Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

European nations are pressuring Saudi Arabia to give a response to the case of

the missing Saudi journalists that's been dominating international headlines

in recent days Turkey has accused Riyadh of killing the reporter inside the Saudi

consulate in Istanbul allegations the kingdom strongly rejects for more on

this and other news from around the world let's turn to our no Iran

so Haram there's now more and more mounting pressure from around the world

on the Saudis to clear up what's going on over this disappearance that's why

more the foreign ministers of Britain France and Germany released a joint

statement on Sunday saying they are treating the case with quote the utmost

seriousness they demanded for what they called a credible investigation to

establish the truth about what happened to Jamal keshavjee and to identify those

responsible for his disappearance the three countries also called for Saudi

Arabia and Turkey to jointly work on the investigation and for Riyadh to give a

detailed response to the murder accusation put forward by Istanbul the

statement was careful not to imply Saudi Arabia was guilty and made no mention of

potential actions the countries might take however there is more pressure

coming from the United States traditionally an ally to Saudi Arabia

which has said it is considering a boycotting of made of a major

international conference to be held in the kingdom later this month President

Trump also said Washington will inflict what he called severe punishment if

Riyadh is found to be responsible for the alleged death of kesaji u.s.

lawmakers have also called for economic sanctions to be imposed on the regime

that sent the Saudi stock market down as much as seven percent in early train on

Sunday soundy Arabia meanwhile said it rejects political and economic threats

adding it will retaliate to any action with a bigger one

Riyadh has continued to deny Saudi agents killed kesaji inside the

consulates calling the Turkish claims lies

For more infomation >> UK, France, Germany demand response on Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance - Duration: 2:08.


Fine dust to float around in some of central regions in the afternoon _ 101518 - Duration: 2:05.

good morning some unwelcome news to start the weather reports will have dust

in the air in the afternoon toxic smog from China and sickening airflow will

loose fine dust levels in central western regions and the two other

provinces today but not much to complain about temperature-wise

just be aware of big temperature differences and other than find us

affected areas the rest will enjoy clear sunny skies today so let's take a closer

look at today's temperatures Seoul is kicking off at 10 degrees Celsius

hovering right around the seasonal averages and many other regions are

waking up to slightly cooler morning lows at 7 degrees of orientation and

intention highs will rise rapidly along with plenty of sunshine and tap

temperatures for range between 21 to 22 degrees in most parts of the country

why temperature fluctuations will persist with morning lows going down to

single digits again here in the capital starting tomorrow and for now we're

looking at Busan and concerning the provinces to have bad air quality on

Tuesday that's Korea for you and here's International weather for viewers around

the world

For more infomation >> Fine dust to float around in some of central regions in the afternoon _ 101518 - Duration: 2:05.


Two Koreas to hold fifth round of high-level talks at border village of Panmunjeom - Duration: 3:35.

