Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Welcome back to the channel. I have a product I've been wanting to check out

for a really long time. It is a weighted blanket, also known as a therapy blanket.

Now I've heard a lot on social media about weighted blankets so I'm really

eager to try this one out. These blankets are supposed to reduce anxiety stress

and help those with insomnia or claims that even helps with autism or ADHD as

well. They're becoming more popular now and some say almost anyone can benefit

from using a weighted blanket there are claims that using these way to blankets

will increase levels of melatonin and serotonin which makes a restful sleep.

all right so let's open this up this is the SUNMERIT weighted blanket. This is

15 pounds so it also just feels a little bit heavier than that because I've never

held on weighted blanket before but you know just not expecting it to be heavy

like I am at the moment this one is a twin size it's 48 inches by 72 inches

and they come in all different types of sizes some with heavier weights as well.

This also comes in a nice grey color in addition to the white I have here I'm

gonna get this done it's really soft

all right so before I turn this over and get it all spread out on the tag it does

mention that you hand wash with cold water you do not soak or bleach do not

use an iron do not tumble dry and do not dry clean on the back the filling is

inside the filling inside is glass beads they're not lead they're 100%

polyester and the fabric is a hundred percent cotton that's why it's so soft

all right so here it is spread out on the bed it is very soft

I'll show you admit it when I snuggle with it

what it really feels like when you're underneath it this one in particular is

15 pounds the general recommendation is to use the one that is about 10% or 15%

of your body weight but some people have deviated from their recommendation since

they would find 10% of their body weight a little bit too much this one like I

said is 15 pounds all right so here's a closer look at the blanket itself looks

very well constructed you see all the pleats and so you know that you're not

gonna have issues with the beads coming out I was looking to make sure you know

that wouldn't that wouldn't happen but each individual square has its own beads

on the inside and you can sort of see that when you look it up if you put it

up to the light you could see the little groups of beads but I'm not sure if you

can see them now but they're all like lumped right here here these are soft it

kind of feels like stand if anything that's move nice and in there but that

it's really soft constructed very well very nice weighted blanket

all right so here I am with my blanket and right off the bat I already feel a

lot sleepier than I normally do when I first enter my bed and I have been up

for a while so this kind of one makes me what this makes me want to take a nap

it is weighted and you can definitely tell the difference between that and

like your normal regular comforter and of course my experience might be a

little bit different from yours depending on who you are and what you

usually do before during and while you're in bed you can also use this as a

blanket to snuggle up with you while you're on the couch or you're watching

TV or something I don't think that's a very good use for this as well it's also

it's very warm very comfortable very soft

I don't exactly suffer from anything like anxiety but I do stress out a lot

and this would be great for those college students that are getting up

there on their insomnia and trying to get work done but I also want to sleep

at the same time so great for when they're in bed you know trying to

decompress after finals or midterms or something like that

totally recommend that and of course it's supposedly great for autism

and ADHD and I do have a nephew with ADHD and I think this would be very

interesting to see how he reacts having a blanket like this so I will update the

description section below after I've used this for a while to let you know

how I feel if there's anything changed like my sleep or if my stress is reduced

definitely be sure to come back check the description section and you will

find out alright so that is the SUNMERIT weighted blanket. This is the

15-pound white blanket version please check the description section below for

more information thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 🌼Weighted Blanket SUNMERIT Therapy Gravity Blanket (Anxiety-Insomnia-ADHD-Autism) 👈 - Duration: 6:34.


3D Model of Diamond Pendant 002 Review - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Diamond Pendant 002 Review - Duration: 0:35.


Why Can't We Make a Good Salt Substitute? - Duration: 2:58.


We know from chemistry that there are hundreds of salts out there.

They're compounds made up of positive and negative ions,

usually formed when an acid reacts with a base.

But when it comes to food, there's really only one salt

that gets us salivating over potato chips:

Sodium chloride, otherwise known as table salt.

In fact, chemists have been trying to cook up a good salt substitute

for decades, and it has proven downright impossible

nothing quite matches the flavor of the tried and true.

