Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Greetings fellow nerds.

This is another lab notes video on making sodium and so far we've have had a very interesting few months.

Briefly i've been trying to make sodium by reacting magnesium metal and sodium hydroxide, in mineral oil with a tertiary alcohol catalyst.

There have been lots of issues that i've documented in past lab note videos.

Including trying to find a workable solvent, reaction times, processing methods in dioxane, preventing glassware destruction

and trying to dry the reagents using easy to obtain drying agents like aluminum and lithium metal.

In a recent video i explored various alternative catalysts for the sodium production reaction and one of the more promising candidates was tea tree oil.

Easily purchasable and relatively cheap.

But upon further testing it was determined that it wasn't very good and gave poor yields.

It was actually worse than the thermochemical dioxane process which is currently our benchmark for how well we're doing.

We have to at least beat that for this to be worthwhile.

One hypothesis for the poor yields was that this alkene functionality in the 4-terpineol was the source of our problems.

Another hypothesis was that the 60% other chemicals in tea tree oil like gamma terpinene and so on were the problem.

It might even be both.

Whatever solution we wanted to test, either hydrogenation or distillation, i wanted to have a large quantity of tea tree oil to make the process easier.

So i ordered some and finally here it is, one liter of tea tree oil.

Since it's easier for the amateur to fractionally distill than it is to hydrogenate alkene groups we'll do that first.

So i took my tea tree oil and poured it into a large flask.

And then setup a full sized 100 centimeter fractional distillation column.

Unfortunately i couldn't fractionate this.

The components in tea tree oil have too high a boiling point and even after a few hours of heating my hotplate just wasn't hot enough to push the vapors all the way through.

So i disassembled the full sized apparatus and assembled a smaller sized one.

I'm using a dimroth condenser as a fractionation column since it has more surface area than a simple straight column.

There is no coolant in it and it's just for fractionation.

I then proceeded to start the fractional distillation process and things worked much better this time.

I covered the apparatus in aluminum foil to keep the heat in since even with a shorter column it still wasn't hot enough to boil through.

Most of the lighter boiling impurities are terpinenes.

As well as some 1,8-cineole.

Various types of tea tree oil is different depending on the source, the region, the weather, even the soil from which the plant is grown in.

So i can't really say exactly what chemicals we have and how much.

Thus, i didn't bother trying to isolate individual fractions at this point.

Another difficulty is that with such a small fractionating column we're not going to have very good fractionation anyway.

There was going to be a lot of overlap of the chemicals.

But i'm hoping we can get much better purification than 40%.

So i boiled off everything all the way up to 213 celsius which is the lower boiling range of our target 4-terpineol.

I'm not going to throw this stuff away, there is likely a lot of 4-terpineol overlap, and i'll try and recover that with a better apparatus eventually.

But for now to save time i just collected whatever i could between 213 celsius and 218 celsius which was the boiling range of 4-terpineol.

It won't be pure due our poor fractionation ability with a short column, but hopefully it'll be pure enough to give us better performance for making sodium.

I collected a total of 250mL out of an expected 400mL.

Hopefully this means we didn't collect much impurity overlap.

I'd much rather have a small amount of pure product than a large amount of impure product.

Now to actually test it.

I setup another half scale sodium production run with 20g of sodium hydroxide, 15g of magnesium metal, 3g of sodium metal jumpstart and 150ml of mineral oil.

I initially injected 1.2mL of purified 4-terpineol, and as usual i ran through the usual drying procedure and went to operating temperature.

Good hydrogen formation followed and went on for about 22 hours before stopping and back flowing.

Bubble rate was about the same as my other runs so it doesn't seem much better than unpurified tea tree oil.

I then cracked it open the apparatus and injected another 1.2mL and this time things worked much better.

In my previous experiments after an initial burst of hydrogen after the second catalyst injection the reaction shutdown again in less than 30 minutes.

But this time it kept going for another 20 hours.

Afterwhich I injected it again but it shutdown after 30 minutes so i assume that was when the total reaction stopped.

I then poured off the slurry into a sieve and things look great.

We're getting a large globule of sodium magnesium alloy which i hope is more sodium than magnesium this time.

Again i boiled in dioxane to separate the sodium and here we are.

This looks much better than our original attempts.

So it turns out it really was the impurities that inhibited further reaction and destroyed our yield in our experiments with unrefined tea tree oil.

Now 4-terpineol isn't perfect, it seems to decompose before the reaction is finished so you need to inject a second shot to continue.

But considering how cheap it is this is not a problem.

I think the decomposition has something to do with alkene group indeed polymerizing and creating a non-catalytic species.

Nonetheless the next logical experiment would be to test if we used a greater starting quantity of catalyst would it last long enough to finish the reaction.

So I redid the experiment with the exact same conditions except rather than starting with 1.2mL of 4-terpineol i added in 4 mL of 4-terpineol.

Hopefully it'll finish faster with the extra catalyst, or have enough catalyst to last until the end of the reaction.

Either way we should get a good yield by the time reaction stops.

There is a third option though where the rate of the sodium production reaction is unchanged but the catalyst still decays at a constant rate as the decay mechanism is independent of the sodium production mechanism.

In this case the catalyst will still decay in 24 hours and we'll still have reduced yield.

Luckily that doesn't seem to be the case.

For this run the reaction ran for a solid 40 hours before it started to backflow.

I then proceeded to process the reaction as usual with dioxane and this time i got a yield of 12.4g.

Since i started with 3g of sodium metal our actual yield is 9.4g for a yield of 81%.

You know what 81% is acceptable in my opinion.

I think we have a viable amateur accessible catalyst.

I then ran another experiment this time using a lithium metal jumpstart of one energizer AA battery along with our usual half scale reaction of 20g sodium hydroxide 15g magnesium, 150mL mineral oil and 5mL this time of 4-terpineol.

The reason why i'm testing it with lithium is because i'm not sure if lithium would react differently to the alkene group than sodium does.

Lithium is a considerably stronger reductant than sodium so there is a chance it can access undesired reactivity.

But once again things proceeded very well and after about 40 hours the reaction stopped and backflowed as expected.

I processed the reaction again by boiling in dioxane and after recovering the sodium we got 10.4g or about 90% yield.

The improved yield likely came from using even more 4-terpineol and because i was a great deal more careful in performing the reaction this time.

But nonetheless it works.

So overall it looks like we've overcome a very big hurdle, where to get the catalyst.

So far i've been using 3-ethyl-3-pentanol which works beautifully for this reaction but needs to be custom made.

While making tertiary alcohols by the grignard reaction is within amateur ability, it' still notoriously unreliable and frustrating even if you're a professional.

Being able to get a catalyst directly from a domestic source and only needing minimal processing to make it work is a major win for the amatuer.

You know what, I think we're almost done.

We've solved every problem.

We have an easy to get solvent, baby oil.

We solved the glassware destruction problem with sodium drying, and now we have solved the important problem of all, getting an easy to obtain catalystů 4-terpineol obtained from fractionally distilled tea tree oil.

At this point we can stop and make our final condensed video.

But i'm going to go a little further.

Fractionally distilled tea tree oil is great but still very far from perfect.

It decomposes during use so you need to use large amounts of it.

And fractionally distilling something at over two hundred degrees celsius is not easy.

It was actually at the very limit of my apparatus.

Amateurs with lesser setups might simply be unable to perform sufficient fractionation.

So i'm going to keep at it just a little bit longer and try to find a directly usable catalyst.

One which doesn't require any additional processing.

A few alternatives i'm going to try include cetyl alcohol and stearic acid.

I might also even try hydrogenating 4-terpineol to remove the alkene functionality.

Now I know hydrogenation would make things even more complicated again.

But if the performance is dramatically improved without decomposition then it might be worth it.

I actually think you can hydrogenate tea tree oil directly and remove all the alkenes and inhibiting impurities.

In that case we wouldn't even need to fractionally distill and just use the hydrogenated tea tree oil directly.

We'll see how things go.

But confirming that 4-terpineol distilled from tea tree oil works is still a big step forward.

Even if i totally and completely fail to find a new catalyst, we're still good in that we can fall back on this one.

So lab gods, do your worst, we've already won.

Okay moving on, we have a giveaway update for the model kits i was telling you about in a previous video.

Here is the list of top patrons, as well as lucky patrons and subscribers which were randomly selected to receive a kit.

I've already messaged and emailed all of you.

If you haven't received a message, please check your email or spam folders or message me back on the corresponding patreon or youtube account.

If you're paying close attention you might notice i have 6 youtube winners when i said there should only be 5.

Well Simon Bitdiddle who was entitled to a kit told me to donate the kit to another deserving soul.

So everyone say thanks to Simon Bitdiddle for his act of generosity.

Thank you very much you're a good man.

As for the rest of you, you can still purchase the model kits directly from the website at

Anyway, thanks again for being my patrons and subscribers.

I may have more giveaways in the future.

For more infomation >> Lab notes - Purified Tea Tree Oil Experiments for Making Sodium - Duration: 11:06.


|Frozer - część 3| napisy PL - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> |Frozer - część 3| napisy PL - Duration: 2:00.


EMICRANIA e GIRAMENTI DI TESTA: con i farmaci non passa? Ecco cosa ho fatto - #133^ Emanuela - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> EMICRANIA e GIRAMENTI DI TESTA: con i farmaci non passa? Ecco cosa ho fatto - #133^ Emanuela - Duration: 3:33.


Dance Moms: Maddie's Solo Decision, Part 1 (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Maddie's Solo Decision, Part 1 (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:15.


The Kid-Friendly TV Show: JOBO'S PLAYHOUSE - Duration: 12:30.


Hey kids, are you ready to have some fun today?

We're gonna be exploring this whole house in this episode of Jobo's Playhouse.

Now, do you first want to go left or do you want to to right?

Go straight! Go straight!! I said go straight!!!

You wanna go right? Okay, let's go!

Hey everyone, now I have a question to ask you all...

Can you help me find my friend Jobo? I don't know where he is right now.

Can you help me?

Wait, Jobo's right there.

You think he's right under here?

Nope, I don't see him there.

Where is he?

He's right there! I see him! I SEE HIM!! HE'S RIGHT THERE!!!

Oh silly me.

He's in here!

Hey everybody what color is this Apple?

It blue, it blue like my hat!

Is it red like the color of his shirt or like the color of ketchup or is it like blood?

Wait, what?!?

Where you want to go next buddy?


I didn't even ask for your opinion you stupid-


Hey Jobo, let me... let me pull you aside for a moment buddy.

Um... okay are you feeling okay today?

That was... that was a lot man.

