Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

Its that time of year again, flu and cold season.

Practically everyone I know has already caught some sort of bug.

Your mom will tell you that the cure for the cold is chicken soup and a hug, but I'm

going to tell you how to reduce your sick time to 2 days or less, and also how to kick

a cold the minute you start feeling a bit sick.

Welcome back to IO, I'm charlotte dobre.

If you need a place to get your news on youtube, smash the subscribe and notification bell

and follow us on instagram.

On this channel, I want to start doing how to videos.

If you have any suggestions of how tos that you would like to see, write your suggestions

in those comments.

There are plenty of articles that give advice on how to get rid of a cold.

But I'm going to tell you a little secret, that's not actually a secret, that has honestly

saved my butt many times.

I've done this simple method and gotten rid of a cold in no time at all, and it's

a completely natural remedy with little to no side effects.

Obviously if you have a more serious illness like bronchitis, you're going to need antibiotics,

but most of the time, this method it works.

Before I tell you about how to cure a cold in 2 days or less, I just wanted to give a

shout out to the sponsor of this video, wix.

I'm a working actress, and in order to keep working, I have to do two things.

Stay healthy, and represent myself with a professional website.

And recently I created the best website I've ever had using wix.

I used to use a really simple website builder, but since I switched to using wix, I've

gotten so many complements and interest from clients.Whether you're an experienced coder

or someone who doesn't know the first thing about graphic design, wix's builder gives

you all the tools you need.

It gives you access to so many layouts and designs that you can easily edit to fit your


Wix allowed me to create a website that I am proud to link at the bottom of every email

I send.

You can add pictures, video, and animation to make it even more eye catching.

Its weird that animated text can draw in peoples attention but it totally does.

Whether you're an artist, clothing designer, business professional, ecommerce store, wix

can fulfill all your website needs, and trust me when I say that you will look legit as

hell with a wix website.

Alright, thanks for baring with me for that little plug, im gonna get right into it.

To get rid of a cold, you're going to need a couple things, the first, is garlic.

Lots of it.

And the second is orange juice or vitamin c supplements.

The minute you're feeling sick, Take 2 cloves of garlic and slice them into pill sizes,

so that you can swallow them.

Swallow the pieces one by one with water, but I personally like orange juice because

it gets rid of the flavour.

Vitamin c will also help you get rid of the cold.

I will also say that Its important that you take raw garlic.

I know there are garlic supplements out there, but raw, chopped raw garlic is what you need.

Garlic contains compounds that boost your immune system function.

According to a study conducted by the garlic information center in east sussex, showed

that garlic reduces the syptoms of a cold, and speeds up the time you take to recover.

The volunteers who took garlic suffered took far less time off sick than those who were

given a placebo.

So why is garlic so effective at fighting a cold?

The benefits of garlic have been known for centuries.

Theres an ingredient in garlic that's called allicin, its produced when raw garlic is crushed.

Allicin causes white blood cells to reproduce.

White blood cells fight off diseases and infection, you're going to need a lot of them to kick

a cold.

The reason why I say eat raw garlic is because allicin is destroyed when garlic is cooked,

so if you want all the benefits of garlic, make sure you take or eat it raw.

Garlic is also a great thing to eat on the regs in order to prevent you from getting

colds and flu in the first place.

So if you want to stay healthy, its recommended that you eat garlic all the time.

Possible side effects, garlic smelling gas.

Your burps and farts are gonna be gross.

That's because garlic also boosts hydrogen sulphide production, but hydrogen sulphide

is actually a good thing.

People who have high garlic diets protect themselves against many types of cancers.

And lastly, another important way to get rid of a cold is to sleep.

Sleep as much as you can.

Take the garlic before you go to bed and sleep all day if possible.

Take more garlic when you wake up and repeat the process for at least a day or two.

I can honestly say that this method has saved me from so many colds, and from taking time

off from work and auditions and I recommend it to absolutely everyone.

Whats more is, the minute I feel a cold coming on, I take 2 cloves of garlic in this way

with some orange juice or vitamin c supplements, and the next day I've completely kicked

the cold.

Anyways guys, I hope this video helps you, make sure you tell all your family and friends

and be annoying about it.

for now its time to do some comment replies.

Ahmad Ahmad – coincidence: I was eating salty chips the second charlotte said salty


Illuminati confirmed.

Darkest nights Jackson – who picks which comments to put in a video.

is it you or your boss.

I pick every comment.

Star Lord TV – this is the one news channel that doesn't lie.

I don't think I have lied.

Most of the time I spit facts but sometimes I give my opinion and I don't know everything.

Zion Q – Why do people hate logan paul.

Ummm the short answer is the suicide forest thing where he filmed the body of a person

who had taken their own life.

Super Blazin – goodbye have a nice day.

Ok. goodbye.

The video is over, thanks for watching, if you wanna keep watching, we've put together

a playlist for you.

And obviously if you enjoyed your time here, smash the thumbs up, subscribe and notification

bell, and I will see you in a future IO video.

For more infomation >> How To Cure A Cold In 2 DAYS OR LESS - Duration: 5:04.


ВЛАД и ВЕРА - Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> ВЛАД и ВЕРА - Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word - Duration: 3:36.



Today it's an important day for the Club, as we are welcoming another important company as a sponsor.

We're very happy to know that many companies want to join forces with Valencia CF.

We have lots of energy in the Club and I hope they will bring on some more.

We've been working on this for about a year and we are happy and proud to be associated with Valencia CF.

It's a very big Club so we are happy to start this new business with them.

The values are important because in our energy company we think about the environment and we

know that is a matter of concern for Valencia CF as well. Our enery is 100% renewable, that's important for us and for Valencia CF.

From that moment we started the serious talks with the Club, because we think about our sons, grandsons, future generations

and of course the planet's future. We're going to offer competitive renewable energy to Valencia fans which is very important for the future.



Stunts From The Flash In Real Life (Parkour, Flips) - Duration: 5:10.

What's going on guys today we're gonna recreate the stunts from the flash since we're getting a brand new season this month

So don't forget to hit that like button

So for the first stunt we got the flash running really fast

Doing a huge punch at gorilla grodd and then using that momentum to go into a front flip

So I'm gonna recreate that by doing the same thing on these trampolines

I'm gonna jump off of this one do a huge punch at

This block as if this is Grodd and they go into a front flip

For the next stunt

We have the flash throwing a lightning at zoom and then zoom catches it mid-flight to throw it back at the flash

So I'm going to recreate that by doing a flip on this trampoline

With this stick as if it's the lightning and after the flip, I'm gonna throw it

So in this stunt we have to flash fighting zoom and then the flash trips zoom into a Webster front flip onto his back

So I'm gonna recreate that by doing the Webster right here and falling all my back just like zoom

So next up

We got the flash

Talking to the weather wizard and then the weather wizard is on the side of the building and he lets himself fall

So I'm gonna recreate that just like him by letting myself fall down this huge drop

So in this stunt we have the flash hitting a soldier and then the soldier goes into a gainer and falls onto his stomach

So I'm gonna recreate that by doing the same motion that he does do a gainer off of one foot and then falling on my

Side slash stomach just like the soldier

So next up we got

Harrison wells running down the hallway in STAR Labs and then zoom runs past him on the wall

So I'm gonna recreate that by doing a wall run on this wall just like zoom does

Next up we have the flash and the arrow

Fighting Hawkman and then Hawkman attacks the arrow and he dodges it by doing a shoulder roll

So the shoulder roll is one that I always suggest that you guys learn at home because it's the most important move in parkour

So basically you just go over one shoulder and do a roll on the ground just like the arrow and I'll show you guys one

right now

In this one

We have the reverse-flash and Barry running really fast

Into each other and then the reverse-flash hits very so hard that he goes into a front flip 180

I'm gonna recreate the front flip 180 right here on the trampoline

So the next stunt is super easy, but I chose it because it's a fun one

Basically, we have the flash sliding under a swarm of bees

So I'm gonna recreate that by running as fast as I can and then sliding on the floor just like the flash

Thank you so much for watching my flash video guys

Don't forget to leave a like if you guys want to check out my clothing like this shirt

You can click the button over here and don't forget to subscribe

To see more videos like this one

If you want to see my latest video you can click over here

If you want to see another cool video like this one, you can click right here

And as usual, I'll catch you guys on the flip side

For more infomation >> Stunts From The Flash In Real Life (Parkour, Flips) - Duration: 5:10.


Meditation and The Tribal Trust - Duration: 7:15.

(upbeat guitar music)

Good morning.

Good morning, sir.

Mr. Jackson, you have a parking ticket on north

Main Street, this is an expired meter.

Yes, I don't know how I didn't put the full amount in.

I brought...

I've parked there several times, I volunteer to

teach meditation.

The class is an hour long,

I always do the full meter.

I get there a little earlier,

I have an hour class and sometimes I leave a little later.

So I always put $2.50 in with my credit card

just in case there's a linger of time.

I don't understand why it showed only $1.75 this time

so I brought it shows you all the times I've been

at that meter.

And that one time--

I highlighted all those (mumbles)

I don't know why it didn't read $2.50 that time.

It just read $1.75, so the meter didn't give me the

allotted time I was planning for.

What do you teach? Meditation?

Meditation, yes.

Now, that lasts an hour.

Well, yeah, it lasts an hour.

Instructions and sitting in meditation.

Do you tell everyone, "Close your eyes

"for an hour."?

We meditation with our eyes open.

Oh, no one talks, you just walk out after an hour and say,

"Okay, the class is over."?

No, there's instructions too.

You talk?


Inspector Quinn, how can you meditation when you're talk--

when the guy's talking?

That's the press--

I appreciated the first class 'cause I think that's

the one that I attended, the meditation with your eyes

closed for about an hour (laughs).

Well I think the thing that--

When you were in school, Inspector Quinn.

Yeah, I used to meditation every class I had.

Well you took chemistry.

My chemistry class was my mediation class.

