Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

First Home Buyer, and First Time Buyers Myths

as a first home buyer you probably have heaps of questions

about working at the best way to find and Finance you first home and where's the

first place most people look for help...The INTERNET... but did you know there are lots of

common myths and misconceptions out there when it comes to your buying your

first home.... who would have thought the internet could be wrong ...yeah

so in this video we just go through the top five myths about buying your first home that are out there when it

comes to buying your first home in Australia.Myth number one you shouldn't put less than

20% deposit all right Nathan now it's true that yeah the more deposit you have

the better it is because buying your first home but this isn't always true. law your loan or home is going to be but it's not

true that you need more than 20% deposit is

it no not at all and we've had plenty of clients that have come through in the

past that have said Nathan I want to say about my 20% deposit and in actual fact

sometimes that can be your opportunity cost to get in the market for example I

had a client recently wanting to buy a $500,000 property they had 50,000

deposit and we worked out their mortgage insurance that they would pay was under

ten thousand dollars now if there had to save up to 20% deposit they'd need a

hundred thousand so another fifty more and they worked out we'd take him

another eighteen months to save up so can take you years to save up this

amount so Nathan what's the minimum and probably actually need to get in today's

market so the minimum deposit is anywhere from five to eight percent of

the value of the property and as we said before if you save up that 20% was it

yes you will avoid the mortgage insurance

however how long that'll take you to save up the deposit can be the

difference between getting the market today at today's prices or tomorrow's

prices now there's still are a couple of ways you can buy with no deposit so

check out a couple other videos on our Channel there's one about buying with

guarantor home loans that can get you into the property today myth number two

you can't get a home on if you have a helped debt or a HEK step so you finding

it hard to save on the deposit because you got to pay off that pesky little

help or hex debt that you that you crew when you're at university don't worry

you can still buy a property when you have a hex or help debt so talk us

through this Nathan how do the banks look at it do they look at a hex or help

that like a credit card when you're buying your first time or is it looking

a different way yeah good question Jenny do you look at it as a percentage of

your income so if you're on let's say fifty-five thousand I think the

percentage is anywhere from two to three percent of your gross annual income as a

liability ongoing so the higher you earn the more of a liability it can get which

will reduce your borrowing capacity so the awesome thing here though is say if

you've got your $100,000 in help date you studied medicine and IT and business

and for other degrees the bank unlike a credit card a bank would take $100,000

limit as $100,000 limit but with help or hex debt they use your income so if you

owe a hundred thousand dollars with help and you're only on fifty thousand

dollars they only take $1,500 tohear in repayment which you can actually help

you over the long term because then it actually doesn't reduce you probably

pasty as much I think Nathan you were saying before I'm yet estroux with a

customer then they owed five thousand dollars left on the debt help so what'd

they do with that that's right so another good thing is with your help

debt if there's not much left owing you can actually paint out in full and then

that will then be removed as a liability from your ongoing assessment you need to

provide proof to the bank that that's been paid out however that will then

increase your borrowing capacity number three you should avoid fixed rates and

the other thing on top of that is offset accounts I hear it all the time I go get

an offset account don't do this like wall okay let's break that on two bucks

you should never avoid fixed rates why fixed rates good night can take us

through that quickly fixed rates give you stability

they're great particularly if you've got a family lineup in the future and you

want to know your budget you don't want to know expenses you've got a wedding

coming up anything like that where you might have increased expenditure having

a fixed rate allows you to know exactly what you're in for budget accordingly

for a set period of time so if fixed rates give you that absolute

stability and control over your finances and then I guess part 2 of myth number 3

on the opposite account so everyone always says you need to get an offset

account you need an offset account why don't you need an offset account and

what can you do that is it as good as an offset account yeah don't get me wrong

off that's a great however there's still many ways around it and more cost

effective because generally when you do set up an offset account the bank

charges you annual fees so there's things called redraw being able to make

make sure payments and taking them back out

the same thing no cost slight difference from loss of account but the main goal

here is reducing the interest that you're paying on your mortgage solid

Schmitt number for Nathan so your pre-approval is it fine for any property

and that's a big question that always comes up I've had a few people recording

so bad yeah I've had a few people asking me

recently they're looking to buy inner city apartments 50 square meters on the

nose now not every bank likes that so if you've got a pre-approval with Bank a

for example they might not be suitable for that set of apartments in the city

that'll less than 50 square meters so it's vital to be aware of what sort of

property you are gonna be looking at and making sure your pre-approval matches to

