Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

What's going on guys it's ya man Ed Hayes the wholesale coach here

and in this video

I'm gonna be going through a walkthrough of how I take my cold callers from just being an applicant to

Actually hiring them onto the team guys right now

I'm working with one of my clients mark and mark is trying to build up his virtual wholesaling team in Chicago

And I'm helping him hand-in-hand to actually get these deals closed and to set up his team guys

So I've already posted my Indeed and my Craigslist ad on

Indeed and craigslist and if you have if you don't know how to do that go ahead and check out this video right here

that explains how I actually go in and post those jobs and what I actually say in the job post and I'm also

Gonna show you all a sneak peek into my freedom GPS on our wholesaling course guys

so if you pump for this video go ahead and drop a like down below guys and let's get it

Alright guys as you can see

So I've already posted my Craigslist ad and then you want to just be responding back to all of these people

You see I'm getting messages all day from my vacant house hunter ad

So you can see right here. They responded back saying is this this job still available, which is typical. I'm like, yes it is

You know the job entails

You just send us the addresses of vacant and distressed properties and in Northwest and southwest suburbs primarily

I'm not looking for areas with plenty of vacant houses. I'm looking for the worst properties in the nicest areas

I have attached a guide that details the job

If you're still interested after reading it

please reply and let me know and I'll shoot you over the info to get started right away, Ed so nice and simple I

Just shoot that to them. I shoot the house hunting 101 guide that you get if you're in my coaching if not,

You could just create a house hunting 101 guide

It pretty much like explains what the job entails and what you actually want them to do

Then they wrote back saying that they're interested not that long ago as you can see, you know

like as they coming in just kind of

knock them out or you could just kind of do them all at the end of the day and

What I do is just copy and paste the email, right?

on over

You see so then I just put in the person's name right here. Hey Kelly

Bang, it's already set. Then. I just go get the document from my files

Real quick

This doesn't take much time at all guys so your leads are coming in

There's no need to not just knock them out like right away if you can

You know that took me what 15 20 seconds to send that out. Boom sent done. Then I can do the same one

Just like that

They say they want to get some more information reply back that name is Sandra

Boom. Hey Sandra

Boom, just like that. Attach that document just like this

This is easy peasy guys. I just want to show you all how easy it is to really get these people in

And to really show you that you can do this immediately. Boom. See that's two people. I literally just did

Responding back to two people in less than a minute

So there's no reason why you can't get this stuff done guys. You can get your house hunting team up and running

Immediately. It shouldn't honestly it shouldn't take no more than like two or three days when it comes to house hunters

I just posted this ad today at maybe 11 a.m. Guys. So there you go

Quick little step on how to take your house hunters to the next level guys how to get them actually on the team

Stay tuned for the next video

Alright guys, so this is me just following up with some people. This is the message that's saying yesterday

Just told the guy that I'll be following up with the one thing in the next 24 hours because I didn't have the agreement

Ready yet. So I just wanted you to see that

I've been following up with a ton of people today and simply what you want to do

once they actually respond back is just go over to you could download a sign easy and

Then all you have to do you see I've got some pending documents right here. Just waiting for them to

Respond back. I've just been sending these out and you could just import your document. I've already got mine

Already uploaded so it's really just as simple as this so I've got my document already

Created with my name and then down here pretty much

I've already

Pretty much got it signed

But I'm still putting my signature right next to the name area right there

And all I have to do

Is just click this little button right here remote sign in and then what I've been doing is just copying and pasting

their email address

But you guys can see how easy this is to kind of just send this out

Doesn't matter which order and then I put I've been putting a message right here

like hey

Here's the agreement to get started as a house hunter right away

Just as simple as that and then it gives me two options to sign right now

I'm getting emails right now telling me to sign the agreement

See, so I'll go ahead and just click on the signature and then it already has my signature saved

So I just slide it up to where it needs to be

Something like that this an example guys. I'm looking into the camera right now. Give me a break

Well, then you just click the finish button. Are you sure? I sure am.

and it's really just as easy as that guys and then you just go back and shoot the next one not real real quick this

App that I'm using is free. I think it's about ten bucks a month if I chose to

upgrade the package

So not that much at all guys. It's pretty decent

I would recommend it. DocuSign is a little bit more expensive after the trial runs out to actually get this going

You're going to need like their forty dollar package. So that's really optional whether you actually want to get DocuSign or not

This is substantially cheaper and it still gets the job done guys. So there you go

Alright as you guys can see this is my indeed

app right here where I've got a ton of different people trying to apply for

My real estate acquisition manager job aka cold caller


As you see these people are highly qualified sales and business property management independent contractors property administrative property manager

senior brokers

You see what I'm saying guys?

So you see the type of that the quality of the individuals that you get

When you post the job posting the way that I showed you in a previous video

See vice president's office managers and Realtors. So essentially this is what it looks like once you kind of get in here

you can see their

Resume I could download it right there

I can just message them from right here and schedule an interview or send a message

And typically what I would do is start sending messages out once I get a good

Pool of people to pull from then I'll start just sending messages and I'll just copy and paste a message

into here once I'll create it for one person nice and good and then I'll kind of just

Use that as a blueprint kinda like I did the other one with the house hunters and did put a little subject up in there

And just send them a little message and I can save it as a simple as you see. I just haven't done that yet

I'm about to actually start

replying to these people real real shortly . Mark is actually one of my wholesale real estate coaching clients, and he's out in

California and we're building his team up here out in Chicago guys. So it's really interesting

It's gonna be really exciting you all are gonna take this journey with me guys step by step

I'm just gonna document this entire process and show you all how I go from

Calling cash buyers and trying to find motivated sellers building up my team

Actually going to the closing table and actually getting these things done got the cold calls that you just saw

We're going to be doing some interviews

I'm gonna make sure that I get those recorded so you could check them out in the next video. Let's keep it going

I just want to say shout out to everybody

Who was able to get a free entry into my freedom gps course guys?

