Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

(upbeat funk music)

David Conte.

Good morning, Your Honor.

Good morning, sir.

Just to let you know, I'm a fan of

your show as well, sir.

Oh, Thank you.

And I also grew up in an Italian neighborhood.


Eagle Park.

Eagle Park?

Years ago.

And I know a few Cheeches.

And a Chooch, too, but that's my cousin,

that's a different story.

Oh, Cheech and Chooch,

there's two different things, right?

That's for sure, Your Honor.

Cheech is when your name is Francesca.

If you're a Chooch, it means like you're an idiot.


I say to somebody, oh, you're a chooch,

that means like, what's in your head, what are you thinking?

Yes, Your Honor.

Now, I find it very interesting,

in an area as small as Providence,

Yes sir.

I say like, "Where do you come from?"

Now in New York, it's so big,

everything, I come from the Bronx,

I come from Queens, wherever I come from.

Here, in an area that's like about five streets,

I come from Eagle Park.


Not even 300 yards further,

they say "Where do you come from?"

"I come from Charles Street."


Now my wife comes from Branch Avenue.

So I ask her where she's from.

She thinks she's from heaven.

I'm sure she is.

I say, "Where do you come from?"

She goes, "Oh, I'm from the North End."

That's what she calls it.

That would be the North End.

The North End, you're from the North End too.

Yes, sir.

Now, an interesting side is,

I was born and raised on Federal Hill.

So, I came from an area

right where Federal Hill begins,

where the Old Canteen is.


Right across the street from the Old Canteen,

there was a little park, where there was a bathhouse.

Across the street.

It was really a shower house.

People say, "Where do you come from?"

And now, if you were talking to somebody else

from Federal Hill, Right.

And they said, "Where do you come from,"

I say, I come from (speaks in foreign language).

(speaks in a foreign language) means it was a small park

where the bath house was.

Now, somebody else who lived three streets down,

say, "Where you come from?"

And they say, "I come from Garibaldi."

Because where the Bar Association office is now,

there was a playground and that was called Garibaldi

on Brayton Ave, right?


Now if you went five streets down and say

to somebody else, "Where do you come from?"

They say I come from the pool,

which is where the pool was, on Gessel Street.

And then you ask somebody else, "Where do you come from?"

They say, "I came from Shoo Fly,"

which was an area way down.


So within Federal Hill there was about

six different areas where you said you came from.


Interesting, Inspector Quinn, right?


See Inspector Quinn, you never know when you

come to work, right, how your intellectual horizons

are going to be broadened, how much you're gonna learn.

What gem I'm gonna leave with.


Alright, this is summons number 174096.

Yes, Your Honor.

This was early in the morning.

I received a call.

Mr. Conte, this was on the North End.

You've already said you come from the North End.

You know this area.

You have no excuses, Mr. Conte.

Let's take a look at it.

Second vehicle here

Yeah, you went through it.

As they would say on Federal Hill,

"Ay, you went through the light"



You went right through the light, Mr. Conte.

What, are you trying to think of something to say?

Other than from the North End, oo-dee.


Even Inspector Quinn knows oo-dee.


What are you looking at?

I'm just looking at the time.

He's trying to burn a hole, through the,

through the screen.

It was yellow for three seconds,

Your Honor, red for 1.5 seconds,

he was doing 35 miles an hour.

Believe me when I tell you, I would love to help you,

but are you crazy or what?


It's not happening today.

I mean that affectionately.

I don't really mean,

are you (speaks in foreign language).

I don't mean it that way, right?


Inspector Quinn (speaks in foreign language)

in Italian, it means "you're crazy"

He's not (speaks in foreign language).

He started off with his cousin Chooch, anyway so.

He was familiar with (speaks in foreign language).

He tried all the right things.

He's Italian, he came from the North End,

he knows this, he knows that,

he knows somebody named Cheech,

he knows somebody named Chooch.


And all of that is resulting in an $85 fine.

Thank you, Your Honor.

I would love to help you.

I can't help you on this one.

(upbeat funk music)

Centron Elix.

Good morning, Your Honor.

You're charged with going

through a red light.

And the light is green.

It's yellow.

It's red.

Alright, it's quite clear and quite convincing.

Did you see that, sir?

I did, Your Honor.

Your Honor, the reason why I'm here is,

I'm the first to admit I went through that light.

I was coming from Massachusetts, where I live.

I'm an attorney in juvenile court.

And I was bringing two brothers to the jack o'lanterns.

One of the brothers I've represented

since he was 11 years old.

He's 18 now,

and has had a diagnosis of PTSD.

He saw his father actually shot in front of him.

So for many, many years, I represented him.

He was in and out of his home.

So I ended up bringing these two brother there.

On the way, one of the brothers who I represented

started having an episode.

He's on a pretty high dosage of medication.

He's on an antipsychotic medication.

He just really started having an episode.

His brother was saying, "Don't open the door."

To be honest, I really didn't know what to do.

I didn't wanna, I got off Elmwood Avenue.

We were actually going to the next exit,

'cause I was gonna pick up his girlfriend, at 18.

She lives in Cranston, the family moved.

So I saw Elmwood Avenue, I got off the exit.

I did go through the light, I pulled over.

Ironically, there was a policeman that was maybe about

50 feet in front of me on Elmwood Avenue.

So I actually pulled behind him to explain,

because I figured he saw me go through the light.

I came to him, I got out of the car,

he got out of the car.

He was absolutely terrific.

He actually calmed down Paul, who was the 18-year-old.

I explained to him what happened.

He did tell me he couldn't do anything about it.

He actually didn't even see me go through the light,

but he told me that there was a camera,

that I'd have to wait to come here.

That was really the reason.

I was really petrified,

that he was gonna get out at that light,

and just in the middle of all this hectic traffic.

And maybe it was not the right decision to do.

I did see that no one was coming,

but I just wanted to pull over as much as I could

in case he did jump out.

Yeah, so you've been working pro bono helping this kid?

Actually, when I was appointed,

because I work for the state,

I was appointed, it wasn't pro bono,

but I just had an attachment to him,

his brother, his family.

Mom lost her husband with the shooting.

It just, usually I don't do this, but it was just

one of those things that the family is just

such a great family.

I represented him for six years.

Not going to school, running away.

This was pretty heavy.

I think it was probably the most heavy case

I've ever had in juvenile court.

Well, I'll make this observation that, you're an attorney

in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, are you?

Well, I'll make this observation, that your actions

reflect very well upon the legal profession.

Thank you.

You know, I mean, sometimes different professions

get a bad rap, you know?

Lawyers and police officers, others, you know?

But there are some that go above and beyond

the call of duty, you know,

and you do that by helping out here.

So, Inspector Carrigan, you heard the argument.

You wanna get next to the mic?

Alright, so we have an attorney who's helping out

this family, kids who went through unbelievable trauma.

And one of the kids is threatening to jump out of the car,

and obviously, he went through the light.

So what's your take on this?

Your Honor, it is a .30.

It was very, very close.

The city would be willing to dismiss this

due to the fact of the situation,

the circumstance that were involved.

Yeah, I agree.

And he also did speak with a police officer right there.

I agree.

Given the totality of the circumstances, you know,

and the fact that he stopped and talked to a police officer.

And said something very unusual these days,

Inspector Carrigan.

