Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

Why you do that?

You wanted to vlog.


You wanted to vlog right?

Yes, I have my camera.

Hi guys. Welcome back to Tina vlog.

so today it's pretty exciting for me

we are going to watch Lady Gaga movie

It's called The Star is Born

So yeah let's go

Is it The Star or A Star?

The Star

Is it The Star is Born? Ok

I'm not sure.

I'm not sure. We'll go see.

Alright so we're now here at the cinema

I wanna show you my outfit a little bit

Ok we're walking to the movie

And it's a large popcorn

It's way too large

Bigger than my face

so we just got out of the movie theater and I think the movie is good

It's very emotional. It ruined my makeup because I cried a little bit and so

A little bit?


a little bit?

Just a little bit and so

I'm not sure like what's going on cuz

I don't even know if it's a real story

so we're gonna Google it right now okay?

because Google knows everything. It can tell us everything.

and the movie is actually called A Star is Born

like Nathan said


You're still crying a little bit. Gosh

I'm not crying

Little bit

Not crying

A Star is Born is a romantic drama film

it's a remake of the 1937 film of the same name

so it's not her real life?


what the hell?

I come to watch it because I thought it was about Lady Gaga

but no. Lady Gaga just starred in it

okay so it's not her real life and we just moved because of the Sun and everything

and we're gonna go home for now

the movie is good but it's not about Lady gaga

But the music is still good though

I was so into it I thought it was real for while

Like what the hell is this

so yeah we're just gonna go home.

It's really good though

It's a good movie.

Alright guys so today's two days after the movies

I didn't film the whole day because we had to do something and it just

Threre's nothing interesting

we don't really do things that's like really exciting all the time you know

I'm just like a normal human being

so yeah

and like what the name of this video is

You cannot really reserve a chair

you cannot really reserve a place when you go to the movie theatre

or in British English you can say cinema

and I'll show you the ticket

the ticket for that Lady Gaga movie

unfortunately we couldn't print it

we tried to buy it off a machine or something like that but we didn't print it

but the officer... the person who was there and let us in anyway

but I got the ticket that we went to watch other movies from other

I don't know when was this

In September

yeah we went to watch Crazy Rich Asians which is pretty good too

you guys can't go try to find it try to watch it

I really like that movie too

so yeah this is a movie ticket you can see it says right here at 4 p.m.

on Tuesday 9/11 for 5 dollars

There's auditorium 11

this is the theater number of the theater

so we go to theater 11

you're gonna see that there is no seat assigned

See? There's no seat assigned.

so it means that it is First Come, First Served

First Come, First Served means you come first, you get it first

that's it that's simple

and normally when white people, Western people when they arrange something

say that something's gonna start at 8

it freakin starts at 8

so it's not like in Thailand it's not like in Asia

when we say that something starts at 8

It actually starts at like 8:30 and 8:45 something like that

but in America at least if they say that

it starts at 8 people gonna start coming at like 7:30 7:45

because it actually starts at 8

ok alright so First Come, First Served it means you come first you get it first

and yeah today there's nothing much there's nothing exciting

I'm just gonna be eating stuff I bought yesterday which is some salad

oh my god I eat something healthy

in the video you guys mostly see me only like half body

I think you guys probably think that I'm kind of like chubby and stuff

but in fact I am really really skinny it's just the camera that make me look like big and fat

for American people I'm like super super skinny like extra small

for Asian people I consider myself medium

so if you guys want to see my whole body

you guys can go watch the videos that I try on clothes

Shein haul something like that

and I don't really eat healthy

I eat a lot cake I eat a lot of candy

I eat a lot of like fried food something like that but

I can feel I can feel that I gain weight a little bit

especially last week

I eat a lot because it was a week before my period

so I have like a period crave

so I eat a lot

now I'm just gonna detox myself and eat something healthy

I've got this from Target the other day

this is salad shake it up it's like all completed

I just have to shake it up I guess

say right here open, flip lid, and snap and shake

I'mma just open

open and then

flip lid

okay I opened it all

They have dressing for me

some seeds and cheese

in America they put cheese in salad

I thought cheese is not healthy

and they put cheese in salad

so please don't eat cheese

and a fork

and it says flip

look at that this is interesting

Hold on let me flip it. How do I flip this?

oh okay I can flip it like that

look at that this is genius

and then you just shake okay

all right I'm just gonna mix everything in

so that's a salad they have

mix this in

okay I guess it works well

let's try it

not bad

It tastes like vegetable. What do you expect?

and they have something like bread crumbs I think with some corn

and then some seeds

I hope it help with my period

taste better with this

I wish they give me more dressing but

too much dressing is probably not good right?

