Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

(Blowing into camera)

It's been a while

(deep voice) It's been a while!

It's been a while!

(high voice) It's been a while!!

(singing off key) ♫ But I'm backkkk! ♫

What is up everyone? Welcome back to my channel!

Yeah it's uh...

it's been a few months...

I have been on a long spiritual journey these past few months called...


It was great it paid some bills, I ain't complaining, so...

But now I'm back and...

I missed you guys so much!


I actually kind of started missing myself!

Is that even possible? Can you miss yourself?

(explosive sound)

(throat clearing)

-Well uh...

I missed you bro!

-I miss you too dude!!

Bring it in!

Wait, wait, hold up!

It's gonna take me way too long to do the visual effects

to make it look like we are actually hugging.

So, I'm just gonna go ahead and hug the audience instead.



(explosion sound)

-Bring it in guys! Let's hug, come on!

(hugging sound) Mmmmm!

Feel it!!

Feel ittt!


That was a great hug, did you feel it??

Cuz I did!

Right here... In my heart hole.


Dear Jessica...

Where the heck have you been???

Love... everybody!

(items hit ground)

So where the heck have I been?

I have been M-I-A

Mia Mia Mama Mia

Missing in ACTION!

Aw man! I did a kick but you couldn't see it!

Let me try again.

AH! Saw my foot??

Did you see my foot?? You saw mah sock??

Pretty good kick right?

I keep going off-topic.

This is what I get, when I don't script my actual content!

So I've been doing a couple of different things.

One of the things I've been doing is that

I've been working on a few different projects.

One project I've been working on is coming out soon,

and I cannot wait to share with you guys!!

Like (Pah!) Finally!

I can't talk too much about it right now,

but it's coming out and...

It's a project...

that I've been working on.

The end!

The other thing I've been doing recently is

I've been getting back into improv.

Back is the key word!

I've always been really passionate about improv.

When I was 12 years old, I took up a class

and I loved it!

I was all about it!

But as I got older,

my hearing loss would drop over time,

So I was struggling a lot with that.

If you've watched my content, then you would know that

I grew up being the only deaf person I really knew.

So I had zero deaf role models around me to relate to.


So, whenever I watch something like...

Whose Line Is It Anyways? Or Saturday Night Live...

MADtv, All That, Monty Python!

I would always watch improv and be like,

"Oh well, uh..."

"That is obviously a hearing people thing."

All these people are talking and hearing so...

There goes my dreams as an improviser...

But not anymore! Cuz I'm back at it baby!

(laughs) Wow.

But yeah, I've been taking up improv classes again

and I recently took up a class at UCB (Upright Citizens Brigade)

That place provided me with an amazing experience,

because for the first time, I actually used interpreters in an improv class.

There was still a little bit of challenges, because I'm not fluent in ASL,

But let me tell you!

I was able to understand WAY more of the class,

than that class that I took, where I was just lip reading everybody.

But anyways that's what I've been doing,

I've been getting back into improv.

So I'm gonna keep pushing with that!

Cuz one day, I want to be able to make my own classes,

and put on my own shows!

And just figure out more ways to make improv more accessible, for everyone!

Oh but don't worry! Cuz, I'll still be making videos for you guys.

Anyways, if you wanna help support your homegirl,

make sure to subscribe, like, follow me on

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace.

Just kidding, I don't have a MySpace.

Alright everyone! Stay cool and I'll see y'all later

♫ Music ♫

Just because you have a hearing loss,

does not mean you get to give up your dreams!


You gotta go out there and change some things around, okay?

I'm serious right now! You need to go out there,

and break down the door!


And be all like, "I'm here...

But I can't hear...

So "hear" is what we're gonna do!"

(ba dum tss)

Go follow your dreams man!! What are you waiting for?!



Right now! Okay?

Go get em tiger!! (rawwrrr)

❤ Thanks for watching! ❤ :)

For more infomation >> Where I have been ❤ Jessica Marie Flores ❤ - Duration: 4:46.


Do I Want Hearing Aids? - Duration: 7:59.



RIKKI: Hello.

So, it is Disability Awareness Month.

I got the month right this time.

And I want to start off with asking probably the most second-popular question.

The first one being - do you wear hearing aids?

And then the second one being - would you wear hearing aids?

This is a bit of a follow-up video from the 'Deaf Woman Hears for the First Time',

which I will link over there.

I'm making this as a follow-up video of some sort

because there were some things that I needed to clear up in a video.

So, before we get into the main part of the video, let's address some concerns.

The first concern was that, well,

'You've already made up your mind about the hearing aids, so...'

OK, you have a point, because I've always said

that I don't really have much interest in hearing aids.

I grew up without them, I wasn't able to get them

and I've just been completely used to not having them,

so I've never really found an interest.

However, that doesn't mean anything when it comes to my opinions

or talking about my experience wearing

or having an experiment wearing Chrissy's hearing aids.

My thoughts were about my experience

for that one half-hour or 45 minutes that we were doing something.

That's it.

The second thing, and this was actually the most popular thing that was written,

'The reason why the hearing aids didn't work for you

'is because they were Chrissy's and they weren't made for you.'

We had already acknowledged in the video that they were made for her,

so they weren't gonna work for me.

We didn't do this to be like, one size fits all.

We knew that it wasn't really gonna be the way that it probably would've been for me

if I had hearing aids that were made exactly for me.

Chrissy also knew that going in, when she suggested that we do this.

This whole thing was her idea

and Chrissy is a person who has been deaf nearly her whole life

and has been wearing hearing aids for nearly her whole life.

It was all her idea, not mine.

