Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

"We have detected a pattern that was imprinted into our universe by its ancestor: a fingerprint

of the initial conditions into which existence was born.

From this information, we have confirmed the most primordial of Awoken myths.

Our universe is a subset of another.

We live within a singularity, a knot in space-time, that orbits a star in another world.

Welcome back Guardians, today I want to cover a small piece of lore about the Queen Mara

Sov, specifically her age.

This is a shorter lore video for two reasons, the first is, I am working on a couple of

longer form videos which are taking a while, so wanted to give you something to watch in

the meantime, but secondly, I have a lot of important announcements that I need to inform

you about, if you can take a moment to listen that would be great.

On the 26th October I will be attending PAX in Melbourne Australia and assisting the Periodic

Table of Awesome with a Destiny Community show, which will be on at 5:30pm in Main Theatre.

If you are attending PAX Australia please come along to the show and if you would like

to meet me in person, I am sure we can meet up after the show.

Follow me on Twitter and I will make sure I give more details closer to the date.

Also, you can fill out the Destiny Survey which is linked below, and the answers to

the survey will be used in the show itself, so please check that out.

Secondly, I have the Bungie Bounty on the 15th of October, so this is your opportunity

to beat me in the Crucible and get a unique emblem.

I will be live streaming through youtube, so just make sure you have notifications on

and tune in.

All the details for Bungie Bounty i.e. platform, time, instructions for joining, are at the

end of this video, timestamp on screen if you want more details.

Lastly, as you all know, I have a patreon, ALL the patreon donations I use to pay Gammatrap

for his artwork, such as the artwork you saw at the beginning of this video.

I don't take anything for myself.

Gammatrap's artwork works really well with lore videos and is now a standard for all


Patreon is for Gammatrap, not so.

So, for those of you who would like to support me directly, I have now enabled youtube memberships,

there will be exclusive rewards for members.

You also get a badge against your name in the comments, and emotes for live chat, and

there definitely will be regularly lore livestreams on youtube.

If you are on android or desktop you can just click the JOIN button if you are on iOS you

will need to use the link in the description.

I am also going to release a dedicated video about channel memberships, and why it has

become necessary for this channel to continue on youtube.

So if you would like more information about it, stay tuned.

Thanks for listening to the announcements, this is myelin games, and I hope you enjoy

this latest Destiny 2 lore episode.


Let's begin.

The original Awoken homeland is known as the Distributary and to the best of our knowledge,

Mara Sov actually created the homeland with her own thoughts when she went through a Black


The Black Hole was created by the Cosmic collision of Light and Darkness during the Collapse.

The Distributary was a paradise planet where the Awoken were immortal.

The Ecstasiate III chapter from the Marasenna books reads,

First, that the people were Awoken, and they were immortal.

And Third, that the Awoken should multiply in

wombs of flesh and machine, but only after the most careful forecast of population and

ecology, and only under the supervision of those who knew the good technology; for each

new child would be immortal.

While, we have not seen the Distributary, we know that the Dreaming City is based upon

the Distributary, so you can get understanding for how idyllic the original homeland was.

For the most part, the Awoken lived a peaceful life upon the planet, there was a civil war,

which was later thought to be caused by Mara Sov, see my video on Sjur for more details,

but there was definite periods of stability.

Have a listen to the chapter Katabasis from Marasenna, it reads,

There are the facts of tectonics and atmosphere, of water and climate: the parameters of the

sun that feeds them.

"No infants died last year.

No child went unfed.

No youth came of age illiterate, no one suffered illness who might have been treated.

We have long surpassed the eutech gathered from Shipspire; yet we have grown carefully

and cleanly.

We have eluded pollution, eradicated plague, and chosen peace.

No maltech weapon has been discharged in centuries.

Our atomic weapons were dismantled before they could ever be used.

We are our own triumph."

The Awoken populated the Distributary from the original 40891 to millions of Awoken living

on the planet.

