Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

Woman Illustrates Her Daily Struggles In 15+ Relatable Comics - Part2

The artist has been creating comics since 2013

For more infomation >> Woman Illustrates Her Daily Struggles In 15+ Relatable Comics - Part2 Ended - Duration: 5:34.


#Unlimited Audeo Video. Ashiqe Banaya New Song Babu Khan Unlimited Audeo Video - Duration: 3:44.

little bit about a donkey that gonna bring us money heaven it I hate it

I should go but I am a foodie ha I

she could

it is compared to kids on one side



I should be the helmet gets me buddy Johnny Johnny Cancun immediately

released our cousin ahead



hums a song my uncle's a jewel in 2000

although major

I'm kissing coincide

show me baby I said that I finish

For more infomation >> #Unlimited Audeo Video. Ashiqe Banaya New Song Babu Khan Unlimited Audeo Video - Duration: 3:44.


Avoid 2 TIME – WASTERS: Ep 77 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:12.

Greetings and welcome to Awakening With Brahma Kumaris.

Sister Shivani is with us. Welcome, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti Sister. We were reading Murli.

The title of the Murli we were reading was

To be free from Par-Mat, Par-Chintan and Par-Darshan.

And become a Par-Upakari.

Baba says that we have got Shrimat now.

Which means we are getting Gyan everyday.

So we should not listen to news from here and there and mix Srimat with Parmat.

If somebody comes and shares information with you

First of all we need to pay attention whether it is useful to us.

We cannot do anything about it

Then we should not listen to that.

When we don't even know a person

What will we do listening to it? How is it useful?

And even if we listen to them once, then the person sharing information

He will keep pouring information as if we are trash cans.

If family or close friends

Whom we need to listen to, because their sharing things pertaining to them

When they share with us then we should have the strength within us

That while listening we should first put a full stop inside our mind.

And second - the person about whom their sharing

Our opinions about that person should not change.

There should not be bitterness.

When we do that, then the person sharing it

We will be able to put a full stop in his mind also.

So we will be benefiting him.

This becomes par-upkar.

But a majority do not take care

Listening to information gradually and regularly

Their perspectives and opinions change.

Baba says that the opinions of a majority of the people changes.

The opinion changes even while sharing information.

When somebody is sharing information, his own perspective gets added to it.

So whatever he shares, his perspective changes at that time also.

Someone says - I saw two people talking.

This is a situation.

where someone says - I saw two people talking.

Listening to him the other person says

They were not even standing cordially.

So that was a Second addition. The third person says - they are always like that.

One after the other.

It means when information passes on through many people

It becomes like Chinese whispers.

Nobody will speak a lie

Everyone is saying the truth

But the truth is through the sanskaar of his perspective.

When one piece of information passes through four people

It means there are four filters in between.

It means the lens of four Sanskars are in between

One lens magnified the information.

Another lens made it appear in a particular way.

So the information changes.

By the time it reaches us, that news may not even be true.

Even if it is true Baba says that it is not of any use to us.

Even if it is from our family or friends

We need to pay attention to what they are sharing with us also.

Because the perspective of their Sanskars keeps getting added.

Their perspective changes the information quite a lot.

Often information changes by the time it reaches us.

This is Par-mat which has passed through four people

As the opinions of 4 people got added into it.

You mentioned that the daughter might come to the parents house and complain.

Suppose the daughter says - my husband was saying like this.

She shared it with her mother.

Then the mother shared it with her husband.

And the husband shared it with his son.

It is family and people are concerned and care for each other.

But when information passes from one soul to another

It does not transfer as it is.

So when we are listening to some information

We need to first pay attention

How many peoples sanskars this information has passed through.

Even if we want to do something about the situation we need to first gather original information.

Even if I am getting my biography written

Then the person writing my biography will interpret in such a way that the meaning

Change is a little and the reader will interpret in a more different way

Another reader will interpret it even more differently.

And if somebody translates it into a different language.

That will also change but nobody is lying.

Even if I am getting my life history written

If you got it written in English and if it is translated to Hindi by somebody else

Then the translator's perspective will also get added to it.

So how much care we need to take

The information coming to us

What is the truth and what has it become by the time it reaches us.

