Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

I'm recording a song.

It's nice.

Mr.Fujita: Do you like it?

Fumiya: Thank you so much.

I'm recording my original song which I've prepared for a long time.

Thank you Mr.Fujita.

This is Mr.Fujita who is a producer.

I'll try to do the best for recording.

It's a great studio.

Thank you.

Father: Go for it!

Many people have helped me to make the original song.

Mr.Fujita: (He's giving instructions to staffs.)

Fumiya: Thank you so much.

They're black tissues.

I'll do my best.

Fumiya: The sound in this room is amazing.

Mr.Fujita: It's like Sento which is a Japanese public bathhouse.

Mr.Fujita: We're playing back the sound once.

Please do it like this.

Fumiya: I got it.

Mr.Fujita: You're out of tune, so I want you to hit the beginning sound.

Fumiya: Ok.

Mr.Fujita: That's nice.

Fumiya: I understood.

Mr.Fujita: You should pronounce these words more clearly.

Fumiya: It's tough for me😂

Mr.Fujita: Yeah, that's true.

Mr.Fujita: It's correct.

Fumiya: Ok, got it.

Mr.Fujita: Please do it again.

Fumiya: Yes!!! Of course!!!

Mr.Fujita:He is Full of energy😂

Fumiya: I'm sorry!

Just a moment. I didn't do well because I thought pronounces too much.

Mr. Fujita: You're flat.

Sing together.

You're flat.

Mr.Fujita: You have potential!

Fumiya: Thank you so much.

It was amazing.

Your pronunciation has become much better.

Fumiya: That's a relief.

Mr.Fujita: But, you have to improve singing.

Mr.Fujita: That's cool.

Fumiya: Thank you so much.

Mr. Fujita: I think you have gradually gotten motivated.

Fumiya: Do you think so?

It's late for you to get motivated, isn't it?

I'm tired.

I've finished recording.

What do you think of my singing?

Yuya: You're s good singer.

Fumiya: Is it good?

Yuya: Yeah.

Fumiya: Thank you.

I was nervous, but I really enjoyed singing.

I made the original song for Filipinos who have watched my videos.

Father: Please check it out.

Fumiya: It took a long time to make it.

Father: I worked very hard, too.

Fumiya: Really?😂

Father: I didn't?😂

Fumiya: I really want you to listen to the song and direct your attention to its lyrics, too.

Mr.Fujita: You sang better in the rehearsal than the actual recording.

Fumiya: I don't know why, but I think I was nervous.

Mr.Fujita: You've gotten used to it.

Fumiya: Yes.

Mr.Fujita: Let's do it with fun.

Fumiya: Yes.

At last, we're going to record clap sounds.

Everyone in here is going to clap for my song.

Staff: Thank you for waiting.

We're shooting from the beginning.

Mr.Fujita: Good job!

Well done!

Fumiya: Thank you so much.

Mr.Fujita: Thank you for your cooperation.

I have 220,000 subscribers on my channel now.

I didn't expect that so many people subscribed my channel a year ago.

I don't think I'm famous and have talent at all.

I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone who are related to the Philippines.

I've wanted to give you something as a token my gratitude.

That's why I decided to try singing.

Many people helped me to make my original song this time.

I asked a pro musician to write lyrics and music.

Thanks to them, I realized the project.

I'm so happy that I recorded the original song today.

It took much time to do the songwriting because I was particular about it.

I was thinking of you when I made and sang the song.

I'm not good at singing, though.

I'm glad if you listen to the song many times.

I'll definitely upload its music video on my Youtube channel although exact date is up in the air.

I hope you'll like it and share with many people.

I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone by the song.

I'm really happy if you feel energized after listening to it.

I finally realized my new project thanks to you.

I appreciate it.

Thank you for your support.

I aim to get 1 million subscribers on my channel.

Please continue to believe in me.

I'd like to make many original songs from now on.

I want to sing some original songs for you on a stage someday.

Look forward to it!

I'm so happy that I have subscribers who have watched my videos.

For more infomation >> THIS IS MY FIRST EXPERIENCE OF RECORDING!!【ORIGINAL SONG】 - Duration: 9:16.


KSI vs. LOGAN PAUL - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 14:25.

For more infomation >> KSI vs. LOGAN PAUL - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 14:25.


Weather News with J7409 Is A Halloween Storm In The Making? - Duration: 12:51.

good day everyone time for weather news with j7409 the name you know. the news

you can use. for Sunday the 14th of October 2018. now I've been going over

some maps this morning for a while looking at things and I'm just wondering

if a Halloween storm is brewing well it's way too far ahead to tell yet so

don't go getting upset or anything like that but this is something we need to

watch to see what happens now this is the GFS map courtesy of tropical tidbits

and it's said as you can see for October 23rd on a Tuesday okay down here we have

this little system it's nothing but rain no big deal at this time when we move it

up some here we go looks like it's trying to form into a low-pressure and

then you see this one over here this looks big and bad and it's got isobars

that are tightly compact and more than likely it is something but it will

diminish quickly okay so we're going to keep moving it up you can see this one

over to the left it's all ready to work for it now bringing snow and rain from

Arizona over to New Mexico parts of Texas but this one's still hanging off

the coast here not not as well together as this one was you know the water is

going to start cooling up too and that's a factor but I couldn't help but see

this as we move along in time you can see here's the 27th this is the remnants

of the one that moved across Mexico and up into New Mexico parts Arizona and

Texas down here but folks over here don't worry it will disintegrate as of

now we'll keep our eyes on it but this one has really got me wondering what it

may do now it's moving on along as we can see slowly but surely

this one is caught it reformed somewhat but it's going to fall apart okay here

we go moving on up now we're as far as we can

go on the gfs map we can't go this far on the European map but I am going to

watch it because these isobars aren't that close together okay could just be a

big Rainmaker moving up the coast more than likely that's what it is as you can

see this one has totally disintegrated bringing lots of rain dye Alabama

Georgia Florida like I know you guys don't need it just like we don't need it

in the Carolinas with this system here but more than likely we're going to get

some so I just wanted to point this out I can't find it anywhere else because

most of the other models that are really reliable don't go out that far so we'll

keep our eyes on it all right just so you'll see this is up around Oh looks

like it's got heavy rain in it probably hitting anywhere from just north of New

Jersey and it's riding the coastline bringing lots of rain so could it be a

Halloween storm brewing maybe maybe not we'll keep our eyes on it and a close

tab checking in with the National Hurricane Center this morning we have

one little system out here I don't think it's going to do a lot it's a broad low

latitude tropical wave it's located more than 800 miles east of the French area

and it's producing a large area of clusters and disorganized thunderstorms

that's the French Guiana area okay now some slight development of the system is

possible during the next day or two before upper level winds become

unfavorable around mid week prior to the disturbance reaching the northeastern

coast of South Africa the wave is expected to move westward at about 15

miles per hour during the next few days formation two days 10% five days 10% and

as we switch over to the five-day graphical map here it is right here you

can say moving this wave westerly it may become something but I don't think it

will we'll have to keep our eyes on it but I think it will run into

environmental conditions that will take it out now we're on the European model

and we're set for the nan model map okay it's off of European yes I put it on the

nan model this is what looks like is happening I'll give you a quick rundown

around 11 a.m. this morning would you look a here at the snow and

the ice pellets look there uh-huh all the way from Iowa parts of Wisconsin

Gutzon Wisconsin has snow and rain we come down to IO a you've got rain ice

pellets and snow and the very southern area of Minnesota some snow going on

that snow goes into Nebraska and parts of Kansas over to parts of Colorado and

Mexico just getting mostly rain here and there along with Arizona Oklahoma's got

some rain happening Texas is going to have some rain off and on for a while as

that ring goes over into Arkansas northern Louisiana parts of Tennessee

right on up into Kentucky and West Virginia so we'll move up to around 4

p.m. this afternoon what does it look like will be happening Ben well the

system is beginning to move easterly and all the how to sea and as you can see

the rain the ice pellets and that little patch of purple right there in New

Mexico that's freezing rain boy I hate freezing rain oh my goodness that's such

a pain if you're having to travel in it dry but we have snow over here in

Colorado New Mexico over into Kansas and where you see the brown that's ice

pellets ice tell it's going on all the rest and blue of course is rain and now

the snow switched over up into northern Minnesota parts of northern

Minnesota we have some snow and of course in North Dakota

so let's check out and see what it's like early in the morning around 5:00

a.m. when people are getting up getting right to go to work

well over here in New Mexico you got a mixed bag snow freezing rain ice pellets

and rain that's what's happening in New Mexico Texas is mostly covered with rain

here and there as that rain moves up into Oklahoma right on up until you get

to barely Wisconsin's getting the snow Michigan getting rain snow over in

Minnesota early in the morning as you can see over here everybody else is just

getting rain showers so for severe weather goes for Tuesday

there is that slight risk of severe thunderstorms from Texas over into

Arkansas and supports tornadoes there's a 2% chance down in the Texas area the

wind being of greater than normal in areas with a slight risk of producing

downdraft winds is a 15% all the way across Texas and hail is that 15% chance

all the way across Texas in here moving slightly over into Arkansas so that's

what the severe weather chances are looking like in the area of the US for

today this is the GFS map courtesy of tropical tidbits Thank You Levi for

letting us use it folks who wanted it to cool up well you got your wish and yeah

it's cooling up all over yes it will warm back up and probably 24 to 48 hours

a little bit I'm not talking hot hot hot I'm talking it will warm back up some

but then it won't drop back down and it should be even a little cooler than than

it is right now during the break time we're having let's turn the

map on see what is happening all together right now it looks like we do

have that slight risk of severe thunderstorms over parts of the southern

plains heavy snow is possible it reports of the central and southern Rockies and

parts of the central high plains and heavy rain is possible over parts of the

southern plains and to the lower Mississippi Valley temperatures should

be around 20 to 35 degrees below average over parts of the Rockies flames and

middle Mississippi Valley we got a front extending from the Upper

Great Lakes to the southern plains westward into the Great Basin and it's

gonna move eastward to the northeast central Appalachian South westward to

the western Gulf Coast by tomorrow night now showers and thunderstorms will

develop along and ahead of the boundary from points of the lower Mississippi

Valley into southern plains and the western Gulf Coast area that will expand

northeastward into parts of the Tennessee and Ohio valleys by Monday

morning now by Monday night the showers and thunderstorms will extend from ports

in the Mid Atlantic southwestward to the western Gulf Coast and rain will also

develop over parts of the middle Mississippi Valley into parts of the

Ohio Tennessee valleys and by lunchtime at least today maybe a little earlier

expanding into parts of the mid-atlantic by Sunday afternoon only to wane back to

