Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

Hey guys, today we are going to look at a marvelous place in Sri Lanka, this place is

known as Sigiriya.

There is nothing like this anywhere in the world, which is why it is known as the 8th

wonder of the world.

This is actually a giant monolithic rock, about 660 feet tall, and you can see that

it has a flat top, like somebody cut it with a giant knife.

There are incredible ruins at the top which are extremely mysterious, so let us go straight

to the top and see what's up there.

As you can see there are a lot of strange brick structures here and there and it is

not only confusing for visitors, but even archeologists are not able to make complete

sense of what these structures were used for.

They confirm that everything you see is at least 1500 years old.

But the mystery is not what these structures are, it is how these structures were built.

How did ancient builders manage to move all these bricks to the top of the rock?

It is reported that at least 3 million bricks are found here, but it would be impossible

to make these bricks on top of the rock, there is not enough clay available here.

They would have to have transported these bricks from the ground.

Now, the really bizarre part is that there are no ancient stairs from the ground level

which go to the top of the rock.

Look, all these metal steps were built in the last century.

Without these new stairs, it will be very hard to climb this rock.

This whole rock is now set up with different types of stairs, this is the spiral stairs

at a different level.

The ancient builders built very limited stairs, but these stairs definitely did not reach

the top.

This is exactly why no one, not even the locals knew about Sigiriya until 200 years ago, because

there were no stairs to the top.

And this is why an Englishman by the name of Jonathan Forbes "Discovered" the ruins

of Sigiriya in 1831.

So how did early human beings get to the top of Sigiriya?

Let us assume that it is possible to hike up hill through these very steep, wooded areas.

But to bring 3 million bricks from the ground level, you will definitely need proper stairs.

Without this, it would be impossible to transport them to the top.

Even if we claim that the bricks were made on top of the rock itself by some miraculous

means, The construction work here would have needed hundreds of workers.

How did they get their food?

Look around, there are no fruit bearing trees or crops growing here, to feed anyone.

And what about tools?

How did they carry their massive primitive tools?

Where did they rest and sleep?

But it gets more baffling.

Look carefully, there are not only bricks here, but look at these blocks.

This is marble.

The milky white marble stones are not native to this area at all.

These blocks are actually very heavy, every stone which makes up a step weighs about 50


And we can find thousands of these marble blocks here.

Experts agree that Marble is not naturally found anywhere nearby, so how were they transported

up to a height of 660 feet, especially without stairs to climb ?

But it is not the bricks or the marble that really baffles me.

It is the granite.

Look at this large water tank.

If you ignore the bricks and marble blocks around it, you understand that this is the

largest monolithic tank in the world.

It has not been built by adding stone blocks, it has been created by removing granite, by

scooping out tons and tons of granite from Solid Rock.

And exactly how many tons of rocks have been removed?

This entire tank is 90 feet long and 68 feet wide and is about 7 feet deep.

This means that at least 3,500 tons of granite have been removed.

So you can take a minute to really sit back and think if mainstream archeologists are


If human beings were using primitive tools like chisels, hammers and pick axes on granite,

which is one of the hardest rocks in the world, removing 3,500 tons would have taken years.

And how did these workers feed themselves during all these years, if they don't even

have stairs to go to the ground level?

There is something fundamentally wrong with mainstream history books which talk about

ancient people cutting rocks with chisels and hammers.

But this is not just a theory, we have actual evidence in front of our eyes.

Look here, we don't see individual chisel marks, we see long, snake like, winding tool

marks which are continuous.

This is not how primitive chiseling and wedge marks look.

This tool mark reminds us of scooping ice cream out of a container.

Ancient builders must have used a similar technology to scoop out granite.

And this tank has some strange properties.

It does not need any human interference, no one is adding water to it or draining water

out of this tank.

Throughout the year, it will never completely dry up even during the super hot summers,

and it will also not overflow during rainy season.

This is really strange because Sri Lanka does have very hot summers and gets a lot of rain

during the monsoon season as well.

The tank appears to collect water through percolation, and also seems to have a slow

draining system underneath.

There is another small rectangular tank which completely dries up during hot summers, unlike

this large monolithic tank which always has fresh water.

