Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

Hey friends, Kris Krohn with my expert friend, Jerry Norton here to talk about

how you start a fix and flip business. So, fix and flip really is Jerry, the

buzzword. Because people are thinking fix and flip must mean make a lot of money.

That can be a misconception, it can also be true. We're here to dispel

it and really share with you the 6 steps of what it really takes to start a

fix and flip business. These are not my 6 steps. So, if you like them, blame him.

If you don't like them, blame him. But he is the expert. So listen, he is really

the one to be learning from. -Well and here's the thing. When you talk about a

business, a business to me is something that you can repeat and you have

processes. And there's a way that it can be done again and again, right? That's a

business. -Systematized. -Systematized, right? The number one mistake most people make

is they don't think about the processes and systems. They just go up there and

chase after a deal and then maybe do a deal. Maybe make some money and then, "Oh,

and I'm going to start all over again with this process." What we want to do is we

want to look at it break it down and then put in place a process to do each

one of these steps, okay? So, here we have. -Alright, let's go through man. -Alright,

so first one, number one is obviously we have to find a deal, right? This is our

lead acquisition or our lead generation. It's getting out there and looking

for a distressed real estate that you can pick up for a good deal. -Because if

you want to fix and flip business, you need something to fix and flip. That means

that you got to have a house. -That's right. And if you're going to do for the

first year, then your system needs to be able to find for succulent deals that

you can rock out. -Yeah. So, first we have finding. Now, once we find that you know,

motivated seller or that distressed property, the next thing we need to do is

crunch the numbers. You know like, what is... What makes this a deal? What number do I

need to get it for? To where I've got my profit accounted for? And my closing costs

and my carrying cost for the capital and all these different things that go into

the deal, right? Do the math. And then we call that our buy price. You only analyze

it to determine what's the price I need to get it for to actually make a profit.

-This is actually one of my favorite things to do. When I got it started in

the game of real estate, I was calling it number crunching. And someone was

offering a property out there and when I love to do is I love to say, "Okay, fixed

up. What's it worth?" And I get excited because I... If I knew as buying it for a

150 but fixed up it was worth like 220, I'm like, "Okay." I know that

I'm starting with 70 grand. But now some of that's going to whittle down. Because I

want to hold this for a little bit but, okay this has 10 grand of cosmetic. Okay,

70 just turned into 60 grand. But I'm going to hold it so I don't have carrying

costs, with the way I'm doing it. I don't have selling costs. It's just ten grand.

So, I'm like, "Okay, I can lock down $60,000 of equity." If I cashflow

this beast, 4 or 5 hundred dollars a month,

collect a down payment. You know 5, 7 years later I can make

$112,000 on this. And I'm like, "Alright." I could you know, I'd

analyze the deals. I say, "Man, this is good now." Fix and flip. You got, you had a few

more numbers to factoring because you're not going to hold it. -Yeah. But it's still a

formula. You still analyze it. You determine you know, your profit on the

deal and you go from there. By the way, we got a great video on

analyzing and what that formula is so go ahead and check that one out.

-So, after you've analyzed it. Now, it's time to actually present an offer. And

this is where the rubber meets the road. This is where people go from, you know,

"Hey, I'm thinking about real estate too." No. Now, I'm actually doing something

because you're putting an offer in front of somebody. This were most people, they

just get, they just kind of fall off the wagon. They're like, "I'm afraid to make an

offer." You definitely need a mentor. And some people on your team, you can run

deals passed. And we both offer that so that you have actually helped there. But

yeah, so find, analyze, offer. And then we've got the railroad tracks right here.

Tell me real quick. What is this about? -Well, this is basically our acquisitions,

right? This is everything we need to do. These first three steps to get a

contract. To actually get the deal. Once we have the deal, we have that executed

contract, we now have some options. Our exit can look like anything we want. We

could keep it for buy and hold. We could fix it up and flip it to a retail buyer.

We could actually wholesale it to another investor and let them deal with

it. The second half, these next 4 steps,

this would be basically our... I like to call Operations or our Exits, right? How

am I going to now exit out of this deal and actually make some money? To do that

with fix and flip, we've got 4 steps. So, let's talk about the 4 steps. First

of all, if you're going to fix and flip that property and you've got a contract,

you've got a closing coming up in 3 or 4 weeks. Guess what you got to do?

You got to have funding.They ought to have money put together so that you can

buy that property from the seller. You got

capital set aside for your repairs, right? There's no way around it. You've got to

have that capital in place to do a fix and flip. -You might be using banks money,

partners money, hard money. There's all sorts of different options that you have.

But you got to line that up. Because at this point, you don't have to have any of

those resources. You basically found it, you tied it up and then you gave it to

someone else and you wholesale it for for a nice, tidy profit for yourself. But

at this point you're saying, "Now, I want to actually acquire the assets." -Right. And

it's for me to resell or it's for me to hold or to do what I want with it. So... -Yeah.

-You got to fund it. -So, you've gone to the closing, you've you funded it, you now own

that property. Even if it's for a short time you own that property. Now what you

have to do, you have to manage now the repairs. And it could be carpet and paint,

it could be cleaned it up put it back on the market.

It could be we're going to be you know, new roof, new siding, new windows, new doors,

new trim, kitchen. It could be an extensive rehab. Whatever it is, you've

got to then manage that renovation. And then your last step is put that baby on

the market and find a retail buyer, a homeowner that's going to buy it. -One of the

things that I hate about flipping is it's like, okay, I bought it for 100

and it's worth 200. -Yeah. But then I'm like, I've got to pay the seller

costs and I got to pay the closing costs and I got to get a little bit of discount and I got it...

And all of a sudden it's like, I found so much equity but I can't realize it. If

you got the right margins, you can you can fix it and sell it and actually make

a great profit. But what I'll often do is after I fund it, I'll do my rehab and

then stead of selling it, I'll hold it. And what I'll do is, I'll do my

compassionate financing lease option system. -Yeah. Where someone will give you

ten more thousand or $5,000 down payment. Which is equivalent

to kind of like my deal finding piece that I get up here. -You'll get a premium

because yourself, you're doing trade... Someone, something to get a higher

cash flow on it usually $200 higher than a normal rent. And then when I go to sell

it in 3, 4 or 5 years, I don't have to pay the realtor fees and so a

lot of my costs have gone down substantially. But you know, not

everyone's in a position with their homes, Jerry. Where they can hold on to it

for 3, 5, 7 years. That's a great strategy. If you're going to do that.

