Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

nursery rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Lion wild animals finger family song for kids | 3D rhymes for children,Gorilla,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 2:34.


Dear Youtuber's struggling with negative feedback - Duration: 11:00.

welcome back in today's video it's time for me to tell you what I really think

okay this is some advice a little bit of /rant mostly because I'm working on a

big video on a new playlist called conspiracy that's right that's right

Greg conspiratea I think it's okay anyways dislikes on YouTube a lot of

people(not just social repose) misunderstand what that means what does it do well I'm gonna tell you

dislikes on YouTube are an indication to you that that video is not working

now this can be if you get like sick if you get 60 100 dislikes on your video or

you know a small amount compared you know 10% of the dislikes that's

acceptable because there's just people out there that are just like just like

disliking that's like they wake up in the morning they're like you know what I

feel like doing today I feel like disliking videos this is just what they

do but if you find yourself in a situation where you have 10,000 dislikes

and only about a thousand likes or 3,000 likes ish if the roles are reversed on

the 10 percentage area there are people that see this I call them clever(not just onision) people

clever people that catch on real quick that views on YouTube it doesn't matter

if people like it or dislike it that's a clever person's mindset a clever person

would be like well I've got to continue making this video because it's going to

make me a lot of money to clever person and probably a person that's making

videos for the wrong reasons they'll continue to make these horrible videos

that get em dislikes now an intelligent person would see this and think oh wow

gee this video is being received very poorly and it's it's probably something

nice to change because it's going to hurt my channel in the long run that's

personally it may that could be opinionative that's personally what I

think about likes and dislikes on on YouTube but I see other youtubers

that are completely missing the point in hurting their channel and I don't want

to directly come out and say what youtubers I'm talking about but just a

couple that I've seen they continuously say things in a manner that yeah maybe

it's logical but no one ever no one that ever won an argument with scientific

facts that were logically right ever walked away making the other party feel

amazing what that means is if you're in a argument and you're and you in your

argument bit your is against your audience and your audience is there for

you supporting you and you tell your audience that they're wrong with logical

serious facts that are scientifically backed up you can walk away smiling and

maybe you feel superior because you're right but your audience is broken

hearted and letdown so who really wins there comes a point when you got to be

like okay I need to be more kind than clever that's what I think coolest thing

ever happened they added the join button to my right next to my subscribe so you

actually can become a channel member pretty easily we're about 50 strong and

you get Gregg's face next to your name in chat as well as live streams and oh

man and I can all I can do all kinds of stuff I'm gonna do posts that are

directly to the members only and it's very exciting I'm looking forward to

that also the next part of the video the audio the battery ran out of my

microphone so the audio is gonna be weird it's perfectly acceptable to

experiment around with your playlists like I recently did a playlist called

unpopular opinion it has more dislikes on those videos and I guess that's oh

okay because it's a little science experimental channel awesome do these

things and I think it's healthy for any content creator to switch up their

content but yeah if you're making videos on on popular opinions you're gonna get

more dislikes that's I think that's just how it goes but main thing I want to

reiterate is your audience you got to listen to them like of course you're

gonna have people that are do not have your best interest in mind but if you

look at the whole audience and like as a conglomeration of like this the essence

of the brand that you have built then you'll you know that's where your

Direction comes from with your channel I like to say that the RevZilla channel is

not even my creation it's enough for I'm a community youtubers what I call myself

mean and I listened wholly to the the conglomeration of the RevZilla fanbase

kind of like but if you wish to take everybody and make them one person and

that's kind of what I do got listen to them and over the years they have pushed

and developed the channel into what it is today like when I first started I was

making poppy videos I don't make those anymore and it's like the channel was

pushed more into a direction of the people so now we raise awareness on

important topics and things like that and I'm giving me this an example

because I know that you guys are there's a lumpy but they're struggling with

content and their channel and I feel like I have enough experience now to

where I know how to grow a channel I know how to keep the channel

perpetuating in a positive motion and it used to be this channel for me used to

be like will when I first started like oh my god can I even do this will I'll

be able to make it and now it's like not to be like would I ever even reach the

hundred thousand milestone now it's question if it's possible it's just win

because you reach a point on YouTube when you learn your audience you learn

the politics of YouTube and once you get to that point you can it's up to you

whether you how you want that how your channel to develop does that make sense

it's like you have the ability like when I first started I wanted to build a

positive community and people said to me oh that's not possible it's the Internet

