Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

In Louisiana, you can be sent away for life even if some jurors say you are innocent.

But that could change this November as this year might be the last for non-unanimous juries

in Louisiana.

Joining me to talk about this Mollye Barrows, legal journalist for the Trial Lawyer magazine.

Here's what strikes me about this case, first of all, if the conviction standard is beyond

a reasonable doubt, okay?


That's where we start, beyond reasonable doubt.

So, if you have two jurors on a panel that they aren't convinced, doesn't that kind of

say you haven't gotten there?

What's your take?

No, you're exactly right.

And that what advocates who want to reverse this law, that's exactly the point that they

are making.

You can't have reasonable doubt, you can't convict beyond a reasonable doubt when you

have reasonable doubt.

Clearly, that's why there are only two states that don't have laws that require unanimity

among jurors.

Well, I mean, it seems to me that this is really kind of a holdover of kind of that

old Louisiana law, 100 year old law.


It's really, you know, when I studied this back in law school, the question always reminded

me, it was kind of the remnant of the Jim Crow era, wasn't it?


Yes, and the more I learn about this Jim Crow era, it's just horrific.

It's a terrible display of racism in our law books.

But that's exactly what this is.

This was passed back in 1898.

The Jim Crow era, of course, when people wanted to regain control over freed slaves and black

people politically.

And there were just a slew of laws that were passed and this was one of them that basically

tried to do that.

And they didn't like the fact that black folks were now going to be allowed to serve on juries,

so this was going to be a way to temper what they thought was a problem and establish their

white supremacy.

Yeah, this is directly from Jim Crow.

Tell me about the Glenn Davis case.

Glenn Davis is the case this is going to be tested on?

Yes, and actually he is the face of this.

He was one of those that was exonerated through the New Orleans Innocence Project.

And I think they call it Innocence Project New Orleans.

Because Louisiana has such a high exoneration rate, he was one of those cases.

So the case of Glenn Davis was back in 1992, just a teenager, expecting a baby on the way,

a witness fingers him for shooting and killing a drug dealer along with two of his cousins.

Turns out the jury never even heard evidence that this eyewitness that testified against

him actually wasn't there and there was ever other evidence that showed that he might potentially

... wasn't guilty at all.

And in fact, two of the jurors, without even hearing that, thought that the evidence wasn't

strong enough to convict.

So two of the twelve jurors voted to acquit him, actually.

But because they weren't in any other state but Louisiana, basically they weren't allowed

to do that.

They could move forward with that conviction even though two jurors disagreed.

They didn't send them back to deliberate.

Yeah, again, there are only two states that this happens because the rest of the country

has realized, I mean it's pretty evident.

That's fair.

Beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard.


So if you've got twelve jurors, I mean, look, these are people that are looking, some of

them looking at the death penalty.

You've got that issue and all of a sudden you've got some jurors that's saying, "Hey,

I wasn't really convinced of this whole thing."

It gives the prosecutor such an advantage.

You know, there's a whole study on what do you do to split a jury.

Any experienced trial lawyer understands that there is a methodology.

Whether it's a civil case or not, you can isolate certain jurors that you think are

a problem.

You can isolate certain jurors who you believe are going to be leaders.

There's all types of ways to manipulate that.

So, I mean not to have unanimous is very problematic.

Where do you see this going?

What is your take on this story overall?

Well, it's interesting.

When it's on the ballot in November, there has been a lot of bipartisan support for it.

In Louisiana, ballot measures have to be approved by lawmakers before they can even make it

on to the ballot.

Which I thought was kind of shady in and of itself.

It seems like another way to control what people vote on.

But at any rate, at least it is going to be on the ballot November.

So we'll see what voters have to say about it.

But there is bipartisan support for this.

And it'll be interesting to see because it does seem like there are still holdover states.

I mean, only in 2016 did Florida and Delaware do away with laws that required, they didn't

require a unanimous jury in death penalty cases.

And that was finally ruled unconstitutional in 2016.

Alabama is a state that still allows non-unanimous juries to rule in death penalty cases as well.

They still allow people to be sentenced to death.

So, it's going to be interesting.

I hope Louisiana begins a trend of repealing more and more laws like this.

Because how many times have I sat here and talked to you about some terrible-

About Louisiana law.

-thing that's going on in Louisiana and how they are messing people over.

And I assume that it's really about money.

I assume there are a lot of people making money.

What it's really about, I mean if you drilled down on it, it really is about the Jim Crow


That's horrible.

Well, I mean, in law school there's, you learn the underpinnings of why a particular state

votes a certain way.