If not, find, rehab and sell. Boom! I want to show this just as a bonus. Because

when I do my lease option system and if we were to compare that to like just

flipping on this side. And if we were to talk about $100,000

deal that had a $200,000 value, here you know, if you're

putting in your typical 15% profit, here we're looking at making 30 grand. Here, on

this side, we might actually make $70,000. -And how much time you have to wait? -You

have to wait. You have to do the time value of money. Because this is 30 grand

that you could get in the next couple of months. And this is 70 grand that you

might get spread out over a 5 or 6 year period of time.

And so, is one better than the other? Well, if I clipped 20 of these and I have a

cash flow in each one of them, I might be able to quit my job. Because you're not counting cash flow,

right? -Nope. -Yeah. Just just equity on the sale. -But if I do this one, I could quit

my job right away and say, "But I've got the now money to get in the game of

real estate." Pros and cons, different approaches. -And you can mix it up. -So, it's

interesting because this is all about wholesaling. And then once you get here,

you can actually go into a hold or you can go to a resale. You got 1, 2

3 different strategies and different options of what you can do. -Yeah. And it's

really all about where you're at. Your position, you know, what's best for you.

There is no right or wrong. -Yeah. -All of these work well. -Yeah. Friends, we want to

throw this little bonus. I know we're really in this video talking about the

steps of fixing and flipping and starting a fix and flip business. But I

think it's important to always know what are my other exits. I could exit early in

the game, if I'm nervous about going in long-term on this deal. I could choose to

actually hold it if something like that the market turned and I couldn't sell it.

"Hey, do I have a back-up plan?" I actually flipped it and I love the money that I

got. I think it's really great to be able to have some of those different options

that you can really specialize in. -You know what's cool about that is my actual...

What I actually do is when I go into the deal, I know that I've got to have a

certain type of deal. Once I get to this point, I stop, I take a step back and I

say, "You know what? What is the best exit for me right now in my life? With what I

have going on in my business and my personal life." Do I really just want to

wholesale it. Be done and make a quick buck. Do I want to go through the effort

of fixing it up and flipping it and you know, making a quick turn. Is this one

that would be great to just put a tenant in here and and hold this thing for 5

or 7 years, you know, I like those options that you talked about. It's great

to have those options. For people who are like, "Man, I need five grand, I need ten

grand right now. I want to get into this, pull ceiling." If you're looking for the

quickest money with the least amount of work, wholesaling is without a doubt the

way to do it. -Yeah, awesome. Jerry, thank you so much for

your expertise and for taking 15 years of experience spread over all those

deals. And friends, here's my invitation for you. If you're really interested in

anything that we've talked about here, you got to click the link and learn more

about what we're up to and what we're doing. Because these videos are designed

to create as much value for you. And I love it when I get the messages from

people say, "Kris, I watch the video, I read the book or I listen to Jerry.

And now I'm out there doing it. I'm like, yes!" But 99% of people, what they're

really looking for is additional hand-holding. If you're looking for tools

to how we can take you by the hand and walk you through the process, show you

how to make $10,000 by doing the first part. Learning that'll make 70 to 100

thousand dollars on a hold. If you want to learn how to fix and actually

flip and make it max profitability there, click the link, sign up for the free

course where you can just learn more get, free tools, get free software on how to

find these deals and let's get you in the game. Because the most important

thing we can do is you watch this video because you said I want to learn how to

have a fix and flip business. But now you've watched the video and it's time

to do something about it and make that business into a reality.

For more infomation >> How To Start Fix And Flip Business - Duration: 9:54.


People haven't noticed I lost weight? What I did before YouTube? | Ask Me Anything - Duration: 18:22.

hey everybody and welcome to the video this is Josh here and this is another

episode of the now monthly edition ask me anything I'd polled you guys on the

YouTube channel and you guys came through with your best questions as

always so let's just jump right into it alright so the first few questions come

from last call first one being still waiting on their thoughts on the kook's

poor leaf clover just listen to it right before recording this I actually

completely forgot last month it was really good though I'm a fan of that

just general kind of indie rock sound I thought it was solid I'm gonna be

listening to the coop some more so thank you for that next question was what's

your go-to favorite Halloween candy Reese's pumpkins any of the seasonal

Reese's are like the only candy I really care about anymore my wife and I were

just having this conversation actually the other day the older I get I would

rather just have baked goods than candy most of the time but seasonal Reese's

are always the best what's the best burger you've ever had my top three

burgers are actually all still in Michigan no one in Oregon has dethroned

my leaderboard so number one would probably be basement burger bar in

Farmington in Canton Michigan number two mercury burger in downtown Detroit and

third favorite would be from Redcoat tavern also in Michigan so those are my

top three burgers you probably didn't expect that specific and decisive of a

list but I've been cultivating my top Burger list for years out in Oregon I've

had a few really good burgers but definitely none that beat any of those

three do you celebrate Halloween and if so what costume are you rocking I am NOT

one of those big Halloween people where it's like their Christmas but I do enjoy

Halloween and like go in the Halloween parties and stuff I'm not sure if I'm

dressing up this year or if I'm doing anything but my favorite Halloween

costume in recent years would probably be my wife and I went as Bert Macklin in

Janet snake-hole a few years ago that was my all-time favorite next question

comes from Mary Webster she had asked what are your favorite

healthy and filling snacks I know I've made a few videos about this in the past

number one that always comes up I just made a post on Instagram a little bit

ago a couple days ago and that is baby carrots baby carrots are filling they're

delicious they're cheap that's always my go-to kind of filler snack if I want to

eat a little more mindlessly while I'm working or going about my day

so that's any sort of vegetable is is always my recommendation because he

can't really go wrong and you can't really overeat if you're only eating

vegetables next handful of questions come from Ivan ooze elect and he had

asked how old are you I'm 28 years old top three favorite movies this one's

tough I'd say I have a stronger opinion for a top list for TV shows more so than

movies a lot of it depends on what genre sounds good but Star Wars and Lord of

the Rings are probably my go to kind of long term favorite series movies

Forgetting Sarah Marshall and office space are two of my favorite comedies I

know that's four and that's not necessarily my top three but yeah those

are probably be my picks what hobbies would you like to get into if you had

the time and money this is a great question I love hobbies and I have a ton

of different interests and I have so little time for them now with running

the YouTube channel and working and doing all this stuff recent years I've

abandoned pretty much all of my hobbies and aren't relating to the YouTube

channel now but I used to be somewhat of an avid cyclist

before I moved out to Portland before I started the YouTube channel and my peak

you know I was biking probably fifty miles a week and really loved it

nowadays I just don't have the time or the energy to put into it but I would

love to if I had more time to get back into cycling more what else video games

I really really love video games music is another big one I was in bands

all through middle school and high school and I was in school band during

that time as well and outside of high school I dropped out of college so I

band and I could go tour so I do miss music it used to be a much bigger part

of my life than it is now I have a banjo and a guitar and still play from time to

