Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

I think it's interesting to think of a car

as something that is connected

to other parts of your life

– via applications, for example –

and that you can bring other parts of your life

into the car when you enter a car.

So, in that way I guess

they have a different significance than they used to

in the past.

We're bumping up against the limits

of what our planet can sustain

and we need to have that front and center

as part of all that we do

and integrate it into all that we do,

because otherwise

we're going to destroy our home

and that's not good for anyone.

Once this vision really comes to be

where every house will have solar panels

and you can charge your car at home and so on –

I think that will completely

redefine personal transportation.

It's the car of the future, so to say,

and I think that they've really taken

the nice Mercedes-Benz style

and incorporated it really well

into the electric car vibe.

Just a little glimpse into the future,

but I think it gives a great idea

of what our cars

will look like in the future –

designwise and also, of course,

from a technology standpoint.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz EQ Night | Tech Open Air 2018 - Duration: 1:26.


3D Model of Baby Block Review - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Baby Block Review - Duration: 0:56.


3D Model of Bike C Review - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Bike C Review - Duration: 0:26.


Steve Rogers Meets Phil Coulson / Loki & The Other Scene | The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:05.

We're about 40 minutes out from home base, sir.

So, this Dr Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?

A lot of people were.

You were the world's first superhero.

Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking

Erskine's original formula.

Didn't really go his way, did it?

Not so much.

When he's not that thing, though, the guy's like a Stephen Hawking.

He's like a smart person.

I gotta say,

it's an honour to meet you officially.

I've sort of met you. I mean,

I watched you while you were sleeping.

I mean, I was present

while you were unconscious from the ice.

You know, it's really just a huge honour

to have you on board this...

I hope I'm the man for the job.

Oh, you are. Absolutely.

We made some modifications to the uniform.

I had a little design input.

The uniform?

Aren't the stars and stripes a little


With everything that's happening

and the things that are about to come to light,

people might just need a little old-fashioned.

The Chitauri grow restless.

Let them gird themselves.

I will lead them in the glorious battle.


Against the meagre might of Earth?

Glorious, not lengthy.

If your force is as formidable as you claim.

You question us?

You question him,

he who put the sceptre in your hand?

Who gave you ancient knowledge and new purpose

when you were cast out, defeated?

I was a king!

The rightful king of Asgard,


Your ambition is little

and born of childish need.

We look beyond the Earth

to the greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil.

You don't have the Tesseract yet.

I don't threaten.

But until I open the doors,

until your force is mine to command,

you are but words.

You will have your war, Asgardian.

If you fail,

if the Tesseract is kept from us,

there will be no realm, no barren moon,

no crevice where he cannot find you.

You think you know pain?

He will make you long for something sweet as pain.

For more infomation >> Steve Rogers Meets Phil Coulson / Loki & The Other Scene | The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:05.



So if it so... if it's that easy to make Bolognese on a campfire in the bush, it's

going to be just as easy to make it at home. So I'm going to share with you now a


Good morning. It was cold last night. Cold last night Michele. The wind is still

here. We stopped in this.. it's like a little rest over area, there's one

traveler left here now. There were 100's, well there wasn't 100's. Probably was a good sort of 50 or so

here though and they all get up early and leave but we wait until the Sun,

until the Sun hits the tent, starts to get a little bit of warmth. Get the coffee on


ah because I don't want to get out in that cold, I had to get up in the

middle of the night go to the bathroom, ahh it was freezing and dark because there's no

light out here at all, pitch black couldn't see a thing. I'm not.... I'm

starting to stop looking at weather forecasts, I said to Michele, we should

stop looking at weather forecasts and look at wind forecasts. I've just got to get

out of the wind. There's one sort of weather style I just don't like, it's wind.

I don't mind rain, I don't mind cold, snow. Anyway time to get a coffee,

have a chill. That's another of the overnighters setting off, into the sunset.

They're like the the snowbirds of the USA all heading up north, north to the warmth. Which

is what we're doing too, just a little bit too much cold, a lot of fun, very

beautiful, too cold. Just missed.. there's a gorgeous sunset going down just over

here. You can.. you can just about see the remnants. It was beautiful, the Sun was

that you know perfect Half Moon.....Sun.... half sun.

Can see a rig out there, right out in the...oh yeah.....Ocean somewhere out there, you might be able to

see like a gas rig. It's nice here eh....yes...

so they'll be quite a wind, so I think Michele and I will stop here for the night. There's

bathroom facilities, it's free. There's cooking... outdoor cooking areas. We've got

a little bit of soft grass over there where we've parked.

Everyone else is in fancy, dancy caravans we're in... going to have our little tent. So

what's this place called?.....This is Cliffs Head north....Cliff Head or Cliffs Head? .....Errr Cliff Head.....Cliff Head

Got these nice, well from the outside they look quite tidy....eeny, meant, miny, mo.... unisex, unisex.

So we're doing our first bush tucker. It's a lamb spag bog, the Dutch oven.

fires going nicely, let it sear up a little bit.

starting to brown up now I think, I think I'll put the sauce in

Tomato sauce in.

you want me to turn it down....

So if it's that easy to make bush bolognese on a campfire when

you're out camping, it's going to be just as easy to make it at home. So I'm going to

make that exact recipe with you now, here in the kitchen so you can give it a try

at home. We're going to start with about a pound, maybe a little under, I've got that

lovely ground minced lamb again, which I'm just going to fry up in the pan and get

it nice and caramelized but before I do that I'm going to take a small onion. I'm

just going to dice it up. We're going to saute that in some olive oil.

