Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

Hey what happen panda? This is Revientor Reborn in DCS wit an F18 of the Spanish 15 Wing

and today topic is LANDING

I am not going to speak about protocols, like a pattern, that depends on your vSquadron,

this is only a tutorial for a landing from far away to get references and learn how to land, then later you will do what you need to

first some set up, I like take out the map, some light in the pit

Do not forget to put the radar in STBY to land

on the right DDI you can set the FLCS and the Left DDI the HUD

the base is in front, as you can see I have too much fuel, and there is not weapons almost

the F18 can land hitting hard the ground, but you dont really need to crash the plane every landing, please take care of your machine

for a normal landing, set your FPM around a -3º maximal

under that more than -3º is a strong landing

I am not speaking about approaching using the tacan , but the base is already in front

do not forget set flaps to FULL, I Like take rounded numbers to easy remember them

around 300 knots is a standard number for all fighters, you can extend your landing gear and deploy your flaps

and now deploy the landing gear

there you can see the indication that the landing gear is down and flaps in full

when you deploy the flaps, there is a tendency to the nose to go down, you need to trim, you can use it with the T/O trim

and the trim is almost perfect, But now I only have to trim a littel bit more to be good

and now is almost easy to keep the FPM in the correct aoa setting to land, aroung 8º

on the left is the rabbit, and the idea is keep only the orange light on

there is the airbase, and my nose still going down, I trim up more

when you look the plane is good trimmed, then you only have to play with power to move the FPM up and down and the stick to move left or right the plane

I have the stailizator trimmed at 11º but remember that you can use the T/O trim to do this faster

in the Real Life I think this is not real, use the T/O trim... but I don´t know

may be in next updates that T/O trick do not work, but remember is just trim

look with 11 of elevator trim is good value for this fuel status

to land I like to use the FLCS page to know the values

the AOA isp erfect now

For the moment is not implemented but in the future and in RL the F18 works like that, the ATC when in landing configuration it fuction is keep the AOA not keep the speed then you can easily maneuver the plane to land, right now the pilot have to do it everything

right now I have the FPC under the runway, because I want to see the runway in the -3º of pitch and then move the FPM to that position

you have to do this closer, because now this far away my nose is going to hide the runway

speed to land the F18, you can land even at 122 knots,

the lees the plane weight the slow you can touch down

the ideal is keep the 8 of AOA

you can land at 140 knots, there is carrier on the left, I will do also a video to land in a carrier

right now because I am very low I am pointing a the end of the runway

no hands!!! Look the plane have some inertia to go down,

now the controls is perfect, if you do not trim the control of the plane with flaps full is a madness

the final touch, for example my stick is old and have some dead areas, you can use the trim to small movement if you have that problem like I have

remember I do not talk about the ATC protocols to land that is a task of your virtual squadron

altitude alert, I am quit hi but look a landing with out hands

look landing the F18 itself

if a quit strong landing with a -4º of pitch

now IDLE and that is all, let´s do some braking, do not push to the limit the brakes, because the anti skid, but looks the F18 brake really good, you can do some hard braking too, but the idea is first soft and the hard

the NWS is autoactivated, remember with the pinky you get the HI gain of the NWS

it´s quite simple, if the plane is too heavy, the landing run is longer,

be careful with that, you can always drop some fuel

the wheels are ok, and it was very hard landing, for that moment the pilot could put more power in the engines to make the landing softer

that´s all, you can control easily the plane, but using the trim,

I don´t know if the RL the F18 pilot have to trim this much, but this is a beta

remember I will do this videos again when the F18 become more final product, for that subscribe and comment below. be happy chao chao

For more infomation >> DCS F/A-18C Lot 20 - LANDING ON A RUNWAY TUTORIAL #7 - English Subtitles - Duration: 11:18.


How to get found on YouTube (5 tips to get noticed) - Duration: 6:16.