that so your pre-approval actually isn't find every property in every bank has

different policy with that so I think that's some really important information

that you need to be aware of and have that conversation early on the piece of

the mortgage broker because if you're looking at buying an apartment in a city

or if you're buying a townhouse or even the house in certain post codes we can

check out and make sure that that probably qualifiers with some apartments

some banks actually have a blanket policy on particular buildings so if

this is your tower that they've got too many apartments in they won't actually

lend against that and you can get caught out at the finish line so just make sure

you're not getting caught out and that stuff because your portable isn't fine

with every property and Minn myth number five your friends and family know the

best mortgage broker now in any housing market it doesn't matter whether it's

good or it's bad times you always want to work with a professional back you can

actually navigate you through that difficult home loan process and but I

think it goes one further step from that because you want to work with someone

that you actually like working with and that is a good fit for you the reality

is is 16,000 brokers in Australia and not all of them are specialists at

dealing with first home buyers and but looking at buying in the early stage

of their disease they might be too busy they might do with commercial people

they might be dealing with more sophisticated people it's all different

so you want to work with someone that will take the time to help you budget

they'll help take it cute the time to help you negotiate to go through

contracts what other stuff do you think is worth looking for there Nathan I

agree so sometimes you know being a first home owner you're gonna need a

little bit of hand-holding so being able to have someone that is there every step

of the way to coach you through the process give you tips and hints on the

negotiation property reports all those things are critically important we see

it all the time we get clients that have been had a mortgage broker they've been

knocked back by their bank and then the mortgage brokers just not had any

solutions or options and we we sit down with the client we understand their

situation we look at their circumstances and make recommendations accordingly so

that's it guys which mean you know let us know in the

comments below and we'd love to hear from you but if you need anything else

in the meantime get in touch with us at Hunter Galloway comm that I you thanks

thanks guys

For more infomation >> First Home Buyer Myths [UPDATED 2018] - Duration: 7:04.


Mindset and Business Performance with Galit Ventura Rozen - Duration: 24:04.

this is the succeed against the odds podcast my name is Francesca anastasi

also known as abaya I'm a multi passionate entrepreneur I'm your host

and mentor and each week we bring you an inspiring person an expert or message to

help you ignite and unleash your potential

today my guests all the way from Las Vegas Goleta Ventura Rosen walk & gell

eat thank you I thank you for helping me delete your business performance experts

I believe we need more and more people that do what we do can you share with

our audience what it is that exactly do and how did you get into this area

absolutely so when I was going to school and getting my my first degree which is

a bachelor's in business I started working a little bit for other people

and found that I didn't really like it I mean that's really the truth so I found

that I loved being my own boss and I learned that quite young I learned that

in my early 20s so I had those jobs three or four jobs before I graduated

college but the first job real real profession that I had once I got done

with my bachelor's degree was I got my real estate license and loved being an

entrepreneur having my own business and doing that so what that fed into is

learning how to motivate yourself and really be your own business performance

expert so I had to learn quickly how to motivate myself how to get up in the

morning how to put together business plans and do all the things that make

you successful in your business because in all honesty if I didn't show up to

the office nobody cared because I got paid when I performed that make sense

because my business was largely based on performance equals income I was never on

