Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

hey guys there was some people that just said hey can you just make a video and

tell us what are your favorite fruit juice blends so I'm gonna just you know

as I'm talking to you right now I'm gonna tell you what right now I like my

to go to drinks and they're to go to drinks that I must have just about every

day in order especially if I'm on a juice fast to stay on the juice fast and

not want to be compelled on eating solid foods and I'm gonna start with the

savory juice I had like two months into the juice

fast came up with this concoction which consists of like three celery sticks one

or two garlic cloves sometime I use a jalapeno pepper a whole one the green

ones also one or two tomato plum tomatoes or State Tomatoes I always use

in the base of my savory juices a whole cucumber and I always use a little piece

of white draw onion I put inside of the juice now when I used to make this

savory juice I used to use two teaspoons of people and salt but because my body

has been detoxified and all that plugged-up stuff that was going on in my

body in my tissues in my blood on a cellular level has been cleansed out so

my palate does not require for me to have that much pink salt so I went from

two teaspoons of salt in my savory juice and I just want to remind you I also put

a lemon and a lime I take the skin off of it and I add that to my savory juice

to it it tastes like a tomato juice basically and now I have went from two

teaspoons of pink alayan salt one teaspoon of pink : salt and now

currently at this present time I only put a half a teaspoon of pink LAN salt

so my salt intake because of juicing and it will be like that when you start to

eat all the foods too you will use you will find that you're going to use less

salt and a lot of things are going to be really salty when you start to eat those

foods again when you have your treat days or when you just even if it's not a

treat day you just go back to eating crappy again that those foods are going

to be extremely salty and a juice cleanse is a great way to change your

taste buds up in a good way because we all know that too much salt is not good

for the body and it can make you really sick

so that is my savory juice I sometime have it spicy with the jalapeno pepper I

add to it oh I have it without the jalapeno and then a lot of times when I

want to have that Italian maybe pizza or pasta taste I'll put some fresh basil in

it and that is why it just tastes so good then my go-to drink I love limeade

so what I'll do is I'll take a couple of green apples some a couple of celery

sticks and I'll take a whole lime and I'll cut it up leaving the skin on the

the the on the on the line with my sweet juices and I'll add grapes because

grapes as you know in the juicer community is like adding sugar to

kool-aid so I'll put some grapes if it's not sweet enough the apples to sweeten

it up and I like that lime ade taste so I just want to let you know two recipes

that if I go to those two recipes and I stick to them like for example me now

being on a juice fast and I make sure I had those two staple

drinks in my arsenal I I won't fall off the juice fast you have to have juices

that you enjoy drinking to make the juice fast journey that you're on it

could be seven days three days two weeks 21 days or 30 days like myself it will

make the journey much easier for you to stay on it if the juice is that you like

whether it's savory or sweet you have all the ingredients to make it so you

can enjoy yourself while you're on the juice fast so with all that being said

please subscribe to the channel like and share this video and make it a favorite

and I'll see you guys in the next video bye for now

For more infomation >> WHAT ARE MY FAVORITE JUICES🍹🍹🍹 - Duration: 5:15.


S.H.O.K. - OneTake - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> S.H.O.K. - OneTake - Duration: 2:31.


Hills of steel Phoenix tank - Mobile game for kids - Games bii - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> Hills of steel Phoenix tank - Mobile game for kids - Games bii - Duration: 12:56.


Moi (s) - Court Métrage - Mobile Film Festival - Duration: 0:56.


(a lot of) me

Did you find this monotonous?

Did you find this austere?

Did you find this harrowing?

Give back all its colors to life,

Give back all its colors to life, embrace differences.

Directed by...


For more infomation >> Moi (s) - Court Métrage - Mobile Film Festival - Duration: 0:56.


Abandoned Places #2 - Die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Abandoned Places #2 - Die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl - Duration: 7:56.


introducing me, - Duration: 7:45.

So, I uploaded like four. how many? A lot of vlogs.

I've uploaded a LOT of travel vlogs but I feel like... you guys have no idea who I am?

Because I've just like- HEY im in new york! dun dun dun :O I'm cutting that out

( introducing me from camp rock 2 plays )

so. I'm gonna tie my hair.

got myself a hair tie, and a Yakult.

apparently, these got popularised because of that movie I haven't seen yet with Noah

Centineo in it- (poster of to all the boys I've loved before haha )

But, i dont know- they've just always been around for me since.. childhood because. Asia.

on second thought.. (pulls roughly at hair tie and hair sis what r u doing )

(sassy hairflip) (shake well before consumption kiddos)

(asmr opening yakult ) (sip)

*CLAP* anyway!

like i was saying why did i choose this spot to film?

* hand on record player* *>:O*

sorry about the lighting because.. ya girl

only has a ceiling light

*awkward hand*

so i posted this thing on my private insta

(finsta look it up)

and it's like

"which do i seem more like?" and basically i had my friends vote on the posts, because

i wanted to see how much they knew me because I'm a narcissist *hair flip*

I think i'm just gonna go through some of these and like maybe state some facts about

myself so that you guys *gestures with phone* can get to know me better.

so, this first thing- i think im gonna screenshot them and put them up

"introverted or extroverted?" so i got 62% votes on introvert, and 38 on

extrovert I'm an intrOVert.