so in this video we're gonna talk about something really cool has this

little list right here and on this note I have the five things

you can do right now to stand out from the crowd on YouTube okay so first of

all of this claimer if you follow this list I can promise you one thing you'll

have better tools to kind of stand out from the crowd and yourself apart from

the other creators on this platform I'm not guaranteeing you that you're gonna

be the next Beauty pie or even that you're gonna get an extra subscriber on

this there's no idea that's all up to you but I will give you the tools to set

yourself apart better from the crowd which is essentially what we all want to

do here on YouTube right so without all the bullshit let's just dive into it

because that's what you're here for so let's cut to the chase okay so number

one on our list is being disciplined now you may ask yourself what does being

disciplined have anything to do with standing out on YouTube or big

discipline is a huge part of being successful YouTube and definitely is a

huge part of standing out from the crowd think about it this way most people on

this platform have a problem with being consistent

both with posting schedule quality and all the rest there's a lot of different

distractions in our lives kids mortgages in relationships favorite

TV shows favorite video games there's always gonna be distractions those of

you who are disciplined disciplined enough to keep the grind going even when

it's hard even when it's tough even when there are more attractive alternatives

at the moment for example a new episode coming out with Game of Thrones or a new

video game coming out on the Sony Playstation but you're still grinding

and editing despite like having like 70 views on each video that's being

disciplined and in the long run it's gonna make you stand out from your

competitors number two is knowing who you are now I

personally just made a video yesterday about how you should utilize trending

events to get views that doesn't mean that you should start an MMA channel

because of a Conor McGregor khabib murray noma get or whatever his name is

fight right the idea here and I feel it gets kind of misunderstood along the way

is not to become the trend is that other utilizing leveraging and harnessing the

strength on to your own mission focus which you love which means that if

fortnight is used right now you should not be doing fortnight game live streams

if you are a financial channel you can't be doing videos about how fortnight is

very successful financially for example so knowing who you are in staying true

to yourself and saying consistent about your own identity and brand identity is

very important that doesn't mean you should ignore trends but it also doesn't

mean that you should become trend stay who you are and still utilize

current events trends things that are kind of happening in the world that's

very important the next thing is taking yourself seriously now again this is

something that's gonna set you apart because unfortunately most creators on

this platform do not take themselves seriously that

can mean that the production quality is not good or the research is not good or

they don't post consistently or they don't have a focus or initial community

or the sponsor or they're not engaging the community it can mean a lot of

different things you take this thing seriously and you actually put in the

time and money in having great production quality research great

preparation great editing you're engaged with your community you invest time

energy mental energy planning listening and take it seriously that means you're

taking yourself seriously and it's gonna set you apart from most creators on

YouTube because one thing I can guarantee to you that if you're not

taking yourself seriously nobody will need to will the next thing I want to

talk to you about is knowing your own motives and being honest about it the

thing about it is that people think that it's a bad thing to admit that they're

on YouTube in order to get paid why I have no issues with it there's no

problem in being on YouTube because you want to get paid this is legitimate you

know purpose on YouTube I respect it there's a whole bunch of different

purposes on YouTube you want an outlet you want a hobby you want to connect

with people you like creating all of them are fine and legitimate no

one can tell you which is right and which is wrong what I can tell you is if

you lie to yourself and telling yourself stories about how you are and you tip to

create art right and essentially you were there to make money you want to get

paid after six months or a year or if you channel not making any money you're

gonna get extremely frustrated within yourself you know what I mean and then

what's gonna happen you're gonna get frustrated you're gonna become

inconsistent the content is gonna suck nobody's gonna watch your videos and

essentially your channel will die shiri essentially wasted the whole year and

what I'm saying here is that if your purpose is to make money which is

completely fine admit it to yourself and the final piece of advice I have for you

is that you are not the center of your own YouTube channel I know that sounds

ridiculous but this is really what I need you to understand the center of a

channel is not you but rather than your audience the value that you're providing

to your audience is the focal point of your channel if you want to do you on

your channel that's fine but it's a hobby right that's not something that

you want to develop into a business you just want to have an outlet or a hobby

and make videos fine that's legitimate I have no issues with it oh but if you

plan to become a business right to get a large audience to go full-time on

YouTube and you know make this into a career you have to understand that you

should not be doing you should be doing the content that serves your community

what are their values what are they looking for what kind of value couldn't

provide them in the next video in the next video in the next video for example

I am a huge gamer but this channel is all about me providing value for you

about how to do YouTube I'm not gonna post live streams of myself playing

video games on this channel makes no sense even though I'm gonna have fun

doing it

For more infomation >> How to get found on YouTube (5 tips to get noticed) - Duration: 6:16.


Давайте правильные обещания - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Давайте правильные обещания - Duration: 2:56.


PAW PATROL Toys Halloween Pumpkins for Kids - Duration: 16:59.

It's Halloween look at all the Halloween pumpkins. Are you ready to go trick-or-treat with the paw patrol?

Spider look out boys and girls

Hey Dino, pals. This is toy rex here. Let's see what toy surprise we have today

Let's have a Halloween party

Supe rDuper awesome

Rubble, are you ready to go trick or treat? I sure AM chase. What is your costume for Halloween?

Me and Skye are gonna dress up like pirate pups. That's awesome. Rubble. Let me put on my costume

Wow your costume is awesome rubble rubble on the double aye

Captain pirate Skye. It's my first base rocky. What is to the costume?

My favorite color is green

Wow Rocky your costume is super paw Patrol awesome

Now Marshall, it's your turn. What's your Halloween costume? My favorite game. Is Mario on Halloween

You're Mario Halloween costume looks so good

chase and Zuma

What is your Halloween costume me and Zuma are gonna be the paw patrol super pups paw Patrol is on the roll

Well your super pup costume looks awesome, thanks rubble now we can go trick-or-treat for candy

We have lots of pumpkins, I don't see any pumpkins anywhere that's right rubble

We need some pumpkins boys and girls. Can you help the paw patrol pups make some pumpkins for Halloween?

