Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

hi friends so welcome back to my Channel

today I'm coming at you with some

skincare all of the products I use the

different procedures that I do all of

that I'm gonna talk about I'm gonna

start off talking about it so I've had a

lot of friends have this done and other

friends want to have it done and just

have a lot of questions about what my

experiences were like why do it what it

is all of that and I wanted to answer

those so if you don't know what

preventive Botox is basically you have

Botox injected in small amounts into

areas that you're starting to see lines

form so Botox can't fix true wrinkles

and true wrinkles are lines in your face

that don't go away ever basically it's

where your skin has creased over and

over and over and created a permanent

kind of dent or line in it we're kind of

the lines that I'm talking about are in

I squint or focus and I do that a ton

throughout my day and maybe those lines

stay for like an hour too but if I relax

my face or I go to sleep I wake up and

they're gone that's the kind of lines

that preventive Botox is for so I did

just want to say quick that Botox isn't

like a filler or anything like that

which I feel like a lot of people

including myself did not know it's not

gonna fill in anything it's just a serum

that paralyzes your muscles so it's not

gonna change the shape of your face it's

not gonna fill anything in it's not

gonna do anything like that it's just a

shot directly into the muscles in tiny

tiny amounts that paralyzes those

muscles for two to three months so it's

also not permanent I'm not sure if

everybody said that but that's important

to say as well so if you choose to stop

getting it done in two to three months

it's gonna completely wear off and

you're gonna be able to use those

muscles like you normally would

I chose how preventive Botox done when

my dermatologist actually suggested it

to me because the best time to start

getting it done is between like 23 to 25

when you're just starting to see those

lines for

to really kind of trap them in their

place I need preventive Botox is not

necessarily cosmetic I mean it is

because having lines are acne or

anything like that isn't actually gonna

like affect your lifespan or overall

health but I think taking care of your

body and making any part of your body

last longer then it could naturally is a

good thing in my book so whether that be

in my eyes or my heart or my skin I'm

gonna do whatever it takes to make it

age as solely as possible and make it

work for as long as possible so if

you're curious about having it done and

and what the procedures actually like

basically I went in there the same day I

kind of just found a place online that

had good reviews on Yelp which sounds

super weird but that's kind of how I

find everything whether it be

restaurants or doctors or dentists so I

found a clinic in my area that got great

reviews had certified doctors which I

felt was important to me that they

weren't just certified for the procedure

but that they were an actual

dermatologist which that's a complete

personal preference I called them up

they got me in the same day I came in

for just like a consultation because

most places will have you come in and

they'll look at your face kind of tell

you what your options are what they

think would be helpful to you so I

actually went with not Botox per se but

it's like a sister product that is a

newer version rather than traditional

Botox just because they thought for kind

of my skin type it was gonna be better

and I trusted them he told me how many

units I needed which is basically

depending on how much your face moves

how much medicine they're going to

inject into you and just like how they

would calculate that for any other

medication or procedure you would have

done I was

on the higher end of the scale so mine

was about two hundred and fifty dollars

for the entire consultation procedure

for the product everything and then I

had it done the same day because they

basically told me it would take five

minutes and then I wouldn't have to come

back in I was like done I was super

super nervous would be an understatement

cuz I was like what if this is a mistake

but I just kind of decided that if I was

gonna do it I might as well just do it

then they just took a little wipe they

wiped off my makeup took an alcohol wipe

sterilized my face and then they found a

little needle and they did probably a

dozen tiny little injections I couldn't

even see where they injected it because

like I said it's not a filler so it's

like getting a shot where you're not

gonna be able to you know see other than

maybe like the pinprick of where you got

your shot done and so it took them like

maybe two minutes to do my whole face it

did not hurt the needle was so thin it

was weird because I was kind of nervous

because they weren't gonna numb it

but I didn't need it none whatsoever it

wasn't really painful it was just weird

cuz I could hear like little pop of them

pushing it through my skin which that

kind of messed with my head and made me

a little like dizzy just because I was

thinking about the fact that they were

like poking things to my skin and I just

like made my stomach turn but it didn't

hurt and then after the two minutes I

was done they put a little tinted

moisturizer on my face so that it would

blend a little bit more with my makeup

it didn't hurt afterwards it did take

about like two or three days before I

actually saw a difference and then I saw

a huge difference so I'll show you my

forehead um

I am like within a few weeks of needing

another injection and I'm not thinking

it done because right now I'm in New

York and I don't know if I'm gonna stay

here permanently or not and I don't want