so before I end this video I just want to show you guys my technique that I use to learn English

I think the easiest way and the fastest way to learn English

is you just have to know whatever you like do whatever you love to do

but in English

okay do it in English

For example for me what I like to do like

one of the top three things that I like to do the most

besides eating and sleeping

I like to YouTube

I watch YouTube a lot a lot a lot of a lot like a lot

I started it watching YouTube in 2011

and I just keep watching it I just watch everything almost like anything on YouTube

I like it so much that I started my own channel

so yeah I like Youtube a lot

so I would youtube anything and I would watch like things I like

either something that is useful

or sometimes it can be thing that's kind of like just for fun

something that just stupid as well

but the key is that if you like Youtube too

you have to do it in English okay you have to watch it in English

if you like to listen to music you listen to music in English

if you like to I don't know play guitar

you play guitar you play it in English

I mean like you sing English song you play English music

you try to watch like guitar tutorial or something like that in English

okay or if you'd like to read, you can read in English that's it okay

and today I have one channel two channels

to show you guys that I'm like currently watching right now

I'm currently watching Shane Dawson

so he is like a really really famous Youtuber in America

and he does a lot of videos

he has been on YouTube for more than like 10 years now I guess

and this is kind of like documentary in a way

It's called conspiracy theories and creepy videos

so those kinds of videos are like kind of

like creepy or sometimes can be unfunny too

because he is a funny guy and

I've been watching him like non-stop for like almost a week now

it's just so addictive and stuff like that but

I learned something like some jokes something that's funny

something that I can say in English that is funny or something like that

and also it's kind of fun you know

and yeah that's how I learn English

and the other channel that I want to tell you guys about

this channel doesn't have a lot of videos

it's called in EngFluent

and this is so like shocking to me

I remember I shared this video on my youtube about how to practice listening English

and I got the idea part of the idea from this video

and yesterday there was a girl that sent a video one video of him to me

and she asked what accent is this

Is it American? Is it British? Is it an Asian or something like that?

when I listen to it I feel like it's Asian

It's Asian accent but I couldn't place like where he's from

I don't know if it's like Hong Kong, Singapore, China, or Malaysia or

something like that I don't know

and then I went to his website and I read his about page

and he is Thai and oh my god you're Thai and your videos are so good

but he stopped making videos

I'm just like I don't know

he uploaded a video last month

but the last video he uploaded before that it was like a year ago

and like three years ago or something like that but yeah

that's too bad and

I don't know if he's gonna be watching this

but if he's watching this

Just you know you should keep making videos

here I'll show you guys his channel is called EngFluent

and this is the video I like the most

how to practice listening and there are some videos that kind of good too

You guys can go check it out. I'll leave the link below.

and yeah that's it that's how you kind of practice English

This is just one little tip

if you want to learn English if you want to practice English

sometimes you don't have to even attend class

sometimes you don't even have to like do something that's like really difficult

or something that is like inconvenient for you

if you like to exercise you can learn about exercising on YouTube

if you like yoga you can learn yoga on YouTube

you know I mean if you like to eat healthy you can learn how to eat healthy on YouTube like in English

okay there's a lot of videos that you can learn that you can do what you like on YouTube

It doesn't have to be boring and stuff like that

unless you are really really serious

you are in a situation that English need to be perfect

like if you go to college in America in Australia in the UK or something like that

okay yeah maybe you have to get serious but

in your normal life if you just want to improve your English in general

just do what you like and that's it

so yeah that's it for today

thank you so much for watching Tina vlog

and if you like this video don't forget to click like and subscribe to TiNathan Channel

I'll see you guys later bye

For more infomation >> โรงหนังอเมริกา ห้ามจองที่ | ภาษาอังกฤษใช้ได้จริง Tina Vlog 9 - Duration: 12:23.


Куала-Лумпур. Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям-2. (Russian, English subtitles) - Duration: 41:04.

Kolya: It is so beautiful…

Alina: Do you know what color that shirt is?

Kolya: What?

Alina: Salmon.

Kolya: Salmon? There are different shades of salmon. It can turn brown if you fry it for too long.

Hello friends! This is Heads and Tails! The season with the most sea, beaches and heat! The finest season!

Alina: We came to one of the most advanced cities in Asia – we are in Kuala Lumpur.

Kolya: I have a favor to ask for. My arm has been off lately. I cannot seem to get a gold card.

Could you toss it this time?

Alina: Well, I have never done it, but I can try.

Kolya: All right, heads!

Alina: Tails.

Kolya: I think I found my lucky hand!

