Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

You couldn't be badder than a King-stony

Diss my mother then your skin start bleed

So don't bother mess with my mommy

Baby, tink you bad, say ya badder than she

If dog a-go bark, long time dem doh eat

Rap on, pop off, make you move like freak

They say dem a gangsta, but so is mommy

They gon' put hands on a chick

They gon' put hands on her

Eyes watchin' when I comin' through the door

What I'mma do, they ain't prepared for

No gyal can tell me 'bout my mother

16 shot, we go longer than a ladder

Dem nuh fi talk 'bout the real don dada

Put body inna pot dem a bun like grabba

No boy can diss me or my mother

Round here ain't safe, everybody need armour

16 shot, we go shotta any bluddah

For more infomation >> 16 SHOTS || MEME - Duration: 1:06.


Nhạc chế | Nỗi Lòng Đứa Con Tật Nguyền | Gửi tặng mẹ nhân dịp ngày phụ nữ Việt Nam 20 tháng 10 - Duration: 39:17.

For more infomation >> Nhạc chế | Nỗi Lòng Đứa Con Tật Nguyền | Gửi tặng mẹ nhân dịp ngày phụ nữ Việt Nam 20 tháng 10 - Duration: 39:17.


Armenian Divine Liturgy - Օրհնեցից զՏէր - Encendé los subtítulos! - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Armenian Divine Liturgy - Օրհնեցից զՏէր - Encendé los subtítulos! - Duration: 0:40.


October 2018 Reading Plans: Autumn Readathon + Witchathon! [CC] - Duration: 10:55.

Hello everybody, my name is Cara, and today I am here with my double TBRs for the Autumn

Readathon and for Witchathon.

So both of these readathons are hosted in the last couple of weeks of October and I

am so excited, I am ready to read all the cozy things, all the like slightly spooky,

atmospheric things, like I'm just really looking forward to both of these.

Now as you will see, I have a truly absurd number of books *laughs* on my TBRs.

But I'm kind of doing something different where I'm just putting together like a giant

pile of books that would fit the challenges and that I'm interested in reading and like

not even trying to narrow it down.

Because I'm really trying to make more of an effort to mood read because that's something

I really enjoy doing that I haven't been doing as much recently.

Now if that means I end up reading like 3 or 4 books for one challenge and none for

another, like, I'm just gonna let that happen!

I don't think that is gonna happen, but like I just want to pick up what I want to read

at the second that I want to read it.

So I'll start with my Autumn Readathon TBR since that one is occurring first.

And it runs from Saturday October 20th through Friday October 26th.

And the creator and host of this readathon is Mercy from MercysBookishMusings; I will

link her announcement video down below.

The first challenge is to read a Gothic or spooky book.

And for that one I have picked a classic and that is The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne


This is a classic I have never read and I actually hadn't even heard of it before a

few years ago.

I really wasn't familiar with Anne Bronte's work.

I have read Wuthering Heights, I have DNFed Jane Eyre, so I'm really interested to see

how I like this one.

The second challenge is to read a nonfiction book that feels autumnal, and Mercy has kind

of suggested like nature writing or cold location travel writing or like a memoir, that's kind

of what she considers to be like cold-weather nonfiction but she also said that like this

can mean whatever you want it to, and I'm doing kind of a weird thing that makes sense

to me, but probably doesn't make sense to anybody else, so let me explain it: so the

one that I'm counting is Women of Camelot, and this is Queens and Enchantresses of the

Court of King Arthur by Mary Hoffman, illustrated by Christina Balit.

So I KNOW this is not nonfiction, but for some reason in my head and kind of when

I'm picking books and reading books and kind of categorizing what I read, for some reason

I think of like the original tales of something, I think of that as closer to nonfiction than

to fiction.

So like if I read a fairytale retelling, like that's obviously fiction, but for some reason

if I read like the original Beauty and the Beast or the original Little Mermaid like

Hans Christian Andersen tale or something, that feels like I'm reading nonfiction almost?

Like that's one of the things I consider when I'm like "oh I feel like picking up a nonfiction

book", I think of like original folklore and stories.

I don't know if that makes any sense, I'm trying to talk myself out of it 'cause I know

it's not correct, but anyway, I'm just gonna go with it *laughs* and I'm really excited

to get to this one.

The illustrations in this are simply stunning, and I actually saw Anne Theriault, I don't

think that's how you say it in French, I'm sorry, but I saw her talking about this book

on Twitter and I immediately looked it up and bought it because it just looks so cool,

looks right up my alley.

The third prompt is to read a novel set in a cold location.

So I have a couple here, and the first one is The Dollmaker of Krakow by R.M.


I actually won this in a giveaway from the author, so thank you so much!

And I am so excited to read this.

This looks like a very like wintry kind of feeling book and even though on the back it

talks about how two girls become friends over the summer, I'm pretty sure that this is gonna

be more of a winter book.

I'm getting kind of like Nutcracker vibes and I also know that it's gonna be really

intense and emotional because it also takes place during the Nazi occupation of Krakow

and I think this is gonna be a really important book and just a really like beautiful and

atmospheric way to tell such an important story.