to kind of like have to find a doctor

only to have to fight

other one in a few months and like how I

said is you can stop and start it up

again and all of that without any

problems so I'm just letting this wear

off and then I'll probably have it done

once I have like a permanent spot that

I'm living at I can still move my

eyebrows quite a bit my eyebrows can

normally move a lot more I don't think

that I look like a robot because if you

have a good doctor you shouldn't look

like that whole point is to just inject

enough so that if you have some places

where you have you know more than normal

movement and that sort of thing that you

know it just kind of like calms them

down a little bit like well you guys

don't need to move that much I had it

done two times after my initial one so I

had it done kind of over nine months

three different times each time was kind

of the same but yeah that's kind of all

of that um if you guys have any other

questions about that feel free to leave

them below and I'll try to answer them

as best as possible but I'm gonna go

along and move to my skin care products

that I use so these first two are both

cleansers I included not just like my

face skincare but like my body skin care

too because I feel like that's equally a

part of your skin this first one is the

checks and balances by origin it's a

basic face wash I honestly love how this

feels when I'm washing my face with it

because it's kind of like cool and minty

and refreshing and I love how it smells

I how it foams up both having being

completely honest I probably won't rebuy

this not because it's a bad product but

because it feels like a soap after you

wash it off for your skin doesn't feel

super tight but just like a little tight

and kind of like that weird smooth

feeling of if you wash your face with

soap but it is a good cleanser and maybe

it's just my skin type so the next

product I have I kind of feel the same

way about I swear I do have products I

love just like my conjures eye

I haven't been as in love with lately so

if you guys have good suggestions leave

me a comment because I'd love to know

but this is the shea moisture african

black soap they have new charcoal body

scrub with tea tree oil man that is a

long title this is what I use all over

my body and honestly I don't just like

it again I just don't love it because

for me I like to use a very like intense

scrub all over my body just to get off

any dead skin but this one is a very

gentle scrub so if you need a more

gentle scrub this one would probably be

a really good option for you personally

I don't so I need something a little bit

more intense but it works well it was

whoa it does its job it cleanses my body

and you know it works to wash my face I

use the Mia to Clarisonic I think this

is probably a super old model I got this

one like three years ago or so I loved

it I honestly don't use it a lot charged

which I probably would have a much

better effect if I did but I like it

just because it really exfoliates and I

notice a huge difference when I wash my

face with it and not when I go to apply

my makeup I'm gonna show you guys my

moisturizers next

so these two are what I use for my face

and this is the high potency night a

mins I also I'm trying to buy all of my

products cruelty free the origins is a

cruelty free company so I love that but

I also loved it way before I was even

looking for that just because I feel

like they make amazing products and they

are a little bit more pricey than like a


but I feel like there's still a lot more

portable than a lot of other high-end

like skincare so for me it's like a good

middle balance between my quality and

price I think I'm only supposed to use

it at night but like how I said

my skin gets very try so I use it

morning and night and I tend to get like

little eczema bumps on my forehead if I

don't like exfoliate and moisturize to

the max and so this product really

and so that product really helps with

that and I notice my makeup going on so

much smoother compared to like just like

your average moisturizer that you pick

up like from the drugstore this next one

is an eye cream

um and I actually thought this I was

like a gift and this is by the brand oh

I'm gonna butcher this Locke attained

Locke attained and it is the precious

cream and I've been using you this as

under-eye cream and I really like it

this is another origins product I know

go figure would never would have guessed

this is the night immense oil um I love

it I'm not a huge facial oil person I

really do see a difference in my skin

though it's once again I'm always

finding you stupid like ice in my box so

if you have any tips on how to deal with

those please let me know so yeah I

really like this it also has a really

nice like um like citrusy scent which if

you don't like such as you're gonna hate

this product but if you like citrus it's

amazing the track so these last few are

all like specialty products so this

first one is actually a prescription and

might be like why are you putting this

in the video Emma um because it is one

that I think is really important it kind

of goes along with the Botox earlier but

this is tretinoin cream it's what a lot

of like products at Sephora

that are made for anti-aging half this

is just a higher concentration of it

I got prescribed this because I still

sometimes get acne breakouts and like I

said I'm 24 so I'm starting to get to

the age where I have to start doing

anti-aging and basically what it's

active ingredient does is it makes your

cells turnover at a faster rate and I

don't really know why this hopes with

the lines and anti-aging but it does and

it also is one that's prescribed people

with acne because it also helps

I mean once again I don't know why but