time but just not quite as often as I would like you had mentioned the time

and money aspect something I'd love to get into more is traveling I absolutely

love traveling and just don't get the opportunity all that much right now I

know it's something along the lines of you know you create your own opportunity

but my my focus is just elsewhere with with focusing on this and trying to earn

a living and and all of that sort of stuff so when I have more time I fully

intend I'm traveling quite a bit more than I do right now

so even though I don't have a ton of time for hobbies that are outside of my

youtube channel luckily I've kind of catered this whole

channel around all the things I love you know I'd really love hiking I really

love cooking I really love photography and videography and so I get to wear a

lot of different hats when I'm working on this and I love that aspect of it

keeps me on my toes and lets me keep going further even though you know I

might be tired or busy if it's if it's something I love doing I'm a lot more

likely to do it what is something everyone should try at

least once my first thought for this I don't know

if you meant food but I'm gonna answer in the context of food falafel I put out

a falafel recipe a while back on the channel I remember a bunch of people I'd

never heard of it or never tried it I love falafel so so much it's one of my

all-time favorite foods I feel like not very many people have tried it so God

try falafel if you haven't yet it's made with chickpeas eat that with some hummus

it's amazing what's your favorite flavor of ice cream with any sort of desserts

chocolate or peanut butter anything is always my first choice what habits do

you wish to start great question I would love to get more into meditation out of

all of the people I've heard interviewed and

so many successful people out there in the world all seem to meditate in some

form you know and I find a lot of my daily tasks and things a little more

meditative and kind of find my Zen from that but every time I picked it up I

always just seemed to fall off her trail off I haven't broken that into my

regular schedule yet so that's something I hope to do in the future what was the

first job you ever had I was a very entrepreneurial young man I ran a lot of

different miscellaneous businesses when I was a kid my tag um selling business

in middle school it actually brought some pretty good money in for a 12 year

old around that time as well I was a carpet cleaning assistant that was

probably my first job it was under the table though because I was underage my

first legitimate job I worked for Fazoli's the fast casual Italian dining

place I used to make pasta for Fazoli's what is your favorite quote I don't know

if I'd necessarily have a favorite quote a lot of it depends on what I'm thinking

about that day or the context in general I do love good quotes though if if

anyone follows me on Instagram I'm here I usually post just all out of my like

landscape photography and food photography with cool quotes that I find

Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Seneca Lao Tzu from the Tao Te Ching all

those people are have some amazing quotes out there so I would check that

out or and just look through my Instagram I've used pretty much all of

them at this point alright last question from Ivan what are

your hobbies already kind of covered that in the last one so just round back

to my earlier answer all right next question comes from airborne five months

ago my weight was 117 km/h 99 km/h and all that this is a tough one for someone

that personally likes being out of spotlight I almost see this as a

positive having lost all of that weight especially when I used to live in

Michigan after the weight loss and I knew a lot more people around me on a

day to day basis I never really enjoyed being that guy at work or that guy at

every family party so I kind of liked being a little more stealth about it if

I can it's one of those things you know people aren't very observant it's like

the classic you know husband doesn't notice the life cutting their hair you

know one day it's just gonna click for the people around you and and they'll

see it and they'll love it but you got to make sure and do it for you you know

you can't do it for other people it's one of those things that's tough too if

you have a lot of weight to lose you know I remember I lost 75 pounds and I

still felt that I looked the same and I know I'd lost weight but I still kind of

had that general same physique and was still significantly overweight so it

might just be a matter of powering through continue to lose weight it'll

get better

Wolfie just celebrated his first birthday if you guys haven't watched the

vlog I made about it it's adorable I'd highly recommend that you do next couple

of questions come from grey first one your hair always looks great you spend a

lot on barbers and products I don't luckily enough I hitched my wagon to a

hairstylist my wife's a hair stylist so she has been cutting my hair for years

and years now she's amazing at what she does she does a lot of women's cuts but

she knows how to cut men's hair too so I always have her cut my hair I get to cut

it a little bit more frequently too because it's free which is awesome and

as far as spending a lot on products I also get hair stylists discounts on

products and I really only style my hair once or twice a week I don't wash my

hair every day I know they say that's better for you it's mostly out of

laziness for me I don't like having to go through all that every morning so

I'll usually let it go for a few days that's like if you ever see me wearing a

hat just because my hair looks like garbage

and I don't feel like styling it what do you do to relax yoga meditation are you

spiritual I like spending time out in nature that really recharges me and in

general outside of nature just spending time with myself doing whatever I want

to do I tend to recharge with my solo time especially more so now between you

know doing the YouTube channel and having a busy schedule you know a lot of

my life is very public at least for me so I just like quiet in a long time as

how I best recharge time and nature is also very important to me and so I love

being out here you know I can walk from my apartment into the forest which is

amazing I'd love to get into meditation though like I talked about earlier also

yoga is another thing I really want to get into but unfortunately haven't and

are you spiritual you know I tend to find a lot of my kind of Zen and

spirituality and calmness through you know kind of everyday tasks I think a

lot of things can be meditative even something as mundane as a daily chore

like making coffee in the morning you know I I find a lot of calmness in that

routine so that's kind of my meditation and spirituality of sorts next question

do you meet up with your subscribers slash disciples and Portland disciples

makes it sound like I'm running a cult I know you always call me a GU great but

uh but you know I haven't yet I'll actually take that back I met up with

Gary a few months back we had coffee and talked and then also Eric I met up with

so here and there I have I've been trying to get a group hike together for

a long long time you know there's not very many people from the channel that

are around here at least not any of that comment and engage with me but the few

of us that are we're setting up a group hike for later in the fall I know Gary

was waiting for his knee surgery to recover

and Minnie Wolfgang was coming in from Hawaii

I believe so hopefully soon I I love when this grows and we have enough

people maybe doing like a monthly group hike or a quarterly group hike or

something I think would be a fun thing to do do you plan to stay in Portland as

of right now nothing is for sure my wife and I are enjoying our time here after

two years we finally feel like we're kind of getting our bearings especially

with our finances and our careers are finally getting a little bit more

settled in now so we're not leaving anytime soon as far as we're aware of

but the general idea is you know we'll probably move back to Michigan closer to

our family when we want to start our own family but nothing's for sure yet all I

know is I do love it here even though I do miss Michigan as well I don't think

I'd move anywhere else at least not right now but we did kind of pick up and

move out here on a whim so who knows all right and I have two last questions that

