Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

While I was making the road, I was tired.

I'll do the race later.

Are you driving without me again?

For more infomation >> The cars made the race while Mark was sleep. Video for kids. - Duration: 2:22.


【Kman】我來幫你夾之守株待兔。竟然守到打出美好2026![台湾UFOキャッチャー UFO catcher]#406 - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> 【Kman】我來幫你夾之守株待兔。竟然守到打出美好2026![台湾UFOキャッチャー UFO catcher]#406 - Duration: 10:22.


SUYLA Çalışan ARABA Yaptı, Ya SONRA - Duration: 11:08.

For more infomation >> SUYLA Çalışan ARABA Yaptı, Ya SONRA - Duration: 11:08.


MAYA L'ABEILLE - Classe nature - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> MAYA L'ABEILLE - Classe nature - Duration: 12:21.


Swiss German rap: prize-winning - Duration: 3:49.

# Sometimes I'm more alive when I'm asleep than when I'm awake.

# One of those stars above you in the night sky.

Melancholy in the basement car park. Contemplative sounds and thoughts.

When things get tough there's more to explore than

when I'm feeling great and everything's fine.

What more could I ask for? When things are good I just enjoy it.

I don't need to always be thinking about life

and pondering things.

You're probably more creative when you're suffering.

# Your heart is in the right place,

# but you lost your mind somewhere on the A1.

It's not only the new album that is pensive and spherical,

the music videos are too.

# But then life's so bloody wonderful.

The last CD was different again: jazzier and calmer,

different from the earlier hip-hop sound.

# It was years ago, and we were younger then.

# But today the boys don't have a chance, they're spent.

Baze is known for his versatility.

He sounds different each time.

He started out with hip-hop,

was feted as a flippant rapper,

was one of the Bernese bands like "Wurzel 5" or "Chlyklass".

# Look, look, I'm spoiled by life. Look how things change.

# Look, not a cloud in the sky.

# Neither summer nor winter, it's always summer.

I like being able to escape.

If I do music like that for too long,

then I enjoy doing something different.

Then I get fed up again and can escape to the other sort.

Back and forth a bit.

The constants, for sure, are my voice, the flow,

my way of doing rhythm.

I'd certainly say I have my own style.

I also try to take it forward.

Not even aware that it becomes my own,

my own language for finding my own way.

The voice and the subtle texts as a constant.

The music, born in this studio, is changeable

# cos metal flows in your veins.

# Tar plasters adorn your scars.

# After the rain, your street shines blood-red in the dawn light.

I'm firmly in the saddle, after all, I'm Baze.

What I can do: go on with the music, look for other rugs,

work with different people, seek new paths.

And something new arises each time I've done something

and I find it cool, finding something new

and maybe I'll come back and do it again sometime.

Hi mate. See you soon!

How are you? - Good, and you?

He finds inspiration for his lyrics in everyday life.

Baze is a city boy and a keen observer.

Not a typical rapper.

Of course I'm not a typical rapper,

but I reckon I can keep up with it

for a long time yet.

I don't like thinking in fixed patterns.

For me it's not a competition,

I couldn't care about that.

It might be like that when you're 20 - but now it has to be right for me.

I want to have my own style.

Constant change is his style - Baze is always trying to reinvent himself.

For more infomation >> Swiss German rap: prize-winning - Duration: 3:49.


The Elder Scrolls Lore:Sanguine - Duration: 3:36.

Sanguine is the Daedric Prince of debauchery.

He also has domain over the darker natures of man, such as lust, sin, sloth, gluttony, and greed.

He is the patron deity of sinners and is often seen with a bottle of wine or beer in his hand.

Sanguine enjoys playing pranks on others, one such example being a spell that removes the clothing of everyone within the spell's radius.

Although a joker, Sanguine prefers to drag mortals down to sinful lifestyles by means of temptation and humiliation.

He has over a thousand personal realms known as Myriad Realms of Revelry.

