Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018




For more infomation >> MOOMBATHON 2018 [AYEK BEATMAKER] original mix 100 Bpm - Duration: 2:56.


FIFA ONLINE 4 MANAGER - 5 อันดับกองหน้า TT ที่หลุดเป็นหาย [ขอแรงแรง][NRS Gamer] - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> FIFA ONLINE 4 MANAGER - 5 อันดับกองหน้า TT ที่หลุดเป็นหาย [ขอแรงแรง][NRS Gamer] - Duration: 6:08.


France - Alsace - The cathedral of Strasbourg - 39 - Duration: 3:41.

Behind me is the famous cathedral in this city.

There is one like that in Paris.

It spent 100 years to build this cathedral.

It's so special and famous, not like the other churches.

This area attracts lots of tourists, a few minutes ago I just saw Chinese tourists.

We got some value information on internet,

this cathedral was built in 1150.

and the astronomical clock was made in 1550.

In front of me is like a big astronomical clock.

The bottom is the Earth, you can know when the day or night is once you look into that.

Next, that is the position of the Planets to the Sun.

On the top is the position of the Moon showing when the full or crescent moon is.

For more infomation >> France - Alsace - The cathedral of Strasbourg - 39 - Duration: 3:41.


Варанаси. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка-3 (English subtitles) - Duration: 55:23.

It is finally here!

Heads and Tails. Reloaded – Season Three!

We will reload new cities this season.

We will rediscover incredible islands…

This will be the most surprising season ever!

Do not miss it!

Evsei: Hello everyone! This is Heads and Tails Reloaded and we came to Varanasi!

Nastya: No offense, but I never wanted to come to India.

It so hot and muggy here! I suffered so much the last time around! The flies. The cow's…

Evsei: This is the most colorful city in India! There are over a thousand temples here.

This is the most important place for Hindus. Hatha! The Ganges! This is a holy place! How can you say this?

Nastya: Just say that you are ready to walk around with a backpack Evsei.

Evsei: Of course I am!

Nastya: Perfect! Works for me. Let us hope this is how this will work after the coin flip.

Evsei: Heads.

Nastya: Tails.

Evsei: I apologize Nastya.

Nastya: When will this finally be over? What did I do to deserve this? Where did I mess up my karma?

Evsei: Take it easy.

Nastya: Take it easy? I have been bumming around since your debut on the show. Dear God!

Evsei: It will be all right.

Nastya: Just go already. Get out. I just don't know anymore.

Evsei: Best of luck!

Nastya: Could I use some luck here? I need a fly repellent! That will help!

I also want cool air and I wanna go home.

Varanasi ia a type of India that makes your blood run cold…

Was that guy dead?

Travelers who return from Varanasi describe their experience in one word – shock.

What did I do to deserve this God?

I think he just ate a pinch of human ashes.

Stay tuned and we will show you the city where heaven gets along with hell…

The best cars in India are those reserved for weddings.

I wonder what they look like. Perhaps a limo?

A retro ride?

You will have to excuse me for getting the golden carriage with some silver wheels.

A horse carriage is a must-have attribute at every Indian wedding.

They decorate them with marigold and jasmine garlands.

The golden throne has lion-shaped armrests.

Last but not the least, a couple of pedigree stallions.

Let us go!

Carriage drives the groom to a first date with his bride. He wears a colorful turban.

The girls in front of the carriage throw marigold flower petals.

Indians do this at weddings to impress the relatives and guests.

I could not have had a more pompous entrance! Well, I feel like Prince Rama.

$100 = 6,500 rupees. I

I want to storm into the city right away.

Even my skull is sweating!

There are a few different ways to break into this glorious town.

Cycle rickshaws for example.

They are cheap but drive very slowly. It is also very loud around you.

Rickshaws drive faster, but it is still loud, dusty and muggy.

Would you drive? For God's sake!

There is also a bus option.

Although it is cheap I will have to pass on that too because…

it is dirty and no one knows the route or the price.

I really want to get out.

This is a luxurious taxi. It has A/C and leather seats. Spacious and comfortable enough.

I went with the most balanced option – an ordinary cab that is two dollars cheaper.

This incredible, spacious and cozy cab has an A/C, but it is out of order.

Therefore, we will open the windows and enjoy Indian sauna.

It is nice.


The advantages of having the carriage are obvious. People look at you as if you are a star from Bollywood.

Why not?

Right now we are chasing a man with a hairy bush.

Where in the hell am I?

Greetings dear citizen!

Do not let me distract you. Handle your business.

It is nice that this was where we got stuck in traffic.

India is awesome.

I think we are in for heaps of fun. Great job bro!

I think we are in for heaps of fun. Great job bro!

A ride in a carriage is only pleasant during the first ten minutes while people are snapping your picture.

You learn about the disadvantages later.

The sound insulation is non-existent.

It is muggy, hot and smells like horses.

I paid $150 for that!

Hello. Lena?

Lena: Yes. What's up?

I do not want this carriage anymore.

Lena: What?

Moving around in this thing is impossible!

Lena: So? Don't tell me you want a limousine.

I do not want a limousine! Just a regular car.

Lena: Okay, you will get your car.

Okay? Thank you.

Behold the pride of Indian auto industry – Mahindra XUV500!

Mahindra is Indian luxury SUV.

It costs incredible money by Indian standards.

In order to buy this car an ordinary citizen would have to save money for forty years!

It has closet handles.

It also shuts like a closet.

It does not shut!

Okay. Start!

Where the hell am I?

You begin to feel like you are inside a mental institution as soon as you enter Varanasi's center.