You guys let's make some paw patrol Halloween pumpkin crash paw Patrol is on the roll

Here's the Halloween pumpkins. Wow, this is super cool. There's even a little ghost

Vampire but lots of little spiders and a super cute kitty

Let's open up the Halloween pumpkins

This is gonna be super duper fun, let's make the pumpkin first

What color is a pumpkin the color of a pumpkin is orange and here is the shape of a pumpkin. Let's take out the pumpkin

Now we have to put on the eyes and nose and mouth. They're all over here. Let's take out the eyes first

There's one

The pumpkin has black eyes, let's put it on

Now I need one more one, two, three go

Awesome. Now this little pumpkin needs a nose and a smiley face

Let's take out the pieces here's the nose

And this is the mouth right here

Wow good job. Let's put on the new skirt


Now we need to put on his smiley face

this is

Cool, we can see the pumpkin now and the pumpkin has a green stem. Those pieces are right here



Here is the green stem

The green stem goes right up here

Wow good job boys and girls

Well, the first pumpkin is finished it looks super duper awesome

But this pumpkin is enough full circle. Let's make another pumpkin. That's a full circle

This pumpkin is a circle. It's a really big pumpkin. Let's get the eyes nose and mouth. Here's the eyes

This is the nose

And here's his smiley face mouth

Now let's put all these pieces on the pumpkin

Cheese now we have to put on the drive. Here's number one. And here's number two

And here's his nose

This pumpkin is super happy. Now. We have to put on a green stem. That's right here

Perfect get a job boys and girls but wait, there's something funny about this pumpkin. What's this shape right here?

It's the ghost. Let's check out this little ghost. He's flying on the pumpkin

Now let's put the ghost on the pumpkin

Let's find the Google guys

Do you guys see any googly eyes boys and girls. Hey they're right here Perfect. Here's is one of his eyes


Really happy and he's got big googly eyes. and he's with this special pumpkin super cool

Now let's make another

Pumpkin we'll put this one right here. We have two pumpkins time to number three

That's not a pumpkin. What's this?

Hey, can you tell me what has whiskers our long tail in two little ears and the kitty?

There's no boys and girls, there's number one and we need one more

Well, super cute, but what else does this Kitty need, it's Halloween so the kid needs a pumpkin

He's holding a little pumpkin because it's Halloween

We have one two three three pumpkins bikini we need to make one more pumpkin

Do we see a pumpkin shape here boys and girls a pumpkins orange

Hey, what's this? Well this looks like a pumpkin one more pumpkin. Let's get the eyes nose and mouth and

Here's the mouth

Awesome then we need a

Fun we need one more

Awesome and he's missing his nose

Wow this pumpkin is the biggest one and we need to put on the green stem. Here it is

Awesome now we have four pumpkins. Let's make another little goose


Then we need to find the eye. Hey, they're right over there

The goat has blue eyes. Let's put on

Little Ghost has blue eyes slowly. Do you know of another animal? That's perfect for Halloween?

It's a vampire bat.

Let's make the vampire bat. Well how he just got really big wings in two little ears? Who knows but he's missing his eyes.

Here's the first one this eye is really big

Wow, he's got one small eye and one big eye and he can fly around watch out

We have a little bit

Let's put everyone together. Whoa, we're gonna use this green piece to make the bait that's gonna put all the little pumpkins

Here's the green base. And this is a big spider web. Wow, so cool. And

That shape is perfect to make a superb a pumpkin Wow

Look at how big that pumpkin is gonna be. It's a giant

Giant pumpkin needs giant eyes

Well, his giant eye is just as big as this pumpkin. This pumpkin is going to be so cool

Rip off a sticker now. Let's put on the other

And we need one more

Awesome look at how big this pumpkin is next kitty. The nose goes right in the middle

And we're gonna put a large dot right in the middle of okay this side too and

Here is a green stem to go on the top of the big bouquet

You built the super giant pumpkin

There's two shapes up here. I wonder what shapes they are

Do you think it's the ghost that goes here you do awesome

Well, good job boys and girls. You're so smart. I wonder what shape is this?

Maybe it's the best. Let's try

Perfect now we have one giant pumpkin and a lot of little pumpkins. Let's put the pumpkins all together

Since pumpkin is missing a piece

Of the pumpkin was it yummy?

It's right here now and there's another pumpkin

Put it right here

Awesome we have two more little pumpkin. This little pumpkin is the one with the work you do

And the last little pumpkin has a super cute kitty

Awesome we finished building the pumpkin boy and girls. You guys did such a good job time for a Halloween party

Paw Patrol is on a roll good job paw patrol pups. We made all the pumpkins for Halloween

Now we can go trick or treat. Hey, where's Ryder?

