Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

Rosie's World presents

Countdown to Halloween


Hi everybody!

Declan takes pieces of costume out of the dress up trunk

He goes behind the curtain to change

He comes out as Indiana Jones

[Music: Achilles - Strings]

Check out this awesome costume

This a real bull whip

It's really long too!

Check out this hat

And this awesome leather jacket

Leather belt

Army bag

Cargo pants

Leather boots

Indiana Jones is a master with the bull whip!

Take that! And that! And that!

You're no match against me and my whip!


Give me that before you hurt yourself!

What is this? A stick?

I can't fight bad guys with this!

If you like this video, click like

Check out these videos!

Don't forget to subscribe!

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Halloween Countdown 17 - Indiana Jones - Duration: 2:18.


SALSA | Mexican Survival Guide - Duration: 3:55.


Oh hey Chris!

What're you up to?

I'm just making some salsa.

Why are you using a rock

to make it?

This isn't a rock

I mean, technically it is but

It's called a molcajete.

Which is a cooking tool to smash food.

Oh I see

But you know it 2018 right?

We have this thing called a blender.

I know what a blender is Chris

but when it comes to making salsa

It always tastes way better when you make it with a molcajete.

So you're telling me

preparing food with a stone like a savage

is better than using a blender?


I put up with a lot of stupid things you say

but disrespecting molcajetes

is something I will not tolerate!

Okay, sorry!

Apology not accepted


What are you going to eat it with?


Mexican households usually have salsa readily available because

we eat it with pretty much every meal.

This one is actually my favorite one.

Salsa al Molcajete

Wait so there's different types?


There's a lot

Salsa roja, salsa verde

Salsa de aguacate

Pico de gallo and dozens of others!

And they all vary in taste

and spiciness.

Is this one spicy?

I mean, for me it isn't, but

for a gringo like you


What do you mean a gringo like me?


there was this one time I gave some to a friend.


Don't eat this.

I'm pretty sure you can't handle it.


I eat spicy food all the time.

A maa

I think I need the Vick's!

And after that happened

I never heard from him again

Okay but your friend probably had other health issues

I highly doubt the spiciness made him pass out.

Believe what you want

but Mexicans don't play when it comes to our salsa.

You know what?

Let me try it.


I don't know.

C'mon I eat hot sauce at Taco Bell

all the time.

I'm pretty sure I can handle spiciness.

Alright if you

Say so


this isn't that bad.

What's wrong is it too spicy?


It's not spicy at all.

Are you sure?


This is really spicy!

I warned you.

It feels like I licked the devil's armpit!

Why is it so spicy!?

It's not at all

This is lightweight.

I hate to break it to you Chris but

your tastebuds just can't handle

Mexican especia


I'm much better now.

You don't look better.

I'm okay.

Poor gringo.

For more infomation >> SALSA | Mexican Survival Guide - Duration: 3:55.



For more infomation >> NIAGARA FALLS - JOURNEY BEHIND THE FALLS - Duration: 9:33.


Winter is here! - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Winter is here! - Duration: 2:02.


Destiny 2 Forsaken Queen Mara Sov is old! | Myelin Games - Duration: 11:44.

"We have detected a pattern that was imprinted into our universe by its ancestor: a fingerprint

of the initial conditions into which existence was born.

From this information, we have confirmed the most primordial of Awoken myths.

Our universe is a subset of another.

We live within a singularity, a knot in space-time, that orbits a star in another world.

Welcome back Guardians, today I want to cover a small piece of lore about the Queen Mara

Sov, specifically her age.

This is a shorter lore video for two reasons, the first is, I am working on a couple of

longer form videos which are taking a while, so wanted to give you something to watch in

the meantime, but secondly, I have a lot of important announcements that I need to inform

you about, if you can take a moment to listen that would be great.

On the 26th October I will be attending PAX in Melbourne Australia and assisting the Periodic

Table of Awesome with a Destiny Community show, which will be on at 5:30pm in Main Theatre.

