Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Welcome back, everybody!

In this video I'm going to be showing you how to unlock

Week 3's hidden battlestar,

which will grant you a free tier upon it's retrieval.

Once you complete all of Week 1's and Week 2's challenges,

as well as acquiring the hidden battlestar

and hidden banner from Week 1 and Week 2,

you will then be able to search for Week 3's hidden battlestar.

If you still need to find the hidden items from Week 1 and Week 2

I have provided links in the description of this video,

to my other videos,

which will show you where they are located.

Now, let me pull up the screenshot in the video

of Week 3's hidden battlestar location, for you all.


If you take a close look you'll be able to see

the battlestar image, on the chimney of the cabin,

directly behind the Fable skin.

It is located on the roof of one of the cabins,

in Wailing Woods, in front of it's chimney.

You can find this cabin in sector 'I-3,'

which should be right about here.

So, let's go find it!

Let's drop quickly here so I can show you all the target location.


our target location.

The cabin sitting slightly east in the middle of sector 'I-3'.


There it is, everybody.

The hidden battlestar for Week 3.

Until next time, you all take care and I will see you all next week!

For more infomation >> Season 6: Week 3 Hidden Battlestar! - Fortnite Battle Royale - fuzzheadjr - Duration: 1:29.


Pepa Pig Episodes - Pepa and George at School! Toys Story for Kids - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig Episodes - Pepa and George at School! Toys Story for Kids - Duration: 2:08.


Lady Gaga - Shallow - Piano Tutorial Easy - (A Star is Born) - Sheet Music - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Lady Gaga - Shallow - Piano Tutorial Easy - (A Star is Born) - Sheet Music - Duration: 3:43.


Dance Moms: Chloe Is Injured Right Before Nationals (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Chloe Is Injured Right Before Nationals (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:59.


🐶FIRST FAMILY PUPPY!! - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> 🐶FIRST FAMILY PUPPY!! - Duration: 7:21.


Nerf Mega Double Breach Blaster Toy Blaster Toy Weapons Review - Duration: 6:05.

Nerf Mega Double Breach

For more infomation >> Nerf Mega Double Breach Blaster Toy Blaster Toy Weapons Review - Duration: 6:05.


Ladybug Learn Colors Puzzle - Wrong Slots for Kids - Duration: 2:54.





do not forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Ladybug Learn Colors Puzzle - Wrong Slots for Kids - Duration: 2:54.


PENJING BONSAI LANDSCAPE, Progress and maintenance, Be the Creator, Oct.18 - Duration: 11:30.


This is Samar

... welcomes you to Be The CREATOR

To day I'm going to share with you ...

my Penjing Bonsai Landscape ...

It's progress and...

..... it's post monsoon maintenance

In which ...

the most important thing is...

reshape of the main tree ....

and adding soil in it

On August last year...

I have started this penjing landscape ...


The rocks I've used here ....

aren't actually rocks at all ....

I made it from Cement

If you ...

want to make artificial rock your self ...

and want to learn how to start a penjing landscape ...

Then click the links ....

given in description box

It should not call Penjing Bonsai Landscape ...

Penjing is originally a Chinese word ....

Which means ...

tree in a pot ...

That is bonsai actually

Any way It was my first ever experiment on penjing landscape

And it is successful

The experience I gathered from it ....

will help me to start a second project

I'll share the second project with you surely

I used some different types of plants here ...

like it is a ....

Dieffenbachia small plant here ....

It is surviving till now ...

two Dwarf Jade plants are here ...

.... they are also surviving

The main reason of their disturbed growth is ...

Soil erosion

The soil I used here ...

upper portion of that has been washed out ....

as a result ....

both the dwarf Jade plants became ....

almost bare root

The better growing plant here is this Golden Hedge...

which I'm going to reshape

This is Asparagus fern

I've to make it stand

There is a hole on the rock here, which I can use ...

to make it stand by clip

To make the clip ....

I'll use copper wire

At first I'll fold the wire like this ...

and on the other end I'll fold the ends of the wire ...

in opposite direction ...

It is now erected

Little trim for more ramification

Black ants made their colony inside

Soil coming out

It should be fixed

Now I'll reshape this Golden Hedge

Some lower branches must be pruned

This lower branch also

And it's too

Let's trim the Asparagus

Now the Golden Hedge again

Golden Hedge


Duranta cuttings can be rooted easily

I'll propagate these for future project

Duranta is the native plant of South America

Though it become naturalized all over the world ...

for its ornamental use

It has several names now

Leaving 1 or 2 pairs of leaves on each branch I'm ...

pruning them

Two branches from similar point here

Out of them ...

one must be pruned

I'll prune the upwards going branch

Let's have a front view

Removing this branch

Let prune the branch here growing inside the curve

I'll chop the main trunk line here

Then the height of the tree will be controlled and ...

there will be more ramification

Pruning all primary branches leaving 1 or 2 pairs of leaves

.... there will be two new branches

What to do with this branch?

