Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Woman Illustrate Her Daily Struggles In Related Comics

The artist has been creating comics since 2013

For more infomation >> Woman Illustrates Her Daily Struggles In 15+ Relatable Comics - Part1 - Duration: 5:27.


Liên quân | Thiên thần trợ thủ chơi Alice thả thính - Con gái chơi Liên quân auto xinh - Duration: 15:08.

For more infomation >> Liên quân | Thiên thần trợ thủ chơi Alice thả thính - Con gái chơi Liên quân auto xinh - Duration: 15:08.





Tử Vi Tuần Mới 12 Cung Hoàng Đạo - Tuần 42 - Horoscope - Duration: 16:07.

The new horoscope of the 12 zodiacal signs from October 15 to 21, 2018. 1. Aries Aries Horoscope. this week Horoscope said

Everything in Aries is very good, the job is effective, positive change, the health is stable. In general, you only need to pay attention to diet

and a reasonable break, to ensure the health of myself is okay. The work progressed quite smoothly, as there were no problems

Relationship with colleagues, also extremely friendly. This constellation always tries its best to complete all missions

Even if you have to work overtime, it does not bother me at all. Thanks to that the financial situation is very good, you just earned but also receive the support of friends

Old debts are also recovered. Since not having to worry about money, the birch is quite spiritual

However, you should remind yourself, financial management wise. Love situation is more favorable than you think

Weekend couples, also have time out, roam together. Remember to prepare beautiful clothes, to impress the person offline

Do not think that together for a long time, the point that lost points. . 2. Taurus horoscope, this week Watch the horoscope said

Basically, Taurus's new weekly zodiac is good, though it's a bit of a hassle, but it's quickly resolved

The work is progressing, thanks to you have a clear goal, always focus on the spirit to complete all the tasks, you also listen very well

Get feedback from colleagues again. The financial situation remained stable, but no outstanding increase

or over-spending. Song Tuan chan should still learn some of the necessary financial management skills, as it will bring you many opportunities

to make money and accumulate money in the future. In the affair, the constellation realizes that the difference between the two is understandable

Because of you and the person, belong to two completely different worlds. If there is a conflict, calmly talk to solve

Get rid of the problem, do not keep the problem in your heart. Taurus health is not good, because you often have problems with the eyes

aches and bruises, should feel quite tired. You should seek treatment as soon as possible, so that illness can be prevented

Listen to your body to find the right solution. . 3. Gemini horoscope, this week Weekly horoscope revealed, Gemini's transport is quite stable

both in terms of work and health. While working, you still encounter unexpected difficulties

But the results are still quite satisfactory. But do not be too proud, do not clash with colleagues, create more enemies for you

The financial situation of the week is very good, even some people buy high value stuff, such as buying a house, buying a car... The profit you get from work is not small.

Generally, you do not have to worry about money. In terms of sentiment there is a contradiction arising, doubts between couples

The reason is because, two people have not really interested, share and listen to the enemy, so misunderstandings have the opportunity to arise

The best. You and the person should spend a lot of time. to be together more. The health of this constellation is stable, sometimes you want to eat the night

because of hunger. It also does not affect the current weight. Gemini try to maintain good habits

To ensure that you are physically fit. as well as accomplishing goals in life. . 4. Horoscope Cancer. this week Horoscope forecast

Everything in the new week of Cancer is good, only the love story is not as expected. You will experience quite a difficult period

As the couple's conflicts continue to increase, there is a problem with the parents of the two sides, easily misunderstood affect the feelings of the children.

At work, you have a lot of good ideas, even while driving. go to work. You also come up with an idea

Of course, the superiors also appreciate those thoughts. And give you many compliments. If you try to promote this spirit

the career path is further developed. The financial situation of the week was very good, who invested in stocks

also earn not small. Fortune is looking forward to, if the advantage of taking advantage of the opportunity, then surely will be no less

Actually you know your decision. Should not work too risky. The health of Cancer is stable. Because the weather is quite pleasant

Thanks to good resistance. Recently, you rarely have sick or flu. Try to maintain the practice mode

eat as present. Surely you will not have to worry about physical issues. . 5. Leo Su Tu. this week noticed

All aspects of the life of the Leo are good, no matter what to worry. Work is still stable

Although you are assigned to more difficult tasks. but still very well done. Please accept the compliment. And do not forget to thank your colleagues

The upper level has supported. Although the job is convenient. But income does not increase much, mostly due to the task to do

not paid extra. So manage financially well. Do not be depressed. that's the money to relax

It is more difficult. Love story is not encountered anything too big. But there will be unforeseen things