Hi paw patrol pups you guys got the Halloween party already

Hey Ryder, you dress up like a paw patrol pirate - yep. I'm the captain. No Ryder

I'm the captain Oh

Ok rubble you can be the captain this time rubble on the double

And paw patrol pups you guys did such an awesome job making all these super cool pumpkins

I'm gonna give you a paw patrol surprise toys. Wow, we get Halloween paw patrol toys

Let's go paw patrol on the rule to trick-or-treat for candy. Happy Halloween

Surprise toys, there's super mario

Super wings disney Batman plants and zombies and even paw patrol candy

Awesome paw Patrol is on the roll

Which surprise toy should we open up first boys and girls. How about

this one

Cool. It's a super Mario mystery bag

you can get a sea turtle shell a red turtle shell a boo ghost a

Sharky a golden star and a green and red mushroom and there's Mario. This is so fun

I want to get the golden star. Let's open up this toy. It's pretty good time to set

Well, we got a red turtle shell super cool and this turtle shell is a ring let's put on the ring


and you know

Now let's open up this one

Super cool. There's Batman. It's Batman superheroes. There's Superman and you can get all these awesome

Rockers there's a flash


Joker Harlequin the Riddler and this is the special one. Who do you want to get boys and girls?

I want to get back one two three open

Who did we get well, this is so fun

We got Harley Quinn Wow

Harley Quinn is super happy. She's a clown with the red and black costume

She loves to play jokes on Batman and she's really good friends with Joker Harley is her nickname

And this Harlequin is a special rocker. She can do it really good spin watch this

one two three spin

Wow good job Harley now. Let's open up this surprise toy. This one is Disney. That's so cool

You can get a lot of Disney toys. There's Simba

Buzz lightyear, alien Pluto Rex baymax and Mickey and Minnie - that's awesome. Let's open up this toy

Who are we gonna get??

Here we go Wow

We go Simba. Oh, he looks so cool

From the movie Lion King, he's best friends with Pumbaa and Timon. Let's sing Hakuna Matata

To be the king of the jungle

And this is a super cool paw patrol candy lollipops you can get Paw Patrol Marshall

Chase and Skye. Let's open up these candies for Halloween

Here we go down friends. Awesome. This is a cheese candy

Chase blue the police pop and then well we got sky

Looks really yummy. Yummy. She's got purple hair and pink eyes

They're both lollipops and the last one is paw Patrol Marshall

These paw patrol candies are super yummy yummy and they're perfect for Halloween. Which one is your favorite? My favorite one is



Let's open up some more toys. How about we open up the plants and zombies?

Perfect for Halloween, you can get all these special plants and all these scary zombies

Which team are you on team plant?

or team Zombie who's gonna win if the zombie gets the plant then the plants are in big trouble

Let's open up. This toy snippy snippy snippy time snip snip snip snip snip

super fun

Awesome. We got a green plant. That's so cool

This little plant is all green with four leaves and he comes with a little green seed

We can use this when the zombies come let's go play

Wow cool

We still have one more awesome toy. It's the super Wings so fun

This is the super Wings flip and fly with dizzy. She can go zoom

Here we go super cool

Dizzy's inside and ready to fly out. one, two, three. Oh, wow. That was cool

He's busy. She's a super super cute pink

Helicopter and here is her helicopter propellers. Wow. She's a super wing

That means she can fly really high and flood it super fast

Let's put her back inside this pink egg and have her fly again

Paw Patrol is on a roll

Super fun the paw patrol pups made all these awesome pumpkins for a Halloween and they got all these awesome surprise toys

My favorite was the paw patrol candy yum yummy for Halloween

Let's watch the next Toy Rex video and have a happy Halloween with the paw patrol

Thanks for watching. Dino pals. You guys are awesome

for more awesome surprises with me click here and

Give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> PAW PATROL Toys Halloween Pumpkins for Kids - Duration: 16:59.


LUX - Time To Say 😍 - Duration: 3:07.

LUX - Time To Say

For more infomation >> LUX - Time To Say 😍 - Duration: 3:07.


Beauty vlogger Shalom Blac on never being in a relationship - Duration: 3:28.

-Love is an intense emotion.

Let me start over. I am Shalom Blac.

I am about to tell a story that I've never told before,

so here we go.

I am a burn survivor

and a beauty influencer here on YouTube.

I have faced a lot of challenges.

I got burned at 9 years old in Nigeria

I started attending school, got bullied.

That pushed me to suicidal thoughts

and, funny enough, I decided to create a YouTube channel.

I think it's so much easier for me

to be vulnerable on my YouTube channel

to millions of people than to being vulnerable to one person.

