Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

wow what's this?

now your viewers will get a different view today

first testrun of the day

still cold... - go for it! I'll follow you

follow? on instagram?

yeah also there

smashed into it

first one... - it didn't record! - whaaaat??

at least I think so

paul is an incompetent filmer

did you see my grips?

well I wanted to pin it for the camera

so now I'm scared

we had to film the segment before the masses come

oh yeah I crashed once up there

new jump seems nice

yes works quite well

good thing you build that

so much better!!

traffic jam!

well.. maybe


messed it up

collected some dirt while landing

don't know the next segment.. - not a clue either

wow what's this!?

that was gnarly

are you going to hit all the jumps? anything to know first?

the wooden bridge.. I don't know how to clear it yet

in doubt I'll stop and check it out

I'll better examine them first

messy again

finally worked

lets have a look.. uh through the bushes

bushes suck

I think I'll crash again...

what's with your maxle?? is that on purpose?

got too many of them and I'm tired of fixing them all the time for every of my 3 bikes

but nope that's not really good

lets go! first run on the downhill track

can't see a thing!!

missed the high line... - couldn't see!

whoa ok! that was hard

have to be faster next time

dusty.. can't see

haha fun!

really big roots!

I'm scared of jumping blind into some slippery root and crash..

fat roots!

I see!

that one pops

oh the hole! .. remember this section from filming the race back in 2012

so slow

I'll try to follow

missed that line again


lets send it - send it!!

ready? yeah lets go

too far

not going to hit this one yet

I'll be sad if I can't follow you on the next part

scary!! tree!

first day our trail segment is open to public

that was nice


you serious?

the wind is something else here

Moritz make me proud!

the damn amateur foot

they fill up some holes.. they can't get enough I guess

I destroy!

so sick.. starting to drift and then there's a little drop on the inside

For more infomation >> SHREDDING BIKEPARK TODTNAU | #trailwhisperer -eng sub- - Duration: 11:31.


বছরের শ্রেষ্ঠ সময় কোন গুলো || Bochorer Sresto Somoy Kon Gulu || Mukhlesur Rahman Madani - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> বছরের শ্রেষ্ঠ সময় কোন গুলো || Bochorer Sresto Somoy Kon Gulu || Mukhlesur Rahman Madani - Duration: 5:17.


Jim Hall advanced jazz guitar chords - Duration: 9:29.

Hi ! In this video I'll talk about advanced jazz chords on the low strings of the guitar

the main thing that will differ from standard chords or even comping chords is the location of 3rds and 7ths

usually we play 3rds ans 7ths on the strings of D and G

for this E7, here is the 3rd and the 7th

we can add notes, like this E9 and this E9b13

but these 3rd and 7th can be played one string lower, on the strings of A and D

let's lower the 7th of an octave, and voilà !

if I want to simulate a bass player playing a low E, I can play the low E string

we have a E7

so we have 3 strings left to add notes to this chord ! Usually we only have 2, so we'll be able to play more advanced chords

the kind of sounds we'll be able to play has been widely used by Jim Hall, so people sometimes refer to "Jim Hall chords"

let's create a few chords with this basic E7

E7 with a M13, a M9 and a 5th : E9 13

here is a very advanced chord : E7 b9 13 #5

E9 #11 #5

as you can hear we can access very "rich" chords

but these chords doesn't work in all situations !

the sound is kind of thick and muddy, so if we play with an organist (or a pianist) that play low chords, it won't work

same thing if we play with a brass section

but if we are the only one playing chords in the band it will work : trio, quartet

now let's see some famous guitar chords based one this idea

there is a very famous chord in blues : let's take a blues in A with this classic A7

here is a common chop for A9

T-bone Walker is the guy who made this chord famous ! Here is a famous riff he used to play

(I explain it in detail in a tutorial I produced)

it's an A7 with a M9 (here is the root)

and here is another A9 with the root on top

this A9 is THE chord of... Django Reinhardt

on a E7 he could play this :