now in other news the two Koreas will hold their fifth round of high-level

talks today at the truce village of Panmunjeom the talks are to check on how

well South and North Korea are implementing their September summit

agreement that is dubbed the Pyongyang joint declaration and to rubber-stamp

schedules for follow-up talks in various fields as well for more let's connect

live to our Unification Ministry correspondent song he who's standing by

for us at the office of inter-korean dialogue the Gyeonggi Phyllis in mark in

about three hours from now high-level delegations from the two Koreas will be

meeting each other at the peace house located on the South Korean side of the

border village of Panmunjom as you've mentioned this is the fifth round of

high-level talks between the two Koreas this year alone coming a month after the

current leaders of Seoul and Pyongyang had their third summit of 2018 in the

North Korean capital the South Korean delegation is to leave solar in roughly

30 minutes a South in North Korea are both sending five member delegations

with Soler's unification Minister to Myung Hyun and Lee seung-hwan the head

of Pyongyang's reunification committee leading each of them a vice ministers in

charge of transport and railroad as well as sports will also attend the plus

North Korea is sending officials responsible for environmental protection

and Economic Cooperation and johhny so it's apparent the two sides have plenty

to talk about and we know this because there were a slew of action plans

stipulated in the Pyongyang joint declaration but just walk us through

what's on the agenda today well mark it seems the two sides will focus much of

their attention on their railway and Road connection plans when a solar

unification Minister to myung-hoon visited Pyongyang earlier this month he

specifically appointed two rescheduling and beginning joins railway inspections

as an imminent issue to be dealt with while South Korea initially planned to

send a research team over to the north in late August for inspections but that

failed because the UN command Sapru vit this matter is a high priority

for Seoul and Pyongyang because it's stipulated in September summit

agreements that they hold a groundbreaking ceremony within this year

for related constructions but other than that the issue of war-torn families is

likely to be touched upon in September president moon jae-in and North Korean

leader Kim jong-un agreed to open a permanent facilities for a war-torn

families to meet as well as enable video meetings and video messages the two

sides could also talk about ways to cooperate and forestry and medical care

both the Vice Sports ministers of the two sides are also taking part in

today's talks that could mean Seoul and Pyongyang kick-start discussions on a

forming joint teams for future international sports events including

the 2020 Summer Olympics and launching a joint bid to host the 2032 a Summer

Olympics a concert by North Korea's Archer could also be on the table as

they're visiting Seoul this month as a reciprocal visit following a performance

by South Korean artists earlier this year after today's discussions mark we

could also see some specific dates set for other types of inter-korean talks

and those could be the Red Cross talks or a follow-up discussions on railways

roads forests trees or even the newly added medical care field as they had

such talks in late June or early July back to you mark

For more infomation >> Two Koreas to hold fifth round of high-level talks at border village of Panmunjeom - Duration: 3:35.





Tony22 - Enough Time - Duration: 2:32.

Everybody's watching you

Everybody's watching you


Staring at the clock right now and every single time I see

Another second go by its just another second that I will never see

And I never seem to have enough time to do the things I want to do

I need more time, I'm up all night only get sleep when the sky is blue

And I swear to God everything that I see is just a mirage

Growing up gets really hard

life is too short man I can't do it all

Man I can't do it all

Man if you lose you gonna fall

I swear that life is a game and they're cheating us all

Put up my name on the wall, Hollywood make me a star


And my time is limited life isn't fair but nobody gives a shit

Quit all your bitching get off of your lazy ass and just start living it

And just start living it, start living it

For more infomation >> Tony22 - Enough Time - Duration: 2:32.


Alex Gonzaga Recites Toni Gonzaga's Famous Movie Lines - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Alex Gonzaga Recites Toni Gonzaga's Famous Movie Lines - Duration: 3:13.


T.R.A.P. Teaser Trailer - Crowdfunding Launch (beat by Beatz Era) - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> T.R.A.P. Teaser Trailer - Crowdfunding Launch (beat by Beatz Era) - Duration: 2:06.


OMG 3Q | Nhận CODE sinh nhật OMG 3Q China | Moon Su - Duration: 13:02.

For more infomation >> OMG 3Q | Nhận CODE sinh nhật OMG 3Q China | Moon Su - Duration: 13:02.



Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed

Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe

With those dedications on so you stayed on will fight on every single video

Also, follow my social media, so stay tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

What you guys still crabs here welcome back to a video

this will be somewhat of vlog or or

Something like that. I will be unboxing

my new costume for Halloween

And then you may be wondering what what is it even though that you will already know?


