Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

Landwirtschaft Simulator 17 Mods

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

Landwirtschaft Simulator 17 Mods

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Mods Homemade MultiTool PC/MAC PS4 - XB1 - Duration: 11:22.





Recovering From Religion - Duration: 3:09.

Since leaving the religion I was indoctrinated in, I realized it's taken

quite a bit of time recovering from it. from Deconverting to undoing the fear of

Hell to losing relationships in my life simply because I'm no longer a Christian

to not having support around me and feeling guilt and shame because I don't

believe. Also coping with the harmful effects that are consequences from being

indoctrinated all of this and more took a toll on me and if you're someone who's

currently experiencing this know that you are not alone I'm fortunate that the

religion I left was Christianity and I know that for some people leaving their

religion can be extremely dangerous in life-threatening I wanted to point to a

resource that can help if you are someone who's having doubts about your

beliefs recovering from religion is an organization that offers hope healing

and support they provide resources for anyone who might have questions about

changing or leaving their faith and they offer two ways of support peer support

and professional support you can simply call them you can also message them

through a chat on their website and there's a way to connect face to face

with support groups I think this is extremely important because I know from

personal experience and also religious studies sometimes when people leave

their religion they are rejected by their family

I think being rejected by your own family can be crushing and hurtful

finding support from recovering from religion in this way can really help

they also offer the secular therapy project here you'll be connected with

the skilled licensed therapist who will offer evidence-based and non-religious

treatment I wish I had known about this resource before when I was looking for a

therapist when I was still religious and I sought a therapist the Christian

counselor that I ended up seeing told me that my negative thinking at the time

was because Satan was putting those thoughts in my head years later when I

was realizing I was an atheist I found another therapist who I didn't know at

the time was religious it was harmful to talk to someone who is only interested

in making sure I became a Christian again I had just opened up to her about

not believing in the Bible or the Christian God or any gods and her

response was belittling and judgmental she told me that I needed to reread the

Bible because I clearly didn't get it yeah I don't see how any of this advice

is helpful I feel like the secular therapy project is such a great resource

for anyone who would like to talk with someone with

out fear of judgment or if you're someone who has questions about leaving

your religion or really I'll be above I mentioned before maybe you're struggling

with a fear of Hell or maybe you're just not realizing you're indoctrinated being

able to talk with someone who is non-religious and also evidence-based

can really help with putting everything in perspective when you leave your

religion it's like a whole other life opens up your life is different now

you get to reinvent it it can also maybe feel a bit overwhelming take it a day at

a time and do things at your own pace personally I was afraid of an idea of

Hell even years after I came out as an atheist I've also lost some

relationships in my life that I ended up grieving over I wasn't trying to kill

the relationship on my end the relationship ended because the other

person couldn't tolerate me walking away from religion everyone's situation is

different and you just have to figure out what works best for you and

recovering from religion can really help know that you are not alone

For more infomation >> Recovering From Religion - Duration: 3:09.


CBC NL on YouTube - Duration: 1:06:53.

For more infomation >> CBC NL on YouTube - Duration: 1:06:53.


ARTURIANOS - " EU SOU " Para onde se vai neste Processo de Ascensão - Duration: 15:58.

For more infomation >> ARTURIANOS - " EU SOU " Para onde se vai neste Processo de Ascensão - Duration: 15:58.


RELEASE Restrictions and TAP Int Your GOD Like POWER | Law Of Attraction Tips & Tricks - Duration: 8:06.

