Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

Welcome back everyone, it's me. Danny Burke aka the guy who tells scary stories

But only have a ten of them at once today's video is a top ten scary

YouTube videos with hidden messages now

I've scoured very dark places of YouTube to bring you some of the creepiest things I've ever seen on this site

Honestly, I think if YouTube actually knew about some of these videos they'd have taken them down. So see what you think now

I'm holding these yes, because just before we get into this I want to say thank you to our sponsor Jellicoe

They've just brought out this this is the MV zero to one ergonomic Mouse

It's perfectly designed to go easy on your hands fingers and wrists when using this mouse

Jenny cone believes that an ergonomic Mouse keeps your hands in a healthy posture and that arm alignment

minimizes any stress or tension from building up they say this can significantly reduce the risk of developing a

repetitive strain injury this egg moment Mouse is designed with a scrolling wheel to the side of the mouse to reduce grip tension and a

Slanted angle to reduce wrist strain Jenny comb is hoping to make affordable but quality economic Mouse's for everyone

I've been testing it out

But it's really cool because it lifts your wrist up in a way that actually makes using your mouse a much nicer experience

It's also really lightweight, which I like it comes in black then there's white and blue

My favorite is blue. I think I take this one home, but I also like either two as well

Thanks though to Jellicoe

Make sure you check out the fantastic new MV zero to one ergonomic Mouse using the link in a description box below

Starting off at number 10. Now we have punishment. This is a very strange video uploaded in 2017. It's unlisted meaning it

Can't be found by searching for it

You already have to have the link to even see it the title and description are a jumble of letters and numbers

And a video itself sounds like this

That's creepy on its own and then it gets even weirder some reddit users realize that the title and the description

Were actually written in a rotation code

That means that all the letters have been kind of pushed along the alphabet in the same amount in this case

The number was 8 they then reverse this and found the true message

It reads the sacrifice of Henry lesser and Igor red repressed the memories of trauma with drugs blue militaristic

Training and decimation of the Ming green denial of events and atrocities committed against them yellow personas

compartmentalised the pink core personality

entirely destroyed

Your trigger is Spider Man

The title was also translated to punishment also during the video. There is a code that appears on the screen which translates to

Spider-man and Elsa are your friends and this has led many to think that the video is some sort of subliminal

Message linked to the whole spider-man and Elsa

Conspiracy on YouTube that's honestly a topic for a whole other video

We don't have time today

But you guys should go and research it if you're interested in this so far next up number 9 now, we have 11 B X

137 one that's the name of this very bizarre video that spread online in early 2015. Here's a segment from it

The black and white part is two minutes in length

It features a person wearing a plague doctor costume in a run-down building in a forest

They hold up a hand with an irregular blinking light

One of the most noticeable things about this video is the continuous buzzing sound that can be heard in the background

some reported that it sounded like someone was repeatedly saying I would love to kill you one Reddit user created a

Spectrogram of the sound and found both text and images concealed within it one part

Simply said you are already dead

the images depicted women being mutilated and

Tortured leading people to think that this was actually the work of a serial killer these fears seem to be confirmed when later research found

still images from the horror film the bunny game another one from the German film slasher and also a picture of a

victim of the Boston Strangler in the years since its discovery people have continued to try and decode the video and

Discover its meaning if you look this one up yourself. You can find much more about it

some of it is too dark to even mention in this video and that's me saying that moving on to the 8th now we have

rubber Johnny

This video was originally uploaded in

2005 and began circulating in emails before appearing on YouTube video claims to document Johnny a 16 year old

Inbred mutant who has been locked up in a pitch-black basement by his ashamed

Parents other than Johnny the only living thing we see in the basement is his dog

The video shows Johnny descending into a kind of madness

It's eventually morphed into this creepy drum and bass video that seems to get weirder with every second

Next up number seven now we have Daisy

unwinds this is a

very disturbing video uploaded to YouTube in 2015

It's actually part of a series of video all with the name Daisy in their title

The videos were removed from YouTube

But some people had already downloaded a few to upload later and this is one of them in this video

We see a body bag laying in a bathtub a masked man feeds the body back with a spoon from a bowl

Backwards music plays as well a 41 seconds in the man starts banging his head a split second later

We see a message on the screen. Well, it says piece together the worst to find

It's part of a poem about death. The video has raised more questions than answers. What does it all mean?

Who exactly uploaded it and perhaps most disturbingly is that body back real?

We've got number 6 now. We have sad Satan

This is a video from 2015 that appears to show a game from the deep web known as sad

Satan the uploader claims to have found it on a deep web forum

The file was signed only with the initials Z K the file showed no signs of malware. And so the uploader played it

This is the recording that he took of the game

Pretty eerie

most of the game features the player just

Walking down these dark hallways with sort of creepy psychedelic sounds being played accompanied with the players


This pattern seems to go on for a long time

Interrupted only by strange black and white photos towards the end of the video the audio also starts to include allow

Rumble with what sounds like voices slowed down further on we see that the maze is full of childlike

Creatures occasionally a white screen will flash up with a message written in wingdings a reddit user

Translated them to find messages such as I can track. You kill kill and kill again. You are on my list Heil

666 and

Sad people died the uploader eventually deleted the whole game off his computer leaving the internet still trying to decipher its dark

messages next up a number 5 now we have a dining room or there is

Nothing. This video has been around almost as long as YouTube itself has existed

It was uploaded in

2006 and has been

Freaking people out ever see then the woman stares at the camera with a blank face and utters some gibberish words

Then seemingly out of nowhere she drops her face right into her own bowl later on in the video

She lifts her head up and says to the camera

There is nothing this video is scary enough by itself

But then people realize a few things about it the second half of the video is an exact mirror of the first only in

Reverse it's supposed to be played on a loop going round and round for infinity

They say this video tells the story of our desire to know what happens

After death when the woman in the video falls into her bowl, she dies. She returns to utter the words

There is nothing as in there is nothing after death. No heaven

No, hell no afterlife life and death are just an endless cycle. Just like the video itself

Moving on from before now we have 16 that's the title of this unlisted video on YouTube which has been viewed over 8,000 times

It's very disturbing but in a way you can't quite put your finger on why it's from the perspective of a person

Watching people on a swing a fuzzy wind sound blows in the background along with a single

monotone noise

The people in the video don't seem to be aware that they are being filmed they walk over to some other people in the park

And then the image freezes a strange motive sounds while this happens as 16 seconds a single frame shows the words

you've met

The video then resumes for a few more seconds before ending at the 25 second market in the seven years since it's been uploaded many

People are trying to discern who uploaded this why they did it and what that message of you've met really means honestly

Part of me doesn't even want to know moving on to number three now. We have I feel fantastic

This is a piece of absolute nightmare fuel that I have talked about before on this channel

It was first uploaded in 2009 by creepy block a channel

which has not uploaded a single video since it features a mannequin like character known as

Tara the Android who sings a song through a voice simulator

The result is haunting transfixing and repulsive all at the same time

Tarr the Android remained motionless

Throughout but it's seen in a number of different positions

one of the only big

changes in shots comes when the camera

Snaps to an outdoor location that looks like the edge of some woods one of the songs lyrics includes the words run run run run

now naturally people felt there was more to this video than meets the eye some people believe that the crater is a

Murderer who killed a woman named Tara and dressed up that doll in her clothes

they say the outdoor shot is of where she was buried this theory was strengthened when people found that the

Description is a cryptic reference to the Greek legend of Pygmalion

He was a sculptor that created a statue of a woman for himself because he felt that all women were tainted

Perhaps the person who made this video felt that the real Tara didn't live up to his expectations

And this doll is the first step towards bringing her back to life. We've got number two. Now we have

Transfiguration, this is a bizarre video

Posted to YouTube in 2008 by oliver de psychos and it starts off fairly tame Oliver is seen muttering some words

He then begins to cover himself in layers of material the painting and sculpting

Continues for nine minutes and begins to look more and more horrific with each layer

Oliver himself seems to be losing his mind some people believe there is a hidden message along the way in this video

What is this half-human half-beast creature? We see being created before us

What does it mean at the end when his mental state seems to crash and crumble with every swing of his head?