It's an a title or enough on there, basically

so I got a t-rex costume and

It will not look like this really soon it's supposed to look like this and

Actually, I got to actually I do know that just came with it so

As a pensee

So think this USB is supposed to go probably in here. I

Need to find where it is. I don't know but I'm just gonna fight it

Find it later on


Other than that

it's time to put on the costume and to the side of the table right here, and this is

The dinosaur suit and I need to find our way to a harem. We'll put this on without ripping it


the most of my problems

And they're dependent songs like that it's like ripping but I think it's like so much sticky what's not really sticky it's like on me

Well, it's well, actually I'm gonna talk to my mom about it

But look it's not absolutely ripping. Like it's it's it's ticking

It's sticking you see it's it's not like Brooklyn

No, I'm trying to do it slowly so I don't so I won't rip it

Shout out to my mom right here

I'm gonna work those like


Look I think you're supposed to see out of this right here

All right, I could just like cut it out like what I do mean

I don't know but when if there's a pretty walk, but I reacted to with this person then I just like leave it out

It's how we know you we have we have to wake up early so you can put this on

I'll stand up

I think I'm just like a good I think this supposed to be like a USB around there

It is missing a part missing this thing, no kidding breathing it Barry I

Can't see oh

I could be or even greater than that. Come on, put your hands in

What about my hands



My god

No record landscape on my phone just go that way No, turn it around. All right. Wait

Now turn oh

My god go knock on Tony's

Did you breathe him there yeah, it looks like you're an astronaut

You gonna check the mail no check my mail

No, no reaction no, okay

I'm waiting Tony never answered you


All that guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this

My mom had was hysterical laughing. So was I this I'm

I think me buying the costume was completely worth. I'm

really proud of myself that I didn't return it and

It looks good to me


Be prepared

how gonna bring the dinosaur to school and then I can make a video on that and

Then that's gonna be hysterical funny. I could already imagine that

So other than that guys hope you guys enjoy it's almost Halloween

Around a little bit more than two weeks, so

Yeah, I will see you guys in the next video. Have a good day. Peace out

For more infomation >> UNBOXING JURASSIC PARK INFLATABLE T-REX COSTUME!! - Duration: 9:16.


'Ground zero' of Michael's devastation, ride with rescue teams at Mexico Beach - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 'Ground zero' of Michael's devastation, ride with rescue teams at Mexico Beach - Duration: 3:56.


World should support decision made by North Korean leader to denuclearize: President Moon - Duration: 2:08.

so let's stick with president moons trip to France the South Korean leader has

been sitting down with the press there in Paris sharing his vision for the

Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia as well he says it's time for the world to

show North Korea it made the right choice to denuclearize eating jei

reports speaking to Frances conservative de Leela Figaro president muna touted

France as one of the most important nations contributing to peace and

prosperity on the global stage the South Korean leader thanked his French

counterpart Emmanuel macron for France's strong support for his administration's

North Korea policies president moon said planting a seed of peace on the Korean

Peninsula is part of the process of ensuring peace and order in Northeast

Asia president moon reiterated his desire to form an East Asian rail

community a proposal he made in August to bring together six North East Asian

countries and the u.s. to shore up the region's economic and security

foundation touching on Europe's multinational treaty ratified in 1952

the European Coal and Steel community initiated by french diplomat robert

schumann president muna said it played an important part and established the

European Union as it exists today the president also teased the next big event

on his tour of Europe his sit-down with Pope Francis at the Vatican with North

Korea expected to be the main focus of his discussions with Pope Francis

president moon said it's time the international community answers the

decision made by North Korean leader Kim jong-un to steer the regime away from

its nuclear and missile programs he said the world needs to verify that the north

is genuine about his willingness to denuclearize and help North Korea take

the path to peace president moon added he would pass on Kim's message to Pope

Francis when they meet Kim reportedly told the South Korean leader during

their recent summit in the North Korean capital that he would ardently welcome

Pope Francis if he visited Pyongyang easing Jay Arirang news

For more infomation >> World should support decision made by North Korean leader to denuclearize: President Moon - Duration: 2:08.