Um, I'm gonna need you to be a little more positive, that was... that was kind of much.

It was really inappropriate and you're supposed to be a role model to these children and-

Ugh, sorry.

Colton you can't be on your phone unless you're checking our sub count.

Jobo are you ready to film this again?

Man, all these mouse-pads are just way too expensive. I just- CAN'T AFFORD IT?? WE ALL KNOW.

Wait, who said that? Wait- WOAAAAH


Wait, how long have you been here?


Wait, what are you doing here?


Wait, what?? How are you supposed to see my wallet when I'm barely making any money off of YouTube??



If you go to right now, you can get amazing deals on all your gaming accessories right now!


No, no it's with two A's.

Wait, wait no its-

Oh, oh there we go.

Whoa look at that! That little looks amazing!

How can I even game without this on my PlayStation?

That looks amazing!

Check out these sweet deal.

Are the deals sweeter than a spoonful of sugar?

They're even sweeter, if you use code "FREETREE".

A razor mouse-pad?!?

I want this and that and this and that and this!

Check out this mouse, it's way cooler than my mouse. My mouse only has one color.

Are the deals really this great?

They get greater if you use code "FREETREE". It will give you 10% discount on any purchase.

Wow it really works!

So yeah, you guys should go check out Fatal Grips.

They got everything you need for gaming we got stuff for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, PC, they've got everything you need.

So yeah, check them out and use code "FREETREE" for a disc-

Hi, I'm sponsor angel and I tell you: "You need to check out".

The link is in the descriptive thing and they told me that you need to use code "FREETREE".

You Austin, are the epitome of lazy. You haven't uploaded for three months and you come back with this heaping pile of garbage.

You're lazy, this video is cringy and no one should buy from this sponsor. It's just an affiliate link.

Now excuse me, but I don't think the YouTube God is gonna like, that or what I'm about to do to you.

Hello everyone, we're back here in the kitchen and we're gonna be making a nice vanilla cake with my new friends: Ketchup and Mustard.

My name is Mustard, I spread my sauce onto the little wieners.

Hello there, my name is Ketchup. I'm not very popular, but if you get to know me, I'm quite a nice bloke.

Hey everybody, I think Jobo back to help us make this cake! Hi there Jobo. How are you doing?

So, let's get this recipe started here. It says here first, we're gonna need an egg.

So next, we're gonna need some sugar- Jobo did you forget to crack the egg?

We're gonna need three teaspoons of sugar and remember now that's three teaspoons of sugar not two.

Then we're gonna need two cups of flour. Two whole cups.

And then we're gonna need some vanilla extract. It says just add how much you think you need.

Which is- I don't know, just however many you feel like.

Alrighty ketchup and mustard what you guys-

Wait, what the? Where'd you go??

Wait, what the? Oh my... WHAT THE? Are you kidding me? Oh my!


Jobo! Stop it! Stop that right now!

Put him down. Stop that right now. Jobo, what are you doing?? What do you think you're doing?

You can't do this they're our friends!

Well thank you all for joining us on Jobo's Playhouse today. I had so much fun-

Well, I'm not having any fun at all.

Alright, Jobo. Anyways, thank you all for tuning in now to Jobo's Playhouse-

What if I fire you huh?

Well, WHAT IF you fire me huh?

I've had enough of this! Can you please just stop nagging at me all day, I've had enough with this okay?

Wait, where are we??

This is the only house we could film at, shhhh.

You like lead?

Wait a second, oh you're already dead already?

Aw, that sucks. I didn't even get to use this yet. That's lame.

It hurts, oh my gosh .

Are you dead yet?!?

Oh my gosh, it hurt so bad. Sweet Baby Ray's. That hurts so bad.

Oh, I shouldn't try to move. Oh my God. Sweet Jesus, that hurt.


Holy! Dude what happened? Are you okay?

Well anyways, click here to subscribe and click here to watch our previous video, here's a preview:

For more infomation >> The Kid-Friendly TV Show: JOBO'S PLAYHOUSE - Duration: 12:30.


''I'm Asian And Didn't Even Know That'' ((BONUS LEVEL UP)) - Duration: 33:17.

((KOREAN)) Hello

((KOREAN)) How are you?

((KOREAN)) Are you good?

((KOREAN)) Yes

((KOREAN)) The weather is bad

((KOREAN)) The weather

((KOREAN)) It isn't good


((KOREAN)) I apologize

((KOREAN)) It's OK

((KOREAN)) Where do you come from?

((KOREAN)) I have been there twice

((KOREAN)) South, Korea

((KOREAN)) Korea, Japan, Korea..

((KOREAN)) Two months

((KOREAN)) Why?

((KOREAN)) He doesn't have a teacher?

((KOREAN)) Thank you


((TAGALOG)) How are you?

((TAGALOG)) I'm good

((TAGALOG)) I speak only a little Tagalog


((TAGALOG)) I'm self-taught

((TAGALOG)) Because...because..

((TAGALOG)) Because I don't have a teacher

((TAGALOG)) I don't have a teacher, but..

((TAGALOG)) I want to go to the Philippines one day

((TAGALOG)) I want to go to Manila, Cebu

((TAGALOG)) Really

((TAGALOG)) Really

((TAGALOG)) It's so beautiful


((TAGALOG)) Thank you

((TAGALOG)) I think....

((TAGALOG)) This language is very interesting

((TAGALOG)) Do you understand?


((TAGALOG)) How?

((TAGALOG)) I learn Tagalog through books and I speak with Phillipinos

((TAGALOG)) Wait a minute

((TAGALOG)) Cool, cool!

((TAGALOG)) Nice to meet you

((TAGALOG)) Thank you

((TAGALOG)) Mouse

((TAGALOG)) My name is mouse

((TAGALOG)) In Tagalog it's mouse

((TAGALOG)) Nickname


((TAGALOG)) I know

((TAGALOG)) Just a nickname

((TAGALOG)) Thanks you

((TAGALOG)) Thank you!

((TAGALOG)) You're welcome

((ZULU)) Hello

((ZULU)) I speak a little Zulu

((TAGALOG)) I'm a teacher


((TAGALOG)) Thank you

((TAGALOG)) See you later


((TAGALOG)) How are you?

((TAGALOG)) I'm good


((TAGALOG)) Where are you from?

((TAGALOG)) In my home

((TAGALOG)) Because..I don't have a teacher

((TAGALOG)) I don't have a teacher so I learn Tagalog in my home. I am self-taught


((TAGALOG)) But...just a little bit

((TAGALOG)) Do you speak any other languages?

((TAGALOG)) I think Tagalog is very interesting


((SPANISH)) Spain

((SPANISH)) I speak Spanish and a lot of other languages

((SPANISH)) Yes?


((SPANISH)) Have you been in America for a long time?

((SPANISH)) 20 years

((SPANISH)) 20 years?

((SPANISH)) This is my brother. We're from Akron

((SPANISH)) What do you think? About America?

((SPANISH)) What?

((SPANISH)) You don't like?

((SPANISH)) He speaks Spanish as well?

((SPANISH)) Your...

((SPANISH)) My husband?

((SPANISH)) I speak Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

((SPANISH)) You speak?

((SPANISH)) Yes!


((ITALIAN)) I want to practice Italian with you

((ITALIAN)) You speak Italian?

((ITALIAN)) How are you today?

((ITALIAN)) I'm good

((ITALIAN)) Very good

((ITALIAN)) I want to go to Naples

((TAGALOG)) I'm so grateful to you

((SPANISH)) Nice to meet you


((NEPALI)) How are you?

((NEPALI)) I'm good

((NEPALI)) I..

((NEPALI)) I learn at home

((NEPALI)) Nepali and...

((HINDI)) Other languages

((HINDI/NEPALI)) I learn other languages at home

((NEPALI)) But..

((NEPALI)) I speak a little bit

((NEPALI)) Yes

((NEPALI)) That's good

((NEPALI)) Very good?

((NEPALI)) Very

((NEPALI)) Good

((NEPALI)) A lot of languages

((HINDI)) You know Hindi?

((HINDI)) Yes, I also..

((HINDI)) I also like to learn Hindi

((HINDI)) It's very interesting

((HINDI)) Similar

((HINDI)) Both

((HINDI)) It's easy

((HINDI)) Where are you from?


((HINDI)) Just..Taiwan, Korean Japan...

((HINDI)) But..

((HINDI)) Not yet to India

((HINDI)) Not yet, but I want to go

((HINDI)) I want to go to Nepal also

((NEPALI)) Good

((HINDI)) See you later

((HINDI)) Nice to meet you

((HINDI)) Thank you

For more infomation >> ''I'm Asian And Didn't Even Know That'' ((BONUS LEVEL UP)) - Duration: 33:17.




what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on Avengers 4 so this is a

quite recent image that's appeared on the Russo brothers Instagram but before

we get in a video I want to announce my winner for either the super duper

Deadpool blu-ray giveaway all for the infinity war blu-ray or DVD play if you

don't have one so it's gonna go to Sergeant well Sgt which I presume in

Sergeant slime you've won contact me you actually

commented on the Avengers 4 trailer leave all description video I'm gonna

pin your comment and comment on the fact that you've once all you will do is

shoot my business email address which is in the description to pick up your prize

and let me know where you're from and your address etc so let's get into the

video so guys I don't like making videos like this but I get requests I really

don't like making videos on Instagram pictures but let's get into it so last

night's the Russo brothers are posted on their official verified Instagram page

this an image of something blue with something Y in it but the caption was

the Russo brothers hash tag rats what they're saying is they have wrapped the

reshoot in ATL Atlanta so this doesn't mean they've finished a movie completely

this means that all the additional shots all the reshoots or the added scenes etc

of what they're going to be adding to the Avengers 4 movie have been done all

the CGI and extra stuff will be done behind the scenes and obviously their

editor and then we see it next year so is the title Avengers 4 wrapped

confirmed because they are they telling us the title rap I honestly don't know

why everyone is so obsessed with finding out the title it's got the point where I