They developed new technology whilst on the planet and adapted technology from something

known as the Shipspire.

I cant really work out what the Shipsire is, however I have a feeling it is the original

colony ship that they were aboard when they were pulled through the black hole.

Regardless, Mara Sov uses this technology to try and understand the Awoken's creation

and their home planet.

Have a listen to the chapter Impotent V, it reads,

There are new stars in the sky.

Mara put them there.

Huge distributed-array telescopes orbit the Distributary's cool sun; gravity wave sensors

and cold primordial neutrino detectors spider the crust.

Out of shell corporations and seed investments, she has opened her world as an enormous eye

and focused it heavenward.

It is using this technology, that Mara Sov begins to understand the nature of the Awoken


In the Katabasis chapter of Marasenna, Mara discovers that the Distributary is a pocket

universe of another, our universe, where Guardians live.

Have a listen.

"We have detected a pattern that was imprinted into our universe by its ancestor: a fingerprint

of the initial conditions into which existence was born.

From this information, we have confirmed the most primordial of Awoken myths.

Our universe is a subset of another.

We live within a singularity, a knot in space-time, that orbits a star in another world.

Mara Sov would eventually lead tens of thousands of Awoken back through a black hole and back

into our Universe, forming the Awoken that we see today.

However, Mara Sov also discovers that time passes differently on the Distributary compared

with our universe, and this is when we get to Mara Sov's age.

Have a listen to Katabasis chapter from Marasenan, it reads,

"Conventional relativity would suggest that time outside an event horizon passes quickly

compared to a clock within, but our universe has a peculiar relationship with its mother.

Thousands of years have passed for us on the Distributary.


Centuries, at most.

We are a swift eddy in a slow river.

Mara Sov says that thousands of years have passed in the Distributary, while only centuries

have passed in our universe.

Mara Sov, was the very first Awoken upon the Distributary, and if thousands of years have

passed, Mara has technically lived for at least 2000 years, as an immortal upon the

Awoken Homeplanet.

Mara Sov acutally gives up her immortality to return to our universe, the Katabasis reads,

She lets them dangle a moment before she drives it home.

"We have also determined that our birthright, our immortality, is tied to the fundamental

traits of this universe.

Once we leave, we will begin to age again.

In time, we will all die.

I am sure you will agree, this tiny snippet of lore about the Awoken, about their immortal

lives upon the Distributary, about Mara Sov potentially living for thousands of years

before returning to us, adds so much depth to Mara's character.

I hope you too found this interesting, and if you would like to support the channel and

cannot think of a comment, you can leave the word, "Distributary", to represent the

Awoken Homeplanet were thousands of years only represent centuries in our universe.

Ok, let me talk about the Bungie Bounty, if you plan to try and match with me, please

stick around to listen to these instructions.

I will be on PC, the region will be the Americas, the Bungie Bounty is for 2 hours on the 15th

of October, which is midday Central European Summer Time, 3am Pacific Time, 6pm Perth Western

Australia, 8pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, or 9pm Australian Daylight time.

I will go live on youtube, not twitch, right here on Youtube, 15 minutes before it starts,

so if you want to participate, make sure you have notifications on and just tune into the

stream when it starts.

The first hour will be solo que'ing in Crucible Quickplay.

I will give you a countdown so you know when to hit the launch button.

Hit the launch button at the same time as me, and hopefully you will be matched into

my game.

If you beat me, you will receive a unique emblem, if you are on my team and we win,

you also will receive a unique emblem.

Now, solo que, can be a bit rough, often I will get matched with games in progress, or

you will match with me and might be disappointed by your team's performance and miss out

on the emblen, so the second hour of the Bounty is where the real hunt begins, I will be teaming

up with my co-hosts from Destiny Down Under and a couple others, and we will be matching

as a team in Quickplay.

