Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

Booooo! I'm the flying plaid!

"The Ghost Monument" is over, it's time to react Instantly!

The Doctor and her friends crash in the middle of Paris-Dakar in space.

Will she win the jackpot?

The race is about two contestants racing.

But except some sentences, they never fully seem in competition.

The guy says all the time he relies only on himself.

So why do you stay so much with everybody else?

We follow them in various trials, but they never really seem endangered.

Everything sorts itself out easily or predictably.

They're on a boat on a sea of flesh eating bacteria, but nothing happen. They just cross the sea.

The robots really don't honour their name "snipers" as they are terrible shooters.

And there are talking linens. -"I'm a talking linen!"

Talking linens. Alright, I guess.

But there are lots of humours and references,

and I really enjoyed the way they were put there.

We want to know more about the contestants.

I'm fond of the woman and we know pretty much about her, but I would like to feel even more close to her.

Not much evolution on the companions' side,

but I want to talk about the Doctor at the end of the episode.

She is defeatist because she can't find her TARDIS and it troubled me to see her this way.

Although, I think the scene would have been more powerful if we didn't saw the TARDIS at the start of the race,

as if the Doctor has entirely imagined it should be the TARDIS, but without any proof.

But then she founds the TARDIS and I was like "it's so sweet"!

It's weird but moving and nice to discover the TARDIS's inside through the Doctor's eyes and not her companions'.

Let's talk about the TARDIS design.

I love the central panel, the buttons, the hourglass... the cookie machine!

On first sight, I'm not fond of the crystal pillars, which will probably look great with use of various lights and colours,

but it's so radically different from the previous console room, I guess I just need a little time to fully embrace it.

Speaking of radical change, the new titles gave me goosebumps!

A real renewed Classic vibe goes through the look and the theme, it's what I needed. It's beautiful.

But I don't get why it wasn't on episode 1 as it contains nothing revealed in episode 1.

Well, now... I don't really want to talk about it but I have to.

Remember went I was saying in my episode 1 review that the Stenza was casual and not memorable?

Well, it seems I will probably say it several time this series... Great.

And for "The Timeless Child"... I don't feel good about it, but I hope I'm wrong.

So... This episode was okay, but it will probably be remembered only for the TARDIS discovery scene.

What did you thing of "The Ghost Monument"? Tell us in the comment!

See you next week for "Rosa" and...

Kisses Zarbis!

For more infomation >> Doctor Who - THE GHOST MONUMENT - Review (A Chaud) - Duration: 3:14.


hyunjin's crackhead behavior - Duration: 3:38.

hyunjin: no wait-

heejin: why?






heejin: is this not it!??

heejin: is this not it!!?

hyunjin: jigeum..! (Love&Live)

jinsoul: summer unit hot unit~

choerry: summer unit~ hot unit~




For more infomation >> hyunjin's crackhead behavior - Duration: 3:38.


Kendrick Lamar x Eminem x Kanye West x Schoolboy Q Type Beat - Humble - West Coast Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 5:42.

For more Type Beats & Instrumentals visit

For more infomation >> Kendrick Lamar x Eminem x Kanye West x Schoolboy Q Type Beat - Humble - West Coast Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 5:42.


Photoshop: How to Create a Vintage TV Interference GLITCH Portrait - Duration: 12:48.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I'm going to show you how to quickly create a vintage, black and white, CRT TV interference glitch.

This is an update of tutorials I've done on earlier versions of Photoshop.

I provided this image of shape of a cathode ray tube TV screen.

its link is in my video's description or project files.

Before we begin, if you're not already a subscriber to my channel, hit that small, Subscriber

button at the lower, right corner.

If I've helped you learn or improve in Photoshop and you'd like to help support my channel,

become a channel member by clicking the "Join" button below the video or become a patron

by clicking the Patreon card at the upper, right.

Either way, you'll be helping to keep my tutorials free.

Open a photo of someone or something that you'd like to use for this project.

I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.

To ensure that the setting amounts that will have similar results as mine, check your photo's

size and resolution.

Go to Image and Image Size.

Make its resolution 72 pixels per inch and its width and height somewhere in this neighborhood.

To place the photo onto the TV shape I provided, make sure your Move Tool is open.

If it isn't, press "v" on your keyboard.

Drag the photo onto the tab of the TV shape.

Without releasing your mouse or pen, press and hold "Shift", drag it down and release.

Pressing Shift kept your photo centered.

Unlock the TV shape and drag it above your photo.

Change its Blend Mode to "Multiply".

If you want to resize your photo inside the shape, make your photo active and open your

Transform Tool by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + T. Go to a corner and when you see a diagonal,

double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag it in or out.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Next, we'll create scan lines.