salary so when I found was over the years I was really good at mentoring

other women to show them how to do it themselves how to be their own business

performance expert with somebody that guides them and shows them because

obviously my goal is that every person that I work with can just fly off into

the sunset and be successful in their business so that's how its dumped from

it stemmed from me knowing I didn't help the mentors I didn't have the guidance

and I wanted to make sure that other women because a lot of times it's the

how how do i how do i and I wanted to make sure that I could show them how to

be their own entrepreneur and be performance

I love what you just said because we know you're completely bombarded

especially now with the Internet and there's so much information a lot of

answers are on the internet but there's a lot of what you need to do not really

pack on the step by step so I applaud you for that there's a lot of that

guidance in this and I've personally encountered a lot of people who have

paid for coaching and programs and gotten really frustrated in the end

because they were constantly told what to do but not how to do it so what would

you say when you with your own personal experience of going through that path of

saying okay I know I can't work for someone else and I need to change what

I'm doing how I'm doing things what was your biggest challenge to make yourself

accountable what was your what was the hardest thing for you was it being

organized was it getting up early in my book was it in all honesty I would say

the most challenging thing for me was the field that I chose to go into I was

22 years old the average age was 40 of that

profession and it was meal there was maybe five to ten percent female in this

industry that I started out which is my baby I call it my baby

it's my commercial real estate company I've run it for over 22 years so my

challenge was proving myself that was truly my challenge I had to sit back and

recognize that I did have the knowledge I did have the expertise and I was good

at what I did and my clients were largely male as well so it wasn't just

the people that I worked with every day it was also the clients that were

purchasing large properties for me that were multimillion-dollar properties and

I had to step back and recognize look at yourself so I would say probably my

biggest challenge was mindset even though you're young and others are

looking at you as an experienced you are not you know what you're talking about

and you're good at what you do so recognize that believe in yourself and

then show up the fact that it was predominantly a male circle it's to say

because it was yeah between your colleagues and the clients would you say

that that mindset was primarily because you needed to change up for yourself or

was it primarily that you needed to change how you thought so that you could

be perceived differently but you already

believed in yourself it was really for me I I do believe that when you get into

industries that are largely male a lot of times there are challenges but I also

believe that you can show and and step up and perform in a way that you are

taken very professionally and very serious I will never use that card that

all because it was largely male I wasn't accepted or I wasn't this what I ended

up finding out is that I was young and even though I had this educational

experience I grew up in this world since I was 12 years old around my father and

also another male figure then I just really needed to believe in myself and

then of course it kind of goes to fold Francesca because the second I believe

in myself I now show confidence and that is actually mirrored out to the people

that I'm working with and then 20 to 23 years ago we didn't do as much on the

internet a lot was face to face so today I have the ability to do a lot of these

things without even meeting somebody then there was no option you had to meet

you had to discuss them how to negotiate it's a little bit of a different world

where I really was thrown in and I think that mind piece is so important and a

lot of women deal with that piece of not believing in themselves and that's

probably why I mentioned the house because first we go through the fear of

not believing in ourselves and then the second piece is okay now I think I can

do it but how do I and I think that's real important to know I'm gonna ask you

what may seem odd question you're a very beautiful woman and working in a

primarily male industry I would suspect correct me if maybe I'm Camellia off

track that sometimes you encountered some that could not realize that beauty

also can have brains and on the other hand maybe beauty actually was on your

side where was the factor that actually made you more more the attracting choice

to work with as far as Sealy do great would you say that

working with men we do you work differently with men like

in the in the negotiation part on what you say and how you say it then when you

work with women is there a different method there's a different energy I

don't know if it's it's logical steps that I could actually teach someone

let's say work with men different and work with women I think it's an energy

and it's interesting because the beauty piece and thank you that was very sweet

you know a lot of times we grow up not thinking that we are so I appreciate

that but the beauty piece did not come into

effect as much as the maybe it was beauty and young I think that there is

some type of stereotype out there that if you are well put together and really

knowledgeable sometimes they look at that and oversee the knowledge expertise

and professionalism but I'm going to share a fun story with you over and over

again it kind of became a little game for me I would get into a meeting where

it would be four five meals and it's until today I had an investment investor

meeting just a month ago with two huge investors the CFO and another gentleman

four men and me all were around my age or older and Here I am sitting in a

boardroom it's funny because the energy gets lighter when you're in there it's

not as serious so it helps you but they're expecting something specific to

come out of my mouth at times and then once I start speaking and I hold my own

I tend to command the attention in the room and not because of the things that

you said but because of the words that come out of my mouth so it's been this

fun little game for me to see what they're expecting versus what happens in

the room once I start talking about investment and portfolios and rate of

return and all these fun words that these people that's all they care about

is what they're gonna come back with and my mother Francesca a lot as people are

investing twenty thirty ten million dollars it's not small money but it's

been a little fun for me that's awesome yeah and the reason I was asking that

and I guess I didn't really make it super clear because it was right up to

what I was talking about being when I was asking about Jia workmen different

you find your approach is different with men than it is with women it's just

because typically men to be very focused let's kill the beasts let's get it done

kind of deal women tend to be a bit more romantic romanticized but an ideal so I

was just wondering from that perspective if you balance the negotiation part is a

