Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

How To Start A Blog

For more infomation >> How To Start A Blog Step By Step For Beginners In Hindi - Duration: 8:57.


Queen Bee Half Marathon - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Queen Bee Half Marathon - Duration: 1:27.


#TheOpenHouse - My outrage is comedy, honest... - Duration: 3:01:38.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - My outrage is comedy, honest... - Duration: 3:01:38.


Ripping off the Band-Aid! - Duration: 14:15.

She's gonna take it off for me oh my god wait wait you ready

good morning everybody so I'm at the red light waiting to go

and then soon I'll be on the highway getting to work how's everybody doing

today welcome back to my channel if you're new here thanks for joining and

if you've already subscribed thank you so so much I almost forgot the intro

yeah so I'm heading out I'm a little tiny bit late cuz I spent a little extra

time petting peanut this morning because he was so cute I couldn't help it so now

I'm just on my way and I will go and I'll see you later when I'm at work

alright I'm here I'm waiting to cross the street but oh my god so I was going

to my car this morning and I didn't vlog that part and there was like this red

car it was parked in a way that was blocking like so many cars from getting

out and it was super annoying and I was like oh my god are you serious but I

didn't film it because I was like well like I didn't want to start my day off

complaining or like on a negative note so I didn't film that part and then it

took me like a few tries to get out of the spot because the car was literally

blocking like in the middle I should show you like how it was parked but so I

was like really annoyed with it and then when I was leaving I passed by like the

front of the car when I was driving by and somebody put a sign over the car

saying are you it said like you gotta be effing kidding me only they actually

wrote the F word and I was like oh my god so yeah people were mad because that

car literally like parked where cars are supposed to be driving in the parking

lot so it's just in the middle of everything so yeah it was really crazy

and I was just like laughing after when I saw somebody actually put a sign

because I was just like I'm so annoyed but I just ignore it and then somebody

else was like no I'm putting the sign on his car so now I'm at work and I'm gonna

get some breakfast and get working

all right I did some work and now I'm just waiting for Jacqueline we're gonna

go get our flu shots yippee so if you haven't got your flu shot yet

you should definitely do it here's my little form dun dun dun! influenza

influenza we got a lot of swag look at this all this stuff I got candies we

talked to the dentist and then we got candy and a tooth this stressed tooth

it's a stressed tooth are you stressed about your cavities yeah you need to go

to the dentist me too and say yeah we just got some information you survived

your shot Jacqueline painfully she was so scared and she took my picture so I

will I will insert my picture here of me getting my shot and look how brave I was

so now probably we have to go back boom yeah we were just we went to get the

shot and there was a whole big like University thing going on with all the

free stuff like benefits and da da da so we just got some random stuff but now

we're gonna go back to work

I want to take the band-aid off but it's all sticky oh my god you're gonna do it

she's gonna take it off from me oh my god wait wait you ready oh it wasn't too

bad we're here we're just complaining about our arms oh thank you I wasn't

gonna rip it off myself it was so sticky but it didn't it didn't

hurt when you did it I guess when you go really slow it's

gonna hurt time to go oh definitely gonna change a little bit and be a

little smoother and more appealing as you know the Doppler continues to grow

which in November it should be ready to go hey don't we it looks so small

there's a Shiba and look we're home at the same time love oh my god that's a

beautiful one I want peanut to be friends with that one

oh so cute hey you wanna get out sit up sit sit your butt down sit hey

are you happy we're both home right so exciting

hi baby boy hey you sit good boy wait hey wait wait

peanut wait wait wait wait wait okay it looks like the first day we him him

get your ball where's your ball that's not your ball Oh

cute oh my God look

hi so this lighting is kind of weird out here in the hallway but I'm going to the