Better let cut it flush

This crossing branch must be pruned

Some weed has grown here ...

Let them grow here

... but I'll cut little back them

Now I'll add new soil again

I've made this soil with the mixture of garden soil and ...


If you are a bonsai lover and want to make bonsai ...

or started making bonsai but you ...

have not proper knowledge of ...

how to go ahead

Then must Subscribe to my channel

And for notification ....

press the Bell icon appears later on

Top layer of the soil ...

I made with sticky soil and compost ....

as it will not wash out easily while watering

Normal bonsai soil which we use in pot ...

Being in the upper part ...

it will wash out with water

I learnt it from my first experiment

I'll cover up the top soil with Moss

So that soil can't be wash out again

In our climate moss is not growing around the year

Still ...

once a cluster of moss grows somewhere ...

on same spot, next monsoon ...

again moss will grow easily

On condition soil must not be wash out

Now well watering

That's asll for now friends

See you on next video

Till then Goodbye

For more infomation >> PENJING BONSAI LANDSCAPE, Progress and maintenance, Be the Creator, Oct.18 - Duration: 11:30.


14th October 2018 Sunday Avyaktvani - Duration: 31:04.

Om Shanti !

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 14th October 2018

( Today we will listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 18th February 1984)

Murli Heading : Brahmin life is the invaluable life.

(All of us children know that, among all the castes, the highest case is Brahmin Caste)

(and Brahmin life has been praised to be invaluable life)

(as Brahmins are directly born through the mouth of Brahma)

(and they are called as Shiv descendants)

(so Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, has made the children Brahmins by virtue of qualities & duties)

(Brahmins are recognised through their qualities & duties)

(and not by their names or castes)

(so let's listen to why sweet, sweet BaapDada has called Brahmin life, to be invaluable life)

Today, the Ocean of Love has come to celebrate a meeting with the children who are always absorbed in love.

(those children who have come to meet Ocean of love)

( Ocean of love too has come to meet those children )

Just as you remember the Father with love, in the same way,

in order to give multimillion-fold return to the loving children,

the Father comes into the corporeal world to celebrate a meeting.

The Father makes you children bodiless and incorporeal, the same as He is,

and the children, with love, make the incorporeal and subtle fathers corporeal, the same as they are.

(Sweet sweet Shiv Baba & Brahma Baba make us children bodiless & incorporeal)

(and we children in love, what do we do?)

(make both the subtle Fathers, corporeal)

This is the wonder of the children's love.

Seeing the wonder of the children's love, BapDada is pleased

The Father sings songs of the children's virtues,

of how they are becoming equal to the Father by being constantly coloured by the Father's company.

(BapDada in children's love is pleased)

(but, what is BapDada seeing ?)

(how the children in Father's company are coloured)

(are becoming equal to Father and Baba is singing their praises too)

BapDada calls such children who follow the Father, obedient, faithful, trustworthy, true invaluable jewels.

(now we have to see if we are obedient, faithful, trustworthy, true invaluable jewels. )

(whom BapDada is pleased to see)

Compared to you children, even physical diamonds and jewels are like dust.

(if someone keeps diamonds and jewels in front of us)

(for us then they are equal to dust)

You are so invaluable

(meaning you are more valuable than the diamonds & jewels)

Do you experience yourselves

to be the victorious invaluable jewels of the garland around BapDada's neck?

(you should have such an intoxication that you are victorious invaluable jewels of the garland around BapDada's neck)

Do you have such self-respect?

(does this remain as self respect in your memories ?)

Double-foreign children have the intoxication and happiness that although they are very far away

BapDada has selected them from a faraway land and made them belong to Him.

(the foreign brothers & sisters have this intoxication of happiness)

(that we were so far away, but, BapDada from such a faraway land too, has selected us)

(has called us here and made us belong to Him)

The world is looking for the Father whereas the Father has found you.

Do you consider yourselves to be this?

The world is calling out to Him to come here, and what song do all of you sing numberwise?

(the world is calling out to Him, but, you Brahmin children what song do you sing ?)

(so we children what song do we sing ? )

"I sit with You, I eat with You and I am always in your constant company"

There is such a difference between calling out and being in constant company. It is the difference of day and night, is it not?

There is such a difference between souls who are thirsty for imperishable attainment even for a second

and you souls who are embodiments of attainment.