This is why locals refer to this huge tank as "Ravana's Swimming Pool" because they believe

it was built by Ravana, the greatest ruler of Sri Lanka, who lived many thousand years


According to ancient texts, Ravana was not human, but belonged to an extraterrestrial

race called Asura, we will talk about this later.

Now, going back to the construction of all these structures on top of Sigiriya.

How was it done?

Today, we have modern stairs, railings and other facilities and you would still need

to have good fitness, it takes about 2 hours to get to the top.

How did ancient builders climb on this rock, and transport materials, without having proper


Experts will argue that ancient people did it with hard labor, they took many years and

walked through the jungle.

But I am going to show you more evidence that ancient builders must have had some other

technology or capability to accomplish these constructions.

Look at the rock face here: You can clearly see the tool marks, large channel like rectangular

cuts and various other markings.

Archeologists confirm that these were made during ancient times.

But look around, do you see any stairs or even a slope or a tree to stand on?

How were these cuts made, if there is not even a place for a human being to stand?

How did anyone get up there?

Were these cuts made by humans or by Asuras, who were equipped with advanced technology?

These look like steps going up, but they are going vertically up, at a 90 degree angle,

so it is impossible for human beings to use them.

In fact, these are not steps, archeologists call them grooves and don't know why many

ancient sites around the world have these grooves.

But more importantly, how were these grooves created on this rock?

On top, look at these holes, these are circular holes made artificially.

Look at this deep hole.

It has been clearly cut with advanced technology and goes deep inside the rock.

These are not natural.

Why were they created?

In 1982, Sigiriya was declared as a World Heritage site by UNESCO.


Because it has a very unique feature.

Sigiriya was the place where nature and ancient technology were combined to get the desired


For example, look at this brilliant entrance near the ground level.

Experts are still struggling to decide if this is natural or not.

There are marks on rocks which cannot be determined if they are natural or artificially made.

For example, look at this rock here, are these artificial or natural grooves?

Most experts will claim these are natural, but look carefully as I pan from right to


What about now?

Is it natural, or is it artificially cut?

What about this protruding, over hanging stone?

look at the cut here - the dark cut.

The rock was cut like butter, as though using a giant, hot knife.

And what about this dark plate like projection?

How were these made, 1500 years ago?

If we analyze the rock face, we are baffled at the details.

There are tool marks all over the rock.

There are striations, and cubes cut out . Deep channels are cut on the rock, but they are

horizontal, so they were not used for channeling water or anything.

What were they used for?

More importantly, how did they carve them?

Where were the workers standing?

So, what do you think?

Was Sigiriya made by human beings with Primitive tools and Hard Labor?

If so, how did they bring 3 million bricks, and tons and tons of marble rocks from the


How did they manage to cut 3,500 tons of granite and find a unique technology to keep the tank

always filled with water?

How did they make these cuts on the rock face, without any stairs, or even a place to stand?

Or was Sigiriya, really built by Asuras, who had extraordinary technology?

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section, I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot

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For more infomation >> Sigiriya (Ravana's Palace) - Incredible Ancient Technology Found in Sri Lanka? - Duration: 13:40.


[Oh! My 갓돌아이 미방분] 송유빈을 소름끼치게한 백지영과의 일화! 두둥!! - Duration: 3:47.

You released the song 'Amazing' in 2017

Sing one verse, please

You look so pretty


You look so pretty

Next song is called

'She's Bad'

She's bad bad bad bad bad bad

Everyday everyday

Tell us about your goal today

About your goal

About your goal

It sounds nice, doesn't it?

I thought you meant ''Imjingak'

About your goal, 'Imjingak'

Oh, 'Imjingak'

You have a good sense of humor

Tell us about your goal

OK, I like that

We'll have fun

Why is it so short?

It's not funny at all

I don't think it works today


- Your real goal - Not a fake goal

- Real goal - Not 'Imgagak'

We'll go crazy today, you'll see different MYTEEN

Then how about real goal?