If we do not take the right information

Then the decision we take or the advice we give

And the perspective we create of the information about whom we are hearing

How many Karmas will get created in the process?

Then we share it with other people and put it into their Minds also.

The information goes into a cycle.

The best thing is when somebody is sharing with us about a third party

I should not put a label about that person

I should not form any impression about him

Because as soon as I form an impression, I will send similar vibrations to him.

I will send them to the person sharing information also. Next when I share it with someone

I will share it with the same point of view

For example if a daughter complains to the parent that her husband scolded her.

I will add a label that her husband is bad. Although she would not have used that word for him.

When I share it with my wife she will add some more labels

That he is 'Very' bad, not just bad.

So isn't this making Karma?

You decide. Isn't this making Karma?

Yes a Karmic account is getting created.

We are also poison so many people's minds.

More important, the person about whom we are hearing or sharing - what vibrations are we radiating to him?

What is their opinion and how much the information gets changed

These opinions of other people will spoil the environment.

Environment here could be our house, our workplace, or the world.

When information keeps passing like this it spoils our environment.

So one reason for wasting time is to take people's opinions

Second reason is par-chintan.

Which means thinking about other people.

When we listen to information from one person, it is not possible that we don't share it with 8 or 10 other people.

Will listen to one person and share that information with others.

Even if somebody lives in the different country, we write to them - something new has happened here, will share it with you when you come here next time.

This is of the times when we would write letters.

Now there is no question of letters, we immediately share information.

So this becomes par-chintan.

Suppose you share it with 4 people.

So you spoilt the perspective those 4 people had about that person.

When you shared about a person with four people

Then the perspective of those 4 people about him got spoilt

Earlier only you are thinking about that person and now after you shared it with 4 people

Now five of you will think about him.

Once we start thinking about somebody its speed will be fast and the duration will be long.

It's very fast.

If 1 tree in a forest catches fire

Then very quickly the remaining please also catch fire because it spreads fast.

Thinking about others does not end in one or two seconds.

Baba says that when we are sharing Gyan with somebody

Then to evoke interest in him we share it in the form of a story.

First this happened, then what happened and after that what happened...

Interest increases isn't it?

Likewise when we think about somebody, that will be a lot of interest.

When we are sharing with somebody they will also be interested to know what happened next.

They will say - next this might have happened. So the story will go on for a very long time.

The listener will share what happened with him also if he had a similar experience.

That person is like that, he did the same thing when I met him.

I have heard the same things about him from others also.

That is why Baba says that the speed of thinking about others

It is very fast and goes on for a very long time.

So the second aspect is par-chintan.

Someone who is busy in Par-Chintan will not engage in Swa-Chintan

I'm just thinking that somebody who is always thinking of other people - how weak the soul must be.

Because what is the quality of our thoughts when we think of other people?

We think about his weaknesses and mistakes.

We are thinking about his karmas which we feel are wrong.

Whatever we keep thinking, we start becoming like that.

So we don't think about ourselves but we think about others.

Someone engaged in thinking about others will blame other people even when it is his mistake.

Responsibility of my own state of being - my mind

There is no power, and there are no thoughts about myself.

If I think about myself and check myself

If I have realisation about myself I will take responsibility.

Of what I am thinking and how I am feeling.

But if I am thinking about others the whole day

Then I didn't check myself

Then for everything that gets created in my mind, I blame other people.

Person who thinks of others will blame other people for his mistakes.

Such people will be number one in making up stories.

They get into a habit of making stories

You just sit with such people and they will start sharing so many stories with you.

Baba says they learn the art of making up stories.

They share very long stories.

Even if it is their own mistake they establish it to be somebody else's mistakes in such a way

The listener will believe and keep quiet.

Sounds like a true thing.

So there is no responsibility for our mistakes but blame others

In such a way that the listener will believe us.

This is not called Swa-Chintan or thinking about the self

Just listening to Gyan, repeating them or sharing it with other people does not mean we are doing Swa-Chintan

We say we are doing Swa-Chintan and studying Gyan

But Baba says this is not Swa-Chintan.