little different I would say no and I can even take it a step further and

let's talk about the business performance extra part that I do now

where I work with businesses executives CEOs and individual entrepreneurs men

and women I don't work with them differently based on their gender I work

with them differently based on the way that they work and they fun and it's

been very interesting for me because at first I thought oh gosh I work with men

for 20 years now I'm going to start working with women which I worked with

some women but not as many and I found instead I'm not dealing so much with the

how that's different how to work with them I'm dealing more with the way that

they process things so it's possible that one male and one female I will put

them side-by-side and I will work with them identical and then I'll take

another male and female and work with them identical because of their

personality types because of the way that they function they operate their

strengths so it never tended to cross my mind based on gender it tended to cross

my mind based on their personality as you know some women have very masculine

personalities and some men have feminine personalities and at that point that's

where I just myself that's the true mark of an expert you know what you're

talking about it's not really about gender but I wanted to ask you because

you said you've worked primarily with men so you got into real estate and then

you started working on yourself and then you decided you were going to help other

people can you give me a bit of background how that transition happens

from helping yourself to money to help others what was the motivating factor in

my commercial real estate company I recognize that there really wasn't the

best format in our city to get people into the industry so I

wanted to be that I started mentoring people in my company that would come in

with no experience and that I called it I raised them

I call them my kids I raised them and then I let them fly and a lot of them

are very successful in Las Vegas today it's wonderful I'm in touch with all of

them probably about 7 to 8 people so I was already doing it I decided to take

it on a larger scale what if I did the same for women and men and especially

women that's my heart that do not know the how to make that transition from

working for somebody in building somebody else's dream to building their

own dream having their own freedom and life and also be very successful and

make a lot of money it was just a very natural transition for me a few years

ago where I sat back and said what am i doing I need to make sure that I teach

as many people as I can how I've been successful and the steps for them to be

successful not just the tools Francesca but also the mindset pieces it was very

important for me that both be married together what would you say would be the

number one thing about mindset that each business person entrepreneur should

really focus on because mindset is such a big word I struggle with just one but

I'm gonna do my best I'm gonna mention that I just wrote my first book called

the successful woman's life said and it has 21 chapters 21 characteristics 21

things and I know there's gonna be many more and I think for an entrepreneur

let's start with the entrepreneur because it's a little bit different than

the professional if I work with a CEO executive it's a little bit different

because they're sitting in a different kind of environment where they have

bosses and they have people employees as well as leaders I'm gonna stop you right

there just for a second because that that is the first time I hear someone

say that the mindset of the CEO needs to be it is not exactly the same as the

mindset of an entrepreneur tell us the different assets yes that's one of the

reasons why I'm doing this mindset series because I want to do the CEO

minds that the entrepreneur mindset there because I believe that yes there's

crossover but I think that each of us obviously

and entrepreneurs mindset and one of the things I see the most is they're still

stuck in an employee mindset so the first thing that I would say is you need

to recognize you're not employee anymore stop thinking as a solopreneur and start

thinking as an entrepreneur the reason businesses are successful is because

they have a team and they delegate a lot of the mistakes are a lot of the

challenges and a lot of women come to me and hire me for is they're still playing