If y'all not follow me on facebook already, go ahead and follow me there guys

I drop all types of exclusive content that you will only see on my facebook

You're probably looking at some of that right now guys don't delay


If you're trying to get some of this if you want to get a free entry and said my whole selling course guys

all you got to do is subscribe to the channel and

get yourself some of that free training that you see down below with the links and

Like specifically you want to check out that 5 video training course. Well, go ahead and download my free whole selling eBook or

Go ahead and download my virtual whole selling guy guys, and this is free knowledge

And all you got to do is subscribe to the channel download one of those pieces of content

And you will be entered into the sweepstakes. Well, you'll have a chance every month. I'm gonna be giving away

I haven't figured out how many I'm thinking maybe like five

Maybe not that many. I'm not sure I'm gonna figure it out but free

whole selling

Courses guys, so make sure that you are subscribed to the channel hit that Bell notification icon is gonna have different ways

For you all to get this course is like different little tasks that you may have to do

To get the course of go ahead and subscribe to the channel what you waiting for. Let's get it

alright guys, so if you made it to the end of this video

You're awesome and just want to tell you that if you want some more free whole selling tips tools tricks and strategies

Check out the links down in the description below and you can get my free whole selling ebook

I've got a 5 video training course on there right now as well as my

Virtual whole selling guide that you can download as well. Absolutely free

All of that guy's trying to give you all as much value as possible

If you like this video go ahead and subscribe to the channel become a part of this team get some more of this content

I'm dropping this knowledge all the time guys

Like I'm trying to make at least one video a week right now

But I'm trying to make sure that it is actually some quality information

That's gonna benefit you or I don't want to waste your time

Before you leave this video tap that Bell notification icon so you can get notified

I will not make brand new videos and you won't miss out on this brand new whole selling kind saying guys

Don't get caught lacking you hear me. Yeah, I hope you like this video

until next time guys




For more infomation >> Building A Wholesale Real Estate Business Team | Win A FREE Wholesaling Course! - Duration: 11:06.


Секреты успеха | Первый шаг к успеху в МЛМ - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Секреты успеха | Первый шаг к успеху в МЛМ - Duration: 4:09.


FIFA ONLINE 4 MANAGER - review นักเตะ - Lionel Messi 17 +1 [ขอแรงแรง][NRS Gamer] - Duration: 13:15.

For more infomation >> FIFA ONLINE 4 MANAGER - review นักเตะ - Lionel Messi 17 +1 [ขอแรงแรง][NRS Gamer] - Duration: 13:15.


4 Groups Called Ninjas | Ninja Myths - Duration: 7:00.

In the darkness lay an oasis of light.

The yellows and oranges of countless torches keep the black at bay, but the light does

not reach every corner of the camp.

A guard walks past a tent.

A glint of metal, and the guard disappears.

A man emerges from the shadows, wearing his enemy's armor.

He cuts the restraints of a group of horses, then jabs his knife against the animals.

Silence breaks into horse screams and hoofbeats.

The intruder, on a newly stolen mount, storms the camp setting fires and howling the war

cries of his enemies.

The same scene is playing out in other parts of the camp.

Soldiers erupt from their tents and, in the confusion, clash swords with their own comrades,

believing traitors to be in their midst.

Samurai cut down their lords, sons cut down their fathers.

And away from the chaos, you can hear the intruders galloping back into the night.

We have many accounts of samurai engaging in clandestine activities, but most often,

these were people from the bottom of society.

Thieves and bandits.

First, we have the akuto.

During the chaotic Sengoku Period, there were independent bands of people who roamed around

robbing, raiding, pirating, overall being massive dicks.

They were commonly called akuto, which translates to something like "bandit gangs,"

but I like "massive dicks" better.

I mean--I don't--as a translation, is what I'm saying.

Their sizes ranged anywhere from a handful to 100 men.

Most were common thieves and ruffians, but there were cases of akuto that had mounted

warriors clad in full armor.

These were likely warriors belonging to some small-time local lords.

The fact that they were put in the akuto category, along with thieves and pirates, shows you

what the upper class thought of these small local leaders.

Even Iga Province, where ninja supposedly came from, was said to be a den for akuto.

These gangs were experienced in guerilla tactics like sneak attacks.

They had to be to survive.

Warlords were known to employ these outlaws in their armies.

They didn't fight alongside noble samurai, of course.

They were separate, inferior, low-class.

They were relegated to doing sneak attacks and attacks at night.

Most of them couldn't have been that highly trained, being just bandits after all, and

were considered expendable.

In the Genko War, the famous samurai Kusunoki Masashige used akuto for guerilla warfare

in his campaign to return Emperor Go-Daigo to the throne.

Next, we have suppa.

These were mostly associated with the Takeda clan.

They were spies for the Takeda, though they were known to sneak into castles.

The famous daimyo Takeda Shingen had 500 suppa in his employ.

Again, these suppa were separate from samurai.

They were not trusted like normal troops.

For example, there was a case where Shingen sent 30 suppa on a spy mission, and held their

family members hostage to ensure they did their jobs.

Next up is rappa.

These were mostly associated with the Hojo clan.

They had a badass role: to sow chaos.

They didn't do any of that spying or intelligence gathering.

The Hojo sent these guys into enemy territory and told them to let loose, rain down chaos

upon the enemy.

They performed kidnappings, burglary, piracy, murders, it was like throwing a wrench into

the enemy machine.

That earlier story about the intruders wreaking havoc upon an enemy camp?

That was a real account of a rappa mission.

And then we have the kusa.

These guys were used by the Hojo and many other clans.

Their main role was intelligence gathering.

They're probably best described as scouts.

Kusa means grass in Japanese.

They were known for lying hidden in the grass for hours, keeping an eye on a castle or troop


There were even a few stories of kusa emerging from the grass to attack lone soldiers.

Imagine you're riding your horse among the tall grass, and 8 kusa emerge ninja-like to

ambush you.

If you lived back in the day, you may have been tempted to believe they teleported out

of nowhere.

The term shinobi or shinobi no mono was sometimes used for these groups that we talked about.

Note that they all had defined roles.

Kusa mainly did scouting, they didn't do assassinations.

These were jobs within an army, like an archer was a job.

Warlords often hired people from the lower class for these stealthy jobs.

Now Japan didn't have mercenaries, among the samurai.

That is, they didn't have armies that fought for different lords for payment.

What they did have were mercenaries among the lower class.

Warlords paid local thieves and criminals to do secret jobs.

This made sense, if you had to spy on someone or sneak into someplace, who had the best

skills for this?

Not your samurai, but your local thief or a friend of the person you're spying on.

So some people may object to me saying ninjas didn't exist, and may be coming to my house

right now with a ninja star.

By the way, ninja stars were mostly made up.

Don't hurt me.

It really comes down to your definition of ninja.

I used Turnbull's definition as laid out in the 3 criteria.

If your definition does not include any of the 3 criteria mentioned earlier, then we're

talking about different things.

Particularly that first one.

To boil it down to one thing, my main objection is with the idea of the ninja as someone part

of a secret society of highly-skilled stealth warriors, with secret teachings passed down

through generations.

There doesn't seem to be evidence for that.

Now if you define ninja as simply anyone who did secret warfare, then under that definition,

sure I would agree ninjas did exist.

Ninja and shinobi no mono mean the same thing, they are just different ways of reading the

same characters.

Before 1955, it was read as shinobi no mono rather than ninja.

Shinobi no mono seemed like a catch-all term to describe anyone who did something stealthy.

It also referred to a job, a profession, rather than an identity.

It could be used to describe anyone from a normal samurai who once went on a stealth

mission to a trained professional spy.

So if we say the definition of a ninja is a spy, or a scout, or an assassin, or anyone

doing secret warfare, then yes ninjas did exist.