don't honestly care I just hope it's not annihilation so I went into Photoshop

change the color of absolutely everything and still it looks like

nothing so let's go over what it could be

now if you put it in certain color it looks like a hurricane okay probably not

hurricane what I actually think it is is I just think it's the Avengers 4 title

with the panel in the middle they're just blurred everything out so you can't

actually see it it could be a spaceship it could

be an alien spaceship is so many things it could be a hurricane a spaceship I

mean the post has a hundred twenty-eight thousand likes and thousands of comets

and literally everyone is saying give me the title give me the title I honestly

don't think we need to do any more videos on this kind of stuff but if

people want me to I do that's why I'm doing it right now but that's literally

I have a looked on Reddit I've looked on Twitter I've looked everywhere and no

one is coming up with actually anything because there's nothing to go by it's

most likely just the Avengers for title which I really hope is Avengers for the

last Avengers or is it just gonna be Avengers for I would laugh so hard it

would be pretty funny if the title just turned out to be Avengers four and that

was it because then they wouldn't be given anything away so Russo brothers if

you watch my videos I know you do I've been told you do well no I haven't

actually but maybe you do no idea probably not though but um yeah nothing

to say in this video because there's literally nothing to say about this

image could be a hurricane could be a spaceship could be a coffin I've heard

that it's coffin from someone who dies phalluses coughing maybe Steve Rogers

coughing Tony Stark's coffin could be anything it's just so easy for the Russo

brothers a marvel to market the Avengers for because everyone wants to know what

the title is I'm more concerned about finding out what's gonna happen in

Avengers 5 or getting the actual trailer than the title because realistically

this is the only movie we don't know the type for usually when they reveal a

movie they reveal the title but everyone in the Marvel community is fixated we'll

find out what the title is it's not really relevant and it's not going to

reveal spoilers Kevin Feige actually said that he regrets saying that they

can't give away the tile because it's going to ruin everything now the leaked

description for the Avengers 4 trailer I did do two videos on it one wasn't very

in-depth but the second one was but I really hope it's true in the sense that

they don't reveal the title you actually have to watch the trailer to get the

title so I think I think the shape should do is title the New Avengers

trailer when it comes out Avengers 4 title is dot dot and then you've got

clicking to find out what it is and hopefully they drop it at the under

trailer that would be a pretty cool way to do it but Marvel Disney are a

business so they're most likely gonna drop the trailer title for the movie

this month and then drop the trailer next month because that's what they did

with infinity war so I'm predicting and do that so guys let me know everything

that you think about what this image really means conspiracy theorists

everything I want to hear everything I mean if you read the comments on the

Russo brothers original post I will leave it linked down below there is some

people that are really triggered about this title and like it did say at the

start of the video I have picked a winner so like I did say at the start of

video Sgt a slime you have won please contact me on my business email I

will comment your post so hopefully your apply and then you can shoot me an email

and then we get all details now and then I'll get it through to you and I will be

starting the next competition on a video tomorrow so if you didn't win don't

worry I will be doing this every two weeks maybe to the Avengers for release

if the videos will keep doing all right I guess hey guys please like subscribe

and comment and I will catch you in that next video very soon later tonight maybe

or tomorrow catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 MYSTERIOUS TITLE REVEALED BY RUSSO BROTHERS? IN NEW MYSTERIOUS IMAGE?! - Duration: 5:49.


Manifest 1x04 Promo "Unclaimed Baggage" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Manifest 1x04 Promo "Unclaimed Baggage" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


OVERWATCH: The Trial of Mei | Reaction - Duration: 10:10.

Do you want to adopt

Fictional characters. Do you love videogame characters so much that you would sell your soul for them?

Well that love guys and welcome to the overwatch fandom

My name is Ken. Welcome back to miss cat squad. We are the geeky and let's play talk show

That's all about you guys. Guessed it geeky goodness and video games

And today we're bringing some overwatch content to miss gets going cuz it's big bark too long

And I want to talk about this series and I want to react to this series. I have it to catch up on it

I don't see much cuz I'm known as the girl


Have to be honest with you guys

If you're new

You may not know this but I didn't really get on the internet until I was much older and now I'm kind of catching up

To it. So it's gonna be a fun ride and journey for me to be exposed to what the me Majeure

The internet is great. But yet today we're

Reacting to some overwatch goodness

And again, this is the type of game that if you want to adapt a character

You just go into this van like by far

This is one of those types of fandoms where if you love a character so much you will sell your soul for them

I'm just warning you because I've seen you guys talking about it

I've seen people making uh, oh my God, my nose is still running. I've seen people making fanner and I've seen people

Like outside of like YouTube doing a lot of things like on tumblr too enough fanners gorgeous the fans

Out there, but yeah, this this fandom is over all positivity

It's over all color and I'm like we should just bring this to miss pett squad. Why are we avoiding this?

What is the point of this we should be doing?

Reactions to this because you guys love it

number one and number two it fits in with the theme of what miss cat squad is the brand folks you gotta

Support the brand the sweet sweet bread. Am I right?

let's get into reacting because I for one need to catch up on this fandom and there's a lot of cute videos on here and

if you guys want me to react to any of the shorts, let me know cuz again

And I mean a lot and by when I mean a lot I don't just mean a lot

I mean like the entire overall story of overwatch

Like I've seen a few I've seen bits and pieces here and there I know what the fandom is about

I know some of the character lines

I know a lot of the characters very well

But kind of reacting to the shorts like kind of skip down on that for some reason don't kill me. Okay?

Totally but yeah, we're gonna be reacting to this because it's about time that I started bringing this joy to this channel. Let's get reacting

Get myself is more overwatch

Prosecution will now state their case

Ladies gentlemen


My god here to bring the most violent terrifying beast to justice

Don't say hi to her. No, this girl is an evil ice. Queen No says the guy with a skull face

Oh, it's true. These things go for a face


do see


Where did you get? No? Oh, I



she might

She's innocent. Well case closed no heck. No


She might act in the same way, but I assure you under the cutesy exterior



Reaper loves me

Call Exhibit A

Animes weapon is Opie. I thought you said it was Exhibit A. I know it's


It creates ice walls that are effectively immune to damage. Okay, so she's able to recover health


Observe see the beam unit

Shoot shooting. Ow, I meant after I put up the ice wall

Okay, Chrissy no shoot


Your Honor for you a weapon this powerful throws everything out of balhae oh that shouldn't exist in our world

yo you have

to be better wherever

May I have but one question?

What is that the snowflake keep dangling off of it, but so cute

Free to go. Yes

You won't get away with

Okay, I for one

That was durable. Why because may is a beam. Okay, but you don't want to mess with her

All right. You don't want to get her angry because I feel as if you get her angry, she wouldn't take your head off

She's one of those types of people where it's like she's innocent on the outside but on the inside

There's a savagery of a beast inside of her. That's right

You gotta be scared be scared to hurt my friends, you know where she's gonna be coming

She may be adorable by at the same time you get to be cautious

You got to put your caution on when you see her coming for you cuz it's like hey, hey

It's not unfair for my being it's not unfair my being could do anything. She wants cuz she's unstoppable. You guys love me

Let me know what you love about her. And yes, just so you know before we continue this discussion

There will be more overwatch shorts and also

reactions and discussions on Miska squad because it's been far too long that I stayed away from this fandom that is filled with color and

Positivity that fits this channel. Oh so well anyway, guys, let's get talking here. Do you think this is my question for you today?

That she is that type of person where yes, and it's not on the outside

But she's kind of a badass on the inside. Am I right? Am I right folks?

I for one think that I'm correct because she's adorable. I've always loved her

Her fashion and everything is she's like that type of being that you just want to hug because she's so cute

It's the type of character where you're like protection squad hashtag May protection squad

We're you guys that like anyone who goes against her?


You'll get the horns of cats

I will attack you and you think that May is that type of character that you hate because I think she's that type of character

Where it's like you just want to be friends with her

You want to hug her you want to protect her and I for one think that a lot of people do respect her as that

type of character because uh

She's just adorable kay. That's what it is. She's just adorable

She's that type of huggable bean that you want to adopt as a daughter

And yes, if you knew the miscast squad again, I must warn you I adopt


Characters especially if I love them

Oh so dearly

but if you guys want to share any type of overwatch fan art that you have our

Cosplay or fan videos or anything that you do create?

Let me know and I will be sure to feature it in another episode of Miss cat squad

But I love her as a character overall

She's that character where a lot of people can relate to she's that friend that you want to have around

Because there's a lot of characters out there that you want to have as friends. And so they

Continuously keep saying in every single video that I do characters can be your friends. You can see yourself in that characters shoes

They can represent who you are overall, or you could just say hey

I want to go and hang out with this character cuz they're cool

Cuz the cute cuz the fun

That's right folks

because people have to understand something about like with the overwatch series it's filled with so much positivity and like the fandom overall has a

Lot of diversity too and their characters are so diverse and that's why I'd love to see that type of representation

To it

and also I love what I love to see about it too is how so many people love this series and think that they can

Like adopt these characters and make some merch with these characters and also like like make fan art with these characters and fan videos

It's overall just geekiness overall because it is awesome

But anyway, I would love to know who is your overall favorite overwatch character


Because we're doing lots of overwatch content UNMISS cat squad whether that is like overwatch reactions over overwatch

Discussions because I've stayed away from this fandom for far too long

And I think it's about time that this girl got back on the train

This fandom of this hypetrain because it's always hyper Musco squad

Hey, but anyway

Guys, if you wonder where you can get this amazing merch you could go in the description down below to you know

Buy some and support the squad and be your overall misfit to show the world that you were awesome

But anyway guys, I hope you are okay. But anyway, guys, I hope you have an amazing day

You see see event there. And as always miss constant links video embrace dude, a fangirl under a fanboy every single day

For more infomation >> OVERWATCH: The Trial of Mei | Reaction - Duration: 10:10.


Cade Meets Cogman | Transformers The Last Knight (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:45.

Come on, that building right there!

There's always one in charge!

All right, we take out the big one, we're gonna take them all out.

Come on, come on, come on. Hurry, hurry, they're coming.

- Oh, my God! A leprechaun. - Who the hell are you?

Leprechauns are tiny, green and Irish,

and that is offensive.

What are you looking at, little girl?

What are you looking at?

Hello. Master Cade, I have been sent to collect you.

- Collect me? - That is correct.

You're not collecting shit.

- Man! Slow down! - So, you want to play rough.

No! No! Cade!


- Cade! Cade! - Hold on!

Did you see that? Hang on!

I am so clumsy!

- Is he still alive? - Hold on!

Is he still living?

No, he's going to die!

My lord, this is not my fault,

but he just burst out of the elevator.

Ten stories.

Oh, my God.

Did you have a backup plan, sir?

- Did he live? - I don't know! He just flew!

My lord, rip an arm off a human

and they'll go wherever you want.

What's the matter with you?

You little gnats.

There you are. Good to find you alive!

Just like nothing happened.

- Let's make you presentable. - Hey! Come on!

Shiny, spic and span.

- Back off, Jeeves! - There.

- You look better already, sir. - Who are you?

My name is Cogman, sir. And I am here because of that.

And that is here because of you.

It will not leave you until your quest is fulfilled.