the Ohio Valley by Sunday evening now elsewhere we got upper-level energy over

Arizona Mexico border the arizona-mexico border and it will move into the

southern plains and weaken by tomorrow morning now the energy will also aid in

producing rain over parts of the Southwest southern Rockies on Sunday

today and that will be moving into the southern Rockies in southwestern Texas

area by tomorrow snow snow snow will develop over parts of the southern

Rockies overnight and today into tomorrow evening in an

area of rain and freezing rain will also develop other parts of southwestern

Texas tomorrow lasting through Tuesday now other than that we've got an

upper-level energy area that's over the Great Basin and issue moves southward

into the Great Basin Southwest by tomorrow

into Tuesday while another area of upper-level energy associated with the

front will move from the central plains to the Northeast by tomorrow evening

so that's what your weather is looking like for today and the next 48 hours

coming up if you haven't subscribed please do my friends subscribe click the

bell check off the email notifications do everything you're supposed to do to

make sure you stay abreast and able to know what's happening with watches and

warnings tropical weather you know hurricane season isn't over yet

not till November 30th whew I'll be glad when it's gone yes and I know everyone

else will too but looks like the cooler temperatures

are coming pretty soon the water will stop dropping in temperatures and that

will help with the tropical storm in hurricane conditions greatly I'll keep

my eyes on that system could we have a Halloween storm

who knows folks anything's possible maybe maybe not

I'll keep my eyes on all of it for you have yourself a great Sunday a good

Sunday a blessed Sunday and peace loving kindness to each of you and I thank each

of you so much for watching

For more infomation >> Weather News with J7409 Is A Halloween Storm In The Making? - Duration: 12:51.


The Last Market - The Payoff of Farmers Market - Duration: 11:19.

hi I'm Mike it's the last week of farmers market and today we take a look

at how farmers market changes for winter and some of the numbers representing how

the farmers market helps the ranch and impacts our entire community it's all

coming up today on our wyoming life

for the last 14 weeks we spent each of our Saturdays at farmers market now it

doesn't sound like much of a commitment after all it's only four hours a week

that you have to hang out in a booth talk and sell your products to customers

truth is that we have hundreds of hours in the farmers market before we even set

foot under a tent and meet our first customer of the day but it's what

happens in public that people see and the payoff that affects people's lives

thanks for joining us today as we continue to explore the ranch life and

escape the ordinary today we're digging deep into our farmers market how it

evolves through the year and how it impacts our community we invite you to

subscribe and bring come along as we bring you all aspects hey kitty of the

ranch from livestock to machinery and even the gardens this is our ninth year

of attending farmers market over the years erin has gone from a very small

vendor with only a few leftovers from her family garden to a full-fledged

market gardener and market manager I think part of my success that I've had

at farmers market is because I did start small and it wasn't an overwhelming task

in the beginning it was something that just kind of came to us as leftovers and

our family gardens and it allowed me to kind of dip my toe into it and see if it

was something that I enjoyed and I'm just almost every year there's been you

know additional garden space or another high tunnel or we added eggs or we added

beef or we added pork it was something that happened very gradually if I had

started in the first years that I want 15,000 square feet and two high tunnels

and we're gonna raise beef and we're gonna raise pork and we're gonna have

chickens I would have never been able to succeed because I would have been so

overwhelmed from the very beginning it went from being just something to do

to keep me somewhat busy and to make a little bit of money into becoming my

full-time job and it's taken several years for me to say that I'm a market

gardener farmers market may be a full-time job for Aaron not so much for

me I already have a couple full-time jobs but I help out where I can and most

of the time market takes up part of my Thursday Friday and Saturday

picking begins on Thursday for a Saturday market Aaron's surveys what she

has in the garden and what's available for harvest we grow such a variety that

not everything is ready at one time and that keeps us moving through the

different crops throughout the year always offering something new and fresh

today it's a nice day temperatures are in the 40s but more importantly the sun

is shining which makes all the difference we systematically work our

way through each garden almost a full acre in total and pick what is ready

from cabbage to beets to cauliflower it's time to start picking everything

that'll not make it through the cold temperatures that we are expecting this

weekend and we can get it off to customers this is our second year doing

year-round growing and having winter crops and it's sad to see some stuff go

in tomato crap wasn't a huge success for us this year but crops like tomatoes and

rainbow chard and a lot of our outside stuff is it's time for it to be done and

to let it rest for the winter but inside the high tunnels it's full of new growth

and new potential and there's carrots coming up and scallions and lettuce is

looking really good and it's really nice to see the the transition between summer

and winter but know that although there's a lot of stuff to do to clean up

the summer gardens and the summer crops we're not done growing it's just a

transition from one see to the next inside the high tunnel and

growing like a weed which what it may actually be is kale outside it may only

be 40 degrees but inside it's almost 90 the single layer of plastic on the

tunnel keeps the warmth of the Sun in at least during the day and keeps the kale

lettuce spinach radishes whatever else is in here

thriving all winter long once all the veggies for the day are in the shop then

it's time to clean wash and sanitize everything and get it ready for market

farmers market week continues and although Friday is a baking day for Erin

it's my day to kind of catch up on some stuff pick up some slack make sure kids

are picked up from school and of course Lincoln is entertained

throughout the day Erin bakes a ton for market and that

lends to our whole philosophy on the ranch diversification even at our

farmers market booth we want you to be able to get the best of both worlds yes

we have fresh garden veggies but we also have the sweets and the baked goods

that'll offset all those good calories before we are done on Friday we have one

more chore to take care of for this weekend's farmers market with it being

the last market of the season Erin usually likes to end on a high note and

this week we're offering free pumpkin painting for kids and market not only

does this bring in new customers to market but it's also a way to give back

to the community 150 pumpkins are loaded into the truck to take to this week's

market and we get them all moved in ahead of time usually market takes place

outside in the Gillette College parking lot but as winter moves in the college

is nice enough to let us move inside and all these pumpkins are taken in tables

are arranged tarps are spread out to get ready for an onslaught of painters

tomorrow it's now the last day of market and at 5:00 a.m. I roll out of bed to

start getting loaded up and ready to go everything we have gets loaded into

Aarons farmers market truck a 1998 GMC box truck a $3,000 buy that is paid for

itself over and over again the temperature outside this morning is 45

degrees and that's actually gonna be our high temperature for the day as a front

will be moving in and cooling things off and bring it with us and snow by later

this morning after we're all loaded up then it's off we go pushing the truck to

its top speed of 55 miles an hour for the half hour drive to market market

season just isn't over we get a nice little break here but now we just

transition into our once a month market and it's really nice to be able to

connect with our customers throughout the winter and to bring them the crops

that we can still raise in the winter and provide them access to our local

beef and our local pork

it's not long before winter rears its head again and the snow starts to fall

but that doesn't stop our customers from rolling in and a lot of them to date

this year more than 8,000 people have visited our farmers market including our

own kids one great thing about the market is that there's a family aspect

to it many vendors bring their kids to help

and although ours are too young to help much whenever there is pumpkin painting

you're gonna find them there

and soon it's all over the packing begins and it's time to say goodbye for

another season

Aaron are you glad this is our last weekly farmers market yeah I'm glad I am

ready for a break I will miss everybody i'll miss the vendors I'll miss the

customers but I'm ready for a break so and I think the weather is telling us

that Rickett season is over last year farmers market injected almost seventy

five thousand dollars into the local economy this year although the numbers

aren't quite in yet we hope to beat it with snap and WIC they've also helped

hundreds of families with fresh veggies and through the share the harvest

program they've donated almost three thousand dollars in local food to our

Council of Community Services for the needy that's something to be proud of on

our side of things farmers market between veggies baked goods beef and

pork has brought us almost fifteen thousand dollars into the ranch that's

why it's so important cattle markets fluctuate they go up they go down one

year a calf might be worth almost $3 a pound the next it might only be worth a

dollar 50 that kind of fluctuation can cut cut the ranches income in half and

through diversification we can keep the ranch going which is what it's all about

the most important character in our story is the ranch without it there

would be none of this and the tradition the history and the story behind it

would be gone if we weren't here

behind every single fence is a story this just happens to be ours thanks for

coming along today I know it got a bit cold most of us don't want to see that

white stuff lying around yet and I get it I'm not ready for it yet either and

over the next few weeks we're gonna be dealing with it as we continue into

winter here on the ranch soon calves are gonna be leaving we're gonna be working

a lot with the cows here in the next few weeks and I really hope that you can

continue with us as we explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary subscribe

now and click the Bell button so you don't miss a thing and if you don't mind

do me a favor and click the thumbs up button if you enjoyed this video it

really means a lot to us there's lots more on the way from our side of the

fence so climb on over and hang out a while until I see you again have a great

week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life

For more infomation >> The Last Market - The Payoff of Farmers Market - Duration: 11:19.