Why does the jury instruction look like it does in that state?

But it always struck me that anytime anything came out of Louisiana, it was influenced by

the Jim Crow taint.


And it was whether it was voting, whether it was juries, it always ... and so it is

time for Louisiana to kind of move into the 21st century.

Let's hope so.

Even the 20th century would be nice at this point.

You know?

Yeah, yeah.

I agree.

But no, you're right.

They are far beyond.

Hopefully voters will see this as well and that they will vote to repeal this law and

that will put them on a path towards a fair judicial system.

Fair jury.

Mollye, thanks for joining me.

For more infomation >> Louisiana Ballot Initiative Looks To Change Jury Standard In Courts - Duration: 5:36.


How to find OG GamerTags - Duration: 2:26.

I decided

why not show

My audience how to find og gamertags. *intro*

Like it's really simple actually. So the first thing you want to do is open up a browser your phone, whatever just search up

Ancient English words

I've obviously been on here before and you know, you just you just go on stuff

And then you search through the website a little bit it'll give you some words right and

Yeah, so you just type some in less, let's see


And then from this you kind of just what's the word I'm looking for

Trial in there. These are some words and you just put them in here see it see if any of them we're taking take it

See what I mean? wrecking and then sometimes you know, they give you it you just search up the word

So wrecking is a ruler; a king

Alright so to recap here's how to find a og gamertag. All you have to do is

Search Old English words

tap on the site

Scroll through the words

And tap the gamertags then on your xbox, right? And then some of them will work. Some of them won't work

you just have to do a trial and error type of thing and it'll get you gamertags tags like

Reckoned if you enjoyed the video subscribe for more like for ten years of good luck. I'm telling you

It's true. Like I've been having crazy. Good luck for the past, you know

Ten years grow up. Tell me just like it. This is how you find og gamertags

For more infomation >> How to find OG GamerTags - Duration: 2:26.


Gleichmacherei führt zur Verarmung | 13. Oktober 2018 | - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Gleichmacherei führt zur Verarmung | 13. Oktober 2018 | - Duration: 0:57.


Dance Moms: ALDC vs. Candy Apples Dance Off (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: ALDC vs. Candy Apples Dance Off (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 5:07.





For more infomation >> SIMS 4 POOR TO RICH LOVE TRUE STORY - Duration: 8:56.


THE MUFFIN SONG (asdfmovie feat. Schmoyoho) | Reaction - Duration: 7:42.


Pastries you gotta love them. Am I right guys?

Delicious well, hello everybody. My name is Concha and guys welcome back to miss get Squad the geeky and loves play talk show

That's all about you guys guessed it Gigi goodness and video games

And today we're giving more geeky goodness because the interwebs is filled with it

And I for one heaven, too

If you guys know anything about me, I'm the type of person that didn't use the internet until she was much older

So I'm the girl who didn't really use the interwebs until yours Doblo learning ball boy. Am I right? That's right

And today I have a nice little waffle to enjoy because guys we're gonna be reacting to the muffing song

That's right there my friend chef from knee

Asdf or as diff movie and whichever way you say is fine

But yeah, I didn't have a muffin or cupcake or anything in that pastry family

so and I did the next best thing and I got myself a mother flippin waffle Oh


It makes my mouth soon Barbra guys, hmm. I'd like to talk with your mouth full cat

The pole anymore but ever guys today we're gonna be reacting to the muffin saw from the asdf moveme

Movie and everyone did love this little uh, little munchkin. I won't even call I wouldn't even call him a muffin

A munchkin is that cute today? We're gonna be reacting to that cuz I'm so fun and do guys know. I like characters

Especially since oh

My lord, oh my lord

Above, okay guys, I'm dead. Okay

I'm dead. Why why because it's so cute. And the thing is though is I would never want to kill a

muffin anything that has a cute little face on it and it's like one of those pastries that you're like so

Decorated with in like a like a like a like I like I like how I can't think of the word like a bakery

I mean

I for one I'm always like I don't want this because it's so cute

and I don't want to eat you even though I kind of have so many allergies so I kind of can't but

That's my son. That is my man. Right there. I for one love him so much and he's so he's just adorable

Okay, that's what I think overall. I think that's what it was

He's just so adorable and I like how they incorporated all the other characters too. Like that was adorable. But ah

This series the asdf series is like the fandom is huge. But also it brings us so much


It brings us the cuteness and the simplicity that is the interwebs because the internet can kind of get a little like crazy sometimes

But at the same time that craziness can be compiled within cuteness and how cute is that?