it does and for me it just makes my skin

so much more glowy you do have to use it

over a period of time like it's not a

product you'll use twice and be like a

matched such a difference you have to

use it for a few weeks so that your skin

is starting to turn over those cells

faster but I love it and if you do go to

a dermatologist and are curious about

different anti-aging or your around my

age and you struggle with acne I really

love it as a good like two for one

product and the only other reason I

wanted to bring up is because it is in a

lot of Sephora products and if you do

have health insurance for myself this is

free because my medical insurance covers

it and it's a higher concentration

higher quality product than what I'm

getting in Sephora and I would have to

pay like 50 $80 for the once in Sephora

so that's another really good thing to


these next two I use during my makeup

routine but they are technically

skincare this one is a super view unseen

sunscreen broad-spectrum SPF 40

sunscreen is so important not just to

help with anti-aging but also to really

help the health of your skin and so I

put this on every morning before my

makeup it's not just a sunscreen but

it's also a makeup primer and it's water

and sweat resistant and honestly this is

gonna sound so weird but it's like this

nice like silicone kind of texture to it

and when I put it on my face all of my

dead skin that is still left over after

I exfoliate and moisturize and

everything comes off in like balls which

sounds so gross because it is but

basically I just like continue massaging

it all over my face and my skin I could

you not feels like velvet afterwards the

only time I won't put it on before my

makeup because I do have a different wow

if I'm going to be out at night where

there could be like flash photography

because you know none of us want flash

back we

what FDA does do and then this one I use

in my makeup routine as well and it's

the Lucas pop hot pointment

it is a lip balm I thought on Amazon

because it's an Australian product and

it's like a cult product there and I was

just honestly really curious because

it's like I think like seven dollars

it's not expensive the tube lasts


and a lot of people are saying is

basically just vaseline or heiped

Vaseline and I can say that it's not

something about like the fermented

papaya really does make a difference and

even if that's all in my head I like it

more because it doesn't have that like

disgusting flavor that Vaseline does is

it just doesn't have a player it doesn't

have a flavor it doesn't have a scent it

works as well it's like Vaseline or

Carmack's I put it on my lips at night

and then in the morning before I apply

any lip liner and then I also take a

little bit and put it on my cuticles and

then this is my last product it is a

facial mask by you guessed it origins is

the clear improvement active charcoal

mask and I cannot say enough good stuff

about this like I think origins

moisturizers and then their masks are

like their best products I think this is

like ten dollars at the floor and you

can get like a bigger bottle too and

honestly this lasts me like three months

so very very price efficient it helps

like with any breakups I have and then

if I do have an area that like I get all

four all breakout I'll put this on it

while I shower and it just helps so much

I see instant improvement of the texture

my skin flattening of those bumps I love

it I try to use it like once or twice a

week or my skins acting up I'll use it

like every other time I shower love it

cannot say enough good things about this

product anyway you guys that is

everything I have I know this video is

like super super long but I hope that

that was useful to you and yeah I'll see

you in

my next video and I hope you have a good

day fine

For more infomation >> my skincare routine - Duration: 16:48.


100 Best Pumpkin Carving Ideas Halloween 2018 - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> 100 Best Pumpkin Carving Ideas Halloween 2018 - Duration: 11:31.


Toại nguyện uớc mơ về quê của cụ bà 96 tuổi bán vé số - Duration: 39:13.

For more infomation >> Toại nguyện uớc mơ về quê của cụ bà 96 tuổi bán vé số - Duration: 39:13.


EL PODER DEL DECRETO EN ACCIÓN. Con Aida Romero. - Duration: 20:11.

For more infomation >> EL PODER DEL DECRETO EN ACCIÓN. Con Aida Romero. - Duration: 20:11.



For more infomation >> CANALIZACIÓN Y SANACIÓN ENERGÉTICA EN DIRECTO. Con Sofía Comino. - Duration: 28:40.



good morning! it's like 7:30 in the morning and we're just waking up

brushing your teeth bro? and we're living in Canggu now we moved into a house

that doesn't have a pool it's not a villa so funny there's so many like nice

villas and I looked at places to rent where I could like rent a room and have

this big pool and you know housekeeper that comes every day and ended up renting

a room in a house that has none of that stuff but it's in a local neighborhood

and the man who lives here has two kids and he's gone to Australia to have

another baby so it's tricked out and it's right next

door to a daycare and today I'm just gonna show you what like a little average

day for us is like living here in Bali we've only been here since Monday it's

Thursday and we're already in like two dirty shirts and this is this is how we

did it here what are you looking for Luna? "mommy, avena" Avena? okay

so I pack up her snack and stuff the night before so you're always late for

daycare take your starts at 8:00 yo we're like 9:00 a.m. people we're not

ready at 8:00 we're ready at 9:00 the sweet thing about this daycare it's

right next door literally so here we go to the daycare

this is where we live and daycare is literally the next door

when I come back from working I can hear her over there like singing songs and having fun with