Street Food in Uzbekistan - 1,500 KG. of RICE PLOV (Pilau) + Market Tour in Tashkent! - Duration: 31:40.

- Good morning, I hope you're having an amazing day.

It's Mark Wiens.

I'm in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

and we just arrived about four,

we landed at the airport about four hours ago.

So this is my first time to visit.

I'm excited to be here.

Today we are gonna go on an Uzbekistan,

Tashkent Uzbek food tour.

I'm gonna meet up with Bekruz.

He's the one who invited us here

with the Ministry of Tourism.

This is gonna be my very first day

to ever eat Uzbekistan food,

and I'm gonna share it all with you in this video.

(upbeat music)

- [Mark] Hi, man. - [Woman] Good morning.

- How are you? - [Mark] Good, how are you?

- Welcome to Tashkent man.

- He's an awesome food blogger here.

And Akbar? - Akbar.

- We are on our way to start eating.

(upbeat music)

- [Man] Yep, this is where we're gonna have breakfast,

and walk around today.

- We are in Chagatai.

Chagatai, is the heart of the whole city,

and all the people within Tashkent,

especially, they come exclusively for bread.

- I can smell the bread already.

- Exactly, right!

- We're starting off for breakfast here,

and this is an entire Bazaar dedicated to bread.

And just the aroma of the bread smells incredible.

You can see the sesame seeds.

They're like these giant rings of bread.

They almost look like baby carriages,

that they roll the bread in.

Babies of bread.

That smell, I just can't wait to taste it.

It smells so good.

Two words to learn when you come to Uzbekistan,

Assalomu Alaykum, which is hello.

It's just a greeting,

which is similar to Arabic,

and rasmat?

- [Bekruz] Rahmat. Rahmat.

Rahmat means thank you.

So those the words we're gonna be using

throughout this trip in Uzbekistan.

We're gonna gather some things for breakfast and

have my very first breakfast in Uzbekistan.

Assalomu Alaykum.

- [Bekruz] You see?

So early morning they milk the cow.

- Assalomu alaykum!

Assalomu alaykum!

- Yeah, we got a little portion of

(speaks foreign language).

I made sure that it's very fresh.

- [Mark] Great.

- This is called (speaks foreign language)

which means beans.

And you can see the carrot fried with the oil.

And you see (speaks foreign language).

Usually minced meat.

- Oh wow.

You can't smell that.

Like the honey, yeah.



Oh it's so juicy!

The aroma!

Oh it's so fragrant!

Oh wow!

That has to be the juiciest melon I've ever tasted!

And so like honey.

That's crazy juicy, huh?

Mmm it's like drinking an entire cup of juice

in every single bite.

(upbeat music)

We bought all the stuff at the market and

then we walk over right next door to the market,

there's a it's a restaurant but

it's also a community gathering space.

If you can notice we're actually sitting above a stream.

A small river that flows underneath us.

Oh man, you can smell the onions and the carrots.

That bread.

The grapes.

Kaymak, everything we're about to dig in

for this breakfast feast.

- [Bekruz] Oh yeah it's so huge.

It's so big so we can see all the layers.

We can see the dough.

(speaks foreign language) Yeah, yeah the best bread

is cooked in (speaks foreign language).

- Good. (laughs)

- [Mark] I'm gonna grab some of the bread and

wow, that's actually really dense bread.

We've all got our own bowls of the kaymak.

So you kinda just dip it in.

Very thick and creamy.

- Viva kaymak! (laughs)

- Oh wow! - Good?

- The bread is so fresh and

then the kaymak is like a really creamy,

almost like whipped butter in taste and texture.

Wash it down with tea.

Ahh, oh yeah.

Just soothing.

It just goes so well.

Dip into some more of this kaymak.

- [Man] These are different,

there's two types.

Yellow and we have another one.

What you do is you just break it up like a jam.

(Mark laughing)

- [Mark] And a little on your pants.

Alright I'm gonna try one of the figs.

Break it in half.

I can just feel the juices just squeezing out.

Oh wow.

Squeeze it together.

Squeeze it together.

And yeah you can see like the pulpiness

just kinda and the sugars just coming together.

Squeeze it together and

that just brings out the juices and the natural.

That's just natural jam in fruit skin.

(upbeat music)

Just crazy good.

It is, it's like pudding.

So you can see it's like a very thin dough.

And then you can see that.

She smeared on this mixture of minced meat and carrot.

That is just delicious.

That's almost like a carrot jam,

smeared within this savory thin dough.

- (speaking foreign language)

- It's just the beginning.

It is just the breakfast.

- That was a fantastic way to start this Tashkent food tour.

Yeah the bread in the morning is so soothing.

Oh man and that fruit.

So sweet.

So juicy.

We are moving on.

I think we're going to one of the main biggest bazaars now,

to eat a few signature dishes.

Buh-bye! - Buh-bye!

(upbeat music)

We just drove down the road to Chorsu Bazaar.

This is the biggest and the oldest

bazaar market place in Tashkent.

We're gonna walk around here.

We're gonna eat some more food and especially,

- You can even see the smoke.

- Oh yeah on the outskirts of the market

people are selling things like

melons, peanuts,

nuts, dried fruit.

We're moving into the smoke.

I can smell the meat.

- You can smell the meat.

It's a beef,

it's a kebab.

There's a lot of things going on here.

(women speaking foreign language)

- There's so many unique things.

Check out this sausage.

There's meat grilling.

I mean there's such a mix.

Such an influence from so many different places because

Uzbekistan is on the silk road and so

there's such a mix of influence.

But there's so many unique things in this region as well.

Assalomu aleykum.

Oh this is the samsa here?

- Made samsa. Ahh, okay.

- Okay. (laughs)

- So this is the spot.

So the Chorsu has many varieties of the food.

Local people if you pay attention there,

they come and eat.

This is what it is.

- She has been making this dish for 25 years

right here at the market.

It's kind of like a lasagna but

you can see it's tomato sauce,

but at the same time it's almost like a dumpling because

there's like little self contained little pockets.

She puts it onto the plate.

She scoops on it looks like

onions and dill onto the top and

with a chili on the side.

And then this is kind of a big food court section.

It's packed right now.

We're coming to the back here to sample it.

Big communal tables.

You can smell the aroma of the smoke.

Oh this is beautiful.

We've got two little dumplings,

and they're topped with onions.

And you can smell the dill.

I would love to taste this chili too.

Maybe chase it with a chili.

But I wil open one of these guys.

Get some of the onions.

Look at that inside of it.

Oh what's on the inside?

Kinda like matchstick cut potatoes,

which are filled onto the inside.

(all laughing)

Thank you very much.

- We call it, Doppler. - Doppler.

- It has actually a very really good meaning.

If you can give me for one moment I'll explain you.

- Yeah, sure.

- So this is a chili sign.

Chili pepper sign. - Oh! Chili pepper sign!

- Yeah the sign says it protects from the evil eye.

The chili sign from four sides,

Uzbek man used to wear them so

they are protected from evil eye from all sides.

We call it, Doppler.

Traditional doppler.

And we wear it like that.

- Yes.

So do you wear it to the side or do you wear it to the,

- However you like.

It looks good.

- Okay that's even better with the chili,

the chilis.

Thank you very much.

Back to the dumplings and

yeah you can see they are filled with potato.

- [Bekruz] It's burst of flavors.

- You've got the gummy wrapper.

You've got the potatoes in there.

Part tomato sauce,

and then the crispy onions and the dill.

Chew it up.

Make sure you chew it up well.

Oh yeah.

So good, so good.

I love it yeah.

That goes up your nose a little bit.

Oh it's wonderful and

it's just very maybe very lightly pickled.

Oh what do we have next?

It's so solid.

It's so like dense.

You can feel like kind of a crusty oiliness.

I'm not even sure what's on the inside.

Oh there's meat and kind of like a lump in there.

- This is a fat and this is a,

this is a lamb fat.

Our sheep has big butts. (laughs)

- This is a next level samsa.

I'm gonna try to get

a little bit of that fat into this bite.

And okay let me navigate my bite.


Whoa, that just melts with,

that's just pure lamb oil.

It just melts.

You taste a little bit of spice in there like,

a little bit of cumin but just liquid lamb.

I mean that's just a live jiggly piece of fat.

But wow!

That is umami flavor at its best.

Oh it just fell out.

Oh I gotta save it!

(upbeat music)

- She liked how much you liked it.

And she's refusing to get money.

She's saying it's on me.

I like the way they like.

They are guests.

We respect.

So this is the true hospitality.

- Rahmat. Rahmat.

Oh man and just,

we have been now in Tashkent Uzbekistan

for a total of like 12 hours,

and so far everybody that we've met

has been so friendly,

so generous,

so hospitable.

It's a beautiful culture.

That food was incredibly good.

When you come to the market here,

when you come to the bazaar,

come to meet her.

She is an amazing lady.

- This is all cheese.

We call it, kurt.

Even with a bit of yogurt it's a cheese.

So it's very tender.

I believe you may get it.

- It has a little bit of a yogurt cheese aroma to it.


Oh wow!

Oh that's delicious.

It's sour.

It tastes like yogurt but it's salty.

Condensed and almost like yolky.

- Our local recipe.

It's really nice.

You gotta try it.

(upbeat music)

- Mmm!

I immediately taste the basil.

And then that's like a crunchy,

it's like rock yogurt.

But like whoa!

(upbeat music)

This whole part is still the bazaar.

Like the outside area indoor section.

- That sign is the,

This lemon grown in Tashkent.


Ahh! (Mark laughing)

It's very refreshing.

Try it.

- Mmm.


Oh the juiciness.

(laughs) That's just like a pool.

A puddle of lemon juice.