gym again I had a very weird dinner because we were kind of lazy to cook so

Huy bought food outside and I just had toast and fruit and a little bit of

chicken so I was kind of random but and then I was working on a video for my

English Channel if you're learning English and you want to check out some

videos about learning English or American culture you can check the link

wherever it is I'm gonna put the card so you check out that channel say I just

edited a video for that channel I am on a roll these days trying to do some

daily vlogging some second channel work lots of things going on so I am going to

do my little workout just some light cardio no weights today because my arm

is still sore from the flu shot

all right gym is done I'm outside with peanut I came home from the gym and Huy

was sleeping already I scared him when I opened the door

because he was sleeping so I just shut the light and took Peanut out go pee. ewww a

lot of pee on the tree oh my god his worst enemy dogs are coming run peanut

run run he barks at those enemy dogs every time two Bulldogs ok I think we're in the

clear I'm like still sweating so I had a pretty good workout

hey he sees his enemy Peanut no barking but yeah as I was saying I

did cardio which was just incline walking for 30 minutes and then I did

some stretching and I am like trying to do splits which I have never ever in my

whole life that I can remember done a split before so I am just like

stretching my muscles every day to try and get to a split so I'll keep you

posted on my results will see how many months it takes but you know I just like

want to try something new I always just kind of said like oh I'm not a flexible

person and then never tried but I'm gonna try and see if it's possible

I swear this dog is so lazy every time I do like the first half I probably said

this before every time I do the first half of his walk he's ok and then when I

try to do the second part he gets like super lazy and tries to just sit down or

go home look he's like just standing around I'm trying to get him to walk

more he's crying look he's looking for his

favorite people Peanut stop it I know I know it's so sad

she's not here she's not here Peanut he loves the barista but she's not

here cuz it's closed Peanut you're so cute oh ok that's a

friend did you hear him crying? yeah maybe he knew you were here because he

was crying so much oh baby P your friends are here alright I'm just in the

hallway I'm gonna end the vlog now because Huy is sleeping and I don't want

to wake him up obviously so I'm just gonna go inside take a shower and get

ready for bed so I hope you guys enjoyed hanging out with me today this daily

vlog thing I'm hoping I can make it work we will see ya so give it a thumbs up if

you liked it if you haven't subscribe already what the heck are you doing with

your life!!! subscribe below and I'll see you guys in the next video bye

For more infomation >> Ripping off the Band-Aid! - Duration: 14:15.


1 Selena Gomez Perfect hair Bangs hairstyle tutorial - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 1 Selena Gomez Perfect hair Bangs hairstyle tutorial - Duration: 3:47.


WATCH THIS NORTH KOREA (이 북한을보기) xd - Duration: 0:31.

Dear Kim Jong Un Every Finns love you and we are ur big fans 00f

친애하는 김정은 모든 핀란드 사람들이 당신을 사랑하고 우리는 당신의 큰 팬들입니다 00f

For more infomation >> WATCH THIS NORTH KOREA (이 북한을보기) xd - Duration: 0:31.


🔴⚫急激な金利上昇が87年の市場暴落を再現する❓(10/15/18) - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 🔴⚫急激な金利上昇が87年の市場暴落を再現する❓(10/15/18) - Duration: 4:18.


Rejection For An Actor Is Painful But It Isn't Personal - Bill Duke - Duration: 4:02.

Film Courage: I love what you said about rejection sometimes when I'll do you know I'll

watch videos or I'll read about an actor or a writer or a musician I find that

actually some of them that have really thrived they had a very painful early

rejection and I'm just wondering does that almost because you had that first

early painful rejection any new rejections it's like okay casting

director didn't like me well my own father rejected me so what could be

worse you know so I see that sometimes I've seen I've actually looked at a lot

of people's lives nothing like wow that person I really admire they grew up in a

tough situation and I'm wondering if that almost helps in some sense I think

your ability to deal with pain and how you deal with that determines your life

journey yeah every rejection and this it sounds crazy but every rejection is

painful but it's not personal

of course the 20 people before you are rejected also they weren't rejected

because they're not talented and you may be more talented than the person who got

that job not because they're more talented than you but because in this is

gonna sound crazy because if you have 50,000 social media followers and they

have 5 million because it's a job so it's not personal and it's not meant to

be personal it's business they put 5060 million dollars into the

movie you may do the same very well but that other person is gonna bring five

million eyeballs so just suppose 10% of them buy tickets that's 500,000 tickets

for opening day you know and it sounds harsh but I have a question if you put

50 million downwards or 150 million dollars into a film when you be

interested on the ROI of your investment I mean you may love Henry but if Sam can