But this is the story. You can not avoid it. So let's just accept it, do not bother. The more worrying

for those involved. Your health is stable, because Leo is serious about exercising regularly

The body is always very fast, energetic. You are aware of the effects of physical activity. Always try to arrange a reasonable time

To keep practicing every day. . 6. Virgo Virgo Virgo. Virgo's new Virgo week is not so good at all

Especially about love and health. Due to nervousness, anxiety. and sometimes impose thoughts on others

so the relationship between the two people affected. You should try to control yourself, if necessary take a relaxing break

Do not vent your anger. Work has been difficult. but lucky. Back to help you immediately

Even people are supported. find new contracts, increase your assets as well as income, just this constellation is dedicated to the work being done

There will be no disadvantage. Fortune does not stop there. The financial situation of Virgo is very good

If you have money to invest, speculative look. if nothing else. there is also some experience. If you are confident in your own understanding

Keep your hands strong, otherwise you should just try to know. The most worrying point. It is Virgo's health

Let yourself be rested. and regain the spirit of optimism. 7. Libra Horoscope. Follow the western horoscope. The love affair of Libra this week is quite good

You and the person have had a straight talk. Help to understand each other, so that you also have the opportunity. Show your heart to the enemy

There is hardly a good chance like this. So try to make use of it. In terms of work. is not very smooth

partly due to erratic weather. You are often tired, mentally weak. Someone can not control themselves

In conflict with your colleagues, customers, you should apologize if your behavior is not correct. Fortunately, the financial situation is very good

The ability to make money from this constellation is very good. Take the time to learn about investment opportunities. and the hours are starting to get profitable

But do not rush spending money, be careful with every dollar you earn offline. The health of Libra is very good

Although I still feel a bit tired. But the ability to recover quite fast. As long as you maintain a happy state

Optimistic, no worries at all. .  8. Scorpio Scorpio. Horoscope weekly 12 zodiac signs. Scorpio's things are all right

There are some troubles but not worth worrying about. Your ideas if ever. is considered not practical

This is now taken out to perform, being highly rated by the superiors. And you have the right to be proud. for what you do

In the money. This constellation is also very lucky, besides the ability to make money very well out. You are also very conscious of spending.

You have limited shopping habits. things are not really needed. and start saving, hoarding for the future

However, if Cable Cables. Still demanding the other half. have to do this one Then you should review your attitude offline

It seems love is so flat. So you want it to get up. to be noticed, but do not show jealousy

or excessive demand. Your health is perfectly stable, your body is always full of vitality

This is the result of. Moving regularly in the past, you are aware of this. Always spend time practicing

and achieved very positive results. .  9. Sagittarius Horoscope. Watch this Sagittarius Digimon this week. Everything is going well

Most talked about is the love story as beautiful as dreaming. After a period of conquest, the enemy finally recognizes the human

Your personality as well as your charm, if single, take a quick grasp of the opportunity. Take a half to me

The work of Code. There is no pressure as before, after some unexpected incident, you have to try very hard to adjust the work.

Follow its trajectory, you do not dare to share with anyone. for fear of benefiting the company affected. This week things started to improve

and you can continue to believe. on the chosen path. The financial situation was not as expected. by this constellation

Spending too much money from the previous week. So this week must tighten spending. Although very want to shop. But you have to restrain yourself

for fear of affecting future plans. Be aware of the need to protect your health. through exercise and eating

Sagittarius no longer eat the same as before, the body is also agile. and healthier. . 10. Scorpio Horoscope

The New Week of Capricorn. Overall not good, you need to be more patient. in love story

Do not do any external pressure. affect your future. Besides that. You should also pay attention to relationships with family members

Limited misleading to avoid quarrel with parents, brothers. Compete the career path very well, if any difficulties encountered

Will soon be colleagues, superior help. For a closer relationship, you should invite the person to eat

and hopefully in the future. still receive their love and support. Another worrying issue is that

financial difficulties. Do not learn thoroughly. So this constellation has decided to invest, speculation is not the right place

causing significant damage. Over this time. You can learn lessons from experience. Memorable for yourself. The next time will be more alert

The health of Capricorn is good, you are aware of what you need to do to good for the body. Although not much time to exercise

But you are always enlisted walking, climbing stairs, moving while working. should improve significantly

11. Aquarius Horoscope. This week's horoscope noticed. Aquarius keeps a stable working spirit. You are ambitious

And do not be afraid to share ideas with your superiors. to be recognized capacity. In working process. You also find people in the same direction