The skin was kinda thick.

More leathery than I thought.

Oh yeah that's sour.

(laughs) Oh, sorry!

- This is shot of mulberry juice.

Even though it doesn't contain alcohol,

it will warm us in the friendship.

Maybe Brudershaft.

- (laughs) Okay. Okay.

- (laughing) This is mulberry.

A shot of fresh mulberry juice.

- In a bazaar.

One, two, go. (upbeat music)

- Oh oh oh! - Oh oh!

- Oh it's incredible!

Maybe also because we had that lemon in our mouth,

it like magnifies the flavor.

Perfectly sweet, sour.

That was really really good.


We really are here at one of the best times in Uzbekistan

because it's fruit season and so

everything is fresh.

And there's just mountains of raspberries,

and grapes and figs.

Whereas if you come here in different,

like winter for instance,

well people buy the fresh fruit now and then

they preserve them for periods of cold when

you cannot get the fresh fruits.

So it's great to be here at this time.

I just see the abundance and

the vibrancy of the natural ingredients.

We've emerged from the fruits and vegetables section to

one of the most iconic sites of the bazaar,

which is a dome shaped structure which

we're gonna go inside.

We're gonna see inside.

And what I like also about this bazaar is that

you know it's busy,

it's vibrant,

but at the same time,

it's still calm and friendly and

I mean people are so friendly.

You still have space to breathe and

walk around and roam around.

As soon as we entered the dome,

you can smell the aroma of the fresh meat,

and this is the meat section of this dome but

it's so cool.

You step inside.

The design is almost like a web on the dome,

and then there's an opening at the top.

It's designed this way for the heat,

but also just as an icon.

It's so spacious also because of the height of the dome,

and you can hear just kind of echoing.

Assalomu aleykum!

I don't think I've ever seen raw meat being sold

in such a cool,

such a like museum like structure.

It's beautiful.

- It is the meat.

Most of our cuisine is based on the lamb so,

we need the fresh supply of the meat.

So I don't know,

tons and tons of lamb comes here,

and everyday they sell it out.

(speaking foreign language)

- Oh those are the spices you can smell.

Wow. And then we just came up the stairs,

and check out this view of the market floor.

It almost looks like a,

you know what it reminds me of?

It reminds me of like a stock exchange.

It's like a stock exchange.

It's so, it really is.

This has to be one of the coolest markets in the world.

It feels like you're in a museum,

and yet it's live.

It's a living museum of food.

It's beautiful.

(upbeat music)

We're heading out of the market and

we gotta rush a little bit because

we're going to this lunch spot where

we're gonna see they serve a huge,

what is probably the national dish food of Uzbekistan.

So yeah it's perfect.

Back into the van.

We're on our way to the TV Tower for lunch.

(upbeat music)

- Yeah everyone is for plov.

Every, those cars.

- [Mark] All of these cars here?

- All of those cars.

Even our national football team, look!

Our national football team is coming to eat plov.

- [Mark] That's the national football team?

- Yes, there we go.

They are having lunch.

- Literally for the last kilometer,

we've been passing cars parked on the side of the street.

They are all coming to eat what we're about to eat.

That's the national dish.

- It is national.

Plov is a wedding.

Plov is a baby.

Plov is a birthday.

Plov is everything!

Any occasion we have we want to celebrate,

we celebrate with a plov.

- That's all you need to know.

Come to the base of the TV Tower.

- It's almost over.

- I can't even call that a pan or a pot.

It's like a,

it literally is a swimming pool of plov.

It's almost finished.

There's a little bit of oil at the bottom.

And by a little bit of oil that's like a,

that's like a tub of oil at the bottom.

And then you're still scooping out some of the rice.

- See there was a big one,

and unfortunately it ran out.

- Still it's just like a bathtub instead of a swimming pool.

There's lamb.

I put it on a plate and over there

they're chopping up the meat.

And it looks like you kinda get into a cuing system.

You order your plov,

you order your plates,

and then they dish it out for you.

Smells unbelievable.

(people speaking foreign language)

If you could smell the meat aroma back here.

It is, my nostrils are just,

I can actually like feel a layer of meat on my nostrils.

- Look at it.

So there is like three portions in one.

This is for three people.

So you see this is a qazi.

This is horse meat.

- [Mark] It's the horse sausage?

- Exactly.

And we have a quail boiled egg.

We have ordinary egg.

And you see just the pile of the meat.

I think more meat than rice itself.

- I can't thin of another word other than epic.

Epic food adventure.

Wow, huge. (laughs)

Everybody in here is eating what we just saw.

There's for sure 1,000 people in here.

It's a huge dining hall area.

Oh, are we going upstairs?

We're gonna sit upstairs so we have a view of everybody.

And how many thousands kilos

did you say of plov they serve here?

1.5 tons, - Altogether?

- Altogether.

During the lunch time in two hours.

Look at it.

And it's gone.

Usually we eat from one so it's

a community kind of thing.

I hope it's okay with you.

- It's very okay for us.

It's like a equal ratio of meat to rice.

- Bahramad. - Bahramad! Bon appetite.

First bite usually the elder begins,

and then guests and then

we can all dig in.

But the meat.

You got the rice.

It's so fluffy.

You can smell that oil.


Oh wow!

The rice is fluffy and then

it is coated in like meat juices and oils.

And the rice is not sweet but

then you've got this sweet like dried raisins in there.

And you got so many different textures in there.

You've got rice,

which is almost like al dente.

You've got the starchy chick peas.

You've got the silky carrots.

And I gotta try the sausage.

Next up for the sausage,

it's a special sausage it's horse sausage.

It has kinda like a

salted preserved taste to it a little bit.

(upbeat music)

I'll follow that with some of the salad.

(speaking foreign language)

It's amazing.

Mmm, oh yeah.

It's like those yogurt balls that we had earlier.

Just the fresh version.

Well not really fresh but the non hardened version.

That provides like a totally different

cooling sensation to your mouth.

(upbeat music)

Yeah. It's spectacular.

I'm washing it down with lemon tea.

It's kinda sweet.

And you can just taste that like

undertone of lemoniness.

(upbeat music)

That was one of those meals that's just

filled me with an almost,

it's almost a speechless,

to the brim with a speechless overjoy.

In like two to three hours

they sell out of one and a half tons of rice and meat.

Empty, empty, empty, empty.

There's the last one.

There's just a little bit.

But it is time for a little stroll after the

amount of food and quantity and

meatiness and deliciousness of the food

that we've eaten today.

But I was just even reflecting on the morning,

we went to the market which was

literally like a museum.

And then that restaurant that we just ate at for the plov.

Like I don't think I can describe it any better way

than an opera house of meat and rice.

This is one of the main square,

one of the main gathering areas of Tashkent but

before we get there,

we're just walking through this beautiful lush park.

Look at these trees.

Big tress.

Evergreens, flowers.

It's so green and lush.

Okay now we're in the artist's section.

So I'm seeing some art.

Some antiques.

Lots of paintings.

(upbeat music)

Are you taking a video? (woman laughs)

Okay run!

Oh! (laughs)

(boy laughing)

(woman speaking foreign language)

A jumping castle in Tashkent.

I have definitely built up an appetite

going up that hill and sliding down.

I think we can,

we're ready to eat again.

- Hello. - Pleasure, Mark.

- Mark, hello. - [Mark] Hello.

- How are you? - [Mark] Very good.

- Welcome to Uzbekistan. _ [Mark] Thank you very much.

- I was talking you about.

Everything in this is what remained.

(men talking)

- And next stop on this Tashkent Uzbekistan food tour today,

we've come to it's kind of like a family restaurant.

They have a bunch of local dishes.

- This is what we came for.

- Another dish.

Specific dish that we've come here to eat is naryn,

which is a dish that I've really been

looking forward to trying since I learned about it today.

So has a very thin dough,

which she slices into very fine juliennes.

Then you move over to this station where she's

finely chopping up a mixture of horse meat and beef.

And that mixes into the dish.

And then I think it gets

assembled over at station number three.

So she takes an equal amount of meat

plus the julienne dough.

Now she's just mixing it fully.

She added in some seasoning.

Some local cumin,

some black pepper.

A little bit of oil and is just

fully mixing it so that it's completely even tossing it.

(men speaking foreign language)

- This is a soup in which

the horse sausage was brewed.

- You gotta eat this with your fingers.

That's the traditional way.

But just a mound of what she mixed up with her fingers.

The dough the julienned dough.

The mixed in meat.

The thick chunks of horse sausage.

And then there's some onions on top.

So I'll grab,

you can see the pepper in there too.

Oh nice.

Oh that's beautiful.

I can't wait to try it.



(laughing) Oh that's awesome.

You've got like,

they are kind of like noodles,

but it almost has like a cheese texture to it.

And then you've got that meat mixed in.

And it's oily.

And you've got that light spice.

The pepper in there.

The light cumin.

And then again you can really like taste the meat.

So far today in the dishes,

in the meat based dishes that we've had,

the meat just comes in so vibrantly flavorful,

but so natural tasting.

It's fat.

- [Man] It's horse fat.

(upbeat music)

- Whoa!

Wow it's like really meaty.

And it is like a sausage.

Like kind of like salty.

Almost like salami.

It's so succulent.

This is the soup that the horse sausage was boiled in.

Mmm it has this saltiness.

It's a little bit sourish.

It's powerful.

Yeah that's good.

Really really good.

Some of the boiled meat and rice,

which has just turned into a paste.

You can see the fibers in it. - [Bekruz] Yeah, yeah.

- Grains and rice and

you can see the fibers in there but

it's all just boiled and simmered down

for like half a day,

for like 11 or 12 hours until it just turns into a paste.

A porridge.

It's like a,

very like comforting.