Then my other option is another one I'm really excited for and that is The Sisters of the

Winter Wood by Rena Rossner.

This is a book inspired by Jewish folklore and I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm really looking forward to the sister relationship in this and I don't know too much about what

it's about, I just know that I think one of the sisters goes missing maybe, and then I

think the other sister has to go into the woods to rescue her and they discover like

family secrets and I'm just really really excited about this one too.

The fourth prompt is to read a historical fiction novel and that's one of my favorite

genres so again I have a couple options here, and the first one is The Secret Life of Violent

Grant by Beatriz Williams.

I really don't know very much about this companion trilogy; I've seen it get really good reviews

on Goodreads and I just, I don't know, I was in the mood for like an adult historical fiction

kind of romance book, and I think that's what this is going to be so depending on what kind

of historical fiction I'm in the mood for I might pick this up.

And then the other one is The Outcasts by Kathleen Kent.

Now this one actually *laughs* I think this one actually gets pretty bad reviews overall

but I'm really expecting to like it.

It's kind of a Western historical fiction and the female character is kind of a tough-as-nails

girl and the male lead is like this pure-hearted like strong sense of justice kind of guy,

and when that dynamic is well-done I really like that, I really like when the girl is

kind of the more vicious one and the guy is allowed to be like more, I don't know, good-hearted

or with like the stronger morals or something.

I think when that's well-done I really really enjoy that, so I'm looking forward to this

one, even if people seem not to like it too much.

There are also a couple of bonus prompts and #5 is to read a short story collection.

So I have tentatively picked one out but this is one of the prompts where I'm not sure I'm

gonna get to it because I don't have a great track record with short story collections

or anthologies or anything like that but if I am in the mood for it I will be picking

up The Starlit Wood which is New Fairytales edited by Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe.

This is a really beautiful book, for one thing, and it has a bunch of different fantasy authors,

some of whom I'm familiar with and I really love, like Catherynne M. Valente and Naomi

Novik and I--I could really enjoy this but again it's something where I really need to

be in exactly the right mood.

The other bonus prompt is #6: Read an adult novel about a young female protagonist.

I don't actually have a book picked for that, I might pick up something like that but anyway,

so those are all the books I have picked out for the Autumn Readathon.

Now moving into my Witchathon TBR.

This readathon runs from October 24th through October 31st and the creator and host is Rhiannon

from Crescent Moon Reads and of course I will link her announcement video down below as


The first prompt is: This time of year is all about preparing for the dark and gathering

enough harvest for winter.

Read a book that is bound to make you warm and happy.

And I have several options for that and the first one is Spindle's End by Robin McKinley.

Robin McKinley is rapidly becoming one of my favorite authors of fairytale retellings

and her writing just makes me feel really cozy.

And I believe this is a Sleeping Beauty retelling and I'm just really excited to read this one.

I think this is one of the ones that people often mention as being like one of her best,

so I'm really excited to get to that.

Another option is The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer

and Annie Barrows.

I first heard about this book from Laura's channel from Paperback Laura and I also recently

heard Lia from Lia Hyde and Seek talking about it on Twitter and how good it was.

And I just feel like this is gonna be a really lovely kind of warm but also--but I've also

heard that this book is like not as like sweet and saccharine as the title kind of implies.

And it's about a journalist who is doing research I think on World War II and then she finds

out about this like society that was on an island and kind of how they used it as a front

for like for fighting the Nazis I think.

And my last option for this one although I have plenty more that I could talk about is

Dragon Spear by Jessica Day George.

This is the third and final book in the Dragon Slippers trilogy and I have loved the first

two books so much.

They are just the perfect balance of like sweetness and charm but also, I don't know

they get kind of dark sometimes and I think the plot and the characters and the writing

is all wonderful.

The female friendships in these books are just fantastic and I love the way that the

dragons are characterized like they truly feel like their own characters and I'm just

really looking forward to this third book.

The second challenge is Light a candle for your ancestors and read by candlelight; this

is a time for honoring our kin.

So I don't have a specific book chosen for that one but I think that is such a cool prompt.

#3: Samhain is more widely known as Halloween; read a spooky horror/thriller novel.

Now here's the thing *laughs* I don't do horror, and I really tend not to enjoy thrillers,

but I have chosen a mystery novel and that is From the Charred Remains by Susanna Calkins.

And this is set right after the Great Fire of London in I think 1666; yes, and I believe

it's about a lady's maid who gets wrapped up in a murder investigation and we'll see

what happens.

My other option for that is The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater.

This is the second book in the Raven Cycle series.

I read the first book more it more than two years ago?!

I don't remember, but I loved it and for some reason I just never continued on with the


And I feel like this is the perfect kind of fall and like winter atmospheric like just

a little bit spooky and creepy kind of read.

The next prompt is The veil between worlds is thinnest: read a book that has paranormal


And my first option for that is Dreaming Death by J. Kathleen Cheney.

And from what I remember, this book is about two main characters, both of whom have kind

of like supernatural or paranormal abilities.