So what makes sodium chloride so special?

Well, the truth is, scientists haven't totally figured it out yet,

mostly because this seemingly simple taste is actually

the one we know the least about.

Still, we do know the basics,

and it seems that the sodium and chloride ions that table salt gets

broken down into on your wet tongue happen to be

the perfect ions for a couple of our salt taste receptors.

We haven't identified which receptors recognize the anion,

or negatively charged ion, in a salt.

But generally speaking, we perceive smaller ions as saltier,

which is great for table salt because chloride is relatively small.

So something like sodium acetate is far less salty because

the acetate ion is much bigger

although it is sometimes used to give chips a salt-and-vinegar flavor.

Since replacing chloride doesn't really work,

the other option would be to replace the positive ion, sodium.

Now, one of the best studied receptors is the epithelial sodium channel,

which, as you might guess, is specific to sodium.

These pores let sodium ions flow into cells, and in taste cells,

the incoming sodium ultimately sends a signal to the brain.

The channel's selectivity for sodium is one reason why

the best salt substitute out there, potassium chloride, still isn't very good.

The potassium ion can't pass through the channel to tell your brain,

'hello, infusion of salty flavor!'

That salt also gives off weird, bitter metallic flavors that are hard to miss.

Our tongues are so acutely sensitive to these that companies trying

to lower the sodium content of their foods this way actually have to use a mix

of regular salt and potassium salt so it's less noticeable.

Potassium chloride also isn't safe for people with kidney disease,

and can cause dangerous interactions with some drugs.

So while it can work for some people, it's not a perfect solution.

Now, there actually is a wonderful salt substitute, at least in terms of flavor.

Lithium chloride tastes almost exactly the same because

those epithelial sodium channels also let lithium slide in.

But you don't want to eat it, because it's toxic.

Back in 1949, a company sold Westsal, a lithium chloride-based salt,

as a nice alternative for people with high blood pressure or heart disease.

But then doctors started seeing people with lithium poisoning,

and a few people even died.

Chemists are still working on more creative salt combinations

that may one day more closely approximate table salt.

But until then, if you want more salty flavor,

you'll have to reach for good old sodium chloride.

Thanks for asking, and thanks especially to our President of Space today:

SR Foxley!

Thanks SR for your support.

If you want to get some perks or just show your support for the channel

and help us keep doing what we're doing,

you can head over to


For more infomation >> Why Can't We Make a Good Salt Substitute? - Duration: 2:58.


Lennar Homes in Tampa ⏰ Limited Time Incentives - Duration: 1:43.

Hello everyone. This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr and I'm going to do a

short video on Lennar incentives that I've been getting over the past couple

of weeks. Many of you may not know that Lennar's fiscal year end is not December

31st like most builders, it's actually November 30th so what they're doing is

they're doing a push right now to meet projections to meet goals and over the

past week I've noticed a couple really good incentives that have come over the

first one came over earlier this week and it was on a buy down so an interest

rate by down then I just got another one two days ago that they're going to be

paying all the closing costs so if you're looking at getting o in our home

if you're thinking of getting in our home now could be a perfect time because

we only have two months to go before Lennar's fiscal year ends. It's actually about

a month and a half from the time of this video if you're not familiar with Lennar

Homes I'm going to put some videos up above on

Lennar and a review of them and also some videos on new construction I have

several videos that'll show you how to save time, money and frustration so check

those videos out if you're in the Tampa Bay area and this does apply to the

Tampa Bay area I can't speak for other areas around the country but if you are

in the Tampa Bay area I would love to help you out I wish you the best of luck

have a great day


For more infomation >> Lennar Homes in Tampa ⏰ Limited Time Incentives - Duration: 1:43.











3D Model of Meat Review - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Meat Review - Duration: 1:06.


3D Model of chips box Review - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of chips box Review - Duration: 1:06.


NFL Week 7 picks early polls with NFL week 6 picks Viewers picks - Duration: 10:12.