her friends so bullshit she loves daycare she's a little bullshitter

okay now that Luna's at daycare not a peep out of her since I left her I'm off to

cafe Cinta where I go to work in the morning it's like your regular thing I

pay like 12 bucks for breakfast two coffees in about four hours of primo

internet so I can't complain

living with like the view of rice fields everywhere so nice

Pickin' up diapers

I just stopped in a bakery to get some no bake brownie cheesecake

they say it's gluten free but she promised me that it's still gonna taste like a real cake and not

gluten free, sawdust, pile of crap

I just got home, I'm not gonna pick up Luna yet but I am going to spy on her here we

go there she is okay that's it she can't actually see me or hear me and I'm right

next door I have to keep my voice down because if she sees or hears me a lot of

times she just starts crying you know out of the pure joy of my presence

so here's my guilty pleasure water and that I put in the fridge last night so

that it's nice and cold I actually have just as an FYI aside I have one bottle

this size and one bottle this size this bottle I got last week and have been

refilling it ever since the small bottle I actually got on our flight a month ago

and I've been refilling that since I got here it's super important when you

travel to be mindful of how much garbage you're creating - this is it man this is the

day in our life so far I know it's been mostly me but I'll be picking up Luna at

an hour and then the fun will continue with her

it tastes really good for a gluten-free cake really good I'm like a half hour

before I have to get her so I decided that I'm gonna do a 20 minute

HIIT workout I started on this trip doing 16 minute like 20 minute workouts when I

could get the chance and I don't have to go anywhere I just do them at home and

they're great because 20 minutes is better than zero minutes sometimes I can

go to yoga class sometimes I can't sometimes I just do 20 minutes of yoga

at home I've been preaching this all you need is 15 minutes thing for so much of

my life and never really putting it into action and now I'm actually using it

like yes you only need 15 minutes here's how you do it so here I go HIIT workout

get excited

workout done - super-sweaty - even though I did it in there with the aircon on i'm

still sweaty af like honestly you see this that's some baller sheen the first time

I lived in Bali it was during the really hot season and I actually I came from

Canada winter like January winter and when I came for the first month I

had like a sheen on me everywhere I went I had a sweat wet rag like an R Kelly

video like I was like you know and I was just like baller sheen day and night like

all my arms everything and I have a lot of body hair so I was like slick like a

seal it took me about a month to acclimate I haven't had the baller sheen

once since I've been here this time we're here at a different time of year

I'm also living in Guatemala so I'm more acclimated but I feel the sheen

look where we are

mommy's here! Hi, you want me to have this yeah are you throwing it yeah

high-five say see you tomorrow bye this is a

little kid that we live with Lucas

we gotta go drop off the laundry I think you need a nap you see why I missed her? you see

ready to get on the moto with Mummy sounds like yes

yeah Luna's helmet

not gonna lie, I just drove around until I saw laundry these guys have stuff hanging outside

which means they don't put everything in the dryer all my stuff's shrinking man

so we're at the market this one's pass out yeah that's how

she's sleeping everyone's like 'she's sleeping really fucked up' yeah, well what do you want me to do we just have a few things

we want to get here and it's funny I've been looking for this market for a week and I

can't find it because my expectation of what the door was this is totally

different anyway we're here

gonna try to put her down Gonna try and see what happens, this might turn out really bad

while she's out there sleeping, I actually bought some incense

at the market today and I'm gonna shake this tree above me it's a frangipani

tree and get some fresh frangipani to put on our altar the things I've been

doing since being here is just getting back into life my daily practice of puja

which I started doing in India when I became a yoga teacher I mean I'm not a

Hindu definitely not a Balinese Hindu i could not I don't have the patience

for all their stuff but it is how i have my contact in how I pray

look at that - that fall off right here

okay it's the end of the day somebody just woke up this guy right here it's

5:30 she's had about an hour nap and we're on

our way to a place called Cassava where we are meeting my friend Ella hi for

dinner apparently there's some kind of like vegan all-you-can-eat buffet at the

pool bar my little Robocop back there looking good

this is my friend Elle

you know what this looks really delicious

even if the noodles are a bit weird

okay so that was our day that's that's pretty much regular day for us you know

we're gonna just finish this game of whatever we're doing here and head home the night if

if you like this video share it - you should probably subscribe to our channel too - all the cool kids are doing it

For more infomation >> A DAY IN THE LIFE: BALI, INDONESIA - Duration: 11:52.