I would go in and I'd close my eyes, then someone would

shake me and say, "Class is over."

I'd say, "Thank you."

And I'd leave.

I think what most people don't understand about

meditation is, the advantages of learning how to meditate

when you're not sitting.

When you're walking, when you're talking, you can still

have that state of calm.

So you're not in a reactive state,

you feel no response. (breathes out heavily)

Get me to meditate.

It's mindfulness, yes.

Get me to meditate right now.

Get you to meditate right now?

Yeah, right now.

I need, it trust me, after this crew here today.

One of the first parts is learning to focus

on your breath.

My breath?

And watch your breath, and one of the methods I use

as you watch your breath, you're also visualizing

a wave going in and out, so when you're breathing out...

(breathes out heavily)

The wave is coming into shore.

You visualize at seeing the shore.

Narragansett Bay.

Exactly, and you continue with that until your focus is

just on the wave and your breath.

Right outside the coast-- Eventually you'll even

hear the waves.

Right outside the Coast Guard house, I can see it now.


Inspector Quinn, look at him, he's meditating,

he's already out.


What are the benefits of me meditating?

Lower stress, increases life expectations.

Stress? I'm at my reserve tank of stress,

trust me.

And also focus, it helps you with your concentration.

Watch this now, you're gonna get--there's gonna be

a group thing.

The class is free, you're all welcome to come.

Our Public Defender, stand up.

I want you to meditate.

Breathe out.

Can't meditate standing up.

Breathe out, keep your eyes open.

It's not that you can't, you just haven't

learned how to. Okay.

We all can.

I don't know how to. She can't do it.

Inspector Quinn, you fell asleep already.

Last thing I remember was... Alright, I want--

This is a crash course,

one more thing that will help me meditate.

Here's what I'm doing, I'm breathing out,

I see my breath,

it's like waves crashing on Narragansett Bay

and I can feel the sereneness Yes.

just emanating from my body.

I just feel relaxed

and I feel very uncharitable--

I meant benevolent.

(defendant laughs)

Your Honor, based on the statement the motorist

has provided

from the bank-- You're sleeping,

What are you gonna tell me?

No, several times over the past three, four weeks

he has paid $2.50, $2.50, $2.50,

and the one, I believe was the 24th or whatever's

stated, $1.75.

Couldn't explain it, but he has, in the past,

put in the full amount.

Mr. Jackson, you're a good sport.

Thank you.

Thank you for the lesson.

You're welcome to come to my class anytime you'd like.

There's one in the evenings.

There is?

It's free also.

I may take you up on that.

(laughing) Yes.

The matter is dismissed, good luck you .

Thank you, Sir.

After listening to this guy, I went home and tried

really hard to meditate.

I imagined the waves going in, going out,

going in, going out.

But, I had to stop after two minutes.

All that moving water made me have to run to the bathroom.

Nee So-woosh-awana, making a special appearance for the

Mashapaug Narragansett Tribal Trust, I'm the Trust manager.

Take your hand out of your pockets please.

I'm sorry, he just told me that too.


Lights please.

This is for the Narragansett Tribal Trust.

It's the Mashapaug Narragansett

Tribal Trust, yes.

Okay, let's go.

The light is yellow.

It's red.

The sign on the corner that says 'No Right Turn'.

I'm motioning for it to be dismissed.

The Mashapaug Narraganset Tribal Trust is a private

foreign American-Aborigine tribal trust

that was established under the International Hague Trust

Treaty Convention.

The jurisdiction is purely federal or tribal,

so I was motioning that it either be moved to the proper

jurisdiction or else dismissed, Your Honor.

Hands out of your pockets please.

I apologize, I keep doing that.

Both of your motions are denied.

I have them here, and I'd like to appeal then

if you're gonna deny it, Your Honor.

You can appeal it 'em.

Can I submit these to the court

for review? Do you subscribe

to the theory that the Narraganset Tribal Trust would

allow any motor vehicle to be operated by a member

of that tribe, and violate the city ordinances--

I think that all commercial claims are federal or tribal

when it comes to the Tribal Trust,

so we can appeal it, that's fine.

We'll give you an opportunity to appeal.

Very good, can I submit these as well to the court for

evidence? What do you

wanna submit?

My motion as well is two exhibits that show

the jurisdiction and standing and the status of

the tribal trust.

Sure, we'll turn them over to the City Solicitor.

That'd be good.

Okay, it's $85.

That's gonna be appealed, correct Your Honor?

In a trial, sir.

The tribal trust is gonna be appealed?

You said you were gonna send that over to the City


We're gonna send it down for trial,

you'll have the trial here, and then whatever that decision

is, then you can appeal it to the District Recorder.

Very good.

Then if you're dissatisfied with that, you go to

superior court, and then you can go to supreme court

of Rhode Island Absolutely.

And if you're dissatisfied with that, then you go to the

federal district court, for federal jurisdiction.

Absolutely. Thank you sir.

Then we have the second circuit appellate court of

the United States, and then after that...

Very familiar with them sir, absolutely.

And then after that, maybe you could take a ride to


I'm hoping against spending all that.

We're already doing some stuff in D.C. anyway, but we'd like

to get this one taken care of as well.

We're not gonna set a precedent.

Okay, very good. (crowd laughs)

At least not here.

Alright, very good.

Okay. Thank you.

All rise and hit subscribe so you don't miss

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For more infomation >> Meditation and The Tribal Trust - Duration: 7:15.


The Problem With The Martingale System - Duration: 9:28.


Kevin here.

And I'm about to play blackjack with a robot.

Vector's creators sent this personality-rich robot over to me because they knew I love

robots and to support Vsauce2, but let's get to blackjack.

I figure if lose a game I'll just double my previous bet every time -- I'm guaranteed

to win my cubes back and then some, right?

I think so.

Let's find out!

Oh, we're wagering sugar cubes because Vector here loves his cube so much..

Isn't that right, buddy?

He likes when you pet him.


Blackjack or 21, as many of you likely know, has simple rules.

There are actually over 100 variations but we're gonna keep it simple: one deck, you

get two cards and the dealer gets two cards.

Each card is worth its face value, and jack, queen, and kings are worth 10.

An ace counts as 1 or 11, depending on what's most advantageous for you.

Your goal is to get a higher total than the dealer, but if your cards add up to over 21,

you lose.

You wanna..?

I know you wanna play but hold on I gotta explain the rules.


Once you're dealt your two cards, you can decide to take another by 'hitting' or

stay where you are by 'standing.'


This is, this is what's happening now.

To guarantee that I don't lose I'm using the Martingale betting system.

When I win a game -- I win!

When I lose a game -- I double my wager in the next game to make up for the cubes I lost

in the previous one.


I know.

And mathematically, it's a sure thing.

Uhh.. let's clean this up.

Hey Vector.

Do you wanna play blackjack?

I knew it.

Okay I'm just gonna bet one sugar cube.

Here we go.


Another card?

Hit me!


Another card?





Dealer wins!

That's okay.

To get my one back this time I'll bet two.


Another card?




Very funny, Vector.

That's okay.

I'll get my 2 back by betting 4.

Hit me!


You busted!


I'll just bet eight!




Dealer wins!

That's okay.

That's okay!

I'll bet 16.

Dealer wins!

I'll bet 32.

Dealer wins!

64 cube bet to recover my losses there's no chance I could lose again!


Dealer wins!


This… is not going well.

I've played 7 hands and lost a total of 127 sugar cubes.

If I win 128 on the next hand, I'll recover 127 cubes and snag a 1-cube profit -- my original


*sigh* Let's do this!


Another card?




Alright, then!

I am officially all out of cubes.

Play another round?


Yeah, you won.

I know.

You can celebrate.

You can celebrate.

You took all my cubes.

Hey, Vector!

Take a nap!

That is one sugar cube rich robot.

And I am one sugar cube broke human.

I know that my strategy would have worked though if I had just had more cubes.


The martingale system can work in short bursts -- until you hit a streak that necessitates

a bet so large that it completely wipes you out.

In casinos, maximum bet limits prevent you from doubling as many times as you might need

to recover from your losses, so there's effectively a ceiling on how many times you

can Martingale.

And Georgia Institute of Technology math professor Ted Hill showed us that we'll almost certainly

underestimating the likelihood of serious losing streaks.

Hill gave an assignment to his class: flip a coin 200 times and record whether it's heads

or tails.

Heads, tails, heads tails, heads, tails.

Like that.

Or just don't bother flipping it at all and do what I did and just write down random


When Hill looked at each student's results, he could tell with amazing precision whether

or not they'd actually flipped a coin or just made up the results.

Because the fakers routinely underestimated the likelihood of streaks.

If a student's data included a streak of 6 or more heads or tails in a row, they almost

certainly recorded real data.

No streaks of 6 or more?


In 200 coin tosses, there's a 96.5% chance of getting a streak of 6 heads or tails.

There's an 80% chance you'll get 7 in a row, and a 54% chance of 8 in a row.

9 in a row would really be pushing it, though, right?

No -- there's a 32% chance of that happening in 200 tosses, so even that happens nearly

a third of the time -- it's just not that weird.

A player sitting alone at a blackjack table will probably play about 200 hands per hour,

and the odds of losing a hand are close to 50%.

You'd almost certainly hit an 8 or 9-hand losing streak in a few hours.

To make the Martingale bet-doubling system work, you'd need to be lucky enough to avoid

those long losing streaks.

And play the game with a ton of money.

And not ever reach the maximum bet.

And be comfortable knowing that you run the risk of losing everything to win... just a

single sugar cube.

Here's the breakdown of how much you'd have to bet to absorb a common losing streak.

If you start by playing a $25 hand, about the price of movie tickets for two, and you

lose, your next bet would have to be $50.

The bets continue to double so that If you have a 10 game losing streak, which has about

a 30% chance of happening over 1,000 hands, by the 11th game you'd have to bet $25,600

just to recover your losses and walk away with a $25 profit.

