Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

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What you guys still crabs here welcome back to a video

this will be somewhat of vlog or or

Something like that. I will be unboxing

my new costume for Halloween

And then you may be wondering what what is it even though that you will already know?


It's an a title or enough on there, basically

so I got a t-rex costume and

It will not look like this really soon it's supposed to look like this and

Actually, I got to actually I do know that just came with it so

As a pensee

So think this USB is supposed to go probably in here. I

Need to find where it is. I don't know but I'm just gonna fight it

Find it later on


Other than that

it's time to put on the costume and to the side of the table right here, and this is

The dinosaur suit and I need to find our way to a harem. We'll put this on without ripping it


the most of my problems

And they're dependent songs like that it's like ripping but I think it's like so much sticky what's not really sticky it's like on me

Well, it's well, actually I'm gonna talk to my mom about it

But look it's not absolutely ripping. Like it's it's it's ticking

It's sticking you see it's it's not like Brooklyn

No, I'm trying to do it slowly so I don't so I won't rip it

Shout out to my mom right here

I'm gonna work those like


Look I think you're supposed to see out of this right here

All right, I could just like cut it out like what I do mean

I don't know but when if there's a pretty walk, but I reacted to with this person then I just like leave it out

It's how we know you we have we have to wake up early so you can put this on

I'll stand up

I think I'm just like a good I think this supposed to be like a USB around there

It is missing a part missing this thing, no kidding breathing it Barry I

Can't see oh

I could be or even greater than that. Come on, put your hands in

What about my hands



My god

No record landscape on my phone just go that way No, turn it around. All right. Wait

Now turn oh

My god go knock on Tony's

Did you breathe him there yeah, it looks like you're an astronaut

You gonna check the mail no check my mail

No, no reaction no, okay

I'm waiting Tony never answered you


All that guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this

My mom had was hysterical laughing. So was I this I'm

I think me buying the costume was completely worth. I'm

really proud of myself that I didn't return it and

It looks good to me


Be prepared

how gonna bring the dinosaur to school and then I can make a video on that and

Then that's gonna be hysterical funny. I could already imagine that

So other than that guys hope you guys enjoy it's almost Halloween

Around a little bit more than two weeks, so

Yeah, I will see you guys in the next video. Have a good day. Peace out

For more infomation >> UNBOXING JURASSIC PARK INFLATABLE T-REX COSTUME!! - Duration: 9:16.


UK, France, Germany demand response on Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance - Duration: 2:08.

European nations are pressuring Saudi Arabia to give a response to the case of

the missing Saudi journalists that's been dominating international headlines

in recent days Turkey has accused Riyadh of killing the reporter inside the Saudi

consulate in Istanbul allegations the kingdom strongly rejects for more on

this and other news from around the world let's turn to our no Iran

so Haram there's now more and more mounting pressure from around the world

on the Saudis to clear up what's going on over this disappearance that's why

more the foreign ministers of Britain France and Germany released a joint

statement on Sunday saying they are treating the case with quote the utmost

seriousness they demanded for what they called a credible investigation to

establish the truth about what happened to Jamal keshavjee and to identify those

responsible for his disappearance the three countries also called for Saudi

Arabia and Turkey to jointly work on the investigation and for Riyadh to give a

detailed response to the murder accusation put forward by Istanbul the

statement was careful not to imply Saudi Arabia was guilty and made no mention of

potential actions the countries might take however there is more pressure

coming from the United States traditionally an ally to Saudi Arabia

which has said it is considering a boycotting of made of a major

international conference to be held in the kingdom later this month President

Trump also said Washington will inflict what he called severe punishment if

Riyadh is found to be responsible for the alleged death of kesaji u.s.

lawmakers have also called for economic sanctions to be imposed on the regime

that sent the Saudi stock market down as much as seven percent in early train on

Sunday soundy Arabia meanwhile said it rejects political and economic threats

adding it will retaliate to any action with a bigger one

Riyadh has continued to deny Saudi agents killed kesaji inside the

consulates calling the Turkish claims lies

For more infomation >> UK, France, Germany demand response on Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance - Duration: 2:08.