You have been chosen.

What do you mean, "chosen"?

I will explain everything if you'll kindly come with me.

Cade, what's with this C-3PO rip-off?

Don't kill the messenger

or the messenger will kill you.

Now then, I'm afraid all this ballyhoo is on your account.

If you want to save your friends, you will leave them.

Hey, don't talk to that leprechaun!

What, and run off with some crazy ninja butler?

Your friends will be safe in your absence.

In your presence, unsafe.

You are more important than you can possibly imagine.

You are needed, sir.


My master is fond of saying

that all the important decisions in life

often come down to just one moment.

You're gonna be all right. You're family now.

They're gonna take care of you, I promise.

The plane is waiting. We are going to England.


Listen up, Little Miss Sunshine, I'm in charge now.

Just don't expect any bedtime stories.

Welcome to Air Folgan.

Please strap in. Turbulence can kill.

There will be no snack service on this flight, no drinks, no fun.

Tracking Yeager. He's over the pond right now.

It took some finding, but sats have him.

Megatron and crew are bearing down on the UK.

So is Yeager. It's no coincidence.

I want you airborne with your team to the UK ASAP.

For more infomation >> Cade Meets Cogman | Transformers The Last Knight (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:45.


G-Unit Type Beat ❌ Dr.Dre Instrumental - West Coast/Rap Type Beat 2018 (FREE) - Duration: 3:53.

Beat Title: "THE CODES"

Produced by Da Cupule X Josubas

G Unit x Dr Dre Type Beat

New beats every week!

Da Cupule, da right choice.

For more infomation >> G-Unit Type Beat ❌ Dr.Dre Instrumental - West Coast/Rap Type Beat 2018 (FREE) - Duration: 3:53.


Lovelace & Babbage - Overview - slickerdrips - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Lovelace & Babbage - Overview - slickerdrips - Duration: 8:25.


Shingles Vaccine in High Demand - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Shingles Vaccine in High Demand - Duration: 1:55.


Fertility - Playthrough - slickerdrips - Duration: 22:44.

For more infomation >> Fertility - Playthrough - slickerdrips - Duration: 22:44.


Słowo Boże „Dzieło Boga i dzieło człowieka" (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 52:42.

For more infomation >> Słowo Boże „Dzieło Boga i dzieło człowieka" (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 52:42.


What If Nightmares Were Real? - Duration: 7:38.

Scientists still don't really understand why we dream.

And while the function of dreamworlds for now still alludes us, the process of having

a nightmare is largely linked to deeper psychological issues, like anxiety, stress and mental health

in general.

Nightmares are, by definition, horrible places to be… but luckily after a few hours, we

can wake up and forget the horror we were privy to.

What if things weren't as simple than that?

What if they were a reality?

Hello and welcome back to spooktober here on Life's Biggest Questions – the channel

that looks to answer a plethora of queries from science, space, history, pop culture,

politics and a heady dose of What Ifs.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking what if your nightmares were real?

Before we get into this scare fest I want to ask you guys what nightmares you most regularly


For me, I regularly dream my teeth are falling out… it is just so convincing every time…

and I always end up spitting them out one at a time into the sink, or dreaming that

I keep trying to shove them back into my gums.


Anyway, let me know yours and hopefully we can have a good chat about it!

While you are down there lurking in the comments section, why don't you hit the thumbs up

button on this video.


What would nightmares being real look like?

I guess it means that each and every time you slip into the comfort of your bed, you

fall through to a parallel world where spitting out your entire set of teeth at once can happen,

you are regularly chased by some ominous force, clowns want to kill you, spiders are trying

to crawl into your eyes, you are being buried alive or falling from a building.

Night after night, you would experience a new horror.

The question is – when we say real, do we mean we are absolved of consequence when we

wake up, or, for example, all my teeth actually be missing?

If so… like… dental is expensive, would we need to get nightmare insurance?

What would happen if we did fall off a building in our nightmares?

Would we actually die, or would we wake up with broken bones?

Would we need paramedics close by at all times?

If our nightmares were real and had wakeful consequences, injury and death rates would

go way up?

If nightmares were real, would there be 7.5 billion parallel universes for everyone on

the planet; our own personal nightmare realties, or would it be like one nightmarish dimension?

When you see your friends and family in your nightmare, will you be part of theirs too?

Would our nightmares interact?

Will I be walking into a room naked to see a bunch of people I actually work with?

Will my friend Ruth actually metamorphosize into a bee with no way of communicating to

the people trying to swat her?

Will Caroline actually be being chased by a wolf?

Are we assigned to our own personal dramas or are we in this nightmareland together.

Another question for you – often people have nightmares that their significant others

are cheating on them…would this mean they actually have been adulterous, or do they

have no control over their actions?

If we commit crimes in nightmares, are we responsible for them?

I suppose the answer here does really depend on control.

At the moment we have control over what we do when we are conscious, but seemingly no

control over the sub conscious.

If nightmares were real, I guess the truly worrying thing would be that we are exposed

to all of our worst fears without the ability to actually do anything about the worse case

scenario situations we find ourselves in.

Perhaps we would develop the ability to lucid dream?

Lucid dreaming is explored in the movie, Inception and is basically where you are aware you are

in a dream state and can control what you do.

A lot of people say they are able to do this, it is pretty prevalent in Tibetan Buddhism,

but I am told it is a hard skill to acquire.

If nightmares were real, perhaps we would be taught to Lucid dream from an early age

to help protect us in the unconscious planes.

We could dwell for hours on what on earth would happen in these nightmare planes, so

lets move on to how real nightmares would change the waking world.

If Nightmares were real, the state of our mental health would be in serious jeopardy.

Those who already suffer from PTSD would have hellish lives, and perhaps we would all start

blending the two realities – unsure of what was real and not.

If horrific crimes, like beings stalked or murdered, are committed in our dreams …would

crime rates sore in real life?

The world wide economy would likely suffer – if every time you had a bad dream and

the events were for all intent and purpose, real, how would we ever go to school or work?

Wouldn't we all be afraid to go to sleep?

Would we try and deprive ourselves of sleep so we never had to risk having a nightmare?

Wouldn't that send us all mad?

Sleep deprivation experiments of the past tell us if we don't sleep for three or more

days, our health suffers immensely.

Would our waking lives then become nightmares, in which case, what would be the point on

avoiding sleep.

Perhaps in order to avoid total insanity, we would take a number of short naps every

day – avoiding falling into REM, which is when we dream.

Even then we would become sleep deprived and irritable in our waking lives.

Perhaps the best way to tackle the issue of dreams being real would be to try to get to

the bottom of why we have nightmares.

Perhaps we would all being seeing therapists to try and work through our waking life issues.

Perhaps we would all need to actively destress before bed.

Maybe we would sleep in safety pods that soothed us before sleep and monitored our brain waves

and heart rate when we are unconscious.

Perhaps if we showed signs of stress while sleeping, the pods could have some kind of

alarm to wake us up and pull us out of danger?

A world in which nightmares are real would be a very, very different place.

Cheese sales would be in decline, scary movies, shows and books would be banned…

Halloween would not be tolerated…anything that could trigger us in our sleep would not

be tolerated – it would just be too dangerous.

We would live in a kind of faux cotton candy dreamland, and that sounds creepy but maybe

Further questions are – if nightmares are real, would dreams be real too?

What is this absurdist astral plane we find ourselves floating through and what is it

about being unconscious that makes it accesible?

If nightmares are real, would we create some kind of drug to stop us dreaming?

Do we NEED dreams and nightmares?

So many things to think about… good job we are a channel that loves a question!

SO, I think we will leave this one here for now – but before we go I wanted to tell

you that if you like this video, you will probably enjoy our video – What do Nightmares

Mean, - if you click the card right now then you can watch it.

Did you guys like this video, what would you do if your nightmares were real?

Don't forget to let me know what your most common nightmares are?

Also while you are down there, why don't you like this video and share it with a friend.

Thank you for watching this video!

I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you next time, but until then….make sure

you stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> What If Nightmares Were Real? - Duration: 7:38.


Top 10 Scary Japanese Commercials - Duration: 10:49.


Hello and welcome back to the most amazing channel on the internet, I am your host Rebecca

Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Scary Japanese Commercials!

Before we get into it – tell me your favourite commercial?!

Mine are the You've been tangoed adverts from the early 2000s.

Check it!

Like, share…etc.

Did these scary Japanese McDonalds Commercials start the killer clown craze?

Like… actually maybe – check them out at number 10?!

In 2015, Japan released a number of weeeeird McDonalds adverts that basically focused on

Ronald McDonalds….

I'd say stick with the food every time.

The first one shows his creepy clown gloved hand opening a locked door from the inside,

then there is a weird like….monk style chant….

Have a look….


That is not appetizing.

Neither, McDonalds, mate, is this…..

This is also followed by the creepy monk chant…I don't get it?

THEN a third and final ad from the set shows Ronald hiding under a womans bed.


Basically Ronald is now a killer clown lurker?

I'd say stick to focusing on the food.

This ad was pulled off the air after viewers claimed it was disturbing…

9 - Baby Ogre Kleenex There really is something sinister about a

baby ogre sitting with its arms crossed while an angelic woman in white plucks a tissue.

What does it mean?

Hard to tell.

That is the general theme when it comes to Japanese commercials, right?

Well this one is scary on two levels.

First, well, ogre, second, creepy singing and third, it is embroiled in a popular urban

legend – the story goes that after this commercial aired in 1986, everyone involved

died or met horrible luck.

For example, the woman was supposed to have birthed a demon baby and died after childbirth.

Further urban legends say that if you watch the video at midnight the footage will warp

and you will become cursed.

Jolly dee.

Why cursed?

Well that little ditty she is singing is alledged to be a German folksong with the lyrics die,

die, everyone is cursed and will be killed.


While we don't believe that, I do believe this commercial is sinister.

8 - Sour Zombie Turtle Hiya, I am actually not feeling good about

this Zombie Turtle at all, really.

He chases kids, then picks them off one by one, feeding them sour candy until they also

turn into weird sour candy loving Japanese oompaloompa zombies.

Check out part one.

Then…here they are….a monster army who will chase grown adults until they get them.

A creepy commercial for a creepy product….makes sense….meet the face bank at number 7 …. You'll

wish you hadn't!

Is this a toy?!

Is this a handy money saving device?

Who knows…what I do know that this is a new level of creep fest that I was not quite

prepared for!

So, we see money being slotted into the mouth of this …err..face bank…then we see the

animatronic machine munching down on it in the most sinister way.

The sounds….the sounds are pretty horror movie score….why does the bank eating sound

like the preparation of some kind of saw.