bring you 50 million eyeballs for the hundred and fifty million you've spent

you're gonna think about it so we think they're mean and horrible people No No

thank you for watching our interview with Bill Duke for those of you who

enjoy this content and live in Los Angeles we invite you to experience film

courage live we have two upcoming events this Tuesday October 16th we have a

filmmaking panel with filmmakers Christopher Rea Andrew P Jones Royce

Gorsuch Orson Ovitz and Brian Aven and Bradley and on Tuesday October 23rd

we have a one-night-only class with Pamela J Smith entitled mythic

challenges creates stories that change the world we are excited to host both

events we have links in the description below if you would like to attend

For more infomation >> Rejection For An Actor Is Painful But It Isn't Personal - Bill Duke - Duration: 4:02.


HGTV Urban Oasis 2018 - Tour the Garage - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> HGTV Urban Oasis 2018 - Tour the Garage - Duration: 1:37.


Dora and Friends Return to Rainbow Rock Super Puzzle | #NickJr Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Dora and Friends Return to Rainbow Rock Super Puzzle | #NickJr Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:02.


Warmer end to weekend; rain early next week - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Warmer end to weekend; rain early next week - Duration: 3:43.


Activate Windows 8.1 permanently | Windows 8.1 Activator | Microsoft Toolkit 2018 - Duration: 1:45.

Activate Windows 8.1 permanently | Windows 8.1 Activator | Microsoft Toolkit 2018

For more infomation >> Activate Windows 8.1 permanently | Windows 8.1 Activator | Microsoft Toolkit 2018 - Duration: 1:45.


TRY-ON HAUL | COTTON ON, TARGET & MORE - Duration: 9:43.

hello our friends of the Internet I'm Kyra and welcome back to my channel

today I am back with another haul video because I obviously have a problem that

I'm not willing to admit but at least when I go broke I'll have lots of nice

clothes to make a home out of most of the items you'll be seeing today are from

Cotton On but there are few things from other places so if you enjoy this video

and you want to see more videos of me buying things and spending all of my

money make sure you give this video a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and

click the notification bell to be notified whenever I upload alright

without further ado let's get into the video also want to apologize for any noises