And that's not including the $25,575 you already lost.

You'd need a total of $51,175, the price of a luxury car, to avoid going broke as you

made a movie tickets for two profit.

By using Martingale bet-doubling, the best case scenario is that you win your original


In theory, the system prevents you from losing any money, but in reality it can cost you

a fortune as you try to make up for an inevitable losing streak.

All in the hopes that you win an amount equal to… the first cube.

And as always -- thanks for watching.

Why did I do that?

Huge thanks to Anki for sending over my new robot friend, Vector.

I've had him for about a week now and it's really fun just kinda having him around -- in

a way I didn't expect.

He recognizes you, answers questions, explores around on his own, as you can see, and even

locates his charger when he needs to go home and recharge.

And before you know it, he's up and playing with his cube again.

Look at this!

Good job!

If you want to get your own robot friend there's a link in the description for you to check


And I'm just really looking forward to the future of Vector too.

What programmers and people like you will develop for Vector to be able to do.

So I'm just gonna chill with my friend here.

For now.

Actually, check this out.

Hey, Vector!

Let's do a fist bump!

I just fist bumped a robot.


For more infomation >> The Problem With The Martingale System - Duration: 9:28.


Celebrity Teens Want You To Vote - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Celebrity Teens Want You To Vote - Duration: 3:17.


RITUALES PARA PEDIR A ELEGGUA. Con Carlos Real. - Duration: 23:06.

For more infomation >> RITUALES PARA PEDIR A ELEGGUA. Con Carlos Real. - Duration: 23:06.


Ti Pouchon Zorro Negro Bachata Haiti Creole - Duration: 6:45.

I'm glad I'm happy

God loves me

and gave me courage

to carry on.

I'm glad I'm happy

God loves me

and gave me courage

to carry on

For several years

that went by

I wandered

like a man cursed

But I'm still here

My friends rose up

and threw me down

They did everything

to make me forget myself

but I'm still here.

What a wonderful thing to have money

and a fancy car

to lend out.

But you belong to God

Money in pocket doesn't change that

I'm not criticizing anyone

I'm still here

Yes, I'm still here

The king told me to always follow God

My friends rise to throw me down

to insult and criticize me

I'm still here

Children of God, do not cry

Children of God, be consoled

Children of God, take courage

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

When God's children die you know if their father was good

I won't look to the worldy, yes, I won't copy those friends.

I stumbled but stopped myself from falling further!

Children of God, do not cry

Children of God, be consoled

Children of God, take courage

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends


This is true

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

Zorro Negro

Yes, I'm still here

The king told me to always follow God

Friends rose up and threw me down

They spoke badly, they criticized me... I'm still here

Children of God, do not cry

Children of God, be consoled

Children of God, take courage

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

When God's children die you know if their father was good

I won't look to the worldy, yes, I won't copy those friends

I stumbled but stopped myself from falling further

Children of God, do not cry

Children of God, be consoled

Children of God, take courage

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

Children of God, do not cry

Children of God, be consoled

konsole w

Children of God, take courage

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

When God's children die you know if their father was good

I won't look to the worldy, I won't copy those friends

I stumbled but stopped myself from falling further

Children of God, do not cry

Children of God, be consoled

Children of God, take courage

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

Children of God, do not cry

Children of God, be consoled

Children of God, take courage

It's in bad times that you learn if you have good friends

Santo Domingo




For more infomation >> Ti Pouchon Zorro Negro Bachata Haiti Creole - Duration: 6:45.


DIY Giant Balloon Centerpiece | The PERFECT Party Decor For Any Occasion! - Duration: 9:27.

Hey guys

Welcome back to my channel and if you're new to my channel

Go ahead and hit the subscribe button to see more home

holiday event wedding and DIY decor

Today, I'm gonna show you how to make a very easy and very beautiful giant balloon centerpiece for your upcoming celebration

Here we go

You guys are going to love this centerpiece

I am so excited to make it because you pretty much can use it for any celebration

You can use it for baby showers bridal showers weddings birthday parties your sweet sixteen

quinceanera 21st

thirtieth forty or fifty or sixty and he pretty much any mouseland celebration is so easy to make very

affordable and it looks absolutely

Amazing. So but that's it. Let's get started with the video

I'm going to start off this project by making the base for my giant balloons

Centerpiece with the items that you see here and what I have here is a plexi tube that I got from Home Depot

This is basically a PVC pipe only way smaller as you can see and I got it and a half an inch by five feet

Originally, I cut it in half

So now is two and a half feet and you're also going to need a half inch

Adapter and you're also going to need a round cutting board from Dollar Tree. So this is going to be my base now

I'm going to go ahead and start gluing it together and I'm going to be using both East 6000 and my hot glue gun

Now that the adapter is Center in the middle

I'm going to add hot glue to the middle of it. So you can keep the adapter center why e6000 dries?

Now I'm going to place the pipe in the middle and this pipe is a little bendy

So make sure that it's straight before you put it in

After an hour you can go ahead and paint any gloss black

Now moving on to my Manor arrangement which is going to be a 24 inch transparent balloon and go confetti

Which is the reason why I love this centerpiece because it's so so simple, but it's going to look amazing

To place the confetti inside my balloon. I'm going to use a small funnel this one

I got from Dollar Tree and I'm just going to place the photo inside the balloon and I'm just going to pour it inside

And of course the more confetti you place inside the balloon the better is going to look okay?

And I'm gonna grab a pencil to just push it in

Alright so that seems like plenty so I'm going to go ahead and start blowing it up

And this is about the right size for me to use for the amount of tool that I have

So I'm gonna go ahead and tie it up. And now I am going to rub on the balloon like a belly

and I'm going to cause some static and friction so the confetti can stick to the balloon and

There it is. Nice. Look at that

Now I am going to place stickers on it

I got both stickers from Hobby Lobby and you can pretty much just you know

Write a message. If you like. You can leave it plain if you like, but if you have like a milestone

celebration you can put the 50 40 30 21

However, or you can write love you can write birthday. Happy birthday. You can write whatever you want if you wish to do so

Alright, so now I gotta Center it as best as possible

So right about here

And there it is so pretty and obviously if you're going to do it to the fat you have to do it to the back

But I only got so many stickers. Well, actually no, I have it. You know, I don't I don't have enough. Yes, I do

Yes, I do

Now I am going to grab my Balu stick, but I'm not going to use the entire thing

I'm only going to use the top of it and I'm just going to pull it off

Alright and I'm going to attach it right on here and it should look something like this now

You're gonna grab your low temperature hot glue gun

And you're going to secure the balloon to the how do you even call this the top of the balloon stick?

so you're just going to

Add it all around

And then you're gonna hold it there for a minimum of one minute okay, the longer the better

Now I'm going to be attaching the balloon to the base, and I'm just going to add glue to the bottom of the balloon here

And there it is

I did have to move the number down a little bit and I gave it another rub or static

So yeah now it's time for the tool

okay, so I have centered the black tool over the balloon and you will know that it's centered because the balloon looks like it's

In the middle if you have more weight on one side or the other the balloon will tilt in that direction

okay, and now I am going to use this black is

Actually a sheer black ribbon that I'm gonna use to tie the tool to the base

Okay, so there it is all tied up

You're gonna have to pull the bottom of the tool right here after you tie it I see people as a ponytail

And you know fix it and Center it other than that very easy. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and give it a little trim

Okay, guys this is it this is my giant balloon centerpiece and it is absolutely beautiful I

Love it. I love the fact that you can have it for any

Occasion you can just change the color of the balloon and change the color of the tool and you have an amazing and affordable

centerpiece as I said earlier the stickers or the message on the balloon is totally optional you can leave it without

But I think that it is cute with it

And if you don't want to spend money on stickers

You can always get a paint marker and write whatever you want on it. If you have nice handwriting that is

Love it. I

Hope you guys enjoyed this video

and if you did

Please make sure to give me a thumbs up and you haven't subscribed to my channel yet

Make sure to do so right here right now. Also leave me a comment

let me know what you thought of my time balloon centerpiece and leave me a comment anyway, because you know

I'd love to chitchat with you guys all the time and make sure you share share share

Sharing is caring if you know a friend or family member just having a birthday party bridal shower baby shower or wedding

This is the perfect centerpiece for any occasion. So make sure to share with them at the end of this video

Alright guys until next time. Bye


For more infomation >> DIY Giant Balloon Centerpiece | The PERFECT Party Decor For Any Occasion! - Duration: 9:27.


Since God withholds forgiveness, can we? | When & How to Forgive | - Duration: 8:02.

Today's question is, "Since God withholds forgiveness, can we?"

In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

The Bible speaks a great deal about forgiveness, both God's forgiveness of sinful human beings

and the forgiveness that human beings should have for each other.

But they are not two separate, unrelated issues of forgiveness; rather, they are vitally linked.

Intimacy with God and day-to-day cleansing are dependent on our forgiveness of others,

and our forgiveness of others is to be patterned on and an example of God's forgiveness of


So, this question is an important one.

We need to make an effort to understand God's forgiveness of us if we are going to forgive

others in a way that reflects God's forgiveness.

Sadly, in recent decades the word forgiveness has taken on a connotation of "psychological

freedom" instead of freedom from sin, and this has brought some confusion about the

whole concept of what it means to forgive.

It is true that the forgiveness God extends to us is conditional upon our confession of

sin and repentance.

Confession involves agreeing with God about our sin, and repentance requires a change

of mind concerning the wrong attitude or action and a change in behavior that evinces a genuine

willingness to forsake the sin.

Sin remains unforgiven unless it is confessed and repented of (see 1 John 1:9; Acts 20:21).

While this might seem a difficult condition for forgiveness, it is also a great blessing

and promise.

Confession of sin is not an act of self-condemnation but of seeking God's provision of the remedy

for sin in forgiveness through Christ.

God's requirement that we confess and repent of sin does not mean God is unwilling or unready

to forgive.