(he played with a pick of course)

it's probably the most famous chord of Django, used in many tunes (head of "Belleville" for example)

here is another shape, used by Rocky Gresset

E7 9 #11 13

this same shape can be shifted : E7 #9 b13

the exercise I suggest you to do, to get familiar with these new chords, is first to locate 3rds and 7ths, then to locate the other notes

if you want to know what note you can add on what chord, I made a video about this topic, go check it out

so you have to visualize every possible extension for every kind of chords

let's do that on a II V I in F major : Gm7 C7 FMaj7

here are the basic chords

I'll play the chords in this part of the neck

here are the 7th and 3rd of Gm7

here is Gm7

I can add a M9 on top : Gm9

now let's find a C7, as close as possible to this previous Gm9

3rd and 7th of C7


the Gm9 was here

I can play this C9 b13

(I want to create a movement starting on the M9 of Gm7)

but I could also do that (C7 #9 b13)

then FMaj7 : here are the 3rd and 7th

here are the M13 and the M9

I can add another note on top ! Let's do that

something I like to do is to play a M13 in the II chord (Gm7) : its works if it goes to the #9 of C7

Gm7 9 11 13

C7 b9 #9 b13

let's aim a D (M13) on the FMaj7

here are two possible FMaj13

I guess I prefer this one

the whole II V I :

I hope you liked this video and that it helped you understand these chords !

and listen to tunes where you can hear these chords (check in the description of this video)

For more infomation >> Jim Hall advanced jazz guitar chords - Duration: 9:29.


SYDSVENSKAN & SANNINGEN - Duration: 14:01.

Hello, my name is Henrik Jönsson.

Recently local newspaper "Sydsvenska Dagbladet"

colloquially called "Sydsvenskan"

or "Sydis"

or "S"

published an article in which the author demanded action to be taken by the Moderate Party

on erroneous grounds

against Mr Hanif Bali, member of parliament.

With this as my starting point, I will now carry a discussion on publishing ethics

Power shifts and freedom of speech in general

and the escalating meltdown of "Sydsvenskan" in general.

Stay tuned!

In the wake of the infamous "Culture Profile"

whose rock hard cultural work had made it impossible to select a nobel prize winner in literature

among all the hashtags bandied about.

Instead of the traditional literature prize-winners visit to Rinkeby

a Pippi Longstocking-themed writing workshop was set up.

This garnered - like everything else in the world

A lot of noise on social media platforms.

The Moderat member of parliament hanif Bali

who was participating in this conversation online

defended Pippi Longstocking as a powerful role model

for children in the suburbs, by taking a stance against a meme-like picture

depicting Pippi Longstocking in the saddle, against a backdrop of a burning car.

Bali followed this with a suite of criticism

directed towards those opposing the Pippi Longstocking writing workshop.

Strangely, Svenska Dagbladet chose to

publish an article which falsely claimed

that Mr Bali had made seering remarks on the wiritng workshop

which he in fact had been defending.

The article ends by concluding that Mr Bali was dismissing the children of the suburbs

as car-burning thugs

and in the role of "one of Swedens most influental people"

she also wanted Mr Balis political party, the Moderates, to take action against him.

Even though he word by word, and in several tweets was doing the opposite.

of what he was being accused of.

I get it, this move quickly at a newspaper.

Sometimes things go wrong.

The business model of newspapers is collapsing.

Digitalisation has changed how people communicate.

However, what is seriously wrong is how recklessly Sydsvenskan

...and many other aging media houses are behaving when they have made a mistake.

When Mr Bali contacted the responsible editor, Rakel Chukri

to question the published article - he was dismissed for using the wrong tone

rather than having his question answered.

They suggested he should write a reply and submit it to their paper.

Even though their article might well me in violation of libel laws.

Four days later Sydsvenskan quietly published a "corrected version" of the text.

with a note saying that Bali had declined to comment.

This is a typical behaviour for Swedish establishment media houses:

refusing to admit wrongdoing.

Instead, they tend to fight back with various kinds of information-monopolistic defense strategies.

Apparently completely oblivious to the fact that the have not worked for a very long time.

To suggest sumbitting a letter to the paper on a local newspapers website - in a public conversation on social media

is as ridiculous as asking someone to fax an email.

Best case scenario: be a laughing stock.

Worst case scenario: contribute to the deterioration of trustworthyness of the media establishment.

The difficulty of traditional media to navigate the digital society

is also made clear through their strained relationship with two-way communication.

I emailed both Rakel Chukri and Hanif Bali.

Asking if I could do an interview

in order to present both sides of this story in this video.

Sydsvenskan declined after 10 hours.

I had Hanif Bali on a video Skype call in two.