Perhaps that's for you to decipher

And finally number one now, we have street walking

That's the name of this video

Uploaded by chez Saint John now if you've been around on YouTube for as long as I have you may recognize that name

The surreal videos fascinated the original YouTube community back in 2006 and 2007 for many though

They are very creepy Street walking is a notoriously weird video. Just take a look

She's buying her stairway to heaven J st

John has remained burned into the memories of everyone who watched this the first time around and all the other videos

The character always wears a series of wigs and dresses and has wooden hands on sticks

It's thought the character lost her arms and legs in a horrific car accident

Now some diehard members of the community are convinced that this Shay st

John was actually more real than people know and the videos like this contain clues as to what dark events really went on

Well, I really enjoyed that one, honestly

I've done quite a few videos about scary YouTube videos and this has been my favorite one

I found new ones that I've never seen before and now I already want to forget them basically

What do you think though? And before I want to go?

I also want to say thank you again to jelly carrion for sponsoring this video

Be sure to check out their new mv0 to want economic mouse using the link in a description box

I know you guys don't see me other than while I'm in front of a camera like this

But the vast majority of my day is spent

Sitting in front of a computer and a mouse like the MV 0 to 1 is gonna help me a lot with my wrist

It's honestly one of the most comfortable Mouse's I've ever used mice

Anyway, it helps stop repetitive strain injuries

Which could only be a good thing if you do use a computer for any amount of time in your daily life

I highly suggest you check out the MV 0 to 1 using the link in the description

Thanks again to Julie Cohen for sponsoring this video. Thanks as always to you guys for watching it. My name is Danny Burke

I will see you all in the next video

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Youtube Videos With Hidden Meanings - Duration: 13:11.



Here is your Paul Bunyan!

Hey everybody! This is Randy Santel, "Atlas" and I've got

601 food challenge wins in 20 countries around the world! I want to thank you all

for watching and supporting and subscribing to our channel! This is day

one of our official 2018 Summer, Eastern Canada, Europe, and Asia tour! I'm

getting amped up and getting my stomach ready by doing a few challenges around

the state of Michigan! First tonight I am in Weidman, Michigan I'm at Elly May's

Diner I'm taking on their Paul Bunyan Breakfast Challenge! Now this thing is

massive! The base layer is a massive! about one inch thick huge pancake, and

then on top of this is a whole bunch of bacon! I think there's like 12 or 13

slices equal to about a pound, a pound and a half then there's some delicious

sausage, then we've got six eggs, and I went with sunny-side up for the eggs.

I've got one hour to finish this thing! if I fail it's gonna be 16 dollars but

if I win I'll get the meal free I'll get a sweet t-shirt and I will be the second

person with their photo posted up on their Wall of Fame!

Let's get this challenge started!

All right Elly May's Diner here in Weidman they've got three food challenges

actually, they've got a 12-egg omelet, they've got a massive undefeated burger,

but I've done tons of burgers already so I wanted to do this delicious-looking

breakfast, I've already done some challenges on this trip, but I filmed

them all for Friday videos that we posted throughout the summer so if you

haven't checked all those out the links are down in the description, but only one

person is beating this challenge, they don't know what the record is so we just

got to beat it within the hour let's see! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom! Alright knock out

some of this meat first then we'll move on to the pancake!

I decided to get all this meat down now this Bacon's really delicious! it's like

a maple smoked bacon by Hormel which is just awesome! We're gonna get the bacon

then we'll do the rest of the sausage!

Just a little bit left.

11 minutes and 40 seconds in, the about three pounds of meats and eggs are all

gone, now we just have this massive pancake, so we got a little bit of syrup.

don't want to use too much cuz I'm on a diet, but then we've got our diet coke to

help get it all down. Delicious so far let's become the second winner!

this is not a thin pancake

Just over 21 minutes in, we just have a little bit left switched to a new diet

cola get them get it all down!

They got a salad bar here that look delicious I might have to check that out


Last two bites, 28 minutes 20 seconds in every time I do a big pancake challenge

I'm reminded of why don't do them that often!

As bad as I feel it'll be much worse later once all this sets up like

concrete, but right now we're gonna be victorious! Delicious, delicious, challenge

I am really happy with the strategy I use I got all the meats down first, along

with those eggs! Thank you guys all for coming and stand to watch thank you guys

for watching too!

For more infomation >> ULTIMATE PANCAKE BREAKFAST FOOD CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 7:10.


RAFONIX o swoich wrażeniach NA GALI! - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> RAFONIX o swoich wrażeniach NA GALI! - Duration: 11:51.


All known promos for the animated series | Cybersix - Duration: 4:01.

If you feel danger's grip

Should its shadow consume you

Breathe deep and always remember

I am your sworn protector

Just don't call me "missy"


We know what you're saying:

"I could do this..."

"...I was in tumbling for two years."

You know what?

We believe you.

So put on your...

...rubber suit...

...flowing cape...

...spike heels...

...and join in!


Teletoon warns there is no proof hats, capes or high heels will enhance your fighting or rooftop leaping abilities.

Same goes for flouride.

Who is she?

Is she a hero?


Premieres saturday August 19th at 8:30, only on Fox Kids

Who is she?

Superhuman strength

Catch her you worthless mutants!


All new next Saturday morning at 7:30, only on Fox Kids

Am I who you want?

She's gonna change the face of superheroes everywhere

For more infomation >> All known promos for the animated series | Cybersix - Duration: 4:01.


Fall Out Boy - Immortals (BTS - Not Today & Mic Drop) Captions on - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Fall Out Boy - Immortals (BTS - Not Today & Mic Drop) Captions on - Duration: 3:12.


Dmitry Medvedev's Address to Foreign Investors - Duration: 7:19.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

We usually in the middle of autumn hold a meeting of our council.

We openly discuss the most important topics, the latest trends in global markets and your work in Russia.

We are working on the steps that are needed to make our cooperation mutually beneficial and long-term.

Next year we will celebrate 25 years from the day our council was created.

This is a solid time already.

And by the way, he talks about the effectiveness of the activities of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council and its great benefits - both for the Government and, I hope, for business.

We are interested in such communication and we try to support it.

We see that many investors retain interest in our country.

It's clear.

Our economy, despite all kinds of restrictions, continues to grow.

Not only GDP increases, but also a whole range of economic indicators.

This includes industrial output, freight turnover, and investments in fixed capital, and export figures.

And inflation remains at a level that allows you to maintain macroeconomic stability.

We cherish this.

Government foreign debt is decreasing.

Financial reserves do not decrease, but accumulate.

And for the first time in several years, we have prepared a draft budget surplus.

Someone, for well-known reasons, left our market, following the political conjuncture.

But others, on the contrary, have become more willing to go to the localization of production.

They call their traditional suppliers from other countries to Russia and establish contacts with local businesses.

And this has a positive effect on the cost of production.

The companies that are represented in our council continue to conduct their business in various fields, from mining to the modernization of the municipal infrastructure.

They invest money in the development of the most modern technologies, new technologies, including green technologies, they are conducting social and educational projects, for which I sincerely thank everyone.

It really is very important to us.

Our current meeting is taking place at a very interesting moment for our country.

Russia has launched a new stage of economic development.

Its main objectives were set in May decree of the President.

We have adopted the Main Directions of the Government for the period up to 2024 - a document that is the main work plan of the Government for the next six years.

We plan to achieve a stable development of the country and increase the incomes of people and the standard of living.

But for this you need to transform the economy.

This task is not the easiest.

Here we rely primarily on innovation, digital technology, to support the creation of high-tech industries and new infrastructure.

Despite the difficult foreign policy situation, we interact with foreign investors.

Our economy still remains generally open to capital, new projects, and innovations.

Our goal is to increase the inflow of investments in fixed assets to the level of 25% of gross domestic product per year.

We have prepared a plan for this topic.

We pay considerable attention to the involvement of private capital in various projects.

I mean not only Russian, but also foreign private capital.

The plan, of course, is based on the results of our previous efforts to improve the investment climate.

Since our last meeting, Russia has grown in two ratings at once.

These are ratings that relate to business.

I mean Doing Business (World Bank rating) and the Global Competitiveness Index (there we were in the 40th and 43rd places, respectively, and now in the 35th and 38th).