you hear in the background because my house is under construction okay

continue alright the first item I'm going to show you guys is this nude

striped striped boob tube I don't know why I was so drawn to this I saw this a

while ago on khandaan but I give myself a reason to buy it when I went on

recently it was marked down to $7 I wasn't expecting it to have this sort of

it's got like a tiny bit of a sweetheart neckline going on here which I don't

know I'm that much of a fan of but for $7 er I'll deal with it the next thing

I'm going to show you guys is actually the reason why I was on cotton ins

website and it's what started the whole shopping and buying all these things it

is this friend's iPhone case but those who know me they know that I love

friends just anything friends related I must have my friend grace actually

tagged me in this post on Instagram that was showing me so thank you grace for

showing me my new favorite thing in the world I don't know if you guys can see

it very well it basically says Central Perk and it's got sparkles in it yeah I

love sparkles and it's actually like a really squishy as well so not only is it

a feast for the eyes but it is also a feast for the hands squish

I'll stop obsessing over friends now next item from put on is this orange

crop top now I've always hated the colors orange and yellow I don't know

why I think is because my mom told me that my skintone

doesn't do well with orange and yellow so I've just never bought it but I've

been wanting a top like this for ages and when I saw it on the model I was

like I can pull that off right so I got this top here I saw a similar version of

it on princess Polly but it was a lot more expensive and I really liked it so

I've been searching for a tube that I could buy and so when I saw this on

cotton on I had to get it basically just a crop top has a tie at the front and I

think it fits pretty well but I was happy that I could finally find a jute

for the top that I saw a princess point though I would really like it in the

blue color this orange colors fun too if you

remember the very first haul I did on this channel which was also in my first

video linked in the I've you haven't seen that I don't really aren't any

belts I mean I bought the belt that you saw in the first haul Sportsgirl I also

picked up a bit because for some reason I don't iron any better so I'm extending

my collection and here is another one that I got from cotton on it's got two

big silver loops at the front and yeah I just thought it was cool it was like

buying one of those Gucci belts but for one hundredths of the price style and a

budget at my right my friends with the final item I bought from Conan was a

purple swimsuit now my favorite colors always been purple but recently I've

just been unnaturally obsessed with anything purple and I felt the need to

buy anything that is purple so when I saw this I was immediately obsessed now

I'm not gonna try this on for you guys because I don't have a summer body at

the moment but I'll insert a picture here of someone who does have a

beautiful summer body yes so it's this purple bender top here

which imagine what it would look like there you go and then it also comes with

well doesn't come with but I thought I would just buy the matching pair these

high-waisted purple bikini bottoms I've never owned any high-waisted bikini

bottoms but I thought I would get in on the trend and see how it goes I don't

know I'm excited to try these on when it finally warms up in Australia because

it's still freezing in its September come on Australia get on that

considering we're on a bit of a purple train at the moment I'll show you the

new bag that I got recently I went to Melbourne and Sydney and when we landed

my green backpack that I owned immediately broke oh that's my cat hey

rich you guys can see everybody's down there oh oh okay now you can see him I

swear he loves me he just shows it in an unusual fashion getting back into the

hole this is the bag that I bought to replace the bag that I broke well I am

breaking it broke on its own when I landed in Melbourne it's actually a

really good bag it was only twenty four dollars it was underneath I got it at

some shop in Melbourne where it was closing down there was like a little

Japanese store that bran is MC J H might design so if you can find that I don't

know it's got this one big pocket here which has got like a laptop space and

it's got these three compartments here these also have little zips on them if

you can't see ya so you don't have to worry about anything falling out of

those you can just put it in zip it up and you're safe I really love this

backpack the only fault is that the straps don't go short enough for my

little arms I'm gonna try and see you I can like

tailor it but it's not that big of an issue I just have a backpack that's

sitting on my bomb it's a it's a bum pack good and to finish off the purple

train I didn't really need to show this but I have just currently obsessed with

it it's from Target and it's just this pencil case I don't know why I love it

so much it's just this lilac you purple which i think is my favorite type of

purple let's go this cool marbling pattern two pockets I use this to store

all my charges and then I put all my pens and pencils here when I go to uni

and stuff they currently have a bedspread in this pattern like this

marbling pattern down here which I'm really obsessing over and I think I

might cave in and buy it but I'll let you guys know if I do I'm just so

obsessed with it I didn't know I could love a pencil case so much but the

impossible happened the last three things I have to show you guys are all

from Italy now I didn't go to Italy my parents didn't they went without me

which I was very sad about it's fine it's fine they brought me back some

goodies and I'm gonna show you guys them right now so they got me this black

leather backpack I know right just as I bought my other purple one it's a nice

sort of slouchy backpack you just undo these little Clips here and then it

opens up with it's got a big wide neck and then it's just really one big space