Alina: Better, you do it Kolya.

Kolya: This is terrific!

Alina: Are we even allowed to switch?

Kolya: Of course we are! Our show is life altering! Of course, we can change hands! Here you go!

Alina: Let me throw again!

Kolya: Keep practicing with a backpack on.

Alina: It all happened too fast!

Kolya: That's what the girls keep telling me.

Alina: Oh well, the city is very beautiful! I have to see it on foot.

We decided to spend this weekend in Malaysia's capital – Kuala Lumpur.

We could not ignore this city on our way to the sea…

…this is one of the most rapidly developing

and the most popular metropolises in the world because it provides so much contrast!

My $100 turned into 411 Malaysian ringgit.

Now I need to get to the city.

Kuala Lumpur is a capital so the cab fares are high.

Therefore, I am on my way to the bus.

All this time when I had $100 I thought about how we should not spend money on expensive flashy cars.

A car is not a luxury. It is a mode of transportation. Then I took this gold card and came back to my senses!

Mitsuoka Le-Seyde – an exclusive Japanese vehicle! There are only 500 of them in the world.

This glamorous stud looks like it is fresh off the museum floor!

Brutal modern tuning is everywhere.

I want to breathe in the rich life again.

The exterior of this car looks British circa 1950s-1960s.

Although, there is nothing retro about it.

Mitsuoka Le-Seyde is a modified car based on Nissan Silvia.

Malaysians pimped it out to their liking.

I am a king of the road!

This car is flashy and outrageous. Perfect ride from the airport to the city,

but it it was not built for long trips.

You begin to feel the discomfort. All of this is plastic, all these golden stickers are like a movie prop.

The ride feels rough and uncomfortable; like you are in a Lamborghini, but it does not drive like a Lambo.

It drives like Lada,

but makes loud motorcycle sounds.

This car was not designed for comfort. It was made for turning heads.

The price tag of such shock value is $40,000.

The rent for the weekend – $3,000.

I finally made it to Malaysian capital an hour later.

Kuala Lumpur is a huge metropolis with about two million residents.

I saw Muslim women wearing hijabs, emancipated Chinese and graceful Indian girls.

Over 9 million tourists come to Malaysian capital annually,

which makes it one of the most visited cities in the world.

Some people come here to see skyscrapers, take pictures with monkeys in the park,

while others come for work or education.

Terrific city.

Kuala Lumpur is known as the greenest Asian capital despite having hundreds of concrete skyscrapers.

There are trees next to every building and sometimes right on it too!

Kuala Lumpur does not know what the snow is like in the winter.

t is hot and humid here all year around. 28C is the average temperature – scorching!

There are three major landmarks in the city. Number one – the river.

Kuala Lumpur translates as "dirty river mouth".

This river is hardly a landmark.

Very dirty indeed,

but the locals cherish it and call it the river of life.

The city appeared here a long time ago after people discovered rare and expensive tin.

Landmark #2 – the Main Square.

British colonizers used to play cricket on this field,

nowadays it is a Malaysian Independence Square.

Last but not the least, landmark #3

– Kuala Lumpur is famous for having the tallest twin towers in the world – Petronas Towers.

Eighty-eight floors! Tada!

Tourists often come to Kuala Lumpur just to take a picture with these two high-rises.

The look from above will give me the most complete view of the city.

Although my car looks like it belongs to a superhero, it cannot fly.

That does not mean that I cannot fly. I have my golden wing!

Let's fly!

Something is lacking. We are rich! We have a helicopter and a gold card,

but the mood is off.

Let us try the same in slow motion to a dope beat!

That is more like it!

We are flying!

Beautiful takeoff!

What a metropolis! It is hard to believe that this used to be just a miner village not that long ago!

The skyscrapers are impressive.

They are like the stalactites of the human progress.

Flying between them on a chopper is chilling.

I feel all this adrenaline!

Today Kuala Lumpur is one of the most rapidly developing cities in the world.

It already is one the most important metropolises in Asia.

It is striving to gain more influence on the planetary scale.

Kuala Lumpur offers more than soulless concrete-and-glass bricks.

There is so much green in such a developed city!

Gorgeous landscape!

A green mountain right in the middle of the city!

Should you fly a bit further

outside the city

ou will be able to see Strait of Malacca,

which connects Indian and Pacific Oceans.

This is where I will go.

I want to see the sea too, but the public transportation takes a lot of time

and renting a car is expensive – around $40.

Therefore, here is a heads-up tip – Kuala Lumpur is famous for having many car services.

People from all over the world bring their used cars here.

Locals restore and sell them.