President Moon focuses on culture and green energy in Paris - Duration: 2:11.

start with the South Korean leaders tour to Europe president moon jaein is in

France where he's been spreading a word about Korea's vibrant culture and art

scene as well as promoting his administration's policies on cleaning up

the environment our Shin Semin reports from Paris it's part of president moon

geun's cultural diplomacy during his state visit to France perhaps receiving

the wildest welcome and cheer president boon held a joint cultural event on

Sunday with Korean artists and some 400 French officials and fans the Boone

administration has a track record of arranging such concerts having

previously held one in Saudi Arabia last year to help spread the Korean Wave

chart-topping boy bad BTS and other Korean artists entertained the attendees

with the presidential office saying the concert was aimed at boosting cultural

exchanges between the two sides the president also highlighted on issue

of a global concern the environment president moon is tested out Hyundai

Motor's fuel cell electric vehicle next shell in downtown Paris and called for

stronger collaboration between the country's automakers he vanna discuss a

new challenges facing the mass adoption of electric vehicles with industry

officials in conjunction with the president's visit

Hyundai Motor says it will sign an MoU with two French companies to ship 5,000

hydrogen cars to France by 2025 three of Hyundai's hydrogen fuel cell models are

already being used as taxis in Paris and the first F CEV charging station in

Paris was established by a flick hit a France based multinational industrial

gas and service company the high point of diplomacy between Seoul and Paris

comes Monday with a summit meeting at the second of its kind since the two

leaders took office in May last year they'll be discussing a climate change

terrorism human rights and the ho BAE's sympathy for North Korea Shin Semin

Arirang news Paris

For more infomation >> President Moon focuses on culture and green energy in Paris - Duration: 2:11.


Nearly 35,000 S. Korean-owned Facebook accounts exposed to data leak - Duration: 0:54.

now if you're watching us in South Korea and you have a Facebook account as most

people generally do these days you might want to listen carefully to this next

story because nearly 35,000 South Korean owned Facebook accounts are believed to

have been hit by a data leak following the hacking of the us-based online

social media company that happened last month according to the Korea

Communications Commission on Sunday it received the numbers from Facebook after

the firm announced in September that access tokens for 50 million accounts

around the world were stolen in a security breach now the leaked

information includes users names emails and phone numbers the KCC added the

number of South Korean accounts subject to the data leaks could in fact grow

following additional investigations

For more infomation >> Nearly 35,000 S. Korean-owned Facebook accounts exposed to data leak - Duration: 0:54.


Granblue Fantasy EMP Guide Part 1 (Main Character) - Duration: 7:20.

Hello everyone, this is Koon

Can you tell which EMP is important and which one is not?

No matter it is Gamewith, Kamigame, Japanese or English Granblue Fantasy Wiki, when you're

searching for Guides for Extended Mastery Point (EMP), you'll come across different

opinions and recommendations from different websites or players

This is actually very interesting, because it proves that there is no hard and fast rules

when it comes to EMP, and there is a room for discussion

I'm going to burst some common beliefs about EMP today

I'll also break this video into two parts, because there are so many things related to this topic

We'll focus on main character's EMP in this video, and talk about other characters

in my next video

Ok, Once you hit your class' max level- level 20, You will get 1 EMP per 36,000 EXP gained

And you can also convert CP or gems into EMP without limit

If you have no idea how to gain EXP or EMP effectively, remember to refer to my video

about Slime Blast, you can find the solution in that video

Now, let's look at the list on your left hand side

These are my recommendations, I have arranged all the EMP bonuses into three Groups, so

it's easier for you to see which one has the priority, and which one is less important

I know some of you may feel curious, why critical hit, skill damage and chain burst bonuses

are sitting at the bottom of the list

No worry, I'll go through them one by one

Now, everything in Group 1 has the priority, especially the Attack Bonus, this one is a MUST

It increases your base attack value by 3,000

If you multiply it with all other weapon and summon skills, you know how powerful

it's going to be

Secondly, HP bonus for your main character

It not only helps you to survive, increases your gauge when you use Splitting Spirit

but also indirectly contributes to your damage, if you are using a stamina grid

or when you are using Swordmaster for quests like Slime Blast

Debuff Success Bonus, of course, this is so important for Chaos Ruler, Warlock, or even

for your Berserker.

