Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018






For more infomation >> How I Double My Youtube Earnings ($100 to $300) | Get more Ads & Get Double YouTube Earnings | Hindi - Duration: 4:55.


Varg i Veum | EPISOD 1 [PILOT] - Duration: 7:21.

Will you look at that, a wolf pup.

Yes, unbelievable

Listen up, guys!

Today, we saw a wolf pup!

Is that true? Are you sure it wasn't a fox?

I can assure you that it wasn't a fox,

I have never seen anything like it before.

Yep, almost exotic, but still not.

I saw the rest of the pack too, but not too close.

We're lucky to have wolf in the forest


Where did you see them, then?

Well, about, three-four fields rightwing?

That's actually brilliant news!

Our yearlings are going to be familiar with wolves,

and they're going to hunt with them, and travel with them,

Doesn't that sound super fun?

Sure, sure.

Hey! What's your deal?!

Let it be!

What are you talking about?

You're corrupting the rhythm of the forest,

we have to protect the wolf now that it's here.

What the heck is wrong with you?

It's just the life of nature, we're just playing with it.

Please, let it be.

Hmpfh, idiot.

Perhaps Veum sleeps with the wolves tonight?

Okay, but that's like knocking on Heaven's door - for real!

Definitely, almost morbid.

Hello, Bark.

Good evening

Good evening, good evening,

you know what?

My life is just so blissful right now

everything is so blessed



Everything rolls on, no one is harassing

Me and Uhoo found a cliff a big blue that way,

besides, it's the season of the Sun, it's so nice

Ask left this morning with his new partner, he seemed tremendously happy

I don't know, there's something with me to see other being showered in happiness

it's like it rubs off on me

..Didn't he say anything? Not even a goodbye?


Sigh, well, that's unfortunate

But don't be sad, he'll be happy

What about you two then?


Well, aren't you two going to get together?

You hang out everyday.

..Well, that's not something we've thought about, right?

No, we haven't. Honestly, I don't think we find the right things in eachother, right?


Oh well, it's like that too.

Where is Veum then?

Well, where do you think?

Among the wolves..

But guys, listen,

of course it's possible to live your life on your own

but he'll have more opportunities if he gets a partner

And - I'm not telling you to search for him, but to look out for him

make sure he has a good time since you're all here

because, in that way, you're familiar

Can't you do that, then?

No, I'm going to move to my territory once me and Uhoo build our nest and gets our offspring,

so I won't have alot of time to come here then

I'll be sure to visit since the cliff we've found isn't that far away

but it'll be a busy time


I've spotted a shrew that I want to take before the eagle-owl gets any ideas.. see you later!

Just because we're staying here doesn't mean that we have to babysit?

For more infomation >> Varg i Veum | EPISOD 1 [PILOT] - Duration: 7:21.


平靜心態的句子,每個人都應該看看 - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> 平靜心態的句子,每個人都應該看看 - Duration: 9:01.


Official髭男dism、本日のフリーライブをYoutubeにて生中継 『Stand By You EP』リリース記念 - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Official髭男dism、本日のフリーライブをYoutubeにて生中継 『Stand By You EP』リリース記念 - Duration: 1:18.


Stress Management SECRETS- 5 Steps to Reduce Stress in Your Life | Self-Help Yourself - Duration: 14:51.

one of the best ways of dealing with stress is to get to a place that is

absolutely away from it all we forget sometimes that stress essentially brings

us to a point where we can't handle the situation anymore

it may instigate us to want to do something or not do anything at all so

stress has a certain job to perform and essentially it's up to us to figure out

what we want to do with it there are basically two kinds of stress each

person has a different threshold when it comes to stress but acknowledging at

what point of time do you experience either you stress which causes you to

actually want to do some work to actually get going it's just enough

stress to make you want to do something something productive most of the time

whereas this stress is where the threshold is crossed over and you can't

handle it anymore you don't really want to push through anymore you just can't

take it either you don't take any action or you just basically hang around that's

