Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

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I'm Break in the arena

Come Dies

We Starting

Carbon is Bug

Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Super Mechs Arenada 3 Katliyam - Duration: 2:26.


Do I Want Hearing Aids? - Duration: 7:59.



RIKKI: Hello.

So, it is Disability Awareness Month.

I got the month right this time.

And I want to start off with asking probably the most second-popular question.

The first one being - do you wear hearing aids?

And then the second one being - would you wear hearing aids?

This is a bit of a follow-up video from the 'Deaf Woman Hears for the First Time',

which I will link over there.

I'm making this as a follow-up video of some sort

because there were some things that I needed to clear up in a video.

So, before we get into the main part of the video, let's address some concerns.

The first concern was that, well,

'You've already made up your mind about the hearing aids, so...'

OK, you have a point, because I've always said

that I don't really have much interest in hearing aids.

I grew up without them, I wasn't able to get them

and I've just been completely used to not having them,

so I've never really found an interest.

However, that doesn't mean anything when it comes to my opinions

or talking about my experience wearing

or having an experiment wearing Chrissy's hearing aids.

My thoughts were about my experience

for that one half-hour or 45 minutes that we were doing something.

That's it.

The second thing, and this was actually the most popular thing that was written,

'The reason why the hearing aids didn't work for you

'is because they were Chrissy's and they weren't made for you.'

We had already acknowledged in the video that they were made for her,

so they weren't gonna work for me.

We didn't do this to be like, one size fits all.

We knew that it wasn't really gonna be the way that it probably would've been for me

if I had hearing aids that were made exactly for me.

Chrissy also knew that going in, when she suggested that we do this.

This whole thing was her idea

and Chrissy is a person who has been deaf nearly her whole life

and has been wearing hearing aids for nearly her whole life.

It was all her idea, not mine.

Not trying to throw anybody under the bus here, but just saying that this whole idea

did come from a person who has these things for a living, or for her entire life.

It wasn't a video that was supposed to be the most informative or whatever.

It was simply a fun, experimental video that was just for the heck of it

and, again, both things were already said in the video.

And the third thing is that somebody, actually more than one person,

suggested that I should do that free trial thing,

which I actually had no idea that you could even do a free trial for a month,

so that's new information that anybody can use.

Seriously, nobody ever told me about that and I've been to the audiologist a few times.

However, I don't think it still counts as free when you gotta walk into the door

and, because I do not have insurance, all specialists cost minimum $150 for me.

So, if I ever made enough on ads, I could see myself doing that type of thing,

but that same amount of money could be used for other expenses

that are more immediate in my life and more important to me right now.

But it would be a cool thing to do if that opportunity ever came around.

I'm not opposed to it.

So, do I want hearing aids?

Some people think that I have been wearing hearing aids all my life

but, when they find out, they go,

'Wait a second, I thought you were wearing hearing aids all your life,'

but the truth is no - that time was the only time that I ever wore a hearing aid.

What I can say is, at this point of time, considering my life and the things that I do

and finances and all of that, I continue to have no interest in hearing aids.

I don't think that they suit me and my life right now.

One of them is cost and, again, I know...

Now I know that you can have a free trial

and test 'em out for anywhere from two to four weeks.

But the thing is that you still gotta pay to walk into the door

and then there's all the other follow-up appointments

like buying new moulds or whatever, if something breaks, etc, etc.

And I just have other things in my life right now

that take priority over something that I don't really need at the moment.

Like, right now, I'm trying to get into therapy and whatnot and chronic pain stuff.

That is more important to me and that's where my money needs to go than that.

Like I said before, hearing aids are very expensive.

They're thousands of dollars per hearing aid,

and I always said that hearing aids are not covered by insurance,

but, apparently,

somebody that I know, that I follow on Twitter, who follows me as well, Kat, said that,

if you are persistent in writing letters to your insurance company,

they might actually cover it.

I don't know for sure.

I've never tried that.

If anybody else has tried that,

feel free to leave a comment down below, but, hey, new information there.

I touched on this in the comments in that other video

but my ears are very sensitive, so I can't have things in them for long periods of time.

I don't like earphones or headphones on my ears for long periods of time.

And I have to wear computer glasses when I stream

and just having something over the top just...I can't do it, it hurts.

It hurts within, like, five minutes.