If you are attending PAX Australia please come along to the show and if you would like

to meet me in person, I am sure we can meet up after the show.

Follow me on Twitter and I will make sure I give more details closer to the date.

Also, you can fill out the Destiny Survey which is linked below, and the answers to

the survey will be used in the show itself, so please check that out.

Secondly, I have the Bungie Bounty on the 15th of October, so this is your opportunity

to beat me in the Crucible and get a unique emblem.

I will be live streaming through youtube, so just make sure you have notifications on

and tune in.

All the details for Bungie Bounty i.e. platform, time, instructions for joining, are at the

end of this video, timestamp on screen if you want more details.

Lastly, as you all know, I have a patreon, ALL the patreon donations I use to pay Gammatrap

for his artwork, such as the artwork you saw at the beginning of this video.

I don't take anything for myself.

Gammatrap's artwork works really well with lore videos and is now a standard for all


Patreon is for Gammatrap, not so.

So, for those of you who would like to support me directly, I have now enabled youtube memberships,

there will be exclusive rewards for members.

You also get a badge against your name in the comments, and emotes for live chat, and

there definitely will be regularly lore livestreams on youtube.

If you are on android or desktop you can just click the JOIN button if you are on iOS you

will need to use the link in the description.

I am also going to release a dedicated video about channel memberships, and why it has

become necessary for this channel to continue on youtube.

So if you would like more information about it, stay tuned.

Thanks for listening to the announcements, this is myelin games, and I hope you enjoy

this latest Destiny 2 lore episode.


Let's begin.

The original Awoken homeland is known as the Distributary and to the best of our knowledge,

Mara Sov actually created the homeland with her own thoughts when she went through a Black


The Black Hole was created by the Cosmic collision of Light and Darkness during the Collapse.

The Distributary was a paradise planet where the Awoken were immortal.

The Ecstasiate III chapter from the Marasenna books reads,

First, that the people were Awoken, and they were immortal.

And Third, that the Awoken should multiply in

wombs of flesh and machine, but only after the most careful forecast of population and

ecology, and only under the supervision of those who knew the good technology; for each

new child would be immortal.

While, we have not seen the Distributary, we know that the Dreaming City is based upon

the Distributary, so you can get understanding for how idyllic the original homeland was.

For the most part, the Awoken lived a peaceful life upon the planet, there was a civil war,

which was later thought to be caused by Mara Sov, see my video on Sjur for more details,

but there was definite periods of stability.

Have a listen to the chapter Katabasis from Marasenna, it reads,

There are the facts of tectonics and atmosphere, of water and climate: the parameters of the

sun that feeds them.

"No infants died last year.

No child went unfed.

No youth came of age illiterate, no one suffered illness who might have been treated.

We have long surpassed the eutech gathered from Shipspire; yet we have grown carefully

and cleanly.

We have eluded pollution, eradicated plague, and chosen peace.

No maltech weapon has been discharged in centuries.

Our atomic weapons were dismantled before they could ever be used.

We are our own triumph."

The Awoken populated the Distributary from the original 40891 to millions of Awoken living

on the planet.

They developed new technology whilst on the planet and adapted technology from something

known as the Shipspire.

I cant really work out what the Shipsire is, however I have a feeling it is the original

colony ship that they were aboard when they were pulled through the black hole.

Regardless, Mara Sov uses this technology to try and understand the Awoken's creation

and their home planet.

Have a listen to the chapter Impotent V, it reads,

There are new stars in the sky.

Mara put them there.

Huge distributed-array telescopes orbit the Distributary's cool sun; gravity wave sensors

and cold primordial neutrino detectors spider the crust.

Out of shell corporations and seed investments, she has opened her world as an enormous eye

and focused it heavenward.

