Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Hi everyone. I'm back. I take this opportunity to answer a question that

has been asked, then we do the math and then I'll talk about the solution

to a problem I had.

I was asked how to make 3 videos, that is ... different and separate videos of

the accounts of all the months ... those arrears, and the answer ...

the answers are ... that is, the main reasons are 3, first thing for a question of


I consider it to be more orderly separate videos rather than a single video of all

the months at the same time. Above all for me, if I have to go to review a

certain month, of accounts for a certain month, for example the same month the

following year,

covering the month of the previous year, the same in the previous year, it's

easier if they're all separated and it's neater

obviously to do the accounts in this way because the months

remain separate

and more because the specific costs also, say, describing how I spent

the money or how I cashed put all together, in fact, six months would be


The second reason is for a question of length. Not everyone is interested in videos

of accounts, some have asked me, let's say that they are videos that

I do because I have had requests but not everyone cares so making short videos

is better than making a long video that is more boring,

especially if you do not care.

Then as a last reason, the last reason we say

is that

I take advantage of these videos, just the number of videos that I have to do, that is,

one for each month to give some ... to make updates.

As you have also seen for the previous episode I make an introduction, a

small introduction, like this I'm doing,

before the accounts and then a news update after the accounts with the

accounts in between ... The accounts ... so if the video of the accounts is not

interesting for someone it becomes thanks to the extra information that

I add, this I thought, for this reason I also added that

initial page that you saw both in this video, a little while ago, and in the

previous video with a kind of index where there are the minutes where the different

section starts in this way anyone, for example, is not interested in the

accounts can jump directly to the point of information that perhaps

interests him more.

Now we come to the actual May accounts. As usual

on the left, on your left, I make the accounts of the previous

month appear, on your right I make the

counts of May appear as I tell you

No change in debts. The channel accounts, like the previous month, are at 0

0 collections and 0 expenses. The private accounts are the

costs 25 euros and the ... I was wrong, the proceeds were 25 euros and the costs of 70 euros.

The total budget is therefore 6 euros and the debt situation is unchanged

compared to May 2,353 negative. Regarding the description of

expenses and receipts, the collections took place thanks to another electronic device

sold, a little stuff, the expenses, usually, the food and then the

shipping costs of this electronic device.

As the last topic, I'm talking about a problem that was affecting my phone

I had mentioned but I had not talked a lot and because the solution

was random, that I found it by chance,

and unexpected because I did not really expect that the solution

that I was told to try actually worked, because I did not make it up,

then maybe it can be interesting to share. So the phone is a

smartphone, it's an eight-year-old HTC Desire HD

no ... yes ... eight years 7/8 years, okay, Android

Since the phone is so old, the updates of the Android operating system

would have stopped, the official ones, to version 3.5,

it seems to me that now we have arrived at version 8 or 9.

Version 3.5, however, like all versions, sooner or later are no longer

compatible with new versions of programs, app, so I had made an

update by putting a new version of the operating system.

So now I have version 4.4, more than this I can not find that is,

there is no version 5 for this phone. The versions after the official

version are already made by the enthusiast programmers and it is necessary to find

an enthusiast who holds the phone so long and no one is anymore, so

although they can be updated up to a certain extent ... up to a certain

version then in the end you have to stop at the latest available version,

which is now 4.4.

Despite everything, despite the 4.4 some applications are too new ... some

applications available now, which I need, are too new compared to

this version of the operating system, so it took a while to understand it, to

find out, perhaps I had already mentioned it in a video,

the solution was not to update them anymore, as an older version

of a certain ... of a certain app working a newer version caused

problems if I put a function ... forcing the installation of an

older version and then not updating it I had solved the problem the

phone worked properly. The problem was the phone that

restarted itself, even during use, during a phone call,

during a WhatsApp chat, during any activity

so happened to reset too ... and even during no activity even when

he was stationary then also during, for example, the use of the phone as Internet

hotspot as I showed in a video,

browsing the network for example from the computer from here in the RV with

the laptop and with distributed Internet let's say to the computer

from the phone it happened that while I was working the phone was reset and

then the Internet line was interrupted. The solution was not to

update the applications, however, there was a problem that at some point

WhatsApp says that the application must be updated. So he forces

the update. So if the update is no longer compatible

with the old version of the operating system, you also understand that you need to

change the phone. This is the famous scheduled obsolescence, that is,

making an application that is no longer compatible with old operating systems

forces users to change the phone, in this case the phone, the same

thing happens with the computer.