And one of them is about a woman who is a sensitive I think, so she can I think sense

people's emotions or feelings.

The downside to that is that the constant exposure to that has actually made her blind.

And then the other character is a man who dreams of the deaths of other people.

And I think this book is about how they come together and they have to kind of both use

their talents in order it solve a murder?

Yes, to solve a string of murders, I think.

My other option for this is Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal.

This is an alternate history, alternate like fantasy kind of book where the Spirit Corps

is a part of the I think World War II Allied Powers and that's all I really know about


I think the female character starts sensing things about the death of a British soldier

and she has to try and solve what happened to him, I think?

Something like that.

Really excited about this one but again don't know much about it.

The next prompt is: In honor of your ancestors read a book that features your ethnic heritage.

And as I mentioned before I am half-Italian so I will be reading The Story of a New Name

by Elena Ferrante translated by Ann Goldstein, I think, and this is the second book in the

Neapolitan Novels series.

I recently read the first one for Women in Translation and I just fell in love with it,

I really just flew through that book, it was so engaging, and I just--I'm so invested in

these characters and in their lives and their complicated and messy relationships, so I'm

really looking forward to getting to this one.

The next prompt is: Every witch needs their coven; buddy read a book.

And I will be reading Disenchanted: The Trials of Cinderella by Megan Morrison with the lovely

Giselle Bradley.

We have buddy read things before and I'm really excited to get to this book.

I recently read Grounded, which was the first companion book, and I loved it.

I just--that book blew my mind with how much I enjoyed it and with how complex it was,

so I'm really looking forward to this one.

I believe it's like a Cinderella retelling that focuses on taking down like unsafe work

practices, like she's--I think she like starts a worker's revolution or something and Cinderella

is also black which is so nice to see, so I'm really looking forward to that one.

And finally, the last prompt is to Read the group book, The Girl Who Drank the Moon.

And I do have that one, I actually put this on my second round of 5 Star TBR Predictions.

(By the way, this is by Kelly Barnhill.)

And--so obviously I think I'm going to love it and just for some reason I have not picked

it up and then it turns out that this was their group book so this is the perfect opportunity

to finally read it.

This just sounds like the most beautiful and whimsical and wonderful story and I actually

own 2 other books by Kelly Barnhill and I just have this feeling that she's gonna be

a favorite author for me, so I'm really hoping I enjoy this one and I'm really excited to

get to it.

Okay everybody, so that is my ridiculous number of books that I have tentatively pulled for

the two readathons I'm participating in for the second half of October.

I'm really excited for any or all of these [books] that I pick up, I probably will also

pick up some that are not on this TBR because...that's what we do! *laughs* Please comment down below

and let me know if you guys are participating in either of these readathons, what you're

planning on reading or what you thought of any of these books if you have read them.

Thank you guys so much for watching, I will see you soon with another video, and I hope

you love the next book you read.


For more infomation >> October 2018 Reading Plans: Autumn Readathon + Witchathon! [CC] - Duration: 10:55.


Costa Rica VLOG #1 - Duration: 16:42.

For more infomation >> Costa Rica VLOG #1 - Duration: 16:42.


한글자막) 밤하늘 별빛 ✨ 타임랩스 / 아이폰으로 타임랩스 찍기 / 양평 벗고개 터널 / VLOG 브이로그 - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 한글자막) 밤하늘 별빛 ✨ 타임랩스 / 아이폰으로 타임랩스 찍기 / 양평 벗고개 터널 / VLOG 브이로그 - Duration: 1:36.


Navratri Prasad Kala Chana Recipe | Ashtami Prasad Recipe | Black Chickpeas Recipe|Kala Chana Masala - Duration: 2:52.

Hello friends welcome to

today we are going to make kala chana or black chickpeas

its navratri special, which is very famous in north india

its special prasad recipe for goddess Durga

lets start making


we have kept the pan to get heated

we will add 1 tablespoon refined oil

add 1/4 teaspoon cumin seed

add 1/2 teaspoon grated Ginger

add 1 chopped Green chilli

add turmeric powder 1/4 teaspoon

add Garam Masala 1/4 teaspoon

add 1/2 teaspoon dry mango powder

add 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder

add salt as per your taste we have taken 1/4 teaspoon

roast the spices well

spices are fried well now

we have taken kala chana (black chickpeas) 1 bowl

mix all the ingredients very well

you can use Ginger but onion and garlic cant be used in Navratri

for 1 min we will roast all ingredients

we have roasted all ingredients for 1 min

when you are boiling the chana(black chickpeas) water level should be above to the chickpeas

add some salt it will be cooked well in 2-3 cooker whistle

if its hard water then it will be cooked well in 4 cooker whistle

we will add green coriander leaves

all the things are ready now

Navratri special chana masala is ready

very easy way you can make it

specially in navrat make this prasad

i hope you liked our recipe if you liked the recipe

please like share and subscribe to our channel

while subscribing hit the bell icon to get the notification of our recipe first

Thanks for watching see you soon in other video.

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