Fine dust to float around in some of central regions in the afternoon _ 101518 - Duration: 2:05.

good morning some unwelcome news to start the weather reports will have dust

in the air in the afternoon toxic smog from China and sickening airflow will

loose fine dust levels in central western regions and the two other

provinces today but not much to complain about temperature-wise

just be aware of big temperature differences and other than find us

affected areas the rest will enjoy clear sunny skies today so let's take a closer

look at today's temperatures Seoul is kicking off at 10 degrees Celsius

hovering right around the seasonal averages and many other regions are

waking up to slightly cooler morning lows at 7 degrees of orientation and

intention highs will rise rapidly along with plenty of sunshine and tap

temperatures for range between 21 to 22 degrees in most parts of the country

why temperature fluctuations will persist with morning lows going down to

single digits again here in the capital starting tomorrow and for now we're

looking at Busan and concerning the provinces to have bad air quality on

Tuesday that's Korea for you and here's International weather for viewers around

the world

For more infomation >> Fine dust to float around in some of central regions in the afternoon _ 101518 - Duration: 2:05.


World should support decision made by North Korean leader to denuclearize: President Moon - Duration: 2:08.

so let's stick with president moons trip to France the South Korean leader has

been sitting down with the press there in Paris sharing his vision for the

Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia as well he says it's time for the world to

show North Korea it made the right choice to denuclearize eating jei

reports speaking to Frances conservative de Leela Figaro president muna touted

France as one of the most important nations contributing to peace and

prosperity on the global stage the South Korean leader thanked his French

counterpart Emmanuel macron for France's strong support for his administration's

North Korea policies president moon said planting a seed of peace on the Korean

Peninsula is part of the process of ensuring peace and order in Northeast

Asia president moon reiterated his desire to form an East Asian rail

community a proposal he made in August to bring together six North East Asian

countries and the u.s. to shore up the region's economic and security

foundation touching on Europe's multinational treaty ratified in 1952

the European Coal and Steel community initiated by french diplomat robert

schumann president muna said it played an important part and established the

European Union as it exists today the president also teased the next big event

on his tour of Europe his sit-down with Pope Francis at the Vatican with North

Korea expected to be the main focus of his discussions with Pope Francis

president moon said it's time the international community answers the

decision made by North Korean leader Kim jong-un to steer the regime away from

its nuclear and missile programs he said the world needs to verify that the north

is genuine about his willingness to denuclearize and help North Korea take

the path to peace president moon added he would pass on Kim's message to Pope

Francis when they meet Kim reportedly told the South Korean leader during

their recent summit in the North Korean capital that he would ardently welcome

Pope Francis if he visited Pyongyang easing Jay Arirang news

For more infomation >> World should support decision made by North Korean leader to denuclearize: President Moon - Duration: 2:08.


President Moon focuses on culture and green energy in Paris - Duration: 2:11.

start with the South Korean leaders tour to Europe president moon jaein is in

France where he's been spreading a word about Korea's vibrant culture and art

scene as well as promoting his administration's policies on cleaning up

the environment our Shin Semin reports from Paris it's part of president moon

geun's cultural diplomacy during his state visit to France perhaps receiving

the wildest welcome and cheer president boon held a joint cultural event on

Sunday with Korean artists and some 400 French officials and fans the Boone

administration has a track record of arranging such concerts having

previously held one in Saudi Arabia last year to help spread the Korean Wave

chart-topping boy bad BTS and other Korean artists entertained the attendees

with the presidential office saying the concert was aimed at boosting cultural

exchanges between the two sides the president also highlighted on issue

of a global concern the environment president moon is tested out Hyundai

Motor's fuel cell electric vehicle next shell in downtown Paris and called for

stronger collaboration between the country's automakers he vanna discuss a

new challenges facing the mass adoption of electric vehicles with industry

officials in conjunction with the president's visit

Hyundai Motor says it will sign an MoU with two French companies to ship 5,000

hydrogen cars to France by 2025 three of Hyundai's hydrogen fuel cell models are

already being used as taxis in Paris and the first F CEV charging station in

Paris was established by a flick hit a France based multinational industrial

gas and service company the high point of diplomacy between Seoul and Paris

comes Monday with a summit meeting at the second of its kind since the two

leaders took office in May last year they'll be discussing a climate change

terrorism human rights and the ho BAE's sympathy for North Korea Shin Semin

Arirang news Paris

For more infomation >> President Moon focuses on culture and green energy in Paris - Duration: 2:11.