The traffic is a mess or cars,


carts and mopeds!

Crowds of people walk on the same roads.

Then there are herds of animals!

The animals are completely in charge here.

A cow or a buffalo can simply lie in the middle of the street and care less about cars or honking.

They will just stay put because this is their country.

Here is where you do not need a driver's license!


Varanasi takes you hostage from the very first minute.

You cannot escape this maze of streets!

This is true bacchanalia!

I want scream "Enough!" at the top of my lungs!

There is dirt

and garbage everywhere.

Monkeys were the only thing we have been missing.

It seems that trash is sacred in Varanasi. Just like the cows. Is it illegal to clean it?

Dear God!

What did I do to deserve this?

The filth is at every step.

Stains of different color and origin cover everything.

This city is so dirty!

I am scared to touch anything and do not want anyone touching me either.

I need an antiseptic! A lot of it! An antiseptic store!

Varanasi to us looks like hell

while the locals see it as a heaven on Earth.

Varanasi is the holiest place in all of India.

Imagine all of our temples gathered in the same place.

It does not get any holier than that.

The smell of incense covers you as soon as you arrive in Varanasi.

The shouting and praying take over your head as you enter the state of trance.

They say God Shiva himself chose this place on the bank of the sacred Ganges River

as a location for his residence on Earth.

Indians believe that a single visit to Varanasi cleanses you of all the sins you have committed in life.

People do not jump with parachutes or drive their Lamborghinis to casinos in Varanasi.

No one comes to Varanasi for expensive entertainment.

People with money come to this place for thrills.

The more money you have the more thrilling your experience is going to be.

My gold card will get me into a place that is off limits for regular tourists.

Varanasi is notoriously famous for having the world's largest

open-air crematorium.

Manikarnika Ghat crematorium has been burning bodies in plain sight 24/7 for 2,500 years!

Every day they burn 400 corpses from all over India.

Many come here to live in hospices to make sure they die in Varanasi and can await their deaths for years.

They roll corpses into saffron colored fabric. It symbolizes fire and is considered sacred.

People sing mantras as they carry the corpse.

The bodies are washed by the holy water of Ganges.

All of the relatives have to take part in the ablution ritual.

Then they place the corpse on a burial fire.

I think I am going to puke.

This looks like a scene from a horror flick for our people,

but this is the most sacred ritual for an Indian.

If you died and were burned in Varanasi

and your ashes were scattered above the holy waters of Ganges your soul will reach Moksha.

That means the soul will escape the reincarnation cycle and receive eternal freedom.

This is the reason each of the 1.5 billion Indians dream about this ritual.

The cremation ceremony can cost from $50 to $1,000.

Poor Indians do not save money for cars, houses or weddings.

They save for their death.

It takes 300-400 kilos of wood and four hours to burn a single corpse.

Mourning the dead during the cremation is prohibited, because it will keep the soul from breaking free.

Hello. Do you mind if I sit down?

Man: Yes please

Evsei: Thank you. What are you doing here?

Man: This is my father. This used to be my father rather.

His body will finish burning in a few hours. After that, I will scatter his ashes over the Ganges.

I will leave the smell of burial fires for Evsei to enjoy.

Meanwhile, I will take a $28 tour of Ganges.

You have no idea how good it feels to leave that shore behind!

It is best to see the city from water

because most of its life happens on ghats – the steps that lead straight into Ganges.

This muddy river has a color of… let us call it cacao,

is the holiest site in India.

They consider these waters sacred.

Bathing here is like a baptism ritual.

The scientists look at Ganges as a stew of pathogenic bacteria and deadly infections.

Indians dump excrement, toxic waste

and the remains of the cremated corpses in the water.

According to statistics, this water is the cause of 1.5 million deaths each year!

One third of them are children.

Nonetheless, Indians flock to Ganges to do their laundry,

get a drink

and bathe.

This is beyond our understanding.

Varanasi is an absurd town and that makes it wonderful.

Brij Rama Hotel surrounded by chaos, dirt and poverty imposes itself on the holy Ganges River.

This is the most luxurious hotel in Varanasi.

It recently celebrated its 200th jubilee.

The street leading up to my hotel is so narrow that I have to walk.

What is going on?

Brij Rama treats their guests as royals.

This is so amazing! What the…

These days Brij Rama is hotel for tourists, but it used to be a real palace initially.

It served as a residence for the Minister of Nagpur.

Even after two hundred years, this is still posh for India!

The gold and silver paint on the ceilings.

They have a literal doorbell

and you need a key to open the door, not some card.

How long has it been since you've seen that in a hotel?

My bed has curtains.

Check out these niches in the wall. These days they only provide nice décor,

but in the yesteryear, people would put oil lamps there to light the room.

I climbed the stairs and ascended to a different universe.

Above all the rubbish and puddles.

You could eat of this marble floor. Not a single stain.

Also there is silence.

No one is shouting and running around.

Nastya: Enough! Enough with the honking!

Evsei: I might forget which country I am in when the morning comes.

I will show you the cheapest accommodation in Varanasi

since Evsei described what the priciest looks like.

The cheapest option is cardboard.

It is completely free of charge!

Hostels offer bunkbeds for $1.50.

I am not lying. Have a look.

You can also rent a room in a 3-star hotel for mere $23.

Here it is – Shree Ganesha Palace Hotel.

I get Ganesha and all, but the doodie-poop is at every turn.

Ladies and gentlemen! Nastya Dangerous is ready to present her luxurious suite!

Where are you going? This way.

Let's go!