Together accomplish all difficult tasks. However. The financial situation is not as well, this constellation has bold decisions

resulting in loss of money. Have a business owner. Make mistakes that affect the company a lot

Best to be careful. with regard to paperwork. to avoid too much loss. Love story of Bao Bao very good

You and your partner have time to get to know each other, realize that there are many similarities. It should be more connected

This is a good time. to develop their relationship to a new height. Baoding's health is stable

Because the weather is quite pleasant. Thanks to good resistance. Recently, you rarely have sick or flu

Try to maintain the current diet and exercise regime. You will not have to worry. on the subject of fitness

Pisces Pisces. Pisces Pisces. This week, there was a lot of luck in the job, although there were quite a few unexpected incidents

But you can still handle it. There are also respectful colleagues. How to deal with your troubles, even though those efforts have not been documented

but it will be the pedal. let you advance in the future. The financial situation tends to be tight. Due to many unexpected happenings

Maybe a sick family member. You need medical attention and you can not help. Previously Ngu Nhi. also received help from people

So this is the time you pay a little bit of gratitude. they have given you. Love story this week is very good, you and each other give each other the words

Actions as sweet as possible. Love is sad at the fun, so. Happy times like this. Then enjoy every second of every minute

When you two go together. Particularly for health. was not as good as expected. You feel pretty tired

after practice sessions. so gradually become lazy. I do not want to practice anymore. But do not let fear overwhelm you too much

You can start with small exercises, and then gradually increase the difficulty. And the intensity up to the body to adapt

For more infomation >> Tử Vi Tuần Mới 12 Cung Hoàng Đạo - Tuần 42 - Horoscope - Duration: 16:07.


Delicate CAKE with curd cream - Duration: 2:58.

Cake with curd cream

For the cake: eggs - 2 pieces, vegetable oil - 125 g, milk - 225 g, sour cream - 75 g, flour - 285 g, sugar - 200 g, baking powder - 5 g, cocoa - 25 g, coffee - 25 ml

For cream: cream 33% - 150 ml, powdered sugar - 400 g, cottage cheese - 300 g, fruits

break eggs into a bowl

add milk

sour cream






baking powder


divide the dough into 2 equal parts

make coffee

add 25 g of flour and 25 g of milk to one part of the dough


in the second part of the dough, add 25 ml of coffee and 25 g of cocoa


put dough in alternating colors

make a drawing

bake 50-60 minutes at 180 degrees

cold cake divided into 2 parts

whip curd with a blender

cold cream whipped with powdered sugar

cream add to cottage cheese, mix with a blender

spread cream on the cake

put fruits

smear with cream, decorate with fruit and put in refrigerator for 1 hour

Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> Delicate CAKE with curd cream - Duration: 2:58.


Canteen Attendant Recruitment 2018 | Controller Of Defense Accounts Recruitment 2018 - Duration: 4:28.

Canteen Attendant Recruitment 2018

Controller of Defense Accounts

For more infomation >> Canteen Attendant Recruitment 2018 | Controller Of Defense Accounts Recruitment 2018 - Duration: 4:28.


EYT İçin Hdp'den Açıklama! Emeklilikte Yaşa Takılanlar - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> EYT İçin Hdp'den Açıklama! Emeklilikte Yaşa Takılanlar - Duration: 10:02.


Реакция на Эндшпиль feat. TumaniYO - It's My Life - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Реакция на Эндшпиль feat. TumaniYO - It's My Life - Duration: 5:53.


The truth behind accused Cristiano Ronaldo of rape !!!!!😂 - Duration: 2:06.

The truth behind accused Cristiano Ronaldo of rape !!!!!

Cristiano prove innocence after he rape barcelona

For more infomation >> The truth behind accused Cristiano Ronaldo of rape !!!!!😂 - Duration: 2:06.


Jan cartoon | A birthday gift surprise # 23 | CartoonS for KIds - JAC - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Jan cartoon | A birthday gift surprise # 23 | CartoonS for KIds - JAC - Duration: 2:34.


Ambani Latest Offer 2018 | Reliance Jio Latest Offers 2018 | Jio Dussehra Offer - Duration: 2:53.

Ambani Latest Offer 2018

Reliance Jio Latest Offers 2018

Jio Dussehra Offer

For more infomation >> Ambani Latest Offer 2018 | Reliance Jio Latest Offers 2018 | Jio Dussehra Offer - Duration: 2:53.


NÓI TIẾNG ANH TIẾNG ANH Ysis Lorenna YouTube - Duration: 20:23.

Today I'm coming here to talk to you about how i became fluent in English.

