Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Hello my name is Razvan and welcome to my youtube channel

today I want to show you how to make this origami Versailles rose by Krystyna Burczyk

It is a very beautiful flower , easy to make

and evan you are not very good at this kind of origami , the result it is very beautiful

I use this paper rose for all my 3d origami vases and baskets

I want to thank Krystyna Burczyk for permission to do this tutorial

I have received many requests to make a tutorial for this origami flower by Krystyna Burczyk

and I hope this tutorial helps you make this beautiful paper flower

but I must mention that it is not a very good tutorial, unfortunately I have little experience in making tutorials for such origami models

if this tutorial does not help, in the description of the video is a link to a tutorial by Tadashi Mori

is a relatively easy model, and even with little experience in this kind of origami the results are very beautiful

to make this rose we will need 5 squares of paper

I usually use for these origami flowers normal printer paper 80g / sm but for this tutorial I will use a thin paper 70g / sm

if you can use special paper for origami

it's not a problem if you use 80g / sm normal printer paper, the flowers will very good

I will use this flower for a little basket , i will use only one flower and for this it will be a little larger

and I chose to make a tutorial for a larger version of this origami Versailles rose so you can see better

the dimension of this square are 15/15 cm

you can make these flowers at different sizes, everything that changes is the size of the squares of paper

first we will fold in half and we press only about 2-3 cm like this

the second step, we bring this corner on these line

the third step , we fold this corner after this line like this

next step will be a little harder , we fold on the diagonal of the square but we press only till this line here

and this point of intersection it is important

next step we will make a fold from this point of intersection and the end of this line here

we fold first these edge like this

and then we make the fold to this line here

we fold these corner

I repeat , we fold first these edge like these

we fold all these part after these line here

now we will twist these edges like these , clockwise

and we will rotate this corner in this way

now I will repeat the whole procedure without guiding lines

first we fold in two and press the paper only until these line

the petal is finish and we will need 5 petal in total

I finish all these petals and next we connect them together

we take two petals and we will connect them like this

now we take a corner from each petal (2) and we twist like this

we connect all petals in this way

we take small brush or pencil and we will twist the petals in this way

we put a some glue here on the bottom , i use a glue who dry very fast

next I will glue all these twists

the origami versailles rose is almost finish , next we twist a little bit these edges too

the origami flower is finish , a very beautiful flower evan with little experience in this type of origami

I recommend you to make a little small these flowers , 10*10cm squares are good for large vases and baskets and 7-8 cm square are good for small baskets and vases

For more infomation >> Origami Versailles rose (Krystyna Burczyk) - Duration: 21:04.



For more infomation >> HEADSHIP HEAD VURMA CHALLENGE | PES 2019 DEFENSE MAN ON THE HEAD - Duration: 11:57.


Quick Pics For Your Daily Fix ✅ Ep.12 | Funny Pics Only - Duration: 3:30.

Quick Pics For Your Daily Fix ✅ Ep.12 | Funny Pics Only

For more infomation >> Quick Pics For Your Daily Fix ✅ Ep.12 | Funny Pics Only - Duration: 3:30.


What It's Like To Lose Your Hair - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> What It's Like To Lose Your Hair - Duration: 9:45.


John Cena - "Elbow Grease" & Bringing the WWE to China | The Daily Show - Duration: 7:43.

-Thank you for being on the show. -This is great.

So good to see you again.

Congratulations on everything that you've been doing.

I honestly... When I saw that you were getting into movies,

I thought maybe that was the end of John Cena, the WWE Superstar,

but you show no signs of stopping.

Well, uh, I mean...

they just... they keep calling. I'm very grateful, man.

-Right. -I'm very thankful. Yeah.

No, uh, and-and I don't think it's the end

of John Cena in WWE, either.

-I kind of have to do a little bit of a juggling act -Uh-huh.

because the movie folks are really leery

about the insurance, but whenever I can come back...

-(Noah laughs) -Whenever I can come back to WWE,

I certainly do, so hopefully there's no time stopping.

-Right. -I love what I do, and I love going to work every day,

and I love doing stuff like this in front of people like this,

-so... -(cheering and applause)

I'm, uh, I'm enjoying myself, man.

You know, I, um, I-I always loved you on WWE,

and I remember when I met John in person.

When I met you for the first time.

I was at the MTV Awards.

-Yeah. -And I was sitting next to you at the table.

And, you know, you're sitting around people.

There's people you meet all the time in this business.

But I turn, and I was like... (gasps)

(whispers): "John Cena."

And then I was like, "I don't know what you're gonna be like."

'Cause, like, I don't know why, you just assume that everybody's

gonna, like, slam you through a table or something.

But in all honesty, you're not just

one of the nicest person I've ever met,

which is almost easy for people to do,

but you are a man of many talents and many ideas.

Like, you're teaching yourself to play the piano.

-Yeah. -That's, like, a thing that you're doing.

I'm a horrible teacher, so it's a slow process.

-But yes. -Oh, no, no. You say that. You say that,

but you also spent the last five years of your life

-teaching yourself how to speak Mandarin. -Yeah.

-Yeah, yeah. -(cheering)

-Like... -So, there's a crazy story behind that.

WWE is a global company. We're everywhere.

We're in 140 countries-- or close to 200 countries.

Like, we're across the world. We're not in China.

Uh, we were-- we were privileged enough to go to there,

uh, in 2010 to perform in Shanghai.

And I took a look around in Shanghai,

-which looks like 20 New York Cities. -Right.

I was like, "Whoa, we need to be here."

And I wondered why.

And it's just because the culture doesn't understand

what we do. And every other culture across the world

understands WWE--

good guy versus bad guy, storytelling, cheer, boo,

-whatever. They just don't get it. -Right.

And they don't get it, because they can't relate.

They have no cultural attachment.

So, after I left Shanghai,

a couple years later, we went back.

And uneventful. We had an event, but it wasn't anything special.

I'm like, "You know what, I'm going to be proactive

"about this. I'm going to start to learn to speak Mandarin.

"Because maybe if one of their top Superstars

"can actually speak the language, hopefully,

"we can bridge the cultural gap, and WWE can truly be

the global company that it says it is."

-(cheering and applause) -You see, like, that, that, to me,

-is-- -So this has kind of been an experiment

five and a half years in the making.

And I've still been failing.

We still go over there only frequently.

Every time, it gets a little bit better and a little bit better.

But this is not happening overnight.

I know it's not gonna happen tomorrow.

-I know it's not gonna happen next year. -Right.

But I continue to work at it.

Just like Elbow Grease, I never give up.

-Right. -And I continue to keep learning and learning,

not only, uh, about Mandarin but about Chinese culture.

Currently filming a mov-movie over in China

with the-the legendary Jackie Chan.

-So... -(cheering and applause)

trying, trying to, hopefully, one day--

And I-I honestly don't think I'll even see it

in my tenured lifetime in the WWE.

