Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

President Moon Jae-in's greeting to the French capital begins Tuesday local time with the

official start of the welcoming ceremony.

The president, during his sit-down with French President will work on bringing one of the

powerful country on board the peace drive on the Korean Peninsula.

Shin Se-min reports from Paris.

It'll be one of the few events of its kind this year in the French capital of Paris.

President Moon, on a five-nation tour of Europe will be greeted with official ceremony for

his state visit,… which the South Korean presidential office said is extremely exceptional,

given that France only hosts two or three state visits a year.

And that rare opportunity will be followed shortly by the South Korean first couple paying

tribute to the unknown fallen soldiers of the Korean War.

Then the sit-down between the two leaders,… their second since both of them took office

in May last year, their last one held on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Germany.

The main thrust of his meeting with the French president,… of course, asking for Macron's

help in getting the UN Security Council to roll back some of the economic sanctions crippling

North Korea.

France, one of the Security Council's permanent members and a leading nation of the European

Union is deemed critical to moving the needle of the U.S-led sanctions in a more encouraging

direction -- perhaps a reason why the 5-nation tour begins with France.

Following the Moon-Macron summit will be a joint presser.

Then President Moon will meet with the Speaker of the French House of Representatives and

then a state banquet in President Moon's honor.

"President Moon is hoping that the summit in France helps bring the five permanent members

of the UN Security Council -- the U.S., the UK, France, Russia and China -- on board his

drive for ultimate peace.

Once he's done there, the president will head over to Italy late Tuesday,... where he will

continue that momentum with the head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Paris."

For more infomation >> Pres. Moon to ask French counterpart on considering lift of economic sacntions on N. Korea.. - Duration: 2:03.


Słowo Boże „Dzieło Boga i dzieło człowieka" (Część Druga) - Duration: 44:52.

For more infomation >> Słowo Boże „Dzieło Boga i dzieło człowieka" (Część Druga) - Duration: 44:52.


South Korea police catch meth smuggling syndicate - Duration: 1:26.

South Korean Police arrested local drug dealers as well as those from Taiwan and Japan today.

They were involved in smuggling more than a hundred kilograms of methamphetamines into

the country.

Seo Bo-bin has the full story.

In what is the largest ever drugs bust in South Korea, police have confiscated 1-hundred-twelve

kilograms of methamphetamines that had been smuggled into the country.

According to the police, the haul's value was around 3-hundred-twenty-seven million

U.S. dollars, and there were enough drugs to simultaneously be used by 3-point-7 million


The police said, a Taiwanese smuggler brought the drugs into Korea inside a screw making

machine which left Bangkok on July 6th.

The machine contained 1-hundred-twelve concealed bags packed with 1 kilogram of methamphetamines


The smuggler then distributed 7 kilograms on July 29th and 31st and 8 kilograms on August

18th to a Japanese dealer who later sold it to the South Korean drug dealer for a total

of 1 million U.S dollars.

The Taiwanese smuggler was arrested when attempting to leave the country on August 26th.

The police have asked the Thai police to track down the shipping details of the screw making

machine to get leads on how the drugs were smuggled into Korea.

Seo Bo-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea police catch meth smuggling syndicate - Duration: 1:26.


Anh Chỉ Là người Anh Trai / NTH cover - ST ; Đặng Tiến Đồng - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Anh Chỉ Là người Anh Trai / NTH cover - ST ; Đặng Tiến Đồng - Duration: 3:00.


Trump says he has 'good chemistry' with Kim Jong-un, touts achievements made with N. Korea - Duration: 1:38.

U.S. President Donald Trump has again said he trusts North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

In an interview with CBS,... he claimed that everything is going well in his administration's

dealings with the regime... and that there have already been great achievements.

Park Hee-jun has some snippets from that session.

"And then we fell in love, okay?

No, really.

He wrote me beautiful letters, and they're great letters.

We fell in love."

When the host of CBS's "60 Minutes" asked the U.S. President whether he really "loved"

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... infamous for oppressing his people and assassinating

his half-brother,... the U.S. President tried to clarify that it was just a figure of speech.

But throughout the interview,...

President Trump had nothing but positive things to say about the progress being made with

the North... and about Kim himself.

First, he called his policy on North Korea a "great achievement,"... saying the situation

has changed a great deal from what would have ended in war.

And although it's still unclear whether North Korea is really closing up weapons facilities

or whether it has really stopped building missiles,... Trump expressed faith in the

regime, based on how it hasn't conducted any tests in recent months.

And that faith also appears to come from his good relationship with the regime's leader.

According to Trump, what he and Kim Jong-un share is good energy and good chemistry,...

which was what stopped the hostile threats that they'd exchanged during his first few

months in office.

But that doesn't appear to be enough for President Trump to ease the sanctions on North Korea.

That's something he said he has no plans to do yet, emphasizing that, (quote) "this isn't

the Obama adminstration."