The problem had just appeared with WhatsApp, WhatsApp told me at a certain point, look,

you have to update me, the Google Play

Google Play told me that for version 4 4 of Android the current

version of WhatsApp was no longer compatible and so the only solution

would have been to change the phone. Obviously you already know

what the problem is, given the accounts and even this month of May

the problem is to change the phone. I do not care because it works

perfectly and I do not have the possibility to change the phone for the moment.

So I have to try to solve or not use WhatsApp, that WhatsApp

especially to communicate with my relatives and friends or to manage

even the adverts to sell the things I have for sale,

I need, is the only thing I use, I do not use almost the phone, voice calls, I use

mainly WhatsApp so it was important and it's important for me to have it

working. So I decided to try calling the assistance, to write

to WhatsApp assistance explaining the thing telling him that

from mine ... from my tests not only the latest version was no longer

compatible with the new operating system and I could not change the

phone but also the previous versions

could not update them as soon as I came to a version later than a

certain version, which was the last working, as soon as that update

arrived, the phone started to malfunction and reset itself.

When I wrote to the help center of WhatsApp, to the customer

service we say, of WhatsApp, I forgot in the email to write

something that was then let's say the cornerstone of the solution. I forgot to

write in the email request for help that I had already tried

the version of WhatsApp downloaded from the WhatsApp site. Just when I was

testing the various versions to be able to go back to

a version that would then work and that would be the one that

wanted to keep me without updating, but then forced me to upgrade, I had

downloaded the latest version from the WhatsApp site, I had tried it and it reset

the phone, that is, the phone malfunctioned. I did not write it in the

customer service email, I forgot to write it, usually I

am quite precise when I communicate with the assistance services because they

have a complete picture right away, and instead I forgot. The response

of the WhatsApp customer service support has been trying to put,

to install the version of WhatsApp present on their site.

When I got their answer I said heck I forgot to

tell him that I had already tried, but now it was done, they had

written me to try that version and I told myself, ok, to answer that I already

tried it I must be sure I tried it because when I tried it

previously it was also some previous version you never know maybe they have just noticed

this problem on the old versions of the operating system and they have

solved it I can not tell him the proof I have already done and it is a previous version

I have to try also the new version, so I did,

I downloaded the new version from the site, installed it and

tested it. To my utmost amazement, that version works perfectly. The

phone, from the moment I installed the latest version from the

WhatsApp site, the latest version present at this moment,

There's a guy who moves the leaves with those devices that, I do not know what

they're called, those that spray air.

So I said, I did the test by downloading the latest version

of the application WhatsApp, I installed it and it worked perfectly,

which I did not expect, in fact I expected that as soon as the app was installed, the phone would

start to reboot, to which I thanked them and solved the problem.

This, and it's the interesting part, makes me understand that, so it can be

an interesting thing for anyone else who uses Android and Google Play, it makes me

realize that not all applications on Google Play are the exact same

version that distributes the application programming company

ie WhatsApp downloaded ... the latest version of WhatsApp downloaded from the

WhatsApp site is not the same as the latest version in the Google Play, in the

Android store and this I did not expect,

I expected the opposite, I expected that in Google Play, in the

Android store the latest version of a certain program

was the last official version and it is not so instead. So problem solved

that is, the problem solved for the phone, the phone is now working properly it is

still slow, because it is old, however it is slow because, as I mentioned to

some of you who asked me why not update the operating system,

which I did, I said yes the update is fine to go back to

being compatible with app but not good for the phone because

each new version is heavier than the previous one so this

phone now that once cost a lot because it was very powerful

now is going slow as performance

because it has an operating system too new for him, because if HTC has

left version 3.5 as the last version and I put the version 4.4 which is six, eight

versions later, because there have been several versions,

it is obvious that the phone slows down because the 4.4 version certainly requires

much more computing power of what he had in the year this phone

came out, but to be able to make it work is a compromise that

I can momentarily bear that I have to have the patience for the fact that

it is slow but at least to see it work, it works, the most important thing for me

especially when I will be in RV living, even during the day in the RV, is that

it manages to make me a hotspot to distribute the Internet

to the laptop without resetting while I'm using it. So I would say, even if

it is slow, even if it still has its problems for the age, say,

however I think a problem solved ready for when I will be here to have to use

the Internet in the RV. I hope it is an information that

the versions of the programs and Google Play and any versions of the sites

that are useful to everyone. Iit's all for this video, see you at the

next video, that of the June accounts, hello everyone and thank you all

for everything you do in the channel. Bye!