Not trying to throw anybody under the bus here, but just saying that this whole idea

did come from a person who has these things for a living, or for her entire life.

It wasn't a video that was supposed to be the most informative or whatever.

It was simply a fun, experimental video that was just for the heck of it

and, again, both things were already said in the video.

And the third thing is that somebody, actually more than one person,

suggested that I should do that free trial thing,

which I actually had no idea that you could even do a free trial for a month,

so that's new information that anybody can use.

Seriously, nobody ever told me about that and I've been to the audiologist a few times.

However, I don't think it still counts as free when you gotta walk into the door

and, because I do not have insurance, all specialists cost minimum $150 for me.

So, if I ever made enough on ads, I could see myself doing that type of thing,

but that same amount of money could be used for other expenses

that are more immediate in my life and more important to me right now.

But it would be a cool thing to do if that opportunity ever came around.

I'm not opposed to it.

So, do I want hearing aids?

Some people think that I have been wearing hearing aids all my life

but, when they find out, they go,

'Wait a second, I thought you were wearing hearing aids all your life,'

but the truth is no - that time was the only time that I ever wore a hearing aid.

What I can say is, at this point of time, considering my life and the things that I do

and finances and all of that, I continue to have no interest in hearing aids.

I don't think that they suit me and my life right now.

One of them is cost and, again, I know...

Now I know that you can have a free trial

and test 'em out for anywhere from two to four weeks.

But the thing is that you still gotta pay to walk into the door

and then there's all the other follow-up appointments

like buying new moulds or whatever, if something breaks, etc, etc.

And I just have other things in my life right now

that take priority over something that I don't really need at the moment.

Like, right now, I'm trying to get into therapy and whatnot and chronic pain stuff.

That is more important to me and that's where my money needs to go than that.

Like I said before, hearing aids are very expensive.

They're thousands of dollars per hearing aid,

and I always said that hearing aids are not covered by insurance,

but, apparently,

somebody that I know, that I follow on Twitter, who follows me as well, Kat, said that,

if you are persistent in writing letters to your insurance company,

they might actually cover it.

I don't know for sure.

I've never tried that.

If anybody else has tried that,

feel free to leave a comment down below, but, hey, new information there.

I touched on this in the comments in that other video

but my ears are very sensitive, so I can't have things in them for long periods of time.

I don't like earphones or headphones on my ears for long periods of time.

And I have to wear computer glasses when I stream

and just having something over the top just...I can't do it, it hurts.

It hurts within, like, five minutes.

I understand that moulds are made for the inside of your ears personally but I

And the last thing is my lifestyle.

I am a homebody, I guess.

I don't have a normal, like, 9 to 5 job.

I work from home.

I'm in front of a computer most of the time.

I go out to events sometimes but I always have accessibility there.

When I go somewhere, like, on my own, shopping or whatever,

I just get people to write things down and whatnot.

I still have some hearing that I can pretty much get by

with a lot of things that I need to hear.

If somebody's, like, beside of me, I can probably, like, sense it but...

I just personally don't feel like I really need to have them

with my current lifestyle of just being at home.

If I had a 9 to 5 job with a boss that wasn't me,

if I had co-workers, if I went to school again, you know, whatever, things like that,

I would definitely consider it and try to afford it

because, well, that's me dealing with people on a regular basis

and, you know, having some sound would probably be beneficial.

But for what I do right now, I just don't see it.

I've always been an advocate for personal choices.

If you want a cochlear implant, go get yourself a cochlear implant.

If you want hearing aids, go get yourself some hearing aids.

Do whatever works for you.

If you don't want them, then don't get them.

Every deaf person is different.

I know a lot of deaf people who have hearing aids and cochlear implants

and I know a lot of deaf people who don't wear hearing aids and cochlear implants,

even if they do qualify for them, even if they do work for them.

They just personally don't want to, probably because of their needs in their life,

they just don't need it, and I'm on that side of things.

Simply it's not for me right now.

So, yeah, that's just me.

If you wear hearing aids or cochlear implants

or if you don't wear hearing aids or cochlear implants, I'd love to know your reasons why.

Feel free to share your stories down below

so everybody knows that, you know, we're all different - let's learn from each other.

Now, before you go, if you haven't, consider being a pledge on Patreon.

You get perks like music playlists, written content you won't see anywhere else

and Pen Pal letters if you go up high enough.

And I will see you later. Bye.

For more infomation >> Do I Want Hearing Aids? - Duration: 7:59.


ZOMBIE RUNNER: il campione del sovrallenamento - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> ZOMBIE RUNNER: il campione del sovrallenamento - Duration: 4:40.


The Brotherhood of Steel | Fallout - Duration: 10:35.

On January 7th, 2077 a group of researchers and a detachment of American military personnel

were assigned to the newly constructed Mariposa military base in central California.

Their purpose was to oversee the development of a secret project critical to the war effort,

the exact nature of which was known only to a select few.

By October however, the military detachment had learned the truth.

Deep within Mariposa, prisoners of war had been used as unwilling test subjects and exposed

to the Forced Evolutionary Virus.

Intended to create a race of super-soldiers, the FEV instead resulted in terrible mutations

and aberrant creatures.

The revelation led to the mental breakdown and suicide of the base's commanding officer.

In lieu of any official order, the military personnel within Mariposa turned to Captain

Roger Maxson.

Maxson immediately began a full interrogation of the research team he had been sent to protect

and, horrified at the extent of their experiments, subsequently executed them all for their crimes.

On October 20th, Maxson, now in full control of Mariposa, made a radio transmission declaring

his desertion from the United States Army.

Across the world however, the war between the United States and the People's Republic

of China had escalated out of control.