Make a new layer below the active layer by Ctrl-clicking or Cmd-clicking the New Layer icon.

We'll fill the empty layer with 50% gray.

To do this, press Shift + the F5 key at the top of your keyboard to open the "Fill" window.

Or you can go to Edit and "Fill".

Open the "Contents" list and click "50% grey".

Make sure your foreground and background colors are black and white respectively.

If they're not, press "D" on your keyboard.

Go to Filter and Filter Gallery.

Open the "Sketch" folder and click "Halftone Pattern".

The Pattern Type is "Line", the Size is 1 and the Contrast is 49.

Change the Blend Mode to "Soft Light".

Because CRT TV monitors weren't high-definition, all the images tended to have a soft blur to them.

We'll blur the scan lines slightly, but before we do, we'll convert the scan lines into a

Smart Object, so we can affect it non-destructively.

To do this, click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click, "Convert to Smart Object".

Then, go to Filter, Blur and Gaussian Blur.

Blur it 1 pixel.

To save space in the Layers panel, let's collapse the effect.

We'll convert our photo into Smart Object, as well, so we can modify it non-destructively

and if we decide to replace the photo with a different one, we won't have to redo any

of the effects.

Go back to Filter, Blur and Gaussian Blur.

We'll blur it 2 pixels.

Click the Adjustment Layer icon and click "Black & White".

This removes all the color.

Since CRT TV images tend to be a bit a bit brighter in the center, we'll give our image

a soft, vignette along the edges.

Make the photo layer active and go to Filter and "Lens Correction".

Open the "Custom" tab and drag the "Vignette" slider all the way to the left.

To make the vignette stronger, open the last filter by pressing Alt + Ctrl + F on Windows

or Option + Cmd + F on a Mac.

As before, click the "Custom" tab and slide the Vignette all the way to the left and the

"Midpoint" to +25 or you can just type it in.

We'll convert our photo with all its effects into a Smart Object.

Click the Black and White adjustment layer and Shift-click the photo to make both active.

Then, convert them into one Smart Object.

Make two copies of the photo by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J twice.

We won't be using the bottom layer from here on out, but it's always a good idea to keep

one layer unmodified, just in case you want to use it at a later point.

Hide that layer and temporarily hide the top photo, as well.

Make the middle photo active and go to Edit, Transform and Skew.

Go to the top, middle anchor point and drag it to the right, which skews your photo.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Make two copies of the skewed layer and then hide the top copy.

Make the middle skewed layer active and change its Blend Mode to "Soft Light" and its

Opacity to 50%.

Press and hold Shift as you click the Left arrow on your keyboard a few times to move

the layer to the left.

Shift-click the skewed layer under it to make it active, as well.

Press and hold Shift as you drag them to the left.

Make the top, skewed layer visible and active.

Change its Blend to Soft Light and reduce its Opacity to 70%.

Press and hold Shift as you drag it to the right.

I'd like to get rid of the darker shape over the face.

There may be areas you'd like to eliminate.

To do this, click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask.

Open your Brush Tool and Brush Picker.

We'll adjust the size in a moment.

The Hardness is 0% and I'll make the Opacity and Flow: 100%.

To adjust the size of your brush, make sure your CapsLock key is off and press the right

or left bracket key on your keyboard.

Brush over the unwanted area to mask it out.

Make the photo above it visible and active.

Make three copies of it and temporarily hide them.

Go to Filter, Distort and "Shear".

Drag the middle vertical line at various points to warp your image.

Open your Rectangular Marquee Tool and make sure the "Add To" icon is active.

This will allow you to add multiple rectangular selections on the same layer.

Drag the tool over different areas of your image to make selections over it..

Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selections next to the active layer.

What's happening is that the white rectangles in the layer mask are revealing the sheared

image, while the black areas of the layer mask are being masked out, thereby revealing

the layers under it in the Layers panel.

Collapse the effect and make the layer above it visible and active.

Go back to Filter, Distort and "Shear".

To reset the Shear filter, press and Ctrl or Cmd.

The "Cancel" button instantly changes to "Default".

Keep pressing holding Ctrl or Cmd as you click the Default button.

This resets the Shear filter.

Drag the vertical line to various points to create another sheared effect.

We'll add an inverted layer mask next to the active layer by Alt-clicking or Option-clicking

the Layer Mask icon.

This masks out or hides the new sheared layer.

We'll reveal back areas of it, by dragging your Rectangular Marquee tool across your image.

We'll fill the selection with white and since your background color is white, press Ctrl

or Cmd + Delete.

This immediately reveals the new sheared image though the white areas of your Layer Mask.