When the Hero of Kvatch visited the Shrine of Sanguine and summoned him, sometime during the Oblivion Crisis, Sanguine tasked the Hero of Kvatch to join the royal dinner party of the Countess of Leyawiin, Alessia Caro.

Sanguine believed that the Countess of Leyawiin was too stuffy, and wanted the hero to do something about it. The hero should sneak into the castle undetected and cast the spell of Stark Reality on her and her guests.

When the hero cast the spell all the guests and the Countess herself were stripped, it brought chaos to the party, but Sanguine was pleased.

When the hero returned to the shrine, Sanguine rewarded his Sanguine Rose to the hero of Kvatch, a staff that has the capability to summon a lesser Daedra to "supposedly" fight for the wielder of the staff.

The same artifact was also rewarded some decades before to the Hero of Daggerfall, and also to Martin, the last of the Septims.

Martin in his youth was one of the followers of a Daedric Cult, and he somehow retrieved Sanguine's Rose - probably after some odd task.

There is a shrine in Cyrodiil which bears the appearance of Sanguine. Upon completing the related quest,

Sanguine will give the Sanguine Rose, a strange staff shaped like a twisted and thorny black rose.

When the energy within the Sanguine Rose is cast at a target, one random Daedric servant of Sanguine is summoned to do battle.

This staff has very little charge, between 10–30 uses, depending on Conjuration skill level, and must be recharged often.

Sanguine appears in Skyrim disguised as Sam Guevenne, who offers a friendly drinking competition with his "special" brew for his staff with the Dragonborn.

If the Dragonborn accepts, the quest "A Night to Remember" will start. After the Dragonborn accepts and drinks three mugs, Sam,

impressed, will give the staff and offers to show the Dragonborn a place "where the wine flows like water."

After that, they go out to commit drunken pranks in Skyrim, and eventually the Dragonborn awakes at the temple of Dibella and sets out to correct the pranks pulled while drunk.

The Dragonborn then heads to Morvunskar where a portal to Sam's location is found. Going through the portal reveals Sam in the Misty Grove,

where he reveals his true identity as Sanguine, commenting that he hadn't had that much fun in a hundred years and rewards the Dragonborn with his staff.

For more infomation >> The Elder Scrolls Lore:Sanguine - Duration: 3:36.


"Sushmita Sen" Dancing Ramp Walk At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" - Duration: 3:35.

"Sushmita Sen" Dancing Ramp Walk At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018"

For more infomation >> "Sushmita Sen" Dancing Ramp Walk At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" - Duration: 3:35.


The internet cafe for people facing poverty - Duration: 2:00.

Planet 13 in Basel's Kleinbasel district.

An Internet cafe run by people affected by poverty for people affected by poverty.

Avji Sirmoglu and Christoph Ditzler, who co-founded the cafe,

know from their own experience how important Internet access is:

One typical example is discounted tickets.

You can only order them if you have Internet access

and that's usually people who - let's put it this way -

have got it good.

But those without anything also don't have access.

The computers at Planet 13 are well used.

But people also come here

to escape from loneliness. Poverty is discussed.

You can finally talk about it. And much more openly.

Previously people had to hide

and were very ashamed, and extremely inhibited.

Final preparations for the workshop at the national conference

against poverty in Bern.

Avji Sirmoglu and Christoph Ditzler

are presenting their experiences from the Internet cafe here.

They are calling for a living wage, for example, and generally:

One specific requirement is:

Wherever poverty is discussed,

in negotiations and so on, those affected must be involved

and treated as equal partners.

Although poverty is now less of a taboo, says sociologist Ueli Mäder,

in our current finance-driven society

there is also a reverse trend.

Then there is talk of poverty as theft

and there is even a bestseller, "Die Asozialen" (the antisocial).

So beware: discourse can sometimes also twist round.

A link to society.

This is what Avij Sirmoglu and Christoph Ditzler

work to create with their Internet cafe. Every single day.

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