in this small sandbox and there's thinking as solopreneurs i have to do

everything i have to create everything no no no so I do this really fun

activity how much do you charge an hour $500 great why don't you hire someone

for 35 an hour that can do the things that you shouldn't be doing so the first

piece of mind set is switch that year employee to entrepreneur important and

the reason I say the CEO is different because a CEO or not even executive

leaders managers employees it doesn't matter they have other people that are

there buses that are in a sense guiding what they have to do and what they

should do if I show up don't show up to the office and I'm being funny no one's

gonna say Glee when you're not in the office today if an employee doesn't show

up to the office there's consequences and hello even comment sick your job

isn't being taken care of potential to be fired of course that's extreme but

that's a different kind of mindset you need to recognize you have to be this

person that's a team player and can't just be doing your own thing all the

time but an entrepreneur can I can do whatever I want all day long no one's

gonna tell me what's right or wrong obviously there's more right things and

wrong things but I can still do whatever I want I really like that you put that

in all gods and all of the mindset and the business performance do you do you

focus at all on the actual things that they need to do every day outside of the

mind like actual routines or anything like that absolutely I am a list girl I

use my left brain and my right brain I'm very both so I love my lists I love my

spreadsheets I love logical steps and I really focus on the

quaint so for example I have one clamp at logical makes her feel very

overwhelmed so I have to step her back and put her back into her creative okay

great if you get your how do if you get your

half duelist done now you can do your want to list and so let's just get three

of those things done on your have to list or delegate the mountain so you can

do what you love which is create and write and and work with clans directly

absolutely there are logical steps to everything and I think that at the end

of the day what I share with people is I will teach you how to all day long I'm

very blessed to have this gift to almost show any business how to be successful

that absolutely takes logical steps marketing visibility credibility

corporate networking building relationships on and on and on structure

delegating teams employee motivation if it's a company but I think the other

piece that a lot of people don't recognize is they get stuck because of

the mindset they get stuck because of fear because of obstacles because of

things that they see in their way and they never take that first how to step

so if I teach you all day long how to you and you don't have the mindset to go

at the success that you want you're not you're gonna pay me you're not gonna do

anything and you're gonna still be in the same place order in the nd do you

have to put the work it's not gonna have a period it don't have to believe and

have to know and have to understand why you're resisting and why you're self

sabotaging so I went back to school and got my master's degree in therapy about

six or seven years ago because that piece was so important to me to learn

how to change people's thoughts how to teach them how to change their thoughts

excuse me how to teach them the methods the models so I've incorporated that

without being someone's therapist I've incorporated the two pieces business and

mindset so you can be successful and not stop yourself from being successful do

you have a morning routine that you do and you suggest to your clients

absolutely I am an audio girl in a so I actually spend a lot of time in the

morning meditating I'm very about centering myself there are days where

there's a lot of stress going on and a lot of life it's what it is when you're

in business if you think there's not going to be stressing business you're

dreaming and if you're taking risks and going to the next level there's going to

be those things so I make sure every morning I wake up first of all gratitude

all day long I am thankful whatever you believe in the second that my feet hit

those grant the ground I sit up in bed I don't ever get straight up ever do I

stand straight up I sit down have my feet on the ground and first Nestle

thank you he gets to me it's a blessing that I was able to wake up today then I

ask whatever you believe in to take care of all the people that I love keep them

healthy happy give them peace and I also offer them to the world so first I start

with gratitude then I'm usually listening to things I have meditations I

have different affirmations I have different something I love called flow

dreaming depends on where I'm at in that day sometimes it's really late into

business sometimes it's related to personal sometimes it's related to

anxiety I have diagnosed anxiety so sometimes I'll just listen to something

to to take that edge away and then I start my day and yes I have bad days and

yes I have days I don't you got a bit that's where I work harder on lunch and

that's where I spend a little more time but I never go straight to work I never

go straight to meetings I never go straight to in a phone call I always

make sure I have that quiet time and I'm very blessed that I always have that

quiet time if I'm a mom of three so if I need to get somebody to school I wake up

