Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor channel my

name is Brent and today we're gonna be going over the topic of a Roth IRA

versus a taxable count I had a viewer and subscriber leave me a comment saying

hey I am 19 years old I want to start investing in a Roth IRA or a regular

taxable count I want to mainly invest for dividends

but I feel like I may want to be able to tap into those dividends well before I'm

59 and a half and if you know the Roth IRA in order to get the maximum effect

you have to leave your your contributions you know to take advantage

of the tax-free benefits you have to hit it fifteen and a half so he asked for my

opinion so this video is going to be going towards that the Roth IRA versus

the taxable count and a lot of people go back and forth on this topic so of

course I wanted to create a video on this so taxable count versus a Roth IRA

first hour scenario we are 18 years old we have up to fifty five hundred dollars

per year to contribute towards our retirement we may retire at forty five

fifty sixty who really knows we're pretty young but we have a goal in mind

we want to retire so what is our best option

a taxable count or a Roth IRA well let's go ahead and cover some of the taxable

account benefits number one your unrestricted you can deposit you can

withdraw your money at any time for any purpose without having to pay income tax

or penalty at that time so if you invest in an IRA or a Roth IRA and you make

deposit and withdrawal deposits and the capital gains you're gonna get hit with

the ten percent penalty plus you're gonna have to pay income tax on those

IRA because that is pre-tax money going in and the Roth IRA is post tax money

going in but your unrestricted on a tax will come if you set up an account over

on Robin Hood and one finance Merrill edge Vanguard Fedele they don't have any

sort of minimum you can deposit you know some brokers out there give you actual

stock when you sign up for them and others you know you put in 100 bucks you

can do that you can begin investing if you want to

fifty thousand a hundred thousand you have a million dollars you just

inherited there's no restrictions you can go ahead and deposit it there's no

minimum requirements which we already sort of covered you know two min and max

so we already sort of cover that you can put it you can start investing with as

little as zero Oliver on Robin Hood you sign up through a referral link they

give you a free stock you don't even have to have your own money in the game

you can still have that emotional effect as a brand-new investor looking at your

investments or you can go ahead and start with much more so you do end up

paying taxes based on how long you've held your investments if you've held a

stock for less than 366 days you will need to pay the short term capital gains

otherwise if you've held it for over a year 366 days then you get that

long-term tax rate so depending on what your tax bracket is if you fall into the

22% tax bracket for 2018 then you'll actually end up paying a 15% tax tax

bracket on your long term gains but if you fall into that 12 percent tax

bracket you'll pay 0% on your long term capital gains and dividends somewhere

along those lines you know you know disclaimer I'm not any sort of financial

adviser or tax professional but you know always I'd you know talk with your tax

advisor on these questions so step-up they have a program called the step up

if you pass away and you have accounts stocks sitting within your taxable

account you had there's a step-up program where you're here's your

beneficiaries if they end up selling those investments they will get it taxed

as if you had bought them at the price the day you died so today Apple was

worth two hundred and seventy nil or something like that and I pass away and

it goes to my child and he decides he's gonna go ahead and sell off the stock

you know my wife needs the money at the time she's gonna go ahead and sell off

the stock well instead of paying capital gains where I bought Apple say at a

1:160 she'll only get taxed on the capital

gains from that point at one two hundred and seventeen dollars tax loss

harvesting you can actually offset up to three thousand dollars if your ordinary

income with investment losses per year so if you do horrible investing in stock

such as Sears General Electric you know some other ones that have tanked out

there say you bought a bunch of these weed socks growth stocks at their peak

you know a Mt canopy growth when they were all over

the media getting blasted and then they fell by 20-30 percent well you can

offset some of your losses by up to three thousand dollars per year and I

believe it rolls over maybe one or two years you can also decide when to

withdraw so if you've hit sixty years old there is a time I know in the IRA

you have to begin withdrawing in the IRA at 70 and a half somewhere in that range

but as a taxable account you can actually leave your money in there if

you see that you have to withdraw money up your IRA and it's going to be bumping

you up into a higher tax bracket say normally you're in that fifteen percent

tax bracket twelve percent tax bracket which means that you're going to be

taxed at a much lower bracket but if you are having to withdraw ten or fifteen

thousand dollars automatically out of your IRA because of your they're forcing

you you can go ahead and hold off from pulling money out of your taxable

account lowering you into that tax bracket instead of bumping you up into

that twenty five percent tax bracket where your dividends will then get taxed

at 15 percent instead of zero percent so you can actually just kind of decide

there there's a bunch of other those are the main benefits of the taxable account

you will be being basically paying taxes every single year depending on how long

you've held the investment if you don't sell the stock then you don't pay taxes

that year because you've never sold it but if you earn dividends from that

stock and depending on your tax bracket you will either pay zero percent or a 15

percent tax bracket you no taxes on your dividends the Roth IRA benefits it

becomes you know number one it becomes 100 percent tax-free withdrawals at

retirement so once you hit retirement at fifteen and a half and you've had the

Roth IRA account open for at least five years all your capital gains your

dividends your interest your MLP distributions you know capital gain

distributions that all becomes 100% tax-free tax-free

also during that whole time that you've been invested in the Roth IRA all the

capital gains all those dividends all the interest that's being paid out to

you and it's being reinvested it becomes it's basically built up much faster it's

tax-free investment growth so if you get paid dividends you're not having to pay

taxes on those dividends per year you're not having to pay taxes if you decide to