Maxson, his men, and his declaration were overlooked.

Three days later, nearly all humanity was extinguished in a nuclear holocaust.

What none could have realized at the time was that Maxson's transmission would mark

the founding of a new organization, one that would dedicate itself to rebuilding civilization,

no matter the cost.

Its name is known, feared, praised, and hated across the wasteland that was once America;

The Brotherhood of Steel.

Yet even as the fires of the Great War still lingered, Maxson led his men and the remnants

of their families away from Mariposa, taking with them all the supplies and weaponry they

could carry.

In what would be enshrined in Brotherhood lore as "The Exodus", the group braved

the earliest days of the Wasteland, fighting off psychotic raiders and desperate survivors

before finally arriving at the safety of Lost Hills, a government fallout shelter.

Over the following decades, Maxson and the Brotherhood gathered their strength and formed

the principles and structure that would govern the organization in the centuries to come.

When Maxson died in 2135 his son, Maxson the Second, succeeded him as High Elder.

Under his leadership, the Brotherhood slowly extended their influence in the area surrounding

Lost Hills, quickly becoming one of the major factions of the wasteland.

By 2155 the Brotherhood had encountered a prominent raider group known as the Vipers.

While these raiders would eventually be driven to near extinction, the Brotherhood's initial

overconfidence resulted in the death of Maxson II, and the appointment of his son, John Maxson

as High Elder.

Despite this loss, the annihilation of the Vipers helped stabilize the region and trade

soon began between the Brotherhood of Steel and various settlements, most notably "The Hub".

In 2161, the Brotherhood stumbled across the corpse of a super mutant.

These savage, mutated humans were the result of the Forced Evolutionary Virus, released

across the wasteland in the aftermath of the Great War.

This horrified the Brotherhood, which quickly grew fanatical in their quest to annihilate them.

The following year, a legend of the wasteland known only as the Vault Dweller arrived in

Lost Hills, seeking entry to the Brotherhood.

He was given an impossible task meant to deter would-be recruits, but to the Brotherhood's

astonishment, he succeeded.

From the Vault Dweller, the Brotherhood learned of "The Master", a hideous creature who,

together with his supermutant army, plotted to expose the remaining human population to

the FEV.

Convinced to act against this threat, the Brotherhood of Steel, together with the Vault

Dweller, returned to Mariposa, destroying The Master and scattering his army.

The defeat of the Master solidified the Brotherhood as the greatest power in the wasteland, for

they alone controlled access to some of the most advanced technology from before the Great War.

Yet with very little manpower and rival factions growing across the region, many began advocating

that their technology be shared with outsiders and new recruits encouraged.

In the end, it was determined that the secrecy of the Brotherhood was paramount, and their

technology was to remain in their hands alone.

Those who disagreed with the decision were sent on expeditions to the East, founding

satellite chapters of the Brotherhood in Chicago, Washington DC, the Mojave, and elsewhere.

By 2242 the Brotherhood of Steel's technological supremacy had been rendered obsolete by the

Enclave, a remnant of the United States government possessing far greater resources and more

advanced equipment.

Outposts and bunkers across California were reactivated to deal with this threat, but

before the outbreak of any open conflict, the Enclave was suddenly and unexpectedly

destroyed by another legendary figure of the Wasteland known as the Chosen One.

Their collapse ended any threat to the Brotherhood, and it was rumored that some of the Enclave's

most advanced schematics were eventually recovered and studied deep within Lost Hills in the

wake of their defeat.

In 2231, the Brotherhood of Steel, now under the leadership of Jeremy Maxson, began aggressively

expanding their operations eastward.

In a bid to strengthen their own position, they seized any and all technology from so

called "lesser people" and jealously hoarded all they found.

This led to disputes and eventually war with the New California Republic, which had launched

its own ambitious expansion.

Despite the Brotherhood's overwhelming technological advantage, their lack of manpower made any

prolonged conflict with the NCR unwinnable and eventually they were forced to retreat

into the safety of their bunker network.

Sporadic fighting would continue as late as 2287, particularly in the Mojave.

It was on the East Coast however where the Brotherhood of Steel underwent a significant


A large contingent sent to re-establish contact with the lost Midwestern Chapter instead found

itself in the Capital Wasteland.

Here they fought against remnants of the Enclave which had themselves relocated to the region.

After eradicating the local slavers and mutants and founding a new headquarters known as the

Citadel, a second Expeditionary Force was deployed northward to the Commonwealth.

These forces were sent aboard the massive airship "Prydwen", designed and constructed

over a period of 6 years and unlike anything else ever seen in the wasteland.

Under the leadership of Arthur Maxson, this detachment of the Brotherhood sought to find

and confront "The Institute", a highly feared and secretive organization rumored

to possess unfathomable technology.

While the Capital, Commonwealth, Mojave, and Californian chapters of the Brotherhood all

exhibit varying tactics and doctrines, they all share the same basic organizational structure.

A ruling council known as the Elders governs their internal affairs, while the High Elder,

usually a descendent of the Maxson family, presides over the council itself.

A purely military order, every member of the Brotherhood is organized into various ranks

which determine their status and responsibilities.

These vary considerably across the different chapters but typically include Knights, responsible

for the manufacture of weapons and other technology, Scribes, who investigate and reverse engineer

new technologies, and Initiates, new recruits in the process of training before they can

be accepted into either group.

Paladins are the pinnacle rank of the Brotherhood military, responsible for major operations

across the wasteland, and typically promoted to Elder upon retirement.

All Brotherhood personnel are trained in the manner of pre-war American soldiers and have

access to advanced power armor, laser rifles, and even Vertibirds, giving them unparalleled

firepower and maneuverability.