Also…their face once they have eaten the coin?!

Who would willingly invite this demon into their home?!

6 - Chocolate Ballerz Urm.


Im just going to need to roll the clip here because I actually think I am lost for words.



Adult men…are they a boyband or something… are now heads affixed to animated chocolate


Because… well of course?!

That parrot bird thing – what it has to do with chocolate balls, I don't know…

but It seems to be leading the lads pied piper style…and we all know how that one turned


At first I thought the chocolate man ball centaurs might be having a good time, but

then one of them pulled this face – and… like…I feel like they are trying to communicate

with us that this is all a trap.

Sexy and Scary at the very same time….once again, Japan you baffle me …check out this

bra advert at number 5 So…it starts off mimicking the ring, which

is scary…also I don't know if you have seen the original Japanese version – Ringu

– like….arguably one of the scariest movies of all time.

Anyway…. the undead child emerges from the well…crawl out of the TV, and I have to

say, yes, I am worried.

Check it out.

Then, the creepy ghost girl crawls up to the beautiful

young lady watching the TV and like….steals her bra I think?!

She then jumps back in the well…like you need full support when you're cursing people

to death over a seven day time frame.

I am confused.

Horror and boobs.

Hey, if it works…then…cool?!

This commercial went from sweet to terrifying in a split second, we have the Calbee Consome

Panchi Dog Commericals at number 2 SO the premise behind these commercials is

that a kindly dog helps kids with issues and works to resolve them…all in the name of

promoting some kind of crisp snack.


Weird, but we will run with it.

In one of the ads, a boy is walking home feeling heartbroken….despite looking about 5 years

old.. mate … side note… let me tell you things only get worse.

Anyway, good old doggo is there to help… but then this happens…

Why is his head now a creepy princess doll head?!

What is the meaning of this.

None the less, apparently this does the trick and the kids is chatting up a babe over a

gate…which…I mean sure.

THEN in another creepy commercial…

THIS happens to the dog…


3 - Creepy Pastasauce I am sorry but WHAT is happening here?!

Japan…you baffle me so hard.

At first I thought this add was for a creepy doll army – turns out it is some kind of

noodle related product.

We only find that out when the dolls march toward a vacant looking kid with a 80s bowl

cut stranger things hair.

The dolls are like….pink little upside down tenpins with a grotesque toy story style white

baby dolls face.

They're singing something, all the while the kid stares into the abyss, the noodles

inching closer to her mouth.

It kind of looks like there is a crucifix in the background when the kid is eating too,

which…is weird!

It's a bit like exorcisty.

The dolls get closer and we learn that the add is for what sounds like a creepy pasta


To be fair…I am sure that there is a creepypasta out there, waiting for the sauce that is this


I've found another one of these where these creepy dolls descend from a space ship!

Super casual, but next up we have this Bug Spray that will send you cocoloco…at number

2 This 14 second advertisement just gets weirder

and creepier as time goes by.

Firstly, we are treated to a terrifying woman on the floor yielding bug spray… this is

a substance that terminates bugs, yet there she is sitting and smiling cross legged on

the floor looking like she wants to terminate you.

Have a look.

Soon the bugs become the least of your worries when THIS happens….

Why does she cackle like a witch….she legitimately needs to stay far far away from me!

WARNING, this commercial is not for the faint hearted.

1 - Tyre Commercial Okay, this made me scream.

I will show it to you … but like….

You may scream.

This TV ad is from a Japanese Tyre manufacturer that basically created something from your

literal road tripping nightmares.


Because they wanted to showcase how well their tyres perform in unexpected conditions.

To be honest though, my tyres would be the least of my concern if I found myself in this


Have a looksy.



I do not love a jump scare.

Honestly…who just peed their pants a little bit?

Just me?


This commercial actually has a health warning at the front of it.

Too bad I can't read Japanese if not I may have heeded it!

At the end of the video, a number for the tyre company appears…to bad everyone who

watched this video is busy recovering from their near heart attacks!

Which of these scary commericals freaks you out the most?!

Other than the tyre, I have to say the facebank disturbs me the most.

Let me know!

Comments from Scary Alien Pictures That Should Have Stayed Secret

Tiffany Benefield said: The thing found in the friend's yard looks like a deformed octopus.

Doesn't it just ! Maybe Aliens are octonaughts.

Ishmael Stanisauskis said: I believe in aliens.

But but I also believe you should let me take you on a date rebecca because it'll be "out

of this world" (yeah I went there)?

…………! Like – share – subscribe!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Japanese Commercials - Duration: 10:49.


Diel paris - Dueños del game Ft Kodigo - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Diel paris - Dueños del game Ft Kodigo - Duration: 3:02.


THE PROPHECY/ PROROCTWO (eng) - Duration: 1:42:53.


Nowadays, when sin is promoted, people are introduced

to the state of sin

so that they did not see God.

Many people can't see God anymore due to their sin.

They can't see God, because sin makes it impossible to see God.

People seat for hours in front of their TVs

and absorb everything that is being given them,

they do it up to the point of thinking and talking

the way someone from TV or radio or the Internet does.

There is no critical approach at all.

There is no afterthought, no search for truth.

They are bombarding us with meaningless pieces of information,

mostly leisure and entertainment, things of interest,

banalities, immoral things.

Bombarding that surrounds you all day and night.

You have no time to think

and become a gratis transmitter for those,

who create this mechanism to addle conscience and minds

and you rent your brain out.

Atrocities …

the other day I learned about an African country

in which women are kept in empty former orphanages

and are forced to get pregnant.

Their children are sold for EUR 4, 5 and even 11 thousand

for illegal trafficking or organ trafficking.

This is hell.

I am sure it is even worse than before World War II

when it comes to pride, debauchery…

before World War II certain sins

have not been committed to such extent…

greed, which is a terrible thing,

not to mention such atrocities like abortion, paedophilia, and so on.

Today we are experiencing what in Europe

and all over the world is called gender ideology.

It is the highest level,

the European Union, the United Nations, USA.

So here we have gender ideology

that enters with all the facts of feminism,

the revolution of 1968.

These are all these phases:

abortion, which started in 1909,

the entire history they build,

all the programs they create at the international level,

because they have money, press, mass media,

because they work in the Internet,

so now they reached gender ideology, which is about destroying family.

Those, who say it is not true, should read Marx.

Mostly in his last period, shortly before his death,

Marx said clearly, that chaos should be created all over the world,

because by creating chaos, total confusion,

and therefore destruction of everything

that the Judaeo-Christian religion has achieved so far,

chaos will finally make it possible for Satan

to reign and create his own order.

Every time I attend

international meeting in Fatima

and talk with extremely prudent persons,

like professor Americo Ortez Lopez,

and when he says that when World Apostolate of Fatima

that has the mandate of the Church says something,

it is the official statement of the Church,

I know I will never hear a cheap sensation,

because they are always cautious, like the Church.

So when I come to the meetings and I keep hearing:

we live on the verge of apocalyptic events

and we must get ready for them,

and it is said in the name of the Church, in human terms I am frightened.

I am sure there is something ahead of us.

During my prayer the Lord has shown me,

that there will be purification through fire and water.

I do not know, what He meant by this.

It would be naïve to think, that things will remain unchanged

and we can put some money aside for our retirement.

This time the consequence, for this is not going to be a direct punishment,

only that God cannot stop certain consequences,

will be top-notch.

It is not going to be World War II or World War III,

I have no idea what it is going to be,

but I know who is going to survive – the poorest and families,

which does not depreciate single persons,

it applies to those, who destroy families,

because life in celibacy is as beautiful as living in the family.

I pity those, who have millions on their bank accounts.

When is it going to happen? "This generation will not pass."

A generation is 40 years.


Perhaps in none of the European nations

so many people are cleaving to God,

blindly, half-blindly, seeing, understanding,

but they are being attracted,

it can easily be seen,

for example in confessionals of our sanctuary.

I notice that Poles,

as sister Faustina said, or as Jesus said to sister Faustina,

have got an important task for Poland,

Europe and the entire world,

because Poland retained

significant religious sensitivity to Jesus Christ.

While travelling throughout Poland, it can be seen,

that people are very open to the Holy Spirit.

I believe that we have to react swiftly, immediately,

because Poland still has capacities to react and transform history

by bringing the nation together around traditional values,

such as faith, the family, justice and integrity.

Temporal suffering, also suffering of our nation,

may have, sorry to put it like this, a salvific function.

In God's plans suffering of the nation and individuals

may be used for the sake of good and genuine happiness.

Poland has got the grace,

a different charism

and has got another power that is the blood of martyrs.

This is the power on which Poland has built its history

in her battle against all the ideologies:

Hitler's Nazism and Stalin's Marxism.

Poland was able to defy all the false idols

the world wishes to substitute God with

and which do not elevate man, but destroy him.

If we look at the last decades, despite everything,

our nation was saved from the total destruction of faith

observable in many countries of the former Eastern Block.

Despite everything the Good News has been proclaimed.

But even before,

because these were the prophecies

given to sister Faustina in the interwar period,

but prophetically they went way beyond this period,

but in the 20s and 30s we forgot,

that the grace of freedom was given to Poland

as the generosity of God's mercy.

"I bear a special love for Poland.

From her will come forth the spark

that will prepare the world for My final coming."

Jesus adds:

"If she will be obedient to My will."

If Poland is obedient to God's will,

we'll get a great mission of some kind.

God told Elijah

that he found 7 000 of those, whose lips did not kiss Baal.

So you can be on the Balearic Islands or in Brussels, wherever.

But for sure there are 7 000 people,

or I believe even more than in the times of Elijah,

who are ready for the coming of the spark

and they will catch fire.

In a significant part of the faithful society

you can feel some sort of a tension:

who is it going to be, when is he going to come?

Poland is a phenomenon on the market of apparitions and prophesies.

We are talking about the ones

in which Poland is the subject of apparitions.

It is quite strange,

but many prophesies about Poland come from abroad.

One might try to look at the entire history of Poland

from the perspective of the history of the apparitions

given to Giulio Mancianelli

related to the title of Virgin Mary the Queen of Poland.

He was a Jesuit priest famous for his willingness

to give Virgin Mary various titles.

So we have Naples,

a very pious Italian Jesuit priest,

who hears, already in 1608, that a beloved title of Mary

she wants people to use not only in Poland,

is the Queen of Poland.

After half a century it was Jan Casimirus,

who declared Virgin Mary the Queen of Poland.

So was she already our Queen in heaven pursuant to God's ruling,

and we recognised it half a century later?