We did not plan this part out. Squint your eyes and repeat,

"I'm not watching! I can't see!"

They have to keep building at all times.

None of it really matters because I came here for what is behind that door.

Hold on. Here it comes.


Let me tell you, this is what luxury looks like in India!

This is so delightful!

I feel like a queen of…

just a queen!

I will keep spending money on India's exotics.

Today I decided to experience the unique local martial art – kushti.

I will go over the top and have my own private tournament!

Looks like they have been getting ready for my arrival.

I hereby declare The Evsei Kushti Tournament officially open!

Kushti is an Indian version of freestyle wrestling.

This is the most respected sport in India.

Kushti shreds the stereotypes about puny, skinny Indians.

These fellas are the true gladiators.

They live on a strict regimen – no meat, no smoking, no drinking and no sex.

They train for eight hours a day.

Kushti wrestlers practice ancient training methods. Besides dumbbells and bars they use other tools.

This mace is called gada.

Each one of those jories weighs twenty kilograms!

They do hundreds of repetitions of stretching exercises and thousands of pushups.

The fights are staged in an akhada pit – a mixture of red dirt and salt.

Fighters put it on their bodies to absorb sweat and become less slippery.

All right, fight!

This wrestling originated in 13th Century and everything here still looks that way.

All they wear is loincloth.

Let us get more active!

There you go blue!

The fighters use to wrestle each other to death back in the day.

All that you have to do now is put your opponent on his back.

When will I get another chance like this? Why don't I try it too?

Can I make fight?


Ladies and gentlemen in the left corner,

wearing the red trunks – the fearsome kushti wrestler Ramachander Raftakar Purushakar!

In the right corner, wearing the brown trunks,

an elementary school jump rope champion, the invulnerable Evsei Kovalev!

Although they staged this show for me, everything that went down in the ring was real.

The real joy of victory and tears after defeat.

Real pain everywhere.

If I don't have a stroke or something I will go to bed happy.

I won!

Winner or loser, after the fight everyone is equal.

Waters of the sacred Ganges River wash off the sweat and sand.

No comments.

As I have mentioned earlier, Varanasi has many smells.

The two headliners are urine and street food.

Piss and food.

No one eats at home in Varanasi because of the heat.

You could suffocate if you cook inside, so they prepare meals right on the street –



between buildings.

They light up the coal, clean their pots with old rags and carry soup in a bucket.

Everything is frying, sizzling, boiling and smoking.

All of the food is prepared with mustard oil that looks and smells more like the heating oil.

This is why the city reminds me one big smelly diner.

Talking about Indian dishes is like counting stars in the sky – there is a million of them.

None of it tastes like it seems it should. Guessing is pointless.

This dish is called tamata. Try guessing whether it is salty or sweet.

You guessed wrong.

It is salty, because it is from paneer – an Indian cheese.

This dish is dal makhani.

Try guessing whether it is hot or sour.

Wrong again!

Sour as it gets! That's a bean soup with lemon juice.

Pomegranate is the only recognizable thing here,

but thousands of green flesh flies are all over them.

Indians eat that without blinking an eye. Even after they would be poisoned.

I am not here to experiment with my stomach.

Thank you American fast food for being here for me in this gastronomical hellhole.

The angels did not sing in my belly of course, but

this is a reliable option.

The life in Varanasi is one never-ending prayer.

Different strange rituals follow each other during the whole day.

The entire city comes to the gaths at dawn to greet the sun and wish the holy Ganges a good morning.

Then people go to the temple to receive a blessing.

Everyone meditates during the day.

The most colorful and solemn ritual happens in the evening by the Ganges River.

There is a tradition called Gangath and it is 500 years old.

They have been doing the same thing every night for 500 years.

Let us get closer.

Pretty soon I will be able to give tours of this area. I already know every step.

I do not want your boat.

I need some decent food. Some mashed potatoes with marinated pickles and mushrooms.

Well, all of the best spots are taken.

Nastya you would be able to see Gangath from a boat if you had the gold card.

Long story short, all these people are here to wish sweet dreams to the Ganges River, Shiva, the sun and the fire.

What a Nation! They can live in such conditions, but have these astonishing ceremonies.

I have never seen anything like this in my life.

A day in a poor Varanasi is hell. You are almost deaf, sticky and dirty.

ll of your clothes and shoes smell like toilet while the ashes of the dead cover your head.

I want to burn all of my clothes, but I cannot do it yet.

The smarter decision would be to take it to drycleaners.

Hey! That is enough. Good night.

The smarter decision would be to take it to drycleaners.

I began the morning by trying to pick up my clean fresh clothes.


Clerk: Good morning.

Nastya: Where's my clothes?

Clerk: Your clothes? We sent it to the river for cleaning at the Ganges.

Nastya: Wait a minute! The river? The Ganges? My clothes?

I hope he did not wash them.

I hope he did not wash them!

Dear Lord! This is Ganges we are talking about.

With the corpses, garbage and feces.

Doing laundry there is like jumping inside a porta pottie!

Hi guys! Sorry. You know where is my clothes?

The one with flowers?

I pray he did not wash it yet.

It's mine.

Dirty and dry.

Thank God, he did not wash them!

That would be a disaster.

It turns out that everyone in Varanasi does laundry by hand in the river.

There are even the laundromat gaths where people beat laundry on the stone plates and then rinse in the river.

A five-star hotel does it the same way as the common folks.

The best thing that a backpacker can do in Varanasi on the second day is get out of Varanasi.

Luckily, there is a neighboring village of Sarnath.