My only problem is that this definition seems superfluous.

Why don't we just call them spies, or scouts, or assassins?

Every country has them.

The word has baggage.

Like if you declare, "There are ninjas working in the CIA," most people would say, "Whaat?"

and conjure up an image of a secret martial arts dude, not a spy.

Anyhoozles, the label doesn't matter as much as the concept, and the concept of a

secret society that trained highly-skilled stealth warriors with secret teachings...

there's no evidence for that.

But it's easy to see how people like kusa and rappa could have fed into the ninja mythos.

Welcomes to the new patrons Carlos Amador and John Tian.

And shoutout to our emperors Tyler and Trevor, who are still here.

Thanks a lot guys!

For more infomation >> 4 Groups Called Ninjas | Ninja Myths - Duration: 7:00.


Police Chase Scene | The Fast and the Furious (2001) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:12.

All available units, we have street-racing along Hawthorne...

Shit! We got cops. Cops!


Cops! Get in the car! Go!

Toretto, stop right there!


Get in!

You're the last person in the world I expected to show up.

I thought if I got in your good graces, you might let me keep my car.

You are in my good graces, but you ain't keeping your car.

You drive like you've done this before. Are you a wheelman?

- No. - You boost cars?

- No. Never. - Ever done time?

Couple of overnighters. No big deal.

What about the two years in juvie for boosting cars?

Tucson, right?

I had Jesse run a profile on you, Brian Earl Spilner.

He'll find anything on the Web. Anything about anybody.

So, why bullshit?

So, what about you?

Two years in Lompoc.

I'll die before I go back.

For more infomation >> Police Chase Scene | The Fast and the Furious (2001) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:12.


Opening Scene | The Fast and the Furious (2001) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:04.

Just packed up a real money load, and it's coming your way.

Look for "Rodgers" on the truck's side. Don't forget my share of the deal.


For more infomation >> Opening Scene | The Fast and the Furious (2001) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:04.


4.7: Mastodon Bot - Replying to a Mention - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> 4.7: Mastodon Bot - Replying to a Mention - Duration: 8:30.


Einmal in einem "Tatort" mitspielen I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Einmal in einem "Tatort" mitspielen I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:59.


АСМР Колыбельная для твоего сна 🎼 | ASMR Russian Lullaby 🎼 - Duration: 5:11.

i see you go to bed

If you want, I will help you.

Well, I will sing you a lullaby.

Do you know this song.

I'm sure you heard her once.

I also heard her when I was a child.

Close your eyes

Stirring the snow with a spoon,

The great night is coming.

Why aren't you, silly, Sleeping yet?

Your neighbors are asleep,

The polar bears,

Hurry up and go to sleep, Baby.

Your neighbors are asleep,

The polar bears,

Hurry up and go to sleep, Baby.

We're swimming on the block of ice,

As though it's a brigantine,

On the grey, harsh Seas.

And all night, the neighbors,

The star-bears

Are shining to the distant Ships.

And all night, the neighbors,

The star-bears

Are shining to the distant Ships.

good night

The sweetest dreams

For more infomation >> АСМР Колыбельная для твоего сна 🎼 | ASMR Russian Lullaby 🎼 - Duration: 5:11.


Hills of steel Update - Videos for kids - Tank - Games bii - Duration: 16:21.

For more infomation >> Hills of steel Update - Videos for kids - Tank - Games bii - Duration: 16:21.


Radar-Walter ist verschwunden I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Radar-Walter ist verschwunden I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:05.


Maconha, Planet Hemp e os bastidores Legalize Já - Amizade Nunca Morre - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Maconha, Planet Hemp e os bastidores Legalize Já - Amizade Nunca Morre - Duration: 3:22.


Ожерелье из Бусин и Бисера Мастер Класс! Колье из бисера и бусин / Necklace of Busins and Beads! - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Ожерелье из Бусин и Бисера Мастер Класс! Колье из бисера и бусин / Necklace of Busins and Beads! - Duration: 10:20.


ماذا يحدث للسماء يوم القيامة؟ نسأل الله السلامة - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> ماذا يحدث للسماء يوم القيامة؟ نسأل الله السلامة - Duration: 1:26.


Die Wohnpyramide von Bönnigheim I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Die Wohnpyramide von Bönnigheim I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:38.


【ぽに子】スパゲティ叩こうぜ!「SPAGHET」プレイ - Duration: 36:35.

For more infomation >> 【ぽに子】スパゲティ叩こうぜ!「SPAGHET」プレイ - Duration: 36:35.


How To Pose in Photos | 은비EUNBI - Duration: 3:33.

1.Hair Flip Pose

Take a picture while you are flipping your hair

Here is a good tip!

Don't flip all your hair, leave your hair little bit in front of your ears

2.Drinking pose

You shouldn't drink for real when you do this pose

Just put your lips on a straw

Your lips won't look pretty if you really try to drink

So just put your lips or bite it lightly

Do a drinking pose while flipping your hair would be really great

3.Pose while looking off to the distance

The point is your face angle as well as where you are looking at

Look up, down, left and right like this

4.Take a picture after you turn back

Raise your face after flipping your hair

Adjust your shoulder angle and try a lot of poses!

(Like lowering your face or smiling)

Your face will look slimmer

If you put your hair down in front of your ears, covering your cheek

5.Take pictures in profile

Sit up straight and straighten your neck and shoulder

Raise your face a bit and close your eyes

It would be good to look at the camera slightly

Or touching your hair would be nice too

then Let's take good pictures

위,아래,좌우를 이렇게 4곳을 바라보는게 제일 편해요


귀 앞으로 머리를 살짝 내려서 볼살을 가리면

(Like lowering your face or smiling)

(고개를 내리기, 미소짓기 등)

Adjust your shoulder angle and try a lot of poses!

어깨 각도를 조절하면서 다양한 포즈를 시도해보세요

Raise your face after flipping your hair

머리카락을 뒤로 넘긴 후 고개를 살짝 들어주세요

4.Take a picture after you turn back

4.뒤돌아서 찍기

Look up, down, left and right like this

진짜로 마신다면 입술모양이 안이쁘기때문에

The point is your face angle as well as where you are looking at

고개 각도와 시선이 중요해요

Pose while looking off to the distance

3.먼 곳, 다른 곳을 보는 포즈

Do a drinking pose while flipping your hair would be really great

응용해서 머리를 넘기며 음료를 마시는 포즈도 좋아요

So just put your lips or bite it lightly

빨대를 입술에 올려주거나 살짝 물어만주세요

Your lips won't look pretty if you really try to drink

If you have any further questions, please let me know

Or touching your hair would be nice too

혹시 궁금한 팁이 있다면 알려주세요

So I hope you found this useful

This video will help you when you want to look natural in pictures

사진찍을때 어떻게 찍어야 자연스러울지 고민되시는분들은 이번 영상을 참고해주시면 좋을꺼같아요!

