Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018


hi click start we are the Dark Crystal

games today we introduce our first game

encased encases old-school isometric RPG

setting the sci-fi post-apocalyptic


the game features turn-based combat and

reach a nonlinear storyline the game is

set in an alternate 1970s and revolves

around the exploration of the dome a

mysterious structure discovered in a

remote desert no one knows the exact

nature of those who built the dome but

the founders of this advanced

civilization have come to be called the

forefathers you will discover miraculous

technologies and weird artifacts in the

labyrinth of the dome but that is not

all the forefathers left behind watch

out for automated security systems traps

and inexplicable anomalies in addition

the dome itself is showing signs of


once inside no one is able to leave

exploration and exploitation of the dome

is carried out by the Cronus foundation

a massive organization founded by the

world's most powerful governments Cronus

is divided into five departments called

wings each with its own director

specialization and history though your

selected wing grants you certain

starting bonuses and opens interesting

options your choice does not lock you

into a class you were free to develop

your character distribute skill points

and choose abilities as you wish upon

completing character creation you are

summoned to Crystal sands a city built

directly outside the dome as a staging

point for personnel and equipment the

transition station mounted at the apex

of the dome above the only aperture is

called the spire after basic training

you will descend from the spire into the

dome to land at Magellan HQ there is

much to uncover during your first

mission underground relying on your

stats and wing training you will find

there are several ways to resolve each


replayability is one of our main goals

for the game after your briefing at HQ

comes your first task exploring a newly

discovered forefathers compound after a

few adventures inside the Nashville

project your group encounters an

entirely new anomaly you awaken

something dreaming deep beneath the

desert of the dome your trespass has

activated Maelstrom a telepathic entity

created to serve the forefathers all

connection with the world outside the

dome is lost in maelstrom rages across

the desert infecting the minds of

everyone it encounters you and your

group fall into a technology induced

stasis for five long years and when you

come to the entire world has changed

their crystal games is an independent

studio it is comprised of experienced

game developers the members of our team

once work on divinity original sin age

of decadence forest village cross south

and others our total game deaf

experience comprises more than 100 years

but that's not the only thing that

unites us we are hardcore gamers we

adore games and we want to put

everything that we love in RPGs into

encased and that's why we go to the

Kickstarter encased combat is inspired

by classic tactical turn-based systems

with a grid overlay action points cover

system special abilities various ammo

and damage types many different

resistances and more the player has

direct control over his character only

you will manage the behavior and tactics

of your henchmen there are dozens of

weapons to be found many of which can be

stripped and upgraded

the world of the dome has from its

discovery been a place full of weird

creatures and dangerous traps there's no

telling what lies around the next bend

in the road but who knows perhaps humans

are the biggest threat in this bizarre

land Maelstrom dominates everything its

telepathic rage sowing chaos and the

minds of everyone trapped under the dome

but the player having freed the entity

enjoys a special relationship with it

when encase was firstly announced we

were surprised how warmly the project

was accepted by the gaming community in

some sense our fans have become a part

of the team we want encased to be just

the way you imagined the perfect CRPG a

huge game rich in content sort of the

fell out of your dreams which all of us

could be proud of we have reached


and we are confident and encased could

become a great game but we're a small

team and there is a lot of things that

we would like to add with your help in

case could become a way more ambitious

better fleshed out and polished project

following the devastating events of

maelstroms release Cronus splintered

into multiple other often warring

factions the world has changed while you

were in stasis but has the nature of man

the dome is huge and for the most part

is an open sandbox if you were able to

resist the psychic presence of Maelstrom

the map consists of more than 170

sectors each crafted by hand random

encounters have been a standby of the

old-school role-playing game since the

dawn of the genre but encased will bring

them to a new level each encounter is a

separate post-apocalyptic story not just

a bunch of critters attacking you here

you had Dark Crystal games and we hope

and case made you interested each day we

put our best efforts into the

development process resupply our energy

with extra pizza and make the best

content ever and we rely on your help to

make this game even better


For more infomation >> Encased RPG - 100% Funded on Kickstarter! - Duration: 6:57.


► Reto del Alcohol SI / NO | Cheeto - Duration: 20:58.

For more infomation >> ► Reto del Alcohol SI / NO | Cheeto - Duration: 20:58.


A Second Chance and This Sucks - Duration: 9:56.

(upbeat bass guitar music)

Elizabeth Lorenza.

Good morning.

Good morning, Elizabeth. Elizabeth your

motor vehicle has been booted.

It has, yeah.

Inspector Kerrigan, you wanna explain to the court

what the status on this is?

Yes, Your Honor. Back in 6-14-13,

a judgment was due of $290.

That's five years ago.

Yes, Your Honor. (mumbles) she only

paid $100 to release the boot.

That was for tickets which are marked off here

for 2013 back to 2007.

Since then, she's accrued more tickets

going forward from 2013 to 2018.

And has never paid the $290 judgment that is still owed.

And never paid any of the other tickets?

No, Your Honor.

Alright. So, Elizabeth. Here's the deal with you.

You were here five years ago.

You were charged $390.

Were you before me, the first time?


You were. So I gave you a break. So I said pay $100

and then gave you time

to pay the additional $290.

And you said, "I'll pay, I'll pay, I'll pay."

You didn't pay one penny.

You got the boot off the car and you said,

"I'm free. I'm not going to pay anymore."

So you pay nothing.