It is using this technology, that Mara Sov begins to understand the nature of the Awoken


In the Katabasis chapter of Marasenna, Mara discovers that the Distributary is a pocket

universe of another, our universe, where Guardians live.

Have a listen.

"We have detected a pattern that was imprinted into our universe by its ancestor: a fingerprint

of the initial conditions into which existence was born.

From this information, we have confirmed the most primordial of Awoken myths.

Our universe is a subset of another.

We live within a singularity, a knot in space-time, that orbits a star in another world.

Mara Sov would eventually lead tens of thousands of Awoken back through a black hole and back

into our Universe, forming the Awoken that we see today.

However, Mara Sov also discovers that time passes differently on the Distributary compared

with our universe, and this is when we get to Mara Sov's age.

Have a listen to Katabasis chapter from Marasenan, it reads,

"Conventional relativity would suggest that time outside an event horizon passes quickly

compared to a clock within, but our universe has a peculiar relationship with its mother.

Thousands of years have passed for us on the Distributary.


Centuries, at most.

We are a swift eddy in a slow river.

Mara Sov says that thousands of years have passed in the Distributary, while only centuries

have passed in our universe.

Mara Sov, was the very first Awoken upon the Distributary, and if thousands of years have

passed, Mara has technically lived for at least 2000 years, as an immortal upon the

Awoken Homeplanet.

Mara Sov acutally gives up her immortality to return to our universe, the Katabasis reads,

She lets them dangle a moment before she drives it home.

"We have also determined that our birthright, our immortality, is tied to the fundamental

traits of this universe.

Once we leave, we will begin to age again.

In time, we will all die.

I am sure you will agree, this tiny snippet of lore about the Awoken, about their immortal

lives upon the Distributary, about Mara Sov potentially living for thousands of years

before returning to us, adds so much depth to Mara's character.

I hope you too found this interesting, and if you would like to support the channel and

cannot think of a comment, you can leave the word, "Distributary", to represent the

Awoken Homeplanet were thousands of years only represent centuries in our universe.

Ok, let me talk about the Bungie Bounty, if you plan to try and match with me, please

stick around to listen to these instructions.

I will be on PC, the region will be the Americas, the Bungie Bounty is for 2 hours on the 15th

of October, which is midday Central European Summer Time, 3am Pacific Time, 6pm Perth Western

Australia, 8pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, or 9pm Australian Daylight time.

I will go live on youtube, not twitch, right here on Youtube, 15 minutes before it starts,

so if you want to participate, make sure you have notifications on and just tune into the

stream when it starts.

The first hour will be solo que'ing in Crucible Quickplay.

I will give you a countdown so you know when to hit the launch button.

Hit the launch button at the same time as me, and hopefully you will be matched into

my game.

If you beat me, you will receive a unique emblem, if you are on my team and we win,

you also will receive a unique emblem.

Now, solo que, can be a bit rough, often I will get matched with games in progress, or

you will match with me and might be disappointed by your team's performance and miss out

on the emblen, so the second hour of the Bounty is where the real hunt begins, I will be teaming

up with my co-hosts from Destiny Down Under and a couple others, and we will be matching

as a team in Quickplay.

I suggest you find a full team, and once again, I will give you a count down to when to press

launch, and this will give you the best chance of matching with us.

This will be really fun and give PvP teams a shot at actually matching with me.

So get your buddies ready to match in the second hour of the bungie bounty.

Lastly, be aware, we likely will have a lot people from outside our community join the

stream, if there is any toxicity in the chat, just ignore it, my mods will deal with it

and lets just have a good time.

That concludes this latest Destiny 2 lore episode, and announcement, video, as usual,

it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games.


For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Forsaken Queen Mara Sov is old! | Myelin Games - Duration: 11:44.


Martin Garrix & Blinders - Breach (Walk Alone) - Duration: 2:59.

These days nothing ever feels like home.

You say you're driving down a one way road.

If you see the day only for the night,

do you see the darkness in the middle of the light?