Access to pre-war technology is the Brotherhood's greatest advantage, and their reverence towards

it has become almost religious in nature.

While more moderate beliefs have begun to hold sway in certain chapters, the most fanatical

elements of the Brotherhood still show extreme reluctance in sharing even the most basic

technology with outsiders.

While this devotion has been the cause of wars across the Wasteland and soured their

reputation, it has also given the Brotherhood of Steel perhaps the greatest collection of

advanced cybernetics, computers, medical equipment, and robots found anywhere in the wasteland.

Liberty Prime is perhaps its most formidable artifact, restored to working order by a chapter

on the East Coast, and said to have taken part in battles in the Capital Wasteland and

the Commonwealth.

The ideology of the Brotherhood of Steel, like everything else in the Wasteland, has

been mutated, sometimes beyond recognition.

Whether they horde their technology so that they might one day use it to assist in the

rebuilding of the wasteland, or simply so that no one else can have it, the answer might

differ from chapter to chapter.

One thing is certain however.

On October 23rd, 2077, science outpaced man's restraint and billions across the world died for it.

Until the wasteland is truly ready for the most terrible advancements of the old world,

it might be better that they remain under the control of the Brotherhood of Steel.

The Templin Institute investigates alternate worlds and realities.

If you've enjoyed this video and would like to directly support us, vote in polls to determine

future topics, and receive some cool rewards, please consider pledging to our Patreon Page.

For more infomation >> The Brotherhood of Steel | Fallout - Duration: 10:35.



For more infomation >> GRILLO NELLA BUFERA - #LIGHTBLU 4 - Duration: 5:38.


Yasak Elma 19. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Yasak Elma 19. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.


Overwatch MOST VIEWED Twitch Clips of The Week! #15 - Duration: 12:35.

Overwatch MOST VIEWED Twitch Clips of The Week #15

For more infomation >> Overwatch MOST VIEWED Twitch Clips of The Week! #15 - Duration: 12:35.


5 FEATURES That Black Ops 4 STOLE From Fortnite! (GETTING SUED) - Duration: 4:50.

5 FEATURES That Black Ops 4 STOLE From Fortnite! (GETTING SUED)

Black ops 4 is supposed to be the savior of the call of duty community so far

I think it's a pretty killer game. I'm not gonna lie, but I do have to be honest here

A lot of the features are way too similar to fortnight

so today we're gonna be going over five stolen black ops 4 features if you

Think Bo Ford copied fortnight in any way at all

Please leave a like down below comment

Which feature you think they stole the most and don't forget to help support a dying channel by pressing that

Subscription button below in fortnight everyone loves the Battle pass if you don't know what that is

It essentially allows you to get unique rewards throughout the season. That way you can get cool gear

Maybe new skins gliders, etc

it pretty much allows you to customize your

Character more now in black ops 4 there isn't quite a battle pass

but let's just compare the two progression systems port Knight black ops 4

Fortnight black ops 4 so in the past there have been a lot of calls duties and the progression system

Has always kind of stayed the same. So why are they just starting this now?

My assumption would be due to fortnight success one of fortnight's most popular skins is hands down the skull trooper

It's pretty much just a spooky. Skeleton

Before this skin got released for a second time though every single 4th grader and middle schooler wanted this

This was like hands down just like the most popular skin in fortnight

So what did black ops 4 do well they had this smart idea of making ghetto skull troopers

So again, here's skull trooper. Here's catalyst skull trooper

Now I have this skin on the cheek, but there is a skull trooper for every single specialist

It's literally like copying your friends homework, but then you change it just enough

So it's different GG Treyarch another very popular feature from fortnight are the sort of emotes

Available to each player and in black ops 4 what exactly do we have?

Well custom emotes spray paint and animaux par that replicates

Fortnight Wow, you know, I'm kind of sort of speechless at this point

So for tonight again

We already know they both have emotes for tonight has spray paint - black ops for has spray paint now

I know I'm not saying like Epic Games has the right to a moat sir

Epic Games has the right to spray paint or the right to having this a Mopar

But I'm just saying with everything I'm mentioning in this video

It sort of seems like black ops 4 got a lot of their ideas from for tonight

I sorta debated adding this one in here, but skins are one of the biggest hype items in fortnight

I mean a single skin could be worth hundreds. And what is black ops for starting to introduce more of?

Well skins now in the past call duties have always released add-ons in different ways to customize your account

But most of the time it results in pay2win items in backlash from the community

So as a way to do things differently this year

I think Treyarch is moving more towards cosmetic

Items because one they don't want things to be pay2win yet and two

Fortnight and many other PC games had such success with skins that they kind of be

Stupid to not follow through with that and like I said, I know a lot of other games have skins in them

But based on everything in this video

It just seems like they got the idea from epic games and we are now on to feature number 5

And I'm just gonna flat out say this one

black out now before all you keyboard warriors are like well eclipse there's so many men whale games how can you be sure they gotta

Be fortnight. What about public key?

Okay, just just slow your roll man Battle Royale is definitely one of the biggest Chon Rah's at the moment Call of Duty

Realize this so instead of introducing another dead game

they had to follow the trend and even though there are tons of battle Royales since

Bo4 and fortnight have so many similarities

I think it's a good assumption to say that black out was heavily inspired

From all of the success with fortnight now

That was the final point for today's video down in my comment section below

Let me know what you think about all of these similarities. Did Bo for copy fortnight Oh is this all just one big coincidence?

Also while you're commenting you might as well leave a like and subscribe to I mean you made it this far into the video

so, uh

Help a brother out what this has been eclipse. Thank you for watching and peace out

For more infomation >> 5 FEATURES That Black Ops 4 STOLE From Fortnite! (GETTING SUED) - Duration: 4:50.