I understand that moulds are made for the inside of your ears personally but I

And the last thing is my lifestyle.

I am a homebody, I guess.

I don't have a normal, like, 9 to 5 job.

I work from home.

I'm in front of a computer most of the time.

I go out to events sometimes but I always have accessibility there.

When I go somewhere, like, on my own, shopping or whatever,

I just get people to write things down and whatnot.

I still have some hearing that I can pretty much get by

with a lot of things that I need to hear.

If somebody's, like, beside of me, I can probably, like, sense it but...

I just personally don't feel like I really need to have them

with my current lifestyle of just being at home.

If I had a 9 to 5 job with a boss that wasn't me,

if I had co-workers, if I went to school again, you know, whatever, things like that,

I would definitely consider it and try to afford it

because, well, that's me dealing with people on a regular basis

and, you know, having some sound would probably be beneficial.

But for what I do right now, I just don't see it.

I've always been an advocate for personal choices.

If you want a cochlear implant, go get yourself a cochlear implant.

If you want hearing aids, go get yourself some hearing aids.

Do whatever works for you.

If you don't want them, then don't get them.

Every deaf person is different.

I know a lot of deaf people who have hearing aids and cochlear implants

and I know a lot of deaf people who don't wear hearing aids and cochlear implants,

even if they do qualify for them, even if they do work for them.

They just personally don't want to, probably because of their needs in their life,

they just don't need it, and I'm on that side of things.

Simply it's not for me right now.

So, yeah, that's just me.

If you wear hearing aids or cochlear implants

or if you don't wear hearing aids or cochlear implants, I'd love to know your reasons why.

Feel free to share your stories down below

so everybody knows that, you know, we're all different - let's learn from each other.

Now, before you go, if you haven't, consider being a pledge on Patreon.

You get perks like music playlists, written content you won't see anywhere else

and Pen Pal letters if you go up high enough.

And I will see you later. Bye.

For more infomation >> Do I Want Hearing Aids? - Duration: 7:59.


5 FEATURES That Black Ops 4 STOLE From Fortnite! (GETTING SUED) - Duration: 4:50.

5 FEATURES That Black Ops 4 STOLE From Fortnite! (GETTING SUED)

Black ops 4 is supposed to be the savior of the call of duty community so far

I think it's a pretty killer game. I'm not gonna lie, but I do have to be honest here

A lot of the features are way too similar to fortnight

so today we're gonna be going over five stolen black ops 4 features if you

Think Bo Ford copied fortnight in any way at all

Please leave a like down below comment

Which feature you think they stole the most and don't forget to help support a dying channel by pressing that

Subscription button below in fortnight everyone loves the Battle pass if you don't know what that is

It essentially allows you to get unique rewards throughout the season. That way you can get cool gear

Maybe new skins gliders, etc

it pretty much allows you to customize your

Character more now in black ops 4 there isn't quite a battle pass

but let's just compare the two progression systems port Knight black ops 4

Fortnight black ops 4 so in the past there have been a lot of calls duties and the progression system

Has always kind of stayed the same. So why are they just starting this now?

My assumption would be due to fortnight success one of fortnight's most popular skins is hands down the skull trooper

It's pretty much just a spooky. Skeleton

Before this skin got released for a second time though every single 4th grader and middle schooler wanted this

This was like hands down just like the most popular skin in fortnight

So what did black ops 4 do well they had this smart idea of making ghetto skull troopers

So again, here's skull trooper. Here's catalyst skull trooper

Now I have this skin on the cheek, but there is a skull trooper for every single specialist

It's literally like copying your friends homework, but then you change it just enough

So it's different GG Treyarch another very popular feature from fortnight are the sort of emotes

Available to each player and in black ops 4 what exactly do we have?

Well custom emotes spray paint and animaux par that replicates

Fortnight Wow, you know, I'm kind of sort of speechless at this point

So for tonight again

We already know they both have emotes for tonight has spray paint - black ops for has spray paint now

I know I'm not saying like Epic Games has the right to a moat sir

Epic Games has the right to spray paint or the right to having this a Mopar

But I'm just saying with everything I'm mentioning in this video

It sort of seems like black ops 4 got a lot of their ideas from for tonight

I sorta debated adding this one in here, but skins are one of the biggest hype items in fortnight

I mean a single skin could be worth hundreds. And what is black ops for starting to introduce more of?