that's not true you can absolutely build a positive community because I've done

it you have to be careful with the topics that you choose you have to be

careful with the way that you present the topics you have to use intelligence

you have to be smart about it if you're making a video and you say something

that polarizes one group or type of people not only is that gonna hurt that

polarizing group but also a lot of people are very empathetic and they're

gonna be like well you should have said that so you have to be you have to

really be careful what you say because the big do you get on YouTube the more

people pay attention to your words

another thing is I'm gonna summarize this turned into this this turned into

like a YouTube informational facts video somehow but this I did this video

originally because the video I'm working on now is a conspiracy and it's it's a

long one but the other thing is is you need to not solely rely don't put all

your eggs in one basket don't put all everything on YouTube and what I mean by

that is utilize social media I myself I do discord and Twitter and Instagram

Facebook snapchat utilize those social medias because if you can build a good

nice base in things outside of YouTube when you make video you make content

you're not solely relying on the notifications and we know how reliable

YouTube notifications are so if you if you make a video you have also the

community tab on YouTube if you have access to the community tab that's a

that's a big one too so you will make a video you'll put you'll post it in

facebook twitter you know whatever social media that you like and that

sends out additional notifications so you're not having to rely on the pretty

broken notification system on YouTube so you've given people more of an

opportunity because I know I've had so many members of the community before I

had social media that was like I didn't there was like I'm so mad I didn't get

your notification I wanted to be there notification squads a deal you know and

it's I think it's important for you to give that to your audience

other methods because I know a lot of people look at it with the perspective

of well I'm not gonna get every single social media because that's it seems

silly if I can just get one social media super focus and that then that's the way

to go but that's not true because it there are different audiences

on different social medias and not everyone uses the same social media so

it's very important to explore and expand into other realms of possibility

and never just cut yourself off to to the ever-changing world of the internet

but as interesting as the scissors are switch those more interesting to me

that's right you guessed it I wanna know if you think someone should go ahead

leave your creative inter interesting responses in the comment box always

brothers and sisters I will see you in the next video now I gotta get back to

work on this video you want to be having notifications turned on you got this

video is bombshells and it is about better health and it is

bombshells so I know that's ripping if you're not

ripping gagging how do you do that be in the comment section for every single

video I'm gonna be there Greg the cat's gonna be there and the best of the rep

squad community is going to be there as well this is another reason why this

channel loves you

For more infomation >> Dear Youtuber's struggling with negative feedback - Duration: 11:00.


Map of Jaqueline Tobon (Part 0) - Duration: 0:11.

First things first

I'ma say all the words inside my head

I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been

* Alpha male fox howl xd* Oh-ooh

For more infomation >> Map of Jaqueline Tobon (Part 0) - Duration: 0:11.


Common English Phrases For Conversations With Subtitles Part 2 - Duration: 25:12.

Common English Phrases For Conversations With Subtitles Part 2

ten English phrases for guessing and estimating from espresso English net

number one off the top of my head I think it's $200 off the top of my head

means you are making an estimate in that moment without checking the information

to make sure it's completely accurate number two knowing him he'll be late use

this phrase to make an educated guess about something that will probably

happen based on what you already know about the person place or thing number

three if I had to take a guess I'd say she's 35 use the phrase I'd say to give

your opinion or estimate number four it's difficult to say but I think use

this phrase to emphasize that the guest is difficult to make accurately number

five I wouldn't be surprised if use this phrase to say that something is possible

or probable for example my sister has been complaining a lot about her job

lately I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to quit soon number six