If you tend to solo a lot, you must get it

And I was pretty surprised when I looked at the

recommendations by Granblue Fantasy English Wiki

They rated Elemental Attack Bonus as one of the least important bonuses

but I'm standing on the opposite side

As we're focusing more on 'on-element' setups nowadays, this 5% or 10% bonus is very valuable

and it goes a long way

It will only become more and more important and powerful, especially when Cygames introduces

new level for Seraphic Weapons in future

English Wiki criticises that this bonus pigeonholes players

to focus, play, or invest into one specific element

However, I don't think this is correct

The allocation of EMPs is actually very flexible, you should adjust your EMPs based on your needs

based on the bosses or events you are going to fight or join, from time to time

There is no point sticking to one element, and have your EMPs' setup locked forever

I personally think that English Wiki is a little bit misleading about this bonus

Next, we have double and triple attack bonuses


I don't think I need to explain, more attack, more damage, more phew phew

Get it!

Damage Cap Bonus, no need to explain, get it!

Total Party HP Bonus, apparently, it has nothing to do with your harem dream, but get it!

Ok, now let's move on to the second Group

Well, everything you can see in this Group is optional and situational

Defense and Healing bonuses are very useful for high level raids

And the healing bonus actually affects healing from summons, because they are counted as

one of your main character's healing skill

Chain attack damage bonuses are good, especially for Kengo

If you are using an Ultima Katana (with Ougi Bonus) and Characters with Katana Mastery

like Eatha (Okto), Mirin, or Vajra, you can expect some really decent damage

About Specialty Weapon Bonus, it's not really useful if everything in your weapon grid is

a mix and match

However, for certain grids, like grid consists of more than five to six swords and one cosmos sword

this bonus is going to be pretty helpful

Bullet Casting Bonus and Energy Bonus, basically you don't touch them if you don't play these classes

Bullet Casting allows you to craft some nice bullets, you can reset this bonus once the

crafting is done, and use these points for something else

And based on my experience, Energy Bonus is not really necessary even if you are playing Glorybringer

because there is almost no way for you to finish using all the energy

you can try it out for yourself

Alright, let's move to Group 3

Ok, now everything in this Group has the lowest priority, and some of them are actually

very close to being useless

The first thing I would like to explain is the Critical Hit Bonus

It has very low priority, because it is different from the normal critical hit we are familiar with

It only provides you a 5%, or 10% chance if you took up two critical hit bonuses

to gain 5% to 10% extra damage

Yes, not 25% or 50% extra damage, but only 5% to 10% extra damage when it procs

I'm not saying that these bonuses are useless, but six stars for so little improvement

in damage is just not worth the investment

You could easily put these points into something more useful

Chain Burst and Skill Damage bonuses basically have the same problem

too much cost for too little return

Last but not least, please remember not to invest too much EMPs in Row 1 to Row 3 classes

because you won't be using them once you unlock Row 4 and Extra Classes

If you really need to invest EMP to improve your quality of life before you reach Row 4

try to spend those points on Dark Fencer's Debuff Success Bonus, because this one single

bonus will help you a lot when you are grinding

Share this video with your friends, save them, don't let them waste their time and effort

If you have any tip which is not covered in this video, and you want other players to know

please leave a comment here

I'll share you more general concepts about EMP for other characters in my next video

so stay tuned

Know yourself, know your game and play like a pro

I will see you very soon


For more infomation >> Granblue Fantasy EMP Guide Part 1 (Main Character) - Duration: 7:20.


Acoustic Guitar & Acoustic Guitar Instrumental: Best of Acoustic Guitar Music - Duration: 2:10:16.

Title: Acoustic Guitar & Acoustic Guitar Instrumental: Best of Acoustic Guitar Music

For more infomation >> Acoustic Guitar & Acoustic Guitar Instrumental: Best of Acoustic Guitar Music - Duration: 2:10:16.


Trump says defense chief James Mattis is 'sort of Democrat, 'doesn't know' if he plans to stay - Duration: 0:34.