Deselect it and collapse the effect.

Make the layer above it visible and active.

Go to Filter, Distort and Wave.

Feel free to experiment with the settings, however, I'll make the number of generators:

402, the Wavelength: 1 and 2, the Amplitude: 1 and 106 and the Scale both 100%.

The Type is "Sine" and the Undefined Areas: "Repeat Edge Pixels".

Make an inverted layer mask next to the active layer.

Drag a vertical, rectangular selection over your image and fill it with white.

Then, deselect it.

Make the layer active and go to Filter, Blur and Gaussian Blur.

Blur it 1 pixel.

Collapse the effects.

Make the top face layer visible and active and go back to Filter, Distort and Wave.

I'll drag the slider of the number of generators all the way to the right.

For the Wavelength, I'll type in 798 in the Minimum field and click the Maximum field.

Immediately, the Maximum fills with 799.

For the Amplitude, I'll type in 998 in the Minimum field and click the Maximum field,

which automatically fills it with 999.

For the Scale, I'll type in 1 in the Vertical field.

As soon as I click OK, the Vertical scale changes to 1%.

This creates thin, stacked, horizontal lines.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop: How to Create a Vintage TV Interference GLITCH Portrait - Duration: 12:48.


Oxygen (Still Are One)-Mr. Monkey & Clooks (Feat. Tevlo) (Official Music Álbum) 2018 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Oxygen (Still Are One)-Mr. Monkey & Clooks (Feat. Tevlo) (Official Music Álbum) 2018 - Duration: 3:22.


6IX9INE Gets Most Expensive Asthma Pump From 50 Cent As Gift - Duration: 3:18.

Son 6ix9ine gets the most expensive Asthma pump

completely covered with bling bling on a huge heavy chain

that you don't want to put on your 132 pound rottweiler

Before we continue. I have a question, are you new here?


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And now, let's continue with the story

Here you have 6ix9ine and 50 Cent at the table

That priceless face

like a father is about to give his son advice about women

"Well my son, always use a condom"

If you pay attention to details

Yep, that's right. Right there!

6ix9ine receives a gift of 50 Cent

Then the momentum

6ix9ine gets from pops 50 Cents a brutal

Asthma pump covered with bling bling

attached to massive neckless

Let's watch the video, shared on 6ix9ine's IG account


"This is actually Asthma pump?" - "Yeah Yeah"

50 Cent: "Try it"

"See, now ain't no reason to fail gym"

But another video you see 6ix9ine showing the money

So is it realy a gift or did he purchased it?

What do you think?

There are two possible reasons I can think of

why 50 Cent gives the most expensive Asthma pump

as a gift

6ix9ine has Asthma

or this has to do with the hilarious video

where 6ix9ine outruns the hulk


And Flood

If this were a joke

you would read angry Tweets of asthma patients

so let's assume that 50 Cent

cares a little bit about 6ix9ine

The duo 6ix9ine and 50 Cent

have been clowning each other for several months now

Clowning is a name for fooling around

Which makes it unclear to some

whether they have a beef with each other

or just a publicity stunt between the duo

Here is a funny fact

6ix9ine is more popular than 50 Cent

On the largest search engine of the Internet


6ix9ine is googled more often

than 50 Cent

Do they have beef with each other or something else

write down your opinion

Before I forget like and share this video

Join my website


to keep the lion standing ground

I'll see you tomorrow

For more infomation >> 6IX9INE Gets Most Expensive Asthma Pump From 50 Cent As Gift - Duration: 3:18.


Sorority Girl hypnotized college professor; ASMR Hypnosis Roleplay. Pocket watch induction. - Duration: 3:43.

like I said it's more like a secret society just like the skulls and bones

you have on your campus now but you shouldn't feel intimidated Dean come on

a psychologist like yourself don't believe in hypnosis Dean you probably

think hypnosis is weak you probably think hypnosis is a superstition

you probably think hypnosis is for bimbos like me right in fact I know the

purpose of your invitation you were to tell me that hypnotists are not welcome

in this department you were to see me humiliated and walk away discouraged

never to practice hypnosis again it really is too bad isn't it theme don't

worry Dean I won't hypnotize you

um let the sound of my voice flow through your mind with each word that

you hear you're deeper and deeper down let the sound of your thoughts float out

of your mind until you are all the way gone floating out of your mind no more

thinking number thoughts you cannot hear the sound of your own thoughts all you

can hear is the sound of my voice the sound of my voice only my voice only my

voice nothing but the sound of my voice nothing nothing

blink blink sleep for me sleep for Jennifer sleep for me sleep for Jennifer

good you are deeply deeply hypnotized you will do anything and everything I

say anything and anything I say you're hypnotized brain is ready to absorb each

and every command I give you open your eyes Dean open your eyes now sleep you

will open your eyes and stare into my eyes stare deeply into my eyes you are

ready for your brainwashing now aren't you

let's stare into my eyes repeat after me I will always obey Jennifer


For more infomation >> Sorority Girl hypnotized college professor; ASMR Hypnosis Roleplay. Pocket watch induction. - Duration: 3:43.


