Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Quick Pics For Your Daily Fix ✅ Ep.12 | Funny Pics Only

For more infomation >> Quick Pics For Your Daily Fix ✅ Ep.12 | Funny Pics Only - Duration: 3:30.


What It's Like To Lose Your Hair - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> What It's Like To Lose Your Hair - Duration: 9:45.


Steven Makes Andrew In The Sims 4 - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> Steven Makes Andrew In The Sims 4 - Duration: 11:18.


Honda CBR150r Repsol 2018 In Bangladesh/Detaile & Specification / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> Honda CBR150r Repsol 2018 In Bangladesh/Detaile & Specification / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 12:05.


Johnny Orlando "Last Summer" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 3:50.

I had a really, really good summer, last summer.

And I just want to do whatever I can.

I'll build a time machine, I'll hit the rewind button, I'll do whatever I can to go back.

I also met a very special girl last summer.

And I just want to see her again.

The songwriter that I worked on with this song was my sister Darien, who's over there,

and also a lady names Liz Rodriguez.

She's from Toronto, she's amazing.

And the producer was a guy named Mike Wise.

I heard a sample of a K-Pop song, where the piano's super dark and it's like, "Dun, dun,

dun, dun."

And I wanted that on the second verse and stuff.

I would really, really want to collaborate with Drake or the Weekend.


It's about me spending the entire summer with this girl, with my friends, just having a

great time.

On the music side of it, having to go away in the year just for touring and recording

and whatever else.

And I'm in different cities every day, sort of thing.

When I'm somewhere for more than a month, away from Toronto, I just start missing home.

I can't. I need to go back.

So it was a blessing in a disguise because I first saw her, a blessing, she's amazing,

very cool, except now I'm missing her like crazy, 'cause I can't see her any more until

next summer.

That's gonna be my new single, Next Summer, coming soon.

If you care about that person to the point where you'd do anything for them, that's love.

That's the worst feeling, when you know something's gonna end.

It's like Sundays.

Sundays suck because you know you have school the next day.

I'm a little bit young for, I guess real love, but I love my family, I love my friends, some

ladies here and there.

I want to go back to the caveman era, just to see how people are.

I show them my music, maybe, and then maybe I'd be a legend.

That'd be so sick, if my first song was the first song that anybody ever heard.

That'd be cool.

The letters line was more referring to a text message, like the letters that you type in

a text message.

There's this girl that I know that lives in the other side of the world.

I guess, "I hope I'll see you soon."

I can't really do anything, I'm 15.

I can't, I don't even have a car.

I can't drive to you.

I'm sorry.

I have to get my mom to get me, or Uber somewhere.

I don't know.

It's actually such ... I literally can't be in a relationship.

I can Snapchat you, but I can't really do anything else.

I'm not even allowed to Uber by myself in Toronto.

For more infomation >> Johnny Orlando "Last Summer" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 3:50.


Spring Meadow Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 22:59.

For more infomation >> Spring Meadow Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 22:59.


Sub4Sub/Spamming Needs To Stop - Duration: 4:24.

Hello Youtube.This is going to be an

Angryjazz rant about something that

Goes on on YouTube. That is pretty

Annyoing. I mean very annoying

And that is spam and


Now, If you were to look

up videos about sub4sub being bad. The search will be

Filled with videos on this topic. Why do people do this?

Knowing It doesn't work

And doesn't help their channel grow. And

Mention It's against YouTube's terms of service and you can

Get your channel shut down? If they find you

And catch you doing it?

Why have dead subscribers who don't

Care about your videos? It would be same equivalant

Of having a cinema

The cinema is packed,

bit everybody is on their phone texting away at a friend and not paying attention

to the movie. If you have 1,000 subscribers but only 10 people

Watch your videos. Because you sub4sub

Then, that's not good for your channel. And another

Thing that is very disrespectful is to spam

Someone body put something out there that they poured

Their sweat and tears on. And you come

And dump your link to your channel or your videos

Taking the attention away from the creator, that is very

disrespectful. Because viewers are going to go to your stuff instead

Of the original posters.Cuz

YouTubers, big or small, we spend hours, days

On our videos.And we do not need people taking

the attention away from us. Because they want a quick self-promo op

Promote your channel on your own social media.


