Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Greetings fellow nerds.

This is another lab notes video on making sodium and so far we've have had a very interesting few months.

Briefly i've been trying to make sodium by reacting magnesium metal and sodium hydroxide, in mineral oil with a tertiary alcohol catalyst.

There have been lots of issues that i've documented in past lab note videos.

Including trying to find a workable solvent, reaction times, processing methods in dioxane, preventing glassware destruction

and trying to dry the reagents using easy to obtain drying agents like aluminum and lithium metal.

In a recent video i explored various alternative catalysts for the sodium production reaction and one of the more promising candidates was tea tree oil.

Easily purchasable and relatively cheap.

But upon further testing it was determined that it wasn't very good and gave poor yields.

It was actually worse than the thermochemical dioxane process which is currently our benchmark for how well we're doing.

We have to at least beat that for this to be worthwhile.

One hypothesis for the poor yields was that this alkene functionality in the 4-terpineol was the source of our problems.

Another hypothesis was that the 60% other chemicals in tea tree oil like gamma terpinene and so on were the problem.

It might even be both.

Whatever solution we wanted to test, either hydrogenation or distillation, i wanted to have a large quantity of tea tree oil to make the process easier.

So i ordered some and finally here it is, one liter of tea tree oil.

Since it's easier for the amateur to fractionally distill than it is to hydrogenate alkene groups we'll do that first.

So i took my tea tree oil and poured it into a large flask.

And then setup a full sized 100 centimeter fractional distillation column.

Unfortunately i couldn't fractionate this.

The components in tea tree oil have too high a boiling point and even after a few hours of heating my hotplate just wasn't hot enough to push the vapors all the way through.

So i disassembled the full sized apparatus and assembled a smaller sized one.

I'm using a dimroth condenser as a fractionation column since it has more surface area than a simple straight column.

There is no coolant in it and it's just for fractionation.

I then proceeded to start the fractional distillation process and things worked much better this time.

I covered the apparatus in aluminum foil to keep the heat in since even with a shorter column it still wasn't hot enough to boil through.

Most of the lighter boiling impurities are terpinenes.

As well as some 1,8-cineole.

Various types of tea tree oil is different depending on the source, the region, the weather, even the soil from which the plant is grown in.

So i can't really say exactly what chemicals we have and how much.

Thus, i didn't bother trying to isolate individual fractions at this point.

Another difficulty is that with such a small fractionating column we're not going to have very good fractionation anyway.

There was going to be a lot of overlap of the chemicals.

But i'm hoping we can get much better purification than 40%.

So i boiled off everything all the way up to 213 celsius which is the lower boiling range of our target 4-terpineol.

I'm not going to throw this stuff away, there is likely a lot of 4-terpineol overlap, and i'll try and recover that with a better apparatus eventually.

But for now to save time i just collected whatever i could between 213 celsius and 218 celsius which was the boiling range of 4-terpineol.

It won't be pure due our poor fractionation ability with a short column, but hopefully it'll be pure enough to give us better performance for making sodium.

I collected a total of 250mL out of an expected 400mL.

Hopefully this means we didn't collect much impurity overlap.

I'd much rather have a small amount of pure product than a large amount of impure product.

Now to actually test it.

I setup another half scale sodium production run with 20g of sodium hydroxide, 15g of magnesium metal, 3g of sodium metal jumpstart and 150ml of mineral oil.

I initially injected 1.2mL of purified 4-terpineol, and as usual i ran through the usual drying procedure and went to operating temperature.

Good hydrogen formation followed and went on for about 22 hours before stopping and back flowing.

Bubble rate was about the same as my other runs so it doesn't seem much better than unpurified tea tree oil.

I then cracked it open the apparatus and injected another 1.2mL and this time things worked much better.

In my previous experiments after an initial burst of hydrogen after the second catalyst injection the reaction shutdown again in less than 30 minutes.

But this time it kept going for another 20 hours.

Afterwhich I injected it again but it shutdown after 30 minutes so i assume that was when the total reaction stopped.

I then poured off the slurry into a sieve and things look great.

We're getting a large globule of sodium magnesium alloy which i hope is more sodium than magnesium this time.

Again i boiled in dioxane to separate the sodium and here we are.

This looks much better than our original attempts.

So it turns out it really was the impurities that inhibited further reaction and destroyed our yield in our experiments with unrefined tea tree oil.