Those souls constantly sing songs whereas you are those who constantly sit in the Father's lap.

(Baba is telling us the difference between both of them)

(they cry out and sing songs)

(and you all are those who sit in Father's lap)

(you are called a inheritors and they keep calling out)

They are those who cry out and you are those who follow His directions at every step

(Baba says, they keep crying, God come, come come)

(and you are those, who follow the directions of God in every step)

They are thirsty for just a glimpse and you are those who have been made by the Father an image that grants visions.

(Baba says they are thirsty for a glimpse)

(and you are those who have been made by the Father an image that grants visions)

Let them experience a bit more pain and sorrow

and then see how they come in front of you thirsting for a second's glimpse or a second's drishti from all of you

(Baba is talking about the future, when a time will come, when for a second's glimpse of you children)

(they will be thirsting for a second's glimpse or a second's drishti from all of you, and will wait in queue)

Now you invite them and call them

At that time, they will make a lot of effort to meet you

for even a second: "Please let us meet you!"

All of you will have the practical form of being an embodiment that grants visions.

(Baba says, all of you will practically have an influence of being an embodiment who grants vision)

Amongst you children too, you will recognise the importance of your elevated life

and elevated attainment a lot more at such a time

(We Brahmin children, very few among us will recognise Father)

Now, because of carelessness and being ordinary, you even forget your greatness and your speciality.

However, when souls who lack attainment come in front of you thirsting for attainment,

you will experience more who you are and who they are

(now they can see little difference)

(but Baba says, in future, they will have this experience)

(that who are we and who are they?)

At the moment, because you easily receive many treasures from BapDada,

you sometimes consider your value and even the treasures to be ordinary.

However, every elevated version, every second, and every breath of Brahmin life is so elevated.

You will experience this a lot more as you progress further

(now children do not experience so much)

(but Baba says, in future, you will experience this more)

Every second of Brahmin life creates not just a reward for one birth, but for birth after birth.

(the time which you have got in this Brahmin life)

(is not only for one birth, but birth after birth, your rewards are destined to be created)

A second gone means a reward for many births gone.

(Baba says, if you lose one second in the Confluence Age)

(then you have lost the reward for many future births)

You are the elevated souls with such an invaluable life.

You are such special souls with an elevated fortune

Do you understand who you are?

Baba has come to meet such elevated children

You double-foreign children constantly remember this, do you not?

Or is it that you sometimes forget and sometimes remember?

You have become embodiments of remembrance, have you not?

Those who have become an embodiment can never forget.

(they will never say that I have forgotten Baba)

(they move ahead in remembrance of Baba )

Don't become those who have to remember, but become embodiments of remembrance. Achcha.

To those who constantly celebrate a meeting,

to those who are constantly coloured by the Father's company

to those who understand the importance of all attainments of the self and time,

to those who constantly follow the Father at every step;

to such long-lost and now-found obedient children, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

BapDada meeting new children who have come from Poland and other countries:

Do all of you consider yourselves to be fortunate?

What fortune do you have?

(all children who have come from Poland and other countries, listen to this carfefully)

(Baba is asking you)

(do you consider yourselves to be fortunate?)

(if yes, then what fortune do you have?)

To come to this elevated land is the greatest fortune of all.

(Baba is giving the answer, that, this land is elevated land)

(as God Himself comes here)

This land is the land of the great pilgrimage

To have arrived here is fortune anyway.

So what more will you now do ?

Stay in remembrance, constantly continue to increase the practice of remembrance.

However much each of you learns, continue to increase that.

If you constantly continue to maintain relationship,

then with that relationship you will continue to attain a great deal. Why?

In today's world, everyone wants both happiness and peace.

(each one's demand is happiness & Peace)

So both of these can be attained for all time through the practice of this Raja Yoga.

(Baba says, both these attainments are made through Raj Yoga)

If you want this attainment, the easy method is this.

Don't let go of it. (meaning to remember Baba through a relation should not be left)

Keep it with you. You will receive a lot of happiness.

It will be as though you have received a mine of happiness,

through which you will be able to distribute true happiness to others

(you will get such a mine, where you can get a lot of jewels of knowledge)

(and you can also distribute to everyone)

Relate this to others and also show this path to others.

There are so many souls in the world, but out of all of those souls

it is you few souls who have reached here.

This is also a sign of great fortune

You have reached the shanti-kund (power house).

(where have you reached? Shanti kund.)

Peace is essential for everyone.

To be peaceful themselves and continue to give everyone peace is the speciality of humans.

If there is no peace, what is the life of a human being?