US President Donald Trump is indicated that he isn't sure how long his defense

secretary James mattis plans to stay in his administration in an interview with

CBS's 60 minutes that was broadcast on Sunday President Trump said the two have

a very good relationship but suggested there was the possibility

matías could step down at some point Trump added that mattis is quote sort of

a Democrats increasing speculation or to have been at odds over certain issues

For more infomation >> Trump says defense chief James Mattis is 'sort of Democrat, 'doesn't know' if he plans to stay - Duration: 0:34.


Democrats lead Republicans ahead of U.S. midterm elections: Poll - Duration: 0:34.

with just over three weeks left until the US midterm elections the Democratic

Party is still leading opinion polls a new ABC news/washington post poll shows

Democratic House candidates still lead Republicans 53 to 42% among voters

however the GOP is closing the gap with the help of president Trump's improved

approval rating also the share of OTUs who want Congress to be controlled by

Democrats as fallen from 60 to 54% in the space of just a few months

For more infomation >> Democrats lead Republicans ahead of U.S. midterm elections: Poll - Duration: 0:34.


Int'l fleet review in Jeju concludes 5-day campaign - Duration: 0:39.

newse an international fleet review on jeju island concluded its five-day

campaign on sunday the event attended by some 10,000 troops from 12 different

countries and naval representatives from 46 nations promoted world peace over the

seas while South Korea and the u.s. conducted joint drills in the past the

South Korean navy said there will be no joint drills this time instead it's

going to hold joint exercises with its counterparts from India and Canada the

fleet review was staged at Jeju Naval Base which was completed in February


For more infomation >> Int'l fleet review in Jeju concludes 5-day campaign - Duration: 0:39.


Top 5 THICCEST Kanto Girls - Duration: 6:26.

Yo, what's poppin people?

Its your boy back on that Pokemon *ISH!

Before we begin this video is not for the faint of heart.

If you've been on my twitter or followed my channel for any bit of time you know I'm a

big worshipper of thicc.

What can I say I like big soft squishy things.

Well for those who don't know maybe I should explain Thicc.

According to Urban Dictornary Thicc is meant to designate a woman with a shapely figure

and is typically somewhat chubby.

They often will have an hourglass or pear shaped body with emphasis on the shape and

size of their buttocks and thighs.

Enough of me bit*hing and moaning let's get to the topic of this video, the thiccness!

I'll be listing off the thiccest Kanto girls.

Dude I'm way beyond shameless now let's get into this.

Now if I'm completely honest!

This one isn't really a hot chick, but Daisy was like that kinder, older sister character

in the Pokemon Red and Blue versions.

After snatching up my Bulbasaur Gary was mad cuz I waxed him in a battle.

So he decided on being a jerk and try to block me from getting a town map.

Lucky for me his big sister Daisy wasn't hearing that.

She was an angel unlike her crappy little brother.

Where are you Onee-chan?

Ugh that was cringey.

I apologize.

I bet you're asking just why is Daisy on here.

Well there was slim pickings man.

I'm not going to put that old hag Agatha on my list.

Grass Pokemon are one of my favorite types, probably because my first ever Pokemon was


So of course Erika is gonna be here.

Hmmm...the Celadon Gym was full of women and Erika was the gym leader.

She was also incredibly snotty in the anime it made no sense for how haughty she was.

I dunno know man maybe that's why she's so low on my list I just can't deal with high

maintenance people.

They say that Erika was a geisha.

What the heck is that?

A Geisha is a Japanese hostess trained to entertain men with conversation, dance, and


What the heck?!

Erika is a Madam!

Is she selling off the goodies.

No Johns here!

Wait is the Celadon Gym a brothel.

Arceus help me!

Okay number three would have to be Misty.

W...wait a minute not this Misty, I'm not interested in some flat chested tsundere.

I'm talking about the plumper Misty.

Yeah the rounder one from three years later.

If you know what I mean pimping.

I don't have a problem with little Misty but older Misty is just better.