Jake Paul is Manipulating Shane Dawson (Nerd City and Documentary Reaction) - Duration: 15:52.

have you ever been on one of those toxic relationships where the other person

keeps hurting you over and over and over again but you quickly forget about all

of the terrible things they've done that's one of the main reasons why I'm

really concerned that Jake Paul is manipulating Shane Dawson what is up

everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but

focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about

trying to help you improve your mental and emotional well-being so what I like

to do I like to pull things from the YouTube community or pop culture in

general and try to teach you how to improve your mental health

pretty much every Shane Dawson episode for this Jay Paul series so make sure

you subscribe and ring that notification view this video is for you so in this

video we're gonna be talking a lot about toxic relationships and I'm also gonna

dive into some brain science okay so before Shane started this series when he

liked a mouse even when it was rumored that he was going to be doing this

series on Jake Paul a lot a lot of his fans were worried that Shane was gonna

try to make us sympathize with Jake Paul

why do you have to hate somebody so so so much you know like it's just kind of

an interesting thing and as the series is going on we're learning more about

Jake Paul I can relate to shame in this kind of overly empathetic way well you

know it's not an excuse but like as I was driving wait a second wait a second

wait a second Jake Paul is still a pretty awful person like I was getting

sucked into this thing too so like the first thing I want to talk about is we

cannot forget we cannot forget about the nerd city video that came out about

right before this documentary series happen Jake Paul is a complicated

personality on the one hand Jake should be respected as an expert on

social media and as a wildly successful entrepreneur but on the other hand Jake

should be reviled for exploiting children as young as preschoolers Paul

is not a good person there's a few main points I want to touch on about this

because it's not being discussed at all so far in this documentary series from

Shane Dawson so the first one is is Jake Paul taking advantage of kids right when

it comes to making money off of them so nerd city I love that dude I love that

dude so much he did a ton of research and investigation so I'm not gonna quote

everything that he did video there's actually laws that are in place to

protect well yeah there are actually laws in place that say that they cannot

they cannot overly advertised to kids on children's shows okay so I forgot what

the exact percentages was but you couldn't put more than a certain amount

of advertisements in a kid show because kids will like go to their parents and

say and people selling it to the kids no they could take advantage of the kids in

that way so what nerd city did in this video he

showed like just a Jay Paul video and like the percentage of the amount of

advertising that Jake did in this video I think was about 50% which is

absolutely bananas that's 23 separate ad reads built into one video out of a 13

minute and 50 second video nearly seven minutes of that time is devoted to

advertising products 50% to remember that nerd City pointed

out that Jake Paul is very very aware of this he mentioned it in news interviews

that his primary audience is like 8 to 10 years old so he knows exactly what

he's doing unfortunately because of the way the

technology progresses there's no laws against this on YouTube

so the second thing that nurse City pointed out is the way that they hopped

on this trend Jay Paul and Tintin hop on this trend of scaring the bejesus out of

children children who have a very hard time separating reality from fiction and

they knew this so for those of you who don't know if you're like me and don't

follow Jake Paul what they did was they had killer clowns broke into the house

and kidnapped them and kids all around the world lost their freakin minds okay

sorry they beat him with the bat to death

wait I'm so mad right now knowing that your favorite youtuber might die it's

really sad this this is not cool okay just because I'm a big neuroscience nerd

and by the way this isn't the neuroscience thing I was going to talk

about but it just popped into my head but like this is way different than like

like Jimmy Kimmel or somebody doing like a prank I ate all my kids Halloween

candy this is much much much different all right

so even the thing that Logan Paul did where he pretended to die in front of

his kid fan base in the hotel room like these things are not cool they can even

be somewhat traumatic I'm not trying to like over exaggerate this name spread

this and went on for so long like these kids were experiencing a lot of stress

because they didn't know that it was fake all right now the next thing I want

to touch on is like and I can make an entire video about this but I'm kind of

sick and tired how people are painting Erika costell as this like Saint from what I've

seen today but also a lot of research or from when I moved from

other people that I trust you are kind of like the only allowed to say oh well

the only hope

of a normal life it's really funny cuz you're not the first person that says

anything like almighty savior and she's gonna save Jake Paul and everybody says

that she's so good for Jake like cut the crap Erika Costell is just as guilty as Jake Paul