I would durables my little baby, but I want a toy of him

Really badly. I really want a toy of

Because he's so he's just so simple looking but I don't know what it is. It's just that little eyes and everything like oh

Don't get me started. Anyway guys as I always say if I want one of something I probably would end up wanting 20 of it

Little guys, but yeah, I hope you guys did enjoy this reaction video to the muffin song

And also I hope you guys are enjoying your stay at miss

Guess what if you did enjoy your stay so far. Be sure to get a thumbs up because hello

This was shock value right here are my friends shock value. I'm ascared

Whoa, man, whoa, he's died. That's a thing. My son almost died

But yeah, be sure to drop a like if you enjoyed and also be sure to subscribe for more reactions and discussions and awesome

Great goodness, and positivity coping with comedy. All right here on miss. Guess what but every guys

I hope you have an amazing day. You see safe at throat is always miss castle until next video and bori sort of fangirl

I'm gonna fanboy every single day

For more infomation >> THE MUFFIN SONG (asdfmovie feat. Schmoyoho) | Reaction - Duration: 7:42.


American Pickers: Mike Takes A Couple Seats (Season 18, Episode 2) | History - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> American Pickers: Mike Takes A Couple Seats (Season 18, Episode 2) | History - Duration: 3:20.


10 THINGS TO DO IN CRETE - Duration: 2:21.




Archaeological museum


Koules Fortress, Heraklion














For more infomation >> 10 THINGS TO DO IN CRETE - Duration: 2:21.


The Simple Rule to Make Money Anywhere - Duration: 7:15.

this one basic understanding will allow you to see money anywhere we all know

about the 9 to 5 grind that we grew up learning from our parents our family our

society you know go to school get a job and pretty much that's the end all for

your income get a better job if you want more money now let's show you the true

reality of wealth and how this opportunity constantly flowing around us

despite people knowing the existence of people doing side hustles or starting

their own business ventures many don't see how simple it actually is the

concept of buy low sell high is the universal truth of how profitable

businesses are done the difference between the price you bought or paid in

the difference between the price you sell it for it's called the profit

margin guys this basic concept of is how every profitable business operates while

it gets complicated to keep track of profit margins for huge businesses it's

very simple on the individual level for like basic people like you and me so

let's get over some basic examples of many business models I'm here to give

you guys today in this video so one of the most and probably popular known

business model is online bargain hunting okay so anyone at any age can get

started on this this is when you find things awful website such as ebay

craigslist face book marketplace amazon and you

find products that are selling for a low price

in one market online and sell it for a higher price and a higher market okay

guys please know that there are going to be shipping fees and other things this

will take away from your profit margin so please make sure you do your numbers

to make sure there is a profit to be made but this is like a basic

understanding of buying and selling flipping okay and people like to dirty

this thing but it's really not it's just basic commerce you have to understand

this to be able to see that there's money and opportunities for you guys

everywhere so what you would do is that you search these websites you look for

products products are our popular - that has a high amount of review or high

amount of traffic so you know it will sell in a reasonable amount of time and

you want to make sure that the other markets lowest offer is still higher and

then the lowest offer in the other markets okay guys so let's say give me

an example let's say an iPhone on EBay this is just an example iPhone that eBay

will be like $300 that is the lowest selling price

for an iPhone and eBay and the lowest selling price on Amazon is $400 okay

guys so this is a $100 difference that will be quote unquote um

the amount of profit you can do and minus the shipping costs and whatever

expenses that will be your profit margin of what you do if you bought on eBay and

sold on Amazon okay now since the lowest price on Amazon is 400 might will appear