For more infomation >> VitaInCamper - CAM - May expenses - Android smartphone - Duration: 20:33.


Hypixel Vampires , QuakeCraft And Arena Brawl - Duration: 30:06.

a mode all the cinemas well I did hide in Dallas here along with Vincent for

whats going on guys dallas withe denton and in todays video we a playing Hypixel Vampires , QuakeCraft And Arena Brawl

tons of fun video we're gonna be playing on the

three what do you do at your head hello just go man let you then aren't

sit if not every touch your screen it does this but we're ruling vampires and

also helping us really cool turbo kart racers alright guys and also before

before every thing we do except for today how did you go we open I've at the

open of mystery vaults we might not be opening yet what you do requires to be

open by BJP right all right never mind then

now 24 people there are two rules I survived the vampires the survivors fine

items in-game and this reminds me they meant danger and there's water no water

in there don't click it race race stones resource race next week

yeah ready for coupler a stop to this no I mean race on the ice oh yeah sexy way

wasn't safe your humans flying the vampires before or they track you down

now that you suppose get blindness

I told you then you're gonna get blindness in we're all right next to

each other we're gonna go to a house oh

the house Mountain I'm burned out all my torches found the vampire Vinson why

don't you get in the house those people were in diamond armor diamond armor for

thousands of dollars in gold for diamond armor

my gosh

oh my gosh there'll be but

so that house is right there but I need to find something funny it's

by themself so everyone's in that house right there like I'm next door oh my god

with all these zombie ultimate strenght oh this dress

can't you buy stuff for survivors let me end if you move nearly wouldn't all

nearby window

great glass last one sick

and here they can get chest wherever lightning strikes a chest forms this

lovely survivor

oh my god

are they for oliver zombies gonna go

solver zombies it's mine yeah this way

you know daddy's just holding down left right click yes

suspense a lot of blood on spring anyone happens to me good guy okay survivors

winning 38 seconds

all right now on to the next minigame parts isn't that took like 15 to 30

minutes it's at 12 minutes RL split go-karts it's a gaming you can upgrade

your car we have oh look at this race

you knows you haven't claimed your free daily award yet

are you kidding me like what a kick and kick occurred on your on your connection

let me put in turbo Kirk

you must have the research pack to load this game press tab and look at your

face your face click your press tab and look watch it

watch it and then look at it now okay okay just watch your face goes from

happy to menace it like mess medicine look it's a gun

that was awesome

this will be a cool game on hook tons apiece hey everyone with blitz us let us

know we'll play somebody games for you guys right now I'm not fighting anybody

singing howdy shoo he was he was standing still

ah he shot me and I shot him okay

das King three wardog 1 95 hey hopefully on that last No

not working I got an entertainment not working yeah fun game o.o cinnamon this

is a fun game like i'm i'm up on first now I'm on tendentious never blip give

where it's the fun

then I vote we curse oh wow didn't how many kills do you have what did the

party go there's was me that got you Denton then there's do behind you

16 points already

and how I hate how it responds you and I hate that this

oh ho

damn felon man didn't right-click your thing the perfect shot I got 18 points

out someone get my head back in the game I'm gonna lose dang I was shooting at


he hit 25

I'll play again dealers or the big ball people paintball here we go we were

playing against a hardcore dude let me see who there's no I'm playing it so no

I'm playing quick quick either

go and play uh arena brawl yeah you ready get dragged in

either of the sides does yeah

to me

but I mean


get more healing also in actually who has more dentin

I know

I am around

early this to each other we didn't then look I'm still Laurie

oh man that was hard all right do you want to see if anyone's

a pink bow meal all right guys guess there's most tons of fun put a lot of

games we've never played before except for the part totally that works and

we'll have to figure out the research path let's know how to do the reeds

effect so we gots enjoyed the video we're heading to bed like/subscribe

don't see any work from you that's it Wow

but hope you guys enjoy


For more infomation >> Hypixel Vampires , QuakeCraft And Arena Brawl - Duration: 30:06.