were stragglers from last month the questions came in a little too late so I

saved them for this first question comes from jcn pH can I work for you for extra

income I don't even make any money doing this right now to be honest I mean

obviously it does bring in a little bit of money every month but I more than

spend that on year I'm so not even counting the may and hours I put into

this youtube channel as of right now I'm still spending a little bit more than I

make hopefully at some point that'll turn around and be great to live off of

this but we will see next question comes from Derek Peter and he'd asked how

expensive is it living in Portland is it true that everything closes early

Portland is as expensive as you want it to be and I think that's the case for a

lot of cities it would be very very easy to spend you know a quarter million

dollars a year salary here if you wanted to go to a swanky restaurants and go out

to eat and own a fancy car and pay for parking and live in a giant

fancy downtown apartment there are a lot of ways to spend money there are also a

lot of ways to save money you know it's a very walkable town and I really

legitimately feel like I don't need a car for the most part and I'd like

walking everywhere it saves us a ton of money also - Portland is home of some of

the best happy hour deals out of any city I've ever been to in America that's

food happy hour deals as much as alcohol happy hour deals so there's a lot of

great cheap food out here and a lot of like healthy like whole real foods that

are pretty inexpensive lots of expensive ones but if you look there are tons of

cheap ones I plan on doing more Portland related content in the future it's one

of those things though all the ideas I have in my head are gonna take a

significant amount of time to shoot and edit and will require extra help to get

the videos done so I have a lot of really good ideas my schedule is just so

pressed right now I just haven't pulled the trigger on any of them yet but

hopefully soon I'll be bringing in some more Portland related content for

everybody I know a few people are asking for it as well and is it true that

everything closes early yes it is Portland is not a giant nightlife town

Stef shuts down really early I think the more irritating part for me is stuff

opens up pretty late - I remember the first time I visited here I was trying

to find coffee I was trying to find an open coffee shop on a weekend at like

6:00 a.m. and no one was open you know I know there are clubs and stuff but

that's not really my scene but yeah in general it's a it's a pretty early town

people are either out hiking or drinking or eating it's basically at what

everyone does here but that is gonna be it for all the questions everybody thank

you all so much for leaving the questions for me I'd like that this is

becoming a monthly thing now I like being able to chat a little bit more

longer form and casually with everybody I have been trying to figure out the

best way to approach where for all of you to leave the questions though

because it seems like not very many or are noticing my posts on the YouTube

community tab I'm going to make a post right after this goes live I'm gonna

make a post for next month's Q&A I'll leave a link to it in this Q&A and that

way it'll be open the whole month so I'll be able to take in questions the

whole month and save them up and at the end every month I'll just answer

everything in that thread so keep an eye out for that if you go to my youtube

channel page there's a tab next two videos that says community so go in

there leave a comment if if you want to be featured on next month's or if you

have a question for me I'd love that be sure to LIKE the video if you did

enjoy this helps me out a ton and be sure to subscribe if you're not already

this would be a weird first video for somebody but if you're not I put out new

episodes every Monday and Friday all sorts of different videos but until next

time I'll talk to you all later have a good one

For more infomation >> People haven't noticed I lost weight? What I did before YouTube? | Ask Me Anything - Duration: 18:22.


Les FANTÔMES N'EXISTENT PAS ! – Ghost Recon Wildlands Gameplay fr - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Les FANTÔMES N'EXISTENT PAS ! – Ghost Recon Wildlands Gameplay fr - Duration: 10:16.


【ロケットリーグ】コメントはあかりちゃんが読み上げてくれます。 - Duration: 1:00:12.

For more infomation >> 【ロケットリーグ】コメントはあかりちゃんが読み上げてくれます。 - Duration: 1:00:12.


Soul Calibur in 10 MINUTI • Aspettando Soul Calibur 6! - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> Soul Calibur in 10 MINUTI • Aspettando Soul Calibur 6! - Duration: 11:17.



Check this oooout!

What a brollyyy!

I wasn't sure how it's gonna look

but it looks amazing!

Those colors! That camo!

100% original!

Only on this You Tubu channel

brolly made by Karpiolog

Now someone try to tell me that I sold out

If anyone wants to buy it

It's not for sale

You can make it yourself

You can ask me here on You Tube

or on Facebook

I'll be glad to tell you how it was done.

But i think that you ware able to see all the details in this video

Wow! This autumn brolly!

I recommend!

If you liked this

please subscribe

Do you want more?

It's coming this year

You can't even think of what's gonna happen on this channel

Yo you got that? Or you don't!

For more infomation >> NAMIOT KARPIOWY TUNING (CZY WARTO?) - Duration: 3:30.


Nightcore - Hislerim (English Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Hislerim (English Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.


Horóscopo hoy, 12 de octubre de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo hoy, 12 de octubre de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:06.


1 Easy Quick Hairstyle for School Girls || Everyday Hairstyles for Girls 2019 #hairstyles2019 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 1 Easy Quick Hairstyle for School Girls || Everyday Hairstyles for Girls 2019 #hairstyles2019 - Duration: 2:35.


"Above End" Episode 16 - Coaster entrance & detailing - Planet Coaster - Duration: 32:11.

Hello everyone!

Welcome on Above End!

But first of all, if you have not yet seen previous video.

Go and check it out on Wikz channel. Link below

So in the beginning I start on some flower planters and mini garden pieces.

After that the coaster entrance sign.

I did made a small cutom text sign but I didn't like it afterwards.

I removed that made the coaster name in large letters.

So the guests entering will walk through those letters.