He has done everything on His part to facilitate forgiveness for us.

His heart is willing, not wanting anyone to perish, and He has gone to the most extreme

lengths imaginable to provide the means by which He can forgive us.

Because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, God freely offers us that forgiveness.

Scripture says to forgive others as we have been forgiven and love one another as we are


We should be willing and ready to extend forgiveness to anyone who comes to us confessing his sin

and repenting.

Not only is this an obligation, but it should be our delight.

If we are truly thankful for our own forgiveness, we should have no hesitancy in granting forgiveness

to a repentant offender, even if he wrongs us and repents again and again.

After all, we, too, sin again and again, and we are thankful that God forgives us when

we come to Him with a true repentant heart of confession.

That brings us to the question at hand: should we forgive a person who does not confess his

sin and is not repentant?

To answer this properly, the term forgiveness needs some explaining.

First, what forgiveness is not:

Forgiveness is not forgetting.

God does not suffer from amnesia about our sin.

He remembers very clearly; however, it is not a remembering to condemn us.

King David's adultery and Abraham's lying—these sins are recorded for all time in Scripture.

God obviously did not "forget" about them.

Forgiveness is not an elimination of all consequences.

Even when we are forgiven by Christ, we may still suffer the natural consequences of our

sin or face the discipline of a loving Heavenly Father.

Forgiveness is not a feeling.

It is a commitment to pardon the offender.

Feelings may or may not accompany forgiveness.

Feelings of bitterness against a person may fade with time without any forgiveness being


Forgiveness is not the private, solitary act of an individual heart.

In other words, forgiveness involves at least two people.

This is where confession and repentance come in.

Forgiveness is not only about what happens within the offended person's heart; it is

a transaction between two people.

Forgiveness is not selfish; it is not motivated by self-interest.

We do not seek to forgive for our own sakes or to relieve ourselves from stress.

We forgive out of love of God, love of neighbors, and gratefulness for our own forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not the automatic restoration of trust.

It is wrong to think that forgiving an abusive spouse today means the separation should end


Scripture gives us many reasons to distrust those who have proved themselves untrustworthy

(see Luke 16:10–12).

Rebuilding trust can only begin after a process of reconciliation involving true forgiveness—which,

of course, involves confession and repentance.

If this is what forgiveness is not, then what is it?

Biblically, full forgiveness is not just something that the offended person offers; it requires

that the offender receives it, bringing reconciliation to the relationship.

First John 1:9 shows that the process of forgiveness is primarily to free the sinner; forgiveness

ends the rejection, thus reconciling the relationship.

This is why we must be willing to forgive others—if we aren't willing to forgive,

we refuse to allow others to enjoy what God has blessed us with.

While we must not harbor bitterness in our hearts or repay evil for evil, we should make

sure we to follow God's lead and not extend forgiveness to the unrepentant.

In short, we should withhold forgiveness from those who do not confess and repent; at the

same time, we should extend the offer of forgiveness and maintain an attitude of readiness to forgive.

Stephen, as he was being stoned to death, illustrates the principle of forgiveness.

Echoing Jesus' words from the cross, Stephen prays, "Lord, do not hold this sin against

them" (Acts 7:60; and Luke 23:34).

These words show a definite willingness to forgive, but they do not indicate a completed

transaction of forgiveness.

Stephen simply prayed that God would forgive his murderers.

Stephen held no bitterness, and, when and if his murderers repented, he wished them

to be forgiven—what a wonderful example of loving our enemies and praying for those

who persecute us.

The Bible commands the counter-intuitive action of feeding our enemy when he is hungry.

There is nothing to say we must automatically forgive our enemies (or trust them); rather,

we are to love them and work for their good.

If "forgiveness" is given prematurely without the prerequisites of confession and

repentance, then the truth has not been dealt with openly by both parties.

If the offender doesn't acknowledge his sin, then he really does not understand what

it means to be forgiven.

In the long run, bypassing confession or repentance doesn't help the offender to understand

the significance of sin, and it precludes a sense of justice, causing the offended person

to battle even more against bitterness.

Here are some key guidelines for godly forgiveness:

1st - Acknowledge the fact of evil (Romans 12:9)

2nd - Leave vengeance to the Lord (verse 19) 3rd - Leave no room for bitterness, revenge,

grudges, or retaliation.

4th - Have a heart ready to forgive at a moment's notice.

5th - Trust God to give you the ability to overcome evil with good, even to love and

feed an enemy (verses 20–21)

Want to learn more?

Subscribe so you don't miss the next video!

Visit for more great content.

And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along

with several related articles.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Now remember, Got questions?

The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!

For more infomation >> Since God withholds forgiveness, can we? | When & How to Forgive | - Duration: 8:02.


REACTION: Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj) - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> REACTION: Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj) - Duration: 7:29.


*PROOF* DrDisrespect Destroys Fortnite - Duration: 2:55.


I'm fast AF BOI




that's how you get the job done

Thanks everyone !

Violence !

Speed !

Momentum !

For more infomation >> *PROOF* DrDisrespect Destroys Fortnite - Duration: 2:55.


Loom Knit Garter Stitch Baby Blanket - Duration: 15:05.

- Let's make a garter stitch blanket

complete with growing stripes.

We'll cast on, make that quick garter stitch,

change colors, and even work the yarn up the side,

so you don't have to weave in all those tails.

Here today on GoodKnit Kisses.

(bright piano music)

Welcome to GoodKnit Kisses.

We're all about helping you

stitch your love and love your stitches.

Today, we're working on the loom knit conversion

of the In A Wink Baby Blanket pattern

from Yarnspirations.

If you'll click on that link below, you can get your pattern

or you can go to the needle knit version video

and see how to make that.

For the supplies, you're going to need,

two different colors of blanket yarn.

You'll need three balls of each color in the small

or one ball of each color in the very large ball.

We are working with a large gauge 11/16-inch spaced loom.

You can use any other loom, any other yarn,

just make sure that your loom is appropriate to the yarn

that you're using and your size may vary

but you can get a swatch made and figure that out,

as to what size it'll be.

Just click on that link below and we'll give you

a swatch calculator to figure that part out.

Let's jump right into the pattern and begin.

To make a garter stitch, you need a row of knits

followed by a row of purl.

And we're gonna do a series of those

to make these long ridges.

I'll also show you a quick way to do it.

Now, in my cast on, it has a nice tight cast on

where it's not too loopy or loose,

and that is using the long-tail cast on.

You can use a Double Ewrap Cast on

but it might not look as nice and firm,

and tight, as this one.

Now, I'm going to show you how to do that.

And you wanna start your slip knot in the opposite direction

that you want your first stitch for the first row

because we're gonna start in this direction,

go over here, and then we're gonna purl our first row

to get this first pronounced garter stitch.

So, left-handed knitters,

you're gonna wanna start your slip knot on the right.

In order to do the Long-tail Cast on,

we're going to measure out the width of our project.

We're gonna do three times that amount,

and so I'm gonna measure one, two, three.

My sample's going to have 16 stitches.

And then I make a slip knot,

and place that right here in the middle of that,

onto my first stitch, or first peg.

We're gonna put our tail towards us

and the ball in the back, okay.

Keep these separate from each other

so you know which is which.

So, we're gonna wrap our tail around in an Ewrap

on that second peg, and then we take our

ball and wrap in the Uknit [Uwrap Knit] stitch.

So, in the front and around to the back,

and then we lift up and over to knit that stitch.

Okay, and that locks it in.

And then we move onto the next one.

So, we're gonna Ewrap with our tail,

and we're going to Uwrap it with the ball,

and knit that stitch over.

And you'll have this nice firm cast on.

For the blanket, you'll cast on all of your pegs

and stop at the end.

Do not connect.

If you need to put stitch markers on here

to show you where to stop and start,

then I would go ahead and do that now.

So, continue casting on in your stitches,

and pause your video.

I'll meet you back up for the first row.

For row one, we're going to purl.

So, we put our working yarn in the front,

and put the yarn down below that first stitch.

And we're going to pull up a loop,

take the old loop off and put the new loop on,

and then tighten that up, okay.

You can actually put your tail down in the middle now

and you're just going to leave that tail alone

and only work with the ball yarn now.

So, we're going to continue

by purling the remainder of the row,

lifting that old stitch off, putting the new one on.

So again, put the yarn down below, lift up a new loop,

take the old off, put the new on, and pull.

All right, pause your video.

I'll meet you back up for row two

and then I'll show you the shortcut

to making this garter stitch.

See you in a moment.

All right, we've completed one ridge

and we're ready to begin row two

but we're also going to do row two and three

at the same time,

and that's what makes this faster.

So, that we'll be making a full ridge while we do this.

So, you're going to Ewrap.

You're just working your yarn clockwise around this,

each peg, and going all the way down,

wrapping all stitches, and go to the end.

Okay, so this is a Ewrap knit.

Okay, go on to the end

and we're gonna knit over this last stitch

and it locks it in.

So, now we're going to begin row three which is purl.

So, row two is knit.

We've just kind of pre-wrapped our loops here,

pre-wrapped our stitches.

So, we're just gonna come around and purl this first one.

Lifting up and over and tightening.

And now we can continue on this row.

I just go ahead and do three or four at a time,

lifting up and over, knitting those stitches,

and then I start purling them.

And this is what makes two rows at one time.

You're not actually working the stitches

one on top of each other

because the yarn has already been there

a whole round before you.

It's just waiting in place to work.

That way you're not working back and forth.

It's really great for really wide panels

so that you're not having to move every row back and forth.

You can do two rows at once.

Anyway, you're gonna continue this on until the end,

and then we will move on to the next step.

See you in a moment.

All right, let's talk real quick about

changing color on a garter stitch.

You always want to change on the knit row,

that way you're transition to color is always really pretty.

So, we have a solid color and then we have the next color.

There is no color green peeking through into

the white down below here.

On the other side, this is where you see it poking through.