You have spiritual imperishable peace. You can show yourself and many others the way to attain real peace

You will become charitable souls.

(when you show the way, you will become charitable souls)

It is such great charity to give peace to a peaceless soul.

First of all become full yourself and then you can become charitable souls to others.

There is no other charity like this

(to make the separated children meet the Father, there is no charity other than this)

You can show unhappy souls the sparkle of peace and happiness.

(now prepare yourself through this Raj Yoga)

(that you can show a sparkle of peace & happiness to unhappy souls, if you ndesire)

(where there is deep love, we will surely achieve it)

Where there is deep love, the thought of the heart is fulfilled.

Continue to move along as messengers who give the message that you have just received from the Father.

(now the message which Baba has given you, how to give them introduction)

(to establish relation, you, too become a mesenger and move ahead)

BapDada meeting servers:

The lottery of service makes you full for all time

By doing service, you become full of treasures for all time.

(Baba is describing the specialities in service)

(firstly it makes you full)

(secondly, the treasures remain full always)

All of you did number one service.

All of you are those who claim the first prize, are you not?

The first prize is to remain content and to make everyone content.

So, what do you think?

For the number of days that you did service, did you remain content all of that time

and also make others content or did some of you become upset?

(now Baba is asking them the calculations)

(you stayed here for so many days, did you make yourslf content ?)

(Did you make others content or some were upset with you ?)

If you remained content and made others content, you are number one.

To be victorious in every task means to be number one. This is success.

Don't allow yourselves to be disturbed and don't disturb others. This is victory.

Therefore, you are such victorious jewels for all time. Victory is the right of the confluence age

because you are master almighty authorities

True serviceable souls are those who constantly have spiritual vision

a spiritual attitude and, as spiritual roses, make all spirits happy.

(See how Baba gives us such nice titles and pampers us)

So, for however long you served, did you serve as a spiritual rose?

(Baba is asking did you consider yourself to be spiritual roses at that time)

There weren't any thorns in between, were there? Did you always maintain spiritual awareness

that is, did you always stay in the stage of a spiritual rose?

(Baba say to remain in spiritual awareness)

(that is, to be in the spiritual rose stage.)

Just as you practised this here, in the same way, maintain such an elevated stage at your own places

(what you inculcated in Madhuban, it should continue in your house too)

Don't come down, no matter what happens or what the atmosphere is like. Roses live amidst thorns and yet

constantly continue to give fragrance; they don't become thorns whilst living amidst thorns.

(Baba says, what should you do ? Spread happiness to everyone)

(give Baba's message and staying with thorns)

(you too smile and also teach them)

(how amidst unhappiness and peacelessness also,)

(if we are in remembrance of love of Father)

(then we will attain multi-million times and our stage too will be pleasant)

In the same way, spiritual roses always stay beyond the influence of the atmosphere and remain loving and detached.

When you get back, don't write: What can I do? Maya came!

(Baba tells us not to write such letters)

You are going back as those who are constant conquerors of Maya, are you not?

Don't give Maya permission to come.

(if you give permission, then she will come with her Army)

Keep the door closed for all time.

(as soon as you see her coming, you close the doors of your house)

The double lock is remembrance and service.

Maya cannot come where there is a double lock.

BapDada meeting Dadiji and other senior sisters:

Just as the Father constantly increases the zeal and enthusiasm of you children

in the same way, it is you children who follow the Father.

BapDada is especially congratulating all of you teachers who have come from this land and abroad for service.

Each one of you, consider yourself to have a right to love and remembrance personally by name and give yourself love in that way.

If Baba were to sing each one's praise individually, how many people's praise could He sing?

All of you have made a lot of effort.

You have progressed well since last year and, in the future too,

you will continue to progress the maximum for yourself and also in service.

(Wah ! you have been blessed.)Do you understand?

Don't think that BapDada hasn't spoken to you.

He is speaking to all of you.

Devotees are making effort to remember the Father's name

and are thinking that the Father's name should remain on their lips, whereas whose name is on the Father's lips?

The names of you children are on the Father's lips.

Do you understand? Achcha.

Blessing: May you be a great renunciate who renounces the respect and status received through service and creates the imperishable fortune.

The practical fruit of the elevated actions that you perform

and service that you children do is to be praised by everyone.

(Baba says, the practical fruit of service, is everyone praises you)

A server receives a seat of elevated praise,

he receives a seat of respect and status.

Such a soul definitely receives this success

However, all of these forms of success are the steps of the journey and not the final destination.

So, renounce this and become fortunate.

This is known as being a great renunciate.

The speciality of a great incognito donor is to be a renunciate of even the renunciation.