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump says he has 'good chemistry' with Kim Jong-un, touts achievements made with N. Korea - Duration: 1:38.


Games4King G4K - Cartoon Kangaroo Rescue Game Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 5:24.

Games4King G4K - Cartoon Kangaroo Rescue

For more infomation >> Games4King G4K - Cartoon Kangaroo Rescue Game Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 5:24.


Love To The End | 끝까지 사랑 EP.47 [SUB: ENG, CHN/2018.10.15] - Duration: 33:31.



Is somebody there? Please, help!

Wake up, Jeonghan. Jeonghan!

- Should I call an ambulance? / - Yes, please.

Jeonghan, are you okay?

Come inside.

(Episode 47)

Who got you? Choi Deokbae?

No, I lost him because of someone else.

What? Who?

Let's go.

Can you move?

Stay a little longer.

No. You'll be in trouble because of us.

Just say I hit him.

Say that it was an accident.


Sorry for troubling you.

Hey, you!

Where can I find Choi Deokbae?

How would I know?

He won't take my calls anymore.

This is the latest phone.

His mom has dementia, so she's in a nursing home.

He visits her at least once a month.

- Where? / - Geez...

Namju Hospital in Gyeonggi-do.

Jeong Sunae. Okay?

Namju Hospital. Jeong Sunae. I'll go.

Be careful.

We can't do anything without him.

But who knocked you out?

Darn it. Where are you taking me?

- Keep walking. / - Geez.

What's this?

You scared me.

So answer my calls, will you?

Spill it.

What did you do for Sena and how much did you get?

I monitored that girl, Emily,

and picked her up from the airport.

You punk. What do you take me for?

Don't tell me...

That you're the one who scammed

Yun Jeonghan's mom.

Was someone scammed?

Why else is he so determined to find you?

Darn it.

He's a lunatic. You know that.

You swear it wasn't you?

If by any chance,

you teamed up with Sena and ran that con...

You're dead. Got it?

Come on. Why are you being so scary?

Do you know that Jeonghan's father died?

Do you think that punk can see straight right now?

I'm home.


You said you were staying at your in-laws.

I have no clothes there

and if I walk around while his mother is sleeping,

I'd only get in the way.

Don't be silly.

The head of the family passed away.

Imagine how lonesome they must feel.

How could you run straight home

when you are the only daughter-in-law...

Did his mother tell you to leave?

Of course not.

She still resents me.

What should we do?

Yes, father.

Do you know that

Jeonghan almost caught Choi Deokbae?

If it weren't for me, you'd be under arrest right now.


Where else?

At the hotel that girl, Emily, is staying.

You had Choi Deokbae con Jeonghan's mother,


You dumped me like that.

I had to do something!

Still, there are lines you should not cross.

If Jeonghan finds out, he'll try to kill you.

You have no right to say anything to me, father.


- Well... / - Let's talk upstairs.


My father was scolding me.

What was he angry about?

Let's start from the beginning.

The person who stamped Jeonghan's seal...

I thought it was his mother.

Jeonghan's mother

printed YB's corporate fund withdrawal request

and took the money?

Should I call her and ask?

It was you, wasn't it?

I had no choice.

She called me and kept crying.

That debt would've fallen onto Gayeong.

I wanted to help somehow.

Even still, how could you do that?

You should've said something when

Jeonghan was arrested.

She wanted to keep it a secret.

Imagine how shocked he was

to have passed away like that.

Is there anything else...

That I don't know about?

No, there isn't. That's all.

Will you send me to the Prosecutor's Office for that?


Go with me.

Whatever you did,

whatever price you must pay,

I'll go through it with you.

What can you do with me?

If you're not going to jail for me,

don't say things like that!

My head hurts. Please leave.

This won't work today.

Throwing a fit while saying you have a migraine

and making excuses like saying something hurts.

I can't keep silent about this.

You didn't mean any harm, so they'll go easy on you.

I refuse to go to the police.

Then, at least go see Jeonghan with me.

Let's beg until he forgives you.

I'm sure that's what they want.

You should beg for their forgiveness.

Do you think they'll bury it...

If I go and beg for forgiveness?

They'll finish me!

I won't give up on you.

Why are you saying you'll be finished?

Think about it again.

I'll be in the other room.

There's nothing to think about.

Let's just decide here.

Let's break up.

You're pregnant. How could you...

That's not the issue.

I can't live being treated like this.

I want a divorce right now!

Did you fall down the stairs?

Are you hurt?

Don't touch me! My baby!

- My baby! / - Sena!

What happened?

Please call an ambulance.

Okay. My gosh.

Sena, are you okay?

If anything happens to my baby,

I'm going to die!

Sena fell down the stairs?

So? Is the baby okay?

Thank goodness.

But why did they fight?

Why are you asking me?

You bugged Duyeong.

Why did you tell him that Sena had been meeting

Jeonghan's mother?

And Gayeong always asks her strange things.

Why won't you leave her alone?

Is that why you called?