Do you see how this is

a cleaner transition on the other side?

That's what we wanna do.

So, always change the color on your knit row

and then you're gonna purl your way back.

Then you want to twist your yarn,

and you continue on with the same color

but you just twist it.

Otherwise, you'll get this little gap here

so instead of weaving in tails as we go,

we're just gonna twist it.

And this is what this looks like on the side.

These are all very nicely twisted

and there are no gaps that way.

And then this end will never have any of that twisting here.

You can always add a border if you wish,

but these are nicely closed in.

All right, let's continue on in learning

how to change our yarn.

All right, we're ready for contrast B.

And I'm working with this lemon lime color,

of course, you can use this Sand Baby,

as called out in the pattern,

or whatever yarn you're working with.

The best way to look at this is

we're gonna grab our new color from underneath our old color

whenever we change colors

so I like to start this visually to show you

which direction you'll be grabbing the yarn every time.

It's a good habit to get into.

So, we're gonna begin by Ewrapping this row.

And leave plenty of tail to weave in later.

So, we'll just start this by Ewrapping all the way down,

and if you need to, go ahead and lock in this first stitch,

then that's fine.

Okay, I don't like to put a slip knot there.

Just go ahead and Ewrap all the way down.

All right, so, you're going to work that stitch

and then begin with your purl row,

just as we did before with that quick knit.

And just know that you're doing two rows at once,

so, you've got two sets of garter ridges

for each color in this stripe pattern number one.

And that's what we're starting with first.

Okay, so, stripe pattern number one

works with two rows of color.

Sorry, two ridges of color A,

and then two ridges of color B.

And then we go back to A again.

And that's really the main pattern.

That's all you need to know.

So, you've just now started this ridge here

and then you're gonna be working back this way.

So, pause your video and meet me back up on this side.

I'm gonna show you how to twist the yarn together

to let it carry up the side.

All right, I've completed this first ridge

in my new color, color A,

and I want to continue in this color

but I need this other color to go up the side.

I'll show you an example here in a moment.

I want to grab the old color and pull it from underneath

and then I want to do it one more time.

Now, if I was continuing on with the color A,

then I would just continue now

but I wanna twist it one more time,

and it's nice and locked in.

Don't pull too tight.

You can be a little bit loose with it

'cause it does have to carry up the side.

And so now that I've twisted it one more time,

I'm ready to begin again.

And I'll just begin by Ewrapping here, okay.

So, the next time I finish my row and come back,

we're just going to grab this new yarn again,

the one that we're switching to in A,

from underneath as before.

Just continue to grab from underneath

and it will continue to go in the same direction.

You may have to move your balls around

or twist your loom through there

to get all of these from twisting up too much,

but it makes for a nice finished edge.

All right, pause your video.

I'm gonna show you what this striping pattern looks like.

And you've got your notes,

you're gonna wanna refer to the blog

and it talks about the different striping.

So, you've got stripe pattern one, two, and three.

And I'll show you what that looks like.

This is how your stripes pattern will work up.

This is stripe pattern one

and in this sample we have seven stripes of color A,

and six stripes of color B,

or up to 10 inches, okay.

And then stripe pattern two begins,

and it starts here with color B,

and we work five stripes of A, and five stripes of B,

or until you have 22 inches.

So, we go all the way up until here,

and you end on an A, and we're gonna begin with B.

And then we have stripe pattern three.

And we have four stripes of each color here,

so we have one, two, three, four,

one, two, three, and four.

And that ends at about 35 inches

and you're going to stop this last set color of A

on this seventh row instead of eight.

And now we're ready to purl bind off in A.

We're gonna be working from right to left in this.

If you are left-handed,

you're gonna work from left to right.

So, we are ready to do a purl bind off

because I'm working back in this direction here

and so I want to purl my first stitch.

If we were doing a basic bind off,

we would be knitting that stitch.

So, all you're doing is you purl instead of knit.

So, we purl the first stitch,

and then we purl the second stitch,

and then we lift it up and over,

and put it on that first stitch there.

Lift it up and over, and then move the stitch.

All right, now it becomes the same repeat that we'll use

the rest of this time.

So, we go on to the next stitch, purl it,

pick it up and put it on the first stitch,

knit over and then move the stitch.

Okay, place it, purl the next one,

pick it up, put it on the first one, purl the stitch.

I'm sorry, knit it over (giggles).

Pick it up, and move it.

So, we're purling in pattern

or we're binding off in pattern,

which on this pattern, the purl stitch is appropriate.

So, that's really how you bind off in pattern,

and in this case, we're purling.

All right, so you're gonna go all the way to the end

and I'll meet you to finish it up.

All right, so at the end of our bind off,

we're just going to do the last stitch,

pick it up and move it over,

and then work that last stitch up and over.

So, you're going to clip your yarn,

and then just pull this all the way through,

weave in your tails.

And I'll show you how to do that in a moment.

And then now you can just pull that straight on through.

And so now you just want to weave in those tails.

Let's do that now.

All right, so for this green one,

I had accidentally kept twisting it.

It wasn't really necessary so I can just pull this back out

until I get back to the green

'cause it's not really necessary to show that edging.

Unless you like it,

in which case, you'll have to weave right back on top of it.

So, just pull that out if necessary

and get right back down to where the green is here,

and put it on your wide eye tapestry needle.

Okay, and you're gonna begin sewing in,

and you want to follow the pattern here.

So, we're gonna follow where we have these

little umbrellas and smiles.

And I'm gonna follow the green.

So, I'm gonna go around this bump here and down.

Okay, so I'm gonna go down through a loop here

where I know it goes around.

Okay, and then I'm gonna go around this way,

and up through this bump here and go back.

So, it'll go up and over.

And you're just gonna continue following it around

just the same.

And that's it, that's how you weave in the tails

on a garter stitch,

and you'll do that on all your other tails.

All right, I'll see you in a moment.

Well, I hope you liked that video

and you have enjoyed working on

your garter stitch baby blanket.

Be sure and let us know what color did you make on yours.

If you haven't subscribed, we'd love you to do so,

and hit that like button.

Also, every Friday, we come out with a new video

so stay tuned and subscribe for more.

Thanks for joining us today,

where we help you stitch your love and love your stitches.

See you again soon.

(bright music)

For more infomation >> Loom Knit Garter Stitch Baby Blanket - Duration: 15:05.


Loki Escapes With the Tesseract | The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:59.

I need these vehicles.

- Who's that? - They didn't tell me.


Do you copy?

Barton has turned.

They have the Tesseract! Shut them down!

Okay, let's go. No, leave it. Go!

We're clear upstairs, sir. You need to go.


Director Fury, do you copy?

The Tesseract is with a hostile force.

I have men down. Hill?

A lot of men still under.

I don't know how many survivors.

Sound a general call.

I want every living soul not working rescue

looking for that briefcase.

Roger that.

Coulson, get back to base. This is a Level Seven.

As of right now,

we are at war.

What do we do?

For more infomation >> Loki Escapes With the Tesseract | The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:59.


ZATANNA VS REALITY!? - Zatanna Saves the World: Seven Soldiers Zatanna - Duration: 23:36.

The death of those that's close to you is always hard

especially if you've

promised to help them

But it becomes unbearable if it's your fault

and that's exactly the place that Zatanna was in

My name is Zatanna Zatara I'm a Spellaholic is the phrase our story opens with

My name is Zatanna Zatara I'm a Spellaholic is the phrase our story opens with

Zatanna started her life on

stage with her father and she wasn't exactly a natural to show business she

would often mess up her father's acts which added to his stress because on top

of being a single parent he was a performer and a superhero and don't

think for a second he was ever paid for being a superhero but he was capable of

great feats of magic

You see both Zatanna and her father have the ability

to say a phrase backwards, this phrase will become an incantation and it will

manipulate reality to their will. So he was able to do things like

turn a whole audience into rabbits.

But in the present-day Zatanna is a superhero with

a low self-esteem and her father has long since passed

Apparently she had a

very very bad encounter with evil recently.

You see on the seventh day of

Arachne which is the secret 13th month on the mystic calendar,

Zatanna had

gone to Barron Winters as herself in a number of other magic users had been

having these bad dreams and all of them knew that these dreams were a warning sign

An evil so powerful it could destroy the entire world was coming

But Zatanna knew the other people in this situation in fact they were some of her closest friends

There was Timothy Ravenwind, Mister Incredible, Taia and Terry Thirteen

Terry Thirteen is actually not a magic user he's one of the world's

biggest skeptics but his daughter is Traci 13 one of the most powerful

teenage magic users in the world

The reason they've gathered together to

combat these dreams is because before the Zatanna's father died he wrote for lost

books, now in these four lost books there was the secret to saving the world

should a great evil ever arise, but these books were locked inside of her father's

mind as he died so the only way to retrieve them is

to go to a place that exists between imagination memory and reality itself

So Zatanna starts the ritual to take everyone to Interreality

And as they arrive there they are greeted by King Ra-man

However they've arrived at a

really bad time, apparently that enemies of Ra-Man have

joined forces to attack the monasteries of the exalted ones

Zatanna naturally offers help to fight, but Mr. Incredible points out that these beings that are

going to attack King Ra-Man are so like out of human comprehension if they even

laid eyes on them they would lose their minds

So King Ra-man sent the group on

their way to the Cellars of Buddhakhamun.