Later on, before World War II,

there was yet another voice of the so called woman from Podlesie,

we have a voice of father Markiewicz...

Personally I treat these voices as important but marginal.

They are important, because they verify for us

the common theme of the prophesies.

What else?

In Italy, brother Lodovico Rocca,

started prophesying about Poland

on his deathbed, and he wasn't even aware

where Poland really was.

Of course a Salesian priest, my fellow brother, cardinal Hlond,

used to talk a lot about chosennes of Poland.

According to him Poland was chosen in a special way by Heaven,

however under one condition:

if she carries out her Marian mission.

We have a few post-war prophesies, quite interesting ones, too.

For example, there is a prophesy by a great German mystic Therese Neuman,

who said, that should World War III break,

Poland will survive, unlike Germany.

She introduces the theme of reparative suffering – she says:

"For you, Poles, have already drank you chalice of blood,

so you can, so to speak, sleep well."

But perhaps we should also mention the phenomenon of Fatima,

because it does not stop in 1917.

Every time I talk to people who are familiar

with a first-hand account of, for example,

sister Lucia'a letters to John Paul II

I am told, that she would always discuss Poland with him.

Both Fatima and the message of Divine Mercy

concern preparation of the world for the Second Coming,

so maximalisation of trust of every person,

regardless his or her culture,

accepting Christ as the only Saviour.

It is written that before the end of the world

the sign of the cross, of the Lord, shall appear in the sky.

According to Faustina

the wounds of Christ shall be filled with light,

this will be the sign for the entire world.

This was an ordinary nun, an ordinary woman,

who could hardly read and write,

and Jesus told her many beautiful words,

one of them being the prophesy concerning Poland.

Many people do not wish to talk about it.

They would claim that this is not Poland,

we are not the Messiah of the nations, we cannot feel superior…

But on the other hand we cannot erase it,

because we'd have to get rid of the entire message of Faustina,

her Diary, or to claim it was all simply symbolic.

The notion of private revelations may be a bit confusing in this respect.

Jesus' words written down in the Diary,

which is known all over the world, had not been written down

to remain simply between sister Faustina and Him.

Each and every one of us is meant to learn about them.

Fine, "I bear a special love for Poland",

but "if she will be obedient to My will"

some things will happen, some process will be initiated.

It seems to me that this conditionality is the result of God's will,

because God wants to give is a chance to answer Him,

He does not want to make us answer,

but on the other hand He bestows a huge responsibility on us.

Just imagine,

if someone very powerful, Omnipotent, makes a proposal,

and this proposal is neglected, responsibility gets bigger,

whereas if there is no proposal, responsibility is smaller.

God never makes anyone do anything,

or at least does not wish to act like this.

Therefore the words:

"If she will stay obedient and faithful to the will of Christ"

are so significant.

This is the initial, most important and indispensable condition

for the spark to come forth from Poland to the entire world.

Probably the most afflicted nation is Israel.

Why? Because they had been chosen.

If God says: "I bear special love for Poland"

it is as if He was saying: "I chose you."

So now, "If you do not enter into this covenant,

if you neglect it..."

what can we expect?

When Messiah came,

and the Talmud and the Scriptures have over

2000 prophecies concerning Messiah,

the Talmud speaks of Messiah clearly, everything was specified,

including the latitude and His behaviour,

and still He gets rejected,

after 40 years Jerusalem is gone, then we have Aelia Capitolina,

and 2000 years of diaspora, ghettos, holocaust...

So "I bear a special love for Poland,

you are the chosen nation, I want to come to you."

What should happen now?

Fear or happiness, or both?

And what about this word "if",

because it appears in the Covenant of Sinai, too.

What do you want to choose?

We need to understand, that when Jesus gives a prophesy,

or when he makes a promise,

He never fulfils it on His own,

because He gave us freedom.

So the more we response in a positive manner

to Jesus' proposals concerning obedience and sainthood,

the more a gift grows.

If we don't do what He asks us to do,

in other words if we do not respond freely

and we do not make any commits,

prophesy is not fulfilled.

The spark is also mentioned in the prophesy.

This is awareness of a special love by God.

As a Pole I am getting more responsible...

let's say in most of us there is a bigger zeal,

some sort of a spark, we are to expect someone, but whom?

With God everything is frightfully conditional,

therefore it is difficult for us to read His plans.

For if we ask...

if the prophesies about Poland are unconditional,

in a sense that we do not know how,

but we know for sure that they are going to be fulfilled,

than there is no clear answer,

because as history teaches us,

God can take a mission away from one nation,

and give it to another, take a mission from a person,

who had been chosen and prepared for a mission,

and give it to someone else.

Let the example of the Chosen Nation suffice.

God may behave like Jesus, right?

When they did not want Him to be among them,

He would leave.

There are several scenes of this kind in the Gospel.

If the nations, or us, our society,

keep neglecting and avoiding Jesus, He may simply respect this choice.

It is very important that Poles

are made aware of the mission Heaven has given them.

They should be prepared.

Each of us should learn about this.

In my opinion we approach our destination

in an entirely different manner,

when we are aware of it.

We could ask if there are historical facts to prove

that the mechanism of fulfilling prophesies,

for such a mechanism does exist,

makes history happen according to God's dreams.

Or is it just our wishful thinking?

Let me use one example

that describes the way God's matters happen.

Virgin Mary told the three shepherds

that if they are obedient and repent,

pray the rosary and receive Holy Communion,

thanks to them Portugal will not collapse

during World War II.

And indeed, it was so.

Another factor is, that Jesus said,

that because sister Faustina was obedient,

attentive and followed His instructions,

Cracow would not be bombed,

and indeed, the city wasn't bombed,

contrary to Warsaw, which was totally destroyed.

All these facts, if we analyse them,

and if we analyse many histories of saints,

mystics, who were obedient to Christ,

we see that His promises are fulfilled.

It means, that if Poland, Poles,

people from Poland are faithful,

they will become a blessing for the entire world.

There is plenty of examples,

so let us use two,

national ones.

The first one would be the Siege of Vienna

in the middle of the 17th century.

Margaret Alacoque was so frightened by her vision...

We would have mosques all over the place today,

we would be either a persecuted Christian minority, or Muslims.

So saint Margaret Maria Alacoque started to repent bitterly

and ask God to do something and reverse the situation,

because everything is conditional with Him

and can be changed.

So Jesus comes to her after a few months and says:

"My rulings are changed

because of your suffering, prayer and repentance,

and because there will be a king, who, I quote:

'will not ascribe the victory over Islam to him,

as kings usually do, but to me and my mother.'"

Saint Margaret Maria Alacoque lived to see who this king was.

And again, this was the king of Poland.

Let me draw your attention to history.

We are a Slavic nation.

Before Mieszko...

these surroundings were inhabited by Slavic peoples

up to nearly half of the contemporary Germany,

up to Meklenburg, Saxony, and so on.

There were Obotrites, Varangians, etc.,

and they vanished, because they were pagans,

and Mieszko grasped the situation

and entered a skin, a container, a font.

He gets baptised, he is submerged in water,

true, he is not a king yet, but his son becomes a king.

All the kings of Poland

would come to Jasna Góra after accepting the power

and symbolically offer their crown to the Queen of Poland,

so that She might reign over the nation.

The last king – Poniatowski –

did not come to visit Jasna Góra at all.

And his reign in Poland was over.

Since that time none of the Polish rulers

had anything to do with entering water,

baptism, purification,

not to mention going to confession – a micro-font so to speak.

And all of a sudden we have this prophesy of Faustina

and this strange piece of architecture constructed in Krakow - Łagiewniki.

There is this high font-shaped tower.

This a wooden village font.

This tower is a vessel.

The second example,

closer to our times and better documented,

is the Battle of Warsaw.

Soviets were meant to win the battle

and conquer the rest of Europe within the next few months,

because everything was well prepared.

And the Polish nation was so deceived,

that people could see nothing.

There are accounts available

according to which shortly before August 15th

most citizens of Warsaw

were dancing, drinking and conducting business

in spite of the fact that the approaching Red Army

was destroying the country.

Piłsudski was sure of our defeat, the Piłsudski.

So the question arises, what happened and why the miracle took place?

The Miracle of the Vistula

is that the youngest generation of soldiers,

youngsters with no military experience,

were put to the very front of the battle

and they were destined to lose.

All of a sudden,

according to published accounts I had a chance to read,

a figure of Virgin Mary appeared over the youngest ones and saved them.

The phenomenon was confirmed later by Russian captives.

They got so frightened that they started to flee.

These are the examples of God protecting our country through Mary

in the situations in which Poland had no chance to win.

Never the nation will be entirely good,

never the entire nation will respond to God's invitation

and admit: yes, she is our Queen.

She is the Queen of Poland.

She can hardly bear all these ornaments,

most wonderful dresses.

They are beautiful, they look so nice,

but from history we know

that she didn't like to dress up that much.

But she copes...

What is far more important are the scars on her cheek.

The scars attracts far more strongly than diamond dresses,

because every disgraced person can look at Her face and say:

"there is nothing I can be ashamed of anymore."

That's beautiful about Her. The most beautiful jewel

of our Lady of Jasna Góra are the scars on Her face.

I would like to invite everyone to listen once again

to a meditation of pope Benedict XVI

from October 11, 2010, if I remember correctly.

He spoke about the woman from the Book of Revelation

and the dragon that let water like a river from its mouth

to destroy the child of the woman, which is the Church.

The pope says that this river of water vomited out by the demon,

the red dragon, to flood the Church

is soaked in the Book of Revelation by the ground.

The pope interprets the symbol of the ground

as simple faith of simple people, who are still praying.

Where do we find these simple people who still pray and keep faith?

We are probably the last nation in Europe

that still has faith and in which the Church exists.

Here churches are not sold, are not empty,

what's more, new ones are built.

What is the most important thing for me is faith of the most simple people.

Faith of people who may not understand,

who may not be acquainted with the Scriptures,

who do not know the doctrines and the rules,

but who have enormous faith in their hearts.

Just like my grannie, who could hardly write and read,

but she had no problem with faith and God,

she would walk to church 15 kilometres barefoot

and would gladly give her life for God.

She had no doctrinal problems at all, she was a simple woman,

who loved God and lived to be with God,

who eventually died with God.

It seems to me that Poland has such people

of strong, simple faith,

who build the Church from the bottom.

When we look at the task of faithfulness to God,

we immediately turn at the issue

of care for the Holy Sacraments,

since they are the sphere and the gift

in which the communion with God is realised.

One of the potential threats

is omitting or underestimating

the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament,

because not all Christians accept this.