It is clear that this is not an ideal situation, but it is significantly better than it was a few years ago.

And the most important thing is that there is a trend, there is a movement in the right direction.

We will continue to work on this, we will continue this activity together with our partners.

We will continue our policy of creating stable and predictable tax conditions.

The tax burden level remains competitive among many jurisdictions.

In any case, compared with OECD countries.

Taking into account the higher profitability, this will give our economy certain advantages, we hope.

The government intends to streamline non-tax payments, because it is often the same for a business (a corresponding bill is being prepared), to reduce criminal procedural risks, to complete the reform of control and supervision.

We will also continue to work on intergovernmental agreements on the avoidance of double taxation, in order not only to provide traditional guarantees for the protection of investments and incomes, but also to create additional incentives for reinvesting capital into our country.

We will involve investors in large projects with state participation.

Here I would like to draw attention to infrastructure development projects.

We are going to expand the scope of the mechanisms of public-private partnerships and simplify the procedure for concluding concessions.

New stage not only in the economy.

The changes affected the Consultative Council itself, its working groups.

I am sure that they will make the work of the council more effective.

Working groups are enlarged.

Each of them now has its own, rather broad competence.

Hope this really helps the cause.

One of the key areas of Russia's development in the coming years is new technologies and a digital economy.

The whole world is engaged in this, and we are going here in the trend of social development.

I traditionally invite all those present who have the time and desire to visit the Open Innovations Forum, which is currently taking place in the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

This forum has established itself as a useful discussion platform, where new projects appear, where leading experts gather, and quite bold ideas come up.

Undoubtedly, your participation in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum can also be extremely useful.

The next forum will be held June 6–8, 2019.

There are usually also very large delegations of foreign businessmen.

Once again, I would like to say that both I and my Government colleagues are still open for frank communication.

So thank you for your attention.

Let's get down to our traditional conversation.

For more infomation >> Dmitry Medvedev's Address to Foreign Investors - Duration: 7:19.


Fake News Writer | Episode 2 Preview | YouTube Series - Duration: 0:51.

- You know, I've always wanted you to

pursue your dreams and not settle for less.

- Basically, all you're doing is finding

other people's articles and rewriting them

with a new clickbait headline.

- (laughs) Are you smart enough to be a news writer?

- See how liberals assaulted this gay,

Hispanic Trump supporter.

It is disgusting.

(upbeat music)

(key clicks)

I think I'm good at this.

For more infomation >> Fake News Writer | Episode 2 Preview | YouTube Series - Duration: 0:51.


Dragon Age: Origins - Episode 15 (TV Series) - Duration: 59:42.

(RECAP) Eamon is gravely ill. Whatever the demon did to my brother it seems to have

spared his life, but he remains comatose.

The Urn of Sacred Ashes will save Eamon!

My husband funded the research of a scholar, in Denerim, a Brother Genitivi.

When Eamon fell ill, I sent the knights to speak to Gentivi. I hoped that he had

finally discovered the location of The Urn of Sacred Ashes itself.

Perhaps you could seek out the Brother's home in Denerim and see if any clues remain

on his whereabouts.

(RECAP) I have a sister, only I never knew about her. I don't think she

knew about me, either. Maybe it's time I went to see her.

I don't know why you came either or what you expected to find, but it isn't here. Now get out of my

house, the both of you.

That was... not what I expected, to put it lightly. I guess I

was expecting her to accept me without question.

You don't need her, you have others who care for you.

The only person who ever cared about me was Duncan, and he's gone.

I care about you.

ALISTAIR: Look... before we go any further I want to say something. I appreciate that you

brought me to see my sister, and that you... well, that you were there to talk me down

after we left. You're a true friend, I just wanted to tell you that.

ELISSA: We're in this together, Alistair.

ALISTAIR: That we are.

I have your back, you know that right?

Well, now that that's out of the way...

OGHREN: Whatcha need?

ELISSA: Do you miss Orzammar?

OGHREN: What?!

Miss Orzammar?! Are you mad, in addition

to being ugly? They treated me like a puddle fly back there, I'm never going back!

ELISSA: We'll talk more later.

OGHREN: All right.

ELISSA: Leliana. I found this flower while we were travelling.

LELIANA: Hmmm, flowers... thank you, they're very pretty.

ELISSA: These are your mother's flowers, aren't they?

LELIANA: These were her favorite! I haven't seen these in

such a long time, they smell just like mother used to. Thank you! Thank you so

much for remembering.

WEYLON: Yes? What are you doing here?

ELISSA: Who are you?

WEYLON: My name is... Weylon.

I'm the assistant of the scholar Brother Gentivi. This is his house.

ELISSA: And where is he I'm looking for him?

WEYLON: That makes two of us. I haven't seen

Brother Genetivi in weeks, he's sent no word, it's so unlike him. I'm

afraid something has happened, Genetivi's research into The Urn may have

led him into danger.

ELISSA: Why would searching for The Urn lead him into danger?

WEYLON: Perhaps The Urn has been lost for a reason. I pray for Genetivi's

safety, but hope dwindles with each passing day. I-I tried to send help, but some

knights came from Redcliffe looking for him not long ago. I sent them after Genetivi

and they too have disappeared!

ELISSA: Where did you send them?

WEYLON: No don't ask me where they went. you'll go after them, and what if ill

luck should befall you too? This search is a curse on all of us, some things are...

not meant to be found. I know that now.

ELISSA: I'm willing to risk it, tell me where he went.

WEYLON (sighs) So be it.

All he said before he left was that he would be staying at an inn

near Lake Calenhad, investigating something in that area.

ELISSA: What exactly was he investigating?

WEYLON: I don't know. All I discovered from going through his

research was that he was staying at the inn.

ELISSA: You just said that he spoke to you and told you that...

WEYLON: (flustered) Y-yes, of course he told me, but I also went through his things to

see if I could find other clues to his whereabouts.

ELISSA: You sound nervous... hiding something?

WEYLON: (paniched) Th-that's n-not true... I told you everything I know. Brother

Gentivi told us- t-told *me* about the inn, and that's all.

ELISSA: Us? Who's "us?"

WEYLON: (scrambling) Us?! I mean me! There is no us!

WEYLON: (dropping his act) Bah! Why do I keep up this charade?! I gave you a chance to

turn aside and forget you ever heard of Gentivi and The Urn, but you persisted!

Now it has come to this! Andraste forgive me, I do this in your name!

ELISSA: Oh, a dead body. Weylon, or whatever his actual name, was must have killed Genetivi's

real assistant in order to take his place.

ELISSA: I found some of Gentivi's research...

It says, he was investigating a village in the Frostback Mountains called "Haven."

I don't think I've heard of Haven before, certainly not seen on any map.

GUARD: What are you doing in Haven? There's nothing for you here.

ELISSA: So this is Haven?

GUARD: What do you want?

ELISSA: Why haven't I heard of Haven before?

GUARD: We keep to ourselves. We see

no need to announce our presence to the world. It's more peaceful that way.

ELISSA: How long has Haven been here?

GUARD: Haven's always been here. My family knows no other home.

ELISSA: Who is in charge of the village?

GUARD: Father Eirik is our spiritual leader and guide.

LELIANA: Revered father?! I've never heard of this.

GUARD: It's always been thus in Haven, we do not question tradition.

ELISSA: Are your traditions very different from ours?

GUARD: Our ways are not the ways of the lowland cities.

ELISSA: Have you heard of The Urn of Sacred Ashes?

GUARD: The Urn is nothing but a legend.

ELISSA: Is there a Brother Genitivi here?

GUARD: Who? Perhaps Revered Father Eirik will know of whom you speak.

Unfortunately, he's ministering to the villagers at the moment and cannot be

disturbed. I suggest you seek your brother

elsewhere. We do not appreciate lowlanders looking about our home as

though it was some sort of zoo.

ELISSA: Very well.

GUARD: You may trade for supplies at the shop

if you wish. Then I suggest you and your companions leave.

MORRIGAN: They are hiding something. 'tis obvious, is it not?

LELIANA: I was not expecting to find something so unsettling.

ELISSA: What is it boy? Was someone killed here?

DURGEN: (growls)

MORRIGAN: That is human blood.