These are the tips from my modeling experience

모델일을 하면서 느꼈던 포즈팁을 소개해보았어요!

I hope you enjoyed this video

오늘 영상은 어땠나요?

then Let's take good pictures

예쁘게 사진찍어보아요 !

Your face will look slimmer

응용해서 머리카락을 만져주는것도 좋아요

It would be good to look at the camera slightly

살짝 카메라를 쳐다봐도 좋아요

Raise your face a bit and close your eyes

고개를 살짝 들고 눈을 감아주세요

Sit up straight and straighten your neck and shoulder

등과 어깨, 목을 바르게 펴주세요

Take pictures in profile

5. 옆모습

If you put your hair down in front of your ears, covering your cheek

고개 각도와 시선이 중요해요

응용해서 머리카락을 만져주는것도 좋아요

살짝 카메라를 쳐다봐도 좋아요

고개를 살짝 들고 눈을 감아주세요

등과 어깨, 목을 바르게 펴주세요


귀 앞으로 머리를 살짝 내려서 볼살을 가리면

(고개를 내리기, 미소짓기 등)

어깨 각도를 조절하면서 다양한 포즈를 시도해보세요

머리카락을 뒤로 넘긴 후 고개를 살짝 들어주세요

4.뒤돌아서 찍기

위,아래,좌우를 이렇게 4곳을 바라보는게 제일 편해요

예쁘게 사진찍어보아요 !

3.먼 곳, 다른 곳을 보는 포즈

응용해서 머리를 넘기며 음료를 마시는 포즈도 좋아요

빨대를 입술에 올려주거나 살짝 물어만주세요

진짜로 마신다면 입술모양이 안이쁘기때문에

입술에 빨때만 대주세요

이 포즈는 절때 진짜로 음료를 마시면안돼요

예쁘게 넘기는 팁! 머리를 전부 넘기지않고 귀앞쪽에 머리를 남기고 넘겨주세요

머리 넘기는척 하면서 사진을찍는거죠

1. 머리 넘기는 포즈

Today I'm going to introduce you guys five poses for good pictures

Today I'm going to introduce you guys five poses for good pictures

입술에 빨때만 대주세요

You shouldn't drink for real when you do this pose

이 포즈는 절때 진짜로 음료를 마시면안돼요

Drinking pose

2. 음료를 마시는 포즈

Here is a good tip! Don't flip all your hair, leave your hair little bit in front of your ears

예쁘게 넘기는 팁! 머리를 전부 넘기지않고 귀앞쪽에 머리를 남기고 넘겨주세요

Take a picture while you are flipping your hair

머리 넘기는척 하면서 사진을찍는거죠

Hair Flip Pose

1. 머리 넘기는 포즈

Just put your lips on a straw

예쁜사진 찍을 수 있는 포즈 5가지를 소개해드릴꺼에요

If you have any further questions, please let me know

혹시 궁금한 팁이 있다면 알려주세요

So I hope you found this useful

This video will help you when you want to look natural in pictures

사진찍을때 어떻게 찍어야 자연스러울지 고민되시는분들은 이번 영상을 참고해주시면 좋을꺼같아요!

These are the tips from my modeling experience

모델일을 하면서 느꼈던 포즈팁을 소개해보았어요!

I hope you enjoyed this video

오늘 영상은 어땠나요?

For more infomation >> How To Pose in Photos | 은비EUNBI - Duration: 3:33.


Tran's Garage Scene | The Fast and the Furious (2001) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:36.

Okay. You stand watch.

Yo, Dominic.

There's no engines.

What are they planning on racing with, hopes and dreams?

I don't know, but they're sneaky as shit

and they've got enough money to buy anything.


We got a wolf pack.

It's Johnny Tran, and he's coming your way really fast.

All right, we got company. Spilner.

Come on. Move!

Let me ask you a question, Ted.

- Do you see anything wrong here? - No.

- We got no engines, do we? - No.

- Do we? - No.

A couple of Nissan SR20 motors will pull a premium

- one week before Race Wars? - Yeah, probably.

You're a smart fence, Ted. Maybe too smart.

What are you feeling, Lance?



A 40-weight sounds nice.

Where are they, Ted?

- Where are they? - Enough!

- Where are they? - They're in a warehouse.

They're in a warehouse, man!


Kiss my shoes?

Let's go get our engines.

My superiors are flying in from D.C., in two days.

I want something to show.

We've got a fence with a lube hose in his mouth,

automatic weapons, priors on every one of these Asian punks,

a garage full of DVD players and generally psychotic behavior.

Tell me why we shouldn't move on Tran now and figure it out later?

Because all we have is behavior.

Let me get hard evidence, because what we have now is just...

What we have is probable cause.

And truckers arming themselves for some good old-fashioned vigilante mayhem.

- Tell us about Hector, Brian. - Latinos with spear guns. Give me a break.

Hector's still working on the engines, but the tires don't match.

Will somebody give me a cigarette?

- Get him a cigarette. - Don't give him one.

- I thought you quit. - I did. Just give me one.

- Get him a cigarette. - No!

Tell me about Toretto.

I told you, I think he's too controlled for this.

Going suicidal on semi-trucks? No way. Maybe Vince. But he's too dumb to do it.

- I think the kid sister's blurring your vision. - What did you say?

I don't blame you. I'd get off on her surveillance photos, too.

Knock it off!

What? Are you going native on me, Brian?

Have you read Toretto's file lately?

- Yeah. I memorized that file. - Read it again.

No, better still, take a look at these.

Remember I told you about the guy he nearly beat to death?

Toretto did this with a three-quarter-inch torque wrench.

He's a model of self-control.

I need a few more days.

I need a few more days.

For more infomation >> Tran's Garage Scene | The Fast and the Furious (2001) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:36.


Swing Trading Strategies - Part 7 - Outside Bar Trading Strategy - Duration: 38:45.

- [Instructor] Hi guys.

Welcome to the part seven of

the Swing Trading Strategies video series.

So, in this particular part,

I'll be talking about

outside bar candlestick pattern.

Now, this is a major reversal pattern,

which plays out mostly during end of

a major downtrend or uptrend,

particularly relevant in

the kind of times we are into right now,

and it's actually a good strategy

to have in your arsenal in case you're looking

to go a long or go short on certain stocks

that you have in mind.

So in this particular part,

I'll be again starting out

with instrument selection.

The only thing that you require in this strategy

is just the price chart,

that is candlestick chart.

I'll explain you what

outside bar candlestick pattern is.

This is actually a bar chart pattern,

but I think, on a candlestick chart,

this kind of looks much better,

and you can actually visualize

what is happening in the market well.

I'll be showing you various types of

outside bar candlestick pattern as well,

because this pattern particularly plays out

in many forms or many variants.

I'll be covering those,

then I'll be emphasizing on time frame selection,

entry, exit, stop loss,

and I'll take up various case studies

that is both past and the recent ones

which have played out.

