Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

I'd say Delphy [Fabian Delph], but he's not actually here this time.

I'd say Walks [Kyle Walker] or...

maybe Welbz [Danny Welbeck].

Harry Maguire.

I think Walks [Kyle Walker] is up there as well.

Whose left foot?

All left-footers have got good left foots.

I'd probably say either Delphy [Fabian Delph]

or maybe Ben Chilwell.

I'd say John Stones for passing

and Harry Kane for finishing.

For more infomation >> Rashford builds his dream England player - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> LES GRANDS SITES DU NORD DE FRANCE - Duration: 6:41.


Birmingham City Centre a day out - Duration: 11:05.

Hi. John Tisbury here. Today I'm in Birmingham

with my friend Simon. Simon has gone off somewhere. He's round and about. He's snapping

today and I'm doing some video. As I say we're in Birmingham. It's a bit breezy,

let's move out of the wind a bit so I can shelter the microphone a bit. So we're

right in the middle of Birmingham. We're at Gas Street at the moment. I'm at

the...eeerm... canal!

That's the word. Canal area. So we're just having a wander around the

canals and then we're going over to look at some graffiti and then other things

don't see how we get on. So anyway it's going to be a recollection of the day.

Things we've seen to give you a feel for city of Birmingham.

We've had a great day so far. We're just heading off to the Bullring

to do Selfridges. Which is a bit of an impressive looking building.

It's in the background. I don't even see it from this angle.

So you'll see it in a second.

For more infomation >> Birmingham City Centre a day out - Duration: 11:05.


GRAFOLOGÍA DEL ALMA. Con Iris del Alma. - Duration: 34:05.

For more infomation >> GRAFOLOGÍA DEL ALMA. Con Iris del Alma. - Duration: 34:05.


Benimle Hazırlanın | Nişan Günü | İlayda Akdoğan - Duration: 15:08.

Hello everyone, today we will do the make-up of the bride's sister. Just kidding, a very close cousin of mine is getting engaged.

She's like a sister to me and she will be engaged today. Since I left everything to the final minute, I need to hurry up a little bit.

I have some problems with the time but I wanted to make a video for you guys, demonstrating my makeup, hair and my problematic dress.

I really don't have much time left, I need to hurry but of course I don't want to rush and ruin my make-up. I will spend some effort on it.

I will share all the steps with you guys. You can find all the products which I will use below. Let's move into the video.

First of all, since the night is long and I might have to dance, I will put on some primer in order to keep my make-up stable.

I will use Smashbox's Photo Finish primer today.

You don't need to use too much of this. The same amount of a chickpeas will be enough for your whole face.

My lips are extremely dry, I thought they would never be this dry but whatever. In order to moisturize them I will use L'occitane's lip balm.

Especially at these times, wiping your lips off with a wet tissue or sugar peeling works pretty well but I don!t want to bother that much.

It'll be fine after I apply this a little bit.

I will use mu favorite, even though I betrayed it with Maybelline recently, Bobbi Brown's foundation.

There's so little left in it, I already used most of it. It's Bobbi Brown's Skin Foundation.

It's especially very good in summer since it contains SPF-15.

I using the last legs of it. Okay it will save today.

Don't you also feel like.. I feel like everyone I follow has got married.

Even though not everyone I know has got married, their relatives or friends got married.

A problem.. Actually, not a problem, some proposals happened, or preparations for weddings are going on, etc.

Whenever I watch people's stories on Instagram, there's always someone getting married, engaged, etc.

Summer's over but we couldn't close the marriage season but I'm fed up with it so I promised myself today that I won't post too many stories and

make other people feel the same.

Even though this concealer doesn't fill into my creases, when I apply it onto this foundation, it does fill in my creases which creates a little problem.

Even though it doesn't create any problems when there is foundation underneath it,

My clothes got ruined, I hate powder.

That's why I will stabilize my under eye a little bit.

Because when I look back to the photos, I don't want to say ''God, why didn't I stabilize my under eyes?''

You already know that wedding photographers never take photos according to your angles.

By the way, I used Dior's DiorSkin Forever Ever Control for the powder.

Since my dress is black and I want to emphasize my lipstick, I won't exaggerate my eyeshadow and eye make-up but I will make them evident.

I will prefer the classical red lipstick and sharp eyeliner.