I think the WWE's connection with China

will be for the generation after me.

So all this work isn't even for me.

It's for the other guys, so they can go wrestle

in front of all those crazy, wonderful, uh, fantastic cities

-in China. Yeah. -Right. You see, so, this is the thing

that I-I love about John Cena is that you've always been about

self-improvement. You've always been about creating

-something new for yourself-- -Not always. There was

a weird stretch that it was not about self-improvement. That's--

-We don't talk about that time. -You're like, "That time.

"We don't speak about that time. We don't speak about that time,

-Trevor." But that's what this book is about. -Yeah.

-John Cena has written a book. If John Cena wrote a book, -Yes.

in my head, it was always gonna be about something that involved

lifting weights or working out.

But this is an inspirational book

and it's a kids' book and it's really great.

It's called Elbow Grease,

and it's a story of a-a little monster truck

-who is in a family of monster trucks, -Mm-hmm.

and this little dude gets laughed it

because he's a small monster truck and he's electric.

And you-you grew up in a family of brothers.

-Were you the little one? -Uh, believe it or not,

-we were all pretty even. Yes. I have-- -Wow.

-Just, like, a family of yous? -I have-- I have four brothers,

and there is a family of me's. And we're very close in age.

And there was a time period

before I really started-started getting into physical fitness

that any fight was a coin flip. And there were tons of fights

and I got my ass kicked and I did pretty good.

But it was like, when a fight started,

you just kind of ducked for cover

-and hoped you came out on top. Yeah. -Right.

And-and th-this story's really cool,

because, when I started reading it, I was like, "Oh,

"it's just gonna be a simple story about, like,

this monster truck trying to find himself in life."

But I-- I know this sounds crazy,

but you-you dig deep,

-and, like, there's, like, some emotional stuff in here, -Yeah.

-where you're like... You know when you're reading a book -Yes.

as an adult and you're like, "This is for the kids."

And then-- and you're like, "Shut up, kid.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on.

"This is painful. This is powerful."

Like, th-there's themes in here about being different.

There's things about being bullied as well. There's, like--

-there's-- You-you made sure-- Right. -Embracing failure.

There's a sentence in there, specifically, that says,

"If you only do things you're good at,

you'll never learn anything." And just one blurb.

And it's a two-page spread.

And it's just the one blurb on the two pages.

"If you only stick to things you're good at,

you'll never learn anything."

-(applause and cheering) -So, just one... That's one instance.

And that's something that, like, as an adult,

you can be like, "Yeah, that's a...

"Yeah, that was a good idea.

Yeah. All right." So...

You as John Cena don't seem like somebody

who has ever had to worry about being bullied.

-You don't seem like somebody... -Are you kidding me, dude?

Come on. Look at this. See all this?

I usually have, like, a sweet, $12 fade,

and I grew this, uh, pompadour thing out

that's... that's...

It's here, but it's certainly not here.

And, uh, the Internet has had a field...

This is just the most recent reason

-I've been T'd off on. -Right.

Like, I get T'd off on the regular, which is great,

-because you do stuff like this for young readers... -Right.

...and you meet a lot of young people.

And, man, being a young person

and being an adolescent is extremely difficult,

because I remember when I was in junior high,

if I wore the wrong shirt to school,

like, the school laughed at you,

and you're like, "My life is ruined!"

Now the world can laugh at you.

And, like, as a kid, I don't know how you handle it...

-Right, right, right. -...'cause as a 41-year-old,

I'm like, (laughing): "That's funny."


(Noah laughs, laughter)

And you know that's true. That happens to people online.

You read through the stuff, and it starts digging in.

No, it's tough. It's tough out there.

But you wouldn't think you would go through that, as well.

All the time.

I'm, like, the most hated personality on WWE television.

It's been the whole... the whole...

And the most loved, though, don't you think?

Yeah, so that's what's weird, and that's also

why I continue... Like, that support system.

And for everybody who's ever, uh, uh, supported me out there,

I really want to say thank you, because it's-it's...

-It's gotten me through a lot of tough times. -Right.

Like, a lot of tough, sticky situations

of being bullied and facing negativity.

But it's stories like,

"Hey, man, you inspired my son to never give up."

Or I met a young reader today that said "You're the reason..."

(applause and cheering)

"You're the reason

"I tell my opponents 'Good game' after every match,

"because I want to show them the respect..."

Right. Right, right, right, right.

"...because of being and hustle, loyalty respect."

So, to hear little things like that, it's, like,

it makes it all worth it.

So, I get bullied all the time, which is great,

because when young readers are like,

"No, you're John Cena. Nothing's wrong,"

I literally can tell them that.

And it's awesome, because it plays out in WWE.

So I can say, "Hey, remember the match I had with so-and-so?"

-Right. -"Remember listening to the crowd,

where half of 'em liked me, and half of 'em...?"

And you can see their eyes go, "Yeah, that's crazy."

So you can relate to them on that level and kind of...

I can bestow upon them, like, "Hey, man,

"just be true to yourself, and as long

"as you're comfortable in your own skin,

"those people are suffering from problems that they have,

and don't pay any attention to it." So it's really cool...

(applause and cheering) be able to send a message like that.

This has been one of the most uplifting conversations

and interviews I've had. Thank you so much

-for being on the show, my friend. -Yes.

I hope I can come back. I hope I didn't ruin it, guys.

-I hope I can come back. -Are you kidding me? Any...

What? Ruin it? You made it the best thing ever.

(applause and cheering)

Elbow Grease is available now.

You want to read it, and then you can give it to your kids.

John Cena, everybody.

For more infomation >> John Cena - "Elbow Grease" & Bringing the WWE to China | The Daily Show - Duration: 7:43.


Steven Makes Andrew In The Sims 4 - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> Steven Makes Andrew In The Sims 4 - Duration: 11:18.


Rowerem przez wyspę Mindoro. (Filipiny #2) - Duration: 12:23.

Tell us how you feel

Quite fine

but we could've had a bigger breakfast

probably we will stop for food in 3 kilometres

There is nothing out there for another 40...


I didn't see any villages on the map

That as it, the end of the village

It's so nice that there is no traffic around here


The 7th larges island of Philippines

with a population exceeding 1 million

living at 10,000 square kilometres

It's often forgotten by tourists

with it's rich fauna and flora

such as the Apo reef - one of the most beautiful coral reefs of Philippines

or mount Halcon, 2586 metres above the sea level.

The island was once called Mair or Mina de Oro

the gold mine

There were no big deposits found

but it still was a trading hub for silk, pearl, hold and turtle shells

The tribes of Mindoro were completely peaceful, any before colonisation they had no warriors or aggression

Their way of life didn't save them from Spanish

which forced them to run deeper into the land in search of peace

For more infomation >> Rowerem przez wyspę Mindoro. (Filipiny #2) - Duration: 12:23.