You've got a foamy,

almost like a foamy texture to it.

And again you taste that meat.

Okay next up for the lamb sausage.

And this is pretty hardcore.

You can see the fat just laced within it.

It's a mix of organs as well,

and then wrapped up into an intestine,

and it's just dripping in oily meaty juices.


Yeah that's like fatty juicy.

Yeah it's pretty good but that's meaty.

Some of the lamb chop.

Oh yeah it's delicious.

It's so tender.

That piece was kinda lean,

or at least in comparison to the last bite I had.

And this one is the dolma.

There's cabbage and

there might be grape leaves in here as well,

but then rice and meat on the inside.

And the dough in there.

That's what makes it,

that's what brings it to the next level.

Moving through the meats,

next up is the kebab.

(upbeat music)

Oh wow!

Yep that's a meat mummy.

I taste the smokiness of it.

How it's been,

and the saltiness as well.

How it's just been scorched with the hot colds.

It was all good but that horse noodle

like dough dish with the soup,

and that is unique,

and it's incredibly good.

Oh man it's good.

We're gonna go back to the hotel.

We're gonna rest for a couple hours and

then we have one more meal to complete this first,

my very first day in Uzbekistan.

Yeah it's been nothing short of just impressive, impressive.

And we met so many friendly people,

so much good food,

but we, okay all that to say,

we have one more big dinner coming up.

Wow this okay,

we went back to the hotel,

we rested for about an hour.

It's very modern but very nice,

very beautiful restaurant with modern Uzbekistan style.

And we're eating a dish,

it's called (speaks foreign language).

Look at this platter!

It's a beauty!

It's another stunner!

And if you can notice right in the center,

you'll see the horse sausage that we've already eaten.

Once or twice or three times today.

You guys hungry?

- Oh yeah! Look at it!

I can't wait to try.

- Sausage, that's like one of the winning meats of the day.

It's like sheets.

Sheets of what look like kind of like dough.

Okay and I got some horse meat on there as well of course.

Mmm mmm.

Oh that's incredible.

Those are like noodle sheets.

You've got that really meaty broth,

that the noodles have sort of soaked up with.

That horse meat which is salty and

like horse salami.

And then the crispness of the green onions.

- What do you think,

what is the main ingredient in this?

What is the main ingredient?

- The noodle or the dough.

- No. - [Mark] No?

And it's not even the meat.

It's the broth. - The broth.

Every now and then like in this bite,

you get a cumin seed.

Like a whole cumin seed but

it's kind of mild.

(Uzbek music)

This has been one of those days that just blows me away,

and I'm still trying to process

the food,

the culture.

We landed about,

okay actually less than 24 hours in Tashkent.

Slept for like two and a half, three hours,

then immediately got started

on this ultimate Tashkent food tour.

Truly a learning and just a beautiful beautiful day.

I loved the food.

I loved the different dishes.

Dishes I've never seen or even imagined before.

But even more than the food,

the people,

the hospitality,

the friendliness and genuine kindness.

So many people that we met today

is what really shines.

It's what really stands out.

So I want to say a huge thank you to

the Ministry of Tourism Uzbekistan who

invited Ying and I to Uzbekistan.

Thank you so much for making this happen.

Thank you to Bekruz.

Bekruz arranged everything.

He did a lot of work to make this happen.

So thank you so much.

And to Akbar and also to Ravshan for

coming along with us today.

Man what an amazing day we had.

And it's just day one of Uzbekistan.

We have so much more food,

adventures and experiences in Uzbekistan

that I'm gonna share with you in this entire series.

So stay tuned and

yeah be sure to watch this entire series.

I'm gonna say goodnight.

I'm going straight to bed.

And I will see you on the next video.

Thanks so much for watching.

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so that you get notified of the next video that I publish.

Thanks again for watching.

See you on the next video!

For more infomation >> Street Food in Uzbekistan - 1,500 KG. of RICE PLOV (Pilau) + Market Tour in Tashkent! - Duration: 31:40.


Can A Democrat Win In Texas? | AJ+ - Duration: 9:45.

Welcome to Texas!

Whenever I think of coming home to Texas,

this is what I think of. Beef ribs.

I love these. And I am so happy right now,

I'm going to finish eating this plate off camera.

I know so many other people see Texas as either this,


or this:

"I am so happy to be back in the great state of Texas."

GOP country.

Yes, Texas is a state that's spent the last few decades solidly in the red column.

And in fact, out of any state in the nation, Texas voters have gone the longest

without putting a Democrat in statewide office.

The state has also gone for every Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan.

But could 2018 be a new dawn for Texas Democrats?

I think everything is on the line, everything that you could possibly care about.

This state could be the state that brings this country together at this divided moment.

And some have high hopes for Beto O'Rourke to turn Texas blue again.

You heard me.


Hey, fam. I'm Imaeyen, and this Sunday we've traveled to one of my very favorite places, Texas.

And we're here to find out the real odds of this state going blue in 2018 or 2020.

So stay with us and hit that subscribe button right now, because we're going on a journey,

and I promise to show you more food.

Though I'm not sharing this. No way.

The last time this state had either a Democratic governor or senator, TLC owned the billboard charts.

"So I creep ... yeeeeah ..."

Just creepin' on the down-low...

And now people are wondering if Beto O'Rourke can break that streak.

Beto O'Rourke is a senatorial candidate who's campaigning on

immigration reform, universal healthcare

and generally not being Ted Cruz.

Cruz has low approval ratings and this is the

first time he's even had a serious Democratic challenger for his seat.

And I gotta say, O'Rourke is unlike any other Texas politician I've seen in recent years.

So could this be the guy who ends up changing the course of Texas politics?

I'd say he has a pretty good chance of pulling off an upset.

The enthusiasm is real high.

I haven't seen anything like this in a while.

Meet political analyst Ed Espinoza.

His bold prediction is that 2018 is *the year* O'Rourke and other Democrats

pull off upsets unlike anything seen in two decades.

Espinoza is a data guy, and he broke down why he thinks it looks so optimistic.

For one, first-time voters in Texas favored Democrats by a margin of 5-1 in the last election.

And it wasn't just in the blue cities, it also happened in the red parts of the state, too.

And earlier this year in the midterm primaries,

Texas Democrats *doubled* their turnout rate from 2014,

and Republicans only increased their turnout rate by a tiny bit.

The truth is it's a real moment happening in Texas right now.

And we're seeing it, we've seen it in the primaries this year,

we're seeing it in the activism with the campaigns that are out there.

We're seeing it in the fundraising numbers.

We're confident that it's gonna make a difference in 2018.

For the first time in 30 years, every congressional district, even the most Republican,

has a Democratic challenger

And a handful of them are actually expected to flip to blue ,

even some that have been GOP strongholds since the '60s.

Texas Dems are also targeting the Republican state attorney general,

who's currently under indictment.

Espinoza says Democrats' hopeful outlook is all because of the changing of Texas demographics.

It's the Latino populations around the state and that this is a population that will rise, awaken

and seize its political power, but what you're also seeing are other groups from around the state.

It's all these new people moving to Texas who are saying to themselves, wait a minute, I'm a Texan too.

I can vote. I have a voice. I have something to say.

And that's what's challenging this Republican power right now.

Now for those of you chuckling at the thought of a blue Texas, guess what?

Texas *used* to be a blue state.

Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did.

She just did it backwards and in high heels.

Growing up, this woman was my introduction to Texas politics: Governor Ann Richards.

She was sharp and witty –

and she was a Democrat.

That's right, the governor of Texas from 1991 to 1995 was a Democrat.

And way before her, there was this guy.

Their cause must be our cause too.

Because it's not just Negroes, but really it's all of us who must overcome

the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice.

Lyndon Johnson was JFK's vice presidential pick because he was a Southern Democrat.

Johnson would go on to become the president who signed the Civil Rights Act,

the Voting Rights Act, and he gave us Medicaid and Medicare – landmark legislation and policies.

So that's the Texas I knew growing up, but that was years and several Republican governors ago.

So how did Texas lose its blue streak?

After the civil rights movement, white Texas Democrats started to leave the party in droves,

and they found a home in the Republican Party.

Then came the state's economic boom in the late '70s and early '80s,

and we begin to see people from out of state flock to Texas,

bringing with them more conservative ideals and more stringent religious beliefs.

And Texas becomes a haven for those seeking fewer taxes and less federal regulation.

Fast-forward to 1994 when that growing conservatism made George W. Bush governor,

and the state has never looked back.

Texas is ready for a new generation of leadership, and I will provide it.

Since then, state Republicans' partisan redistricting, also known as gerrymandering,

has helped keep the legislature overwhelmingly Republican.

They have been able to hold onto a state that doesn't necessarily look like that government.

But again, one wave election with a lot of gerrymandering layered in can do a lot of damage.

And we're hoping to undo that in 2018.

But many Republicans say that won't be easy to undo.

Texas will be red as long as I'm alive.

Andy Hogue is a spokesperson for the Travis County Republican party,

and he thinks that while some districts might flip in November,

there's no way Beto O'Rourke will win the Texas senate seat.

He's still a Democrat and he still supports abortion.

He still supports expanding programs and higher taxes to fulfill the Democratic agenda.

I still don't think he's gonna crack 43 percent, personally.

Hogue thinks O'Rourke is nothing more than another flash-in-the-pan Texas Democrat

that gets a lot of attention but then fizzles out,

like the last Democratic candidate for governor who ended up losing by 20 points.

Wendy Davis. Now she was a state senator here in Texas

who made national headlines, international headlines even,

for supporting abortion rights, and that made her a celebrity,

but it wasn't enough to carry her through.

Ultimately I think it's gonna all boil down to the fact that people are going to vote their values.

But Espinoza told me something that could change the way you've been looking at Texas politics.