But as the base underneath I will use Urban Decay's new Born to Run palette which I mention in detail in my favorites video, you can watch it by clicking here.

By the way, I never mentioned but I really like the cover of this palette.

These small photos are taken by the Urban Decay workers, they are from their vacations.

I explained why these exact photos are chosen to take place on this palette in my favorites video.

Here you can see the colors in it.

Today I already applied the remaining concealer on my sponge to my eyelids so I won't use any sort of eye shadow base.

But as a base, I will take a little bit of the Weekender color and apply it to my whole eyelid.

After that, I will take a little bit of the Stranded glittery eyeshadow over here. I will apply it onto the middle of my eyelids in order to make them more evident and shiny.

All colors on this palette are easily spread by fingers. I will apply them without a brush, I don't need a brush anyways.

I decided to apply this Breakaway color onto my flares in order to make it light up.

We are done with the eyeshadow. This will be the whole base of it. I will put on some eyeliner and plenty of mascara, then we will be done with the eyes.

My eyes are done.

I'm moving on to my face. I will use Smashbox's Step by Step contour palette on my face. You can see the colors here.

I don't really use the white in this too often but I started to prefer the bronzer and the contour lately.

I just realized that I was wearing this same bandana in my first Get Ready With Me video years ago which was on my old channel with Ayşen.

I was putting on makeup like this. How many years has it been?

It has been around 3 years I guess.

I'm not putting this on like a contour but I'm applying it as a bronzer with a more hairy brush.

I'm taking the bronzer color in the middle and I will apply it on top if.

I somehow feel like when I mix them up, I catch a closer color to my skin.

Maybe it's psychological, I don't know. I like it better like that, I'm okay with the bronzer only in that way.

Today we have another innovation, maybe I got delirious because it's the engagement. I will put on some blusher.

In my previous video in which I tried to do a make-up with my mother's makeup products, you can also watch it from here, I figured out that blusher doesn't look so bad on me.

I hope it won't make me upset today.

I will use this light blusher from Estee's Bronze Goddess plaette.

By the way, this smells amazing.

I want its scent to spread everywhere. I wish I could send the scent to you guys.

Okay, it's enough. I start to look like an addict.

I will tell what happened with my dress while spreading the blush.

2 days ago, which is Friday I got the dress. I bought it online from Trendyol but not from Milla boutique.

I bought from another boutique on Trendyol. Milla boutique's dresses are usually pretty well. They are usually cheap and qualified.

I bought the dress for 75 Turkish Liras and should have guessed that something wasn't going to be right since I bought it for 75 Turkish Liras.

But I thought it's Trendyol and it's cheap, so I bought it anyways.

I received the dress and I had worked out pretty hard on Friday so my body was pretty sore.

The dress went to my mother's workplace, I was going to try it out and get it adjusted if I didn't like it.

I took a look at the dress and didn't like it very much. After I put it on, it was a total nightmare.

The dress didn't fit me well and its color was awful. It was a complete disaster.

I was trying to figure out what to do because only 1 and a half day was left to the engagement which is Friday.

We started to look for a new dress with my mother at Cevahir mall.

We kept wandering around and looking into new stores but my legs were so sore that they were killing me. They were telling me to let them go.

I barely found a new dress but I wasn't okay with its height so I had to take it to the tailor and get it adjusted.

It was around 9PM when I brought it to the tailor and I told the guy that I had a flight in that evening and I begged them to fo it in 15 minutes.

Because I really didn't want to take the dress to a tailor yesterday, I had some other important things to do.

I barely overcame the tough situation and got my dress done but what happened yesterday morning? I was paralyzed.

After fatiguing my legs at the gym and walking around for so long to find a new dress, they had me dead.

I feel better today, I took some muscle relaxants but I still don't feel comfortable. I will be wearing high heels tonight and I don't know what's going to happen.

I really liked the blusher. Maybe this will be my favorite from now on. Just kidding, not that much but

I liked it in this make-up. It added some color into my face.

We are getting very close to the end. Since the photos will be taken with flashes I will put on my most bomb highlighter.

Of course it's my all-time favorite Smashbox's Hollywood Highlight stick highlighter.

I'm discovering a new thing about this highlighter every day.

Yes. For example, it's got an elevator.

I was upset thinking that it's finished but it's not.