Vatan Nöbeti | Kısa Flim - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Vatan Nöbeti | Kısa Flim - Duration: 3:35.


DIY How To Chocolate Cake Decorating Videos - The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video 2018 - Duration: 10:25.

The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video 2018

For more infomation >> DIY How To Chocolate Cake Decorating Videos - The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video 2018 - Duration: 10:25.


Am mancat BROASTE! (North Korea travel vlog 2018) - Duration: 8:49.

I did not sleep all night

because of mosquitoes and thoughts.

That's how my journey begins, from Romania to North Korea!

After that, I went to the airport.

But wait to see what had happened there.

At the airport I made my own check-in

and after that, what did I do?

I went to the security check queue.

Where they check your hand luggage.

Just that, I had also my checked baggage, with me!

Because I was so tired and confused, that I forgot, that I had to hand over my checked baggage!

Luckily, an airport worker caught my attention that i'm sitting at the wrong queue

and he guided me at which desk to go to hand over the baggage.

I did that.

I went at desk, I handed my luggage

after which, I passed the security check and went to the boarding gate.

After an hour and a half flight, i arrived in Vienna.

I stayed there about four hours.

During this time, I made a live on youtube,

and lost time on the internet.

Then I had the flight, more than 9 hours, from Vienna directly to Beijing.

where I landed in the morning at 05 AM

From the airport i went to the tour operator office,

where I had a final briefing before departure,

then we went in small group, of about 7 people,

to the Beijing train station.

There are four train stations in Beijing.

The train station from where we departure is called Beijing South Railway Station.

A big station, very crowded, as you can see.

What I liked the most,

something I already knew,

It's that they have security check at the entrance, just like at the airport.

So, it is very safe to travel by train, in China, because

no bomb can pass through the entrance.

After spending a few hours in the train station, we boarded the high-speed train to Dandong.

Where we arrived, after about 6 hours of travel, at 20:15 PM.

But just wait to see what happened there.

On arrival, we supposed to meet with a man of the agency.

We went out in front of the train station,

and we stayed, and waited, and waited...

and nobody came.

What to do?!

We were lucky with a member of the group

who wrote a message to the agency owner,

told her that no one came for us,

the owner of the agency replied back and told us that

we would meet with the agency man tomorrow morning

and we have to go to the hotel that is right next to the train station

where we already have reservations made.

and with the agency man we'll meet next day, in the morning.

Ok, we did that.

We went to the hotel and checked in.

The accommodation was relatively ok, from my point of view.

If you ask the other members of the group, you will find other opinions.

Some of them had bad rooms.

Because it was pretty dirty.

The room I was sleeping in, was relatively ok.

It was ok for one night.


After we checked in, we went out to take a walk and visit the city,

the tourist attractions,

and we really wanted to see the Broken Bridge.

Because it's an important landmark in Dandong

It was a bridge that makes passage between China and North Korea,

and which was bombed by the Americans during the war,

so that the Chinese troops could no longer reach to Korea.

And since then it has stayed like this, destroyed in half

and it's an interesting landmark to see.

Because it was night, I did not see it very well,

but that's how it looks.

The next day, when we crossed with the train, on the bridge parallel to it, I could see it very well

and it looks interesting.

After seeing the bridge, we searched for a place to eat.

And we searched quite a bit,

because it was 22 PM,

and most of the restaurants were closed.

Finally we managed to find an open restaurant,

where we were able to order what we wanted, because the menu had pictures,

and then, they started to bring us the food.

and it was very interesting and special food.

Of course, we had beer

and I tried to eat with the chopsticks, and the food seemed to me

The food kept coming, and we eat very interesting food,

and, finally, came the main course, namely frogs meat!

Do you like how it looks?

Just you know that it tastes very good!

Look at me, how I ate frog meat!

which was very hot.

but very tasty.

I was very pleased.

We continued to eat,

to feel good,

to drink beer,

then began the karaoke.

Some of the clients started singing and the atmosphere was really good.

Some people came and took pictures with us,

even the owner of the restaurant,

came and drank with us, and took pictures,

and we had a very nice evening!

After that, we went back to hotel and go to sleep,

because next day, our adventure to North Korea, begun.

But, how it was our journey from Dandong to North Korea,

what happened at the border and how it was our first day there,

you'll see in the next vlog.

So, stay tuned and don't change the channel.

I am Adi vlog.

This was the today's vlog.

Kiss-kiss and goodbye.

Pam Pam

If you're new here,

then don't forget that before you leave,

hit the SUBSCRIBE button,

so to have what to watch next!

For more infomation >> Am mancat BROASTE! (North Korea travel vlog 2018) - Duration: 8:49.


Indien Rundreise Doku #6, Jodhpur, Mehrangarh-Fort in 4K Ultra Hd - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Indien Rundreise Doku #6, Jodhpur, Mehrangarh-Fort in 4K Ultra Hd - Duration: 9:21.


Omega Arms P12 - Budget Shotgun - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Omega Arms P12 - Budget Shotgun - Duration: 8:13.


Stock Market News – Oct 8-12, 2018 : S&P -4.10%, DOW -4.19%, NAS -3.74%, RUS -5.23%, FI -4.36% - Duration: 22:02.

hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor channel my

name is Brent and today we're going to be doing our stock market weekly recap

for October 8th through the 12th we're going to be discussing last week's

changes at the market we're gonna take a look at this week's changes as far as

the four main indexes my portfolio changes for the week take a look at some

stock futures some of the most active stocks here in the after-hours then go

over a bunch of stocks that were discussed in the market stocks that are

bankrupting stocks that beat their revenue stocks that were upgrading this

week and talk a little about some financials I know Friday some financial

start of the report so we'll discuss a few of those and then we're gonna go

ahead and end it talking about oil silver gold bonds and the new yield so

that's what's in store for today if you are brand new to the channel I do make

stock market personal finances and real estate investment videos weekly

so consider subscribing for future videos so I have a playlist on my

youtube channel called the stock market weekly recaps here I can visually just

look at the playlist and say okay over these last two weeks

last week was pretty negative but before last week we had some mixed signals

prior to that you know pretty much everything here was almost in line for

the last few weeks so we can see positive positive little mix here but at

least it was flat almost across the board

you know sp500 flat and Nasdaq was basically fat Dow Jones and Russell

looks like they gained a little bit there I got a stuff using red besides

red and green or like my ones I got a just primarily used for ups and downs

but these last few weeks have been mixed the Dow Jones was up 2.25 whereas the SP

was only up point 8 5 the NASDAQ and the Russell were in the red so just the last

couple weeks have been a little bit of a mixed market there last week we started

to see a little bit of a fall going into the negative for the first time SP down

point 9 7 Dow Jones down point 0 for Nasdaq down three point two one the

Russell fell three point eight and then my portfolio had fell by four point four

three so this week you know we all took a little bit of harder hit

going over quickly what was posted on my Facebook page this is the only thing I'm