Sena doesn't even have a mom.

Don't you feel sorry for her?

Forget it. Fine. Bye.

Is the baby okay?

What happened?

He says Duyeong and Sena had a fight.

What is this about?

Were you awake?

Please call my father.

He may get shocked.

I'll call him in the morning.

I'm sorry, honey.

Weren't you going to divorce me?

I was wrong.

I was completely wrong.

Please, don't be mad.

It's dangerous for the baby.

All you care about is the baby.

Honey, are you home?

It's me.

You're back late.

Do you know that Gayeong went home?

I sent her away.

No. I didn't send her away.

I kicked her out.

I can't eat the food she makes.

Don't let her come here ever again.

- Mother. / - You too. Don't come anymore.

I can't look at either of you.

Why are you sitting down?

Aren't you going home?

I will.

That day...

Dad said...

I should never break up.

What did he tell you?

To live happily together.

That was dad's final wish.

Then why did you break up with Hyeongi?

We can't bury father's death like this.

That's just not right.

That's why you broke up with Hyeongi.

It's been another long day.

Have you eaten?

How's your mother?

I'm afraid you'll tell me to not even ask...

So I'm texting instead.

I'm sorry that this is all I can do.

You don't need to reply.

I just wanted to say hi.



Is this punk so sweet?

If you send another text like this,

I will report you for spamming.

Jeongbin, why are you pretending to be strong?


What do I do?

What do I do?

When did you come?

Just now.

Duyeong and Sena fought yesterday.

She packed her things to leave

but she fell down the stairs.

Luckily, she and the baby are fine.

She fell down the stairs?

Did anyone see it happen?

I doubt it.

She faked it?

You, Duyeong, your father...

CEO Kang and Hyeongi...

None of you can beat Sena.

You still doubt that

Sena would've scammed my mother, right?

You're right.

I find it hard to believe.

Then I'm fighting alone.

Mr. Han.

You should've called me sooner.

You must have been so scared.

Miss Sena fell down the stairs.

She's in the hospital.

Yes. I'll stop by on my way to work. Yes.

Do you want to go to the hospital with me?

I have too much work.

So her husband found out

that she used Jeonghan's seal?

- So she intentionally... / - Watch your mouth.

He's right.


Hi. You must be tired from last night.

Not at all. Please have a seat.


You must have been scared too.

You should've been more careful.

I'm sorry.

I'll go to the administration office for a bit.


What happened?

He heard me talking to you on the phone.

He found out everything?

I said I borrowed Jeonghan's seal

to try to help his family.

You are so...

How could you scam her for $3 million?

She's your sister-in-law's mother-in-law.

Why else do you think the chairman gave me

the company shares?

Chairman Jeong knows too?

No. He doesn't even try to find out.

He won't care as long as he gets what he wants.

Regardless, I got what I wanted too.

I even took Hyeongi's position

in the company.

How much does Jeonghan know?

He has no proof.

What could he possibly do?

I just have to send Choi Deokbae out of the country.

Why is that girl from the U.S. locked up there?

She isn't locked up.

She's here on vacation.

Does she have something on you?

She's a friend. Why would she do that?

I'm just being careful

since she knows about my past

with Jeonghan. That's all.

Shall we go home?

Lie down.


I'll see you out.

Just lie down.

I'm really sorry.

I'm not saying I was right.

But I was hurt...

Because I thought at least you would

always be on my side

but you kept hounding me, so I got scared...

Sorry. I'm really sorry.

Don't cry. That's bad for the baby too.

I was so scared that

something would happen to the baby.

It's all my fault.

I won't scold you ever again.

I didn't think things through either.

I was trying my best

but it didn't help.

And Jeonghan's father passed away.

What do I do now?

I'll take care of everything from now on.

I'm back.

It's nice seeing the family eat together.

Sit down.


Shouldn't you stop by at your in-laws'

on your way to the office?

- We should. / - No.

We're hiring a helper.

Really? That's a good idea.

But shouldn't you go at least?

Yes. I'll pack some things after I eat.

Then are you two living apart?

I felt bad, so I wanted to feed you.

Let's go.

Feeding you was just an excuse.

We haven't seen each other for over a month.

I was curious and I missed you.

- May I come in? / - What brings you here?

I came to pick up my severance.

Nice. Unexpected money.

How have you been?

Actually, I was just about to call you.

Who could've scammed Ha Yeongok?

You started investigating again.

It was a typical investment scam.

He made her a board member,

dumped all the debt on her and fled.

There were dozens of victims

but someone showed up and

paid them back all at once.

Doesn't that sound staged?

So the victims weren't victims but they were in on it.

They put on an act to fool Ha Yeongok.

The incident wasn't even reported to the police.

The only ones scammed were Ha Yeongok

and her friend.

So the person who showed up out of nowhere

and repaid those fake victims...

Must be an accomplice.

That's right. Who do you think that was?


Don't you have security here?

Do you just let in any beast in from the street?