the state of the situation you don't really try to do anything about it

you're stuck in the heat of the moment and there's nothing much you can do

about it majority of us experience this stress in this fashion and when we

experience distress the real factor here is that we are experiencing so much

overwhelming pain that we really don't want to take any action and that is the

thing that you need to consider how am I going to get out of this state of

distress keep in mind that stress is everywhere stress is there within you

it's there amid the people that you hang around with it's a made all of the

situations that you may have to deal with essentially stress is there now

there are many ways we can go about combating the stress it's up to us

we want to go about transforming how we view the situation either hey I can

handle this this dress is kind of daunting when I

look at it but I can actually do something about it I can do what I

thought is not possible because I have handled this kind of stress in the past

one very common example is exam stress many people actually struggling with

this eventually they come out of it a lot of people do face a lot of pressure

to have to perform well in exams to want to actually score really high marks but

once you study once you've become competent enough

you've handled these kind of taxing exams enough you get to a point where

hey now I'm more confident about it now I am at a point where I can handle these

exams they aren't so difficult and that is the case with most distressing

situations you learn to handle them in a better way over a period of time as you

keep experiencing them and that is the case with something that we can regard

as predictable in our lives exams are pretty predictable events so

here essentially the two kinds of events that we experience stress in are the

predictable events and the unpredictable events now no one and I mean no one can

prepare you for an unpredictable event at best they can educate you they can

take you through the flow of what happens with your emotions what it's

like but once you're actually facing that unpredictable situation it's

entirely your experience how you view the situation is completely up to you

and that's why to some extent educating yourself or being educated by someone

else about how to deal with stress and dealing with a distressing situation

that is essential so keep in mind that one very important thing am I facing

either a predictable situation which is causing me stress or is it an

unpredictable event that is called to feel stress that is what you need to

think about if you go about looking at it in these two different ways remember

that the unpredictable events are really not that controllable you can prepare

yourself for it you can try but how much you can deal with unpredictable

situations unless they repeat themselves that is entirely your experience it's in