And at the end I continue on the back of the vineyard and spire.

Next episode may be again on my channel because Wikz is on a theme park trip!

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> "Above End" Episode 16 - Coaster entrance & detailing - Planet Coaster - Duration: 32:11.


SCP-2701 True Solitary | Safe | Building / Extradimensional / temporal scp - Duration: 14:15.

Item #: SCP-2701

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: A listening post has been established outside the former

███████ State Penitentiary to monitor SCP-2701.

Video surveillance is established throughout Cell Block 15, with pre-existing locking mechanisms

enabled to limit the mobility of any released subjects.

One security guard equipped with full-body restraints is to be present on-site at all


Description: SCP-2701 is Cell 667 in the former ███████ State Penitentiary located

in Pennsylvania.

The cell is currently in a state of extreme disrepair.

Contents are limited to a toilet and bed of expected make for construction prior to 1840.

Disassembly of the door and fixtures has revealed no unusual features or components.

Mass spectrometry of the cell materials are all consistent with expected composition except

for trace amounts of cadmium selenide located along the door frame.

A clipboard containing forms marked as "INTAKE" is located 0.8 meters to the left of the entrance

to SCP-2701.

There are currently ███ names written on the forms with release dates between June

17, 20██ and December 25, 33██.

Anomalous effects manifest when a single human subject is fully locked within SCP-2701, his

or her name is written on the intake list under the heading "NAME" and a day, month

and year are written under "RELEASE DATE."

13 seconds after these conditions have been met, the subject will disappear.

Attempts to visually surveil an activation event have consistently met with failure,

as recording equipment placed inside or outside of the cell produce only static or blank images

during the 13-second period leading up to disappearance.

Researchers observing an event have noted the sound of confined wind and additional

unidentified noises (see Experimental Trial 2701-13 Audio Log) emanating from within the

cell immediately before activation.

No abnormal variations in air pressure have been detected during these periods.

At 12:00 AM on the written date, the cell door automatically closes and locks via an

unknown mechanism.

Once cell closure is complete, the subject will reappear within SCP-2701.

Experimental Trial 2701-13 Audio Log

-- Audio recording of strange winds----

Initial experiments proved inconclusive due to concurrent behavioral disorders exhibited

by subjects post-reappearance.

Typical psychoses included dementia, nyctophobia, photophobia, sedatephobia, acousticophobia,

claustrophobia, agoraphobia, haphephobia, catatonia and anorexia.

Dissected subjects showed no evidence of physical change, including aging, during an activation


Subsequent short-duration trials revealed that subjects who undergo an activation event

experience a state of complete sensory deprivation while fully conscious.

For the duration of the disappearance period, a subject will perceive time at a significantly

dilated rate, estimated to be between 300× and 400× in magnitude.

Mental trauma in subjects accrues rapidly while under the effect of 2701.

Staff psychologists theorize that in the absence of any outside stimulation, a subject's mind

breaks down rational thought structures in an effort to mitigate stress, resulting in

either cognitive shutdown or increasingly frenzied mania.

Subjects experiencing an event of greater than 2 hours (subjective time estimate: 25-33

days) typically exhibit complete psychological breakdown.

Interview I-2701-1-R-7

Interviewed: D-77391 - Hispanic Male, 34 years of age, imprisoned for murder, selected for

trials due to experience with solitary confinement Interviewer: Dr. Simon

Foreword: D-77391 underwent a 15-minute activation event.

Interview was conducted 6 hours after D-77391 was retrieved from SCP-2701.

Compared to previous subjects, D-77391 showed significantly less cognitive degeneration

and psychosis post-trial.

<Begin Log, █/██/████ ████>

Dr. Simon: Please describe your experience while affected by SCP-2701.

D-77391: Please, please, don't make me go back there.

Dr. Simon: D-77391, your cooperation in post-trial interviews is not voluntary.

Describe your experience while affected by SCP-2701.

D-77391: It was hell…I was in hell.

Dr. Simon: ████████, escort D-77391 back to SCP-2701 for a second tri-

D-77391: No!


I'm trying to tell you!

There's nothing in there!

It's a void.

It's darkness and silence and… and… emptiness.

Dr. Simon: Please clarify.

D-77391 pauses to compose himself.

D-77391: I could think, that much didn't change.

It's just that thinking was all I could do.

I couldn't see anything, hear anything… even feel anything.

I couldn't sleep.

I didn't breathe.

I don't think I even had a body, just my thoughts and memories and… nothingness.

Dr. Simon: You were fully aware, then?

D-77391: I was aware of time…

I didn't know how long…when it would stop.

I tried to grasp…something.

Tried to scream…

If not for what that doc told me when he was putting me inside, I'm sure I would have

lost my mind.

Dr. Simon: Which doctor was that?

D-77391: Blond.

Tall, with glasses.

Dr. Simon: Ah, yes.

What did Dr. ████ tell you?

D-77391 appears unsettled and begins to slowly rock in his chair.

D-77391: He said that no matter what I felt, I was going to come back.

He told me I wasn't going to be in there forever.

Dr. Simon: I think we're about done here.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

D-77391: How long was I inside?

Dr. Simon: 15 minutes.

D-77391: Wait… what?

Dr. Simon: You experienced a 15-minute event.

D-77391 becomes visibly distressed.

D-77391: No, no, no.

That's not possible.

I was gone for weeks…

Dr. Simon: 77391, you are dismissed.

D-77391: No, it can't be true…the d-dark had me…

[Inaudible mumbling]

Dr. Simon: ████████, please return 77391 to his cell.

This interview is over.

D-77391: No… no… not alone again… please…

At this time, D-77391 began sobbing and refused to respond further.

Medical personnel arrived to sedate and transport the subject back to the D-class holding area.

D-77391 was terminated 28 hours later after a suicide attempt resulted in critical anoxic

brain injury.

Dr. ████ was reassigned to Site 38 following a six-month suspension for violation

of experimental protocols.

<End Log>

Addendum: SCP-2701 first came to the attention of the Foundation in 1970 following the discovery

of exculpatory evidence in the case of ████████ █████, a repeat felon serving a life sentence at ███████ State


The public defender assigned to the case sought to arrange a meeting with his client to discuss

terms of release but was repeatedly rebuffed by the prison warden, Samuel Decard.