I suggest you find a full team, and once again, I will give you a count down to when to press

launch, and this will give you the best chance of matching with us.

This will be really fun and give PvP teams a shot at actually matching with me.

So get your buddies ready to match in the second hour of the bungie bounty.

Lastly, be aware, we likely will have a lot people from outside our community join the

stream, if there is any toxicity in the chat, just ignore it, my mods will deal with it

and lets just have a good time.

That concludes this latest Destiny 2 lore episode, and announcement, video, as usual,

it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games.


For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Forsaken Queen Mara Sov is old! | Myelin Games - Duration: 11:44.


CS:GO - New Maps, Weapon and Economy tweaks - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> CS:GO - New Maps, Weapon and Economy tweaks - Duration: 5:19.


Pooparoos Surpriseroos Figure Set Review | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 11:36.

Pooparoos Surpriseroos Figure Set Review | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Pooparoos Surpriseroos Figure Set Review | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 11:36.


Kumpulan lagu ngeres dan jorok 2018.( Buat para jomblo ) - Duration: 12:23.

For more infomation >> Kumpulan lagu ngeres dan jorok 2018.( Buat para jomblo ) - Duration: 12:23.


Kendrick Lamar x Eminem x Kanye West x Schoolboy Q Type Beat - Humble - West Coast Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 5:42.

For more Type Beats & Instrumentals visit

For more infomation >> Kendrick Lamar x Eminem x Kanye West x Schoolboy Q Type Beat - Humble - West Coast Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 5:42.


YouTube Channel Art Size 2018 - Duration: 3:45.

What is the correct size for your YouTube channel art? There are different

sizes banded about, but in this video we're gonna discuss the correct size

we're gonna discuss some different ways you can create a new YouTube channel art

also give you some different ways you can get your channel art designed

professionally. Before we get started if you've not yet subscribed, go ahead and hit that subscribe button. And

for some extra appreciation hit the bell icon and you'll get notified when I

release new videos these videos help entrepreneurs, businesses and individuals just like yourself get online with video.

Right let's get started. This is where your cover art lives. It's a prime area to introduce

your brand or what you do it can be viewed on desktop, TV's, mobiles and

tablets. You can make your cover art as bold as extravagant as wild or as

minimal as you like. This is the first thing people will see when they land on

your channel now if you're good with graphic design great, if you're not good

at graphic design, well then fortunately there's some resources to help you get

started. I've listed some resources in the description below

these include resources to help you create your own design as well as have

some design professionally. The recommended size for your youtube channel art or

cover art is 2560 by 1440 pixels with a maximum file size of 6 megabytes. There

is a minimum safe area which you should pay most attention to. The reason you should

pay close attention to it is because this safe area is the area that will

show up on all devices as you can see from this template there are four areas to

take to consideration when creating your

cover art pay attention to the text and logo safe area when adding any logos

text note the majority of your views will come from mobile devices second

will be TV such as smart TVs I'm just going to jump up you will show you how

to make your newly created channel. Click on your picture or icon on the top right

if it's a new channel then click new channel art near the top of the screen

click add channel art existing channels hover over the channel on the top right

then click on the camera icon if you're still on an older version of YouTube and

you're not able to follow these instructions a link to update to the

current version is in the description below and the current YouTube version

when this channel our screen pops up you can drag your image from your computer

or select one from your photos or use one from YouTube's gallery here remember

the recommended file size is 2560 by 1440 with a maximum file size of 6

megabytes once you've uploaded you'll see the preview of how your image would

look across all the different devices if you happy then press select to save the

image that is that's how to add and upload your channel art I've had

added some resources in the description below as well as a link to the template

the cover art so you can download it so the resources are there if you would

like to get it done professionally then the resources there as well I hope you

liked this video please subscribe videos businesses and individuals just like

yourself get online with video thanks for watching

it's discuss religion you should pick the reason you should the reason you

should play

For more infomation >> YouTube Channel Art Size 2018 - Duration: 3:45.