So let's get started.

- [Narrator] In this channel,

we talk about trading, investing,

and market analysis,

to help you become a better investor and trader,

so if you are new here, consider subscribing.

- [Instructor] So the first thing that

I'll start off with is instrument selection.

Now, this strategy is suitable for

both stocks and futures,

in case you are not looking to

short sell in the market,

as many traders are

not comfortable short selling.

You can simply stick to stocks.

The idea behind this strategy is to get

about 20 to 30% return.

Remember, in the part six strategy,

the kicker pattern that we saw,

that usually yields about five to 15%,

so return-wise, this strategy offers

better risk to reward.

Under this strategy,

we are not holding positions for few days.

We'll be at least holding

the positions for few weeks,

let's say anywhere between two to four weeks,

and what we are looking to do is

we are looking to either buy or short

into a sudden reversal

in an ongoing strong trend.

I'll be precisely showing you how to do this.

Again, this strategy is purely to be traded

on price action,

that is simple price chart,

but in case you want to include any indicator,

you can do so,

and you just require either a web-based platform,

or a technical analysis software.

My preference is always

to have a proper software.

The timeframe that we'll be trading

this strategy on is only weekly timeframe.

Now, I know this strategy works on daily as well,

or on hourly chart,

or a 30-minute chart as well,

but what I have found is that on weekly chart,

this strategy actually works the best.

Now, I'll directly take you

to this pattern first.

Before that, I'll just show you

what a basic candlestick chart looks like.

This is a bearish candle.

Here, open and high are the same level.

Price auctions lower.

At some point during the day,

it makes a low here,

and then closes at this level.

On the flip side, look at this bullish candle.

Price opens here,

rallies on the up side.

At some point during the day,

it makes a high here,

and it eventually closes at this level,

with the low being at this point.

So this is how a basic candlestick looks like.

I'll take you through the outside bar pattern.

This is how the pattern looks like.

In this particular pattern,

you have to think psychologically.

Just imagine we have

a bunch of green candles here,

and price has moved up to this point.

All the people who have bought

are feeling pretty good about it,

and the next day, look what happens.

Price opens here,

above the high of the previous candle,

and it auctions lower,

and completely engulfs this previous candle.

So the high point of this candle,

open point, low point, and the close point

is completely engulfed by this second candle.

Now, this signifies a, you know,

significant shift in the overall psychology

of the entire chart.

Now, on the flip side,

if you look at this particular pattern,

which is a bullish pattern,

here, what do you see?

Price trends lower,

then we get this first candle,

which actually signifies the ongoing trend.

Next day, what happens is that

price opens at this level.

It auctions lower, that is moves lower,

below the low point of the previous candle,

and then, suddenly,

you see a spurt of buying emerging,

and then, candle closes above

the high point of this day.

Now, this is what I was referring to earlier,

that the second candle of this pattern

is actually the most important candle,

wherein it completely engulfs

the previous candle,

signifying a change of trend.

Now, I'll take you back to the definition slide,

just because you've seen the pattern.

So, outside bar pattern is actually

a two candlestick reversal pattern.

The first candle usually confirms the trend,

that is this candle and this candle,

and the second candle

actually confirms the reversal.

Now, this is one main condition

I have put out here,

that the close of second candle

should be higher than the high

of previous candle,

in case you are looking to buy.

What I mean is,

the close of this second candle

should be higher than the high of

this previous candle, right?

And on the flip side,

the close of this candle should be lower

than the low point of the previous candle.

That is how you signify a complete shift

in psychology of the chart.

I hope my point is clear.

So the two main requisites that

I have categorized for this particular pattern,

the number one is that

trend has to be in place,

a prior trend, that is,

with a uptrend or downtrend,

and minimum six to 10%.

In my opinion, the larger, the better,

and reversal candle has to be extremely decisive.

That is, the signal from this candle

should be that a complete psychological shift

has happened, and now,

price is willing to trend

in the opposite direction.

That has to be conveyed

in a very decisive manner.

So again, we'll be trading this pattern

only on a weekly timeframe chart.

Make sure that before you trade this pattern,

there is a sustained trending move before it,

and if there is a visible trending move,

the larger the better,

that actually increases the odd

of this pattern playing out.

This particular pattern,

if you see, if you have some basic knowledge

in candlestick charts,

this particular pattern is actually

a strong variant of bullish engulfing.

So, in bullish engulfing,

the criteria is not so strict or rigid,

but for this outside bar pattern,

this is actually a stronger variation

of bullish engulfing pattern,

which actually works quite well.

I'll now take you through a different kind of

outside bar patterns that you'll spot,

both the bearish part,

and the bullish ones.

I'll start with the bearish outside bar first.

So, have a look at this first pattern.

Now, what has happened?

The previous candle is positive.

We have a opening here.

This completely engulfs the previous candle,

and we clearly get a closing

below the low of this candle, right?

Now, look at this candle.

Now, what has happened is that

this candle is again signifying the prior trend.

Price opens here.

At some point during the day,

it makes a high,

and then it completely closes below

the low of this candle, right?

Now, look at this candle.

This has been a fairly bullish candle,

signifying the previous trend,

and the next day,

we get a open here,

price auctions high, makes a high here,

then it makes a low and closes

nearly at the bottom point of the day.

Again, completely engulfing this candle.

Now, look at this variant.

Price fairly represents the bullish momentum

in the previous trend,

then the price opens here,

forms a high at this point,

forms a low at this point,

then closes here,

completely engulfing the first candle.

Again, you see this particular pattern.

Price opens here,

makes a high at this point,

makes a low here,

and closes at this point,

thereby completely engulfing this first candle.

Now, look at this candle.

Price makes, again, a bullish candle.

Price opens here,

makes a higher high here,

higher than the previous candle,

completely closes at the lowest point of the day,

thereby engulfing this first candle.

Now, all these patterns that I've showed

are actually variants of

outside bar candle pattern.

Now, the key in this strategy,

that is to trade on the down side,

is to identify which pattern

is most bearish, and why.

Now, just for a second,

pause this video and try and figure out

which of these patterns is actually

the most bearish, and why.

If I have to pick out,

I would say that this particular pattern

is extremely bearish, why?

Because this pattern actually,

this first candle signifies

strong buying momentum.

A lot of buying has happened,

that is why price has moved up,

forming a long tail,

and then look at this reversal candle.

It is closing at the lowest point of the day,

after completely engulfing this previous candle.

Similarly if I want to point out,

this candle would again be,

this pattern would again be

a very strong variant, why?

Because we have a really bullish candle

that is representing the previous trend,

then suddenly we get an extremely strong reversal

that is closing towards the low point of the day,

whereas if you look at this candle,

or this candle,

they are actually signifying

the same bearish outlook,

but the intensity with which

this particular pattern,

or this particular pattern,

or even this one,

they are signifying the shift in trend

that is not being conveyed by

either this one or this.