That will listen to Gyan or share it with others

Swa-Chintan means even our subtle weaknesses

And smallest of mistakes - we need to think and analyse them and finish them.

And bringing about a change - this is Swa-Chintan.


So now we have to underline this.

If somebody makes up a story that he is not wrong

That it is somebody else's mistake

If he cannot speak the truth or take responsibility

Then he is lying to himself also.

They are not lying but they are believing.

If I scold my staff I will say I did the right thing

He did something so wrong.

Similarly that person will keep on making up stories and keep lying.

And the listener might endorse his views.

They will say - many people are like that, they don't understand any other language.

When you are thinking about him

And sharing it with others

What happens to Swa-Chintan?

Swa-Chintan means a subtle checking of the self

He did this, but what was my reaction?

Baba has said that we should not form Impressions based on the information we receive.

Suppose as you said - the staff made a mistake and I scolded him.

So we start thinking about him that he is like this and we share it with others.

While doing all this when did we do Swa-Chintan? What were we supposed to do?

Here Swa-Chintan means I analyse that I could have conveyed the same thing to my staff with love.

I could have done it differently. It is like I scene in a movie

An actor can enact that scene in many ways.

Swa-Chintan means how was my reaction?

And what does Par-Chintan do?

Par-Chintan means what did he do?

Par-Chintan means we're thinking about the other person.

What he did wrong, what he did the other day and so on.

So if first think about other people and then we share it with four more people.

So we stained the mind of those 4 people also.

If I had done Swa-Chintan in the beginning itself

I would never engage in Par-Chintan

I would have improved myself and apologized to my staff.

If we had not engaged in thinking of other people then there would not be a question of sharing it with others.

Whatever we prepare here is what we feed other people.

Whatever goes on here is what we share with other people.

Then the soul will become so clean if we don't think of other people.

The soul becomes lighter.

Powerful also.

Baba says Swa-Chintan

Will power increases because soul power increases.

Then the person can do whatever he decides to do.

Baba says Swa-Chintan doesn't mean that we just listen to Gyan, read it or share with others.

Swa-Chintan means we identify our weaknesses

And analyse our slightest mistakes also

So we finish them and change ourselves.

This is Swa-Chintan.

Which means no matter what the other person did to us

What should I be thinking about?

About how I should respond.

If we want to share it with somebody else also

Because we say it feels nice to share it with somebody

Then we need to discuss with them only one thing - about how I should respond to the scene.

After listening to all this

I share with my wife that I made a mistake by scolding the staff

I will tell her to console that staff member lovingly

So there are many changes happening.

We feel light and nice.

The vibration you are sending him has changed.

When we are thinking of somebody then those thoughts are not going on Just here

The vibrations of your Par-Chintan are reaching that soul also.

What vibrations will you get in turn from him?

I had never thought of it.

Years ago I had scolded somebody.

He just went to his room and returned only the next day.

For how long would he have thought of you that day?

He might have cursed me so much that day.

So the soul got depleted first time while scolding him

Second time when you are thinking about it afterwards.

Third time when the vibrations returned from that side.

Fourth time when you shared it with other people.

Fifth time when they also create similar thoughts.

Because of one small incident so many people's soul power is depleting

But if we had stopped it at the first stage

Even if we had created anger at him

Then if we stopped it at the first stage to check why I reacted that way

Did I have another way?

Then we are thinking about ourselves - Swa-Chintan is happening.

This means you are not blaming the person who made a mistake.

So the vibration which will reach him from you will change.

And so he will not take one whole day to return.

He will be healed quickly. We don't always need to say sorry.

If we just internally change the vibration radiating from us

The other person will quickly change and come back.

Can you give an example?

You said when you scolded your staff he went to his room and stayed there for an entire day.

He returned the next day.

Which means he was very heavy for an entire day.

Why was he feeling heavy?

First time when you scolded him he felt heavy.

Even after he returned to his room what vibrations was he getting from you?

But suppose even after scolding him, if you had changed the quality of vibrations radiating to him from you

If you had sent the sorry from here - from within

Instead we keep thinking about his mistake and justifying our actions.

We will blame him for all the drama of going into the room and locking himself there.

So a lot of wrong vibrations keep going to him.