Hypixel SkyWars - Multiplayer - Duration: 42:23.

okay so I got was I'm dead Dallas here along with in ten know somewhere we

in today's minecraft video we're doing hypixel sky wars

going playing the guy war tons of fun we're just I'm Mia

it just happened international acceptance blah blah blah blah blah

night serverless llamo you smoke now we're gonna be playing the new

hunters vs beast the duel skywars limited time and if ranked and we're

able to get a range we're gonna do that we're also gonna do a plane to us and

solos tons of fun guy wish right yeah I can subscribe and we're gonna get

into this right now alright but before every video did so

what do we go do you go to the delivery man what do you have for us today as a

mystery box yeah Ward don't know when I think like

that yeah having a two deliveries what do we got in volt number let's see I

found that's play

yeah common famille breasts again these are packs didn't enable your resource

packet enable my ceasers oh is that funny texture

is that little bad thing right there click it click it click it click it

oh it's in yeah I didn't Sarah next to me so I know what he's doing

oh I fell on the ladder oh they got pink wool and a normal like you I'm gonna

crazy like you blocked in look apples are you two camels

no make sure this don't kill me and made a big hole make sure they okay you're

dead yeah wait teleporting do a random player ah damn it teleported me to a

random player but I don't even read what I got first

dad then deny even lucky blocks technically they're lucky blocks well

they're not the normal lucky blocks nipton oh I see you um never mind

it's Uganda knuckles do you know the way do you know

oh hey do you know do you weigh the dead mean but it's still hilarious

yes it's why is it all right when we got first chest I got sore too helmet

I know ideally snowballs did what they hurt some oh okay so I got a sharpness

one time hit yay Jax hammered ensign I got a jackhammer

there goes a fun question John Jacob

gonna helmet I got a water balloon I got a zombie I

got ringing arrows

here we go baby zombie after me why I got a ninja man I got Opie boots with

like everything on it'll be just omit oh man I'm fired

what did you do was that you um I had a ninja mode it's it four minutes so I got

it here the I was pressing a make sure I still had it I'm gonna go in these are

like a priority darkness no one goes for mid Wow

nevermind what what

then your chest broke up on top so you got like a Glock so I'm rolling around

there's a lucky blog save that I'm like you're lucky what is it why do you have

disco pants on magic toy stick I haven't seen that since um 80s what what does it