So this is also a kind of practice thing

that will come over a period of time,

that you would be able to finally make out

which patterns are more bearish,

and which ones are more bullish.

I'll just take you to the bullish variants one.

Now, look at this.

Again, the same pattern playing out

in the opposite direction.

So, this is a bearish candle,

signifying the previous trend.

Then again, you get a reversal here,

this candle completely engulfing the first one.

Similar is this one.

Psychologically, this is a very bearish candle,

with selling representing at higher level.

The price for this candle begins

at the lowest point,

that is below this particular candle's low,

and completely engulfs the previous candle,

and you can see

the remaining three patterns as well.

So again, pause the video here,

and identify which candles would you see,

or which patterns in these particular

six patterns that I've listed out

are the strongest one.

If I have to pick out,

then I would pick out this.

This one is extremely strong.

Again, this candle represents

the previous bearish trend pretty strongly,

and then look at this reversal candle.

Again, price opening here,

making a low at this point,

then completely engulfing

and having a strong bullish candle.

Similarly, this candle is completely,

you know, it's much more stronger

than something like this,

or even something like this.

So out of these six variants that I've shown you,

the ones which I like as the most strongest

are this pattern,

this pattern, and this pattern.

If you look at this particular pattern,

this is actually just closing

at the highest point of the previous candle.

So, you know, this has just about qualified,

but still, it's a strong pattern.

But look at this decisive closing

above the high point of the previous candle.

Similarly with this one.

Even this one is not that weak,

but look at the length of these candles.

This actually signifies that

there's a lot of underlying bullish momentum.

So, I'll just begin with the case studies first.

What I've purposely done is that

I've picked out some case studies

that have happened in 2012, 13, 14, and 15,

and then, the recent move that we've seen

where stocks and indexes have fallen down.

I'll be showing you how this simple strategy

has picked out reversals in many stocks,

and many index that we track on a daily basis.

So I'll just move to case studies now.

So the first case study that we'll pick out

is that of Bank Nifty.

Now, this is of 2016.

Again, a weekly chart.

Now here, what we see that,

we have had a decisive down trending move

that had cleared out in 2015,

and before March 1st,

that is, I think this was on the budget session,

what happened was the previous candle

was a bearish one,

and then price opened at this level,

made a low somewhere,

lower than the previous candle,

and then we had a strong bullish candle

playing out and price closing at

the high point of the day.

Now, the criteria that I had set,

number one, the prior trend in place,

it was clearly there.

First candle was reflecting the ongoing trend.

The second candle was very bullish,

and it completely engulfs the first candle.

Look at one thing in this particular case.

Now, what has happened here is that

this particular candle has actually

engulfed this candle,

then this one, and this one,

so the last three candles have been engulfed

by this particular bullish candle.

So these sort of things also give you

an insight into how strong this reversal pattern

has played out in this particular case.

In this Bank Nifty case then,

you've seen the price has clearly trended higher,

that is on weekly timeframe,

and this particular candle was

clearly reflecting the shift in momentum

from sellers to buyers.

So, this was the first case that I covered

that happened with Bank Nifty instrument

in 2016 March.

The next case study that I'll pick out

is that of FMCG index.

Now, this is of December 2016.

So again, what we have is

a previous downtrend in place.

It was 15% downtrend that happened.

After that, the first candle reflected

the mood of this particular index

that was trending lower.

Look what happens in the second candle.

We opened at this point,

made a lower low with respect to previous candle,

then auctioned higher,

that is closed higher at the,

near the highest point of the day.

Now again, this particular candle

actually engulfs three candles,

that is this one,

this particular one, and this one.

If you see, it also engulfs

this candle and this candle.

So this particular bullish candle

has actually engulfed five previous candles.

Again, decisively showing that

the shift in momentum is here to stay,

and now the trend has shifted

from downtrend to uptrend.

See, it's easy to see that

uptrend has happened here,

because we have the data

printed on the right side,

but when you are here,

you're actually playing with probability

and not certainty.

Now, just imagine this particular chart

is not present.

So, what this candle actually signifies

is number one,

that downtrend may have ended,

and number two,

any trade that you want to take in this index

or this particular stock in FMCG index,

that has to be with respect to

the lowest point that is made in this candle.

I'll come to the entry, exit,

stop loss part a bit later,

but that is how you have to think,

and just remember one thing,

that when you find a bullish candle

that is completely engulfing two, three,

or let's say four, five previous candles,

then that is an extremely bullish sign,

and you should be paying attention

to that particular chart.

The more decisive the second candle,

the higher the probability of

the pattern playing out in your favor,

so which is why,

pay attention to this particular candle,

what is it doing,

how it is closing,

whether it's closing at the highest point

of this particular candle.

What about the low point,

whether it is a decisive low point,

how many previous candles

is this pattern actually engulfing?

All these sort of details

you have to pay attention to.

So the next case study that I'll pull out,

that is of Nifty Next 50,

that is Nifty Junior.

So this is of 2012.

Now, we had a prior downtrend in place,

again, 10, 15%.

The first candle that you see

represents the existing downtrend,

and look at the second candle, what happens.

It makes a clear low with respect to this candle,

then the price opens here,

it makes a high here,

and this closes above the high

of this previous candle.

Now, this particular pattern

is not as bullish as what we saw in Bank Nifty,

or for that matter, FMCG as well,

but it overall signifies the shift in momentum

that has happened from sellers to buyers,

and which is why, you know,

this pattern should've been

traded on this chart also.

But when you want to compare it with

Bank Nifty or FMCG chart,

then clearly, Nifty Junior chart,

the pattern that has played out in 2012,

is weak when you compare it with something,

what played out in 2016 in Bank Nifty,

or 2016 December in FMCG.

The next example that I've picked out

is again of FMCG,

but it's just of last few weeks,

that is in September.

Now, look what had happened.

We have seen a lot of

sectors and stocks breaking down.

In this particular case,

it's the FMCG index.

The breakdown happened in

first week of September.

Now again, a clear trending phase was visible,

15% trend was visible, 10 to 15%.

The first candle is again reflecting the mood

existing on the chart,

that is price is trending higher.

But look at the second candle,

how bearish it is.

The opening is exactly at

the high point of the candle,

and then, price auctions lower,

and finally closes somewhere here.

Now again, in this particular chart,

you'll see that this particular bearish candle

actually engulfs one, two,

and almost this candle,

that is three candles.

So, when you want to measure the bearishness

of this pattern,

then FMCG being a defensive sector,

and such a wide range candle printing on it,

definitely sends out a negative message,

and since then, you've seen

price has clearly auctioned lower.

So, two things you have to check.

One, prior trend in place,

and number two, how strong

the second reversal candle is.

In this particular case,

this candle is exceptionally strong,

which thereby qualifies as a short trade.