And after that, you've got one, two, three, four, five,

you've got six more tickets.

You didn't pay one. Not even one.

Now your cars booted again.

So, how would feel if you gave me that break

and now I was before you? Again.

What would you do?

Well ... yeah. I would be maybe a little bit upset.

I'm not upset because this isn't my money.

And I have an obligation to perform my duties.


And try to do what's just and fair.

So, I'm confronted with you who actually snubbed

your nose at me last time saying,

"I'm not going to pay it. I'm not going to pay a thing."

And then you got more tickets. You didn't pay them.

Now your booted again.

I don't remember six tickets from then

But I do remember two. I don't know where six are from.

And in addition to that you went through two red lights.

You didn't pay one.

So, what do you want to tell me?

I don't have a real, good explanation, I guess.

You know, I just have been struggling

And things come--

We haven't changed out phone number down here.

You could have called and said,

"Listen, I'm experiencing some difficulty.

Can you give me more time?"

You never did that.

No. I guess I didn't. Nope.

No. You didn't do that.

And not only that, but you got more tickets.


So, now here's your problem.

Here's my choices. My choices are

I'm going to set a new amount and you have to pay it today.

And if you don't pay it, the cars going to get towed.

If the car gets towed, then you'll charge you

over $100 for the tow and then about $30 a day for storage.

They're not going to release that car until

we authorize them to release it.

So your car will be there.

You'll probably have to default the car.

That's what's going to happen.


So, that's my decision. So what are you asking me to do?

Help me. And I have cash in my pocket.

And I'll pay a substantial amount.

How much can you pay?

Like $300.

I take no pleasure in giving people lectures.

I really don't.

It's just not my nature but I have a job to do.

I wish that justice in this case would demand

that I say, "You know Elizabeth. You can just go."

But you didn't show good faith the first time.

I'm going to impose, this would include your previous

judgment, I'm going to impose a fine of $560 dollars.

You're going to pay $300 today

and it will remove the boot.

That's going to leave you with a balance of $260.


We're going to put you on a payment plan.

You want to pay weekly or monthly?


How much can you afford a month?

Probably 30.

$30 a month? Okay.

Now, that's a sensible suggestion.

Because I would suspect you can afford $30 a month.

Elizabeth, here's the deal. If you can't pay the $30,

call the court, speak to one of the clerks

and tell them that month, whatever the situation might be,

that you're experiencing some financial hardship,

and if they could continue it for another month.

But call the court. We're not changing our phone number.

Alright? If there's any issue, then tell them that

was my suggestion and leave your number for me to call.


I want you to do something proactive

so you can help yourself.

If you don't do that, and you don't pay the 30,

and you come back to me again, you're going to

end up forfeiting your car.


I don't want to do that.

Don't force me to do it.

I know.

You know?

No. I know.

I know. I know. Everybody, "I know. I know. I know."

I want to make sure you know.

I don't take any pleasure in doing this, okay?

I actually reduced the fine a lot, to give you a break.

So help yourself.


Are you working?


You're not working?


Alright. I'm not going to get into that area

but if you can't afford the 30

on any particular month, call.

It's not going to go away.

The computer isn't going to say,

"Oh, Elizabeth doesn't have it this month." Okay?

(clear throat)

You have to do something proactive.


Go to work.

Thank you.

(upbeat bass guitar music)

Jamie Riley.

(clear throat)

Okay let's see.

You were due in court and you didn't appear.


And then you filed a motion to vacate your default

because you were defaulted.

And the reason that your giving

to have the default dismissed was

you were out of town for work.

Yes, sir.

Why didn't you inform the court that you wouldn't be here?

We haven't changed our phone number.

Oh. I just I don't know. I'm sort of new to

the whole thing of getting in trouble.

Now you certify that you have a

valid defense to these charges

and here's what your defense says,

"I honestly made two mistakes and wanted the chance

to use my good driving record to reduce


any tickets."


(stammering laugh) I wanted to just be able

to come here to just say I'm a person

just like everybody else.

Sometimes you make mistakes. It sucked.

I was definitely in the wrong for the ...

So, what had happened was this guy was in this lane

and I was in this lane and I thought it was

a turning lane and I went this way and

he clipped me at the end.

So that already sucked that I put somebody else in danger.

And he had to deal with that.

I had to deal with my car being messed up.

I had to deal with the insurance.

I had to deal with now the money part.

And then, well I was going to say that coming here

was a terrible experience but so far it's been

pretty entertaining and it's not that bad. (chuckles)

So, I was hoping that maybe that this could be forgiven.

It's the first accident I've ever been in

and (stammers) it sucks.


Well, you perhaps could use

a bit of terminology.

Number one. Okay? Sorry.

Alright. This isn't a street corner.

You're in a court of law.

And your explanation, quite honestly,

I know you're trying hard,

but I really didn't understand your explanation.

I thought you were the third-base coach for the Red Sox.

You were saying, "He went this way and I went that way."

So I didn't know, I didn't get those signals.

Inspector, did you get the signal?

I did, Your Honor.

You did?

I did.

Oh. What do you think about the signal?

It sounded like he was in a lane that he wasn't

supposed to turn but he didn't know that

and when he turned anyway, he got into an accident, Judge.

See? First day on the job (snaps)...

He's doing good.

He's doing great. He just convicted you.


I thought about this and I was first going to

make a decision like this and then I decided

I had to make a decision like this and so

the decision is you either have to pay $85 today

or come back and have a trial. What do you wanna do?