Feel your heart break.

You're not the only one you know.

When you find yourself, all on your own.

You'll never walk alone.

In the dead of the night, out in the cold.

You'll never walk alone.

You'll never walk alone.

You'll never walk alone.

For more infomation >> Martin Garrix & Blinders - Breach (Walk Alone) - Duration: 2:59.


CS:GO - New Maps, Weapon and Economy tweaks - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> CS:GO - New Maps, Weapon and Economy tweaks - Duration: 5:19.


Award-Winning Cuban Sandwich by El Cochinito - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Award-Winning Cuban Sandwich by El Cochinito - Duration: 3:13.


ALIENS were our GODS in the past?! (GAIA GIVEAWAY) - Duration: 4:47.

God or Gods…

Goddess or Goddesses…

The subject of deity is a tricky one.

There are a plethora of possibilities when it comes to the existential and the ethereal,

and as mankind constantly clings to discover its humble beginnings, the seeking of a higher

power or deity always comes to mind and continuously remains in play.

People cling to their beliefs and rightfully so, but that makes it hard for different thoughts

on the subject to take root or to truly take on some form that could garner any accreditation.

God is a mystery and it would seem and could be argued that as a human species, we almost

prefer him, her, it as a mystery if solely for it to benefit our own ideologies and reinforce

our own callings.

But the mystery of God is as much about our history and origin

as it is trying to find the answers to who and what God is, and in finding those

answers, we could quite possibly need to look to the sky and the stars and space…

If you were to really look at it – this world and existence that we call life,

you would have to come to the conclusion that something is amiss;

nature seems to live off itself, thrive with

the give and take, the cause and effect.

you can see how all other living species

somehow contributes to the overall environment and ecosystem

The weak of the species either adapt and survive or die and replenish the earth in a different

form or method.

When it comes to habitat, other species use their surroundings and environment for their

immediate necessities…

Exempt from this are human beings.

Humans seem to be the only species on this planet that does not give back, does not fully

contribute, but rather depletes.

The case could very well be made that a planet that is built for reciprocity would naturally

birth or spawn living organisms that function in very much the same capacity, especially

those that are supposed to be the most sentient.

However, humans do not.

if humanity is the only species that causes depletion

and that all other species use or contribute to the ecosystem then just maybe,

the former is not originally a part of the latter, but rather a planted organism, placed

within the confines of an environment that is more suited to its needs than not.

Maybe humanity's origin lies with something else – Gods, maybe – but more likely scientists,

extraterrestrial scientists to be more exact, intelligent life that decidedly used this

planet, Earth, as a grounds for genetic engineering and whatever else that may be known,

detected, or speculated.

To entertain the idea that the human species does not originate on earth is not a new thought.

Rather, it is steeped from the historical chronicles of biblical stories, some Christian

and Judaic (and more).

The idea of visiting aliens delivering human beings,

depositing us in some form on this planet, is not that foreign of an idea, nor is it


In the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, which is also part of the Judaic Torah,

Ezekiel is visited by a kind of 'chariot' and its description

by many scholars have led some the brightest and best minds to at least accept the possibility

that what the writer of the ancient book experienced was an alien visitation.

The construction of Stonehenge, the pyramids, the tales of Atlantis and all the marvels

that exist in the world must practically stem from something of substance, and based on

earlier writings of the ancients, it was common for the so-called 'sky-gods' to visit

and thus the stories of old that came to form the religious folklore that

was later tailored around doctrine and dogma.

What we are left with as human beings is the same notions and ideas that we have always

had – that there's something larger and bigger at work that we derive from.

We're seeing more and more that human beings are not only

looking to the skies for the answers, but have also begun to bring those same stars, skies, space

down to the earth in an almost visible and palpable, tangible, exchange of

understanding to give some sort of meaning to this thing call life.