NFL Week 7 picks early polls with NFL week 6 picks Viewers picks NFL Weekly Predictions Sunday NFL Kickoff week ATS Picks Vegas lines Point spreads Weekly NFL picks and predictions 2018-2019

what's up every body Minnesota MNBeast and I am feeling oh yeah I get

a little raspy a little bit ask me still but is way way better now check that

out look at this and how hmm

I am so sick and tired of this mess or freaking weather mother nature that's

right at the best I'm trying to get my Privacy fence built and done and I would have but I'm down

to pouring concrete concrete and it's too damn cold here in Minnesota

where's the defense against mother nature damn but anyhow what are we here

for I want to give you week 6 NFL picks six viewers votes picks all right and percentages

and also don't shut this off yet because you can start voting and picking right now on your

week 7 NFL picks seven games because instead of making three plus videos I can do three

but this one and also the next two because YouTube will only let me put in

five poll questions per video that's why I have to mix them up with three

three videos whooo but anyhow let's get into it

all right I'm going to give you the viewers picks the viewers were right it

was 57% Philly 42% New York Giants the viewers one that pick because the

Philadelphia Eagles whoo TJ what's up brother

your Eagles in one life whoo man and everybody else Wow

man that was one hell game one hell game you know what I think that's right I

think personally you know nothing against the Giants themselves but Eli

Eli Manning has to retire I may my gosh you know Michael Jackson retired after a

little while right he threw that one glove off and Said

Oh baby ah that's enough of that he ain't no MJ he ain't no MJ and he

ain't no Eli no more I don't care if that glove was gonna help you not fumble

the ball brother you fumble that ball too much now that glove ain't even

helping you no more it's making it worse that's just my

opinion Tampa Bay an Atlanta 31% went with Tampa

Bay 68% are going with Atalanta Pittsburgh against the Cincinnati Bengals 18% our

saying Pittsburgh is gonna win and 81% are saying Cincinnati is gonna win L.A.

chargers at Cleveland browns 41% are going with LA chargers and that

leaves 58% are going to browns or the orange or the dogs whoooo New London game

Seattle Seahawks whoooo and Oakland Raiders one hell of

match up because any time there's any game in London it is always off the

chain you never know who's really gonna win it matters the night before and how

many parties they had right whoooo 68% are saying Seattle's gonna win 31% is saying

Oakland heck the Beast is saying Oakland let's make that 20 million percent

because you know the Beast is always right especially look at my week five

picks I got 5 out of 15 whoo I was ass I had the worst week in NFL

pick since man my grandma did better than me my grandpa did better to me

everybody did better than me damn my dog picks better picks than I did in

week 5 Chicago Bears going in to play the Miami Dolphins 80% are saying the

Chicago Bears are in this game 19% are saying Miami

Arizona at the Minnesota Vikings 14% are going with the Arizona Cardinals 85% are

going at the Minnesota Vikings in Indianapolis Colts at the New York Jets 45%

are saying that an Indianapolis Colts are gonna win 54% are going with the New

York Jets Carolina Panthers at Washington Redskins 60% are saying that

Carolina Panthers are gonna win 39% are saying Washington Redskins gonna win

Buffalo Bills at Houston Texans 17% are saying Buffalo's gonna win 82% are saying

Houston and I stop real quick just if you're thinking alright i am done look there's

something I got off this video last week the viewers had a lot more right than

even the Beast it was an even match on them they did really good

so these percentages could really do really well against everybody LA Rams at

Denver Broncos 91 percent are saying the Los Angeles Rams are gonna stay

undefeated eight percent are saying Denver Broncos gonna win Jacksonville

Jaguars at Dallas Cowboys same percentage ninety-one percent are going

with Jacksonville eight percent are going to Dallas Cowboys Baltimore

Ravens at the Tennessee Titans Wow Matt the NFL fanatic would love this

game he's gonna really be happy about this game because it's gonna be a really

close game I even think it's gonna be a close game even the viewers think it's

gonna be a close game 57% are going Baltimore 42% are going with the

Tennessee Titans Kansas City Chiefs Wow and my boy just hit the 100 subs whoooo

Real talk Chiefs that's right Kansas City real tough guy you got to go

check his page out guys and gals sub him tell him the MNBeast sent you over he's a