(Baba says, those who are incognito great donors)

(what is their speciality)

(they renounce the renunciation too)

(that is, they do not feel from inside, that they have renounced this or that)

(meaning to renounce that feeling also)

Slogan: In order to be an angel, observe the part of every soul as a detached observer and give them sakaash.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> 14th October 2018 Sunday Avyaktvani - Duration: 31:04.


ESIC Insurance Medical Officer Recruitment 2018 | ESIC IMO Recruitment 2018 - Duration: 5:48.

ESIC Insurance Medical Officer Recruitment 2018

ESIC IMO Recruitment 2018

For more infomation >> ESIC Insurance Medical Officer Recruitment 2018 | ESIC IMO Recruitment 2018 - Duration: 5:48.


Essence Of Murli 14-10-18 - Duration: 8:02.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 14th October 2018

( Today we will listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 18th February 1984 )

Murli Heading : Brahmin life is the invaluable life. ( Because Brahmins are mouth born chilldren of Brahma. Shiv Vanshi )

( Do note "Brahmins" here means all those who perform elevated deeds. Its got nothing to do with ones caste etc. )

( So lets hear why Baapdada says Brahmin life is Invaluable ? )

Today, the Ocean of Love has come to celebrate a meeting with the children who are always absorbed in love.

Just as you remember the Father with love

in the same way, in order to give multimillion-fold return to the loving children, the Father comes into the corporeal world to celebrate a meeting.

The Father makes you children bodiless and incorporeal,

the same as He is, and the children, with love, make the incorporeal and subtle fathers corporeal, the same as they are.

This is the wonder of the children's love. Seeing the wonder of the children's love, BapDada is pleased.

The Father sings songs of the children's virtues, of how they are becoming equal to the Father by being constantly coloured by the Father's company.

BapDada calls such children who follow the Father, obedient, faithful, trustworthy, true invaluable jewels.

To those who constantly celebrate a meeting,

to those who are constantly coloured by the Father's company,

to those who understand the importance of all attainments of the self and time,

to those who constantly follow the Father at every step;

to such long-lost and now-found obedient children, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

Blessing: May you be a great renunciate who renounces the respect and status received through service and creates the imperishable fortune.

The practical fruit of the elevated actions that you perform and service that you children do is to be praised by everyone.

A server receives a seat of elevated praise, he receives a seat of respect and status.

Such a soul definitely receives this success.

However, all of these forms of success are the steps of the journey and not the final destination.

So, renounce this and become fortunate.

This is known as being a great renunciate.

The speciality of a great incognito donor is to be a renunciate of even the renunciation.

Slogan: In order to be an angel, observe the part of every soul as a detached observer and give them sakaash.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 14-10-18 - Duration: 8:02.



For more infomation >> MINH HẰNG - LỖI LẦM CÂY LÁ VÀ GIÓ | LYRIC VIDEO - Duration: 4:33.


第一道館小剛超爛,其他人都比他強!【口袋新世界】#03常磐森林 尼比市 chu玩遊戲|有cc字幕 - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> 第一道館小剛超爛,其他人都比他強!【口袋新世界】#03常磐森林 尼比市 chu玩遊戲|有cc字幕 - Duration: 11:05.


STAR WARS: Waren Klone eigentlich Bürger der Republik? [Legends] - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> STAR WARS: Waren Klone eigentlich Bürger der Republik? [Legends] - Duration: 5:00.


Trump "Chém" Trung Quốc và chủ nghĩa xã hội tại Liên Hợp Quốc! - Duration: 7:34.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

if you criticize socialism,

does that mean you're not being very sociable?

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

US President Donald Trump spoke

at the UN General Assembly this week.

And it seemed to go well.

In less than two years,

my administration has accomplished more than

almost any administration in the history of our country. true.

Didn't expect that reaction but that's okay.

A little laughter, and some applause.

But there are "some countries," according to Trump,

that just aren't playing by the same rules as everyone else.

For example,

countries were admitted to the World Trade Organization

that violate every single principle on which the organization is based.

Even were some countries abused their openness to dump their products,

subsidize their goods, target our industries,

and manipulate their currencies

to gain unfair advantage over our country."

"These countries use government-run industrial planning

and state-owned enterprises to rig the system in their favor."

Yeah, "some countries"!

Not to name names here.

And I respect your self-restraint, Mr. President.

But it's ok to say your favorite word!

China, China, China

The United States has just announced tariffs on another

200 billion dollars in Chinese made goods,

for a total of 250 billion dollars.

Oh my gosh does the Chinese representative have a black eye?!

Hang on, I've just received this letter from the Chinese Consulate!