gonna try and show with you guys is that revenues gonna play a huge part going

into earnings season for towards the end of the year as interest rates are rising

the dollar is kitty and stronger debt is getting more expensive if companies are

not able to raise their revenue by at least five percent or more over the last

year maybe even more and you can see here Delta I thought this was

interesting Delta was able to rise they raised their revenue by 8% you know this

was all driven by strong demand and surge in premium ticket sales whereas

oil prices are rising they were able to offset that by increasing their their

ticket sales you know their premium ticket sales so look for revenue make

sure if you are holding individual stocks make sure that they are you know

they have good financials behind them so Friday earnings we're gonna be

discussing a few of these we had first republic' before the market opens

Citigroup JP Morgan Wells Fargo PNC I know PNC that one tanked this morning

down I believe five or six percent I'm not gonna discuss this one too much but

JP Morgan Wells Fargo Citigroup those are some of the ones that I generally

track as far as the financials go so yeah JP Morgan they beat revenue by five

percent on the year here on a year but they still they you know they went up

slightly towards the beginning the day and then trailed off and lost like a

percent by the end of the day so pretty interesting there I made a couple buys

today on Friday so let's go ahead and talk about the markets the S&P 500 rose

up 1.4 2% on Friday you know out of the five days up or down four point 10

percent it basically lost half of what it had you know over half of what it had

actually made here today here today up 3.5% the Dow Jones three out of the five

days negative this drove down the Dow Jones down four point one eight people

are making such a huge deal on Wednesday and Thursday you know I put out videos

on these days I like to track these days for historical reference any time the

markets as a whole full more than a point and a half or two

points in each index I'll try and make a video to kind of record it for

historical reference and put it into a playlist but we did have a bounce-back

on Friday I believe we're settling I was able to buy some shares on the dip on

Friday so I thought that was a great buying opportunity

so Dow Jones down 4.19 year-to-date still up two point five one theme Nasdaq

sold off you know it was actually much worse than this just over the last few

days but due to Friday's nice little bounce back now down three point seven

for year-to-date still up eight point six percent the Russell 2000 lost the

most out of the five days here down five point two three percent you know that

here in the nation's getting more expensive raising rates tariffs not only

affecting overseas over in China but also affecting local jobs companies that

use those materials that are gonna get tariffed and hit hard

Boeing let's see here we had triple them I know a lot of companies here and my

portfolio have been kind of hammered with in my wife's Roth IRA I believe

she's she may be in the positive right now after the Friday bounce-back but she

had lost a good portion of what she had made year-to-date which is you know it's

fine just cheaper cheaper stocks out their current stock futures are

currently looking positive going to Monday

Monday's usually a negative day but we have so much negativity behind us that I

believe Friday we're gonna be going pretty good forward we've had Friday

Friday we had a couple financials do their earnings

we're expecting I believe around 90 stocks doing earnings the one I'm

watching for is Kimberly Clark I believe they're gonna do good

this is one of the ones that my wife's Roth IRA and you know shareholder there

but you know I think it's gonna be pretty decent one here S&P 500 you know

we've already kind of going over the stock futures

some of the most active stocks here very little here in the negative everything's

pretty positive Apple continuing to move positive in the after-hours Microsoft

took a huge hit this week I know a couple my friends own Microsoft Intel

moving a positive AMD AT&T Comcast serious logic that's not serious logic

serious Holdings Qualcomm coca-cola so

interesting stocks I know a lot of investors out there we're looking at

DuPont and triple-m of the dividend investors so interesting we're seeing a

lot of positive movement here in the after-hours so going into Monday you're

gonna see some stocks that jump have jumped up over the over the weekend here

so first doc Joe electric they started off very strong this Monday up three

point two six percent this is because they were upgraded you know they got a

brand new CEO over there they actually decided to hold off on their earnings

releasing their earnings due to that new CEO get in and check you know into the

seat so they did fall a bit further on Thursday and Friday I believe that was

due in part to them not doing their revenue they wanted to have him kind of

look over it but they were upgraded to a price target of around $16 so we'll see

how that kind of goes throughout time by churner electric currently five day down