take a little bit you know the edge off Apple Apple shut up 40% of your

portfolio you sell off a little bit of Apple you don't have to worry about

paying capital gains on it you can move Apple you know sell off some of your

positions to kind of move your money into a loss less volatile stock or a

company that recently took a huge dip you can go ahead and do that don't have

to worry about paying taxes that money would stay within the account building

up for you and tell you he hit that age of 50 and a half or you'll be able to

take advantage of the full capital gains dividends being reinvested in your

portfolio you know compounding effect much better there number three there's

no requirements on distribution such as an IRA the the taxable count doesn't

have a requirement but if you invest in an IRA then there is a age at seventy

seventy and a half where you do have to begin taking with withdrawals and also

at 70 and a half you can no longer deposit towards your IRA whereas a Roth

IRA you can continue to deposit so long as you're making some sort of income the

Roth IRA if it's been opened at least five years and you kind of croak at you

die it becomes tax-free to your beneficiary

so say over in the next five years I put in five you know five thousand five

hundred dollars that's twenty seven thousand dollars after five years and I

kind of you know I kick the bucket my beneficiary my wife my child they'll

be able to take advantage of all the capital gains the dividends within that

portfolio 100% tax-free after five years cow number five you can withdraw your

principal contributions at any time because you've already funded it with

after-tax dollars so Roth IRA you get tax on your money you know your

w-2 money you get that income going into your bank account you move that money

into your Roth IRA that's already taxed you don't have to worry about you know

if you do withdraw your contributions you can do it at any time you're not

gonna get penalized on it such as you would on a RA so if you deposit it you

know over five years you deposit $27,000 you decide hey you know I'm gonna go

ahead and put this towards a down payment on our home you can withdraw

those contributions at any time because that's already after tax money going in

and number six you can actually use the funds penalty-free towards a higher

education so if you want to use that money towards certificates licensing or

college you can do so you know make sure to check with your advisor to see if it

actually work towards that program but you could do it tax-free I'm not sure if

you could do it towards your children but that's something to kind of figure

out there I know you can definitely use it for yourself so in this scenario

going back to our scenario this individual will say was 18 years old the

Roth IRA gets the full benefits being 100% tax-free at the age of fifteen and

a half just kind of bumping it up to sixty that is 42 years of investing in

the annual rate of return currently we'll say seven to ten percent three

percent inflation we'll just say 7 percent is our annual rate of return

we're gonna be contributing for 42 years from the age of 18 to 60 that's we're

also planning to kind of kick the bucket at 90 you know average lifespan of a

human is eighty seven ninety so we'll say that we're gonna be saving up an

ambassador at sixty and then have 30 years of withdrawal after we've decided

to take advantage of a Roth IRA our current existing balance at the age of

eighteen is zero and we're gonna be making fifty five hundred dollars every

year in contributions these contributions are going to be frequently

every year and once we retire we're gonna be withdrawing our money monthly

because we want to be able to use that money you know January we pull out our

money we use it towards January February we pull out our money we use it towards

February and so on our current tax brackets during these contribution

you know I just used me for the scenario I sit at a twenty two percent tax break

and go into 2018 in retirement I'm gonna go ahead and say that we don't really

know we can't plan for taxes in the future who knows what will happen with

taxes but I went ahead and just continued to keep it at 22% because in

retirement I want to be able to with you know have the same live the same

lifestyle that I'm currently living or a little bit more and I'm aiming for 22%

right now it could be higher you know tax brackets in the future we could go

to a whole different kind of society where we're getting taxed at 40% 50% who

really knows so I just went ahead and put 22% there so here is our results oh

here's your tax brackets depending on how much income you currently make or

your future you know are you gonna be married in future are you gonna be

single so here if you're in the 22 percent tax bracket and you're married

you're making between 77 and a hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars if

you're married you're gonna get in that bracket if you make more than 38 to

eighty two and if you are single which is over here your tax brackets as well

so those are the sort of taxes you can write it down in your head on a piece of

paper okay so here are our results in a taxable count after you've been

withdrawing for 42 years from the age of 18 depositing $5,500 every single year

at the age of 60 when you decide to you know because you want to take advantage

of having a taxable account you're gonna have eight eight hundred and eighty four

thousand four hundred and seventy one dollars and seventy seven cents you are

monthly withdrawal because this is you're gonna get taxed on this money

it's going to be four thousand nine hundred and twenty six dollars and

eighty seven cents every single month and after 90 years you know from your

total withdrawals taking out taxes from you know from your start point till your

end point at the age of 90 your total portfolio would have actually have grown

to about 1.7 million dollars now if you invest it in an IRA that's the tax

deferred account you you actually write off some of your taxes you don't have to

pay taxes on the money going in you're still depositing that $5,500 per

year your balance at 60 has 1.3 million dollars that's gonna leave you with

around six thousand eight hundred and ninety one dollars and 15 cents of

monthly money going to you every single month at the age of sixty your portfolio

after you know those 90 years when you croak the bucket at 90 your total

withdrawals from your portfolio would be 2.4 million dollars that's after taxes

because you'd be paying that those twenty two percent taxes on that money

coming out and if you had invested in a tax-free account you know a Roth IRA

Roth 401 K you've been depositing $5,500 per year at the age of sixty you'd be at

that 1.3 million dollar area same as the IRA only your monthly income would be

eight thousand eight hundred and thirty four dollars and 81 cents that's a

difference of two thousand dollars just because you decided to you know put in

after-tax money now versus you know trying to defer some your taxes who

knows what tax brackets will be this is in the twenty two percent tax bracket if

you think you're going to be in a much higher tax bracket in the future then

this is actually going to be much less I don't plan on saying that 22 percent tax

bracket I plan on going and growing my income over the next year's so here your

total withdrawal after you've been investing up until sixty and you've been

making withdrawals all the way until 90 is 3.1 million dollars so that's a huge

difference between an IRA and a Roth IRA and just about double a taxable account

so you can see a huge difference there in your monthly withdrawals with a

taxable account any tax-free account pretty big difference there now say we

want to go ahead woops I went the wrong way let's go ahead and say that we're

gonna retire at forty five you know we've done a really good job of

investing between the age and 18 and 45 we boss and really set along the way you

know we've we've had extra income we bought real estate we don't really need

our contributions do you wait till the age of 60 so we're gonna go

ahead and decide to retire at 45 from the age of 18 till 45 that's 27 years of

investing in a Roth IRA you're putting away $5,500 per year at him you know by

27 years you'd have deposited a hundred and forty thousand five hundred dollars

of your own contributions that's the positing $5,500 per year for

27 years your total balance at the age of 45 is

four hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and thirty-seven dollars

and twenty-nine cents a hundred and forty eight thousand of it is your

contributions which remember the Roth IRA can withdraw their contributions at

any time penalty free and no taxes so yours until the age of sixty to take

advantage of the Roth IRA you know the extra remaining money in the account

that's 15 years so we have 15 years we have to kind of let some of our capital

gains dividend set in the account but we have a hundred and forty eight thousand

dollars of our own money sitting in that account we divide that by 15 that's the

number of years remaining till age of 60 that's nine thousand nine hundred

dollars for the year you know split it up per year we divide that by 12 we can

actually withdraw eight hundred and twenty-five dollars per month of our

original contributions up into the age of sixty now I'm not saying you should

do this but this is an example giving you know kind of my opinion if you have

rentals and you actually want to retire you want to take advantage of the Roth

IRA because you don't want to take the full advantage of the whole compounding

of it because you have other stuff that offsets you you know me you may have

gotten like a two million three million dollar portfolio of real estate you're

pulling a hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars there of cash flow this

is just extra money that you don't really need inside the Roth IRA so you

can go ahead and pull eight hundred and twenty-five dollars per month over the

next 15 years of your original contributions now say you want to retire

and set at 50 you know we don't really know when we're gonna retire I'm 33 this

individual is 18 I actually want to retire at 45 as well so here in this

example we're going to age 18 to 50 that's 32 years inside the Roth IRA

that's $5,500 per year over two years that's a hundred and

seventy-six thousand dollars of our own money going in fifty five hundred elves

per year over thirty two years are you know estimated balance at that point is

six hundred and forty eight thousand six hundred and thirty three dollars and

eighty two cents when we you know when we hit the age of fifty how many years

do we have until we can take the full advantage of the account that's only ten

years so we take our original contributions of a hundred and

seventy-six thousand divided by ten years remaining that seventeen thousand

six hundred dollars per year that we can withdraw of our original contributions

if whatever reason we needed to divide that by twelve to get our monthly rate

of one thousand four hundred and sixty six dollars per month that we can

withdraw over original contributions penalty free tax-free because we've

already been tax on that income so now after you've hit sixty you know after

ten years of taking advantage of the the we've pulled out our original hundred

and seventy six thousand dollars of our own contribution we may still be

contribute in there you know we're not taking it out completely we're still

allowing money to reinvest in these accounts so by the age of sixty we will

then be able to take advantage of the capital gains the dividends the interest

that was actually made in that account you know using our contributions plus

our capital gains you know from the account so it would all compounded

during that point we may still have a balance around you know six hundred and

forty eight thousand to one million or 1.3 million dollars in that range so at

that point at sixty we will still be able to withdraw money tax-free because

that's the whole point of that account so that is basically all I wanted to go

over in this video is basically kind of covering the taxable account versus the

Roth IRA the whole point that people make an investment in a taxable account

is they don't know when they're going to retire but if you plan on retiring

somewhere around 45 or 50 you're still putting in a hundred and forty eight

thousand a hundred and seventy six thousand of your money that you can

withdraw at any time without penalty without having to pay taxes on that and

if you go through this and you kind of see your drew you can do your own math

of how long maybe you want to retire at 35 or 45 or 40 or 50 or 60 and we've

already done our 60 scenario you can see the huge differences here if you decide

hey you know my plans didn't work out I'm not gonna retire at 45 I'm not gonna

retire at 50 if I just let my money sit there until 60 I'm gonna be retiring

with 1.3 million dollars that's gonna get me an monthly cash flow of eight

thousand eight hundred and thirty four dollars and 81 cents so that is all I

wanted to cover in this video I hope you guys did like it if you did like it give