Cute Cats Living At The Police Station In Busan | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:05.

(Perfect side profile)

(Omg they're police cats)

(They even sleep together)


(gif waiting to happen)

(With that level of concentration, I would've aced my SATs)

(Jawline game going strong)

(sleeping beauty)

(sleeping beauty22)

(family portrait)

For more infomation >> Cute Cats Living At The Police Station In Busan | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:05.


Cross My Heart - Duration: 13:34.


you just tell my brother to be with you next time you get got the skinny mini

minis right but get it for that dog good to see or miss you yeah hello sure yes

we got this hey you remembered it

I wish you didn't have to I just got me

good dumbest in an hour that it will be you know

did you close on first when my bathing says tennis up there

just do it

what's country oh you know that I said here you take a syllabus tomorrow at for

clients who know I can go to glorious get your friend fish

oh and uncle Melvin mentioned going to the beach for a couple of days maybe we

can just do that and you kidnap all day all you think about is food plus I don't

want to go to st. Elizabeth why not we always go

that's know if you like it okay

step I don't like going anymore you know my going anymore

stop what's wrong with you

he watches me shower

you mean like he came in an accident inside naked the first time maybe it was

an accident the next time he came in setting you to talked he was watching me

that doors don't look lock and the last hanky

jaymund calm babies we're waiting on you


Sarah but

what is this happen a couple months off the moment spinner oh are you gonna tell

I said that's a man can't help himself

dear Lord we thank you for this food we're about to receive for your a

gracious God and without you nothing is possible I thank you for my brothers or

my niece who is visiting

you know that's why you give us our tickets but in the face of all this we

still give you thanks in Jesus's name Amen

so I was a school year not good grades yes he's B's one si si

why is that math well can't help you with that

oh no that's okay he's an engineer I'm very smart enough I was thinking of

taking the girls to see Elizabeth tomorrow it's some kid upon knowledge

you know I can't want you know I had wonderful news about 40 any boyfriends

boyfriends successful child oh no 15 same as Sara yes right well all

she needs to do now just focus on our schoolwork she don't get over self in oh

boys how are you when you start liking girls 9:00 to 5:00

more like five that was precocious man besides what is it different are you

seeing in the dark

it's not your secret to tell promise

you promised miss mommy

I'm sorry

warning me it's gonna be all good done mine things I show it axis lost

what's wrong

we were just doing our own

you we were to spin her own really come on forgive me hey hey what's up love

they already yellow and you're up early Hey



For more infomation >> Cross My Heart - Duration: 13:34.


Farming Simulator 17 Mods John Deere 2058 Combine Harvester - Duration: 12:26.

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

Landwirtschaft Simulator 17 Mods

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

Landwirtschaft Simulator 17 Mods

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Mods John Deere 2058 Combine Harvester - Duration: 12:26.


Inktober Updates & Where I've Been - Duration: 2:20.

You've been curious as to why I haven't been uploading as many videos the past week as you can tell

when my throat sounds I've been pretty sick the past I'd say three weeks but more son the past week and a half and I

didn't really busy with some things and

I had to take care of my health and everything first I wasn't getting much sleep

I wasn't eating enough and plus I'd been sick, so I wasn't able to work on any drawings

I hadn't been able to uh, no upload as many videos and

I've still been doing drawings for inktober and I've still been doing good inktober drawings

It's just I had had the time to do all the video editing to upload them to my youtube channel

And so I've just been working the drawings and doing the cording x' and later on

umm, maybe next week and

Probably through part of November. I'll be uploading my ink drawing recordings. Um

through part of November

Because me being sick and everything, but I will be getting in

the end of this month to new brush pens their ink brush pens

And I'm gonna start doing some ink brush pen drawings and I I thought of this because I have a brush pen

Margaret and I was drawing this the other day and it seemed to really see the way I draw and so I

Went online and ordered two of these brush pens

There is a young pin tell color brush pens and there were only five dollars each

The one was like five dollars and sixty cents all usually four dollars and sixty cents

So when it in order them, don't be here by the end of month. So I'll probably have drawings that I'll be doing with those

Starting at the end of October and moving forward through November. So if you want to see those

They'll be that's what I'll be doing them. But for now, I've got a bunch of things I have to take care of. I

Have a little bit of video editing I'm gonna do but not much because I forgot to do some cleaning and cooking and everything today

and I've got some other things to take care of but

for now, I'll be doing great and

I'll be uploading some more videos soon and

I'll be having a good day and I'll see you later

For more infomation >> Inktober Updates & Where I've Been - Duration: 2:20.