It's a question I get asked a lot of times, and also to share some tips from

my personal experience on speaking a foreign language or second language,

on how to communicate well and be understood in a foreign language when

you're living abroad. If you don't know anything about me, and this is the first

video of mine that you're watching,

I am originally from Brazil, I was born and raised there and I lived in Brazil

for 23 years. Then I moved to the UK and I've been living here for the last

nearly six years now.

Nowadays, I can say that I sometimes, well most of the time, I feel more confident

speaking in English than I do in Portuguese, and I think that's quite an

achievement for someone who wasn't brought up in an english-speaking

country and learned english as a second language. So I thought this video may be

interesting or useful to anyone out there who's learning English now and who

is struggling to become fluent or to know what to do to better their English.

My english is far from being perfect and I make mistakes all the time, but

I consider myself capable enough of holding a conversation, and I do all

my YouTube videos in English, which is good practice as well. So I'll just get

started with how I started to learn English. When you go to school in Brazil

and you get to a certain age,

English becomes part of the curriculum and it's one of the mandatory languages

to learn, and so I started learning in school. But the curriculum in school is

very limited and you really don't learn an awful amount of English in school.

So if you want to be able to speak English properly,

as a general rule, you have to enroll in a private English school. And that's what

most people do in Brazil and most of my friends did and when I was growing up.

I was about 13 when I started studying English, or 14. Around about that age, 13 to 14.

And I was going twice a week to a private English school.

It wasn't something that was forced by my parents. My mum always liked English.

She did do private English lessons when she was much younger, so it was something

that she was keen for us all to know and to learn from a young age.

And we were just generally interested in the English world,

in the English-speaking world and the culture. American culture, British culture,

which were the two biggest cultures that we were exposed to in Brazil, growing up.

We had lessons, and we started with Basic, Beginners and stuff, and carried on

progressing to Intermediate, then Advanced and then we got our degrees.

What happened to me was that, I very quickly realised I had a passion

for languages, and that I actually really enjoyed learning English. And so,

very quickly I progressed and developed my English because I was practicing so much

and enjoying it so much. I wasn't just learning in the English school,

I was going home, and I was watching things in English, and I was listening to music

in English and trying to understand the lyrics and translate it. And that kind of

helped a lot with my fluency and it helped just to solidify the concepts that

I'd learned from the books in my English school, and I'd come home

and it wasn't something that I was forced to do, it was something that I wanted to do.

So I would watch things in English and try to understand what they were saying.

I loved my dictionary, I walked around everywhere with my Portuguese to English Dictionary

translating words that I'd come across and that I didn't know.

So, then when I was 14 to 15, my sister and I went abroad.

We went to Disneyland, and that was our first experience in an English-speaking country.

And I just thought it was amazing that I was able to understand certain things.

I wasn't fluent at all at that point.

I just had a very basic knowledge of English, but I just got so

intrigued and interested in all of it. A year later, I made my first trip to London.

I came to stay with a friend. I was 15 at the time.

Yeah, I think so, 15 going on 16, and I absolutely loved it.

I fell in love with the British culture then and I just did not want to do

anything else, I just wanted to learn English.

I was staying with a group of friends who only spoke English, which kind of

forced me to speak English as well and to kind of get out of my comfort zone,

which was the best thing for me.

So after I came back from abroad I did the placement test to see where my level

of English was after having spent that time abroad, because that does boost up

your English level quite a lot, and I had jumped quite a lot of levels.

So I went from being the start of Intermediate, to going straight to Advanced

and I skipped the whole of the Intermediate course because I had

already built up so much for vocabulary and learned so much just by being abroad.

So that really really helped me.

I finished the Advanced level and I didn't stop there. I carried on studying because

I didn't want to lose my fluency and if any of you out there are learning

English abroad, you know how easy it is to quickly lose your fluency

if you've been abroad, if you studied abroad or did an interchange programme.

And then suddenly you're back home and no one speaks English on a daily basis.

It's really hard to keep up with the language if you're not constantly talking.

So I enrolled - my English school at the time offered what they called

a conversation course, which was basically, you finish the class, you finish the course.

There's no more grammar or anything to learn, you've learned everything that we offer.

But now we offer you the chance to keep coming back

twice a week with a group of people who are still interested in keeping that

English alive and we will just have conversations, basically. There will be

topics to be discussed every week, we'll have hand-outs and things,

and I'm sure you still be learning. So I did that and that was brilliant.

I loved that and I recommend that anyone who has finished their whole English course

and is wondering what to do.