Now 4-terpineol isn't perfect, it seems to decompose before the reaction is finished so you need to inject a second shot to continue.

But considering how cheap it is this is not a problem.

I think the decomposition has something to do with alkene group indeed polymerizing and creating a non-catalytic species.

Nonetheless the next logical experiment would be to test if we used a greater starting quantity of catalyst would it last long enough to finish the reaction.

So I redid the experiment with the exact same conditions except rather than starting with 1.2mL of 4-terpineol i added in 4 mL of 4-terpineol.

Hopefully it'll finish faster with the extra catalyst, or have enough catalyst to last until the end of the reaction.

Either way we should get a good yield by the time reaction stops.

There is a third option though where the rate of the sodium production reaction is unchanged but the catalyst still decays at a constant rate as the decay mechanism is independent of the sodium production mechanism.

In this case the catalyst will still decay in 24 hours and we'll still have reduced yield.

Luckily that doesn't seem to be the case.

For this run the reaction ran for a solid 40 hours before it started to backflow.

I then proceeded to process the reaction as usual with dioxane and this time i got a yield of 12.4g.

Since i started with 3g of sodium metal our actual yield is 9.4g for a yield of 81%.

You know what 81% is acceptable in my opinion.

I think we have a viable amateur accessible catalyst.

I then ran another experiment this time using a lithium metal jumpstart of one energizer AA battery along with our usual half scale reaction of 20g sodium hydroxide 15g magnesium, 150mL mineral oil and 5mL this time of 4-terpineol.

The reason why i'm testing it with lithium is because i'm not sure if lithium would react differently to the alkene group than sodium does.

Lithium is a considerably stronger reductant than sodium so there is a chance it can access undesired reactivity.

But once again things proceeded very well and after about 40 hours the reaction stopped and backflowed as expected.

I processed the reaction again by boiling in dioxane and after recovering the sodium we got 10.4g or about 90% yield.

The improved yield likely came from using even more 4-terpineol and because i was a great deal more careful in performing the reaction this time.

But nonetheless it works.

So overall it looks like we've overcome a very big hurdle, where to get the catalyst.

So far i've been using 3-ethyl-3-pentanol which works beautifully for this reaction but needs to be custom made.

While making tertiary alcohols by the grignard reaction is within amateur ability, it' still notoriously unreliable and frustrating even if you're a professional.

Being able to get a catalyst directly from a domestic source and only needing minimal processing to make it work is a major win for the amatuer.

You know what, I think we're almost done.

We've solved every problem.

We have an easy to get solvent, baby oil.

We solved the glassware destruction problem with sodium drying, and now we have solved the important problem of all, getting an easy to obtain catalystů 4-terpineol obtained from fractionally distilled tea tree oil.

At this point we can stop and make our final condensed video.

But i'm going to go a little further.

Fractionally distilled tea tree oil is great but still very far from perfect.

It decomposes during use so you need to use large amounts of it.

And fractionally distilling something at over two hundred degrees celsius is not easy.

It was actually at the very limit of my apparatus.

Amateurs with lesser setups might simply be unable to perform sufficient fractionation.

So i'm going to keep at it just a little bit longer and try to find a directly usable catalyst.

One which doesn't require any additional processing.

A few alternatives i'm going to try include cetyl alcohol and stearic acid.

I might also even try hydrogenating 4-terpineol to remove the alkene functionality.

Now I know hydrogenation would make things even more complicated again.

But if the performance is dramatically improved without decomposition then it might be worth it.

I actually think you can hydrogenate tea tree oil directly and remove all the alkenes and inhibiting impurities.

In that case we wouldn't even need to fractionally distill and just use the hydrogenated tea tree oil directly.

We'll see how things go.

But confirming that 4-terpineol distilled from tea tree oil works is still a big step forward.

Even if i totally and completely fail to find a new catalyst, we're still good in that we can fall back on this one.

So lab gods, do your worst, we've already won.

Okay moving on, we have a giveaway update for the model kits i was telling you about in a previous video.

Here is the list of top patrons, as well as lucky patrons and subscribers which were randomly selected to receive a kit.

I've already messaged and emailed all of you.

If you haven't received a message, please check your email or spam folders or message me back on the corresponding patreon or youtube account.