The last time I wanted to pursue a romantic relationship

with someone was probably 2015, and it's 2018.

The reason why my last time of pursing a relationship

was that long is because I was truly hurt

'cause I thought the person actually loved me.

That's why.

I am 22 years old

and I have never experienced an actual relationship.

I believe the way that I look plays a significant role.

Many times, guys are embarrassed to be seen with me.

We are either hanging in the house

or going to late-night movies.

In some cases, they just wanted sex.

It makes me very afraid to love or be loved.

I used to be very excited when somebody hit me up and tell me,

"Oh, you know what? Come over".

I guess, at the time, I honestly didn't know my worth.

The older I get, I realize that I don't want that.

If you're embarrassed to be seen with me,

then you will not see me, you know?

Finding self-love, for me, wasn't easy.

I wanted to be comfortable in my skin.

I didn't wanna have to get validation from people for me

to be able to be myself or live my life.

A lot of the time, we see somebody that is considered

"beautiful" or the standard of "beauty"

that social media has put out there.

That makes you feel less-than.

Being able to see me with my scars

and being so open about it and being happy about life

because I feel like looks

should not be the most important thing in a person's life.

I don't think love is scary,

but, with experience, so far, in life,

it's just not something that I crave.

My feelings about love can change

and I am open to actually experience it.

I just need to put my guards down, just slightly.

When you can come across a stranger and decide

that you want to live your life, for the rest of your life,

with that person, it's crazy to me,

but I feel like it's also freakin' amazing.

I just feel like I'm not mentally

and emotionally ready for that,

yet, but, I would love to experience love.

For more infomation >> Beauty vlogger Shalom Blac on never being in a relationship - Duration: 3:28.


Chaser of three pistons #19 - BMW time! and fastest VW Passat - Duration: 2:42.

BMW drivers is only ones, with worse reputation then cyclists

If BMW coming

The line is not the wall...

No lights in turn signals...

For more infomation >> Chaser of three pistons #19 - BMW time! and fastest VW Passat - Duration: 2:42.


Emekliler Nasıl 3 Maaş Alabilir? Özgür Erdursun Anlattı - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Emekliler Nasıl 3 Maaş Alabilir? Özgür Erdursun Anlattı - Duration: 5:10.


5 Beautiful Birds That Are Hard To Believe Are Real - Duration: 4:05.

5 Beautiful Birds That Are Hard To Believe Are Real.

Number 5.

The Himalayan monal, also known as the Impeyan monal, Impeyan pheasant, is a bird in the

pheasant family, Phasianidae.

It is the national bird of Nepal, where it is known as the danphe, and state bird of

Uttarakhand India, where it is known as the monal.

The himalayan monal is a relatively large-sized pheasant, about 70 centimetres long.

The adult male has multicoloured plumage throughout, while the female, as in other pheasants, is

dull in colour.

Notable features in the male include a long, metallic green crest, coppery feathers on

the back and neck, and a prominent white rump that is most visible when the bird is in flight.

The tail feathers of the male are uniformly rufous, becoming darker towards the tips,

whereas the lower tail coverts of females are white, barred with black and red.

Number 4.

Male Mandarin ducks are possibly the most colorful of the entire lot of birds.

It has a red bill and a red face, along with a large white crescent above the eye.

The chest is purple lined with two vertical white bars.

The flanks have two orange "sails" at the back.

The female Mandarin duck is much less striking in comparison.

Though their numbers are dwindling in China and Russia as a result of export and destruction

of habitat, Mandarin ducks can be found in small numbers

all over the world, including Japan, the United States, and Great Britain.

Number 3.

Quetzals are native to the humid highlands of Mexico and Guatemala, and belong to the

trogon family.

These birds have an iridescent green coloring on their wings, chest, and head, while their

belly is a shade of fiery red.

Females are colored slightly different, with hints of brown and gray.

The Resplendent Quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala and is also the name of the currency.

Also, this species, along with the Eared Quetzal are facing a Near-Threatened status.

Number 2.

Also known as diamond pheasant, Lady Amherst's pheasant is native to southwestern China and

far northern Myanmar, but has been introduced elsewhere.

The adult male is 100-120 cm (23 in.) in length, its tail accounting for 80 cm of the total length

It is unmistakable with its nuchal cape white black, with a red crest.

The long grey tail and rump is red, blue, dark green, white and yellow plumage.

The "cape" can be raised in display.

This species is closely related to the golden pheasant, but has a yellow eye, blue-green

bare skin around it.

The bill is horn-coloured and they had blue-gray legs.

Despite the male's showy appearance, these birds are very difficult to see in their natural habitat,

which is dense, dark forests with thick undergrowth.

Whilst they can fly, they prefer to run, but if startled they can suddenly burst upwards

at great speed, with a distinctive wing sound.