A Stickman REALITY VR - Stickmen invade my Home! - Duration: 5:02.

oh hi and welcome my name is Danny Roy and I were commute to a stickman reality

yeah I decided to do some VR stuff on his channel and this is going to be my

very first project and don't know how long it would be I heard it's really

short on Steam so yeah just tuned in and do something and by the way this is the

first time I record something in VR so please be a little gentle if you comment

something if you do that would be really nice by the way

and yeah let's just see if this works turn around no I'm gonna go alright

alright let's start it rather remote point of the devii to start use the

trigger to grab alright yeah that's how you hold our remote right that's how I

hope my remotes as well okay TV TV wears TV thirsty hey doesn't know you but what

what's my hand doing down there what you know it's gone what are you

doing with my house no stop I kinda need those balls then again some trees are

nice I mean why not

no no no okay oh you want me to paint okay I'm gonna

call this the dark forest cause the sky is green right everyone knows that what

is wrong with my and it's gonna be a river of blood and blue for the

mountains what are you doing come on no

no not my dark forest are you freaking kidding me yeah that's always those

stick guys are settling down in my room I don't know how to feel about that

they're placing little hints wait screw you tent touch to enter teepee

okay hi can I take this no okay no I'm sorry that wasn't me I'm gonna

leave tomatoes can I eat them no no you Amy damn it

I'm destroying all my what's going on there you tell me what's going on there

damn it you tell me what you just fell down like that

but me no no it was him ah so this is what I get for building our whole world

for you what's happening here whoa hello what ah ah I get it I was

just stick along I guess that's it alright that was a really short time I

didn't expect it to be this short this was like I know ten minutes but okay

it's for free so what what do you want right I mean and this is something

happening nope okay well that's a stickman reality don't much to say about

this game if you want to check it out yourself please consider buying it on

Steam trapped developers and all that and yeah also help me by commenting

subscribing and leaving a comment that would be really nice for you and with it

I say thanks for watching and bye bye


For more infomation >> A Stickman REALITY VR - Stickmen invade my Home! - Duration: 5:02.


【MMD獣人】Are You Sad? ( T ʖ̯ T) - Duration: 0:08.

Are you SAD?

Yeah I don't want to talk about it

Then Fxxx You

For more infomation >> 【MMD獣人】Are You Sad? ( T ʖ̯ T) - Duration: 0:08.


Doctor Who | Incredible Change - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Doctor Who | Incredible Change - Duration: 3:36.


Dog-only restaurant | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 7:05.

Dog-only restaurant | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Dog-only restaurant | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 7:05.


The regional qualifying round of R.C.D.C. All Japan E-drift Championship at MST OSAKA - Duration: 19:03.

This movie is showing all drivers drifting skills

RCDC All Japan E-drift

the regional qualifying session

please enjoy watching!

For more infomation >> The regional qualifying round of R.C.D.C. All Japan E-drift Championship at MST OSAKA - Duration: 19:03.


【MMD獣人】Are You Gay? ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) - Duration: 1:09.

I just wonder if

perhaps your heart might be a bit bigger than you want to let on?

There's some people say I don't have a heart at all

Why would they say that?

Because they know me well

Go on...

Do you have any interest outside of work?

Enjoy various physical pursuits

You're unmarried, oh...

You're were adopted at age 4

That's a matter of public record

I'm sorry, I didn't...

Do you have any actual question? Torajiro-kun?

Yeah, sorry...

Are you gay?

Heh heh heh...

It's written here, I just...

No... I'm not gay

I apologize, Doggo-san, I can be little...



For more infomation >> 【MMD獣人】Are You Gay? ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) - Duration: 1:09.



For more infomation >> FAME MMA 2 MAGICAL VS RAFONIX - CAŁA WALKA - Duration: 3:15.


Riding bikes to share with those in need - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Riding bikes to share with those in need - Duration: 1:18.


How To Check Your Mobile is Registered With PTA IMEI Number - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> How To Check Your Mobile is Registered With PTA IMEI Number - Duration: 6:38.


Foo Fighters share stage with 10-year-old guitarist - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Foo Fighters share stage with 10-year-old guitarist - Duration: 0:36.


