Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

What that is, my gentlemen

What that is?

That is, my gentlemen



So that one, who was he?

That... Cejrowski, yes?

Yeah, Cejrowski!

Barefoot through the world, ku*wa!


Werka, that's you, you can take me on your knees ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ye… so you would fuck up her legs, right?

You know what, Santi?

I know, ye, but remember that I'm not somehow super big, yeah? So I am afraid I would break a bit…

But you have lots of mass.



Wera is modest

Aha, so I'm fat, ok

Nah, hey, you're "centy", mean, tiny


Ok, so am I tiny or fat? Because I don't know anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I didn't say, you're fat

I said you're mass-ive, means by the bone (still means fat tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Even better…

Gut, gut :D


Will give you 2 Serums, cut it out


Ey! Ey! Ey!



Where are you come from?


How come?


Well ye.

Ey, but your accent is Russian, this is mega ossum! *.* Seriously! :D

Aha? Patryk?


I didn't hear yet worse pick up line…

Mrrrrrr 😉 That you must learn ;D

Holy f*ck xDDD

F*ck, I just can't xDDDDD

Onion, ok


*omegalul death*

For more infomation >> Aion funny moments 12 - Duration: 7:16.


Bellator MMA! Fedor "The Last Emperor" Emelianenko Pounds Sonnen Out in First-Round TKO - Duration: 0:56.

The attention of fans of mixed martial arts this morning was directed to the Grand Prix duel Bellator in New York.

Russian Fedor Emelianenko fought with American Chael Sonnen.

The Last Emperor, as called by Emelianenko's fans, from the first seconds of the fight brought down the opponent with the hail of strikes.

Several times, wrestling tricks overturned him on the floor.

By the end of the round, the American couldn't defend himself anymore and a referee stopped the fight.

Fedor will meet Ryan Bader in the final.

After this win in the semi-final, Russian has 38 wins from 44 fights.

29 wins were won by the KTO or opponents' tapping.

For more infomation >> Bellator MMA! Fedor "The Last Emperor" Emelianenko Pounds Sonnen Out in First-Round TKO - Duration: 0:56.


Estados Unidos: a estrada da Flórida ao Texas - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> Estados Unidos: a estrada da Flórida ao Texas - Duration: 11:32.


Why Haven't We Met Time Travelers? - Duration: 6:29.

Humans on a mass scale have been fascinated with time travel since the industrial revolution.

Something about the moving backward and forward through time has fascinated us, but so far

as we know, Time Travel is the stuff of fiction best experienced in movies like Back to the


Some think Time Travel will one day be possible, but if so, why haven't we come across any

evidence of it?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that likes to answer

a breadth if questions on topics like history, politics, science, space and pop culture.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking – Why Haven't We Met Time Travellers


Before we fly through this video, I just want to ask you guys to hit that thumbs up video

if you like our content and also let us know which era you would travel to if you had the


I'm torn between going back in time to see the Dinosaurs, or experiencing the swinging


Let me know where you would go in the comments section down below.


Time Travellers.

Where are they?

Widespread human fascination with time travel came after the industrial revolution when

eras stopped spanning hundreds of years, but started spanning decades.

Prior to the revolution, people could expect their lives to be reasonably similar to that

of their parents and grandparents.

Change was slower and if there was any fascination with history it would be over lengthier periods

of time.

Now though, my mums childhood in the 70s, or my grandparents lives during world war

two are much more appealing and historically loaded.

Since the space revolution, scientists have been theorising and working towards ways in

which we can travel through time.

At the moment, travelling through time with ease doesn't work with our earth laws of

physics, however it is speculated that once we master the ability to travel at the speed

of light we may have a fighting chance.

Sadly, we are some way off being able to travel that fast right now.

Professor Stephen Hawking, amongst other big brains, theorised that we may be able to manipulate

worm holes to travel through time, too, but of course, we haven't come across any we

have the ability to travel through yet.

All that being said, there was a time where humans hadn't yet invented the wheel, or

the internal combustion engine.

In ancient civilisations, nobody would have conceived of fast, effective plane travel

or that one day man might walk on the moon.

Just because we can't time travel today, doesn't necessarily mean we won't be able


So, that being said, if we assume humans do ever get to the point where we can time travel,

where on earth are all the time travellers….

Professor Stephen Hawking Famously held a party for Time Travellers on June the 28th


He had canapes, cocktails and flutes of champagne ready.

He also had balloons and a big sign saying Welcome Time Travellers.

Of course, no time travel experiment would be complete without mailing the invites AFTER

the event in question, which is exactly what he did.

Nobody showed up and all that beautiful Krug Champagne went undrunk.

Does this mean time travels do not exist?

Or are they avoiding us?

There are three possibilities as to what might be going on here and why nobody attended Professor

Hawking's party.

The first one is pretty sad – and that is, time travellers do not exist because humans

never manage to crack time manipulation.

Something kills us off before we get there.

What a buzz kill.

The second is that perhaps we are living through the first ever time.

To believe in time travel is to either wildly suspend disbelief, disregard paradoxes, or

to believe that there may be parallel universes existing side by side that could allow for

a future, a past and a present to somehow exist together and be travelled between, although

this would open a wider can of worms about cause and effect and whether changing something

would eradicate the outcome that led you to going back in time in the first place.

Mind boggling, so lets stick a pin in that.

IF parallel universes exist and this is the first time we are living through history and

we have not yet built a time machine yet, then how can we expect to see time travellers?

Offering a slightly different angle, Hawking's mate Kip Throne wrote a great book called

Black Holes and Time Warps.

In this, he says the most feasible way of time travelling would be manipulating worm

holes – however he adds this would only allow people in the future to travel back

as far as the invention of the time machine itself….and as that isn't yet, we wouldn't

see any today.

The third possibility?

We have encountered Time Travellers, we just don't know it.

Perhaps Time Travellers are being careful to leave no trace for fear of creating irreparable


Some even argue that we have met them, we just aren't publicly accepting it.

Recently a man called Noah made world wide headlines when he claimed to be a professional

time-traveller from the year 2030.

Amongst other things, he says he has a device in his hand that helps him time travel – which

an X ray did seem to back up.

Similarly a Greek man claimed that he was shot forward through time to the year 3207

as part of a secret military experiment.

He said buildings were huge, the grass was a weird new colour and people flew in cars

and lived among big animals and robots.

Head over to youtube, you'll find dozens of semi convincing videos of conversations

with alleged time travellers.

In 2016, archeologists dug up an object that looked like a 2000s era mobile phone….

Like….spookily so.

Again, there is that alleged time traveller talking on a phone to someone in Charlie Chaplin's

1928 movie, The Circus…

The Hipster on the bridge in 1948….Some people claim Vladimir Putin is a time traveller!

Are these hoaxes, or are there really time travellers out there already?

Or, do you think the lack of steadfast proof means there are no time travellers yet.

Do you think there will ever be?

Do you believe in parallel universes?

I have so many questions…which means it is probably time to end this question!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

I am totally fascinated by this question and would like to invite future me, if your watching,

to send me a message or a sign …. Here's hoping time travel will be invented in my

life time, anyway.

Make sure you leave a thumbs up and hit that notification bell.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate – I'll catch you in the next video, but until then…stay

curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

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