Like even though all the videos i've posted on this channel are me travelling...I actually

hate leaving the house and i only do it when it's ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY,

i'm about to die, i have no water, no food.

( *greyscale zoom in * wow that's depressing)

how do i say this in a way that doesnt make

me sound like a loner

(kahoot waiting music)

Like.. when i go to parties - I've only been to 1 party by the way, like, she's-she's not

popular.*laugh wheezes* The one party i went to I was SO NERVOUS about

all these new people and just the environment it was all dark like i couldnt see anyones

faces it was like - was there a smoke machine? idontknow -there was like a lazer light thing happening...

and i had come with one of my friends, so i basically stuck to her the whole time

and she's very social, she's like going around talking to everyone, and there's me in the

corner like *haha awkward laugh* wait for me i don't like new people *weird hand*i get

nERvous- like, sure meeting one or two people or three idk *laugh* at a time... I'll be

a little bit better. I'll still be a little more like - i'll be

a little more reserved than i usually am around my friends, but

i wont be as nervous as if i was in like. As- compared to. as if? I??

*windows shutting down noise*

when- Byelingual- ADIOS lingual

I cant believe i just quoted a *bark* instagram meme

pOInt is, i get really nervous when I'm like surrounded by large groups of people.


should i do like a 2013 youtuber switch angles???

switch sides?cut. The next one is-

"sweet or sarcastic?" so i got 29% sweet, and 71% sarcastic.

whoeVEr vOTED. SWEET. YOu Don't knOw me.*laugh*

if you are one of my very close friends you'll KNOW.

She's a sarcastic bih *laugh* But, I mean like

thank you everyone who voted sweet, like, thank you 'cus you all think i'm nice-

but, i'm really not so... *awkward smile* NEXt

anyway- the next poll was "sleep too much or too little?"

um..I basically- my sleep schedule be messed up af-

I go to sleep at like 5 am- sorry mom! if you're watching this

she thinks i sleep at like 3am- like that's still bad but also *hair flip*

5 *hand gesture* But i do acTually sleep for like 9 hours so

i go to sleep at 5 and then i - *stares at hand*

*counting fingers bc i cant do math*

aCtually i dont get up at 2 i wake up at like

12?but now i've been getting up at 11 so i only get like??

*mentally calculating* 6 hours of sleep *sassy smile*

she's math. She's so good at math *laugh* "Hard stan or Soft stan?"

Why do i keep showing my phone when I'm probably just going to insert images???

*massages brain in frustration*

i am a hard stan.

in case you didnt know-

you can't tell but there's a wall back here- i'll get like a video of it

there's a wall. back here in this room. where-

this room? IN MY ROOm. Where I just have like these little, like

concert tickets from my favourite bands and artists

and, little posters and *bark*- so like, she's a HARD stan-

I had a 5SOS fAn account for A YEAR. Until i went on hiatus and i never came back

( like one direction jk pls come back ) like- IF ...

i also stan marvel, so lets say someone says they like DC more than marvel- which

fiRSTOFALL. *hides finger*

why? i will proteCT my *beans*

*disgusted look* EW i hate myselF what the *bark* (Stay monetised children)

i sound like such a like 2013 fandom girl uh-

*smack* I will stand up for my fandom

i will stand up *smack* for the people that I STAN

Hard. *fistbump* stan. *fistbump* "outspoken or shy?"

so this... depends *laugh* depends on the people that, im, with??

at the point in time in which *tap*this question*tap* applies to *tap*

i didnt even see the percentage!- i got 77% outspoken and 23% shy-

so because most of the people on this account know me very.. well??? i .. would say?

they know like- when i'm around them, and because im COMfortAble around them, i'll be

very straight forward about things. but if i'm around people i dont really know

that well yet i will be shy

or if i'm around adults.. because *finger guns*y'all scARE me!

But i'm finna be an adult in like a yeAR so!! excited...

for.. responsibilites...

and DEATh. *mad world intro*

I mean that's it- those are all the questions that i put on my instagram

so, hope you enjoyed :) like and subscribe *laugh*

*sassy voice* turn on post notifications rINg that little BEll *laughs*

i haTe myself I'm gonna try and upload like-

i don't wanna put myself on a schedule because this is another thing about me

quality >Quantity *peace signs* whenever i film a video it's probably gonna

be because i'm procrastinating from work because

*thinking* yes.

idontknow- just because like- i want to avoid work and i'm a very good rolemodel -

anyway! videos in my opinion should be quality>quantity like-

it doesnt matter if you're uploading on a weekly schedule if what you're uploading is...

like- i almost totally shaded someone *laughs*

uh.. if what you're uploading is like

a haul is ok? i guess? but not every single week like here is my hAUl... of stuff i bought

from.. the supermarket -targET? idk i dont.. live

in america what the frickin heck (stay monetised) is a target i dont know?

but yeah quality over quantity. and. *fistbump*

this is a pretty *bark* quality one, but i'm probably going to spend at least 2 days editing

because *points at self*

im not that good yet.. so..

that is all. thank you for watching :)

*peace signs* what am- i dont have an outro yet

For more infomation >> introducing me, - Duration: 7:45.