Well skins now in the past call duties have always released add-ons in different ways to customize your account

But most of the time it results in pay2win items in backlash from the community

So as a way to do things differently this year

I think Treyarch is moving more towards cosmetic

Items because one they don't want things to be pay2win yet and two

Fortnight and many other PC games had such success with skins that they kind of be

Stupid to not follow through with that and like I said, I know a lot of other games have skins in them

But based on everything in this video

It just seems like they got the idea from epic games and we are now on to feature number 5

And I'm just gonna flat out say this one

black out now before all you keyboard warriors are like well eclipse there's so many men whale games how can you be sure they gotta

Be fortnight. What about public key?

Okay, just just slow your roll man Battle Royale is definitely one of the biggest Chon Rah's at the moment Call of Duty

Realize this so instead of introducing another dead game

they had to follow the trend and even though there are tons of battle Royales since

Bo4 and fortnight have so many similarities

I think it's a good assumption to say that black out was heavily inspired

From all of the success with fortnight now

That was the final point for today's video down in my comment section below

Let me know what you think about all of these similarities. Did Bo for copy fortnight Oh is this all just one big coincidence?

Also while you're commenting you might as well leave a like and subscribe to I mean you made it this far into the video

so, uh

Help a brother out what this has been eclipse. Thank you for watching and peace out

For more infomation >> 5 FEATURES That Black Ops 4 STOLE From Fortnite! (GETTING SUED) - Duration: 4:50.


Question Period: USMCA negiotations, climate change report, Jamal Khashoggi — October 15, 2018 - Duration: 56:05.

For more infomation >> Question Period: USMCA negiotations, climate change report, Jamal Khashoggi — October 15, 2018 - Duration: 56:05.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Секреты Древних Афин - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Секреты Древних Афин - Duration: 3:11.


Natalia y Alba Part XIV - Albalia - Duration: 6:06.

**The hand and the look of Natalia.

**Marta starts telling what happened last night in the room

Marta: Natalia with Miki were on the other corner. Can be?

*Famous laughs, thinking that Natalia sure was with Alba in her bed

Alba: Sometimes Famous ... I better shut up

*Marta is silent because she realizes that she should not have said that

Natalia has had a squabble with Joan. Is the best thing that I've ever seen hahaha

Nat: what a fucking stupid guy

Joan: You, don't start, ehh

*Joan wanted Alba to have a good hair. so Alba stopped painting her eyeline and Nat got angry cause Alba stopped doing her things

Nat: Let's see, prioritize yourself first, fuck him. He must wait a little

Joan: But are you her girlfriend?

Alba: well, almost

Alba: What`s up?

Nat: I'm lying in wait

Alba: of what?

Nat: of the pimples



Nat: cause I'm already a little hot

Joan: Has there been intercourse already or not?


Alba: only with Itziar (the interpretation teacher)




Alba: Natalia



Nat: but there're still people who hasn't eaten. Like Alba for example


Nat: Alba does a little what comes out of pussy hahahha

Joan: we are the boyfriends and the girlsfriends couple






Alba: one thing


Alba: It was really nonsense

Joan: but is it rude to ask for the meaning of tattoos?




Alba: ¿are you ok?

Nat nodded her head




Nat: then I tell you (cause in the bedroom there aren't cameras



Alba: She's soft today the baby


Alba: Have you written things?

Nat: I've written little things

Nat: you can continue here together. **I THINK SHE FEELS THAT IT'S GETTING IN THE WAY



Alba: How are you, my love?

Nat: I'm fine

For more infomation >> Natalia y Alba Part XIV - Albalia - Duration: 6:06.


Unlimited For The Rest Of Us Starting at $30 Per Line | T-Mobile - Duration: 0:31.

Now T-Mobile has unlimited for the rest of us.

Unlimited ways to be you.

Unlimited ways to share with others.

Unlimited ways to live for the moment.

All just for $30 a line.

Unlimited for you,

for them,

for all.

Right now, get unlimited for just $30 per line for four lines at T-Mobile.

For more infomation >> Unlimited For The Rest Of Us Starting at $30 Per Line | T-Mobile - Duration: 0:31.


How to Find YouTube Keywords - Duration: 7:09.

- [Matt] Hey, what's up?