ELISSA: How do you know?

MORRIGAN: I just do.

I also know that no one can lose

that much blood... and live.

WYNNE: This village... is not quite what it seems, is it?

BOY: Come, come, bonny Lynne. Tell us, tell us, where you've been.

Were you up, were you down. Chasing rabbits 'round the town.

Come, come, bonny Lynne. Tell us, tell us, where you've been.

Come, come, bonny Lynne. We've a bed to put you in. It is soft, it is warm. It will

shelter from the storm. Come, come, bonny Lynne. We've a bed to put

you in here. Dear, dear, bonny Lynne. Sleeps the peaceful crib within. A mossy stone, a

finger bone. No one knows but Lynne alone. Dear, dear, bonny Lynne, sleeps the peaceful

crib within.

SHOPKEEPER: Who are you? You're not from Haven.

ELISSA: Have you seen a man called Brother Genitivi?

SHOPKEEPER: No, I've never heard that name.

ELISSA: Can you tell me about Haven?

SHOPKEEPER: How would you describe the place you know only as home?

ELISSA: I should be going.

SHOPKEEPER: I think that is for the best.

SHOPKEEPER: What are you doing?! That's private!

ELISSA: What are you hiding?

SHOPKEEPER: I don't see how that is any of your concern.

ELISSA: I'm making it my concern.

SHOPKEEPER: No! You have no right!

ELLISA: So this is what the shopkeeper was trying to hide. Everyone in Haven seems

to be a part of this... madness.

His armor bears the insignia of Redcliffe, it

must have been one of the knights Lady Isolde sent in search of The Urn.

Genetivi is probably in danger as well, even if he's still alive. We need to find him.


LELIANA: It sounds like they are singing the Chant in there. Maybe we should have a look.

FATHER EIRIK: We are blessed beyond measure. We are chosen by The Holy and beloved, to be

her guardians. This sacred duty is given to us alone. Rejoice my brethren, and

prepare your hearts to receive her. Lift up your voices and despair not, for she

will raise her faithful servants to glory when her -

I understand that you are

new here, but common courtesy dictates that one shouldn't interrupt. No matter.

We were just about done here anyway.

NUADA: But your reverence, we have not completed

the sacraments of the Holy Mother or sung the invocation!

EIRIK: Be calm Nuada, we have

an honored guest. Surely the sacraments can wait. That is

all for today, my children. I shall see you tomorrow. For now, I should see to our


ELISSA: Is there a brother Genitivi here?

EIRIK: We find outsiders... disruptive. They bring

others, and before long Haven is... changed. We will go to any lengths to prevent


ELISSA: You killed the Knights of Redcliffe, I saw the bodies!

EIRIK: This, my brothers, is

what happens when you let an outsider into the village. They have no respect

for our privacy. She will tell others of us if we let her. Word will spread, and

then what? You, stranger, do not understand our ways. You would

bring war to Haven in your ignorance.

ELISSA: Brother Genitivi, what have you done to him?

EIRIK: We don't owe you any explanations for

our actions. We have a sacred duty. Failure to protect Her would be a

greater sin. All will be forgiven.

ELISSA: Look at this weird medallion Eirik had. It has the symbol of Andraste, but

it's nothing like any other Chantry relics I've seen.

BROTHER GENITIVI: Who are you? They... they sent you to finish it?

ELISSA: I'm Elissa. I'm here to help you.

GENITIVI: You don't know how glad I am to

see someone who isn't from this village. I (groans) the leg's not doing so well, and I can't

feel my foot.

ELISSA: Wynne, can you help?

WYNNE: I can set the leg and ease some of the pain, but

he'll need a lot of rest in order to heal.

GENITIVI: I don't have time to rest now, I'm

so close. The Urn is just up that mountain.

ELISSA: How do you know?

GENITIVI: My research led

me to Haven and I have heard the villagers talking; I know The Urn is here.

Haven lies in the shadow of the mountain that holds The Urn. There is an old

temple there built to protect it. The door is always locked, but I know what

the key is. Eirik wears a medallion that opens the temple door, I've seen what he

does with it.

ELISSA: This medallion?

GENITIVI: Yes, that is your key. Take me to the mountain side

and I will show you.

ELISSA: About the Knights who were sent to look for you...

GENTIVI: (sighs) Yes, of course. How could I forget. Eirik said they were ambushed. Some

killed, a few brought back to Haven to be questioned.

He was so self-righteous about it, so smug.

He seemed pleased that he had tortured and murdered these men.

ELISSA: Eirik's not going to be bothering anyone else for a while.

GENITIVI: Good. Eirik and his fellows were a

blemish in The Maker's sight, if The Maker would even deign to look upon this world,

that is. Let's just talk about something else now, shall we?

ELISSA: Haven... it's a little odd, isn't it?

GENITIVI: (laughs) Well, it wasn't exactly what I expected it to be.

ELISSA: How did you find out about Haven?

GENITIVI: Pure luck. I wasn't even looking for any village. I had always

assumed that the temple that housed The Urn would be lost to time, and abandoned.

It took years of study to narrow down its location to this range

of mountains. Then, completely by accident, I came across an unrelated document that

mentioned a village called Haven.

ELISSA: What do you mean by accident?

GENITIVI: I had asked Weylon

to fetch several books from the Denerim Chantry. Among them was one I didn't ask

for; a hundred-year-old log of Chantry business transactions.

ELISSA: Why would that mention Haven?

GENITIVI: In it, was an account of a dwarven trader who had failed to

transport goods from Orzammar, that had already been paid for. There was a

blizzard, and his caravan was turned off the path. They eventually came across a

small human village that was not on any map. The trader tried to gain entry to

take shelter from the storm. Unfortunately, they were turned away and

had to take refuge in a cave. When he woke up that next morning, everyone and

everything was gone. He managed to find the road again and made it to Denerim,

but he never saw the caravan again.

ELISSA: So Haven has been here for at least a hundred years.

GENITIVI: Yes, and probably even longer. It became clear from the dwarf's

story that this village would be near the temple. And it occurred to me that

they might know something about The Urn, and I decided to find the village myself.

And that's how this trouble started.

ELISSA: What do you know about Haven and its people?

GENITIVI: They call themselves the Disciples of Andraste, and they are very, very devoted.

One could say fanatically so. They must be here to protect The Urn, but they

speak of Andraste as though... as though she was still alive.

ELISSA: They must be talking about The Urn.

GENITIVI: I thought so at first, but I'm not so sure anymore. Was there

something else he wanted to discuss?

ELISSA: Why does Haven have "Revered Fathers?"

GENITIVI: I do not know. When the Chantry was established, it was decided that only female priests

would ever be ordained. It is possible that the villagers, and the Disciples of

Andraste, predate the Chantry and so have no knowledge of the Chantry's rules.

ELISSA: What were the villagers doing with you?

GENTIVI: They seemed intent on finding out personal

information about me. Where I grew up, things like that.

ELISSA: They were planning to place a fake Genitivi in Denerim.

GENITIVI: How do you know?

ELISSA: There was an impostor Weylon at your house.

GENITIVI: An impostor?

What happened to the real Weylon?

ELISSA: I'm sorry, but he's dead.

GENITIVI: Ah, poor Weylon.

I should never have dragged you into this. Maker take you into his hands, my boy.

ELISSA: I'm sorry, Brother.

GENITIVI: He believed in me, even when I lost faith in myself. I will honor

his memory. Was there... was there something else you wanted to say?

ELISSA: I'm ready to leave for the temple.

GENITIVI: Ah, good. Help me up here. (groans) I'll try not to slow us down.

GENITIVI: Here we are. Give me the medallion, and let's see if I remember. Yes, yes. You

see, it can be manipulated, just like this. And there! A key to open the way!

ELISSA: How did you know how to do that?

GENITIVI: There are very few keys like this left in the world, but

I have seen some. When you find the right combination it just... feels right. It is

hard to explain. Now, let's see if we can open this door. There should be a place

to insert this.

[Creaking door]

GENITIVI: Ah, what I would give to have seen this hall in all its splendor, as it was meant

to be. Still, sweep away the ice and the snow and traces of beauty remain.

ELISSA: We can't afford to linger.