6.53 here to date down nearly 30 percent Walmart was also in the news I know I

posted about it over here on my Facebook page somewhere along there Walmart this

week they came out Monday saying hey we're gonna be partnering with our

partnered with MGM studios they're gonna be producing content for a video which

one of their streaming services that they've owned for a few years their

partnership is gonna try and produce the content on Vudu that's gonna be able to

try and hopefully compete with Netflix and Hulu and all those streaming

services out there so that really help warm our hair at the beginning of the

week but towards the end of the week as this sell-off on Wednesday and Thursday

took place the Walmart did sell-off but look at this five-day change up still

one point six one percent you're today Walmart is down three point nine nine

percent next we have Tesla Tuesday you know Tesla's shares popped up on you

know Tuesday by four point eight nine percent it was upgraded here to a price

target of four hundred and thirty dollars a share you know a analyst came

out saying hey you know Tesla has the ability to disrupt the tech sector here

for these automative AI cars you know they they're seeing some confidence here

just with the ability it's like Apple back in the past

motorola used to be the boss Apple came out with these smartphones back in

2008-2009 and they just kind of changed the world I believe that's what tez is

gonna be doing to the electric car it's gonna take a few years

it's not gonna be overnight but you're gonna see Tesla

I think Tesla will continue to trade higher that 430 dollars a share that

could be quite expensive but you know prior to Elon Musk you know he's gonna

be taking the company private at 420 it was very close just 20% off of there so

I could see I can see Tesla moving at least the 430 within the next six months

to a year you know or longer you know somewhere within that range I can see

that next we have Delta Airlines we talked a little bit about Delta Airlines

this week they released our earnings on Thursday better than expected you know

revenue was up nine percent year-over-year they popped nearly three

three and a quarter three and a half percent there they beat earnings of

around $1 80 per share which beat expectations they also be revenue by

about a hundred million dollars causing the company in to you know they're

increasing their guidance and the revenue numbers which this is what

everyone's kind of looking at as a whole they want to see that companies are

beating revenue because these high interest rates they want companies to

you know put their guidance forward as having higher revenue if companies come

out and say hey you know we're lowering our revenue numbers they're gonna get

hit pretty hard you know at least five or ten percent that's my opinion there

so next we have square square was a bloody mess this week you know CFO

announced that he would be leaving the company by the year end and the shares

just plummeted losing you know 21.4% here just within the last five days and

if we go back over the last you know a couple you know two weeks if we take a

look here just of the last two weeks here why is this taking forever

there it goes okay so this whole downtrend started at nearly $100 a share

and it's now trading at 73 dollars a share so that's a huge cut that's nearly

a 35 percent cut if not more that's more you know basically a hundred minus

thirty five percent that would actually put you at seven

five but this is a little bit more so definitely hurt square a lot of

investors that I saw were hay squares hitting all-time highs you know it was

on the news as having jumped up so high and you could see the by volume here it

was pretty high going up so all of those that kind of held it on the way down

that's unfortunate so five-day change down 21.4 year to

date still up one hundred and thirteen point three five but anyone that bought

it on the hype got slammed here we have Sears Sears announced this week or one

of these other weeks that they're going to be basically firing for bankruptcy

you know their stocks continue to sell off there you've kind of begun to skip

paying out their vendors so 5d change Sears down thirty five point six this

thing is basically trading at nearly nothing at forty cents a share down

eighty eight point six three percent here today so go back here it's a date

they started off at nearly you know a little over three dollars you're this

year there's a huge sell-off look at these spikes here huge sell-off spread

around in May huge sell-off dry dry in that stock price down then another huge

sell-off just recently here driving their stock way below a dollar so I

don't know who would be holding series at this point but definitely hurtful so

next we're going into our financials taking a look at the banking sector

let's go ahead and just look at the banking sector really quick before we

jump over into the financial so the financials that sell-off five point six

one percent this did cause them to go down to near their 200-day moving

average going forward I believe they're near the 200-day moving average actually

I'm not 100% sure they're I would have to check that on a score but your today

financials are beginning to do their earnings a couple you know five or six

of them we talked about over on Facebook are doing it here on Friday JP Morgan

Citigroup Wells Fargo and a few others there were announcing all pre market

well you know mainly the one I was tracking with JP Morgan which did do

well it moved up here and positive in the morning but dead trend lower through

the day ending in the negative by down zero four so not a huge loss on the day

but throughout the week JP Morgan lost six point six nine percent just within

the last five days this is one I did pick up on

I believe I either picked it up last week or I picked it up this week but you

know it's unfortunate that I jumped into it and I got hit but you know disclaimer

I owe JP Morgan your today only a point zero one this one was the leader of the

financials it was up nearly ten percent I bought it on that dip after it came

out with a lawsuit see how it goes in the future here Citigroup also announced

earnings so Citigroup closed down point zero nine so they released her earnings

as well coming in better than expected the company said that bond trading

revenue was a big supporter along with consumer banking businesses so they're

hoping the reducer offering expenses and keep their margins in check which is

what mark you know that's what Wall Street wants to hear they want to see

that they're gonna be able to keep their expenses low right raising their

revenues and we'll kind of see how it kinda goes forward about five-day change

down three point five six percent you're today down six point 14 while spargle

was another one here that announced earnings I'm really surprised at of JP

Morgan and JP Morgan and Citigroup that Wells Fargo is the one here that's

actually positive that can just be due to them being already down fourteen

percent on the year but Friday Wells Fargo announced that they you know

they came out with mixed earnings their revenue came up better than expected and

that they were doing some layoffs they were cutting some cost to help their

overall margins which was you know what kind of help them out there I don't know

how this company does so well in the public light I know they get hit with

lawsuits all the time signing up there comes their members for on all sort of

unnecessary products and funds and such so but interesting Wells Fargo up 0.36

on the day five day changed down only down to point zero three

so interests in their berkshire hathaway this one got slammed here recently down

five point seven seven percent on the only week wednesday you know this one

was already training at near highs and I thought this is kind of an

interesting one it is part of the financials if you take a look at Excel F

it's one of their main portfolio weights at twelve point seven four but it just

has got hammered recently look at this they went from nearly a two hundred and

maybe two hundred and thirty to twenty something so very high and currently

trading at two hundred and six dollars and eighty cents so interesting one

they're going in the home builders homes continue to kind of this is just this

funny ETF home builders ETF down six point two one percent to 4 percent not a

whole lot of news around that I know people are still worried some of how

these rate you know raising rates will affect the housing market I know you

know I work at a credit union we're not seeing a whole lot of people doing read

finances we're still suing seeing people do mortgages mortgages have kind of came

down but they're not usually the bread and butter of any sort of financial

institution their bread and butter are their payday loans their car loans

they're you know you know there's other like the little mini loans the people

aren't afraid to take out debt on a fifteen twenty thousand dollar car so

people are loading up consumers are loading up on all this debt and you know

we're switching out we're gonna be doing some payday loans and you know helping

people pay off their debt I thought that was kind of interesting and then we had

Citigroup we already talked about Citigroup so oil here oh it was you know

Wednesday sold off you can go ahead and pause the video take a look at this but

basically you know Wednesday stop the oil sold off your own Wednesday it was

down like two 0.78% and then fell an additional two point

eight percent on Thursday continue to fall slightly here on Friday it did pop

up in the early morning but that should then kind of continue to trail down and

ended basically flat on the day down point zero three dollar getting a little

bit stronger it was at ninety four twenty some I believe last week that is

now training at ninety five twenty three actually it looks like it may have came

down so interesting one there to watch normally if the dollar is getting

stronger you can see that kind of silver and gold kind

bounced back but this marked this this week with the market the way it was

people were really discussing moving in the silver and gold I still don't I

wouldn't buy it it's kind of like a dead asset you know it's like paper or I'm

not paper it's like money you know it doesn't really make you a whole lot you

can hold it and you know I don't know where the bottom is out on this it has

basically it feels like it hit bottom just a few months ago down here in this

range through September but it could you know it could come back we don't really

know if it's stabilized or not right now as the markets kind of selling off

people have been moving here to gold you can see gold on Thursday jumped up two

point five seven percent silver on the on Thursday as well jumped up one point

six four percent I know a lot of investors were discussing silver and

gold here on the Facebook groups that I'm involved in so I thought was kind of

interesting to kind of see people mention it and kind of saying hey I'm

buying gold and silver is anybody else doing this and everybody's like no I'd

rather keeping my dividend stocks and so I was just a little trip there

Vanguard buns you know people are buying up these bonds with these rates you know

yields of 3.27 I think was a high three point two two years where it closed on

Thursday three point two three point one four is where it's currently at on

Thursday night it closed at three point one three on Wednesday night it closed

around three point two two so it was at three point two seven during Wednesday

its trading day so kind of interesting there so that is basically all I wanted

to go over in today's weekly recap going over you know again we went over general

electric Walmart Tesla Delta Airlines Square Sears going bankrupt a couple of

financials that did earnings this week you know I actually picked up some

shares this week I bought Berkshire Hathaway here if we flip back over the

Berkshire Hathaway I saw you know I sold off a little bit of my shares of Apple

because my IRA is pretty consolidated as far as Apple I had 40 45 shares of Apple