Apparently, China's UN ambassdor...

fell down a fly of stairs.


But the Chinese Communist Party wants you to know,

if any country is being abusive, it's the United States.

"Now that the U.S. has taken

such sweeping measures of trade restrictions,

which is like putting a knife to others' neck,

how could we conduct negotiations?"

State-run Xinhua accuses the US of "trade bullyism."



Wow, it's like China's even stealing our insults...

and reverse engineering them,

and then trying to sell us badly-made knock-offs.

That is why we need tariffs, people!

It's time to bring back those high-quality, made-in-America insults.

Like "hornswoggler."

That's a real word.

Look it up.

I'm not hornswoggling you.

Wait, what was I talking about?

Oh, right.

How the US is the bully in this trade scenario.

Now I know you're probably thinking,

"Wait, isn't China the big dirty cheater here?"

But how could that be?

China has just released a white paper on the trade war

proving that China's right.

Using facts.

That's right folks, Chinese state-run media

wants you to know that this white paper includes real facts.

Presumably to distinguish it from all the previous white papers,

like the one about how China has made

"remarkable progress" in human rights.

It's like when Domino's Pizza started advertising,

"Now made with real cheese!"

And they were hoping you would think,

"oh goody!"

But you were actually thinking,

"Wait, what did they use before?

And should I even be eating this now?"

But just because a pizza contains real cheese,

doesn't mean it also contains real meat.

So while China's new white paper on trade

may contain some real facts,

it's a bit lacking in others.

Like the facts about China

relentlessly dumping products on the US,

forcing technology transfer,

and stealing America's intellectual property.

But it's not about whether the white paper is true,

or partly true, or the pepperoni is actually rat meat.

The point is, you shouldn't worry.

Because China is looking out

for the world in the face of US aggression.

It says "[The US] has become the greatest source of uncertainty

and risk for the recovery of the global economy,"

but "[China has] the support of

all countries in the world that reject protectionism,

unilateralism and hegemony."

Yeah, that's right.

The Chinese Communist Party

is standing up for the rest of the world,

using its totally fair debt traps.

And my favorite Chinese state run media, the Global Times,

said this week that in the US-China trade war,

"China is honest and principled

and a major trade power with intensive strengths.

No one can take us down."

But President Trump may have other ideas.

Not about any country in particular, of course.

"Virtually everywhere socialism or communism has been tried

it has produced suffering corruption and decay.

Socialism's thirst for power leads to expansion,

incursion and oppression.

All nations of the worlds should resist socialism

and the misery that it brings to everyone."

That's misery to everyone in general,

not necessarily everyone in particular.

Oh, c'mon!

There's lots of countries

where people are suffering from socialist policies.

That's better.

So what do you think?

Leave your comments below.

And before you go,

now is the time when I answer questions from you!

The loyal members of the China Uncensored 50-cent army

who support the show on the crowd funding website Patreon.

David Blatt asks,

What is the impact of Hong Kong

handing over sovereignty of the train station in Kowloon

that links it to PRC;

and what is their reasoning for this suspicious occurrence.

That's another step in the Chinese Communist Party's plan

to change one country, two systems—

the policy where Hong Kong gets to keep freedoms

unimaginable in the rest of China—

into one country, one system—

where things are much more harmonious.

Losing a piece of Hong Kong territory at the train station

and having it be administered under Mainland Chinese law

is a small but meaningful step toward that.

It would have been unthinkable ten years ago.

But bit by bit,

Hong Kong's freedoms are vanishing.

In this case, in the name of convenience.

But so far,

the high-speed rail line doesn't seem to be

as popular as the government thought.

Thanks for you question David.

And do you have a question you want to ask me?

Then join the China Uncensored 50-Cent Army on Patreon.

You'll get some cool rewards for your services,

including having the chance

to have me answer your question on the show!

So sign up at

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Well, sorry to say,

that's the end of another China Uncensored.

But this isn't goodbye!

Hit that subscribe button and turn the notification bell on

so you know when we have more episodes.

And more episodes we will have.

A new one comes out every Monday,

Wednesday, Friday and sometimes Saturday!

For more infomation >> Trump "Chém" Trung Quốc và chủ nghĩa xã hội tại Liên Hợp Quốc! - Duration: 7:34.


♫ Ada Apa Dengan Bu Ratna Sarumpaet? - ArmanVesona - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> ♫ Ada Apa Dengan Bu Ratna Sarumpaet? - ArmanVesona - Duration: 2:09.