Beast? This man is no such thing.

He was my boss.

And why are you here, ma'am?

I want to redo the office.

Please get rid of the desk and chair my brother used.

Your appointment hasn't been made official yet.

It will be soon.

Didn't you fall down the stairs last night?

Was it an act?

What happened with you and Jeongbin?

We've been playing hard-to-get for 15 years,

so it won't end yet.

You're the one living in fear of when it will end.

Not at all.

My husband will never leave me.

My father-in-law, father and the chairman

are all on my side now.

Who would believe that this pretty face

scammed her ex-boyfriend's mother for $3 million?

No one would believe that, right?

It just makes no sense.

If you know that, stop saying such nonsense.

Aren't you scared of how Jeonghan will react?



Please have a seat.

I found out that Sena did a terrible thing.

What exactly did she say she did?

She used your seal without permission

to use company funds.

She says she did it to help you.

But it was still wrong.

Did she say anything else?

She almost lost the baby last night.

I don't want to dig any further.

I don't know what else she may have done...

But please, for my sake,

for our baby's sake,

can you forgive my wife?


The person who did wrong should confess first.

How could she ask for forgiveness

when she's hiding behind you?

I said I'll be punished with her.

Also, what did she do so wrong?

What did she say about the con...

- That my mother fell for? / - Well...

Your mother was unlucky.

Jeonghan, what is with that look?

You don't resent Sena for what happened

to your mother, do you?

Please excuse me.

What's wrong with him?

Go tell her.

To confess and ask for forgiveness herself.

This is her last chance to turn things around.


I can't send her somewhere like this.


I'm sure she isn't behind the scam.

Even if she is a bad person, how could she do that?

Plus, there's no proof.

And if there is proof...

Will you believe me?

If Sena really was behind it...

We can't be together. Don't you know that?

I have no choice.

How could you say that?


Let's do all we can.

I'll bring Sena here and make her confess to you...

About everything she did.

You can't do that.

I'm not blaming you.

I couldn't do it either.

I could've exposed who she was if I ever decided to...

But I was stupid and couldn't do it...

Because Sena and we were family.

Yes, honey.

Of course, I'm fine.

I just ate too.

What about you?

Actually, I went to my mother's

to talk with Jeonghan.

I see.

I even got on my knees but he won't let it go.

You must have felt so uncomfortable.

I didn't know he'd do that.

But he is so stubborn.

I'm worried about Gayeong.

It's all my fault.

Okay. See you later.


I knew that would happen.

The person who hired Choi Deokbae

to con my mother-in-law...

I told you, it wasn't me.

Then let's go to him now...

And settle everything from the past.

Confess everything you've done to the family...

And ask for forgiveness.

Why must I do that?

His father passed away.

Imagine how he feels.

He'll get revenge on you.


He'll expose my past?

Then you and I will both get divorced.

I have nothing to fear anymore.

I have money,

and above all else, I'm pregnant.

I'll get a divorce

and go live in the U.S.

But your brother will never see his baby, ever.

What did you say?

I'll raise this baby alone without a father.

I'll make sure no one in your family can see the baby.

And you call yourself a mom?

You grew up lonely too.

How could you even think that?

This is what YB did to my mom.

They kicked out a woman carrying a baby...

And lived in luxury by themselves.

Do you know how my mom died?

There's a reason why I ended up like this.

Try making my child like me.

Even if you had a tough childhood...

Weren't you happy after joining our family?

My dad and brother...

Didn't they do enough for you?

Did we do something wrong to you?

Why are you doing this? Just deny it.

Just prove your innocence.

Why am I doing this?

Because I can destroy even myself...

If it'll give me what I want.

You can never understand how I feel.

What is it that you want?

I want only one thing from you right now.

Break up with Jeonghan.

All of this happened

because you two got married.

No. We will never break up.

You won't get your way.


Things didn't go so well.

I didn't expect it to.


Whatever I say...

You'll agree, right?


Break up.

For more infomation >> Love To The End | 끝까지 사랑 EP.47 [SUB: ENG, CHN/2018.10.15] - Duration: 33:31.


Lycopene in tomatoes found to lower risk of stomach cancer - Duration: 0:40.

A study by local researchers suggests tomatoes, with their high concentrations of lycopene,

can help prevent stomach cancer.

Lycopene is a red component in tomatoes that's known to help prevent prostate cancer and

cardiovascular diseases.

A team at the National Cancer Center compared about 12-hundred people who had developed

stomach cancer with those who did not have it.

Among those who consumed more than 1-point-8 milligrams of lycopene a day, the risk of

gastric cancer was 40 percent lower.

That amount of lycopene is contained in about 75 grams of tomato, or about three fourths

or more of a medium-sized tomato.