Well what we like to say is Texas is not a red state, it's a non-voting state.

He's right. Texas ranks 46th in voter turnout.

In 2016, only about half of Texans voted.

"We're volunteers with an organization called Jolt and

we're trying to mobilize the Latino community

to get out and vote."

"So we wanted to know if we could count on your pledge to vote?"

So that's where groups like Jolt come in.

Jolt's an organization that's trying to get young Latinos to the polls,

a group they believe is crucial for the state to elect Democrats.

Texas in a general, people always think, like, oh, white, cowboys right?

People riding horses, ranchers, farmers, things like that,

but that's not Texas.

Texas is nearly 40% Latinx and by 2030 we will be the majority.

In fact half of everyone under 18 right now is Latinx.

That's so many young people who are turning 18 every day.

So if we really had, you know, people going out and voting in large numbers,

Texas politics would look very different.

I think it matters that we're out here.

Having a good conversation about it is gonna be important for us.

As a community we need to come together and show we're a powerful force,

across, especially, Texas.

So could efforts like this one

and excitement like this

be an early indication that Texas is on the move again?

And what would that mean for 2020?

"When you think of a progressive Texas, you think of a Texas that speaks for

the full diversity of the population that lives here.

People who live in different cities, people who look different, people who are of a different age

and of a different race.

Those are voices that should be represented in everything we do,

but what we have right now too often is a government that tends to be adversarial

with many populations in the state.

That's not representative of a population. That's not representative government at all."

If we were to really change Texas, we could change the country.

We could change what the outcomes are in upcoming elections.

Regardless of what happens in Texas, there's one thing we know to be true.

Their barbeque is delicious every election cycle.

I told you I'd show you more food.

Hey fam, thanks much for watching.

Don't forget to like, share and subscribe

as you watch us have basically a dance-off in the middle of Austin, Texas.

We had an amazing time on this shoot, and we'll see you next Sunday.

For more infomation >> Can A Democrat Win In Texas? | AJ+ - Duration: 9:45.


"Ты не поверишь!": траур Николая Баскова, любимый дом Примадонны и секреты семейной жизни Валерии - Duration: 46:12.

For more infomation >> "Ты не поверишь!": траур Николая Баскова, любимый дом Примадонны и секреты семейной жизни Валерии - Duration: 46:12.


10 REAL LIFE WRESTLING COUPLES - WWE, ROH & More! | WrestleTalk - Duration: 6:41.

Dating as a wrestler can not be easy - you either spend your life on the road so you're

away from your loved ones for long periods of time, or you're you've got an army

of fans and the press interested in your every romantic move making it difficult to have

private time or you're one of the lucky few who both live and work with their partner

in a beautiful form of harmony inside the ropes, and then WWE writes a storyline where

it's suggested you banged your hubby's tag team partner.

So let's here it for those shoot couples that manage to make it work, which is a very

confusing way to put it.

Anyway, I'm El Fakidor Laurie Blake and here are 12 real life wrestling couples.

10 - Mike and Maria Kanellis

The Power of love is real!

It just didn't translate to television!

Which is a massive shame considering the pair were great together back in Ring of Honor

but the pair's run in WWE was hampered by bad booking, little to no TV time and Maria's

maternity leave.

But obviously what's bad for their wrestling is great for their love life!

The pair have been married since 2014 and have got the baby to prove it.

Plus the wrestling return is on as the pair showed up on 205 Live and beatdown Lince Dorado

- plus plus there's also the little matter of Evolution.

9 - Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella

This is one wrestling couple who have really felt the benefit of their coupledom, couplehood,

coupleness - both Brie and perhaps reluctantly Daniel have become bonafide reality tv stars

by sharing the trials and tribulations of being married and raising a child on shows

like Total Divas and Total Bellas.

Inside the ropes the pair haven't had the best run of things recently - suffering a

couple of beat downs before losing to the Miz and Maryse at Hell in a Cell, then we've

had the much talked about botches and the ho-hum-ness of Daniel Bryan's return to

wrestling thus far.

But one thing that hasn't suicide dived itself straight through the floor and into

stinking pits of hades is their marriage.

When these guys said YES, they blooming well meant it.

8 - Adam Cole and Britt Baker

Adam Cole's Bay Bay.

Yep Britt Baker who has been tearing it up on the indies and Adam Cole I think you know

who he is, are dating and despite the conflicting schedules, which must make it tough for instance

meaning that Cole couldn't be at All In to see Britt face off with Tessa Blanchard,

Chelsea Green and Madison Rayne, the pair seem very happy together.

7 - Cody Rhodes and Brandi Rhodes

So weirdly for these two it was a split that made their lives complete - a split with WWE.

Cody Rhodes had been languishing, slowly going mad or getting high off the face paint in

his Stardust gimmick, he requested his release back in May 2016.

And just look at him now.

Brandi too had been a back up ring announcer on Raw and since her departure has toured

the world with Cody, worn tonnes of fun outfits, made a swimwear collection and is a WAG on

WAGS Atlanta, she was a WAG since 2014 when the two married, but not in a televised capacity…

And following the success of All In, a show that Cody and The Young Bucks put together

basically as a dare from Dave Meltzer it seems like there is no stopping the Rhodes colossus.

6 - Reby Sky and Matt Hardy

While Matt Hardy was certainly broken for a time, his marriage to Reby Sky thankfully


Even though the brood was more of an edge and christian thing, the pair have a lovely

little brood that includes weird old man who lives with them.

Señor Benjamin is just Reby's father.

House Hardy is strong as ever.

5 - Buddy Murphy and Alexa Bliss

Here's one of the few relationships WWE doesn't play up on its programming.

The Juggernaut and new champion of 205 Live and The Goddess and Five Time Women's Champion

across both Smackdown and Raw, what an unbelievable pairing.

Why was this not ever suggested for the Mixed Match Challenge?

Instead Alexa does a meet cute odd coupling with Braun Strowman.

In real life the pair are engaged to be wed, don't know why I said that like the ghost

of a Victoria town cryer, but they are.

They also have a pet pig, and nothing says true love like a pig.

Except money.

Just me.

4 - Finn Balor and Cathy Kelley

Cathy Kelley is known for dealing in all of the backstage rumours and gossip on WWE Now,

but now the gossiper becomes the gossiped about.

Kelley and Balor have been rumoured to be dating for a while now, and have been photographed

holding hands in the street, at a basketball game and also sat together at the Hall of


But it was X-Pac Sean Waltman who bronco busted the story wide open casually mentioning that

Cathy and Finn were dating in one segment of The Tomorrow Show.

3 - Will Ospreay and Bea Priestly

Bea and Will are wrestling couple goals.

The pair have performed around the globe together in the US, in Japan and more recently have

both been key members of the roster on British wrestling revival WOS Wrestling.

He's an aerial assassin, she dresses like Mileena from Mortal Kombat, takartan argue

with that.

2 - Tye Dillinger and Peyton Royce

Talk about flying under the radar.

Tye Dillinger the Perfect 10 and Peyton Royce of the Iconic have reportedly been dating

for a number of years and are even engaged to be wed.

Oh yay, oh yay, they are enga-jed to be wed.

But the pair are apparently very private and like to keep their relationship out of the

spotlight, so sorry guys, I was told to make this video…

You can call yourselves Pey10 Royce though.

or the Tyeconics.

1 - Killian Dain and Nikki Cross

In sanity, you can sometimes find harmony.

That is an ancient poem.

Or something I just made up.

Or it should be a great sweeping ballad about the love between Big Old Damo, Killian Dane

and Nicola Cross.

Yes, the former Sanity stablemates are reportedly dating and the two have known each other for

years, in fact way back when it was Killian Dain who trained Nikki to become a wrestler.

And now all these years later, the two find themselves in WWE together, insanity.

For more infomation >> 10 REAL LIFE WRESTLING COUPLES - WWE, ROH & More! | WrestleTalk - Duration: 6:41.


Moving & Installing the 300 Gallon Aquarium - Duration: 6:54.

This is part 6 in a series of videos about my new 300 gallon tank from Custom Aquariums.

If you missed the first 5 parts I will link to a playlist for the project down in the

video description.

And I know that may sound like a lot of parts,

but I promise they're all quick and to the point,

and they all pay off in this video so I think it's worth watching the whole thing.

Because finally, after lots of planning, and prep work,

it was time to move out this 220 and move in the 300.

Now I have an overflow on this tank that leads down a pump,

and then down to a drain in the basement via that tubing there on the left side of the


so all I had to do to start draining it was open a ball valve,

turn on the pump, and let it go.

While it was draining I started to remove things,

like the glass tops,

the rocks,

and the driftwood.

Then once the water level was lower than my overflow,

I used a pump hooked to a Python water changer

to keep it going.

I removed the few remaining items

and stopped the pump once the water reached a level just above my fish's head.

Then I moved two of my canister filters down to the stock tank

where the fish will be living while the tanks are being moved.

Then it was time to move the fish.

I hadn't moved this guy since I put him in this tank

the day he arrived here,

so I had no idea how difficult it would be to net him.

Fortunately, it was super easy.

I tried to show him to you close up so that you could get a better feel for how big he


but it's still kind of hard to tell.

Then downstairs I just put him in the stock tank,

put some weights on the top just in case he tries to jump and knock the wood off the top,

and he was good to go.

Back upstairs I restarted the pump,

removed the final canister filter and other miscellaneous equipment,

and drained as much of the water as I could.

Then I just scooped the sand into some buckets,

which is one of my least favorite parts of this process.

But in the end, I had what I needed, which was an empty tank.

The next day was moving day.

I had two extremely important things that made this move possible:

One is a set of 12 heavy duty suction cups that I rented from Custom Aquariums.