Real goal

Somebody who is confident can say

- I'll do it - OK

Our goal is reaching 200 views

It'll be hard

Or make it 'most searched word'

- I think 200 will be possible - It won't be easy

Sleepy, they're making fun of us

No, we're not

They're making fun of us

We've had only 26 views up to now

- Seriously - Which one?

The last one

The last one is...

The one we did something strange

- Especially Baek Ji-young - Yes

Does she know that you're here today?

I don't think she does

- Do you have her phone number? - Yes, I do

He has it

Do you? Why do you have it?

She and I performed together

- Yes, you did - Right

Does she treat you nicely?

Yes, she does

How is she? Is she strict?

Have you ever been scolded by her?

Like, 'This bastard'

Saying 'Look at this bastard'

Yes, I was scolded often

- Wow, were you? - While dancing

Tell us when it was

We were performing a song together

I should've sung in high pitched tone

Singing like this

When you were with Yuvin?

My voice was weak

Then she hit my back and say

'Get your act together!'

Oh, scary

I still get goose bumps thinking back

Oh, I can see that

I can't forget it

I heard you guys appeared on an audition program

Yes, on 'Mix Nine'

- Who? - These 3 members

- Anderson Kim? - Yes

Chunjin and

Yes, these 3


- Oh, these 3 members? - 3?

- He appeared, too - Mix Nine

- Be quiet - You were there, too

He pretends that he didn't

But he was there, too

He was eliminated in the 1st round

I was eliminated right away


It reminded me of my experience

Nobody will know who you are, if you're eliminated so soon

You could say you didn't even audition

That's why I wanted to keep the secret

But he kept telling that I auditioned

Who lasted the longest?

- Here - Me

Anderson Kim

Because of your language skill?

Who is Anderson Kim?

You have no right to say

He steals our socks

- Socks? - What are you talking about?

You steal our socks

I bought a lot of socks recently

Before you bought it, you had stole every day

I didn't steal it

I just borrow it from you

Then you don't bring it back

He doesn't even wash it

It happens in military, too

This is a slander

I wash it and bring it back

You write your name on it in military

(Oh! My Crazy Idol)

For more infomation >> [Oh! My 갓돌아이 미방분] 송유빈을 소름끼치게한 백지영과의 일화! 두둥!! - Duration: 3:47.


Lauv feat. Julia Michaels - There's No Way (James Carter x NLSN Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:15.

♪ You touch me and it's almost like we knew ♪

♪ That there will be history between us two ♪

♪ We knew someday that we would have regrets ♪

♪ But we just ignored them the night we met ♪

♪ We just dance backwards into each other ♪

♪ Trying to keep our feelings secretly covered ♪

♪ You touch me and it's almost like we knew ♪

♪ That there will be history ♪

♪ But there's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ With the way that we're looking at each other ♪

♪ There's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ Every second with you I want another ♪

♪ But maybe we can hold off one sec ♪

♪ So we can keep this tension in check ♪

♪ But there's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ With the way that we're looking at each other ♪

♪ With the way that we're looking at each other ♪

♪ I wish I could make the time stop ♪

♪ So we could forget everything and everyone ♪

♪ I wish that the time would line up ♪

♪ So we could just give in to what we want ♪

♪ 'Cause when I got somebody, you don't ♪

♪ And when you got somebody, I don't ♪

♪ I wish that the time would line up ♪

♪ So we could just give in ♪

♪ But there's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ With the way that we're looking at each other ♪

♪ There's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ Every second with you I want another ♪

♪ But maybe we can hold off one sec ♪

♪ So we can keep this tension in check ♪

♪ There's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ With the way that we're looking at each other ♪

♪ With the way that we're looking at each other ♪

♪ We just dance backwards into each other ♪

♪ Trying to keep our feelings secretly covered ♪

♪ We just dance backwards into each other ♪

♪ Trying to keep our feelings secretly covered ♪

♪ You touched me and it's almost like we knew ♪

♪ That there would be history ♪

♪ But there's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ With the way that we're looking at each other ♪

♪ There's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ Every second with you I want another ♪

♪ But maybe we can hold off one sec ♪

♪ So we can keep this tension in check ♪

♪ But there's no way that it's not going there ♪

♪ With the way that we're looking at each other ♪

For more infomation >> Lauv feat. Julia Michaels - There's No Way (James Carter x NLSN Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:15.