GENITIVI: I'm sorry, what? Ah, I was a little distracted. I apologize.

These carvings were created just after Andraste's death, and they may reveal

things about her life that we do not yet know. I think I need more time to

study these statues and carvings.

ELISSA: You want to stay here? Is it safe?

GENITIVI: I could not keep up with you with my injuries. I should be safe, I don't think

there are any villagers here. Go, I will be all right. Perhaps my destiny was only

to lead you to The Urn.

ELISSA: Is there anything else I need to know about the temple?

GENITIVI: It was designed to protect The Urn from those who would steal it, or do harm to

it. Namely, the Tevinter Imperium.

ELISSA: What sort of dangers are we talking about here?

GENITIVI: I'm not sure, the legends were never very specific on that point. Only the

faithful shall lay eyes on the Sacred Ashes. Death and misfortune await the

unbeliever. The Maker's gaze has fallen on Andraste's final resting place. He weeps

for his beloved, and his wrath at her betrayers endures.

ELISSA: So it is the wrath of The Maker that strikes men down?

GENITIVI: That is what the legend says, and The Maker may

indeed watch this place. Read between the lines, however and you'll understand that

it is merely a simple truth draped in hyperbole and metaphor. After all, no one

wants to hear "Willy toiled for many a year to perfect the curious mechanisms

that would send a sharpened spike up the arse of the unwary intruder."

ELISSA: Traps, then.

GENITIVI: I think my decision to stay here was the best one, don't you?

ELISSA: Definitely. I will be back soon.

GENITIVI: I'll be right here if you need me.

mmm, now I need something to write on.

ELISSA: Wow, these scrolls look ancient. And I've never seen symbols like this. This could

be of interest to Chantry historians.

KOLGRIM: Stop! You will go no further!

ELISSA: Who are you?

KOLGRIM: You do not have the right to

demand my name! You have defiled our temple, you have spilled the blood of

the faithful and slaughtered our young! No more. You will tell me now intruder,

why you have done all this! Why have you come here?

ELISSA: I have come for The Urn of Sacred Ashes.

KOLGRIM: You did this all for an ancient relic? Know this, stranger - the

prophet Andraste has overcome death itself, and has returned to her faithful

in a form more radiant than you can imagine!

Not even the Tevinter Imperium could hope to slay her now. What hope do you


EL:ISSA: You're mad. Andraste is dead.

KOLGRIM: (shouting) You know nothing! Andraste revealed

herself to us! We are her chosen! To arms, my brethren!

Andraste will grant us victory!

ELISSA: So this is Andraste? Well she doesn't look like her paintings... More scales, for

one thing. Wings, for another. Maybe they just.... didn't feel like putting them in

the pictures, I don't really know anything about art.

WYNNE: Oh, I'm not afraid. it

wouldn't want to eat me anyway. Tough and stringy. You, on the other hand, ought to

be worried.

ELISSA: (elated) I can't believe we've just defeated a High Dragon! Ladies, you were amazing.

Leliana, I hope you've written all of it down, because I want to hear that being

sung around the campfire tonight!

MORRIGAN: This is not like the rest of the temple. This part is unblemished. Untouched.

GUARDIAN: I bid you welcome, pilgrim.

ELISSA: Who are you?

GUARDIAN: I am The Guardian. The protector of The Urn of

Sacred Ashes. I have waited years for this.

ELISSA: For someone to take The Ashes?

GUARDIAN: No one can take The Ashes. They belong here. It has

been my duty, my life to protect The Urn and prepare the way for the faithful, who

come to revere Andraste. For years beyond counting have I been here, and

shall I remain until my task is done, and the Imperium has crumbled into the sea.

ELISSA: The Imperium is no longer as powerful as it once was.

GUARDIAN: Ah, is it not? Then perhaps this is the beginning of the end.

ELISSA: Who were the men who have taken over the rest of the temple?

GUARDIAN: When my brethren and I carried

Andraste from Tevinter to this sanctuar,y we vowed to forever revere her memory

and guard her. I have watched generations of my brethren take up the mantle of

their fathers, for centuries they did this. Unwavering. Joyful in their

appointed task. But now who they have lost their way.

They have forgotten Andraste, and their promise.

ELISSA: So the dragon was *not* Andraste.

GUARDIAN: No. Our Andraste has gone to The Maker's side. She will not return. The

dragon is a fearsome creature, and they must have seen her as an alternative to

the absent Maker and his silent Andraste. A true believer would not require

audacious displays of power.

ELISSA: How did the belief spread to the rest of the disciples?

GUARDIAN: It began with an ancestor of the one known as Kolgrim. He saw

himself as a new prophet, preaching the rebirth. Some disagreed with him. I heard

their cries of pain and loss, which were quickly silenced.

ELISSA: And what about you?

GUARDIAN: I am all the remains of the first disciples. I swore I would protect The Urn as long as

I lived, and I have lived a very long time.

ELISSA: Did you know Andraste?

GUARDIAN: Did anyone really know her, save The Maker? She would

sometimes spend weeks alone in meditation, often without food or water.

ELISSA: Please, tell me more about Andraste.

GUARDIAN: I... cannot express in words my love for

Andraste. You must seek her out for yourself,

everyone must.

ELISSA: How is it possible you've lived so long?

GUARDIAN: I made a vow, to Andraste a and to The Maker, My life is tied to The Ashes. As

long as they remain, so will i.

ELISSA: What can you tell me about The Urn of Sacred Ashes?

GUARDIAN: You already know that The Urn contains the remains of the Prophet

Andraste. What else is there to tell?

ELISSA: How do I get to The Urn?

GUARDIAN: You have come to

honor Andraste, and you shall. If you prove yourself worthy.

ELISSA: But... what if- what if I'm not worthy?

GUARDIAN: Then you will not come to tTe Ashes. It is not my place to decide your

worthiness, the gauntlet does that. If you are found worthy, you will see The Urn,

and be allowed to take a small pinch of the ashes for yourself. If not...

ELISSA: What is the gauntlet?

GUARDIAN: The gauntlet tells the true pilgrims from the false. You will undergo

for tests of faith, and we shall see how your soul fares.

ELISSA: Can you tell me anything else about this gauntlet?

GUARDIAN" You will understand what it is when you face it.

ELISSA: Very well. I will enter the gauntlet.

GURDIAN: Before you go,

there is something I must ask. I see that the path that led you here was not easy.

There is suffering in your past, your suffering and the suffering of others.

You abandoned your father and mother, leaving them in the hands of Rendon

Howe, knowing he would show no mercy. Do you think you've failed your parents?

ELISSA: Yes. I should have insisted that my mother come with me.

GUARDIAN: Thank you. That is all I used to know.

MORRIGAN: Is there any religion that does not thrive upon guilt, like a

glutton at his lunch? No? I thought not.

WYNNE: Accept your failings, but do not let them govern your life.

LEIANA: You could not have known what would happen. You did what you

thought was best.

GUARDIAN: And what of those that follow you?

WYNNE: Ask your question, Guardian.

I am ready.

GUARDIAN: You are a worthy advisor, ready with a

word of wisdom. Do you wonder if you spout only platitudes, burned into your

mind in the distant past? Perhaps you are only a tool, used to spread the word of

The Circle and the Chantry. Does doubt ever chip away at your truths?

WYNNE: You frame the statement in the form of a question, yet you already know our answers. There

is no sense in hiding, is there? Yes. I do doubt at times. Only the fool is

completely certain of himself.

GUARDIAN: And you. Why do you say The Maker speaks to you?

When all know that The Maker has left. He spoke only to Andraste. Do you believe

yourself her equal?

LELIANA: I never said that! I-

GUARDIAN: In Orlais, you were someone. In Loethering,

you feared you would lose yourself. Become a drab sister and disappear. When

your brothers and sisters of the cloister criticized you for what you

professed, you were hurt, but you also reveled in it. It made you special, you

enjoyed the attention, even if it was negative.

LELIANA: You're saying that I made it up

for... for the attention?! I did not. I know what I believe.

GUARDIAN: And you, Morrigan.

Flemeth's daughter. What-

MORRIGAN: Begone, spirit. I will not play your games.

GUARDIAN: I will respect your wishes.