Our founder, saint don Bosco said,

that if our actions for God's glory

are not focused on the Sacraments and do not lead to the Sacraments,

they are in fact deception, actions of the Evil one.

A correct understanding of the Bible makes us

spread the entire truth revealed by Him to all the world.

However, He also left us Himself. "Do this in remembrance of me,"

He left himself in the Most Sacred Sacrament

and the holy sacraments,

and it would be a misunderstanding

to reduce our piety, or the summit of our piety,

solely to praise and worship practice outside the Eucharist.

Look at what is going on in Poland right now.

The Eucharistic miracles in Legnica, Sokółka.

Jesus is giving us powerful signs and says:

"Gather around Me, I am the most important person here."

Please notice that the first Eucharistic miracle

in Lanciano was caused by disbelief of a priest

in the real presence of the body and blood of Christ

under the signs he was holding in his hands.

In the majority of cases, when it comes to Eucharistic miracles,

this is God's reaction to blasphemy, sacrilege and disbelief.

If there are such signs in Poland, it means that God says:

"Something is beginning to be wrong here.

Somebody is profaning the Body of the Lord.

Somebody is putting someone through a confessional

without absolution."

I don't know. "Somebody is losing faith."

God reminds us about Himself.

Let us not make Him perform such miracles.

It is better to believe that God is miraculous.

We are not in heaven yet,

and we have to be very careful and discern between good and evil.

Therefore the Apostles would warn us not to be merely happy,

because your sins had been redeemed, but to be prudent.

They would repeat Jesus' words:

"Be as pure as doves, but as wise as serpents.

Don't let yourself be deceived,

because a wolf in sheep's clothing may come and do you harm.

Don't subdue to various divisions,

human ambitions, spiritual visions."

This is why Paul says:

"But God forbid that I should glory,

except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Personally, as a monk, I must say

that a day without contemplating the passion of the Lord

is wasted,

because I noticed that the deeper I go into the contemplation of the passion,

the better I enter the mystery of the Eucharist.

It's all interconnected,

so there should be no surprises in this respect.

It is very simple: the Bible, confession, the Eucharist,

and offering oneself to Virgin Mary:

just as God entrusted Himself to Mary, a man should be entrusted to Mary.

That's all.

The Eucharist and going to confession on a regular basis,

these are the things Poland should be faithful to

and be able to experience difficulties

that as a matter fact cannot be avoided in this world,

the ideal shall never be achieved here.

Jesus promised us: "I will not abandon you until the very end."

So the question is, will I abandon Him?

It is not Him, who abandons me,

it is me who goes astray, and this is where the snag is.

Let us come back to Him through His Mother.

He's been with Her for 30 years, a grown up man,

who has had only three years of public ministry

and 30 years with his mother.

This is an extremely powerful sign for us.

The only way is to remain with the Mother, under the cross,

because only she can lead us to our destined place.

There is no other way!

Only through her it is possible to go to Jesus.

This issue seems to be quite vital, not only because I am a Pauline monk.

Theologically speaking it is very obvious,

perhaps not for our Protestant brothers, but for me it is.

I am talking about the role of Mary.

She is not some sort of a queen,

she is not just added to the salvific plan,

she is the key and central person. Why?

Because, let's say she is the spark, one of a kind.

God, in order to become a man,

needed her.

Without her He would not be configured to us

and would not step down to our level.

He chose precisely this way.

He did not land from the outer space, like some sort of a transformer,

but went through the woman's womb,

also to elevate feminine dignity in Mary,

to heal women, as it were, starting from the most intimate place.

I am down on my knees in front of this project.

When we ask:

"What should we do for the prophesies to be fulfilled in a clear way?",

the answer is known to us.

We need to start a fight

for rebirth of Marian devotion in Poland,

that would not be pure, holy and empty bigotry,

but that would transform our lives.

Our Polish ways to sainthood are not very spectacular.

When we look at our saints,

since almost 300 years

there has been no stigmatists, no miracle workers.

Usually they are quite ordinary people,

whose Marian devotion put on ordinary routes

and they are the biggest saints in God's eyes,

just like our Lady is, in a sense, the most ordinary one.

She said: "I do not exist"

and this is why God could act through her,

for she took no place for herself and left everything for Him.

Mary protects us

from turning away from Jesus.

This is the real danger,

because when we consider the knowledge

we have from the Desert Fathers from the third century,

all the existing demons have only one purpose –

to turn us away from Jesus.

What Mary does is just the opposite.

She turns us around and puts us in front of Jesus,

so that we might look at Him.

You can see it in Gietrzwałd, this is Mary's concern.

Every man who wants to get closer to Jesus, cannot ignore her.

If he ignores her, rejects her, says she is a kind of a demon,

then his contact with Jesus is illusory,

he deludes himself that he has something to do with Jesus.

Without Mary God had no direct contact with a man,

there was no chance for intimacy,

so without Mary a man has no chance

to have intimacy with God in Jesus Christ.

Let's come back to the Bible, 1 Kings, chapter 7.

There is a description of a temple built by Huram and Solomon.

No one was allowed to enter the inner part of the temple,

meaning an intimate relation with God, without prior purification in what?

a vessel translated into Polish as the Sea,

in Latin "Maria", are you with me?

If someone didn't wash himself, he would not be allowed inside.

No intimacy with God. He would be allowed to stare at the Temple.

That's a Conditio sine qua non

for an intimate relation with Jesus – Mary.

If somebody rejects her, his contact with Jesus is an illusion.

In the Book of Wisdom, chapter 6 verses 13-14, if I remember correctly,

it is said, that She, symbolised by Wisdom, is quicker...

wait a second, let me find this, it is even funny,

because it shows us a certain feature of the Mother of God

hidden in the Book of Wisdom.

"She anticipates those who desire her." What does the anticipation mean?

Even before I realise my desire to give myself to her

in order to be closer to Jesus, she is already by my side.

How fast can you be?

It's quicker than light.

It is said about Mary in the description of the Visitation

that she "hurried" to Ain Karim, 153 kilometers.

She is a marathon runner!

After 42 kilometers a soldier running from Marathon collapsed and died,

and she hurried with the child in her womb,

153 kilometers, runs to this cottage, hugs Elizabeth.

OK, you can say it was three days, but still...

Show me a woman capable of such an effort.

And she remained like this for the entire life?

For the entire eternity and was even multiplied!

She is faster. Look!

"She anticipates those who desire her by making herself known first."

So she makes herself known to those,

before they even realise they would like to get to know her.

A most incredible woman!

"She anticipates those who desire her by making herself known first.

Whoever gets up early to seek her..."

so you think no, I'll make it faster to a chapel,

for example I woke up at 4.30 a.m.,

I am kneeling by her statue trying to offer her my day,

fine, but who woke me up?

Statistics show that nowadays

Mary appears very often

in many places,

because the situation we experience

is so tragic, so dramatic,

that She says

that our Heavenly Father's patience is nearly over.

If we don't repent,

pray and receive the Sacraments, the punishment will come.

If we continue, and we do continue throughout the world,

the punishment will come.

We, as I have told you at the beginning,

should not be afraid.

What is important is living in obedience,

on a prayer, receiving the sacraments, going to confession,

praying the rosary, and God will give us His blessing.

There has never been so may apparitions authorised by the Church,

Mary has never talked so much before. She speaks to people of the 21 century.

The question is:

is it just a coincidence, is it just our imagination,

do we create such stories for ourselves?

Or perhaps there is a specific reason for which She comes to us

and says basically the same thing:

repent, repent, repent, change your life!

The same message is given in Medjugorie.

It's not about healing, miracles, the dancing Sun,

She tells us precisely what to do in order to get to Jesus.

In each and every apparition.

In the objections that our prophesies,

precisely our Catholic prophesies,

are so narrow and exclude others,

the issue of Marian devotion plays the central part.

On the other hand they prove authenticity of these prophesies,

because if so many prophesies are focused on Poland,

it is because Poland

is probably the only country in the world

that kept the real Marian devotion.

Let me differentiate between two types of Marian devotion -

one of them is "AT" devotion –

you look at Mary, admire her,

pray for help, graces, intercession, and so on,

and the other one, which is the basic one,

can be described as "HOW" devotion – you look at Our Lady and say:

"Ok, God gave me you as an example of how to live."

In history of Poland

has thousands of examples of people,

who tried to follow Mother of God in their ordinary lives.

This is the difference between our Marian devotion

and Marian devotion in other countries.

You can't see this much,

because Mother of God led an ordinary and simple life, didn't she?

The loop closes here.

These are ordinary and simple people,

who in God's plans will change the world.

As charismatic communities

we should once again offer ourselves to Mother of God.

She is the one that destroys every heresy,

therefore if we offer ourselves to her,

she will give us the spirit of discernment,

what comes from the Holy Spirit, and what is not.

We should also be aware of the fact,

that in the final Times

a false church and false Christ will be stablished.

We will experience the most perfidious

influence of antichrist, also within the Church.

Martha Robin says

that in the time the Church will be dying hang on the cross,

she must go precisely the way of Christ,

she must experience her own death.

Jesus has to die once again in the Church.

She claims that during this time

the world will be covered in total darkness,

and it will seem that the Church is dead,

that the Church is not there anymore.

The darkness will be so dense.

The persecuted Church will return to the catacombs.

This will be this Rest, hiding in the desert,

as 12 chapter of the Book of Revelation tells us.

The Rest will be fed by God in a supernatural way

for "time, times and half a time,"

but in the context of reality it will be so hidden,

that it will seem that the Church does not exist anymore,

the Church lost and Satan won.

Maybe the Church will remain in the catacombs, be persecuted,

maybe, as somebody told me once,

I will celebrate Mass at private homes in hiding,

I do not know,

but he said: "Whatever happens, you may be stripped of everything,

maybe they will deprive you of all your dignity

and you will be dishonoured, but remember: persevere!"

Persecution of the Church

shall end by the three days of darkness

prophesied by many saints

and ordinary people.

I am absolutely sure about it.

These days will decide upon who is going to stay in the world,

and who is going to be taken away.

It will be Lord Jesus himself,

who will appear and destroy, crush, kill the antichrist

by the breath of His mouth.

The Church will be resurrected anew.

Undoubtedly it will be a surprise for everyone,

ranging from the pope to ordinary people,

just like Jesus said: "I will come like a thief."

All of a sudden everyone will see open heavens

and Christ surrounded by angels,

coming with power and majesty

and the next moment

they will have to follow His eyes, as it were,

and look at themselves and their entire lives.

God is preparing for our generation something

which is going to be the greatest act of His mercy,

gift of Mercy,

namely this particular proposition everyone is going though after death

will be experienced by them here, on earth.