For more infomation >> Lycopene in tomatoes found to lower risk of stomach cancer - Duration: 0:40.



hey guys what's going on as some of you guys might know by this point I am on a

30-day juice fast and I want to say before I forget in the description all

my videos is my social media links to Twitter Instagram is where I'm at every

single day I love Instagram I'm not into Twitter really or Facebook

at all I go onto Facebook to put my videos share my videos on my juicing

page and then I'm out of there but you can also join my facebook page and

interact with people who are introducing as well if you choose so but Instagram

is where it's at that's where I post at least 6 posts today from the morning

time early and then when I'm shutting down my social media arm you know sites

and my laptop is being shut down for the night I put my three pull stuff or maybe

more depending on what I seen that intrigued me right now I'm juicing so

I'm doing a lot of nothing but juicing vibe posts pictures videos on juicing

for the whole month of October going into the next ten days of November

because I started on the 10th of October so I'll be ending on the 11th of October

cuz that'll make you 30 days so that's where you can find me and see what I'm

up to and also the see if I fell off the wagon if you don't care too much about

the juice fasts on my videos even though I do a video every day that doesn't mean

I'm not I'm going to be I'm on day ten I'm on day 12 I'm not gonna do that with

this juice fast like I did with a hundred and four day juice fast because

I have a list of goals that I need to get accomplished and I don't have time

to be obligated to every day put up a video on what day I'm on but in some

videos when I do make my videos I will tell you what day

that I'm on so that you guys won't be in the dark on where I'm at in the journey

yes but I just wanted to let you guys know that my channel is all about

uplifting people now these things that I might be doing in my life that you

currently might not be able to because of health problems maybe issues that you

let go a lot longer than you should of that make it difficult for an example

for you to do a juice fast you have to do what works for you it's not a one

size fits all I want in the long run for anyone who watches my channel to get

healthy I want you guys to come back to my videos and say that you got yourself

healthy and that you're living a long productive life and health issues are

not your issues anymore because the fact of the matter is we're not getting any

younger we're getting older and we don't want to dread getting older because we

think that as we get older comes cancer and diabetes and all these things that's

not true these things happen to us from how we eat and our lifestyles if we

change our thinking our eating and our lifestyle then our life will change for

the better we don't have to go into old age suffering from ailments because of

past decisions that weren't good ones if you have toxic people in your life that

you need to get away from so that you make better decisions then you have to

do that in order for you to be here because usually what happens is when

we're trying to make everyone else happy what happens we end up kicking the

bucket and those same people who you were trying to follow behind well nine

times out of ten just by luck still be here so I just wanted to make this video

letting you guys know that I'm here for you if there's any

questions that you need to be answered I'm more than happy to answer it I will

leave and make a video on that topic and you know answer your question so I'm not

gonna make this video too long just want to let you know that yes it's still

juicing I'm going for 30 days still and everything's looking up and whatever you

do in your weight loss journey or your detoxing and healing journey you can do

it as well too so with all that being said please subscribe to the channel

like and share this video and make it a favorite and I'll see you guys in the

next video bye for now

For more infomation >> UPDATING YOU ON MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY-WHERE IM AT🍹🍹🍹 - Duration: 5:04.


Drones can pose a risk to traffic - Duration: 1:57.

This is what might happen if a 9-kg drone

crashes into a parked car at full power.

So far this is just theory.

Up to now, only property damage has been reported in Switzerland.

However, AXA is warning

that it's only a question of time until people are also injured.

For us, it's important to respond in good time.

Certain basic principles are lacking with regard to drones,

e.g. that they're not registered or identified.

And we believe that we need to respond now,

in order to ensure road safety in future.

For example, an identification requirement for drones of 250 g or more

was introduced last year in Germany.

When asked by the "Tagesschau"

news programme, the Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA said

it is in favour of a simple electronic registration.


AXA is also calling for all pilots

of drones weighing 500 g or more to take a theory test,

and for drones of 900 g or more an additional practical training course.

For Ueli Sager, Chairman of the Swiss Federation of Civil Drones,

this is a step too far.

Today we see many drone operations

that involve very little risk.

Far away from people, far away from airfields,

it shouldn't need a lot of bureaucracy

to fly drones as a hobby or as a job.

There are already many rules for flying drones today.

E.g. the pilot must always have visual contact with the device

and is not permitted to fly over groups of people.

This is not enough for the insurance company.

For more infomation >> Drones can pose a risk to traffic - Duration: 1:57.


КАКОЙ ТЫ ЗЛОДЕЙ ДИСНЕЯ ПО ЗНАКУ ЗОДИАКА. Кто ты из Диснеевских персонажей. Пройди тест и узнаешь 👑 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> КАКОЙ ТЫ ЗЛОДЕЙ ДИСНЕЯ ПО ЗНАКУ ЗОДИАКА. Кто ты из Диснеевских персонажей. Пройди тест и узнаешь 👑 - Duration: 5:06.


Dietary chicken cutlets with cottage cheese - Duration: 2:26.