Nearly 35,000 S. Korean-owned Facebook accounts exposed to data leak - Duration: 0:54.

now if you're watching us in South Korea and you have a Facebook account as most

people generally do these days you might want to listen carefully to this next

story because nearly 35,000 South Korean owned Facebook accounts are believed to

have been hit by a data leak following the hacking of the us-based online

social media company that happened last month according to the Korea

Communications Commission on Sunday it received the numbers from Facebook after

the firm announced in September that access tokens for 50 million accounts

around the world were stolen in a security breach now the leaked

information includes users names emails and phone numbers the KCC added the

number of South Korean accounts subject to the data leaks could in fact grow

following additional investigations

For more infomation >> Nearly 35,000 S. Korean-owned Facebook accounts exposed to data leak - Duration: 0:54.


Trump says defense chief James Mattis is 'sort of Democrat, 'doesn't know' if he plans to stay - Duration: 0:34.

US President Donald Trump is indicated that he isn't sure how long his defense

secretary James mattis plans to stay in his administration in an interview with

CBS's 60 minutes that was broadcast on Sunday President Trump said the two have

a very good relationship but suggested there was the possibility

matías could step down at some point Trump added that mattis is quote sort of

a Democrats increasing speculation or to have been at odds over certain issues

For more infomation >> Trump says defense chief James Mattis is 'sort of Democrat, 'doesn't know' if he plans to stay - Duration: 0:34.


Democrats lead Republicans ahead of U.S. midterm elections: Poll - Duration: 0:34.

with just over three weeks left until the US midterm elections the Democratic

Party is still leading opinion polls a new ABC news/washington post poll shows

Democratic House candidates still lead Republicans 53 to 42% among voters

however the GOP is closing the gap with the help of president Trump's improved

approval rating also the share of OTUs who want Congress to be controlled by

Democrats as fallen from 60 to 54% in the space of just a few months

For more infomation >> Democrats lead Republicans ahead of U.S. midterm elections: Poll - Duration: 0:34.


Int'l fleet review in Jeju concludes 5-day campaign - Duration: 0:39.

newse an international fleet review on jeju island concluded its five-day

campaign on sunday the event attended by some 10,000 troops from 12 different

countries and naval representatives from 46 nations promoted world peace over the

seas while South Korea and the u.s. conducted joint drills in the past the

South Korean navy said there will be no joint drills this time instead it's

going to hold joint exercises with its counterparts from India and Canada the

fleet review was staged at Jeju Naval Base which was completed in February


For more infomation >> Int'l fleet review in Jeju concludes 5-day campaign - Duration: 0:39.


Top 5 THICCEST Kanto Girls - Duration: 6:26.

Yo, what's poppin people?

Its your boy back on that Pokemon *ISH!

Before we begin this video is not for the faint of heart.

If you've been on my twitter or followed my channel for any bit of time you know I'm a

big worshipper of thicc.

What can I say I like big soft squishy things.

Well for those who don't know maybe I should explain Thicc.

According to Urban Dictornary Thicc is meant to designate a woman with a shapely figure

and is typically somewhat chubby.

They often will have an hourglass or pear shaped body with emphasis on the shape and

size of their buttocks and thighs.

Enough of me bit*hing and moaning let's get to the topic of this video, the thiccness!

I'll be listing off the thiccest Kanto girls.

Dude I'm way beyond shameless now let's get into this.

Now if I'm completely honest!

This one isn't really a hot chick, but Daisy was like that kinder, older sister character

in the Pokemon Red and Blue versions.

After snatching up my Bulbasaur Gary was mad cuz I waxed him in a battle.

So he decided on being a jerk and try to block me from getting a town map.

Lucky for me his big sister Daisy wasn't hearing that.

She was an angel unlike her crappy little brother.

Where are you Onee-chan?

Ugh that was cringey.

I apologize.

I bet you're asking just why is Daisy on here.

Well there was slim pickings man.

I'm not going to put that old hag Agatha on my list.

Grass Pokemon are one of my favorite types, probably because my first ever Pokemon was


So of course Erika is gonna be here.

Hmmm...the Celadon Gym was full of women and Erika was the gym leader.

She was also incredibly snotty in the anime it made no sense for how haughty she was.

I dunno know man maybe that's why she's so low on my list I just can't deal with high

maintenance people.

They say that Erika was a geisha.

What the heck is that?

A Geisha is a Japanese hostess trained to entertain men with conversation, dance, and


What the heck?!

Erika is a Madam!

Is she selling off the goodies.

No Johns here!

Wait is the Celadon Gym a brothel.

Arceus help me!

Okay number three would have to be Misty.

W...wait a minute not this Misty, I'm not interested in some flat chested tsundere.

I'm talking about the plumper Misty.