I bet use this phrase when you have more certainty about something happening for

example I knew all the answers to the English test I bet I got a good grade

number seven we're talking maybe 40 people

the phrase we're talking maybe is an informal way to give a general estimate

number eight it's about ten miles it's around ten miles the words about and

around show that the number is an estimate not a perfectly exact number

number nine it's somewhere in the ballpark of 1.5 million this idiomatic

expression indicates that the real number is in the same general area as

the guess this phrase is most often used with money

number ten your guess is as good as mine this phrase means I have no idea so any

guest is equally likely to be correct or incorrect thanks for watching English

tips from espresso English if you liked this video please share it 10 English

phrases for remembering reminding and forgetting from espresso English net

number one I remember there are a number of ways to use I remember I remember

plus ing form of the verb I remember spending every summer at camp when I was

a child I remember plus person or thing I remember him we met at a conference

last year I remember that TV show I used to watch it all the time

I remember plus that Plus subject plus verb I was going to make hamburgers but

then I remembered that she doesn't eat meat so I made a salad instead number

two I'll never forget I'll always remember use these phrases for people

things or experiences that were so strong that they will never leave your

memory number three if I remember correctly as far as I can recall use

these phrases if you're not 100% certain that what you

remember is correct and you want to communicate this small

uncertainty number four I have a vague recollection of use this phrase when you

remember something but not very well for example you remember the general

experience a little bit but not the details number five it's on the tip of

my tongue use this phrase when you are trying to remember something usually a

word or a person's name but you can't quite say it yet this expression is

often used to get a few more moments to remember the word or name you're trying

to think of number six my mind went blank use this phrase to describe a

moment when you couldn't remember or think of anything

it's common for people's minds to go blank during moments of pressure like

tests and presentations number seven it doesn't ring a bell

use this phrase when someone asks you if you've heard of something and you want

to say that you don't know about it or don't remember it for example if your

colleague says do you know Michael Smith he works in our London office and you

don't remember him or haven't heard of him you could say no the name doesn't

ring a bell number eight I'd like to remind you

about I'd like to remind you too this is a diplomatic way to remind somebody

about something so that the other person doesn't forget I'd like to remind you

about is followed by a noun for example I'd like to remind you about your

dentist appointment tomorrow I'd like to remind you to is followed by a verb for

example I'd like to remind you to send me

information by Friday number nine you haven't forgotten about have you I hope

you haven't forgotten about use these phrases to check if someone has

remembered or forgotten about something again use about with nouns and - with

verbs you haven't forgotten to do your homework have you you haven't forgotten

about the test have you I hope you haven't forgotten to pay the bill I hope

you haven't forgotten about our meeting this afternoon number 10 it completely

slipped my mind use this phrase after you completely forgot to do something

you didn't remember or think of it at all I hope you haven't forgotten to pay

the bill oh no it completely slipped my mind I'll pay it first thing tomorrow

morning thanks for watching English tips from espresso English if you liked this

video please share it 10 English phrases for renting an apartment from espresso

English net number one I checked the classifieds but I didn't see anything in

my price range the classifieds is the section of a

newspaper with listings of items cars and houses to buy sell and rent your

price range is the amount of money you hope or expect to pay for example my

price range is 1200 to $1,500 number two the apartment is fully

furnished and has a balcony overlooking the park if an apartment is furnished it

means it already has furniture beds tables chairs etc if the

apartment does not have these things then it is unfurnished there is also a

semi furnished apartment meaning it has some furniture but not everything in

this case you need to ask for more details a balcony is a small external

area like in the picture overlooking the park means that you can see the park

from the balcony number three I can't afford to live there alone so I'm

looking for a roommate I can't afford means I don't have enough money a

roommate is a person who will share the apartment and split divide the cost of

renting it number four we're looking for a spacious apartment in an upscale

neighbourhood spacious is another word for big an apartment with lots of space

an upscale neighbourhood is an area with a lot of rich people and very nice

restaurants and stores number five to move in you need to pay the first and

last month's rent plus a security deposit the phrasal verb move-in means

to enter an apartment or house to live there when you leave you are moving out

for many apartments you need to pay two months rent the first and last month's

rent in addition to a security deposit that's an amount of money that you get

back at the end of your time living there if the apartment is in good

condition if you leave the apartment in bad condition or if you break something

then the cost of repairs will be paid from the security deposit number six

average the utilities come to about a hundred and fifty dollars a month

utilities are things like electricity water and heat the basic needs of the

apartment the phrasal verb come to in this context means total for example if

the electricity is $70 the water is $35 and the heat is $45 then it comes to a

hundred and fifty dollars total on average means in general sometimes the

total might be higher or lower than 150 dollars it is not an exact number number

seven there's no washing machine or dryer in the apartment building but

there's a laundromat nearby a laundromat is a place where you can pay money to

use the washing machines and dryers to clean your clothes number eight my

sister is subletting her studio apartment for three months while she

travels to Europe if you sublet your apartment

it means you rent the apartment to another person temporarily while you are

traveling a studio apartment is a small apartment that has only one major room

with the bed kitchen TV etc if you need a bigger apartment you can get a

one-bedroom apartment that means it has two major rooms a living room and one

bedroom there are also two bedroom and three bedroom apartments number nine the

landlord is offering a two year lease with an option to renew the landlord for

a man or landlady for a woman is the person who owns the apartment

from whom you are renting it you pay the rent every month to the landlord or

landlady a lease is a formal contract or agreement for you to live in and use the