I'll pay today.

You're going to pay today?

I just though maybe I could come in and

try to alleviate the $80

and maybe make it last or using the good driving record,

you never know 'til you try.

Unfortunately, you can't use the good driving record.

I tried.

If not, I would dismiss it on the good driving record.

Okay. Well thank you so much for your time

and thank you for listening to me.

(chuckles) Of course.

Have a good rest of the day.

(guitar bass music)

Can we just stop for a moment.

Who the heck is this kid?

I take a couple days off to recover, bravely,

from a painful knee surgery and this wannabe shows up

and does the patented Ziggy Lean

and in my courtroom? Oh, hell no.

Keep moving kid. This is Ziggy's house.

That motorist thought his case sucked?

Well, this really sucks for you kid.

I'm watching you.

All rise and hit subscribe so you don't miss

the latest viral moments like this one.

Share these videos and weigh in on the cases.

You be the judge.

Subscribe now!

For more infomation >> A Second Chance and This Sucks - Duration: 9:56.



Here is your Paul Bunyan!

Hey everybody! This is Randy Santel, "Atlas" and I've got

601 food challenge wins in 20 countries around the world! I want to thank you all

for watching and supporting and subscribing to our channel! This is day

one of our official 2018 Summer, Eastern Canada, Europe, and Asia tour! I'm

getting amped up and getting my stomach ready by doing a few challenges around

the state of Michigan! First tonight I am in Weidman, Michigan I'm at Elly May's

Diner I'm taking on their Paul Bunyan Breakfast Challenge! Now this thing is

massive! The base layer is a massive! about one inch thick huge pancake, and

then on top of this is a whole bunch of bacon! I think there's like 12 or 13

slices equal to about a pound, a pound and a half then there's some delicious

sausage, then we've got six eggs, and I went with sunny-side up for the eggs.

I've got one hour to finish this thing! if I fail it's gonna be 16 dollars but

if I win I'll get the meal free I'll get a sweet t-shirt and I will be the second

person with their photo posted up on their Wall of Fame!

Let's get this challenge started!

All right Elly May's Diner here in Weidman they've got three food challenges

actually, they've got a 12-egg omelet, they've got a massive undefeated burger,

but I've done tons of burgers already so I wanted to do this delicious-looking

breakfast, I've already done some challenges on this trip, but I filmed

them all for Friday videos that we posted throughout the summer so if you

haven't checked all those out the links are down in the description, but only one

person is beating this challenge, they don't know what the record is so we just

got to beat it within the hour let's see! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom! Alright knock out

some of this meat first then we'll move on to the pancake!

I decided to get all this meat down now this Bacon's really delicious! it's like

a maple smoked bacon by Hormel which is just awesome! We're gonna get the bacon

then we'll do the rest of the sausage!

Just a little bit left.

11 minutes and 40 seconds in, the about three pounds of meats and eggs are all

gone, now we just have this massive pancake, so we got a little bit of syrup.

don't want to use too much cuz I'm on a diet, but then we've got our diet coke to

help get it all down. Delicious so far let's become the second winner!

this is not a thin pancake

Just over 21 minutes in, we just have a little bit left switched to a new diet

cola get them get it all down!

They got a salad bar here that look delicious I might have to check that out


Last two bites, 28 minutes 20 seconds in every time I do a big pancake challenge

I'm reminded of why don't do them that often!

As bad as I feel it'll be much worse later once all this sets up like

concrete, but right now we're gonna be victorious! Delicious, delicious, challenge

I am really happy with the strategy I use I got all the meats down first, along

with those eggs! Thank you guys all for coming and stand to watch thank you guys

for watching too!

For more infomation >> ULTIMATE PANCAKE BREAKFAST FOOD CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 7:10.


RAFONIX o swoich wrażeniach NA GALI! - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> RAFONIX o swoich wrażeniach NA GALI! - Duration: 11:51.


Modding a TV for RGB - Part 2 - Duration: 7:12.

Hello and welcome back to a little addendum about my RGB mod.

Now, it was brought to my attention several times that there might be a problem with the

design of my mod.

So, first I'm going to show you what the problem was, then I'm going to show you

how I'm going to fix it, and then I've got a little surprise for you!

You may recognize this rough schematic from my last video.

However, I just want to focus on the part here that deals with the blanking pin.

So, the idea behind this was that when I flipped the switch, it would send 5 volts to the blanking

circuit over at the jungle chip.

And it does that just fine.

However, it also sends power back into the micro controller as well.

And this can be a problem because when the micro controller tries to bring the line low

while the switch is on, there is a direct short circuit.

Obviously the chip has survived so far, but long term it may end up burning the chip out.

So, I've taken the board back out of the TV and I'm going to remove this wire from

the blanking pin.

OK, so looking at the board here, the trace on the other side takes the signal from this

chip right over to this resistor.

And so when the micro controller wants to send the blanking signal it sends it through

this resistor and onto the jungle chip.

So, here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to heat this resistor up and pull it

out just like I did the other ones.

At this point the blanking line is now disconnected completely.

The plan is, since my toggle switch is a double throw, it has 3 pins.

So what I'm going to do is run the blanking signal from the jungle chip to the middle

pin on this switch.

Then I'll connect the rest like this.

So the idea being that when you flip the toggle switch it will connect the jungle chip to

the micro controller or the 5 volt line, so it will be one or the other, but not both.