When Mr. Decard offered the attorney a substantial monetary sum to cease attempting to contact

his client, the lawyer sought assistance from local authorities, who were also refused access

by Mr. Decard.

A local SWAT unit was deployed and gained entry to the facility by force.

Despite an expected inmate population of 137 long-term prisoners, investigators found no

indication of human life and the facility in serious disrepair.

The only inhabitant located was Mr. Decard, who surrendered to police without incident.

Evidence found on-site revealed that he had taken up long-term residence within the prison

administrative offices.

When questioned about the status and location of the missing inmates, Mr. Decard willingly

explained that he had placed all of them within Cell 667 and explained the activation procedure

in detail.

Records on site indicated that Mr. Decard had been using prison funds to pay bribes

to inspectors, defense attorneys and former staff to prevent inquiry.

An agent embedded with Philadelphia's 9th Police District alerted Foundation Command

and initiated isolation procedures.

Interview I-2701-P-1 Interviewed: Samuel Decard - Caucasian Male,

57 years of age, chief administrative official of ███████ State Penitentiary

Interviewer: Agent █████ Foreword: Interview was conducted as part

of standard intake procedures upon Mr. Decard being brought into Foundation custody.

<Begin Log, █/██/1970 ████>

Agent █████: I've reviewed the release records from ████ up until the present.

It seems that ███████ was the last month a prisoner was released from ███████ State.

Samuel Decard: Since you're the type that does your homework, I'm sure you've figured

out why.

Agent █████: Your daughter.

Samuel Decard: Emily.

Agent █████: Was it your intention to use SCP-2701 on ████ ████████████?

Samuel Decard: I got to look him in the eyes once.

Right after the trial.

Ever seen the face of a true monster, son?

Agent █████: I don't believe so, no.

Samuel Decard: It's what he was.

I looked him in the eyes and I saw a man who chose to be a beast.

I wanted to see him rot in the deepest, darkest hole I could find.

You know how you break an animal?

Agent █████: No, Mr. Decard.

Samuel Decard: You take away its hope.

Put it in a corner and block every exit.

Let the dread seep in.

Everything fears death.

Break a creature and it fears life even more.

Agent █████: And when ████████████ died in custody?

Mr. Decard stares intently at Agent █████ for several seconds before speaking.

Samuel Decard: I had meant it for him, but when he got away…I couldn't look at the

animals that surrounded me anymore.

I started to get nauseated even by the thought of them.

That's when I sent the guards home and started moving the convicts.

Agent █████: You placed all the prisoners into Cell 667 by yourself?

Samuel Decard: Yes.

Agent █████: How long did it take you?

Samuel Decard: It went quickly at first.

They thought it was a lockdown.

It was too early for any of them to notice that the others weren't coming back.

Murderers, brutes and predators every one of them, but only a handful balked when I

took them to 667.

They were the first few I put away bloody.

Agent █████: What do you mean?

Samuel Decard: The shock prod wasn't enough and I had to use the pipe.

The rest caught on quickly.

They realized that the prison was getting emptier, quieter.

They saw that I took men away and never brought anyone back.

I was only feeding them every few days, so they were angry but starvation hadn't yet

taken a toll on their strength.

There were a couple weeks of rough work.

Every one I took was a fight.

I even got tagged a few times.

Mr Decard unbuttons his shirt.

He indicates four 2-3 cm long scars located on his right side and lower abdomen

Agent █████: Did you seek medical attention?

Samuel Decard: No, I made it to the infirmary to stitch them closed, but after that I slowed


I became more selective about who I pulled out.

I watched fear creep its way through each block.

When I distributed food I would look for the ones that pleaded and begged or just huddled

in the corner of their cell.

They went away crying and pissing themselves, but weren't much of a struggle.

Agent █████: Were there any more incidents?

Samuel Decard: Only a few.

So long as I was patient, the hunger and filth and terror would cut them down before I came

for them.

A few took the coward's way out, but I left the bodies as a warning.

Agent █████: What do you mean by warning?

Samuel Decard: They had to know that the only way out was by my hand.

It was already putrid inside and the walk to Block Fifteen had long since been stained

by all the men I dragged there.

The few that still tried to fight crumpled after the first blow to the head.

There wasn't much life left in them at that point.

Agent █████: And the time frame?

Samuel Decard: Three months and six days until I finished.

████ ███████ was the last.

He didn't say a word, didn't even look at me.

Agent █████: One last question, Mr. Decard.

How did you create SCP-2701?

Samuel Decard: Oh, I didn't create it, son.

I had help.

Agent █████: Please explain.

Samuel Decard: Let's just say that hate and grief are a currency to some.

When I was willing to pay the price, help found me.

<End Log>

For more infomation >> SCP-2701 True Solitary | Safe | Building / Extradimensional / temporal scp - Duration: 14:15.


PPSH41 DENIX - Video review - Duration: 13:46.

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video presentation of DENIX replica. Today, I have the honor to present you the amazing PPSH 41.

Before I start, I have to clarify some points, as usual:

Although it's "non-firing weapon", I will speak of "replica" for simplicity.

This video series is made in close collaboration with the manufacturer Denix, whom I thank very much for their support, without whom this series would not be possible.

But this doesn't mean that I won't talk about the problems encountered on their replicas. I make reviews and not advertisements that encourage you to buy.

Many people will ask me "what is the point of presenting material that doesn't shoot (so not airsoft), and that isn't a weapon with a story?"

Historically, there are none, actually.

But when all the original neutralized weapons (or airsoft guns, which I don't hope) will have been banned by our governments,

there will only be replicas like this to show the public how war was, and the life of the soldier in the 40s.

So who is this type of replica for?

For collectors, enthusiasts wishing to decorate their collection legally without selling a lump, to film or theater props who prefer to use only replicas.

It will always be possible to buy replica airsoft, obviously, since we are on the same price, I can't stop you! It's up to you to see what you prefer!

Denix, what is it? It is a Spanish company established in 1967 specializing in the reproduction of weapons from antiquity to 1982. They are market leaders, and export to nearly 40 countries in the world.

In WW2, they offer about forty replicas. They also have a YouTube channel, I invite you to discover it, the link is in the description of this video.

Released in recent years, the PPSH 41 is the first Soviet replica reproduced by Denix.

And it isn't for nothing, this weapon was, at the time, very appreciated, as much of the Soviets as of the Germans, who did not hesitate to catch soviet weapons, having the reputation of less jamming by cold weather.