If you're paying close attention you might notice i have 6 youtube winners when i said there should only be 5.

Well Simon Bitdiddle who was entitled to a kit told me to donate the kit to another deserving soul.

So everyone say thanks to Simon Bitdiddle for his act of generosity.

Thank you very much you're a good man.

As for the rest of you, you can still purchase the model kits directly from the website at

Anyway, thanks again for being my patrons and subscribers.

I may have more giveaways in the future.

For more infomation >> Lab notes - Purified Tea Tree Oil Experiments for Making Sodium - Duration: 11:06.


The Kid-Friendly TV Show: JOBO'S PLAYHOUSE - Duration: 12:30.


Hey kids, are you ready to have some fun today?

We're gonna be exploring this whole house in this episode of Jobo's Playhouse.

Now, do you first want to go left or do you want to to right?

Go straight! Go straight!! I said go straight!!!

You wanna go right? Okay, let's go!

Hey everyone, now I have a question to ask you all...

Can you help me find my friend Jobo? I don't know where he is right now.

Can you help me?

Wait, Jobo's right there.

You think he's right under here?

Nope, I don't see him there.

Where is he?

He's right there! I see him! I SEE HIM!! HE'S RIGHT THERE!!!

Oh silly me.

He's in here!

Hey everybody what color is this Apple?

It blue, it blue like my hat!

Is it red like the color of his shirt or like the color of ketchup or is it like blood?

Wait, what?!?

Where you want to go next buddy?


I didn't even ask for your opinion you stupid-


Hey Jobo, let me... let me pull you aside for a moment buddy.

Um... okay are you feeling okay today?

That was... that was a lot man.

Um, I'm gonna need you to be a little more positive, that was... that was kind of much.

It was really inappropriate and you're supposed to be a role model to these children and-

Ugh, sorry.

Colton you can't be on your phone unless you're checking our sub count.

Jobo are you ready to film this again?

Man, all these mouse-pads are just way too expensive. I just- CAN'T AFFORD IT?? WE ALL KNOW.

Wait, who said that? Wait- WOAAAAH


Wait, how long have you been here?


Wait, what are you doing here?


Wait, what?? How are you supposed to see my wallet when I'm barely making any money off of YouTube??



If you go to right now, you can get amazing deals on all your gaming accessories right now!


No, no it's with two A's.

Wait, wait no its-

Oh, oh there we go.

Whoa look at that! That little looks amazing!

How can I even game without this on my PlayStation?

That looks amazing!

Check out these sweet deal.

Are the deals sweeter than a spoonful of sugar?

They're even sweeter, if you use code "FREETREE".

A razor mouse-pad?!?

I want this and that and this and that and this!

Check out this mouse, it's way cooler than my mouse. My mouse only has one color.

Are the deals really this great?

They get greater if you use code "FREETREE". It will give you 10% discount on any purchase.

Wow it really works!

So yeah, you guys should go check out Fatal Grips.

They got everything you need for gaming we got stuff for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, PC, they've got everything you need.

So yeah, check them out and use code "FREETREE" for a disc-

Hi, I'm sponsor angel and I tell you: "You need to check out".

The link is in the descriptive thing and they told me that you need to use code "FREETREE".

You Austin, are the epitome of lazy. You haven't uploaded for three months and you come back with this heaping pile of garbage.

You're lazy, this video is cringy and no one should buy from this sponsor. It's just an affiliate link.

Now excuse me, but I don't think the YouTube God is gonna like, that or what I'm about to do to you.

Hello everyone, we're back here in the kitchen and we're gonna be making a nice vanilla cake with my new friends: Ketchup and Mustard.

My name is Mustard, I spread my sauce onto the little wieners.

Hello there, my name is Ketchup. I'm not very popular, but if you get to know me, I'm quite a nice bloke.

Hey everybody, I think Jobo back to help us make this cake! Hi there Jobo. How are you doing?

So, let's get this recipe started here. It says here first, we're gonna need an egg.

So next, we're gonna need some sugar- Jobo did you forget to crack the egg?

We're gonna need three teaspoons of sugar and remember now that's three teaspoons of sugar not two.

Then we're gonna need two cups of flour. Two whole cups.

And then we're gonna need some vanilla extract. It says just add how much you think you need.

Which is- I don't know, just however many you feel like.