Yeah the rounder one from three years later.

If you know what I mean pimping.

I don't have a problem with little Misty but older Misty is just better.

They knew what they were doing putting this cutie in a swimsuit.

This was the main reason I hated that time never passed in the anime.

Its been almost twenty years since Pokemon Gold and Silver were released and we still

havent seen this Misty.

I always wondered how come Ash didn't scoop her up.

My man is suspect as heck.

Just thinking about it Misty was my first anime waifu.

Good times.

Good times!

Number Two Lorelei or as she was called in the anime Prima.

I heard that she was called that because Lorelei name is Kanna in Japan and Lorelei wouldn't

fit the lip sync.

I don't know if that's true or not.

That's really sad.

Anyway when I was little Lorelei made me a man with them tig ol' biddies.

I had a crush on Misty like every other little kid, but Misty was a girl while Lorelei was

a woman.

Plus she had this absentminded personality.

I love a stupid chick with an enormous rack.

Lorelei didn't really have that much of a back story.

But you don't need to have that much background if you're easy on the eyes.

She had an icy personality with equally icy Pokemon.

Actually she was the easiest of the Kanto Elite Four.

Ugh don't remind me of that.

This freak right here was the reason I never completed Pokemon Red when I was a little


I didn't know at the time that Psychic Pokemon were basically gods.

They were so unbalanced and their queen was Sabrina.

I'm not even kidding about how terrifying they were, but my fears aren't the topic of

this video.

Back in the day Sabrina had a whip and crap, she was scary as heck.

She might of been attractive alright.

But I wasn't about to spend another three hours trying to get through her gym after

I blacked out.

Besides I saw that anime episode she was just some bipolar insane possessed chick.

And I ain't got time to be deal with that.

I've seen enough horror films to know how this movie ends.

Well that's it for my Top 5 Thiccest Kanto Girls.

I know what you're thinking how come Jessie wasn't on my list.

Honestly because I feel she's an anime specific character.

Before you go screaming about Yellow version that game was basically a retelling of the


So yeah.


Anyway tell me what you guys think?!

If you liked the video consider sharing, liking and subscribing.

And until next time!

Its your boy back on that Pokemon *ISH!


For more infomation >> Top 5 THICCEST Kanto Girls - Duration: 6:26.


S. Korea's Chun In-gee wins 1st LPGA title in 2 years at home - Duration: 0:50.

now let's switch things up a touch now in some sports news and engulfs

specifically because South Korea's John ng has won her first LPGA title in two

years the latest one in her home country at

the LPGA KB Hana Bank Championship in the final round on Sunday John that

finished with a 66 thanks to seven birdies and just one bogey that put her

three shots ahead of England's charlie hull and one of her country women Park

seung-hyun were tied for third this was John's third career LPGA win and she is

the seventh South Korean to win a tournament this year

For more infomation >> S. Korea's Chun In-gee wins 1st LPGA title in 2 years at home - Duration: 0:50.


1 SECRET TO FLAT BELLY & BIGGER BOOTY | My story, pictures (the truth) - Duration: 5:25.

What is going on Koko Puffs, welcome back to my youtube channel

Today, we're going to be talking about how to get your belly to be flat and happy big

But at the same time if you haven't subscribed to my youtube channel, please do so right now

It means the world to me and it's totally free for you. Let's get into the video

If you have a small butt and you're trying to get it to be a little bit bigger a little bit rounder

For most people there will be some exceptions

But for most people you do need to gain some weight overall, and I know what you're thinking you're thinking

But why can't my body just take fat from my stomach and put it in my butt? I don't know. I don't know

Why your body doesn't do that? You should ask your body. I'm still asking my body why it doesn't do that

It just doesn't do that. Now, here's where it gets tricky

If you're also trying to have a flat stomach you want to be doing the opposite of that

You don't want to be gaining weight if you're trying to get your abs to be flat

This is why you will hear a lot of professionals tell you

myself included that it's

Generally a good idea to separate those goals and go one at a time because if you're trying to have flat abs

But you're gaining weight because you want your booty to be big. I

Don't know what that was, but that's

It doesn't work that way there are some exceptions where you can do body recomposition

But that is what I will consider to be a more advanced type of thing

It tends to make things sound more complicated than it needs to be when we could just keep things simple, which is my preference

It's up to you to decide which goal is more important to you

If you aren't really slim or underweight and you do have room to gain some weight then obviously

go for the booty and grow your booty and get it nice and round and perky the way you want it to be but if

You're more on the bigger side and you have a lot of weight to lose

but you also have a smaller butt and you want to see that booty pop a little bit more then I would advise you to

focus on just losing weight first and then when you are around your goal you can then switch your

focus to start growing your blue

Knowing that by growing your booty you are gonna gain weight not necessarily fat you will gain a little bit of fat

But you're going to gain some weight. So that is the overall

Big concept the answer to your question in a nutshell is the way to grow your butt and have nice abs

Is that you have to what?