Game of Thrones 4x01 REACTION ¨TWO SWORDS¨ - Duration: 18:54.

Hello everyone! Welcome to my reaction channel. My name is Pilar.

And today I'm going to be reacting to the first episode of season 4!!

Okay you guys, I'm finally starting season four! I'm really exited!

I've read your comments and I know that this is one of your favorite season!

So I'm really excited!

People keeps telling me that this show gets better and better,

but I honestly don't know how can they overcome the amazing job they did in season 3.

That amazing finale they did there in episode 10... omg, so far its my favorite episode in the whole series.

My goodness. This show is SO good.

What have I been doing all this past years that I didn't watch it?

But, oh well, I'm happy I decided to watch it now, and decided to react to it for you guys.

And I really appretiate that you guys are joining me in this exciting ride.

I really enjoy making this videos, and reading all your feedback, and comments & messages you send me.

It really makes me want to keep doing this, so thank you for that! :)

Ok here we go, no more talking, lets ge into this episode.

I hope you enjoy!

I bet they are really heavy.

They want to put it on the iron throne?

Is that Robbs sword?

Oh Hello! Haircut.

Oh they made him a new sword for his left hand?

From Robb?


Who is ruling Casterly Rock at the moment?

I think this is the first time they show an interaction between this two? Right?

I don't remember seeing them together talking.

Oh, people are arriving for the wedding.

Who's this?

Is this the blond guy that...

Was this the one that...

Oh no that song again, please no.

Was that the blond guy the on that ... with Loras?

Oh God.

Oh no, more enemies?

I love them, x4

They are huge!

Daenerys calm your children please.

Look at that army, my god.

Where's Daario Naharis? That's not Daario Naharis!

That's Not Daario Naharis.

Sansa never got to see her mother again. I just realized that.

Tyirion is such a nice man.

I'm glad Sansa got to marry him.

This girl is going to get killed. She is going to get killed.

Oh no, stop that Shae. I can't stand her.

I don't want her around anymore.

Go away girl. You are ruining everything.

Who's that?

Who's that?

He looks cute with that haircut, I like it.

Is she going to tell her about Shae?

Ok Shae its going to get killed. Good bye Shae.

Thens? So many new people.

Do they eat people?

Don't touch her.

No, please no. Please.

Are they cannibals?

Like the ones in walking dead.

I really like his posture.

See? That's your son.

Did they change Daario Naharis actor?

I knew it.

I knew it.

The relationship between this two. I love it.

I love their chemistry.

I love Brienne she is so special.

Who is that?

I'm sure I've already seen him.

Oh yeah, Sansa saved him.

Aw Sansa is so nice.

Where are this two going? I don't understand what's the plan.

Is he going to have her sword?


Oh mt God this girl.

Wtf are they doing?

Arya is going to get raped.

Did he recognize her?

Don't touch her.

She is just a child.

Kill him. Please kill him.

Please. No. Please Hound don't get killed or Arya will get raped.


Stab him or something.

He recognizes her.

Is she going to become a murderer?

I mean. She kind of already is.

Omg the chicken.


Great way to start the 4th season!

All my doubts, about Arya, has been answered.

So The Hound is taking her to her aunt Lysa's castle.

That's great! I totally forgot about that part of her family.

I remember Lysa is kind of insane but at least she is wealthy and has and army so Arya will be safe there.

But I don't believe Arya will want to stay there since she has this huge thirst for revenge.

I don't blame her.

So I think...

My prediction for Arya is that she is going to become a murderer.

Searching for the revenge of the ones that killed her family.

It's crazy to see Arya's change in this oast three seasons from that little funny girl

She was always kind of good with swords, and the arch and arrows.

But I would never had imagine her becoming a killer.

The way she.

The way she stabbed that man on the neck with the sword.

Will see if she goes to Lysa's castle or she gets distracted killing some more man on her way

Oh and I knew she was going to recover Needle. I'm so happy about that.

The swords is kind of the only thing she has left from her family.

Oh and I forgot about that Jon gave it to her. They had a really nice relationship.

They need to meet again soon.

Arya and Jon.

They got along really well, Jon gave needle to her.

Another important thing in this episode, clearly, was Jamie back again in Kingslanding.

And his relationship with his father, with Cersei and with Brienne.

I really like the way they get along and their chemistry.

So, about Jamie and Cersei. I was kind of surprise of Cersei's behavior.

I mean I understand she really suffered a lot this past months,

and alone, without Jamie who is her...

Her lover, her love, her other half, her...

...her confidant and the only one who she felt herself and with.

And yeah she was lonely.

I understand she is angry but I don't understand why is she so upset with him.

I mean he is alive and back. He could have died.

But she doesn't seem to care.

Will see what happend now cause...

One of the reasons Jamie wants to stay in Kingslanding its because of Cersei.

The ideal thing for Tywin is that Jamie goes to Csterly Rock and rule there.

But he wants to stay in the royal guard's position.

But Joffrey doesn't seem to want him around neither.

And as I said, Tywin wants him ruling Casterly Rock.

My question is, who is is securing Casterly Rock at the moment? Cause all the Lannisters are in Kingslanding.

Who is in control there at the moment?

Did they already say who's there right now?

Last two things I have to say

Cersei's handmaid, or spy.

She is going to tell her about Shae and Tyrion, I'm sure.

Now that I think about it, she is only going to tell Cersei about it.

And I don't think she has bad intentions with Tyrion, I mean...

Will see what happens.

I'm just scared for Shae.

I have a bad feeling.