do oh my gosh I know how many uses does

that thing have oh well it's dead no oh hi oh my gosh so it did the same thing

to me I got that on camera that's him oh that was so fun I think we found our

next favorite game I'll except for bed Wars I'm a doorstop Bridget's make sure

I don't really like where does anymore by resourcepack you just click it again

oh Jesus snow yes I do any instructions how do you find the best recipe for a

ham sandwich sandwich doesn't work that way my grill lying sick notes the pig

and I get look like a ham off it why does it no water balloon oh my gosh how

could I

roll the ball roll T&T

Hayden you're next to me ah there's a bounty of three our queens

or so on that's same oh my head's attack

explosive boom oh well I didn't get a single I did not even leave my spawn yet

and I got killed me then yeah that's game still worth it after this

one we're gonna do on doubles Denton I came in here and play the Turk okay okay

yeah okay right yeah got torched weird

your minions weapon the weapon thing drops the if you wanna know which one

mine is oh my god

oh don't shoot fireballs oh you want to

oh my god I'm dead I use the wither skull but where does the campfire out

now with subtend down so tell me what happened here let's just go now just the

thing is you have to be lucky to be on my team and that first looks familiar

21 21 21 21 21 everybody has the same location at their eyes except for burger

water oh jeez I got this dude on my team did then I got someone ugly on my team

oh oh oh donor gardeners this time music this is pretty good music

okay so my goal is I'm dead so turns I've broken but says you're telling

pointing to a random player

we also went school reports um they don't look up

that's why is extreme okay so 13 players are left in ten and a half of the pick

hop on the big hop in the pig I mean Tiger nuts wait

and then I the people see never I won't see you but I see you see you're running

across Devon that cobblestone I see you know hey everybody a chest fire I can

see you lucky blocking I see a pan fire fireworks don't give away a position

where your head don't put my head oh my gosh ultimate trol but this is only back

from them at the time so you this long I'm staying on this island this is oh

yeah there's a new coming down for this guy you better run there's only well

it's me wait people okay everyone watch this when I scroll wheel my mouse is

what it does if I hold oh yeah I have infinite invisibility what infinite yeah

look it's just a zero and snot glue oh yeah just don't hold shift or else it

goes away no guys I don't know this is a glitch in Minecraft but I press my male

mouse click like this thing you do with this thing - this I'll just wait what

happened yes come back wait my back or not my back well area dairy there's no

mouse quickly in shit cop stuff wait we got ground slam Denton vomit bagel in

ten can you please stop looking at the ground these are so random stuff Vincent

my um my viewers don't like just you staring at the ground there we go

here my eyes in here I'm inside your body

another day so actually turns out inspect here motor gun OH

what we're not invisible anymore yeah you are no or not oh my gosh

didja no longer it says you should see my screen

I don't wanna warn you but I see someone coming right at you don't worry guys he

doesn't see it hey let's get out of this body

where was he well guys I was looking at the stairs

the whole time don't you know well turns out there's a big hole in the wall right

here so he didn't come through there though yeah I did

he's built a pink they jumped his side and hid he holed it shipped on time

you got caught up later I'm number three though okay okay now if we're actually

to get some good content by me playing whoa hey what it's it almost number

three that was third now look they're getting into this hop the holiday spirit

yeah fall and you got Halloween do I know I've seen them on a server before

all right dancin

even now I'm gonna go say to shout out to ching-he right in I call a check the

chest inside the building also born without that music mushroom yeah I got

ya this girl didn't hear it didn't in here I put this hat on can't make

everything ice listen if we ever need to escape I on TMZ launchpads listen I'm

out of here

I had to kill myself oh wait Tommy huh why is that person zombies coming No Oh

what just happens you Uriel is anyway besides we got a game of preston like a

savage why'd you push all f4 okay alt that's

two besides we got that map that you complained about

your turn the map your complain about oh I hate this map this map here just

because you use your own magic on yourself don't you

Oh f4 okay nothing happens oh boy you didn't do it yeah like

they're like alt f4 he did it wrong how hard it all f4 stop being on my team

tell you tell you we can do I know that's my screen what are you doing I

didn't do it what just happened because you asteroid

this your head you run your help this iron helmet do you see this fire

guy over no the one dress on fire and plate there we go come out of the Denton

all right billet-doux island sounds there all right now let's go check out

the other game modes yeah so you keep on losing and then everyone in town City

Texas don't worry you don't know watches our

videos anyway it's okay that works what's doobly-doo puss or ball isn't is

you're playing mm-hmm let's blame zeros oh they're having people I need to fill

the place in 1040 okay where we got one more

starting in four minutes if they're clearly but at nine players have to join

right we're just gonna come up deuce Oh

would you like to move to a game with more players

ah okay all right guys for now we're in the game with a couple tubby and Douglas

Elliman time didn't you hear yeah yeah you can see that face

Hey look we're all autumn do it again now

yeah how do you kids can default the bone marrow here we go I'm a bum bum ba

but I'm I call how just in the house

so this is right Oh ain't lucky block no planed about it cuz it's too hard so put