which is basically my entire IRA I decided hey I want to go ahead and take

it prophets move it elsewhere so I sold off

my gains for Apple and moved them into Berkshire Hathaway at two hundred and

five dollars or wherever my screenshots app here two hundred and five dollars

and five cents a few times and then two hundred and five dollars on the spot so

I was able to kind of lock in there Berkshire Hathaway did do a bit of a

bump but no biggie over the short term we'll see how it

kind of plays out Berkshire Hathaway you know it's Walmart it's Warren Buffett's

baby there so that is it for the that is it for this week's video hopefully you

guys did enjoy it if you guys learn something you talking about Joe Electric

Walmart Tesla the financials and such let me know in the comment section below

if you guys have any stocks that you guys are watching let me know in the

comment section below as well I know earnings season is coming up

pretty big next week if you head over and type in earnings I can spell it

right yeah whoo why am I using being yeah whoo means interesting there here

we can take a look take a look at the earnings going into next week so Monday

I don't know why it only says for earnings there's much more earnings than

that so this could be completely off I know oh we're on what's next week 15 oh

there we go that that still seems slightly off so maybe here it's kind of

going weird anyways that is it for today's video I don't want to take too

much of your time looking around and getting lost so if you guys did enjoy

the video give any thumbs up button below share with your friends family

other social media platforms and if you are brand new to the channel hit the

subscribe button I make personal finance real estate and

stock market videos every single week thank you guys for tuning in I will see

you next time have a great day bye

For more infomation >> Stock Market News – Oct 8-12, 2018 : S&P -4.10%, DOW -4.19%, NAS -3.74%, RUS -5.23%, FI -4.36% - Duration: 22:02.


America the Beautiful - Donald Trump - Duration: 3:03.

I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential

election if I win. I'm also honored to have the greatest temperament that

anybody has. I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I

wouldn't lose any voters okay it's like incredible. Would I approve

waterboarding? You bet your ass I'd approve it, you bet your ass. In a

heartbeat. What's the difference between a wet raccoon and Donald J Trump's hair?

A wet raccoon doesn't have 7 billion fucking dollars in the bank. He referred

to my hands- if they're small something else must be small. I guarantee you

there's no problem. I guarantee. He was saying that China has total respect for

Donald Trump and for Donald Trump's very very large...brain. I'm speaking with

myself number one because I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things.

My administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the

history of our country... America's... so true.

Didn't expect that reaction but that's okay. Nobody knows the system better than

me, which is why I alone can fix it! I'm

actually a modest person, very modest. It's true. In fact many people tell me that

modesty is perhaps my best quality. Nobody has more respect for women than I

do, nobody. If Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps

I'd be dating her. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved in her like a

bitch. And when your star they let you do it. You can do anything, whatever you want-

grab them by the pussy. This was locker room talk. When Mexico sends its people,

they're not sending their best. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime,

their rapists. We're gonna build the wall, we have no choice, we have no choice. [cheering, crowd chanting "build that wall"]

[President Trump joins in on the chanting- "Build that wall!"]

[chanting continues]

For more infomation >> America the Beautiful - Donald Trump - Duration: 3:03.


Korean style cauliflower - Spicy salad recipe ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 3:34.

Hello! My name is Elena Bazhenova.

I am glad to welcome you at my kitchen!

Increasingly, new dishes from ordinary foods appear on our table, but pickled by a special method.

Korean-style Cauliflower is exactly that option.

You can cook it in just a few hours and the tasty salad will delight your guests.

For the recipe, we take: 700g cauliflower, 300 ml water, 1 carrot, 2 cloves garlic,

1/2 tbsp salt, 60 g sugar, 1/2 tsp ground coriander, 30 ml vegetable oil, 25 ml 9% vinegar.

Trim the cauliflower and divide into small florets.

Dip the cauliflower in boiling water.

Boil the cauliflower for 3-5 minutes.

Place the cauliflower into a colander.

Leave to drain.

Grate the carrots on a special grater for Korean carrots.

Put the cauliflower to the carrot.

Add coriander here.

Crush the garlic using the garlic press.

Add ground peppercorns.

You can add a little more garlic, nutmeg.

Now make the marinade.

Pour the water into a pot.

Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil.

Turn on the heat and bring to a boil.

The marinad`s boiled. Add the vinegar.

Bring to a boil again. Turn off the heat.

Pour the boiling marinade to the vegetables.


Cover and leave for 3 hours, better for all night.

It took 3 hours.

Let's see what we did.

Aroma of Korean-style salad.

Mix well.

The salad can be served to the table.

Serve chilled; store in the refrigerator.

Decorate with a parsley.

If you liked this recipe - subscribe to my channel. Do not forget to click on bell.

Cook with pleasure and enjoy!


For more infomation >> Korean style cauliflower - Spicy salad recipe ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 3:34.


Chicken Feet Recipe (Filipino Food) - Duration: 3:06.

Today we're gonna show you how to cook a Adidas, and no we're not talking about the sportswear brand. We're talking chicken feet!

Usually Filipinos like to cook adidas in an adobo sauce.

But today we'll be cooking them in a sauce that has more of a Chinese influence.

For this recipe, we'll first need to prepare a pound to a pound and a half of chicken feet.

Using a meat cleaver chop off all of the tips of the fingers of the chicken feet so that the nails are completely removed.

We found that spreading the actual fingers makes them a little easier to chop.

Just to be careful not to chop your own and take your time if you need to.

Once you're done giving your chicken feet a manicure, place them into a pot.

The purpose of this next step is to kind of cleanse the chicken feet of any impurities.

Next add in half a tablespoon of salt,

1/4 cup of ginger and just enough water to fully submerge all the ingredients.

Afterwards cover your pot and boil everything for 15 minutes.

When it's done boiling

carefully remove just the chicken feet out of the pot.

At this point it's time to start cooking.

In a new pot first drop in one bunch of green onions.

Followed by one star anise and three slices of ginger.

Then place your chicken feet right on top.

Next pour in 1/3 cup of soy sauce,

1/4 cup of sherry cooking wine,

1/4 cup of brown sugar,

and 4 cups of chicken stock.

Cover your pot and simmer for about 2 hours.

Every 30 to 45 minutes or so. You'll want to give it a little stir and check to see that the sauce is thickening.

In our case, we ended up just removing the lid an hour or so in

just so we could thicken the sauce a little bit more.

After it's done cooking,

the chicken feet should have a nice brownish color to them from the sauce. If you've never eaten chicken feet before,

at this point you might be thinking how the heck do you eat these?

Adidas can be eaten with white rice, but you can also just snack on them as.

What I like to do is just take one chicken foot and bite as many of the fingers off as I can, bone and all.

Then what you want to do is try to suck all of the meat off the bones.

It takes a little bit of practice,

but once you have it down,

you should be able to just spit out all the bones leaving all the meat in your mouth to gobble up.

My favorite part is the palm of the chicken foot because it contains the most meat and is the easiest part to eat.