This should protect the microcotroller as it will no longer have 5 volts being forced

into that pin.

Nothing will change in the way the TV or the switch operates as compared to last time.

So I've attached one wire to this resistor here, and I'll put some heat shrink on it.

And the other wire will go back in the hole the resistor used to be in.

And since I'm in here, I guess it's time to cut this connector off.

It was a temporary fix anyway.

I got the new part in I needed, which should make this look a lot more elegant.

However, I had originally removed the extra wires from the ribbon cable that I didn't

need, so now I'll have to add one back by sliding an extra wire in here.

It was either that or re-solder the whole ribbon cable.

There we go, so I'll just clamp this down.

Then, of course, I'll need to connect this extra wire to the other empty connection on

this toggle switch.

I'll just use a couple of zip ties to help keep the extra wire together with the ribbon


Yeah, I guess that will work!

And now, I can go ahead and re-assemble the two halves of the TV again using the new connector.

OK, so now that that is fixed, I have something else I want to show you.

So, in the last video, I had commented that theoretically it should be possible to display

a VGA video signal.

Now, a lot of people were intrigued by that and wanted to see how that would work, so

I'm going to show you how that works!

OK, so now it's time to build a cable.

But how will I do that?

Well, I'll start by chopping this extra VGA cable in half, and then stripping back

the insulation, and then untangling this shielding.

Now we have a million wires, where do we start?

I'll use my multi-meter in continuity mode to track down which wires go to which pins.

Now, take a look at this diagram I found online a long time ago showing how to wire up a VGA

signal to connect to a composite television.

Now, I should preface this with the fact that this design assumes the VGA port is outputting

the correct frequency for an NTSC television.

This part of the circuit essentially takes the 3 different colors and combines them with

different resistor values to convert it to a nice grayscale.

After all, there's no way to get color on a signal like this because composite color

is generated in a fundamentally different way.

Technically you only need one of color signals, but if you used the RED signal, for example,

green text would never show up.

So combining them like this probably works best.

Now, this portion of the circuit combines the horizontal and vertical sync into a composite


Now, I've actually used this design before years ago and it does in fact work.

But, I'm going to make some modifications.

First of all, I'll get rid of this section here.

The bottom part will now become just a sync signal.

And then I'll pipe the red, green, and blue right into the TV.

And so here it is.

This is just a quick and dirty way to make this cable in the interest of a demonstration.

Obviously this could use a lot of improvement.

Anyway, if you plug this into the TV and power on the computer, you're going to see this.

Yeah, there's obviously a video signal here, but it's at the wrong frequency for the


So how do we fix that?

Well, there's this little DOS program that will change the output frequency of the VGA


Of course, when I do this on my VGA monitor, it looses picture, and then the only thing

it says is out of range, and that's because the VGA monitor was not designed to work at

NTSC frequencies.

So, lets swap the VGA cable back over to the TV and see what we get.


There it is.

VGA text mode is displayed on the TV and its actually pretty clear.

Sure, it's not as clear as a VGA monitor, but most certainly readable.

And of course, it is in full color.

Most any text-based program should work fine like this.

But what about some games that use graphics mode?

Well, that's where things get interesting.

So, a lot of games will work just fine.

LHX is a good example of one that works flawlessly.

Everything is perfectly readable, which makes sense being that this game is only running

in 320x200 graphics mode, which is plenty easy for a TV to display.

However, let me show you what some other games do.

I'm going to start up Lemmings.

And everything goes crazy.

That's because Lemmings obviously fiddles with the timing on the VGA card and so there's

no real way around this, it just flat out isn't going to work.

Now here's another game that does something weird.

Populous stays in sync.

However, it is compressed to half the screen.

I mean, other than that, it's perfectly playable and everything is very clear.

But, it's just annoying that it is squished like that.

I wondered what an EGA game would do, so I tried Maniac Mansion and it does more or less

the same thing.

I thought I'd try one more game, Planet X3.

After all, I know it doesn't mess with any of the VGA registers.

And of course, it works just fine.

So this solution is not optimal, mostly due to lack of proper software support, but it

does in fact work.

And it's actually remarkably clear.

Looking at these graphics on this type of CRT reminds me a lot of looking at something

from an Amiga or Atari ST.

And so hopefully that wraps up this mod.

Now, I must admit it's still not perfect, and if I were to start all over again there's

probably, you know, a few things I might do different.

But, overall, I'm pretty satisfied with this mod and I'm sure you'll be seeing

this TV again and again and again whether it is being used in composite mode or now

with the newly added RGB modes.

Anyway, stick around for those videos and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Modding a TV for RGB - Part 2 - Duration: 7:12.


Top 10 Scary Youtube Videos With Hidden Meanings - Duration: 13:11.

