Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

is beautiful

yeah anyway Oh y'all niggas enjoy this episode I'll see you guys next time




the word for it all – poetry - Duration: 2:35.

I'd never want your name permanently engraved in my skin for it would settle itself there, a permanent fixture

And I'd make myself at home like I always do

It's a dangerous thing, comfort. You never know when it's gone, and you're left clinging onto skeletons.

Your sweater clings on to my skin and so do your words

It's only at night that they don't suffocate me because that's when you're clinging on to me as well

We live in a dark place the lights are never on. And at night when everything's invisible, we hold on to each other and cry.

Oh, look at us! Look at how miserable we are! How pathetic and insignificant! Look. But only from afar.

Don't you dare touch don't you dare ruin this fantasy we've gotten ourselves into, this little impenetrable world

Someone turn the lights on, please. We're both too afraid to move

Too afraid to go on, too afraid to not

Every time we swallow words, they hit our hearts like lightning bolts, and we crack

Just a little bit, on the inside

But when we spit these words out, all we hear is "shut up."

We exchange stories of dogs that saved their masters' lives and dogs that loved selflessly because that's just how we are

Selflessness is a far-off concept, it's unreal. Something we'll never be we. We?

We drink to feel, we stay up until 3 a.m. in blanket forts and fairy lights

Desaturation we decide is the world for it all, the word for being the unfeeling monsters

We are, the word for being hollow.

I love what you've made me. I love my demons

And I love yours even more - for even in this colourless state of being, we make electricity.

There's no light- not even in our eyes, but when your teeth sink into my skin, I am the light

Crying with you is my favorite part of existing. My name in ink is my favorite part of your skin.

Destruction is us, you whisper one night with a bitter laugh, may someone save us from the chaos we've become.

I smile a broken smile- my heart burns, it crackles

But what if I don't want to be saved?

Oh Lord, please take us away. Before we break, break, break.

For more infomation >> the word for it all – poetry - Duration: 2:35.


Black Ops 4 - GTX 1050 ti - Blackout - Zombies - MP - i3 8100 - i5 8400 - G4560 - 1080p - 900p 720p - Duration: 30:01.

For more infomation >> Black Ops 4 - GTX 1050 ti - Blackout - Zombies - MP - i3 8100 - i5 8400 - G4560 - 1080p - 900p 720p - Duration: 30:01.


September Books Wrap Up | BookTube - Duration: 8:42.

I will come out with Queer History videos soon, don't worry.

Hello, I'm Rogan and welcome to my September books wrap up.

Today probably will be short (lol) because I have only six books, and three of those are from the same series.

The first book I read this month was the first book of that series. Crazy Rich Asians.

The second book is China Rich Girlfriend.

The third is Rich People Problems.

I will talk about them as a whole, because... That's the best way to do it.

Yes, I know there are some people who don't like this because--they don't like it on principle because it's

about the 1% of the 1%. Which I understand.

But... These books are written from, a lot from the perspective of a middle-class, average middle-class

American, who's dating a guy who is extremely rich. His family is just richer than God.

A lot of this series will show how she deals with that, how she's taken aback by his family being rich,

and what? Figuring out how to navigate life as an one-percenter.

It's really fascinating, I learned a lot about that way of life from these books.

One warning though, if you don't like footnotes, you won't enjoy reading these books.

I'm not saying there's a footnote on every page, no. But they do have a quite a few.

The main reasons why they have footnotes:

There's a lot of non-English words in this.

Also, sometimes it will have notes explaining the history of something.

I really enjoyed that because I learned a little bit extra to the story. And it helped me understand some things too!

I personally really enjoyed this series, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to read it.

I haven't seen the movie, I may. Eventually.

The fourth book I read this month is Blackfish City.

I first saw this book when I was at the LA library, and I just happened to be browsing books and that title

caught my eye. That's really cool, I like that, I read what it's about, and put it on my list.

I am glad I did.

This story is set in a kind of apocalyptic future, where a lot of people live on floating cities now,

because of the water rising. Climate change, all of that.

And this focuses mostly in one-- it is in one city, Qaanaaq.