BJRAW - Disgorging at Champagne Gosset with Comité Champagne - Duration: 1:11.

After riddling, dead yeast cells are inside the bottle neck

Bottles are now upside down

The part of the neck with the dead yeast inside is snap frozen up to -30°

This frozen part of dead yeast is about to be removed from the bottle...

either by machine...

or by hand like back in the days. Today its made by machine.

The liquor is added,

the bottle is corked,

the bottle is shaken by machine to dispense the liquor

and is finally ready to be shipped to you!

For more infomation >> BJRAW - Disgorging at Champagne Gosset with Comité Champagne - Duration: 1:11.


Nova linha Make B. Diamond | O Boticário - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> Nova linha Make B. Diamond | O Boticário - Duration: 0:18.


史蒂芬 Steven.YW Ft.水神 Zeo Water - 枯萎的花 (Withered flower) - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 史蒂芬 Steven.YW Ft.水神 Zeo Water - 枯萎的花 (Withered flower) - Duration: 3:41.


自分の性格を治したい!パート1 - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> 自分の性格を治したい!パート1 - Duration: 6:36.


Бесплатный проект Векторные переходы Стили Proshow Producer - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Бесплатный проект Векторные переходы Стили Proshow Producer - Duration: 2:39.


The cars made the race while Mark was sleep. Video for kids. - Duration: 2:22.

While I was making the road, I was tired.

I'll do the race later.

Are you driving without me again?

For more infomation >> The cars made the race while Mark was sleep. Video for kids. - Duration: 2:22.


Nodirbek Xolboyev Eng sara qo'shiqlar to'plami 2018 Нодирбек Холбоев Жонли ижро альбом 2018 - Duration: 1:27:14.

For more infomation >> Nodirbek Xolboyev Eng sara qo'shiqlar to'plami 2018 Нодирбек Холбоев Жонли ижро альбом 2018 - Duration: 1:27:14.


【Kman】我來幫你夾之守株待兔。竟然守到打出美好2026![台湾UFOキャッチャー UFO catcher]#406 - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> 【Kman】我來幫你夾之守株待兔。竟然守到打出美好2026![台湾UFOキャッチャー UFO catcher]#406 - Duration: 10:22.


[SORI] Behind The Scene @ MBC Show Champion! EP1 - Duration: 8:02.

Sori's YouTube Channel

(Sori's heading somewhere)

Hey guys, it's been a while!


It's been a while since I shot one of these by myself,

and it feels a little bit awkward.

Especially with this makeup and hair done.

This is miles away from my usual self that I show you in this channel.

I am currently...

promoting my solo artist career

with a song "Touch,"

The song has been released without a hitch

and I have been promoting the song for a month.

This week appears to be the last that I get to promote my song in music shows!

I was at THE SHOW yesterday,

and Today, I'm going to SHOW CHAMPION

I'm heading to Show Champion stage right now!

(my face is) puffy, how come every time I take this, my face is puffy?

I put on some smoky eye makeup on,

(Today's concept: a tough girl) Smoky chic maybe?

Can you guess why I put on my makeup like this today though, aren't you curious?

My outfit will be soon revealed, later on this video!

Here comes the Behind the Scene episode!

I've arrived at the scene!

I'm currently at

MBC studio in Ilsan

Here's my green room...

I have arrived~

The time now is 4:55 PM and I have to be on standby by 5:30PM.

I'm gonna put on my outfit pretty soon.

This girl standing behind me is..

my stylist.

(Bonobono pouch appears~!)

Hi everyone, "Sorry Not Sori!" I'm Bonobono!

It's been some time, did ya miss me?

(I bet sori doesn't get bored even though she's by herself)

I just came back from the rehearsal!

This time around they did something different with cameras today.

I rehearsed with my name tag on

After the rehearsal, I'm currently

Getting more sparkles on my hair. Since my salon stylist was not available today,

I brought some spare sparkle bits here,

and my stylist here and a couple dancer friends are helping me out here...