Prioritize like everything else in life. You must prioritize which one do you really want?

First do that one first and when you get there, then you can pursue the other goal

So if you're trying to figure out, okay, okay, I hear you

what do I need to do to grow my booty have a

Series of videos on this topic of what you need to do to grow your booty

I also have a booty program that will be linked below and if you're wondering well, okay

What do I need to do to lose weight to see my my abs?

I also have a series of videos on this topic actually

No, I think I have just one video on that topic, but I do have some more coming

Hopefully and I have a lot of workouts to help you lose weight

So regardless of where you are on that camp, I'm here for you. I'm here for you. I want to see you guys win

I'm sure it wasn't what you wanted

I'm sure you wanted some magic formula that will allow you do both at the same time

the closest thing to that formula is body recomposition, but like I said,

It's not something that's beginner friendly. Not even intermediate friendly

And so I don't like to recommend it very much, but it is an option and it does exist

I guess I should share my story of how I went about doing this

It didn't even occur to me that I should talk about. Like what I did. So for me personally

When I started my journey, I started my fitness journey after having my son a few years ago

And obviously I gained a lot of weight because I mean that's what pregnant women tend to do

We tend to gain a lot of weight

So I gained a lot of weight and so my first goal

my first focus was to just lose lose the weight so I did that but then I overdid it and lost my I

lost everything I didn't really have a but to start with I didn't realize I didn't have a butt until Instagram pointed that out to

me but I lost a lot of weight and when I reached my goal, I looked at my booty and I was like

Okay. Now my next priority is to grow my butt

And so I worked on that and focused on that and I grew my booty to where I was happy with it

And then I looked at my body and I was like, well, I'm really happy with where I am

But I want to lose a little bit of fat so I can see my abs more and maintain my booty

So that was the next phase of my journey and I did that successfully

and I'm just kind of in a place now where I'm just kind of like having fun and

Maintaining the results that I have and I'm not really aggressively trying to do anything which is a nice place to be

I can experiment with all sorts of different things

I've been running lately and I'm really enjoying that and just enjoying my life living my best life staying healthy

Focusing on being a healthy person. So that is my own

In a nutshell my own personal journey. I hope this video has been interesting and helpful to you

I enjoyed talking about stuff like this. I could talk about the stuff all day long still, uh,

Yeah, I guess I'll see you in my next video subscribe if you haven't done so already fuck

For more infomation >> 1 SECRET TO FLAT BELLY & BIGGER BOOTY | My story, pictures (the truth) - Duration: 5:25.


Bodies of 5 S. Korean climbers retrieved in Himalayas - Duration: 1:34.

five South Korean climbers and therefore Nepalese guides were found dead on

Saturday after a strong powerful snowstorm in the Himalayas their bodies

have now been retrieved our Oh Sooyoung has this report

rescue authorities have retrieved the bodies of the five South Korean climbers

and four Nepalese guides who have found that in the Himalayas after a violent

snowstorm last week the South Korean embassy in the past said Sunday that all

nine bodies were transported to a nearby village after a mission that began early

in the morning the Mountaineers were found dead Saturday near the base camp

at an altitude of 3,500 meters on mount Gerda in western Nepal the team includes

at 49 year-old Kim tango who has the first South Korean to climb all 14 peaks

of 8,000 meters on the Himalayan range without supplemental oxygen

Kim's group was attempting to scale the rarely climbed 7,000 meter Girja Hammar

when the snow storm struck Friday the bad weather had sorted a rescue

preventing helicopters from landing plus the site of the disaster is extremely

remote estimated to take at least three days to reach from the capital of

Kathmandu it's said to be the worst climbing accident in the South Asian

country in two years Seoul's foreign ministry on Sunday said it was send a

support team to the site to help with the retrieval operation and the funeral

arrangements and to guide the victims families on their unfortunate trips in

the park was young Arirang news

For more infomation >> Bodies of 5 S. Korean climbers retrieved in Himalayas - Duration: 1:34.