Go and find a conversation course. You might think that you're putting money

down the drain, but you're not, because you're keeping that whole investment

that you made in your English course, alive.

You're basically saving your fluency in English,

because you're practicing twice a week at least and you get to speak English that you wouldn't

get to speak otherwise. And you also have a teacher there to answer any questions.

That was basically what happened to me.

It's not groundbreaking, I didn't do anything different to what anyone does

but I think I just already had a predisposition to languages, and the fact

that I went abroad really helped build up my confidence in speaking English.

So for starters I had a very very strong American accent because my teachers

in Brazil, they all had American accents and then when I came to the UK, I fell in love

with the British accent and somehow my brain was able to completely change

my accent from being American to British. And my husband being British,

at the time when we were going out, we were still boyfriend and girlfriend.

He is Welsh, and my brain just sucked in his Welsh accent, and now I have

kind of like a Welsh accent, mixed in with a Brazilian accent and whatever accents

I've have absorbed throughout the years. But mostly Welsh, I think.

I pick up accents very quickly, even in Portuguese.

It's quite funny, actually. Because if I'm talking to someone - a Brazilian person

with a different accent to mine, my accent morphs into their accent.

I really have no control over it - it just happens. So that happened in English as well.

The more I spent time with British people,

the more my accent got better, and I just kept on speaking.

Now that that part is over, let's get on to my top tips for speaking English

and making yourself understood in a foreign language when you're living abroad.

My first tip, and I think this is the most important tip when you're

struggling to make yourself understood in a foreign language is: make it easy

for people to understand you. Pronounce your words, open your mouth

and say the words. Don't mumble, don't speak quietly,

because people will find it difficult to understand you, especially with the accent and all.

If you're talking about: 'Do you want a cup of tea?' It might seem silly,

but that can save a lot frustration when you're trying to

communicate and people can't understand what you're saying.

Gesticulate with your hands, use your mouth, use your facial expressions.

And along the same lines,

try to pronounce things from your native language in a way that people can understand.

For example, Brazilian football players are very very popular abroad.

And that's a topic of conversation whenever people find that I'm from Brazil.

And one football player that you may know very well is, Ronaldo.

Now, being from Brazil

I wouldn't say 'Ronaldo' if I was talking to a Brazilian person.

I would say 'Ronaldo', because that's how we say it in Portuguese.

But, if I say that to someone who speaks English only, or who only heard his name in the English media

being referred to as 'Ronaldo', that's going to cause a little bit of miscommunication.

So instead of making that conversation easier, you're making it harder, if you know what I mean,

by pronouncing it the way that you would in Portuguese.

So if you know how people in English-speaking countries

speak certain words from your native language, then make it easier for them. Why not?

It doesn't really matter, you're not making a mistake. The important thing is that

you know that you know the way it's supposed to be said,

but in that particular context, it's much easier for you to make it easier for yourself

and for the person that you're speaking to.

My second tip is: don't obsess over your mistakes.

They really don't matter that much, and if you told me that

when I was learning English as a teenager,

I wouldn't have followed your advice, but I hope some of you will.

As a teenager I worried far too much about my mistakes and about

what other people thought of what I was saying wrong, and that prevented me from

starting conversations because I didn't want to make mistakes, especially in English.

The first time I came to the UK

I would not start a conversation, I would wait until someone would start

a conversation with me, because I was too worried of saying things the wrong way.

But soon enough I realised by talking to people

how little they care about your mistakes. If you're trying your best,

and you're speaking most of it correctly, or if you're getting the general gist

of the conversation correctly,

people really don't care that much. Even native speakers of English make mistakes.

And that's something that you'll learn. That your grammar will be much better than

a lot of native speakers. Obviously there are a lot of people in English-speaking

countries that have amazing grammar and things like that, but you'll be surprised

how good your Grammar and your knowledge of the English language is, coming from

learning English as a foreign language. So don't obsess over your mistakes.

If you feel like you've made a mistake, don't stop a conversation to correct yourself.

Just carry on speaking and keep the conversation flowing,

and that will make you more confident.

You know in your mind that you made a mistake,

but you'll correct it next time. Don't worry that person is not gonna judge you

on that mistake, it's just going to make life a little bit easier if you're trying to

communicate in a foreign language.

Tip number three is: practice, practice, practice. Whenever you can, wherever you can.

If you have a friend abroad that you talk to online,

talk to them on skype, talk to them on Facetime, but actually talk to them.

Writing is good, but you will only get your fluency by practicing your speaking.

And if you've learned English as a second language, you know the very important

parts of English, such as writing, reading listening and speaking.