How To Make Origami Shrimp | Handicraft Straws Shrimp Simple & Easy Cute - Duration: 10:55.

How To Make Origami Shrimp | Handicraft Straws Shrimp Simple & Easy Cute

For more infomation >> How To Make Origami Shrimp | Handicraft Straws Shrimp Simple & Easy Cute - Duration: 10:55.



hey guys back with another video today I'm talking about people who are like

you are starving yourself you cannot go 30 days on a juice cleanse and not get

sick listen I did 104 day juice fast from January to April and I was fine and

I had took away the love for juicing from that juice cleanse I don't eat any

solid foods unless I have a 16 to 32 ounce juice daily before any solid meals

when I got on this weight-loss journey and January 2018 I made a promise to

myself that not only did I want to lose the weight but I wanted to detoxify and

heal the body as well because I had ailments that were going on with my body

from the way I was eating and my lifestyle that I needed to heal and I

knew that it was from the whales eating and the things that I was doing in my

past life example anxiety sleep problems twitching muscle spasms all of those

things were how I was eating in the way I was living in my former life and I

took away from juicing juicing uh some people usually get turned off from

juicing after they juice for so long they don't want to taste another juice

but I feel as though things happen for a reason God puts things in your life for

reason and things that you take away positive from those journeys they could

be good or bad in my case it was good I took away juicing I used 32 ounce 16 to

32 ounce juice every day to keep track of my detoxing and healing protocol that

I am going to follow for the rest of my life now I stopped juicing full time got

off the solid food vacation the end of April 2018 and I have not stopped drink

juices sense so let's say April May June July August September it's about six

months I still have a 32-ounce I say 16 to 32 ounces but it's been 32 ounces

unless it's a day where I'm really short on fruits and vegetables I'll make a 16

ounce juice but for the most part it's been very few days of the 16 ounce

juices I always make a 32 ounce juice before I have a solid meal and then

whatever I'm going to eat for that day then I eat that that's when I'm

obligated to eat that after I get in my juice which is consistently detox in the

body by having these fresh fruits and vegetable juices not smoothies but

juices and my body is conditioned at this point if you go 104 days on the

juice cleanse no sir all the foods and you continue to juice six months after

your juice cleanse is over your juice fast is over you still drink 32 ounces

of a juice there's nothing different that I'm doing in my everyday life that

I haven't done after leaving that other juice fasts that I did along all I'm

doing right now is I'm taking away that meal because I'm probably only eating a

meal a day anyways with a few snacks and recently it's only been a meal the old

mad no snacks at all so all I'm taking away now is that meal

and I'm replacing it with juice and what people don't understand is juice is food

in liquid form you're removing the pulp the fiber out of the juice and it's

making it easier a hundred percent easier to absorb into the bloodstream

and you get a hundred percent nutrition and absorption from the fruits and

vegetable juice that you make every day so I'm not starving myself no means am i

starving myself I'm going to continue on my juice fast if you guys would like to

join me I got 30 days I got time and I would not say no to you if anything you

would motivate me even more but if you don't want to join I'm still motivating

myself so with all that being said please subscribe to the channel like and

she had this video and make it a favorite and I'll see you guys in the

next video bye for now

For more infomation >> I AM NOT STARVING MYSELF ON THIS JUICE FAST - Duration: 4:51.


Xem Cách Thương Lái Thu Hoạch Mít Thái Tại Vườn NTN | MTPL - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> Xem Cách Thương Lái Thu Hoạch Mít Thái Tại Vườn NTN | MTPL - Duration: 10:33.


India Vs West Indies 2nd test match 2nd day highlights, Cricket Highlights - Duration: 15:04.


Just matt has already had plenty of ebbs and flows you access

As things stand it's India well ahead in

Is right now just three runs behind is where the Indian team is

308 for four at the moment 85 not out is rishabh bunt then

also 75 not out at the moment our gene Kiara hani that partnership between the

246 runs that's what's taken. India 2 3 0 8 4 4 just three runs behind the West Indies total of

311 that they got in the first innings

I did a garter and caught me watch with me while I keep asking them questions if you have any questions of your own and

if you're watching us on our

YouTube channel or the Facebook page do write in your question and I'll try and take some of those while we discuss I'd start with

You Courtney, it was a golden opportunity. We were talking in tee time for for West Indies to really rest the initiative you'd reckon

They've missed out on it now

I mean India played well the session of losing any peridot we get I thought just before it's you and they got

Julio who have sort of giving them a leaf and you know something good to work with but I am

Did well I

Probably was not as I probably could have the beginning of their after the new batsmen in ends

I'm yellow and they get settled in and it shows it's still a good button track

Take nothing away from batsman. They're played extremely well, they should patience. The shark selection was good. They warned of

Uncomfortable face India as it is now to eat for for definitely

That's more or less as far as I'm concerned level of the Tesla's with India slightly

Vantage's position as good. He says are you we were talking about West Indies getting a first inning lead as things stand right now