on the easiest thing I can think of

which is what is that thing that's cool

listen I need your help didn't I help oh my gosh that guy's old piece see you

there why does it say leaving leaving quiet does it mean don't let me leave

any game I have to type in hub like their machine isn't working it does that

all right we're gonna play skywars des Vosges won't play 1v1 2v2 everyone 1v1

me you wait can we do a 1v1 no let's say it's a solo yes yes

woah look closer

come you get all the good stuff all right now is that mid getting all this

fancy boots got about that well why don't you keep with our game ha dang it

did oh I was pressing 1 and 2 trying to walk forward

alright next one now I figured out the strengths first off tell you that

everything in minute kicks right click you're actually not that bad

yeah I got you Apple

tell me what else you got your animal or anvil and Villopoto enchanting really

our power garbage garbage garbage I do understand your tone that's you ittsan I

say it's you I over power you like three-hole wait what are we do all

diamond protection one nothing in there there look at you run out in time good

night gotcha wait where were you

I got you in a power one by oh that was a supper montage everyone's are good at

making mom too much as I would command thee what where's that thing like a

token you're asking the wrong person

it's just a simple

I'm very good oh really oh really all right still

so I can just turn around right now and see you at mid distance generation speed

okay get me then then that can I speak I can't okay

yeah the same speed oh I got point

let's you hey there's our stands there resistance we this did straight five

but in

all right folks outside assistance like

maybe some of that resistance you'll come back you didn't charge this way the

turns out I have better armor that's whole entire timeline for you a dinosaur

but Stan or that so many purple


they did say you've liked that off and there's also teen teen trap set

no did you know there's always my ear ender pearl stupid thing oh my god um

okay well we're on okay one more round to watch I have protection for having

all my armor dis and so how do you think you're gonna win against that what is a

instant bridge egg was that able to spawn bridges on any enemies dealing

seven attack damage I'm using it it killed me haha okay what is it deal up

it killed me you know what then okay it turns out at the black hole and it

sucked on my island and it's like doesn't mean I got it again but I'm not

using it did I get a present for you it's deadly

not a black hole like if succulents none of this the same thing

but where's MIT oh I'm going away from it did you start running around the

glass thing - well it's

what really

Kenneth then have one goal this game no your honor

then we switch game modes yeah my see you didn't really go to mid oh really

then why don't I didn't why did I find protection one Diamond helmets

I got Holden's diamond leggings that comes with it hmm excellent boots thank

you very much delicious golden apples Amanda it's an I'm gonna in this game

same way my loved one the other game

really want it in the clam in my hand bridge egg but good thing is you bum no

final it's in I have something yours fire no aunty launch pad in three we'll

never get past my barricade you'll never get thrown in ten

it really feels like and it's looks pretty tempting right now Denton oh he

was put in little me--some oh wait why don't I use by April's I'm so everyone

here on my screen you see this right the deity of go on desire takes a little

while all right full protection two armored Denton

the only way to do it oh one last one of them really nice very fun why I'm not

gonna go easy on you this time I wanted to get an extra round you too

I was thinking oh my gosh that might had just ended it right there

why'd you get okay I almost fell off out of an awesome I'd like to thank the

Academy it worked

the grapples

around all the islands took all the stuff and left yes oh my gosh I need to

go find that chest now oh my god only grownups what I understand this Tintin

it's so awesomely stupid that it might work I've gotta find it found it

oh there

oh my gosh see because buyer

it gets different I want to get that TT why I'm slowly

gonna break this I'm slowly gonna break this single oh I want to see this game

of the last there's nothing in that one

baby then I'm just gonna be the heads up I am an enchanted dinosaur

well the mess with me I got inch and diamond sword come at me one this one

has charm is an fire a spectator to fire exist from town boy

it's feeding time but in steel thanks here sit how does

this happen how's the heavens that Dallas ends you

with all right hope you guys enjoyed I am stuck in a one by one by one I'm

there we go that looks more like me hope you guys enjoyed this video and I can

subscribe together new let me know popping up below and saying there's no

see next we love doing these kind of videos besides nice to be at the do full

yeah Livescribe let's don't you guys know see next animals you all next time



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