So how will he come back immediately when he becomes more ill with all those negative vibrations reaching him.

So we have the power.

With Par-Chintan we escalate the problem and increase our pain.

With Swa-Chintan we Heal ourselves and we do not poison anybody else's mind also.

We save ourselves from so many Karmas.

It's a simple checking.

Baba says that listening and sharing Gyan

All of you are good at it. But it is only a churning of Gyan.

But Swa-Chintan essentially means checking the self.

Anyone who inculcates Gyan

Will be a natural Yogi.

Anyone who inculcates Gyan will be a natural Yogi.

Anyone who applies Gyan in practical life

It's not just about listening and sharing it.

Anyone who inculcates Gyan will be a natural Yogi.

His life will be a yogic life it will not be Bhogi life. Bhogi means 'Bhogna' which means suffering.

Bhogi means suffering.

So if there is no suffering then you are experiencing a life of yogi.

You shared that first you scolded him and then you thought of him for a very long time.

Which means for that entire duration we were suffering.

We were suffering even our Par-Chintan

But if we had moved on to Swa-Chintan

If we had inculcated Gyan, then we would move to Yogi life which means light.

We feel light and good.

And peaceful which means Yogi life.

Baba says he will be a natural Yogi.

If we want to increase soul power

Then then Gyan you share or the values you talk about

First you check for all those within yourself.

Because if Seva earns one mark, then inculcating Gyan will fetch us10 marks.

Seva means - when we share Gyan with others

When we forward good message to somebody

Then how much will our soul power increase? By one mark.

It means 1%.

But if we inculcate imbibe that point of Gyan

Then 10 %.

Even if you are unable to share Gyan, then just by imbibing Gyan

You will influence others

By your vibrations you can influence others

And serve them also.

So Seva does not mean just sharing Gyan.

Seva happens when we implement Gyan in our life

Then with our vibrations, we will automatically serve other people.

If in the process of serving somebody your own state depletes

And if it disturbs you, then will that seva truly be a service?

What will be a visible fruit of that seva?

Seva done out of truth, love and other people's blessings

Then the visible fruit of that seva will be happiness.

But if we add our feelings in that seva then we call it flu

Feeling here means feelings of hurt

Baba says then after that it will result in a flu of feelings.

Someone with the flu does not even have food but will only sleep.

So even here if somebody creates feelings of hurt he will just become upset and sit quietly.

One is flu for the body and the other one is a flu of feelings for the soul.

Baba says in whatever aspect that you are an instrument of Seva

Taking care of family is Seva

Even the work we do at workplace or business or business is Seva

While doing that seva if our state of mind gets disturbed

Then how will we serve other people?

A true Seva done with a lot of love and blessings

Its immediate visible fruit or result is happiness.

Taking care of everyone and taking up all responsibilities

But doing it with love, with sincerity and blessings

When we radiate good vibrations to people we automatically get blessings from them.

Its practical proof will be happiness.

But if we don't do it and become heavy within, then we get a flu of feelings.

We become angry or upset.

But if you apply Gyan in practical life

If you serve truly and not out of selfishness

Which means whatever we are doing

Doing it selflessly and not selfishly

A true Seva Dhari is one who does a lot but never expects anything in return.

We are taking care of the family

But we don't have expectations in return

Selfish service means

Where our state of mind

Is dependent on their behaviour so we want something from them.

Is it selfish to expect appreciation?

Very much, because when we don't get appreciation what happens?

When we don't get we leave the expectation.

We will not leave the expectation of getting appreciation.

If I am single handedly doing a lot of work for my family

Maybe because others don't like to work or because I like it.

I like it so I should be happy while doing it.

We always need to pause and ask ourselves why am I doing it.

If somebody doesn't appreciate doesn't a thought come that nobody is recognising our efforts.

Why are you doing it?

Maybe because nobody else is ready to work.

Even if nobody else is working why are we doing it?

Because we want that everything is fine.

Whose Desire is this? Ours.

So for our own happiness we are doing all this.

So if I want that everything is fine and that is my own desire

And when I do something which I Desire personally, then why should I expect appreciation from anyone?

And if you expect appreciation but do not get it from others

Then while serving them what is happening to our state of mind?