Therefore some people call it the Warning.

It is not going to be the Warning for those who follow Christ,

but it will be the Warning for some,

who will see Satan in their souls.

For there is no emptiness, there can't be,

we are the temple

created by God and for God.

If we expel God by a grave sin,

the throne of our soul is taken by Satan.

Emptiness is impossible.

The question is, whether this is the apocalypse of the end times

or is it the apocalypse of the last times?

If we take Fatima as the point of reference,

because this is safe,

the answer is, this is not the end of time.

This is because Mother of God says,

which is methodologically forgotten by people,

"In the end",

that is after this apocalyptic horde of demons that will attack us,

"my Immaculate Heart will triumph."

But there is no full stop here, there is "and" here.

"And a period of peace will be granted to the world."

So the end of the world is not mentioned here,

no Second Coming is prophesized.

Perhaps what is at stake here is "the period of peace"

announced by many prophets,

perhaps this is "the civilization of love"

proclaimed by pope John Paul II.

There is this promise of the new times among the transitional period,

the period of suffering, fights, trials

and prosecutions of the Church.

We are now at the highest point of the spiritual warfare.

But there is also the promise of Fatima:

"In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph."

There is the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary; two similar devotions.

What is interesting, sister Lucia in several places in her letters

wrote that the announced hour of the triumph

of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the end,

which is unconditional, would be the triumph of Mary and Jesus.

The Hearts of Mary and Jesus.

My intuition is,

since the apparitions of Fatima are not the final ones,

there shall be new signs,

the apparitions of Margaret Maria Alacouqe,

Celakówna and Faustina do not conclude the topic,

there will be other signs.

There is an event ahead,

when the two separate devotions will meet.

Lucia writes clearly about it. Fatima will fulfil its task

and the entire school of devotion

starting from Margaret Maria Alacouqe

will fulfil its purpose when the Church, the faithful

will enter into the so called Covenant of the Three Hearts.

We'll see that the very essence of Christianity

is unity of Mary and Her heart with Jesus,

which is the very essence of man,

and in this unity there is space for each of us.

Not the Covenant of the Most Sacred Heart

and the Immaculate Heart, but of mine, too.

This is what Lucia prophesises about:

a new generation that will radically change the world,

because this is what we are waiting for.

Notice that the first theme, related to Mary and Fatima,

runs clearly through Poland.

This seam is Polish, there is no doubt about it.

Just as one heart can change the world,

the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

hearts of many saints...

John Paul II used to say,

that statistics are not to be applied to the Church.

How many of you are there?

Hitler asked: "How many divisions has the pope? How many tanks?"

What kind of question is it?

Because in the Church the quantity does not count.

How many baptised do we have? It does not matter.

How many people united with God are there,

through whom He may enter our world?

This is what the covenant with God is all about.

Sister Lucia lived to form this generation on earth.

She offered all her prayers and religious life

for education and formation of this new generation.

It is very important.

Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort spoke clearly about this generation

and called the saints of this time the apostles of the end time.

There is a chapter in "A Treatise" by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort

I really recommend. It is about the apostles of the end time.

He says in it that he does not know when we are to expect this period.

For sure we need these apostles. The Church and the world needs them.

This generation will be characterised by a special devotion to Our Lady,

a special love to her,

and they will be shaped in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In the end times the world needs truly Marian apostles,

beloved disciples of Jesus,

who will take Mary into their homes, just like St. John.

I started reading "A Treatise" and a fragment on false Marian devotions

and realised that everything was about me.

Rattling off prayers, the rosary, pilgrimages,

all these you do just for yourself…

So I started studying "A Treatise",

I still keep a copy of the book in my chapel,

almost every single sentence might become a topic of prayer,

what Our Lady will give you in return,

not only will she protect you, you'll get faith, everything,

but at the same time you have to become her slave.

People are afraid of the word "slave",

but in this context it implies a son in the most perfect meaning of the word.

The primate Wyszyński explained the issue:

suppose there is a mother getting up at night

and taking care of her child in spite of her weariness.

Isn't she, in a sense, a slave to her child,

a slave of love in a good sense?

Yes, she is indeed.

An ideal state would be this type of dedication and trust

that would enable people to make great sacrifices

and have courage to fight until the end for truth and love.

We are not talking about quantity, but about quality.

For God it is enough to have 10 righteous,

like in the times of Abraham, to save the world.

Sister Lucia says that a small group of people,

the new generation, is needed to change the world,

including political authorities. Everything will be changed,

so there's no need for large-scale activities,

there's no need for "let's the whole world do it" attitude.

He is waiting for those,

who will respond to His invitation from the bottom of their hearts.

If we have such people, this world will change according to His scenario.

What is this spark that comes out of Gietrzwałd?

What is this spark that comes out of Poland?

In this place there is only one name that comes to my mind: Mary.

When I am trying to find one word

to summarise the message of Our Lady of Gietrzwałd,

the word is the name of Jesus.

Everything that is said by Our Lady:

invitation to the rosary and prayer

is shown in the picture of Our Lady, in which she points at Jesus.

I can't find any other word

that would summarise the apparitions of Gietrzwałd,

the name of Jesus.

And the spark is her mother, Mary.

I remember one conversation I had

on the topic we are discussing now with a Jesuit priest.

I said: "We have such a wonderful prophecy on Poland

by sister Faustina.

'I bear a special love for Poland.' Tell me, father, for what reason?

We don't vary from other nations, we don't vary at all!

Perhaps we have even more sins that cry to God for justice.

We don't vary at all.

So why does Jesus talk about this special love for Poland?"

The Jesuit priest smiled and said:

"You have already answered your question.

Because we know that we are sinners,

and the other nations don't realise this."

We are not saints and we never will be,

but at least we are aware of our sinfulness

and we go to confession.

This is internationally exceptional.

Maybe this is why God is able to take this ordinary broom,

which is our nation, and do use it according to His will,

because we know that we are just a poor quality broom.

God has got a sense of humour.

He likes doing impossible things out of the worse material,

for example something out of nothing,

cosmos out of chaos, the world out of emptiness,

He is a sort of inventor.

So if He chose Poland, that's because,

Deuteronomy, 7,7 is probably the best answer,

can I quote?

Why did he choose Israel? Why did he choose Poland?

Probably the same answer.

It's not because the winged hussars won over Charles IX of Sweden

in the battle of Kircholm.

"The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you

because you were more numerous than other peoples,

for you were the fewest of all peoples."

He chose me because I am zero,

He chose Poland because she is zero,

that is why He chose her.

It well might be the answer, but I'm not sure.

This spark from Poland cannot be a statesman

or even a cardinal or a pope,

because his voice will be ignored by the world.

Maybe it is going to be a woman or a man, I really don't know.

For sure it is not going to be a person of a high-visibility.

Someone very... surprising.

When I observe history and the Bible and I see it is always like this.

Most probably God did not change His ways.

He always chooses someone very ordinary.

It is interesting that people who are His sparks

usually have some problems with talking.

For example Moses and Abraham were such sparks.

He was no one.

From the point of view of history Abraham was no one, just zero.

He is not known in great books of history.

In the Book of Sirach Elijah is called Fire,

so you can say he was a spark, too.

As a matter of fact he remained unknown to his contemporaries.

Only after a few centuries

he was recognised as someone important,

who prepared the way for Elisha.

Now Elishua is another form of Jehoshua,

Jeshua – again, it's prefiguration of Christ.

John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah,

so the history repeats itself, only on different levels.

We can understand this,

if we look at history in a different manner,

not as a line but rather as a plane out of which,

as if from behind a curtain, a structure of eternity emerges -

what God wants to do with history,

and it manifests itself in entire history,

therefore certain elements repeat themselves like fractals,

because they are God's plan. Sparks are constantly being created.

This spark from Poland can be,

if perceived from the outside, totally invisible.

It may be something so small and humble

that there is no need to raise our voice,

but to motivate people

who are not afraid of their everyday cross,

to offer themselves for humanity.

Since the middle of 19th century in various apparitions

there has been this topic of expiative suffering.

God is searching for people who will say:

"God, if there is a need for healing the world and saving it,

leading it to God's ultimate purpose, saving it from a catastrophe,

I am ready to accept suffering and save the world from suffering."

Even a single person, when standing in front of God

accepting his cross and offering it to God,

becomes this spark.

So there is no need for millions of people.

Well, if there were many, it would be great,

but God in His plans,

on the last day before His Parousia

will close this number and set His own limit.

Our task is to do as much as possible

to increase this number of dedicated people.

I am sure it refers to an individual, for in the Bible we can see

that individuals are of the utmost importance.

The spark is someone

living in an incredibly close relation with God,

but this person is not necessarily recognised,

well, maybe in a small group.

Should we interpret this word "spark" as a flash of light

in the context of other prophesies that include the image of light?

The author is the same – God,

so it stands to reason to answer: yes.

So we might substitute the word "spark" with "God"

who is Light, according to sister Lucia.

From Poland God will come forth –

His grace and power,

which is the only power able to change the world.

It must be some sort of a movement

joined by everyone

willing to pick up and offer their personal cross,

who will be able to sort of raise the bar

and offer themselves for the entire world.

God does not want to destroy us, there's no doubt about it.

He does want to save every single person.

He died and rose from the dead for everyone,

so He does not want a sinner to perish,

but to convert and have eternal life.

Remember, take care of your soul! What did you do for your soul?

Where are you today in case of the end of the world,

your heart attack, car crash, cancer diagnosis?

Where are you today in your life?

Are you prepared? For this is your end of the world.

If we do what we are to do, there is no…

A trial will be simply a promotion.

It's like the flood.

Since Noah was very close to God,

his relationship was extremely intimate,

and other people were in a moral swamp,

when the flood came,

Noah would go up and be promoted when the water went up,

and those who had no relationship with God

went to the bottom.

If you experience intimacy with the Lord,

when a trial comes, your life is getting better and better.

But if your relationship with God is poor,

or if you have a very childish vision of God,

you get stuck in mud.

And the flood will come anyway, the flood is simply grace.

For some it is the malediction, for some it is the blessing.

In order to endure this trial of the flood

you have to be inside the arc, so again, I repeat:

the Bible, Eucharist, confession, offering oneself to Our Lady.

If I am locked in it, what do I care about the flood?

I am enjoying the Balearic Islands!

I wish to tell Poles, friends,

particularly the young and children,

and you:

I want to tell you that you are the spark!

You are the spark that can light the world up

and spread the fire of the Holy Spirit

for the entire mankind.

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