He said the police officer was very cooperative.


Yes, Your Honor. And helpful.

We haven't been hearing that too much these days.

Your Honor, he helped Paul, the 18-year-old, so much.

He really just calmed him down.

And we actually did end up going to the jack o'lanterns.

You did?

It took about a half hour, but he did,

he took a little bit more of medication he has,

his brother actually had with him,

so it worked out well.

Well, as I said earlier,

based on the totality of the circumstances,

and your good deeds, and reflecting on the

Providence Police, as well,

the matter will be dismissed, with the acquiescence

of the prosecution, Inspector Carrigan.

Thank you so much, Your Honor.

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For more infomation >> Cheeches and Chooches and Helping a Family - Duration: 8:49.


ENCA-A PO TPELQEN-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18 - Duration: 3:51.

ENCA-A PO TPELQEN-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18

ENCA-A PO TPELQEN-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18

For more infomation >> ENCA-A PO TPELQEN-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18 - Duration: 3:51.


Kawaii Sanrio My Melody Desk Tour 2018 - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Kawaii Sanrio My Melody Desk Tour 2018 - Duration: 6:24.


MontanaBlack Reacts to Our Montage "DrDisrespect Destroys Fortnite" - Duration: 3:59.

Gamer G uploaded a new video

I love this dude and his videos

These guys are insanely good

Nice man

Louder? Give me a second

My mistake

Watchout its gonna be loud

For more infomation >> MontanaBlack Reacts to Our Montage "DrDisrespect Destroys Fortnite" - Duration: 3:59.


Learn British English Free: new words update (with subtitles / captions) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Learn British English Free: new words update (with subtitles / captions) - Duration: 5:00.


Spiritual Hierarchy, Light & Sound Meditation and Ascension - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Spiritual Hierarchy, Light & Sound Meditation and Ascension - Duration: 6:09.


80+ Cozy Rustic Patio Designs | Garden Ideas - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> 80+ Cozy Rustic Patio Designs | Garden Ideas - Duration: 10:08.


Anson Seabra - Somewhere in Ann Arbor (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 3:31.

Somewhere in Ann Arbor

there's a broken traffic light

Blinking softly for an audience of one

A boy who takes his comfort in

the shelter of the night

and stays up until the morning just because

Somewhere in Ann Arbor

there's an empty parking lot

where he likes to go

and look up at the moon

Ask himself where things went wrong

and why he feels so caught

And hopes that things start changing someday soon

Oh, he's got it all

He's got the life

that they all said

that he would want

Oh, he's got it good

So why the hell can't he start feeling

like he should

Somewhere in Ann Arbor

there's a table set for two

Where he'd like to find

some company to share

Spends the evening

spilling his whole life to someone new

Perfect smile and a ribbon in her hair

Somewhere in Ann Arbor

there's a vacant hotel room

where he leaves all of his lovers

high and dry

Pretends he's got the thing they want and

when he has them fooled

he crumbles and escapes into the night

Oh, he's got it all

He's got the life

that they all said

that he would want

Oh, he's got it good

So why the hell can't he start feeling

like he should

Oh, he's got it all

He's got the life

that they all said

that he would want

Oh, he's got it good

So why the hell can't he start feeling

like he should

And oh,

he's got it all

He's got the life

that they all said

that he would want

And oh,

he's got it good

So why the hell can't he start feeling

like he should

For more infomation >> Anson Seabra - Somewhere in Ann Arbor (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 3:31.


Nightcore - I Miss You - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:11.

This video include subtitles

For more infomation >> Nightcore - I Miss You - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:11.


【LIVE#01】初次見面⭐️濛濛的天文社員招募大會 - Duration: 37:26.

For more infomation >> 【LIVE#01】初次見面⭐️濛濛的天文社員招募大會 - Duration: 37:26.


Barry's Missing In THE FUTURE! 2049 Newspaper REVEALS! - The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Breakdown - Duration: 11:14.

my name is Nora West Allen and I'm the fastest woman alive when I was a child

my father disappeared and something impossible then I grew up and became

being possible now I'm trying to live up to the legacy he created so that one day

I'll stop him from ever disappearing I'm XS have Shui is that

what is good YouTube war Stu here wit a video on the flash season 5 episode 1

called Nora just Nora so the flash is back finally after the summer drought

after waiting so long to find out what the big big big mistake was and we

didn't find out absolutely anything to do that but it was a very interesting

episode and I really didn't like it it's one of the best premiere episode we've

had in such a long time and it sets a tone for a completely different show and

no not really it sets the tone it's going back to more

of season 1 in season 2 and Nora Jessica candy Parker is really gonna be

key to the flash being good week to week so if you're new to the channel we do

Marvel and DC related videos all week long as you know the channel is

basically what's built upon flash and arrow and that is what we are doing so

episode 1 of the flash was called Nora so something different happened this

year the episode started literally just where last season started where the

season finale started you know where it says we made a big big mistake it picked

up there which was very good for once we didn't get a massive time job we haven't

missed anything it's literally picked up where it ended

which is amazing it's think like I really dislike about the fashion that

you have a time jump and then you're constantly looking at what happened in

the previous time so noir Allen's big big mistake so we don't know what the

big mistake is they didn't really let him to anything but based on the actor

actress comments we're gonna find out in the first couple of episodes so let's

get into the actual video so Nora it's essentially says her name is I Nora West

Allen and she explains kind of why she came back so it starts off with Barry

Allen and iris essentially trying to come to terms that have got a daughter

that's essentially the same age as them but they don't know her they've never

met her they missed out on a lot of things that actually they should have

missed out on and it would creep anyone out if someone turned at your door at

door and was like yeah I'm your daughter I'm sorry years old yeah I'm from the

future you don't actually know me you've not actually had me yet but where I'm

from you were there so we do understand why she is very clingy to Barry Allen

and to be honest if you actually have been following the flash from season one

you would actually have understood that so she drops the flash Museum she does

drop a few spoilers about Inge about gorilla God and King shark having a

fight which they have actually confirmed will happen in this season so nor Allen

is essentially stuck in our timeline or essentially we are led to believe that

she's stuck in Thailand so she does get Barry Allen the season one suit and

obviously gridlock gets more powerful the more time Barry attacks him and he

absorbs dark matter so essentially gridlock destroys Barry

Allen and because of Nora trying to help so you see the Tachyon device again but

it doesn't work because Nora has negative tachyon insider which is

interesting because Kid Flash goes to legends and they're like yet negative

tachyon is a thing we don't know why we don't explain it but then later on in

the episode we find out that Nora was trying to stay in a time line because

she didn't want to go home so she had a device on her that stopped her from

going back in time so it's kind of some massive play on words and it's kind of

funny because Cisco is an irrelevant character I don't really like him

anymore but Cisco always comes up with a names gridlock and she named in gridlock

then later in the episode she's like yeah good luck so Ralph is trying to

explain why killer frost isn't coming out and she's like yeah

killer frost is kind of hidden she wasn't from the particle accelerator so

yeah it's kind of interesting then we come back to later on so we find out

BIOS like I need to know what happened to me in the future I need to know this

wasn't a perfect episode it was a pretty good episode so the fact that the season

and show is based around flash missing in crisis kind of already the Barry

should know why Nora is so clingy to her because they've never met each other she