Welcome back everyone, it's me. Danny Burke aka the guy who tells scary stories

But only have a ten of them at once today's video is a top ten scary

YouTube videos with hidden messages now

I've scoured very dark places of YouTube to bring you some of the creepiest things I've ever seen on this site

Honestly, I think if YouTube actually knew about some of these videos they'd have taken them down. So see what you think now

I'm holding these yes, because just before we get into this I want to say thank you to our sponsor Jellicoe

They've just brought out this this is the MV zero to one ergonomic Mouse

It's perfectly designed to go easy on your hands fingers and wrists when using this mouse

Jenny cone believes that an ergonomic Mouse keeps your hands in a healthy posture and that arm alignment

minimizes any stress or tension from building up they say this can significantly reduce the risk of developing a

repetitive strain injury this egg moment Mouse is designed with a scrolling wheel to the side of the mouse to reduce grip tension and a

Slanted angle to reduce wrist strain Jenny comb is hoping to make affordable but quality economic Mouse's for everyone

I've been testing it out

But it's really cool because it lifts your wrist up in a way that actually makes using your mouse a much nicer experience

It's also really lightweight, which I like it comes in black then there's white and blue

My favorite is blue. I think I take this one home, but I also like either two as well

Thanks though to Jellicoe

Make sure you check out the fantastic new MV zero to one ergonomic Mouse using the link in a description box below

Starting off at number 10. Now we have punishment. This is a very strange video uploaded in 2017. It's unlisted meaning it

Can't be found by searching for it

You already have to have the link to even see it the title and description are a jumble of letters and numbers

And a video itself sounds like this

That's creepy on its own and then it gets even weirder some reddit users realize that the title and the description

Were actually written in a rotation code

That means that all the letters have been kind of pushed along the alphabet in the same amount in this case

The number was 8 they then reverse this and found the true message

It reads the sacrifice of Henry lesser and Igor red repressed the memories of trauma with drugs blue militaristic

Training and decimation of the Ming green denial of events and atrocities committed against them yellow personas

compartmentalised the pink core personality

entirely destroyed

Your trigger is Spider Man

The title was also translated to punishment also during the video. There is a code that appears on the screen which translates to

Spider-man and Elsa are your friends and this has led many to think that the video is some sort of subliminal

Message linked to the whole spider-man and Elsa

Conspiracy on YouTube that's honestly a topic for a whole other video

We don't have time today

But you guys should go and research it if you're interested in this so far next up number 9 now, we have 11 B X

137 one that's the name of this very bizarre video that spread online in early 2015. Here's a segment from it

The black and white part is two minutes in length

It features a person wearing a plague doctor costume in a run-down building in a forest

They hold up a hand with an irregular blinking light

One of the most noticeable things about this video is the continuous buzzing sound that can be heard in the background

some reported that it sounded like someone was repeatedly saying I would love to kill you one Reddit user created a

Spectrogram of the sound and found both text and images concealed within it one part

Simply said you are already dead

the images depicted women being mutilated and

Tortured leading people to think that this was actually the work of a serial killer these fears seem to be confirmed when later research found

still images from the horror film the bunny game another one from the German film slasher and also a picture of a

victim of the Boston Strangler in the years since its discovery people have continued to try and decode the video and

Discover its meaning if you look this one up yourself. You can find much more about it

some of it is too dark to even mention in this video and that's me saying that moving on to the 8th now we have

rubber Johnny

This video was originally uploaded in

2005 and began circulating in emails before appearing on YouTube video claims to document Johnny a 16 year old

Inbred mutant who has been locked up in a pitch-black basement by his ashamed

Parents other than Johnny the only living thing we see in the basement is his dog

The video shows Johnny descending into a kind of madness

It's eventually morphed into this creepy drum and bass video that seems to get weirder with every second

Next up number seven now we have Daisy

unwinds this is a

very disturbing video uploaded to YouTube in 2015

It's actually part of a series of video all with the name Daisy in their title

The videos were removed from YouTube

But some people had already downloaded a few to upload later and this is one of them in this video

We see a body bag laying in a bathtub a masked man feeds the body back with a spoon from a bowl

Backwards music plays as well a 41 seconds in the man starts banging his head a split second later

We see a message on the screen. Well, it says piece together the worst to find

It's part of a poem about death. The video has raised more questions than answers. What does it all mean?

Who exactly uploaded it and perhaps most disturbingly is that body back real?

We've got number 6 now. We have sad Satan

This is a video from 2015 that appears to show a game from the deep web known as sad

Satan the uploader claims to have found it on a deep web forum

The file was signed only with the initials Z K the file showed no signs of malware. And so the uploader played it

This is the recording that he took of the game

Pretty eerie

most of the game features the player just

Walking down these dark hallways with sort of creepy psychedelic sounds being played accompanied with the players


This pattern seems to go on for a long time

Interrupted only by strange black and white photos towards the end of the video the audio also starts to include allow

Rumble with what sounds like voices slowed down further on we see that the maze is full of childlike

Creatures occasionally a white screen will flash up with a message written in wingdings a reddit user

Translated them to find messages such as I can track. You kill kill and kill again. You are on my list Heil

666 and

Sad people died the uploader eventually deleted the whole game off his computer leaving the internet still trying to decipher its dark

messages next up a number 5 now we have a dining room or there is

Nothing. This video has been around almost as long as YouTube itself has existed

It was uploaded in

2006 and has been

Freaking people out ever see then the woman stares at the camera with a blank face and utters some gibberish words

Then seemingly out of nowhere she drops her face right into her own bowl later on in the video

She lifts her head up and says to the camera

There is nothing this video is scary enough by itself

But then people realize a few things about it the second half of the video is an exact mirror of the first only in

Reverse it's supposed to be played on a loop going round and round for infinity

They say this video tells the story of our desire to know what happens

After death when the woman in the video falls into her bowl, she dies. She returns to utter the words

There is nothing as in there is nothing after death. No heaven

No, hell no afterlife life and death are just an endless cycle. Just like the video itself