there's not too many compartments with this one there's just one of the Front's

also got one at the back got a zipper but I really like this one and I think

it's really stylish and I've never owned a bag that's made of real leather so

thanks mom and dad for that one I also got these little what do you call these

invisible socks they're calling them hoodies from some brand called Caledonia

I just thought they were really cute and I'd show you guys this one has little

polka dots on it this one has little of hearts there we

go focus baby focus and then if this one's just cool sort of glittery sort of

pattern there we go I'm just worried about them being a bit itchy they feel

like they oh I know on the inside they're different on the outside they

feel itchy but on the inside they're good so we're fine

and the last thing I'm going to show you guys today is a little bit different I

was actually surprised that my mom bought me these but I think they are

really cool they are these glittery denim pants look at these like they go

all the way down the way I have no idea where I'm going to wear these I feel

like they're way too special to wear just you know everyday but I mean it's

me I'll pretty much wear anything they actually fit really well I'll only need

to wear a belt with them because I've got a bit of gapping at the back I need

to find a proper way to style them but once I do I think these will be a bit of

a show stop of these pants and that's the end of today's video I hope you guys

enjoyed it you can want to see me rocking any of these items make sure

you're following me on my Instagram and you can also follow me on my Facebook

and Twitter if you want like I mean you don't have to just maybe I don't know

like and as I said at the beginning of the video make sure you're subscribed

you like in this video and also comment any videos you want to see for

in the future because I pretty much graduated uni now which means I've got a

lot of spare time on my hands so let me know if you guys want to see any

particular kind of videos if you haven't seen my last video my boyfriend controls

my life for a day so make sure you check that one out cuz it's a funny one let me

tell you that and I'll see you guys next time

adios amigos bye oh my god is that Gucci no it's coming on

oh no darling I'm not from Italy but my bag is


For more infomation >> TRY-ON HAUL | COTTON ON, TARGET & MORE - Duration: 9:43.


Passenger Planes Recreated in Minecraft - Duration: 11:12.

Hey guys, I'm NiceMark and today I have a collection of commercial passenger planes

built in Minecraft.

These are real life planes that do actually exist.

The one I'm currently exploring is the Airbus A318 operated by British Airways.

The planes are commercial, so each airline paints the plane how they want and that's

what we're going to take a look at today.

Since these are real life airliners, I'll also include a photo so you guys can compare

it to the version in Minecraft.

All of these were built by F'n'A Gaming, he has a channel on YouTube where right now he

posts just planes, make sure to check him out to see more.

All of the links are going to be in the description, and by following the links to his videos you'll

be able to get more information about the planes, as well as the world downloads.

My commentary ends here because there's not much for me to say, just look at the video

and see for yourself.

If you're looking for a specific plane, I've got the time codes in the description which

you can skip to if you're interested in a specific plane or airline.

Alright, that's that, I'll say goodbye in advance: thanks for watching and I'll see

you all later, bye bye!

For more infomation >> Passenger Planes Recreated in Minecraft - Duration: 11:12.


ये गंभीर बात है | I am not joking, It is serious matter | Peace Speaker Prem Rawat | Margdarshan - Duration: 22:19.

Mother calls him a prince.

So many princes...

...were never there, nor will they ever be.

Every mother wishes, that their son grows up... be a famous person.

After the completion of their studies...

...there's another path, just like previous one.

Just keep on doing something.

Keep doing it.

After the retirement...

...when there's nothing left to do.

Then, they get bored.

Throughout their life, they wished...

...not to do anything.

After retirement, there's no need to do anything.

Just sit at home.

But how is it possible?

Because every moment, there's a recording being played.

To keep doing something or the other.

Do something at least.

You've to do something.

I'm not joking, try to understand, it's a serious matter.

It's humorous but serious.

It's serious because...

...we all are human beings.

I'm telling you, as even I'm a human.

I'm a human, you're also a human, so...

...I say because of humanity...'s not.

This isn't the aim of our life.

Because you're alive.

You can achieve something more.

Do something different.

In your life... can experience peace.

In your life... can experience wisdom.

You can make your life a success.

Not through a list.

From within your heart... can feel that success.

That really...


...I'm so fortunate to be alive.

Everyone's under a pressure.

'How do we do this?', is our only question.

We say, we're always under a pressure.

Some or the other pressure.

I don't want to pressurize you.

I want you to get rid of the pressure.

I want... to put this pressure off your shoulders.

This doesn't mean, that you become irresponsible.

But why did the responsibility become a burden?

It's a responsibility, but why did it turn into a burden?

Because there's something inside you...

...that's striving for something else.

But your brain, keeps playing a recording...

...that you need to achieve something else.

Unless you know yourself... won't realize your weakness and strengths.

You don't even know, why are you here?

You won't understand the meaning of humanity.

Unless you know yourself.


...all your life...

...your heart should always be filled with gratitude.

It'll only be filled, if you're...

...capable to thank for each day.

How can you be grateful?