doesn't remember him so she shows him a newspaper article from the year that

she's from and it reads like this 25 years later flash still missing

obviously in the comics flash is missing and then he reappears after fighting

anti-monitor but we're never gonna get that so

essentially what I think Nora Allen's mission is she's come back in time to

try and stop her father from ever going missing him because as the legends

explain you can be in your wrong timeline as long as what you change

isn't really big so that kind of contradicts what Jay Garrick the og says

about when you Sinkin times it starts a ripple but what

they essentially now saying and it's kind of its kind of stopping this

massive plot hole we know the flash has some big plot holes but it's kind of

stopping the plot hole theory where her being there is creating a plot hole but

it's not because the legends kind of explain to them that because they're not

changing too much and important events then she can stay there as long as she

doesn't mess many things up so we find out that the negative Tachyon device

noir was actually stopping herself and going back into the future because she

grew up without a dad now dad's not actually dead he's just

missing obviously with a verse flat fight it does confirm that the 2024

accident does happen and that will be season 10 if I haven't boys interesting

is in the newspaper article the new one the central city citizen citizen logo

like the font has changed it's changed and the image has changed because

obviously it's later 25 years later and that newspaper article the original one

was wrote when he disappeared so she's like yeah I'm just trying to get to know

you and Barry kind of feel sorry because he grew up not knowing her but

realistically it wasn't Mary's fault I'm presuming the reverse-flash did

something and then they both get sucked up and end up somewhere so we do get a

massive comic book seen when they nor Allen Barry Allen and Kid Flash phase an

airplane through a bridge which did happen in comics that's pretty cool we

do finally get to see the flash ring pop out of the suit the flash ring come out

the suit realistically that's quite expensive to do it so I can't honestly

see as seeing that scene very often because it would cost too much money but

it was pretty cool to see finally Barry Allen's new suit pop out

of the flash ring which all those flash fans have wanted for such a long time

but let me know down below guys do you think we're actually gonna see the flash

suit pop out of the ring very often and to see them phase through an airplane

through a bridge it's pretty interesting because they have done the training

before and we've got a nice cameo from Harry

from the og Harrison wells where he was teaching Barry how to phase it's kind of

cute how Noah doesn't really know much about being a speedster because she grew

up without any other species as it seems but it does seem like Kid Flash II

didn't really explain where Kid Flash was in the future because he would be

in there I presume unless something happened to him so I'm a bit confused

about where kiss Kid Flash was in the actual future so Ralph is an OG kind of

Pi and he finds out the the kind of death certificate for killer frost

Caitlin snows father was actually fate and the person that wrote it doesn't

even exist so we're gonna find out how she got her powers we know it wasn't due

to the particle accelerator so I presume her father will be someone like frozen

or icicle or something like that I might do a different thing about it but it is

pretty cool to see Barry and the daughter iris west running together

there's a bit hostility between iris West and Nora she seems like she doesn't

really like a mom but I think it's because maybe where she's from she

wasn't allowed to use her powers her mother said no we don't want you

disappearing like your father or something along the lines it looks like

something as Nora likes like iris would actually do because Nora's literally the

female version of Barry with a hint of our Alan she's a CSI she's got a great

DDP she's intelligent like Barry she's absolutely nothing like iris but then

she does have characteristics like iris in a way so let me get a cool post

credits post episode scene and kind of end time I guess you could say to get

gridlock going back to obviously iron Heights but he doesn't get there because

cicada comes along and essentially kills him because cicada hates every metahuman

going good or bad he wants to destroy everyone now I have a problem with this

because they've introduced the main villain or supposedly the main villain

in the first episode so for me this is a red flag big red flag does this mean

that cicada isn't actually the main villain for the overall season and I

would prefer it obviously I'm getting a bit of a doctor alchemy vibe where he's

actually working for the main villain no war Shu is not saying God to be able to

confirm I'm just saying that they're introducing the main villain it's so

early on we're just never a good thing there's no mystery he's already out in

the open we already know from synopsis for episode 2 & 3

that obviously Cisco is gonna lose his powers because of cicada in the next

episode or episode 3 one of the two but overall it was a pretty interesting

episode now I know what they were going to say I still think Nora Allen could be

daddy a stain or ebar thorn there's just something about her that makes me

question if she is who she said is now I think

Nora Allen is the best thing if that is actually her name Nora Allen is the best

thing about this season so far and it can only go forward I mean it wasn't it

wasn't a perfect episode but there aren't any but if this continues to get

like this it's gonna be so cool the interaction between her and Barry yet

there's some chemistry there it's not the greatest chemistry she's got great

chemistry she's obviously she's a coming across like the best actor on the show

she's cute she's kind of innocent it's like I just want to get to know my dad

because she doesn't know her dad she clearly isn't gonna like get to know

mother because she already know her knows a mother but it's gonna develop

pretty interesting and I can't wait for episode 2 I believe episode 2 is called

block now guys let me know the compacts though though do you agree with them say

do you think Nora is really a reverse-flash she probably isn't but I'm

always wary of these characters do you think cicada is the overall villain is

someone else do more villain is imposing to be the overbid I mean the cicada

storyline is pretty cool now we understand he's going to kill people

with his lightning-bolt dagger we don't actually see it because it's a pg-13

show but it's hinted that he will die and I presume Barry Allen and obviously

he's a CSI so he's gonna see gridlock dead and go to the crime scene at some

point in episode 2 it's great to see Barry actually doing his job

it was interesting like so Barry Allen wasn't a CSI throughout the whole of

season 4 and no one they didn't get anyone to like take his place so he's

got all these jobs to do he's got a backlog of work just because they didn't

hire anyone else to do his job so it did start pretty cool I don't want make this

video too long but yeah this is how I'm gonna review it like the flash season 5

this year just bluntly one tight no clever script in just no edit by editing

obviously but no scripting just in one tape over looking at pictures and soon

my overall thoughts so guys I would give it like an 8 or 9 out of 10 if I had to

score it anyway guys please like subscribe and comment and I will catch

you in that comment section very soon Kia Luna

For more infomation >> Barry's Missing In THE FUTURE! 2049 Newspaper REVEALS! - The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Breakdown - Duration: 11:14.


OUR HOME IN JAPAN - Duration: 3:55.

Anybody inside ?

Hello ~ Welcome to Tokyo

As requested on Instagram, we'll show you our home

Please, come in ~

hehe ~ So before you get to see the apartement,

Don't forget that we have an Instagram Account where we are very active

We, often, do stories and even some live streams

And of course, we have Facebook and the Youtube Channel

So don't hesitate to follow us there !

Alright, so i show you quickly a small map of the inside

In any case you get lost in our 28m²

Let's go !

So here, we are in the kitchen

As you can see, we have a super rice cooker

coming straight from don quijote

There is the little table where we eat when i get motivated enough to cook

And of course, we won't forget the air conditioner

Because without it,... we would die from heat

As you can see, the controls are quiet complicated to understand

There is the small entrance where we can leave the shoes when getting home

Ahead, you'll find the way to the


And obviously, who says japanese bathroom says :

Super hightech toilets

With all the buttons where you can't read a thing

Anyway, at least there's the water jet and little icons to help us

The bathtub where we can wash and wet anywhere

And of course, the buttons that let us dry the room or get it warmer.