And speaking is, by far

I think the hardest one for people to achieve fluency in.

if you know anyone in town that speaks English as a first language, go and speak to them

and just practice as much as you can.

But if you can't do that,

practice on your own, even in your house. I used to do that all the time in my bedroom.

I used to have conversations with myself, and you can call me crazy, but that

really really helped me because I kind of practiced the way that I wanted to say

certain things and the way that the sounds come out of my mouth. because a

lot of sounds we don't have in our native languages if you're speaking a

foreign language for example in English we have the th sound which is a the

employees we don't have that sounds so that's the sound that you have to learn

and I remember sitting in my bedroom with a list of words that start with th

and literally seeing them all out loud and practicing that th sound

I remember watching friends on the TV with subtitles on in Portuguese and

trying to copy what they were saying and the dialogues and you know the

intonation and just practicing just literally being interested in the

language and practicing as much as I can and that leads me on to tip number 4

rehearse monologues and conversations in the privacy of your home before you go

and speak to other people and what I mean by that is you know the general

topics of conversation that come up when you're talking to the people like

talking about

where are you from you know where were you born what do you do what do you


and what do you think of this do you like tea what kind of drinks do you do

drink what's your favorite food

just the general conversation topics rehearse your answers what would you

save someone asked you what's your favorite food do you know what's your

favorite food in English go and look that out and rehearse it beforehand and

if someone asked what's your job going and rehearse how to say that in English

also rehearse a few questions as well so that you can ask them a few questions

and where do they live and what are their hobbies what they like doing how

old are they

and things like that and that is so so useful to have because then whenever

that sprung on to you on a conversation you don't freeze and panic because you

think God I have all this vocabulary in my brain but I just can't get it out in

a sentence

but if you practice beforehand then you have these sentences sentences ready in

your brain to be used and I used to do that all the time

I think my mom and my sister probably thought I was absolutely insane because

i used to speak to myself in the bedroom just rehearsing the dialogues with

myself in English literally

I'd have full-on conversations about nothing or everything with myself but I

think that really helps

tip number five is speak confidently even if you're not confident in your

English that can be a little bit intimidating but if you get the balance

right of being confident and being humble at the same time in admitting

that you don't know everything then I think that's the perfect mix if you too

arrogant in your English you're saying that you know it all

you won't get any sympathy from people who can detect that in the conversation

but if you're confident but at the same time you admit that you don't know

certain things you know kind of like asking them like hinting that you need a

little help maybe you're talking about a ship and you don't know certain parts of