They've got a you know tough task ahead with what in just in six wickets, man

Yeah, I think they missed out a little bit I think

Probably didn't attack and by attack don't mean that magic. Yeah, four or five slips or not that sort of surface

I think the right bowlers didn't bull after T

Basu ball really well be forty almost created a chance again spun, you know a punt is going to play a certain way

After T

Maybe it was almost decided off spinner will come and Bowl

Rozlyn case just comes on both straight away bitch who doesn't Bowl for a while

Holder holder again. Just fourteen hours in the day the best bowler

I don't know whether it's a case with coming back from an injury, and that's what

Maybe restricting his bowling. Should I bowled a lot more the way he's Bowl through the day and Gabriel

They're probably their best bowler. Not quite at his best today that's called again

You know what? We said at the start of this game keep a roach

Could have made a huge difference and and it's not hindsight

I think everyone said it at the start of this match, you know, suddenly unless you have two or three good quality spinners

Who are going to make a difference in the game then it's fine


You need to pick your four or five best bowlers and and my opinion Roach is certainly one of may have made a difference that

Catch of course could have been interesting if their who held on to resharpen

but apart from that, you know, I think Western is

Possibly didn't attack with the best bowlers for period or time marketing. Okay. We'll talk about the rotation of the ball as well

But I take that point as you mentioned Hema Roach Ajith mentions Courtney West Indies really missing him badly


Someone like him on the bench and not jealous. He's not fully fit

He's our best fastball as he shows us his stats shows that

The last couple of series really dominated his confidence aside, so I'm not sure if he came about chet legardie

Pray to Siemens, but that's a risk I would adopt a guess but for two reasons one

Because of injury, we don't know how well that might stand up is a possibility might not


Another backup and that backup is tomorrow


It certainly in the top two. He's been dominant

And if they had him in because

He's one of the guys who on this day Chan will attest much for you

So you need to have him in and if it meant having him at the expense of either a subpoena or another bus button

I love going for the option of leaving

Not one day finally on the backs time not it's not a case of you drop in them

But you're picking on also courses because this this is a case much you want

And I think they have missed

Then not me never the heart is XP

Yes didn't for a little bit more because you

Give it enough time to Rico


What said that he may be fit to bat may not be really fit to Bowl that ankle still probably troubling him

We really don't know he's bored about what all the more reason then you go in with two seamers. Yes

Yeah, which which is hard to understand

I mean the three spinners was steady, but at no point that they look like, you know bowling in doubt

It was both the Seema's who look like getting a wicked every time

they come I had a better chance of getting a weaker when they when they bowled so

Yeah, they've got that decision wrong. Unfortunately West Indies

Okay, the other point Ajit makes a coutny about you know

Really resting the advantage at that time one is of course again aggressive feel place when the other that he talks about is he's picking

the right bowlers

Did you get a feeling that the windi's were probably just you know, captain hold?

I had that in mind that he's got five bowlers at his disposal including himself

So rather than you know pick the bowler who's and for more always looking good

He went for rotation of the bowlers and ensuring that everyone gets an equal opportunity to go

Maybe I mean that's the way to look when you look here but I mean what I said about

Bishop o'linn, so Wells before the break

you expected him to start off with a break because he was looking unsung you look as if he could get away kid and

Shawn with as he said you lost off I've said you could have so many from the button just a certain Chris

Wheezes I've gotten back into the

And it's 75 not

Marty wasn't looking if the fluid best that we've sometimes seen him but important runs for him. Yeah, just

Grind out that he thinks he needs runs. He knows that you can see it in his body language or the way

He approaches his innings at the moment


Made sorry bad it time

And without Kohli initially with him and Irish up on both planning so fluently. I took that pressure off him as well

But a really important means not just for him but in the context of the game as well

I mean India at one point, we're in a tricky situation

You break this partnership early on

and then you suddenly have a

general matter dwell and

Ashwin who can bad but under a lot of pressure with a lot more runs for the West Indies to play with so important ins

For him particularly, you know you can see short of confidence at the moment

But played played time played

took his took a little bit of extra time that maybe on other days when he is a bit more confident would have but

Really good innings and a keen he's okay this partnership for Courtney 146 runs

Effectively the partnership that's kind of taking the game away from the wind ease at the moment

It all could have been different as Ajit says it had this partnership being broken earlier those two dropped catches one

Of course

we saw the keeper let go the one in the outfield as well a punt right to hit a

you know ball over the infield you

Think West Indies now would be left wondering what might have been had they got hold of those chances

Well for sure, I mean especially the one off here because it was a Taku short time and he was fresh estilo

So unconfident. Sue them, you know bred into his attack. Yeah

It's you know, you've probably

In that spell but it wasn't to be so there was value in the chances that chance would have been a coup show on and

It's love given in Manila and the bola

But an Ashley, but if they come in on a little bit of pressure obviously

It's gonna take a toll on them and to have been good to see how they cope with that solid pressure

Saw a big misstep by the Westin laughing, okay

Generally should you have you with fish off first and then you have jewelry up one they all the t20 generation

They're back like that in tester

Yeah, but I mean the you saw a shop online, but we shall both can still defend the ball, which is why they're succeeding

I mean we chiffon has just

Changed how this Indian team suddenly

Changes the game. We saw it in England a couple of innings and we've seen here 19 the previous test and today

What a luxury for without Kohli to have if he keeps improving like he does

You know at number six because can change the game in a matter of a session and still

Plays, you know normal cricketing shots

Has been really impressive in what five test career and two three. So again carrying on from that previous innings that yet, so

Yeah, just sets the game up very quickly for in depth 308 runs in were 80 81 overs

Today in spite of being under pressure at times through the course of this

Headings and West Indies, you know in that session after lunch bowling while still scoring at are really healthy rate

So yeah, these two guys are going to be key. Hopefully they keep on getting better as they want. Okay?