Add a little salt and pepper by way of seasoning, in with your onions and

continue to fry them. Now you can add the lamb mince in there

and I'm just going to cook it, as I say until I get some caramelization on it.

I'm also going to add in some beautiful rosemary, I didn't do that on the

campsite but I've got some here, so I'm going to use it and it's great with

lamb. Now getting good color on your mince will give you lots of extra flavor

so don't, don't cook this for too short a time.

Now it's always a good idea if you're making a bolognese, to make the sauce

a way ahead of time because it improves with age

Get a good Passata, I've got a Mutti passata here, we're going to add maybe a cup

cup and a half of that in with our mince and just let this gently simmer and

start to absorb some of the flavors. Now whilst the lamb and the rosemary and the

bolognese sauce develops, I've got a pot of water. I'm just going to add a decent

amount of salt into it because we're going to use this, once it starts to boil, to

cook our lovely spaghetti. I've got a 500 gram pack of spaghetti, that's around

about a pound. I'm going to use about half of this, should be perfect for the two of

us. Now like when we were camping I've got a small pan here, long spaghetti, so

I'm just going to wait until it's boiling. I'm going to hold the spaghetti in the

water, just for a moment or so until it softens and then lower it down into the

water. This shouldn't take more than about six or seven minutes to cook until

it's al dente and perfect ready to serve. So Bush bolognese with the delicious

lamb, really easy to re-create, a bit of grated Parmesan on there

would be really nice but I haven't got any. Come in, take a look at this. Here goes

got to give this a try.

That is so delicious, very simple, very easy to make.

Give it a try, join me very shortly, share the love, give

this video the thumbs up, share it with your friends and family and we'll see

you for a travel video and food sensation very shortly

For more infomation >> AUSTRALIAN TOUR - BUSH SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE - Duration: 7:10.


3D Model of Old Gas Pump Review - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Old Gas Pump Review - Duration: 0:26.


3 COLOR TIE DYE CHALLENGE | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:46.


For more infomation >> 3 COLOR TIE DYE CHALLENGE | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:46.


3D Model of Contemporary fireplace Review - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Contemporary fireplace Review - Duration: 0:56.


Jared Owen Animations - Channel Trailer 2018 - Duration: 1:26.

Hey everyone, I'm Jared.

Welcome to my youtube channel!

I create 3D Animations to show you how things work.

I post videos about every 2 to 3 weeks.

I'm doing this full time now,

so hopefully I'll be able to keep that pace up.

You can subscribe to my channel here on youtube

by clicking this button right here.

And you can also follow me on other

social media platforms as well.

Special thanks to Alex H

for providing the background music to this video.

You can check out his channel by clicking

this button right here.

That's it from me, and I'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> Jared Owen Animations - Channel Trailer 2018 - Duration: 1:26.


3D Model of City bike Review - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of City bike Review - Duration: 1:06.


BORA #27 - PROCURANDO UM RESTAURANTE Fomos proibidos de entrar em um - Duration: 9:14.

There is a big problem on this island

They don't say anything, nothing

no english

Lulu, tell me the fort's story to me?

This fort was built for who?

For the French and English ...

But you have to look this way, you crazy!

Lisa: Dad, there's no dog ...


Lola couldn't enter

So we'll leave it here.

We don'tot like to do that ...

Mommy, is on this beach that we're going?

so beautiful

I liked it!

A lot of people call me crazy

But crazy, is not to chase after your dream

My name is Luciano

and together with my family, let's travel the world by sea

know new places

and enjoy all the good that the World offers us

living in a simpler way

What's up, Bora?

Oh, the church!

There will be a stop in her

It's really a burial

I'm going into the church, okay?

Okay, I'll go there, too!

And Lolinha?

Lola is

Lulu, what happened?

We were in a super cool restaurant that had a pool

what was the prize

And, what happened to Lulu?

Do not leave Lola ...

Huh? Became sad?

Became sad?

Shorty got mute

she was so sad that she is paralyzed


Can you see?

Yeah, you see there?

So now we're going to my ice cream parlor.

not my ice cream parlor ...

because there is an ice cream reserved there for me!

Then I'll tell you if the ice cream was like this ...

or like this!



With french fries

It's possible?

Is frit potato chips?

Yes Yes!

Accompany fries ...


... fries and salad!


and cheeseburger, okay!

Is not it ... monitoring?

French fries

Other Cheeseburger

Three cheeseburger, right?

You too?


Three with cheese?


Bread, cheese and meat



What does it tell me?

Do not understand



The point?

The point!

A little...


No no no

Underdone? Badly past is ...

Dude, what a mess to ask for a meal!

I confess that I do not know what I asked to eat yet

At the end of the story came a skewer ...

Are you hot Lulu?

It's very good?


Is it the best burger in your life?

Is it the best burger in your life?


You know what? Your!

It's mine?

And yours!

Fernanda was elected as our

official interpreter of the French islands

How do you order coffee?

A coffee please?

It was the only one the app taught me


She takes the biggest wave here who speaks French

Speak nothing!

Child, child ...



Well, we're done today.

we walk a lot

So we already did what we had to do.

We've packed the boat, everything's ready for us to leave tomorrow.

Today was definitely a good day.

and tomorrow has more navigation


What's up?


What's up, Bora?

Lola's ass is out!

Lolinha, put that ass in the car?

Lola, put your tail into the car.

Get your ass in the car.

Come in!


This one hangs up, guys!

You've spent 1 minute here.

in our little video

Turn it off, Lulu!

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