Now, the next example that I'll pick out

is of media sector.

Now, we see a prior trend in this chart, right?

Now, selling is also evident

as this candle has you know,

engulfed this previous candle.

In hindsight, you see that this pattern

has also worked extremely well,

but still, I categorized this particular pattern

as a weak pattern.

Now, just pause the video

and think for sometime,

that why I categorized this as a weak pattern.

The criterias have fulfilled,

selling was evident,

it has worked as well,

but why is this weak?

Now, based on whatever we have discussed

in the previous slides,

you should be able to answer this question now,

that why this particular pattern

is weak than something like this,

a short sell example that we have seen before.

So just pause it here,

and think why this is weak.

Now, the reason I categorized

this pattern as weak,

I'll just zoom this for you,

this particular pattern that has formed here,

I'll just zoom in.

Now, look how the closing is happening.

The current candle close is actually

not below the close of the previous candle,

that is the low point.

Again, I'll repeat.

The closing point of this candle

is not below the low point of this candle,

so while criterias are being fulfilled,

one major criteria that is missing out

is that the closing has to happen

below the low point of the previous candle.

So this pattern on the media sector

does not necessarily work out

as an outside bar candlestick pattern.

This is a simple bullish engulfing

that has happened.

Rules-wise, yes,

all the rules that I've listed,

you can still categorize it as

an outside bar pattern,

because the high has surpassed

the previous high of the candle,

and the low has surpassed

the previous low of this candle,

but in terms of strength,

or in terms of bearishness,

this pattern is not as bearish,

or nearly as bearish as what we saw

in FMCG sector, because here,

the close was clearly lower than

the low of the previous candle,

whereas in the media sector case,

the close is just about lower

than the open of the previous candle,

not at the low point.

So had the close happened somewhere here,

that is clearly lower than

the low of this candle,

then this would've been categorized as

an extremely strong bearish reversal case.

I hope my point is clear here.

Do remember this,

that the current candle closing

has to be below the low of the previous candle,

as it will signify more strength.

This is a point to remember.

Now, I'll move to, again, Nifty Next 50.

So this is case of 2017.

Now, why I've pulled out this case is that

I wanted to show you that

this pattern fails as well,

no matter how strong this pattern looks.

If you look at these two patterns,

now, this candle was signifying the past trend.

Look how bearish this candle is,

but despite of that,

this pattern failed.

Again, a similar pattern played out.

This candle was signifying the past trend.

Again, a very strong bearish pattern,

but again, the stop loss was hit,

and the trade failed.

So, I want to highlight one thing.

Nothing works always,

and it always has to be in context with

what is going on in overall market.

But look at what happened in Nifty Next 50

few months down the line.

In August and in October last year,

while both these patterns fail,

now look at what happened

pretty recently in April,

and more importantly, in September.

Now, a prior trend was there in place,

but not that strong.

But still, it worked,

and price moved lower.

But in this particular case,

you do have 10% move,

then you see opening of

this candle at this point,

pretty close to the high point of the candle,

and then a clear close below the low point

of the previous candle,

and since then, we have seen price move lower.

Now, what would have made

this candle more bearish,

or this pattern more bearish,

if the closing point that you see here

would've happened somewhere closer

to the low point of the candle,

that would've signified

a more bearish momentum

in this particular pattern,

but that did not happen

and price did auction higher,

but over the subsequent weeks,

you've seen price coming down.

So, I hope you're clear on two things.

One, the required conditions that are needed

for this pattern to play out,

and number two, to measure the strength of

bearishness in this particular strategy.

Now, if you look at this pattern

and this pattern,

out of these two,

I think this is more bearish,

because the closing point is clearly lower

than the low of the previous candle,

and look at how bearish this candle is.

If you look at this candle,

it is still bearish.

It sort of checks all the rules

that we have covered,

but look at the low point here,

and look at closing here.

You do get a feeling that

some sort of buying has happened,

the price has not been able to close

near the low point of the week.

So, this is what I want to cover on

the strength of this pattern,

how you assess whether this pattern

is on strength parameters,

whether it works out well or not.

Now, I wanna come to a individual case study,

that is of Kotak Bank.

Again, this is a pretty recent example.

So we have had a 10, 15% prior trend in place.

The first candle is actually signifying

the trend pretty clearly.

The next candle, look at the next candle,

how it plays out.

It opens at this point,

a high is made,

that is higher than the previous candle,

and clearly, there is a close happening

below the previous low of the first candle,

and near the low point of the current week.

Now, look how bearish this looks

in comparison to something like this

that we saw in the previous slide,

and you'll see that since then,

price has fallen.

So in terms of checking

the overall strength of the pattern,

this is how you have to go about.

So the next example that we'll take up,

again, it's a stock,

a banking stock, Axis Bank.

Now, again, we have a prior trend in place.

We get a bearish candle here.

It's pretty bearish,

that is representing

the previous trend pretty clearly,

then we get a fairly bullish candle.

Look at the strength of this candle,

but look at what happens here.

Instead of price rallying in one direction,

first, you get some sort of selling,

price again retraces back to

the low point of these candles,

and then, it moves up.

So it was not a direction movement,

which actually brings to,

notice a very important point,

that just because a bullish candle

or a bullish pattern has formed,

it does not mean that you'll get

a runaway move right away.

It is possible that sometimes it retraces back,

and then the pattern plays out.

But the lowest point of the second candle,

this actually becomes your reference point,

and the price should not dip

below the lowest point of your reversal candle.

Now, if you see on this chart,

this pattern actually also played out

in November 2015,

but look at the context of

the pattern that played out.

Had I seen this pattern back in November 15,

I would have traded it,

because it's a pretty strong pattern,

although when you look at a candle here,

which is actually,

this candle is actually more bearish

than this bullish candle,

so these are some pointers that

you have to take a look at,

although I must admit that

these pointers are more visible in hindsight,

and in real time,

because you're so eager to take a trade,

sometimes you do make a mistake.

But this is something

you'll need to keep in mind.

If you look at this bullish candle

that has formed,

this is actually more bullish

than this previous two bearish candles, right?

So these are just some minor points

that you have to note,

take a note of,

and while analyzing a trade on your own,

you need to keep these few things in mind.

So while pattern failed here,

a couple of months down the line,

this actually gave you a major reversal,

and then price moved up.

One thing I want to point out straight away

is that the beauty of this pattern is that

you'll see this pattern forming

only at the end of major trending moves,

which is why it is a rear pattern.

It does not form that often,

but you will find this pattern forming

after a major trending move,

either uptrend or downtrend.

Now, I'll come up with one more case study

with volumes in it.

Now, this is a stock.

I think I've not mentioned the stock name here.

I'd forgotten that.

So look what has happened.

Again, we have a prior downtrend in place, 10, 15%.

This first candle is clearly signifying

the bearish momentum,

then you get this super bullish candle.