Then the person is unhappy while doing everything

Then it does not become care or Seva because we are not radiating good vibrations

We are getting disturbed and Baba calls it as - we are getting feelings

And suppose instead of appreciation we get criticism?

It happens so often.

Then how disturbed will we get?

This is a very delicate checking

We are doing Seva which is true Seva and not out of selfishness.

No expectation of getting anything in return.

When it is true Seva and we earn blessings

Then the practical proof is that the soul is happy.

Thank you so much, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Avoid 2 TIME – WASTERS: Ep 77 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:12.


YOUTUBERS più POPOLARI e FAMOSI al MONDO curiosità nel mondo - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> YOUTUBERS più POPOLARI e FAMOSI al MONDO curiosità nel mondo - Duration: 2:17.



For more infomation >> КАК НАБРАТЬ 1000 ПРОСМОТРОВ НА YOUTUBE - Duration: 5:09.


Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw Toy Blaster Nerf Blaster Toy Weapons - Duration: 6:30.

Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw

For more infomation >> Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw Toy Blaster Nerf Blaster Toy Weapons - Duration: 6:30.


EYT Kanun Tekliflerinde Son Durum Ne? Emeklilikte Yaşa Takılanlar - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> EYT Kanun Tekliflerinde Son Durum Ne? Emeklilikte Yaşa Takılanlar - Duration: 5:40.



For more infomation >> 17 TANE KIYAFET'I AYNI ANDA GİYMEK! - Duration: 8:27.


The Best Moments Hot Girl Dancing Love in The Baby Velvet !! Girl Romantic Scenes 2018 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> The Best Moments Hot Girl Dancing Love in The Baby Velvet !! Girl Romantic Scenes 2018 - Duration: 1:56.


CodeIgniter 3 Complete Login and Registration System with MySQL and Session Part #4 - Duration: 11:12.

Open CodeIgniter Form Validation Library Documentation

Copy form validation simple

and paste code in the users controller file in project. like this

Now, add rules to form validation, which will start our validation.

Now, To run the form authentication rule....

add name attribute to input elements in the user registration page.

Similarly, we can add name attribute to all fields.

Now, these name attribute used to validation rules. like this.

Now we add the Password Confirm Field in this Registration Page.

Now update the second parameter of validation rules..

which we will see in the form of field names in error.

Our validation is working when we submit the form.

Now we set our view pages in it. This way

Now whenever we open this root, the registration page will be open.

And if we submit the registration page without data, this same page will still show.

With which we should have errors also show. There are several ways to show errors, which we will see one by one.

The easiest way is to show all the errors by the same function.

We can also write this function on any lines in the View page.

Now if we submit the form then validation errors are shown.

`validation_errors()` function shows errors in all fields.

Field names in Errors come from second parameter in validation rules.

By default, the Form Validation class adds a paragraph tag (<p>) around each error message shown.

And if we have to change the HTML of errors then we can do this by line

Paste this line into the function of the controller and refresh the page.

If we look at default HTML in the errors then the error of validation in the <p> tag is displayed.

And now if we refresh the page, then error is shown in the format given by you.

And now we set the alert of bootstrap 4 into validation error.

We use CSS class of alert to Change Validation Errors.

And now we see errors in the bootstrap 4 alert style.

After filling the required fields, the form validation error of that field is hidden after submitting the form.

But if we fill the data of all required fields then the form validation will be false and the form will be submitted.

To print form data, print $_POST variable.

We see our form data.

If you intend to use a constructor in any of your Controllers,

you MUST place the following line of code in it

Constructors are useful if you need to set some default values or run a default process

when your class is instantiated. Constructors can't return a value,

but they can do some default work.

And thus the Form Validation Library is working.

Or we can also load Form Validation Library in the autoload.php file.

With this, the Form Validation Library will work in our entire project.

After this, we will use validation rules in form validation.

Which is quite so much in the CodeIgniter.

We can apply this kind of validation rules to a field. like this

'is_unique[table.field]' verification rule, we will see after connecting the database.

The 'matches' verification rule examines the value of two fields...

Which we will use in password confirmation.

And now we submit the form, we have more validation errors.

But the old data in our field is deleted.