The way is open. Good luck, and may you find what you seek.

EALISAY: The smallest lark could carry it, while a strong man might not. Of what do I speak?

ELISSA: A tune.

EALISAY: Yes! I was Andraste's dearest friend in childhood, and always

we would sing. She celebrated the beauty of life and all who heard her would be

filled with joy. They say The Maker himself was moved by

Andraste's song, and then she sang no more of simple things.

BRONA: Echoes from a shadow realm, whispers of things yet to come.

Thought's strange sister dwells in night, is swept away by dawning light. Of what do I speak?

ELISSA: Dreams.

BRONA: A dream came upon me as my daughter slumbered beneath my

heart. It told of her life, and of her betrayal and death. I am sorrow and

regret. I am a mother weeping bitter tears for a daughter she could not save.

LADY VASILIA: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The debt of blood must be paid in full.

Of what do I speak?

ELISSA: Vengeance.

LADY VISILIA: Yes. My husband Hessarian would have

chosen a quick death for Andraste. I made him swear that she would die

publicly with her war leaders. That all would know the Imperium's strength. I am

justice. I am vengeance. Blood can only be repaid in blood,

THANE SHARTAN: I'd neither a guest, nor a

trespasser be. In this place I belong, that belongs also to me. Of what do I speak?


THANE SHARTAN: It was my dream for The People to have a home of their own, where we

would have no masters but ourselves. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and thus

we followed Andraste, against the Imperium. But she was betrayed.

And so were we.

GENERAL MAFERATH: A poison of the soul, passion's cruel counterpart. From love she

grows, 'til love lies slain. Of what do I speak?

ELISSA: Jealousy.

MAFERATH: Yes. Jealousy drove me to

betrayal. I was the greatest general of the Alammari, but beside her I was nothing.

Hundreds fell before her on bended knee. They loved her, as did The Maker. I loved

her too, but what man can compare with a god?

DISCIPLE HAVARD: The bones of the world stretched towards the sky's

embrace. Veiled in white, like a bride greeting her groom. Of what do I speak?

ELISSA: The mountains?

DISCIPLE HAVARD: Yes. I carried Andraste's ashes out of Tevinter into the mountains

to the east, where she could gaze ever into her Maker's sky. No more fitting a

tomb than this could we find.

DISCIPLE CATHAIRE: No man has seen it, but all men know it. Lighter than air, sharper than any sword.

Comes from nothing, but will fell the strongest armies. Of what do I speak?

ELISSA: Hunger.

DISCIPLE CATHAIRE: Yes. Hunger was the weapon used against the

wicked men of the Tevinter Imperium. The Maker kindled the sun's flames, scorching

the land. Their crops failed, and their armies could not march. Then he opened

the heavens and bade the waters flow, and washed away their filth. I am Cathaire,

Disciple of Andraste and commander of her armies. I saw these things done and

knew The Maker smiled on us.

ARCHON HESSARIAN: She wields the broken sword, and separates true

kings from tyrants. Of what do I speak?

ELISSA: Mercy.

ARCHON HESSARIAN: Yes. I could not bear the sight of

Andraste's suffering, and mercy bade me end her life.

I am the penitent sinner, who shows compassion as he hopes compassion will

be shown to him.

BRYCE COUSLAND: My dearest child.

ELISSA: I wish it were not so, but I know you are dead.

BRYCE COUSLAND: You know that I

am gone, and all your prayers and wishes will not bring me back. No more must you

grieve, my girl. Take the pain and the guilt, acknowledge it and let go. It is

time. You have such a long road ahead of you, and you must be prepared. And so I

leave this in your hands, I know you will do great things with it.

LELIANA: That part of the bridge looks like it's there, but I don't think it is.

Try something else.

MORRIGAN: Powerful magic indeed.

ELISSA: Look, there's an inscription on this altar.

ELISSA: The trappings of worldly life, and cloak yourself in the goodness of spirit. King and slave,

Lord and beggar, be born anew in the Maker's sight. I think we're supposed to

walk through the fire... without our clothes.

GUARDIAN: You have been through the trials of the gauntlet. You have walked the path of

Andraste, and like her you have been cleansed. You have proven yourself worthy,

pilgrim. Approach The Sacred Ashes.

LELIANA: I never dreamed I would ever lay my eyes on The Urn of Sacred Ashes. I... uh I have

no words to express!

MORRIGAN: (sarcastically) I stand in awe. Really.

WYNNE: I could not have asked for a

greater honor than to be here. I will never forget this feeling.

GENITIVI: Welcome back. You were gone for quite some time. Well, did you find it?

ELISSA: The Urn? Yes.

GENITIVI: What... what was it like? Coming to The Urn, I mean.

ELISSA: Grueling. There were tests.

GENITIVI: Tests? Interesting. Very interesting. Perhaps my research will not seem so

much like blasphemy to the Chantry now. We must organize an expedition! There is

so much history here, it must be studied! And... and pilgrims should be allowed to

come to The Urn!

ELISSA: Yes! The Urn of Sacred Ashes must be shared with the world!

MORRIGAN: And eventually, it shall be exploited by the rich and the powerful. As these things

usually are.

GENITIVI: I must return home, I have much to do. If you ever find yourself in

Denerim, please visit me. I am not a rich man, but I have a small collection

of interesting artifacts. And I do owe you a reward for coming to my rescue. I

hope to see you soon, my friend.

ALISTAIR: You're awake! Did you... did you feel it too? It was like

the Archdemon saw us. Saw us! What does that mean? I think - wait, did you hear that?

ALISTAIR: I guess it's like Duncan once said - we can sense them, and they can sense us.

We'd best be more careful from now on, this camp isn't safe any longer.

MORRIGAN: Huh! What will they send next, Darkspawn tax collectors?

STEN: Fortification should be built around the camp.

OGHREN: Hgnh! Can't get a bloody night's rest.

LELIANA: How unnerving!

WYNNE: It will be more difficult to sleep here, now.

ZEVRAN: What, no trap? No ambush? Some assassins.

SHALE: It is done. Let us move on.

TEAGAN: You return! Might you have news?

ELISSA: I found The Urn!

TEAGAN: You have? Wonderful! Let us go at

once to Eamon's side and see if The Urn's healing powers live up to their reputation.

ARL EAMON: Where am I?

TEAGAN: Be calm, brother. You have been deathly

ill for a very long time. Do you remember nothing?

EAMON: Teagan? What are you doing here?! Where is Isolde?

ISOLDE: I am here, my husband.

EAMON: And Connor! Where is my boy?! Where is our son?!

ISOLDE: He lives. Though many others are dead. There is much to tell you, husband.

EAMON: Dead?! Then... it was not a dream.

TEAGAN: Much has happened since you fell ill, brother. Some of it will not be... easy

for you to hear.

EAMON: Then tell me. I wish to hear all of it.

EAMON: This is most troubling... There is much to be done, that is true, but I should first

be thankful to those who have done so much. Grey Warden, you have not only saved

my life, but kept my family safe as well. I am in your debt. Will you permit me to

offer you a reward for your service?

ELISSA: I need your help against The Blight, that will do.

EAMON: I understand but, regardless of your motivations I feel you are worthy

of a reward. I would like to honor your efforts, nothing more.

ELISSA: As you wish then, ha.

EAMON: Then allow me to declare you, and those travelling with you,

Champions of Redcliffe. You will always be a welcome guest within these halls.

And for you, Warden. A shield of the same make as those that have been given to

our finest knights.

ELISSA: There is much else to do now.

TEAGAN: Indeed. We have no way of knowing

what Loghain will do once he learns of your recovery.

EAMON: Loghain instigates a civil

war even though the Darkspawn are on our very doorstep. Long I have known him, he

is a sensible man! One who never desired power.

TEAGAN: I was there when he announced he

was taking control of the throne, Eamon. He is mad with ambition, I tell you.

EAMON: Mad indeed. MAd enough to kill Cailan, to attempt to kill myself and destroy my

lands. Whatever happened to him, Loghain must be stopped. What's more, we

can scarce afford to fight this war to its bitter end.

ELISSA: But you can unite the nobility against Loghain, can't you?