Other than that:

It has its own sponge on the bottom of it to spread it. I discovered these two features of it while I was upset, thinking that it was finished.

It was a nice moment for me, realizing that it was not finished because I love it, I do not want it to finish.

It's doing a pretty good job.

It's spreading the highlighter as well as my hand, I like it.

I will put on Pastel's Day Long Lip Color lipstick which is number 9.

Yes, this is very nice, intense red, permanent but the only problem with this is; it makes you feel like you're putting chemicals on your lips

because after some point, the underlying color gets revealed which is a dirty pink.

It's still a very affordable and good product, I couldn't give up on it for long years but there is a chemical feeling while putting it on.

I will put it on very rigorously, it's a very sensitive point.

We have finished my make-up. As I said, I wanted to do a make-up emphasizing my lips.

I hope my lipstick won't disappoint me by getting too spread. Now we're moving onto the hair.

I will make a very tight ponytail. The only problem I might have could be about my baby hairs.

I will ask the coiffeur there to apply some spray on the sides of my head in order to stick my hair to my head.

Because I don't have any gel at home since I have a straight hair, I don't need that kind of stuff.

Now I will brush my hair and make a tight ponytail.

After making a very tight ponytail, so tight that will give you migraine attacks in the evening,

I'm taking a small bunch of hair from behind and roll it around my rubber buckle, making it invisible.

I'm stabilizing it with a bobby pin.

My only problem is my baby hairs bursting out of my head but as I said, I will get it done with the help of some spray when I get there.

If you want to make a hairstyle like this, you can apply some spray on a small toothbrush and stick your baby hair to your head.

Or you know the small brow brushes, you can also do it with brow brushes.

I couldn't talk properly. You can put some spray on your brow brushes and stick your baby hairs on your head.

I'm leaving that job to the coiffeur.

Since we have also finished the hair and we're running out of time, I must put on my dress and high heels.

This is it from this video, I hope you guys liked the make-up.

I liked it a lot, to be honest. I love make-ups which emphasize the lipstick.

As you already know, my favorite combination is a pair of sharp eyeliners and a dominant lipstick.

So I hope my cousin also likes my dress and make-up. I'm very excited to show them to her because if she doesn't like it, she will tell it straight into mu face

just like my mother.

Maybe due to her fuss, she might not find any time to criticize, I don't know.

We will head to the venue in a very short moment. I will quickly grab something to eat without messing up my lipstick.

I hope you guys liked my make-up. I will add the links of all the products I have used down in the description box below.

You can find all the information about my dress and shoes down in the description box.

This is it for today's video. As you know, or if you don't, I upload new videos every day.

Sorry, not every day of course.

I upload new videos twice a week. My new videos are online each Monday and Wednesday at 6PM.

If you want to be notified when I upload new videos, make sure to click on the bell icon next to the subscribe button so you will receive notifications.

See you guys another video, bye.

For more infomation >> Benimle Hazırlanın | Nişan Günü | İlayda Akdoğan - Duration: 15:08.


Tioman Island | Malaysia | Our travel tips & experiences on the island. - Duration: 15:15.

Ohhh look... people are watching already our channel.

Oh, the camera is recording! Ok, then just let´s start.

Hey crazy travelers.

Very nice to see you again on our travel-channel „Time 4 Travel".

Today we´re on an awesome island called Tioman Island.

And if you are looking for an island with great snorkel spots and really less tourism, then you´re totally right here.

We will show you all of those thinks and also our highlights & recommendations.

Ok, enjoy our new video and if you like it then leave a thump up, don´t forget to subscribe...

...and if you don´t want to miss one of our next videos, just activate the bell. That would be mega nice :)

Enough with talking... Lets just start!

What kind of strange fish was that? He was looking like from an other planet.

Its never getting boring. And we think it will be the same for you :)

Yes, that was not bad!

Our bungalows are here. And we gonna to walk trough the jungle to the Mango Beach.

You mean the Monkey Beach...

Oh yes Monkey Beach and not Mango Beach.

Everyone here is so kind.

Lets have a look which way we choose. Because there are two.

The way next to the water.... No the jungletrek...

When it takes so long we should show a Clock and a arrow with left? or right? in the video ;)

It´s really easy here to rent a bike. You can do so many activities on this island.

Its never getting boring. And we think it will be the same for you :)

Now we have found, that one of the tyres went flat.