A tourist can rent a clunker for cheap.

A 1988 BMW for $25 per day for example!

I think that's great!

I cannot help but sound like my dad – they used to know how to make cars!

This baby is from 1988.

We are practically the same age.

It looks and drives great!

At the end of the day, I am driving a sweet ride towards the sea!

The speedometer does not work.

It is stuck on twenty despite the fact I am driving on a highway.

I need to be careful not to get a speeding ticket.

Also, look at my steering wheel. It is tilted that way.

Must be a problem with suspension.

This is a perfect car for a weekend though.

Nice and leathery.

I swear it!

I arrived, while Alina is only on her way to the sea.

A tourist with a gold card should not reserve to lounging on the beach, so I decided to try something extreme.

Fly board is a floating platform that is attached to your feet.

It uses the water stream from a pump.

You glide above water like a superhero!

It is time for me to try it!

Instructors assured me that it is not difficult at all. I just need to move intuitively.

Your job is to maintain the balance.

I went in reverse.

It did not turn out to be simple.

This thing can lift you as high as nine meters above water!

A couple of meters is my limit for today.

The falls do not hurt as much.

I am okay! Too early for you to divide my gold card! I am still breathing!

Meanwhile I finally made it to the beach.

Morib Beach is the most popular and the closest one.

Let us have a look at it.

Density – there is not a lot of people and they are mostly locals who came from Kuala Lumpur.

People are pleasant and joyful.

The sea has that effect on people everywhere.

The sand is bright and very soft, but this entire beach is filled with offerings!

People believe that offerings to the Ocean prevent cataclysms.

You might be surprised, but the infrastructure exists here –

cafes, an improvised parking lot, showers and restrooms.

The sea or the strait to be exact

is muddy because of the current that brings sludge and groundwater from Sumatra Island.

The water is very warm!

Very pleasant! That is why everyone is in the water!

have to give this beach two stars.

This place needs a cleanup. This beach would be great.

I heard that there is a better beach nearby. I will be heading there.

I felt hungry so I stopped at a very interesting joint.

There is a café near the town of Port Dickson – Lucky King Bun.

This bun is the only dish they serve here.

It looks so cool!

A curry pie.

The dough with curry meat stuffing is a very popular dish in Malaysia.

It looks so unusual!

Try to imagine this – the smell of freshly baked bread with curry chicken.

It is right in front of me.

I wish you could get at least a small whiff!

Smells astonishing!

Time to taste it!

Tastes like Easter cake back home, but it does not have glazing or raisins inside.


The chicken is mildly spicy, smells like curry

and melts in my mouth.

This is genius!

This is how you can bake seafood, vegetables, cheese

and nothing will spill over because of this

special baking bag and foil.

The dough rises while everything stews inside.

Very tasty!

It is worth coming to Kuala Lumpur just to try this.

You should also take notice at home. There is no reason we cannot prepare this!


I feel kinda hungry. Good thing that a gold card can provide me with a dinner up high!

I am not exaggerating

because I will eat on a special platform attached to a crane at a 40-meter altitude.

This gastronomical attraction has a fitting name – Dinner in the Sky.

They are strapping me in

so I do not fall off!

If my grandma strapped me like this, I would always finish her borscht.

We just began rising.

It feels kinda scary at first.

I did not think I would be able to swallow food,

but a 40-meter altitude is not much on a scale of local skyscrapers.

You would not be able to turn your back to the table because it is not polite

and because it is physically impossible.

How far does it lean back?

On one hand, I am curious. On the other hand – forty meters!

Okay. This is good enough.

Chef in the middle is the only reminder that you are in a restaurant.

He serves dinner from premade ingredients.

The Sky Dinner begins with an entrée.

This is a salad – squash, cherry tomatoes, salad leaves and brynza cheese.

Nothing special.

Let us check out the main course.

This is a seabass topped with cream sauce.

Vegetables – carrots, zucchini, an egg…

wait this is not an egg!

This is a potato with squash stuffing.

Also a small sprinkle of foie gras.

The dishes are exquisite, but do not taste well.

The seabass is overcooked. Foie gras tastes bitter.

They do not offer high-end cuisine up high.

You should not order a Dinner in the Sky for the sake of culinary wonders.

It is pretty basic.

In case you want to feel a full specter of emotions and joy – then yes!

The height, the friendly staff and beautiful Kuala Lumpur in panoramic mode.

Therefore, I do not regret spending this money. Which is not mine anyway!

I finally made it to another beach called The Blue Lagoon Beach.

The name is fully fitting.

There are not many people here.

Fine white sand

and warm clear water of The Strait of Malacca.