I will get to Sarnath on a train. The inside of the car reminds me of the cheapest reserved seats back home.

The windows are without glass, hence no air conditioning. Just the ceiling fans.

This pleasure is all yours for just $5.

Indian trains are like an extension of Varanasi. I do not feel like sitting down even if there were free seats.

I'd rather stand near the exit.

The good thing is that this door stays open and you can breathe "fresh" air and witness "great" landscapes.

It would be cool to speed through New Zealand's forests and fields, but I am in India.

In the midst of dirt and misery of Varanasi.

Oleg? Was that man dead?

This place keeps getting more interesting.

You are wrong if you think that you already saw all of Varanasi's horrors.

I saved one more acquaintance.

Please remove your children away from the screens and have a seat,

because we are going to meet people who eat...


Aghori is the wildest,

most frightening

and isolated cult in India.

Aghori occupy the bank of the Ganges across from Varanasi.

That bank symbolizes life, while this one – the underworld.

This is where the current brings all of the corpses.

All Aghori rituals include a corpse.

They pray with them,

eat them,

sleep with them

and even become intimate.

This is uncomfortable.

They smear their faces with the ashes from the burial fires during their wild rituals.

They even eat it.

I think that baby just ate a pinch of human ashes.

They told me that they are worshiping Shiva, a God of Destruction.

The people who are "in the know" are allowed to do things that the others are not.

Aghori are trying to save their souls like all the rest of Indians, but they follow a dark path.

Things that normal believers consider sinful Aghori interpret as the path to enlightenment.

While the normal believers do not consume alcohol, Aghori remain drunk.

The first do not eat meat. Aghori eat literally everything.

I came just in time for a mass.

A guru conducts a cleansing ritual.

A duty of a host obliges me to participate.

Man: You need to purify your body before you can receive the blessing from the guru.

You have to smear yourself with the burial ashes.

Man: That is not all.

In order to purify yourself on the inside…

Evsei: I am at a loss for words.

Are you sure I have to eat this?

I do not know what will happen to me after this. I do not think any host did anything like this before me.

I have not seen anything on the show that even remotely reminded cannibalism.

I want to show you that I am not afraid and

I think I might taste the human ashes right now.

It may be burnt, but still.

May the God be with me.

The village of Sarnath is one of the holiest sites for Buddhists.

Like Nazareth for Christians or Mecca for Muslims.


A lawn with an evenly moved green grass and bushes?

Ten minutes on a train from Varanasi and you arrive to a different civilization!

You can see Dhamek Stupa, the site of Buddha's first sermon.

It is cool. The bottom is pretty and the top is interesting

ou can stroll next to the holy temples.

You can read the graphic with a name of this temple, because I have difficulty pronouncing it.

It was built around the tree were Buddha reached enlightenment.

You can also see the blackbucks and chital deer that live here.

They were the first Buddha's servants. This was the prettiest thing that I have seen all weekend.

If you are just tuning in, I am about to eat human ashes.

May the God be with me.

So now I'm blessed?

I am trying hard to convince myself that I received God's blessing,

because this is the only excuse I have for myself after eating human ashes.

I completely forgot to tell you that it tasted like a blend of activated carbon, sand and dust.

A tasteless substance that fills your entire mouth.

The guru conducts the final part of the cleansing himself.

First, you need to burn wax and dried cloves for aroma.

Sprinkle the lime juice to scare away unholy powers.

Then the guru hits you on the head with a human skull to chase the demons away from your body.

I wish I could say that I feel purified, but all I can think is that he is hitting me on the head with a human skull.

These skulls belonged to men whose corpses drifted here and were later burned

to produce the ash that I smeared myself with and tasted.

There is a slight possibility that I ate a small piece of that person today.

Varanasi is not a destination for a novice traveler.

You can lose your sanity.

I just ate human ashes.

I must admit, I was not my own self in Varanasi.

I did not have the guts to try a local chewing gum that gets your head high and corrodes your teeth.

I won't eat it and I don't advise you to do it.

I could not get a massage from a local masseuse.

Sit down, Sanya!

Varanasi is neither heaven nor hell…

It is a different world!

You have to visit it at least once in your life.

Nastya: My head is going to explode! Where is this Enisei?

Evsei: Why are you so sad?

Nastya: Why am I sad?

Evsei: Yeah.

Nastya: I spent an entire weekend crawling through these dirty streets.

I am hot and sweaty like a sauna! Like a walking steam room!

There's shit everywhere and it reeks of piss and nasty food.

Can you quit honking already?

Evsei: Look at how happy those people are!

There is so much love around here! Have you seen how they smile at us?

Nastya: What about all these flies? Do they smile at you too?

Evsei: That is nothing.

Nastya: Nothing? That is a vital thing Evsei.

Dear friends we will see you in the next city and I hope that it will look nothing like this one.

Evsei: Namaste. Wait up! Let me show you how pretty it is here. Check him out! Hello!

Nastya: Idiot.

For more infomation >> Варанаси. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка-3 (English subtitles) - Duration: 55:23.


Das Ego wird unser Untergang sein - Patrick Reiser über Bodybuilding und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Duration: 53:20.

For more infomation >> Das Ego wird unser Untergang sein - Patrick Reiser über Bodybuilding und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Duration: 53:20.


20K GIVEAWAY & Rippin NEW ENDURO TRAILS with Felix! - Duration: 8:38.

Welcome guys. Recently we hit 20k, big thx for that! Because of that you can win 3 Stickersets. I'll tell you later how.

Felix is with me and we are rippin our enduros today in the "pfalz".