It's really interesting because it follows the perspectives of several different characters. Several.

One is a woman who works as kind of an manager, PR person, for politics.

Second is rich, an one-percenter.

Third, a nonbinary person. That was a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting that when I was reading.

Oh, a nonbinary character! A main character too, so that's fantastic. And probably a couple others.

But overall, the few different perspectives gave us different glimpses into what life is like in

that city for different classes.

I don't feel like I can adequately explain this book, but let's say this.

It makes a lot of comments on politics, global warming, classism, racial divides, a lot of big, heavy topics.

But without overdoing it, in my opinion anyway. I really enjoyed this book.

Next book I read, let me tell you this first. I really enjoyed this book, I had no problems with the story itself.

I did have a problem with them changing the title.

The book *I* read was The Bookshop on the Corner.

The original title is The Little Shop of Happy Ever After.

I like the original title.

The title was changed because it was originally published in Scotland, I believe. If not that, then the UK.

This book is set in Scotland, specifically Kirrinfief.

This story follows a woman who works as a librarian.

But then her library has budget cuts, so it's possible she could lose her job.

She was thinking that she's always had a dream of opening a bookshop, in a van, a traveling van.

She decided, why not? She found a van in Scotland, she went to see and check it out, went ahead and bought it.

And she got a lot of stock from the library because the library was downsizing, so getting rid of books.

She "rescued" them.

It's kind of a fluffy, happy story of a person who moves to the country,

rediscovers herself and her purpose in life, all that.

I really enjoyed this book. It's a great book if you just need something fluffy and mostly happy.

I'm not going to say why I just said that, let's just move on!

The sixth and final book I read this month, I'm not sure how to sign this title because...

Reading the book, it actually has a double meaning. But I'll just sign it as if I don't know the double meaning.

A Tale for the Time Being.

Be warned, this book does talk about really heavy topics like suicide and bullying. So...

Bullying as in serious physical abuse, so be aware of that reading this book.

This story is a little bit... Odd. It happens through two perspectives.

One perspective is of a woman, middle-age, who lives on an island somewhere in Washington. State.

One day, she discovers a diary of a 16, 15, 16-year-old Japanese girl. That's the second perspective, the diary.

So it will go from the diary to her experiencing the diary, and experiencing her life too. It's very interesting.

Also, wow. It is intense. Because...

The diary, the girl is talking about her father having attempted suicide several times.

And she is considering it herself too.

It talks about Japanese culture, suicide and how it ties into Japanese culture. And...

Bullying of her at school, all of the really awful things that she went through. And...

It's a lot. I'm telling you, it's a lot. But it's very good. It's well-done.

Beyond that, I'm not sure I want to say more about this book. I think you should read it, see for yourself.

That's it for September! Hopefully I read more books this month. We'll see.

Let me know if you've read any of these, or want to read any of them, leave it in the comments.

Also, leave books you think I should read. I'm always adding to my list.

Before you go, I want to say a couple things really quick. First, I'm doing Inktober this month,

so if you want to see what my drawings are this month, follow me on Instagram.

Second thing, I will, like I said at the beginning of this video, I will be releasing Queer History videos soon...

Hopefully. We'll see how that goes.

And... I am done for today.

If you want to support my content financially, I have Patreon, which is monthly, and ko-fi, which is one-time.

Subscribe to this channel. Follow me on all my socials - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Thanks for watching, see you next time.

For more infomation >> September Books Wrap Up | BookTube - Duration: 8:42.


ভাল মানুষকে চুরির মামলা করলে কি করণীয় || Valo Manuske Chorir Mamla Dele Ki koroneo || Bangla Waz New - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> ভাল মানুষকে চুরির মামলা করলে কি করণীয় || Valo Manuske Chorir Mamla Dele Ki koroneo || Bangla Waz New - Duration: 4:01.


Rape Crisis Center makes it easier for women to report attacks - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Rape Crisis Center makes it easier for women to report attacks - Duration: 2:24.


Sunny, warm weekend - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Sunny, warm weekend - Duration: 4:22.


Brandi's Accelerated Invisalign Story - Duration: 1:22.