Sydsvenskans Maria Küchen wrote an article

in which she accused you of several things

I have been accused of the very opposite of what I did

She writes that you have been mocking suburban children as potential instigators of car fires

Well, that is the opposite of what I do

It's great if suburban children are exposed to Swedish culture

and get to see some positive role models.

Some people were annoyed "they are runing Pippi Longstocking!"

I took issue with this and said it was excellent if the children of Rinkeby get to have this great role model

You asked the cultural editor Rakel Chukri to explain their thinking after publishing this article I took issue with this and said it was excellent if the children of Rinkeby get to have this great role model

You asked the cultural editor Rakel Chukri to explain their thinking after publishing this article

and confronted her with the question "how did you reason?" You asked the cultural editor Rakel Chukri to explain their thinking after publishing this article

and confronted her with the question "how did you reason?"

I was quite upset, there is a particular obscenity in accusing someone of the opposite of what one is doing and saying and confronted her with the question "how did you reason?"

I was quite upset, there is a particular obscenity in accusing someone of the opposite of what one is doing and saying

so I asked her: "How did you reason?" I was quite upset, there is a particular obscenity in accusing someone of the opposite of what one is doing and saying

so I asked her: "How did you reason?"

she chose to criticize my tone, and told me that if I had wanted a serious discussion I would have written a reply to the paper.

which is absurd, that they should have the right to fabricate lies about me

and then demand I produce content for them for free!

This correlates with my own subjective experience of

dealing with "Sydsvenskan".

The 3:rd of September 2017 I wrote an op-ed for Svenska Dagbladet

about an attempted burglary in our home in Malmö.

Sydsvenskan responded with a smear. which they both questioned my trustworthyness, and the judgement of the paper that ran my story.

I was initially denied a response

about was after some complaning awarded a 1,100 character long reply.

My reply was never published as a reply

but was instead hidden away under "readers letters".

Only after writing about this on my blog

and political influencer Rebecca Uvell shared my text on Twitter, the paper responded.

This is the same power tactics as employed against hanif Bali.

First, my criticism was dismissed as nonsense.

Then they insinuated that I did not understand what the text was really about.

Finally they rejected the whole discussion on semantic grounds.

As I was publishing the whole twitter conversation on my blog

which by then was being followed by several thousand people

the paper finally chose to apologize

via a phone call.

This is why there is no screen dump of this.

Sydsvenskan is a rather insignificant local paper

but they are not alone in behaving this way.

Dagens Nyheter, Swedens largest daily newspaper

seems obsessed with Hanif Bali too, and has many times

tried to get rid of him by accusing him of

everything from bugging the state department

deliberately misunderstanding a meme as a threat of gun violence

and by invalidating his subjective opinions as "entirely false"

in their capacity as a government-backed fact-checking agency.

Regardless of what you may think of your adversaries

it is clear that this kind of behavior is found wanting

and it is often directly counter-productive for the establishment media themselves.

What do they persist with this authoritarian attitude?

The answer might be found in the realm of psychology.

The self-image of establishment media makes them out as

the gatekeepers of democracy

This is megalomania.

It is obviously an unrealistic ambition.

You can rightly question the confusion of the ambition to defend democracy

and the impulse to control what is said, and how.

Neutral reporting is waning.

Instead opinion pieces are taking over, where the journalists have turned from

reporting to fostering.

Collective megalomania in its final stage

expresses a delusion of dictatorial omnipotence.

and when it collides with the onslaught of competing digital media - the reaction is destructive.

Anyone challenging the establishment journalism

or even the conclusions of journalism

is regarded as a threat to democracy - and as a consequence - a threat to justness.

It then becomes legitimate to fight these despised upstarts with all means.

Bali, has a great social media following can can reach more people

than most newspapers. He also often makes fun of their journalism

using a language they do not understand.

He is thus painted as a problem for democracy, and an enemy that must be destroyed.

They establish condescending concepts like "Swish-journalism" and "Fake news"

as a line of defense against an increasing onslaught of independent individuals

who provide perspectives coupled with two-way communication

which are more engaging than the vertical megaphones of the established media platforms.

In a twist of irony, they will grasp for anti-democratic legislation

in order to protect the privilegues of power they have been enjoying when the audience

is turning away.

Public Service is becoming tax funded, the become financially independent

of the falling license payments coming in the wake of falling viewership.