Everything is going "really well"... at the beginning many bedbugs, now a flat tyres.

Lets have look whats coming next... maybe rain, storm or a hurricane ;)

We were in contact with our host because the broken bike.

And finally we have a new one :)

We have 30 min delay. But it´s not that bad.

We have time enough to reach the Monkey Beach.

The bike is not really a new one. It squeaks a lot :)

We just were coming with the bikes till her... to the ABC Bungalows.

We will parking them here and secure them with the locker. Now we have to go the jungle trek.

We hope this trek is not to long. Because the problem with the bike its already 2:30 pm

Yes... its already quit late. But by the way: Its so beautiful here!

The way will be like this for the next 45 min?!?!? Ok when it goes up, after normally it goes down :)

Here are so many monkeys!!! :)

OK, we just have to cross this way. Please be friendly & relax! Thank you :)

How crazy is that... so many of them.

OMG... get out of our way!

Crazy, how it was running in our direction. I did not see it first.

Oh shit... probably we have to go the same way back in the dark.

My heart is running so fast :)

We don´t want to have rabies or stuff like this!!!

Time for a break.

Its more or less the half of the total distance to the Monkey Beach.

But have a look at this beautiful beach.

It´s totally empty. This are the only two people which just are arrived now.

On Tioman Island you will find totally empty beaches.

And those are not far away from the main village Tekek. Its a dream here!

Ok lets go further with our "weapons" just to be prepared for the next monkey attack ;)

ahuuu done!

We are in the middle of the jungle. We just have walk a bit further. But look... there it is!!!

Yeah guys we finally arrived at the Monkey Bay... I mean Monkey Beach :)

And if we should be to tiered to walk all the way back, we can just call the taxi boat! :)

Maybe we can share the boat with this two guy, then it could be cheaper.

So now we secure our pack safe, to protect against theft. (Link is in the video description)

We secure it here on the tree with our personal secure code so that we can really enjoy our snorkel time. Ready!!! :) (Link is in the video description)

We don´t have to walk! :)

Yes, we called this taxi boat.

We´re paying 4,- Euro per person and it is really worth it after the hard jungle trek.

We had a monkey attack on our stuff during our snorkeling.

Unfortunately a lot of things are destroyed. They were looking for our fruits in the backpack.

But there were so amazing corals! Just beautiful!

The visit in the hospital.

diagnose: Urin infection :(

The urine test was already finished after 10 min.

They were looking for inflammations and for blood in the urine and thats it. But they will help you

They are here from 8am till 5 pm. And they also have a view different antibiotics.

But now we know that they can help us if someting happens

Good & cheap restaurants

Mhhh pizza... costs between 5 – 6 Euro per pizza.

Oh no, this is my pizza. One for the „vegetarin human" And one for the „meat human"

Its really nice here!

Our accommodation

in the mainvillage: TEKEK

Do not smack like that

otherwise I always smack

We arrived in our little room in the "Cheers Chalet Bungalow"

Have a look

Its really small

But big enough

And here is already the door.

Now we are hungry and we´re preparing.... what are we actually preparing?

Delicious tuna sandwich with onions and a few spring rolls

Mhhh sounds good!

And after we gonna watch "american horror story" the new season

Thats what we deserve today :)

doubleroom from 15,- Euro / night

Lets show the typical toiletts here in Malysia

Everthing, also the shower is compact in a little room

Here are just two bathrooms and sometimes we have to wait because here are a lot of people

But therefore its cheap :)

Thats life of a backpacker

Its in the middle of the night and we found so many bedbugs :(

Now we are feeling really bad

First we found one during we watched a movie

Then we were searching on the mattress and we found hundreds of them.

Bedbugs can be for example pass on about clothes from other guests. Thats why its not about the hygiene in the accommodation.

They are so big and we´ve killed already so many.


You don´t need to think that you won´t find a lot of thinks you need.

Look they have beer

They also have a lot of other stuff

Flipflops, washing powder, shaving cream, plaster....

The south-west coast

You absolutely should not miss the little island Reengis

Its over there. I hope you can see it.

You can go there by kayak, our you book a tour or if you dare you also can do it by your own.

with your fins and snorkel equipment

You just have to be careful with the other boats and the current

Look at this deserted beach

And if you are looking for an awesome deserted island with beautiful beaches and less tourism...