They knew what they were doing putting this cutie in a swimsuit.

This was the main reason I hated that time never passed in the anime.

Its been almost twenty years since Pokemon Gold and Silver were released and we still

havent seen this Misty.

I always wondered how come Ash didn't scoop her up.

My man is suspect as heck.

Just thinking about it Misty was my first anime waifu.

Good times.

Good times!

Number Two Lorelei or as she was called in the anime Prima.

I heard that she was called that because Lorelei name is Kanna in Japan and Lorelei wouldn't

fit the lip sync.

I don't know if that's true or not.

That's really sad.

Anyway when I was little Lorelei made me a man with them tig ol' biddies.

I had a crush on Misty like every other little kid, but Misty was a girl while Lorelei was

a woman.

Plus she had this absentminded personality.

I love a stupid chick with an enormous rack.

Lorelei didn't really have that much of a back story.

But you don't need to have that much background if you're easy on the eyes.

She had an icy personality with equally icy Pokemon.

Actually she was the easiest of the Kanto Elite Four.

Ugh don't remind me of that.

This freak right here was the reason I never completed Pokemon Red when I was a little


I didn't know at the time that Psychic Pokemon were basically gods.

They were so unbalanced and their queen was Sabrina.

I'm not even kidding about how terrifying they were, but my fears aren't the topic of

this video.

Back in the day Sabrina had a whip and crap, she was scary as heck.

She might of been attractive alright.

But I wasn't about to spend another three hours trying to get through her gym after

I blacked out.

Besides I saw that anime episode she was just some bipolar insane possessed chick.

And I ain't got time to be deal with that.

I've seen enough horror films to know how this movie ends.

Well that's it for my Top 5 Thiccest Kanto Girls.

I know what you're thinking how come Jessie wasn't on my list.

Honestly because I feel she's an anime specific character.

Before you go screaming about Yellow version that game was basically a retelling of the


So yeah.


Anyway tell me what you guys think?!

If you liked the video consider sharing, liking and subscribing.

And until next time!

Its your boy back on that Pokemon *ISH!


For more infomation >> Top 5 THICCEST Kanto Girls - Duration: 6:26.


ADHD Story of a Google Employee - Duration: 8:45.

Hi, I am BogusRed from Today, I am going to share with you, my

ADHD story. Why am I sharing my ADHD story? I'm doing it in hopes of inspiring

other people who struggle with mental health issues. I know that for me, when I

was younger, reading stories about other people who have ADHD or have other

mental health challenges and seeing that they have been become successful despite

those challenges, was really inspiring to me. Because there's a lot of dark and

grim statistics that are associated with ADHD. And that's what I why I am doing

this video. I'm hoping that this video will give you hope. Also, it's ADHD

Awareness Month, so now is the perfect time to be talking about it! Additionally,

I want to destigmatize ADHD. ADHD and many other mental health conditions

carry a lot of stigma. And because of that, people don't talk about it.

I for a long time I have not talked about my ADHD in my profession, you know

with my co-workers, with other people, because I know that it carries a lot of

stigma. And even in past attempts that I've tried to tell people about it, I've

had a negative reaction from people. That's why it's so important for

those of us who are successful with ADHD to share our story and be open and honest

about our ADHD. So it will help everyone that comes after us. A little bit about my

struggles, and I'm not going to tell you my whole life story. I'm gonna try and

keep it brief. But as a kid, I struggled a lot with my ADHD. I still struggle with

my ADHD. It still impacts me to this day. As a kid, I struggled academically. Of

course, that's like really common for an ADHDer or to struggle. Especially, I have a

learning disability with reading. I, as a kid, I was not able to finish novels. That

was a common assignment especially in high school, to be assigned

reading a novel. And then there would be quizzes based on the content etc. I could