We've got a question, you know based on because I was talking about Arjun Khurana

You've got a question here from David Scala

He wants to know, you know should rouhani continue to be the anchor and in allow rish up to just freeze arms

I mean, it's the second or the test, you know, someone who's a little bit low on confident

We saw how that the start is. Well trying to get into his innings a bit

There's nothing wrong, you know is you obviously picked up later on

Like I said on another day once you're thirty forty you might have started to you know

Take a few more chances early on but I think that's still a crucial innings

So for the team and particularly for his confidence because it doesn't matter whether whether he plays as an anchor as long as he's there

others can still bat

freely around him and

India needs part now they put themselves in a position where they can the bat in the next session or session and a half well

you know, they'll probably

The biggest difference between the two side

We've you've seen the track pretty easy for the batsman, but the difference effectively has been you saw some Windies

That's when get great starts

But then they would give away their kids when they reach one thirty thirty-five forty whereas we've got to see the Indian batsman

Most of them who got good starts have gone on to get you know

Seventies and eighties and that's been the biggest difference between the two things

Yeah, what I've mentioned up from the first test much that you know once you get a start

Especially on these Indian condition as much then once you get to 15 20 25 M

you've got to give you should be able to try the bar ticket in excess or 60 or 70 and not

Get out softest of a speaker

I think that I mean the big difference once the Indian batsman getting they try to back up on I

Mean they all get close to 50


I mean, they've got a little bit more experience than the West Indian batsmen are some of the West Indian batsman

But hopefully they'll learn from that to realize that I mean in good muscle

See that he probably said that you know the 20 came quickly what

Would have been better secondly Lindsay did that he made of adjustment he got a 50-something give him confidence and

Advantages position at the moment West India would now try to be the more defensive team because they're you know chasing the game

What do you do from here on because the pitch looks good for batting?

But I hope they're not defensive first thing in the morning because if they can still prize India out

In the next one 50 60 maybe 70 runs

India still have to bat last they will naturally be somewhere in there. It's the third day tomorrow

it does look good the pitch, but you don't know how it starts behaving by the end of third Dean and the

Sub-continent things start happening very quickly. You can see the cracks. We don't know whether they lose


They're very well

Might so they they don't they wanted there to be chasing anything in an excess of 150 once inside maybe

200 on that last day if if it turns out that way so I don't think they should

Sort of be on the defense you I think the new balls do now

They'll probably take that in the morning again if they can break this partnership. We'll get these two out

Fairly early in the still three behind them

That's the way they should are. Ideally they should look at it. I mean, they need wickets. It can't just wait for India to

You know make a mistake because at the moment both bunt and rania doesn't look like they're going to make any mistakes outright

That's all that we have time for Cody watch. Ah, gee

Thanks so much for joining us as I said plenty of ebbs and flow in this match at the moment

It all looks even just even as far as the squad is concerned

But you got to remember that India still have six wickets in hand. We've got an exciting day of cricket coming up day three

We'll be back with ESPNcricinfo matchday tomorrow, but for the moment, that's all that we have


You you


For more infomation >> India Vs West Indies 2nd test match 2nd day highlights, Cricket Highlights - Duration: 15:04.


А ТЫ пробовал Смузи с сельдереем и киви? - Duration: 1:53.

Ingredients: celery - 2 stems; green apple - 1 piece; kiwi - 1 piece; parsley - a small bunch; honey - 1 teaspoon

Hello! Today we are preparing smoothie with celery

The first step is to prepare the celery

Rinse the celery, peel and cut

Put chopped celery in a blender bowl

Peel the apple and slice it

Put the apple in the blender bowl

Peel and slice kiwi

Chop the parsley

Add honey

Whip all with blender

Pour the smoothie into the jar. Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> А ТЫ пробовал Смузи с сельдереем и киви? - Duration: 1:53.


Unboxing Petit Vour Beauty Box Septiembre 2018 - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> Unboxing Petit Vour Beauty Box Septiembre 2018 - Duration: 12:08.


乙女座の運勢【山田ケンタウルス】10/15(月)から10/21(日)まで: 乃木坂46 / きっかけ - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 乙女座の運勢【山田ケンタウルス】10/15(月)から10/21(日)まで: 乃木坂46 / きっかけ - Duration: 5:19.


【THAC TV】AMV翻譯 名留青史 Centuries - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 【THAC TV】AMV翻譯 名留青史 Centuries - Duration: 3:41.