Moving on from before now we have 16 that's the title of this unlisted video on YouTube which has been viewed over 8,000 times

It's very disturbing but in a way you can't quite put your finger on why it's from the perspective of a person

Watching people on a swing a fuzzy wind sound blows in the background along with a single

monotone noise

The people in the video don't seem to be aware that they are being filmed they walk over to some other people in the park

And then the image freezes a strange motive sounds while this happens as 16 seconds a single frame shows the words

you've met

The video then resumes for a few more seconds before ending at the 25 second market in the seven years since it's been uploaded many

People are trying to discern who uploaded this why they did it and what that message of you've met really means honestly

Part of me doesn't even want to know moving on to number three now. We have I feel fantastic

This is a piece of absolute nightmare fuel that I have talked about before on this channel

It was first uploaded in 2009 by creepy block a channel

which has not uploaded a single video since it features a mannequin like character known as

Tara the Android who sings a song through a voice simulator

The result is haunting transfixing and repulsive all at the same time

Tarr the Android remained motionless

Throughout but it's seen in a number of different positions

one of the only big

changes in shots comes when the camera

Snaps to an outdoor location that looks like the edge of some woods one of the songs lyrics includes the words run run run run

now naturally people felt there was more to this video than meets the eye some people believe that the crater is a

Murderer who killed a woman named Tara and dressed up that doll in her clothes

they say the outdoor shot is of where she was buried this theory was strengthened when people found that the

Description is a cryptic reference to the Greek legend of Pygmalion

He was a sculptor that created a statue of a woman for himself because he felt that all women were tainted

Perhaps the person who made this video felt that the real Tara didn't live up to his expectations

And this doll is the first step towards bringing her back to life. We've got number two. Now we have

Transfiguration, this is a bizarre video

Posted to YouTube in 2008 by oliver de psychos and it starts off fairly tame Oliver is seen muttering some words

He then begins to cover himself in layers of material the painting and sculpting

Continues for nine minutes and begins to look more and more horrific with each layer

Oliver himself seems to be losing his mind some people believe there is a hidden message along the way in this video

What is this half-human half-beast creature? We see being created before us

What does it mean at the end when his mental state seems to crash and crumble with every swing of his head?

Perhaps that's for you to decipher

And finally number one now, we have street walking

That's the name of this video

Uploaded by chez Saint John now if you've been around on YouTube for as long as I have you may recognize that name

The surreal videos fascinated the original YouTube community back in 2006 and 2007 for many though

They are very creepy Street walking is a notoriously weird video. Just take a look

She's buying her stairway to heaven J st

John has remained burned into the memories of everyone who watched this the first time around and all the other videos

The character always wears a series of wigs and dresses and has wooden hands on sticks

It's thought the character lost her arms and legs in a horrific car accident

Now some diehard members of the community are convinced that this Shay st

John was actually more real than people know and the videos like this contain clues as to what dark events really went on

Well, I really enjoyed that one, honestly

I've done quite a few videos about scary YouTube videos and this has been my favorite one

I found new ones that I've never seen before and now I already want to forget them basically

What do you think though? And before I want to go?

I also want to say thank you again to jelly carrion for sponsoring this video

Be sure to check out their new mv0 to want economic mouse using the link in a description box

I know you guys don't see me other than while I'm in front of a camera like this

But the vast majority of my day is spent

Sitting in front of a computer and a mouse like the MV 0 to 1 is gonna help me a lot with my wrist

It's honestly one of the most comfortable Mouse's I've ever used mice

Anyway, it helps stop repetitive strain injuries

Which could only be a good thing if you do use a computer for any amount of time in your daily life

I highly suggest you check out the MV 0 to 1 using the link in the description

Thanks again to Julie Cohen for sponsoring this video. Thanks as always to you guys for watching it. My name is Danny Burke

I will see you all in the next video

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Youtube Videos With Hidden Meanings - Duration: 13:11.


From Caves to Cosmos Preview | Native America | PBS - Duration: 0:31.

VO: On Native America...

The Western Hemisphere is

the birthplace of some of the

greatest civilizations on Earth.

Man 1: These ancient people were keen observers of everything.

VO: The first native peoples

were connected to Earth, sky and water...

Woman 1: This art links people

with their environment and

the heavenly bodies of the sky.

VO: ...producing some of the

most advanced cultures in history.

Man 2: They realized there's

a different way of

looking at the world.

VO: This is... Native America.

Tuesday at 9, 8 central.

Only on PBS.

For more infomation >> From Caves to Cosmos Preview | Native America | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


Will Hümeyra see Mahir and Kıymet together? | #Elif776 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 4:31.

Alright, let me know if you run into any problems.

By the way, I want to see the fabric samples earlier tomorrow, got it?

See you.

Mother, what are you doing? We should be more careful.

- What if someone sees us here? - What kind of a speech was that?

With your mom passing away and so on... That made me feel terrible!

Oh my mom, oh my sweetie. Didn't we practice how to talk, what to say in front of them, for years?

We did, we did, but seeing that in motion, that made me feel bad.

And I missed you so much, I couldn't stand in there.

We've been apart for so long.

I wanted to see my son, even for couple of minutes.

You're like a child.

I'm feeling a bit cold. I'll get a shawl.

I'll ask for Gülsüm to bring the desserts, too.

Alright, honey.

Kerem, dear, are you alright?

Nothing, I'm alright.

I guess I'm a bit touched with Mahir's story.