it a thumbs up if there's any questions comment let me know in the comment

section below if there's something I missed or had an area with let me know

in the comment section below and you know quick disclaimer I am NOT a

financial adviser or tax professional this video is for fun and entertainment

I was asked a question of my opinion between you no taxable count and a Roth

IRA I 100% support the Roth IRA as the main account of investment if that is

your current retirement vehicle with a stock market the Roth IRA is probably

your best option to retire either early or late 100% tax-free you can see how

this will work if you actually decide to end you know retire at 45 you can see if

you decide to retire 50 and the whole advantages of the Roth IRA there if you

end up dying at some point your benefits beneficiaries will actually get all of

your capital gains dividends tax-free so that is it for this video and you guys I

hope you guys did enjoy it let me know in the comment section below if this

video did help you in any way share it with your friends and thank you for

tuning in to the financial ambassador Channel if you are brand new to the

channel hit the subscribe button hit the thumbs up I'm N thank you guys for

tuning in I will see you next time bye

For more infomation >> Stock Market Investing - Taxable Account Vs. Roth IRA - With Early Retirement Scenario - Duration: 22:17.


Orca Tactical - MOLLE EDC Utility Pouch - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Orca Tactical - MOLLE EDC Utility Pouch - Duration: 1:28.


Inside the Suitcase | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:06.

Come on. Down you come.

Come on.

Thank Paracelsus.

If you'd have got out, that could've been quite catastrophic.

So he's the real reason I came to America.

To bring Frank home.

Wait. No, sorry. Stay there.

- He's a wee bit sensitive to strangers.

Here you are. Here you are.

He was trafficked, you see.

I found him in Egypt. He was all chained up.

Couldn't leave him there. I had to bring him back.

I'm gonna put you back where you belong, aren't I, Frank?

To the wilds of Arizona.

All right, here they come.

Here who comes?

- Graphorns.

- Hey! - You're all right.

- Oh! - Hello.


So they're the last breeding pair in existence.

So if I hadn't managed to rescue them,

that could've been the end of Graphorns forever.

All right.

JACOB: What, you rescue these creatures?

Yes, that's right. Rescue, nurture and protect them.

And I'm gently trying to educate my fellow wizards about them.

- Come on.


Titus, Finn.

Poppy, Marlow, Tom.

He had a cold.

He needed some body warmth.


All right, on you hop.

He has some attachment issues.

Now, come on, Pickett.


No, they're not gonna bully you, now come on.


All right.

And that is exactly why they accuse me of favoritism.

Oh, no, Dougal's gone.

- All right, I'm coming. I'm coming.

Mum's here. Mum's here.

Oh, hello.

Let me take a look at you.

I know these guys.

Your Occamy.

- What do you mean, my Occamy? - Yes.

Do you want to...

Oh... Oh, wow, yeah, sure.


- Hey.

- Ahh! - Oh, sorry, no, don't pet him.

They, um, learn to defend themselves early.

See, their shells are made of silver, so they're incredibly valuable.


Their nests tend to get ransacked by hunters.

Thank you.

Mr. Scamander?

Oh, call me Newt.

Newt. I don't think I'm dreaming.

What gave it away?

I ain't got the brains to make this up.

Would you mind throwing some of those pellets

in with the Mooncalfs over there?

- Yeah, sure. - Just over there's...


Niffler's gone.

Course he has, little bugger.

Any chance to get his hands on something shiny.

For more infomation >> Inside the Suitcase | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:06.


Top 10 Video Games That Predicted The Future - Duration: 10:29.

Video games are great because they can be set in the past, present or the future.

Just like movies or books, some video games have got the future very wrong, we look back

in amusement at their predictions - some of them though seemed to hit the nail on the


Some games featured events that hadnt happened in real life yet - events that would change

the world forever - did the developers know this?

Have any games youve played predicted the future?

Lets find out - my name is Danny Burke, this is the top 10 video games that predicted the


Starting off at number 10 we have Homefront.

This game was released by THQ in 2011.

It tells the story of resistance fighters in the US, battling against a Korean occupation

under a unified Kim Jong-un.

Some people were surprised at just how accuaretly it seemed to guess a turn of events that really

did take place in Korea.

Firstly, the coming death of Kim Jong-il which happened in December 2011, just 9 months after

the game came out.

They also correctly depicted Kim Jong-un to be the one to succeed him.

This may seem fairly obvious to us now but back then, there was still a lot of speculation

- Kim Jong-il had 5 children and nobody was quite sure who would take his place, even

though he had already announced Kim Jong-un as his heir apparent.

Whether they be predictions or coincidences, many people wondered if the games depiction

of a unified Korea taking over the US could also be the next thing to come true …

Coming in at number 9 we have Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2.

This RTS game was released by EA in October 2000.

The game was a huge success and sold very well.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Then, less than a year after its release - the September 11th Attacks happened.

Afterwards, people went back to the game and noticed that the cover artwork had a disturbing

resemblance to the actual attacks.

There you can see a plane flying right towards the twin towers as explosions go off everywhere.

EA scrambled to release a new version of the covert art.

The plane heading towards the towers was replaced with a US flag and a mushroom cloud.

EA even offered people who owned the old version to exchange it for a new version.

They did still keep the twin towers in the actual game as part of the campaign.

Many people were creeped out by the sight of the towers, explosions and a plane that

was released just months before it actually happened.

Next up at number 8 we have The Human Genome Project.

Some of you may have heard of the Civilization games, theyre hugely popular, I myself have

probably lost days of my life to them.

Well, theyre all the brainchild of game developer Sid Meirs.

He didnt just make Civilization though, he was also responsible for Alpha Centauri.

It was released in 1999 and featured a tech tree where players could progress a space

colony through scientific projects to gain permanent stat upgrades.

One of these was called the Human Genome Project - the idea was that once your Civilization

had mapped out the sequence of human DNA, it would unlock great potential in medicine

and our understanding of genes.

At the time, many players thought this was just a quirky game gimmick, but 4 years after

the games release, the international scientific community announced they had mapped the human

genome in real life, with the help of people all over the world.

They had first started it in 1990 but it took 13 years for them to complete it.

Some people say that Alpha Centauri predicted the projects successful completion and the

impact it would have on science.

Next up at number 7 now we have Madden.

Madden is the extremely popular American Football game by EA.

A new one is released each year with the aim to improve on what came before.

One of the things that EA strives towards is realism - realism in players by making

them as fast, strong and skilled as they are in real life and realism in teams by giving

them realistic results against other teams.