CHARLIE LENEHAN ANGERUFEN?! | Telefon Challenge im Hotel - Duration: 5:42.

What was the name again?


Yes. From reservation.

Yes exactly.

Hi! -Hi! Today we're doing a nimm-s in den Mund Challenge!

Each of us will call a hotel

and has to use ten terms

Or just as many as possible until the other one notices

it's a prank

and the winner is the one who used more terms.

I hope today you can count to more than six. Let's start!

Good evening, Hotel ****. My name is ****. How may I help you?

Hello, my name is Stein. I got a question.

I found your hotel on the internet and would like to book a room with my brother.

We want to spend some time in Munich. I always say Bros before hoes.

He is still underage. How much is the room in that case?

150 € for tonight.

No, not for today. I wanted to come in one month. Mid-November.

For one month? -Yes. In a month.

In a month. OK. It is better if you try to call our reservation tomorrow from 9 a.m.

That department is closed at the moment.

Yes. But I actually have a few general questions.


So if my brother is underage

Does he count as adult, or ...?

That counts as a normal adult.

Pricewise? -Yes.

OK. And I have some more questions about the room, because I couldn't see that.

Are there any supplies included? Like shampoo and unconditional?


And about the TV ... is there a HDMI port?


Do the TVs have a HDMI port?

Yes. They have.

HDMI port. That means I can bring my playstation for GTA V? Because my brother is playing ...

Please try again tomorrow at 9 a.m.

Ok, so if I'd already tell you my bank details now ...

How many did you use?!

That was good!

How am I supposed to do that now?

I'm scared!

Good evening **** **** my name. How may I help you?

Good evening, Stein.

I already called today and talked to Mr. Charlie Lenehan.

He's probably not there anymore, right?

What was the name again? Mr. ...?

Lenehan. I already-

Yes. From reservation.

Yes exactly.

Exactly. No, he's not here anymore. From 7:30 a.m. again.

But maybe you can help me as well. I have only a few general questions

Because I would like to book for next month

but it's the first time I book a room myself.

I just turned 18

and I have some allergies. So I just wanted to ask you in general

Are there pot plants in the room?

Because I'm a bitallergic to them. Then I can prepare for that.

Um, well, you better ask the reservation department about that.

Unfortunately, I can't help you with that.

OK. But the breakfast. What about that?

Because the last time I traveled with my mum

according to the motto "Water is life" I could only

drink water because they didn't offer coffee. But you do, right?

For breakfast. -Yes.

Ok, and another question about ... Are the rooms with balconies?

No, unfortunately not.

OK. That means I have to be a bit ... because I'm a bit

Allergic to the sun. But then that's fine that's ok, then I know.

And the hotel is close to the train station, right? That means it's quite central.

Because I would like to got to some souvenir shops.

Merchandise. I am in Munich for the first time.

No, but very, very cool. The rooms are ... they are white, right?

Because I'm such a bluesky lover. Do you have blue rooms?

Yes. -Cool! So that means I can ask for that at reservation tomorrow

if I can book a room like this.

Exactly, right.

OK., cool. Because I'm visiting the Lochiversum concert next week

and I am already excited!

But cool. So I can make the reservation tomorrow.

Exactly, right. From 7:30 a.m. the colleagues are there.

Cool. Then I'm looking forward and dance the Roflcopter today. Thanks a lot.

No problem, all right.

Thank you, see you tomorrow! -With pleasure. -Ciao!

What was that?

"Mr. Charlie Lenehan, yes, yes.

The guy from reservation."

I can call Charlie Lenehan tomorrow!

I don't know how many terms I used.

That was really awesome!

Well, now we know now that we can call Charlie Lenehan tomorrow to book a hotel room.

I really lost this time, but I want revenge.

I won't surrender. -Definitely! And we need you for that:

Write some terms in the comments that we have to use next time!

And then watch our last challenge at Oktoberfest.

Or you watch our nimm-s in den Mund Challenge with Bars and Melody.

Have fun and see you next time!


Taking a d*mp and holding the phone into the toilet bowl.

You realize what happens to your phone then, right?

For more infomation >> CHARLIE LENEHAN ANGERUFEN?! | Telefon Challenge im Hotel - Duration: 5:42.


How To Avoid YouTube Copyright Strikes - Duration: 8:22.