Mother, you stay fine, alright? Always.

My dear...

You're my mother, Mrs. Kıymet.

Look, don't forget.

We're here to get you what you deserve.

You'll make such a return...

everybody in here will get out of the wind when they find out why.

Then we'll see that we're both living.

I'll make them regret every breath they take.

Those days will come, son.

We'll see those days.

I'll proudly say that you're my son.

Look, until that day comes, we'll be very careful, OK?

Even a small mistake could cause our plans to go down.

Oh, alright, so nice of you to let me know about it.

You could call it a day at a reasonable time.

What really matters is the workflow.

Take it easy.

- Excuse me, Mrs. Hümeyra, I closed the door. - Never mind.

I thought there was a strange noise at the room, I forgot that you were there.

- Don't miss the desert, come with me if you're done with your call. - Sure, sure.

I'll be right there.

For more infomation >> Will Hümeyra see Mahir and Kıymet together? | #Elif776 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 4:31.


All known promos for the animated series | Cybersix - Duration: 4:01.

If you feel danger's grip

Should its shadow consume you

Breathe deep and always remember

I am your sworn protector

Just don't call me "missy"


We know what you're saying:

"I could do this..."

"...I was in tumbling for two years."

You know what?

We believe you.

So put on your...

...rubber suit...

...flowing cape...

...spike heels...

...and join in!


Teletoon warns there is no proof hats, capes or high heels will enhance your fighting or rooftop leaping abilities.

Same goes for flouride.

Who is she?

Is she a hero?


Premieres saturday August 19th at 8:30, only on Fox Kids

Who is she?

Superhuman strength

Catch her you worthless mutants!


All new next Saturday morning at 7:30, only on Fox Kids

Am I who you want?

She's gonna change the face of superheroes everywhere

For more infomation >> All known promos for the animated series | Cybersix - Duration: 4:01.


Here's when power is expected to be restored for the thousands still in the dark - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Here's when power is expected to be restored for the thousands still in the dark - Duration: 2:13.


Fall Out Boy - Immortals (BTS - Not Today & Mic Drop) Captions on - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Fall Out Boy - Immortals (BTS - Not Today & Mic Drop) Captions on - Duration: 3:12.


Dmitry Medvedev's Address to Foreign Investors - Duration: 7:19.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

We usually in the middle of autumn hold a meeting of our council.

We openly discuss the most important topics, the latest trends in global markets and your work in Russia.

We are working on the steps that are needed to make our cooperation mutually beneficial and long-term.

Next year we will celebrate 25 years from the day our council was created.

This is a solid time already.

And by the way, he talks about the effectiveness of the activities of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council and its great benefits - both for the Government and, I hope, for business.

We are interested in such communication and we try to support it.

We see that many investors retain interest in our country.

It's clear.

Our economy, despite all kinds of restrictions, continues to grow.

Not only GDP increases, but also a whole range of economic indicators.

This includes industrial output, freight turnover, and investments in fixed capital, and export figures.

And inflation remains at a level that allows you to maintain macroeconomic stability.

We cherish this.

Government foreign debt is decreasing.

Financial reserves do not decrease, but accumulate.

And for the first time in several years, we have prepared a draft budget surplus.

Someone, for well-known reasons, left our market, following the political conjuncture.

But others, on the contrary, have become more willing to go to the localization of production.

They call their traditional suppliers from other countries to Russia and establish contacts with local businesses.

And this has a positive effect on the cost of production.

The companies that are represented in our council continue to conduct their business in various fields, from mining to the modernization of the municipal infrastructure.

They invest money in the development of the most modern technologies, new technologies, including green technologies, they are conducting social and educational projects, for which I sincerely thank everyone.

It really is very important to us.

Our current meeting is taking place at a very interesting moment for our country.

Russia has launched a new stage of economic development.

Its main objectives were set in May decree of the President.

We have adopted the Main Directions of the Government for the period up to 2024 - a document that is the main work plan of the Government for the next six years.

We plan to achieve a stable development of the country and increase the incomes of people and the standard of living.

But for this you need to transform the economy.

This task is not the easiest.

Here we rely primarily on innovation, digital technology, to support the creation of high-tech industries and new infrastructure.

Despite the difficult foreign policy situation, we interact with foreign investors.

Our economy still remains generally open to capital, new projects, and innovations.

Our goal is to increase the inflow of investments in fixed assets to the level of 25% of gross domestic product per year.

We have prepared a plan for this topic.

We pay considerable attention to the involvement of private capital in various projects.

I mean not only Russian, but also foreign private capital.

The plan, of course, is based on the results of our previous efforts to improve the investment climate.

Since our last meeting, Russia has grown in two ratings at once.

These are ratings that relate to business.

I mean Doing Business (World Bank rating) and the Global Competitiveness Index (there we were in the 40th and 43rd places, respectively, and now in the 35th and 38th).

It is clear that this is not an ideal situation, but it is significantly better than it was a few years ago.

And the most important thing is that there is a trend, there is a movement in the right direction.

We will continue to work on this, we will continue this activity together with our partners.

We will continue our policy of creating stable and predictable tax conditions.

The tax burden level remains competitive among many jurisdictions.

In any case, compared with OECD countries.

Taking into account the higher profitability, this will give our economy certain advantages, we hope.

The government intends to streamline non-tax payments, because it is often the same for a business (a corresponding bill is being prepared), to reduce criminal procedural risks, to complete the reform of control and supervision.