...then you should have a look on our video right here in the corner. Its about Koh Kradan in Thailand

Its just a paradise and you should have a look on it after this video :)

So we were 20min snorkeling and we arrived the Island Reengis

Nancy don´t wants to come back out of the water

Because its looking so nice here

So many different corals here

We saw again a black tip shark. And it was 5 - 10 m away from us

You can see so many different fishes and also cloud of fishes

There are birds which are complaining

But to come here is not that easy. Its quiet far and the current is also quiet strong

We´ve many fishes on our foods and they are eating :)

Hehehe.... the old chees ;)

Below us is a turtle!!!! :)

Have a look!

Ok, the sun already sets

Martin and me are thinking we can "turning the world upside down" at 5 pm

But today we did it. We saw so many turtles and sharks

Unfortunately the time on Tioman Island is over and its so cool that you watched our video till the end

There is nothing to add to this. Perfectly happy!

And tomorrow we gonna to Singapore. We have to wake up really early in the morning

We are looking forward to see Singapore

Thank you very much. See us soon and bye bye

For more infomation >> Tioman Island | Malaysia | Our travel tips & experiences on the island. - Duration: 15:15.


Làm Nhà Căn Nhà Của Bao Nhiêu Thế Hệ |TVS VLgs| House of childhood - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> Làm Nhà Căn Nhà Của Bao Nhiêu Thế Hệ |TVS VLgs| House of childhood - Duration: 8:05.


Are Meal Plans Good for Weight Loss? - Duration: 2:46.

Are structured meal plans really a good idea for long-term weight loss?

Let's get into it.

hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of Walk With Me this is Josh

here and today we're talking about meal plans I get a lot of people asking if

there are any meal plans I recommend or if I can provide them a meal plan and

that's something I usually am not a fan of this is different if you're someone

that's always been at a healthy weight and you might just have a few pounds to

lose for summer but for those of us that have a lot of weight to lose or have

struggled with obesity or overeating over time I think that structure that's

against our control can really have a negative impact that's why you hear

about so many people that have lost significant amounts of weight gaining

the weight back or if you hear from the Biggest Loser people from the TV show

so they trained and everything was taken care of for them and then the second

they were out of that scenario they gained back all of the weight think

about your weight loss more as a long-term education course for the rest

of your life it's not about losing the weight on that day it's about being able

to keep it off once you lose it and if you're just eating prepackaged meals or

some trainers step-by-step meal plan for you you're not really teaching yourself

how to live this is why you don't hear me say you know this food is the best

for weight loss versus something else it's more about how much food you're

eating and not which foods you're eating and there obviously has to be

adaptations to your diet and incorporating more micronutrients and

different things like that but something you learn over time and you really have

to learn for yourself because the second you stop paying that trainer or the

second you stop getting those pre-made meal plans you're not going to know what to do.

but that's that everybody those are my

thoughts on meal plans you know a big fan of getting calorie goals or macro

goals from a coach but I think you need to figure out which foods are gonna fit

best into your life because no one else is gonna be able to do it for you for

the rest of your years I'd love to hear your thoughts on this though have you

used meal plans in the past especially those prepackaged ones how did it go did

you like it did you not like it did you feel like it set you up for success in

the future let's get a good discussion going as usual and be sure to subscribe

if you're not already these come out every Monday got all sorts of other

videos that come out on Fridays and like the video if you enjoyed this helps me

out a ton but until next time I'll talk to y'all later

have a good one

For more infomation >> Are Meal Plans Good for Weight Loss? - Duration: 2:46.


Venture Credit Card - How'd You Get In Here | Capital One - Duration: 0:32.

Now that I've got you here

for a minute, or two actually,

I've got to tell you something.

With the Capital One Venture card

you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day.

My credit card only earns double miles

on airline purchases!

Well, you earn double miles on this and on everything

with the Venture card.


Hey, by the way,

how'd you get in here?

Same way you did.



What's in your wallet...

Oh, c'mon!

For more infomation >> Venture Credit Card - How'd You Get In Here | Capital One - Duration: 0:32.


RİDER ALTIN SUSTURUCULU M4A1 - ZULA!!! - Duration: 16:50.

For more infomation >> RİDER ALTIN SUSTURUCULU M4A1 - ZULA!!! - Duration: 16:50.