This beach is picture perfect compared to the other ones in Malaysia.

It gets a firm four-star grade from me.

I came back to Kuala Lumpur at the end of the first day just in time to find a place to stay for the night.

I cannot afford a hotel because I already spent a lot today,

so I will have to stay at a hostel.

You need to take off your shoes here.

Okay. Just like home.

Cool birds.

The name of this hostel is Natalie Guesthouse.

It looks like a dormitory with children's drawings on the walls.

You got a nice room for the one night.

Receptionist: We have a double room.

Alina: Okay, show me or give me a key.

Receptionist: Here is the key for 108.

Alina: I rented a room for $6 per day.

Let us see what I got.

Listen, this is luxurious considering that I am in a hostel.

I am here by myself and do not have to bunk with fifteen other people.

I got a twin bed for six bucks!

I think this is a success. Six dollars? It is a triumph!

Kinda hot in here.

Let me turn the fan on.

This room has a down part though.

It would be difficult to stay in this room for a while.

I feel the tension coming from these red walls.

I picked one of the best hotels in Kuala Lumpur.

The hall is so huge!

There is luxury dripping everywhere.

Lexis Hibiscus Hotel is a destination for the rich.

I want buy the best suite in your hotel.

How much it cost?

Receptionist: We have The Presidential Suite.

Kolya: President Suite. Yeah.

Receptionist: Five thousand…

Kolya: Five thousand?

Receptionist: Best one.

Kolya: I'm joking. I have all the money in the world

on this card.

Want to touch it?

Of course.

The most expensive Presidential Suite just like that!

Like waving a magic wand! Abra-kadabra!

Just so you understand the scale, my suite is 1.5 kilometers away from here.

Let's go.


It was nice standing next to you!

Thank you very much.

Driver: My pleasure.

Kolya: Friends it is late and I am tired. I want to sleep.

Why don't I give you the tour of my suite tomorrow?


You are so easy to agree with! Thank you so much.

The morning will come before you can blink an eye. Bye.

I walked through the entire city today. There was so much contrast!

There is a thousand colorful images stuck in my head.

I need to get some rest because I am spent.

Good night. Bye.

Can you give me five minutes to dry my hair?

Good morning!

Good morning! I told it would come before you can blink.

Follow me. I'll show you the suite.

Lexis Hibiscus

is a five-star resort.

It features its own restaurant and 639 suites.

The structure is shaped as a hibiscus flower that grows right in the sea.

All of its petals are villas.

Each one has a sauna and a swimming pool.

I have the best one in the hotel all to myself!

A luxurious, spacious two-story Presidential Suite that spans over 382 square meters.

Let us see what I have here.

Three huge bedrooms equipped with Jacuzzis and swimming pools.

An enormous hall with rest area and a plasma.

There is a small room for help in case you are not traveling by yourself.

The main feature is a glorious sea view in every window.

People who visit this hotel rarely leave its premises for the entire stay.

That is exactly what I will do as well.

I decided to leave Kuala Lumpur on the second day and visit another interesting place nearby.

I will pay $4 for a ride that will get me there in 30 minutes.

I came to the Ketam Island AKA Crab Island.

Garage-looking houses on stills cover practically an entire island.

Fishermen who live here have been fishing for crabs for their entire lives.

They even worship them!

A voyage from Kuala Lumpur here is like a trip to the village.

People want to get away from the hassle of the metropolis and taste cheap freshly caught crabs.

Two of these glowing lookers would cost at least $40 in Kuala Lumpur.

All I had to pay here was $15!

Shall we?


Why shouldn't it be? Freshly caught crabs!

Tastes a bit sweet.

It tastes as if surimi sticks were very fresh and tasty.

The meat has more fibers. A bit sweet. Not juicy. It is a bit dry even. I could use a sauce on it.

I stepped on my dress!

That had to be because Kolya thought about me.

What is happening?

I decided to end my weekend on top of one of the tallest and most beautiful sites in Kuala Lumpur.


It looks like the stars have fallen on the ground!

As if everything turned around! The starry sky is in front of me.

A ticket to the best sky deck, Menara Kuala Lumpur TV Tower costs $24.

This money gets you an insane view of a gigantic metropolis from 300 meters above!

A thousand of lights! Literally a thousand!

That is not all!

There is a glass cube hanging above the city.


No bird could reach this height.

Feels scary but it is so thrilling!

I wanted to hold on to handlebars when I looked down.

A humongous metropolis is at my feet.

Kuala Lumpur can scare a tourist with its magnitude.

What a megalopolis!

I am a king of the road!

Luxury dripping from everywhere.