is when it comes to this stuff because she participated in the killer clown

thing she knows exactly what Jake's doing when it comes to marketing the

children so wait it's not like she's like steering him on this nice like

altruistic amazing enlighten path or something like that let me know if you

would like me to do that so here's the thing when it comes to Shane Dawson I

don't know how the timeline matches up I don't know if Shane started this series

before or after the nerd City video came out I don't know if Shane Dawson saw it

I know for a fact Jake Paul saw it because the video like

over half a million views but anyways like so I don't necessarily

fault shame for this but I think it's important for all of us me and you to

realize that Jake is still doing this Jake is still doing bad things

all right my girlfriend and I had the stomach the last Jake Paul video because

somebody said hey Jake Paul made a video about you know Alyssa and then being

interviewed by Shane Dawson and we watched it by the way to save you some

time like the first like 10 minutes or something like the first 75% as a vlog

and then he jumps into the Alissa thing so we just skip forward to that part

but anyways at the beginning and end of that video he shoves his merch in this

sale they have the fan appreciation sale he shoves it down people's throat with

his awful merchandise so today is a day of merch $10 t-shirts $20 sweatshirts

and $10

so again like this is important for all of you like I mentioned in the intro

this is something that we all need to be aware of like we forget about the

terrible things that people have done and don't get me wrong those of you who

know me I'm a huge huge huge advocate for forgiveness and believing that

people grow that people change like I am living proof of it used to be an awful

person in my drug and alcohol addiction and I have changed I did a complete 180

like it's important to realize who's changing who's trying to change and who

is it doing crap right Jake Paul is literally doing nothing okay so he's

still that person and I think Shane might be forgetting that or he wasn't

fully aware of all those things and this is why Jake might be manipulating Shane

but the other two things I wanted to note real quick is we don't know and

I've seen a lot of your comments but we don't know about the physical assault

accusations against Alyssa alright we don't know for sure but like what we do

know for sure are the things that have been caught on camera and something that

hasn't been addressed yet which I don't know if Alyssa will talk about it was it

was on camera Jake Paul spitting in Alyssa pilots face

so I think it's important that we remember that and then to call back to

the Nick crompton episode we also need to remember that even if the Martinez

twins are lying about the bullying and all that stuff like we can't forget that

we have video evidence of Jake Paul saying racial slurs to these two men

alright so like let's like let's not forget these things so like I just kind

of wanted to talk about that when it comes to are we starting to over

sympathize with Jake Paul is Shane painting him in a good light but like

here's here's the thing that my my wonderful girlfriend and I were talking

about yesterday is that Shane is in a really tricky position alright because

he's he's trying to make sure that Jake is on board with everything oh that and

we know for a fact that Jake is having Shane cut certain things out so Mike

about that is shame getting some backlash because Jake is having him cut

certain things out like imagine this like you know if you had an

investigative journalist like going to like expose some company for doing

something terrible but the company was allowed to tell them hey by the way

don't mention all these bad terrible things that would make me look bad you

know what I mean so I'm worried that Jake is having Shane cut out these

things that would really like expose Jake Paul for the not-so-great person

that he is so but here's the thing like I do cut Shane some slack like Shane is

in very very new territory he is being like a frontiersman when it comes to

what he's doing on YouTube but no matter what the case is like I always say there

are no losses there are only learning experiences so that's what's happening

and Shane get some pushback about that I hope he grows before he does his next

series of learns from this so the last part I wanted to discuss awesome comment

from one of you beautiful subscribers out there and this subscriber is Rafaela

so she says also since you mentioned you have fellow neuroscience nerd defensive

Jake that I haven't seen anyone talk about he's 21 years old the prefrontal

cortex which is responsible for among other things logic decision-making

initiative planning etc fully matures around the ages of 23 to 26 depending on

which journal you trust I know many would argue that the epithalamus

is the powerhouse of the brain the 4s fighting fleeing feeding mating but in

my opinion the PFC and the hippocampus are the true powerhouses of the brain I

can literally go on and on about this for hours

girl so can i and I agree prefrontal cortex hippocampus amygdala - all right

so then she says does that justify the dumb stuff he did no does that justify

failure to take responsibility for one's actions

again no however his PFC is still developing the dude just needs more time

to grow as a person and build character while his PFC fully matures those

two cents love your videos thank you what viella

science nerds this is a good point so I've said it in other videos like that

when I was a much smaller Channel I've mentioned it like kids are dumb young

people are dumb like that's no offense it's just like like what PLO was saying

it's just the way the brain develops through the prefrontal cortex I talked

about this a lot this is the part of the brain that separates us from the animals