398 dollars or something like that just to be at the top of the list when it

comes to the cheapest phone available but you still be making a profit and

that is pretty much how it works when it comes to online bargain hunting you buy

low you sell high there's so many different markets you guys can look into

just be creative guys now I want to go over this next method actually I'm gonna

go over this next method and also use this opportunity to teach you guys a

word that's commonly used in the crypto and trading sphere this word is called

arbitrage and not to tie you guys down with jargon but the basic meaning of

arbitrage is when you check multiple markets and you buy in the market where

it's cheap and you sell it in a market where it's more expensive okay this

method has been used for centuries for traders you know they'll buy resources

in an area where the resource is abundant let's say wood is abundant in

one area and then they'll take the wood and travel to a desert and sell the wood

for triple the price because it's not much wood in a desert so this is kind of

like arbitrage in the modern era okay so traders know this fundamental

truth of buying low and selling high and going where the markets are different

based on demand so guys use arbitrage to leverage the amount of profit you can

make here's another example of a second business model that actually uses

arbitrage as level as leverage so pretty much um I live in Las Vegas guys so Las

Vegas Strip has a higher price to market because they up the prices for

the tourists and alot of travelers are walking up and down the strip guys

so local markets are a lot cheaper compared to the strip market so there's

two markets existing in Las Vegas when it comes to what stores are pricing

things at, and you can use this as an opportunity to do arbitrage so let's

give you guys an example of something that I can do and some people can do in

Las Vegas is selling water okay now if anyone been to Las Vegas

they went to any local stores on the strip went to a subway went into any

stories looking for a bottle of water and most of the stories they'll charge you

anywhere from like two dollars and fifty cents to four dollars for a bottle of

water and let me add that these bottled waters aren't that big so they charge

you a lot of money for a simple bottle of water now if you go to local areas in

Las Vegas you can easily buy a case of thirty two water bottles for about five

dollars guys and sell them on the strip for $1 or even two dollars if you're

feeling greedy but my point is still valid because of the markets being so

separate you can easily sell these bottles for even two dollars and get

away with it because the other competitors in the actual stores are

selling for three dollars on average okay so now you can go there go down to

the strip with your two dollar water bottles that you bought as a case of 32

for five dollars and sell it to people who are hot and tired of walking on the

strip in the Las Vegas heat and this will pretty much sell itself get a sign

and do something like that you just got to know how to see the differences see

the opportunity and see where the traffic of customers or potential need

or demand is and go to where the demand is and solve that demand that is it that

works for every single business model once you understand these things you get

an eye for these things you realize that this money all over constantly around

you as long as you can unlock the cage that society is putting your mind in so

the third idea I want to give you guys before I wrap this video up is rumor

should go to garage sales and hunt for name-brand products are selling for low

prices at these garage sales most of them are selling pennies on the dollar

and you can find online markets that will offer literally five six even eight

times or even more times than not they probably can find at somebody's garage

sales the same thing applies to thrift stores you can check your local thrift

stores and look for under priced items while matching it with online markets to

see if there's a huge profit opportunities if you sell these products

online you can do this with anything as long as you calculate the numbers and

there's nothing stopping you and most of these ideas that I mentioned if you put

in the work it will net you a lot more than the minimum wage job so that's all

today guys and to those um to those people who are working 40 hours a

week at the minimum wage jobs struggling out there please look into this alright

these ideas it changed my life and possibly you can change yours so humble

beginnings boys stay focused stay grinding

For more infomation >> The Simple Rule to Make Money Anywhere - Duration: 7:15.


This Country - The Aftermath Special Episode: Bonus Extra Scenes - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> This Country - The Aftermath Special Episode: Bonus Extra Scenes - Duration: 3:14.


A Sexy Fire Drill | See Plum Run - Duration: 2:27.

(upbeat thumping music)

- So I'ms makin' Plum,

I mean Plum wants to run for presignent.

- I'ma be a king.

- (laughs) That's right baby just like,

lemme think of a king.


Plum for presignent!

- Me for presignent!

- Take a flyer, please,

take a flyer, please, hey, take a flyer

I said take a damn flyer!

- Ow!

- Momma nobody's takin'.

- Don't worry, baby, Momma'll think a somethin'

Now when you's launchin' a p-p-political campaign

you need what's called a publicity stunt.

Somethin' planned, somethin' meaningful,

somethin' tasteful, somethin' on brand,

somethin' viral, somethin' loud,

so I pulled the fire alarm.

(alarm sounds)

Attention everyone this is not a drill,

there is a real fire happen' inside 'dis school.

Now some students still trapped inside,

they will die

because that fire is too big, too hot, too sexy

please say hello to that fire y'alls'

next president, Pres' Plum


- [Group] What's her name?

- Precious Plum!

- [Group] What's she doin?

- President!

- [Group] Whaddya do?

- Vote for me!

- [Group] What is that?

- I don't know.

(thumping techno music)

- Woo!

So what had happened was,

I hired a bunch of dancing firemen,

off a the internet and as it turns out

they was real good.

(thumping techno music)

(Momma cheers)

- Aren't you the same woman who

had sex with a 16 year old boy?

- Oh, my God, it was legal and oral.

- Momma you gon' get us into trouble for

bringing all the sexy firemen to school.

- Mm-hm but to find out what happens next,

you gotta sign up for Dropout.

- Wha's Dropout?

- Why it's a premium, ad-free, uncensored

comedy platform, Honey P what do you College Humor.