The purpose of the soul is to give me

meaning God this is God talking the

purpose of the soul is to give me an

opportunity to express and experience

myself in every one of the endless

countless multitudinous ways that life

itself makes possible that I want to

experience myself divinity in all of its

myriad aspects in every one of the ways

that divinity itself could possibly be

expressed or experienced through the

process that we hae come to call life

itself so that life is physical life is

God's expression of itself and God's

expression of its primary and

fundamental nature the fundamental

nature of God is twofold one creatiity

God is that which creates that is it

shifts it doesn't really in the

strictest sense create because

everything that's ever been created

already is but it moves through the

process of manifesting the deep

awareness of what it is and that process

is what we call on earth creation and so

God's fundamental I want to say job

function in the unierse is to create

and it's fundamental characteristic is

that of the Creator now what's

interesting about that point of view is

that every religion on the face of the

earth preaches that particular point

there are a lot of places where

religions on the planet diverge a lot of

differences between the world's great

religions but virtually every religion

on the planet makes this statement in

unison that is they all agree God is the

Creator that is the first and

fundamental characteristic of God the

second characteristic of God is that God

is freedom God is that which is

ultimately totally and completely free

that is there are no restrictions

limitations on God itself because God is

all there is and there is nothing else

so there would be nothing else to

restricted or too limited in any way so

what God has imbued in all of the

individual aspects of itself is that

which we call the power to create and to

do so freely to freely create whatever

it wishes to produce and the process by

which sentient beings such as human

beings decide what to create is what we

call evolution because God's essential

characteristic is creation and freedom

God will never stop any one of its

manifestations God will never stop any

one of the sentient beings that have

emerged through the process I've just

described that will never stop any one

of those sentient beings from creating

anything it wishes that which you would

call good and that which you would call

not-so-good God has no judgment about it

because God's great desire is simply to

allow you the freedom to create yourself

in exactly the way you wish to

experience yourself and often when

sentient beings are emerging through the

process of evolution we do that in a way

that one would call trial and error that

is we decide what we want to be and then

we try that on and see if that really

feels as good as we had hoped that it

would and if it doesn't we do something

else we adapt ourseles all of life is

adaptie as a matter of fact as a means

of guaranteeing is sustainability so

that it can produce more functionality

with regard to what it really is so it

can function if you please as life

itself emerging through life in the

process of life to produce more life to

produce more of itself so we do those

things in our daily experience as

sentient beings on the earth through the

choices and the decisions and the

understandings that we hae come to the

actions that we take and the thoughts

that we hold in our mind that is how the

whole thing works

the question becomes however what is the

source the central source of those

thoughts of those decisions of those

choices is the central source of the

impetus the motivation behind those

choices decisions and actions the

thoughts in our mind the data that we

are holding in our mind or is it the

data that we are holding I want to say

the data that exists inside of our soul

I see that becomes that becomes the key

question the key question in front of

all of us are we making our life

decisions our life choices

based on what our mind is telling us or

based on what the soul knows to be so

and that the soul chooses us to become

aware of if we will simply listen open

our ears and listen to what the soul is

offering and initing us to experience

we are of course as you know I assume

you know that we are three-part beings

made up of body mind and soul body mind

and spirit the soul is the part of us

that's directly connected to divinity as

I've been explaining to you now for

several minutes the mind and the body

are additional physical manifestations

of the soul which exists outside of the

body and holds in what we call our mind

and uses the mind and the body as tools

with which to express in physical

reality the desire and what I want to

call the agenda of the soul but the mind

is so magnificent is such an incredible

instrument such a remarkable creation of

the whole process of life that part of

life that separates us from

manifestations of physicality at

somewhat lower leels of consciousness

the - it's a magnificent instrument that

it actually can hae the power to cause

us to do things that have nothing to do

with the agenda of the soul I often say

and I'e written in a

book called the only thing that matters

I wrote a statement that said 98% of the

world's people are spending 98% of their

time on things that don't matter boy

that describes in my life completely

before the age of 52 I was doing a lot

of stuff and but none of it really

mattered in the sense that it did not

relate to the agenda of my soul and had

nothing to do with my soul's purpose in

manifesting my body and my mind through

the process called physicalization

so I began to question all of this when I had

my very first conversation with God and

I began to ask some fundamental

questions as they relate to the

existence of the human soul of course is

like Who am I? Who am I? what am I doing here?

and what is my purpose in life I hope

I've begun to give you some answers to

those questions here so far that I am an

individual of divinity an aspect of the

divine and I am here in order that my

soul may experience and express its

ultimate identity its true self may

experience and express divinity flowing

in it through it as it

For more infomation >> RELEASE Restrictions and TAP Int Your GOD Like POWER | Law Of Attraction Tips & Tricks - Duration: 8:06.


Learn Numbers and Math for Kids | Preschool Games #LearnNumbers! - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Learn Numbers and Math for Kids | Preschool Games #LearnNumbers! - Duration: 3:18.


Captain Spirit - Super Hero (The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This) Music Video - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Captain Spirit - Super Hero (The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This) Music Video - Duration: 4:21.


Başarılarıyla Ünlü Olmuş İnsanların Yaşadığı Başarısızlıklar - Duration: 10:16.

Başarısızlık kelimesi her zaman olumsuz bir çağrışım olarak algılanmıştır.İnsanlardaki

başaramama korkusu çoğu zaman öyle kuvvetlidir ki kendilerini yeni şeyler denemekten alıkoyar.Oysa

başarısızlık karakter iyileştirir sizi daha güçlü daha esnek ve daha zeki kılar.

Neyin işe yarayıp yaramadığını keşfedersiniz.Bu videoda dünyanın en başarılı insanların

deneyimlediği başarısızlık hikayelerini inceleyeceğiz.

4 yaşına kadar konuşamadı öğretmenleri akranlarına göre yavaş ve zihinsel engelli

olarak nitelendirdi.Özel ve genel görelilik kuramını geliştirdi.Kuramsal fizik ve fotoelektrik

etki üzerine çalışmalarından dolayı 1921 yılında Nobel fizik ödülüne layık görüldü.