There are even PPSH that have been converted to 9mm to use the German regulatory cartridges. During the WW2, there were nearly 6 million PPSH 41 manufactured.

Its 71 cartridges magazine was very useful when it came to practicing the politics of the Earth... burned... in the wind... of the stone moors....

3 minutes later...

You must laugh at my jokes. Otherwise you GO TO GULAG. Me being NKVD: Now, Kidding Veritable Duff

Special feature of the Soviets, you can have whole sections equipped with PPSH41. So you don't have to be a NCO to get Papasha, you just have to be in the right section!

After years of study by Denix design office, here is the result! I am the first French to present this replica it seems on Youtube! I am very happy! But I won't show you, otherwise YouTube will censor me!

We have a replica that weighs 3.7kg according to the police, and 52kg according to the protesters. Ah? It's visible I work for the government? Shit... I'm going back to Siberia then...

Do you find that funny? NOT ME. So not laugh. Otherwise GOULAG

3.7kg against 3.6 kg on an original gun! WOW! Realistic!

Good and now if you want to make it realistic, you have to load the magazine with 1.8kg of material. Plaster maybe... But honestly, I don't advise you. The magazine attachment is zamak, and as usual: it's fragile, so don't force

Since this replica is not very used in reenactment in France, I had no feedback on the solidity. I would have made you a crash test, but I don't love you enough to sacrifice this replica for you, sorry.

Don't you think it's funny? Me though. So you laugh. Otherwise GOULAG.

For the first time in video on my channel, I have the honor to present you three different PPSH 41:the Denix, the airsoft version of ARES and an original neutralized!

Note also that this weapon is neutralized, acquired before April 2016, so it's legal, but if one day I want to resell it, it's necessary that it send it to St Etienne to be transformed into a block impossible to disassemble .

Fix the trigger and the magazine also... Like a Denix, except with Denix, you can manipulate the trigger.

Obviously, the law of 2016 isn't retroactive, that's why I always have it, and I don't intend to leave it. Anyway, if I sell it, I'll have to spend money.

We will immediately notice one thing, that the airsoft version and original have but not Denix (the version I have): look here, on the real, there is a loop for the strap; which I also have here (airsoft, ARES); But that we don't have there.

I had to hang it directly on the barrel protection.

It's embarrassing... There are actually two versions, proposed by Denix: the 9301 (with the loop) and the 1301 which is the version that I present to you now.

The strap isn't provided with my version, the 1301, but it's provided with the 9301, I don't know what head it has against.

But in any case, it's easy to change: it costs 20 € in original post-war on eBay.

But I advise you, even if you have the version without the loop. It will serve you well if you have to stand guard all day, you will be glad to have a strap to wear it.

I was talking about the magazine: unlike an original, which can be disassembled to garnish faster, it's a block of metal that can't move. It can't be dismantled, everything is fixed.

It's a pity but it's understandable, it's to avoid the temptations to convert it into a true functional magazine.

If you want to put a fake cartridge at the top, you'll have to find a way to fill it (newsprint or rags) and attach the cartridge.

Here is an original magazine that disassembles like this.

To disengage the magazine, you must push the small key here forwards and it falls alone. To re-engage, just follow the rail and lock without touching the key.

The entire replica is made of zamak, the stick is made of wood, the same kind of wood as for all other replicas.

This isn't a high quality wood (compared to a real one) but it's better than the racket wood of airsoft guns!

Example with the replica of ARES, which is expensive, and whose wood has broken here. It's attached to the wood glue, I cross my fingers to keep it...

We notice a gap in the magazine, and again, it's brand new... I wonder what it will be in a while... It doesn't inspire confidence...

This wood will also be reworked, even if the basic color is already quite credible! Look how it was before. I could not hold me to apply my magic powder, you know me!

You magician? You must reveal magic powder name!

Ah? No, I'm not a magician. So I won't tell you anything.

Ah. Okay. I still don't know what you are using...

Sorry, time has not come yet! One day I will reveal my reference! Promised!

In terms of markings, we are poor, there should be above with a date, but we have nothing strictly apart from the traditional "Denix Made in Spain" and marking "20" on the sight.

Moreover, the "Denix Made in Spain" is hidden on the barrel, very well hidden, well done Denix!

By the way, do you think people at Denix say hello like that?

On all the replica, we find a molding line more or less camouflaged, since we have two blocks that have been assembled. We notice it particularly at this level and we find it below.

Seen from above, you must have your nose on it to see it. As in France in 1940! Have your nose on it to see the Maginot line! So it's the Moldingino line!

In terms of functionality, we are here too, quite poor. There is a fire selector that is reproduced, but that is completely fixed.

Another feature that isn't taken from the original model on the Denix replica: safety. Normally, the lever must be able to lock at that level, thanks to the small button on the top. Here, here I am ready to shoot.

On the Denix replica, it isn't the case, the small button on the bolt is fixed. Besides, I sanded below the button but not the button itself, to give an impression of realism.

If you want to tan it, free to you.

I won't do it, the original tan is very clean, we'll see how it goes with the patina, but I'm pretty hopeful when I see the end that has a little bruised with the transport and the storage. So I feel that it will be not bad.

Where I am very pleasantly surprised is that we can disassemble the bolt. Very nice done Denix!

You see here the bolt gasket. I know, I worked for 30 years at Speedy. And it's a beautiful gasket! It has a lot under the hood your beast.

However, it won't be possible to disassemble the barrel which, for once, is hollow. So you can pretend to chamber a fake cartridge! There is no extractor, it would remain stuck.

The butt plate has a hatch molded in the mass, impossible to open so.

The more handymen can try to fit a real and make a hole in the stick, to check if the dimensions pass.

Because if it doesn't happen, take an original stick, we will adapt to the replica..........................................

A small improvement to make on the bolt, being all black at the origin: sand the top of the bolt, except the extractor in the middle. On the real model, everything is aluminum.

Hmm... There I see a sanding of the eyes of PAPASHA. We will implement a considerable visual improvement like this! We break everything to better rebuild!

Ma I like this improvement, Ma I like when it shines!

I make an Italian to present a Spanish replica... the guy who knows nothing in geography...


You laugh now!

Thus, the cocking lever is mobile, and it's possible to hit like the MP40!

The movement of the bolt that comes crashing violently against the body of the replica is nice!