And it in away, you don't have to spam, your link

To get the person's attention.You know,

You could leave a GENUINE comment

Say 'hey, I like this video.' 'Hey,

this part made me lol.' Or 'My favorite part is

when you did this.'And if the person likes your

comment, then they might check out your channel and MAYBE

keyword, MAYBE subscribe

to you if they like your content.

And also, what pisses me off is how salty sub4sub

people are when you tell them what they are doing

Is wrong.

Back in 2016,

I was in this group, and I posted a video.

I added in the caption 'no sub4sub' genuine audiences only.

And this person came on

my link asking for sub4sub. And when I told him

that I don't sub4sub, he told me to kill myself.

So, you mean to tell me,

That you want me to end my life.

Because I don't want to do something that's against YouTube's rules.

And that doesn't help me grow my channel. And because I want

active viewers how care about my stuff?!




I just don't understand why people who sub4sub

are like this.If you want to get your channel shut down

For doing something stupid and lazy.

That's on you. I am not talking about

people who didn't know sub4sub was bad

Because a small YouTuber, we want subscribers, we want

Viewers. We just lack the knowledge

On how to get them. But I am talking about people who are

told what they're doing is not right. And they don't care.

So if you want your channel shut down

for sub4subing or you want a strike on your channel

Or whatever YouTube decides to do with you. That's on you.

But don't tell me to end my life because I don't

Wanna do something that's stupid and lazy and that won't get me active followers.

So you guys,

I don't mean to rant just for a complaint

Or a chance for views. I want to rant about things

I'm passionate about or about things that make me mad.

About things I wish could change. Now I could rant until

I turn blue. And people wanna sub4sub

but this video convices 10 people

who sub4sub to stop

then so be it. So

that's it for today's video.

now if you want to see more then hit that red subscribe

button, five this video a like.

share with someone. because I am quite sure there are

a lot of angry YouTubers who are tired of sub4sub.

And maybe this video will uplift them or maybe

they'll agree with

me. so that's it. I will see you around

For more infomation >> Sub4Sub/Spamming Needs To Stop - Duration: 4:24.


Spring Meadow Final Thoughts - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Spring Meadow Final Thoughts - Duration: 6:23.


Fairuza Balk Movies List - Duration: 1:39.

Fairuza Balk Movies List

For more infomation >> Fairuza Balk Movies List - Duration: 1:39.


Clean Bandit-Rockabye ft.-Sean Paul & Anne Marie-Full Video Song-Music Club - Duration: 4:10.

Clean Bandit-Rockabye ft.-Sean Paul & Anne Marie-Full Video Song-Music Club

Clean Bandit-Rockabye ft.-Sean Paul & Anne Marie-Full Video Song-Music Club

Clean Bandit-Rockabye ft.-Sean Paul & Anne Marie-Full Video Song-Music Club

For more infomation >> Clean Bandit-Rockabye ft.-Sean Paul & Anne Marie-Full Video Song-Music Club - Duration: 4:10.


PYAAR HAI NA by | SURAJ GUSAIN | | AVNEET KAUR | - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> PYAAR HAI NA by | SURAJ GUSAIN | | AVNEET KAUR | - Duration: 2:45.


Taki Taki ft.-DJ Snake-Selena Gomez-Ozuna-Cardi B-Full Video-Music Club - Duration: 3:39.