One sign that they have succeeded is the games ability to predict the outcome of the super


For the last 10 superbowls, the game has been setup to simulate each game before it happens

- using this, EA have successfully predicted the outcome of the super bowl 8 times out

of 10 - 80% is very good - if betters wanted a system to help them when it comes to the

superbowl, its strange to think that Madden might be their best option.

Moving on to number 6 we have Ghost Recon.

When Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, it shocked many people all over the world.

The conflict lasted for 5 days until a ceasefire was agreed.

Some people who might not have been surprised were fans of Tom Clancys Ghost Recon.

The 2001 game features ultra nationalist Russians trying to take over Georgia with the help

of Rebels.

The game was also set in 2008, the exact same year that something very similar happened.

In the game, the US is alarmed by whats happening and deploys the Ghosts, a special force unit,

into Georgia to stop the Russians.

They end up taking the fight all the way to Moscow itself.

Granted, thats not how the real events played out - like I said earlier, the conflict was

just 5 days and did not involve any special US forces, at least no0ne that we know of.

Still, many people were surprised that the game included a conflict and a year than match

up so closely with real life events.

Some people say they knew something we didnt, others say this was just a coincidence, what

do you guys think?

Coming in at number 5 we have Pacman.

For as long as there have been video games, there have been critics saying that they leave

a negative impact on children - that video games can affect what they grow up to be,

violent video games create violent people - not true from everything Ive seen but thats

beside the point.

The comedia Marcus Brigstocke was once talking about this and he joked that -If Pac-Man had

affected us as kids, wed all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening

to repetitive electronic music- … I hate to be the one to explain a joke, kinda kills

it, but Im going to for those of you who might be confused - he's referring to the rave scene

of the early 90s which saw many young adults doing exactly what he said - running around

in dark rooms, munching pills as in drugs and listening to repetitive electronic music.

These people would have been the perfect age for Pac Man in 1980, the year the game came


Its obviously a joke but some people have latched onto it and truly believe that Pac

Man either influenced or predicted the rise of the rave scene around the world.

Next up at number 4 we have Deus Ex.

This game is set in 2052.

It shows a world that has moved forward to the point of transhumanism where humans and

robots have become intertwined.

They may be right about this, they may be wrong - well have to wait to find out.

One prediction thats already come and gone though has creeped a lot of people out.

In parts of the game, you can see the New York City skyline - a number of famous buildings

can be picked out but interestingly, not the twin towers.

You might think theres nothing strange about this - every game showing the New York skyline

that came after 9/11 hasnt featured the twin towers.

Well heres the kicker, Deus Ex came out in 2000, a full year before the events of 9/11.

Eidos, the game creators, said that the reason they didnt include the twin towers in the

game was because of technical limitations and an effort to try and save memory space.

The weird thing is, the reason they gave for this in the game was that the towers had been

destroyed … by terrorism.

This may just be one very creepy coincidence but some people believe it was a not so subtle

prediction of events to come …

Next up at number 3 we have Metal Gear Rising.

This hack and slash game was released by Konami in 2013.

One of the games characters is a Colarado Senator called Steven Armstrong.

He has hopes of becoming President one day.

He's not a good guy by any stretch of the imagination - at one point he has Raiden,

the main character of the series, under his foot.

As he pushes him into the ground and raves about his twisted vision for the future of

America, including his promise to -Make America Great Again- … you might recognise that

line from somewhere.

The game came out in 2013, two years before Donald Trump even ran for President - some

people say that Metal Gear Rising predicted that someone would rise to power using this

phrase, those who don't like Trump might even go further and say that the characters bully

like nature was a sign of things to come.

Of course, this isnt the first time that people have ever used the phrase -Make a country

great again!- but this one seemed to raise a lot of eyebrows …

Next up at number 2 we have we have Mercenaries 2.

This action adventure video game was released in 2008.

The games story depicted the Venezuelan President trying to gain control of an American oil


Upon the games release, the real Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, was furious at the

game makers and America in general.

He said that the game was nothing more than American propaganda designed to get support

from American citizens for an invasion of Venezuela.

In hindsight, this seems a bit ridiculous - if a government wanted to earn support for

a war from its people, I think it has better tools than video games.

Perhaps his anger was because he thought that people had figured out because, amazingly,

he did exactly what the game said he would do.

In 2010, the Venezuelan government decided to seize the assets of US oil rigs.

They took control of 11 drillings rigs that were US owned without any compensation.

I wonder if he ever played the video game …

And finally at number 1 now we have Smash TV.

These days, reality TV is everywhere - its almost hard to imagine a time when there werent

shows like it - but there was.

In 1990, a game called Smash TV.

Characters take part in an extreme game show where they fight for their lives while millions

of captivated people watch from home.

Think of it like hunger games but for the arcade.

Players had to enter life or death fights in an arena and nobody could leave till the

bloody end.

Some people look back at this game and think it was quite prophetic - we may not be watching

the real life hunger games on our TVs every week, but the internet seems to think that

Smash TV was onto something.

In 1990, years before shows like Survivor or The Bachelor were popular, this game predicted

a world of people obsessed with reality shows.

Lets hope they got the violent hunger games style prediction wrong …

For more infomation >> Top 10 Video Games That Predicted The Future - Duration: 10:29.


Why Haven't We Met Time Travelers? - Duration: 6:29.

Humans on a mass scale have been fascinated with time travel since the industrial revolution.

Something about the moving backward and forward through time has fascinated us, but so far

as we know, Time Travel is the stuff of fiction best experienced in movies like Back to the


Some think Time Travel will one day be possible, but if so, why haven't we come across any

evidence of it?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that likes to answer

a breadth if questions on topics like history, politics, science, space and pop culture.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking – Why Haven't We Met Time Travellers


Before we fly through this video, I just want to ask you guys to hit that thumbs up video

if you like our content and also let us know which era you would travel to if you had the


I'm torn between going back in time to see the Dinosaurs, or experiencing the swinging


Let me know where you would go in the comments section down below.


Time Travellers.

Where are they?

Widespread human fascination with time travel came after the industrial revolution when

eras stopped spanning hundreds of years, but started spanning decades.

Prior to the revolution, people could expect their lives to be reasonably similar to that

of their parents and grandparents.

Change was slower and if there was any fascination with history it would be over lengthier periods

of time.

Now though, my mums childhood in the 70s, or my grandparents lives during world war

two are much more appealing and historically loaded.

Since the space revolution, scientists have been theorising and working towards ways in

which we can travel through time.

At the moment, travelling through time with ease doesn't work with our earth laws of

physics, however it is speculated that once we master the ability to travel at the speed

of light we may have a fighting chance.

Sadly, we are some way off being able to travel that fast right now.

Professor Stephen Hawking, amongst other big brains, theorised that we may be able to manipulate

worm holes to travel through time, too, but of course, we haven't come across any we

have the ability to travel through yet.

All that being said, there was a time where humans hadn't yet invented the wheel, or

the internal combustion engine.

In ancient civilisations, nobody would have conceived of fast, effective plane travel

or that one day man might walk on the moon.

Just because we can't time travel today, doesn't necessarily mean we won't be able


So, that being said, if we assume humans do ever get to the point where we can time travel,

where on earth are all the time travellers….

Professor Stephen Hawking Famously held a party for Time Travellers on June the 28th


He had canapes, cocktails and flutes of champagne ready.