On the EU-level, parliament is establishing a link-tax, which punishes small players.

and boosts the position of the established platforms.

They are trying to change the law

to make it illegal for anyone other than state-approved journalists to gain access to certain information.

"us regular citizens will no longer be able to do this"

"the freedom of information will be limited for ordinary citizens."

They campaign for "self-regulation" to remove undesirable information from Google

and other platforms.

They establish tax-funded and vertical "fact-checkers"

who arbitrarily decide what is true and what is false.

all while they pompously swagger around wearing a three-piece suit of glass

in the glass office, carrying the rocks they aim to use in educating

the ignorant population.

As a consequence, journalism is getting increasingly reckless

in relating to the ideals of democracy they once set out to defend

..and then to interpret and take charge of.

This is illustrated through the flagrant nonchalance

by which they manufacture false accusations directed at Hanif Bali.

As the "battle of the democratic conversation"

(which of course is just a proxy for the war on communication)

is being lost by the media houses, their rhetoric is vulgarized

in desperation, like when Sydsvenskans Per T Ohlsson

in the same text managed to clime the high horse of democracy

only to sling manure in every direction

all while holding the opposition responsible for the debasement of conversation.

It is easy to see that the battle

against the hydra of social media, is the death tremors of 20th century-style establishment media.

For each head they chop off, two new ones appear

all while the journalists, with increasing desperation cling to the delusion

that if they can only decapitate all these "enemies of democracy"

once and for all

life will return to the natural balance

of the early 2000's.

Newsflash: It will never be like it was again!

Do I need to spell this out for you in a paper letter

in order to reach you with this information?

or is YouTube okay for you?

Do you think it is acceptable to make mistakes and apologize

but that refusing to admit errors is unworthy of a news organization?

Share this video and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Do you have other examples of the media being untruthful?

Please drop me a line, I collect that sort of information.

...and I appreciate all respectful commentary.

My name is Henrik Jönsson

and I an not impressed with the state of current-day journalism.

Thank you very much for watching this video!

For more infomation >> SYDSVENSKAN & SANNINGEN - Duration: 14:01.


Barbie - The Karate Master | Ep.179 - Duration: 11:13.

Barbie - The Karate Master



I am the karate master!


Can you take your karate somewhere else?

We trying to watch TV


I a black belt in karate and I need to practice

Then why do you have a white belt?

Because Mummy say the white belt cheaper to buy

Move it please

I already tell you!

I need to practice...

...because I...



...the karate...






More like a karate disaster than a karate master

Ha, ha, ha!

I heard that!


That should help your sore head

Thanks Daddy

I not sure how I do that

Maybe you're not a karate expert just yet


I very good at karate!

I pretty sure Auntie Chelsea and Isabelle distract me

Yes, I'm sure that was it


I show you

No Isabelle!

You don't have to...

I just do this...



My coffee!


I mean to do this...





Oh no!

I not mean that either

Sorry Daddy!

I mean to do this


No more!


Yes, she really needs lessons

Ah huh...

So Wednesday is the only day you have available

for karate lessons?

Karate lessons?

For me?

Yes dear


But I don't need lessons

I hate to say it, but you really, really need karate lessons

Fine, but I still think my karate already good

Wednesday it is then

Wednesday hey...

I think I can fit that into my schedule

Thank you

See you then


Now we just have to get Annabelle to take

karate lessons with you


Leave it to me

No way!

Why not?

It boring and I not very good at it

Don't worry Sis

You be good at karate like me someday

I hope not!


What that supposed to mean!

Daddy's at work late on a Wednesday

Skipper and Stacie have things on

I have to take Chelsea to swimming practice

So you'll just have to do karate lessons with Isabelle

because she needs them

She really needs lessons

Really, really needs them

You know that I can hear you guys?

And they have the lessons where you girls

do gymnastics

Ok fine!

I do it, but I better not be bored


Thanks Annabelle

Let's hope these lessons help Isabelle

I know

I can still hear you!

Karate! Karate! Karate!

I not know why she so excited about silly karate

Alright, Chelsea and I are running late

so we'll see you two in an hour

Ok Mummy

Oh look!

Ruby and Giselle are here!


Run along


Ruby and Giselle do karate too

Well at least that will make karate a bit more fun for me

We not very good yet

Yeah, we only being doing it for three weeks

Good afternoon girls

My name is Julie

Hi Julie

You must be Annabelle and Isabelle

She Annabelle and I Isabelle

Well you can call me Sensei

Sen, what?


