ads swipe your ID copy text I guys don't

copy this this is an old ad that you actually run don't copy this with that

being said lo guys based filter is gonna be automatically checked these are some

more filters you guys can go ahead and mess with prime filter only top-tier

countries as in you know US UK Canada you know guys the top-tier

countries when you're actually going and use these filters it will cost a little

bit more I will add to your cost per click price but it can definitely be

worth it sometime see it some more top tier a1 quality traffic with that said

you guys can have only mobile or no mobile as in only desktop traffic so

once you guys go ahead and choose how many visitors you want you guys can mess

around with that up here and of course you guys can see the price changing at

the bottom personally it's 300 visitors for tomorrow but again you guys can go

ahead and change the date for example you want to run your sole ad on the 15

which is a Monday you guys can go ahead and just pick that date for example and

then again choose how many visitors you want to actually go ahead and send it

again guys it starts at oh we have 50 and then it goes all the way to 950 up

to a thousand visitors per solo whether you can actually go ahead and run so if

you don't do any more than that you might have to message them privately on

that or just make three separate orders again I know a lot of you aren't going

to be sending a thousand clicks for your first couple orders and guys use fifty

to a hundred clicks I really recommend you guys go ahead and just start with a

hundred clicks just as like a test order again if they're quality if their

traffic is quality and it potentially make sales gets a lot opt-ins then you

guys can go ahead and actually scale up and purchase more visitors down the line

but if you're just beginning in this stuff I definitely recommend starting

with 100 clicks ask that guys you can scroll down some more you can actually

see where most of their traffic comes from where most of their list comes from

so of course guys right here again 90 percent top to your countries and then

it even tells you exactly where they're from guys 83% us that's definitely solid

guys again you want as many you want as much top to your country traffic as you

can possibly get just because those are the countries that are gonna give you

the highest chance of actually making a sale because of course guys some of the

lower tier country somewhere the third-world countries of course they

don't have as much money to actually go ahead and spend money on online products

on digital products they're actually going ahead and selling through here

with that being said they have filtered clicks so guys what a filtered click is

is any click that doesn't actually qualify as a quality visitor that means

it was probably spam it was probably from a bot it was probably oh it wasn't

quality guys it wasn't good so what udemy actually does is it filters all of

those clicks out that way you're not even paying for them which is actually a

really really great feature they one here now you're not wasting any

money on robot clicks on spam clicks things like that guys you're actually at

the most bang for your buck possible with using udemy as your sole web

marketplace there as they will also have a verified list option if the sellers if

the seller actually goes ahead and verifies their list three dummy it'll

pile up on here obviously this person has not but there are sellers on here

who have a verified list that's something else you guys can go ahead and

look at guys the last thing you guys can go ahead and actually check out when

you're actually uh thinking about purchasing from a seller is the rating

is down here so of course guys like any other website they're gonna have reviews

and right here guys thirty one positive ratings he has zero negative ratings

which is core which of course is always good and this little broken glass right

here is for any any orders that he couldn't necessarily fulfill so for

example if somebody ordered four hundred clicks and he was only able to fulfill

two hundred of them that person gets all of their money back because the order

wasn't actually fulfilled but right here guys he has a zero percent chance of the

happening which is again of course and good that's just those are some more

things you guys can go ahead and look at and you can scroll down and to see what

people are saying as far as their as far as their views so of course very poor

results that's not very good obviously run again guys great solo great delivery

she actually bought twice she actually bought a total of two hundred fifty

clicks that's something else you guys can look at guys when people are

purchasing multiple times from the same seller that will usually hint that they

have quality traffic and they're actually able to send a solid amount of

visitors and a solid amount of traffic so with that it's like a those are

pretty much all the things you want to look for when you're looking for a high

quality solo ad seller now of course I didn't mention my ad copy right here

though of course I will go through this really fast again guys do not copy this

exact ad text or anything because again I don't use anymore this is for an old

ad type that I used to running your own clicks to it this is for an older

product I do not currently use this but I wanted to give you guys an example for

the videos so guys this right here is pretty much cold and ass wipe this is

the exact email the soul wide seller is actually to go ahead and email to their

list so you guys you want to spend some time on this you're gonna make sure that

it's quality this right here is gonna be the subject line and this down here is

gonna be the actual email copy so again guys you wanna spend some time on this

because this is exactly what they're going to be sending to their lists you

won't war make sure that Virts as highly as possible and it's

kind of up to you what you want to actually write in the end in the actual

email copy but again you guys definitely are gonna want to have links for people

that we should go ahead and click on and again you want to link to your opt-in

page or directly to the Clickbank offer itself but when you're using solo ads

guys you definitely want to be building an email list because guys again

majority of people are not gonna purchase immediately so a lot of times

you're not gonna make a sale immediately now of course there are gonna be some

times where you guys go ahead and make a sale pretty much instantly they send out