Ingredients for 3 servings: • 1 half chicken fillet; • 1 onion; • 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese; • dill to taste; 2-3 cloves garlic; • 70 g of cornmeal for breading; • 1 egg; • salt and spices to taste (I used cardamom).

Cut chicken into medium pieces

Cut the onion into several pieces

Grind everything in a blender

Soften the curd with a fork

Add minced meat

Add the egg


Chop the dill

Add salt and spices in the stuffing

Add chopped garlic and dill

Form cutlets with wet hands

Roll the cutlets in corn flour

Lubricate the pan with olive oil

Put the cutlets on a baking sheet

Bake cutlets for 30 minutes at 180 degrees

For more infomation >> Dietary chicken cutlets with cottage cheese - Duration: 2:26.


S. Korea reveals proposed new passport designs - Duration: 0:36.

the Ministry of Culture and the foreign ministry have revealed their draft

proposals for South Korea's new passport design which will be used from the year

2020 for the first time in 32 years the cover will shed its green color and

change to navy each page will include illustrations of Korea's cultural

heritage the passport numbers will also change with an alphabet letter inserted

in the middle of the number to increase the number of possible sequences and the

resident registration number removed to protect against a leaking of personal

data the government will announce its final design in December after taking

public opinion into account

For more infomation >> S. Korea reveals proposed new passport designs - Duration: 0:36.


S. Korea officially free from MERS as of Monday midnight - Duration: 0:35.

South Korea will officially declare an end to the Middle East respiratory

syndrome case that occurred last month as a Monday midnight one patient was

confirmed to have contracted MERS on September 8th

which was the first case since a major outbreak of the virus in in 2015 the

patient was confirmed to have fully recovered on September 17th after being

treated in quarantine at a local hospital the World Health Organization

rules that a country is free from immersed outbreak if there are no new

patients for four weeks twice the maximum latency period after the

confirmed patient has recovered

For more infomation >> S. Korea officially free from MERS as of Monday midnight - Duration: 0:35.


"Disha Patani" Showstopper At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" | Tiger Shroff - Duration: 1:34.

"Disha Patani" Showstopper At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" | Tiger Shroff

For more infomation >> "Disha Patani" Showstopper At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" | Tiger Shroff - Duration: 1:34.


Impractical Jokers Best Ever 13 - Duration: 21:55.

Joe how about that guy right there in the Hat do you mind if I ask you a

couple of questions do you like cheese with an aroma and would you meet me

behind the supermarket at midnight it's really important would you meet me

behind the supermarket at midnight it's really important it's kind of simple you

know what midnight is you know a supermarket you know where behind it is

would you meet me there at midnight it's super important no okay so no no all

right that's it man thanks free samples free samples delicious cheese it's like

feeding time at the zoo

we're from college I went to Brooklyn College do you mind if I ask you a

couple survey questions okay great did you okay all right did you

experiment with any cheeses in college

next question next question you want me to be okay read that to me you don't

think so is that a firm no enjoy your cheese sir thank you very much

this here is a 2012 Dracula Nutcracker tell you what the lucky horseshoe

belongs to the Secretariat my grandfather used to train them oh this

so these are these are candle holders that have been in my family for a long

time and they were used at a wedding the wedding of my grandparents how could I

sell them they recently passed on so I'm just trying to you I'm just trying to

make a quick buck I'm also trying to make a quick buck

only because my grandfather was an entrepreneur and a businessman and I've

had those traits passed down to me plus I'm trying to sell it before my sister's

find out that this stuff exists I'm also trying to sell them before the rest but

my family finds out that I'm selling out

the funeral right now the funeral is actually right now the rest of my the

rest of my family is actually there and I'm here no those are 15 for the set

all right man nice technique all right you don't look like the type that would

be here I don't belong here how are you sir Hey good good good good

this the Buffalo interesting story about the Buffalo I stole it from a

native-american funeral home I stole this I stole this from a native-american

funeral home and I'll tell you why I did it because they had condemned the

funeral home who's going out of business I said you know what let me not let this