Now, our room

We can see our wonderfull computer with

with the WONDERFUUUUUL mouse pad (with the little ice cream on it)

And of course, the air conditioner as i said earlier.... we would die without it.

The small relax corner

And to protect our wooden floor, we've put some socks on the tables and chairs.

Of course, not forgetting : MISTER GEIKO

Our bed with very comfortable bed sheets that comes from NITORI

A kind of Japanese IKEA

And the amazing TV

In what we can watch some Japanese TV Shows

Here, it looks like it is a very very very difficult Go game

And to end, our mini terrace

That will be very usefull in Summer

Geiko will then enjoy the fresh japanese air ~

There it is. Hope you enjoyed the visit !


For more infomation >> OUR HOME IN JAPAN - Duration: 3:55.


3d origami basket tutorial || DIY paper basket 1 - Duration: 16:44.

hello my name is Razvan and welcome to Razcapapercraft YouTube channel

Today I want to show you how to make this 3d origami basket

and this beautiful flower , origami Versailles rose by Krystyna Burczyk

for this basket I will use 2 colors , light and dark purple but you can use other color

for this model I use large 3d origami pieces (1/32) from an A4 paper

this 3d origami pieces are made from this rectangle of paper with dimensions (5.4*3.6cm)

I use normal colored printer paper 80 grams /square meter

I will make a 3d origami piece , If you are a beginner and you don't know how to make this pieces you will find severals links in the description of the video

You can see that is a huge difference between this 2 pieces , and I will transform this piece using this tool made from 6 pieces connected in a row

I put this 2 edges in this 2 pockets , than push and with my finger or with a pen I will give a very nice round shape

I recommend you all to use pieces like that , it is very easy to work with them and the models will look very beautiful

we start with dark purple , and first I will show you how I glue , I use normal paper stick glue

I put some glue inside the pockets and then connect with other pieces like this

I glue every piece and I recommend you to do the same

we connect pieces like this , first and second row only dark purple pieces and in the third row i alternate 1 dark purple piece with 1 light purple

we connect pieces like this until we have 14 pieces in the first row , 13 in the second and 12 pieces in the third

I complete all this rows and next we put an inverted row (the round part of the 3d origami piece is inside )

I finish this inverted row and next we close the circle like this and we complete the second row with 1 Dark purple and the third row with 1 Dark purple and 1 Light purple

we complete this inverted row here with one piece like this

we obtain an small 3d origami closed base

next row we put only dark purple piece

alternate the direction of the pieces , If you connect a row in this direction the next row we connect on the other direction

next we pu one dark purple piece like this and then we put one light purple piece , we repeat this until we finish the row

next we put 4 normal light purple rows

I finish these 4 rows and we push a little like this

next we increase the number of pieces in a row from 14 to 21 pieces

we put one normal piece and then we increase , we put 1 piece in 1 edges from the previous row two times like this

and then we repeat one normal piece with one increase until we finish the row

now we have 21 pieces in this last row and then we put 2 normal light purple rows

next we put one dark purple and then 2 light purple and we repeat this until we finish the row

next we put 2 dark purple pieces above the one from previous row and then 1 light purple piece , we repeat this until we finish the row

now we increase again from 21 pieces in a row to 28

we increase with light purple pieces and we put one piece like this

then we put 2 light purple above

then we put 2 normal dark purple pieces and we repeat this until we complete the row

now we have 28 pieces in a row

we put one dark purple piece like this and then 3 light purple pieces , we repeat this until we finish the row

next row we put 2 dark purple and then 2 light purple , we repeat this until we finish the row

next we put one light purple piece hare between this 2 pieces from the previous row

and then we put 2 light purple pieces above and then we put one purple piece one both sides like this

next we put 1 dark purple 1 light purple and then 1 dark purple again

then we put 2 dark purple above and the last row 1 dark purple piece

we repeat this until we finish the row

here we will have 2 free edges between each triangle

next we make the handle of the basket

we connect pieces like this, we start with 2 light purple pieces and then 1 above

then we put 2 dark purple pieces like this

then we repeat until we have 24 rows in total

we glue the handle to the basket , first time here

before we glue on the other side we will put this origami rose inside the basket

you will find a tutorial for this origami Versailles rose in the description of the video

It is a model created by Krystyna Burczyk

This paper rose is made from 5 square sheets of paper 15*15cm each

we put the rose inside the basket and then we glue the handle

This is all for today , have a nice day

For more infomation >> 3d origami basket tutorial || DIY paper basket 1 - Duration: 16:44.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Opening Full『Coda - Fighting Gold』 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Opening Full『Coda - Fighting Gold』 - Duration: 4:54.

------------------------------------------- VS MyFishingBox | YouTube Predator Cup 2018 - Duration: 35:19.

The YouTube Predator Cup 2018 is going to be

presented by DUO germany

Angeljoe and BassBrigade

Myfishingbox could bring the win home

and thatswhy he is in the quarterfinals

The acutal protagonist was sick at this day

for what reason his brother acted for him

His brother Chris was pretty successful

All in all he could catch 6 pike

that was a great job.

With this match he won against the only woman

in the competition: AngelAnni

But today Andreas is fit and motivated

bring the second victory home.

In contrast Daniel Andriani,

he was very lucky in the last 16 match

At a very hard day with less fish

Daniel won the match with only

one pike against the OderSpreeAngler Chris

This little pike decided the victory

Today Daniel wants to show

that he can catch big fish

Very welcome dear visitors

to the quarterfinal of the

YouTube Predator Cup

you are happy haha

that your bro could bring you in this situation

yes he had to act for me so...

he did a good job!

We met today

because MyfishingBox is going to fish


And I will be the neutral referee

Yes, today we are going to fish from the


The rules are the same, Daniel this is

your home waters, but that's your 2nd time..

haha, yes sure my 'home water'

but you've already fished here, thatswhy

you will decide the spots

good luck

Both opponents now start fishing from

their bellyboats

They have 6 hours of time

to catch a minimum of 3 counting fish

They are only allowed to fish artificial

baits, no deadbaits

Length of a perch is going to be

multiplicated with the factor of 2.4

Zander with 1.3

and pike 1.0

You can find the rules in videodescription

that is now the

first spot

I've chosen this place

because it is farther afield from

the people and the dogs

and it is way more silent here

there we have a reed edge

I think we can catch perch and pike

today, less Zander

I think this spot is pretty

good for perch and pike

I use two different rods

one with a jerkbait and one with softbait

I will test both strategies

The funny thing is

that I bought the bellyboat one year ago

but I didn't fish with it

so this is my first time fishing

from it

the lake is pretty

unspectaculary, less structure

much weed

Daniel and me have a similar tectic

fishing bigbaits

and sometimes small lures

So let's see who will be successful

haha thought this was a bit

fat perch



first cast with jerkbait

amazing bit

great perch


a really big one

pretty sure it is 40 plus


let me do this

yes he has 42cm

42cm perch, I didn't expect that

and we were just fishing

for like about 15min

but we will cut the perch to the end haha

just kidding

I am so relieved

we hope to catch some more

of them, great start

Daniel starts perfect in the match

this 42cm perch is not just beautiful

it enriches his scoreboard also with 100.8 points

so he is in the lead with 100.8 points

great star!

hopefully we catch some more of them

unbelievable start

it makes me happy

that the first fish were caught

it is way more exciting for me and the cameraman

when we can see beautiful and big fish

I wish both of them good luck

baby pike

the smallest pike today maybe haha

was not big enough?

no way

But I started sweating haha

also Andreas could catch his first fish

This fish is

way to small for the scoreboard (minimum 50cm)

but the attentive visitor knows,

that also to small fish can decide

about a lose or a victory

are you confident?