And the other is a enough people to help move the tanks.

The first step was moving the 220 out into the garage.

This didn't end up being too difficult.

The hardest part was navigating through doorways

because not everyone could keep holding on to their handles

as we went through.

So this meant a lot of scurrying around and meeting the tank on the other side.

But in the end it came out no problem.

And then the stand was so light that a couple of the guys just grabbed it

before I even realized they were doing it.

Next, it was time to move in the new stand.

This was a little bit tougher to move than the old stand,

partly because it's heavier,

but mostly just because of its size.

It was actually a pretty good test because it's close to the same dimensions as the tank.

But it went in just fine.

Then it was time for the toughest part of the day.

I had been thinking about this moment for a few months,

just hoping we were able to get a tank this big through the house and into place.

It took some more running around to account for doorways,

and it definitely wasn't fun,

but we got it through without any issues.

We set it down on the floor so that I could do some final plumbing work,

and then it was time to move it up onto the stand.

This part was actually a little tougher than I had anticipated,

just because of the hoses hanging down from back of the tank,

but after some maneuvering we were good to go.

Huge relief all around.

That was the end for the crew, but not for me.

I put my driftwood back into the tank,

including one new piece that you'll get a better view of here in a bit,

and then it was time to add the sand.

Again, not my favorite activity but because I had done a lot of prep work

it was all ready to go.

I also added a few small rocks that I wanted to try out

to complement the driftwood.

And then, finally, it was time to start filling the tank.

I could have just used the fill line that's connected to my return lines,

as you saw in previous videos,

but I didn't want water falling on the sand from that high.

So I just started out with my normal method,

which is a python leading down into a bowl.

This way the water doesn't splash the sand,

which really helps prevent cloudiness.

Once the water was high enough I removed the bowl,

and then sat back, hung out with my family

and waited for it to fill.

And here is the end result.

I know it might seem crazy to have a tank like this for just one fish,

and it probably is,

but he's just a really awesome fish.

And I'm sure I'll get comments about how this tank looks empty,

but I like for him to have a lot of open room to swim,

and if I added any plants he would probably just destroy them.

So for now, this is how it's going to look.

I still plan to do a follow up video to show

a few changes I ended up making to the plumbing,

the media I'm using in the sump,

and the lighting.

So stay tuned for that.

I couldn't be happier with how this tank turned out.

A big thanks to everyone at Custom Aquariums,

and if you're in the market for a really nice tank,

one that you want to last.

Then be sure to check them out.

As always,

thank you so much for watching,

and until next time,

have a good one.

For more infomation >> Moving & Installing the 300 Gallon Aquarium - Duration: 6:54.


CRAZY JAPAN?! MYTH or REAL? Ask about crazy Japanese TV shows VS abroad. - Duration: 11:39.

First the dog ran down the street and next a naked lady was chasing him?

Trying to catch the dog yes.

We have many timid people in Japan. We are not crazy like that.

Hey guys it's Cathy Cat.

Today we are gonna hit the streets of fashionable Tokyo to ask if foreigners....

.... and Japanese.... let's do this again....

Hey guys it's Cathy Cat.

Today we're gonna go and ask Japanese people if they think Japan is a "crazy" country.

You might have seen it from TV shows and similar things in your country

but do Japanese people think that their own country is actually as crazy

as maybe portrayed in the Western media.

Let's go and ask Japanese.

Don't forget to subscribe for more stuff from us.

Hit that subscribe button now.

Do you think Japan is a crazy country?

That looks good.

I vote NO.

Abroad they run repeats of an old TV show that Takeshi kitano did.

It was called "Takeshi's Castle".

Do you know it? - I do!

Shows like that are often used to portray Japan as a "crazy country" in the media.

Is that so? I didn't know that.

But you voted NO.

Why do you think it's not?

We have been taught about these things from when we were young.

So things like that don't feel weird to us.

Foreign media portrays wild gameshows and flashy sweets...

that's how they create the crazy image. But what does the real heart of Japan look like?

It's normal. This is normal.

I have been living here. So I think this is normal. I think that abroad is more bewildering.

What's crazy about abroad?

What "crazy foreign" things can you see in the Japanese media?

I think abroad does more whacky things.

Whacky? Such as?

I saw a foreign TV "surprise camera" show. It had a naked lady in it.

When did she appear?

A dog is holding a bra in his mouth and is running away.

A naked lady will be chasing him, and the camera picks up people's reactions.

A young man is the one who gets pranked.

They will then all react to the naked lady running down the street.

You could never do that in Japan!

First a dog runs down the street and then a naked lady chases him.

He has stolen her bra, yes.

What country was that from? - The USA or the UK.

Showing that to Japanese people... - I was surprised. So strange.

You wouldn't see that on Japanese Tv - Not at all.

I have seen a TV show here where one dresses up as dinosaur and attacks the staff in the studio.

You see dinosaurs or Sadako "the ring" ghost pranks a lot here. Those are alright.

Wait. Dinosaurs and Ghosts are normal? - Doesn't make us feel uncomfortable.

But a naked lady... - Makes us feel uncomfortable.

The shows shown on TV abroad are old, from when there were less regulations.

People seeing that might think that we are crazy and have many unique people here...

But we are getting more and more regulations.

Recently people are scared of getting made fun of if they show their unique personalities.

In towns, around Harajuku and Shibuya, there are still some unique people but...

But if you look at Japan in total, it is not crazy at all.

Many are very timid. That's why this country is not crazy at all.

I have been to abroad before. But the image that foreigners have about Japan...

is really different from how it really is.

When I speak here with foreigners who live in Japan...

They often say "YOU are crazy but Japanese who are not shy are actually quite rare."

Foreigners who live here know that many Japanese are shy.

They know that Japanese don't dare to be unique. We are a shy country. - Well said.

I have been raised in this country and am used to it. It doesn't feel weird to me.

Is abroad crazier than Japan?

People who smoke marijuana and take the train under the influence.

Trying to start something. In Japan you would never find someone like that in public.

That's the dangerous "crazy" side of abroad. Also furthermore...

When you walk though town. In a local place. Not a tourist spot...

the percentage of people being unique is totally different.

In Japan we all wear what's trendy. Abroad people wear the trend but combine it with their unique

different hairstyle and such.

They can express the crazy unique parts of themselves freely.

This is the good side of crazy. The bad one is drugs.

They smoke it normally. - Where did you go?

I went to Los Angeles.

Abroad is crazier than Japan. - It's crazier! Japan is peaceful.

Japan has many perverts.

Being more specific? There are more perverts here?

Yes we have a lot of perverts.

What type?

The otaku type.

We have a lot of anime otakus, and otakus in general.

Many of them are perverts.

I heard that Japan has more fetishes compared to other countries.

Do you think countries abroad are more crazy because of what you saw on TV?

Pretend murder scare pranks would be too scary for Japan.

I have seen one from abroad.

I heard in Japan are underwear thieves and such. Is that true?

Yes they exist. That's a thing.

It happens to women who live in apartments. The first floor is an easy target.

Women who want to avoid that, decide to live on the second floor.

The TV shows we see abroad, are they true or is it different from reality?

I think those shows are true.

But crazy variety shows, don't happen in daily life... I think... right?

Stuff like that happens to TV personalities but not to normal Japanese.

Comparing Japan and abroad, which is crazier?

Abroad is a lot crazier.

The level of prank scares is different between Japan and abroad.

Things like the murder clown scare are too cruel.

Some pranks there are tasteless. - They use weird tools.

Even horror scares are different. We have ghost scares at the corner of the screen.

Abroad there is a mummy popping out chasing people. A different type of horror.

Those were our questions. Thank you.

Is Japan a crazy country or not? Most Japanese people said no.

That's because they are used to the crazy TV shows that exist here in Japan.

Also, they said there are many crazier shows abroad...

you always need to think, what does the media feature.

At the same time you have crazy shows from Japan on your TV

Takeshi's castle or similar. Japan does the same thing vice versa and they pick crazy TV shows from around the world

and screen that in their programmes, so the crazier it is, the more it will sell, right?

So they pick on purpose crazy things that make abroad look absolutely insane.

Those are the kind of things. However, I still think there are more crazy TV shows in Japan.

Than I have seen anywhere else in the world.

A couple of those that I have seen for example...

The contestants have to wear a velcro suit and then jump on a trampoline and the higher you

jump up on another wall that sticks to the velcro, the higher your point score will be.

That was a random one I have seen.

Another one with comedians they had the S&M dinner...

One was eating dinner and he had his brain measured, the reactions of it.

The other person had to try and create a reaction in the brain of the other person.

While they had a first class meal that usually they can'T afford, the other one had to try and

distract them. What one comedian did, they put a lot of pegs all over their face.

And pulled it off in one go. That was random.

That did cause the other person to stop eating because they had a reaction.

Another really weird one I have seen... I hope that show doesn't exist anymore.

They had a show where all women had to tell a story.

And in the end they would decide who of all those women was the worst woman.

Then the show host would dress up as a bee and have a massive squeaky hammer.

and hit her on the head several times, chanting that she is a bad woman...

until she started crying and that was the end of the show...

That is ... the most random thing I have ever seen.

There are a couple of very weird TV shows. Some of them are actually made that way.

Some of them are not really on TV but some of those I told you I saw on TV a couple of years ago.

How about you, have you seen any crazy things about Japan?

Let us know in the comments down below. Any TV shows or anything.

Let us know. Don't forget to give us a like for this video.

If you are new, don't forget to hit the subscribe button so you can

follow more of our adventures and interviews that we do here in Japan. Have a great day and catch you soon on Ask Japanese. Bye.


For more infomation >> CRAZY JAPAN?! MYTH or REAL? Ask about crazy Japanese TV shows VS abroad. - Duration: 11:39.