Taki Taki ft.-DJ Snake-Selena Gomez-Ozuna-Cardi B-Full Video-Music Club

Taki Taki ft.-DJ Snake-Selena Gomez-Ozuna-Cardi B-Full Video-Music Club

Taki Taki ft.-DJ Snake-Selena Gomez-Ozuna-Cardi B-Full Video-Music Club

Taki Taki ft.-DJ Snake-Selena Gomez-Ozuna-Cardi B-Full Video-Music Club

For more infomation >> Taki Taki ft.-DJ Snake-Selena Gomez-Ozuna-Cardi B-Full Video-Music Club - Duration: 3:39.



''Gezegende yeteri kadar süper kahraman var'' sloganıyla karşımıza çıkan

ve birçok kişide büyük beklenti yaratan Venom: Zehirli Öfke filmi, 5 ekimde nihayet

vizyona girdi.

Filmin yaklaşık 5 yıl önce duyrulması ve çeşitli nedenlerle sürekli ertelenmesine

karşın bu filmin klasik süper kahraman filmlerinden farklı olacağına ve bu yönde

yeni bir anlayış ortaya çıkaracağına inanan kişi sayısı hayli fazlaydı ancak

ne yazık ki beklenen olmadı…

Venom iyi bir süper kahraman filmi ancak sorun da zaten tam olarak bu!

İzleyicilerin beklediği klasik bir süper kahraman filminden ziyade kötü bir karakter

olan Venom'un merkezde olduğu anti - süper kahraman temasına sahip bir filmdi.

Başrollerinde Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams ve Riz Ahmed gibi önemli isimleri barındıran

filmin yönetmen koltuğunda ise; Zombiland ve Gangster Squad filmlerinden tanıdığımız

Ruben Flaischer yer alıyor…

Diğer yandan Sony'nin bize sunduğu bu filmin konusu 1993 tarihli Venom: Lethel Protector

adlı hikayeden esinlenilmiş gibi duruyor.

Filmde Tom Hardy , New York'dan ayrıldıktan sonra idealist bir gazeteci olarak yaşamaya

devam eden ve sormaması gereken sorular sormasıyla hayatı alt üst olan Eddie Brock karakterini


Ardından Eddie, hayatının alt üst olmasına sebep olan adamın peşine düşer ve gizlice

girdiği gen araştırma tesisinde simbiyotik adı verilen bir organizma tarafından ele


Devamında Eddie ve Venom'un ikili ilişkisi ve Eddie'nin filmin kötü karakteri olan

Carlton Drake ile olan mücadelesi anlatılıyor.

Diğer yandan filmin after credit sahnesinde ise yeni bir Venom filmine açık kapı bırakılıyor.

Filmin ağır eleştirilere maruz kalması nın en büyük sebepleri arasında; Venom'un

kötü bir karakter olması gerekirken beklenmedik bir şekilde kahramanlığa soyunması, oyuncuların

ve senaryo performansının yetersiz bulunması, 18 yerine 13 yaş sınırına sahip olmasından

dolayı sahnelerin basitleştirilmesi ve Spider-Man'dan tamamen bağımsız hikayeye sahip bir film

oluşturulması yer alıyor.

Halbu ki Logan ve Deadpool'un 18 yaş sınırına sahipken ciddi bir başarı elde etmesi önemli

bir örnekken Sony'nin bu konuda temkinli davranması, günümüzde yapımcıların

bütçeleri ve büyüklükleri her ne olursa olsun risk almaktan her zaman kaçındıklarını

bizlere bir kez daha hatırlattı.

Sony'nin bizlere sunduğu ve maliyeti 100 milyon civarında olan Venom filmi her ne

kadar izleyicilere beklediğini vermemiş gibi gözükse de filmin başarı olup olmayacağı

gişe hasılatıyla belli olacak.

Son olarak; eleştirmenler ve izleyiciler tarafından birçok olumsuz eleştirinin odağı

haline geln Venom: Zehirli Öfke filmi her şeye rağmen çizgi roman ve sinema severler

tarafından büyük bir beklentiye sahip olmadan izlenmesi gereken

bir bilim kurgu-aksiyon filmi gibi duruyor… …


For more infomation >> VENOM İNCELEME [BİLGİ VİDEOSU] - Duration: 2:41.