How Spider-Man Is Changed In Japan - Duration: 8:45.

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Marvel's Spider-Man franchise has recently seen a huge wave of critically acclaimed offerings

for fans - ranging from the new PlayStation Spider-Man game, that's already gone to become

Sony's 7th best selling PS4 game of all time, the hit movie last year that's now the 2nd

best selling Spider-Man film to-date, and soon there will also be the highly anticipated

animated movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which is promised to conceptually and visually

"break new ground for the superhero genre."

This now makes a good time to take a look at the franchise and some of the ways it has

been portrayed in different countries around the world.

And, with that notion, today we'll be taking a look at the Spider-Man series in Japan.

The land of the rising sun actually has long history with the famous red web swinger and,

at times, a rather distinct take on the lovable hero.

One of the most notable of these is the Japanese live action TV series from the late 70s, titled

simply Spider-Man.

The show was the result of a deal between Marvel and the Japanese production company


The deal allowed the two companies to exchange IPs and use them however they liked for a

contract length of 3 years.

This resulted in a show that was vastly different to the US material and tweaked into something

that was seen as more appealing to a Japanese audience.

For instance, giant robots were all the rage in Japan back then and so the creators decided

to give Spider-Man a giant robot that he would summon and pilot to fight off enemies.

The robot, dubbed Leopardon, would transform from Spider-Man's spacecraft, which was another

new addition for the show, and boasted such features as the "Arm Rocket"- a flying rocket

punch capable of destroying walls with up-to five feet of thickness.

It also comes equipped with a special sword called the "Sword Vigor".

The blade is often used as a climactic finishing attack, in a move where Spider-Man will triumphantly

throw the sword through the air and destroying even the most formidable foes in just one


Another change that was made to appeal more to Japanese audiences was giving the show

an extraterrestrial origin.

Rather than being bitten by a radioactive spider, Japan's Spider-Man is injected with

an alien races' blood after finding a fallen UFO that had crash landed to earth.

The alien is the last surviving warrior of Planet Spider and it had come to earth to

defeat Professor Monster and the Iron Cross Army.

These are a different type of alien and are the show's main villains.

Not only did they kill the rest of Planet Spider's inhabitants but they also killed

Spider-Man's father, who also went to investigate the fallen UFO.

This makes the show also a bit of a revenge story and the presentation is often very dramatic

and over the top.

When Spider-Man faces the enemy in each episode, he will introduce himself while performing

dramatic poses, with lots of freeze frames and jump cuts.

The Japanese Spider-Man will also often shout out attack names when using his different

web attacks, which shoot out from the Spider Bracelet - a bracelet worn around Spider-Man's

left wrist.

Not only is the bracelet responsible for the webs, but it also has a number of other cool

features like a homing device that can summon not only the spacecraft that transforms into

Spider-Man's giant robot, but also the Spider Machine GP-7 - Spider-Man's flying car, which

is equipped with machine guns and missile launchers inside its bonnet.

Speaking of vehicles, the Japanese version of Spider-Man no longer works as a photojournalist

but is instead a professional motorcycle racer.

Spider-Man's catchphrase is no longer "It's your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!" either,

but is instead the much darker "The Emissary from Hell - Spider-Man".

This line was even referenced in the Japanese version of the new Spider-Man PS4 game.

When Spider-Man uses his hologram gadgets in the Japanese version of the game, the hologram

will taunt criminals with various lines of dialogues, with one of these being the same

catchphrase from the show.

The show would also get the approval of creator Stan Lee, who would later say that he very

impressed with the Japanese take of the franchise.

It would also even go on to become canon in the Spider-Man universe, with both the Japanese

Spider-Man, as well as his giant robot, appearing in issues of the 2014 comic book series Spider-Verse.

Plus, it would ultimately lead to Toei, the show's producers, being inspired to create

Super Sentai - a show that is similar in nature, with its fusion of things like live action

and giant robots, and which would eventually be adapted in Western markets to become Power


So yes, the Japanese Spider-Man is actually a big reason why Power Rangers would eventually

be created, as well as other shows like it.

The Japanese TV series would ultimately have 41 episodes released, alongside a movie, and

has been re-released over the years in VHS and DVD box sets.

It also gave birth to a lot of successful merchandise and, for a period of time, all

episodes from the show were even broadcast in English on Marvel's website.

Its over the top nature is very unique and this has led to it being fondly remembered

by fans on both sides of the ocean, rather than fading away into obscurity.