There are many big fish in this lake

and he can also catch a big one

or maybe a better one then mine

but also two little pike could

bring him in the lead

For my first bellyboat trip

I have very much fun

it is really relaxed

and target some nice spots

where you could never

fish from the littorial

But nice is the start of this match, first

the huge perch, then the baby pike

and now nothing happens since the

last hour

I try it now with bigger baits

Ecerywhere is so much weeds

it looks so great for fish

a good one



good perch

that was the second bite

he is stuck in the weeds

not that easy

try your best

a huge perch

bigger than mine

no no I don't think so

trust me it's a huge one

I give you my net

This lake seems great for big perch


Thank you for the net

Guys you can't see the fish in the moment

but this is what we all want to catch

inhaled the bait

I often fished with this Softlure upgrade

I really think this is one bigger

than mine

We are ready

good one

I need a further fish

Trust me it's bigger than mine

The exact same length?!

unbelievable, really!

Maybe it is mine

Yes I took it in the net after the release haha

Amazing colours, look

at that fat belly

Guys this is so cool

we gave everything the past 2 hours

also Daniel fished without any break

and now this great perch is the reward

That is really a special fish

I am so happy

and with this combination I often catch

good perch and pike


Andreas also catches a perch of 42cm

Now they both have the same score

100.8 points to 100.8

But however Andreas goes for the lead

Just amazing!

I am speechless

With this 42cm perch Andreas

can go ahead

Because he caught

all in all more fish. This rule sets

in when the score is exactly the same

So Daniel needs to catch a fish

if he wants to stay in this competition

I am really delighted for Andy

because this was really a beauty

but it would be also great if this

perch had 41cm...

I have to catch a fish now

What shall I say, that is the competition

and I knew this perch wouldn't be enough

but that he catches a

perch with the same length...

I didn't expect this so far


I still have enough time, so don't worry

perch bite

two times

I don't want to do advertising

but this sonar is pretty cool

I only need my cellphone

and this sphere at the bellyboat

and you get a quick overview

For example I can see the weeds

and everything under me right now

I also found the perch in the weeds

so let's see


good fight until now

I didn't expect

that he does not stop fishing for one second

he gives everything

yes me too, I really didn't expect

your perch haha

especially the same size

but I also didn't expect that I catch

a big one this early

at a water we both don't really know

I think this is a good experience

that we both now have the same score

means that we both shall

better give everything in the second half

And it is good to know

that there are some nice fish in this


so try your best in the second half

yes everyone wants

to win

yes for sure

now it is Andreas, deciding the spots

and Andreas is in the lead

because of the mini pike

the size does not matter in this case

because the fish was not bigger than 50cm

The first one of you catching a

fish big enough for the score

goes in the lead

Thatswhy, this is now a good time

the sun sets

we give everything

to present you a nice fish

sure, I want to stay in the competition

good luck Andy

but at first we do a break

yes I also wanted to eat something

a banana on board?

obviously this makes no difference

wnat one?

yes please

do you want a kitkat?

no thanks

I would take a kitkat

if you have a banana for me

no haha

you could have some water

Whats it all about, with the banana's on board?


The points are still the same

but as already said, Andreas is still in the lead

Daniel needs to catch a fish

we will see whether he can catch one more

advertising break

You liked the YouTube Predator Cup?

And you would like to support the second series?

Whether rod, reel, baits or jigs

with every buy at you support this project

Until the finals, there

is the discounting code


with 10% discount for all products

except trips and sonars

second half

After they ate the bananas

it wasn't long before the next fish bites

again a small pike

not big enough



so annoying

fish on

this one is big enough

after we took out the bananas

that is the result

yes this one was big enough

but still not the size

we are looking for

now we are in a bay

far away from where we fished before

Sadly I lost a counting fish

after I had a good bite before

Daniel and me said if here is no fish

then nowhere

The sun is sets

and I think perch could be hard now

and thatswhy I try to fish for pike

so my baits get bigger

so let's see whether the plan is successful

I use a small bait now

Looking for some perch

a 30cm perch would be great

to go in the lead

so I speculate for perch

and if it really

gets darker I will

try to catch a pike

but whan the sun shines

I think it always is good to look for some perch then

After the sun disappeared behind the trees

Daniel follows the strategy of Andreas

and also tries to catch a pike

Doesn't look that small



Now it is getting really

really exciting

so let's see how big it is

60? 61cm!

As I changed to a spinnerbait

with a softlure

the pike demolished the bait

good bite, 61cm pike

I am so happy and relieved

now Andy has to catch something

it is always a better feeling

to be in the lead

But I am only one fish in the lead

he still has a good chance

was a great drill on the rodfather

baitcasting prototype

I am so happy in the moment

That's the comeback

As against Andreas, Daniel

can land the fish save

His scoreboard is now filled with

161.8 points

Daniel could land a pike

he trusted the bait successfully

to be honest I am pretty

sceptical with spinnerbaits because

the fish often bites not in the softlure

But in this case it worked great

Pike's are pretty nice to multiplicate

wih the factor one.

so 61 points for Daniel

So now Daniel has 161.8 and

Andreas 100.8 points

But they still have a half hour of time

so Andreas can still do it

and as he fished today, I think

he has a great chance to do it

Not that much time left

I don't really believe in this part of the lake

for me the other side was more interesting

with the weeds and the wind

so let's go

butt now Daniel is in the lead

and I think the fish are lazy now

we will see

you only need to catch a 26cm perch

to go ahead

62cm pike also

I would not say this is impossible

because we saw two really good fish today

yes they are in here for sure

But I try to catch a 60+ pike now

You have plenty of time

yes sure

okay, give everything


let's see

that was chaotic

was stuck in the weeds

nice, 63cm pike

I really needed this one

I caught three fish and now I start working at the size

this emtions...

this was very close, as he swom

in the weeds

that was a tough fight

but everything ended well

I think you lost this

my banana

your trash

this brought me good luck

the third counting fish

Also the next bite, was at Daniel's rod

The 63cm pike enriches his scoreboard to

224.8 points

Can Andreas still do it?

Or is it over for him?

That was another fish

Daniel can extend the lead

224.8 to

100.8 points

tahts the actual score

And now Andreas needs to catch

two fish

or a 53cm perch

During Daniel feels save in his

lead, and starts chatting with Toni

I try a new tactic

because here are many weed plateaus

I cast to all of them

but my experience is

that I am not good catching pike in the sunset

Try to catch a Zander wouldn't be good

I think

so I still try to catch some pikes

with big lures

The last minutes have begun

at a phantastic sunset Andreas

tries every lure and methode

Right now I am trying a Spinner

maybe it works, but...