Halloween Baking Ideas - Duration: 5:35.

Hello everybody! Welcome to the Kids Fun Show!

Halloween is coming! So we decided to prepare for you some food ideas.

Let's begin!

We hope you liked our baking!

Subscribe to our channel if you want to watch more interesting videos!

Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> Halloween Baking Ideas - Duration: 5:35.


Hills of steel BARRACUDA tank - Tanks for kids - Games bii - Duration: 15:31.

For more infomation >> Hills of steel BARRACUDA tank - Tanks for kids - Games bii - Duration: 15:31.


How to Get Long Shiny,Silky & Strong Hair/Balon Ko Mazboot & chamakdar Karne ka Tarika in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 3:32.

Subscribe to my channel & be a parts of Rani G Family

For more infomation >> How to Get Long Shiny,Silky & Strong Hair/Balon Ko Mazboot & chamakdar Karne ka Tarika in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 3:32.


Mai speaks about languages in Arabic | مي تحكي عن اللغات بالعربي - Duration: 12:52.

Hello, and welcome back to the second episode of

the record yourself challenge

I'm Mai and today we'll be

talking about



okay is... just so you don't accuse me of speaking english

okay is a very commonly used word in Arabic

a lot, or at least in Egypt

okay has become a

a word in all languages

there's a really good video about the word "okay"

made by



on Youtube by Hank Green

and also there's a channel called Vox

they also made a video on the word okay

so I'll put them in the description box so you don't tell me

it's an English word, anyway.

today we'll be talking about languages

as you guys can see, I'm back in England at the moment

and I moved back here

from Egypt, once summer ended

and now I've been here for about a week


so, yeah, during this week

I've been trying, with all my ability

to use my languages

and to improve them and study them

and to try and improve them

so I'm just going to talk you quickly through

*not so quickly

what languages I speak and/or that I study

and why

so first of all Arabic

Arabic is my mother tongue

not sure if that's the right word but yeah

my first languages

the first language I ever learned

and my trials and attempts from when

I got back to England

have been to practice the language frequently

from all sides

and to immerse myself in it

to be immersed in it

I looked up this word after the last video in the series

so yeah,

the Arabic language is the first one I learned

and it's

my second strongest spoken language

I've noticed

from the last video


that my level

isn't bad

that I'm able to speak for a while

however there's still a lot of room for improvement

I still have to try much harder

to find the right words

than in English for example


from the time I got back

I've been more surrounded

actually less surrounded by Arabic

*still struggling with the "by" equivalent in Arabic*


I'm trying more actively to immerse myself in it

and to listen to Arabic more

to subscribe and watch Arabic YouTube channels

I could even tell you about some of

these channels

they're really good to be honest

so, there's el Da7ee7

on AJ+ Arabic



El Zatoona

and, what else?

Omar Hussein (saudi speaker I can sort of understand), *Bayanola92 as well is great