It's me who will explode head to you if you don't give me the magic recipe !!

We can compare with a real one: it's the same noise!

Here's what concludes this Denix replica video presentation, I hope you enjoy it! Oh sorry... it's the real one!

Here's what concludes this Denix replica video presentation, I hope you enjoy it!

Don't hesitate, as usual, to share this video, to leave a thumb up as well as a comment, and to subscribe if it isn't already done. If you want to support me in my adventure, my Tipeee page is for you!

I thank again Denix for his invaluable help, and I give you appointment soon for a new video presentation of airsoft replica, Denix replica, uniform or VIP review! Bye!

Directed by Neo035

With the support of Denix

For more infomation >> PPSH41 DENIX - Video review - Duration: 13:46.


『Vocal Cover』BTS(방탄소년단) 'MIC DROP'(with Acapella)[HAPPYJIMINDAY!] - Duration: 8:16.

Now come to me Come and let's become a "we" I don't wanna let go, no

Just trust yourself

You can feel it even if you don't say it

The stars are in the sky We are flying This isn't a dream

Don't be nervous, hold my hand

Now we're becoming a "we"

Let me love you

Yeah, who says my spoon is dirty?

I don't care, when I grab the mic, I have several gold spoons

Several uncooked steaks over there make me mad

Once again, I'll chew you all up, on the night of the stars

Center of World Business

1st on the recruitment list, sold out

This class is not common, enjoy this value

Bad odors with good scents are against the rules

Bright lights, going forward

You thought I was gonna fail but I'm fine, sorry

Sorry, Billboard Sorry, worldwide

Sorry mom, your son's too hot

I'm being a good son in place of you

No cons in our concerts

I do it, I do it, you're a bad ratatouille

If you're jealous, sue me

My bag's filled with trophies

Haters are already giving up

My success is already so golden

I'm so firin' firin' like a torchbearer

You're rushing to run away

So many trophies in my hands Too heavy, my hands aren't enough

Careful of your feet Careful of what you say

Lodi dodi, I'm so busy Too busy, my one body isn't enough

Careful of your feet Careful of what you say

This is the the exact saying Right will prevail in the end

Once upon a time Aesop's Fables, fly

Look at your reality, too bad

Even if I die now, I'm damn happy

Which country are we going to this time?

Spending hours on a plane

Yeah I'm on the mountain Yeah I'm on the bay

Total exhaustion on the stage

My bag's filled with trophies

Haters are already giving up

My success is already so golden

I'm so firin' firin' like a torchbearer

You're rushing to run away

So many trophies in my hands Too heavy, my hands aren't enough

Careful of your feet Careful of what you say

Lodi dodi, I'm so busy Too busy, my one body isn't enough

Careful of your feet Careful of what you say

No need to see each other ever again, this is my last goodbye

Nothing more left to say, don't even apologize

No need to see each other ever again, this is my last goodbye

Nothing more left to say, don't even apologize

Look closely, look at your pathetic self We shoot up just like coca cola

Your corneas will be so shocked Cause we're just so cool yeah

For more infomation >> 『Vocal Cover』BTS(방탄소년단) 'MIC DROP'(with Acapella)[HAPPYJIMINDAY!] - Duration: 8:16.



For more infomation >> HOVUZDA ÇILĞIN HƏRƏKƏTLƏR / MERSİN VLOG #6 - Duration: 11:35.


Watch Ryan Gosling Act as Neil Armstrong in 'First Man' | Anatomy of a Scene - Duration: 2:47.

"I'm Damien Chazelle.

I'm the director of "First Man."

In this scene is Neil Armstrong

played by Ryan Gosling with Janet Armstrong played

by Claire Foy sitting down with their kids,

basically explaining to them what's

about to happen on the eve of Neil's

departure for the famous mission to the moon.

And the idea for this scene came from time

that Ryan and Josh Singer the screenwriter

and I spent with Janet and with Rick and Mark —

these two kids — of course, now grown up —

recollecting this moment.

Janet had to convince Neil to sit down with his kids

before he left and actually explain to them, not

just what he was doing, but the fact

that he might not come back.

At this point in the movie, this

is a family that's been slowly chipped away at in many ways

by the pressures and the needs of the NASA program

and the mission to the moon.

And so this kind of forced assembly

of the family, this almost formal alignment of them

at this table, where everyone is kind of

forced to look at each other, that's kind of dictated

the look and feel of the scene for me

and Linus Sandgren, the DP, at a time in the movie where

there's a lot of movement, there's

a lot of forward momentum.

We've seen missions.

We've seen training maneuvers go wrong.

We've seen action set pieces.

We've seen deaths.

It felt like here was a moment for the movie to actually

just grind to a halt for these few minutes

and just exist in more or less static shots of these four

faces at this table, this kind of quadrangle

of people who have to basically stare

each other down."

"Does anyone have any other questions?"

"Do you think you're coming back?"

"We have a real confidence in the mission.

And, ah, there are some risks, but we have every intention

of coming back."

"But you might not."

"And Neil, at the center of it, who is not going to be

let off the hook.

Janet is going to make sure that he

tells the cold hard truth to his boys."

"That's right."

"And something that Ryan and I talked a lot about,

and Ryan really sort of had a huge hand

in shaping the scene and finding

different ways to play it.

And Claire Foy who plays Janet was very much the same.

One thing we all talked about was the fact

that Neil is someone who somehow seemed to not

be overly scared by the idea of strapping himself

to a missile and blasting through the atmosphere

and blasting into the void of space

and going further physically from the Earth

than any human being in history.

But this is something that scares him,

the idea that the one thing that can really

scare Neil Armstrong is this kind of conversation

on the eve of a mission, this enormous and this important,

to actually sit down and confront

his children about the fact that he may not return.

That that would actually be in many ways

the hardest mission of all."

For more infomation >> Watch Ryan Gosling Act as Neil Armstrong in 'First Man' | Anatomy of a Scene - Duration: 2:47.


Aprenda Cores com 5 Ovos Surpresas da Vampirina em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 12:40.

For more infomation >> Aprenda Cores com 5 Ovos Surpresas da Vampirina em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 12:40.


Pig Family 🐷 and The Ghost | Cartoon for Kids | New Full Episode - Duration: 1:44.

Hi! Please enjoy the new episode of Pig Family Cartoon: The Ghost!

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