and it doesn't fully mature until your 20s or early 30s oh my crappy Allah said

it depends on which scientific journal you look at so I've seen some that say

you know what she's saying but like I did want to point this out some journals

say that the prefrontal cortex fully matures in females around by 25 to 28

years old and for men is closer to early 30s so keep that in mind real quick

alright anyways yes the prefrontal cortex is responsible for all of the

things that help make us good people so it's responsible for logical decision

making impulse control fear modulation also self-awareness is dr. dan Siegel

and we had some great books about this but he has like the nine core functions

of the prefrontal cortex I'll try to link that down in the description as

well but anyways we have to understand that Jake's brain is still fully

development developing and what you need to realize is when you realize what the

prefrontal cortex does it explains a lot of his behaviors okay now something that

my mom mentioned in one of the videos that I did with her is the way his

morality and his maturity is kind of stunted right so he may not fully

develop that prefrontal cortex and all of its abilities until even later than

in life you know what I mean so again this is an excuse like the thing is is

that people in Jake's life need to point these things out to him not enable them

and separate themselves from them again I just want to call back to the whole

Erica thing is this perfect angel that people are trying to paint her out to be

right now you know what I mean but anyways that's what I got

I want to hear from all of you down in the comments below can you relate to

what I was talking about like being in a toxic relationship whether it's with a

significant other or a family member where they keep doing bad things over

and over to hurt you but then you like you forget about all the right when they

forget how terrible they let the last drunk or drunk high was who was it that

bad but a lot of us do that with people too so if you can relate to that make

sure you let me know down in the comments below all right anyways that's

all I got for this video so if you like this video please give it a thumbs up

and if you're new I'm always making videos to help with your mental health

make sure you subscribe and bring that notification bow and a huge thank you to

everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you helped me make these mental

health videos and I love you O so much if you would like to join and become a

patron go ahead or click the top right there alright it's only a buck that's

all I got thanks again for watching I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Jake Paul is Manipulating Shane Dawson (Nerd City and Documentary Reaction) - Duration: 15:52.


Sims 4 Disney Princess Challenge Snow White Episode 2 Breathin Fire - Duration: 21:02.

Hi Guys! Welcome back to the Disney Princess Challenge! I have Snow White here

she was just doing her needs. I woke her up kind of early

because she has work today; and I wanted to do something today. This is probably going to be a two day video.

Considering she has work. So yeah. We were doing her needs because last time we were doing lots of stuff so I'm doing it now.

She needed social things. And she was hungry. And she needed to go to the bathroom. And she was filthy. That kind of stuff.

(undetectable sound) ...fix that

Now we have our Snow White all ready to go places.

Let's check around the neighborhood. Let's see what we have around here.

We could go fishing.

That's basically all. We'll dig this thing up to get decorations.

Fishing can also get you decorations but fishing takes forever. We don't have much time! (Until Snow goes to work.)

Let's dig up this. I know we know lots of men. Ali Al Fassi

Colten, this Jarred guy and Don, but

We are just going out. We are going to find friends. We don't only need men. I want a young adult girlfriend.

To socialize. And be (in sing song voice) girlfriends! And there's only one person here.

(Attempts to pronounce name)

Oh! Ooh! (Squeals) Oh those booty shorts!

Meanwhile we'll check up here

Oh Brent! I have experiences with you! Brant! Oh I always

get you mixed up with your husband. Brent! Brant! Brent! Brant! Oh my gosh! You guys look nothing alike.

Oh! You're a mentor person. I don't want you to mentor me because I would be so embarrassed.

Look at me over here! Oh! Oh! Good!

Wow that is fast. How do you do that? Oh.

Oh! Here's my girl! She looks nice! We'll take her! We'll take her.

Oh there's Brent. (Gasps) There's Don! Hi Don. (Flirty giggle)

Sorry Don. I'll meet up with you later. I have a friend over here. Oh my gosh.

I was going to say something else, but this is better. I need a picture of this! Oh!

Well that's a nice glitch. YOU JUST RUINED MY PICTURE GLITCH! She looks hilarious.

Oh my gosh I love it. (Undetectable sounds)

Okay. Oh! Oh! Do you see that sweat? Oh my! Jeez.

Snow's over here in her shorties not sweating at all. And then there's her sweating like crazy and falling over.

I feel bad. Girl you just got her look at all that sweat. On her shirt.

I'm making a big deal about this.

Hi. No don't stretch with her. You probably are terrible. Ask about career. Hi I'm a writer! What are you?

Oh my goodness! Is this like a... Give speech.

Oh no. She's never practiced speech before. So she probably won't be very good. Chat with Dina

over here. I was about to give Snow White that hair but I was like "Girl we've got better hair."