If you sign up today I'ma give you

a tight, hot handjob.


- Y'all motherfuckers took my candy!

For more infomation >> A Sexy Fire Drill | See Plum Run - Duration: 2:27.


Couples Take The Micro-Cheating Quiz - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Couples Take The Micro-Cheating Quiz - Duration: 6:06.


Download Fryday Movie in Full HD 720p | Govinda Fryday Movie 2018 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Download Fryday Movie in Full HD 720p | Govinda Fryday Movie 2018 - Duration: 2:35.


【魔術教學】人人都能學會的日常魔術:硬幣魔術|Beginneros - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 【魔術教學】人人都能學會的日常魔術:硬幣魔術|Beginneros - Duration: 3:08.


Lis en français : Les aventures d'Isabelle de Karen Rowan et Donna Tatum-Johns - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Lis en français : Les aventures d'Isabelle de Karen Rowan et Donna Tatum-Johns - Duration: 2:52.



For more infomation >> AYNI ANDA BİRBİRLERİNDEN HABERSİZ EVLİLİK TEKLİFİ ! - Duration: 3:28.


Back Pain Posture Corrector - back brace - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Back Pain Posture Corrector - back brace - Duration: 0:58.



Hi everyone. Today I thought, for some reason, that it would be a good idea to

remove every single one of the books on my shelves that I've not read yet,

so that I could share with you my entire unread TBR and I won't lie to you, the regret has been instant.

I made a video like this way, way back and I just

thought it would be interesting today to film it again and to see how far my TBR

has come and how it has changed and whether it has grown and whether it has lessened.

I'd like to think that it has got less because since then I have gone on a

six, seven month buying ban and I've also gotten rid of a lot of books and

I've also read a lot of books. So I am hoping that I don't have quite as big of

a TBR but it is entirely possible that it is bigger. So I honestly don't know

but I'm just gonna get into it because despite whether or not my TBR is bigger

than it used to be, it is still pretty hefty.

Starting with the contemporaries I have on my TBR,

the first book I have is 'Maybe in Another Life' by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

I then also have 'Geekerella' by Ashley Posten,

'Mosquitoland' by David Arnold,

'Second Chance Summer' and 'Since You've Been Gone' by Morgan Matson,

'The Kiss Quotient' by Helen Hoang which I think I'm gonna be reading very, very soon

because I've heard the most amazing things about this and I have been dying to read it.

'Everything Beautiful Is Not Ruined' by Danielle Younge-Ullman,

'Wish You Were Here' by Renée Carlino,

'Girl in Pieces' by Kathleen Glasgow,

'A Tragic Kind of Wonderful' by Eric Lindstrom,

'Landline' by Rainbow Rowell,

'If the Dress Fits' by Carla de Guzman,

'I Was Born for This' by Alice Oseman,

'Starry Eyes' by Jenn Bennett,

'The Nowhere Girls' by Amy Reed,

'All The Rage' by Courtney Summers,

'Side Effects' by Jennifer M. Barry,

'Turtles All The Way Down' by John Green,

'By Your Side' by Kasie West,

'Piecing Me Together' by Renée Watson,

'When We Collided' by Emery Lord

and 'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green, which one day I feel as though I definitely

should read but I have absolutely no idea when that day will come because

this is probably the book that has been on my TBR the longest.

Next I have my unread fantasy books starting with 'An Ember in the Ashes' and

'A Torch Against the Night' by Sabaa Tahir.

I then also have 'Heartless' by Marissa Meyer,

'Book of Lies' by Terri Terry,

'This Savage Song' by V.E Schwab,

'The Reader' by Traci Chee,

'Snow Like Ashes' by Sara Raasch,

'The Kiss of Deception' by Mary E. Pearson,

'Labyrinth Lost' by Zoraida Córdova,

'Sky in the Deep' by Adrienne Young,

'Flame in the Mist' by Renée Ahdieh,

'Once Upon a Dream' by Liz Braswell,

'I Capture the Castle' by Dodie Smith,

'The Shadow Queen' by C.J Redwine,

'On the Other Side' by Carrie Hope Fletcher,

'The Young Elites Trilogy' by Marie Lu,

'The Darkest Part of the Forest' by Holly Black,

'Shadow Study' by Maria V. Snyder,

'The Uncommoners' by Jennifer Bell,

'The School for Good and Evil' by Soman Chainani,

'The Spyglass Trilogy' by Maria V. Snyder,

'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' by Rick Riordan, which I still feel

ridiculous for not having for not having read.