your hands predictable situations focus on the

candles there is a lot you can do with these situations you want to work your

way up to a point where hey I face these situations enough times now there is

nothing holding me back from actually using the Intel that I have to actually

transform myself and face the situation that is essentially what kind of a state

you want to reach in your life you want to reach a degree of predictability that

yes I can handle this distressing situation no problem

so how are you going to do about it essentially develop and increase your

own threshold for handling stress majority of people today I would say

really don't have that kind of threshold when it comes to dealing with different

types of stress again it's a very specific thing that you can adapt to a

very specific situation but keep in mind that stressors will always be around

acquaint yourself with the common stressors in your life it may be traffic

it may be exams it may be pressure that you need to be a certain person or on

certain people different kinds of stressors exist but as long as they are

predictable and you know that they are going to be present in your life you

want to equip yourself emotionally emotionally and strategically handle the

situation that is what you want to do you want to reach a stage where hey I

can handle this no issue keeping all of this in mind either you can deal with

the situation or walk away from the situation whenever a stressor comes

around so is this a situation you can walk away

from walk away from it don't ask yourself Grice walk away from the

situation if you feel that it is too taxing on you and go to a place like

this that is surrounded by a lot of plants a lot of quiet excluding the

helicopter traveling behind me of course

so essentially that's the thing getting to a place being around nature being

around some kind of greenery really helps this has been scientifically shown

to actually reset your diurnal variation to where even if you have sleep trouble

you're depressed you're anxious all of that boils down to one moment where you

can handle the situation primarily because we become more mindful when we

are around nature you're always on your phone you're always answering calls

you're always around people you're always thinking about either the past or

the future when you're in an environment like this you're surrounded by some

degree of peace and quiet that is essentially what you need

whenever stress gets to you so if you can walk away whenever possible head out

go out somewhere go to a place that is kind of peaceful it doesn't have to be

really far away it can even be an overnight trip but trust me this does

wonders for you it allows you to hit the reset button on how you're feeling at

any given point of time and yes we all have to go back and deal with the

stressors once again but remind yourselves that hey I have a chance of

going back I can always go and experience this kind of thing so being

around nature as much as possible it is one of the best forms of treatment for

any kind of either mental illness or just any kind of stress that you're

experiencing be around nature as much as possible that is what I would like you

to know and if you cannot walk away from the situation

in your left in a place where I can't handle this anymore I'm kind of stuck

now you have to confront it there are times where I have personally faced

where I had to write an exam I didn't really want to go through with the

entire process the more you try to walk away from these situations the more you

want to tell yourself I don't want to face this the more pressure you put on

yourself the more stress you begin to experience because you cannot overcome

the situation that way you do not want to experience the pain you know that

this pain is painful but somehow experiencing that pain is stopping you

from going through it to get to the other side where you know for a fact

that I will feel better I will not feel as much stress once I am actually done

with it so on a personal level I have experienced this where I didn't really

write my exams I skipped them and then I ended up writing them in a different

semester it was just so much more stressful to have to deal with it that

way why would you want to put yourself through that

when there is a simple short short solution study for your exams get

through them exam stress is one of the most common problems that we face in

India today you don't really have to struggle with it there is always a

solution and once you incorporate that solution into your life you tell

yourself hey this is just an exam I am more than that this is just a match

where I need to perform well this is just a public speech I need to give this

is just another business project that I need to somehow get through once you

reach that kind of state where I can handle it and this is nothing no

stressor in your life will be able to dominate you no stressor can get the

best of you and your ability to handle stress also comes from your ability to

move on how quickly can you bounce back from having experienced a stressor

because a lot of us whenever we have mental ailments we have either some kind

of internal pressure that I just went through that we attach a lot of our

thoughts emotions and feelings because we have been emotionally aroused by the

stressor to a point where it has caused distress so can you acknowledge stress

as something that is just you stress which pushes you to actually take some

kind of action use something productively how can you incorporate

more you stress in your life versus distress how can you cancel out some of

the distress do you need to either walk away from the situation be around nature

be in a quiet place where you have your peace of mind you want to go hang around

with other people that's also a great way to deal with stress talking to other

people about how stressed out you are maybe getting a solution from them

whatever helps you that's essentially what you need

so incorporate all of this in your own life try and find different pathways

that will allow you to deal with stress in your life and I promise you once you

get to a stage where I can handle anything you are able to tell yourself

that in any situation trust me life doesn't seem that hard

after that life doesn't seem so hard once you have everything in place once

you are prepared once you're planned for whatever is predictable and you mentally

prepare yourself for the unpredictable events nothing can hold you back that is

essentially what you need to do so prepare yourself be ready for

predictable situations and mentally prepare yourself for unpredictable

situations even though you can only equip yourself so much don't worry too

much about it focus on what you can control

try and go places whenever the stressors get to you be around nature as much as

possible interact with people interact with friends get away from it all if you

can otherwise confront it confront the stressor believe that you are bigger

than your stressor once you leave that I know for a fact that this

dresser is not bigger than me handling it becomes a cakewalk so keep all of

this in mind if you found this video useful make sure you leave it a thumbs

up and comment down below I want to know what you picked up from this video do

you want to learn more about stress what other area of your life are you

struggling with I want to know and I want you performing better in every area

of your life I want you to become more and more empowered and motivated to

actually become the best version of yourself that is essentially what we're

working towards on this channel I personally believe that you have the

ability to perform like a champion in every area of your life and once you

mentally equip yourself through the mindset training that I have on my

channel then you have extraordinary potential to actually get to what you

want in life be it financial be it performance related anything really once

you prepare your mind sufficiently you educate yourself by learning about the

stuff you become competent to handle anything and that's the whole essence of

this channel so if you're interested in all of that hit the subscribe button and

turn on well notifications you don't wanna miss even a single video coming

out of this channel check out all the videos that I have made for you down

below coming out on a daily basis all designed to help transform your life and

of course this is Vikram signing off I'll see you in the next session

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