Final whistle

It was a really exciting day

we really battled in this match

oh yes, it was a great battle

it was very cool,

sadly only one can win

yes, we had the same amount of fish

but yours were bigger

And you gave more than me in the bay


yes but this was also a little bit luck

the spinnerbait was a great lure today

I think the fish wanted pressure today

you also caught your perch on one

yes and I also lost a pike at it

So sad I lost this one

maybe it would be another situation now

but I really grant you this victory

thank you very much

For me as moderator and

cameraman this day was

axciting and funny

I hope you also liked the it

and we would be pretty thankful about

a like, comment

and if you don't know the YouTube Channel

of MyFishingBox

you should really subscribe to it

they regularily upload videos

many product reviews but

also cool fishing trips

very varied

Daniel you go in the next round

To be honest after

Andreas caught the big perch, I

didn't believe in you

but also a blind chicken...

no Daniel constantly fished all

day long, without any break

I am really happy, this was

a tough battle, undoubtedly

but now I am really happy

and see forward

to the next match in the halffinals

exactly, you will have a hard enemy

see you guys!

224.8 to 100.8 points.

For the YouTube Channel MyfishingBox

the competition is over. goes in the half finals

where he will fish against an heavy opponent

Either he will meet top favorite Dietmar Isaiasch

from Quantum fishing

or against the Veit Wilde conqueror

Tobias Ekvall from

But in the next episode you will

see the half final between

Dustin Schöne form barschalarmTV

and Ricardo Stüttem from Fish'n'Clips

For more infomation >> VS MyFishingBox | YouTube Predator Cup 2018 - Duration: 35:19.


Ember Moon critiques The Monster Among Men in this week's Mic'd Up - Duration: 1:07.



Get up here!

You want to do the light with me?!

Come on!


Right here!


>> [APPLAUSE] >> That's my teammate.

>> God.

>> You better hold those ropes, AJ.

>> One, two, three, Ref.

>> Come on.

>> [APPLAUSE] You're as bad as Mick Foley.


>> Hey, AJ.


>> Did you hold the ropes open for her?

>> Yes I did.

>> Yes, he did! He's a gentleman!

>> Carmella, you're not supposed to be in here!

>> Don't let go!

>> Help.

>> Don't let go!

>> Charlotte!

>> Don't let go!

>> You could have hurt him faster!

You told me you had it.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> They don't want none!


For more infomation >> Ember Moon critiques The Monster Among Men in this week's Mic'd Up - Duration: 1:07.


Akshon Esports Overwatch World Cup 2018 Bracket Challenge - Duration: 1:07.

The Overwatch World Cup is the highest level of competition with teams

representing countries across the globe and while the pros duke it out for the

title of world champions, most players are still struggling to climb out a

Platinum in Competitive, but what if I told you that you too could compete

in a even more prestigious competition for a prize far more comfortable and

useful than any trophy. Well you can all you need to do is go to

and sign up for the Akshon Esports Bracket Challenge. All you need

to do is put in your predictions for the Blizzcon stages of the 2018 Overwatch

World Cup and you can win one of three gaming chairs from Pulselabz but wait

there's more! The glorious Ultimate Genji sword can be yours for the taking if you

guessed the perfect bracket. Unlike Overwatch, the Bracket Challenge is

perfectly balanced so your chances of winning won't get any better, but you

need to sign up today since cutoff is November 2nd 12 a.m. PST so what are you

waiting for? Go to for your chance at glory!

For more infomation >> Akshon Esports Overwatch World Cup 2018 Bracket Challenge - Duration: 1:07.


Lives That Were Destroyed By Marvel - Duration: 5:26.

While Marvel has grown beyond belief and made many artists, writers, and their creations

household names around the world, it's not all sunshine and X-Men.

A number of people have run afoul of the company over the years, intentionally or otherwise,

and have suffered some pretty devastating fates as a result.

Jessica Alba

The Fantastic Four is an exceptionally weird Marvel property.

Started in 1961, it was the first big superhero team book under the Marvel label.

Four different Fantastic Four films have been produced, and every one of them was terrible.

In two of those films, Jessica Alba played the role of Sue Storm.

Alba later said Rise of the Silver Surfer made her want to "stop acting," explaining

how awful it was working with the movie's director, who asked her to do things like

look prettier when she cried.

It all drove her to the point where she had no interest in being in the business anymore.

"It was really uncomfortable for me."

Of course, Alba has plenty of money and she didn't fully leave show biz.

She's also been in more than her fair share of poorly received movies, but the fact that

she singled out Fantastic Four as the movie that seemed to break her spirit is certainly

no badge of honor for Marvel.

Gary Friedrich

In Marvel's quest to create new and interesting stuff, writer Gary Friedrich came up with

an idea for a new character in 1972, a motorcycle-riding daredevil who becomes the flamey-skulled hero

Ghost Rider!

Ghost Rider has endured since the 1970s and even got two turns on the big screen with

Nicolas Cage in the lead role.

The first movie actually made around $230 million worldwide.

That's a lot of green, and Friedrich wanted a piece.

In 2007, Friedrich filed a lawsuit claiming Ghost Rider's rights reverted to him in 2001,

and therefore Marvel owed him big time.

A judge disagreed, saying Friedrich handed over the rights when he endorsed certain checks

that said the rights belonged to Marvel.


"Looks like trouble just found you."

Instead of getting money, Friedrich was counter-sued by Marvel for what they said was his unauthorized

use of their character.

He had to pay the company $17,000 and agree to stop selling Ghost Rider merch at conventions,

and even stop promoting himself as Ghost Rider's creator for financial gain.

A settlement was finally reached in 2013, five years before Friedrich passed away.

Matt Salinger

In 1990, Marvel fans got Captain America starring Matt Salinger, a film that is still infamous

today for its unadulterated awfulness.

Salinger, son of author J.D. Salinger, has gone on record about how preposterous the

whole experience of making the film was.

Shoots were canceled and rescheduled, and eventually they ran out of money.

"It seems the Americans have made a poor choice for their champion."

Salinger told GQ that, though he's not bitter, his experience with Captain America was a

good example of how, as an actor, you're powerless to make a good movie, leading him to move

toward producing.

While the Red Skull was unable to defeat Captain America on the screen, bad filmmaking did

the job behind the scenes.

Dolph Lundgren

Everyone knows Dolph Lundgren's name.

He had probably his most iconic role ever in Rocky IV as Ivan Drago, and then a memorable

follow-up as He-Man.

In 1989, Lundgren made The Punisher and it's worth noting that, aside from a handful of

forgotten flicks, the next time most people saw Lundgren in theaters was in 2010's The


That's a big gap.

This movie didn't ruin Lundgren's career outright, he kept doing direct-to-video movies pretty

steadily for decades, but it arguably stopped his time as a big screen movie star.

The Punisher was a big disappointment, drawing only weak reviews, and the production was

a mess.

Den of Geek blamed a small budget, script rewrites, and all kinds of corners being cut

that meant the movie was pretty much destined to fail and take Lundgren with it.

"And there you have it."

Lea Thompson

Even as the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in the midst of its box office domination, one

distinguished actress has been long overlooked.

Lea Thompson has claimed to be the first Queen of Marvel and it's a defensible position!

Howard the Duck was the first big screen Marvel movie back in 1986, and Lea Thompson was the

human lead.

Unfortunately, the movie tanked hard.

Considered one of the worst movies ever made, Howard the Duck did no favors for Thompson.