It's clearly more bullish

than what you've seen here,

and then, price consolidates a bit,

and then moves higher.

Now, why I've pulled out this case study

is because of the volume.

Look at the volume here.

As this bullish candle has formed,

the volumes have actually spiked.

Now, this is not a criteria

that has to fulfill,

it's not mandatory,

but if you find such cases happening,

where price is trending lower,

and then you suddenly see

this reversal pattern kicking in,

with good amount of volume,

then do take note of it.

Volume is very similar

to adding fuel to fire.

So, if fire is represented by

this particular candle,

then volume becomes your fuel,

so which is why I always like to

pay attention to those particular

stocks or charts which are breaking out of

forming very good bullish reversal

or bearish reversal patterns,

which are happening on huge volumes.

You should definitely take note of those charts.

Now, next case study is of a stock, Havells.

Just now, I showed you how volume

does play an important role.

Why I pulled out this particular chart

is because while the bullish pattern

was playing out in this particular stock,

you can see that the high of this candle

is higher than the previous candle.

The close is also fairly bearish,

although I would've preferred a close

somewhere near the low point of

this current candle,

that is clearly lower than the previous one,

but you can see that

as this bearish candle was forming,

there was no distinctive pick-up in the volume,

so which is why I've not

added volume as a filter,

because sometimes it happens on great volume,

sometimes it does not,

so that is why I cannot put out

volume as a filter,

but definitely, if you see

something like the next chart,

that again, I'm going to show up,

that is of Godrej Consumer.

It's a pretty defensive stock,

but look at how it reversed in September 2018.

Again, a trend of 10, 15% was in play.

We got a high that is higher

than the previous candle,

a clear, a close below

the low of the previous candle,

but look at the volume spike that has happened.

The volume on this particular day

was highest that we saw

in the last one year or so.

So when you see this volume expansion happening,

when this pattern is playing out,

that actually becomes

an extremely bullish signal,

and you should be taking or trading those trades,

because the odds of these trades working out

is always good.

So I'll just move to the entry,

exit, and stop loss section.

I've covered about 10 to 12 case studies.

I'll just replicate this chart

to explain to you about entry,

exit, and stop loss.

So clearly, at the end of the week,

when this candle forms

and the closing happens,

this becomes your entry point.

The high point of this candle,

your entry candle,

becomes your stop loss when you're short selling.

In case you're buying,

I'll just pull out a buying example.

So this is a buy example.

In case you're buying,

this low point of the entry candle

becomes your stop loss.

So the second candle,

that is the entry candle of the trade,

becomes your entry,

and the high or the low point,

depending on whether you are short selling

or buy, becomes your stop loss.

Exit is subjective,

but I've found that this strategy

easily yields, whenever it works,

about 20 to 30%,

so you do get a risk-reward of

easily about three is to one,

four is to one, or five is to one.

Such kind of trades are easily,

you know, you can execute such trades

with this particular strategy.

Now, I'll come to the stock selection part.

Now, in stock selection,

you don't have to stick only to high beta.

In this particular strategy,

you can select low beta stocks as well,

because it's all about change in sentiment.

That happens or that plays out

in low beta stocks as well.

This pattern is again, rare.

It does not form that often,

but the odds are always high.

This is actually one of

the highest probability reversal patterns

that you'll find,

both on the bearish and the bullish side,

so whenever this plays out,

especially with expansion of volume,

do take note.

Stock universe can be anything.

It can be stocks comprising in F&O segment,

or in case you don't like short selling,

you can just stick to equities only.

One volume criteria that you can add just

to avoid illiquid stocks is that

over a period of 252 days,

the average volume should be

greater than five lakhs, right,

or half a million.

Again, no fundamental criterias are required,

but in case you want,

you can experiment with

the good fundamental stocks,

but I don't think that increases

the effectiveness of this pattern.

It might increase on the bullish side,

but I haven't tested that,

so I'll refrain from commenting on it.

One criteria that I always share

in all of my strategies is that

always check for the stocks in the same sector.

So, let's say Godrej Consumer,

in the FMCG sector,

is forming this bearish pattern,

and the chart is indicating that

price will move lower,

check out other stocks.

They may not be forming the same pattern,

but they might be indicating

same amount of bearishness in other forms,

so do take a note of that as well.

Now, I'll move to position size.

Again, this is a very common slide

that I put out in every swing trading strategy.

So, it's a repetition of that.

So, you are not willing to risk

more than 1% of your capital.

So, assuming your capital is Ten lakh,

your risk would be 10,000.

If 280 is your entry, stop is 260,

your position size would be your risk,

that is 10,000 divided by your entry minus stop,

that is 20, so 500 units.

So the formula for position size is

risk divided by the difference of

entry and stop loss.

In this particular outside bar pattern,

your second candle is the most important one,

so if you're buying,

the low point of that candle

becomes your stop loss,

whereas if you're short selling,

the high point of that candle

becomes your stop loss.

One thing I wanna add is

wait for the end of the week to play out.

Don't take a trade assuming that

this pattern is forming at mid week.

Please don't preempt, because sometimes,

the mistakes are really costly.

Just be patient, and wait out.

As it is, you intend to capture

the next 20, 30% of the move,

so getting in early 1% or 2% early,

it hardly would make a difference.

So I'll just repeat the key points.

Time frame has to be weekly.

There has to be a major trending move.

Volume addition is a criteria

you can definitely explore,

although that's not a prerequisite.

Now, decisiveness of the second candle

usually determines the success of this strategy,

that is why focus on the second candle.

Learn to think in psychological terms,

like I showed you.

Be in the position of the trader.

Let's say, in case you're trying to

short the market,

you've had a nice trend in place,

imagine you have a position,

and then you see a sudden shift happening.

Just try and think from

a psychological point of view.

Your trading would naturally improve over time.

What I've found is that

due to the nature of stock market,

which usually trends up after a down cycle,

and in general, also,

the bias of stock market is to trend higher,

this pattern actually does work

better on the buy side.

So I usually don't pick out

this pattern for short sell that often.

I usually stick to the buy side only,

but it depends on

the underlying market conditions.

Like the conditions that we have now,

I would definitely look for

reversal trades as well.

Again, don't forget to check the stocks

from the same sector,

that is the sister stock concept

that I've discussed many times.

So I was due to release options video this week,

but because of the kind of market

that we are into,

I thought that I would cover

reversal pattern again.

I covered the reversal pattern two weeks back,

that is the kicker pattern of candlesticks,

and I thought that, again,

a reversal pattern at this particular time

would be more handy,

which is why I made out

a swing trading video this week,

and not an options trading one.

So, you can contact me on my email address,

Twitter, or on YouTube as well,

and I'll get back to you

with whatever query you have.

So thanks a lot for watching this video.

In case you have any doubt,

just leave a comment below,

and I'll answer it as soon as possible.

Be safe, guys.

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