go to waste let me save it from from a garbage duck

but I went there for the last funeral but I was there as a guest of the last

funeral and I just took a right off the coffin and I it was on the coffin and I

took it off it was it was a chief chief Littlefoot it was that he had died it

was easy to sneak out a body was harder to remove it was easy to sneak out the

body was harder to remove there's no way out of this story really

how're you doing then we're gonna help you with all right cube give this guy a

nickname ready set go you got a hot dog gonna get

on your car so it's all good I wouldn't

buddy open every door in his car was the Civic what's going on back here I'm not

lots of room crawl right through hot dog I'm going through this looking good

buddy oh yeah cut me any

you know this wound or still that open buddy his door leaned over him and

opened his door thank you hey how are you sir good how are you doing what can

I help you I gotta tell you I got to tell you your car's a piece of bro your

car is probably the my favorite car I've worked on yesterday it is absolutely

gorgeous get the pump and loser okay I'll have no

idea what you doing now look right up at him you keep licking your lips

I got you through and a half three half-baked us see you guys do you want

me take admission that the show is um back into the left have you heard of it

it's uh and what happens in that show it's got nothing it's an interpretive

dance set to the Kennedy assassination

they've got this great number in it it's it's uh back to the left that's just so

that's a note for the tickets okay

shooter hey I got two free tickets on these tonight you want them it's two

tickets for a Mike Tyson explains pigeons so I don't know how much you

know about the pigeon population here in New York City but it's told to you by

Mike Tyson one lucky audience member gets punched in the throat by a

heavyweight champ Mike Tyson so I'm actually the lucky guy that got punched

right in the Adam's apple I'm sorry about talking funny you crushed my

trachea when he punched it would you be interested in two free tickets for

tonight's show how surprised uh people gonna be when the first words out of

your mouth uh do you want free tickets instead of change you got change

I'm giving away tickets to a show tonight you guys want to I can't go home

just give them away hey guys I'm giving away tickets to a show tonight but yeah

I don't want to go to waste it's called it's called uh laughter birth what's

that about it's about a placenta drops out hits the ground puts on a boat

hello knock-knock jokes it's a comedic afterbirth

laughter birth do you want them what if we let herself scuse me ma'am do you

want to settle an argument we're having two seconds you're the judge it's in

your hands who wins this right mark this one's for you

I say I'm uglier than he is ice I say I'm uglier than he is thank you and I

say I'm uglier than he is hear us out have you seen my hair cuz I haven't I

kind of look like Rosie O'Donnell witch before a woman is attractive but for a

man that's probably not what a woman wants to see coming at her in the middle

of night have you ever seen a picture of a ferret a beady eye we are looking fair

with a small head that is what I look like

I look like my neck threw up all over the place and grew like hippie hair

underneath my shirt is the more chest hair than you've ever seen in your

entire life it is not handsome you abused your heart

use those beautiful eyes to love you ugly wait and look at me we need to

settle me and settle it what's wrong

no no no I won that one you know your body moves like jello good jello with

rhythm yeah we got it you Mexican the grandfather was born on a Mexican flag

I'm not how's it right there in traditional bud well my name is Sal I

fell in love with sows about 10 years ago so just loosen I'm real quick so say

I have dead arms I really swing loose there buddy with

dead arms my stretching technique faster buddy stop hit yourself Gregory Hines

don't do this Gregory Hines four minutes Sal introduce yourself again so you know

my name is Sal I fell a little bit dance about ten years ago and I've been doing

ever since gentleman will eat you want to keep your arms square it off at the

top great great very good so guys introduce yourself let's say a little

bit myself I'm Sal I fell in love with salsa about 10 years ago and I've been

learning it ever since very good Sal partner up with one of the

guys why don't we switch up you guys go ahead you serve and you sir will partner

up it's okay because I want to see how you lead

look him in the eyes and whisper I love you Sal slowly lower your hand down his

back lower notice how my hand is nice and high like a lying sack of shit me

ma'am if I get two more signatures I can get

on the ballot for City Council and then I can run for City Council the most

important part my platform is a bisexual crossing guards the most important part

of my platform bisexual crossing guards is it perfectly good explanation hear me

out yeah explain this one you know how when you're crossing a street you can

either go one way when you go the other if the crossing guards are bisexual you

could go both yes so would you like to sign my petition to be on City Council

yeah you are a sweetheart thank you so much

Bopha Gatto honey on the bout real quick can I talk to you two SEC's

hey my friend ma'am how about you I'm just trying to get some a win as to get

me on the City ballot singer to see ya Joe what's up you know what it is it's

the time he looks like an official jerk right now that's right hey bud talk to

you two seconds I'm just trying to get on the ballot for the New York City

Council so basically I'm just trying to get more subway cars I'm also looking to

less duckfaces on Facebook I'm trying to start digital photo regulation so we can