However, the live action show isn't the only Japanese version of Spider-Man.

In fact, there was actually a Japanese manga version of Spider-Man that actually predates

the Japanese show by a number of years.

The manga was originally published in Japan from January 1970 to September 1971 in the

Monthly Shōnen Magazine and was the result of Marvel again trying to expand their reach

in other markets.

Whilst at first the manga was kept more comparable to the Western source material, albeit somewhat

darker in tone, the manga was receiving low sales.

This led to the writer being replaced after the 6th story and things changing drastically.

Following stories would start to contain much more violent, nihilistic and sexual themes.

This version of Spider-Man has a very depressing outlook on life and his powers.

At the end of one issue he even throws his costume away altogether, calling himself an

egotist and hypocrite - and that, if he continues being Spider-Man, he might make the same mistakes

the Kangaroo made.

From there on, the costume is rarely seen again.

At one point he allows himself to be viciously beaten by yakuza thugs, refusing to use his

powers on ethical grounds.

Blood, death and gruesome imagery is frequent.

This Japanese Spider-Man also has a rather dark side.

Whilst he tries to keep this bad side of him suppressed, he will fantasize about what it

would be like to use his powers for other purposes.

For instance, when stuck in a traffic jam, he goes on a 7 page fantasy sequence, imagining

flipping all of the other cars over and clearing the way.

You then see Spider-Man gazing upon the dead civilians and carnage, with a surviving women

in despair calling him a murderer and Spider Man asking himself what has he done.

One plot point involves an attempted rape of a women by a group of masked thugs.

More than a dozen pages are devoted to showing the women trying to flee and having her clothes

torn off and then being forced to the ground, where one of the men get on top of her.

Spider-Man eventually rescues her but, with the grim nature of the novel, the women, instead

of thanking him, mistakes him for one of her attackers and runs away calling out for help.

He is then blamed for the attack by the people around him and branded a pervert, leading

to even more depression in the main character.

The manga also contain many other adult themes.

For instance, at one point Spider-Man is trying to study, but gets distracted and begins to

masturbate, fantasying about chasing his girlfriend along the beach and tearing off her clothes.

Needless to say, a lot of this is a vastly different take on the friendly neighbourhood

Spider-Man seen in the west.

The manga actually was translated and released by Marvel for English audiences though, but

with several stories missing and many adult scenes removed or censored.

The English manga was published across thirty-one issues from December 1997 to April 1999 but

was then cancelled for unknown reasons.

There have also been other Japanese versions of Spider-Man, such as the more recent Spider-Man

J released in 2004, which was again only really similar to the US Spider-Man in name and costume.

This manga was much more suited for child audiences and featured a cuter, chibi-styled

Spider-Man, who would rarely been seen without his costume and would face various animal-themed

enemies in a simple monster of the week type format.

Needless to say, the US Spider-Man products have also been translated and released in

Japan, where, like the West they are also very popular.

However, these make a few good examples of how Spider-Man has at times been changed for

the Japanese market, believing this will appeal more to Japanese audiences.

What do you think about these Japanese versions of Spider-Man and what would you like us to

take a look at next?

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below and please consider subscribing if videos

on regional differences like this are something you are interested in.

Until next time, thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> How Spider-Man Is Changed In Japan - Duration: 8:45.


8 Adventure Games That Did Something Different - IkiFoo - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> 8 Adventure Games That Did Something Different - IkiFoo - Duration: 6:52.


ProtTurk OP Faction Server | Minecraft Server Tanıtımları 170. Bölüm | Minecraft ProtTurk - Duration: 15:09.

For more infomation >> ProtTurk OP Faction Server | Minecraft Server Tanıtımları 170. Bölüm | Minecraft ProtTurk - Duration: 15:09.


Pee-Wee's Big Halloween - Duration: 2:07.

- [Woman] 40 years ago on Halloween night,

three people murdered.

- [Man] After that horrific night,

he was sent back to the institution in captivity.

- [Woman] Do you know that I pray every night

that he would escape?


- What the hell did you do that for?

- So I can kill him.

- It was a simple mistake and I'm really sorry.

- [Girl] Everyone in my family like turns into a nutcase

this time of year.

- Howdy partners.

Excuse the intrusion to this most joyous occasion.


(intense music)

- [Woman] The bus crashed.

- [Man] He'll return to Haddonfield, his home.

- I need to protect my family.

You have no security system Karen.

- Mom, you need help.

- Evil is real.


- Excuse me, somebody's in here.