I have another little marketing tip, tactic trick,

hack type thing for you that I really think

you're gonna dig.

This one revolves around YouTube and actually finding out

what keywords people are using on their YouTube videos.

Now, back in the day, YouTube used to actually

show you what keywords people, you know, put in for their,

you know, their YouTube keywords.

They don't anymore.

You can't actually see the YouTube keywords anymore,

and there's some Chrome plugins and some various scripts

that you can install to find them but,

I mean, there's a pretty easy way without adding any sort

of extra Chrome extensions or anything that I've found

that works really well.

So let's say I wanna put up a video on YouTube

that's a review of ClickFunnels.

All right.

Well, what I wanna do to make sure that it's gonna get

in front of the most people is I want to figure out

what keywords to target on YouTube.

So what I would do is I do a search on YouTube

for ClickFunnels,

and then I wanna see which video kinda has the most views.

This one has 8,000, this one has over 17,000.

So let's go up here to filters and sort by view count.

All right.

So now we've got this video here that says "CLickFunnels

"Review - Make Websites In Less Than 10 Minutes."

This view has got over 84,000 views.

So this video has a lot of people finding it

so I wanna use similar keywords to what this person

is using for their video.

So let's go and click on the video.

Now it's real simple, all right.

I'm going to right-click on this page,

click on View Page Source,

I'm in Chrome, by the way,

so this is how you would do it in Google Chrome browser.

I'll click on View Page Source,

so this is the Page Source of this YouTube page,

just a lot of gibberish.

Now here's what I'll do.

I'm going to hit Command F,

that brings up this little search box up here at the top.

Now if I type in keywords,

literally the word keywords,

you'll find this thing here, it says metaname keywords

and then a whole bunch of keywords.

You can see exactly where it cuts off.

So there's about one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine,

10, 11, 12, 13,

and, you know,

half of another keyword that's getting cut off here,

but it's basically getting juiced

from about 13 different keywords.

Now if I was,

you could see it found it,

one of two times, so if I click down,

you could see it found all the keywords here.

These are all the keywords that it's ranking for.

Now what I can do is where it says keywords colon,

everything after this little quotation mark here,

I could copy all the way to the next quotation mark.

So right here after rainmaker.

These are all the keywords that this video

is trying to rank for.

All right.

So now I'm gonna go ahead and copy this, so right-click,

copy, and I'm just gonna open up a Notepad

or a text editor, or whatever,

and I wanna paste this in.

I'm going to get rid of pretty much everything after,

I'm gonna space this out here so everything is on its kind

of its own line just so I could kinda get a better view.

Some of these keywords I don't even know what they mean,

but these are all the keywords that this video is trying

to rank itself for.

And now I can use the same keywords on

my ClickFunnels review page.

And this is our list of keywords now.

So they are trying to rank for ClickFunnels Review,

clickfunnels, click, and funnels, review, rmk777,

leadpages, unbounce, instapage, optimizepress, samcart,

10 minute funnels, kajabi, infusionsoft, instabuilder,

and rainmaker.

Now when I go and I make a ClickFunnels Review,

and I upload it, I'm gonna grab all of these keywords,

copy them, and post them in as the same keywords

that I would use because, obviously, this person is

getting quite a bit of traffic.

So the keywords they're using are probably helping them

get some of that traffic.

Now you never truly have the full picture.

This person may have ran ads to this,

they may have done YouTube ads,

and ran a bunch of advertising to it.

They may have had a big mailing list and mailed their list

to it, and, you know, that could have contribute

a lot of these views.

But, you know, the keywords are helping a little bit,

and it's always good to know what keywords are ranking for,

but I wanna take it a step further.

I can do the search again

and let's just go ahead and pick the result

that's showing up at the top.

This isn't necessarily the one with the most views

but it's the one that's showing up first

for the keyword ClickFunnels.

So let's go ahead and click in to this one.

I'm gonna click on View Page Source,

and then I'm gonna hit Command F,

open up this little search here,

and skip down to the keywords that are ranking for.

I'm gonna hit down again and this is gonna show you

all of the keywords that they're trying to search for.

I'm gonna copy all of these keywords that you see here

and between these two quotation marks here.

Let's go ahead and copy.

Let's open up our Notepad again.

Let's leave a couple of spaces so I know what's what here,

paste those in.