And finally 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' by JRR Tolkien,

and honestly I don't think I'm ever gonna read these.

Next I have sci-fi, starting with 'Gemina' by Aimee Kaufman and Jay Kristoff,

'The Sandcastle Empire' by Kayla Olsen,

'Zeroes' by Scott Westerfeld,

'Otherworld' by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller,

'Corruption' and 'Disruption' by Jessica Shirvington,

'Wonder Woman: Warbringer' up by Leigh Bardugo,

'Unearthed' by Meagan Spooner and Aimee Kaufman,

and 'Black Widow: Forever' by Margaret Stohl.

I then have a bunch of genres that I don't have enough books off to categorise,

so I'm giving up on categories for now.

First up I have 'Stolen' by Lucy Christopher,

I then have 'Lois Lane: Fallout' and 'Double Down' by Gwenda Bond,

'Dread Nation' by Justina Ireland,

'Tangleweed and Brine' by Deidre Sullivan,

'Room' by Emma Donoghue,

'The Sacrifice Box' by Martin Stewart,

'The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer' by Michelle Hodkin,

'Don't Look Back' by Jennifer L. Armentrout,

'I'd Tell You I Love You by Then I'd Have to Kill You' by Ally Carter,

'The Wife Between Us' by Greer Hendrix and Sarah Pekkanen,

'Bright Young Things' by Anna Godbersen,

'The Colour Purple' by Alice Walker,

'Out of the Easy' by Ruta Sepetys,

'Rosemary's Baby' and 'The Stepford Wives' by Ira Levin,

'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society' by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows,

'A Little Princess' by Frances Hodgson Burnett

and 'The Dog Who Dared to Dream' by Sun-Mi Hwang.

In terms of poetry and nonfiction I have 'Mad Girl: A Happy Life With a Mixed Up Mind' by Bryony Gordon,

'Yes Please' by Amy Poehler,

'Body Positive Power' by Megan Jayne Crabbe,

'The Terrible' and 'Bone' Yrsa Daley-Ward,

'Eighteen Years' by Madisen Kuhn,

'Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls and Everything in Between' by Lauren Graham,

'Eat Up' by Ruby Tandoh,

'The Princess Saves Herself in This One' by Amanda Lovelace,

'Basic Witches' by Jaya Saxena and Jess Zimmerman

and 'Sounds Like Me: My Life (so far) in Song' by Sara Bareilles, which I am so incredibly angry

at myself for not having read yet because Sara Bareilles is my favourite singer of all time.

And finally I have all of my graphic novels and comics,

starting with 'Wires & Nerve' by Marissa Meyer, which I am so incredibly

excited about reading and once again have no idea why I have not read this book yet.

I then also have 'Vincent' by Barbara Stok,

'Zodiac Starforce: Volume 1' by Kevin Panetta and Paulina Ganucheau,

'Chew: Volume 2' by Rob Guillory and Jon Layman,

'Nightlights' by Lorena Alvarez,

'The Tea Dragon Society' by Katie O'Neil,

which I still think is the most beautiful book I have ever owned.

'Slam: Volume 1' by Pamela Ribbon and Veronica Fish,

'Runaways: The Complete Collection, Volume 4'

by so many people that it would take me three hundred years to say every single one of them,

'Gotham Academy: Volume 1' by Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher and Carl Kerschl,

'Scooby Doo Apocalypse: Volume 1' by Keith Griffen, J.M. DeMatteis and Howard Porter,

'Princessless: Raven The Pirate Princess, Book 1' and it doesn't actually say who it's by,

'Ms Marvel: Volume 5 and 6' by G. Willow Wilson and I can't believe I am still yet to read these

because these are my favourite things to read in the entire world.

'Young Avengers, Vol 1: Style Over Substance',

'Silk: The life and Times of Cindy Moon' by Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee

and finally I have 'Bandette: Volume 1' by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover,

So those are all of the books that I own that I have not read yet

and now I have every single of those books strewn across my floor, which is

gonna be a lot of fun to put back but I would absolutely enough to know if you

have read any of these books and whether there are any that stand out to you that

I absolutely need to read as soon as possible because I would love any

recommendations and also I would love anyone to make any kind of decision for

me because I suck at making those.

That is that for today because I now need to go and

put every single one of these books somehow back on the shelf.

But I will leave the links to my Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads, blog and book Depop

in the description box below. So feel free to follow me on any of those if you would like

and I just hope you're having the loveliest day. Bye!

For more infomation >> ALL MY UNREAD BOOKS | GIANT TBR - Duration: 6:28.