Here's Why You're Not Losing Fat (Backed By Science) - Duration: 11:34.

if you are not losing fat then this video is for you

now let's get some things very very clear you are not losing fat because you

have a slow metabolism because you have bad genes because the sugar and a banana

is making you fat your hormones also aren't the problem so in this video I'm

gonna break down the reasons why you may not be losing fat and what you can do

about it so one big reason why people are losing fat but not actually losing

weight on the scale is simply because of water retention so our body fluctuates

in weight hour to hour based on how much water we're retaining so for example if

you're eating a lot of carbohydrates you're gonna hold on to water and if you

drop your carbs you're gonna flush out that water and lose weight rapidly so

just due to dietary changes as well as many other different factors our water

weight can change so that's very important to keep in mind you can go on

a calorie deficit eat the right amount of food exercise right but gained a

little weight the next day simply because of your body holding on to more

water so the solution to this is to number one don't obsess over the scale

as a measure of progress because losing weight on as a number isn't always the

best indicator of progress because you could be gaining muscle at the same time

so that's something to keep in mind but the the best thing you can do is this

simply weigh yourself in the same circumstance meaning at the same time

after you've gone to the toilet before you've eaten in the morning just you can

control for different factors which may alter your weight from here you can

simply take averages week to week from your daily measurements and from the

their track to see if you're actually making progress over the weeks and

months so the first reason why you may not be losing weight is because you're

eating way more than you think you are now if you're tracking your calories

this can also apply to you for example if you're tracking all of your food raw

many people don't know that when you cook your food more calories are

available right like a cooked egg has more calories than a raw egg so if

you're tracking all your calories raw but you're eating your food cooked then

the amount of calories making up that difference could be

preventing you from losing weight that's just one example another is simply not

tracking your calories correctly and accurately enough and and not accounting

for small things that seem insignificant like a table spoon of olive oil on your

salad a tablespoon of olive oil is 140 calories you have a few of those per day

and that could be your 500 calorie deficit gone if you're not tracking it

in keeping those small things in mind so making sure you're in a calorie deficit

is the first thing you want to be doing because that's most likely why you're

not losing weight well it is probably the reason why you're not losing weight

it's all about maintaining a consistent calorie deficit when you're not

consuming enough food right your body still needs energy and it's gonna get

that from its own energy stores its own fat so that's why a calorie deficit

leads to fat loss I've seen this time and time again even with guys who are

trying to gain weight they think that eating a ton of calories but turns out

they're not so the same thing applies in opposite when you're trying to lose

weight a lot of people think that hardly eating any calories but they're actually

eating way more so this is why I highly recommend tracking your calories you

don't have to do it forever and you can no eat until you're full later on but I

do think that for a few weeks when you're beginning you should start to

track your calories in order to get a better understanding of what you're

actually putting into your body first thing you want to do if you want to

figure out how many calories you need to be eating is to find your total daily

energy expenditure these are basically the amount of calories that you need to

be consuming on a daily basis in order to maintain your weight you're gonna

plug in different things like your age and your weight into a calculator it's

gonna use a formula and give you a number and from that number you can drop

your calories below this I recommend between 500 to a thousand calories below

this do this on a consistent basis consuming enough protein at least 0.7 to

1 gram per pound of body weight of protein and you're gonna get the results

you want especially if you're also doing some type of resistance training it's as

simple as that so track your calories using a calculator that I'm going to put

in the description and then make sure to be tracking them accurately using an app