For this, we have to use the set_value() method of codeIgniter.

You must supply the field name via the first parameter of the function.

The second (optional) parameter allows you to set a default value for the form.

The third (optional) parameter allows you to turn off HTML escaping of the value.

Similarly, we set the name of all fields. like this

And now we reload the page, then we see old data in the HTML fields.

And now we will see the third method of showing validation errors.

In which the validation error will show every field.

In which `form_error('field_name')` use method.

If you prefer to show an error message next to each form field, rather than as a list, you can use the form_error() function.

If there are no errors, nothing will be shown. If there is an error, the message will appear.

And it will be the same error show as that would be given to `form_error()' method.

Now we set this method to the last of all fields.

And we all show errors

We can change the validation errors style. like this

We will use the form validation CSS class of Bootstrap 4. like this

We will not see validation errors because we have missed a CSS class.

We use the if condition to apply this class. like this

Let us first check whether the field has an error or not.

If there is an error in the field then `form_error` method returns a string.

If there is no error in the field then string will be empty. like this

Now we can print CSS class by putting the if condition. like this

Now our validation error is being shown correctly.

Now apply this line to all fields and change the name of the field.

Now our all validation error is being shown correctly.

thank for watching..

For more infomation >> CodeIgniter 3 Complete Login and Registration System with MySQL and Session Part #4 - Duration: 11:12.


Câu chuyện về tộc người thiểu số tinh mắt nhất thế giới - Duration: 5:52.

Hey guys, it's Mike Chen.

People are different, I think we all know that.

Every individual is unique in their own special way.

But there is a group of people on this planet,

and yes, they are different,

they have their own very unique culture and customs.

But what really sets them apart is the fact that

they can see better, literally, see better than everybody else in the world.

The Himba people are indigenous, semi-nomadic people

who mostly reside in the Kunene Region of northern Namibia.

The tribe has an estimated population of around 50,000

and mostly life off livestock farming,

particularly breeding sheep and goats,

These herders live very simple lives, far different from the modern lifestyles

of those who live in urban cities.

The tribe is comprised of smaller family communities

and members of these family villages dwell in circular, wooden huts

which were built to surround an "okuruwo" –

a sacred fire the Himba people believe

allows them to connect with the spirits of their ancestors.

And like I mentioned, these people have their own unique traditions and cultures.

For one, they are known for covering their skin with red ochre pigment,

which is a mixture of clay, sand and ferric oxide.

But another special thing, like I said at the beginning of this video

that really sets them apart from the rest of the world

is the way they see and perceive things.

You see, even when looking at the same object,

people can see things very differently.

You know, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In the case of the Himba people,

this truth applies not only figuratively but literally as well.

And not only do they see things differently from most humans,

they seem to do it much, much better,

as research shows that they can focus on details better

and are also less susceptible to visual distractions.

Of course, this interesting finding compels us to ask: Well, how is this possible?

I mean, if we are all generally born with the same organs needed for seeing and perceiving,

shouldn't a traditional community like the Himba people

see or perceive our surroundings just like the rest of us?

Well, according to scientists, the answer lies in the theory

that vision and perception are not solely a matter of biology and neurology.

This means that they can also be influenced by external factors

such as environment and culture.

And in the case of the Himba people,

these semi-nomadic people see and perceive the way they do

because their minds have not been altered by

well, Facebook, YouTube and other modernization,

which the likes of Jules Davidoff,

a psychologist and professor at Goldsmiths, University of London,

believes have significantly affected the visual focus

and attention of those who belong to more modern, urban societies.

Davidoff conducted several studies and experiments

on vision, perception and attention with the Himba people as his main subjects,

and the results of his research supported the supposition of several other scientists

that modernization has indeed changed the way

we see, perceive and pay attention to things we look at.

That is why the people belonging to a traditional culture like that of the Himba people

are less likely to commit errors in their perception of size and distance

and are also less susceptible to getting distracted from their concentration.

Many of Davidoff's earlier experiments involving the Himba people

utilized the famous Ebbinghaus Illusion.

Also known as the Titchener circles,

this optical illusion is one that concerns size perception,

and it was first developed by renowned German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus

before its use was popularized by British experimental psychologist Edward Titchener.