Can't she just leave Kingslanding? Accept the Dimons and gtfo of there.

That's the best thing she can do.

Last thing I have to say:

Can anybody please explain to me Why did the Lannisters invite the Martells to the wedding?

Why did the Lannisters invite the Martells to the wedding?

I mean they killed their sister, her children.

If I understood correctly:

The Lannisters killed Oberyn Martell's sister: Elia. And she was merried to Rhaegar Targaryen

They were both killed. Rhaegar and Elia and their children.

So why the fu#& would the Lannisters invite The Martells to the wedding,

when just a few years ago they killed some members of their family.

It doesn't make any sence.

Unless they where invited specially to get killed (like Cat and Robb in the red wedding)

But I don think so.

I mean you just don't invite a family wich members you killed a while ago.

I was surprised, cause the Lannisters are smart.

Will what happens.

I can see that an important conflict is coming cause this Obery guy seems to be pretty angry.

Will see.

I really liked this episode, all the new houses, and names, and things going on.

Oh and Daenerys dragons are SO amazingly beautiful

And yeah they are dragons, wild animals. Of course they will behave in an aggressive way.

I just hope they don't hurt Danny, their dear mother.

Another thing, did they change Daario Naharis actor?

He looks so different. The other one had blue eyes. And he was more handsome.

Ok, I think that's all for now. Let me see.

I think that's all for now.

I really enojoyed this episode.

Thank you for watching until the end of the video.

From now on, during this next two months I will only be able to upload reactions on sundays.

Cause I'm starting my final exams in university, and I really need to concentrate and pass them.

But I'm going to upload one video every week every sunday.

And in December I will start posting two videos per week again so don't worry about that.

That's all for now! Thank you for watching. Don't forget to subscribe!

Leave your comments and like the video if you enjoyed it.

I will see you guys next sunday for episode two of GoT!

Big kiss to you all!!

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones 4x01 REACTION ¨TWO SWORDS¨ - Duration: 18:54.


Super Mechs Arenada 3 Katliyam - Duration: 2:26.

My Friend's Channel 100 Subscribe My Friend's Channel's Name Minişler Oyun Peşinde

I'm Break in the arena

Come Dies

We Starting

Carbon is Bug

Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Super Mechs Arenada 3 Katliyam - Duration: 2:26.


How would you like to live? - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> How would you like to live? - Duration: 0:58.


Top 10 Call Of Duty Creepypastas - Duration: 11:13.

Welcome back friends to another creepy edition of Top 10 Gaming.

Im your host Johnny Rogers and today well be bringing you two amazing combinations the

Top 10 Call of Duty Creepypastas

#10 The Ring Effect This creepypasta comes to us from an anonymous

poster on the gaming creepypasta wiki.

Im calling it the ring effect because just like in the ring this terrifying encounter

comes when a college kid runs into his friend standing at his doorstep.

With a ghostly expression look on his face he hands his friend the game Call of Duty

Black Ops and then runs away without speaking a word.

After suffering from boredom he decides to try the game out.

He decided to play zombies.

He drops into the game with three other players.

One of the players goes down from a zombie attack where our college kid witnesses a very

realistic player being eaten alive by the zombies.

In between rounds hes texting a friend about how realistic the game is and goes into detail

about watching a player have his insides removed by the zombie.

Suddenly he hears a scream and can hear the players shouting I hate you I hope you rot

in hell with me.

This was startling, but even more so was the reply from his friend that the game doesnt

usually feature that much realism.

He must have a hacked copy.

When he looks up to his screen a zombie is staring at him with a strange grin and says

in a low soothing voice, Im going to enjoy this.

Now every time he goes to sleep he has a recurring nightmare of zombies eating him where he can

feel every bite and when he wakes up in a cold sweat he sees a mysterious figure at

the edge of his bed.

#9 Blood Brothers This creepypasta comes to us from FlipLaScript.

Now unlike the other creepypasta this one doesnt really have to do with strange things

happening in the game.

Rather strange feelings that come from playing the game itself.

Its a tale of two half brothers.

Their father was especially fond of the oldest brother and would shower him with new consoles

and anything that would help his future in gaming.

Angered by the lack of attention he receives from his father, jealousy takes over.

Its not said in the story but one can assume that from playing so much call of duty to

keep up with his brothers increasing success, getting the cold shoulder from his father

and envy building it creates a vicious circle that changes his personality to that of a

homicidal maniac.

He sees that his only option is to put an end to both his father and brothers dreams,

by ending them.

He then proceeds to spike their drinks.

As his father drops dead to the ground, with his brother closely behind his brother exclaims,

what did you put in our drinks.

The younger brother just says, rat poison.

#8 Death Day This is another great creepypasta from FlipLaScript.

This story focuses around the players grandfather who helped raised him and most importantly

around his story as a World War 2 veteran.

At a young age he used to watch his grandfather play World at War and listen to him describe

how cool the campaign was, how realistic the graphics were and how the people on his squad

felt like real life brothers in arms.

Before our players grandfather died of skin cancer he left him a present, it was Call

of Duty World War 2.

With the game was a note that read, Happy 17th birthday Jimmy.

Always be with you love grandad.

When he opened the packaging he noticed the copy was different.

The standard logo that said Call of Duty World War 2 wasnt gold and yellow - it was red.

His campaign mode begins at the battle of the bulge near the end of the war.

The main characters name was James Sheppard.

The creepy part was, his name is also James Sheppard.

Coincidence - well it gets weirder.

He was named after his grandfather.

The other two characters in the campaign also had the same last names as his grandfathers

best friends that were killed in the war, McMaster and tubs.