(intense music)

- [Man] There's a reason we're supposed to be

afraid of this night.

- I've been preparing for this for a long time.

It is not safe to be on the street tonight.


Go home! Get out of here!

Get inside!

- Sorry, I don't mean to trespass.


- [Woman] He is a killer,

but he will be killed tonight.

- Go ahead, scream your head off.


Well well well.

(spooky music)

I love that story.


For more infomation >> Pee-Wee's Big Halloween - Duration: 2:07.


Te Amo | Erin Zaman | Ibrar Tipu | New Video Song | Bangla Song | Love Song | Trailer | Official - Duration: 2:03.


For more infomation >> Te Amo | Erin Zaman | Ibrar Tipu | New Video Song | Bangla Song | Love Song | Trailer | Official - Duration: 2:03.


Ультра Редкие Питомцы ЛОЛ Опять Золотой Шар Куклы ЛОЛ Мультик с куклами Ultra Rare LOL PETS Nika Kid - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> Ультра Редкие Питомцы ЛОЛ Опять Золотой Шар Куклы ЛОЛ Мультик с куклами Ultra Rare LOL PETS Nika Kid - Duration: 8:57.


Частичка тепла для тебя! Красивые поздравления. С Днём рождения! #ПОЗИТИВдлядрузей - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Частичка тепла для тебя! Красивые поздравления. С Днём рождения! #ПОЗИТИВдлядрузей - Duration: 0:40.


Nightcore Collab | little mix - Duration: 24:07.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore Collab | little mix - Duration: 24:07.


Straßenmusik [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 1:10.

Street music is really hard.

People are so ungrateful... is really sad.

You are amazing! Good luck!

For more infomation >> Straßenmusik [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 1:10.


Comment personnaliser sa tenue de Motocross ? [KENNY RACING] - Duration: 3:21.

Hello, welcome to Kenny.

I am Josse from the Honda SR team.

Today, I'll show how to get a customized outfit.

Here is the graphic designers' office.

Delphine gathers all the information from customers

in order to satisfy your needs.

Once Delphine has completed this task,

she then sends the requests to Vivien.

Vivien works on a design

and sends you a model quickly.

If you want to share your own ideas, the Kenny team can also send you a blank template.

Vivien is preparing the 2019 jersey models for the team.

I am currently doing the modifications for 2019,

more precisely the placement of our partners, our logos and our colors.

When the model is approved, the next step is the separation.

Vivien, could you please explain this process?

What is separation?

At this stage, we look at the flat jersey. The different pieces of fabric that compose it are isolated.

We also adjust the cutting lines to the different sizes.

These are our technical constraints to avoid losing parts of the logos or the design.

Once the file is ready, it is sent to the printing station.

Again the model is approved so we can now get to the printing facility.

Let's talk to Sébastien who is in charge of producing jerseys.

Sébastien, it's surprising, are you printing on paper instead of fabric?

Exactly. Once the graphic designer has done his job,

we can move to the printing room

and use our digital printing machines to print our digital-based image on paper.

Then, with a chemical process, we sublimate from the paper to the fabric.

The ink on the paper will transfer onto the fabric.

The sublimation process gives unalterable results.

Josse, your jersey is now ready.

Third step: the sublimation facility.

OK, thanks Sébastien.

The jersey is printed.

Now starts the sublimation process.

The jersey is composed of several pieces of fabric.

They are pre-cut upon sizes.

Now it's time for Julien to work on the sublimation.

The sublimation consists in transferring the ink from the paper to the fabric.

After the sublimation, this is the final result.

The jersey is taking shape.

Thanks Julien.

The last step for assembling the jersey, the sewing.

I will now ask Nathalie to assemble the jersey.

Very last step: to fold the jersey.

After all this, we can send it to you.

This is the jersey of our pilot Xavier Boog,

from the Honda SR team.

We were able to retrace all the steps and show how Kenny creates customised jerseys.

Please contact Kenny

for all types of customised items.

They are jerseys, but also think about trousers, jackets and cycling bib shorts.

All these products are made in Amiens, France. By Kenny.

Thank you for your attention.

See you on the courses!

For more infomation >> Comment personnaliser sa tenue de Motocross ? [KENNY RACING] - Duration: 3:21.


Youtube Trending Comments Video Troll | மரணகலாய் | Sarkar Movie Troll | Tamil - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Youtube Trending Comments Video Troll | மரணகலாய் | Sarkar Movie Troll | Tamil - Duration: 7:27.