For more infomation >> ALIENS were our GODS in the past?! (GAIA GIVEAWAY) - Duration: 4:47.


Pooparoos Surpriseroos Figure Set Review | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 11:36.

Pooparoos Surpriseroos Figure Set Review | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Pooparoos Surpriseroos Figure Set Review | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 11:36.


Artist Jacqui Stockdale talks with Maria Stoljar in her studio - Duration: 3:14.

I started to set up a scene for my students and then I knew I needed to

do a painting. I haven't done one for a long time and I thought I was going to

do the two figures. So the other figure was here and was coming into the scene.

I don't usually do that but I'm trying to do a few different things now because

I've taken such a break in painting - except for the big backdrops -

I feel really fresh like I feel a bit more adventurous I feel like I know I'm

a better painter even though I haven't painted for so long because I've been

teaching it and I've been rigorous with my students. Look it's crazy what

I've chosen I mean I would never suggest anyone do something like this. Why? It's so

detailed you know like especially rosemary like yeah okay you know do a

palm do a flower but don't do these poison berries

This is a charcoal drawing and it's from life. That's why I had to bring the horse

up the stairs on my head really. Where's the horse from? I made the horse. It's actually

like a dummy horse when I was starting the new series 'Ghost Hoovanah' I needed

to work out what the models were going to look like on the horse. It was in the

backyard so I used I did like a practice photoshoot with lighting as

well so I didn't have to keep travelling to the horse stables but also I felt

like I wanted to make something. I think even just in the physical making of

something it helps with my ideas. The first collection of papier mache masks

was from India that I found in Delhi and so really on a lot of my travels

I've bought some in Mexico I've got some from amazing ones from eBay but I just

find it a really beautiful metaphor for a lot of things for the mind

for humanity, for mortality I think there's something folkloric about them

there's something a bit handmade, there's something sort of sweet or comical

I'm still trying to work it out

For more infomation >> Artist Jacqui Stockdale talks with Maria Stoljar in her studio - Duration: 3:14.


Rain chances increase for start of week - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Rain chances increase for start of week - Duration: 4:04.


High School Australien, Folge 2: Anmeldung an der Schule und Preise - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> High School Australien, Folge 2: Anmeldung an der Schule und Preise - Duration: 3:58.


My Home Accommodations| Dwarf Vlogs [CC] - Duration: 4:55.


[intro music]

It's Cheyenne, and welcome to my channel!

So today I thought I'd do sort of a simple video.

That'll be quick to edit and throw up tonight.

Because...I've had a lot going on

And the last couple days have been...nothing.

I need to get a video out for you guys, and I thought a good one would be...

to show what kind of accommodations I have in my house.

For my dwarfism.

Which is actually not that much,

but it's something you guys would probably want to see.

So, without further ado, here we go!

My room is SLIGHTLY messy

But not too bad. But, if you'll notice,

There's not much that's super high where I can't reach it.

The only thing would be that decorative shelf up there.

So everything is pretty much down low.

And then I do have a drawer under my bed.

However, it's VERY heavy

So, I don't keep a whole lot in there.

Mostly it's my sister's off-season clothes and stuff I don't need often, like childhood stuff.

So everything is down low, including where I hang my clothes.

So let's see.

That's where I hang my clothes, and it's down low.

As opposed to most closets up there.

And up there is also where I keep stuff I don't use.

So yeah, everything's down here and a small hamper.

The biggest thing, is a LOT of step stools

YOU get a step stool!

YOU get a step stool!

And YOU get a step stool!!!!!


So believe it or not, that faucet is ALSO an accommodation

So when I do use my stool, I don't additionally have to lean my whole body across the counter to reach the

the faucet because it sticks out, and brings the water to me!

Believe it or not, this shower head is ALSO an accommodation

Because it is slightly lower

and also the water pressure is high enough

that by the time it gets to me, there is still some water pressure.

Not to mention the fact that it detaches

with the help of an average height person

makes it a whole lot easier to bathe my dog.