The most famous version of this of optical illussion features

two circles of the same size placed in proximity of each other

in order to be compared by the subject looking at them.

However, the first circle is surrounded by circles much larger than its size

while the second circle is surrounded by smaller ones.

The positions of all the circles involved is supposed to make it appear

that the main circle surrounded by larger circles is smaller

than the central circle contained by the small circles.

And for most people, the illusion does trick them in the thing

that the first central circle is smaller than the latter.

However, when Davidoff showed the images to members of the Himba people,

they weren't as likely to fall for the same trick.

According to an article he published

with his colleagues in the Journal of Experimental Psychology in 2007,

the illusion had a weak effect on the Himba people because of their bias towards local processing.

This meant that when presented with an image featuring multiple objects,

they have the tendency to focus on the smaller details

– which in the case of the Ebbinghaus Illusion was the main circles

– instead of the complete picture.

And because they ignored the context of what they saw –

which was the image of two circles surrounded by large and small circles, respectively

– the illusion failed to distort their perception.

But although, the Himba people are bias towards local processing,

they're actually more flexible and have more control over their selective attention.

This means that while they tend to notice the small details first,

they can just as easily see the "big picture" if they are asked to do so.

Further experiments showed not only the Himba people's perceptual bias for the small details

and their flexible selective attention, but also a reduced distractibility.

Compared to people living in cities,

the Himba are less affected by visual distractions.

They can identify their target object better than others

even when other moving objects are present to disrupt their focus.

A possible explanation for why the Himba people can "see"

and focus better than everyone else is their traditional and simple lifestyle.

As herders, part of their everyday life is to identify cattle.

To be able to individuate dozens of animals,

they had to train their eyes to quickly spot distinctive features

and markings on their sheep and goats from a distance.

And it really comes in handy when they're looking for a Waldo.

Anyway, those of us who live in urban environments,

we live in a very fast pace and cluttered world

where a lot of things tend to all happen at once.

We encounter countless buildings and cars and people on a daily basis.

Not only that, we even don't usually do one thing at a time,

we almost always have to multitask

and because there are so many elements in our surroundings

we have to watch out for,

it almost becomes necessary for our attention to always be divided.

Maybe this also explains some innate almost supernatural abilities

that some say we all used to have, but have lost over the course of time.

For example, a lot of Eastern beliefs say that we all have a third eye

that we can see into other dimensions,

but as we become more and more ingrained in modern society,

innate abilities like those tend to fade out and completely disappear.

But let me know what you guys think.

Do you feel the modernization in society is actually making us "doller",

making our senses maybe less sensitive?

Let me know your thought in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching. See you later!

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For more infomation >> Chỉ Cần Xóa Nốt Ruồi Này Tài Lộc Đầy Nhà, Giàu Sang Phú Quý Ập Tới - Duration: 12:47.


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thank you for watching my video

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For more infomation >> কিয়ামতের মাঠের ভয়াবহতা || kiyamoter mather voyavohota || Motiur Rahman Madani | Bangla Waz New Short - Duration: 12:28.


トミカ Tomica No. 62 LaFerrari - Duration: 3:37.

hello guys, back again with kevkev

and now

I will review Laferrari

I hope

they include this car in a gift set ferrari

maybe if they release the other ferrari cars

they will release a gift set

ok, lets see the box

we have

a hologram ferrari license

we can see "produce under license m.c.g maisto and burago" at the top

All tomica regular have this kind of box

nothing special

ST 2018

I have two versions, the other one is with sticker

this one is without sticker

But this one is also released only in japan

I really like this car

Because the shape is so smooth

The shape is...

If we see from the top

Like this

the shape is really good

Maybe because This is ferrari, they make very limited

so they must make a good quality car

The headlights

are not only a drawing

They are made from plastic

we also have a logo here

so here, we can see

a detail shape

we also have a ferrari logo at the tail

we also have it here

lets see the base

made in vietnam, tomica 2018

produced under license ferrari Sp A and M.C.G

this car have two color version

Red and black

I am still waiting the black ferrari

I will share it on youtube if I get it

ok, This is Laferrari

This one is my FAVORITE

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