Number 1.

The Birds-of-paradise comprise several species known for the brightly-colored plumage of

the male members.

These birds are native to the forests of New Guinea and its neighboring islands, where

where they make up respectable count.

Here is Lesser Bird-of-paradise, which is maroon with a yellow crown and a brownish-yellow

upper back.

The males have a dark emerald-green throat, a pair of long tail-wires comprising ornamental

flank plumes which are deep yellow at their base, going ombre on the outward.

For more infomation >> 5 Beautiful Birds That Are Hard To Believe Are Real - Duration: 4:05.



For more infomation >> T-SHİRTÜMÜ YIRTIYORDUM :( | PES 2019 ONLİNE KLASMAN MAÇI - Duration: 17:15.


COMO EMAGRECER AS PERNAS GORDAS EM 21 DIAS: 4 Exercícios para Afinar as Pernas e Coxas - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> COMO EMAGRECER AS PERNAS GORDAS EM 21 DIAS: 4 Exercícios para Afinar as Pernas e Coxas - Duration: 4:41.


Te Amo | Erin Zaman | Ibrar Tipu | Bangla New Song | Love Song | Video Song | Official - Duration: 5:09.


For more infomation >> Te Amo | Erin Zaman | Ibrar Tipu | Bangla New Song | Love Song | Video Song | Official - Duration: 5:09.


Meine MORGENROUTINE ♥ - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Meine MORGENROUTINE ♥ - Duration: 3:36.


LES BROWN - ARE YOU STUCK? (Powerful Motivational Video) - Duration: 18:19.

LES BROWN>> see let me share something with you the easiest thing I've ever done was to earn

a million dollars the most difficult thing I've ever done was to believe it

could happen to me that was the most difficult part to believe that given my

circumstances if my birth parents came down this hour right now I would not

know either one if my daddy came up here but my mother came up here given the

fact that I was born an abandoned building on a floor being labeled

educable mentally retarded not having any college training I used to feel all

my life that people who had college degrees were more intelligent than me I

remember going to see the late dr. norman vincent peale the author of the

book the power of positive thinking and I used to look at him up on stage and I

said I could do that I would love to talk to people I'd love to talk to

people and I said I could do that but then when I started going back to my car

my mental conditioning activated itself and it says let's frown you can't do

that you don't have a college education let's Ron you can't do that you don't

have the training you'll never work for a major corporation you can do that what

makes you think you can earn five ten fifteen twenty thousand dollars in an

hour you don't earn that not working for two or three months what makes you think

that you can speak for AT&T Proctor and Gamble McDonald's Corporation General

Electric these are clients I have that you've never even worked for them how

many you ever thought about something you wanted to do and you talked yourself

out of iterates your hand if you know what I'm talking about that inner

conversation is what's going to haunt you

that in the process of working on your dreams you are going to incur and incur

a lot of disappointment a lot of failure a lot of pain a lot of setbacks a lot of

defeats but in the process of doing that you will discover some things about

yourself that you don't know right now what you will realize is that you have

greatness within you what you'll realize is that you're more powerful than you

can ever begin to imagine what you will realize is that you're greater than your

circumstances that you don't have to go through life being a victim as jack

indicated I was born in Miami Florida in the area called Liberty City in an

abandoned building on a hardened Olien floor

with my twin brother we were 6 weeks of age we were adopted when I was in fifth

grade I was identified as EMR labeled educable mentally retarded put back from

the fifth grade into the fourth grade and stayed in that category until I got

out of high school I don't have any college training but I met a high school

teacher who one day changed my life I was waiting on another student and when

he came in he said to me young man go to the board and write what I'm about to

tell you and I said I can't do that turn he said why not I said I'm not one of

your students he said it doesn't matter follow my directions down I said I can't

do that sir he said why not I said because I'm magica bula mentally

retarded and he came from behind his desk and he looked at me he said don't

ever say that again someone's opinion of you does not have

to become your reality I do a lot of training for many corporations and I

conduct sales seminars and I've heard all kind of guys doing techniques and

training people techniques of how to close sales and how to work within and

begin to control the the sale and how to ask for the clothes let me share

something with you you can learn all the techniques in the world if you don't

believe in yourself it won't happen for you

I learned all of it so that's why I do a training called focus on the seller

you've got to focus on you and as you convince you as you sell yourself every

day every day every day you will begin to see a difference in the things that

you're doing selling yourself on your ability to perform a job to achieve a

certain objective telling yourself every day here I go again

and I've got what it takes this is my day and nothing out here is going to

stop me the other thing is take full responsibility for your life except

where you are and the responsibility that you're going to take yourself where

you want to go so once that we have two primary choices in life

we can either accept conditions as they exist or we can take the responsibility

to change them see a lot of people want to exempt themselves from taking

responsibility all they want to do is talk about the problem every time you

see them they'll tell you their story over and over and over and over again no

no you want to take responsibility for your life I got me here I can get me out

of this and I'm getting out I'm not going to be a volunteer victim George

Bernard Shaw said there are two kinds of people in life you know he said those

that make things happen those that watch things happen and those that don't know

what happened and he said the people to get alone in

this life look around for the circumstances that they want and if they

can't find them they make up they creator so part of beginning to get

unstuck you've got to decide that the behavior pattern that you have adopted

doesn't work for you you've got to change your strategies and changing your

strategy means reinventing your life

recreating you and you have the power to do that you can decide that you're going