newcomer up in the world he loves his Kansas City Chiefs and I got a rain on

his parade for one second percentages saying that 30 percent are going to

Kansas City Chiefs and 69 percent are going with the New England Patriots but

I see a big upset I see a big upset and I have gas do you hear that you hear

that oh hell yeah yeah I got my engine's going Wow

get your engines are going beast wow I don't know what I'm talking about I

don't know what I'm talking about someone said I suck and I suck at NFL picks

that's why I'm not giving you my picks I'm giving you my NFL picks viewers NFL picks because I'm

crazy like that I tell you to take KC City pick a New England or vice

versa I take San Francisco when San Francisco

against Green Bay Packers on Monday night all right zero percent where's the

49er lovers zero percent a hundred percent at the Packers Deez Nuts

would love that and I'm not talking about my nuts

I wouldn't even share those nuts with you all that what that would just be

unlike that would just be rude but anyhow you seen so far the poll

questions have been coming up for NFL week 7 picks and predictions seven picks here you go Denver Broncos

at Arizona Cardinals Thursday night game could be a really good game it could not be but

hey if you are like me while I'm watching my Sunday games I like to make

notes and why not right now you could start thinking about these games

and these picks before you get really on with it right

New London NFL week 7 game got Tennessee Titans with the LA Chargers is coming up in London

New England Patriots at Chicago Bears now that could be a really really good game we

don't know we don't know we don't know I would actually almost want to say I'd

like to go with Chicago Bears if I was I picked this team right damn right now

Buffalo Bills at Indianapolis Colts and the last game for the poll picks weeks

seven NFL picks the Cincinnati Bengals at Kansas City Chiefs and I've

been riding on that train with Cincinnati and if it was right now and I

had to make a pick I would be saying the Kansas City Chiefs are gonna be

undefeated even after week seven who that's if they can beat New England

right anyways thank you all so much on Sunday tomorrow sometime no perfect

time let's set a time for yeah what the hell by 4:00 p.m. Central Time I will

have week 7 NFL picks polls the next two videos for those the rest two remaining games so

you guys can make your early poll picks and start out looking at week seven and

on Monday I'll have my my my my whoooo what the hell knows what I'll do on

Monday we'll see depends on how good I do this weekend on Sunday NFL games

NFL Week 7 picks early polls with NFL week 6 picks Viewers picks NFL Weekly Predictions Sunday NFL Kickoff week ATS Picks Vegas lines Point spreads Weekly NFL picks and predictions 2018-2019

NFL Week 7 picks NFL week 6 picks


For more infomation >> NFL Week 7 picks early polls with NFL week 6 picks Viewers picks - Duration: 10:12.


3D Model of Light set Review - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Light set Review - Duration: 1:06.


3D Model of Rubber Mallet Review - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Rubber Mallet Review - Duration: 0:15.


3D Model of The Arena Scene Review - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of The Arena Scene Review - Duration: 0:46.


3D Model of SD Card And Adapter Review - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of SD Card And Adapter Review - Duration: 1:26.


3D Model of Volkswagen Logo v1 Review - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Volkswagen Logo v1 Review - Duration: 1:36.


Young Sheldon 2x05 Promo "A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries" (HD) - Duration: 0:21.

- [Narrator] CBS Thursday...

- Did you kill it?

- You tell me.

(Sheldon screams)

- [Narrator] Ever wonder how twins

could be so different?

-You're so smart and I'm just average.

- Average?

That's a little generous.

- [Narrator] Lucky for us, there's a test for that.

- Always happy to help advance our understanding of me.

- Do I have any oreos in my teeth?

- [Narrator] New Young Sheldon, CBS Thursday.

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