We will also continue to work on intergovernmental agreements on the avoidance of double taxation, in order not only to provide traditional guarantees for the protection of investments and incomes, but also to create additional incentives for reinvesting capital into our country.

We will involve investors in large projects with state participation.

Here I would like to draw attention to infrastructure development projects.

We are going to expand the scope of the mechanisms of public-private partnerships and simplify the procedure for concluding concessions.

New stage not only in the economy.

The changes affected the Consultative Council itself, its working groups.

I am sure that they will make the work of the council more effective.

Working groups are enlarged.

Each of them now has its own, rather broad competence.

Hope this really helps the cause.

One of the key areas of Russia's development in the coming years is new technologies and a digital economy.

The whole world is engaged in this, and we are going here in the trend of social development.

I traditionally invite all those present who have the time and desire to visit the Open Innovations Forum, which is currently taking place in the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

This forum has established itself as a useful discussion platform, where new projects appear, where leading experts gather, and quite bold ideas come up.

Undoubtedly, your participation in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum can also be extremely useful.

The next forum will be held June 6–8, 2019.

There are usually also very large delegations of foreign businessmen.

Once again, I would like to say that both I and my Government colleagues are still open for frank communication.

So thank you for your attention.

Let's get down to our traditional conversation.

For more infomation >> Dmitry Medvedev's Address to Foreign Investors - Duration: 7:19.


Fake News Writer | Episode 2 Preview | YouTube Series - Duration: 0:51.

- You know, I've always wanted you to

pursue your dreams and not settle for less.

- Basically, all you're doing is finding

other people's articles and rewriting them

with a new clickbait headline.

- (laughs) Are you smart enough to be a news writer?

- See how liberals assaulted this gay,

Hispanic Trump supporter.

It is disgusting.

(upbeat music)

(key clicks)

I think I'm good at this.

For more infomation >> Fake News Writer | Episode 2 Preview | YouTube Series - Duration: 0:51.


Coffee or Soda? Help this user make the healthier choice! - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Coffee or Soda? Help this user make the healthier choice! - Duration: 3:59.


How To Download Your Facebook Live And Make It Into Content Babies - Duration: 3:32.

You're completed a Facebook live and you know what? You were just brilliant but

after a week or so it's disappeared it's disappeared way down the facebook

timeline until it's almost like it didn't exist anymore. What should you do?

The answer; download, edit and repurpose. Today I'm going to show you how to


Today I'm gonna show you how to download from your Facebook page, from a

Facebook group or from your Facebook profile.

First up the easy one, your Facebook page. Click on the three dots towards the

right-hand side of the post and select edit post, and now you'll find three

little dots at the bottom here, download HD, and then it will download to your

computer. Simple, it's not so simple for Facebook groups or for your profile. Now

this is where it gets tricky, downloading from your group. They've kinda hidden it but

this time it'll do you no good to click on the three dots, you just get to edit

the post which means you can edit this text at the top. You need to click in to

let it play and you need to go full screen. I'm just gonna click pause there. Now,

if you click the three little dots at the top you have the option to download

your video. Finally, what if you want to download from your Facebook profile?

It's the same process, click Play click it again to go fullscreen three

little dots at the top and click download videos. Right, so you've got this

big long Facebook live you've downloaded what will you do with it next? Firstly,

the easy one is to edit out all the Facebook live bits, you know the bits

where you were saying hello hello to everyone or oops I've made a mistake? Get

rid of all those bits and then just upload it in full to YouTube and

wherever else you host your video to. If you want to get a little bit more

creative you could edit it into sections and create a video

series. This is particularly good if you were sharing tips. Tip 1 is video 1, tip 2

this video 2, tip 3 is video 3 and of course once you've downloaded it and

uploaded it to YouTube you can embed it in a blog post and you could either get

it transcribed or you could create a blog post to accompany it. And don't forget

the audio. You could use that audio to create a podcast. You could use audacity

or QuickTime Player to rip the audio out of your video and voila! You could cut a

short square video and a portrait video and you can use it on Instagram,

Instagram stories, snapchat stories, Facebook stories and use it as a trailer

to drive traffic back to your website or back to your YouTube video or back to

the original Facebook live. And finally, you know all those bits you snipped

out before you added it to YouTube? All the bits where you made mistakes? Cut

those together and create a Christmas blooper reel and if you'd like more tips

like this go visit my blog post.

For more infomation >> How To Download Your Facebook Live And Make It Into Content Babies - Duration: 3:32.


Tufan unsheats his knife! | #Elif776 - Ending Scene (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:47.

- We should finish the homework you gave today until Monday, right? - Huh?

- I'm saying the homework today, I have to finish it until Monday, right? - Right, right.

Means that you still have plenty of time.

- Emirhan? - What is it, teacher?

- Is there anything wrong at your home? - No, teacher. What kind of a problem?

- I mean, is your mother alright? - She is.

I was just curious, she didn't come and pick you.

Sometimes she has customers keeping her late, then she can't leave. Probably that's the reason.

I could walk from here, teacher. Don't tire yourself to our place.

We're already there. I shouldn't leave you in the halfway.

Besides, if your mother isn't home, we'll get to the store together.

Alright, teacher. However you say.

Of course you could walk by yourself. But I'll be relieved if I leave you to your mother.

- Ah, she's here. - She was on her way, too. Mommy!

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