Alrighty ketchup and mustard what you guys-

Wait, what the? Where'd you go??

Wait, what the? Oh my... WHAT THE? Are you kidding me? Oh my!


Jobo! Stop it! Stop that right now!

Put him down. Stop that right now. Jobo, what are you doing?? What do you think you're doing?

You can't do this they're our friends!

Well thank you all for joining us on Jobo's Playhouse today. I had so much fun-

Well, I'm not having any fun at all.

Alright, Jobo. Anyways, thank you all for tuning in now to Jobo's Playhouse-

What if I fire you huh?

Well, WHAT IF you fire me huh?

I've had enough of this! Can you please just stop nagging at me all day, I've had enough with this okay?

Wait, where are we??

This is the only house we could film at, shhhh.

You like lead?

Wait a second, oh you're already dead already?

Aw, that sucks. I didn't even get to use this yet. That's lame.

It hurts, oh my gosh .

Are you dead yet?!?

Oh my gosh, it hurt so bad. Sweet Baby Ray's. That hurts so bad.

Oh, I shouldn't try to move. Oh my God. Sweet Jesus, that hurt.


Holy! Dude what happened? Are you okay?

Well anyways, click here to subscribe and click here to watch our previous video, here's a preview:

For more infomation >> The Kid-Friendly TV Show: JOBO'S PLAYHOUSE - Duration: 12:30.


Słowo Boże „Dzieło Boga i dzieło człowieka" (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 52:42.

For more infomation >> Słowo Boże „Dzieło Boga i dzieło człowieka" (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 52:42.


Top 10 Scary Japanese Commercials - Duration: 10:49.


Hello and welcome back to the most amazing channel on the internet, I am your host Rebecca

Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Scary Japanese Commercials!

Before we get into it – tell me your favourite commercial?!

Mine are the You've been tangoed adverts from the early 2000s.

Check it!

Like, share…etc.

Did these scary Japanese McDonalds Commercials start the killer clown craze?

Like… actually maybe – check them out at number 10?!

In 2015, Japan released a number of weeeeird McDonalds adverts that basically focused on

Ronald McDonalds….

I'd say stick with the food every time.

The first one shows his creepy clown gloved hand opening a locked door from the inside,

then there is a weird like….monk style chant….

Have a look….


That is not appetizing.

Neither, McDonalds, mate, is this…..

This is also followed by the creepy monk chant…I don't get it?

THEN a third and final ad from the set shows Ronald hiding under a womans bed.


Basically Ronald is now a killer clown lurker?

I'd say stick to focusing on the food.

This ad was pulled off the air after viewers claimed it was disturbing…

9 - Baby Ogre Kleenex There really is something sinister about a

baby ogre sitting with its arms crossed while an angelic woman in white plucks a tissue.

What does it mean?

Hard to tell.

That is the general theme when it comes to Japanese commercials, right?

Well this one is scary on two levels.

First, well, ogre, second, creepy singing and third, it is embroiled in a popular urban

legend – the story goes that after this commercial aired in 1986, everyone involved

died or met horrible luck.

For example, the woman was supposed to have birthed a demon baby and died after childbirth.

Further urban legends say that if you watch the video at midnight the footage will warp

and you will become cursed.

Jolly dee.

Why cursed?

Well that little ditty she is singing is alledged to be a German folksong with the lyrics die,

die, everyone is cursed and will be killed.


While we don't believe that, I do believe this commercial is sinister.

8 - Sour Zombie Turtle Hiya, I am actually not feeling good about

this Zombie Turtle at all, really.

He chases kids, then picks them off one by one, feeding them sour candy until they also

turn into weird sour candy loving Japanese oompaloompa zombies.

Check out part one.

Then…here they are….a monster army who will chase grown adults until they get them.

A creepy commercial for a creepy product….makes sense….meet the face bank at number 7 …. You'll

wish you hadn't!

Is this a toy?!

Is this a handy money saving device?

Who knows…what I do know that this is a new level of creep fest that I was not quite

prepared for!

So, we see money being slotted into the mouth of this …err..face bank…then we see the

animatronic machine munching down on it in the most sinister way.

The sounds….the sounds are pretty horror movie score….why does the bank eating sound

like the preparation of some kind of saw.

Also…their face once they have eaten the coin?!

Who would willingly invite this demon into their home?!