People watch me. Watch me! Can I call some people over?

Some people please watch me. Oh no I'm in my workout wear. No wonder nobody wants to watch me. Girl Change!

Change already! She's like an idiot. Workout wear.

I'm done. I'm done.

Snow's speech didn't inspire anyone. Yeah. Oh no! Who's watching? Wasn't he a politician? He was a snob.

(Julia in background: He's a critic.)

He was a critic! Oh no..!

Akira. (Not actually Akira.) Let's call him over. I know your name. Where is he?!

I see how it is. (Gasp.) Oh my gosh! Memories! I have to be friends with this girl.

WAIT! NO! They spent my money! I probably just gave like a hundred bucks to this girl. Let's give her $1.

What is that guitar though? Funny introduction.

Oh I forgot. He was on the other world! That looks so much like the sim that I made of my dad.

My dad doesn't have that beard though. My dad has glasses like that. My dad has hair like that. My dad has skin like that kind of.

Where are you going? I want to friendly introduction you. Work for Snow starts in one hour.

We've got to talk to her. We've got to be her friend. I'm not calling her my aunts looky likey friend.

Sorry but it's true. It's just the hair. (Laugh) She doesn't even look like her.

Whatever... Talk to her.

Ask about career maybe.

Why are you talking to her? You are not a part of our conversation! Hey! Don't leave me.

Don't leave me! Let's see if Don is still here. He is the workout kinda guy. Gurl! You look like Mulan.

You do. Sorry. Looking at random people and saying they look like Disney Princesses.

Oh. Bella! Hi! You'd be a great friend. I'm makin friends with everybody. Is Don here?

Not this guy! Where's Don? Is he here? Oh! He's right in front of my face.

After all that work I don't really want to talk to him anymore.

I'm an idiot. Go! Go! Go! Bye Bella and Dina.

Whatever that girl's name was with the blonde hair. Bella. Ali Al Fassi. Oh no.

Humor and Hijinks Festival sounds cool. We got a notification here. Brought $200.

We can buy some food at the Humor and Hijinks festival but I do want to move the frog.

The frog works there, but we do need a counter to cook. I'm thinking

Put this in my inventory. Put this in my inventory and let's go upstairs.

Stupid clock! It's cute, but it has to go. I need more space. I am never getting rid of that dog and cat though they are so adorable.

Should we put the diamond here? The diamond works.

We can save the frog. Actually we can put the frog here and go to the Humor and Hijinks Festival. Lets go.

We'll probably do Humor. Lets bring Ali. It's 7pm! Come on! He must be awake now! He's my babya!

Wait. That girls name is Everly Bates.

Cool. Lets go to the Humor and Hijinks Festival!

I'll drink the Humor tea. Which makes you glow. Whatever. We're gonna be a ghost today y'all! Ghost today.

Okay. Lets just see.Okay oh.

Ali will be right there. Obviously because he is standing right there. Lets quickly hug him to greet him.

Hug him and say "Hey! How ya doin!?" A quick get to know and we will be on our way.

Op. That's the art gallery. On our way.

Somebody's joining the pranksters. I'm on the joksters side y'all. Oh hey Penny.

Lets join the jokesters together because I don't want me being a jokester and him being a prankster.

Why do I always see people at the library and then they end up in random places like this.

Even the librarian's here. I mean come on. Come on.

Come on dude. Ali Al. I should call him Ali. Al?

Why are you on our side Travis Scott?! Join your jokesters on your side. We are holy. You are something else. I don't know. But we're awesome.

I'm pretty hungry so lets order some food. What's the cheapest. Lets arrange by price.

$10. Its not that bad. Looks yummy. We'll take it.

And he's just sitting there. I'm doing productive fun stuff and he's just sitting there.

Oh my gosh!

Are you doing that to Ali Al Fassi?! I'm going to rude introduction him.

I knew it all along! You were bad!

Rude introduction him! I'm going to make an enemy in the challenge, whatever.

But first I have to eat my food. Way important. Why am I on the prankster side?! I am humor! He's going to do something to me.

Take my food and sit down. No I'm not listening to him. Me and Ali are going to sit here.

I'm done with you doing voodoo and being weird. Dude I said sit over here.

She's not even sitting down.

You have the same thing as me. Aw! We should take a picture together.

Lets go on my phone and actually take a picture together.

Take a photo with Ali Al Fassi. Come on sit with me.

Better do some humor things. (Gasp) This is so cute.

In the poll in the last video it was Don, Happy French Guy, either one.

The other one is married and has kids so probably the other one. Or Ali Al Fassi. I'm not going to get too into him.