Трасса [ Оренбург - Саракташ ] - Duration: 31:33.

For more infomation >> Трасса [ Оренбург - Саракташ ] - Duration: 31:33.


12 Weeks of Halloween 2018 Week 8 - Duration: 5:28.

hi thanks for joining me this is angie at chicnscratch this is the project

we're making today and this is week eight of the 12 weeks of Halloween here

are the supplies we've got toil and trouble designer

series paper that measures eight and a half by three inches and then we've got

some black foil and some whisper white okay so we're going to start out with

the simply scored scoring tool and we're going to score this designer series

paper I'm gonna place it here on the 8 and a half inch side and I'm gonna score

it at a half an inch 3 and 3/4 4 and 3/4 and eight and I do make these every

single year if you go over to my website you can see all the years that I've made

these they will hold just a snack sized bag of candy M&Ms sweethearts Reese's

Pieces rushers just this Halloween snack size so if you go over to my website

you'll see lots of years I think last year I might have used the

stapler to hold this closed this year I'm using our galvanized clips they are

in the are they in the holiday catalog I'm not sure I'll make sure that the

item number is on the screen so if it's just like that I'm going to bring the

top up and then you can either place the clip with that piece on the front or the

back I added it to the front but you can do it however you'd like

and then the glittered black glittered ribbon you guys have already seen me use

this a ton it has been several days since I've done a video so I apologize

and let me start over the cauldron framelits are no longer on

backorder so you can get those in you can order those again so they were never

actually on a stop sale but anyway yeah so now I'm going to take a

glue dot and I almost trim the ribbon to short I like to leave it a little bit

long for this project okay so now we're using let's see what stamp set

takeout treats this image right here I have used this already for Halloween and

I'm using the gorgeous gray Stampin write markers and the basic black and

I'm gonna take the white tip and color treats with the gorgeous great and then

this one of course I use lemon lime twist and now I'm gonna take the basic

black and brush that on and then breathe on it and stamp and hopefully I gave

myself enough room to cut this out if I didn't we'll have to stamp it again

um you know what let's stamp it again because I'm not real sure that I left

myself in a frame to cut it out with the framelit you could use the two inch

circle punch if you want to I chose to use the stitch shape framelits because

it just gives it a little bit more character but you don't have to okay so

again this is the framelit that I'm gonna use so I'm gonna get the Big Shot

real quick okay so here's the Big Shot and I'm going to perform in a cutting

pad and then we'll paste this up here and cut it out I love that stitch line

around the circle okay so here's this and that pretty okay so we're gonna turn

it over add some snail to it we're gonna take

the starburst punch and cut out the black floral and then actually you know

what I don't want snail I messed up on that one so rewind I actually want

dimensionals this is my sample and I'm gonna put a third one on there just so

that that middle don't collapse I got myself mixed up it's the other

piece that we're gonna put regular adhesive on this one so watch this so

this one goes here just like that and then this one goes on here

just like that okay so I'm gonna take my paper piercer these glitter enamel dots

and I'm gonna add a larger one over here and a smaller one over here and then a

medium one up here okay so here they are I'm gonna have to fix that ribbon aren't

they cute really easy to make okay if you have any questions let me know

thanks a lot

For more infomation >> 12 Weeks of Halloween 2018 Week 8 - Duration: 5:28.


¡¡WOOOW!! INSTAGRAM STORIES de más de 15 segundos 🚀 | Noticias 15/10/18 - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> ¡¡WOOOW!! INSTAGRAM STORIES de más de 15 segundos 🚀 | Noticias 15/10/18 - Duration: 9:20.


Liverpool yenilmez taktiği | pes 2019 iyi oynama taktikleri - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> Liverpool yenilmez taktiği | pes 2019 iyi oynama taktikleri - Duration: 14:04.


Hands Whitening Secrets special Remedies for Winter// Hands Skin Care Tips in Urud/Hindi By Rani G - Duration: 3:54.

Please Subscribe Rani G Health & Beauty Tisp

For more infomation >> Hands Whitening Secrets special Remedies for Winter// Hands Skin Care Tips in Urud/Hindi By Rani G - Duration: 3:54.


How to make a 3D Buttercream Pumpkin Cake | Tutorial | Kurlina's Foodie Chronicles - Duration: 4:37.