After reaching the final mission of invading a holocaust camp, also where his grandfather

believed to be where he was exposed to the chemicals that gave him skin cancer.

Upon entering this part of the game the player believed he could actually smell the burning

corpses and bodies that covered the ground.

#7 Wanna Play a Game This creepypasta comes to us courtesy of Sinissster.

Upon moving into a new home a young boy who lived next door sees the man carrying his

xbox into the house.

The neighbor asked if they could play zombies some time.

He obliged and said that he would get his gamertag once he was all set-up in the new


Upon booting up Call of Duty he receives a shocking message that read - Im your new neighbor,

wanna play a game.

Every few minutes he could hear a scream in the distance coming from the kids microphone.

After going to sleep he tossed and turned wondering what those screams could have been.

The next day upon turning on his xbox he was bombarded with messages from the boy.

Not wanting to be bothered he ignored and set his status to offline.

The messages didnt stop, saying I know youre there, please play with me.

Out of frustration he shut off his xbox.

After finishing his breakfast he walked back into the room to finish unpacking and to his

surprise the xbox was on with a message from the neighbor reading, After playing for about

an hour he heard the screams again.

Like any normal human being he called the police and told them his story asking to check

on the neighbors home.

When the officer arrived he pointed them in the direction of the neighbors home.

The officer demanded that him came with him, he walked him over to the home.

It was empty.

The officer said this home has been vacant for the past 3 years.

After arguing with the officer that there was indeed people in there.

The officer said that the people who lived here were murdered by their own son, after

killing them in their sleep he turned the gun on himself.

#6 Respawn In 2007 a kid was playing Call of Duty and

befriended someone online who he could vent to as if he was an older brother.

After playing together for so long, he went radio silent.

He hadnt heard from this older brother so he moved on, and 10 years later when the game

Call of Duty remastered came out he decided to play for old times sake, he even decided

to invite his old pal.

To his surprise he accepted, although the creepy part was the only thing coming from

his mic was his voice when get got a kill He messaged his online friends actual younger

brother to discover that Aaron had been in a mental institution for the last two years.

After receiving this message, he gets one from Aaron that says - paying you a visit.

He gets a knock at his door and Aaron his standing there, but all he says is

#5 Games of Hell A few players were invited to this custom

game match that looked like a creepy version of Vacant.

The leader who invited them simply said that you dont want to lose.

After starting into the game the player sees what are hundreds of bodies burning in a hallway

and almost begins to smell the burning flesh.

The lobby leader then said that if the light goes out all the souls will be left in limbo

and there will be no return to this world.

They were the souls.

After trying to disconnect the game kept him in and so he decided to play.

When he killed another character he could hear them screaming, as if being stabbed repeatedly.

After killing the other four remaining and winning the game his mother came through the

door and said that he had been in there for 5 days and that no one could open the door.

When he got back on Black Ops 2 he had prestiged 5 times.

One for each soul.

#4 Level 99 This creepypasta comes to us from Freaky Facts.

After making it to round 99 in zombies its said that a bus will arrive to take the characters

to a new location.

The area they arrived in looked like a realistic neighborhood.

A message then appeared on the screen that read, kill the innocent.

Inside of a home the players are directed to a woman and her husband then a 5 year old


The players saw no harm because it was just a game and when the deed was done the screen

went black and they heard screams.

After the game ended the player went to bed.

In the morning he checked the news and a headlined read, Young boy shot and killed along with

mother and father - no suspects.

#3 Hidden Mod After learning how to mod the game to reach

the tenth prestige.

The player went into the mod menu and saw a link that said prestige.mod.

With the I in prestige being replaced with the number 1.

The game began glitching and lagging.

The player kept receiving and losing prestige in random numbers and then a message saying

- ghosts coming appeared on the screen.

He then received a package that upon opening had a severed head that looked like the character

Ghost from Modern Warfare 2.

When he returned to his screen he found an error message that said you have been perma

banned from this game, please do not mod our games.

#2 Mirrors During a game of search and rescue a guy came

into the game chat speaking of glitch on the map flooded.

When the players entered into the glitch they were outside of the map, but the guy who told

them about the glitch was nowhere to be found.

They came across a fun house surrounded by headless corpses and impaled clowns.

He began smelling a horrible smell of death.

He carried on into the fun house with the doors closing behind him.

He ended up in a room filled with mirrors with his actual reflection.

Writing then appeared in the mirror that said turn around.

As he turned in real life he saw what looked like a clown with blood dripping from his


The clown slowly bent down and said dont look at the mirrors.

#1 Seeing Things After a player lost his friend George at 16

to cancer.

He told him on his deathbed that he wanted him to have his gamertag.

One night when playing on Occupation he sees outside of the map what looks like his friend


After playing for a while his other controller turned on and was playing under a guest account.

When he turns off his xbox he hears through his headphones, goodnight nathan.

He then begins seeing his friend George everywhere he goes.

His parents quickly get him a therapist believing he is a paranoid schizophrenic.

In the therapists office on the fifth floor he sees George motioning him to the window.

The therapist asks what hes doing and Nathan just responds Im doing what he tells me to


He then opens the window and as he falls to the ground he hears George for one last time

And that has been the Top 10 Call of Duty Creepypastas.

If you enjoyed hit that thumbs up button, click the playlist on the screen if you want

more videos like this one.

To stay up to date with all of our new videos you have to subscribe.

Let us know in the comments which creepypasta freaked you out the most.

From Top 10 Gaming Im Johnny Rogers and until next time take care.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Call Of Duty Creepypastas - Duration: 11:13.


Natalia y Alba Part XIV - Albalia - Duration: 6:06.