I'm feeling defeated and lost (Not Clickbait) Venting - Duration: 21:28.

hey everyone so today I am making a video that is not Halloween related because I

don't know I feel like I just need to talk through the way I'm feeling because

I'm kind of frustrated and feeling really lost but it maybe some of you are

feeling like this too and I feel like you're alone so lately

I've been really struggling with feeling like I'm making the right choices in my

life and it's not like I'm I'm doing anything currently but I'm feel like I'm

doing something wrong or bad I just feel like I haven't I feel like Joyce is in

the past have led me to where I am and I didn't think that horses through enough

and now I'm stuck

like a couple weeks ago I kind of had a mental breakdown and I don't use that

lightly like I really had a mental breakdown I was crying and super upset

bed and I mean I have like depressive episodes as it is so not getting out of

bed is like this makes me feel worse so I don't know I just can't get a bed

and I felt like you know I'm not at the right school I'm not learning what I

should be learning that I should have gone a different route with my life

and now I'm a junior in college he's almost done with their first semester of

junior year and I still feel like I'm not prepared for the job I want to do

and that I'm not going to be prepared once I get out at school to do it my

school is super expensive so I don't have money to like go back to school and

go somewhere else nothing about transferring back to where I would

transfer to a one school in mind that I would transfer to if I were to transfer

but my school has really strange classes that I take and a lot of those credits

don't transfer and if you've ever transferred schools

you kind of know that it's that there's a lot of times that your credits don't

transfer and you end up having to do an action here of school so that sucks

there's people of my family who are having that issue right now like as we

speak and they're gonna have to be in school for an extra year and I really

don't want to do that like I want to get into my job field and just go and it's

also become very clear recently that once I graduate school I'm probably

gonna have to move back home which is something I never wanted to do so I

don't want to get like I don't want to cry because then I think like oh she's

crying for me who's in like I'm not I don't really care if this gets a lot of

views I'm not you know that person I think those of you have been around for

a while probably know that I'm not that person like I don't get very emotional

on camera and maybe that's why my channel seems like it's dying is that

kind of robotic sometimes but yeah I feel like they don't want to move back

home and I know a lot of people do and I'm not like ashamed that's not why I'm

getting upset it's just that I like very much not like a fun place for me a lot

of time like I love being around my family and my friends everything yeah I

just feel like I made the wrong choice in school like I I know what I want to

do it I know I can do that job really well but I feel like my school is going

to hurt me in the long run how I how well I'm prepared and I've had this

discussion with a lot of other people who go here and they all feel the same

way so I don't feel as alone and not but it's also terrifying that so many people