Level your 3 cakes layers only and leave the 4th one with its top.

Layer and fill your cakes. I'm using cream cheese frosting to fill my cakes

Start carving from the top.

Round the corner of the cake. Trim down the sides of the cake.

Round the bottom part of the cake.

Continue carving until you're happy with the shape.

Don't forget to carve in the pumpkin ridges.

Take your time while carving to ensure you get the perfect shape.

I ended up adding one more ridge.

When you're done, the pumpkin should look like this.

Crumb coat and chill for 30 minutes.

Using a butter knife makes it easier to get into those ridges.

Apply a final coat of buttercream.

Try to smooth the cake at this point and then pop it into the fridge to chill.

Dip the butter knife in some hot water and smooth the buttercream.

Add some tylose powder to some brown fondant to make the stem of the pumpkin.

Add the stem to the cake using a toothpick.

I also added some leaves to the pumpkin which I forgot to film.

If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up.

Make sure to subscribe to my channel if you've not done so already.

For more infomation >> How to make a 3D Buttercream Pumpkin Cake | Tutorial | Kurlina's Foodie Chronicles - Duration: 4:37.


144" Chassis Update: Two 4x4s Are Available Now! - Duration: 2:05.

well advanced RV has some little big news but I'm referring to these 144s


this is Veda delivering this Monday it's a completed 144 the earliest 144

that advanced RV completed was a couple years ago it was Dugan not a lot of

systems and technology just comfort in camping in a sprinter Veda has a lot

more capability just like our 170s off-grid with air conditioning the

large fridge but to continue introducing the other vehicles for you this is

another 144 in production it's a stone gray and something special about this

one it's a gray white unit and there is a second gray white unit that is

available Advanced RV was able to secure to 144 four-by-fours and it is a

2018 unit so there's two 144 vehicles that if you want to call us about we can

discuss some possibilities and we'll look at Veda to see what some of those

might be for how you want to travel and finally here in production we also have

Bucky which is another 144 you may have been following sue on the blogs you can

see she's got more rugged tires on she's using it for more solo traveler and full

timing in it if you've been planning for an advanced RV and are ready to begin

the process you can make a deposit these units would be built before our 2019

orders we're looking forward to hearing from you to see if these chassis'

will meet your travel needs

For more infomation >> 144" Chassis Update: Two 4x4s Are Available Now! - Duration: 2:05.


Pumpkin Spice Cake Recipe - Duration: 5:25.

In this video I'm sharing the most amazing pumpkin raisin cake, with spices

and caramel and buttercream, it's amazing, you're gonna love it, so stay tuned.

Combine 1 cup raisins with 1/2 cup of orange juice in a small saucepan. Cover

and simmer for about 10 minutes. Uncover and set aside to cool. For the

cake, you'll need 1 cup of butter one and a quarter cups of sugar. 1/2 cup of

packed brown sugar, 1 and 3/4 cups of pumpkin puree, four eggs, 1/2 cup of

buttermilk, 3 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 2 teaspoons of

baking powder,l/2 tsp ginger, 1/2 tsp allspice

1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Cream

the butter and the granulated sugar together, mix the brown sugar in, and then

scrape the bowl.

Add the pumpkin puree and the eggs and mix well. Now add the buttermilk.

Now add the raisins. Whisk together the flour and the spices and then add that

to the pumpkin mixture just until blended.

Fill you're prepared pans, I made a seven inch bundt cake and a dozen

cupcakes, but you can also use a 9-inch bundt pan or regular 9-inch pans.

Pop it into a 325 to 350 oven for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes

out clean when you stick it in the center of the cake. For the caramel glaze

place 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 1/4 cup of butter, 1 teaspoon of water and one cup

of sweetened condensed milk. Bring that to a low boil and then stir for about

10 minutes. Enjoy the decorating and the cake

tasting at the end of the video.

For more infomation >> Pumpkin Spice Cake Recipe - Duration: 5:25.


TWICE "What is Love?" 트와이스 中文改詞 翻唱 중국어 가사 | MelonBun蜜瓜包 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> TWICE "What is Love?" 트와이스 中文改詞 翻唱 중국어 가사 | MelonBun蜜瓜包 - Duration: 3:44.


Title: Tiffany & Co. — The New Tiffany Eau de Parfum Intense - Duration: 1:01.


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