I'm riding every trail for the first ride, so be prepared for some noob action.

On the occasion of 20k subscribers, we're giving away 3 FULL SEND Sticker sets. You decide the color.

All you have to do is being a subscriber on my instagram (@luis_gerstner), and comment your insta name here, so i can check it.

For everyone who cannot wait, you can order your stickers on

That was it from the giveaway, let's keep riding.

I can't see anything.

I nearly crashed, lost balance somehow.

I definetely have to work on my berm riding skills with the enduro

Where is this going?

I would need to ride this again

Holy smokes, I ate so much dirt!

We're gonna hit that part again, maybe it works better.

Felt like i was riding with lockout.

Be careful, there's a small drop coming which you have to hit on the left side, to catch the berm.

That was run 2, now we get up to run 3. I'm a bit out of breath, I'm gonna buy an eBike... not.

The forest here is so much sicker than at home

3rd mountain, 3rd trail, 3rd time flow? - ... no, I wouldn't call that flow.

You didn't tell me that there are jumps coming up!!

The forest is one of the more beautiful ones I'v ridden.

Didn't we pedal up here 30mins ago?

We're going to trail number 4.

Are You serious??

Shoutout to synergy for that great tour guiding. Not gonna book it again.

Holy, that forest looks sick!!

This is a dream riding through here. With my mirror lense, it looks like an unreal sunset.

I could ride through this for hours.

That was it from today. Don't forget the giveaway! See ya!

For more infomation >> 20K GIVEAWAY & Rippin NEW ENDURO TRAILS with Felix! - Duration: 8:38.


How to drill out a broken tap | drill out a broken screw extractor - Duration: 15:43.

in a previous video I demonstrated how to use one of these which is a guide

that I've used from a bolt by drilling a hole down the center I will put a link

in the description to that video and also the video on how to make one of

these guides this video have got a bolt which is shared in this hole

and what I'm going to do is I'm going to shear off a tap in there and then we're

going to try to remove the sheared tap I'm now going to put the guide in which

I've made then I'm gonna tighten up the nut at the back there

so I'm just going to drill that out with the correct tapping size drill

I'm just going to swap over there to a cobalt drill bit

so I've now drilled a hole I'm now going to break the tap off into the bolt

obviously that's broke and it really bad place it's not where I wanted it to

brick so I'm just going to give it a helping hand you can see that has broken

off and that is much better we've now actually got that deep in the hole

not only have we got a broken bolt in there we've now got a broken tap in

there as well taps are made out of a similar steel to

a screw extractor just a word of warning about screw extractors / taps etc

they are made from a very tough steel but it is very brittle it's absolutely

critical that you were safety glasses if you're attempting to deal with something

like the may break the shards that actually come off that when it breaks

are actually like splinters of glass and they will quite easily embed

themselves into your skin or your eyes so it's absolutely critical to wear

safety glasses so at the bottom that you can see there's a tiny piece of the tap

and that is going to stop me from getting the guide in properly so I'm

going to try to break that off and that I've actually cracked off normally in

situations like this you ever get a broken screw extractor or a broken tap

both of these are very hard steels and they are incredibly tough to drill out

you can't actually drill these with a normal drill bit you have absolutely no

chance you could possibly use a carbide drill bit like that but these are very

very brittle you have to be very careful with carbide they will drill tough

steels but if you break one of those it is very difficult to get it out probably

one of the only ways to get that out is to have it spark eroded afterwards

you could use these to drill it out these are made by ARTU and these are

multi-purpose drill bits these will drill virtually anything but as you can

see a few of these are seriously battered

especially the size which I'm going to need which is about five or six mil you

can see that that is absolutely no use whatsoever now so I can't actually use them

so that's one of the drill bits that we're going to be using which is a

JCB Diamond-tech hole saw they have impregnated with diamonds on

the end that is one that I've used previously to drill 60 holes in a Granite

tile and I also used that to drill a tap a few days of weights to put

that in the vise that is it grew up in tap and actually managed to drill

through that using this hole saw this kind of Steel is incredibly tough it is

very very difficult to drill it you can't actually drill out using a normal drill

bit or a cobalt drill bit you have absolutely no chance so I'm going to

take the drill guide that I've made and I've actually made a short version of

that so I'm now going to tighten the drill guide in there to drill out the

broken tap I'm going to use that one, which is a 6.5MM diamond

hole saw that as a perfect fit in there and eventually we should be able to

drill out that broken tap so I'm now going to dip this in some water I will

keep dipping that in the water every five seconds so this is going to be a

very long process but it is one of the few ways we can actually drill out a tap

and I've just actually removed the bolt so we can actually see and you can see

that in there it is actually cutting the tap away I have to point out this is a very

slow process and if you can do it's much easier getting its spark eroded

but for a lot of people that is not an option

obviously this job is very time-consuming and I've been drilling that

for about 30 minutes now and we're approximately halfway through so I can't

stress how important it is when you're doing something like this to go and take

a break you do not want to let a job like this get on top of you it's

important to go out have a cup of tea going up something to eat etc never let

a job like it's wind you up or you'll just end up getting mad with it

and rush it and end up breaking something to apply this can't be rushed

you really do have to take your time with them on that note I'm going to go

a cup of tea

we've got far enough in that we no longer need the guide bolt so I'm just

going to remove that and I'm going to continue to drill

I'm actually just going to change the drill bit over now that one has definitely

had a lot of wear on the end there but I'm sure that will still go through

a porcelain tile or a granite tile however I'm going to swap over to a

brand new hole saw and we're going to see if that will continue cutting

and we've actually just got the tap stuck in the end of there now so we've actually