He also had balloons and a big sign saying Welcome Time Travellers.

Of course, no time travel experiment would be complete without mailing the invites AFTER

the event in question, which is exactly what he did.

Nobody showed up and all that beautiful Krug Champagne went undrunk.

Does this mean time travels do not exist?

Or are they avoiding us?

There are three possibilities as to what might be going on here and why nobody attended Professor

Hawking's party.

The first one is pretty sad – and that is, time travellers do not exist because humans

never manage to crack time manipulation.

Something kills us off before we get there.

What a buzz kill.

The second is that perhaps we are living through the first ever time.

To believe in time travel is to either wildly suspend disbelief, disregard paradoxes, or

to believe that there may be parallel universes existing side by side that could allow for

a future, a past and a present to somehow exist together and be travelled between, although

this would open a wider can of worms about cause and effect and whether changing something

would eradicate the outcome that led you to going back in time in the first place.

Mind boggling, so lets stick a pin in that.

IF parallel universes exist and this is the first time we are living through history and

we have not yet built a time machine yet, then how can we expect to see time travellers?

Offering a slightly different angle, Hawking's mate Kip Throne wrote a great book called

Black Holes and Time Warps.

In this, he says the most feasible way of time travelling would be manipulating worm

holes – however he adds this would only allow people in the future to travel back

as far as the invention of the time machine itself….and as that isn't yet, we wouldn't

see any today.

The third possibility?

We have encountered Time Travellers, we just don't know it.

Perhaps Time Travellers are being careful to leave no trace for fear of creating irreparable


Some even argue that we have met them, we just aren't publicly accepting it.

Recently a man called Noah made world wide headlines when he claimed to be a professional

time-traveller from the year 2030.

Amongst other things, he says he has a device in his hand that helps him time travel – which

an X ray did seem to back up.

Similarly a Greek man claimed that he was shot forward through time to the year 3207

as part of a secret military experiment.

He said buildings were huge, the grass was a weird new colour and people flew in cars

and lived among big animals and robots.

Head over to youtube, you'll find dozens of semi convincing videos of conversations

with alleged time travellers.

In 2016, archeologists dug up an object that looked like a 2000s era mobile phone….

Like….spookily so.

Again, there is that alleged time traveller talking on a phone to someone in Charlie Chaplin's

1928 movie, The Circus…

The Hipster on the bridge in 1948….Some people claim Vladimir Putin is a time traveller!

Are these hoaxes, or are there really time travellers out there already?

Or, do you think the lack of steadfast proof means there are no time travellers yet.

Do you think there will ever be?

Do you believe in parallel universes?

I have so many questions…which means it is probably time to end this question!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

I am totally fascinated by this question and would like to invite future me, if your watching,

to send me a message or a sign …. Here's hoping time travel will be invented in my

life time, anyway.

Make sure you leave a thumbs up and hit that notification bell.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate – I'll catch you in the next video, but until then…stay

curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> Why Haven't We Met Time Travelers? - Duration: 6:29.


Elimi Bırakma 13. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma 13. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.


I Hate The Job I Am Doing! L@@K HERE! - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> I Hate The Job I Am Doing! L@@K HERE! - Duration: 1:21.


Aion funny moments 12 - Duration: 7:16.

What that is, my gentlemen

What that is?

That is, my gentlemen



So that one, who was he?

That... Cejrowski, yes?

Yeah, Cejrowski!

Barefoot through the world, ku*wa!


Werka, that's you, you can take me on your knees ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ye… so you would fuck up her legs, right?

You know what, Santi?

I know, ye, but remember that I'm not somehow super big, yeah? So I am afraid I would break a bit…

But you have lots of mass.



Wera is modest

Aha, so I'm fat, ok

Nah, hey, you're "centy", mean, tiny


Ok, so am I tiny or fat? Because I don't know anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I didn't say, you're fat

I said you're mass-ive, means by the bone (still means fat tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Even better…

Gut, gut :D


Will give you 2 Serums, cut it out


Ey! Ey! Ey!



Where are you come from?


How come?


Well ye.

Ey, but your accent is Russian, this is mega ossum! *.* Seriously! :D

Aha? Patryk?


I didn't hear yet worse pick up line…

Mrrrrrr 😉 That you must learn ;D

Holy f*ck xDDD

F*ck, I just can't xDDDDD

Onion, ok


*omegalul death*

For more infomation >> Aion funny moments 12 - Duration: 7:16.



Disneyland Paris it's my first full day here so day two but really day one

because it's my first full day to explore and soak everything up today I

woke up pretty tired I'm jet lag it's totally a thing you go across the world

but I'm feeling good and I'm on my way to get some coffee from Starbucks

normally there's one in the village so grab a coffee and then I am headed into

the park and it may be up with a friend today I'm really excited to enjoy her

company and explore somewhere I haven't even been to the studio's park at which

is theirs to practice at Disneyland there's a Jesse Lee empiric and then

there's the Walt Disney Studios Park so I haven't even been to that part yet so

I'm super excited but the weather is so glorious and it's a little chilly but it

feels so refreshing

I got a cold brew and my mom she smuggled me a chocolate curse - mutt

from the buffet she went to this morning so I'm all set

it was really neat cos in Starbucks they have a lot more he's Street options at

least in this Starbucks they had tons of donuts but you know pancakes say goodbye

but of course croissants many many croissants

we are engineering parents now and we're about to go underneath the capsule to

see the dragon I've heard of me

we got our sweetest blue what a pair so now we are headed out of Disneyland

Park for a little bit we're gonna explore than just a hotel which is

absolutely gorgeous we're actually right by it right here as

you can see so beautiful and then finally we're going to go to studios

because I still haven't been to the other party I still have so much more

time so it's time to right yeah it's raining it's super gentle you probably

didn't even notice but yeah it's gently raining a lot different than Florida

because when it rains there you know a little bit over there yes and we'll keep

going with a plain yellow adventurers out there

yeah all the detail on the wallpaper

these zoom zooms are themed prepared slipped chip has a little beret donald

has a MetroCard just got back to the hotel from an amazing day Disneyland

Paris it was so lovely to explore some more we didn't even make it to the

studios I haven't been to the other part yet we could have been just so busy

exploring everything else in Disney village and daily in Paris and just

having a good conversation and talking so it's been super lovely but tomorrow

I'm heading in to the city so I'm super excited

well Tower all that magical stuff and then I will have Thursday to go to

studios and do everything else I do sealant and make a home so seriously

trip but I'm soaking it up and having such a magical time until then I will

see you and one slot

okay morning it is Thursday morning and today is the last day of my holiday at

Disneyland appearance so today I'm spending the whole day at the parks

yesterday I went into Paris and it was such a lovely day it was my very first

time and I was able to see it so much I'm so thankful to the sleep friend I

got to meet there and she was so kind to take me around everywhere which I

appreciate so much because I would have been such a lost puppy without her I

just adored my time there and I'm still thinking why I got to visit it and it

was just such a beautiful day the weather in Paris right now in September

has been so so perfect if you're planning a trip to Disneyland Paris I

highly recommend coming this time of year granted I haven't come any other

time of year so I don't know if this is especially better than other times of

year but I absolutely love it and is just so completely beautiful I

have the window open at Sequoia Lodge where we're staying right now and it

feels so nice it feels like the perfect fall Florida day so if you're from

Florida you know what I mean so I'm just so thankful and today I'm finally going

to studios the Walt Disney studio park because like I said in my last Park blog

I have just been to the Disneyland Park so I still have so much to see and I've

already spent so much time to see Lance I'm so thankful and wearing my new

Disneyland Minnie Mouse parison okay this is the full look of the outfit of

the day I just love this little shirt from parents though my ears and the

balloons are definitely part of the outfit really excited to show you all

that and all the fun festivities of today

we made it into the park and they started putting up the Halloween

decorations Oh lovely and since we're staying at

Sequoia Lodge which is a Disney hotel we got to come in at 8:30 instead of 10 the