EAMON: I could unite those opposing Loghain, yes. But

not all oppose him. He has some very powerful allies. We have no time to wage

a campaign against him, someone must surrender if Ferelden is to have any

chance at fighting the Darkspawn.

ELISSA: But once everyone learns what he's done...

EAMON: I will spread word of Loghain's treachery, both here and against the king. But it

will be but a claim made without proof. Those claims will give Loghain's allies

pause, but we must combine it with a challenge Loghain cannot ignore.

We need someone with a stronger claim to the throne than Loghain's daughter, the Queen.

TEAGAN: Are you referring to Alistair, brother? Are you certain?

EAMON: I would not propose such a thing if we had an alternative, but the unthinkable

has occurred.

ELISSA: You intend to put Alistair forward as king?

EAMON: Teagan and I have a claim through marriage, but we would seem opportunists,

no better than Loghain. Alistair's claim is by blood.

ALISTAIR: And what about me?! does anyone care what I want?!

EAMON: You have a responsibility, Alistair. Without you,

Loghain wins. I would have to support him for the sake of Ferelden. Is that what

you want?

ALISTAIR: I... b-but I....

No, My Lord.

EAMON: I see only one way to proceed. I will call for a Landsmeet,

a gathering of all of Ferelden's nobility in the city of Denerim. There, Ferelden

can decide who shall rule, one way or another. Then the business of fighting

our true foe can begin. What say you to that, my friend? I do not wish to proceed

without your blessing.

ELISSA: My blessing? Why do you need my blessing?

EAMON: None of this would

be possible without you. You led Alistair here, you saved my life with The Urn of

Sacred Ashes. It's your lead I follow. I am a credible

enough figure in this nation to call the Landsmeet, but I hold no illusions that

I could face Loghain without you. Surely you see that.

ELISSA: Do you think this Landsmeet idea will work?

EAMON: That depends. If we cannot get a consensus in the Landsmeet

for Alistair, we cannot afford to oppose Loghain either. Does that mean Loghain

could win? A man who killed his own king, who has gone mad with power?

Perhaps. We must see that he does not.

ELISSA: What about the Darkspawn?

EAMON: Ferelden must

stand united to defeat the Darkspawn. AS fractured nation will not defeat The

Blight, even given my army and those gathered with your treaties.

ELISSA: What's stopping Loghain from just attacking Redcliffe?

EAMON: Why do you think he had me

poisoned? He wanted me gone without having to confront me directly.

If I call for our Landsmeet, refusing the compromise and attacking Redcliffe

will only support our accusations. I'm sure he'd rather I died from the poison.

Had the demon not interfered, that's exactly what would have happened.

ELISSA: It seems we have little choice.

EAMON: Very well, I will send out the word. But before we

proceed, I believe there is the matter of the mage, my son's tutor. He still lives, I


TEAGAN: He does. He is in the dungeon, brother.

EAMON: Have him brought here, Teagan. I

wish to see him.

EAMON: Jowan, what you have done is not in question.

You tried to assassinate me and set into motion a series of events that nearly

destroyed everything I cherish. What have you to say in your own defense?

JOWAN: Nothing, My Lord. Other than to say I am sorry. I expect no mercy for what I have done.

EAMON: I see. Grey Warden, have you anything to say on Jowan's behalf?

ELISSA: He has cooperated willingly, though he has little choice...

EAMON: You damn him with faint praise, I see.

Then there is nothing more to say. Jowan, I hereby sentence you to death. May

The Maker show you the mercy we cannot.

JOWAN: Thank you, My Lord.

EAMON: Now, back to the matter

of the Landsmeet. It will take some time to recall my forces and organize

our allies. I would prefer to wait until that is done before calling the Landsmeet.

In the meantime, I suggest you pursue the remainder of the Grey Warden

treaties. We will need all the allies we can get, if we are to defeat the

Darkspawn Horde.

For more infomation >> Dragon Age: Origins - Episode 15 (TV Series) - Duration: 59:42.


English CC #1 - Heroes de Cromópolis - Capítulo 2/3 「Recuperando al Volbagre」 (100 Subs) - Duration: 18:13.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Get That Zapfish

Octotrooper Hideout

B: Hey! we're both green.

O: What a great observation. The spawn point must have changed our colors.

CC: Agent orange! Agent blue! Can you hear me?

O: Yeah! I can hear you cap'n. We've arrived at Octotrooper Hideout

CC: Suberb! Go get that zapfish, but move with caution!

O: Hey! Didn't you hear what he said?

O: BLUE!!!

B: Ha ha ha

Oct: Inklings approaching! Stop them at all cost!


B: HUH?!

O: Heh. I like this Charger.

B: Hey! You stole my splat!

O: This isn't a game blue! Concentrate! We're here to save the zapfish!

O: Let's Go!

O: Hey watch out! Make your own ink lane!

B: No way! I'm not gonna let you take all the credit!

O: You're impossible!

B: Correction! I'm awesome!

B: Chaaaaarge!

B: Booyah!

CC: Ohoho! You found the key! Good work agent blue!

CC: (A bit Hasty but...)

CC: Right then! Head for the vault!

O: It's a launchpad!

B: Let's Go!

O: Hey! Move it!

B: Hey! Uh!

O: Woomy! B: Woooah!

B: Warlgh! O: Nygh!

CC: Agent Orange? Agent Blue? You hear me?

CC: It's a Zapfish! Break the shield and grab it!

O: Alright! I'll grab it!

B: No! I was here first! So I'll grab it!

O: Why? Why does it even matter?!

B: So why won't you just let me grab it?

O: That's not what i meant!

O: Hey! B: Hey!

O: Don't you dare! B: Don't you dare!


O: Zapfish is saved!

O & B: Onward!

CC: Good work on your first mission! I knew I could count on you!

CC: (Though your teamwork could use some work...)

CC: But It's too early to celebrate! You need to save two more zapfish to open the big kettle. Let's Hurry!

O: Yeah... About that this mission could have gone better. At this rate this is gonna take days!

B: Why not just split up?

B: We need two zapfish and there is two of us.

O: Finally something smart comes out of your mouth!

B: (Aren't your funny...)

CC: Wait? Split up?

CC: I don't know...

O: But cap'n! We don't have much time!

O: Plus! We both work better alone!

CC: You're both right. We don't have much time. Alright.

CC: You can go split up.

O: Booyah! B: Booyah!

B: Let's see who saves a zapfish first!

O: It's on blue boy!

B: Got ya!

O: Alright! Now let's head back!

And so...

B: Hey Orange! What took you so long?

O: Blue? You're Already here?

B: Yep! I've been waiting on you for a while.

O: You- you have?!

B: Yep! Looks like I won.

B: He he he

CC: Good work you two!

CC: But concentrate!

CC: The power of the zapfishes you have collected have opened this kettle

CC: And you need to save the zapfish there to advance.

B: Yeah yeah yeah...

B: I have a bad feeling about this...

O: Look!

O: It's a zapfish!

O: Huh?!

B: Wha- what is that thing?!

CC: It's the mighty Octostomp! One of the great Octoweapons!

CC: So that's what they need the zapfish for!

CC: They're using them to power up the Great Octoweapons!

CC: Extreme caution Agent Orange and Blue!

B: Watch out!

B: The tentacle...

B: That's it!

B: That tentacle is it's weak spot!


B: I just need to get one good hit on it!

B: Hey you stupid Octostomp!

B: Over here! Think you can catch me?!

O: Blue! Stop it! That's dangerous!

O: We need to plan this carefully!

O: Woah!

O: Damn!

O: I can't move!

B: Orange?!

B: Gotcha!

B: Good thing I got you...

O: Let me go!

B: Huh?

O: I- I don't like being carried...

B: Really?

B: But aren't you used to being carried by your team?

O: I...!

O: W- Wait! Blue!

B: Hey stupid Block! You missed me earlier!

B: Woah! You almost got me this time!

B: But almost is not enough!



B: Booyah! I saved the zapfish!

CC: Excellent work, Agent Blue!

CC: (A bit hasty again though...)

CC: Keep it up! It's still a long road to the Great Zapfish!

B: So? what do you think?

B: I did pretty good on my own, huh?

B: Single-handedly defeated that octoweapon

B: What the heck was that?!