cuts the core straight down the center of the tap I do have to say that now

did take a while and it was probably drilling that for a good hour or so but

we've now got the broken piece of the tap and we've got a hole down the remainder

of the tap which is approximately so long so now we have a chance of getting

the broken tap out and the bolt that is still stuck in there so that's the

piece which is approximately one inch long and if you now look in the hole you

can actually see that we've successfully drilled out the broken tap we now just

need to drill out the remainder of the bolt so drilling that out will be very

easy I was going to use this screwdriver I'm just going to use that to get the

depth of the hole and then I want to transfer that onto a drill bit because

we don't want to drill too deep so I'm now going to take some cutting paste and

then I'm just going to drill out the remainder of the bolt that's in that


now we've done that I'm just going to clean the hole out. you can then take an M12 tap then

apply some cutting paste onto that and I will proceed to re-tap the hole

I'll then just give the tap a clean I'll just clean out the hole and then we'll

just proceed to tap the hole again

It's important that you don't try and rush any of this the last thing you want to do now is

break off the tap. you have to be aware that there is some steel left in the

threads in there and we're actually trying to break out those bits of steel

and re-tap the aluminium so you do have to do this very carefully and very


if you take a look on there you can actually see some of the bits of the

broken bolt so that's why it's important to keep stopping to clean out the hole

obviously if you've got a compressed air supply it's a really good idea just to

give that a blow out and get any of the debris from within the hole

well that hole is now clear I can now take an m12 bolt I can screw that in

there absolutely no problem at all, it's actually gone a bit tight just wind

it in the rest of the way using the spanner

you can see that will hold absolutely no problem at all

I hope you found this video useful if you haven't done so already please

subscribe to the channel

For more infomation >> How to drill out a broken tap | drill out a broken screw extractor - Duration: 15:43.


SWEET SCENE | Ep.10 Love by Chance [Full Cut] BL Film 2018 - Duration: 10:27.

and are you telling me..

when i was touching your lips with my lips

was disgusting

then your friend is worse

because he...

touch all over Pete

sh*t Tin!

my friend is not like you

when i say gay disgusting is..

i mean you!

not other gays

Ai Ae and Ai Pete

are dating

you have no right to judge them!

they never say bad things

never look down on anyone

Ai Ae is good person

Ai Pete good person too

they both my friends


whoever offense my friends

they are my enemy

done talking?

listen to me carefully

whether they are gay

or in relationship

they are still my good friends

and no one can talk sh*t about them

you got it?

you don't know... i can be worse than you think

So tonight ... let me sleep in your room!

I have to change my uniform

- What are you talking about? - nothing

Talk too much, can you keep a little bit for me?

I want to know the story, to see his shy

um.. Ae...

what do you want to drink?

i have orange, red, green soda

red, green orange

err... green, red orange...

which oke?

anything's fine


are you alright, Pete?

what's up with you

are you hurt?


i'll get it myself

but, i want to do it for Ae

you should stop being shy

you make me shy too


since last time

we don't have chance to be alone together

besides, Ae look so handsome at the field today

don't make me blush

i'm gonna take a shower, i feel sticky


i'll cook for you

par Jiew taught me some menu

are you sure you won't burn down the apartemen?

oohh.. come on..i'm not that terrible

Ai Pete

do you need something?

let's take a bath together

i should get up now

why? i'll go with you

Ae said you want warm bath, right?

i wanna bath

because i want to take it with you

what are you shy about?

stop it already

i've already saw everything

Pete/ yes / wanna wash your hair? i'll wash

it's ok, i just wash it this morning

really / yes

ae don't rub it

ae... / why? i wanna do it

stop it ae / i want to ask you

do you have time next weekend?


it's my mother's birthday

i want you go with me, my mom invited you

you try to seduce me?

for Ae, yes, go with me ok

ok i'll go

but for now

can i do this to you

don't ae...

you should stop asking

you know i feel shy when you ask

why still shy?

you know i won't refuse

stop acting so cute

There are so many guys out there. Why do not you choose one?

Get away from Pete.

No one is like Pete.

But Pete already has a boyfriend.

And her boyfriend is my friend.

Are you trying to protect your friend?


What do you think ...

You open your legs for me?

Go to hell ... Son of p * ta.

Nobody hits me twice.

This time you will regret it.

actually ...

It's me ... wants Ae to come

You are always cute!


People like you, not worthy of your "cute"

Then use it with me

I have not called you cute

I call you strong

- Hmm?....what do you say?

I call you strong

If the dwarves like me, can strong

The taller you will be, the more I will love you!

But I accept the cute in your eyes

Then you will accept yourself strong in my eyes right?

Come home, before I can not control my desire to kiss you here!

For more infomation >> SWEET SCENE | Ep.10 Love by Chance [Full Cut] BL Film 2018 - Duration: 10:27.


Топ Моменты с Twitch | Косплей на Стриме 😍 | Папич Удаляет Доту | Реакция на Большой Донат - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Топ Моменты с Twitch | Косплей на Стриме 😍 | Папич Удаляет Доту | Реакция на Большой Донат - Duration: 10:02.


A Song of Ice and Fire: Pentos - Duration: 7:09.

Long before their conquest of Southern Westeros, the ancient Andals of Essos lived as a migratory

people, spreading from the Axe to the western coast to establish the territory of Andalos.

Taught Iron working from the Rhoynar to the south, they drove out the Hairy Men and other

tribes who populated the area.