thirty minutes to an hour before so I'm not rushed and don't start my morning on

a bush because I never recommend you want to start your morning the way that

you want your day to be I really appreciate that you shared that you were

diagnosed with anxiety because I share that in and sharing your morning routine

on how it helps you get centered for the rest of the day because it's so

important I've had I've had the whole issue with anxiety too so it does make a

big difference to take that time in the morning and just

kind of go through that meditation and calm peace it really does set the tone

for the rest of the day so thank you for sharing that absolutely I am also very

visual so I spend every morning visualizing the kind of day that I want

I typically know my appointments in advance that's what it is when you're in

business and I typically sit there and while I'm brushing my teeth putting on

they make up whatever taking a shower or whatever you need to do I try to

visualize the kind of day that I want from the drive if I'm leaving

I have a home office and a regular office so it just depends but when

whatever works for you when you put out there and you believe and you see or

hear whatever it is it works you recognize how you want your day to go

yes sometimes it's going to go back but you can make the best effort to have a

good day and less peace when you are starting to have a bad game gosh does it

happen it is still possible to turn the day around because how many times does

somebody have a bad day and it gets worse I can tell you how many social

media posts I say this day couldn't have gotten more Sun like why are you

challenging it and then it gets worse or they say the day that I have had and it

just gets worse and worse and I'm like stop and of course they won't say that

to them let's stop do what you did in the

morning to start a good day again five minutes three minutes I tell people you

don't have time to breathe you've time to go to bathroom so when you're in the

bathroom do it right everybody's got time to go to the bathroom

so when you go to the bathroom take a few minutes take some deep breaths find

that place of calm we align your day refocus your day to something else

because a bad day can be changed I can't if our listeners want to get a hold of

your book who is the best place to get it my new book the successful ones

mindset thank you for asking Francesca it's my new labor of love it's done it's

going to be in people's hands within a few weeks you can order that the

successful woman's mindset com made it really easy

the successful woman's mindset calm and you can find me all over social media

members we're under Galit Ventura Rozen beautiful well it sounds like an

excellent book is it on Amazon as well or

just online it all beyond everything within a few weeks we're in the final

stages of putting it together so I'm doing a little bit of a pre-order and

then I'll do a full launch in November well thank you so much for being my

guest today thank you for your for sharing your experience your bits of

wisdom and your expertise and your website if our audience wants to get in

touch with you directly is it's just my name wonderful

well thank you so much thank you thank you so much for listening and for being

here today if you enjoyed this episode be sure to subscribe rate and review

this podcast and make sure to share it with your friends you can find the links

mentioned in this episode and all of the show notes on my website at you can also watch all of our videos on youtube where you can

also subscribe to our channel at

Anastasi once again thank you so much for being here today until next time

embrace your magnificence

For more infomation >> Mindset and Business Performance with Galit Ventura Rozen - Duration: 24:04.


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Seeman Emotional Speech at Kattu Paya Sir Intha Kaali Team Felicitation Ceremony! | Kalakkalcinema - Duration: 16:06.

For more infomation >> Seeman Emotional Speech at Kattu Paya Sir Intha Kaali Team Felicitation Ceremony! | Kalakkalcinema - Duration: 16:06.


గోమతి చక్రాలతో లక్ష్మి కుబేర కటాక్షం ఎలా సంపాదించాలి | Gomati Chakra Benefits | Lakshmi Kataksham - Duration: 7:56.


For more infomation >> గోమతి చక్రాలతో లక్ష్మి కుబేర కటాక్షం ఎలా సంపాదించాలి | Gomati Chakra Benefits | Lakshmi Kataksham - Duration: 7:56.


Dusty weather sweeps central regions this afternoon _ 101518 - Duration: 1:51.

good afternoon we'll have dust in the air this afternoon that's for the first

time in four months toxic smog from China and stegun air will burst fine and

ultrafine dust levels to Central Western Region before it does spread to

themselves for their conditions will improve by the evening hours meanwhile

the heavy smog that covered Beijing on Sunday should eat a bit today but

China's capital city is still blanketed with toxic smog but Japan has moderate

air quality in checking on today's daily highs here in Korea highs will rise

rapidly along with plenty of sunshine and top temperatures will range between

21 and 22 degrees Celsius this afternoon why the temperature fluctuations will

persist with 20 loads going down to a single digits again here in the capital

starting tomorrow so be sure to dress accordingly that's Korea for you and

here's the International weather for viewers around the world

For more infomation >> Dusty weather sweeps central regions this afternoon _ 101518 - Duration: 1:51.


Number of female executives in South Korea has doubled over past 5 years: Report - Duration: 0:42.

the number of female executives working for South Korea's top 100 companies

surpassed 200 for the first time this year local market research firm Korea

cxo Institute says the number has doubled in five years since the topped

one hundred and twenty thirteen the proportion of female executives came to

3.2 percent this year up one percentage point from 2016

Samsung Electronics had the most women executives at 57 accounting for 5.5

percent of all Samsung executives however women still don't account for 5%

of the total leading South Korea rooted to the bottom of the OECD's glass

ceiling index

For more infomation >> Number of female executives in South Korea has doubled over past 5 years: Report - Duration: 0:42.