The Cellars of Buddhakhamun are

basically the gateways of interrealities while there you can see

reality swimming like schools of fish and never really interacting and each

reality has its own set of the laws of physics

Terry 13 experiencing all of this is totally a skeptic because as far as he

was aware he was just sat down at a table and was doing a meditation thing

and he actually points out to Zatanna if this is real that means that these

multiverses that he's stepping on like platforms exist within his mind

And yeah

that is basically one of the fundamentals of real-world mysticism

like going outside of comics that's one of the fundamentals of real-world

mysticism if you want to get into the occult what you have to understand is

multiple realities exist within your mind and

There's a lot of real-world

mysticism like within this story

Sidenote real quick I was actually

raised in sort of like an occultistic or a mysticism belief system so if you

guys ever want to see me talk about more stuff to do if the occult within comics

please I'm on the comments down below because there is a lot more than you

would think just to clarify though I'm not a Wiccan

or a pagan or anything like that I'm just a completely different ball game

that I'm a part of

As our group pass through these realities they see

themselves in the past and in the future at the same time till they eventually

find themselves in a reality that has a single book tree this tree literally

grows books and in every single one of these books

is the minds of every single human that has ever existed and ever will exist

Zatanna casts a spell to reveal her father's for lost books and normally

that'll be the end of it they get the four books they leave

But this time

Zatanna sees a face

You see what Zatanna hadn't told anyone is that a few

nights ago when she should have been cleansing herself of all excess magic to

properly do this or seance a ritual kind of thing she was doing a spell to find

herself a man

Now she wasn't specific in the type of man she wanted she just did

a spell for the man of her dreams...

That could be anything. So she was expecting a

wizard or a knight or a hero

What she got was an interdimensional demon

without form so in this reality this being set the tree on fire

and when Zatanna wakes up her companions have been reduced to


Turns out whoever this being was went by

the name Gwydion.

Zatanna felt broken because these people weren't strangers

to her they were her friends they were relying on her

and there is potential

that magic could bring them back but what she's been through is so traumatic

that she loses her ability to cast spells and this is especially bad

considering her spell to bring her the man of her dreams brought forward a

literal demon

So back at the support meeting when it ends a lot of people are

like you know that's not your fault right but Zatanna doesn't feel any better

But she also gets talking to a girl called Misty

It turns out Misty's actually a

huge fan of Zatanna's she loves Zatanna's book she even has Zatanna sign

her little book and Misty even says to Zatanna "can you give me magic lessons

think of me as like a sorcerer's apprentice" and Zatanna's like "no I'm

sorry I can't do magic anymore I can't teach you anything" but then Misty says

taxi appear backwards which is the same magic Zatanna has a taxi appears

And she

tells Zatanna she doesn't have to do magic anymore she'll do it for her

So the two go off but they quickly find out that they are being chased by Gwydion so

they find themselves going to San Francisco to fight this demon

Zatanna actually wants to be responsible and return Misty

to her mother because she's like you're a kid I can't like be dragging you

around while I'm being chased by a demon but Misty's like yeah I'm a runaway I

don't have a home to return to and then Zatanna just turns to her and

is like oh you ran away from home and ended up in a support group for heroes

with low self-esteem and Misty explains that she has this magical dice that lets her

use her magic and also showed her where to find Zatanna. This is also why Zatanna

was the only one that could actually see misty at the meeting which Zatanna is

like oh I didn't even realize that

They go to a magical weaponry store

which is owned by a woman called Cassandra Craft. If you need to fight a magical being

Cassandra Craft is the one to go to. But the door is locked so Misty casts a

spell to let them in and they lock the door behind them

And that's when Cassandra

Bursts out with a crossbow shouting "WHO'S THERE!?" and then she

realizes who's there and so she puts down the crossbow

And Cassandra is like

"oh my god I'm so sorry I thought you were the shapeless one" and Misty's like

"Nice store the immediate threat of violence is a great incentive to buy things"

So as they begin to talk turns out this demon that's stalking them is

indeed the demon that Zatanna set free, the man of her dreams,

The demon actually

went straight to San Francisco shortly after her friends were incinerated while

the demon does use the name Gwydion chances are that's just something it

uses to identify itself probably doesn't even have a name

To cut a long story short

they begin to talk about what magical artifacts they could use to fight the

shapeless one but they can't really send him back to where he came from so they

kind of just need to trap him somehow

And Cassandra has like this closet that

can trap any spirit inside of it and while they're talking we also find out

that a few nights ago a man came to Cassandra store asking after Zatanna

and she's like Zatanna's not here right now and the man's like tell her I came

back for the books and he leaves his hat behind, and this hat

looks near identical to the type of hat her father would have worn.

The two ladies continue to talk and plan and Misty gets bored being a teenage girl so

she opens up a copy of Zatanna's book and inside the book is the shapeless one

ready to attack

Zatanna attacks the book but the Demon has already moved on so

Cassandra grabs her cat grabs Misty and they go to leave the room

But that's what Misty's lik"e um if that's your cat whose cat is that!?"

naturally the

cat is the shapeless one so Zatanna and this demon begin to fight

Zatanna says "who sent you" and the demon says" I serve the new Supreme Architect of the

universe whose name is yet hidden" while the two are fighting Misty's on the

outside and she casts a spell to make their demon solid which turns it into

solid smoke

Zatanna then gathers up the demon and traps it in a magical mirror

which she then shatters with a crossbow causing the shards of the mirror to go

plunging into the closet that would trap any spirits inside of it

This gives it a

physical form forever so Zatanna

sticks it in a jar

literally it turns tiny and

she sticks in a jar

After this the phantom stranger comes in and tells

Zatanna that her work is not yet complete

So this is where I'm actually gonna

explain what seven soldiers is because going forward if you don't know what

seven soldiers is you're going to be very very confused

So in 2005 Grant

Morrison creates the story called the seven soldiers of victory which

basically takes seven independent threads and creates one massive story

out of them so you have like seven soldiers Frankenstein seven soldiers

Klarion the which boy, seven soldiers Zatanna, and several others

These characters have to fight a great evil independently and by working together

without even knowing they're working together they kind of have to save the

world at no point during the story do any of these characters meet

So there'll be massive parts in the story where you're like well what about this or what

about that why wasn't this addressed it'll probably be addressed in a

different characters story and seven soldiers so I'll have links so we can

get seven soldiers for yourself in the description down below and if you want

me to do or the seven soldier stories please let me know the comments because I'm

for sure during Zatanna and Klarion but if you guys want me to continue past

that point please let me know because I need your guys's input

Back in the story

we cut to a graveyard and there's a bus stopping there and out of the bus comes

a bunch of ghosts and one man refuses to get off and this man is the famed

magician Ali Ka-Zoom

We then see Zatanna and

Misty fighting a demon named a Tempter turns out Tempter has just used his

abilities to make a slimming group eat so much chocolate

they all died

Zatanna is like overall unimpressed by this guy he is a minor

demon struggling to find relevance in the modern world

And when he tries to

take Misty's innocence in exchange for power Misty just casts a spell so he'll

be forgotten and he'll go quietly which erases him from the mortal plane

after this the two girls are driving away and Misty's like so is this what

you do you just go around getting rid of demons fighting ghosts and you never get

any reward for it and Zatanna's like yeah that's what being hero is you never

get paid

As Zatanna's driving along there's suddenly a man in the middle of

the road and Zatanna tries slamming the brakes but it's too late

And the car goes straight through him because It's none other than the ghost of

Ali Ka-Zoom

So remember the cabinet closet thing they used to trap the demon in the

previous issue turns out that belongs to Ali Ka-Zoom

He wants to burn it

he talks briefly about his past and all of this is very vague but he says there

used to be seven of them and a dog and then one takes them to this mansion and

one of his old friends you know this looks like a mob mansion but by the time

of their half the mansion is dead but there's even a dead body of a giant

insect and Misty begins to cry when she sees it and Zatanna is kind of like

don't touch it you don't know where it's been And Misty is like but I do know where it's

been it's been from the beginning of time to the end of reality and back

again and it will never get the chance to do all of that again

Ali Ka-Zoom then

points out that Horsefeathers, which is like this

flying horse in the DC universe, is being attacked in the garden by these like elf

fairy people

Misty tells these attackers to stop she doesn't say it backwards and

they do as she says

This confuses the hell out of Zatanna and then the horse

starts talking meanwhile the fairies are doing like circles around Misty's head

like a halo

Misty cast a spell so everyone can understand the horse and he

basically says that Vincenzo Ali's friend who's now dead showed him

kindness and he was killed by the celestial Huntsman and now the horse has

to go find a man named Justin he new knight as war is upon the world

And Zatanna's like yep I'm confused this is bigger than us misty let's go

Ali Ka-Zoom

decides that now that his friend is dead it's time for him to move on there's

nothing left for him on this plane of existence

But before he goes the two

girls learn of this magical cauldron that's inside of the mansion that they

need to retrieve so they go in there

And Misty's like look Zatanna if this is

bigger than you shouldn't you call in the Justice League for help

and at this point in time identity crisis just happened where's Zatanna basically

wiped Batman's memory partially so Zatanna's like look I did things

superheros shouldn't do the Justice League aren't exactly my biggest fans

right now

When they enter the mansion there's this celestial demon there and

he is called Nebuloh and Zatanna is like get out of here Misty

And Misty's Like

no I know him

And he calls her princess

Turns out that wherever misty came from

she was told to be taken into the woods by this celestial Huntsman and have her

brain cut out because the Queen had no need for a princess because she was

going to be immortal but the Huntsman couldn't bring himself to kill her

but the reason misty couldn't remember any of this till just now was because

before she was taken into the woods she was forced to spin a cobweb dress and

the more she spun the less she could remember

The reason the Huntsman is

after this cauldron is because it actually belongs to the Evil Queen

Gloriana the Queen wants Misty killed

And this queen is the queen of the

Sheeda, the beings that take over humanity billions of years in the future

humanity and the Sheeda cannot exist at the same time

This cauldron will restore Queen Glorianna to her full vitality and once she's

restored the harrowing of humanity will begin basically this is the point in

time where humanity is going to be wiped out and the Sheeda will begin their

slow rise much earlier than they're supposed to

The Huntsman then says he no

longer sees Beauty when he looks at Misty he only sees guilt

his failure to carry out his duties so they must run before

he kills her

But Misty's like if Gloriana gets the cauldron she'll live

forever but then Zatanna just wants the two of them to live so she tells Misty

to cast a spell to make the horse appear so they can fly away she ends up casting