(Bling Bling)

- Is this for Sori's YouTube?! - Yeah, say hi to everyone


(Eungyu who appeared in Sori's channel the most!)

This camera takes really pretty shots, guys!

Isn't it because you're pretty, unnie?

I don't think that's true.

I think you're lying, Sori.

How does it feel to embark on the last week of promotion?

A little sad.

You're totally BSing


I hope to work with you again on the follow-up single

Do you know something, regarding what's gonna come next?

Alright, and scene! Cut!

Here is today's outfit!

You'll soon find more out in detail in my future latex haul episodes, but as you can see

This was supposed to be more "revealing,"

but since I have to put on mic and other equipements, not to mention choreography...well scratch that.

When shown in camera there's a risk that it could be too revealing, so I put on some extra padding.

Only 15 more minutes to go before the show starts...

I am heading somewhere...

We didn't print out not that many CDs this time around,

unlike CoCoSoRi days, when we visited many staff members to introduce ourselves/greet them.

This time around, it's another story.

I'm heading over to the green room

of Chung Dong-ha's he happens to visit the same salon and promoting his own music too!

If he's not too busy, I'm gonna pop in and say hi to him.

Hello, how are you?

Hi, This is Chung Dong-ha!

We happen to share similar promotion schedule, not to mention going to the same salon.

Despite all that I couldn't formally introduce myself until now. Sorry about that.

Not at all. We share the same stylist. the same person who does Sori's makeup does mine as well.

Despite the fact that I don't have smoky eye makeup, it's true.

Perhaps gender difference was accounted for?

Sori just gave me her autographed copy of her CD, and in return...

Thank you so much! He even wrote a little blurb on the cover too!

- It's quite an honor! - Not at all!

I brought some photo cards too!

-My album includes a card too! -I'll make sure to check that out!

Are you supposed to be sending an SOS on this photo?

No, I'm staring at the milk glass. I'm supposed to be yearning for the milk over there.

Ah.. I see I had it all wrong.

I look a little bit pitiful here, don't I? The sun was blinding on that day.

Yeah, you look desperately in need for help.

I was misconstrued...

I said hi to Dong-ha earlier at the salon,

He said he has seen lots of my stage performance standing by at the green room.

My manager...

doesn't even bother to watch my rehearsal footage. All he watches is Sori's!

I was a little upset...

So I was a little bummed out...

- But coming to meet you in person, I understand now. - Thank you so much!

- You're full of quirks and charms! - I'm so flattered, thank you so much!

I was merely going to say hi, but to here all these compliments...

I hope this blows up! I'm gonna give it a listen!

(I took a quick photograph after conversing with him.)

Hello, we are Lucente!

I ran into up and coming new boy group "Lucente" as well!

Thank you very much! (awkward...)

I'm currently shooting a YouTube episode right now Say hi to them!

Thank you so much! I wish you all the best!

After meeting up with many artists Sori headed to the stage!

Catch Sori's perfomance LIVE!

I bet everyone's sitting in front of their TVs right now.

This is right behind the stage. (SHOW CHAMPION Behind the Scene continues to the next episode!)

For more infomation >> [SORI] Behind The Scene @ MBC Show Champion! EP1 - Duration: 8:02.


Video: Mild morning before showers move in - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Video: Mild morning before showers move in - Duration: 3:21.


motion tween in Flash-Lesson-16 - Duration: 6:33.

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For more infomation >> motion tween in Flash-Lesson-16 - Duration: 6:33.


MAYA L'ABEILLE - Classe nature - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> MAYA L'ABEILLE - Classe nature - Duration: 12:21.


Indiegogo crowdfunding - singer songwriter Laura Kits - Duration: 2:43.

Oops! I said $20 but I meant €10. That's about $12.

For more infomation >> Indiegogo crowdfunding - singer songwriter Laura Kits - Duration: 2:43.


Der Europa-Denker - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Der Europa-Denker - Duration: 5:18.


Harvard bias lawsuit heading to trial - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Harvard bias lawsuit heading to trial - Duration: 1:08.


Using deco tool and symbols in Flash-Telugu-Lesson-12 - Duration: 7:03.

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