Fierce Werewolf Halloween Costume Tutorial | onlinekyne - Duration: 8:04.

Hi everyone! This is Kyne here with CBC Life,

you know they say Halloween is like a drag queen's Christmas and

Christmas is indeed on the horizon.

In this makeup tutorial I'm gonna show you guys how to achieve this

fierce Werewolf look this Halloween.

Whether you're a drag queen or just a drag queen at heart

hopefully you can learn something cool and

get some inspiration. So let's get started.

I don't know which is more beautiful or more horrifying,

me before or after the makeup!

But I'm starting this off first by gluing down my eyebrows with

a product called pros-aide which is a special effects adhesive, and

a clean spooley brush, like a mascara wand

to brush up the hairs flat.

After giving this about a minute to dry, what I usually do is

messily slap them with a powderpuff just to

remove all traces of tackiness from them, so that the

surface is as smooth and as skin-like as possible.

The next step for me is a full coverage foundation over the entire face

and brows using what's called a kabuki brush that just has

this sort of mushroom shaped head for me to buff in product.

This is the MAC full coverage foundation which is

just a really thick cream formula that helps cover up the glue

on our brows so that it looks like you're just basically a naked molerat.

The idea is that I can now draw a whole new set of eyebrows that's

more of a character brow, more arched, and menacing, and bold.

So what I do is etch out the brow highlight underneath

where I want my new eyebrows to go using a paler

cream colour, and during this step is where I also start the process of contouring

my face using creams, this is a stick foundation from Makeup Forever

that I'm swiping along my temple, cheekbone and jawline and I blend it in with

the same foundation brush, and I also start to contour my nose

during this step, using just that same exact foundation

on a smaller angled brush to create two vertical lines along the bridge of the nose.

I'm still using that same dark foundation colour, you'll see I try to reuse products a lot

I'm creating my new eyebrows right above that white highlight,

and I'm starting them basically where my real brows would start, but I draw these ones to

arch a little bit higher so that the angle is different, and

I also make them thinner than my real brows. After I'm happy with the way it looks,

all the cream steps are finished by now so I'm setting everything with

more translucent setting powder - the same one I used earlier - and this way nothing budges

throughout the night so this is a crucial crucial step for me. In real time, by now

this would have taken me about 20 to 30 minutes, and all

we've done so far is create the blank canvas where every face of mine starts,

now is where the makeup process really begins.

As I brush off the excess powder, the natural next step for me

is to move onto contouring around the perimeter of my face

with a dark brown powder, I'm just emphasizing those same

areas that I contoured before in creams, as well as the nose

Contouring is gonna be a big emphasis in this look, so feel free to go heavy handed here.

Here what I'm doing is adding some white, or at least maybe in your case a very light shade

right underneath the highest point of the brow's arch.

Accentuating this area with light colours

makes the brows appear to be more arched

than they are. This is a step you can do even if you didn't

glue down your brows like I did, this will accentuate the arch

in your natural brows and make them look more bold and more thin.

Moving on to the eye makeup, we're gonna go for a

classic black smokey eye. I always start off my smokey

eyes with just brown eyeshadow throughout the crease

of the eye. Even when I'm doing super bold makeup looks,

which I suppose you could say all my looks are bold.

Even then, I start off with a little bit and always build my way up.

So when I apply black to the lid, there's already that

foundation of dark brown there. You're gonna apply black over the

mobile lid, meaning, I'm not going beyond the crease of the eye.

I'll switch to a softer blending brush to blend the black

into the brown crease. For those of you with different eye shapes

like for example a monolid, you'll just

wanna concentrate the black around the eyeliner

since you don't have as much mobile lid space, but the technique

of switching to a different brush to blend with dark brown is the exact same.

Now sometimes black eyeshadows fail us and look... not black enough!

In which case what you can do first is put some sort of cream eye pencil underneath

it as a base, here what I'm doing is just reapplying it

and adding a second or third layer.

Even still, I like to use a liquid black liner and create a

wing, after I'm done with the eyeshadow, because this'll help us draw the eye outward to be more

feline-like. Now I also like to add white to the inner

tearduct area. This draws the inner corner inwards, and

keeps us from having an eye that's too overbearing with

too many dark colours. The white is called clown white

it's a product from Ben Nye it's a really thick cream consistency, and

the brush is actually a small paint brush from the art

store which I of course clean every time I use it. I just find

it's the perfect shape to get into my waterline with precision.

don't be afraid to venture into the art store looking for brushes, you don't just have to use makeup brushes.