But guys I'm kinda into him so

I don't have to go off you guys but I probably will because you guys are way smarter than me. You know the good choices.

I feel like I do Don a lot, but I really do like him thats probably why. Wait why are we talking about men?

I think I saw all these people at the library. Geoffrey I think I saw you.

Why are you talking to him?No! Well I guess we could make friends with Travis.

Be sarcastic about voodoo.

Oh he's a prankster! He's going to get mad at me. Outrageous story,

Impossible Sausage Mime. Whatever that means.

Tell a joke about Martians. After all that I'm going to buy a festival T-shirt.

Ohmygosh I look crazy!

That is scary I say oh oh!

Uhh. Are you okay? I would probably see that more at the spice festival more than the humor and hijinks festival.


You good?

(Gasps) Oh Ali is getting one too! We're in the lead by one.

Last time the jokesters won, I was on that team and they won $500 and a lot of cool stuff.

So I have to win this.

Can we just click?! I feel like I am doing everything for the jokesters because all the jokesters are probably doing pranks right now.

(Gasp) The jokesters all win because of me.

A comedy mic. Fireworks. And $500.

I'm going to keep that comedy mic. Okay guys I'm going to

go home but I will see you. Let me get a face shot.


(The struggle is real lol)

Good enough. I will see you guys next time. Be sure to like and subscribe.

And all that good stuff.

I will see you all next time and maybe Snow White will get a boyfriend from that pole. (In previous video.)

If you haven't seen the first video go ahead and see it and tell me who I should do Ali Al Fassi

,one of the french guys, or Don.

Cause I really want to know who I should get flirting with. I might pick somebody else.

Yeah! Byeee!! <3

For more infomation >> Sims 4 Disney Princess Challenge Snow White Episode 2 Breathin Fire - Duration: 21:02.


Vote for the high school football game of the week - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Vote for the high school football game of the week - Duration: 0:41.


Comedian Liz Grant: Milk Chocolate vs. Dark Chocolate - Duration: 0:12.

Dark chocolate sucks!

It sucks!

I eat it because it's good for my heart

but I hate it! I hate it!

It feels like a punishment

for having enjoyed too much

milk chocolate

(laughter :)

For more infomation >> Comedian Liz Grant: Milk Chocolate vs. Dark Chocolate - Duration: 0:12.


CloseUP: Congresswoman Annie Kuster makes her pitch for a 4th term - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> CloseUP: Congresswoman Annie Kuster makes her pitch for a 4th term - Duration: 9:16.


Vote for the Blitz 16 BankPlus Player of the Week - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Vote for the Blitz 16 BankPlus Player of the Week - Duration: 1:21.


5 Popular But Dangerous Foods For Dogs, That Humans Love - Duration: 3:08.

Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.

Today I will tell you 5 popular but dangerous foods for dogs, that humans love.

So let's dive in.

First, onions.

Never feed them; contains N-propyl disulfide, a compound that can damage your dog's red

blood cells, reducing their ability to carry oxygen through the body.

It results in anemia.

All components of onions like leaves, juice or powder should be avoided.

Anemia symptoms include lethargy, weakness, decreased appetite, and fainting.

Second, tomatoes.

The tomatoes contain an alkaloid which is not healthy for pets.

In higher dosage, it can make your pet really sick.

The symptoms are the weakness, diarrhea, and harder breathing.

Third, liver.

The liver can sometimes be one of the favorite dog treats.

Also, beginners don't know that it is on the list of the worst dog food because it

contains a lot of vitamin A.

The higher dosage of the liver can cause bones deformation, anorexia, and weight loss.

Fourth, corn.

Corn is very frequently used in a lot of dogs products as one of the greatest sources of


The corn is, in fact, healthy for the pet but in some cases, it can be a problem.

First, the corn can cause digestive problems.

Second, some pets show signs of allergy on corn.

Third, if your pet eats bigger pieces of corn there is a risk that he will choke on it.

Fifth soy.

It is the very cheap ingredient and it is mostly used in dog food product for the high

amount of proteins.

On the other hand, this ingredient is very unhealthy food for dogs.

The soy is usually genetically modified, contains the high level of pesticides and it causes

allergies and intestinal problems.

So try to avoid food products which contain soy.

To find out more, I created a great guide with the extensive list of worst dog food.

In it, you will find 34 worst dog foods, the composition of commercial dog foods that are

slowly killing your pet, top 7 dog food products that kill your dog, worst puppy food, top

worst dog treats, top 6 worst wet dog foods, top 8 worst canned dog food, benefits of natural

raw diet to dogs or puppies, and a lot more.

A link is down below in the description.

If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.

And remember let's keep our pets healthy!


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