apartment for a specific period of time if you renew the lease

it means you extend it for an additional time period number 10 the building is a

bit rundown but the apartment itself was recently renovated rundown means the

building is not in good condition it is a little bit old and not well maintained

however the individual apartment was recently renovated that means everything

was fixed redesigned and made new other words for this are refurbished or

remodeled thanks for watching English tips from espresso English if you liked

this video please share it 10 English phrases for saying someone is an expert

from espresso English net number one she was born to dance

used the phrase was born too often with athletic or artistic activities to say

that the activity is perfect for the person's abilities and life purpose

number two he's a natural use this phrase to say that a person has natural

ability to do something well and doesn't need much help or teaching number three

she could do it in her sleep she could do it with her eyes closed

use this phrase when someone is so good so well practiced at an activity that

they can do it automatically without using much thought

or effort number four he knows it inside out he knows all the ins and outs both

of these expressions mean that a person has detailed comprehensive knowledge of

a particular topic activity or area number five

she knows the city like the back of her hand if you know a place like the back

of your hand it means you know the place extremely well number six

she's a walking encyclopedia of theology use this phrase to describe a person who

knows a lot of facts about a topic this is often used for academic areas of

study number seven he's in a class of his own he's in a class by himself these

phrases don't mean that a person is alone in a classroom instead they mean

that the person is so good that no one can compare to him number eight he's the

best in the business use this phrase to describe a professional who is excellent

at their job number nine she's quite gifted this phrase describes

someone who is intelligent especially a child whose intelligence is higher than

average number ten he's a math Wiz describing a person as a Wiz in a

particular topic means the person is very good at that topic thanks for

watching English tips from espresso English if you liked this video please

share it 10 English phrases for talking about price from espresso English net

number one that's a bit steep that's a bit pricey use these phrases to say that

something is a little bit expensive number two it cost a fortune it cost an

arm and a leg use these phrases to say that something was very expensive number

three I'm paying through the nose this is an idiomatic expression that means

that you're paying too much for something and it's painful for example

I'm paying through the nose to park my car in a private garage in New York City

it's six hundred bucks a month number four that's a little outside my budget I

can't afford it use these phrases to say that you don't have enough money to buy

something number five that's quite reasonable

if you describe a price as reasonable it means you think it's a fair price for

what you will receive number six it's 20% off the word off in the context of

price means it's a discount number seven I got two for the price of one it was

buy one get one free both the expressions two for the price of one and

buy one get one free our common phrases used to describe a

special offer when you buy one product at normal price and get another one of

the same product for free number eight it was a real bargain you can use this

phrase to describe something that was a very good price for the value like you

can't believe you received so much for the price

paid this expression can be used for any amount for example buying a $50,000 car

for $10,000 is a real bargain and buying a $100 shirt for ten dollars is also a

real bargain number nine I got it for a song this is an idiomatic expression

that means you bought something for a very low price number 10 it's dirt cheap

use this phrase to say that something is extremely inexpensive for example if you

can buy lunch for one dollar that is dirt cheap thanks for watching English

tips from espresso English if you liked this video please share it 10 English

phrases for talking about the future from espresso English net number one it

will happen any minute now it will happen any day now use this

phrase to say that an event is definitely going to happen very soon but

it is not known exactly when for example the doctors say she could have the baby

any day now number two it's just around the corner just around the corner means

that something will happen soon and you do know exactly when for example in the

beginning of December you could say that Christmas is just around the corner

number three we're planning to move in the near future in the near future also

means soon usually without knowing exactly when but this phrase doesn't

have the same sense of immediacy as any minute now or any day now in the near

future usually means a few weeks four months in the future number four it

will happen in our lifetime it won't happen in our lifetime in our

lifetime means in the next 50 to 60 years for example you could say medicine

is progressing very fast I think a cure for cancer will be developed in our

lifetime number five it's a sign of things to come it's a taste of things to

come use this phrase when something happens that indicates how things will

be in the future for example if the economy is starting to get worse and

worse you could say three people I know have lost their jobs recently this is a

sign of things to come meaning that you believe many more

people will lose their jobs in the future

number six I'm counting the days until use this phrase when you are anxiously

awaiting a future event you want it to happen soon

for example I'm counting down the days until my trip to the Caribbean number

seven sooner or later it's bound to happen eventually use these phrases to

say that something will definitely happen sometime in the future it may be

soon or it may be far in the future number eight I'll get around to it use

this phrase to say that you will do something in the future when you have

the time it is usually used for activities that are not especially

urgent number nine I'll do it right away I'll get right on it use these phrases

to say that you will do something in the future as soon as possible

these expressions are used for urgent tasks number 10 time

will tell use this phrase to say that a situation

is currently uncertain but in the future it will become clear for example if you

are discussing whether or not the country's new president is good you

could say time will tell to express that the answer will be revealed over the

coming months and years thanks for watching English tips from espresso

English if you liked this video please share it

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