6 - Chocolate Ballerz Urm.


Im just going to need to roll the clip here because I actually think I am lost for words.



Adult men…are they a boyband or something… are now heads affixed to animated chocolate


Because… well of course?!

That parrot bird thing – what it has to do with chocolate balls, I don't know…

but It seems to be leading the lads pied piper style…and we all know how that one turned


At first I thought the chocolate man ball centaurs might be having a good time, but

then one of them pulled this face – and… like…I feel like they are trying to communicate

with us that this is all a trap.

Sexy and Scary at the very same time….once again, Japan you baffle me …check out this

bra advert at number 5 So…it starts off mimicking the ring, which

is scary…also I don't know if you have seen the original Japanese version – Ringu

– like….arguably one of the scariest movies of all time.

Anyway…. the undead child emerges from the well…crawl out of the TV, and I have to

say, yes, I am worried.

Check it out.

Then, the creepy ghost girl crawls up to the beautiful

young lady watching the TV and like….steals her bra I think?!

She then jumps back in the well…like you need full support when you're cursing people

to death over a seven day time frame.

I am confused.

Horror and boobs.

Hey, if it works…then…cool?!

This commercial went from sweet to terrifying in a split second, we have the Calbee Consome

Panchi Dog Commericals at number 2 SO the premise behind these commercials is

that a kindly dog helps kids with issues and works to resolve them…all in the name of

promoting some kind of crisp snack.


Weird, but we will run with it.

In one of the ads, a boy is walking home feeling heartbroken….despite looking about 5 years

old.. mate … side note… let me tell you things only get worse.

Anyway, good old doggo is there to help… but then this happens…

Why is his head now a creepy princess doll head?!

What is the meaning of this.

None the less, apparently this does the trick and the kids is chatting up a babe over a

gate…which…I mean sure.

THEN in another creepy commercial…

THIS happens to the dog…


3 - Creepy Pastasauce I am sorry but WHAT is happening here?!

Japan…you baffle me so hard.

At first I thought this add was for a creepy doll army – turns out it is some kind of

noodle related product.

We only find that out when the dolls march toward a vacant looking kid with a 80s bowl

cut stranger things hair.

The dolls are like….pink little upside down tenpins with a grotesque toy story style white

baby dolls face.

They're singing something, all the while the kid stares into the abyss, the noodles

inching closer to her mouth.

It kind of looks like there is a crucifix in the background when the kid is eating too,

which…is weird!

It's a bit like exorcisty.

The dolls get closer and we learn that the add is for what sounds like a creepy pasta


To be fair…I am sure that there is a creepypasta out there, waiting for the sauce that is this


I've found another one of these where these creepy dolls descend from a space ship!

Super casual, but next up we have this Bug Spray that will send you cocoloco…at number

2 This 14 second advertisement just gets weirder

and creepier as time goes by.

Firstly, we are treated to a terrifying woman on the floor yielding bug spray… this is

a substance that terminates bugs, yet there she is sitting and smiling cross legged on

the floor looking like she wants to terminate you.

Have a look.

Soon the bugs become the least of your worries when THIS happens….

Why does she cackle like a witch….she legitimately needs to stay far far away from me!

WARNING, this commercial is not for the faint hearted.

1 - Tyre Commercial Okay, this made me scream.

I will show it to you … but like….

You may scream.

This TV ad is from a Japanese Tyre manufacturer that basically created something from your

literal road tripping nightmares.


Because they wanted to showcase how well their tyres perform in unexpected conditions.

To be honest though, my tyres would be the least of my concern if I found myself in this


Have a looksy.



I do not love a jump scare.

Honestly…who just peed their pants a little bit?

Just me?


This commercial actually has a health warning at the front of it.

Too bad I can't read Japanese if not I may have heeded it!

At the end of the video, a number for the tyre company appears…to bad everyone who

watched this video is busy recovering from their near heart attacks!

Which of these scary commericals freaks you out the most?!

Other than the tyre, I have to say the facebank disturbs me the most.

Let me know!

Comments from Scary Alien Pictures That Should Have Stayed Secret

Tiffany Benefield said: The thing found in the friend's yard looks like a deformed octopus.

Doesn't it just ! Maybe Aliens are octonaughts.

Ishmael Stanisauskis said: I believe in aliens.