park doesn't open until 10:00 here which seems so late Congrats on us right

it never gets old and it's just toast I mean

yay after three days and finally going to studios

- the original Toy Story land the first one before Hollywood studio

the light was super long but we just rode single rider and it took about 20

minutes so amazing and it was such a thrill and so unique you definitely

to ease stuff so sweet these candies are so funny to me look at minis legs

they're so long her marshmallow legs and Mickey thank you it is huge we just did

the ratatouille the balloon popping in our video but we just did the

ratatouille ride and it was so precious I'm so because I never get me one at the

French Pavilion on a pot but now we're eating at Remy's I'm so excited and it

was such a brilliant idea to go on the ride right before that because the last

scene is kind of exactly what the restaurant looks like they just need it

so cute this evening is adorable and we're about to eat so much food I never

really ate breakfast so

lunch was so lovely and now we're at the terrace at Fantasia cafe and we got the

cutest little cappuccino

right now I'm just relaxing on the terrace at the hotel and it is just so

beautiful the weather the view I'm just feeling so incredibly thankful to be

here and all the magic that has happened on this trip that just has been so

overwhelmingly beautiful and I was really nervous to come on this trip I

was I just have never been here before and my mom has been working the whole

time so I was really anticipating to be alone the whole time but the beautiful

friends I was able to make him spend time with have made my trip so

incredibly fun and I didn't have to be alone basically at all which was great

don't get me wrong I do enjoy it low time but to be alone and Disneyland

Paris the whole time it was very nice to have such a lovely company so I'm

definitely so super being tall and just soaking up these moments because they

will just be such fond memories I'm sure so just going to relax a little bit more

than I'm going to pop in to me and grab some souvenirs and then I think

I will head back to my hotel and just kind of unwind

start packing so that later this you mean I can come back in the park watch

the fireworks another time and take some photographs and videos and she our joint

cameras this one's about to die so I wanna charge them and then just kind of

unwind for a little before I come back in the bricks if you're looking to do

some shopping at Disneyland Paris I would definitely say to go to the shop

in the different hotel they have lots of stuff that I never seen before I got the

cutest little Marie watch and I didn't think that any of the other stores and

definitely check it out and I got some postcards as well so it's super special

I am in the hotel room now it was a good time to unwind pack and I think I have

room for a few more so in here so I'll have to grab some but I'm just gonna go

on a little walk check out some other hotels and the expo for the race but a

magical run that's happening in this weekend so my mom I'm working and yeah I

just explore and then go back into the paragraph chorus that closes I 8:30 so I

have to use my time wisely and so get up take more pictures just take it slow and

then stay off

storybook little boat ride was my favorite it was so darling and it's so

different than we have I know we have it in California but it was still so

different in Charlie man they had story books a feature that were not it was

really neat so I got another treat it was a little marshmallow and see I'll

show you so I'm going to continue eating back the marshmallow I already ate an

ear so it doesn't look as cute right now but mmm it's delicious I think I'm going

to get some popcorn as well and then watch the show do some shopping and then

I'm out of here

For more infomation >> EXPLORING DISNEYLAND PARIS! ✨ - Duration: 17:49.


El peor bug de Windows 10 | Recuperar archivos BORRADOS - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> El peor bug de Windows 10 | Recuperar archivos BORRADOS - Duration: 8:44.


SitC 2018 | ALL ACCESS PASS - Duration: 13:14.

Hello everyone - so, normally I go to Summer in the City with TenEighty Magazine

as a panel reporter and a photographer. This year I was also invited to be a

panel moderator for two panels which was very exciting!

Now, as you can imagine, going as a reporter photographer and panel

moderator - that got a bit busy so this vlog is a mess. I didn't quite film

everything so there's a lot of gaps and it's just basically a mash of clips so


Christy: You're so backlit it's unreal

Christy: I'm just going to lean in somehow -

Becky: Is this a mukbang?

Christy: I've just got this little moon face in the corner

Becky: You literally look like the moon emoji!


Teoh: Summer in the city!

Alfie Ordinary: (singing) Everyone was weeping!

Crowd (singing): Ahh - ah!

Alfie Ordinary: (singing) A crash of drums! A flash of light!

My golden coat flew out of sight!

*'A Thousand Miles' by Vanessa Carlton*

*Loud dance music*

(hurried talking) Okay so I have literally five minutes - it's nearly the end of the second day at SitC

I still haven't actually even spoken to the camera. I'm now currently right

behind the meet and greet that are happening out there, there's Joe Tasker and

Dodie is out there as well. I waved at Dodie and she waved back but she was

taking a break so I didn't want to disturb her. I've currently been doing photos and did a

panel today, I'm about to go report on the disability panel - I'm fine - a bit tired,

also there's like no one here except this guy on electronic skateboard

they're right there with a little red going round. Anyway I have literally - no

I've gotta go now! I ain't got no more time! Bye guys!

*low pitched wailing*

*hysterical laughter from Marta*

Kiersten: Christy has yet to see this

Marta: (crying with laughter) Come look at the chonk chart!

AJ: (calmly) Although we do stan a good fine boy. There is nothing wrong with that.

*Marta continues to break down laughing*

AJ: A hefty chonk is my - I'm going for a hefty chonk

*Marta dies laughing*

Marta: Do you see what I mean? It's endless comedy!

AJ: I love the angle as well, from above -

AJ: It's just very - round boys.

Marta: I'll tell you what they are - they're chonky.

AJ: They are so chonky.

*TenEighty Team sings 'Here I Go Again' by ABBA*

Christy: Oh you've stopped vlogging - I was like DOUBLE VLOG!

Liam: I was running out of your shot like "bye!"

Tati: This is sick!

There's like nobody here.

Dodie: (screaming) MERYL!!!

Dottie: Meryl's here!

Daniel: We're not going to let them do that to Meryl!

Daniel: You will not take our Meryl!


Daniel: Don't take Meryl!

*General sounds of encouragement*

(?): I don't like this

Girls: Hey!

Christy: Hello! I am here!

Marta: Sorry! I stopped your aesthetic little footage!

Christy: Candid! So casual!

Marta: So - if you wanted to - like, who was chonky, big D energy,

who was that tonight? Who was a chonky boy?

Christy: Who was the chonky boy?

Kiersten: Teoh for getting me from the yacht and rescuing me


Ok I think he's "hefty chonky" -

Who was, tonight, "oh my lawd he comin'?"

*Hysterical laughter*

Kiersten: What did you say?

Marta: It's the highest level of chonk!


Marta: Right, do you know chonky boy?

Kiersten: Yes, I DO know chonky boy

*More laughter*

Marta: That's the chonkiest boy.

Kiersten: The chonkiest boy overall?

Marta: The chonkiest, so to speak - oh he comin'!