It means teacher

Ok Sensei, I ready to do karate!

Not so fast

First we need to warm up those muscles

I can't go down any more

Me either!

It too hard

That's it

As far down as you can go

Perfect Annabelle!

Great stretching!

Are you serious?

That not hurting you?

No, it fun

Everyone sitting down and stretch out in front of you

Keep those knees straight!


It hurts!

That as far as I can go

It hard isn't it Annabelle


How you do that?

Wow Annabelle!

That's some really good stretching!

Show off!

And lastly, find a partner and stand back to back

Like this?

Yes, now lock arms and one at a time,

pull your partner onto your back

Good Ruby



What you eat for lunch Annabelle?

And now swap

Not bad Giselle

Try a bit more


How you get so strong?

Good warm ups Annabelle

Time to practice some karate moves


Like this Sensei?

Arms a bit higher for the back hand strike

I know this move

Now twist your body bringing your arms through


Not bad, but you have to keep your balance girls


Annabelle, can you please show the girls


See how she keeps her balance


We'll practice that more after

Let's try the sweeping kick

What that?

Start with one leg behind the other

then sweep the leg around

and you twist your body

making sure you keep your leg nice and low




It not working!

Bring your leg right around Isabelle

But I feel like I going to fall

Look at your sister


Wonderful Annabelle

See how she's keeping her balance

as she brings her leg through

When you learn to do that?

I don't know

I can just do it

And finally a roundhouse kick

Almost the same thing

but your leg should be raised as high as you can go











Have you had lessons before

No Sensei

Well I'm very impressed

You must be cheating!

Before we finish up for today,

why don't we use some of those karate moves

to try and break this piece of wood


It's only a thin piece so you won't hurt yourself

Giselle, why don't you go first


Not bad

Two more tries

Come through a bit faster





Ruby, your turn





Alright Isabelle, show us what you've got

Easy peasy!



One more try Isabelle



Good try






Isabelle, it's not...


Alright Isabelle, that's...






I exhausted!

Silly wood

Annabelle, your turn


Hi dear

Watch me!


Well it looks like she's having fun

One, two, three!





Well done Annabelle!


I did it!

So you had fun then Annabelle

I loved it

I didn't know I so good at karate


What's wrong Isabelle?

You didn't have fun?

It ok but I think I need to be in higher class

because that a bit easy for me


I can teach you if you want

Great idea!

No thank you!

I learn by myself!


You teach me when no one else around Annabelle?

Sure Isabelle

For more infomation >> Barbie - The Karate Master | Ep.179 - Duration: 11:13.


Masz w sobie więcej niż myślisz! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Masz w sobie więcej niż myślisz! - Duration: 3:51.


TOP 4 Unique Creations Cardboard Machine Gun Full Auto - Duration: 4:45.

4 Unique Creations Cardboard Machine Gun

For more infomation >> TOP 4 Unique Creations Cardboard Machine Gun Full Auto - Duration: 4:45.


Bharat The Great Leader HD Fight #5 Promo|| Mahesh Babu, - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Bharat The Great Leader HD Fight #5 Promo|| Mahesh Babu, - Duration: 1:01.


భ‌ర‌ణి నక్షత్రం లో పుట్టిన వారు ఈ నక్షత్రంలో ఏ పని చేసిన ధనయోగం | Bharani Nakshatra | Mana balaji - Duration: 4:08.


For more infomation >> భ‌ర‌ణి నక్షత్రం లో పుట్టిన వారు ఈ నక్షత్రంలో ఏ పని చేసిన ధనయోగం | Bharani Nakshatra | Mana balaji - Duration: 4:08.


Холодный Куриный Шашлык Отличная Закусочка. - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Холодный Куриный Шашлык Отличная Закусочка. - Duration: 2:39.


కృత్తిక నక్షత్రం లో పుట్టిన వారు ఈ నక్షత్రంలో ఏ పని చేసిన ధనయోగం | Kruthika Nakshatram | Mana Balaji - Duration: 3:06.


For more infomation >> కృత్తిక నక్షత్రం లో పుట్టిన వారు ఈ నక్షత్రంలో ఏ పని చేసిన ధనయోగం | Kruthika Nakshatram | Mana Balaji - Duration: 3:06.