the ship

what are they named in English so you can say to them you know a ship what's

that part called you know just kind of be gauged a little bit but be confident

and what you're speaking and I think that really helps with making yourself

understood and that leads me on to tip number six which is if you can't find

the word try describing what the word means very very often i'll be speaking

to someone and I won't know a certain word or I will have forgotten it

completely and i still want to carry on that conversation without interrupting

me to go and look in the dictionary or to go and try and get my brain working

and so whilst you're in the conversation in the middle of it

if you forget a word try describing what it means for example if you're talking

about a DSLR camera and you can't remember what the word DSLR is you say

you know those big can

Rose that usually have the detachable lens I'm sure someone else will say yeah

DSLR camera so you know they will help you out in the conversation if you're

asking for help them in the right way but if you stop and you say i can't

remember what I'm trying to say then that person that you're trying to speak

to won't be able to help you because they also don't know what you're trying

to say so

yeah make yourself easier to help by describing what you mean when you don't

know what you want to say

tip number Seven's to look for alternative words of the words that you

don't know and all i can think of right now is that most of the times i don't

know the name of social fruits and there are only available in Brazil I don't

know the translation to english and if I'm in the middle of a conversation i

will refer to the fruit as the general category for example if it's a type of

orange a specific type of orange i'll say we have an orange and this kind of

orange does this and that tastes like this and looks like that instead of

trying to find what that name of the specific orange is so that's just like a

small example but you can find lots of synonyms and similar words to the things

that you don't know you don't necessarily have to go for that specific

words that you don't know

tip number eight don't be afraid to ask people to repeat things if you don't

hear them

it's much better than being misunderstood or misunderstanding other

people the majority of people are very kind when you say pardon or when you say

sorry I didn't hear you can you repeat that please just don't be afraid of

asking people to repeat things that you didn't hear

tip number nine is to surround yourself and immerse yourself in the language

that you're trying to learn as much as possible even if you don't live in an

english-speaking country or you're trying to learn English but you don't

have many English friends try to immerse yourself in terms of TV shows music and

reading one thing I used to love doing was buying books in English and yes they

were a challenge and yes they took a lot longer to read that they did in

Portuguese but it paid off because nowadays I can read any books in

and it would take me just as much time as it will in portuguese i read the

whole harry potter series in English when I was 15 and I found the first

couple of books harder because i was getting used to it but from then onwards

even if there were words that i didn't understand i would try and understand

the context and that helped with the region as well region is a great way

because you learned so many new words when you're reading and it's not

something that people usually make time for these days with the internet and

with YouTube and people kind of spend their time or watching videos and

reading blog post rather than reading a book but it's so important to read books

the vocabulary that you get from reading a book you can't get it anywhere else

well you can probably but in my opinion I think you get a lot out of a book

tip number 10 and my last tip is to listen carefully

it's so important to listen to what when other people are speaking but especially

if they're speaking in the language that's not your first language because

it will be much harder to understand people

if you tune out a little bit if you don't listen to everything that they're

saying also trying to lip-read as well if you can't hear what they're saying

that sometimes helps if you're talking to someone in a very loud place and it's

really hard to hear them look at their mouths and time trying to figure out

what they're saying like that that is a very basic tip but it's something that's

so important and if you neglect that it may cause a lot of confusion if you miss

what people are saying because you weren't listening

so this is my story of how I became fluent in English and my top 10 tips for

speaking and making yourself understood in a foreign language

if you have any questions about my english speaking journey that make sure

to leave them in the comments below and if you have any other questions about

you know living abroad or speaking English as a foreign language

I'll be more than happy to answer your questions if you like this video make

sure to give it a thumbs up and if you're not subscribed to my channel

already make sure you do so you don't miss any of my videos

thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video bye

For more infomation >> NÓI TIẾNG ANH TIẾNG ANH Ysis Lorenna YouTube - Duration: 20:23.


Angelic Pretty 2018 Tea Party Vlog - Duration: 14:55.

Can you do a makeup tutorial?

I want to do my makeup like you

you want a makeup tuorial ? for the glitter, she'd like to do

the glitter like you

how do you stick them ? with eyelash glue

basically, what you need to do is take a finger, here one of your fingers, you take your eyelash glue,

you pat it here, and then you take a clean finger without any glue, you dip it in the

glitter bag, you do pat pat pat pat, and then if some of them are

ugly, you remove them, you scrape them off and there you go

that was the beauty tutorial

THe BeaUTY TuToRial

I don't ... hepme girls, I never know how to start a video

what do you say in the beginning ?

We said Joëlle was going to call her communities the "fluffies" because "Fluffy Kawaii Jo"


and Roxinou you call us ? ...

I don't call you at all cause I don't like you

Hi, people I don't know and don't like

I'm at the Ritz, and you ? That's not bad !

Salutations kids, I'm at the Ritz, we are sitting ... which bar is this ? The Vendôme

The Vendôme bar, and we are going to get a nice little drink

that's also very expensive

and we are going to have some good time at the TP

there, we're going to have a good afternoon

*pterodactyl screen*



Today is it's second anniversary, You are all very beautiful today, it's

really a pleasure for the eyes

In the name of the Angelic Pretty Paris Team present here, upstairs actually, Marine Émilie

upstairs and Mila and Ambre, I want to thank you for your presence today,

and for your daily support.

And of course, a huge thank you to Angelic Pretty Japan for their support and their beautiful creations

I two years, the shop has become and important place for the lolita community

in France and in Europe, and we are really happy to see so much life and joy

at the shop every day.

today we will have a fashion show of the new autumn collection and exclusive dress collection

with our special guests Risa Nakamura and Rin Rin Doll

special cake made for Angelic Pretty, there will be a raffle, and also a best dresser

before starting, I must announce some instructions, taking photos

and videos of the special guests is not permitted

as we are showing some new collections that has not yet been made public

photos and videos are forbidden during the fashion show, we are sorry.

but photos of the rest of the event, except Risa and RinRin

the decorations and the food can be taken without probem

Our official photographer, Félix and our staff will be taking photos throughout the event

and they will be uploaded on the Angelic Pretty official website and

the Paris Facebook page.

there is also a possibility the photos will be used on our website

and japanese magazines

*What's in there*

*There's samon*

*Ah, I don't eat salmon*

Today we will be choosing the best dresser among us

You will find a paper on your table for voting, please indicate the number

of the badge of the person you wish to vote for, and put your vote in the box

during the free time.

We will announce who is elected at the end of the Tea Party

Thank you for waiting, now we will begin

the Angelic Pretty fall/winter 2018 fashion show

What did you think of the fashion show ?

amazing !