B: Why did you do that?!

O: To snap you back to reality!

O: Just because you got lucky

O: And you managed to defeat the Octostomp doesn't mean you're a PRO!

B: Geez! Is it that hard for you to admit that what I did there was pretty impressive?!

O: What you did there was reckless, dangerous, and stupid!

O: You think you're good at this but you're not!

O: We are supposed to work as a team but you are impossible to work with!

CC: (Agent Orange... Agent Blue...)

B: That's it!

O: AH?!

B: I am so tired of you holding me back!

B: I'm faster and better at saving the zapfish than you!

B: I even saved your ass back there and where are my thanks?!

B: You're just afraid to admit that without me, you would have failed this mission already...

CC: Agent Orange! Agent Blue! That is Enough!

B: You're right cap'n. This is enough.

B: Let's just split up again and get this over with.

O: I agree.

CC: What?! No! They had an Octoweapon!

CC: Who knows what else they have in store for you!

CC: It's too dangerous to go alone!

CC: You two need to work

Toget-! ( Together )

B: (Alright! I've already saved three zapfish.)

B: (I'll just clear this lair and i'll be done!)

B: (Which means I'll have to meet up with orange again...)

B: (I wonder how she's doing.)

B: (Eh! I'm sure she is fine.)

B: (I can't believe she thought this was gonna be hard!)

B: (Can't wait to see the look on her face when I get back and...)

B: Huh?!

O: (Where's Blue?)

O: (He's already cleared three lairs.)

O: (I did two so he should be in the last one.)

O: But I've waited for him over 15 minutes.

O: He should be back by now.

O: (What if something's wrong?)

O: (I need to call him!)

O: Blue? Blue can you hear me?

O: He still has his mic turned off!

O: Looks like Mr. PRO still doesn't want my help.

O: Thinks I'll just "Hold him back".

O: Fine then! I don't care!




B: (Oh god... The spawn point. It's out of energy.)

B: (No... No! No! No! NO!)

B: (I can't panic!)

B: (I can't let them surprise me!)


B: I- I got one!


OG: I have to admit that I am a bit impressed that ya managed to get this far.

OG: But this is where your mission ends, squid boy.

OG: I can't believe that old coot sent a kid into a war.

OG: And against Octarian Army?!

OG: We will take your zapfish and with their power we will have our revenge!

OG: It will be Glorious!

OG: But ya won't be there to see inkopolis fall.

OG: Sweet dreams, Sugar...

OG: Huh?


O: Are you okay?

O: Please be okay!

B: She's right...

O: Huh?

O: What?

B: We're just kids. Our Turf wars are nothing compared to this.

B: You were right, Orange.

B: I was a fool to think I could do this...

O: Blue

O: You... really are a fool!

B: Huh?!


You can't do this alone!

I can't do this alone!

O: But Together...

O: We can still do this!

O: We will save the zapfish! and Inkopolis!

B: Orange... Thanks for coming for me.

O: Of course! You're welcome...

?: Aaw! Aren't they so cute?! ❤

O: Huh? B: Huh?

?: Now look! You Ruined the moment.

M: Sorry for surprising you.

C: How rude of us!

C: Let me introduce ourselves.

C: Agent 1 and Agent 2! At your service!

C: We has to interrupt our own investigations because cap'n cuttlefish sent us to check on you.

C: Apparently, someone turned their mic off hehehe.

M: We got the zapfish, so let's get out of here.

B: I'm so hungry! Thanks!



C: You're welcome.

M: We're glad to see you're okay.

M: But it was too close for comfort.

M: We cannot ask you to go any further.

M: You two have done well and you have been a great help.

M: We appreciate your efforts.

M: But we'll continue on from here. You two can go home now.

B: What? No! We've come this far!

O: Yeah! We want to help you!

C: We could use the help but...

C: You two seem to have trouble working together and getting along.

O: What?

C: You need to learn to work together.

O: I...

O: We...

B: Agent 1 and 2... can Orange and I have a moment alone?

C: OH?

C: Of course!

C: Hurry Hurry HURRY!

M: Ok OK

O: Blue?

B: Orange, I'm sorry.

B: I'm really sorry for all the things I've said... and how I've acted.

O: Blue... If you don't mind me asking...

O: Why are you doing this?

O: Why did you say yes?

O: And don't tell me it's only because you want to impress the Squid Sisters!

B: What? No! Ahahah!

B: Well... It's not the only reason...

B: I want to be like my brothers. Be a Pro - Battler and help our family.

B: But... What you said earlier about me being impossible to work with...

B: You were right... I've been to many team tryouts but no one let me in because I'm a lousy team player.

B: The team I played with today- They gave me a chance.

They were the first team to ever give me a chance and...

B: I'm afraid I blew it because we lost.

B: If... If I saved the zapfish, I'd be a hero!

B: Everyone would want me in their team!

BI... I suppose I just wanted to prove I'm Good at something.

O: Blue...

O: I realized.

O: I never thanked you for saving me back then.

B: Huh?

O: Back then... Against that Octostomp.

O: Thank you.

O: I'm also sorry for being so rude since the start.

O: For a newbie, you are pretty Fresh.

O: You are a great battler and I couldn't do this without your help.

O: And don't worry.

O: After all this is done, The blue team can't help but accept you in their team!

O: Trust me I know... The captain...

B: Orange... Thanks for looking after me.

Even when I get stupid ideas.

O: Of course! I told you.

O: It's my job to protect my team.

B: We... We're a Team?

O: Yes. We are a Team.

M: Alright Agents! It's Good to be back talking with you again

and it warms my heart to see you all working together.

M: We should throw a party once we're done!

M: But that is then! We have work to do now.

M: Proceed with caution...

C: You see anything?

O: I see tha zapfish!

B: Not again...

C: It's the Dreaded Octonozzle!

M: Be careful Agents!

C: The suction cups! Those are the weak points!

M: Hit Them!

O: You heard them, Blue!

B: Let's do this, Orange!

O: I'll take the left! You take the right!

B: Gotcha!

B: Alright! All we gotta do now is hit the big one!

O: Let's go

B: Ugh... It won't let us swim up.

C: If we can't swim there...

C: We'll fly there!

C: This calls for our special...

C: "Charge - & - Roll" Technique!



C: The zapfish is saved!

B & O: WOAAAH...

B: (I want to try that...)

C: You're... A huge Squid Sisters fan?

B: Absolutely! cap'n cuttlefish promised I would get to meet them after this is over!

C: For real?!

B: Did you know they are actually cousins?

M: Speaking of good old cap'n... he hasn't called us.

M: I'll call him back.

M: Captain?

M: Cap'n Cuttlefish?

M: Do you hear me?

O: What's wrong Agent 2?

M: I can't get a hold of him!

O: What?!

O: Huh? What's that sound?

C: What is this nasty sensation I feel?

C: Could it be...


DJ: Agent 1... Agent 2... and those little inksquirts cap'n recruited...

DJ: You have done a fine job at stopping my troops and saving the zapfish

DJ: But you're only delaying the inevitable.

DJ: This all ends Tonight!

DJ: Cap'n Cuttlefish is mine...

DJ: Agents...

You will not... interfere...

Any longer...!


B: This is bad....

C: We have to hurry and save cap'n and Inkopolis!

To Be Continued...

English Woomy By Roger xPPx

For more infomation >> English CC #1 - Heroes de Cromópolis - Capítulo 2/3 「Recuperando al Volbagre」 (100 Subs) - Duration: 18:13.


El Platanito (Referee of Pro Wrestling) - Backstage Mit HEiNO! - Duration: 1:05.



Backstage mit HEiNO!

und Platanito, yeah?

Platanito Garcia.

You cause the

eins, zwei, drei?

Uno, dos, tres!

Oh, so if I have

my gnome pinned like this?

Not like this.

Like this.

Oh, so...

I have him.

Uno, dos --

Oh! Nein, nein. I let him up.

I want to toy with him.

Huh, gnome? Huh, gnome?

Uno, dos, tres.


Who is the wrestler who always tries to bribe you?

Dirty Sanchez.

What if I give you one of these?

Can you swing a match for HEiNO!

Maybe seis.


I seis no.

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