it herself revealing that her own magic is back they end up flying away and

Zatanna is like you have some serious explaining to do young lady

We're then at Zatanna's house and she's feeling powerful again so she's getting

ready to fight and she's doing what she always does before a fight

puts on her performance clothes

It's revealed that for some reason misty has to go to Tibet

because that's where the city of Gorias is and it's the only place

Misty is going to be safe meanwhile Zatanna is off to fight the seven

unknown men

It's somewhat implied that if Zatanna fights them or at least finds

them Misty and the entire world will be safe

They end up going to this swamp and

there's like nothing but this abandoned Hut there but as a Tana is quick to feel

the energies here aren't quite right there's something very sinister about

this place

So she sends Misty away but before misty goes Zatanna tells her

I don't think I ever lost my powers I lost faith in myself and this week you

helped me remember who I am

And the two of them Hug knowing that they've

changed each other's lives forever in a very very short period of time

Once misty flies away with Horsefeathers A light flashes behind her and from this

light a man who looks a lot like her father appears and Zatanna initially

thinks it is her father

But this man is Zachary Zor, now has both magical

and reality manipulation he's incredibly powerful Zatanna is basically the only

living being that could fight Zor

And it's actually because of Zor that

one day in DC's future humanity will be replaced by the Sheeda

Zor tries to

brainwash Zatanna so she believes she would be his evil daughter Zorina

But Zatanna casts a spell "restore Zatanna to annoy daddy"

so now Zatanna is back to herself and is at full power

but the problem is Zor can change his form but so can Zatanna because she has a

demon that can change its form at Will

she opens the jar containing the demon

casts the spell "become what Zor becomes and be my will in battle" and the two

enter full-on magical battle

But you see true magical battles don't take place in

the physical plane they take place in a realm where the outside meets the inside

a place where belief is the most deadly weapon you can use

Zor starts off by

growing bigger and earth saying Zatanna was only playing at being a super hero

and saying her father would be ashamed of what she is and he throws the Justice

League satellite at her but Zatanna is able to do the exact same thing in

this place so the two of them just keep growing and bending reality until

eventually Zatanna is hit

She sees time itself shatter from a strange angle and

Zor jumping ahead in time tearing apart reality around him

So Zatanna has to do

a blind faith jump through reality itself and lands in Zor's future and

she tears apart his own magical reality and when she comes to she's wringing his

neck in the water of the swamp but keep in mind that Zatanna is still in tune with

the fabric of reality at this point and she says she hears voices coming from

the east of nowhere she knows she has to get to the shack before Zor recovers

because Zor will recover, he is a magical being

So she gets to the shack

and she says whatever you are please help me and she looks up and she sees

the seven unknown men the seven unknown men are the fabricators of the DC

Universe those that are in charge and they all look identical to the writer of

this comic Grant Morrison

And these men are all commenting on how they've never

seen a character do this before and how Zatanna is just something else

Zatanna ends up being taken to this dimensional lock with Zor

They actually

thank her for fighting Zor and they explained that Zor was actually a

renegade one of the unknown men

So let's put this in context Zatanna was able to

hold her own in a fight with one of the writers of

the DC Universe

These men explain their job to Zatanna they basically say they

are time tailors they patch and sew reality to expand it and make sure it

doesn't fall apart

what Zor was trying to do was bring in the Sheeda far

earlier in time than they were supposed to be brought in which would destroy the

fabric of reality itself

To combat this these seven unknown men sets seven

hidden soldiers in motion which Zatanna is one of

These men say because you were

able to fight Zor you can have a reward

And naturally Zatanna initially

thinks that she wants her father's books but she doesn't understand the books

when she gets them and then these men are just like why don't you just ask

your father himself

And that's when Zatanna gets to see her dad again and he

tells her she is the four books she is the spell he created to combat evil to

stop evil coming forward she is his greatest spell and his gift to the world

and she hugs him and tells him she misses him and he tells her that he

lives on In Her

The next things Zatanna's back at the support group just

having a one-on-one session with the person that runs the group and she's

like I don't know if any of that actually happened I don't know if Misty

even exists I just know what I felt

And as she leaves the group she casts a

spell saying I need a new adventure

and that's when Misty turns up with an army

of Horsefeathers and she's like my stepmother is about to invade earth and

I need help I thought of you and that's where the story ends

Obviously we'll see

how this concludes for real when we cover seven soldiers zero and seven

soldiers one

This was so much fun for me to cover because I love this type of

storytelling you know where it sort of starts out pretty typical you know you

have the flashback you have the conflict but then it gets gradually weirder and

then its climax is just bizarre and meta and I just I love this story so much I

love seven soldiers as a whole but seven soldiers Klarion

And seven soldiers

Zatanna are my two highlights which is why I'm

starting on these two

This comic just doesn't make sense if you read it as an

Normal comic but if you go into it kind of knowing about mysticism it's like oh

this is smart that this is this is on a different level

I feel like this is how

Zatanna should be written she has reality manipulation abilities

let's have her having meta adventures through reality itself that makes sense

to do that's kind of obvious and especially because this story sort of

gets into how reality itself is just a form of performance so that makes sense

for Zatanna star in that because ultimately she's the performer superhero

as for Misty she has not been used since seven soldiers which kind of makes sense

she's one of the Sheeda, the Sheeda can only exist in times where stories

revolve around the Sheeda just due to their nature but I really want Misty to

come back

If they have to change her origin to fit in with current DC

continuity I don't care I really like her character I like the idea that she's

like this weird future sci-fi fantasy fairy queen like I love it so much and I

really just want Misty back like I would do a lot just to have her back

bring misty back 2k-19 okay guys that is it for today so what did you think of


OK guys that is it for today, so what did you think

this story, and do you want me to continue on with seven soldiers? please let me know

comments down belowalso don't forget to thumbs up, subscribe, do all of my social

links check out my patreon if you want to support the show like just supporting

one dollar it gets you pretty much everything pretty much and also I have a

PayPal donation link if Patreon's not really your thing but for now my name is

Faust this has been exploring comics and It Is Super Effective

For more infomation >> ZATANNA VS REALITY!? - Zatanna Saves the World: Seven Soldiers Zatanna - Duration: 23:36.


Shovel Knight: The Story of Yacht Club Games and a Kickstarter That Was Too Successful - Duration: 11:46.

It all started as a joke.

Nick Wozniak and Sean Velasco were sitting at their lunchtable at work, discussing old


They were musing over The Legend of Zelda 2, and the game's unique control scheme

that doesn't match up with anything else in the series.

In this game, Link can jump, and then thrust his sword downwards to fight enemies.

The pair joked about the idea of making their own retro-style platformer that used a similar


Something in which the player could bop enemies from above, and maybe even dig for treasure

using the same weapon.

And perhaps, flip things over.

The weapon could be a shovel.

The character could be some kind of shovel knight!

And suddenly, Nick and Sean realized that they weren't joking around anymore.

They genuinely wanted to make this game, and what's more, they wanted to do so as an

independent studio.

This would mean risking everything.

Quitting their comfortable jobs at an established company, working for years with little to

no pay, and uprooting their entire lives in the process.

They just had to hope that their new Shovel Knight character was worth the effort.

Sean Velasco and Nick Wozniak were already veterans of the gaming industry when they

first started work on their optimistic kickstarter project.

The pair worked for Wayforward Games, making pixelly, retro-style games that were primarily

based on licensed titles or existing franchises.

They'd helped with a remake of A Boy and His Blob, Double Dragon: Neon, and Contra


It was while discussing an upcoming licensed game that the pair first started dreaming

up Shovel Knight, as they tried to find a new mechanic to include in this game.

Pretty soon, it became apparent that their idea deserved a lot more room to breathe,

and they began toying with the idea of creating their own, separate title, that was unconnected

with any of their full time professional work with Wayforward.

Sean and Nick began sharing their ideas with a few of their fellow colleagues, and eventually,

three other Wayforward employees joined the fledgling team.

David D'Angelo and Ian Flood became the programming duo for the project, while Erin

Pellon joined Nick in creating the artwork for the game.

There was just one problem: if the group were really going to start building their very

own independent game, they were going to need a lot of funding.

And so, they turned to Kickstarter.

The team put together a basic pitch for their game, referencing a lot of classic 8-bit titles

from which Shovel Knight would draw inspiration.

They hoped that the world would care, in spite of the fact that none of them were particularly

active on social media, and didn't really have a big online following.

To their surprise, support flooded in.

It seemed that Shovel Knight met a particular unspoken need within many nostalgic gamers.

In the excitement of a very successful kickstarter, the team started throwing up ambitious stretch


If people would donate just a little more money, they would add another new mode to

the game.

And another.

And another.

When all was said and done, Shovel Knight raised over $300,000 from its initial Kickstarter,

which seemed like more than enough to get the game made.

At least, at first.

Then the team sat down and did some maths, and realized their big mistake.

$300,000 sounded like a lot of money, but Sean estimated that this project would take

around two years to complete.

Their team was small, but they had a lot of needs – they were going to need equipment,

office space, legal assistance, tax funds, health insurance, and, crucially, they needed

to all get paid.

Sean knew from experience that the average cost of a developer for a single month's

work was around $10,000.

For a team of five people, working for two years, the project would cost $1.2 million

in total.

And this wasn't even factoring in music, as the game's composer had graciously agreed

to work for deferred payment!

So what could they do?

The team knew that they had something special on their hands, they just needed to get the

game done.

So, they decided to put all stretch goal content on hold.

They hadn't specified a timeframe for these extra modes, so they figured they could release

them post-launch, funding them with sales from the vanilla version of Shovel Knight.

This meant that if the team worked hard and fast enough, they could potentially get the

game finished in a year.

But even so, this would be a barebones experience.

There was no money for luxuries, and each team member would be earning just $30,000

a year, far less than they'd be getting at Wayforward.