This grabber is also very handy

for reaching the door...when it's open...of the washer.

And it also helps turn on the stove.


MOM: *laughs*

C: Try again!

You may remember from last year about the light-turner-on-er-off-er.

I'll insert that clip here.

PAST CHEYENNE: I bet you never thought of this:

This is a back scratcher.

It has the little roller thing on it.

I don't use it for that.

I use it...

As a light turner on-er off-er.

I have another type of light turner on-er off-er, another variation. It's not a back scratcher, originally.

It's this thing.

And this...and this...

And it can just hang there, and it's originally a paint stir stick.

with a hole in it. So, when I'm shopping for a cup to drink out of

I always make sure to find one that's very lightweight

Because I don't wanna have to use both hands to drink out of a cup.

I mean.

Also, while I don't cook now, eventually I will have to cook

And in that case, lightweight materials are also gonna be very important

So, I can't cook with cast iron or anything because that's too heavy for me to lift.

Or...things that come in a gallon jug

I might just have to get the half gallon. Little adjustments like that when cooking

are also gonna help out in that respect.

If I have a lot of floor that needs vacuumed, I will invest in a roomba.


I hope you liked this, and please let me know down in the comments below what else you'd like to see from

Dwarf Vlogs.

And I'll see you later. Bye!!!

For more infomation >> My Home Accommodations| Dwarf Vlogs [CC] - Duration: 4:55.


Workers trapped for hours in boiler rescued by first responders - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Workers trapped for hours in boiler rescued by first responders - Duration: 1:09.


Paul Paul Act 1 VR - I am very confused - Duration: 11:36.

no I and welcome my name's on you and I welcome you and welcome you to Paulo you

up Paul Paul Paul

that's not money time for what when you want we start with me

am i Paula okay yeah this is a free game on Steam so if you want to give it a try

just go and download it yourself so far I don't know what I'm supposed to do

what yeah let's see apparently this is act 1 so yeah more games it's coming but

I don't know I don't even know what I'm supposed to do right now

nice family all right this is creepy this isn't a horror game is it

okay I guess I have to stand up for this game so give me a moment I have stood up

with magic all right so let me just go outside


oh yeah that looks inviting let's go in there or maybe not

what is this you would have thought she brings to the Red Planet Ellen from

several diverse fields of science and technology the arrival marks the

beginning of the next crucial phase of exocomps mass terraforming story termed

green cloak now I can take this okay was there

okay this is not a horror game is it

it's gone take the knife take the knife okay I'm warning you I got a knife not

sure if I can stab anything with it but

okay did you know I killed it yes yes did you have you I'm a mechanic you

install it's late I might need a second knife for this what's going on up there

do I want to go in there I just went inside there it's time okay for what

they don't have my life anymore

good morning Paul you are billions they showed a cratered surface much like our

moon I'm just going to type in something doesn't work oh look at my skids I can't

I can't type anything see what I walked with only one of my fingers my randomly

typing on the keyboard okay this white

and I just create white

Wyatt white

oh it actually works really you know what

white white oh and yeah actually instructions what I have to do on the

right good to know

I mean whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo I can only bet one of them at once