For more infomation >> YENİ İMAJIM BÜTÜN SAÇLAR GİTTİ!! - Duration: 1:47.


(EN) September Favorite 2018 | Jane Soraya - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> (EN) September Favorite 2018 | Jane Soraya - Duration: 6:22.


Бантики на заколки из фетра и эко кожи. Заколка для волос своими руками. МК. - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Бантики на заколки из фетра и эко кожи. Заколка для волос своими руками. МК. - Duration: 4:56.


Relación asfixiante 👨🏻 🤷🏾 🏠 ‍| Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:06.

For more infomation >> Relación asfixiante 👨🏻 🤷🏾 🏠 ‍| Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:06.


Тест! Кто ты - энергетический ВАМПИР или ЖЕРТВА? Пройди тест и узнай о себе всю правду - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Тест! Кто ты - энергетический ВАМПИР или ЖЕРТВА? Пройди тест и узнай о себе всю правду - Duration: 5:01.


Viviendo con el enemigo 🤷🏾 👺 👩‍ | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:10.

For more infomation >> Viviendo con el enemigo 🤷🏾 👺 👩‍ | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:10.


관절염 및 관절 통증에 대한 홈 구제. - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 관절염 및 관절 통증에 대한 홈 구제. - Duration: 5:25.


John Cena Explains His New Hair After Being Savagely Trolled For It - Duration: 3:31.

 Wrestling superstar and 16-time WWE champion John Cena has been getting a fair bit of stick of late

 The 41-year-old made his return to the ring at WWE Super Show-Down in Melbourne, Australia, earlier this month, much to the glee of fans around the world

 But there was something different this time around, the star was sporting a new hair cut - rather than keeping it tidy with his regular buzz cut, he had let things grow out a bit, and no matter how big a star you are, the Internet is not a forgiving place

 Many have claimed that he was experiencing a mid-life crisis. Eventually he just embraced it and trolled himself on his Instagram account

 And after becoming the butt of jokes the world over, Cena went on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon last night and finally put 'hairgate' to bed

Instagram/John Cena  In recent years he has followed in the footsteps of other wrestling legends such as Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and crossed over into the movie industry, with a great deal of success

 But during his time away from the ring, Cena hasn't let his standards slip and has learned a new wrestling move - his sixth 'Move of Doom', to add to his repertoire - with the help of martial arts expert Jackie Chan

 The pair had been shooting a movie together called Project X, which is why he has been sporting the extreme dad haircut

  He told the talk show host: "Now that we're all here, let's get into it. With the state of haircuts that are on television today, people are talking about mine?" Fallon then said that he likes it - to which Cena self-deprecatingly replied: "It's official, you are kind, and may be losing your sight

" He added: "I had to grow it out for a role and I am trying my best to manage it, like they style it out differently on the set, they asked me to grow it out and I said no problem

  "I left for China , so the last time people saw me I had the traditional short crew cut and now I came back and this ball of wax that's on my head, so now everyone's like, 'Man, you ruined my childhood

' "Or I came back and wrestled in Australia and it really was met with some heavy negativity

" I don't understand what people are talking about, I can't see anything. Featured Image Credit: NBC/Youtube

For more infomation >> John Cena Explains His New Hair After Being Savagely Trolled For It - Duration: 3:31.


I Was Here - Iran | Episode Two - Duration: 23:14.

Unlike Nowruz, celebrations of a western new year's eve are not a thing in Iran.

Nonetheless, the resolve to prepare a traditional meal for Howzak House's guests at the time is strong.

Mina, the chef de cuisine, of the darling kitchen at Howzak

recommends some Gormeh Saabzi, Saffron Rice and Gheimeh Bademjoon

for this global-community-style feast.

Tunes of setar emerges from the basement,

where Babak - one half of the Howzak duo is tucked-in to a Persian Korsi,

a common Iranian low table with a heater underneath a sizeable futon

That was beautiful

The names 'Iran' and 'Persia' are always used interchangeably and understandably so with reference to the Persian empire,

Zoroastrianism and a long history of second wave civilization

While some provinces of Iran each command their own historical importance

Pasargad or Fars province is home to what the Greeks referred to as 'The City of Persians'

or Persepolis.

Located approximately 50 kilometers away from the nearest city of Shiraz

Persepolis is what remains today of the ceremonial capital of the formidable Achaemenid Empire.