to change that you're not going to be a wimp

you can decide that you're going to stand up to life

you can decide that I'm going to live each day as if it were my last you can

you have the power to make that decision you can decide I'm going to work on

myself and develop myself I'm going to empower me and all of these things that

are happening to me right now they're just temporary inconveniences they're

not stronger than I am I'm in charge here overcoming the

negative conversation that inner dialog is going on all the time all the time

even when you don't want it to be there you can't stop yourself right now from

thinking you can't do it it's going on and so learning how to empower yourself

part of doing that is standing up to yourself you've got to stand up inside

yourself sometimes and say shut up

you've got to do this I was going to give a presentation and this voice

inside of me saying you can't do this you don't have everything it takes us

shut up I'm behind on my bills and you telling me what I can't do I have got to

do it

you get scared sometimes your mind will go blink on you

some people will you will allow to unnerve you and you wonder what's wrong

with me I'm not crazy that's why you've got to learn to make a conscious

deliberate determined effort to stand up inside yourself working on yourself

watching that inner dialogue you will determine the quality of your life next

thing is that you've got to activate the thinker in you don't allow your emotions

to control you we are emotional but we you want to begin to discipline your

emotion if you don't discipline and contain your emotions they will use you

your mind goes on automatic just like a guard you know I loved reading the book

call has a manthe kid by James Allen he uses the analogy of the mind being like

a garden you know weeds don't have to have any encouragement to grow you don't

have to water them they don't have to get sunshine they don't have to have

fertile ground they will grow through the cracks of a sidewalk am i right but

if you want to grow orchids or roses or any kind of exotic flowers there are

special processes and procedures you must go through well by the same token

you don't have to force yourself or motivate yourself to think negatively to

be depressed to hate somebody to want revenge you want to get back at somebody

to beat yourself up over the head to feel loaded with guilt you don't have to

make any effort to do that your mind is on automatic it will do that by itself

but if you want to begin to move into your own personal greatness if you want

to begin to really enjoy a happy successful healthy life you've got to be

willing to go against the tide you've got to be willing to harness your will

and say in spite of this I'm in control here I'm not gonna let this get me down

I'm not gonna let this destroy me I'm coming back and I'll be stronger and

better because of it you have got to make a declaration that this is what you

stand for your standing up for your dreams

your standing up for peace of mind your standing up for health you want it and

you're going to go all out to have it it's not going to be easy when you want

to change it's not easy if it were in fact easy everybody to do it but if

you're serious you'll go all out I don't care how good you are to hear how

talented you are I don't care how much you work on yourself there sometimes

when things aren't going to go right they just I'm not going to go right

there are times when anything that can't happen will happen Murphy's Law will be

knocking at your door why I don't know why that's called life

and you have to deal with it sometimes your life will be in a slump just like

sports some of the best shooters can't hit baskets different times and games

they get in a slump do they sit on the sidelines and say you know I just did

hit a basket today no they continue to execute I suggest to

you that if you are facing a challenge don't stop

stay busy work your plan continue to do those things that you know that work for

you after you have evaluated yourself in the situation continue to move stay busy