And I'm just gonna go ahead and space them out

so I can get a better look.


So here's all the keywords that they're trying to rank for

so I can use some of these as well.

There's gonna be a couple overlap,

you know, the word ClickFunnels is obviously gonna be

an overlapped one, but for the most part,

they're using two different keywords to go after it.

These guys are showing up first in YouTube results

for the keyword, for the search ClickFunnels,

these ones have the most views for the keyword ClickFunnels.

So these are the keywords that they're using

between those two videos,

and that's some good inspiration, good ideas to use

as my own keywords when I upload my YouTube videos

about ClickFunnels.

All right.

Hopefully, you found this helpful, informative.

I've got more little tips, tricks, hacks,

and stuff like that coming along.

I like sharing stuff that helps you sort of get inspired

by other people's marketing that helps you get

kind of behind the scenes, inside look at what other people

are doing to get the success that they're getting,

and that's what this video was,

another little quick tip so that you can kind of

keep your finger on the pulse of what others are doing.

All right.

Hopefully, it was helpful.

I'll see you guys in the next video.


For more infomation >> How to Find YouTube Keywords - Duration: 7:09.


Globalization and foreign policy - Duration: 1:37.

When Americans think of national security they tend to think in terms of military threats.

But national security is also a question of maintaining a nation's way of life, whether

people have the jobs and the goods that they're accustomed to.

Increasingly we've asked that question in the context of international trade.

Many of the goods that we buy come from abroad.

Each day about 6 million containers of the kind that you can see behind me arrive in

the United States from other countries carrying everything from television sets, to clothes,

to toys, you name it.

That globalized economy has turned out to be both a challenge and an opportunity for

the United States.

The United States has important comparative advantages.

We have a vibrant tech sector.

And we have the most fertile agricultural sector in the world.

Those two sectors through international trade have generated millions of American jobs.

But we also have comparative disadvantages.

The wage scale in the United States is much higher than it is in countries like China,

and India, and Guatemala.

That means that those goods often can be produced more cheaply abroad.

That's good for consumers.

We pay less for the goods we buy, as a result.

But it also means that millions of American jobs have been lost to foreign firms.

The fact that global trade involves winners and losers has made it one of the most important

policy issues of our time.

For more infomation >> Globalization and foreign policy - Duration: 1:37.


Halloween Countdown 16 - Purple Monsters - Duration: 2:00.

Rosie's World presents

Countdown to Halloween


Hi everybody!

Rosie and Declan take pieces of costume out of the dress up trunk

They go behind the curtain to change

They come out as purple monsters!

[Music: Rainy Day Games]

I like your teeth

I like yours

Check out my dance moves

The monster walk

We're friendly monsters. Yeah!

Sometimes we like to scare each other

And fight to see whose the strongest

Ha ha Declan you're down!

Oh yeah?! Who is down now?!

I'm the strongest and scariest!

Patty cake patty cake

We always end up fighting!

Doing the monster mash!

Being a monster is tiring!

Let's just sleep


If you like this video, click like

Check out these videos!

Don't forget to subscribe!

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Halloween Countdown 16 - Purple Monsters - Duration: 2:00.


Ariana Grande - breathin | Chaz Mazzota and Brett Miller (Cover) - Duration: 2:51.

Some days, things just take way too much of my energy

I look up and the whole room's spinning You take my cares away

I guess I over complicate, people tell me to medicate

Feel my blood runnin', swear the sky's fallin' How do I know if its fabricated?

Time goes by and I can't control my mind Don't know what else to try, but you tell

me every time

Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

I know I gotta keep, keep on breathin' Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

and breathin' I know I gotta keep, keep on breathin'

Sometimes it's hard to find, find my way up into the clouds

Tune it out, they can be so loud You remind me of a time when things weren't

so complicated All I need is to see your face

Feel my blood runnin', swear the sky's fallin' How do I know if its fabricated?

Time goes by and I can't control my mind Don't know what else to try, but you tell

me every time

Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

I know I gotta keep, I keep on breathin' Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

and breathin' I know I gotta keep, I keep on breathin',

mmm, yeah

My, my air My, my air

My, my air, my air My, my air

My, my air My, my air, yeah

Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

I know I gotta keep, I keep on breathin' Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

and breathin' I know I gotta keep, I keep on breathin',

mmm, yeah

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