If you want to know how to avoid YouTube copyright strikes then be sure to stick

around until the end because I'm gonna show you exactly how what's going on my

name is Devin Street helping you build your online presence and today we're

going to be talking about how you can avoid YouTube copyright strikes to keep

your channel in good standings but if you're not already subscribed go ahead

and click that subscribe button there's a new video every single Sunday showing

you how you can grow on YouTube so before we talk about how to avoid

YouTube copyright strikes we need to get across what is copyright so my

definition of copyright is basically copyright is someone's legal right to

something that they've created and the ability to let other people use that and

for the most part people don't want to get their copyright away to other people

let's think about this you make a YouTube documentary and post it on

YouTube and you get 10 million views on it and you don't have any copyright on

this somehow because copyright doesn't exist and basically people just steal

this from you and start uploading their own and people are going to that video

instead of yours and you can't do anything about it you can just watch

them get views from your documentary that you created so obviously you

wouldn't want other people to make money off of your work that you've created so

that's why copyright is in place it's usually in all countries that you can

find it changes from country to country the laws but YouTube's copyright is its

own thing that is very important to keep in mind

you see YouTube is trying to protect people's copyright of things they own

this could be anything from a movie a song to another YouTube video so let's

say you just bought the movie road one you can't just burn that onto a disc and

then upload it onto YouTube and then let everyone watch rogue one

for free that's just taking away the money from Lucasfilm so copyrights in

place to keep you from doing that kind of stuff so now how do we avoid these

copyright strikes in our videos because it can be pretty serious because YouTube

can delete your channel from copyright strikes so you don't want your channel

deleted at all so you need to pay attention to this because this deals

with very serious matters that could have your channel deleted and have you

end up in court so pay attention and just to get this out of the way I'm not

a logger in any way I don't fully understand every single aspect of

copyright but this should keep you safe on YouTube my number one rule is don't

use fair reuse as your safety net if you don't know what fair use is is this law

that as long as you're taking something and changing it in some way it's okay

for you to use but here's the honest thing fair use does not hold up that

well and many court systems so on YouTube if you're trying to say well I'm

just using fair use then that's not the best argument sure you can take this and

if your remix in it so much then it is your work if you're just commenting on

certain some certain topic then that's fine but you have to definitely be

careful with this because fair use is a very very tricky ground to deal with and

I would never rely on fair use because it can still wind you up in trouble and

most of the time what you think is fair use the use US government or the UK

government or any form of government or YouTube itself may think differently

than you just because you think something's very used they may think

something different so just keep that in mind and steer clear of fair use because

it's not that safe as you think it may be the second tip is pretty obvious just

don't use other people's stuff especially without their permission

and basically just don't take people's stuff don't take clips from movies and

just throw it into your video thinking you're safe don't take people's music

especially music is the worst thing on YouTube for copyright don't take that

music and throw it into your video because it's most likely going to get

you a copyright claim or a copyright strike so you need to look out for these

kind of things avoid using other people's stuff because

trust me there's other ways to do this that we're going to talk about right now

so you want to use some music in your YouTube videos but you can't use the

newest song by Drake or something so what are you supposed to do well there's

lots of things called royalty-free music and no copyright music this kind of

stuff doesn't have a copyright on it and it's fair to use based on some certain

conditions these conditions could be you have to pay a membership to get these

sites that have these music or you may have to just put a credit to the people

who made the music or sometimes there's nothing you have to do you just take the

music and put it in your video the best place you can find this kind of music on

YouTube is a channel called nocopyrightsounds they upload all kinds

of music all kinds of genres over different tones different types of music

it's great to use all you have to do is usually give credit to the person who

created the music and then you can just simply use it you know even gives you a

link to go directly to download this music to put it right into your video

that you're editing now that we've talked about that music how do you do

this kind of video stuff well there's also a thing called stop video that you

can use in your videos to create that image that you need and right now on the

screen right now this is some stock video that you could use in your YouTube

videos or absolutely free I got this from the side called pixels dot-com so

I'll go ahead and leave a link to that in the description you can go there it's

absolutely free to download these videos just make sure you're following

all the rules when you put this into your video but there's also a paid

service called video blocks it has so so many different types of stock video and

I'll leave a link to that in the description below too so you can check

that out it is paid but there is so much there and also you can get a free trial

just to check it out for a couple days I highly suggest you just give it a try

because there's so much on there and they have pretty much any video you're

looking for so it's gonna be very very helpful when you need a video to create

some kind of image to your audience when you're editing your videos these are the

simple ways that you can stay clear of getting a youtube copyright strike and

you're gonna keep yourself and your channel safe and that way you shouldn't

have any problems on YouTube and shout out to April Braswell who commented on a

video tongue that she subbed she loves the content on here and she's can't wait

to check out tell her friends about it and all that and she is just a great

person I'm glad she's here on the channel to check out these videos but if

you want to get a shout out like April all you have to do is go down into the

comments and tell me why you subscribed and what you like about the video be

sure your subscribe to the channel I can check to make sure if you're subscribed

and just keep in mind commenting multiple times telling me you subscribe

could get you eliminated from being shouted out in a video but if you want

to grow on YouTube and you're not already subscribed go ahead and click

that subscribe I con right there and you'll be subscribed to the channel and

then check out another video I want to thank you for watching until the very

end of this video and I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How To Avoid YouTube Copyright Strikes - Duration: 8:22.


[字幕あり]【PUBG モバイル25】 こしょこしょ話&ドン勝 | アフロモTV PUBG mobile Let's Play 'Sniper mode #1' AfromoTV - Duration: 16:27.

For more infomation >> [字幕あり]【PUBG モバイル25】 こしょこしょ話&ドン勝 | アフロモTV PUBG mobile Let's Play 'Sniper mode #1' AfromoTV - Duration: 16:27.


Letting My Followers Help Me Find Love ♥️ - Duration: 7:22.

Hi everyone welcome back to my channel.

So today's video is going to be exciting because I'm going to personally need your help.

Now I am thirty four years old and I am single.