The sheer size of the complex, the sculpted details of each rock,

stairway and the stepping stone

is something one can only recognise and appreciate in person.

Everything else is just a rendition

A short hike up the periphery of this complex

and you can soak-in not only the entirety of the ruins,

But also get a panoramic view of the mountain belt

against the gorgeous clear blue sky.

Through its complex cultural past and wavemaking political climate,

Iran's architecture has achieved its own distinct dialect

that reflects across its palaces, mosques and even churches.

The Nasir ol Molk mosque while appearing like a regular place of worship from a distance

is anything but that.

As you draw closer and walk around the courtyard

every painted tile and subtle detail are what dub it the 'Pink Mosque'

Due to the generous use of the color

but if one is to step inside,

the coupling of stained glass windows and the morning light passing through them

manifests itself as a living kaleidoscope

its patterns and colors,

capable of bringing tranquility to even the least devout person in the world.

While atmospheric changes and the sheer age of the structure does cause the tiles and arches to fade and crack,

it is heartening to see carvers, modellers and artists are hard at work

perched over ladders redoing each tiles, painting each mosaic

painting each mosaic in a well funded effort to preserve the art and architecture for posterity.

And around five months

we spent time to renovate the...

the House

You guys are from Isfahan right? No

So why Isfahan?


Actually Isfahan is a special city..

and also I lived in Isfahan.

Me also, after my university, I stayed in the city and start working and...

We had lots of friends in this city, so I lived here.

stayed here in this city and..


because she had lots of projects when she was studying at university

Babak and Nassim setup and run 'Howzak House',

a sustainable bed&breakfast located in the old-town part of Isfahan,

a historic city located six hours away from Tehran.

Isfahan, the once dazzling capital of ancient Persia;

nicknamed 'Nesf-e-jahan' or Half of the world

is now the third largest metropolis

and home to possessing palaces,

a public square - Naqsh-e-Jahan -- one of the largest in the world

and Si-o Seh Pol

an iconic 33 arch bridge, in what is the oldest Armenian Quarter of the world.

How important do you think is Chai in Iran?


Maybe in Iran people can... don't have food, but they can not *not drink tea

Ya, I mean it's a huge part of the culture here right? Yes, of course that's right.

I think Iranian people have...


10 times in a day

drink tea and

It is..

big one- something like this.

For example, the young people...

We make tea,

something like Ghoori. I don't know in English..

okay, like a flask?

Yes, and have it till end of the night. okay.

but for example my grandmom...

She makes tea and drink it fresh and after that the next time they make it again

and they make it again and they make it again.

Tea or Chaiee as it's called in Iran is more than a warm brew in a cup,

it is a national sentiment,

a beacon of the ever-so-alive Iranian spirit.

Traditional tea houses act as communal spaces for cultural and political dialogue,


and even as living heritage of the kind, that leads one down the lanes of Persian lineages and a glorious past.

Traditionally Iranians mix one part of hot and concentrated black tea,

typically Ceylon, with two parts of boiling water.

Nabaat or Rock Candy made of saffron and rose water - is used instead of sugar to add sweetness.

Azadegan Traditional Tea House in Isfahan's Naqsh-e Jahan Square is an iconic stop,

starting from its passageway - lined with dusty lamps and ye old radios

to the tubular cave like hall filled with enough mementos and keepsakes of several irani generations.

Everywhere you look, you feel like you know this country in an inch better.

Tea houses range from the likes of Azadegan -

ample of bells and whistles to tranquil settings spacious enough to accommodate a piscina.

Tehran's Azari tea-house is an unmissable cultural melting pot

held together by ceaseless flow of tea along with Bamiyeh or pestles of piping hot Dizi,

But more notable are the musical acts that grace its deep heart like room

where people clap and rejoice to the tunes of santur played by maestros.

In a nation governed by a president, supreme leader, their associates - most of whom are men

women represent a very small piece of the pie

Women can drive cars, but not bikes or scooters

they're looked down upon at as 'unladylike'.

When stepping outside a headscarf is a must

although the boundaries of head coverage are constantly pushed by the ever so fashionable iranian women.

Under dark colored manteau or Iranian trench coats/ capes and jackets

that cover feminine contours can be the actual outfit.