not, despite all of my effort to try and read, I was not able to. It was so

demotivating to put so much effort into trying to do the right thing, to do my

homework, to study, and not getting the results that I should have. And even

having a teacher to call me a liar, saying that I didn't read it,

even though I knew I did, was heartbreaking, and really impacted my

self-confidence. I also struggled with organization. I lost a lot of my papers

and my homework. My backpack was always a mess. Emotionally, I also struggled. I had

a really hard time controlling my emotions. I was, I was a crybaby as a kid,

and got made fun of for it, of course. I was bullied incessantly all throughout

elementary school and in middle school. I was bullied a lot. I wasn't just bullied in

school, I was bullied at daycare by... Like even when I was like little, there

were teenagers that were, you know, like ten years older than me, picking on me. It

was a very difficult time for me. It was hard, and I know that

there are other people out there who have struggled too. The social impact that

ADHD has on us, it makes it very difficult for us to make friends and to

understand other people. Okay, but what was good? There were some good

things that happened. At age seven, I was diagnosed, first diagnosed with ADHD.

I think diagnosis is really important. At the time that I was diagnosed, the

treatment really was just medication. There wasn't really any skills training,

or any sort of cognitive therapy, or anything like that. And unfortunately, my

doctor believed at the time that kids who have ADHD outgrow it in adolescence.

So I was only on medication for a limited

amount of time, and then I wasn't able to... I really started to struggle again

academically once I was in middle school because I no longer had the medication.

And, it wasn't really until college that I started to understand. Because I had a

hard time in college again, and college has way more demands upon you. You have

to be organized. You have to do your homework on your own! There's no one

there to like make you do it. In fact, some classes they don't even

collect it. It's just like "Here, you should probably do this so you can study."

The level of self-management required in college, I just really struggled. I did

not have those skills. I was failing some of my classes. So I decided to get some

help. And I remembered like "Hey wasn't I

diagnosed with this thing as a kid? let me find out more about this!", and I

started to research it and figure out that Hey! it's not just about not being

able to pay attention, which is the only information that I had as a kid. I

learned that it impacted all these other aspects of my life. My social skills, my

organization skills, my self-management skills... Every aspect of my life was

impacted by this. So, I finally got more treatment, some real treatment for it, and

I think that really helped lead into my success. So, I've been really fortunate

to have had a lot of success professionally, and I completed a

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Animation Illustration, which I am very proud of!

Because for ADHDers, only 3% of those who attempt college actually complete it.

And I knew about this statistic when I was in college and I thought "Okay,

the odds are against me that I'm going to finish this thing." And I actually did

almost drop out at one point. While I was studying that I actually ended up

getting an internship at Google. And I've been at Google now for 12 years. So after

completing that internship, they converted me to a

permanent employee, and I've been there ever since and it's a great company. I've

been very fortunate to be there. One of the first things that I did at Google

is I was a doodler. I was on a part of a team of illustrators that creates the

homepage logos, and I created over 100 doodles that have appeared on Google's

homepage. So my artwork has been seen by millions of people, and that's pretty

cool! That's something to really be proud of and now I am actually a senior

engineer at Google. I lead a team of other engineers, and we hack around and

create stuff. Which is also something to be proud of. I hope that this story has

been inspiring to you. To hear that someone else who struggled a lot with

ADHD has been successful, and has been able to manage it. And despite all of the

challenges be successful with it. So one more thing I want to share, is that the

reason that this YouTube channel exists, and why this community exists, is to help

people that were like me as a kid. Like I don't want other people to struggle the

way that I did. A lot of people didn't understand me. I had a hard time finding

other people that were like me, that understood me, that accepted me. And

that's really powerful. I want to share what I learned in hopes that it will

help. Even if it just helps one person, then it's worth it. Let me know in the

comments below: Did any of this resonate with you? Do you struggle with mental

illness? And what ways does it impact you? I'd love to hear from you in the

comments below. And let me know if there's anything I can do to help

support you. Also, if you'd like more information, please subscribe to my

newsletter where I share mental health tips and creative tips. We're all here to

help one another become more awesome. Thanks for watching! Bye!

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