I am ready to get back out and start dating and I'm still a romantic at heart and like

to believe that love is still somewhere out there for me.

So before we go ahead and jump into the video please hit the subscribe button for me.

Also be sure to hit the little bell icon that way you get notified on any of my latest videos.

So if you're interested in knowing how you're going to help me personally find love please

keep watching.

Alright guys so here is the deal.

I need you guys to all come together and help me create the perfect online dating profile.

Alright so first thing is I need to actually pick a dating website.

Now there are so many to choose from.

There's Zoosk Bumble Eharmony Match Tinder.

Please don't suggest Tinder.

I'm not down for that one because we all know what that one is about.

What else.

Did I say match eharmony.

Oh plenty of fish.

Yeah so some of them are paid websites and some of them are free.

So please comment down below.

Let me know your suggestion.

Let me know if you've tried any of these.

What's your experience with them.

Do you think a paid website versus a free website is better.

Did you find your soulmate on any of these websites.

Which one.

Please let me know anything and everything about dating websites down below.

Now when you go to set up a dating profile you actually need to pick a profile picture

because that's the first thing that's going to grab someone's attention.

So I actually need help picking the right photo.

Now a lot of my photos are my modelling pictures or a lot of them are selfies because I do

alot of makeup and fashion photos on my social media.

So like I am flooded with those types of photos.

I don't really have general everyday kind of photos because I only have a few close

friends and they're all married with kids so we don't get together all that often so

I don't have a lot of those kind of casual just hanging out with friends kind of photos.

So a lot of my photos are selfies and my modelling photos.

But here is the dilemma with that.

Some of those photos can be risque and they might attract the wrong guy but that's what

I do so should I just pretend that's not what I do and avoid that.

And with the selfies I know a lot of guys.

don't like heavy makeup.

I have been told that the type of photos that I post are going to attract the wrong type

of guy who's only into one thing.

Now the thing is I'm looking for an average Joe.

I want a true gentleman.

So I don't want the first message a guy sends me is Oh your picture looks hot.

You look so sexy.

Nope I don't want that.

What do you guys think?

What should I do?

What kind of photo?

Should I put up this photo?

Maybe I'm overthinking this I don't know.

If you happen to follow me on social media and you scroll through my Instagram or my

Facebook and you see a photo that would make a great profile picture comment on that photo.

Let me know.

So the next part of your profile is your description.

So this is where you talk about yourself your interests etcetera.

Now I find this part a little bit difficult.

I'm a little uncomfortable because it's like your selling yourself.

I don't really know how to describe myself without feeling weird.

I don't know.

I don't know if you get what I'm saying but anyways so what I'm thinking is maybe I can

tell you guys a bunch of my interests a little more about me and then you guys can help me

put together maybe a paragraph down below.

So here are a few key facts about myself.

One we already know that I am a fashion beauty and lifestyle influencer so I love fashion.

I love shoes.

I love makeup.

I love beauty.

Is that something I should actually include in my description or do you think that would

be a turn off.

I'm also a cat lady.

Not a crazy cat lady.

A huge animal lover.

In my spare time I like to draw or read.

I'm a huge family person so I love spending time with family.

I love binge watching TV shows or movies some of those include This Is Us, Grey's Anatomy,

Walking Dead, Game of Thrones.

What else can I say about myself?

See this is what happens.

I get stuck and have no idea what to say.

I'm university educated.

I have a BA with honours in Psychology.

For fun I like going to the movies.

I like playing pool.

Kind of a little weird fact about me.

I have am a huge bubblegum feen.

I love bubblegum.

So yeah instead of coming to my door with a huge bouquet of flowers bring me some bubblegum.

Now if you do pay attention to my YouTube channel you also know I have discussed that

I am on disability because I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Now I do this Youtube Instagram social media thing kind of as a side job so I am a little

bit self employed on the side trying to make that a career.

So is that something I should include in my description that I'm on disability.

Is that going to turn off a guy.

But at the same time I want a guy to like me for who I am but I don't want to scare

him off right away right.

So you tell me.

What should I do?

The next part of the dating profile is you have to describe your ideal first date.

So this is another area of my dating profile that makes me really uncomfortable.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I don't know.

But my situation is because I am on disability I don't make a lot of money.

I'm not rich by any means.

So I just worry let's say on a first date a guy wants to take me somewhere fancy and

you know we're living in modern day in age where people split the bill.

There are still those guys out there who love to always pay and spoil the woman.

That is fine but you don't know that that's going to happen right so what if we get there

and he wants to split the bill and I can't afford it.

So is that something I should state as well in my profile that maybe our dates need to

be kind of more on the inexpensive side because I am on disability.

I don't know.

Alright guys so that's the basic gist of what is required in creating an online dating profile.

So I would really appreciate it if you could give me any advice on the areas that I mentioned

or if I missed something or if you have any other kind of online dating advice please

comment down below.

Alright guys thank you so much for tuning into my channel and watching again.

I truly appreciate it.

Please feel free to check out any of my latest videos.

Also be sure to follow me on social media I will put all the links down below for you.

And wish me luck as I head out back into the dating world and I will see you guys next


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