All you have to do is bite it off. And that's how you eat chicken feet! It's talagang tasty...if you're into it.

For more infomation >> Chicken Feet Recipe (Filipino Food) - Duration: 3:06.


Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones | Story Trailer [FNaF Web Series] - Duration: 1:41.

All right, listen up

First of all, thank you all for volunteering to this mission

You know the risks of this operation

Our target is William Afton

His present location is somewhere in "Fazbear's World" amusement park

Mission is simple

We enter and take him out

Secret4Studio Presents

What the heck happened here...

There should be hundreds of people in this theme park right now…

This Halloween

Hey! Don't be afraid

I am not going to hurt you…

Will be revealed

And where are all the others? Do you know what happened to them?

They… They were taken by them…

This Halloween


Thanks to Fiona's report

The final battle

We do know now

Between Good and Evil

That we will be dealing with the force that is ready and willing to fight

So get ready for the worst

Will be fought

Your worst nightmare

Will come to life

Thank you for watching our video

And if you like our videos then please don't forget to click the like and subscribe buttons

You may also support us on patreon if you wish our project to grow bigger

For more infomation >> Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones | Story Trailer [FNaF Web Series] - Duration: 1:41.


The Try Guys Try The World's Grossest Alcohols - Duration: 10:27.

(violent retching) (yelling)

- [Eugene] Wait, swallow it.

Wow. (smacks lips)

- It's 9:00am and we are gonna get drunk. (laughs)

- Today we are trying the grossest alcohol

the world has to offer.

- Eww.

- Anything could be in these drinks.

- We're not gonna know, and we're gonna have

to guess after we taste them.

- Early trigger warning, if you don't wanna see vomit,


(upbeat music)

- [Zach] Hot Mexican Hooker.

- I can smell the tequila from here.

I'm gonna guess that part

is the Mexican. (bell dings)

- I am detecting some, like, spice here.

- Is there hot sauce in this?

(bell dings) - [Both] Yep.

(swing music)

(glasses thunk)

- I was-- (retches)

(laughing) - Looking at your face.

- Eww.



- Whoever thought of tequila and was like,

you know what this needs?

More spice.

- There a very confusing burn on the back of my throat.

- I barely sipped it and it still made me gag, hard.

- I don't think this is all that bad.

It tastes like what you would find

on the bottom of the tray at a bar after--

- Like, nasty dish washing juice?

- Yeah, it tastes like dish washing liquor.

- What would make this drink a sex worker?

- Hah, well, there's a fishy smell to it.

- No.

- Yeah.

- No. - Yeah.

- Tuna juice. - Tuna juice!

(bell dings) (clapping)

- Tuna juice?

- Yeah.

- Why is it a-- Oh.

That's why they call it a hooker.

- [Ned] It's called a Cement Mixer?

- Cement Mixer.

So this shoots first, but you don't swallow it,

and then this you put in second, you mix it in your mouth,

and then you swallow it together.

- You've heard of this?

- Yeah.

- What is it?

It 's an acid and a base.

The idea is, these are going to curdle upon meeting.

So, like cement, you have things that are not congealed,

and then you combine them, and they become thick.

- This is definitely like a chocolatey liqueur,

like, sweet thing, and this is like the sourest,

nastiest weird thing. - Oooh.

- Lime? - Is this lime juice?

(bell dings) Key lime juice.

We are dressed so well for this.

- 99.9% sure this is either Bailey's or Kahlua.

- [Ned] Yeah. (bell dings)

- I'm gonna take a dairy pill.

I know it doesn't really help you,

but do you want one anyway? - Just give it to me, yeah.

- It couldn't hurt.

- Hit me up, bro. - There ya go.

- All right! - Okay.

- Let's mix some cement!

- So, don't swallow it yet, though.

So here we go. - Oh, yeah.

I never swallow. (laughs)

(funky music)

(dramatic orchestral music) (yelling)

- It got chunky! (yells)

- Wow. (laughs)

Wait, swallow it.

(violent yelling)

Swallow it, swallow it! (retches)

- I felt it, there were chunks in my mouth.

They weren't chunks before, then all the sudden,

they were like little Boba balls.

- The minute it went into my mouth,

it turned into cottage cheese.

- Oh.

- Why do we drink milk? (fist banging)

(loud burp)

- You're the lime juice to my Bailey's.

Individually, we're great, but together,

we're terrible. - We're clumpy.



- This is like those pictures

that they show you that tell you not to smoke.

- That's not whipped cream?

Tell me its whipped cream.

- [Camera Man] No, that's mayonnaise, and it's--

- Is this Jager?

- [Producer] Yes. (bell dings)

- Oh, that's what it is, yes.

I know my Jager, y'all.

I didn't even have to taste it.

- It's kinda like reading tea leaves,

and our future looks bad.

- This was invented by that friend in college

who just never graduated.

- Uh, I like mayo.

- Mayo gets a bad wrap, you know?

- Yeah, well, here's the-- - You know, mayo's--

You just call it aioli. - Call it aioli.

- Everyone loves it. - Everyone's like, oh,

I love aioli. - I love aioli.

Ugh, I don't care for mayo.

- I don't like too much mayonnaise, but aioli?

I love a good aioli.

(glasses clink)

- [Both] Cheers.

(glasses thud on table)

- (groans) What a texture!


- D'oh, my God.

Oh, my good, sweet Lord.

- This mouth is really coming in handy.

My mouth is big enough where I swallow all

the mayonnaise without tasting one lick of mayo.

- You know, that's a lot of mayonnaise.

- It's just not the flavor, - That much mayonnaise,

- or the texture you want. - you would put on

a whole piece of bread and you would eat it

over the course of an hour.

- You eat one piece of bread - Okay, whatever.

- with mayonnaise over the-- - No, no, no, no, no. (laughs)

- I'm just imagining you at dinner,

but, like, welcome to the Fulmer household.

For dinner, we have one piece - We have mayonnaise,

- of bread with mayonnaise. - and bread.

Amber Moon, it sounds beautiful.

- [Eugene] It's an egg.

- [Both] It's an egg. (bell dings)

- It's an egg.

- Aren't you not supposed to eat the raw egg?

- Naw, you can do it if you're trying to bulk up.

- Amber Moon, sounds like the friend

of the Hot Mexican Hooker.

- It's bourbon?

- [Producer] Yes. (bell dings)

- That's a lot--

- That's a lot-- - [Both] of bourbon.

- Well, it's funny 'cause we were like,

we're not gonna get drunk off these drinks.

It's less about the alcohol,

more about the grossness.

And this is like, a full-ass glass of bourbon.

- Yeah, this is all I need to get drunk these days.

- Well, I guess we better start sippin',

'cause I'm not about to take in two shots

of whiskey in one gulp.

- I already love this drink so much.

It has two of my favorite things.