10 Things To Know Before Traveling To New York City - NYC Travel Tips - Duration: 5:41.

What's up guys

I'm Jon

A New York City Vlogger

I've lived here nearly a decade

And I get asked the same questions over and over again

So today.. i'm going to tell you all 10 Things You Need To Know

Before Traveling to New York City

Most guides out there start out with the boring stuff

So why don't we spice things up

I'm going to teach you guys a few local words so you blend right in




It means a deli

Corner shop.. usually open 24 hours a day

7 days a week

No matter the weather

Hey could you head down to the bodega and grab me a panini

Second word

The city

To anyone who lives outside of Manhattan

This just means..


Hey you heading to the city this weekend?

Knicks are playing the Bulls at the garden

I've got extra tickets

Third word


We always ask for a slice wherever we go

Can I get a slice and a coke?

Manhattan is divided into 3 segments

Above 59th street. Uptown

34th street to 59th street


Below 14th..


Above houston street with the exception of the west village

The city runs on a grid

Streets run east to west

Avenues run North to South

Oh and don't even get me started on Greenwich Village

You have some wacky combinations there

Including West 4th Street meeting 10th Street


This is one thing that confuses a lot of foreign visitors to New York City

But.. there's not to much to it

How much money should you leave after a meal?

20% of the pre-tax total is a nice rule

For good service

One dollar per drink, at a bar

Is pretty standard

If you don't tip for drinks

The bartender may call you out for it

Bonus point

Tip a few extra dollars on your first round of drinks

And watch the bartender find you quickly

At a crowded spot

New York is one of the best food cities on the planet

And first.. let's talk about what it's most well known for


From dollar pizza to pies

This is an endless debate.. but my favorite

Is the Nonna Maria slice

At bleecker street pizza

New York is also well known for its deli sandwiches

And while Katz's is the most famous

I have taste tested most of the heavyweights

And prefer Sarge's instead

Their Pastrami and Corned Beef is the stuff of legend

As for ethnic food

You name a country

They've probably got a restaurant here


I once ate at an Uzbeki,Korean,Russian Fusion restaurant

In Brighton Beach, Brooklyn

If you want some more in-depth ideas on New York City Food

See my playlist

I've covered this topic in depth

I see tourists struggling all the time to get a taxi

Because they try to hail them

When the yellow light on top is not on

Make sure the light is on before raising your hand in the air to get a cab

If you prefer Lyft or Uber keep in mind during peak periods

It's at least 25% cheaper to take a taxi

Then an uber here

And many times quicker

All taxis do accept credit cards

But make sure tip to your cabbie at least 15-20 %

If you visit New York you may not even need a cell phone that has working data

But because most hotels , restaurants, starbucks, mcdonalds..

All have wifi for free

But if you insist on a sim card.. go to T-Mobile

For 30 dollars you can get unlimited data

And 1,000 minutes of talk

For 3 weeks

To take the subway in New York City

You're going to need one of these.. a metro card

It costs $2.75 per ride

But there's more to it

Many guidebooks tell you to buy a 1-week unlimited pass

Which will cost you $33, with the metro card

It's a good deal if you're going to be hopping around a lot

Minimum two rides a day

If your trip is short

I recommend putting $12.40 on the metro card

Which is the exact cost of 5 rides

With bonuses

I wouldn't recommend using any of the exchange houses in the airport

Or in times square

Instead make sure that your debit card is compatible with An American ATM machine

U.S banks don't charge you a fee because your card is foreign

Only because it's not part of their bank

Normally it's only about 3 dollars and 95 cents per use

Trust me

It's a better deal than any of the exchange houses


New York City nightlife has something for everybody

From cheap dive bars

To expensive rooftop hotels

Remember the drinking age in the U.S.A is 21

And the majority of bars do check ID .. so don't forget to bring it

The average beer.. 5 to 7 dollars

The average cocktail

$10 to $16.. to even $20 at really high end places

My personal favorites for visitors though

Are speak easy bars

Which are themed after prohibition in the U.S.A during the 1920s.. where bars had secret entrances

And if you're curious about this topic

I did a whole video on it

So go take a look.. in the description

Many of you watching this video may think that staying in a hotel is your best bet

In New York City

But let me tell you

Hotels.. in the big apple

Are extremely pricey

If you're looking to save money

Stay on the other side of the Hudson

In New Jersey

Stay in Queens

Stay in Brooklyn

Or better yet

Book an Airbnb

Get a spare bed room in somebodys apartment

You'll save a lot more money

Make sure to check out my dozens of New York City videos

Linked here

And in the description

Hit like

Subscribe for more adventures

From New York City

And beyond

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

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