But but I also believe you should let me take you on a date rebecca because it'll be "out

of this world" (yeah I went there)?

…………! Like – share – subscribe!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Japanese Commercials - Duration: 10:49.


Arzu Erdem'in EYT Teklifi Kimleri Kapsıyor? Emeklilikte Yaşa Takılanlar - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Arzu Erdem'in EYT Teklifi Kimleri Kapsıyor? Emeklilikte Yaşa Takılanlar - Duration: 1:58.


Go Vacation | Wii | #21 (Gameplay) - Parapente - Duration: 29:20.

For more infomation >> Go Vacation | Wii | #21 (Gameplay) - Parapente - Duration: 29:20.


286. Bags From Sails - Duration: 0:55.

Hey guys and welcome to goodness!

Today's goodness is about recycling

sails to make bags!

Marcos and Paz Mafia are the founders of MAFIA,

a bag maker that up-cycles old used sails.

A former professional kitesurfer,

Marcos saw how many used sails

were being thrown away into landfills,

and thus they came up with the idea

to use these light, durable, waterproof materials,

to make bags!

And since every sail has a story,

each bag is unique and one of a kind!

So far, they have saved over 16,489 yards

of sail from going to landfills,

and even reduce their environmental impact

by producing locally,

also working together

with the International Rescue Committee (IRC),

to bring jobs to people whose lives have been

shattered by conflict or disaster!

I sure do like this kind of fashion!

And that's today's goodness!

See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> 286. Bags From Sails - Duration: 0:55.


Box of Toys Nerf Blasters for Children Toy Blasters Toy Weapons - Duration: 5:40.

Box of Toys Nerf Blasters for Children

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Nerf Blasters for Children Toy Blasters Toy Weapons - Duration: 5:40.


Go Vacation | Wii | #21 (Comentado) - Parapente - Duration: 29:20.

For more infomation >> Go Vacation | Wii | #21 (Comentado) - Parapente - Duration: 29:20.


The Original Unified Theory: Inverse Square Laws - Duration: 7:55.

This episode was made possible by generous supporters on Patreon.

Hey Crazies.

There's a lot of hype over grand unified theories and theories of everything,

but no one ever seems to be asking the following question:

Why are we even trying to unify everything?

To answer this, we need to take a look at the original unified theory:

The inverse square law!

Yes, I'm aware that many of you may have heard of it before,

but barely anyone ever explains why it's such a big deal.

So why is it such a big deal?

It's a pattern that appears over and over again.

And it all started in 1604.

To the timeline!

There was a guy by the name of Johannes Kepler, who you probably know for his laws of planetary motion,

which he published in 1609 and 1619.

But, in 1604, he was proposing rules for light what he called "The Optical Part of Astronomy."

Those were simpler times in science.

Reading his actual words can be a bit confusing these days because, well, you know,

people talked differently back then, but here's the basic idea.

Say you've got a spherical source of light, maybe a light bulb.

Kepler's interest was the Sun, which is also a spherical source of light,

but we're going to use light bulb.

Say you turn the bulb on and then immediately off again.

You've created a spherical shell of light that spreads equally in all directions.

Now, that shell only has so much energy in it.

As the shell grows, that energy has to spread thinner and thinner and thinner,

which makes the light dimmer and dimmer and dimmer.

It's actually pretty relevant for studio lighting,

which is why half the videos that come up when you search "inverse square law"

are lighting tutorials.

Anyway, Kepler used the idea of this spherical shell

to come up with a rule for how much the light dims as it moves outward.

Since the light was spread over the area of the shell and that area is 4 pi r-squared,

the brightness of the light should drop off like one over r-squared,

the inverse square of the distance.

That's why it's called an inverse square law.

If you double the distance, you quadruple the area.

If you triple the distance, you nonuple the area, and so on.

The bigger the area, the dimmer the light, so we flip those multiples over.

But this isn't just limited to light.

It works for sound too and, frankly, anything we can imagine spreading out uniformly.

You might call it a unified law of spherical flows.

Didn't you say this was supposed to be profound or something?

Yes, yes, it's so much more than this!

Back to the timeline!

Several decades later, around 1665, Isaac Newton was studying motion

and thought up another inverse square law, this one for gravity.

It actually explained Kepler's laws of planetary motion from the beginning of that century.

It's called Newton's law of gravity.