**The hand and the look of Natalia.

**Marta starts telling what happened last night in the room

Marta: Natalia with Miki were on the other corner. Can be?

*Famous laughs, thinking that Natalia sure was with Alba in her bed

Alba: Sometimes Famous ... I better shut up

*Marta is silent because she realizes that she should not have said that

Natalia has had a squabble with Joan. Is the best thing that I've ever seen hahaha

Nat: what a fucking stupid guy

Joan: You, don't start, ehh

*Joan wanted Alba to have a good hair. so Alba stopped painting her eyeline and Nat got angry cause Alba stopped doing her things

Nat: Let's see, prioritize yourself first, fuck him. He must wait a little

Joan: But are you her girlfriend?

Alba: well, almost

Alba: What`s up?

Nat: I'm lying in wait

Alba: of what?

Nat: of the pimples



Nat: cause I'm already a little hot

Joan: Has there been intercourse already or not?


Alba: only with Itziar (the interpretation teacher)




Alba: Natalia



Nat: but there're still people who hasn't eaten. Like Alba for example


Nat: Alba does a little what comes out of pussy hahahha

Joan: we are the boyfriends and the girlsfriends couple






Alba: one thing


Alba: It was really nonsense

Joan: but is it rude to ask for the meaning of tattoos?




Alba: ¿are you ok?

Nat nodded her head




Nat: then I tell you (cause in the bedroom there aren't cameras



Alba: She's soft today the baby


Alba: Have you written things?

Nat: I've written little things

Nat: you can continue here together. **I THINK SHE FEELS THAT IT'S GETTING IN THE WAY



Alba: How are you, my love?

Nat: I'm fine

For more infomation >> Natalia y Alba Part XIV - Albalia - Duration: 6:06.


Savage Dax: Realistic Sleeve Tattoo Time Lapse - Duration: 2:29.

Upbeat Music

For more infomation >> Savage Dax: Realistic Sleeve Tattoo Time Lapse - Duration: 2:29.


Unlimited For The Rest Of Us Starting at $30 Per Line | T-Mobile - Duration: 0:31.

Now T-Mobile has unlimited for the rest of us.

Unlimited ways to be you.

Unlimited ways to share with others.

Unlimited ways to live for the moment.

All just for $30 a line.

Unlimited for you,

for them,

for all.

Right now, get unlimited for just $30 per line for four lines at T-Mobile.

For more infomation >> Unlimited For The Rest Of Us Starting at $30 Per Line | T-Mobile - Duration: 0:31.


Globalization and foreign policy - Duration: 1:37.

When Americans think of national security they tend to think in terms of military threats.

But national security is also a question of maintaining a nation's way of life, whether

people have the jobs and the goods that they're accustomed to.

Increasingly we've asked that question in the context of international trade.

Many of the goods that we buy come from abroad.

Each day about 6 million containers of the kind that you can see behind me arrive in

the United States from other countries carrying everything from television sets, to clothes,

to toys, you name it.

That globalized economy has turned out to be both a challenge and an opportunity for

the United States.

The United States has important comparative advantages.

We have a vibrant tech sector.

And we have the most fertile agricultural sector in the world.

Those two sectors through international trade have generated millions of American jobs.

But we also have comparative disadvantages.

The wage scale in the United States is much higher than it is in countries like China,

and India, and Guatemala.

That means that those goods often can be produced more cheaply abroad.

That's good for consumers.

We pay less for the goods we buy, as a result.

But it also means that millions of American jobs have been lost to foreign firms.

The fact that global trade involves winners and losers has made it one of the most important

policy issues of our time.

For more infomation >> Globalization and foreign policy - Duration: 1:37.


#Вышиванки14 Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> #Вышиванки14 Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 1:41.


Halloween Countdown 16 - Purple Monsters - Duration: 2:00.

Rosie's World presents

Countdown to Halloween


Hi everybody!

Rosie and Declan take pieces of costume out of the dress up trunk

They go behind the curtain to change

They come out as purple monsters!

[Music: Rainy Day Games]

I like your teeth

I like yours

Check out my dance moves

The monster walk

We're friendly monsters. Yeah!

Sometimes we like to scare each other

And fight to see whose the strongest

Ha ha Declan you're down!

Oh yeah?! Who is down now?!

I'm the strongest and scariest!

Patty cake patty cake

We always end up fighting!

Doing the monster mash!

Being a monster is tiring!

Let's just sleep


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Check out these videos!

Don't forget to subscribe!

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Halloween Countdown 16 - Purple Monsters - Duration: 2:00.


Ariana Grande - breathin | Chaz Mazzota and Brett Miller (Cover) - Duration: 2:51.

Some days, things just take way too much of my energy

I look up and the whole room's spinning You take my cares away

I guess I over complicate, people tell me to medicate

Feel my blood runnin', swear the sky's fallin' How do I know if its fabricated?

Time goes by and I can't control my mind Don't know what else to try, but you tell

me every time

Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

I know I gotta keep, keep on breathin' Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

and breathin' I know I gotta keep, keep on breathin'

Sometimes it's hard to find, find my way up into the clouds

Tune it out, they can be so loud You remind me of a time when things weren't

so complicated All I need is to see your face

Feel my blood runnin', swear the sky's fallin' How do I know if its fabricated?

Time goes by and I can't control my mind Don't know what else to try, but you tell

me every time

Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

I know I gotta keep, I keep on breathin' Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

and breathin' I know I gotta keep, I keep on breathin',

mmm, yeah

My, my air My, my air

My, my air, my air My, my air

My, my air My, my air, yeah

Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

I know I gotta keep, I keep on breathin' Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'

and breathin' I know I gotta keep, I keep on breathin',

mmm, yeah

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