Unless, your heart is filled with gratitude for real.

And unless we accept the truth of our life.

But we keep thinking about what the others might be thinking.

That I've not handled this responsibility...

...not fulfilled that responsibility.

Thus, by getting into all this...

...people do things that aren't required.

Millions are spent... marriages, why?

Because they want to show the people.

To show people.

Rather, give that money to the new couple.

They could utilize that money.

But no.

They spend on people, so that...

...they could have a good impression on people.

Because of this, many lives are devastated.


They organize a grand celebration, so that...

...their prestige remains intact.

The prestige would remain intact.

It won't be harmed unless we do something to tarnish it.

Because, such customs have been made.

It's a custom!

It will never come to an end.

It's carried on.

Years, after years, after years...

...even after that.

What will the people think?

Don't they have anything else to think?

They've a lot to think about.

Not about you.

If they're so selfish, they might be thinking about themselves.

Indulged in themselves.

Until we breathe...

...human beings don't need to get upset.

No matter what happens.

This is known as real strength.

Real strength!

To know ourselves.

To fill our heart with gratitude.

What do others think about us...

...should not be our worry.

Because it's not an easy task.

It's stuffed in you...

...filled in you... to...

...what others think about you.

But you never think...

...what God thinks about you.

What does God, the creator, think of you?

God has given you this car.

This human body, this life.

This car has an engine.

Isn't it?

This car also needs fuel.

Needs petrol.

Our body needs food.

That's it's fuel.

It runs by that.

It also has a break.

The break is in the head.

The accelerator is also in the head.

Brake and accelerator, are always together.

It has brake and accelerator.

God also made petrol, right?

It also needs water.

God also made water.

It has an engine too.

There's one thing... must be having a steering too.

There must be a steering as well.

Who has the control on that?

If this is not an instruction.

The one you're seeking...

...that your steering is within you.

What is it then?

These are the instructions.

But people debate over it...

...they don't consider them as instructions.

They debate.

God has made the steering, so that... can steer it on your own.

If you steer well...

...then, in this life...'ll definitely reach your goal.

He's close by, but says he's far.

Being far is upsetting.

Kabir said these words...

'Guru bin bharam Na jaasi...

...mohe sun sun aave haasi.'

Hence, a teacher is needed.

A teacher is the one, who gives correct instruction.

The right instructor.



...this must be your aim in life.

I'm not saying that it isn't your responsibility.

It is.

The responsibility, that you're striving...

...towards will never be achieved.

Secondly, people...

...just keep working hard.

There was a discussion over the radio station...

...about depression.

The doctors know very well...

...if we don't sleep well in the night...

...and if it keeps continuing...

...then one gets depressed automatically.

Then it will force that person to commit suicide.

People ruin their own health.

After they retire, where do...

...they spend their wealth?

In hospitals.

What's the use of this?

If you want to donate money to the hospitals, do it now.

Give it to the doctors now, if you want to do so.

Why are you spoiling your health?

You've been blessed with this human body.

You must practice this knowledge.

And you must understand my message.

If your heart is filled with gratitude...

...then show that gratitude.

If you could do this, trust me...

...even you'll stand strong... that durable house.

Learn to steer.

That I can...

...get angry... well as make love in my life.

People ask me that they get angry...

...on others easily, how to overcome it.

Forget about others.

If you are getting angry on others... means you are getting angry on yourself.

If you get angry on yourself...

...then it's very wrong.

Because we must not get angry on ourselves.

At least love yourself.

If you are not able to support yourself... your life, then who'll support you?

You must love.

You'll have to love this life.

You'll have to love this life, to get the knowledge.

What more could I say?

And if you love this life then... one will have to tell you, to practice.

Just as... meet your lover...

...suppose you have a lover.

The one, whom... love immensely.

And you...

...go to the airport... receive your lover.

You come to know about the flight by which...

...your lover is arriving.

And the flight is delayed.

What will you do?

What is love?

Love... something...

...which is the only truth.

'Jaal pade...

...jal jaat rahe...

...taj meenan ko moh...

...Rahiman machari neer ko...