Yet as the Dragonlords of the Valyrian Freehold began expanding west, many of the Andals saw

a looming threat on the horizon, and took to the seas sailing for a new homeland in


With the Valyrians expanding throughout western Essos to establish the Free Cities, there

rose the city of Pentos in the lands once known as Andalos, with some claiming it grew

from a trade settlement where eastern settlers mixed with the Andals, while others say it

was a city that already existed, who's Andal king chose to submit to the Freehold.

In any case, the city prospered as a daughter of Valyria, given the freedom to rule themselves,

so long as they paid tribute to the Dragonlords.

And so the people of pentos established a government ruled by a powerful Prince, chosen

from among 40 noble families by a council of Magisters.

Yet in time authority shifted to the wealthy elite of the council, leaving the Prince with

a reduced role, left to live in luxury and fulfill ceremonial obligations, such as the

yearly tradition of deflowering a maiden of the sea, and maiden of the field.

Yet in the end the Prince remained ultimately responsible for the prosperity of the city,

and in the event of famine or a lost war, their throat were slit to appease the gods.

Unfortunately, it is believed the person chosen to become Prince cannot refuse the appointment,

leading some to flee the city, such as the Tattered Prince in 262AC, who then became

a sellsword and founded the Windblown mercenary company.

A mixed people of Andal and Valyrian blood, Pentos grew rich as a merchant city, continuing

to thrive even after the doom of Valyria, playing an important role in the events of

Western Essos during the Century of Blood that followed.

When Volantis, the oldest of the Free Cities, declared themselves the heirs of Valyria and

attempted to conquer their neighbours, Pentos joined an alliance against them, which included

Braavos, Tyrosh, the rebels of Lys and Myr, House Durrandon of the Stormlands and House

Targaryen of Dragonstone.

Aegon the Conquerer, who would ultimately, used his dragons to destroy the Volantene

fleet, met with alliance representatives in Pentos, before joining their efforts to end

this unprovoked aggression.

Due to the close proximity between Pentos and the area across the narrow sea, where

Aegon would go on to found King's Landing as the capital of his Westerosi realm, the

city shared a special relationship with the Seven kingdoms as a major trade partner throughout

the years of Targaryen rule and beyond.

During reign of King Aenys, son of Aegon the Conquerer, his younger brother Prince Maegor

took up residence in Pentos during the years of his exile, before returning to claim the

iron throne.

Though they were known primarily as a powerful trade city, Pentos also had massive walls

and were able to field strong armies and ships, somtimes coming into conflict with other free

cities, such as their war with Tyrosh in 55AC, though the dispute was eventually resolved

under the mediation of King Jaehaerys Targaryen I, known to be a wise and just ruler.

In 115 AC, Daemon Targaryen lived as a guest of the Prince of Pentos, when he disobeyed

his brother King Viserys and married a woman of his own choosing.

The Pentoshi were happy to host the Targaryen Prince, as they shared a mutual enemy, in

the cities of Lys, Myr and Tyrosh who formed Kingdom of the 3 Daughters to the south.

Yet the powerful Triarchy soon over extended themselves and weakened, allowing for Pentos

to join Braavos and Lorath to destroy the southern alliance.

Although Pentos and Braavos worked together in this endeavour, their interactions were

often hostile following the Doom of Valyria.

Known as the bastard daughter, Braavos was founded in secret by runaway slaves in a north

western lagoon, and grew into a rich and prosperous trade city with a strong naval fleet.

Given their origins, they outlawed slavery in their territory which led to conflict with

many of their neighbors, including Pentos who participated heavily in the trade.

At times their disputes came to involve foreign powers, like during the reign of the young

dragon Daeron I, when discussion were held with the Sea Lord of Braavos about a possible

marriage alliance.

These talks greatly angered the cities of Pentos and Lys, who were at war with the northern

territory, leading them to lend aid and support to the rebels of Dorne during the Second Dornish


Yet in the end, the Braavosi were victorious, winning 4 of their last 6 wars, finally ending

their conflict in 209 AC.

During the final year of fighting, as Pentos suffered defeat and hardship, they sacrifice

4 princes, until 5th known as Nevio Narratys at last convinced the council of magister

to make peace with their northern neighbours.

However the terms of the treaty heavily favoured Braavos, as they abolished slavery in Pentos,

and forbid them from raising an army, hiring mercenaries or building a naval fleet.

And while they largely abided by these terms, many found ways around the law as ships often

switched their banners to pose as foreigners when carrying slaves, or else by hired free

bond servants, and kept them in so much debt so they could never leave.

In the years that followed, with Pentos no longer a military power, their survival came

to depend primarily on establishing friendly trade relations with their neighbours, and

offering generous gifts to the Dothrak horselords of the east, who sometimes ventured nearby.

During the reign of King Aerys II, a Pentoshi swordsmen named Illyrio Mopatis, befriended

a thief known as Varys and together grew wealthy and well connected.

In time the fame of Varys the Spider spread to the Seven Kingdoms, and he was hired by

the King as the new Master of Whisperers.

And while he moved to King's Landing, and served there for decades, he maintained his

friendship and alliance with Illyrio, who became one of the most powerful magisters

of Pentos, and together used their positions of influence to further their own ambitions.

Even conspiring to raise a young boy named Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar Targaryen,

claiming to have saved the boy from execution during the Targaryen slaughter at the end of Robert's Rebellion.

Under the care of Jon Connington, they raised young Aegon to be a courageous warrior and wise leader,

hoping he might one day sit upon the iron throne as king of westeros.

For more infomation >> A Song of Ice and Fire: Pentos - Duration: 7:09.