Get a hold of yourself.

$100 can provide plenty of excitement!

Perfect car for the weekend.

You should come to Kuala Lumpur just to try this.

How far does it lean?

Six dollars? It is a triumph!

A megalopolis is at my feet.

Alina: How should I break it down to him? I was just getting back from the beach with my BMW. Wrong.

Kolya: See you later fellas. Look me up on Facebook. Hello Alinka!

Alina: Hello!

Kolya: I see you got the bread and salt out!

Alina: This is a surprise bread!

Kolya: What is this? A game show?

Alina: I just thought you might be hungry.

Kolya: I have a gold card. I cannot be hungry.

Alina: When I had a gold card, I had to eat worms and drink blood from a glass. I went hungry for days!

Kolya: That was your rookie hazing. You are done with that!

Just look at the little fella struggling on Reloaded.

Alina: Hazing what? I am a sole provider!

Kolya: That is how it works. You got the bread, I got the truth.

For more infomation >> Куала-Лумпур. Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям-2. (Russian, English subtitles) - Duration: 41:04.



For more infomation >> RONALDO GİTTİ REAL MADRİD BİTTİ!!! - Duration: 3:08.


Анекдот дня! Самые смешные анекдоты из Одессы про мужчин и рыбалку! - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Анекдот дня! Самые смешные анекдоты из Одессы про мужчин и рыбалку! - Duration: 0:40.


Teaching English in Korea | Brandon | English Talk PODCAST #2 - Duration: 16:21.

Hello everyone.

Welcome to English Talk.

I'm your host Robin Shaw and in these podcasts I hope to give you good information about

studying English,learning English, improving your English

And I hope you learn a lot of things from my guest today.

And my guest today is Brandon.

Thanks for having me, Robin.

How are you doing today?

I'm okay.

How are things with you?

I'm doing great, man.

Just living life.

Teaching, working having a good time, man.


So today we're going to talk to Brandon.

About his experiences teaching in Korea so we'll learn a lot about how he interacted

with his students and tried to get them to not only learn English but also I guess


learn a little more about American culture.



Usually in in Korea, a lot of the schools, or private schools,

they like Caucasian teachers.

Blond hair, blue eyes, yep.

And you are not Caucasian and we'll talk a little bit about that, too.

Okay so why don't you tell us about when you first came to Korea.

I first came to Korea... I think it was about 2015.

About 2015 when I first came to Korea.

In the States, I was working as a scientist.

I was doing that for a bit and then I wanted a little change.

And then I came to Korea.

I came with the Epik Program.

What is the Epik Program?

It's a government-run program.

It's called English program in Korea (EPIK).

And so pretty much it's a government-run program so they put you into the public schools

so it's like 9 to 5 but you're only teaching 22 hours a week.

And they give you housing, decent salary, the pension, health insurance, all the

longer vacation stuff like that.

And you were... did you... like were you interviewed by a recruiter in America?

I had a recruiter that I applied through like like one of the agency... Epik agency

like authorized recruiter.

I applied through them and then they just helped me with my paperwork

and like the guy helped prep me for my interview.

But then, I was interviewed by an Epik worker interviewer person

And I had my interview.

Which was really interesting.

I think I thought it went really bad, but I still got the job.

Like my webcam didn't work.

It went in and out.

And the lighting was terrible but somehow I still got the job.

Did the issue of race ever come up prior to coming into Korea?

I ask that because I when I came to Korea, I had a friend who was not Caucasian and we

had the same interview, but I made it he didn't.

Hmm I think well you came earlier I honestly I think.. I think..

I don't wanna phrase this like... I think it was better for me, but I think

friends that were Asian, had a slightly more difficult time getting

the job.

So like back back then when you probably became it was probably just like blond hair blue

eyes that's what we want.

Black guy, no.

Asian, no.

But now they're just like... everybody come...

Asian guys.

Asian girls.

And the reason is I have friends that are.. that are Asian.

Like they might be Filipino or Chinese or Japanese...

Whatever they are.

And they look Korean... or whatever, the students and the parents think like,

even though they are a fluent English speaker, the students go up to them and go, in Korean,

°You're Korean." And the person's like, "No I'm Chinese".

or whatever.

"I don't speak Korean." So the kids have like... like a disconnect.

Just like, "My teachers Asian.

How do they know English?"

They're not Korean?

I want a foreigner teacher.

My teacher's not a foreigner. And they are foreigner, but

after a while like the kids realize...

All right so Epik hired you...

Correct. and then stuck you not in a city but they

stuck you in rural Korea.




Where is Seongju.


So when my recruiter¡¦ like everyone wanted Seoul.