Red Special Meeting 2018 - Duration: 17:49.

Hi there!

Hi guys and welcome, today "how to setup a mic stand"....

The problem was caused by the black paint in contact with the Rustin's

Ladies and gentlemen...Luca Lazzaro

No, no...he's the man...Marco G. Di Marco!

Good evening to all and welcome to the Red Special Meeting 2018!

Hi Luca!

I see many familiar faces, so most of you will already know how the event will take place

There are two copies of the book, if you want to see them in 3D, I'll explain how to do it...

and we also have the new collections of photos that were taken during the tours

You are welcome! It was just a test

Courtesy of Giacomo, we have here some alcohol strap lockers for free

Welcome to Marco Ferrari!

Even now my guitars are built entirely by hand, except for the hardware...

Hello everyone, for the last two years I started with the Ferrari Guitars, I carry out construction, modification, and eventually even repair of the Red Special replica

The magnetic field generated in this point, impacts here and here...on this pickup no, here it is more focused

They behave similarly to Jaguar pickups in magnetic terms

This is the one you can find in any music shop...from 2008-2009 the model is more or less the same

...about Petersen amplifiers with Valerio Capodagli!


As you already know, my equipment usually consists of 3 Petersen AC30s...

On this occasion I brought an Arbiter AC30 from 1975, which I bought about 7 years ago, and two Petersen AC30s

The same changes that Brian made at the time on his amplifiers were made on mine

As for the Petersen AC30 I will be very short...

Basically when Brian May stopped the adventure with Queen after Freddie Mercury's death...

About in '93 -'94 he started the project with the Brian May Band...

As you have heard we have a different feeling compared to a stock AC30

It is more ringing on the high and more compressed on the medium frequencies

For more infomation >> Red Special Meeting 2018 - Duration: 17:49.


কুরবানি নিয়ে আহলে হাদিসের ভূল ফতুয়ার জবাব || Mukhlesur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> কুরবানি নিয়ে আহলে হাদিসের ভূল ফতুয়ার জবাব || Mukhlesur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 3:30.


उपवासासाठी बनवा खव्याचे गुलाबजाम | Upawasacha Gulabjam | MadhurasRecipe | Ep - 455 - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> उपवासासाठी बनवा खव्याचे गुलाबजाम | Upawasacha Gulabjam | MadhurasRecipe | Ep - 455 - Duration: 8:37.


సింహ రాశి 2018 | Simha Rasi 2018 | December Rasi Phalalu 2018 | Astrology in Telugu | Rasi Phalalu - Duration: 5:25.

Please Like Comments Share

For more infomation >> సింహ రాశి 2018 | Simha Rasi 2018 | December Rasi Phalalu 2018 | Astrology in Telugu | Rasi Phalalu - Duration: 5:25.


Democrats lead Republicans by 53-42 ahead of midterm elections: poll - Duration: 1:24.

the u.s. midterm elections are just three weeks away and a recent opinion

poll by ABC News and The Washington Post showed the Democrats are leading the

Republicans but reports say there's still hope for the Republicans to a

president Trump's rising approval rating our eun-jung min has more with the US

midterm elections coming up in three weeks opinion polls showed a lead for

the Democratic Party according to an opinion poll by ABC News and The

Washington Post release on Sunday Democratic candidates lead Republicans

by 52 to 42 a gap of 11 percentage points the poll also showed a gender gap

with more female voters supporting Democratic candidates while the

Democrats appeared to be gaining the upper hand the Paul did suggest how for

the Republicans on the back of president Trump's rising approval rating Trump's

approval rating climbed to 41 percent affirm 36 percent in late August mostly

due to the strong economy some 54% of respondents wanted to see the Democrats

control Congress the figures were down from 60% in August the latest poll was

conducted by telephone from October 8th to 11th on a random sample of 1144

adults the margin of error was 3.5 points according to news outlets in

Dongmin arirang news

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