stay busy stay busy I was working on a job and I came home one day I was

married at the time not to my former wife I said that guy Burt I work for is

stupid she said if he's so stupid why does he

sign your paycheck now you see why I divorced er right

I couldn't stand her that night I could not sleep well here was a guy that was

controlling my life I was going through all kind of changes because this man

controlled my paycheck and it was Carlyle who said truth crushed to earth

shall rise again Winston Churchill said the truth is incontrovertible malice

mere tacit ignorant smae derided but at the end there is and we know scripture

that says he shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free and the

truth that I had to come to grips with that I wasn't in charge of my destiny

the truth was that I wasn't giving all that I had the truth was that there are

some things that I wanted to do but I didn't have the courage to act on those

things and the truth was that Birchall's was a blessing to me he made life so

miserable for me I had to start looking at my life differently I started going

to work earlier I started being the last one to leave there I started working

harder than anybody else the other guys could not why would you work so hard

less I said I'm not working for them I have been cheating Burt I thought I've

been cheating myself and my family wherever you are whatever you're doing

do it with everything that you have develop the habit of giving more than

what you're paid for develop the habit of setting standards and others will be

measured by someone said do not go where the path may lead but go where there is

no path and leave a trail I'm saying this is a time more than ever that you

want to begin to inoculate yourself with positive words coming to conventions

showing up on meetings being on the calls to make yourself unstoppable to

get out of your mind the polluting negative thoughts that's causing most

people to go through life being stuck because their volunteer victims somebody

said that many people died aged 25 and don't get buried until they're 65

because they got so much garbage in their minds you are here because

you've got a clear vision of what you want and where you're going give

yourselves a round of applause come on bring energy level up yes yes you want

more you want more you're different you're different than everybody else

don't worry if they don't get it don't try and convince people to do this

business a person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still

you are not like everybody else you can walk outside and find pigeons but if

you're looking for Eagles it's going to take you a minute

you are different it's lonely at the top how many of you know as lonely at the

top razor has it's lonely at the top but you eat better that's what I'm talking

about you're different one great entrepreneur said I choose not

to be a common man it's my right to be uncommon if I can I'll seek opportunity

not security I do not wish to be a kept citizen humbled and dull by having the

state look after me I want to take the calculated risk to dream and to bill to

fail and to succeed I refuse to live from hand to mouth I prefer the

challenges of life to the guaranteed existence the thrill of fulfillment to

the still calm of utopia I will never cower before in master nor bin to any

threat it's my heritage to stand erect proud and unafraid the face the world

boldly and say this I have done you showed up because you're building of

business that you can stand and say I did this I did this this is my dream

give yourselves a round of applause yes yes yes yes Todd changing your life

it was hard when just over three years ago in the Penobscot building in Detroit

Michigan where I was operating my business and I fell on some hard times

and I was sleeping in my office it was hard coming into the lobby and

the security said scuse me mr. Brown can we see you for a moment and I said yes

and I walked up to the counter and he gave me an envelope and he said would

you mind reading it here and I opened the envelope and the envelope was from

management that says this is an office tower it's not a hotel please

do not sleep in your office and I said excuse me sir I said I just worked long

hours and creating my business I'm an entrepreneur and right now things are

bad for me but they're not going to be this way always and I just asked for the

opportunity to continue to operate like I'm doing I'm not trying to make this my

home and it was hard coming through the lobby and sometimes they would laugh

there's a guy talking about becoming successful and look at him he's bathing

in the bathroom upstairs on the 21st floor he sleeps on the floor him and two

other dreamers up there look at him it was hard ladies and gentlemen coming to

speak to people and I was facing financial difficulties in my own life I

was behind on my bills and my dreams and I'm saying to them you can live your

dream it was hard ladies and gentlemen it was very difficult to pick myself up

each day believing that I can do it there were times that I doubted myself I

said God why why is this happening to me I'm just trying to take care of my

children and my mother I'm not trying to steal a Rob from anybody how did this

have to happen to me it was very hard and here's what I want to say to you for

those of you that have experienced some hardships don't give up on your dream no

one could have convinced me by holding on by continuing to push forward by

continuing to run toward my dream that one day I would have my own talk show

it's a long shot ladies and gentlemen from Liberty City an abandoned building

on the floor never knowing my mother or father it's a long shot being here with

you today in this dome in Atlanta it's a long shot no college training labeled

educable mentally retarded but I kept running toward my dream

goes down

goats down

don't stop running to watch your dream

For more infomation >> LES BROWN - ARE YOU STUCK? (Powerful Motivational Video) - Duration: 18:19.


PLEIADIANOS - Instruções à Humanidade (alimentação; crianças) - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> PLEIADIANOS - Instruções à Humanidade (alimentação; crianças) - Duration: 6:09.


Lego | Construction Trucks | Preschool Learning - Duration: 9:10.

The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish. swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish, all through the town!

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. beep, beep beep, beep, beep, beep.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. all through the town!

The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah!

The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! all through the town!

The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh!

The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! all through the town!

The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

For more infomation >> Lego | Construction Trucks | Preschool Learning - Duration: 9:10.


Katy Perry-Hey Hey Hey-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18 - Duration: 3:41.

Katy Perry-Hey Hey Hey-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18

Katy Perry-Hey Hey Hey-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18

Katy Perry-Hey Hey Hey-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18

For more infomation >> Katy Perry-Hey Hey Hey-Full Video Song-MusicBoX 18 - Duration: 3:41.


MATの制服を30分で簡単DIY@Amazon開封Mat uniform @ Easy DIY in 30 minutes - Duration: 32:02.

For more infomation >> MATの制服を30分で簡単DIY@Amazon開封Mat uniform @ Easy DIY in 30 minutes - Duration: 32:02.


How To Register Your Mobile Phone To Pta Before 20 October 2018 - By NOMAN GUJJAR - Duration: 4:33.



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