- Eggs. - Eggs, and bourbon.

- Wow.

- I can see some powdery red stuff.

Is it more hot sauce?

- Chili? (bell dings)

- [Producer] It's Tabasco. (groaning)

- Dick in the-- - Fart, fart.

- dick, dick, dick. - Monkey butt.

- [Eugene] Amber Moon.

- Like a rejected Sailor Moon character.

- Yeah, she's like, (laughs)

"It's me, Amber Moon! - "Hey guys, it's me!"

- "I have the power of eggs!" (laughing)

- I am a very lightweight.

- Ahh, just drinkin' warm whiskey over here.


♪ She is the one called Sailor Egg ♪

- [Both] And Amber!

- Amber Moon!

(gargling) - Did you drink it?

- No, it's just so spicy.

I'm gettin' closer and closer to the egg.

- Wait for me, guys!

- [Eugene] Wait for me! - It's me, Amber Moon!

- Ya never know when ya need

to shoot eggs out of yourself.

- [Keith] What's goin' on with that jelly bean?

- Is there a chemical reaction that happens

when the alcohol starts cookin' the egg?

Wait, no, it doesn't! - Yeah, it is.

That's what's happening. - Shut the fuck up.

- That's why the yolk's getting white,

it's getting cooked.

- I fight evil, too. - [Eugene] Sorry, Amber.

- I shoot eggs outta my arms. - No.

We don't need your eggs shooting capabilities.

- Like Spiderman. - Sorry, Amber Moon.

- It's like a moon is crashing, it's--

- A moon is born. (gentle guitar music)

(hands clap)


- I mean, someone has to chug this drink.

- I can't chug bourbon.

You can do it, maybe.

- In my college, we said, "Zebra stripes, down the pipes."

Zebra stripes!

- Down the pipes!

- [Ned] Ugh, Jesus, there he goes.

- Whoa!


- Yeah, because the hot sauce hit me.

- It's not comin' back up.

- It's so hot! - Not a fuckin' chance.

- Are you with Zach Kornfeld right now?

- No. - Wow!

- Are you with Keith Habersberger

right now? - No!


- Who are you with?

- Eugene!

- What are you gonna do?

- Chug that shit!

- Get it, girl!

(laughing hysterically)

(liquid drips) - [Ned] All right, so this

is called, uh, Crocodile Cum. - [Eugene] Alligator Jizz.

- What, what is it called?

- [Producer] Alligator Sperm.

- Alligator Sperm.

- I like Crocodile Cum. - I like Crocodile Cum.

- That looks dope.

- It smells like cream, lime. (bell dings)

- Cheers!

- Crocodile-- - [Both] Cum.


- It's delicious. - It's really good.

- It's amazing.

The only thing that's gross about it

is when I imagine I'm drinking crocodile cum.

- I love this. - This is pretty good.

- This is amazing.

There's pineapple juice in here?

(bell dings) - There's pineapple juice

in there. - Fuck yeah.

- It tastes like sweet, it tastes lemony.

- Is it Midori?

- [Ned] 'Cause of the green. (bell dings)

- It's green, yeah.

- I would drink this whole thing.

I'm not going to, 'cause I'm an adult.

- Ned!

You have a baby.

- You drank all the cum off the top of that.

- I slurped it up.

- Amber Moon!

(laughing) Oh, God!


I watched you throw back up into your own cup.


(intense orchestral music)

(liquid dripping)

(intense orchestral music)

(liquid dripping)

- [Zach] Kim Jong Un Nuclear Bomb.

Wake up! (clacks)

- No!


- We have one more drink left.

- Oh, really?


- Why are you so sad?

- I don't want it.

- Is it all cream?

- [Eugene] What is in this? Smell it.

- Nooo.

- Smells like chicken.


- If you name a drink Kim Jong Un Nuclear Bomb,

this better be the worst fucking drink in the world.

- There's six ingredients in this.

I'm gonna guess that it's

Cinnamon Toast Crunch. (buzzer)

- Oysters. (buzzer)

- Battery acid. (buzzer)

- Right, let's just drink it. - All right.

- Bottoms up, baby!

- Cheers.

- What if we dip our glasses in it?


- It won't work out. - Dip our glasses right

in the drink.

A taste you can see.

(lighthearted music)

- Hmmm, there's stuff in there

that should not have ever been blended.

- It's so thick.

I just want you to watch.

- It's not a drink, it's a porridge.

- Is there meat in this?

- [Producer] Uh huh.

- There's meat in this? - [Eugene] I taste meat.

- Ohhh!

- It's pork?

- [Producer] No. (buzzer)

- Fish?

- [Producer] No. (buzzer)

- Beef? - [Producer] Yes.

- You blend up a cow?

- Is it a burger? - Is it burger?

- Really? (bell dings)

- [Zach] Ohhhh! - Fries.

- Did you put the bun in here?

You fuckin' maniac. - Fries?

- [Producer] Yes. (bell dings)

- Are there other ingredients from McDonald's?

- [Producer] Yes.

- A toy? (laughs) - [Producer] No.


- Is there a milkshake in here?

- [Producer] Yeah. (bell dings)

- Big Mac, vodka. (bell dings)

Milkshake, fries. - Kim Jong Un, okay.

What do they have in North Korea?

Not much. - Snow.

- Grain.

- Apple-- - [Both] Pie!

(bell dings)

(hands slap)

- Barbecue sauce?

(bell dings) - [Producer] Yes.

- Smells like when you get take-out in your car, and then--


I mean, I'm not, there's no way I'm getting--

Are you okay?

- To me, it tastes like if you licked a battery.

- And the battery tasted like corn.

(coughing) - I'm just sayin',

without the vodka, it might not be half bad.

- Without all of the McDonald's, it would be good.

- Just a glass of vodka?

- Yeah, I'd rather just have a glass of vodka.

- You want a glass of vod--

Ooh, I'll take a milkshake, then.

- Awesome. - Okay, so what was

your favorite?

- [Eugene] Amber Moon! - [Ned] Amber Moon!

- I loved it. - Amber Moon!

My favorite was obviously the Crocodile Cum.

- I would slurp up that alligator juice,

jizzy, all day.

- Like the actual worst?

The Cement Mixer.

- Yeah, the congealing within your mouth

is a crazy party trick.

You should definitely use it on your friends.

- Thanks for watching The Try Guys.

Make sure you smash that subby-dub-dub

and click the lickety-like down there.

- For behind-the-scenes content, check out our Patreon


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and help support the Try-fam.

Wow, I suddenly sobered up real quick. (laughs)

(upbeat music)

♪ She is the one called Amber Moon ♪

♪ Fighting eggs by moonlight ♪

(chimes tinkling)

For more infomation >> The Try Guys Try The World's Grossest Alcohols - Duration: 10:27.


Nightcore - Scars - Duration: 3:06.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

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