But, everyone was passionate about the project.

They believed they could make something special.

So, their frugal budget approved, they began work.

The team wanted to make something that was more heartfelt than the majority of classic


Rather than simply being a fun, wacky jaunt with limited story, they wanted to build a

bittersweet narrative that ran through the center of the game, with engaging characters

and interesting plot twists.

This wasn't to say that the game wouldn't also be tongue-in-cheek.

In classic platformer fashion, the initial version of the game involved Shovel Knight

seeking out the kidnapped Princess Maguffin, providing a barebones excuse for the whole


This version of the story would have a sad ending, with the princess dying, and Shovel

Knight using his trademark weapon to bury her at the completion of the game.

For a while, the team pushed forward with this idea, before thankfully deciding that

it wasn't working.

Instead, they decided to give Shovel Knight's love interest a far more pro-active role in

the story.

Mid-way through development, Princess Maguffin was axed, instead replaced with Shield Knight,

who would periodically fight alongside Shovel Knight, and who would be shown as a capable,

autonomous character in her own right.

Meanwhile, on the art side of things, Nick and Erin were trying to figure out how authentic

the game should look.

Shovel Knight was to draw inspiration from classic games, but should they constrain themselves

with the limitations that were present in authentic 8-bit games?

They decided to take a hybrid approach, sticking to a limited colour palette, but allowing

the game some more modern touches, such as parallax scrolling.

The goal here wasn't to create something that was technically identical to authentic

retro games, but rather, the build a game that emulated how it felt to play these titles,

unweathered by the passage of time.

It soon became clear that the team's initial time schedule was very ambitious.

As they approached an important appearance at gaming expo PAX East, they still didn't

have a playable demo to show off.

The team joked that if the demo wasn't ready in time, they'd simply sit at their booth

playing Mario Kart, with a sign up saying "Shovel Knight: Coming Soon".

Thankfully, the demo was completed in time, but only barely.

As the game progressed, the team felt excited about what they were building.

They just knew that this would be a successful game upon release.

If 15,000 backers had supported them on Kickstarter, then they could assume that thirty to sixty

thousand people would probably buy Shovel Knight in its first week.

The problem was getting there.

Unfortunately, despite their most thrifty efforts to keep costs down, the Kickstarter

money was running out.

What's more, the game was very clearly not going to reach its release date.

The project needed more time, but there was no more money available to fund anything.

Just one month before the scheduled release date, the well ran dry.

All the money had been used up, and there was no more.

There was still a lot more to do before the project could be completed.

Together, the team decided that they were going to keep moving forward regardless.

All non-essential spending was cancelled.

The electricity needed to stay on, and the rent needed to be paid, but anything that

could be considered frivolous was put on hold.

That included everybody's salaries.

All team members now needed to get by without pay for the duration of the project.

This meant relying on credit cards.

It meant borrowing from family and friends.

It meant awkward moments at the checkout in shops when cards were declined and basic food

purchases were rejected.

And this wasn't just for one month.

As the project dragged on, the end slowly drew into sight, but the team ultimately found

themselves bereft of pay for a full five months.

Then, finally, Shovel Knight was finished.

Everyone was pleased with the game.

It had taken a lot of work, but it was done.

Now nothing remained but to see what people thought of it.

It turned out that everyone's predictions had been correct.

Shovel Knight took off, earning critical praise and bringing in enough money to pay the team

back for all their sacrifices.

But with the conclusion of the project came a new set of challenges.

There was no time to rest – the team had a lot of stretch goals to fulfill, and expansions

and additional features to implement.

They still had a long road ahead of them!

The moral of the story is that if something is really important to you, it's worth pursuing.

If you have a goal, or a dream, and you want to see it become a reality, sometimes you

have to push through hard times.

Sometimes you need to give up other things, and sacrifice stability and comfort in favour

of branching out, spreading your wings, and trying something new.

Don't get discouraged when things go poorly, or if you don't immediately see the success

you're hoping for.

Remember that the developers of Shovel Knight passed through difficult trials as well, on

the road to victory.

Keep your goal in mind, push forward, and eventually, you'll get where you want to


For more infomation >> Shovel Knight: The Story of Yacht Club Games and a Kickstarter That Was Too Successful - Duration: 11:46.


Modal verbs: How to use may, might and could to talk about past possibilities - Duration: 10:47.

Oh, sit Carter.

Good boy.

Do you think this hotel may be haunted?

Might there be a ghost?

What do you think could happen to us?

Welcome back to our second video on three important modal verbs.

In our first video we looked at how we them to talk about possibilities in the present

and the future.

Here's the link.

In this video we'll show you how we use them to talk about possibilities in the past.

Before we start, I have two questions for you.

First one: do these sentences all mean the same thing?

Yes, they do!

They all mean we think something is possible.

But is there a little difference?

Well, 'may' is less frequent than 'might' and 'could' in conversation.

And some people think 'might' means something is less possible than 'could' and 'may'.

But not everyone.

Linguists love to argue about it.

But for practical purposes, there is no difference.

They mean the same thing.

OK, second question.

Listen to me saying the first sentence in two different ways.

It could happen.

It COULD happen.

Is there a difference in meaning now?

Yes, there is.

If I stress the word 'could' it means I think something is less possible, less certain.

It's the same with the other verbs.

It may happen.

It MAY happen.

It might happen.

It MIGHT happen.

Did you hear the difference?

When we stress the modal verb, it means we think something is less possible, less certain.


So now let's look at possibilities in the past.

Let's check in with Jay and Carter and see what's happening.

Hi everyone.

Good to see you again.

We're still staying in this old hotel and Carter still doesn't like it, do you boy?

Carter didn't sleep well last night.

I'm not sure what was wrong but he may have eaten something that upset his stomach.

And I had another bad dream last night.

It was the same nightmare but this time there were two little girls.

They looked the same - identical.

They could have been twins.

They were whispering and they both wanted to kill me.

I was on the floor on my back and I couldn't move.

They were holding my arms and pulling me across the floor and laughing.

It was horrible.

But here's what's strange.

When I woke up today I found these bruises on my arms.


Where did they come from?

I might have banged into something yesterday, but if I did, I don't remember it.

Take care everyone.

I'll talk to you later.

Sometimes things happen and we don't know why, but we speculate and come up with possible


We heard Jay doing that.

He wasn't sure why some things happened, but he had some ideas.

Carter may have eaten something that upset his stomach.

The girls looked identical.

They could have been twins.

I might have banged into something yesterday.

Jay didn't know why Carter couldn't sleep but he thought perhaps he ate something that

upset his stomach.

He didn't know if the little girls in his nightmare were twins, but he thought it was


And he also thought it was possible that he banged into something and that's how he

got the bruises.

He's not sure.

When we speculate about past possibilities, we say 'may have', 'could have' and 'might


Now, what about negative sentences.

Because we can also speculate about things that might NOT have happened.

Let's go back to Jay and see how that works.

Hey everyone.

We slept better last night, but I think someone might have broken into our room.

Before I went to bed I shut the window.

But when I woke up it was unlocked and wide open.

I may not have locked it last night, but I know it was shut when I went to bed.

And I turned my computer off too.

But when I got up it was on.

It couldn't have turned itself on.

And I think someone moved my water.

When I go to sleep I always have a glass of water on a table on the left hand side of

my bed.

But when I woke up this morning, it was on the right hand side.

I guess it's possible that I might not have put it on the left side but it's odd because

I'm left handed.

And if someone broke in, I don't understand how they didn't wake us.

Carter's a very light sleeper.

The door was locked and they couldn't have climbed through the window because it's

too small, and this is the fourth floor.

I just don't get it.

Have you got any ideas?

So some strange things happened while Jay was asleep.

He shut the window before he went to bed but it was open when he woke up.

I may not have locked the window last night but I know it was shut.

So Jay definitely shut the window, but it's possible he didn't lock it.

And another strange thing.

His glass of water was on the right hand side of his bed, not the left.

I might not have put my water on the left side, but it's odd.

Odd means peculiar.

Normally he puts his water on the left side, but did he do that last night?

He's not certain.

He might have put it on the right.

He might not have put it on the left.

So if we say 'might not have' and 'may not have', it means there's doubt and


Now, what about couldn't have?

Well that's different.

They couldn't have climbed in through the window because it's too small.

Jay thinks someone broke into his room last night.

He doesn't know how, but he's sure they didn't get in through the window.

There's no uncertainty there.

Another example.

The computer couldn't have turned itself on.

He doesn't know why the computer was on, but he's certain of one thing.

The computer didn't turn itself on.

That would be impossible.

So when you're talking about the past, use 'couldn't have' to talk about impossible

things – things that didn't happen.

And use 'might have' and 'may have' to talk about things you're not certain

about - possibilities.

Easy huh?

And that's it.

Now you know all the important stuff for talking about possibilities with may could and might.

Do you want to try using them?

Are you ready to put them to use?

Then let's see what's going on with Jay.

Hey everyone.

Just one more night in this hotel and then we're going home.

We can't wait to leave.

Uh oh.

It looks like we've got an electrical problem here.

The lights keep flickering.

Carter are you OK?

Who's that?

Who's there?

We're going to kill you.

Oh my.

What do you think might have happened to Jay and Carter?

Pick a question and tell us what you think.

Try to give as many answers as you can using 'may', 'could' and 'might'? and

write them in the comments.

We're looking forward to reading them.

If you've enjoyed this video, please share it with a friend.

And don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

Bye everyone!

For more infomation >> Modal verbs: How to use may, might and could to talk about past possibilities - Duration: 10:47.


Drake x 21 Savage Type Beat 2018 - "Unruly" | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Drake x 21 Savage Type Beat 2018 - "Unruly" | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 2:36.


Runner's High (Part 3): Sebastian Kienle - Duration: 1:04.

Often it's as if I'm running like a child again,

who doesn't know yet what it means to struggle.

It's a wonderful feeling of exhilaration.

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