are paying like nearly a quarter of a million dollars or it is a quarter of a

million dollars to go to this place and we're not ready for anything and that's

horrifying and I I don't know with like all 20-somethings feel like this but

it's just like I should not be feeling this way you should feel like I'm

learning things that are gonna make me prepared

feel that way at all so there's that and um yeah so the other thing that's been

bothering me is I feel like I am just like failing as an artist and I like I

don't know why like I feel like a lot of small creators on YouTube and Instagram

and really any social media are feeling this right now that our channels are for

nothing or our accounts are for nothing and we're not getting the recognition we

deserve and I know not everybody is gonna get like a million subscribers on

YouTube or anything but it just seems like everything is so

money driven now like if you don't have a ton of money to afford an amazing

camera and amazing lights and amazing you know sets and backgrounds and props

and costumes and stuff I mean you guys see hopefully you've seen enough is this

your first time on my channel you can kind of see I have grown a lot and put a

lot of effort into my Halloween videos and my body painting videos and trying

to up the fraction value and pay for software and you pay for editing tools

and I got in lights and I got in a different camera and I sneak cards for

that camera I'm chargers for that camera like it's the money just adds up and

there's people who make really good money doing this and I never thought of

this as a career choice so I'm just kind of venting about it that it sucks when

you know you're doing good work and you believe in your work and other people

don't or you feel like there's something blocking you from getting out into the

world like my Instagram has

760d followers at the moment our dough that's probably gone down by 20 just

because I said that um and like let me make it abundantly clear I know I'm not

oh my god I need more followers I think I need more followers to do to feel

great or I need more subscribers to feel great like not I'm not that person

like just feel great is to create something I'm proud of and that's what I

hope you all know I'm doing here is I don't put up videos that I feel like

aren't giving you a hundred percent of my creative ability like when I'm doing

them I am trying my damnedest to put out a good product and I will set up for

hours editing and uploading and reuploading and deleting and like I've

lost two Halloween videos like I have to go to Best Buy tomorrow and see if they

can get one of the back because I put so much time and effort into it I sewed a

costume for it and the fabric was super expensive and I did all of this stuff

and now the files are gone and I have no idea why because I've never had this

problem with an SD card before and I was telling me that it can't read that ste

card and I've tried different readers and I've tried putting in my camera and

it doesn't even read it in the camera so something is clearly wrong so I'm just

super frustrated with that my hard drive that had a tutorial that I needed to go

back through and re-edit and upload because sound was off is gone can't find

it anywhere sorry my parents can't find it I can't

find it in my dorm I've never taken it anywhere else it's gone so I mean that

was easy enough to refill it's just not really gonna make sense

and I'll explain you know but that hurts because I put so much work into it for

it to just be gone into the ether of the black hole in my house that all my

things disappearing - it sucks and like I just I just feel a little like crap

honestly I don't feel good about I feel good about what I'm producing but I cook

I put it out with dread like I put it out and I know like okay like for people

and like I know they say you shouldn't worry about the numbers but everybody

worries about the numbers especially with the way you did was set up now like

even the biggest people I mean we you see Greg our girl was Shane Dawson

likewise my youtube channel nine and they tell you don't worry about the

numbers but she's running the biggest couriers on YouTube and she's worried

about the numbers because from my perspective it's like you're losing like

no I don't want to say friends like with her I feel like it's more of a community

based I would love for my channel to be like that but like I feel like I'm

losing our no credibility maybe it's very hard to explain I feel

like I'm kind of losing I think every time you lose a subscriber I'm just like

like god I feel like I'm working so hard to get people to like pull it in and

maybe it's just that thing of like validate my art like validate me like

that I feel like I shouldn't need outside validation but I feel like we

all do we live in the age of meeting outside validation like we're all

worried about likes we're all worried about comments and clicks and whatever

and I think very few people can say they

don't care and it's just frustrating I can't form words around it because I

just want to great and I feel like I can do that but I'm not getting the chance

to do that like I want to show the world what kind of salad I have and what I can

do and like that's not happening it's very upsetting if there's things like I

I know I didn't do YouTube consistently for first about two years that I was on

or maybe like a year and that's why I got like 100 subscribers so like maybe I

would have more but I can't change what I was going through back then that made

me not want to create and I just I don't I don't I don't know like I feel like I

have these great makeup ideas and I just want to turn my whole channel into this

very avant-garde creative artsy place that is a home for freaks and weirdos

and people who love Halloween and dark stuff because I love dark stuff I love

superheroes I love villains you guys know I love Disney and like I want to do

that stuff but I feel like if I just abandon the like fancy Beauty side then

what happens like I don't want to start from scratch but maybe that's what I

need to do and hey but I don't want to bend in it

completely either because I really like doing makeup like this it's very

dramatic and in-your-face but it's very glad I mean like you could wear this out

and I just don't know what I'm doing with my life and that's frightening and

I don't I need admitting that because I'm a

planner I'm a doer and I will show you guys right now what has been like

consuming me I guess this isn't consuming me but this is my way of

fixing everything is going into this Google Doc that I have well I guess it's

a Google sheet and it's called videos for the future and it started as a

Halloween list but it has gotten so long hopefully maybe y'all can see this

that I had to change it into just you know of whatever kind of thing sorry my

nose is running I'm getting plucked earlier so you know

it's I don't know there's probably 40 looks on here and there's a whole

separate spreadsheet of another series I want to start and this is how I plan

that Halloween this year and this I guess is what's frustrating is I put a

year I started this year spreadsheet in December of last year and put everything

together spent my whole summer working myself till I was exhausted doing looks

and making costumes and prosthetics and you know not going out with my friends

because I had to film or edit or do something and when I went out my whole

thought process when I was out was oh my god I need to film oh my god like I need

to go home and do this and you did it I need to get to my laptop because I need

to do this and it's just it's frustrating

that I am running myself ragged and it's not doing anything for me and I just

like oh well something will happen and you'll be like the floodgates will open

but I mean the pessimist in me is like that's not gonna happen and this is not

what you're meant to do and it makes you want to quit it makes you want to run

away and I'll do it anymore and take down your channel and forget it ever

happened and like watch time like I tried make my videos interesting it's

you like a watch time and it's just so I just very I'm very frustrated angry with