I like to complement my winged eyeliner with a sort of

inner bottom wing, that just hugs the white eyeliner,

and just as I've done for the top eyeshadow, I'm

blending that with black and into brown eyeshadow so

it's sort of diffused and smoked out. Hence the term "smokey eye".

I'm taking a step away from the eyes now to

create ourselves a little werewolf nose. To keep

this from being too cartoony and instead letting it

be more subtle, I'm creating all the costume-features

of this look (the nose and the hairs) with nothing more

than just eyeshadow. I'm alternating between a black and

brown eyeshadow, and I started by covering the whole

bottom nostril part of my nose, and I wanted to

blend it up upwards into my nose contour, which you'll

recall I did the nose contour a while back. Now I'll have my werewolf nose at

the tip and from it, two little peaks that blend up into the

nose contour, and by nose contour what I mean is those two

vertical lines along the bridge of the nose. So instead of

just having a brown spot at the tip of our nose and calling that a werewolf nose,

what we've created through several steps of layering and blending shadows

and creams is something that's a lot more subtle.

Same idea with creating hairs around my face,

I'm just using an angled brush and matte brown eyeshadow.

It helps to first add lots of contour to the face, more so than

you normally do, because then at least your dark strokes of

hair have something to blend into. Make sure the brush strokes

are going from outside towards the inside of your face.

Don't just rush a bunch of brush strokes. Wherever you first

touch your brush is where there's the most pressure applied and the

most colour, so that's why we start from the outside.

When you start to feel more confident with your pace and how you're doing the hair strokes,

maybe you can switch to black,

because adding black hairs along with

brown adds more dimension, it gives the eye more to look at.

Here I'm even adding a little bit of black as a contour on

a larger brush because I wanted the contours around the perimeter of my face to be really dark.

If you're wondering why I didn't do this on the lower perimeter of my face

it's because I didn't want it to look like I had a beard.

But if you wanna look like a more masculine or androgynous

werewolf then you can create hairs along the beard and jaw area

the same exact way we've been doing, and you might also want to

create a larger, more bold nose as well.

Anyway my final step is gonna be a bold, brown lipstick,

or whatever colour you feel comfortable with. I wanted

something dark but still subdued and earthy toned.

The real pop here is gonna be with my yellow lenses.

Now I really look like a villain.

And then I just finished the look off with some false lashes,

which I stacked on multiple pairs for extra fullness, what

I use is a pair called the 301 lash - the name I think comes from just

standard beauty supply store labelling - but it's come to refer to the

standard drag queen lash that's huge and long. I stack a

couple of those with some shorter false lashes to customize

something that's long and full and fluffy.

But with that step the makeup is now complete!

So you guys this is the finished look! Let me know what you think

down in the comments, and if you wanna see more videos like this one, be sure

to follow CBC Life, and if you wanna see more from me, my socials

are all onlinekyne. But until the next one, I hope you guys all have

a fierce Halloween and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Fierce Werewolf Halloween Costume Tutorial | onlinekyne - Duration: 8:04.


How to Make Flowers with Cloth - Burnt Fabric Flowers - Duration: 7:31.

Hello, this is Risa from Anjurisa Welcome to my channel

In this video, I will show you how to make this handmade fabric flower

Before we start, consider pressing the SUBSCRIBE button so you won't miss any update

First, take random flower petals, any petal shape is fine

Then draw the petal shape on a paper

Fold the paper in half

Leave a little space here

Cut the flower shape

and this is the shape that I used to make this flower

Next, use a marker to draw the shape to a beverage can

Like this

The beverage can will be a little difficult to cut, so I use larger scissors

This will be our template

I use viscose fabric for this flower

This fabric has a unique texture as you can see

It has the straight line texture so I will cut with this direction

Heat up the soldering iron and start cutting with the template we just made

If you haven't watched my tutorial about cutting fabric using a soldering iron,

you can see in the description below

This is the shape that I use for this flower

Now take tweezers

Burn the edges

So it will curl beautifully like this

Fold the fabric like this

and use hot glue to secure

Make 8 pieces of this and I will show you how to assemble this

Glue the petals like this

For the bottom layer of this flower, I use 5 pieces of these petals

This is the bottom layer of the flower

Make another one with only 3 pieces of petals

Attach these two pieces together

Take stamen or pistil, I like to use two colors

We will attach these to the center of the flower

Use hot glue to secure

To finish this, cut and secure with hot glue

Our beautiful flower is finished!

Thanks for watching, if you enjoy this tutorial,

please like, comment, share, and SUBSCRIBE~

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