Yeah, that's it for now of the people I've been watching to

so that

I can practice listening and

write down any new words I hear

ever time I encounter them,

I look them up, learn them

and use them, so

I've been doing that

this week I haven't read that much Arabic

but I have several billingual readers

so I've been reading a page in Arabic

and then I look at the English translation

so I can help myself improve my level

Haven't really been listening to much Arabic music or watching tv in Arabic but

I want to do these things more

so I can improve my language

I feel that

*stumbles on the word then corrects it* given that

this is my first week of classes

I think I've

done a good job at

using the language more often than before

and I've been calling family to practice speaking more as well

that's really helpful because I'm forced to use Arabic more often

all these things are great and I'm pleased with myself

but not too much so I keep studying

my second language

is obviously English

in English I read a lot of things, I read for university and for pleasure

and I speak in it but I've started watching less content on YouTube in English

and more in other languages

and I'm trying to

to do this more because

I really don't need to be listening to English so much

or improving my listening skills at all

so every time

I'm on the internet reading English, hearing English

that doesn't help any of my other languages

and these languages have started becoming a very important part of my life


I'm trying to reduce my consumption

my English consumption

yet I still read books in English of course

because of my studies

and because of

my interests

one of the books I've been reading recently is

How to Speak Any Language Fluently

by Alex Rawlings

this was recommended by

by Lindie Botes

here on YouTube, her channel is awesome and she

she suggests tips and books to independent language learners

I'm one of those people and I really love her channel

this book is super helpful so if you also want to learn a language,

I highly recommend this book

I'm about halfway through at the moment

and yeah, that's the book I'm currently reading

and I'm also reading

some books for university, and I can do a separate video on that if you guys want

the final language

other than English and Arabic, actually!

not the final language, the penultimate language

is Japanese,

I've been studying Japanese for a year now

a bit more than a year actually

but less than a year and a half

and over summer I had a really hard time

feeling like I was making progress in Japanese

not that I had trouble studying Japanese necessarily

but with my energy levels

in motivating myself to study

because I didn't feel like I was making progress

that's called "demotivation" in English

I'm not sure about the Arabic word

but yeah, I couldn't find the energy

to sit down and study and commit myself seriously


feeling like I was making progress

so, I took some time off

without studying Japanese, and now I've been

in the past week

from the time I got back to England,

I've been studying more Japanese

"informally", like I feel that it's informal

but to be honest I'm still studying like before

like it should still be counted as studying

so I've been doing exercises


practice exercises on an app called Lingo Deer

and it's such a good app for learning Japanese and Chinese

and for Korean *don't know the arabic word for that*

and yeah, it's a really great app

and it really helps me with grammar

more than anything else it helps me practice grammar

and it helps me as well in feeling that

I'm making progress

so that's what I've been doing for Japanese at the moment

I was thinking of taking a

Japanese course at university this year

but it turns out they don't have Japanese courses in my university

so there's a chance I might take Mandarin Chinese classes

but I still don't know because I don't want to

overload myself on languages

but I

for the next couple months

my "schedule" is not

my schedule will not be that intense

I won't have that much stuff to do for classes and stuff

so I'm considering taking Mandarin so that

I don't know, just to learn and see if I like it or not

we'll see, I'm not committing to do anything just yet

I wanted to take Japanese, they didn't have Japanese but had Mandarin so I'm considering it

My final language that I've started learning

and I should have looked it up before I started filming this video...

one second

I'm just gonna find it's name in Arabic


that's it in Arabic

I've started to learn Sanskrit

It's still very early days, so that's something that's really exciting

it's my first 5 or 6 days having started this language

the Sanskrit writing system is really beautiful

and the culture and history that comes along with it

the Sanskrit texts are fascinating and beautiful

and if you watch my channel outside of this challenge

you would know that I

I practise Yoga

quite a lot, like I do a morning practise every day

and that's something that has really improved my life a lot

and I could also make a video on that if you guys want

but, Sanskrit is the language


Yoga and the Yogic texts were written in

sorry guys, my grammar really isn't very good, but okay

so yeah, I've begun studying Sanskrit, why?

because of my interest in Yoga and

Indian culture and history

and because of my personal interests basically

that's it!

thank you for your attention if you watched all the way to the end of this video

thank you if you're subscribed to the channel

thank you to my Patrons that support what I do on here

you guys really are a great help

and I'm very thankful for your support

and let me know if you are participating in this challenge

I would love to watch your videos


let me know what videos you want to see in the future

let me know if you like this challenge

and that's it

thank you very much

I'll see you guys next month, or before then for the third video

in this record yourself challenge

okay, thank you! Peace

For more infomation >> Mai speaks about languages in Arabic | مي تحكي عن اللغات بالعربي - Duration: 12:52.


Grimy Peppa pig coloring for kids - Duration: 2:31.

Grimy Peppa pig coloring for kids

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