That's a thing and I.. this is like.. I don't care about Seoul.

And then Busan is actually where I wanted to go.

But Busan is actually harder to go to then Seoul.

Why is that?

Busan requires the TEFL course that TEFL?

Yeah it's actually... you need like in person.

So mine was like an online class.

For Busan public school you need a in person hours

so it's actually harder to come than Seoul.

Seoul is just first-come first-serve.

Busan is this you need to have higher standards.

So with me they said Gyungsanbukdo, it's cool.

I didn't pick Daegu cuz Daegu and Gyungsanbukdo are technically separate.

And they're... the guy... the reading I read was

Gyungsanbukdo many universities and it's a great area

and I'm thinking I want to learn Korean.

I'm gonna go take classes at a Korean University.

And then I got put in Seongju.

And Seongju is technically bigger than Seoul.


Land-wise, but

It has a hundred thousand people.

Hundred thousand people.

Seoul is 10 million people.

So when you first arrived there what was your initial reaction?

In Korean?

In like Seongju.

Like oh this is.. There's people here.

There's people here... it was okay?

Like I mean like we did training in Daejeon.

So we parted in Daejeon and in my we went to Gumi.

My main teacher picked me up.

We drove.

We talked.

He dropped me off at my place.

I already had friends there from orientation.

And all we did was just like walk around and hang out but then you...

There really isn't nothing there.


There's no movie theater.

There's no like really big department store.

The Home Plus never opened like... The bus station was supposed to be like this

big department store, but it never opened.

so like there's 10 floors of nothing like nothing's in there and the first floor

is just the bus station.


So yeah the nearest movie theater is like 20 minutes away in the next city.

Okay well 20 minutes is not bad.

Okay anyway why don't you tell us about the entering that classroom for the first time.

Man, I was a bad teacher.

No like... like when I said I was a bad teacher like the first month was pretty rough like

I think every everyone has a first month.

I was just like I don't know what I'm doing.

Like I wasn't prepared.

I was just chilling... like.. but like going into the classroom...

Which age group?

I was teaching elementary school.

Elementary school.

Third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade.

So when they saw you they must have been like...

Teach... like... it's weird.. like Seongju...

I don't know.. somehow... I don't know how this happened.

But somehow they put all the black people in the same district.. like.

There's like 10 black people in orientation.

They put us all in Gyungsanbukdo.

By design?

I don't know and then like 6 of us ended up in Seongju.

I was just like... How did y'all put just... all the black people

in the countryside?

But in Seongju there was..

At the English village there was another South African black guy that was working there.

so like all the students for English village... have to go in Seongju have to go...

All the students in Seongju must go to the English village.

What is an English village?

English town... English town is pretty much like um

My job is teaching book stuff, but the English town is kind of just like


So the kids will spend a week there or... Each city has one.

It's provided by the government?

Yeah um so on they'll spend like a day learning food stuff and

they'll do food things.

And the next day they might do hospitality.

It's more like activities and games to some extent

to make them learn it so like''' Okay.


There's a black eye there, so like the kids all...

and they all meet this black guy so they're just like...

I met a black guy before.

Like... last year and he was very nice.

So seeing a new black guy it's not that... Okay so they didn't have too much of a shock.

The third grade class is like °Oh my god!

Who's this black guy? but like the fourth, fifth, sixth grade classes

are like, "I met a black guy before."

Okay so..

"You didn't kill me."

So... the...

In the classroom itself, how did you... Did you interact well with the kids?

Yeah I mean my personality is outgoing and I had fun.

Like my kids... like my kids were cool.

Like yay play high-fives and... We did games and stuff.

Were.. were they eager to learn English?

Yes and no.

I mean they're forced to learn it.

So it's kind of like.. the same thing with like us in the states with Spanish.

I was forced to learn Spanish.

I didn't want to learn Spanish.

But then, for me, like I only learned to pass school.

And then it's part of my heritage so I was just like I need to learn Spanish.

But for them, it's just they have to learn Spanish to get...

They have to learn English to get into high school.

They have to learn English to get into college.

But, um, as a public school teacher the difference between public school and I say hagwon

which is s private academy, Public school teacher, is like, for elementary

school, we don't really care about teaching English.

And when I say that it means we introduce English to make it fun for them.

Hey English is fun.

Like we're gonna play games.

Don't hate English.

Like it's fun because 999%, 90% of them are going to go to private academy.

And at private academy, it's terrible it's just work work work work work

Yeah they spend a lot of time there.

They spend a lot of time there so it's just like...

Like they're forced to do that.

And it's just like book stuff.