She revealed to CBR in an interview that she'd been bullied for years over her role in the


Even though she later scored a role in the John Hughes movie Some Kind of Wonderful,

her career trajectory couldn't recover.

There were simply no more lead roles after Howard the Duck besides a stint on a mid-'90s


Truly, those early attempts at Marvel movies were not all they were quacked up to be.

Jack Kirby

Marvel Comics is Jack Kirby; that cannot be denied.

These days a lot of people recognize Stan Lee as the face of the comics giant, but some

of that can be chalked up to Lee's incredible skill at self-promotion.

Kirby was the artistic tour de force who helped Lee invent Marvel's massive stable of characters

and bring them to life on the page.

At the very least, he deserves a full 50 percent of the credit for what Lee is famous for,

and arguably did much more.

As protege Mark Evanier put it,

"Jack Kirby doesn't have a place in comic book history, he kind of is comic book history."

Together with a few others, they created what are now the icons of comic books, Hulk, Captain

America, Thor, and literally hundreds more.

But Kirby was a work-for-hire employee.

He worked out of his own house, bought his own supplies, and was paid per page as they

were accepted, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

He got no benefits, no time off, and he certainly wasn't part of the multibillion-dollar enterprise

it is today.

Jack Kirby died in 1994.

It wasn't until 2014 that Marvel, heading off a case that was on its way to the Supreme

Court, finally settled with Kirby's heirs.

For more infomation >> Lives That Were Destroyed By Marvel - Duration: 5:26.


[FNAF] Below The Surface (Ft. Nenorama) [Fandroid/Griffinila REMIX] | Minecraft Animation - Duration: 2:39.

TakeBlueYT Present

Below The Surface Remix By DHeusta (Ft . Nenorama)

Original Song By Fandroid/Griffinila

Animated By TakeBlue YT

Enjoy! :D

Listen Close...

Follow My Instruction

There Is No...

Time For Introduction...

He Was The One, That Made Us...

You'll Be The One To Save Us


Welcome To The Circus

Power Down...

Are You Feeling Nervous?

His Voice Means To...

Deceive You...

My Voice Just Want To...

Lead You...

Below The Surface...

Below The Surface...

Built Without Purpose...

Did We Deserve This?

You're Here To Serve...

Daddy Please...

We All Scream For...

Ice Cream...

This Machine...

Will Help With The

Brain Freeze

This Stage Light Up

With Controlled Shocks

So Tighten Up

All Your Spring Locks

Through The Vent

Keeping Your Composure...

Hold Your Breath

Something's Creeping Closers

Theres No One Left To


I'll Take Your Place


Below The Surface...

Below The Surface

Built Without Purpose

Did We Deserve This?

You're Here To Serve...


{Evil Laugh}

I'll Take Your Place...

Behind The Mask...

Then I'll Be First

And You Be LAST...

Yeah, You Be Last...

THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!............ :D

For more infomation >> [FNAF] Below The Surface (Ft. Nenorama) [Fandroid/Griffinila REMIX] | Minecraft Animation - Duration: 2:39.


How stress affects your pain and symptoms | Life Update - Duration: 18:53.

hey you it's Ev :) are you guys this you probably be one of the most realistic

video z' you'll ever see all my videos are real but I mean down to the wrong

nitty gritty so I'm just putting it out there you're probably not gonna be

interested in watching unless you're one of my true ride-or-die spoonie's the one

that will watch anything that I make just because I'm in the video which I

don't understand that thank you I want to talk about one of the number

one things that bring on more pain make all your symptoms pretty much worse and

I think that's like anybody not just me and it's probably the number one thing

you've heard your doctor even say probably even your family is that don't

get stressed yeah like we like we just invite stress in our house right you

guys see the clothes hanging in the back or dryer died so up to hang they're dry

I just got put them away in the messy playroom on this toy box that dad found

ha we found for the kids it's not bigger than I thought that working and cleaning

off we went to the Baker out sale together actually know if you guys are

into finding little hauls you know like I go by I go to a store or go somewhere

and buy things if you'd like to see them some people are into that I got this for

Gracie yes it's like a little jewelry box

it's hippie I like hippie so thought you'd like it I like to find little

corny stuff like that clean it up and give it to the kids actually phoned

Gracie a winter jacket two grants a little bit fits but gotta wash it first

and what else did I find they're talking a bunch of hand towels I have a thing

with hand towels I don't know why as long as you know they'll up and near

being new then I'll get them in wash them or bleach them if they're

white anyways you guys something that me and mom did a lot of it was I think

that's where our coffee things started so we just we're gonna have a chat we're

just gonna dive in grab your coffee grab a snack whatever you want to grab come

sit down and talk with me okay so how are we supposed to handle stress we

can't always control stress right I'm a lot like me like my dad I am pretty

mellow I like thanks Jill I tend to hang out by

myself because it seems like the more people you hang around the more drama

there is and I I can't stand drama but I also feel like you need you need someone