Reed Üniversitesi'ndeki eğitimini yarıda bıraktı.Kendi kurduğu şirketi Apple dan

1985 yılında şirket içi kavga sonucu kovuldu.

Apple dan kavurduktan sonra başka bir bilgisayar şirketi Next Computer kurdu.

1996 yılında Apple şirketi Jobs ı kurduğu şirkete geri getirmek için Nexti 429 milyon

dolar karşılığında satın aldı.1997 yılında Apple'ın tekrar Ceo'su oldu.Yenilik

mucidi olarak tanınmaktadır.

Harvard Üniversitesi'nden ayrıldı.1972 yılında ilk işi Traf-O-Data'yı kurdu.Bu

şirket bir trafik sayım ve kontrol sistemi için yazılımları üretiyordu.Sonuç hüsranla

bitti.Dünyanın en büyük yazılım şirketi Microsoft'u kurdu.Forbes dergisinde dünyanın

en zengin insanları listesinde 1.sırada yer aldı.

Chicago'da dünyaya gelen Disney orta halli bir ailenin çocuğu olarak büyüdü.Cep

harçlığı kazanmak için bir süre gazete dağıttı.

1.Dünya Savaşı sırasında Fransa'da ambulans şoförlüğü yaptı.Memleketine dönünce

kimse ne gazete dağıtım işi ne de ambulans sürücüsü olarak iş verdi.Miki Mouse un

yaratıcısı 59 Oscar adaylığından 22'sini alarak en çok Oscar kazanan kişi olarak

tarihe geçti.Kurduğu Walt Disney şirketi şu an yıllık 30 milyon dolar geliri olan

bir medya devi haline geldi

Rüyalarının Okulu Kaliforniya Üniversitesi'nden üç kez atıldı.

Aynı üniversite 1994 yılında kendisine onur derecesi verdi ve hatta üniversitenin

vekilide oldu.Schindler'in Listesi,Titanic ve Jurassic Park gibi birçok başarılı

filme imza attı.

Mankenlik ajansı tarafından sekreterlik yapmasının daha iyi olacağı söylenerek


İlk sözleşmesi yeterince sempatik ve yetenekli bir aktris olmadığı gerekçesiyle fes edildi.Tüm

zamanların ikonik aktristi oldu.

Ayrıca Amerikan film Enstitüsü tarafından tüm zamanların en önemli 6.

kadın oyuncusu seçildi.

Okuldaki 2. yılında okul takımına girmeyi çalışsada 1.80'lik boyunun kısa görülmesi nedeniyle

takımdan çıkarıldı.Günlerce odasından çıkmayıp ağladı.

Tüm zamanların en iyi basketbolcusu oldu aynı zamanda basketboldaki en iyi savunma oyuncusu olarak ünlendi.

1995 senesinde bir kot dükkanı açarak ticarete atıldı ama başarılı olamadı bir arkadaşı

vasıtasıyla İlker Yasinle tanışan Acun Ilıcalı televizyon dünyasında İlerleyen

zamanlarda Fear Factor, Survivor gibi programlar ile başarı basamaklarını teker teker çıktı.

İlk kitabı 30 kez reddedildi.Olumsuz ütopyaları ele alan bilim kurgu ile ilgilenmiyoruz bu

tarz romanlar satmaz gibi yorumlar aldı.Aldığı olumsuz dönüşler yüzünden yazdıklarını

çöpe attı.

Fakat eşi tekrar denemesi için onu cesaretlendirdi.İlerleyen zamanda eserleri 350 milyondan fazla sattı

kitaplarının çoğu sinemaya ve çizgi romana uyarlandı.Onlarca ödül aldı.

ilk Romanını yazmadan önce biten evliliği yüzünden depresyon ve fakirlik içindeydi.12

yayınevi ilk romanını yayınlamayı reddetti.1 yıl sonra yayınlamayı kabul eden yayınevi

çocuk romanlarıyla az para kazanacağını belirterek kendisine tam zamanlı iş bulmasını önerdi.

İlerleyen yıllarda yazdığı Harry Potter serisi 400 milyonun üzerinde satarak tarihte

en çok satılan kitap serisi oldu.Dünyada en çok okunan çocuk serisi oldu. eserleri

Rowling'i tüm dünyada ve birleşik krallık'ta en zengin kadın yaptı.

2009 yılında Facebook ve Twitter'a iş başvurusunda bulundu ve reddedildi.4 yıl sonra arkadaşı

ile birlikte WhatsApp'ı icat etti icat ettiği uygulama o kadar popüler oldu ki Facebook

uygulamasını 16 milyon dolara satın aldı.

Hayatı boyunca tek bir resim sattı o da arkadaşlarına yıllarca sinir bozukluğu

ve ruh hastalıkları ile boguştu 900'ün üzerinde yağlı boya resmi yaptı yaptığı

eserler dünyanın en değerli ve en pahalı resimleri olarak kabul edildi

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