the email where I was heading clicks through the link and actually purchase

immediately yes that will happen but that's not gonna happen every single

time so you want to make sure you have the opt-in page to actually go ahead and

collect their email address that way you can actually go ahead and follow up with

them for the next seven to like twenty days or however long your actual email

autoresponder sequences but guys this is gonna be the fastest way to actually

make sales on Clickbank because this is gonna be the easiest way to send a lot

of traffic very very quickly again guys using free methods it's gonna be very

difficult to send a lot of traffic very quickly but with this method right here

you guys can send 100 clicks 200 clicks 300 clicks pretty much instantly guys

you can set it up to send the next day and you can have 300 people clicking on

your link opting in to your email list and potentially making a purchase from

you and that's exactly why this is the fastest method guys because you can send

a lot of traffic very very quickly now again I know this is a paid method which

I know a lot of you might not like but guys this is simply the truth if you

can't send a lot of free traffic very quickly then you're not gonna be able to

make sales very fast you want to make sales fast this is exactly the best way

to do it okay guys there will be a link in the description for five dollars off

your first sole web but you guys can go ahead and use if you want to of course

if you don't no problem with all that said guys that pretty much wraps up the

video the fastest way to make sales is to buy go ahead and buy sole ads and

send a lot of traffic to your landing pages to your funnels and eventually to

your Clickbank offers if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and

definitely subscribe for more videos here on the channel very very soon and

with that said my name is Anthony Villa and I am out

For more infomation >> Fastest Way To Make Money On Clickbank For Beginners In 2018 - Duration: 15:40.


♪ The author is mindless ♪ - Once Upon An Adaptation - Duration: 2:16.

Written by liverstatu Bloodstorm 237

Sung by Blaster 13 Bloodstorm 237

Written for the web-serie "Once Upon An Adaptation" by Bloodstorm 237

You may think that Ylmio will be cured

And reunited with Watanabe

This shitass called Josh will be arrested

Dead Dorobou is going to be

But there's no happy ending for this web-series

Wich is darker than deep abysse

You'll be bored and that's not reasonless

Cause the author is mindless

You might think that the girl the most kind and nice

Will have a future proper

But I'm sad to say I have bad news for her

She will meet sadness more than twice

Cause there's no happy ending for this web-series

Wich is darker than deep abysse

You'll be shocked and that's not reasonless

Cause the author is mindless

I once loved a girl who didn't know me

I thought I could bring happiness to her

But now I'm ALL ALONE, as you can well see

Now she know I'm just a motherfucker

Yes there's no happy ending for this web-series

Wich is darker than deep abysse

You'll be offend and that's not reasonless

Cause the author is mindless

Life is a crual and hard test

And I'm pretty sure I failed

YLMIO : I thought I could have a life preaty pleasant

YLMIO : But this asshole I didn't planned

I don't have the right to say I'm suffering

If painful sorrow I had bring

But for me life is just a really painful test

And that is all my fault

Yes that is all my- coughs

For more infomation >> ♪ The author is mindless ♪ - Once Upon An Adaptation - Duration: 2:16.


Duck update and counting numbers! | Vlog 14 - Duration: 6:14.

>> Mom: So, I have

Clips of when they were little puppies.

Not little puppies i'm sorry, little chickens.

I'm thinking about my dog right now.

She's over there.

But look how big they got!

Look at my duck. I have three.

This one right there and then those two.

I was actually gonna make a video, you know when we were building this chicken coop

but the hurricane happened and well not even that I think I just took too long to

Finish editing it. So I just never got around to it

And then when I was finally gonna you know post it the hurricane happened

So I think it's a little too late to post it now, but I will insert clips of when they little chickens

So we're gonna feed the chickens and the Ducks a little bit of goodness here

we did make sure to

Sanitize all her (Saria's) toys and cage as well before we let her back in

We just put them in here because we wanted to keep them in one spot as we try to feed them the worms

They're so big now!

I don't really have specific names for the chickens because there's just so many

So the black ones, these two

I call the OG chickens cuz we've had them first

and then we have the zebra chickens which are these black and white ones over here

And then we have the cat chickens, which are the brown ones.

And then we have our ducks! we have Gannon and we have link and Wolf link.

We're planning to expand this...

...little chicken coop. Gonna make it bigger gonna at least double the size

We kind of maybe wanna do like this whole side.

But we don't know yet cuz we want to put a pool...

...not that pool, for the ducks.

I wanna show you what i got.

I wanna show you how to make bubbles

but I want to show you this really quick.

This is my new toothpaste and my new toothbrush.

It's really long and it's orange and white.