to unload to like I did with mom mom actually called him bitch vests and

that's when we'd have our coffee dates we sit down and we unload so I'm gonna

unload onion for a little bit oh and this is where yeah you can't control

everything that gets landed on your lap right the only thing is is you can you

can control how you respond to it right you can see you're kind of dealing with

a crappy person you can get mad and throw fists or you can shrug it off and

not let it bother you just don't deal with those kind of people which I've

gotten pretty good at that so it explains why it's usually me myself and

I oh it's pathetic huh so yeah I thought I unload some of the stuffs really

pretty personal you guys and maybe it shouldn't be talked about here but um

yeah like my husband like me you know I can yakked me about everything but I

think it's him being a man he just naturally wants to fix everything and

it's not that I'm really looking fix everything yeah some of it for sure it's

love it's just a vent you know just let it rip let it out that's what this video

is gonna be it's just yeah I can let it out it's not nothing structured you guys

I have nothing I've researched nothing that I've learned about nothing like

that that I could share with you that I know you guys really appreciate and I

love that you appreciate it but nothing like that here it's just I want you guys

to know you need to be able to unload and if you don't have anybody unload to

me for those watching this nobody knows us really yet but I'm in the works of

making my own little website stuff costs money but I'm working at UM you make my

own website where I can have a private online chat with you guys like Skype

calls or FaceTime or something like that where I can chat with you guys just you

and me and you're able to unload or if you need some ideas for something you'll

want a hand for some budgeting or if you just need a friend to talk to

just someone to listen someone to yell at or whatever so let me know what you

think of that uh-huh it could be a total burn but it's been on my mind a lot

lately anyways are always like Oh have your like the best little therapist's er

I thought why not give it a shot why not listen you guys and give it a go

you know yesterday was a very upsetting day that's why the eyelids are still

pretty swollen I was being a baby because I was really ticked off about it

confession number one would be I have yet to do mom's memorial you guys

November 26 is the day she passed away last year it's almost been a year I have

yet to set it up she asked for you guys follow me on instagram you've probably

seen it mom is for one thing cuz we kind of talked about if she was the pathway

of what you want to do like she always one is just be cremated okay

and I just as much as I hated talking about it she'd start telling me these

things a little here and there and I'm glad she did and I saw a mom you don't

want a funeral and she said no I don't want a funeral I said well we would you

like like a little memorial something like grandma had her mom the one I was

named after she goes yeah yeah that would be nice

this one place that my really liked to go was the same kind of place that my

grandma liked to go that one wasn't baptized there but either was my grandma

the house wasn't in Jack and you know we lost mom in a very fast unexpected kind

of way I was told I will give a call back and I got a call back finally and

said please call me back at me and I didn't know how to take it if it was

good or not I need had a bunch of his hunting buddies over I think there was

five guys all together so I just waited and once those guys left and my glorious

time to call talked to everybody else and the answer was done so the one thing

still too upset about it don't one thing my wanted you can't happen so you know

it's stuff like this we have no control over is really hard on the body but if

you don't talk about it you guys it's just gonna build up build up in it I

really believe it sticks in your body you know really can mess with your

muscles and your nerves stress is not good on the body so I think it's really

important that you unload you have a bitch assess of your session it's not

what say that we'll need to see you guys something else that I shouldn't really

be talking about on here is that something that's really been upsetting a

couple just a couple months after mom passed away my stepfather

started seeing someone no you guys he wasn't cheating on my no he wasn't

it's he had a hard time being in the house because of mom not being there and

I get that cuz I've only been there three times since mom's been gone

because it's like you can see her there but she's not there and to make matters

worse I should really shouldn't be talking about this right now before my

passed away years before she would always say F I want you to have this

house she said no matter what I want to make sure you have this house and she

says you know I don't have a pot to piss it you know I don't own anything

anything I've had she would always give away which is true she didn't have

anything she had her laptop and like a camera but

she just wanted me to have her clothes and the house okay I say mom I said

brothers I don't want to be the bad guy I don't I don't want them to be upset

with me because of that I said I want you to know I don't want to live in that

house I just I wouldn't want to live there and I didn't want to hurt her

feelings but I wanted to be honest with her so I always thought to sell the

house and squit with the boys kind of thing well all of a sudden my

stepfather's girlfriend is losing her house next thing you know she's moving

all her stuff into mom's house few months ago next thing I know my stepdad

is dropping off or all of mom things for me to go through I was very angry about

that because I can't even get the balls to go over to that house let alone havin

it go through her stuff made me so mad because if you can't go through her

stuff what makes you think I can a lot of it was garbage you guys majority of

it was garbage but it gets hard for you what makes you

think it's any easier on me so anyways he wants to sell the house

and put a torch to the dream house with his new girlfriend

you guys already tried talking him about it I told him he's I'm not one to keep

it in I definitely share how I feel with

people and I told him I said you're in puppy love and I don't want the next

thing is that she's gone and then lost the house over it you know he's stuck

with this big expensive house he was like a $200,000 house which which it

might not seem a lot if you guys are like in California or like no summer

like that but around here in this neck of the woods yeah it's it's a lot he

says well you know whatever no one could break my heart like it did when your mom

passed away he said the worst she could do is just stick me with this house a

lose that house but I said just lose that house that might not mean nothing

to you but that means a lot to me he just doesn't get it you know my father

actually messaged him out of anger and said and he didn't say nothing mean but

he's hearing me because I have nobody to tell us to and he says you should really

be thinking about the kids yeah that's really everything because

your choice with the house and you know that kind of thing he kept it honest and

raw but he wasn't uh he wasn't a jerk about it at all he really wasn't

next thing you guys I didn't know this was going on right I get a call from my

stepfather screaming oh my god this was this was before the kids even got off to

school so I was like seven o'clock in the morning screaming his head off at me

and he has never screamed at me ever and he has been around since I was in second

grade younger than Gracie call your father and tell him I don't have houses

to give away like what are you talking he's messaging me here he's only symptom

one message and you I think what it is the reason why so bothered by it because

he knows it's true regardless of what he chooses to do he needs to sleep with

that at night but here I'm trying to figure out you

guys how to do mountains Memorial how do you even afford that well he's out

trying to catch his dreams with his new plus I don't even know how many do

months Memorial would never ever go to court about it but yeah don't get me

wrong so money wouldn't really come in handy oh my gosh it would come in handy

but it's just not worth it and it just makes me mad because I know mom would be

so mad right now oh my god she'd be so mad right now I could see that look on

her face and she'd be so disgusted that's what really really really bothers

me it's just not even following my wishes that's those are two things she

wanted was to make sure the house like right now if brother that's trying to

find a place to live the other brother has a big family I don't know

anyways I am not expecting you guys to say anything I'm not expecting any

advice man loading okay so you know all this is been going on just trying to

figure all out and it's just stressful and like I said I think your body really

pays for that like like when I get angry my muscles will get all twitchy and

anything you just lingers and your body is still there for you

and like when you're happy they see that laughter is the best medicine cuz it is

it's it Lisa's endorphins in your body it's good for you the things they're

upsetting you you gotta just let it out I miss that with mom so much it's just

being able unloved with her in laughs you know like when the husband ticks you

off it's nice to call someone and unload a little bit nothing too nasty just your

normal stuff I could go on and on with all the stuff that's on my mind you guys

I think anxiety is another big one I mean you guys don't have to go through

and listen to that - she'll that's a whole mess right there but I still

continue to not be going back to my medicine so that's that's good it should

that part's been really hard especially since mom my whole thing is as like mum

was that when I could talk to at the end of the day every day she'd called me

sometimes she'd drive me nuts with but she was like my light at the end of

the tunnel and of a shitty day I could just call her unload her have a

bitchfest and feel better and she do the same with

me like she'd really give it to babes I mean my mom could put a trucker and a

sailor to shame with her mouth whoo I'm really starting to learn dad when it

doesn't look like there's any light at the end of that tunnel sometimes you

just gotta be your own light you just gotta be it

you can't expect anything from anyone you really really can't cuz you're just

you're just asking for disappointment friends and everything you can't expect

you can't expect a damn thing from anyone you're always gonna be

disappointed even the best friends it's gonna happen you have to just expect it

from yourself whatever you want you got to be that you got to have someone to

have your bitch sessions with you learn to let that crap out teach yourself how

to respond better in a healthier way they're happier way take it out that's

through walking if that's we're talking if that's through painting anything you

just you gotta find your own way of letting that out and I'm so thankful for

having you guys to look to and I'm here whenever you need unloading I talk I'm

always talking I always have spoke once Puni somewhere in the DM z-- are in my

email or messenger through the Facebook group always have someone that's

unloading and I love that you guys are comfortable enough to unload to me and I

wish I could be more helpful but sometimes just a listening ear can mean

all the difference could make all the difference you know

oh my god this video so long you guys I'm gonna have to cut this down trim it

up for you it's not so long but thank you for listening and I want to remind

you that you can't handle everything that goes wrong you can't control

everything that goes wrong but you can control how you respond and how you

respond is so important it's the most important part okay when you're having a

crappy day that five minutes could be the crappiest day don't let it milk the

rest of your day and make the rest of your day horrible it's a crappy day I'm

not a crappy life for you make the best out of it dang look get someone to

unload to even if it's just me let me know what you think about the website

thing okay I'm hoping you'd be done really really soon just trying to make

it as cheap as possible all right I love you guys thank you so much for listening

I hope you don't mind this unloading kind of video I'm gonna try to get up my

legs of kneeling this whole time thank you for listening

love yes and I will see you in the next video

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