something like My Fitness Pal tends to be pretty good you know it's pretty easy

to mess up tracking calories for a number of reasons like I mentioned

before cooked versus raw food and also for the fact that a lot of the food

products that are on an app like My Fitness Pal on

100% accurate and you never can be so the best thing you can do is to simply

be consistent with the food products that you're using because even if you

track something like a sandwich and you're 50 calories off that's annoying

but if you continuously use that's the same ingredients and you're 50 calories

off but you're consistent with it then you can see the changes on the scale and

the mirror and adjust from there using the same ingredients so it's not the

biggest deal in the world if the foods you're using is slightly unnatural as

long as you're consistent with the food products and the brands that you're

using so the next thing is is pretty obvious right it's it's cheating on your

diet right it's it's overeating it's giving in to the cravings and binging on

a bunch of unhealthy food like M&Ms chocolate potato chips too much pizza

and bear etc so this is problematic clearly because it's gonna push you over

your calories um and it's not necessarily bad to overfeed from time to

time you know there may even be some metabolic advantages from eating a ton

of carbohydrates once per week it may refill your muscle glycogen stores well

it will and it may help you with your workouts and may help you feel better it

may help with a whole psychology of dieting but if you're doing this too

often and you're cheating consistently and you're eating a bunch of pizza when

you're trying to be in a calorie deficit on a consistent basis then you're just

asking for trouble and I mean there's nothing really I can do about this from

this camera right it's up to you to figure out the deeper reason why you're

binging okay some some suggestions that I recommend are going to be to not under

eat too much because that's gonna give you a lot of it's gonna create a lot of

hunger consuming enough protein and fiber is gonna be good because it's

gonna keep you nice and full so it's gonna lessen the chance that you're

gonna be hungry so following things like that is a good idea definitely I

wouldn't recommend under eating too much because people just try to under it a

lot when they start dieting so they have five days of a very low-calorie diet

then they can't sustain it they get super hungry they binge give up and

repeat the cycle and it's just a tragedy waiting to happen the other thing to

consider is the amount of energy that you're burning so before I mentioned the

total daily energy expenditure calculator the number of calories you

need to maintain your weight to find this you need to put in the amount of

time you're exercising per week and the intensity at

which you're exercising and that's gonna and the formula is gonna use that

information to give you a number now this number is never gonna be accurate

because there are only four options four or five options on these calculators on

workout intensity and it's very difficult to get accurate with that so

what you need to consider is the fact that you may not be exercising as hard

as you think you are for example on these calculators it's gonna give you

you know a really moderate workout a very intense workout and then a super

super intense workout you may click super super intense workout because

that's all you think you do but in the gym in reality you don't push yourself

that hard so by doing that you're gonna give yourself the chance to overeat more

calories and then maybe the reason why you're not losing weight so try to be as

honest as possible when you're inputting when you're answering these questions

about your intensity exercise intensity because you simply may not be exercising

as hard as you think you are another thing you want to keep an eye on to

something called NEET non energy activity thermogenesis this is basically

all the activity extra activity like walking tapping your leg reaching to the

fridge you know scratching your eyebrow these sorts of activities throughout the

day which expend energy which aren't counted as an active form of exercise

like going to the gym and doing pull-ups now this may seem kind of insignificant

but it actually makes up a big difference between the amount of energy

individuals are burning for example someone's having their leg at their desk

consistently throughout the day may burn up to 30% more calories throughout the

day compared to someone who doesn't tap their leg at all so you can see just

from that example that it can make a pretty significant difference so this is

something to keep in mind when you're putting into the calculator how active

you are during the day NEET is generally one of the reasons why some people think

they have much faster metabolisms than other people we're all made the same but

some people just simply expend more energy the differences between people's

metabolisms isn't even that dramatic you know there are things that make a

difference between people's metabolisms like organ size and muscle mass but

these factors aren't as significant as many people portray them to be another

factors to consider is the amount of time that you've been dieting if you've

been dieting for a long time let's say 20 weeks and you're trying to lose a

significant amount of fat your metabolism may actually slow down

and the reason for this is complex there's an evolutionary logic behind it

you know if your food is scarce for a long period of time your body is gonna

want to conserve energy in order to increase your chances of survival so

this is called adaptive thermogenesis your body is basically gonna slow down

its metabolism over time when you've been in a calorie deficit for a long

time and this is normal it's nothing to freak out about but this is when a diet

breaks can come in handy so if you've been dieting for a long time it may be a

good idea to up your calories up your carbs to maintenance calories slightly

above maintenance calories for a week or to allow you metabolism to increase and

then carry on with a dieting process and that may give you some sort of advantage

although not a massive one the last thing to consider is the fact that

smaller bodies require less energy if you lost a significant amount of weight

then you simply require less calories in order to maintain your weight so you

can't stay in a 500 calorie deficit lose 50 pounds and then consume the same

amount of calories that you were at the beginning because your body doesn't need

that many so you need to drop it even further

so overall to summarize there's nothing special about fat loss it's not about

your metabolism Borelli it's not about hormones like insulin it's not that you

have bad genetics is basically just about being accurate with knowing what

you're putting into your body and how much energy you're expending on a daily

basis whether it be around the home or in the gym and then making sure that the

number that you're basing the calories you're consuming on is as accurate as

possible and also not getting caught up with the scale being the best and most

accurate determinant of whether you're making progress

because you may be gaining lost muscle you may be retaining more water one day

so try to take averages for your weight week to week and track your progress

based on the averages each week instead of fluctuations within a 24-hour period

the other thing is you want to do is consume enough protein protein is gonna

keep your metabolism strong that's the most thermogenic food it's gonna keep

your appetite down so keep that protein up 0.9 one gram per pound of body weight

is great when you're losing fat keep that fiber up keep that water intake up

calories too low and just stay consistent try to get stronger in the

gym and you're gonna get results I promise

please be sure to leave a comment down below and let me know what you think

about the video and I'll catch you guys next time

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