- My first impressions were, it was so nice,

like everything was just so modern

and everyone's so friendly and talking to the doctor,

it was really awesome because she explained

the Invisalign really well, the processes really well.

I think the deciding factor was that it was so fast.

The doctor explained to me about the Propel,

and I was like, wow I can have this done

by the time I graduate, by the time I go to London.

Like I had a lot of big events coming up so,

I was like this is gonna be really easy,

and I think that's what made the

decision as it was very simple.

It was amazing I caught myself smiling, like a lot more.

I actually like approaching people

I feel more confident with approaching people

and having conversations with people now.

Every single day I would be speaking with people

and working with people, just on my hobby level

of doing hair and nails, and then also on my

professional level of criminal justice.

Working with people it's really

important to have a nice smile.

My advice to people doing Invisalign

and going to Innovative Dental is do it.

Like it's worth it, the process of Invisalign

is so simple and easy

Oh my goodness I am ecstatic that I did it.

For more infomation >> Brandi's Accelerated Invisalign Story - Duration: 1:22.


『10日以上前の今頃アップ(^^;)2018年10月2日14時1分頃でケムトレイル - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 『10日以上前の今頃アップ(^^;)2018年10月2日14時1分頃でケムトレイル - Duration: 0:56.


【海綿好玩遊戲區】全自動骨牌小汽車❤解放你的雙手 - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> 【海綿好玩遊戲區】全自動骨牌小汽車❤解放你的雙手 - Duration: 5:24.


CD2 candidates discuss the economy - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> CD2 candidates discuss the economy - Duration: 1:42.


Commitment 2018: Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice candidates discuss funding issues - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Commitment 2018: Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice candidates discuss funding issues - Duration: 1:51.


2 possible cases of mysterious polio-like illness reported in KC - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> 2 possible cases of mysterious polio-like illness reported in KC - Duration: 1:22.


Soggy harvest season provides challenges for Iowa farmers - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Soggy harvest season provides challenges for Iowa farmers - Duration: 1:32.


Clean power could mean higher electricity rates - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Clean power could mean higher electricity rates - Duration: 1:17.


Videocast: Rain showers, wet snowflakes late this weekend - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Videocast: Rain showers, wet snowflakes late this weekend - Duration: 2:52.



All right, so welcome to Dong-il 1.0 or as known as the Clueless Waegugin Base

Headquarter, whatever you want to call it. And today we're cooking some good shit. Okay, come here cameraman

As you can see right here

1 million Scoville


Okay, and then some shitty fried rice, right?

And so we gotta know who the f**k cook this shit. So today I'm introducing to you to my older brother

AKA @gosejeong97

F**k you man


You've heard the introduction

Now we're gonna eat it. So come here. Cameraman, as you will know this is some



right, but


This, this thing right here this chicken

1 million Scoville. All right

To prove you guys. Hold on. Let me take the sauce. Okay a few moments later

okay, so

Come here cameraman


Scorpion pepper sauce gourmet. All right. This shit is premium supposedly

And so,.....

Where the f**k is the 1 mill Scoville BS

Six and a half hours later

Watch this alright, 1 million Scoville. You guys have to Google this shit right? Once again Dave's Gourmet

scorpion pepper hot sauce

Ok, I'm drunk as shit. By the way. Oh

Shit that's too much. Oh my god I think Im dead lol

Hey, okay, so this straight alright this chicken straight to this


This right here

1 million Scoville, you know if you wanna die, you know, you want to get some lava out of your anus

This is the best way. All right

All right, so let's try this

Let me be honest guys

I've been tasting something much more

Spicier than this

This is some weak shit. Okay, so since

The chicken dipped in to this is not spicy enough

I'm going to be just drinking this straight from that spoon come here cameraman

Are you seeing this, oh man, oh man 1 mill scoville is no joke guys. Oh shit

Cameraman come here

Okay, it's some serious shit

but then again since

I'm a manly man, right? I am a man of my words so i gotta drink this shit straight out


it's kind of hot but it's not that hot

it was at this moment that he knew he f**ked up

okay, it's actually

I might be regretting this Oh

Need to close this shit you it's kinda hot, it's kinda hot I'm serious guys, please don't try this at home


It's hot guys, oh man, seriously

Might be overreacting but seriously, this is some hot shit

Okay, so

Whoo, it's been like I don't know cameraman come here come here

It's almost empty. My fried rice is empty

So to me whoo, this is not hot. Okay

drinking it straight out the bottle is

As hot as Nicki Minaj




That's it for today.