The rules are tightened in and around places of religious significance

with the Chador / an extremely long - all encompassing cloak, taking center stage.

The stringency of the scarf,

is it to avoid attention from the opposite sex?

Or does it end up piquing the male gaze that much more?

As a male, I wasn't subjected to this

but it was very much palpable in the air

that the women of iran pick, face and fight the battles that will allow them access to their fundamental rights.

I've been spending my time, most likely last three years more in Iran because of the type of dog rescue I do

Have a little sanctuary that I try to rescue dogs and help them

Because there is no animal right!

so there are people like me trying to do the right things and it's not very easy.

Maryam Talaee

a fierce track rider, and an even fiercer Women's rights advocate and animal activist

is constantly campaigning for women's rights-

whether its for participation in motorcycle track racing or other matters of public interest.

She also dedicates a great deal of time and energy in running a dog rescue and rehabilitation center

Which in Iran is no easy feat

Since for those who don't know

Dogs as house pets are condemned in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Iran changed in many ways since the time I was growing up. It's many ways good

Especially for woman; because we are doing new things like..

we do biking, we do bigger stuff that

before you couldn't believe that people can do in Iran.

fashion changed,

movie industry changed in a very good way like international

And I'm really actually happy to see this kind of movement last few years

There are stuff that it's actually bothering me that I'm hoping that in future that we can change it

I hope.

Gormeh Sabzi which is very famous food.

lots of Iranian people love Gormeh Sabzi

and.. it will be a home-made

Has to be home-made. Yes!

and also rice

rice with saffron

the Tahdig! Yeah

This Kurdish gentleman is saying..

Turkmen tent, for the entrance- from one side, it has a different design.

outside has different design so when we are upstairs, I will explain to you how they are woven


Vali Ansari is widely lauded on the internet as the guide and host for the Northeastern city of Mashhad.

His nonchalant, informative, warm and affordable home-stay in the heart of the city

comes recommended in every guidebook of Iran.

a fact verified by his eponymous street sign at the corner of the alley by his home.

This is called Four Season Design.

Kurdish Kilim

Kilim means carpet with no pile.

So this has four seasons. This was woven by the Kurdish nomads of this province

near Quchan, Quchan area.

In this province, you can find Baluchi rugs.

Which they are dark colors and then you have Kurdish rugs

and then we have these double faced silk carpets.

This is a double faced Turkmen carpets

Workwise Vali is learned enough to be attributed as an expert on Persian rugs.

He's well-versed in..

The genesis.

Fabric, stretching techniques

and most importantly methods of carpet repair.

If you remember I told you about nomadic rugs of this province?

I forgot to tell you that there are in towns of these province such as Masshad,



and then in these towns like Kashmar

they make urban carpets.

Urban carpets are usually different from Nomadic.

The Nomadic rugs are usually woven by these Nomadic people,

there is no designer who draws the design, there's no...

wool spinner whose spins the wool...

and there is no...someone who dyes the wool.

Usually the Nomads they dye the wool themselves,

They spin their wool by hand themselves.

The design they receive it from their family, so the design is....

done by their hearts.

While the city that Vali belongs to -

Mashhad - is known to everyone as the holiest spot in Iran

due to the residence of the Imam Reza Shrine,

it is also the centre of Iran's world renowned carpet industry,

particularly known for its Nomadic Rugs

with aesthetic influences going back to prehistoric times -

unparalleled craftsmanship from Kurdistan,

and pockets of Afghanistan.

We're still a few hours away till the clock strikes 12

and the aroma of the rich stew, fragrant rice and gormeh sabzi spreads into Howzak's courtyard.

Howzak's plates of food on this chilly evening

bear the inimitable signatures of people who gave that extra bit to lay down this binding meal.

People who can be only convicted of caring too much.

The night gets chillier with a collective admiration of Hafez's poetry tapping our souls gently.

Something that I believed...


is that Iranian people..

They're so kind

and they really love to have relation...

with people in all over the world.

That's true.

we hope that

see lots of people in our country...

and also, we hope to go to your country,

and the other country in all over the world


we didn't...

Ya, no...

I think that the life is too short,

so it's better to be friend in each other.


They can bind you the way a conversation cannot,

or start conversations where there were none,

they forge an intimacy as if the person across from you at the table was not a stranger at all,

but a long lost friend.

A few thousand miles away from family,

but I was right at home,

and not cold at all.


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