get rid of duck faces on like the social networking sites

you know duck face like that you know dumbass tweens are out there doing them

and they're you know whatever so I'm trying to regulate that cuz nobody

really wants to see that you know it's like all weird a bridal shower the

nightclub you know what I mean like all gram just died it's an initiative on

pushing I'm trying to crack down on it really so you don't want to sign that

okay well I appreciate it yeah I'm dr. Quinn but you can call me Brian very

nice to meet you please have a seat

you had one last year yeah okay so you got two eyeballs here well you got two

eyeballs sir I do you get headaches you get to get to get headaches no I don't

have I get headaches I get headaches when I wake up drunk in a gutter

when I suppose when you wake up drunk in a gutter you wake up with headaches yes

on the floor we had an eye chart for you could you hang it on the wall there is

fat right does keeps going though keep going it doesn't just end there but yes

exactly like a fat Rosie O'Donnell

truthful get you to rape your eye exam today Shawna thank you so much

I'm dr. Vulcano I'll be doing my best okay so just sit down all right on your

left there just roll over in the chair and give yourself a pep talk

that's all get okay one sec you have worked for this your whole life you

graduated at the top of your class forget about that cadavers eye that you

blew up forget about that eye ball in the Institute people have always liked

leave your baggage at the door leave your baggage at the door and we're gonna

do this one two eyeballs one boom hi boss let's do it

let's do it

Brian and I are a pair of financial advisors we'll give you some of our tips

that we've come along across the way we special in we specialize in is the next

button mm-hmm ways of making money many ways out there everybody's got a scheme

and angle but you know there's some that are just universal

all right so explain them then low-risk high-yield investments little risk

bloody yield you don't want to put too much risk out there and you bring a lot

of yield in it's all about the yield and also high-risk low-yield investments

that's looking at it the other way right

high-yield low-risk investments so now if you guys are getting the pattern

that's just the opposite of that to drive at home and if I know this is

going there's a high risk invested there we covered everything and then sand in

the scones these you're you've got to remember you've got to remember that

international markets a lot of decisions are made over tea and scones

point/counterpoint IPO vs. private equity IPO and that's where you want to

be at that's the International

product it's the International pancake order initial public offering IPO that's

what you want to be they were private equity his money in your own pocket can

you keep that then it's the kind of it's just the kind of person that you want to

be what is she writing I will say this go to work with a handy Oh marry a blowy

that's that's our main thing thank you what we like to do with the end of this

is just a quick show of hands please raise your hand if you feel like you've

learned anything of value did you learn anything new

1 1 2 2 3 3 people 3 people lost you think my dad will help me out I'm

looking for it's a restaurant it's like Taco Bell but a lot more chinesey

you owe me I'm looking for a place I don't know the name of it exactly it's

nice - a bakery that smells like baby coyotes I'm trying to find that massage

Paul and I don't kind of keep a secret excuse me miss I'm looking for I know

it's around here somewhere it's it's like it's like Home Depot but it's for

pasta pasta Home Depot yeah it's like that it's it's it's it's here that ball

with the BYO shrimp with the bring your own shrimp

yeah I gotta get there to help out because because my my genitalia is gonna

turn into a pumpkin you better get there soon do you know

where to go oh you're Mia my pumpkin genitalia Thank You Sal ready buddy

I'm looking for the place where I'm looking for the place where Ed Koch got

a splotch on his crotch okay well you know I know it's near I know where it's

near it's near Michael Dukakis his bachelor pad

I gotta get there with her a half hour I I gotta find Waldo hook yeah I don't

know where he is and she's never heard of it yeah listen have you ever heard of

this Ed Koch goddess bachelor pad I cannot believe this is happening we have

made this happens he's trying to find Wang not that war zone the one from

Where's Waldo yeah yeah the same although no idea no idea

the fun back to a boring breakfast by giving away free boxes of Kellogg's

crunchy nuts we've got to do and say what the other guys tell let's get nuts

show them the killers punching out dance

it's not crunchy enough guys guys make it a really shady deal don't tell them

what I gave you make it shady tell us crunching 21 delicious delicious I got

the O's on I got the flakes face-to-face right up on I'm gonna know about

characters you know Reeboks of the public Siri let's bring a fun back can't

keep her you have a choice between and I wanna flake

so you're gonna go


For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers Best Ever 13 - Duration: 21:55.


Hills of steel apk mod - Tanks for kids - Tanks games - Games bii - Duration: 13:12.

For more infomation >> Hills of steel apk mod - Tanks for kids - Tanks games - Games bii - Duration: 13:12.


Альтернативная история России или история, которой не было (Загадки истории) - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> Альтернативная история России или история, которой не было (Загадки истории) - Duration: 10:49.


Dil, Dhoka Aur Dandiya | Entertales | - Duration: 5:11.

Ayesha, I will make sure that there will be no tears in your eyes

I will always take care of you and will be yours.

I Love you, Rohit

I Love you too, Ayesha.


Hey Rohit, you here?

I thought of becoming your driver from today

So, sweet of you. But, No Driver


My companion

Ayesha, For how many days you will be sad like this?

It's been two months now

Don't spoil your today because of depression

What to do Shreya? I can't take him out from my mind

Because you don't want to come out from these situations.

You are spoiling your life because of it

Try to come out from those situations. Find reasons to be happy in life

Sorrow you will get for free

And, don't waste your life for a person who was not yours.

You are right

See, Life is very beautiful, don't live it just for sake, live it beautiful.

Wait a minute.

Tonight is Garba night, Let's go and play Garba

No, I am not in a mood

No excuses, its Navratri time, you will get a good guy by the grace of Goddess

Who will love you more than you.

Sorry. It's ok, you have not done intentionally

I am Ayesha. Jay

Let bygones be bygones, we cannot control it

Tomorrow can be better, if we do something good today.

That is why, move on and move ahead

On the festival of Navratri, forgot all your sorrows,

Spread lots of love and joy, may all your sorrow get away

May this festival be full of happiness and enjoyment

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