John Gagliardi honored at Tommie-Johnnie game - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> John Gagliardi honored at Tommie-Johnnie game - Duration: 1:58.


From Skeptic To Believer, My prophecy for SERBIA 2013.Psychic Medium Ljubica Zec - CC - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> From Skeptic To Believer, My prophecy for SERBIA 2013.Psychic Medium Ljubica Zec - CC - Duration: 0:52.


✅ Logitech G Pro Hero Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> ✅ Logitech G Pro Hero Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 4:36.


What is Pickleball and Why is it Sooooo Addictive? - Duration: 5:15.

Has someone recently told you about a fun game with a pretty strange name? Or

perhaps you're tired of explaining it to your friends when they say pickle what? do

If you want to know more about this great game stay tuned.

Hey everybody my name is CJ Johnson

This channel is dedicated to all things pickleball with a special focus

on players who are over 50.If you're interested in pickleball make sure you

hit the subscribe button and then the bill notification that way you'll know

when I post a new video every Saturday.

I play and coach multiple sports and

without a doubt pickleball is unique. It's easy to learn, but tough to master. It's

athletic and strategic and for most people the best part is it's very social!

Make sure you stick around to the end of this video, I'll give you the cheat sheet

that will help you to find the resources to learn to play pickleball on courts

near you.

Pickleball is played o n a court with the same dimensions as a badminton court,

44 feet long and 20 feet across.

There's a section called the non-volley zone that extends

from the net seven feet on each side.

You may hear it lovingly referred

to as the kitchen.

The right side of the court is the even side and the left side

is the odd side.

The net measures 34 inches in the middle and 36 inches on each end

There's no court difference for doubles

or singles.

Doubles is the most popular form of pickleball play.

Asphalt surfaces

are most common for outdoor play.

You'll also find pickleball played in the gym.

Now let's take a look at the equipment.

Paddles may remind you a bit of ping pong paddles.

Today they're typically made from composite materials and can be

no longer than 17 inches with the combined length and width no greater

than 24 inches.

The ball is similar in consistency to a wiffle ball. It's light

so it definitely is impacted by the wind. When it's dropped from a height of 78

inches on a granite surface the ball can bounce nor more than 34 inches.

Which if you remember is the height of the net at the center.

Yes there is a difference

between indoor and outdoor balls. Outdoor balls are heavier and harder with

smoother plastic. The easiest way to recognize them is they have smaller holes.

Outdoor balls are rarely used indoors because they skid and don't bounce as high.

Balls come in a variety of different colors which is especially

important for indoor play.

Let's play pickleball!

A team can only score points while they're serving. To begin the game or

after a side out, which is when the serve changes side. Play always begins on the

even side of the court.

The serve must be made with an underhand motion and the

paddle below the wrist without a bounce.

The serve is done on the diagonal and

players only get one opportunity to get the serve in.

Each player on the team

gets a chance to serve with the exception of the very first service of

the game. Don't worry about it everyone gets confused about that one!

If you win a point that person keeps serving, you just simply switch sides.

There's something called the two bounce rule. Since the serve is in the air the

returning team must allow it to bounce one time and the serving team must allow

it to bounce one time.

Volley means to take the ball out of the air you are not

allowed to touch or stand in the non-volley zone and volley the ball.

Games are typically played to 11 win by 2.

At the end of the game it's customary

for all the players to come to the net and tap their paddles.

Now why is it so addictive?

Anyone at any age can play. I love this video from the national

championships where you have two 80 year olds playing singles!

Anyone with a

little hand-eye coordination can pick up a paddle and be playing a game the exact

same day.

I know a lot of pickleball players who've lost weight and gotten

into better shape just because they started playing the game.

It's not an expensive sport to learn how to play court fees are free to very nominal.

Paddles cost less than a hundred dollars.

The USAPA runs a program called pickleball ambassadors and in many instances those

people who will teach you how to play, introduce you to other pickleball

players let you use some equipment and best of all it's usually free.

If you're excited to learn how to play pickleball, click over here there's a free cheat

sheet where I've organized all the resources you need to know about in

order to learn how to play. If you're already a pickleball player let's do

some recruiting, share this with a non pickleball playing friend so that we can

get more people in the sport. And then together we can

Train Smart, Live Bold, Age Well

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