That's it for tday, we are Waegugin Clueless (lol)

Okay, guys, that's it for today this guy's nuts I want to nut


For more infomation >> U WONT BELIEVE THIS SPICY CHICKEN BREAST!!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 5:26.


Vivre en Turquie, 1 mois après (Izmir) - Duration: 8:35.

Hello !

In the last video, I had just arrived to Turkey

with Jose Antonio

We were staying at my friend's

And we weren't sure about anything

We went in blind

Before that, we moved a lot

and at some point, we had to stay, to live somewhere

And as I'm French-Turkish, I proposed to go to Turkey

Also I didn't want to live in France for the moment

We checked the modalities to get the Turkish Visa and it seemed super easy than the Franch visa

And it was easy finally

more complicated to stay in France

So we decided to go to Turkey

and about my situation, I have dual citizenship

So, it was easier

I have this chance

I could live, work...

I'm talking now, about Izmir

Izmir is in the coast

and the third most populous city in Turkey, after Istanbul and Ankara.

in the first place, we stayed in an apartment

with a roommate


who is from Azerbaijan

But it's a long time he lives in Turkey

The Azerbaijan language sounds like Turkish language, so he speaks Turkish very well

We works in Turkey etc

I am glad to share all of this with you

and I'll see you soon


Just a small point before

Before Turkey, we were in Paris

where it was exhausting because we also moved a lot

Because it's was dificult to find a place to stay

We stayed everywhere

This fatigue was difficult for me

And i bring it with me in Turkey

After eight months past, I was just watching the videos

and I have noticed the tiredness

i knew it, but I've just remembered it

about my health

sometimes I am very skinny

sometimes it's like I don't know myself

I don't like to see me like that but anyway it happens

and somatimes I am tempted to cut these parts of the video

even it's interesting sharing

but i will try to no pay attention

I wanted to tell that because i don't want to receive any comments about my physique

I think i want to avoid to read some remarks

I have remarks from my family

and I get bored of it

So I know I am skinny and very skinny sometimes

I know that sometimes i look tired

I know that sometimes i have a bad skin

I know all of this, but no worries, everything's fine

now I take care of myself

well, that's all

let's start the video


This lady is selling seeds to feed birds

here a man i selling jewels

here, girls who are making selfies

shit the ferry is leaving

we have to run

We often run... because we take our times

something new for me

since I'm with Jose Antonio, I'm taking my time, sometimes too much

and at the end we often run


This afternoon I went to a coffee, i had to do something on my computer

Tony wasn't at home

Jose thought he was staying all the afternoon at home

so he didn't minf to have the key

and Tony, we don't know why, locked the door

so Jose was locked inside

I had they key also

and i asked jose in the afternoon to,join me at the coffee

he said ok, but then he texted me telling me he couldn't because he was locked in the apartment

then, i had no news

so I figured he won't come

the, Tony called me and said the the neighbor called him

and said that a guy jumped on her balcony from upstairs

Tony me told me "tell him to not do that" etc

so the neighbor directly called Tony and understood it was the upstairs neighbor

that's a little high

and Tony's choking

he is saying "how did you do that ? who could die, or broke your arms."

Jose Antonio is showing him how he jumped

so, I don't know if his motivation was to join me or to drink a coffee ! but he jumped off the balcony anyway !

this is beetroot


i am going to make a salad with patatoes etc

there is no carrots

it could be nice with carrots

but i don't have it

we are waiting the metro

there are a lot of old people in our area

families and old people

there are a lot of universities in Izmir but on the other side

it's forbidden to take pictures here

ah ok !

we have to take the ferry to go on the other side

it's funny that you take a boat to go home

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