YouTube I feel like a lot of people should refreshing angry with YouTube

especially small creators because now it's like what do we do if you have

under a thousand subscribers and you were making money off of this before and

maybe that was just your extra spending money or you were saving up for a camera

or you know like your YouTube money went back into your channel that money's gone

like you're not getting that anymore and then once you hit a thousand well that's

great but if your watch time is in 200 hours in 30 days or something like that

I know quite remember what the but you know then you're still not making that

money and like my one video got taken down and I appealed it and they still

took it down I think made like $10 off of and I can't get that money because

you have to get a hundred dollars in order to get it

so that's frustrating knowing that like yeah it's $10 in like a youtube sense

but it's so money that I armed like I did it challenge that someone wanted me

to do it I did it I got super creepy comments from it and I moved on with my

life but like I don't I don't know I just I'm not quitting I just want to put

that out there I'm not quitting because then YouTube wins and I don't and like

if you're a small creator or you're a college student and you feel like you're

lost and you feel like you're theatre and your loss or maybe you're both of

those things and you feel like your loss comment down below and be like hey

you're not crazy I feel this way to Oracle or say you know like oh my God

thank you for making this video because now I don't feel like I have just been

moping around the last like three days being like I want my wig heads here

because I want to start doing my wig tutorials because I it's the isle

freaking wig and I'm not a hair stylist at all and I'm not a drag queen who's

amazing at it but I can do it enough to make the thing look somewhat good and I

would put it on my head and walk around it doesn't look real I'm not doing

anything crazy but they're cheap weights and I make them look cute and I feel

like there's a big market for that and I just seen by I'm frustrated because my

brain never shots off I'm constantly wanting to be creative and I feel like

I'm being stifled

I don't like being told I can't create things don't like being told how to do

things or that it's impossible for me right now because I want to do it now

what to be great now I want to do things I want to do now what I think in the

amount of money I need to do these things sometimes just blows my mind and

I like my family is so supportive of me and I don't want to let them down and I

don't want to let you down like there's a hundred in any of you and I know for a

fact there are a hundred eighty people in my family who are subscribed to me I

do not have a hundred eighty friends that I coerced into subscribing you are

people I have never met and maybe you're not from the states maybe your knight

from Pennsylvania and you're not from New York you're not from anywhere that I

have ever been in fact just blows my mind that's how amazing to me because

like who am i nobody like it but I'm you know I'm Kaitlyn and I I do makeup maybe

that's like me to do and just reintroduce myself to all of you and go

from there and does this siren really need to happen right now I am having a


but I just wanted to come on and say these things because I feel like camping

the only one feeling like their life is going down the tubes in a very slow


and I guess that's it like you're a small crater comment down below how

frustrated you are with the internet in general because I am ready to just give

it all but I'm not going to because I have so many yes I do not do that I will

exploit that's it ah hope you guys enjoyed my crazy ranting you maybe got a

sense of how freaking nuts I am anyway I hope you guys are doing better than I am

and have a wonderful Lukie season and stick around for some more spooky videos

where I don't rant and I just show you how to become a little character I'm

sorry I'll see you guys later bye

For more infomation >> I'm feeling defeated and lost (Not Clickbait) Venting - Duration: 21:28.


Thousands gather in Berlin to protest against racism and far-right - Duration: 0:44.

hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Berlin over the weekend

to protest against racism and the far-right organizers put the turnout at

two hundred and forty two thousand which would mark one of the one of Germany's

biggest rallies in recent years the demonstration comes at a time when

Germany's far-right an anti-immigrant alternative for Germany is gaining

popularity particularly in Bavaria however the protest seems to have done

little to change public opinion as the AFD managed to enter the state

Parliament for the first time after the various state elections on Sunday exit

polls also suggest Chancellor Angela Merkel's sister party the CSU is set to

lose its absolute majority

For more infomation >> Thousands gather in Berlin to protest against racism and far-right - Duration: 0:44.


White House economic adviser plays down Wall Street drop - Duration: 0:36.

Whitehouse economic adviser Larry Kudlow has played down the recent drop on Wall

Street as a normal correction he told Fox News on Sunday that he thinks the

quote background is very positive for the stock market and that people should

stay calm he also said president Truong respects

the Federal Reserve's autonomy despite last week's remarks the president made

that the Fed had gone crazy raising interest rates meanwhile Carlos

said a meeting between Trump and Chinese President seizing Ping will likely take

place at Argentina's g20 summit next month

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