Torta piumino bimby TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Torta piumino bimby TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 6:54.


So befreist du dich von negativen Gedanken (wirkt sofort) - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> So befreist du dich von negativen Gedanken (wirkt sofort) - Duration: 7:04.


বছরের শ্রেষ্ঠ ১০ দিনের ফযিলত || Bochorer Sresto 10 din || Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz Short - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> বছরের শ্রেষ্ঠ ১০ দিনের ফযিলত || Bochorer Sresto 10 din || Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz Short - Duration: 3:08.


イタリア国立音楽院/留学までの道のり - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> イタリア国立音楽院/留学までの道のり - Duration: 10:28.


兄弟の中で一番小さかった子猫。保護から8ヶ月が経つと、驚くほどシッポの長い猫に大変身!【大変身】 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 兄弟の中で一番小さかった子猫。保護から8ヶ月が経つと、驚くほどシッポの長い猫に大変身!【大変身】 - Duration: 2:27.



For more infomation >> HANABI GGWP auto SAVAGE [LEARN THE SAME DIRECTLY] - Duration: 18:00.


高達編年史 Vol.4: 便當放題-Z 高達 [公仔書與卡通片 EP14] - Duration: 12:02.

For more infomation >> 高達編年史 Vol.4: 便當放題-Z 高達 [公仔書與卡通片 EP14] - Duration: 12:02.


Tân Vua Hài Kịch 4K ⚡️ Các trận đánh của băng Mũ Rơm ☄️ Tập 857 - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> Tân Vua Hài Kịch 4K ⚡️ Các trận đánh của băng Mũ Rơm ☄️ Tập 857 - Duration: 10:38.


Actor Vishal Reaction About On #MeToo Issue | Sandakozhi 2 | Kalakkalcinema | Chinmayi | Vairamuthu - Duration: 21:57.

For more infomation >> Actor Vishal Reaction About On #MeToo Issue | Sandakozhi 2 | Kalakkalcinema | Chinmayi | Vairamuthu - Duration: 21:57.



Eh, you dye your hair?

Yah lah, bo bian, too many white hair

You know the red will just fade and soon you will see all the white again, right?



Hmm... interesting

We all have friends who has gray hair, 我们都有灰发的朋友

whether he is 25 or 52

But do you know that Asians like us would have white hair later, compared to Caucasians?

And also, do you know that the story of pulling one white hair out would cause three white hair to grow out

is... merely a myth

Here are eight facts about graying hair you should know

So you won't end up like him

First thing first: What is white hair?

Usually, we call it graying hair, as the entire hair looks gray instead of pure black

Basically, our hair colour is caused by Melanin, something that creates hair

When we have less Melanin

the hair starts to lose colour

and so, it will turn gray first, than white

For people who has just white hair

It's due to the complete lack of Melanin for our hair

Melanin is a pigment

and it's not only responsible for our hair,but for our skin colour too

Obviously, this is affected by our genes

For people who have darker skin

they usually have more melanin in their skin

Now, if you have got freckles

it is also due to the increased Melanin production in your skin

Okay, enough of the science lesson: let us move on to something everyone is dying to know

What causes the melanin in our hair to just AWOL?

You know, just like any part of our body

We get weaker as we grow older

Same thing for Melanin

In order for it to work, it gets a specialized cell known as melon

How to pronounce arh?

Yes, melanocyte

As we grow older

It loses its function about 10% to 20% every ten years after 30 years old

So grey hair is actually normal 所以灰发是正常的

But hey, there is another discovery

Hydrogen Peroxide, the New Discovery about Hair Loss

It is said that as we grow older

Our hair builds up hydrogen peroxide

Basically, our body builds this up on a regular basis as a byproduct for survival

They are usually neutralized by an enzyme by our body

As we grow older, the enzyme gets lower

and tada: it's not broken down anymore

and our hair is bleached by our own body

Whichever discovery you believe in, here's the thing

Premature white hair, which isn't caused by aging

can somehow be prevented. Watch on.

We all have friends who're like 20 and have white hair

Why, you might ask

Genes play a large role

but there are several external factors that contribute to the lack of Melanin

or the enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide

Stress, smoking, unbalanced diet are a few examples

Reason being, if your body is working as usual

the Melanin levels would be normal

But if you, say, smoke a lot

it'll change the level and your hair would age faster

Actually, it's not just your hair, but you get the idea

The solution is to always keep yourself healthy

After watching all these, it should be obvious that

If you pluck out one white hair, just one more would replace it

I'm not sure where the theory of

"pluck one white hair leads to three" comes about

but here's something based on fact

If you pluck out one white hair, it might not grow again

as the hair follicle would be damaged

So remember: don't pluck any hair

Here's something interesting

Men have more gray hair than women

And Asians are less likely to have gray hair than ang mos

even so, they'll have it later

Generally, Asians start to have white hair in their late thirties

while ang mos in their mid-thirties

So if you're thinking of becoming a George Clooney in your 30s

forget about it

So, you're starting to see some gray hair on your head

and wonder if any other parts of your body hair is going to turn white as well

The short answer is


If you've watched through the boring science lesson in the beginning of this video

you'll know that it affects not just your hair

but your entire body as well

So if you're dyeing your hair black to cover your grey hair

you might want to consider dyeing other parts of your body too

We've spoken about how smoking affects your hair colour

but here's one shocking fact for you

A 2013 study reveals that smokers are 2.5 times more prone to have white hair earlier than non-smokers

So, if you've friends who have white hair

chances are they might be a smoker

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