And it's really not fun.

They like grow to hate it.

None of them want to go to it pretty much.

But so with my class is more just like "hey English is fun" like...

I know you have to go to do your private academy later,

but let's... let's try and have fun like¡¦ Today we're gonna have fun with English.

So it was kind of like that.

Introduced English to them and make them eager to learn,

so that in the future they don't dislike it.

You're playing games all day.

So it was an easy job.

Yeah I mean my general day would be... but it depending on whatever classes I teach,

I would come in... Sorry.

I would come in.

I would download a warm-up game.

Ten minute warm-up.

Or set a five minute warm-up game.

We'll do the bookwork.

Twenty minute book work.

Whatever the lesson is for that day.

So it's either like speaking, listening, reading, writing.

Like the four lessons for that chapter.

And if they're like fifth or sixth grade it has extra.

And then after, we'll play a game.

so that they warm up the ten... depending on the game like I don't know like

crossword puzzle or something and and they might do a crossword puzzle.

They do the book work when they listen and

they'll probably have to speak and then we'll play a role playing game

or a bomb game which is like like like Wheel of Fortune

or something like that kind of game and they're like uh teams and maybe candy

and stuff But I did play games a lot.

It's easy.


How long were you there in Seongju?

I was in Seongju for two years.

Two years.

And I also did teach at the English town a little bit.

I taught adults there for about one semester.


So once… once or twice a week for like four months.

And do you like teaching?

Yeah teaching…

I have no problem teaching.

Teaching… it's fun.

Like when I moved to Seoul, I taught.

I have nothing…

There's no problem teaching.

I enjoy teaching.

There are things with teaching that do frustrate me but,

it's nothing that I hate teaching.

It's not that like if someone offered me a job to teach,

I'm not gonna not take it.

The thing I dislike about teaching is that I like the public school system in


I do not like the hagwan system.

The privates schools.

The private school system.

Well there's private schools, but I mean like private academies.

And when I say that, in public school, you are the boss.

The teacher is the boss.

The government pays for you to be there so like you

work with your co teacher.

If you're… if your child is… your students acting up,

there are ways to deal with it like the Korean education system is a little different

than the States like you can't really like kick kids out class

kind of thing.

But like compared to a hagwan, the academy, the student is the boss.

The student is the boss.

And I say that mom and dad are paying your paycheck so…

even if that student is a bad student they're not listening or whatever…

If their grades are bad, you get in trouble.

Or even if that kids not doing their homework and you say "little Minju like do your homework"

Minju goes to mom and dad and goes "Mom and dad Brandon teacher so mean to me."

"I don't like Brandon teacher."

"I hate him.

I want to go to a different school."

Mom and dad call your boss, and then your boss calls you,

and you get yelled at for not being nice to the kid

and you're just like… the kid was punching a kid or

the kid was doing this and this and you're like

well deal with it.

But you have no way to deal with it.

So I think…

I agree with you.

That's my only thing.

So like if I was…

My profession is different now.

But if… when I came to Seoul, I came as a hagwan teacher.

And my first hagwan was okay and I switched.

Second hagwan… academy the academy was …


But I love teaching.

I love teaching.

Teaching is fine.

I still work with kids.

Um my job that I do now - I still work with kids and I do teach them

English and stuff but not like I teach them like…

Well I have one last question for you.

What do you think of Koreans' English ability?

Um it's good.

Good to some extent.

It's still like…

I think Koreans… because they spend so much time studying it,

their… their reading and their writing is very good.

But they're very shy.

I know you spent a lot of time in Japan, too, so…

compared to there?

You gotta be careful.

Comparing Korean English speakers to Japanese English speakers…

Koreans are probably better I think.

Koreans are better.

And no I mean… it's still like hit or miss like you still have that one outlier person

that's gonna go..

I think like even…

I'll put it this way.

No matter what if you were lost in Korea or lost in whatever

Country, Japan, or whatever…

If you were lost and you went up to either of them

and you said, "Please help me."

They're going to try and help you.

And they might be very broken in English and then be


They're gonna try their best to help you.

That's the way I want to put it.

Like even if like I was just like "Excuse me where's the hospital?"

They're gonna like… a Koreans gonna whip out their phone,

and be like okay "straight …left… right"

It's better than nothing.

Yeah better than nothing.

So I mean they try.

Their reading writing is good.

People are very shy here, so it's really…

Here's really on reading and writing.


All right man.

Thank you for sharing your… about your experiences and wisdom of teaching

in Korea.

I love Korea.

Anyway thank you everyone for watching.

I hope you got something out of this video and see you in the next podcast.

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