I have been murdered

The time is limited but I hope we will have a lot of fun !

Hello, I am very happy to be able to come backto the Tea Party,

What did you think of the new collection ?

Thank you, thank you so much, let's have fun today !

let's applaud Maki and Asüka !

Now we have the pleasure to present you a special cake

Oh god, are we really ready for this ?

How do you cut this thing ?


72 ...

67 ...

number 73 ...

number 52 ...

number 10 ...

number 57 ...

What's your number ?

Mine is…

The prize is the original Angelic Pretty Paris cutsew for 12 people !

good, I already own it

number 2


you done ?


I took a picture of Rosalynn filming herself, and you fiming Rosalynn

Did you try the things with jam on the right ?

what kind of jam is it ?

I don't know but it's good

the third place prize is a blouse and a ghingham ribbon barrette for two people

Ah, it's the barette I like, I think

number 51

number 18

Come on, the special prize is for me

No, your prize is the best dresser

Ah that's right, but why not both ?

LMAO the girl leaving the TP

Are you sharing if you get both

I'll have to see if there are things I don't like

Second place is wonder pâtisserie JSK and OTKs for one person

number 77

Wel it's not us, but someone from our table

yeah yeah yeah yeah

We'll pretend we're happy

But we ARE happy

well, I am happy, I don't know about you

For real, just for the picture with the guests, that's the reason

I'd love to win you know ...

getting my pic with Rin Rin and Risa, even if I don't get anything, it's just

to get the picture

first place, dramatic rose One Piece and headbow for one person

it'll be number 83

Oh, that's ok



We are not done, we have a special prize !

Oooh God ! And we are NOT done !

Banquet Céleste OP with Half Bonnet and Tights

and the person is number 25 !

What did she get ?

The Special Set

I don't know

Thank you to RinRin and Risa !

Tothe girls who didn't get anything, you can raise your hand

and you'll get a special tote bag !

I feel like I'm doing this every year

That's a little sad

thank you

Can you show me what you've got ?

What did you get ?

I'm going to open it for science

What did you get ? Picture ! Picture !

one ... two ... three ...

wow so cool !

let me see

putain, congrats


I'm shaking

are you gonna be fine ?

try this

what is it ?

So good

Everybody looks so cute today, I'm so happy to be here and see you guys again, it's

been a long time, so I love seeing your beautiful faces, thank you so much for coming today

I hope to see you again soon next year, thank you !

It was a pleasure to see you again in Paris I loved looking at your coords, they inspired me ! Thank you !

For more infomation >> Angelic Pretty 2018 Tea Party Vlog - Duration: 14:55.


Hold On - Duration: 1:12.

Hold on just a little while longer

Hold on just a little while longer

Hold on just a little while longer

Everything will be alright ...

Everything will be alright ...

Why is this a right ?

( FOLLOW iT-08864jo. )

For more infomation >> Hold On - Duration: 1:12.


" Paneer Butter Masala " | Paneer Makhani | Paneer Butter Masala Recipe | Paneer Restaurant Style - Duration: 3:41.

Paneer Butter Masala (without onion & garlic)

Add 1 teaspoon oil to pan

Add bay leaves

Add cardamom (green elaichi)

Add ginger & green chilli

Add 3 chopped tomatoes

Add salt

Saute well

When tomatoes get soft keep aside to cool it

200 gms paneer

2 tablespoon butter


1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder

Make cashew paste by soaking and grinding 8-10 cashews (kaju)

2 tablespoon cream (malai)

Kasuri methi (dry)

Green coriander & garam masala

1 teaspoon honey (optional)

Remove bay leaves from the cooled down paste

Add to grinder

Add water and close the lid

Grind to paste

Open the lid

Sieve the paste if there are thick tomato seeds

Add 1 teaspoon oil to pan

Add butter

Cook on medium flame

Add green chilli

Add grinded paste

Saute for 2-3 minutes

Add red chilli powder

Saute on medium flame for 5-7 minutes

Add cashew paste (kaju)

Add cream (malai)

Add paneer

Add methi

Add garam masala

Add coriander leaves to garnish

Butter Paneer Masala without onion & garlic is ready !!

Serve it with SMILE !!!

For more infomation >> " Paneer Butter Masala " | Paneer Makhani | Paneer Butter Masala Recipe | Paneer Restaurant Style - Duration: 3:41.


Try Not to Laugh Challenge 😇😂 HD Funny Videos People doing stupid Things p105 - Duration: 3:49.

HD Funny Videos

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