only blue electronics

all the blue

hey maybe some white I guess - funny universe right now

I think it's time to stop for a change I think I just destroyed the universe but

okay hey guys what's up

okay hey guys what's up hey guys what's up

why does everyone vanish as soon as I get close to them


you know take this

and what doin is escape I have no idea

yep not David

oh I am out of here yeah excuse me please

everyone's looking this no they're looking at me okay I'm out of here by

Seon what's nice thank you

okay do I have to wait and to the whole walls coming up to me now



it is your choice

I am so confident said to pick a weird game like distance

my one of my first we are damn right I just couldn't could I just couldn't

play like the Archard like everyone else right

I was not something off my table that's good what is it I don't know I'm

just kicking it away for a moment be gone all right I guess I have to eat all

of that nom nom nom

I'm just gonna catch him like that like Homer when he wasn't it's like

Homer Simpson when he was in space will make Platteville in five days I don't

feel so good it's an understatement we show you of

taking all we recover you match boy you'll feel better in no time

already done yeah I don't know why I took that I took a lot of it

that's what I'm talking about can't reach that


so this is what it's like to be an astronaut

and now I'm getting out of here I guess

living his own adventure all right I was all I was inside I was wondering why is

the only object screen you think you get out of here David oh I hit him awesome

there they go living their own adventure right now

there was this after I have to tell you what calls number

okay.what on twitter what

and I guess that's it

the timing is just perfect every single I love it

yeah okay yes that's it for this little poll video I'm not very sure what

happens and I just play through it all so yeah thank you for watching if you

want to go through this weird experience yourself then I advise buying or not

buying getting this game for free on Steam and experience it yourself yeah

with that said thanks for watching please consider leaving a like a comment

or subscribe that would be really nice of you and I see you at the next part

bye bye

For more infomation >> Paul Paul Act 1 VR - I am very confused - Duration: 11:36.


Kendrick Lamar x Eminem x Kanye West x Schoolboy Q Type Beat - Humble - West Coast Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 5:42.

For more Type Beats & Instrumentals visit

For more infomation >> Kendrick Lamar x Eminem x Kanye West x Schoolboy Q Type Beat - Humble - West Coast Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 5:42.


YouTube Channel Art Size 2018 - Duration: 3:45.

What is the correct size for your YouTube channel art? There are different

sizes banded about, but in this video we're gonna discuss the correct size

we're gonna discuss some different ways you can create a new YouTube channel art

also give you some different ways you can get your channel art designed

professionally. Before we get started if you've not yet subscribed, go ahead and hit that subscribe button. And

for some extra appreciation hit the bell icon and you'll get notified when I

release new videos these videos help entrepreneurs, businesses and individuals just like yourself get online with video.

Right let's get started. This is where your cover art lives. It's a prime area to introduce

your brand or what you do it can be viewed on desktop, TV's, mobiles and

tablets. You can make your cover art as bold as extravagant as wild or as

minimal as you like. This is the first thing people will see when they land on

your channel now if you're good with graphic design great, if you're not good

at graphic design, well then fortunately there's some resources to help you get

started. I've listed some resources in the description below

these include resources to help you create your own design as well as have

some design professionally. The recommended size for your youtube channel art or

cover art is 2560 by 1440 pixels with a maximum file size of 6 megabytes. There

is a minimum safe area which you should pay most attention to. The reason you should

pay close attention to it is because this safe area is the area that will

show up on all devices as you can see from this template there are four areas to

take to consideration when creating your

cover art pay attention to the text and logo safe area when adding any logos

text note the majority of your views will come from mobile devices second

will be TV such as smart TVs I'm just going to jump up you will show you how

to make your newly created channel. Click on your picture or icon on the top right

if it's a new channel then click new channel art near the top of the screen

click add channel art existing channels hover over the channel on the top right

then click on the camera icon if you're still on an older version of YouTube and

you're not able to follow these instructions a link to update to the

current version is in the description below and the current YouTube version

when this channel our screen pops up you can drag your image from your computer

or select one from your photos or use one from YouTube's gallery here remember

the recommended file size is 2560 by 1440 with a maximum file size of 6

megabytes once you've uploaded you'll see the preview of how your image would

look across all the different devices if you happy then press select to save the

image that is that's how to add and upload your channel art I've had

added some resources in the description below as well as a link to the template

the cover art so you can download it so the resources are there if you would

like to get it done professionally then the resources there as well I hope you

liked this video please subscribe videos businesses and individuals just like

yourself get online with video thanks for watching

it's discuss religion you should pick the reason you should the reason you

should play

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