It should really be called the Newton-Hooke law of gravity,

but history can be cruel and lazy sometimes.

Anyway, notice the square in the bottom, the square of distance just like before.

Does that mean gravity flows away from a source?

Nope! It does nothing of the kind.

Then why is it an inverse square law?!


In Newtonian mechanics, gravity is a force.

Yes, we now know that its space-time curvature, but don't get ahead of me in the timeline.

Newton's force of gravity is described by this law, an inverse square law.

If you double the distance between the Earth and, say, a satellite,

you divide the force between them by two-squared or four.

If you triple the distance, you divide the force by three-squared or nine, and so on.

Almost as if there are spherical shells involved.

I imagine this seemed pretty odd at the time,

then again maybe they didn't think about it that deeply,

at least not for another century.

In 1784, Charles Coulomb came up with another inverse square law.

This one was for electric charges and we now call it Coulomb's law.

Actually, he was French, so his name is pronounced.

Stop. Stop right there.

I clearly can't even pronounce German names.

I'm not even going to try French.

OK, but I would have liked to try.

Coulomb's force law looks like this.

It's another inverse square law.

They just keep appearing!

I mean, look at how similar these two laws are.

A constant out front, a property of two different objects on top

and the distance between those objects squared in the bottom.

It's almost like there's some fundamental reason.

Almost like you could unify them into a single law.

But that law wouldn't come until we see Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1835,

who gave us what we now call Gauss's law.

Keep in mind though, Gauss was a mathematician and we all know what they do.

They generalize things to death!

He wrote up his law using an abstract vector field.

A field is a value or set of values assigned to every point in space.

So a vector field is just vector assigned to every point in space,

a vector being a value and a direction.

Remember when we thought the inverse square pattern

was a unified theory of spherical flows?

Well, in 1835, Gauss realized it was actually pattern of 3-dimensional fields.

As long as that field has a spherical shape, what we'd call spherical symmetry,

then Gauss's law spits out an inverse square, which is a big deal!

Light moving away from a bulb?

Inverse square law!

Sound moving away from a speaker?

Inverse square law!

Even some spherical fluid flows obey inverse square laws.

In this case, the vector is velocity because it's about motion.

But velocity isn't the only vector that exists.

The gravitational field around the Earth is also a vector field.

It might not be the flow of anything, but it's still a vector field and it has spherical symmetry.

That means you get an inverse square law.

The same goes for the electric field around a charge.

It's not the flow of anything, but it's still a vector field with spherical symmetry.

That means you get an inverse square law.

But this poses a limitation.

Gauss's law tells us they're not really inverse square laws.

They're inverse area laws.

That r-squared is really a 4 pi r-squared.

These two laws should really be written with a 4 pi r-squared in the bottom.

We just clump the 4 pi together with the constant in front for simplicity.

Both of these laws require there be spherical symmetry.

If your fluid flow isn't spherical, there's no inverse square law.

If instead of a charge we had a charged rod, the symmetries are no longer spherical,

which means no more inverse square.

It's approximately an inverse square from a great distance, but not in the details.

So, as it turns out, while inverse square laws are a profoundly common pattern,

they aren't quite as profound as we'd hoped.

That didn't stop physicists from trying to unify things anyway.

In 1885, Oliver Heaviside unified electricity and magnetism

by pretty much inventing vector calculus.

But then in 1915, Einstein ruined unification by replacing

Newton's law of gravity with general relativity.

It had to be done, but it's unfortunate.

So why was the inverse square law such a big deal?

It's a big deal historically because it hinted that everything was connected.

Physicists got a taste and they just can't let it go.

Maybe we'll unify everything in the near future.

Maybe we won't.

Maybe relativistic gravity is so fundamentally unique; it can't be unified with anything.

One thing is for sure though.

Newtonian gravity and electricity are incredibly similar.

So similar that it's convenient to use gravity as an analogy for electricity,

which is exactly what we're going to do in some upcoming videos.

So, do you think we'll find a theory of everything some day?

Please discuss your opinion in the comments.

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And until next time, remember, it's OK to be a little crazy.

By far, the most common comment from the last video was:

How do gravitons escape a black hole?!


Graviton models never work, hence the struggle.


Even if they found a model that did work, it would still have to consistent

with everything we know about black holes.

Nothing escapes a black hole!

Anyway, thanks for watching!

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