The chonkiest boy of SitC. I mean, it can be a woman as well.

Kiersten: Oh no, yeah, big d-ck energy is like, completely gender neutral

Marta: Oh absolutely.

Christy: A gender neutral boi!

B-O-I boi!

Christy: Please. Please.

There we go.


Both: Goodnight!

Marta: Oh, I'm so tired!

*clicks light switch*

Christy: That was the wrong light!

*Marta laughing*

Christy: There we go!

Marta: Oh my god that's going to be so smooth!

Marta: Pouring the thing was real fun

Christy: Is that the batter?

Marta: Yeah like -

Marta: There you go, what a shot.

Christy: Oh, there's porridge. "Please refrain from pouring porridge in the waffle machine"

Marta: "Please refrain from pouring syrup"! Just don't do it!

Marta: Waffle time!

He's beautiful!

Look at them go!!! Whoooo!!!!

Poppy and Christy: Welcome to Choppy's Bar!

*Teoh is in hysterical laughter*

Poppy: Would you like a chocolate digestive biscuit?

*Teoh is howling*

AJ: Shoddy??!?

Poppy: Choppy!

Would you like a chocolate digestive biscuit?

AJ: No I bloody wouldn't where are your legs?!?

*Teoh is now crying with laughter*

Eman: It's not doing anything!

Shabaz: Hold on, hold on

Eman: It don't turn - OHHHHH!

Shabaz: - and when that vibration's going -

Christy: It's weird isn't it?

How do you feel?

Ibz: It's weird, oh my god...

Ibz: oooh it gets to you!

For more infomation >> SitC 2018 | ALL ACCESS PASS - Duration: 13:14.


Balkan Raceroom League 2nd round "Paul Ricard Solution 3C" WTCR - Duration: 1:30:14.

For more infomation >> Balkan Raceroom League 2nd round "Paul Ricard Solution 3C" WTCR - Duration: 1:30:14.


Highest paying work at home jobs - SEE Free Video! - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Highest paying work at home jobs - SEE Free Video! - Duration: 0:28.


✅ Corsair Sabre RGB Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> ✅ Corsair Sabre RGB Gaming Mouse Review - Duration: 3:35.


Somatic Stress Release - Duration: 3:13.

Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Lyons and thank you for your

interest in the Somatic Stress Release™ Immersions.

We know that each person responds to

stress in their own unique and individual ways.

Each person's stress response is dependent on their

physiological capacities, their levels of resilience and coping style,

as well as other factors including their nutrition,

their habituated breathing patterns,

how past stressors are situated still in their body,

their postural alignment,

as well as how their strengths and

challenges of being in relationship

actually affect their response to stress.

This is why it truly takes a holistic approach

to address the many levels and

layers of how and where stress shows up.

This is the reason for the creation

of Somatic Stress Release™.

In order to better understand the methodology of

Somatic Stress Release™, it's helpful to

first break down what is somatics.

So "soma" means the body,

and "somatics" is the field of research and practice of

experiencing attuning and being present in the living body.

So Somatic Stress Release™ methodology

is a practice that

gives you the skills to more fully come

into your body as a way to navigate and

gain control over the inevitable stressors of life

with a profound presence and success.

The purpose of this methodology is to empower you to

learn to listen, mobilize, and mindfully respond

to what you're interacting with in any given moment.

The methodology will enable

you to arrive back into your body,

to feel a sense of stability and

groundedness so that you can begin to

learn the skills of listening deeply to

your body as a way of self-regulation.

Somatic Stress Release™ also helps you

grow your capacity to learn

to listen to the subtle body cues

of your friends, of your clients, of your students, of your children

as a way to help guide them

to what is needed in that exact

moment to bring them towards greater well-being.

I invite you to join me in

the Somatic Stress Release™ Immersions,

and I very much look forward to

connecting with you there.

For more infomation >> Somatic Stress Release - Duration: 3:13.


[#13] Grand Conte de Noël 2 - Froides Réponses - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> [#13] Grand Conte de Noël 2 - Froides Réponses - Duration: 3:06.


How can get Uk visit visa from Bangladesh - Duration: 27:05.

How can get Uk visit visa from Bangladesh

For more infomation >> How can get Uk visit visa from Bangladesh - Duration: 27:05.


Warhammer Fantasy Lore: Orcs and Goblins - Total War: Warhammer 2 - Duration: 11:26.

"From the deepest, darkest tunnels they came, burrowing and banging, shouting and smashing.

We soon learnt not to try to negotiate, save with axes and cannon.

For thousands upon thousands of years we have fought them, and many think we will soon be


Yet we have our plans, and some day we will take back our ancestral holds—or else destroy

both those homes and the foul Orcs who now pollute them."

– I've traveled far and wide to uncover the

nature of the Orcs & Goblins.

Although most of their true origin is unknown and lost to time, the first records of their

existence were written and kept by the Dwarfs during the Golden Age of their people.

The Orcs and Goblins of the Warhammer Fantasy world live in countless barbaric tribes spread

across vast regions within the known world.

The Orcs have hides of greenish hue, they are hideous in appearance and their beady

eyes glow red in the dark.

They are taller and broader than a man but stooped like an ape.

There are innumerable tribes of Greenskins living within different parts of the Warhammer

World, and this number often fluctuates in an almost daily basis.

Their encampments are squalid and extreme and every so often, tribes gather and migrate

across the land.

Their population can sometimes range from a mere several dozen individuals to as large

as a vast horde.

Orc traits and emotions have a reflection in the warp the same as the traits and emotions

of Humans do.

These Orc traits manifest in the form of the strong, belligerent, and indestructible Orc

gods: Gork and Mork.

The difference between the two gods is very subtle: one of them is brutally cunning and

the other is cunningly brutal.

The Orcs often disagree which is which, and they sometimes fight wars over this matter.

It is very common for Orcs to worship Gork's brutality over Mork's cunning, just as much

as Goblins prefer Mork's cunning over Gork's brutality.

Usually however, most Greenskins can never understand the difference, and at times consider

the twin Gods as one of the same.

Nevertheless, these twin Gods of War are always readily worshiped by all Greenskins in almost

equal measure, with many Shamans having the ability to interpret the Twins wishes and


Often these messages are ones of war, with many Tribes following the Shamans instructions

of going to a particular location where other tribes shall gather and form into another


From the mightiest Orc to the feeblest Snotlings, the Greenskin races lives only for war.

All other activities are but a prelude to the next battle.

Orcs are constantly fighting amongst themselves to establish the rule of the strongest.

Thus there are endless layers of leaders and warlords, each vying for power.

It is claimed there is no orcish word for "equal".

Upon the day a mighty Greenskin Warlord of sufficient strength and cunning arises amongst

the tribes, he gathers alongside him as many Greenskins as he possible can and launch an

earth-shattering campaign of violence and destruction that has the potential to destroy

the Old World in a sea of green.

This violent invasion is known in the tongues of the Greenskins as the "Waaagh!"

The word "Waaagh!" is a guttural slang for the word "War!", a powerful word that always

has the potential to unite the warring tribes of Greenskins into the destructive force it

has been famously known for.

A small Waaagh! occurs when a few Greenskin tribes unite to launch an attack against a

common foe, while a larger and more destructive Waaagh! is an earth-shattering invasion that

draws Orc and Goblin tribes from many thousands of miles around.