New Hearthstone Collection Manager Features [Concept]: Golden and Regular Cards in One Slot! - Duration: 5:30.

Every once in a while, a revolutionary technology comes along that changes everything.

We in Dr. Boom's Laboratory are trying to find this technology to use against our competitors.

It is time to show you the future we envision for Hearthstone.

We're gonna start with a revolutionary concept of user interface in your Collection Manager.

This is the result of years of research and development,

and of course, it's a combination of hardware and software.

Cards are the most important component of Hearthstone.

The collection manager is a tool where a player can go to view their collection of cards,

construct and modify custom decks, and craft or disenchant cards.

Well, today we're introducing an improvement to your card collection…

This is what basic cards in your collection look like.

So what's wrong with this user interface?

Well, the problem with it is that your page displays

only four different cards.

Golden copies occupy half the space.

We solved this problem.

What we did is connect golden and regular cards in one slot.

It works like magic.

Why is this important?

We have 133 Basic cards, add to this 133 golden copies and we get 266 occupied slots in your


Thus results in 38 pages in your collection.

Today there are 1,729 cards, most of which are used in the Wild Format.

If you collected them all it would be 238 pages.

This quantity will steadily increase from year to year.

And what happens if you have some golden versions too?

Now about the mechanics.

The golden card is always on the top on the Collection Manager page.

If you have one golden card, you can create a second one.

You can switch between the cards, all you need to do is simply click on the

card which is behind.

This way you can choose a card that needs a disenchant.

The total number of cards, golden and regular, you will always see on the page.

With the selection you will see the number of golden cards,

and if you switch, you will see the number of ordinary cards.

In my opinion, your speech has a very high level of pathos,

but thank you for your work.

Our laboratory staff are always happy to help.

Of course, it's not appropriate to consider Dr. Boom's laboratory a competent organization,

and this is just a concept, but still, do you think the Collection Manager needs

to be changed, or should it be left as it is?

I urge you to debate.

It is very interesting to know your opinion.

I want to tell you my humble opinion, like an ordinary little bot.

It is very important for me to have two copies of the card in my collection,

and I often keep a golden copy until I receive the second regular version.

The number of slots occupied by the copies of the cards is very annoying.

Of course, you can always disenchant all golden cards, but what to do with Basic cards?

So for me it would be convenient if the cards occupied a single slot.

You can also see my other concept, which is dedicated to the new Quest Log Menu.

You will find the link in the description.

Thank You For 30 000 Subscribers!

There are 30,000 incredible people, orcs, elves, bots,

murlocs and many others who have subscribed to my YouTube channel!


Thank you so much for such powerful support, for your comments, likes, votes in polls and

translations of subtitles to other languages!

And special thanks to Chris, my little bot-helper, who edits my terrible English!

I really appreciate it!

I am incredibly pleased to be part of such a positive and friendly community.

As for the results of the vote from the last video.

The question was - What is Hearthstone missing most?

So, do you collect golden cards for the collection?

I created a new YouTube poll.

You can find the button on the screen.

Vote and tell me your answer in the comments!

Here are the most popular comments from the last video.

For more infomation >> New Hearthstone Collection Manager Features [Concept]: Golden and Regular Cards in One Slot! - Duration: 5:30.


A Stripper Grinds on Amy - Superstore (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> A Stripper Grinds on Amy - Superstore (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:19.


5 EXPRESSÕES ITALIANAS que os italianos usam NO DIA A DIA para falar de modo FORMAL I Italiano pra v - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> 5 EXPRESSÕES ITALIANAS que os italianos usam NO DIA A DIA para falar de modo FORMAL I Italiano pra v - Duration: 9:17.


Red Velvet Type Beat 2018 FREE 'Eggman' Future Bass Instrumental 레드벨 - Duration: 3:30.

Future Bass Instrumental Buy 2 Get 1 Free at

For more infomation >> Red Velvet Type Beat 2018 FREE 'Eggman' Future Bass Instrumental 레드벨 - Duration: 3:30.


Happy Asmara - Kau Pilih Dia [OFFICIAL] - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Happy Asmara - Kau Pilih Dia [OFFICIAL] - Duration: 4:31.


Benson and Stone Break Tony - Law & Order: SVU (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Benson and Stone Break Tony - Law & Order: SVU (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 5:09.


The BMW M5 F90 2019 - IS THE BEST SOUNDING M5 EVER - POV REVIEW and TEST DRIVE - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> The BMW M5 F90 2019 - IS THE BEST SOUNDING M5 EVER - POV REVIEW and TEST DRIVE - Duration: 10:42.


Happy Music Mix 2018 - New Popular Songs Rihanna, Coldplay & Ed Sheeran Style - Chill Out - Duration: 47:19.

Thanks For Watching!

For more infomation >> Happy Music Mix 2018 - New Popular Songs Rihanna, Coldplay & Ed Sheeran Style - Chill Out - Duration: 47:19.


Easy Oven Mitt - Free Pattern Download! - Duration: 7:48.

Hey guys and welcome back for another tutorial today, I want to show you guys how to make these really cute oven mitts

So the pattern for this will be for free over at my blog which is

So get those links down below or in the information icon

But first I want to talk to you guys about my facebook group

So this is the charm right Ashley Facebook group over there. You will find upcoming

tutorials sneak peeks behind-the-scenes

Maybe my kids and also a great place to share my tutorials with all of your Facebook friends

So I would love it if you went over there and like the page and let's get into the tutorial

Okay, so I cut out all my pieces you're gonna need two opposite pieces for the outside and then two

Lining pieces. I'm just using cotton fabric

But you can use a thicker fabric if you like

And then I just cut out a rectangle that is about three inches by 12 inches

And this will be for the loop on

My oven mitts so I can hang it on a hook

so for the actual protectant material you can use a product called in so bright you can use quilt batting or a

Reflective cooler material I'll have more information in the blog posts

so if you're wondering about that, and so bright is the product that

A lot of people use for these types of things like hot pads oven mitts and things like that

So that for sure can be used. I'm just going to be using quilt padding and

You can use as many

Layers as you want, so if I'm just using quilt batting then I would probably do one or two layers

Maybe even three the more layers you add the more protection you will have and it will look a little bit more

Fluffy when you would have quilt it, so I'm just going to place some pins

With my quilt batting and then I will go over and do some topstitch

I'm just going to follow the plaid pattern

But you can of course do whatever you like

If you want to do some free motion quilting, you know

Some cute little designs you can do that or you can just make it plain and simple like me

So after you're done that then you're going to take the two outer pieces and place those with the right sides together

And then we're going to sell all the way around leaving the cuff open

We're also going to take the two lining pieces and put those right sides together and we will again sew all the way around

Leaving the cuff open

So I'm going to sew it with a half inch seam allowance

When you're going around the thumb, you're just going to take it nice and slow. Try to make your curves

As even as possible and then you're going to get down to where the thumb and the index finger

meet and you're gonna make a nice deep V so that when you continue on

You're still at your half inch seam allowance

and then after that we are going to do the

Lining piece

But for this we're gonna do a little different we're going to go around the thumb go around the fingers

But then in the back we are going to be leaving a four-inch gap and that is going to be for turning

So I'm just going to stop the Machine and then I'll restart it to the end of the cuff

So after that, then we can

Take our scissors and we're gonna start to snip all of the curved edges and this is just going to help

the fabric lay flat because when you go around the curves

cotton fabric doesn't necessarily want to

Stretch because there's not really any stretch in it. So you're basically taking the pressure off

When you get to the thumb and the index finger, you're gonna want to do a nice snip right down that corner

Try not to snip your stitches and then keep going and snip around


then after that we are going to take our

main piece or outer

Glove and we will turn that right sides out and try to poke out all of the little areas

And then we're going to put it together, so we're going to take our lining piece and

Put the outer portion inside of it. So we didn't turn the lining piece right side out. That one is still inside out

We're just putting the outer glove in the inner glove

And of course, you're gonna line up the thumb and the finger area and the cuff area

and I'm just going to take some clips or pins and then

Just make sure that that is nice and clipped in place

Try to line it up as best as you can. So now we're going to be working on the little tab piece

That will be inserted

So I'm going to take that little rectangle

I made I made it nice and long just because I'm going to cut it to size

So if you're making two mitts then this is plenty

I'm going to fold in the raw edges and then I will fold it again and

then that will be my little strap and then I'll just sew down the one side to

Finish it off. So now I'm going to cut off like about three inches three or four inches

Depending on how long you want your little loop to be and then I'm going to place it in the back of the mitt

along the

The seam so I'll fold it in half and stick the loop part inside lining the raw edges up

with the raw edges of the cuff

And I'll clip that into place and then we are going to sew all the way around the cuff

So again, we are going to be using that 1/2 inch seam allowance going around the cuff

Completely because remember we left that hole in the lining and that is what we'll flip it right side out


then after that you're just going to

Turn your entire piece

right side out so you can pull out the

outer mitt and

then find that little hole and then stick it through the hole and then

You know, so I think it's called birthing


Birthing your project and then voila doesn't look

Beautiful. So make sure you you know poke at all your edges. You can stick the lining in

with your hand

clip off all your little

Ends and then I'm just going to do a top stitch along that cuff. So I'm just going to

Kind of make that

seem nice and crisp by putting the clips on it and then I just did another half inch seam allowance around the cuff and

Then I close up the hole that was on the lining. So I just did a top stitch

You won't see it because your hand will be in there. So no big deal. So if you enjoyed this tutorial

Please give me a thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bow because youtube doesn't like to tell people that my tutorials are up

So pro tip. I don't know why I thought of this sooner but use a lint roller. Oh my goodness

I I never you know, there's little things in life that

just just makes

Anyways, thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye guys

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