Someone gave it to us in a bag at school.

Kids guess what I got.

I got a fish!!

I got some crayons.

The color I got is...

...I got Yellow

Dark Green





Dark Blue

We even got my favorite book.

And I got candy which is, I wanna eat today night

>> Mom: So we're gonna play a little game.

I'm gonna use this book. It's called "Follow me ,1,2,3."

I purchased this book at books-a-million

So we're gonna go ahead and play a little game and see if you know your numbers, okay?

What number is this?

>> Miro: One

>> Mom: And what number is this one?

>> Miro: Two!

>> Mom: Alright so put one candy corn here

And put two candy corns here

What is one plus two?

>> Miro: One, two, three

>> Mom: So what is one plus two?

>> Miro: Three!

>> Mom: What number is this?

>> Miro: Three and four

So I put three there--

>> Mom: And four here

>> Miro: And four on the other one.

>> Mom: What is three plus four?

>> Miro: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven


>> Mom: Good job!

>> Miro: There's some stars and some pumpkins on my bag.

I know how many pumpkins there are.

>> Mom: How many pumpkins are there?

>> Miro: THREE!

>> Mom: We're gonna do one that's a little bit more challenging. What number is this?

>> Miro: Five and six!

So put five on that one and six on that

>> Mom: You're smart bubs

>> Miro: Mhm






I think i'm gonna need a little more.







>> Mom: So what is five plus six?

>> Miro: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven

>> Mom: Eleven!


>> Mom: What we did right now was adding.

The next one we're going to do is subtract which means take away.

We're gonna do three minus two. So take away two

What's left?

>> Miro: One

>> Mom: So what is three minus two?

>> Miro: One

>> Mom: Once upon a time there was a little boy named Ramiro

And he was trying to sneak into the kitchen

And grab six candy corn.

>> Miro: One two, three, four, five, six

>> Mom: So he found six candy corns...

and ate three of them.

>> Miro: So I eat three of them?

>> Mom: Yes

So six minus three, what is that?

>> Miro: Three

>> Mom: So there was three little candy corns left

Ramiro got hungry and decided he wanted to eat two more.

So what is three minus two?

>> Miro: One

and it eat?

>> Mom: And there's only one little guy left

>> Miro: So I eat one?

>> Mom: Sure

>> Miro: Click on these links for more videos. BYE!!!

For more infomation >> Duck update and counting numbers! | Vlog 14 - Duration: 6:14.



For more infomation >> BALIK YEDİKTEN SONRA ÜZERİNE NEDEN HELVA YENİR - Duration: 9:15.


JaxPlayzYT rant (My Ex- Best Friend) - Duration: 2:55.

Today i'm going to be roasting my (best) friend, which now isn't my friend anymore.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel!

Today is a little bit different video

I'm going to be kind of roasting my friend.

Who now isn't my friend

I'm mostly am going to be looking at this channel, where i mostly helped him

So basically before he had another channel called JaxPlayzYT

Where he has 30+ subscribers.

Well the channel still is on YouTube

But he forgot the password to the account

And now the channel is basically...


Of course because he isn't posting videos.

Because he can't sign in the account

But that's not so important.

His videos before he knew me where

Let's just say...


Well, after he knew me there wasn't a big change

between his old ones and new ones

He used bandicam to record

and of course had the bandicam watermark..

and how could i froget, he didn't ever edit videos....

All i did was i got him and Intro and an Outro.

But he still used the bandicam watermark (to record his intros)

he never knew where to get those intros and outros from.

I couldn't really help him any more with the channel.

Considering he didn't give me access to it

Because he didn't know the password.

But also he wasn't verified (verified his account) so..

i couldn't have really helped with the thumbnails

or it's just that he didn't know about a fuction such as changing the thumbnail

and he never added a channel banner which made his channel more shit.

But after he signed out of the account by accident

he had to make a new acount, of course

He let me in the account he made so i could help him.

He made the account and i think got about 10+ subscribers.

And he was as dumb as that to just delete the channel...

Now he has a new one which still is on YouTube.

And it has 1 subscriber

I helped him with the banner and the videos.

He made pretty shit ones, i downlaoded them.

And edited them

So they don't look so bad.

and look much better

also after some time he randomly unfriended me on discrod and on Roblox

Only because i didn't like him being on my other account

Or that's atleast the reason he unfriended me (i think)

I managed to find him on my other friend's discord server

I had changed my name and my profile picture before

So i used the chance to get my answers.

On why did he unfriend me

I at the end told him that i was his friend who he unfriended randomly

and asked him why, did he unfriend me

and if he wants to be friends again

well guess what he answered with

like that was your fucking reason?

i was in depression for 2 days and you just randomly unfriended me?

because you where bored?

Okay i am just done

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