...tau naa chaane chor.'

Did you get it?

Shall I explain?

When you throw a net in water... gets stuck in it.

Fish gets stuck in the net, but the water doesn't stop flowing.

Water flows like... doesn't have any relationship with that fish.

As if it's not related to it.

The fact is that the fish...

...yearns for the water.

That fish loves the water so much.

But water doesn't stop flowing even if the fish gets stuck.

Raheem says...

...that even then...

...the water is flowing...

...being loveless...

...but still the fish...

...didn't quit loving water.

This is called love.

This is called love.

And what do lovers ask...

...each other, when they are in love?


Clean my shoes?

No. Lovers just ask each other... keep loving them.

That's it.

Only one relation sustains. That's love.

If that love...

...which is present in you...

...fails to fall in love with the indestructible inside you...

...then what is the point of this stage?

What is the use of all this?

If you don't love...

...the life you live...

...then it is a normal thing for you to breathe.

Love is necessary. When there is love... will stay still.

Even if your thoughts wander around, you make...

...your thoughts stay still.

Sit quietly and meditate.

That's why you need to be strong.

When you start to wander away from the circumstances...

...that is when you are upset.

And when there's an earthquake...

...the earth starts to shake...

...and things starts to break.

That is when everything's a chaos. But if your house is strong...

...then, whether there is an earthquake or not...

...we don't care.

The thing is, you need to be strong.

Knowledge is there to help you experience peace.

Knowledge doesn't stand for 'aspirin'.

If I want to hit a hammer on my hand...

...I will consume a dozen aspirins...

...and hit the hammer on my hand. You will still feel the pain.

This is not what aspirin is for.

Aspirin wasn't made for this reason.

If you get hit by a hammer by mistake...

...and feel pain, that is when you have aspirin.

But if you have aspirin so that you can...

...hit your hand with hammer, is wrong.

You can't apply burnol (burn injury cream)...

...the cream that people keep in the kitchen in case of burns.

Would you apply burnol cream and put your hand in fire?

So that you don't get burnt as you have already applied burn cream?

No, that is not the purpose of that cream.

If you get burnt somewhere by mistake...

...then you may apply that cream.

Knowledge is there to make you strong.

So, become strong for yourself.

And if you stay strong...

...and once you understand...

...that you don't have to run behind things.

You must do what you have to do. But when there are problems...

...there is no need to worry.

No one else worries you.

You only worry yourself.

When you get late for something... you get worried?

You do get worried, right?

Where does that worry come from? Does your watch ask you to worry?

How do you start worrying?

Tell me.

Does your boss...

...aim a special gun at you?

So that you end up worrying? How do you get worried?

Does your car, bus...

...train or airplane...

...has a device installed that forces people to worry?

Where does worry come from?

It comes from within you.

Since worry comes from within you...

...peace also must come from within you.

There is peace inside you, even when you are worried.

But you don't choose to experience peace, you choose worry.

You should worry about...

...whether you are satisfied with what you feel?

If you are satisfied, then that's good.

If not, then...

...that is alright. You always have a next time.

The more peace you feel, the more...

...your heart will be filled with gratitude.

For more infomation >> ये गंभीर बात है | I am not joking, It is serious matter | Peace Speaker Prem Rawat | Margdarshan - Duration: 22:19.


신장에 대한 7 가지 최고의 허브 클렌징. - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 신장에 대한 7 가지 최고의 허브 클렌징. - Duration: 7:46.


WEEDO F192 Nozzle Replacement - Duration: 1:29.

Use a 2.00mm L-type wrench to loosen the set screw inside the right nozzle fan

and take the nozzle out of the aluminum block

Unplug the nozzle heating line

Same way to take the left nozzle out

Put the new right nozzle into the aluminum block of the nozzle

position the nozzle, and tighten the nozzle set screw

Same way to install the new left nozzle

Finally, connect the left and right nozzle heating wires

Leveling the platform and adjust the nozzle gap again

For more infomation >> WEEDO F192 Nozzle Replacement - Duration: 1:29.



(Music Playing)

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