Luckily for the civilizations of the World, often times these Waaaghs! will barely last

a few weeks before the tribes begin to squabble amongst themselves if not given a common enemy

to fight.

As such, the Warlords of a Waaagh! have to be the toughest and most cunning Greenskin

around, for should his tyrannical rule prove too weak, the tribes would challenge his right

to rule and splinter off into different factions.

However, should they all find a destination and a common enemy from which they could fight,

their advance upon the battlefield is ground-shaking to behold.

The Orcs and Goblins have a vast diversity of troops at their disposal, more so than

perhaps any other army.

Orcs excel at close combat, and boast some of the toughest warriors in the world.

Orc and savage Orc Boar Boyz are feared for the spread and destructive power of their


The mighty black Orcs march at the front of any assault, using their sheer size and strength

to brutal effect against any foe they face.

The Goblins, smaller in size than their Orc cousins, use superiority of numbers along

with evil cunning to defeat their enemies.

Including fanatics hidden in their ranks and hungry squigs to aid them in battle.


greenskins have invented or stolen many contraptions over time.

For example, the Doom Diver catapult is an oversize sling that launches careless goblins

with home-made wings towards the enemy troops.

The sight of a Giant looming over the battlefield is enough to strike fear into the hearts of

an entire enemy army.

Giants are very fond of alcohol.

And greenskins are willing to brew it to secure the valuable services of a Giant in battle.

Grimgor Ironhide is the greatest Orc warrior who ever lived.

Grimgor is, without question, one of the most badass characters in the Warhammer Fantasy


He is always looking for the heaviest fighting and the strongest opponent to test his skills


He even went toe to toe in single combat with Archaon The Lord of The End Times himself.

The biggest and meanest of the Black Orcs deserves an entire episode of his own so we

will go deeper into this character in another video.

We also have Azhag The Slaughterer.

We will uncover a lot more details of this unique Orcish Warlord on next Sunday's episode,

which will be completely dedicated to Azhag.

Next, Chieftain of arguably the most powerful Night Goblin tribe in the known world, Skarsnik

of the Crooked Moon is an outstandingly devious and sneaky individual in a race that exemplifies

such traits.

His rise to power was meteoric and well timed.

Skarsnik is another character that definitely deserves his own episode in the near future.

Another great leader among the orcs is Wurrzag, also known as the Green Prophet.

Like all Orc Shamans, Wurrzag is completely crazy, though what he lacks in sanity he more

than makes up for with vision and inspiration.

It is widely believed that an army with Wurrzag in it has never been defeated in battle.

Wurrzag has only one vision; to find the greatest Warboss to ever lived and aid him in conquering

all the lands of the Old World and beyond.

It is said that Wurrzag has been given this mission by the twin warrior-gods, Gork and

Mork themselves.

Many civilizations have learned to never underestimate the power of the Orcs.

Great cities have been laid low by the orcs and many fine things have been overthrown

and trodden into dust.

Cities and armies from The Empire, The High Elves and The Dwarfs have all been casualties

of the bestial orcish fury and wiping the orcs & goblins completely from the Old World

has proven an impossible task to accomplish.

It doesn't matter how many of them you kill.

There are always more.

The greenskins are always preparing for war and they are always coming.

On this channel we are currently revisiting the good Old World of Warhammer Fantasy with

new episodes every week covering places, heroes and battles that shaped the world of Warhammer.

Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any episode going forward.

Next sunday.

We will go deeper into the lore of one of the most infamous orcish warlords.

For more infomation >> Warhammer Fantasy Lore: Orcs and Goblins - Total War: Warhammer 2 - Duration: 11:26.


Tracking Healthy Fats (Q&A 41) - Duration: 5:07.

[Adee] Fact, by far my favorite macro because it's just the most delicious

avocados, oils, nuts, seeds my favorite macro is the topic of today's Q&A

The average American diet the ratio of omega-3 fats to omega-6 fats is a little

bit out of whack we're eating way more Omega 6s and not enough Omega 3s so

taking a fish oil supplement is a really great easy and convenient way to get

more omega 3 fats into your diet once you have done that something to take

into consideration is that generally each capsule of fish oil or if you're

using a liquid each serving officially is going to be one gram of fat so for those

of you I know a lot of people that take upwards of five capsules or even more

than that or five servings it's something to consider that that's going

to be 5 grams of fat or more so that is still going to be calories coming into

your body so if you're not tracking this or if you have not yet it might be worth

it to consider adding that into your diet and make sure that you're tracking it

One of the most amazing things about tracking your food is that you can look

back and reflect on what it is you're actually eating so sometimes when you

look back you get a little bit of a surprise of where you're actually

getting most of your macronutrients from so if most of your fat you find

that you're getting from fried foods or dressings or you know processed foods

like chips and treats and snacks like that that might be something to

reconsider so considering getting a little bit more of whole food fats is

something that's going to make your quality of life better and help keep you

healthier and happier some great places where you can get a good source of fat

is going to be avocados, nuts, seeds, oils of all different sorts I mean there's

sesame oil, coconut oil, olive oil of course is the most popular and most used

those are going to be great sources of fat along with really fatty fish or

seafood so salmon, mackerel, anchovies those are all going to be really great sources of fat good quality fat

As someone who works from home every single

day noshing or snacking all day is something that I have to combat all the

time so something that I do to make it so that it's it's not

super convenient or easy for me to go to the fridge and you know grab a little

piece of cheese or grab a handful of nuts is make those things inaccessible

so I don't have a bowl of roasted almonds on my counter or a bowl of

snacks just on my counter so that it's easy for me to grab and go without even

noticing I also try and set up a routine to my

day as if I had gone to work so I might make myself a lunch beforehand and it's

sitting in a Tupperware in my fridge ready to go so that the decision has

already been made before I have to go decide what I'm gonna make for lunch so

I'm not standing in front of the fridge and just choosing what is most palatable

to me right then I'm generally if I don't plan ahead like that I'm going to

just choose what's most convenient or you know choose to eat a snack instead

of an entire meal because I want to get back to work super quickly and I don't

want to waste the time to sit and eat a meal so having that pre-planned lunch

ahead of time makes me feel like I can take a break I can go sit somewhere

else and I can actually enjoy an entire meal that fits in my nutrition plan

If you love your job or if your job is really high-stress sometimes it's really

easy to get distracted and lose track of time and you end up not eating anything

at all or you find that you should just eat while you're working just to be more

efficient what I would highly suggest is that you use both for your job and for

your nutrition use the eating portion of the day as an opportunity to get away

from work and completely disconnect don't have any technology around don't

be answering emails while you work and I would suggest this for a couple of

reasons first when you take that break it's giving your body and your mind the

opportunity to get full so you're actually feeling full from the food

because you're being present with it you're being grateful for it and you're

going to it that fullness is going to last longer than if you're just eating

mindlessly and not paying attention to the fact that you're actually eating an

entire meal also there is research that shows that you taking a break from your

job is actually going to make going back to your job more effective when you come

back from that break if you have completely disconnected from your work

you've been social or you've gone even for a walk outside when you come back

you're to be reinvigorated and more motivated

and your efficiency and work quality is going to be higher than before you took

that break so it's a win-win situation take a break go eat your meal

somewhere where you can actually be present with it and pay attention to it

We talked all about fats fats are so delicious which makes it super easy to

go overboard so hopefully these tips that we gave you today can give you some

good suggestions of where to get your fats from and also how to make it easier

to not go overboard

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